Tattoo two angels meaning. What does an angel tattoo mean?

Tattoo two angels meaning. What does an angel tattoo mean?

0 The word angel comes from the Latin word "angelus", which means "Messenger". In a sense, the angel is a mediator between the physical and spiritual worlds. I recommend adding the site to your bookmarks in order to periodically visit us for a light. Indeed, in the future we will have a lot of useful information.

Concept with " angels"does not belong exclusively to the Christian tradition. In fact, among many peoples, creatures that protect humanity and fulfill the desires of a supreme deity are considered quite common, which is reflected in most religions around the world. Islamic and Jewish traditions, Sikhism and neo-Hinduismreligions are filled with tales of the deeds of angels.
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So let's continue Angel Tattoo Meaning?

Many early Christian books have advanced theories of different types of angels, each of which serves a specific purpose. Angel choir refers to the hierarchy of angels, not to the image of attractive creatures with wings performing hymns. According to various ancient texts, the Angelic Choir is composed of Seraphim, Cherubim, Ofanim, Virtues, and Archangels.

Seraphimare the administrators of heaven who praise God's thoughts and make sure everything is in order. Cherubim- keepers, and Ofhanimfulfills God's will and strengthens his authority. They are closely related to Virtueswho are, in fact, high-ranking Ofanimami... The Archangels are the most important of the Angelic Choir.

In other sources, other classes of angels are ambiguously mentioned, and it is not entirely clear whether they belong to heavenly beings or they have a more material basis. Many ancient writers had to find clever ways to hide their criticism and praise of the governments of the day in order to avoid persecution.

Angel Tattoo Meaning

Images of angels are special expressions of our spirituality and mortality of the body. In a sense, they are a vehicle for humanity to explore the world, and get life experience.

Angels embody:

  • Hope and Faith
  • Spirituality
  • Death, Mortality and Fear
  • Protection
  • Innocence
  • Revival and renewal
  • Strength and might
  • Resilience and persistence
  • Insubordination and rebellion
  • Loss

Angel Tattoo Options

There are many variations on the traditional image of an angel. The meaning of each concept depends on the type of elements you choose to include in your tattoo design.

Baby Angel Tattoos, Cherub Tattoos & Cupid Tattoo

Although the traditional role of the cherub is to guard and protect, most of the cherub or angel baby tattoo designs represent innocence. People with these tattoos often use these images to denote a child they had, but whose life has ended.
The Bible never mentions angels who look like cute little tots. The concept of the cherubim of the child stems from medieval art. The true form of the Cherubim inspires fear and horror. The childish image may have arisen from some confusion with another popular concept of the time, Putti. Puto is a baby with angel wings, according to Greek and Roman traditions, from which he came, is able to influence people.
Cupidis a popular example of Putto. Cherubim are usually depicted as playful or Sleeping Angels.

Fallen Angel Tattoo

Fallen angel tattoos represent the Loss of Paradise. In a sense, using this sketch means that you have lost something or someone because of your actions, that is, through your fault. The most famous fallen angel, Lucifer, lost his place as a high-ranking Archangel after he led a rebellion against God. His actions led to his being expelled from Heaven. Fallen angels are often depicted with broken wings that look sad or regretful. This sketch is similar to a gothic angel tattoo design and they are interchangeable.

Flying Angel Tattoo

The Flying Angel Tattoo symbolizes the Resurrection and Rebirth. The image is most often found in cemeteries and is a reference to the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. In a sense, the family members of the dead expect their loved ones to be resurrected, and this has many similar overtones in the Apocalypse scenario described in the book of Revelation. "... the dead in Christ will be resurrected." 1 Thessalonians (4:17) Flying angels are sometimes depicted with a horn, which also symbolizes the Resurrection. By wearing the Flying Angel tattoo, you identify with Rebirth and Renewal, especially after a traumatic event.

Angel wings tattoo

Tribal tattoo with angels

Tribal angel tattoos embody a mixture of Christian and non-Christian traditions. Tribal patterns have spiritual meanings that relate to the culture of indigenous peoples from different regions of the world. These tattoos symbolize a strong bond with God and spiritual elements, as well as a strong bond with your local culture.

Celtic Angels Tattoo

Celtic angel tattoos are deeply rooted in spirituality and are associated with Irish culture. These tattoos symbolize a close relationship with God and the Catholic Church, as Irish culture has strong ties to this tradition. Read about the meaning of Celtic symbols.

Gothic Angel Tattoo

While the depictions of Gothic and Fallen Angel have the same dark shades, there are differences between them. The gothic angel is never depicted as wounded, with one wing or broken wings, and they usually assume the most challenging poses. On the other hand, a Fallen Angel tattoo design usually has a damaged limb and a rather bashful appearance. Both tattoos have different meanings; A fallen angel tattoo expresses some form of punishment for your misdeeds, while a gothic angel tattoo is a designation of your rebellious and defiant nature.

Guardian Angel Tattoos

In the Angelic Choir, there are those charged with protecting humanity. According to biblical tradition, guardian angels are cherubim, but most sketches tend to use images of powerful archangels rather than funny little cherubim. Let's face it, the cherub won't scare anyone, will it? The Guardian Angel Tattoo Extension is an Angel with Baby project. These images are usually associated with a deep connection between a mother and her child, they show how close physical and spiritual connection is between them.

Warrior Angel Tattoos

Praying Angel Tattoo

The Praying Angel tattoo symbolizes your connection with God, because, according to the biblical tradition, prayer is how humanity connects with God. Basically, you are looking for guidance, protection, or a request for divine intervention and resolution of your problems.

Archangel Tattoo

Several archangels are mentioned by name in the Bible, but the most popular are Michael and Gabriel. Each Archangel has a specific task, but they all hold power in the Angelic Choir. Arkhangelsk tattoo designs are often associated with guardian angels and warrior angel tattoos, as they are often shown to be defeating their enemies.

Angel of Death Tattoo

Angel Tattoo Girls

Angel girl tattoos first became popular during World War II. These tattoos have a combination of Wayward and Lovely, symbolizing Temptation and Desire. The tattoo sends a powerful non-verbal message as a concept that is overtly sexual intertwines with a religious image. Not surprisingly, one of the most successful marketing and advertising campaigns " Victoria "s Secret"is a collection of angels.

Figuring out which tattoo design is right for you depends on what your chosen sketch symbolizes and where you want to place it on your body. "Which design variation best suits my personality?" If you need some inspiration, check out other tattoo options on our website.

After reading this short but extremely positive article, you finally learned Angel tattoo meaning, and now you can decide on the desired sketch.

In modern art, body decoration such as an angel tattoo can have a wide variety of interpretations. Only one thing is clear - the image of an angel may have nothing to do with religious dogma. So what can an angel tattoo tell about its wearer? There are many answers to this question, and now it's time to learn more about the meaning of this figure.

Classification of angels

First you need to figure out who the angel is. Messenger of God, a humanoid creature with wings who is the bearer or embodiment of the sacred divine will. Most often, the angels are tall, handsome youths dressed in white robes.

The image of divine messengers is present in almost every religion - there are angels in Islam, Christianity, and also in the Jewish religion. A special place is given to the angels in the Bible - they are the messengers of the Lord who can be given for punishment or protection. According to Christian dogma, each person has his own guardian angel who does not leave the ward from the moment of his baptism until his death.

Winged deities were also known in Egyptian culture.

What does a tattoo mean?

An angel tattoo can have different meanings. It all depends on how the messenger is depicted and what elements complement his image. So what can an angel on a human body mean? There are several options: purity, innocence, spirituality, beauty, loyalty, protection, love, loss.

The angel tattoo on the back is popular among both men and the beautiful half of humanity. For many, this image is of great importance - it is believed that the angel on the back protects a person from evil. Some stuff the image of the winged messenger in order to show their attitude to religion and faith. Many people decide to get a tattoo with an angel after the loss of a loved one, as a memory of the loss.

For each angel tattoo has its own meaning, which is determined depending on the style and design of the drawing.


In the classical sense, these are angels-children who are called to protect humans. This is a kind of amulet or talisman that helps (even if psychologically) to cope with life's difficulties. A Cherubim tattoo can also symbolize purity and purity.

This tradition has come from the Middle Ages, when palaces, temples and squares were decorated with statues of Cherubim. They are usually depicted as babies with wings. One of the most famous is Cupid - a cute guy who is a harbinger of true love... By the way, not a bad idea for a tattoo.

Little angels can be found on the body of adults for other reasons. Parents, whose child has passed away, often stuff the image of a little angel on their bodies. Most often, such drawings are supplemented with names or dates.


These are angels of the highest rank, close to God. It is on them that a special mission is entrusted - to protect and protect their ward from evil spirits. Therefore, winged creatures - archangels - are depicted with swords and spears. It is easy to guess that their main mission is to protect and fight against evil spirits.

Such an angel tattoo is powerful, as it endows its owner with faith in the best that can be in the world.

A specific archangel can be depicted on the human body (there are 7 in total: Michael, Gabriel, Raguel, Raphael, Jeremiel, Uriel and Sariel) or a collective image of a warrior angel with a weapon.

A symbol of protection and struggle against dark forces within oneself is perhaps the most capacious definition of the meaning of a tattoo.

Praying angel

These are the most common and common angel tattoo designs. People apply such an image in order to convey their request to God. Someone prays for peace of mind, someone - for the health of family and friends, someone asks for forgiveness, and some just talk with God.

Often a name can be drawn next to the praying angel - this means that the owner of the tattoo is asking the Lord for this person. As a rule, such a tattoo is personal in nature.


Angel Wings tattoo is often found on girls' back, collarbone or shoulder. Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity may have such a tattoo on the wrist or leg. What do the wings symbolize? Most often, this is the desire for spirituality and a righteous lifestyle.

People who have wings on their backs strive to find freedom and believe in God. These are strong personalities who always try to solve their problems on their own.

A tattoo with an angel has a special meaning for each owner. Men who have the Angel Girl tattoo on their bodies declare their loyalty to someone or something. In the same way, this image can symbolize the purity of thoughts and the desire to make this world a little better.

A tattoo depicting an angel can also have a specific meaning if it is stamped in places not so distant. So, prisoners make such a drawing in order to convey to everyone around them their desire to change for the better. In general, the religious theme in prison has special meaning... Angel can be stuffed by those criminals who want to ask forgiveness from their loved ones and are ready to repent of their deeds.

A tattoo depicting an angel is a special symbolism that is enclosed in details. Only the professional skills of the master can transfer exact value this or that pattern.

In the material we will analyze angel tattoo meaning and different options his images. Here are some interesting information about the drawing that will be important to everyone who is thinking about a tattoo with an angel.

What does an angel tattoo mean?

Angel, Angelus, Messenger. He who unites and reconciles our soul and body. A fantastic creature, in the imagination of people who combined the physical and spiritual world. Beautiful creatures with snow-white wings. This image can be seen in almost every world religion, which gives it its own unique features. Therefore, tattoos with angels remain one of the most popular among both men and women, because everyone can choose something for themselves and put their own special meaning in the tattoo. Whatever it is.

The meaning of the tattoo can vary depending on which angel you choose. For example.

Cherubim in tattoos and their meaning

Golden-haired and blue-eyed children are angels, this image was formed in the Renaissance. It is still used today as a talisman, a symbol of purity and innocence. The most famous cherub is Cupid - a curly toddler with a bow and golden arrows, capable of both rewarding a person with pure, mutual love, and condemning him to suffering from unrequited feelings. Such tattoos look great on girls. If you believe in love or dream of a light and tender feeling, perhaps this angel is for you.

Guardian angels - tattoo

You can often see images of angels with weapons in their hands. These are the angels of the highest echelon, which are usually called the Archangels. It is customary to depict both the seven Christian archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, Jeremiel) and a certain collective image of a warrior angel with a sword or spear in his hands. Archangel is a symbol of protection and struggle with Darkness in the world and within oneself. "Struggle within" - the meaning of the tattoo with the archangel.

Fallen and the angel of darkness in tattoo

Banished from Paradise, the fallen angels are free to choose what to do: good or evil. Such an image can emphasize a person's inner struggle or preserve the memory of a terrible mistake that took something very important from him. The "negative characters" include the Dark Angel. The Reaper of Souls personifies a person's fear of death. The Angel of Darkness will never let you forget that life is fleeting and you need to appreciate every moment allotted to us.

Angel with a spear tattoo on the back for a guy - photo


Fantasy worlds gave us many of their images of winged fairies and elves. These cute and colorful fairy creatures with butterfly wings will emphasize lightness, playfulness and innocence.

Angel wings in a tattoo

Spread angel wings are a symbol of freedom and protection. They are worn by very strong-minded people. With such a drawing, you can emphasize your connection with God. And folded or even broken wings can show the secret experiences of a person who is not completely sure of their beliefs. The wings on the back will emphasize the strength and kindness of a man who is ready to become a guardian angel for someone, show the tenderness and sensuality of a woman.

Prayer and rebirth in a tattoo

A praying angel is one of the most popular images for both female and male tattoos. And this type of angel tattoo also has its own meaning. A request for the health of loved ones, a desire for peace of mind or irrepressible grief for a lost loved one - everything that your angel can pray for will surely be heard in heaven. Often such tattoos are done in memory of a departed person. If your angel spreads his wings on a tattoo before flying, it means that you are ready for a change. The flying angel is a symbol of rebirth.

In the image of an angel, everyone can find exactly what he needs, be it spirituality, hope for a bright future, eternal memory of loved ones who have passed away, love or irreconcilable struggle. Everyone can bring their own semantic shades into this canonical image of goodness and light with color, size and location on the body. Whether your tattoo carries a deep meaning or was made solely out of love for art, no matter which path you choose, your angel will always remain with you, because now you are one with him.

Angel tattoo: meaning

In modern art, body decoration such as an angel tattoo can have a wide variety of interpretations. Only one thing is clear - the image of an angel may have nothing to do with religious dogma. So what can an angel tattoo tell about its wearer? There are many answers to this question, and now it's time to learn more about the meaning of this figure.

Classification of angels

First you need to figure out who the angel is. Messenger of God, a humanoid creature with wings who is the bearer or embodiment of the sacred divine will. Most often, the angels are tall, handsome youths dressed in white robes.

The image of divine messengers is present in almost every religion - there are angels in Islam, Christianity, and also in the Jewish religion. A special place is given to the angels in the Bible - they are the messengers of the Lord who can be given for punishment or protection. According to Christian dogma, each person has his own guardian angel who does not leave the ward from the moment of his baptism until his death.

Winged deities were also known in Egyptian culture.

What does a tattoo mean?

An angel tattoo can have different meanings. It all depends on how the messenger is depicted and what elements complement his image. So what can an angel on a human body mean? There are several options: purity, innocence, spirituality, beauty, loyalty, protection, love, loss.

The angel tattoo on the back is popular among both men and the beautiful half of humanity. For many, this image is of great importance - it is believed that the angel on the back protects a person from evil. Some stuff the image of the winged messenger in order to show their attitude to religion and faith. Many people decide to get a tattoo with an angel after the loss of a loved one, as a memory of the loss.

For each angel tattoo has its own meaning, which is determined depending on the style and design of the drawing.


In the classical sense, these are angels-children who are called to protect humans. This is a kind of amulet or talisman that helps (even if psychologically) to cope with life's difficulties. A Cherubim tattoo can also symbolize purity and purity.

This tradition has come from the Middle Ages, when palaces, temples and squares were decorated with statues of Cherubim. They are usually depicted as babies with wings. One of the most famous is Cupid - a cute guy who is a harbinger of true love. By the way, not a bad idea for a tattoo.

Little angels can be found on the body of adults for other reasons. Parents, whose child has passed away, often stuff the image of a little angel on their bodies. Most often, such drawings are supplemented with names or dates.


These are angels of the highest rank, close to God. It is on them that a special mission is entrusted - to protect and protect their ward from evil spirits. Therefore, winged creatures - archangels - are depicted with swords and spears. It's easy to guess that their main mission is to protect and fight evil spirits.

Such an angel tattoo is powerful, as it endows its owner with faith in the best that can be in the world.

A specific archangel can be depicted on the human body (there are 7 in total: Michael, Gabriel, Raguel, Raphael, Jeremiel, Uriel and Sariel) or a collective image of a warrior angel with a weapon.

A symbol of protection and struggle against dark forces within oneself is perhaps the most capacious definition of the meaning of a tattoo.

Praying angel

These are the most common and common angel tattoo designs. People apply such an image in order to convey their request to God. Someone prays for peace of mind, someone - for the health of family and friends, someone asks for forgiveness, and some just talk with God.

Often a name can be drawn next to the praying angel - this means that the owner of the tattoo is asking the Lord for this person. As a rule, such a tattoo is personal in nature.


Angel Wings tattoo is often found on girls' back, collarbone or shoulder. Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity may have such a tattoo on the wrist or leg. What do the wings symbolize? Most often, this is the desire for spirituality and a righteous lifestyle.

People who have wings on their backs strive to find freedom and believe in God. These are strong personalities who always try to solve their problems on their own.

A tattoo with an angel has a special meaning for each owner. Men who have the Angel Girl tattoo on their bodies declare their loyalty to someone or something. In the same way, this image can symbolize the purity of thoughts and the desire to make this world a little better.

A tattoo depicting an angel can also have a specific meaning if it is stamped in places not so distant. So, prisoners make such a drawing in order to convey to everyone around them their desire to change for the better. In general, the religious theme in prison is of particular importance. Angel can be stuffed by those criminals who want to ask forgiveness from their loved ones and are ready to repent of their deeds.

A tattoo depicting an angel is a special symbolism that is enclosed in details. Only the professional skills of the master will be able to convey the exact meaning of a particular drawing.

The meaning of the angel and demon tattoo

In the material, let's talk about angel and demon tattoo meaning, we will try to make out the meaning and history of this deep and popular pattern in the art of tattooing. For those who, before contacting a tattoo parlor, wants to work out the idea of \u200b\u200btheir future, unique tattoo in detail, we suggest, after reading the article, to pay attention to the following sections of our catalog:

  • Photo of angel and demon tattoo
  • Angel and Demon Tattoo Sketches

The meaning of the angel and demon tattoo - interesting information and photos of finished tattoos

The meaning, history and meaning of the angel and demon tattoo

One of the popular traditions in the world of tattooing is the combination of opposites. Whether it is symbolism in the form of images: love and hate, holiness and sinfulness; contrast of colors and shades or location on the body. The most ambitious such example can be considered images of an angel and a demon, which combine all three symbolic associations.

Angels, translated from Latin "messengers", appearing in the form of creatures with human bodies and snow-white wings behind my back. Most often, their mission is to unite spiritual and physical strength, however, in different cultures this is presented differently. It is believed that angelic creatures:

  • are followers of God and warn against committing evil deeds;
  • serve to protect the human race;
  • fight evil spirits and demons;
  • stand on the border between the kingdoms of hell and heaven, protecting it;
  • keep chronicles of misdeeds and actions committed by a person during his life.

The meaning of a tattoo on the body can also vary depending on the place and method of depicting creatures:

  • on the shoulders and arms mean the desire for peace and the acquisition of spirituality;
  • on the legs, hips and lower back express beauty, loyalty and love;
  • on the waist and sides is a symbol of loss;
  • on the back grant protection;
  • on the wrists or neck means innocence and purity.

Demonic tattoos are more common and in demand and most often fall into two categories:

  • demons of the underworld: Balthazar, Azrael, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub, Ronwe or Orobas;
  • mythical gargoyles - most often they carry positive energy and play the role of a talisman.

Examples of photos:

Women's values

The choice of the image in the form of an angel speaks of the girl's desire for moral purity and spirituality. Express her faith in higher powers and a request for protection. Being pure and sincere, the owner of such a tattoo will always fashionably rely on. As a rule, girls choose the back, shoulders and legs for tattoos.

The choice of the image of the demonic face speaks of the sophistication and fall of its owner. Distinguished by an angelic appearance and a modest character, the bearers of such a tattoo are very passionate and bitchy inside and are capable of expressing their true essence only with the help of images on the body.

Masculine meanings

Persistent and modest representatives of the stronger sex also often choose a tattoo depicting an angel, expressing humility to life's difficulties. They believe that the guardian protects their body and soul.

But a more common picture of the battle between an angel and a demon, speaking of the struggle between good and evil in a person and indecision to take either side. However, most representatives of the male gender, depicting scenes of such battles, do it simply for the sake of a spectacular picture, without investing in it a special semantic load.

Prison value

Very often, a tattoo in the image of an angel is stuffed by criminals who repent of their sinful life and dream of redeeming their guilt by changing their fate for the better, thereby asking for angelic protection - a peculiar meaning of the angel and demon tattoo.


If almost any image of the image of an angel is a protection from the evil eye, damage and a sign of positive thinking. That tattoo in the form of a demon carries exclusively negative information. It is made by people, seized by passions and temptations, tearing them apart from the inside, for a constant reminder.

Prepared by: Tany silk

Guardian angel tattoos: photo, meaning

In matters like body tattoos, we are often inspired by stellar examples. Some of the celebrities, such as David Beckham, have guardian angel tattoos. If you want to depict something similar on your body, you first need to carefully familiarize yourself with the varieties of such a drawing and its symbolism.


Guardian angel tattoos are the personification of divine energy, protection and patronage, support and mercy. Confirmation of this is the origin of these same angels - they "descended" to us from the frescoes and sculptures of Catholic churches. Cherubim and seraphim are our invisible companions, eternal guards and mentors. Many also believe that they are the souls of our relatives and friends who have departed to another world. Based on this, it immediately becomes clear what a guardian angel tattoo can symbolize. The photos that can be found in the article and in magazines often indicate that such drawings are the prerogative of the female half of the population. But in fact, "wearable angels" are divided into different categories, depending on which their meaning also varies.

Ideas for girls

Initially, let's say that in fact there are no restrictions on the application of body drawings. There are only recommendations or generally accepted concepts according to which certain types of drawings belong to women, others to men. As for the tattoo of guardian angels directly, images of seraphim are most relevant for women. These are the creatures closest to God, who, looking up, cover their faces with their wings so as not to see the face of their Creator. They personify not only the highest form of purity and sinlessness, but also are able to deliver from the sins of ordinary mortals, whose soul has lost its way. In the case of the fair sex, a Guardian Angel tattoo on the shoulder is the most common option. Seraphim are depicted in miniature, they look very touching and graceful. Less often, angels are painted on the ankles or on the back.

Tattoo "Guardian Angel": male options

At the disposal of men and young boys are sketches of cherubs. These creatures also have one of the highest ranks in the Christian religion, but there are more of them, and they look somewhat different. The most common cherub in the field of tattoos is Cupid. On his body he is depicted as a naked baby, shooting from a bow. It is believed that the Cupid depicted on the back or shoulder is the guarantor of love's happiness and success. In addition to the Patron of love, there are many other cherubs, each of which personifies a particular area of \u200b\u200blife. Most often they choose one that will help to cope with specific difficulties, lead through a difficult path and in the future will remain with a person forever.

Angel positions

In this question, we will talk directly about the pose of a divine being, in which you want to draw it on your body. This affects not only the aesthetic side of the issue, but also the sacred meaning of such a tattoo, its energy and radiation. If an angel is depicted in the lotus position, he will help his owner to feel constant harmony in the soul, set him in a positive mood, make him stronger and wiser. The image of a cherub with a cheerful face, in some funny pose, will make a person more positive and joyful, disperse the clouds over his sky. An angel captured in an erotic position will awaken sexual energy in a person. When a cherub is depicted with a hand raised to heaven, he is able to help those in need or lead a person out of darkness.

Common meanings for all cherubim

It so happens that people put on their bodies tattoos of guardian angels, not really thinking about who it is - a cherub or a seraphim, what are his features, what his posture means and how it affects life. In such a case, it is important to remember that these divine beings with wings can mean the following points. First, the sunrise and the awakening of all living things. Secondly, this is the birth of a child, the emergence of a new life and new strength... And thirdly, the cherub is a symbol of nature. It doesn't matter in which embodiment it is - melted snow, swollen tree buds or the sea breeze. Such cherubim represent all life on the planet.

Angel wings

Throughout the history of mankind, people thought that they could fly in the sky like birds, be free and free. That is why, for a long time, some have done a tattoo for themselves - a guardian angel on the back or just his wings. Such a drawing has always served as a symbol of the fact that a person is trying to get closer to God, to become wiser, freer. The angel wings depicted on the back are uplifting, helping to release creativity and spiritual potential. And of course, such a drawing, although it is very common, looks incredibly impressive. It is popular among both women and the stronger sex, since there are many variations in which the width of the lines, strokes, color and size of the entire image differ from each other.

Location of cherubim and seraphim

Now let's look at the most popular, so to speak, places where people depict this divine tattoo. The guardian angel on the arm is the most popular option, which is relevant for both men and women. Often you can find representatives of the stronger sex, whose breasts are decorated with a similar body painting. It even happens that only wings are drawn on the chest or on the collarbone, and only thin lines indicate the silhouette of the angel himself. The brightest and most unusual designs on a similar theme are made on the back. These can be either wings alone, which we talked about above, or full-fledged drawings, in which the curves of the body and facial features of the Divine Messengers are carefully worked out. Few dare to hammer the whole back, but those who did it never regret such beauty.


Whatever meaning a person means for himself by the tattoo of a guardian angel, in any case, such a drawing will symbolize his faith in God. Sketches on a similar theme are most often drawn up in accordance with the biblical canons, as well as with the participation of other church attributes. For example, a guardian angel can be depicted holding a cross. This means that a person has suffered many losses in his life, and they only made him stronger. If a cherub or seraphim is praying in the picture, then the owner of the tattoo needs the support of the Almighty, as he is going through a very difficult period of his life. After the black stripe recedes and the time comes for the white one, the angel, which still remains on the body, continues to protect its owner, to protect it from adversity and the evil eye.

Memory of the departed

Another very common meaning of a tattoo depicting a guardian angel is to preserve the memory of someone who passed away. We have already mentioned that there is a belief that God's Messengers who protect us are our deceased loved ones. That is why, in the guise of angels, from whose back wings grow, and a halo rises above their heads, many depict people who were previously very dear to them. It happens that such a tattoo is very simple and small, you can't even see the face on it. In this case, the drawing has a symbolic meaning, and only the owner knows who is depicted on it. But it also happens that exact copies of the faces of people taken from photographs are stuffed on the body, which then put on wings.

Angel tattoo: the meaning of the tattoo. Angel Wings Tattoo

Angel tattoo today is popular with both men and women. For some people, such a tattoo takes on a special meaning: they consider it their talisman. Some people tattoo angels as a sign of their faith. Of course, such a picture on the body will have its own meaning for everyone.

Angel tattoo: what is its meaning?

As noted above, for many, a tattoo with an angel is an expression of their faith. Such a drawing becomes a protector of a person, his amulet. The Lamb is the mediator between man and God. Most likely, some believe that by getting a tattoo, they will become closer to God. A similar tattoo of an angel can help the wearer, give him strength.

An angel tattoo can be a sign of the memory of someone, for example, of a deceased loved one. This image often helps the wearer to cope with the loss and cope with the pain of loss.

Often a tattoo has only decorative value. Without a doubt, the angel looks neat and beautiful: girls love to decorate themselves with such an image.

A tattoo can often be a reflection of a person's character, his softness and kindness, tenderness and responsiveness.

The image of an angel is often applied as a sign of their hope for the best.

The tattoo of the messenger of God is often a sign of devotion and loyalty to someone or something.

You can often see a drawing of a person with horns and wings. Such a tattoo can symbolize the struggle in a person-carrier of opposite principles. He has not yet decided on whose side he is, and such a tattoo is a symbol of his duplicity. However, such an image may be merely decorative. It is often worn because it is popular, attracts attention and looks interesting.

Angel wings tattoo

Often people wear angel wings on their backs. This image can be interpreted in different ways. It can have exactly the same meanings as an angel tattoo. That is, the desire for spirituality, protection, love. However, it is often applied in memory of a deceased loved one. The wing tattoo can be a symbol of the desire for freedom and liberation from the hardships of worldly life.


Angel tattoos are popular among both the stronger sex and women. Girls depict an angel for decorative purposes or in memory of someone, while for men it often has a religious meaning, is a symbol of masculinity, fidelity and spiritual purity.

In modern culture, angels have become a symbol of purity, humility, love and sublime, ideal feelings. Beautiful angel tattoos are a common choice for guys and girls.

Who Chooses Angel Tattoo?

This tattoo will be preferred by someone who seeks to emphasize their positive qualities:

  • striving for the ideal;
  • special spirituality;
  • love for people.

She is also close to those who need a strong patron, because everyone has their own guardian angel and, according to beliefs, he is endowed with almost divine power. Little cupids-conquerors of hearts are asked to portray lovers. They make similar tattoos in memory of loved ones, complementing them with inscriptions.

What qualities does an angel tattoo symbolize?

First of all, idealism, striving for perfection and freedom. Also pride, protest against reality. The depicted cupid, especially with the inscription, is love, craving for pleasure, innocence. A warrior angel with a sword is a symbol of human intransigence and hostility. Tattoos with inscriptions are of great importance. They are chosen by those who grieve (for example, for dead children) or those who want to protect their loved ones.

What does an angel tattoo mean?

Tattoo expresses the duality of human nature, the struggle between light and devilish forces. On the one hand, an angel with a golden crown over his head or an archangel with a trumpet is a symbol:

  • updates;
  • the beginning of a new stage in life;
  • hopes for revival.

The flying angel personifies the search for your place in life. To protect themselves, angel wings are depicted on the tattoo. If there is a tattoo of a fallen angel on the body, whose wings are torn off, and on the head there are small horns, then this is a reminder of a difficult life test. And the double image of an angel and a demon has the meaning of the opposition of the spiritual and carnal principles.

Different meanings of the angel symbol in world culture

The oldest images of angels can be seen in illustrations to the Bible. In Christianity, it is believed that all power over people was shared by seven archangels. Not only mortals are submissive to their will, but also the elements, as well as heavenly bodies. Biblical angels have no gender, they bring salvation and warn of the end of the world. They personify the reconciliation of the earthly and heavenly order.

In the Middle Ages, the idea of \u200b\u200bcupids, innocent babies, who went to heaven after death, spread. Baby angels spend their time sitting on the clouds and playing the golden lutes. They were painted to remind of earthly, carnal feelings, of the divine origin of love.

Determine the place for the tattoo

To transfer an image from a sketch or photo to the body, you need to take into account the size of the future tattoo and its symbolism. Small men's tattoos with a religious meaning are located in the heart, chest, shoulder or forearm. Large tattoos are convenient to do on the shoulder blades.

Women's small tattoos are applied to the shoulder blade, shoulder or lower leg. To maintain symmetry, a pair of wings, both guys and girls depict on the shoulder blades.

Choosing a tattoo style

Men's tattoos have sharper, darker outlines. Monochrome (one color) images look good. Girls, on the other hand, prefer bright, multicolored tattoos - with scarlet hearts and roses.

Star tattoos

Celebrities need a guardian angel too! The famous football player David Beckham has tattoos of his children, on which they are depicted as angels. He also wears an angel tattoo on his right shoulder with the inscription: "In the face of danger." Angel wings flaunt on the back of Kelly Osbourne. Fashion model Isabeli Fontana also put small wings and the name of her son on her back.

A tattoo can tell a lot more about a person than his hairstyle or clothes. Body drawing reflects views on life, inner world and character. Therefore, before applying it, you need to carefully consider all the subtleties and nuances of the tattoo. It beats once and for all. Today, the image of an angel is quite common. To fully understand the meaning of a tattoo, you need to pay attention to the presence of additional elements, as well as a storyline.

The general meaning of an angel body pattern

The history of tattoo is deeply rooted in history. Even in the old days, people believed in the existence of otherworldly forces. Heavenly messengers or angels connected a person with the world of spirits. Thanks to these creatures, you could find your way in life or achieve certain success. Ancient people believed that in order to be closer to them, images of angels should be applied to the body.

The most popular options are:

  • angels;
  • archangels;
  • cherubim.

Heavenly messengers are applied with harps, swords, staves, or other additional elements. It is with their help that you can correctly and accurately unravel the meaning of the tattoo.

Basically, the body pattern has the following meanings:

1 Designation of positive character traits. These include:

  • spirituality;
  • kindness;
  • responsiveness;
  • love.

2 Spiritual closeness to God. The drawing suggests that a person has pure thoughts and tries to bring good to the world around him and to people. He hopes for constant protection from the guardian angel.

3 Amulet. Very often, a person gets a tattoo in order to protect himself from evil eyes, diseases, and other troubles that may haunt him on the path of life.

4 When depicting a fallen angel on his body, a person wants to convey to the people around him that he is very disappointed in life. This could happen after deception, betrayal or the collapse of all hopes and plans.

To fully understand the interpretation of the image, you need to look closely to see if there are additional elements in the picture. Most often there are heavenly messengers in the following manifestations:

1 Next to the cross. Indicates a hope for the future, and also indicates that a person has already experienced serious losses and losses in his life;

2 In a pose for prayer. The symbol asks for help from the Almighty. This can relate to health, inner balance or success in business;

3 With spread wings. The image shows that a person is ready for major changes in any area of \u200b\u200blife;

4 Flying. Shows the spiritual rebirth of the owner of the tattoo.

People also depict angels on their bodies in memory of the loss of a loved one. For example, after the death of their children, parents often get tattoos in the form of little angels.

The meaning of a tattoo depending on the type of divine messenger

It is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

Angels are most often depicted on the body as a man with wings behind his back or a halo on his head. This light image can be found anywhere on the body. Another common image is the heavenly messenger in the form of a punisher. Symbolism acts as a punishment for anyone who dares to offend the owner of the tattoo.

In order for a tattoo to accurately and correctly convey the whole meaning, you need to choose the right picture. Today the angel is found in several varieties. It will be easy for a person to find a suitable sketch of a body image.

He is usually depicted as a man with stripped wings or horns. A person, applying a tattoo to any part of the body, wants to focus on a difficult or difficult life situation that haunts him at this stage. He learned a valuable lesson that he will remember for a long time.

A fallen angel can also express an internal protest against the existing norms and rules adopted in society. The heavenly messenger is found under such names as:

  • Satan.
  • Lucifer.
  • An angel expelled from Paradise.

Another interpretation of a tattoo depicting a fallen angel suggests that a person has lost someone close to him because of his stupidity or as a result of rash actions.

Angel of Death

The owner of the wearable image wants to emphasize the transience of life. Every moment is important and valuable to him. Very often, such a philosophy of life appears among those who have had to lose their beloved and dear people in their lives.

He is often depicted as a war angel. Therefore, the meaning is interpreted as protection and amulet. The meaning of the picture is that good will always triumph over evil, no matter how terrible and strong it is. For more serious protection, the archangel is stuffed with a sword or spears.

They are depicted as little curly angels with blue eyes. Cherubim hold in their hands a trumpet, bow and arrow or harp. The drawings represent a symbol of purity and innocence. Often they are applied after the birth of a child, so that the angels protect and protect the child from the hardships of the outside world.

Cupid is also found on the body of girls who believe in light and pure love. The angel usually holds a golden bow and arrows in his hands. He is portrayed nude and has cute little wings.

Only angel wings

Very often on male and female bodies there is an image of angelic wings. They are applied in the back area, acting as a protective amulet for a person. The picture can be small or take up almost the entire back, as well as the shoulders and lower back.

The tattoo looks stylish and elegant at the same time. When a person walks, it seems that the wings are moving and are about to help to get off the ground, flying freely into the sky.

Angels from fairy tales

They look like cartoon characters. Their main difference lies in bright colors and cute images. Tattoos usually signify a frivolous and playful nature. She is characterized by naivety and innocence.

Tatu says that a person has experienced a spiritual rebirth. He already looks at his life in a new way, overestimating past actions, having received serious lessons.

Angel in a pose for prayer

Today it is considered one of the most common types of heavenly messenger tattoos. It occurs equally often in men and women.

The depicted angel asks the Almighty for the protection and fulfillment of the desires of the person on whose body it is applied. You can supplement the picture with the names of relatives who need prayers.

The tattoo shows the struggle between good and evil, which is constantly happening inside a person. The picture suggests that he is not confident in himself or in the chosen path in life.

The image applied to the scapula or collarbone looks especially beautiful. On the one hand, the heavenly messenger is applied, and on the other, Lucifer or Satan. You can create whole pictures on the body with full-fledged plots, in which the struggle between good and evil looks simply bewitching.

To make the tattoo look natural and natural, suitable colors, shades and transitions are used. This can only be done by a professional tattoo artist with extensive experience in tattooing.

Very often, wearable drawings are applied simply for the sake of beauty, without investing in them special meaning or hidden subtext.

Elves and fairies

Fairy tale characters are not common angels, but they are also popular with young girls. They are applied only as a decoration for the body, without conveying the meaning. The drawings convey a playful and light character.

Angel tattoo on man

A cherub made of white paints on a woman's body looks very interesting and at the same time unusual.

You can choose any style and size for a tattoo. The main thing is that the drawing can convey the meaning for the sake of which it was applied as accurately as possible.

For a man, this is inner strength and self-confidence. Therefore, angels are depicted with strong wings. Girls most often put a drawing on their body for the purpose of decoration. In this case, more beautiful and sophisticated sketches are selected.

A person should choose a tattoo for himself. Before applying, you need to know the style, shape and size of the body image. It is important to remember that the tattoo is filled once and for life.


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