How to apply stone oil. Stone Oil: Medical Properties and Reviews Doctors

How to apply stone oil. Stone Oil: Medical Properties and Reviews Doctors

general characteristics

Stone oil - It is a storehouse of useful substances that can cope with a huge list of a disease. At the stone oil there are many names, among which the most famous - white mummy. On Tuvinian dialect, stone oil is called Bardin, on Mongolian - Pozrashan. The people are called mountain tears or wax, as well as a stone of immortality. Russian scientists called this magic geomaline oil.

Stone oil is produced by manually, by percolation from rocks. Oil mining sites are usually difficult to access. White mummy is a solid mineral, which has a yellow, white or yellowish white color. Depending on the predominance of chemicals in the composition of the oil, it can be cream, red-white, or with a brown tint.

The composition of geomaline includes almost all elements. periodic system Chemical elements. In the percentage, the composition includes magnesium sulfate and aluminum sulfate (90%), the remaining 10% composition of other minerals, macroelements, trace elements and inorganic compounds: Ferum, Argentum, Aurum, Vanadium, Iodine, Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc, sodium and others. At the same time, 10% of the composition depends on the place of oil production, as well as the type of stone rocks.

It is important to know that in addition to the useful components, stone oil may contain in small quantities harmful connections: lead, arsenic, mercury and others.

Therapeutic properties of stone oil

Due to the rich natural composition, stone oil is widely used in medicine and cosmetology for the treatment and prevention of many aids.

White stone oil can increase stability immune system And its resistance to negative external influence, which makes the oil unique.

The use of stone oil is invaluable due to the high concentration of useful organic and inorganic substances. This allows you to fill the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. As a result, the internal processes of self-regulation and metabolism are normalized, which allows the use of white mummy and for weight loss.

White stone oil can cope with enzyme failure, due to the stimulating properties normalizes the process of hormone synthesis. Improves general condition.

When receiving, the means:

  • has an immunostimulating effect;
  • restores tissue at the cellular level;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory action;
  • relieves pain and spasm;
  • possesses the opposite effect;
  • is bactericidal and antiseptic;
  • able to stop hemorrhage;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • stimulates the production of bile;
  • tones;
  • changes with intoxication of the body of various origins.

Therefore, stone oil is prescribed to treat and prevent diseases of the digestive organs, endocrine disorders, problems with the muscular and skeletal system, diseases of the heart and vessels, nervous system, as well as the fight against dermatological problems.

Medical indications

Treatment with stone oil is an integral part of complex therapy in conjunction with drugs. White stone oil can be used independently as a prophylactic measure. From a medical point of view, the rich composition of the white mummy can cope with the pathological states of all human bodies.

The benefits of white mummy in the treatment of diseases of the digestive organs is invaluable. Due to its restoring, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antiseptic, antispasmodic and choleretic effect, can cope with:

  • gastritis of various etymology;
  • ulcers of various localization;
  • biliary disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • intoxication, as a result of poisoning with food products.

The value of the stone oil is also in the ability to normalize the operation of the liver and bile ducts, so that the risk of cirrhosis, oncology is reduced.

With dermatological problems

In dermatology, stone oil treatment is widely used due to the ability to take inflammation, pain, eliminate itching, fight viral and fungal infections. As a result of regular use, white mummy helps to cope with:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis of various nature of origin;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • fungus stop;
  • acne and furunculosis.

Stone oil helps to cope with various injuries: burns, cuts, frostbite, idle, and so on.

For the musculoskeletal

When problems with the muscular-skeletal system, the person doctors recommend applying white mumens in complex therapy, which, due to natural and rich composition, is used to treat:

  • bruises;
  • dislocation;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • fractures.

The mineral composition of the oil stimulates the production of collagen, which is the basis of cartilage, articular and muscle tissue, without which the human musculoskeletal system loses flexibility and elasticity. Also, the mum is a prophylactic means when depositing salts.

For urinary system

It is used to treat and prevent sharp and chronic diseases of the urinary system. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect, it helps to cope with infectious-inflammatory pathologies (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and others). The antibacterial effect of oil destroys pathogenic microorganisms, which led to the development of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system.

To combat urolithiasis, stone oil is valuable due to an extensive mineral composition, which contributes to the restoration of the water and electrolyte balance. As a result, the urinary acidity is normalized, which is independently able to dissolve the concrections.

For heart and vessels

The mineral composition of the stone oil is capable of restoring the elasticity and elasticity of blood vessels, as well as reduce their permeability. This in turn is a prophylactic measure of cholesterol formation, atherosclerotic plaques. Thanks to the antispasmodic effect, white mummy is used to restore the lumen of the vessels and normalization of blood pressure. Useful substances have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect at:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • infarction;
  • stroke;
  • myocardet.

White stone oil due to the soothing, antidepressant and restorative effect is used for treatment and prevention:

  • polio;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • paralysis;
  • neurites;
  • head pains.

In addition, Baraxun improves the concentration of attention, the memorization process and improves the neural relationship between organs and systems.

For the respiratory system and eye

White stone oil helps speed up the process of recovery and prevents the development of complications at:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina;
  • hyimorite;
  • pharyngitis;
  • ritin;
  • otitis;
  • ORVI;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • cataract.

For genital organs

In gynecological practice, white mumia is used to treat and prevent inflammatory diseases of the uterus and its walls, ovaries and uterine pipes. It is also used in complex therapy in the erosion of the cervix, mioma, cystic and polypotic neoplasms of a benign and malignant. During the period of Klimaks, the bardine receiving helps reduce the severity of symptoms. And during the menstruation, the cycle normalizes and removes pain syndrome.

In urological practice, it is used to treat male genital organs, which are amazed by inflammatory processes (prostatitis, epididimitis, orchitis and others). It also helps to restore male potency and cure from infertility, the reason for which the decrease in the amount or mobility of Cums.

With endocrine disorders

Thanks to the property of improving metabolic processes, stone oil helps to cope with excess weights, diabetes, diseases thyroid glandIt ultimately leads to the norm generally clinical blood indicators and creates a hormonal balance.

Stone oil is used to treat large number ailments, as well as their prevention. It is worth adding that white oil is used to rehabilitate the oral cavity during stomatite, caries, periodontal, pulpitis and others.

In combination with other drugs, white mummy is used in oncology. The natural mineral composition helps prevent the development of the tumor, prevents the formation of metastasis and helps restore the vitality and the energy of the patient during the rehabilitation period.


Stone oil with all benefits has contraindications, neglect which can lead to a violation of the chair, which will reduce the whole positive effect from receiving the means. It is not recommended to take a white mummy:

  • during breastfeeding period;
  • during pregnancy;
  • children under 10 years old;
  • in chronic jaundice;
  • when constipation and disruption of digestibility;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions.

In addition to these contraindications, the benefits of receiving white stone oil will be absent, if you combine it with alcohol, antibacterial drugs, coffee, duck meat and goose, pork and lamb, as well as radish and radishes. Therefore, during the therapeutic or preventive course, you should abandon the bad habits and comply with the recommendations on nutrition.

How to drink stone oil

In medicine and cosmetology, stone oil is used in powder based on which ointments, balms, creams, solutions are prepared.

Depending on the purpose of use, a solution of stone oil is taken inside for the treatment of pathologies of internal organs. For the treatment of dermatological problems, ointment, creams, solutions of white mum are taken in cosmetology purposes.

Before use, you must make sure that you do not have allergies on the oil components. Therefore, during the first application, dilute the means with water and in the absence of adverse reactions during the day, you can safely continue the treatment with stone oil.

Standard method of using white mummy It is diluted in water stone oil in powder.

For cooking, take 1 hp of the powder and spread in 3 liters of water, insist for 48 hours. After 2 days, drain the water without affecting the precipitate, which can be used as compresses for outdoor use.

Receive the resulting to the glass before each meal. The course of treatment for half a year according to the scheme: 30 days. Take a solution, 30 days break, after which you repeat the rate several times.

Instructions for the use of stone oil

The duration of the course, methods of application and the concentration of oil depends on the purpose of reception.

1. For the prevention of inflammation of the genital organs and other male problems, including erectile dysfunction, dissolve in 2 liters of water 2 g of bardine. Such a solution before eating three or four times a day 1 cup or use for compresses. To prepare the applique, plunge the gauze into the solution and impose on the crotch area and the bottom of the abdomen for an hour.

For the treatment of epidididiment, orchitis, prostatitis and other infectious-inflammatory pathologies of men's genital organs, as well as with a decrease in the quality of sperm, prepare a solution with herbs according to the prescription below:

  • 3 l indoor temperature water;
  • 0.5 hd geomaline;
  • 100 g of grass meduse;
  • 100 g of nettle grass.

In half of the water, prepare the broth of herbs: pour the medicinal herbs with water, bring to a boil and tomit under the lid on slow heat for 7 minutes. In the remaining fluid, dig a stone oil in powder. A decoction to be resolved, and mix with the solution. Drink 200 ml before meals.

2. In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female bodies in women In a white mummy solution, moisten the tampon and enter the vagina for the night. For the preparation of the solution for applications, dissolve in 0.5 liters of water 4 g of white mummy.

To receive inside, lay in 1 liter of water 3 g of geomaline powder. Take the resulting tool one glass three times a day shortly before meals. Such a means is used in cancer and inflammatory pathologies of female genital organs.

3. For the treatment of respiratory organs Stone oil is recommended for children over 10 years old and adults. During the treatment of patients under 18 years old, reduce the dosage of powder twice. To receive inside, mix the 5 g of the stone oil is mounted in powder with 1 liter of water. Take twice a day at 250 ml. We recommend combining this recipe with local stone oil applications, which overlap on your chest before bedtime. For the preparation of a solution for a row, lay 1 h l in 200 ml of water.

4. When bronchial asthma, as well as inflammatory lesions of the lungs, make inhalation with a nebulizer. For the preparation of the solution, follow the instructions for the inhaler, while observing the proportions of powder and liquid 1:50.

5. For liver diseases and to normalize it Prepare a solution of stone oil: 3 g of Pozashnya to divert in 1 liter of water. Take a glass 4 times a day. To obtain a better effect, combine internal use with cleansing enemas and diets.

6. To normalize the operation of the secretory function And the clinical indicators of the blood are in 2 liters of water of 1 second liter of mountain tears and take 10 ml 4 times a day.

7. For diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies Prepare a solution of stone oil: spread 3 g of Pozrashan in 600 ml of water. Drink all the prepared volume during the day, breaking into three receptions.

8. As reducing therapy for oncology of various localization To prepare a solution for oral administration and carrying out the module: 5 g of geomaline powder dilute in 1 liter of water. Take a solution twice a day 300 ml.

For the preparation of missiles for local applications with malignant tumors: 1 g of stone oils are driving in 70 ml of water. Moch the tampon and enter into the vagina or moisten the gauze and impose on a sore place. Emmers, tampony and outdoor applications We recommend using for the night.

9. During dermatosis, psoriasis, eczema, burns, insect bite Use outdoor applications. To do this, in a solution of geomaline (5 g of powder on 500 ml of water), moisten gauze or cotton swab and impose on the affected places.

Application in cosmetology

In the beauty industry, white mummy is used through a large number of micro and macro elements that are part of. The ability to stimulate collagen production, anti-inflammatory, soothing effects make oil indispensable for skin restoration, giving her beauty and youth.

  1. If your skin is prone to dryness and appearance of wrinkles In the solution prepared in the cooked standard method, moisten the woven discs and impose on problem areas. Such applications will help to cope with the eyelids.
  2. K. prone skin fatness and the appearance of rash and acne Useful will be a scrub of white mummy. To prepare, mix 5 g of stone oil with 50 g of oat bran. Apply a scrub on problem areas with massage movements.
  3. For dry, problematic and fat The skin will be washing in a solution prepared on the basis of stone oil powder: in 3 liters of water, divert 1 h l powder.

White stone oil is used against hair loss, dandruff and hair growth. To obtain the result, apply a powder with massage movements on the scalp for a month before the washing of the hair.

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One of the highly efficient funds of traditional medicine is the so-called stone oil. This unique natural remedy has a mass of healing properties, has a healthy, prophylactic, restoring and immunomodulatory effect, while being an excellent antiseptic and analgesic. There is no such disease in which this mineral product could not help.

What is a stone oil?Stone oil (white mumina) or as it is called in Asian countries, Pozrashan (in the translation of the cliff juice), is a mineral substance that scrapes from rocks in hard-to-reach grottoes and rags of rocks. If you look from a physico-chemical point of view, stone oil is aluminum alum having yellow-white, reddish-white or cream color (it all depends on the composition of the carriding breed). This substance is mainly collected in Eastern and Western Sayan, as well as some mountainous regions of Mongolia, Eastern Siberia and China. The assembled substance is subject to careful cleaning, after which it comes on sale in the form of amorphous pieces, small pebbles or powder.

Stone oil is widely used in folk medicine Tibet, Eastern Siberia, Burma, Mongolia, China as an effective means to treat inflammation processes, strong bleeding, burns, bone fractures, various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Stone oil can be called a source of longevity and medicine from various diseases.

Properties and application of stone oil.Due to the variety and high concentrations in the composition of this product vital for humans and macroelements, stone oil is effective therapeutic agent, universal adaptogen, that is, it helps to increase the non-specific resistance to our organism to various harmful effects having a chemical, biological or physiological nature. In addition, it compensates for the lack of mineral substances and mineral energy in the body, setting up the processes of self-regulation. The composition of the drug determines its beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Especially noteworthy is the fact that stone oil is the only product that has a stimulating effect on absolutely all enzymatic processes of the body, asking their healing properties into weak sections, as well as strengthening and cleaning the human energy system.

Stone oil has pronounced wound-healing, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, antitumor and antimetatic properties, as a result of which it gives an effective result in the fight against the most complex illnesses, including with diseases such as cancer and infertility against the background of inflammatory diseases. The drug is completely non-toxic, accelerates the healing of fractures, stimulating the process of increasing bone tissue. In addition, the product gives a pronounced healing effect in the treatment of burns, stomatitis, otitis, diabetes, pleurite, various wounds, cataracts, prostatitis, intestinal disorders, colitis, ulcers, cystitis, diseases of the kidneys, and is also the prevention and development of malignant tumors. However, stone oil does not need to be considered some kind of panacea from all diseases, thinking that one packaging of the drug will relieve once and for permanent problems. After all, it will not be able to change your lifestyle in the root, which is the source of all "sores". However, at the mineral level will provide effective and effective assistance.

On the territory of Russia, stone oil is allowed to apply since 1971. This unique and one hundred percent natural product is widely used in medicine for the treatment of various liver diseases, including viral and intoxication cirrhosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, burns and injuries, trophic and purulent ulcers, to prevent the development of tumors and metastasis. In addition, it has an effective effect in the treatment of endocrine diseases, including the pancreas, and also extends the physiological activity of the body as a whole.

With the help of stone oil, tuberculosis, poisoning of varying degrees, frostbite, misa, epilepsy, hemorrhoids, erosion and other gynecological diseases are effectively treated. In general, a similar list can be continued for quite a long time, because the stone oil can help with any problem.

When should the stone oil be used?When the disease is obvious, and experts cannot accurately diagnose it. In this case, it is impossible to assign adequate treatment. But the use of a natural adaptogen and bioregulator will be just by the way.

This drug is effective in cases of chronic diseases that are poorly treatable. Such should include all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, exchange disorders, inflammatory processes, neoplasms and oncological processes, diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases.

With acute states carrying the risk to the life of the patient, in the absence of the possibility of providing emergency medical care (poisoning, injury, frostbite, that is, cases when it should be immediately). It should be used in water dissolved in water, and if necessary, can be poured onto a wound or dissolve in the mouth.

Before conducting an operation. If the operation is inevitable, but it remains some time a period of time, be sure to try to avoid operational interference and use the stone oil. Guarantees of preventing operational intervention may be no, especially if the disease is in a strongly defined form, however, on the background of receiving the drug, the operation and the recovery process will be much more efficient.

Stone oil is ideal to take people in the unfavorable environmental setting (water pollution, air, poor-quality food, radiation).

If you have an excessive physical, mental or mental load, such a drug will prepare the body to it, it will help to restore the forces faster.

Also, the stone oil will be useful for all those who want to strengthen and save their health, increase vitality.

Efficiency of the drug.The effect of the use of stone oil is achieved in more than eighty percent of cases. Positive results are noticeable after 30-90 days after receiving the drug.

Contraindications.This drug cannot be taken with a sick mechanical jaundice, since it has a pronounced choleretic effect. In addition, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance to the drug.

It is worth indicating that when taking drugs based on white mummy, alcohol cannot be consumed, antibiotics, to get involved in coffee and tea. In addition, during treatment it is recommended to refuse to eat duck, goose meat, lamb, pork, as well as radish and radish.

Possible complications.When taking this means, the regularity of the chair is of great importance, in otherwise The detoxifying effect will be reduced to no, due to reverse absorption. Therefore, in the presence of constipation, measures should be taken to ensure the regularity of the chair (diet in combination with laxatives and enema), otherwise the drug exacerbates this problem.

Internal use.Apply inside for the treatment of various diseases, as well as in preventive and healing purposes. Ready drug (it is recommended to purchase in purified) in the amount of three grams pour three liters of warm boiled water and leave for a couple of days, after which the fluid merge, and the resulting sediment is thrown. Ready solution can be applied.

Before use, the drug should determine the reaction of the body, there is no allergies. Therefore, at the beginning of the treatment, the solution must be drinking not more than a glass per day, and it should be a weak concentration (1 g of 3 liters of water), for two to three it immediately after eating. In the future, in the absence of any negative manifestations, gradually the dose and concentration of the solution. At the same time, the drug must be taken in half an hour before meals. Stone oils also make compresses, microclizm, douching, tampony, depending on the disease, which also contributes to the acceleration of therapeutic process.

Oncological patients in this case refer to a special group of people. They can take the drug immediately in a highly concentrated state, but not higher than 3 g per 500 ml of water. The duration of such a course of treatment is ten days. After that, the concentration of the drug should be reduced to one gram per day.

In prophylactic purposes, it is enough to use one gram of stone oil for three days (1 g of oil per 1 liter of water, drinking half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals). The course of such treatment is a month. It is recommended to carry out four therapeutic courses per year.

In the process of treating chronic diseases Against the background of a strong effect of biotics of white mummy, patients may have an increase in inflammatory processes, pains in the joints, the appearance of highlights from lungs or genital organs). The data of manifestations are the reaction of the body to the disease, and sometimes they may be too painful for the patient, so the dosage of the solution of the stone oil must be reduced or taken after 1-2 days. If the discharge is increased, but without the presence of pain, the course of treatment does not change.

Regardless of the concentration, the finished solution can be kept no more than ten days at room temperature in a dark place.

Outdoor application.Stone oil is also effectively used externally for skin treatments, wounds and mucous membranes. For this, 3 grams of powder dissolve in 300 ml of warm boiled water of room temperature, wetting the fabric in it and impose it to the affected area as a compress and leave for one or three hours. After that, the compress is removed, and the skin is wiped with a dry towel. For efficiency, you need to do from three to five similar compresses during the week, but not more than one per day.

Wounds, burns, cracks are recommended by powder of stone oil, and on top of apply a cloth moistened in solution (recipe in the previous paragraph). White mummy can also be used for irrigation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (inflammatory and purulent processes) and mucous membranes. For this, 0.1 grams of powder dissolve in 100 ml of water.

Stone oil has proven itself as an effective remedy for stretch marks, as well as for skin rejuvenation. To do this, add a stone oil powder into your night cream. Such a composition supplies the skin with useful trace elements, increases its elasticity and elasticity, making it younger.

Stone oil can be combined with aromatic oils (orange, lavender oil). This composition is applied after taking a shower or bath, better for the night.

Treatment with stone oil.With bruises. 3 g. The stone oil in the powder add to a glass of warm boiled water and introduce two tablespoons of honey. In the resulting solution, moisten the gauze, squeeze and impose on a sore plot.

For the treatment of hymoritis. Make a warm steam bath, and then moisten the gauze in the solution (3 g of stone oil on 300 ml of boiled water) and impose for two hours on the nose. Procedure to do every other day. Therapeutic course includes twelve procedures.

With bronchial asthma. For inhalations: 3 G. The drug is 300 ml of boiled water, the procedure is carried out in half an hour before eating.

With influenza. 3 G. The drug on a glass of warm boiled water with a dissolved tablespoon of liquid honey dissolved in it. Put the resulting composition in the nasal passages three times a day.

Pneumonia. 3 G. The drug per liter of boiled warm water. Take 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals. With increased acidity, the solution is made per hour before meals.

For compresses: 3 g Stone oil to dissolve in a glass of boiled water with a tablespoon of honey, well mix the napkin, slightly squeeze and alternately apply onto the back and chest.

When cystitis. 3 G. White Mumina powder per liter of boiled water, take 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals. For compresses: 3 g of white mummy to dissolve in a glass of boiled water with a tablespoon of honey, well mix the napkin, slightly squeeze and impose on an inflamed place.

Ulcer stomach. 3 G. Oil at 600 ml of boiled water. Take 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals, at elevated acidity - an hour before meals.

Cracks in the rectum. 3 g. The drug on the floor-liter of boiled water. Initially make a cleansing enema, and then enter a solution of stone oil.

For the treatment of arthritis, radiculitis. 3 G. powder on a glass of boiled water, with a diluted table with a tablespoon of honey. In the resulting composition, moisten the napkin, after which, withdrawal, impose on an inflamed area.

With kidney disease. 3 g. The stone oil is divorced in two liters of boiled water. Take 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals, at elevated acidity - in an hour. In the case of the presence of urolithiasis - to the solution to add Marene Krayna.

When cataract. Take an aqueous solution of stone oil (3 g by liter of boiled water) 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals, at elevated acidity - in one hour. For cooking droplets: 3 g. Oils dissolve in 1500 ml of boiled water. Drip two or three times a day.

Treatment of myoma. 3 G. White Mumina powder per liter of boiled water, take 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals. With increased acidity - per hour. Tampony: 3 G. The drug on the floor-liter of boiled water, moisten the tampon and enter into the vagina, it is recommended to do the procedure for the night.

Cancer lungs, throats, uterus, ovaries and appendages. 3 G. Oil at 600 ml of boiled water. Take 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals, at elevated acidity - in one hour. In the treatment of uterine cancer and ovaries, additionally exercise tampony: 3 g. The stone oil on 500 ml of boiled water. In the solution, moisten a gauze tampon and introduce into the vagina.

Cancer throat. 3 g. Stone oil dissolve in 600 ml of boiled cooled water. Drink 1 cup three times a day before meals, at elevated acidity - in one hour. The glass must be drinking with small sips. Additionally, there must be compresses externally: 3 G. powder on a glass of boiled water, with a dilated tablespoon of honey. In the resulting composition, moisten the napkin, after which, withdrawal, impose on an inflamed area.

Liver cancer, cirrhosis. 3 G. The drug per liter of boiled cooled water. Take on a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals, with increased acidity per hour. Additionally, to this drink the infusion of the Voloda half a glass three times a day (a tablespoon of grass for 1.5 glasses of steep boiling water, insisted and drink). On the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver, also apply compresses: overlay the compress: 3 g. The stone oil is dissolved in 200 ml of boiled water. Moisten the gauze, squeeze well and apply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver for 2-3 hours. Mandatory to make cleansing enemas 5 days after 3, etc. Diet is mandatory.

Cholecystitis and hepatitis. 3 G. The drug per liter of boiled cooled water. Take on a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals, with increased acidity per hour. In addition to carry out cleansing enema with influences of daisies or a series. To drink the infusion of the coaster at half a glass three times a day (a tablespoon of grass for 1.5 glasses of steep boiling water, insisted and drink) and comply with the diet.

Stone oil with diabetes mellitus. On the course of treatment (80 days) it is necessary to purchase 72 g of stone oil. Dilute in the calculation of the 3rd powder for two liters of water, take a glass three times a day half an hour before meals. At the same time, it is necessary to control the level of sugar, to make a sugar analysis weekly. After the course of treatment, take a monthly break, then repeat.

With long-term use of stone oil, vision is also improved, the weight of the body is normalized, and the hair structure is improved.

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  • Contraindications and possible harm
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Pozrashan, or Chinese stone oil - a substance, in deep antiquity, revered as magical, was used in Eastern medicine even in time immemorial. Then it was believed that only immortal deities dwellings in absentia for ordinary people Mountain vertices. Oil This is extremely mythologized and deified, had a fabulous price and was available only for the top of the then society and emperors. The small bottle of such a means in the precious bottle was a very valuable gift and handed over as a symbol of the highest respect.

Nowadays, the properties of the stone oil are studied and stopped presenting a complete riddle. Nevertheless, this drug remains in demand and popular by virtue of its naturalness and efficiency. It is no longer worth the condition, but for its acquisition you do not need to go in the deaf mountains of China and Mongolia.

What is stone oil and its composition

Another name of the stone oil is "white mummy". It once again indicates the origin of this substance. Like mumens, stone oil is formed high in the mountains under the influence of weather conditions. It is a variant of alumokalia alum enriched with various mineral "additives" depending on the area in which oil is collected.

The funds contains magnesium sulfate and a variety of mineral salts soluble in water. It is formed under the influence of weather conditions and precipitation, when leaching leads to washing from rocks of nutrients. Gradually, century in a century, deposits accumulate, which can then be collected and used as a healing natural medicine.

Another old Chinese was perfectly known for the use of stone oil. They were collected and used, comparing according to the properties with the famous mummy. Stone oil can have different shades of white or cream color due to different content of minerals, mostly zinc. In most cases, this is a whitish substance with tones of cream, yellowish, grayish, reddish and brown.

Although this means is called oil, in fact it represents a mineral preparation in the form of a powder soluble in water and having a characteristic acidic astringent taste. For people sensitive to tastes, stone oil is sold in capsules.

Important! The oil substance was called because it protrudes from the cracks of the rocks, as if "squeezed" to the outside under the influence of natural elements. Similarly, mumens are also formed on the rocks, which often leads to misunderstandings and confusion. Stone oil and mummy - different substances. Stone oil is a mineral product coming on sale purified from pollution and pieces of adjacent rock. Mumina is a substance of complex organic origin with a large amount of mineral inclusions. The similarity is that both funds are mined in high-mountainous areas, in hard-to-reach places.

At the moment, the most famous fields of Margolina are located in the mountains of Mongolia, China, Altai and in Sayanov. In the same place, there is the most ancient and developed practice of applying stone oil as a medicinal product.

The excellent properties of this substance are due to its excellent composition. It is concluded to 50 extremely important for the health and life of man macro and trace elements, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, silicon, manganese, selenium, cobalt, chrome, iodine, nickel in short The entire table of Mendeleev. The concentration of trace elements and the composition of the stone oil fluctuates depending on the age of the field and those minerals, of which the surrounding rocks are folded.

Siberia is often used as a medicinal and prophylactic remedy for a cedar cedar with stone oil. In this preparation, the healing properties of the organic resin of the coniferous wood - cedar, which has a high antibacterial and antiviral activity, and rich in minerals of stone oil.

Therapeutic properties and the use of stone oil

And nowadays, stone oil is widely used in modern medicine and cosmetology. It has pronounced adaptogenic properties, helps the human body adapt to unfavorable conditions Environment.

When taking inside the drug improves and stabilizes metabolism, activates the restoration of tissues and skin.

Stone oil has an immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, painful, anti-allergic, bactericidal and antiviral action, removes spasms and contributes to the bile separation. It is also considered that this substance has an antitumor effect, which makes it possible to apply it for the prevention and treatment of various benign and even malignant neoplasms.

Features of the drug make it possible to apply stone oil for weight loss. For this, it is used inside and applied as body balm. In comprehensive use, not only weight loss is observed, but also a significant improvement in the condition of the skin, their purification and refreshment. A person loses weight and heals at the same time, its skin pulls up, becomes clean, dense and elastic.

Stone oil is used for the following diseases:

  • Diseases of human digestive system, including gastritis, peptic disease, colitis and bile disease (oil is able to prevent the formation of stones in the bustling bubble), cleans and stimulates, healing the liver.
  • A variety of skin problems, wounds, injuries, burns, eczema, psoriasis, acne and furunculese, trophic ulcers and breakdowns, many other diseases. Stone oil quickly heals the damaged areas of the skin, relieves pain, inflammation, itching, lines the surface and stimulates the cleansing of the skin from purulent rashes. This is an excellent auxiliary tool for the treatment of youthful acne, especially when there are many of them and they are "volcanic" purulent nurses. High content in zinc oil, selenium and sulfur helps to quickly clean the skin.
  • Injuries and diverse diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system of a person. The richest mineral maker helps to cope with various manifestations of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, and also contributes to the fastest recovery with a variety of injuries, dislocations and fractures.
  • Diseases of the urogenital and urinary system.
  • Defeat of the cardiovascular system.
  • Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of respiratory and ENT authorities.
  • Problems with vision organs.
  • Dental diseases, injuries, consequences of operational intervention.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system.
  • A variety of neoplasms: from benign (adenoma and other types of tumors) to malignant.
  • Diverse problems of the female genital sphere.
  • Defeats of the male reproductive system.
  • Proctology, including the cracks of the rectum and hemorrhoids.
  • Since this substance has a property to regulate the metabolism, the stone oil during diabetes can be used as an additional way to cope with this serious disease.

Important! Despite the natural origin of the cooler oil and its mineral nature, to independently assign a course of treatment can be dangerous, especially with a number of serious acute or chronic diseases. It is best to preliminarily consult with an experienced specialist.

The positive effect of stone oil on metabolic processes made it effective in excess weight and treatment of obesity. The beneficial effect on the nervous system and the hormonal balance led to the means under the climax, as well as with severe physical and mental overloads, overwork.

Stone oil is used with prophylactic purposes in the threat of mass epidemics of viral diseases, when living in environmentally "dirty" regions, while in extreme weather conditions (for example, high in the mountains, in the cold or with high humidity / dry air).

Also often, stone oil is used with complex treatment and rehabilitation after severe injuries, transferred diseases and extensive surgical interventions.

Recipes for treatment with the help of stone oil

For the treatment of the above diseases, natural remedies are most often used inside. To do this, you need to know how to breed stone oil. This is usually done according to such a scheme: they take 3 grams of powdered rock oil, dissolve it in 3 liters of hot water (not higher than 60 degrees), stirred carefully. The resulting solution is taken three times a day for half an hour before meals in 200 ml. The course of treatment takes a month, if necessary, it can be repeated in about 4 weeks. With prophylactic or therapeutic purposes, stone oil is recommended to use 4 courses per year.

The finished solution is stored for a maximum of 10 days, it is not necessary to place the refrigerator.

Important! If the stone oil is used for the first time and unknown reaction to it of the patient's organism, it is better to start with low doses, that is, to dissolve 1 gram of powder in the recommended amount of clean water. A single dose of solution should also be reduced to 70 ml at a time. Only after the full adaptation of the body can be moved to a standard dosage.

For the treatment of various wounds, trophic ulcers, burns and flexible areas of skin, you can make compresses with a solution of stone oil. Its healing properties accelerate granulation, purify wounds from pus, contribute to the rapid resumption of normal blood circulation, and antibacterial properties destroy the pathogenic microflora. In addition, such applications significantly reduce soreness, especially with a large area of \u200b\u200bdamage.

For the preparation of the solution for the compress, 3 grams of stone oil are taken, dissolved in 150 ml of hot water, and 100 ml of pure medical alcohol is cooled and added. The finished mixture impregnated several times gauze napkins, pressed and impose on a sore place. Overhead covered food film Or a piece of cellophane, you can warm or navigate if the compress is applied to the limb. You can leave all night.

Attention! Compresses containing alcohol never impose on damaged skin. They are treated thrombophlebitis, bruises, stretching, that is, internal damage to the tissues and blood vessels.

Another way to take stone oil is to use it as an effective cosmetics. Its active minerals contribute to cleansing the skin from rashes, traces of allergic reactions, redness and inflammation, absorb infiltrates and pigmented areas after acne.

Very effectively stone oil and to combat skin aging. It contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles and increase skin elasticity, pulls the oval and makes the complexion more alive and bright. If you combine the use of stone oil inside and external, the effect is only enhanced.

It is possible to use a weak solution of stone oil as a useful mineral tonic for a pimp or fading skin of the face. In the first case, it is very good to add ragners of therapeutic herbs - chamomiles, calendulas, Celebre, Gamamemais. Regular rubbing of the face with such a tonic will contribute to a faster healing of acne, prevents their strong suppuration, will help to avoid the appearance of acne.

With sluggish aging leather from a weak solution of stone oil, you can make tonic and strengthening ice cubes. In this simple facility, the therapeutic effect of stone oil and toning and tightening the skin of the cold will be combined.

Important! When first use of stone oil as a cosmetics, it is necessary to carry out a sample tolerability. If the skin reacts inadequately, it is possible that the concentration of active substances is too large and you just need to make a weaker solution. Preventive measures will be able to protect against obtaining a negative result and premature disappointment in this healing substance.

Stone oil is a mineral substance, has a whitish-yellow color and formed when leaching rocks. It is widespread in Eastern and Western Sayanov, other mountainous regions of Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and China.

Stone oil is widely used in folk medicine in Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, Tibet, Burma for the treatment of inflammatory processes, when bleeding, burns, gastrointestinal disorders and bone fractures.

Tibetan lamas prepared it and used to treat gastric diseases. In Chinese mythology, stone oil - the food of the immortal. In China, there is a village located at the foot of a large mountain, which produce a white stone for eating. In this village, the average life expectancy of 83 years, which is higher than the average in China, residents are famous for good health.

The collection of stone oil lies in the jumping of healing agents from rocks, so often in the medicine there are pieces of stones, limestone and other breeds. Therefore, the assembled product necessarily needs cleaning.

The harvesting of stone oil itself is very difficult due to the fact that it is still unknown, how and why it is formed in this place. Its exit places are extremely small and dispersed on a huge lumpy mining area without any visible system. There it is in hard-to-reach grottoes and crevices of rocks in the form of a thin film, less frequently on rock rocks and in minor quantities.

Depending on the place and time of collection, the stone oil can be very dissimilar in its high quality and quantitative composition.

By the way, wild animals and birds are enjoying stone oil with great pleasure.

Cleaning of stone oil

Furious, and crude stone oil occurs on sale. The purified has a color from white and yellow to green and sold in the form of amorphous pieces, small pebbles or powder.

Operation for cleaning the stone oil is not called, especially at home, so it is better to purchase a purified product.

Who bought a crude stone oil, can take advantage of the following method for cleaning it.

Stone oil is easily dissolved in water and moderately or weakly in other liquids. The cleaning method is based on good solubility in water.

The collected raw materials fall asleep into the enameled dishes and poured with warm (up to 60 s) with water. Then it is insisted for 10-20 hours, occasionally stirring. Next, the first portion of the solution is poured through a sieve into a glass or enamelled container, and water is again added to the residue, which is again added in 10 hours.

The first and second solutions differ only by the concentration of stone oil and the content of lime dust: in the second solution, it is greater. You can pour thick and for the third time, but do not stretch the process of dissolution in time: "an empty breed" is quickly fried, spreading the unpleasant odor.

The next phase of purification is the separation of the solution from insoluble impurities. For this use filtering. The easiest, but long-term way - settling. Cleaning the solution settles the month. When the solution is purified, it is evaporated.

Water from the solution is evaporated as follows. Take two pelvis, one less than the other. In large pelvis, pour water into a smaller - a solution of stone oil. This design is placed on a slow fire and a fan is placed nearby. It is important that the air jet is pointing to the surface of the solution. The heated solution must be stirred all the time and check the temperature - the stone oil loses its qualities when heated to a temperature above 60 C.

The most tedious stage of dehydration of the stone oil begins from the moment when it acquires the consistency of sour cream. At this time, the hazard of overheating of the extract occurs, mix the contents constantly and quite intensively, because a layer of a more dense extract is formed on the surface, which prevents the evaporation of moisture. When the solution becomes reminiscent of thick syrup, heating is stopped, and the stone oil is drained to durable polyethylene, laid in the bowl forms. Now your task is to protect the stone oil from moisture so that the pestication continued.

Stone oil can be stored unlimited time. It is best to store it in a container wrapped in foil.

Application in medicine

  • Liver diseases (including viral and intoxication cirrhosis);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, ulcerative disease);
  • Burn and wound therapy;
  • Trophic and purulent ulcers;
  • Prevents metastasis;
  • Stops tumor growth (by forming a connective tissue capsule), when direct contact destroys the tumor;
  • Endocrinology (in particular pancreas);
  • Gerontology (extension of physiological activity in general and sexual activity in particular).

On the territory of Russia permitted since 1971.

Clinical application

Clinical studies have shown astounding results. In one of the Siberian regional hospitals (in the surgical department), a group of 12 people was selected with particularly complex fractures of tubular bones and damage to the tissues of vessels and nerves. Each of the patients 3 times a day was given an elixir of stone oil. Soon, X-ray showed that everyone, without exception, there is a powerful increase in bone tissue. They corrected three weeks before the control group, which was treated traditional methods. There were no side effects.

There is a good clinical experience in the treatment of peptic ulcer stomach with stone oil. Washing ulcers gives healing in 6-16 days, instead of 40.


The time required to evaluate the effectiveness is from 30 to 95 days. Efficiency (analysis of 237 clinical cases) exceeds 85%.


Contraindicated in mechanical jaundice, because It has pronounced choleretic activity.

Possible complications

The drug requires that the gastrointestinal tract worked regularly, i.e. Every day, otherwise the detoxifying function of the drug will be wasted due to reverse absorption. The use of stone oil in persons suffering from constipation can be aggravated by these constipation. In this case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures (diet + laxatives, enema) so that it is still to ensure the daily chairs.

Healing properties of a solution of stone oil

In its pure form, this substance is rarely used, mainly in the form of solutions of various concentrations. Sometimes embarrassment of herbs adds in such a solution.

The solutions of the stone oil in their physicochemical nature are such that it is possible to take as many trace elements from the tissue fluid and blood as required for the saturation of the active centers of the corresponding enzymes. Nature itself took care of people by creating a compound containing a significant part of the elements known on Earth and the overwhelming majority of vital macro and microelements, which, which is very important, is easily dissolved in water.

Dissolving in water, the microelements of the stone oil acquire special qualities, since they are in ion form, that is, active form, ready for use by the body as cations, are included in enzymatic systems, where they show their action. When internal use in certain quantities, absorption occurs in the oral cavity instantly. In other words, the ions of trace elements are sent along the shortest path to the point of their application, bypassing the complex and long-lasting transformations in the gastrointestinal tract, which undergo microelements of food and additives.

Moreover, the ionic forms of trace elements in aqueous solutions of the stone oil are incomparably more active in their microdos (μg) than the same metals in food products many times large quantities (mg).

Any pathological process in the body is characterized by a large variety and for its treatment requires simultaneous use in biotic doses of several microelements of electoral action. In medicine, they have achieved certain success in the treatment of individual diseases using aqueous solutions of several metals at once. When a person suffers from a whole "bouquet" of diseases, then when implementing this approach, it is necessary to create and apply much more complex solutions of microelements in force on biotic principle. Create such compositions Science is not yet ready. The reason is that the phenomena of antogonism and synergies (community) of trace elements in the sense of their regulatory effect on the normal physiological functions of the body are not sufficiently studied.

The main inner force leading to a multi-faceted and complex mechanism of the human body is in its biochemical boiler, where metabolic processes are continuously occurring, which give energy for the body and predetermine the course of further chemical transformations underlying its functions. This activity is based on enzymatic processes in which negligible amounts of microelement-biocatalyst produce colossal work.

Microelements introduced in biotic doses in solutions of stone oil in high-quality and quantitativeare natural for the body agents, increase the overall level of its bioenergy processes and strengthen the activities of protective mechanisms.

Preparation and use of stone oil preparations

As a rule, purified stone oil is poured with boiled water room temperature. After 2-3 days, the liquid is drained. The precipitate can be used for compresses and lotions. The solution is made from the calculation of 3 g of means of 3 liters of water, taking into account the health of the patient.

Before treatment, it is necessary to know the body's reaction to the stone oil (with any diseases), for which at the beginning of the treatment it is better to use it in small doses (1 cup during the day) and weak concentration (1 g of 3 liters) for several days in a row after meals. Then before the meal, constantly increasing the dose and concentration of the solution. Procedures such as compresses, tampony, microclisms, as well as sinking, accelerate treatment and save the consumption of stone oil.

People with oncological diseases in this case form a special group of patients. It can be immediately prescribed a drug in a higher concentration, but not higher than 3 g per 500 ml of water.

Occasionally, in the treatment of chronic diseases, there is a strong effect of stone oil biotics on the body: for example, an inflammatory process, joint pain, separation from lungs and other organs (for example, female sex) is enhanced. This phenomenon indicating the positive effect of biotics, reflects the struggle of the body with the disease. Sometimes such a struggle (the body's response) is too turbulent and for the patient, in these cases, the dosage of a solution of stone oil can be reduced or taken less often - after 1, sometimes 2-3 days. When enhancing the discharges that are not accompanied by strong painful sensations, the course should not be changed.

Treatment with various diseases

Wound, surgical intervention

3 G. Stone oil dissolve in 300 ml of boiled water. Mix the rag or gauze and impose on the wound, instead of all the ointles that exist. If you still give inside, the treatment will proceed faster, healing will accelerate two or three times.


3 g. Stone oil to dissolve in boiled water (200 ml) and add 2 tbsp. Honey spoons, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and impose into place the bruise.


3 G. Stone oil dissolve in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten a gauze tampon and irrigate the scene.

Salt deposits

3 G. Stone oil dissolve in two liters of boiled water (cooled). Drink one glass three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes. If increased acidity, then in one hour. Course treatment from three months to one year.


Make a warm bath. After the bathtub 3 of the stone oil dissolve in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten the gauze and put on the bridge for 2-3 hours. Do so every other day. Course treatment 12 treatments.


3 G. Stone oil dissolve in 200 ml of boiled water. Add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey and bury 3-4 times a day.

Purulent endobronchite

3 G. Stone oil to dissolve in boiled water (1 l). Drink one glass three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes.

Inhalation: s. Stone oil dissolve in 300 ml of boiled water. Making inhalation 3-4 times a day.

Compresses: Z G. Stone oil dissolve in 200 ml of boiled water, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and put it in the bronchine region, alternating back and chest.


3 g. Stone oil to dissolve in one liter of boiled cooled water. Drink one glass three times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. If high acidity is one hour before meals.

Making compresses: 3 G. stone oil dissolve in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and put the alternating back and chest.

Bronchial asthma

Inhalation: 3 g. Stone oil dissolve in 300 ml of boiled water. Making inhalation 20-30 minutes before meals, if high acidity, then an hour before meals.

Compresses: 3 g. The stone oil dissolve in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply.

Cost 60 rubles for 1 gr

In the mountains of Altai, there is a rare mineral - a unique natural remedy formed from a liquid that has fun from rocks. Stone oil (white mummy, grossun, geomaline) is a quickly healing wound antiseptic, which is used inside and outside to cure from a variety of diseases. Folk recipes advise the use of this mineral for the prevention of diabetes, cataracts, prostatitis. Modern East and Western medicine widely applies oil to get rid of kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and many other pathologies.

What is stone oil

The liquid mineral is collected by scraping the frozen liquid from rock. The stone oil has a yellowish-white hue. After collecting it, it is thoroughly cleaned from impurities and sold in a non-converted form (powder, crumb, small pebbles). Liquid stone mineral has a very valuable chemical composition. The oil contains in a large number of potassium, iodine, vanadium, iron, zinc, gold and other elements. The mechanism of action of this breed is that when it receives each cell human organism Picks as many elements as it needs in a given period of time.

Medical properties

Doctors revealed that the stone oil is the only product that has a stimulating effect on all the processes of the body. Pozrashan helps to cure a stomach and 12 pans ulcery, bring stones from the kidneys and cure the cracks of the rectum with hemorrhoids. The mineral is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent with many illnesses, since it has a hepatoger, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, antitumor and antimetatic action.


The treatment with stone oil is carried out inside and outside. For outdoor use, white mummy is used as a powder or liquid form. Only a solution is prescribed to intake. The use of stone oil for cosmetic purposes is recommended in the form of a Balzam. The therapeutic effect depends on several factors: the concentration of the solution, the duration of the reception, the individual characteristics of the body.

For the urogenital system

Often white mummy are prescribed for the treatment of male and female pathologies gOOD SYSTEM. Urology recommends the use of a stone matter with the prostate adenoma, prostatitis, or with interferences of the sexual function. The most common ways to combat male inflammation of the urogenital system:

  1. Oral. Purchasing inside, stirring 1 drop of solution on 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Compresses. Mix a few drops of oil with water and alcohol. Compress is left for 3-4 hours.
  3. Microclizms. 2-3 drops of liquid mineral must be mixed with 500 ml of water. After cleansing the rear pass using the enema and the cooked warm solution is introduced.

For the treatment of gynecological problems, such as Mioma, Fibrom, the erosion of the cervix, endometriosis, mastopathy and others, is used by Pozashun in liquid form (3 g of dilome on 1 liter of water). Oil is accepted, as a rule, inside 3 times / day with 200 ml 1 hour before meals. Additionally, it is recommended to introduce a tampon into the vagina overnight. It should be wetted in solution (3 g per 500 ml). The average course of the treatment of female pathologies is 15 days (if the doctor has not prescribed an individual duration).

Diseases of respiratory tract

For the treatment of inflammatory respiratory processes, there are effective inhalations and a row with white mummy. To get rid of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis or pneumonia, in Altai, in Mongolia and China used the following recipe: 3 grams of powder to dissolve with one glass of water, then mix the napkin and apply it half an hour in the morning to the back, in the evening - to the chest. In addition, the classic solution is effectively helped (3 g per 1 liter), which should be drunk 3 times / day.

With bronchial asthma, oil also helps. When the attack of suffocation is concerned, it is necessary to make inhalation (3 g of powder for 1.5 glasses of water). Healing couples need to inhale before eating for half an hour. When pleurite, tuberculosis or inflammation of the lungs of stone oil is widely used in complex therapy. The course of treatment and the form of admission is prescribed by the doctor in each individual case.

Treatment of the liver

Cholecystitis, angiochaolites, hepatitis of various etiologies are also treated with a solution of Pozrashan. It should be prepared in the ratio of 3 g / 1 l of water. In order for the effect of the drug to come faster, it is recommended, along with threefold use inwards in a glass, comply with a special diet number 5 and a couple of times a week to make cleansing enemas. Therapeutic effect on the liver oil made of stone is due to its ability to quickly remove slags from the body, which makes it easier for the body.

Endocrine diseases

Thanks to the healing composition, white mumia effectively treats the gland of the internal secretion. Even patients with diabetes, which depend on insulin enclosures, successfully cope with glucose jumps during oil intake. Prepare a solution for use inside the classical recipe (3 g / l of water). Apply such a medicine for the treatment of hypothyroidism and goiter, to restore the hormonal background. The average reception rate is 1 month to 200 ml / 3 times a day. With the simultaneous use of hormonal drugs to drink a stone oil needs no longer than 10 days.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

There is a good clinical experience of treating oil from the stone of the gastrointestinal tract pathologies (gastrointestinal tract). Gastritis, colitis, ulcers, digestive disorders are amenable to therapy by this drug. To improve the work of the gastrointestinal organs, and to eliminate the symptoms of diseases 1 g of oil is bred in a glass of boiled water. Drinking the solution is needed 15-20 minutes before eating three times a day. With increased acidity of the stomach - in 1 hour. In parallel, it should not be refused to receive other medicines appointed by the doctor and comply with the diet with the exception of greasy products, alcohol and spices.

With oncology

Pozrashan is especially valued for the ability to facilitate the state of oncology and after chemotherapy. Its unique composition helps to suspend the growth of malignant tumors or get rid of them at the initial stage of cancer. Use the stone oil as a drink and lotions. For compresses and tampony, the powder is divorced 1 g per 1/3 cup of water (room temperature). You can add 1 tsp of honey. For reception inside - 1 g / glass of liquid. It is necessary to conduct a procedure daily for each reception on a glass three times a day. Compresses and tampons are practiced once a day.

Application in cosmetology

Since the stone oil has antioxidant activity, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents premature aging of the skin, so there is nothing surprising that the substance is widely used in cosmetology. With regular use in the care of hair, Pozashun warns the appearance of seeds, protects the hair rod from falling out, improves the growth of strands. The active components of the mountain oil help to normalize the production of fat, adjust the cellular exchange, remove inflammatory processes on the skin.

Stone oil - instructions for use

  1. For processing wound surfaces: 1 tsp / 1 cup of water. Apply a fluid on a clean cloth or gauze tampon, then mix the wound.
  2. For rapid healing of seams after surgery: 1 tsp / 250 ml of water. Lubricate the location of the sections, in parallel you can take the oil inside the standard scheme.
  3. For rinsing mouths during stomatitis, sore throat, bleeding gums, respiratory diseases: 1 tablespoon of powder / 3 liter of water. For one rinse, 100 ml of solution is enough.

It is not recommended to apply oil to open and bleeding wounds or rub it on the skin. It is impossible to pour a stone mineral with boiling water, otherwise the substance will lose therapeutic properties, and therapy will be ineffective. It is undesirable to apply the medicine in the first and third trimester of pregnancy, during the feeding of the child with breasts and in the exacerbation of pancreatitis.


This product, like any other medicinal product, has its own contraindications. Do not prescribe mineral adaptogen to children under 12, since there were no studies on the reaction of the children's body during its therapeutic impact. The mineral contributes to the active allocation of bile, for this reason it is impossible to use it at the following states:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • mechanical jaundice;
  • heart disease;
  • chronic constipation;
  • increased blood clotting.

Price of stone oil

Buy Pozrashan can be in different dosage form in any Russian pharmacy or through the online store. The average cost of healing mountain oil along with delivery.

The disease never occurs just like this, is no exception and cancer of the language. Symptoms and symptoms are important to explore to protect themselves from problems. Most often in the risk area are those who expose their body to the following factors:

  • smoking;
  • regular redundant use of alcoholic beverages;
  • chewing of various narcotic blends;
  • poor care for the oral cavity;
  • chemical and thermal burns;
  • damage to a mechanical language.

Unfortunately, many of these items for many have long become bad habits that are tormented throughout their lives. Pretty recklessly to talk about that if in five years of smoking did not develop cancer of the language, it will never be already.

Treatment options

The treatment of language cancer is chosen by the doctor on the basis of localization, type and stage of the disease. Thus, the flat-beam cancer will be treated with other drugs than adenocarcin. Early disease detection will facilitate treatment and improve the prediction for recovery.

Surgical intervention often allows you to completely remove the tumor and metastases from the patient's body. In the initial stages of cancer, excision of the affected tissues are usually produced. As a rule, the operation lies in resection of a small language (hemiglossectomy), as a result of which the patient retains the ability to speak.

The stage of the disease depends on how many percent of the language will have to cut off. In the launched cases, it is often not possible to maintain the body, and avoid the removal of the language (glossactomy). Cancer under the tongue makes the necessary operation to remove the bottom of the oral cavity.

Radiation therapy is considered the most effective method Cancer treatment. The tumor is irradiated throughout the sessions, after which the results evaluate. If the tumor decreases is detected, the procedure is repeated until its complete disappearance.

Sometimes radiation therapy does not result in this case, it should be replaced by other treatment techniques. At the initial stages of cancer, irradiation is carried out locally, and in later resorted to remote effects.


Chemotherapy is actively used for any form of cancer. It is used as an addition to other methods of treatment. Therapy is to be introduced into the body of a patient substances capable of preventing growth and destroy tumor tissue.

Leading Israeli oncologists

It would seem that the language is the body, the changes of which already in the initial period should be noticeable, and the patients will necessarily hurry to the doctor to clarify the nature of the disease. However, in some cases there is a late diagnosis.

This is due to the fact that the initial stage of the language cancer often proceeds asymptomatic, and therefore does not interfere with normal life. At the emerging painless seals or nodules, the patient is simply not paying attention, and the presence of cracks or erosion will write to inflammation or damage.

side surface tumors (left and in the center) and the root of the language (right)

  1. The presence of nodules, cracks, peptic lesions or papillary growths increasing over time;
  2. Pain syndrome;
  3. Overweight saliva (hypersalization);
  4. Attaching the secondary inflammation, the decay of the tissue and, as a result, the reel odor and separated from the defects of the language.

Most cases of incorrect or late diagnosis of cancer of the language accounts for the initial period of the disease, when either the patient does not go to the doctor, or the doctor is not alert and carefully and is attentive to cancer.

In the unfolded stage (2-3) on the foreground, it turns out pain syndrome, which delivers significant suffering. The pain extends beyond the language, giving up to the head, ear, jaw, etc. The tumor focus reaches significant sizes by this time, is inclined to ulceration and decay, and patients feel such symptoms of language cancer as itching, burning, difficulty in swallowing food and liquids.

We are so accustomed to the ability to speak and communicate with each other, which sometimes do not notice how important this ability of a person in everyday life is important. Patients with cancer language experiencing difficulties in reproducing sounds and communication suffer from the strongest discomfort of a psychological plan.

language cancer stage (T1-T4) in accordance with TNM classification

In the launched cases (4 stage), the patient has a bright clinical picture of the disease with the presence of listed symptoms. By this time, it is easily an increase in metastases, cervical and other lymph nodes enlarged and affected by metastases.

In various organs, hematogenous metastases (brain, liver, bone, etc.) are likely. The tumor sprouts the surrounding fabrics, involving the bottom of the oral cavity under the tongue, the lower jaw, the skydings, cheeks.

  1. Infusion:
    • 10 grams of chopped leaves and stems pour glass boiling water, close the lid;
    • after 20-25 minutes, squeeze, dissolve boiled water to 250 ml;
    • drink an empty stomach for a third of a glass of 7 days. After a week pause, repeat. Treatment time - 3 months.
  2. Alcohol extract:
  3. Water extract:
    • just torn cleanliness (you can also use roots) finely chop on 2/3 to fill the glass liter jar;
    • pour hot water (not boiling water!);
    • shove in a towel and withstand 8 hours, then squeeze thick;
    • using during the day, keep in a cool dark place. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach with a spoon of honey for two weeks.
  4. Tincture:
    • in the first half of the summer, cut the ground parts of the cleanliness;
    • grind and fully fill the 3-liter glass container;
    • add vodka how much will fit;
    • hit, shovel with a towel and put in a dark place to appear at room temperature for a period of 21 days to six months;
    • take drip: start with 2 drops of tincture on a glass of water, a daily increasing dose by 1 drop. From the 15th day it is necessary to interrupt for 2 weeks, then continue on the same scheme, starting with 16 drops, up to 50 drops. Then after a two-week pause, the reception with a daily decrease in 1 drop dosage decreases.
  5. Broth:
  6. The juice:
    • ground pieces of cleanliness grind or sort into a blender, squeeze through the fabric;
    • the resulting juice to pour into the glass container is tightly closed and withstand in the dark at room temperature for 2-3 months;
    • periodically, open the lid to release the accumulated gas;
    • the distance fluid is good to use both inside and external. In the first case, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of juice is stirred in a glass of water, the prepared drug is used for 1 t. l. Before each welcome. With external use, the juice is added to a cream or oil base in proportions 1: 5 and a sore place is rubbing such ointment.
  7. Butter:
    • fill the glass container dry or fresh routine for two thirds;
    • pour to the top of any cold fringe oil;
    • close tightly and withstand in a cool dark place for 2-3 weeks;
    • squeeze and keep in the refrigerator;
    • apply externally in the form of rubbing and applications.
  8. Ointment:
  9. Tea:
    • 1 tablespoon with a hill dried clean region brew in 3 liters of boiling water;
    • wrap and insist for 15-20 minutes. Due to the low concentration, such tea has a minimum of contraindications and can be used to increase immunity for a long time.
  10. Herbal fees. The combination of the beneficial properties of different medicinal plants allows to enhance the antitumor effect of grass. For example, infusion or tincture of equal parts of cleanliness, nettle and calendula - a decent means for cancer of prostate and metastases.

Taking into account that this plant is common everywhere, its use in oncology would solve a lot of problems. But for some reason, the oncologists do not rush to use this plant, preferring artificial drugs?

Can I provide pharmacies cheap, natural raw material, which will save a person from expensive money and long treatment courses? And then drugs from the pharmacy do not always lead to curable, but to complications may well lead.

Well, why then does not practic a treatment with a purity that grows everywhere? Can traditional medicine and pharmacists simply do not want to lose their clientele, because the production and sale of drugs have been put on the flow for a long time.

It is no secret that traditional medicine treats cancer is also chemotherapy. But only it is not clear why, in this case, doctors prefer natural, and not natural poisons? Maybe the only thing is that in one plant there are poison and antidote?

The result of the treatment of cancer, it depends on many factors, in particular from the fact that in the raw materials prepared in different ways the content of active substances is unequal. And this means only one, a similar dose may be harmless to humans, and very dangerous.

Therefore, the tincture of celandine is used according to a diagram with a periodic increase in the number of drugs until the therapeutic effect. If the patient exceeded the dose, then it is necessary to stop applying cleanly for some time, and then return to the reception, but significantly reduce the dose.

This is "rational grain", but you need to take into account the following recommendations:

  1. The gradual selection of the dose of the plant chilli causes a weakening and so weakened by cancer, the body.
  2. To get a healing effect, you will have to take it longer to take cleanly than the standard course of chemotherapy. No one will say for sure that over the time of treatment time, a cleaning, a tumor "wins" and develops a protective mechanism, rather, on the contrary. Also, no one will say with 100% confidence that Cleuster does not affect the disastrous and systems, unlike chemotherapy.
  3. Refusing traditional therapy, a person can miss the need.
  4. Combining treatment prescribed by the doctor with the admission of Celebre without permission, you do not give him the opportunity to raise the correct diagnosis and comply with the necessary treatment.
  5. As mentioned above, the Helidonin substance has an overwhelming effect on the growth of tumors. But here are the action of brazers and tinctures, many researchers are considered not proven.

So according to some researchers, the described plant on the body operates, so it does not begin to apply it in traditional medicine until this day, but replace the chemotherapies.

Remember that in contrast to non-traditional drugs, traditional doctors are responsible for the life and health of their patients. Therefore, they always control the course of treatment and select doses, clearly extinct, in medicinal products.

There are many different techniques aimed at preventing the development of cancer. Herbal fees based on cleanliness prevent the growth of cancer cells, so infusions prepared with their use are recommended to be resolved in order to prevent each year. The following funds are considered effective to prevent cancer:

  1. Infusion. Fill fresh grass with boiling water (1 tbsp. L.) And drink the fluid for an hour twice a day: sutra and in the evening before meals. Continue receiving at least 10, but no more than 15 days.
  2. Drug collection. Connect 2 tbsp. l. Leaves and flowers cleanliness (freshly collected), 1 tbsp. l. Ohlo and Pijmas. The mixture will fill ½ l of water, bring the liquid to a boil. At night, the decoction is insistent, and in the morning it will be possible to drink. Dosage - 1 tbsp. l. Twice per day for ten days.

Diagnosis of language cancer

Diagnosis of cancer does not cause difficulties, since a specialist can determine this disease on external manifestations. At an early stage of language cancer, diagnostics may be erroneous, since during this period there are practically no signs. For accurate diagnosis, the diagnostic measures are rational:

  • collecting full anamnesis;
  • general inspection with palpation of lymphatic nodes;
  • survey of the oral cavity;
  • laboratory tests of tumor particles;
  • ultrasound research (ultrasound);
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • radiography.

To reveal how metastases are distributed, biopsy and hardware study of internal organs are carried out. The doctor must eliminate the possibility of other diseases formed in the oral cavity (tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.), so the diagnosis should be differential.

The first stage of diagnostics is based on the presence of characteristic complaints of the patient and data of clinical inspection. Then the patient is prescribed tool research. First, histological and cytological examination are used to determine the type of cancer, its shape and the stage of malignancy.

Cancer root language

The main method in the therapy of this disease is a combined, which combines surgical intervention, radiation and chemotherapy.

  • Surgical method- Possible total (glossation) or partial resection of the organ depending on the process and sizes of the tumor. If soft tissue, muscle and bone structures are drawn into the process, or there are metastases in lymph nodes, they are also deleted during the operation. Then a reconstructive operation is assigned to the patient;
  • Radiation therapy -most often is an additional method, applying before and after surgery, but in rare cases can be used as the main method. With radiation therapy, the maximum efficient doses of radioactive isotopes, X-rays or electron beams are used;
  • Chemotherapy is based on the use of chemotherapy. The most commonly applied 5-fluorouracil and platinum preparations.
    The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the stage of the disease. Thus, five-year survival after treatment at the initial stages is 80%, and on only 35% launched.


Prevention of cancer occurs primarily in the refusal of bad habits as it has been proven that the risk of disease in people who consume alcohol and tobacco is much higher than those that do not use them.

Prevention of language cancer occurs primarily in refusal of bad habits

Language cancer is a serious disease that is characterized by high mortality. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the bad habits (alcohol, smoking), which are the main etiological factors in the occurrence of this disease.

Successful treatment can provide timely diagnosis. Special attention should be paid to the state of the mucous membrane, the oral cavity. When a long non-healing ulcers are detected, white or red spots need to go to the doctor immediately. You can diagnose the disease already in primary inspection.

In order to get a complete picture of the course of the disease and the spread of education, it is necessary to undergo a cytological study. They are engaged in an oncology hospital and specialists. Such methods of diagnosis, such as magnetic resonance tomography, biopsy, computed tomography are used.

Treatment can be held in two directions: treatment of metastases or surgical, radiation impact on malignant education. At the very first stages, the radiation impact on the cancer of the tongue is successfully used.

Surgical treatment scares patients, and it's not about the operation, but in the fact that after a significantly worsen the quality of life of the operated patient. After resection of a piece of cheeks, oral cavity, nose, jaws, language arise with food intake, speech activities.

In addition to resection, the Bahn method, kraily or excision of the cervical fiber is used. In the inoperable case, or if there are multiple metastases and the patient refuses operational intervention, use chemotherapy.

She does not give recovery warranty. Successful treatment of the disease can extend the patient's life for five years or even more, but it all depends on the stage of the disease, growth, the presence of metastases, general health and the age of the patient.

In this article, you can get information about the causes, varieties, manifestations and methods of diagnosing and treating language cancer. Upon learning of them, you will be able to suspect the beginning of the development of this dangerous ailment and make the right decision on the need to appeal to the oncologist.

According to statistics average age The diseased is 50-60 years old and more often the tumor is detected in people over 40 years. Among younger people, language cancer is very rare. As a rule, the tumor is 5-7 times more often found in men.

This cancer is detected in different countries of the world. However, the greatest prevalence of such a cancer is observed in India and other Asian countries. This is explained by the fact that it is among their inhabitants that the habit of drinking narcotic chewing mixtures is the most common - NASA and BETELLE. The substances in them are aggressive carcinogens and cause tumor growth.

Leading provoking language cancer factors are tobacco and drinking alcoholic beverages.

All experts came to the conclusion - the main provocative factor in the development of language cancer is tobacco. During the combustion of tobacco, carcinogens are formed, causing mutations of epithelium cells and their rebirth into cancer.

The stone oil embodied the natural mineral product unique on the biochemical components, which for four thousand years is appreciated and used from Mongolian and Chinese healers, as well as Medicines Myanmar. Past of hisrapeutic properties did not pass the characteristics of East Siberia, where it has a huge success. Stone oil has many titles, among which geomaline, grossun and white mummy.
The myths of the ancient China speak about the magic rejuvenating agent - stone oil. Standing at the same level with gold, and put on storage in the vessels decorated with jewels It was part of the diet of "immortal people", and was used only for the treatment of Emperor China and his family members. Under the fear of death it was forbidden to use for other residents of the Middle Kingdom.
In Russia, the stone oil was widely used during Peter I. With its decree, the emperor ordered to organize the fishery of this most valuable product and establish its sale in pharmacy institutions of St. Petersburg.
The analysis of the stone oil into the components for scientific purposes was carried out in 1960 by scientists of the USSR, who called him not otherwise as "Geomaline". Ten years later, it was based on a large number of drugs that had widespread, both from the healers from the people and representatives of traditional medicine for the treatment of a large number of illnesses.

What is stone oil and how does it differ from mummy?

The stone oil is alumboy alum, which consist of a metal salt of magnesium and sulfuric acid, known in medicine called magnesium sulfate, and simple compounds - minerals deposited on rock, as the result of the leaching process.
In nature, stone oil is found in the highland terrain - in grottoes, caves or creases of rocks in the form of amorphous nodes of various colors, from all tones of white, leaving in gray, to yellowish brown and even red. On the color of the oil affects the amount of zinc present in it.
After passing a high-quality cleaning from unnecessary impurities in the form of containing lime sedimentary rocks, it gets a powdered structure of different color variations, from yellowish white to beige color. It has sour taste and characteristic binding aftertaste. In water dissolves quickly and without much difficulty. It will be extremely difficult to dissolve it on the air, alcohol-containing liquids or glycerin.
Often, stone oil and mumyo consider the same product, but it is not true in the root. Mumiyo and Pozrashan have a huge number of fundamental differences, for example, stone oil, unlike mumios, does not contain any organic inclusions. The only thing that binds them among themselves is the origin - high-mountain places and their healing effects on a person, the ability to adapt the body to harmful factors and the enormous potential for therapy for therapy and the prevention of diseases.

Composition of stone oil

Stone oil is striking the abundance of biologically significant elements, among which - sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, silicon, chrome, selenium, iodine, cobalt, nickel and others. Almost fifty items of the components of the oil elements play an invaluable role for the normal life and functioning of the human body, obtained from nature itself. At the same time, its mineral composition changes in accordance with age and premium.
Potassium, It is contained in stone oil in maximum dosages. His presence in the human body has an impact on the stabilization of water and salts consumption processes, their distribution, suction and isolation, maintain the necessary acid ratio and alkali in the blood, smooth operation of the heart and treatment of hypertension due to the output of excess sodium with urine.
Stone-oil magnesium, It is the most important macroelement that supports the proper level of heart work. It is the basis of the protective enamel of the teeth and bones of the person, it is necessary for the neururocrossy and the propagation of nerve impulses, helps the body support the proper level of glucose, suppresses inflammation, has an antihistamine and soothing effect, helps to cope with spasmodic pains, and triggers the production of bile. Its shortage may be the reason for the difficulty of defecation, migraine and headaches, sleep disturbances, irritability, the state of indifference, and it can even trigger the appearance of bile stones and stones in the organs of the urinary system, diabetes, hypertension, and prostate diseases, atherosclerosis.
Mineral composition of the stone oil is also characterized by high content calcium - macroelement with an antiallergic property necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, which plays an important role in blood coagulation, the functioning of nervous and muscular systems that has an anti-stress effect, as well as contributing to a decrease in cholesterol content.
Zinc, one of the dominant elements necessary for the functioning of the human body, without which the metabolism is impossible, including the process of transformation of proteins, carbohydrates and their decay products; digestion, suction and elimination of fats and products of their exchange; Production insulin and enzymes. It takes an active part in the process of education, development and ripening of blood, the development of male genital cells and embryo. Zinc is the most important components of the correctly formed immunity, the work of the reproduction authorities, the brain and bone-muscular system. Its shortage often leads to violations in the work of the brain, the deterioration of memory and the reduction of mental abilities, to depression and the delay in sexual development in children, to the development of diseases of the organs of vision, pancreas and thyroid diseases, and is often the cause of male and female infertility.

Therapeutic qualities of stone oil

Stone oil is a valuable natural product that has a pronounced adaptogenic, antihistamine and stimulating work of immunity effect. It helps in the fight against microorganisms, viruses, inflammations and tumors, helps to remove spasms and other types of pain, activates the process of boring and restoring damage, significantly improves the process of admission, distribution, water and electrolyte, and the exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and lipid metabolism. Its use is effective for the prevention and therapy of diseases such as:
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system (inflammation of the gastric mucosa, colon inflammation, simultaneous inflammation of thin and colon, the presence of stones in the bile, inflammation of the gallbladder, both separately and together with the ducts, viral liver disease, alcohol hepatitis, trophic disorders of the gastric mucosa and duodenum, inflammation of the pancreas); Acute digestion disorder in poor-quality meal poisoning. Permanent use helps the speedy restoration of the disturbed mucosa of the stomach and intestines. Magnesium, spots the formation of the bile and its separation, prevents the appearance of urolithiamen and bile sickness.
Diseases and injuries of the skin (Feed damage, mechanical disorders of the integrity of the skin, fusion wounds, psoriatic plaques, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, acne, chiri, flippy rash, insect bites, necrosis of soft tissues in lying patients, skin defects obtained as a result of blood supply disorders). Stone oil, thanks to its composition of minerals (calcium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, silicon, copper, selenium, sulfur, cobalt) eliminates inflammation, the feeling of itching, pain syndrome and spurst the early tissue and the formation of the epithelium at the place of damage.
Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system(fractures, bruises, dislocations, osteochondrosis, arthritis (including gouty and rheumatoid arthritis), arthrosis, etc.), as well as neuralgiy (radiculitis, etc.) accompanying these diseases. Stone oil is a rich source of substances necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage (among such substances - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and stimulating the natural production of collagen silicon, zinc, copper and sulfur). The potassium present in significant quantity in stone oil contributes to the improvement of the water and salt metabolism, and thus prevents the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. When treating injuries and diseases of the spine, muscles and joints (as well as in the treatment of injuries and diseases of the skin), the combination of the external use of stone oil with its regular internal use is most effectively combined.
Diseases of the urinary system (urbites, nephrolithiasis, bladder inflammation, renal pelvis, urethra, inflammation of the kidney channel, diffuse changes in kidneys - nephrosis, etc.).
Heart disease and vessels (cholesterol deposition in vessels, acute or chronic myocardial lesions - IBS, arterial hypertension, structure-functional changes of the heart muscle, cessation of blood flow due to spasm or arterial thrombosis, acute violation of cerebral blood circulation, damage to the walls of vessels and hemostasis disturbance during diabetes , varicose veins, inflammation of the walls of the vessels, the serous shell of the heart, visceral leaf, the inner shell of the heart - endocardium, the heart muscle is myocardium, etc.). Stone oil improves the condition of the capillaries, prevents the development of heart and vessels, reduces blood cholesterol levels, which is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. Magnesium, which is part of Pozrashan, removes artery spasms, veins and capillaries, helps with hypertension. Macro elements contained in stone oil support normal and uninterrupted heart work.
Diseases of the endocrine system. Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems (Diseases caused by polyiovirus, polyradiculaneuropathy, multi-grade or diffuse vascular lesion of the brain, lesion and inflammation of peripheral nerves with paincrops, plexopathy, epileptic attacks, loss or impaired motor activity of body parts), migraine, head pain. Magnesium, which is part of the stone oil has a soothing effect, reduces the rate of excitability of the CNS. Such components of white mumia as iodine and zinc helps to cope with depression, spurt the memorization processes and the work of the brain. Copper, manganese and magnesium are active participants in the production of neurotransmitters, biologically active substances by which the transmission of electrical pulses between the cells of the central nervous system (neurons) is carried out.
Diseases of the respiratory system (inflammation of the lungs, mucous membranes of bronchi, pleural leaflets, tuberculosis, chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract with sandwheel and attacks of suffocation, sharp respiratory diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.)
Iron-deficiency anemia (violation of the synthesis of hemoglobin associated with the deficiency of iron and manifested by anemia and siderpody). Biologically active elements contained in stone oil encourage hemoglobin production.
Diseases of the female reproductive system (benign tumor of the uterine myometry, disorders of the integrity, ulcers or defects of the mucous membrane of the vagina, the growth of the endometrium of the inner layer of the uterus walls beyond its limits, one-sided or bilateral inflammation of uterine pipes or appendages, benign formations, localized in the ovaries, polycystic, polyposis, infertility, etc. d.)
Diseases of the organs of the genitourinary system in men (inflammation and benign prostate tumor, problems with reproductive function, reduction of spermatozoa in ejaculant, hypoacespermia, sexual impotence). An part of the stone oil, a manganese, zinc and selenium help the correct development of spermatozoa and increase sexual activity.
Diseases of colon (cracks, increasing veins, nodes and loss of the lower part of the rectum).
Dental diseases(Periodontal inflammation, the supporting apparatus of the teeth, the gum mucosa, the oral mucosa, the inner tissues of the tooth (pulp), the dystrophic disruption of periodontal tissues, the destruction of the tooth tissues - carious cavities, etc.).
ENT disease (inflammation of the ear, larynx, mucous membrane sinus, mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue pharynx, acute tonsillitis, chronic inflammation of pharynses and sky almonds).
Diseases of vision organs (clouding of leather leather, damage to the retina with diabetes mellitus).
Oncology (Application is possible at the beginning of the course of the disease and in conjunction with the pharmaceutical appointments of the attending physician, a specialist consultation is required).

The use of stone oil on a permanent basis helps with:
Diabetes mellitus and increased body weight. Biologically active elements that Pozshun has in its composition take part in the production of insulin, and help the body to normalize the level of sugar.
The lack of elements contained in geomaline.
Changing the tone of blood vessels, impaired psyche, depression, high level of psycho-emotional load, which are inherent in women during Clemaks.
Increased loads associated with physical, mental work, accompanied by stress and depressive situations.
Reduced vital tone and performance.
Postoperative period, for speedy recovery after operational interventions and long diseases.
For the prevention of seasonal colds and viruses.
For people living in poor ecology or working in extreme natural conditions, mines.
To maintain the work of the immune system.

Use of stone oil in cosmetology

Due to its composition, which works as an antioxidant, prevents the processes of aging, takes part in the production of collagen, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and leads to a normal state of the area of \u200b\u200bexternal secretion responsible for the production of skin salts, geomaline is irreplaceable to maintain beauty and tone of skin prone To dry, the appearance of wrinkles and problems associated with excess fatness.
With regular use in hair care, stone oil warns the appearance of seeds, improves the hair structure, stimulates hair growth and warns their loss.

How to use stone oil?

To obtain the therapeutic and prophylactic effect, stone oil is used as follows: Three grams of powder are mixed with two three liters of warm boiled water (up to 600 s), one-time dose is 200 ml, half an hour before meals, in the morning, day and evening. Treatment should be carried out within a month if there is a need for a re-course, then it is carried out in a monthly break. To achieve the desired result, treatment is carried out up to four times a year.
At first, geomaline therapy should be started with 70 ml, and to mix with water to take one gram of powder on three liters of water. Then the dosage gradually increases, as well as the number of components for the preparation of the drug.
The finished drug should be kept a maximum of ten days in the dark room at room temperature. The healing suspension, resulting in precipitate, is used as compresses for outdoor treatment.
Recommended before conducting therapy with stone oil, as well as in ten days of application to control the state of health, first of all, with the help of regular monitoring of urine and blood analysis results (must be kept under control of the coagulation level). It is also necessary to observe the concentration of acid in the gastric juice.

In which cases, the use of stone oil is prohibited?

Contraindications for the use of stone oil is the individual response of the body, all trimesters of pregnancy, lactation, age up to 12 years old, extrahepatic cholestasis, chronic delay in the intestinal emptying. Under the supervision of a specialist, geomaline should be used in a complex with hormones, reduced pressure, with a congenital or acquired change in the structures of the heart, blockage of vessels that interfere with the normal flow of blood, formations of thrombus in veins, the presence of stones in the bustle bubble and ducts, blood viscosity. Before taking geomaline, consult with a specialist.
It is forbidden to apply antibacterial agents and alcohol together with stone oil. During geomaline therapy, a special diet should be adhered to, eliminate meat, except chicken, coffee, cocoa, strong tea and radish, as well as products that contribute to the appearance of stones in the kidneys and the deposition of uric acid.

Recipes for therapeutic and prophylactic use of stone oil

Dermatological diseases and skin injuries
3 g (1 hour spoon) of stone oil dissolve in 300 ml of boiled water. Moisten a gauze tampon in this solution and periodically irrigate the scene place with a tampon. Such irrigation contribute to the weakening of pain and accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin.
3 g of stone oil to dissolve in 300 ml of boiled water and the resulting solution is used like iodine. Fresh cut can be sprinkled with finely chopped stone oil.
Insect bites

Attach a few minutes to the place of bite a piece of stone oil.
Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 2 liters of water. Take the resulting solution of 10-12 days, and then another 12 days to take a solution prepared at the rate of 3 g of stone oil per 1 liter of water. Such a course of treatment can be repeated 2 or 3 times with a break between courses in 1 month.
Skin cancer
When skin cancer, it is necessary to prepare a solution at the rate of 1 g of stone oil per 100 ml of purified water, which must be insisted in 12 hours before use. Use such a solution for rings and washing ulcerations as often as possible. The same solution can be used for washing of inflated wounds and trophic ulcers. Introduction to the complex treatment of any oncological diseases of the stone oil is possible only after agreeing with the attending physician!

Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system

Gout (salts deposition)
3 g (1 hour spoon) of stone oil dissolve in 2 liters of boiled water. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. Before eating for 10-12 days (with increased acidity of gastric juice - take 1 hour before meals). Such a course of treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a year in a break between courses in 1 month.
Ears, arthritis, radiculitis
3g coat oil dissolve in 200 ml of boiled water and add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey, moisten in the resulting solution with gauze, slightly squeeze and attach the injury or to the location of arthritis or radiculitis.
3 g of stone oil dissolve in 2 liters of boiled water and take 200 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Proctological diseases

Cracked in the rectum
3 g (1 h. Spoon) of stone oil dissolve in 500 ml of cooled boiled water. Clean the intestines and introduce a solution of stone oil using microclizms into the rectum. Such an external use of stone oil with the cracks of the rectum is recommended to be combined with the internal use of the stone oil according to the following scheme: take 200 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before the meal, prepared at the rate of 3 g of stone oil per 1 liter of water. The course of such treatment cracks of the rectum is 5-6 months
3 g of stone oil dissolve in 600 ml of warm boiled water. Insert into the rectum using microclides of 30-40 ml. The recommended course of treatment is 2 weeks to 1 month.
Rectal cancer
Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 500 ml of cooled boiled water. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals (with increased acidity of gastric juice - 1 hour before meals). On a day, it is recommended to use at least 4.5 g of stone oil for such treatment. For 3-4 months, make microclides from a solution prepared from 3 g of stone oil, 600 ml of boiled water and 2 tbsp. Spoons of honey. Introduction to the complex treatment of any oncological diseases of the stone oil is possible only after agreeing with the attending physician!

Respiratory diseases

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), bronchi
Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled coalwater. Drink 1 tbsp. A spoon 2 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals (in the case of increased gastric juice acidity - 1 hour before meals). For compresses to prepare a solution of 3 g of stone oil and 200 ml of boiled water with the addition of 1 tbsp. Spoons of honey. Wash the gauze in the solution for compress, press and apply it alternately on the back and chest.
Bronchial asthma
For inhalations prepare a solution of 3 g of stone oil and 300 ml of boiled water. Inhalation is made 20-30 minutes before meals (in the case of increased acidity of gastric juice - 1 hour before meals). Also make compresses as follows: 3 g of stone oil dissolve in 150 ml of boiled water and add 100 ml of medical alcohol to solution. Folded several times the gauze is well moistened with a water-alcoholic solution of stone oil, then squeeze it and attach it to the chest area overnight, closing the cellophane from above. A course of treatment bronchial asthma Consists of 12-15 such compresses.
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Dissolve 3 g (1 tsp) of the stone oil in 2 liters of boiled water and take 200 ml (1 cup) 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
Move first a warm bath, and then - a rim from the solution of stone oil (prepared at the rate of 3 g of stone oil by 300 ml of boiled water). Moisten the gauze in the solution and impose it on the bridge 1 time in 2 days. The course of treatment consists of 12 missions
Lungs' cancer
Dissolve in 600 ml of boiled water 3 g of stone oil. Drink the resulting solution of 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Also make compresses as follows: 3g of stone oil dissolve with 200 ml with the addition of 1 tbsp. Spoons of honey, in this solution, moisten the gauze and impose it into the area of \u200b\u200bthe lungs, chest and back alternately. Treatment time - 5 months. Introduction to the complex treatment of any oncological diseases of the stone oil is possible only after agreeing with the attending physician!
Cancer Gorel
Dissolve in 600 ml of boiled water 3 g of stone oil. Drink the resulting solution of 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day before eating small sips. Also make compresses from a solution prepared from 3 g of stone oil, 200 ml of water and 1 tbsp. Spoons of honey. Introduction to the complex treatment of any oncological diseases of the stone oil is possible only after agreeing with the attending physician!

Diseases of the digestive system

Ulcer stomach and duodenal
3 g of stone oil dissolve in 600 ml of boiled water. The resulting solution to drink 1 cup (200 ml) 3 times a day is 20-30 minutes before meals (with increased acidity to drink 1 hour before meals). This treatment is recommended to be combined with the external use of stone oil - in the form of enema: after the cleansing enema to do 1-2 times a week, the enema of the solution prepared from 3 g of stone oil and 1 liter of water (enemas based on stone oil should be alternating with enemas based on medicinal herbs). The course of such combined treatment of ulcerative disease is 1 month.
Cholecystitis, hepatitis
3 g (1 hour spoon) of stone oil dissolve in 1 liters of boiled water and take 1 cup (200 ml) 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals (with increased gastric juice acidity - 1 hour before meals).
5 g of stone oil dissolve in 3 liters of water. Drink the resulting solution 1 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Stomach cancer
3 g of stone oil dissolve in 600 ml of boiled coalwater. Drink the resulting solution of 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. Course treatment - from 3 to 12 months. Introduction to the complex treatment of any oncological diseases of the stone oil is possible only after agreeing with the attending physician!

Diseases of the endocrine system

Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 2 liters of water. The resulting solution to drink 150 ml 3 times a day before meals for 80 days. The course of treatment requires 72 g of stone oil. Insulin to take on the appointment of a doctor and comply with the diet appropriate diabetes. Every 7 days do blood test on sugar.

Diseases of vision organs

Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Drink the resulting solution of 1 tbsp. A spoon 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals (with increased acidity - 1 hour before meals). Also, burn the filtered solution, prepared from 3 g of stone oil and 150 ml of cooled boiled water.

Diseases of the men's urogenital system

Within 1 month, making microclides of 30-40 ml from a warm solution prepared by dissolving 3 g of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water (microclisms to do after pre-cleansing the intestines). Such an external use of stone oil in the treatment of prostatitis should be combined with its internal use according to the following scheme: 3 g of stone oil dissolve in 3 liters of water and drink 1 cup 3 times a day.

Female sexual diseases

Mioma, erosion cervix
Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Take a solution of 200 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals (with increased acidity of gastric juice - 1 hour before meals). Also introduce overnight in the vagina tampon, moistened in a solution prepared from 3 g of stone oil and 500 ml of cooled boiled water. It can also be sinking before sleeping, using 100 ml of a warm solution prepared from 5 g of stone oil and 500 ml of badan badan with a thickness (for the preparation of such a branch of 1 tbsp. A spoon of the roots of the badana pour 500 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes, then strain) . The course of the treatment of myoma and erosion of the cervix according to the described scheme - 15 days.
3 g of stone oil dissolve in 200 ml of water, add to solution 1 hour. Spoonful of honey. Moisten the gauze in the resulting solution and put it in a sore place 2 times a day.
Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 3 liters of water, drink 1 cup 3 times a day.

Urinary System Diseases

Urolithiasis disease
3 g of stone oil dissolve in 1 liters of boiled water. Drink the resulting solution of 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. Such a treatment of urolithiasis with stone oil is most useful to combine with a regular intake of the infusion of the root of the MARENES (for the preparation of such an infusion 1 hour. Spoons of crushed root of Maren Krasya need to pour 200 ml of cold water and give it to brew one night, after which the infusion is in 20 minutes. Then to strain the infusion, add 2 more glasses of boiling water, stir and take this solution throughout the day).
3 g of stone oil dissolve in 1 liters of boiled water. Take the resulting solution of 200 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals (with increased acidity of gastric juice - 1 hour before meals).
Cancer kidney
3 g of stone oil dissolve in 1 liters of boiled water. Take a solution of 200 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of receiving a stone oil is 5-6 months. It is recommended to combine such consumption of stone oil during kidney cancer (1.5 tbsp. Spoons of rubbing to pour 300 ml of boiling water, pecking 1-2 minutes, cool, strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals). Introduction to the complex treatment of any oncological diseases of the stone oil is possible only after agreeing with the attending physician!

PTA cavity diseases

Blooding the gums
Dissolve 2 g of stone oil in 500 ml of boiled water and add 2 tbsp. Glycerin spoons. After eating rinse the mouth first clean water, and then the resulting solution. Such a procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

Diseases of the nervous system

3 g of stone oil to dissolve in 2 liters of water and take 1 cup (200 ml) 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. Such a course of treatment is recommended annually.
Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 150 ml of warm boiled water and add 100 ml of medical alcohol. Folded in several layers of gauze well mixed in the cooked solution, squeeze and attach to the forehead and temples.

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