Modern treatment of sarcoma. Treatment of sarcoma by folk recipes People's methods for treating sarcoma uterus

Modern treatment of sarcoma. Treatment of sarcoma by folk recipes People's methods for treating sarcoma uterus

Tumors, or neoplasms, are excessive growth of tissue that occurs due to the perversion of normal growth and reproduction of cells. The distinctive biological property of tumor cells is the ability to prolonged and rapid reproduction with the subject of surrounding tissues and germination in them. When transferring such cells of blood currents and lymphs to remote organs, they multiply there and give the so-called metastases.
You should not mix true tumors with the swinging of fabric (swelling), arising, for example, on the soil. The inflammatory processes.

There are benign tumors (fibromes, mioma, angioma, etc.) and malignant (cancer, sarcoma, etc.).

Benign tumors usually grow slowly, they do not germinate into the surrounding tissues and organs, but only push out and shift them. These tumors are surrounded by a capsule; Usually they are easily accessible to the removal of surgically and do not give metastases and recurrences of the disease.

Fibroms are most often amazed to skin, tendon, muscles, periosteum, uterus, mucous membranes. A variety of fibromes are polyps that develop a cup of all in the clients of the nose, uterus. Moma is mostly affected by muscle tissues, angioma are tumors consisting of blood and lymphatic vessels. Angomamum includes so-called vascular clinic stains and soft warts.

Malignant tumors tend to grow quickly, rotating into neighboring fabrics and organs and destroying them. Radically, by surgery, remove these tumors are manifested only in primary, incoming stages. Often, after removal, they grow again, the cells of malignant tumors are transferred to the current of lymph and blood into other parts of the body and form metastases (new tumor nodes) there.

Development of cancer is always preceded by a chronic disease, on the basis of which it occurs (ulcers, some benign tumors). In most cases, cancer tumors are one. In addition to the tumor form, cancer can also have ulcerative.

The frequency of defeat with cancer of various organs is different. In men, the most often (more than 50% of cases) is affected by the digestion organs, then the frequency follows the respiratory organs, leather, lower lip, oral cavity and pharynx. In women, the most common cancer strikes the uterus, then the digestive organs, dairy gland, skin. In case of disease, cancer matters a hereditary predisposition.

At the beginning of the disease, cancer does not give external signs and painful symptoms, which is the difficulty in its diagnosis. Timely appeal for medical help is very important, since the success of treatment is largely determined by how early it is undertaken, it should always be remembered that only a doctor on the basis of the results of special studies can be diagnosed.

Skin cancer is usually found in the elderly (men and women equally often). Most often, it happens on the skin of the face and appears on the site of scars, non-healing ulcers, fistulas can turn into the rocker wart tumors and the birthmarks. Any long-term skin lesions that have a tendency to seal, ulceration should be suspected of the possibility of malignant tumors, they should be shown to the doctor.

Cancer Lower Lip. always develops in place various diseases Lips - non-healing cracks and yasels, white spots and other processes related to the growth of the tissue. Often, such ulcers are covered with a crust, which simulates healing, but it will soon disappear, and the ulcer continues to increase and harden. To prevent the appearance of cancers in all diseases of the lower lip, it is necessary to immediately quit smoking, as it can contribute to a faster development of cancer.

Mammary cancer It may have different forms, but most often is a painless solid tumor in the thickness of the breast, the annoying caused by the woman itself. Often it is preceded by small seals in the mammary gland. Finding them immediately consult a doctor!

Esophageal carcinoma It begins with a violation of the function of swallowing, at the beginning only when swallowing coarse food, and as the tumor grows and the narrowing of the enlightenment of the esophagus, it is difficult to occur when the liquid food is passed. Often feel pain behind the sternum and in the opposite region.

Uterine cancer It strikes most often the cervix and develops with different chronic processes (erosions, polyps, etc.). Often the cause of the disease is unquidicated damage to the uterus during childbirth and abortions. At the beginning of the cancer, the uterus may not give any symptoms, they appear when the tumor has increased. The disease is accompanied by white, disruption of menstruation, bleeding. Pain - Late Sign.

Rectal cancer Often occurs on the background of polyps in the rectum. The most frequent sign - bleeding from it - it appears too late when the tumor has already developed and begins to disintegrate. This bleeding is often confused with hemorrhoidal and therefore launch a disease. Hemorrhoids does not apply to precancerous diseases, but both illnesses can exist at the same time.

Stomach cancer It is usually observed after a long disease of the gastric ulcer, polyps, some forms of chronic gastritis. The initial signs are poorly expressed: the decline of forces, liage the skin, weight loss. Then there is a conversion to meat food, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting. In the developed stage of the disease, pain appear.

Lungs' cancer Initially, it causes a dry cough in the morning, and then at night; In the future, when coughing stands out a large number of Mystery of sputum. In some cases there are pain in the chest, in charge of coughing, sometimes shortness of breath appears and small temperatures, sometimes heloching is observed. Lightweight in the development of lung cancer has smoking.

Sarcoma - a malignant tumor affecting the main animals, a person has many times less than cancer. Despite the fact that malignant neoplasms are a disease that is difficult to treat even methods of modern medicine, there are many recommendations and recipes for cancer treatment with use, mainly medical properties Plants. Some of them exist from very long. Plants that are used in the folk dynama for the treatment of cancer, have antitumor activity, the ability to slow down the growth of neoplasms. They most often help the body correct failures in its natural protective mechanisms.

Folk remedies used in the sarcoma

Folk remedies used in the sarcoma

If it is on the surface, the washed zinc sword is used for the dressings, to which the rose oil is added.

  • The growth of the tumor is mineral mud cakes, such as cakes with a substance that is scraped from a grinding stone.
  • Also useful bandages with crowded immature grapes.
  • The ulceration of the tumor is hampered by medicines, which includes a printed or Armenian clay, an unripe olive oil, whispered with a latice squeezed juice or a large plantain mucus.
  • One of the excellent means is a dosage bandage from fresh river cancer.
  • For the treatment of tumor fits black gravel juice, which smeared linseed bandage.
  • You can also take a mixture consisting of mucus of wheat grains, incense and lead Belil - 3 g of each, Armenian clay, printed clay, aloe juice - 6 g; Mix this composition and use with a damp ulcer as a powder, and with dry - as a plaster prepared with pink oil.
  • There is an effective mix of cancer ash with wax ointment on pink oil.
  • Sometimes the benefit brings a medicine made from a zinc split, washed into a portustic cooker of a garden or in the mucus of the plantain of the flesh.
  • For the preparation of 1 kg of medication required: bone pure fat - 500 g., Skipidar Live (dry distillation is not suitable) - 400 g, propolis (pure, top grade) - 50 g., Essential vegetable oils - 30 g (equally mint, eucalyptus, vane, dopey, cumin, fir, pine, clove; you can restrict ourselves to five types); Medicinal plants, lies in a small powder, taken equally - by 20 g: Herb of mother-in-law, a richness, a hunter, Celebre, a nettle nettle sheet, a large plantain, black, hawthorn flowers, daisies, straight, valerian clubnews.
    Prepare the drug in enameled, without chipping, saucepan. In the lid make a hole, insert a thermometer through it (up to +150 degrees) so that mercury was at an altitude of 2-3 cm from the bottom. Fold into the pan bone fat, turpentine, herbs and propolis in the gauze bag put on a small lattice so that they are not burned. Close the saucepan, heat up to 120 degrees and stop heating. After 15-20 minutes, helping the content through the multilayer gauze, give to 70 degrees and pour the essential oils, thoroughly stirring. Pour into a light-tight dish.
    Once a day in the evening there is a fit of the room with a temperature of +24 ... + 25 degrees, lubricate all the skin with the drug, including the head. The drug at the same time to heat the boiling water bath slightly. In 40 minutes, it absorbs into the body, reaching bones. After 4 hours, take a hot bath, then bleed cold water (3-4 seconds) and go to bed. Subsequently, the time was under the cold shower to bring up to 15 seconds. During treatment, avoid drafts and any other cold impacts.
    3 months after the start of treatment, a crisis lasting about 3 weeks can occur, a rash or itching will appear for several days, but they are replaced by a stable cure.
    The effectiveness of treatment depends on the neglence of the disease, perseverance, purposefulness and confidence of the patient in healing.
  • 100 g of chopped propolis put into a bottle and gradually add raki (vodka), shaking for 30 minutes, insist in a dark place at room temperature for one week, periodically shaking. The mixture is strain through multi-layer gauze. Take it inside in the form of a water-alcohol or milk-alcohol emulsion (half a cup of warm natural milk or warm boiled water of 20-40 drops) 3 times a day per hour before meals.
  • To prepare an aqueous extract, take equal amounts of crushed, purified propolis and water. To insist on a boiling water bath for several hours, then filter off from a solid residue and use both inside (prescribed 10-15 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals), and externally in the form of compresses or as part of ointments.
  • 1 kg of unsalted fresh butter can be pulled in enameled dishes, cool up to 80 degrees and add 140 g of propolis, pre-purified from mechanical impurities and crushed. The mixture is stirred by a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then he is heated again to the same temperature and stir several times. While the oil is still warm, strain through the gauze layer, pour into banks, well close and stored in a dark cold dry place. Take inside 1 teaspoon on heated natural milk 3 times a day for 60-90 minutes before meals. The use of regolemic oil is dangerous for liver diseases.
  • It is necessary to eat honey in small portions (on a teaspoon) and delay in the mouth as long as possible.
  • Wang advised to eat more apricots that support health in the sarcoma.
  • Kuraga (dried apricot fruits) is much more useful than fresh fruits. Kuraga eat dry or make compote, kisins from it.
  • Three teaspoons of the immortals flower basket pour 2 glasses of cold boiled water, insist for 2-3 hours, periodically shaking the contents, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Cutlery spoon of the floral basket of immortelle pour 2 glasses of boiling water, cooking in a closed dish for 2-3 minutes, insist for 30 minutes, strain. Take a warm 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 10-15 days.
  • 20 g of birch kidney insist in 100 g of vodka for 15 days, periodically shaking the contents, strain. The tincture is stored in a dark cool place and make a bummer on the tumor.
  • Chagu pour a little cooled water with boiled water and insist 4 hours. Then the tempered pieces to skip through the meat grinder or rub on the grater. For each piece of crushed chaga, add 5 parts of boiled water and insist 48 hours at room temperature. Then the liquid is drained, the residue is squeezed through several layers of gauze and add water to the resulting liquid, in which Chaga insisted at the beginning. Take daily at least three glasses per day before meals.
  • Two teaspoons of dry crushed elderfish flowers Red to insist 10-15 minutes in 1 cup of boiling water. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.
  • In the fresh form of berries Lamberry to use 1/2-1 glasses 1-2 times a day.
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed grass of a field of field pour 1 cup boiling water, insist, shitting, 2 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • 1 part (by volume) of crushed flowers or grass of a field of field pour 5 parts of alcohol or vodka, insist in a dark cool place 2 weeks, periodically shaking the contents, strain, take 1/2 teaspoon 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. The internal use of the binding, as a poisonous plant, requires caution.
  • 1 tablespoon of dry blueberries pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist in a closed dish on a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • The ointment of a pomegranate fruit seed powder with honey is used in the treatment of a tumor. It is recommended to weld the juice from the fruits of sour pomegranate and mix it with honey.
  • On 15 g of crushed oak bark take 1 liter of water, cook 30 minutes, then add 4 tablespoons of honey and bring to a boil again. Then strain. Store in a dark cooler place. Rinse the throat to 10 times a day with a warm decoction. At the same time, 3 times a day take oak bark powder on the tip of the knife.
  • A tablespoon of dry crushed grass of the Hypericum pour 1 cup of steep boiling water, insist in tightly closed dishes 2 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • A tablespoon of dry crushed grass of the Hypericum pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, strain. Drink the whole dose during the day for three receptions, 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after it.
  • Herbick's grass can be brewing and drinking like tea.
  • For the preparation of alcohol tincture, the dry chopped grass of the Hyvericoic is insist on grape vodka in a ratio of 1:10 for 2 weeks, periodically shaking the contents. Take 30-40 drops with a small amount of water 3 times a day before meals.
  • Take 50 g of fresh calendula petals, pour 1 liter of wine (not stronger 18 degrees), insist in a bottle of dark glass for two weeks, timely shaking the contents. You can insist on the window and in the sun, but the temperature should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. Drink 1 cup a day, two days later drink 4 times a day for 1/2 cup. The course of treatment is one month. Break - two weeks.
  • Drinking juice from the whole plant burdock large 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day before meals.
  • On 2-3 liters of water to take 0.5 kg of oats and oat straw grains, cook in a closed tableware for 20 minutes. With this decoction for 30 seconds, wipe the body of the patient and immediately put in bed. If, in the course of wipes on the body, blue or red spots will appear or if the legs begin to swell, do not interrupt treatment. This is a sign that the patient reacts to it and that change is possible for the better.
  • 100 g of young dandelion leaf hold 30 minutes in cold salted water, then chop. Finely cut 50 g of green onions and 25 g of parsley greenery, mix everything, to fill with vegetable oil, sprinkled with dill greenery. This salad in the patient's body makes wonders.
  • Make a mixture of a thin crushed fresh seafront leaf with an equal amount of sugar sand in a warm dark place for 2 weeks. Take it 3-4 times a day on 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals.
  • Planting leaves brew steep boiling water and drinking both tea - a handful of leaves on 2 glasses of boiling water.
  • Folk Medicine considers juice from fresh leaves plantain one of the most effective tools In the treatment of sarcoma. The plantin leaves are recommended to collect early in the morning, immediately after the dew to die, observing the collection time - in the first week from the beginning of flowering coming to the end of May or beginning of June.
  • Two tablespoons of fresh crushed grass argets insist 4 hours in 2 glasses of boiling water, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.
  • Bulgarian ethnoscience Recommends when treating highly exhausted patients, the following treatment with the use of aloe leaves.
    Before cutting, the plant does not water 2 weeks. Aloe leaves at the age of 3-5 years to withstand in a dark place at a temperature of 4-8 ° C, rinse them in cool boiled water, grind and pour with water in a ratio of 1: 3- Leave in a dark cool place for 1.5 hours. Opened juice squeeze, profile.
  • 100 g of aloe juice Mix with 500 g of walnuts, add 300 g of honey. Mix mix thoroughly and insist in a dark cool place one month, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Take 2 glasses of juice from the following plants and vegetables: aloe, red beets, carrots, radish, cranberries, black currant, birch juice, overhead part of the Hypericum, juice out of 10 lemons, 200 g of alcohol, 500 g of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and merge into dark dishes, put for 3 weeks in a dark cool place and periodically shake the contents. Strain through gauze and take 30 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • 1 kg of honey mug in enameled dishes, not letting it boil. Add 1 cup of aloe juice to honey, boil the mixture on low heat for 10 minutes. Separately, from this in 2 glasses of birch juice, brew scenes birch kidneys and the flowers of the Hypericum - 25 g of each. Boil on low heat for 10 minutes, insist in tightly closed dishes in a warm place for 1 hour, strain, content squeeze, pour decoction in honey, stir well. The mixture is pouring into dark bottles and add 100 g of vegetable oil. Before use, bleak blend. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • One tablespoon of aloe juice is mixed with one teaspoon of cream oil and one tablespoon of crushed fresh calendula petals, pour 250 ml of boiled sheep or goat milk, add one teaspoon of honey, stirred everything. Take 2-3 times a week.
  • Take on one tablespoon colors of calendula, nasturtium, rosehip, pour a glass of pair milk, insisted, shook, 10 minutes. Drink with honey to one taking along with flowers. Take 2-3 times a day.
  • In equal parts, mix strawberry leaves Forest and yarrow grass, crushing. The tablespoon of the mixture is pouring a glass of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day before eating at a small board.
  • Take in parts by weight of the mothering grass - 3 parts, lemon leaves - 2 pieces, ledge grass - 2.5 pieces, blooming heads of red clover - 1.5 parts, peppermint leaves - 1 part, hormour grass 0.5 parts. A tablespoon of dry crushed collection to fill 250 ml of steep boiling water, insist, shutting, 20 minutes, strain. Drink warm with honey or jam in one reception.
  • Mix in parts by weight of the grass Celebre - 2 parts, daisy flowers - 1.5 parts, grass turn - 1 parts, grass of the Hypericum - 1 part, strawberry leaves - 0,5 parts, planting leaves large - 0,5 parts. A tablespoon of a dry crushed collection to pour a glass of steep boiling water, insisted, hooking, 30-40 minutes, strain. Drink warm with honey or apricot jam.
  • Mix in equal parts by weight Flowers cowboy, calendula, buckwheat, strawberries, apple trees. Three teaspoons of collecting pour 100 ml of boiled milk, drinking warm in one taking along with flowers. Take 5 times a day with malignant neoplasms of various location.
  • Mix in equal parts by aloe juice, viburnal juice, lemon juice, honey. Boil 300 ml of milk and stir in it 2 tablespoons of the mixture, drink in warm form. Take 2 times a week as a general anti-cancer.
  • Mix in parts by weight Calendula flowers - 5 parts, Tatakan leaves - 3 parts, currant leaves - 1 part, nonyyl roots - 1 part, licorice roots - 0,5 parts. A tablespoon of a dry crushed mixture to pour 250 ml of boiled milk, insist, shutting, 20 minutes, strain. Drink at one reception, to brew again.
  • Take in equal parts by weight the grass of Celebre, Hypericum, Yarrow, Currant Leaves, Cyprus, Birch, Calendula Flowers. Four tablespoons of dry crushed mixture pour 0.3 l steep boiling water, insist, shutting, 20 minutes, strain, add a glass of fresh cabbage juice. Take two receptions in the morning and at lunch.
  • Mix in equal parts by the volume of oak boring, blackberry roots, burdock, downtown nettle. Three tablespoons of a dry crushed mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted in a closed dish on a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, then insist, shitting, 2 hours, strain. One glass of drink with honey, and after 10 minutes, drink a second glass with creamy oil.
  • Mix in parts by weight Walnut leaves - 1 part, birch - 1 part, Cyprus - 1 part, grass Celebrated - 1 part, richness 0,5 parts, dispatch - 0.5 parts. A tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials pour a glass of boiled milk, insist, shitting, 15 minutes, strain. Drink at one reception.
  • Take in equal parts by weight of calendula flowers, herbs chilli. One and a half teaspoons of a dry crushed mixture pour 100 ml of steep boiling water, insist, shit, 15 minutes, strain, mix with 50 ml of fresh carrot juice and drink at one reception. The mixture is taken twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

    Treatment of sarcoma by folk remedies of sarcoma is an education arising from non-epithelial tissue (that is, from which consists human body). In turn, cancer is related to epithelial tissue. Most often, the tumor can be located on the skin, on the bones, however, in some cases the tumor appears on such internal organs such as the stomach, lymph nodes, lungs. Very often, education arises in people at a young age, on average in 25 years. People with white skin at the age of 40 also often detect the sarcoma during diagnosis. Among all oncological entities, this is like a leadership position. People with reduced immunity have a great danger to undergo such a problem. Among the factors of the development of the disease, such: some varieties of herpes are noted; weakened immunity (the big risk of the disease is noted in people who have undergone immunodeficiency virus); hereditary or genetic predisposition; accumulated in the body the number of carcinogens; The impact of ionizing radiation; precancerous disease; rapid hormonal progression; mechanical damage to fabrics; Presence in the organism of foreign bodies. Sarcoma are classified for different types. The disease that occurred from solid tissues (osteosarcoma, reticulosarcoma, sarcoma of Yinga, Chondrosarcoma, steamed sarcoma); Soft fabrics (soft, cytosarcoma, lymphosarcoma, synovial, neurogenic, epithelioid and others). The danger of sarcoma is that the appearance of her formations comes faster than in cancerous illnesses. That is why the therapy of the sarcoma of soft tissues with folk remedies It has an effective impact at the first stages of the disease, in particular, if it is carried out simultaneously with the main method of treatment that the doctor attributed. Syrtoman symptoms As a rule, with a given submission of soft tissues on the human body, a tumor can appear without clear boundaries. Not in all cases of illness notes pain. During the sarcoma of bone tissue, the painful feeling, as a rule, increases at night and precisely in the place where the disease developed. During the time (however, these periods are individual for each patient) Education has a property to grow into peripheral bodies, bones, vessels, tissues, and the nerve endings may be damaged in the process of growing education. If the tumor has evolved near the respiratory tract, then the breath will be difficult. Methods for the treatment of sarcoma of soft tissues suggest operational intervention, which allows you to stop the increase in the formation and ingress of metastases into peripheral tissues. However, traditional medicine is no less effective. The following recipes can be used: Aloe in the sarcoma of the uterus will help such a method. Large lists Aloe (4 pieces) Grind, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave in a dark place to appear within two weeks. Every day you need to take a mixture. It is necessary to take it three times a day on 1 tablespoon, and if the stomach starts to hurt, then a week should take a break. Folk Medicine has developed a method of treatment with sarcom of soft tissues. For this you need to pour in warm water for 7 hours. After the time, the swelling chage is crushed in a meat grinder or blender. The resulting mashed puree is filled with water (proportion of 1: 5) and it insists in a dark place two days. After that, to drain and save the water, and the remaining precipitate to dilute with water, which remained from the flooded chaga initially. An infusion take 1-2 glasses per day. Very often, traditional medicine assumes for the treatment of soft tissues of grass and flowers. For example, per 100 g of dry dandelion leaves take about 250 ml of salt water, and insist for half an hour. After that, grind green onions, dill and parsley, add a spoonful of olive oil. The mixture is used 1-2 times a day. 100g of plantain grind and connect from 100 g of sugar. Leave a lot for two weeks, and after the expiration of time to take the resulting juice three times a day on an empty stomach of 1 tablespoon. On 2 tablespoons of birch kidney take 100 ml of vodka. It is insisted for all two weeks in a dark place, while the remedy is needed daily. After cooking, moisten to the indoor gauze and attach to the area where sarcoma appeared. Repeated procedure daily. If an osteogenic sarcoma was found in the diagnostics process, then such a means will help. Dry St. John's wort in the amount of 50 g to connect with 0.5 l of grape vodka. Leave in a dark place infusion for two weeks, shaking every day. Cooked with infusion take 25 drops three times a day. Immature grape berries are crushed and attached to a damaged area. Progression of the skin sarcoma will suspend. Undoubtedly, traditional medicine provides their therapeutic effects, however, before starting an independent treatment, it is important to consult an oncologist from a doctor. (from Int.)

    There are dozens of different types of sarcoma, each of which has its own symptoms, diagnosis and recommended treatment methods. But when diagnosing " Sarcoma», treatmentFirst of all, it is to determine the exact type of cancer.

    Types of sarcoma

    Sarkoma represents such a malignant process that can occur in the body's connective tissue, in particular in the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons and blood vessels. But all the listed diseases are reduced to two main types:

    • Sartoma soft fabrics:

    Among them, leeomiosarcomas, fibroblastic sarcoma, liposarcomas, sarcoma Caposhi, and other treatment, as a rule, suggests the preceding resection of a five-release course of radiation therapy with or without chemistry.

    • Sarcoma bone structures:

    Common subspecies: Chondrosarcoma, Sarcoma of Yinga, Hordom, etc. This kind, mainly, includes up to 3 months of chemotherapy (neoadjuvant or induction) to surgery and with the completion of the course after surgical excision. In general, the process may take up to the year, subject to the lack of other complications or the need for further procedures.

    Treatment of soft tissue sarcoma

    Therapeutic treatment options depend on the type, stage and degree of dissemination of sarcoma, as well as accounting for possible side effects. Usually, the treatment plan of soft tissue sarcoma includes:


    The goal is to remove the tumor and healthy tissue around it, so before the operation is necessarily carried out. Small tumors (up to 5 cm) do not require additional therapeutic procedures. Malignant formations more than 5 cm in addition involve a combination of radiation and chemotherapy.

    Radiation therapy

    It can be done both before surgery to reduce the tumor and after it. It is necessary to take into account such possible side effects as damage to healthy cells, burn, the occurrence of a different type of cancer. But it is capable of protecting the patient from amputically if the tumor is in the limbs.


    In the outpatient conditions, it allows you to use radioactive radiation for 15 minutes once or twice a day. Patients recovering after surgery, this method helps to avoid isolation in a separate room.

    Systemic chemotherapy

    It assumes to destroy cancer cells throughout the body. Chemotherapy mode consists of a specific cycle for a set period of time. In the treatment of sarcoma of soft tissues, such drugs can be used separately or in combination as:

    • "Decarbazin";
    • "Docetaxel" ("Taxoter");
    • "Doxorubitsin" ("Adriamycin");
    • "Gemcitabine" ("Gemzar");
    • "Epirubitsin".

    Sarcoma Caposhi: Treatment

    At the same time, it can begin in more than one place of the body. The disease looks like damage to violet color, lining mucous membranes, lymph nodes and other organs.

    There are four types of standard cososha sarcoma treatment:

    Radiation therapy

    Depending on the specific type and location of the tumor, external or internal radiation is performed.

    Surgical method

    Effective for the treatment of small superficial damage and assumes:

    • local excision;
    • fuling and Curetzh: After resection, needle electrodes are used to destroy cancer cells around the wound;
    • - freezing and destruction of abnormal fabrics;

    Chemotherapeutic method of treatment of sarcoma

    Foresees systemic, regional or directly local impact of antitumor drugs on oncooforming. To increase efficiency, a liposomal method of introducing "doxorubicin" is often used (the use of tiny fat particles as carriers of the drug to the neoplasm). The choice of method depends on the specific type of malignant process.

    Biological therapy

    Accent attention on the increase and use of the protective forces of the body of the patient himself in the fight against cancer. To this end, the respective reception of Interferon Alpha is prescribed.

    Sarcoma Yinga: Treatment

    Sarcoma of Jinga is a very aggressive dice, which is striking in the main children and young adults up to 30 years.

    A typical treatment plan for Sarcoma of UNinga represents systemic therapy affecting the entire body. Effective methods such as chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation in combination with localized therapy:


    Includes the use of drugs "Cyclophosphamide", "Doxorubicin", "Etoposide", "Iphosphamide" and / or "Wincristine";

    Stem cell transplantation

    The procedure in which abnormal bone marrow tissues are replaced by specialized, having "hematopoietic stem cells"

    Localized therapy

    Focusing on the treatment of a tumor with the help of local surgery and / or radiation radiation.

    Popular treatment of sarcoma

    May be accompanied by additional therapeutic measures of traditional medicine:

    • herbal and botanical preparations, vegetable extracts and teas;
    • biologically active additives: vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
    • homeopathic agents aimed at activating immunity;
    • physiotherapy and leafc, which affect deep muscles and joints;
    • hydrotherapy, which provides for the use of water procedures, such as hot and cold wraps;
    • acupuncture, which allows you to remove stress and painful sensations.

    Treatment of sarcoma: the following measures

    Unlike most of the types of cancer, unfortunately, it is an oncoabolicity is a lifelong diagnosis, which should be considered when choosing a method for treating sarcoma. It must be minimally traumatic. Or usually arise during the first two to five years, so patients should be psychologically prepared for a possible complication. After five years, the risk of recurrence decreases significantly, but still exists.

    After completion of the course of treatment, the sarcoma begins a schedule of applying follow-up, which includes:

    • periodic visits to the oncologist;
    • careful studies of the body (heart testing, laboratory exams, etc.) every three months within 2-3 years;
    • continuation of observation every 6 months to five years.

    Modern medical advances in oncology make it possible to significantly improve prognostic data in the ratio sarcoma/ treatment.


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