Feed and tingling in the legs. Causes of the appearance and treatment of burning in the legs

Feed and tingling in the legs. Causes of the appearance and treatment of burning in the legs

Presthesia is a condition when a person feels tingling and numbness next to the peripheral endings, but does not notice any pain symptoms. This condition can continue to disturb the person a short period of time or be permanent. If the heat in the legs occurs often, then this can speak about the presence of neurological diseases. They can occur after systemic ailments, as well as at the end of the reception of some medicines.

Causes of appearance

Everyone knows that feeling when after removing the shoes in the legs unexpectedly arises burning and heat. This condition is associated with incorrectly selected close shoes. But the feeling of burning can occur and due to availability various diseaseswhich require immediate treatment.

Swell his feet in the heat? The reasons for this state can be different:

  • allergic reaction to the material, as well as substances to which legs touch;
  • vascular diseases: varicose veins of veins, atherosclerosis of the lower limb vessels, vegetative dystonia, refrirce of endarteritic, thrombophlebitis;
  • dermatical lesions: fungus, bacterial infection;
  • muscle and bone diseases: flatfoot;
  • violations of functioning nervous system: peripheral form of neuropathy;
  • defeats of the endocrine system: diabetes;
  • difficulties with metabolic processes: Gout;
  • lack of group vitamins in;
  • some difficulties during the baby tool;
  • not related to diseases of the state: fatigue, long-term footling on the legs.

Fatigue and overwork

If there is a feeling of heat in the legs, then the disease is not always the reason for this. If the legs are burning in the evening, and if this happens because the person moved a lot throughout the day, then there is no point in talking about the disease. The reason in this case is the pressure on the vessels. If the legs throughout the day are in an uncomfortable or close shoe, then the veins are narrowed, and in the evening, when the shoes are finally removed, there is a sharp expansion of the vessels and blood flow to the legs. It is for this reason that the heat appears in the foot and in the foot in the evening and night.

In most cases, if after a hard day, pain and burning appear, it is important to pay attention to the possible progression of the disease of the foot vessels.

Physical and emotional overwork, nerves and fatigue - another common cause of heat in the legs.

Improving condition

In the heat swell legs, what to do? If the burning in the leg did not arise due to the presence of some disease, there would be simple ways to cope with the unpleasant sensations. From the feeling of heat in the leg you can get rid of:

  1. Take a contrasting shower either prepare contrasting baths for your feet: pour feet feet warm and cold water In order of alternation, either lower the legs in the container with different temperatures. It is important to remember that the water in the pelvits should not be too hot or cold. The whole procedure should not bring concern and unpleasant sensations. The contrasting shower should be taken over 15-20 minutes, after which it is best to apply a moisturizing cream with a cooling effect.
  2. To ensure the best influx of blood to the feet, you need to lift the legs above the head and leave them in this position for 10 minutes. Another one can smear the legs with cream, the application should occur from the fingertips upwards.
  3. Effective soothing means are baths (or row) with the addition of herbs: wormwood, hops, chamomile, calendula. For cooking, there are several tablespoons of dry ingredients and is filled with a liter of hot water. After cooling herbal infusion, the legs are placed in a pelvis for 20 minutes.
  4. If the leg throws into the heat, you can perform a pair of light exercises: bend and instill your fingers, twist the feet clockwise and counterclockwise. Such actions will provide the best blood circulation and eliminate the feeling of burning.
  5. To get rid of burning, you can use the massage. To do this, it is necessary to confuse the surface of the foot in the direction of the fingers to the heel, gently pulling each finger. For massage exists a large number of Special plastic mass makers. You can apply the following materials: pebbles, buckwheat, peas, small pebbles. To do this, they need to pour them into a separate basin and simply fiercked for some time.

Vascular diseases

Why in the leg of the heat? In varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and other vascular lesions, the process of blood circulation in tissues is significantly violated, and muscles are atrophy, and ischemic changes occur.

If the unpleasant feelings in the legs occur due to vessel pathologies, then the main symptoms are additionally added:

  • legume of legs;
  • leg numbness above and below the knee;
  • feeling of cutting vessels.

Treatment of such diseases should be controlled by a doctor. In some cases, the operation may be required.

Problems with endocrine system

Often swelling and heat in the legs and arms appear in the presence of the disease of the endocrine system. Most often it happens with diabetes mellitus. Such a disease affects the vessels throughout the body, including the lower part of the leg, which leads to various complications and state called "Diabetic Stop".

The main symptom of this syndrome is a feeling of burning on one or two feet at once. Later on the site of the location of the lesion can be formed ulcers that are difficult to treat. In the launched situation, the defeat can lead to limb amputation.

With endocrine disorders, the metabolism in the body is significantly worse. Such a defeat leads to the fact that the skin of the feet, especially in the heel area, begins to become thinner, is covered with numerous cracks. Treatment of such troubles need to trust a professional.

Fungal defeat and heredity

The burning sensation may occur with infectious or fungal lesions of the legs. With fungus, the greatest impact goes on the nails and fingers. In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and pass a full course of medicinal treatment.

Another factor of the appearance of pain in the heads in the heat is heredity. In this case, we are talking about genes that are responsible for the reproduction of proteins. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of unpleasant sensations as a result of heredity, but you can noticeably suppress symptoms.

Heat during pregnancy

Unpleasant symptoms associated with burning in feet can occur during pregnancy. Symptoms of discomfort when carrying a child are not related to the disease and are associated with an increase in the weight of a woman, circulatory impairment in the legs and severe fatigue during the walking.

Allergic reaction

Often unpleasant symptoms in the feet appear as a result of an allergic reaction to the substances with which the skin's skin inverted. At the same time, a person is present not only burning, but also a characteristic allergic rash, which is localized in places in contact with the skin with an allergen.

The cause of such symptoms may be certain substances and materials:

  • the material from which shoes are made;
  • shoe insoles, socks and tights;
  • shoe glue used in production;
  • various leather care products, which in humans have increased sensitivity.

In some cases, patients complain to the doctors on an allergic reaction only on certain shoes. Most often discomfort is manifested due to poor-quality material. In some cases, unpleasant sensations appear after a long wearing rubber, silicone and dermatinal shoes, which does not meet the basic requirements of the GOST.

In addition, the allergic reaction can provoke the use of different cosmetics for leg care, including creams for depilation, special moisturizers, auto markets.


To the feeling of burning in the legs, especially in the evening and before bedtime, in most cases lead:

  • long-term walking during the day or standing in one place;
  • physical exertion to which the organism is not used;
  • wearing shoes not in size (too free or, on the contrary, too narrow), as well as shoes with a high heel.

All described processes lead to the extension of the vessels below the region of the knees and their spasm. At the same time, the strengthened blood supply to the foot tissues occurs, which provokes an unpleasant feeling of burning. Especially strongly, such a reaction is expressed from those representatives of the finest floor, which throughout the day are on high heels.

Treatment of feet and caviar

Most often, when any unpleasant symptoms appear, a person is trying to eliminate her independently, not referring to a specialist. This approach is considered completely incorrect and can lead to serious complications.

If the feet feet are constantly burning and harvested, it is important to immediately go to the doctor to identify the exact cause and the preparation of proper treatment. Also, it is also mandatory to visit the doctor if the burning appeared in the first time, but with it there are additional symptoms:

  • changing the color of the legs;
  • evenum appears and sensitivity is due;
  • microcracks are visible, dry skin dry;
  • the presence of erosive lesions of the feet;
  • the appearance on the legs of allergic rashes and ulcers for incomprehensible reasons.

If the cause of such an unpleasant state is allergic, it is important to immediately determine the pathogen and stop contact with it. After that, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

If the woman puts out a child either spends the whole day in motion, and in addition to the burning in the legs there are no symptoms, then to improve the overall state, you need to do the following events:

  • place your legs in a bath with heated water (add marine salt or medicinal herbs);
  • make a light relaxing massage;
  • apply a moisturizing cream on the skin;
  • during the rest, lift the legs up, putting more pillows under them.

When the legs and foot suffer

The best prevention of unpleasant pain and feelings in the legs is wearing comfortable shoes and regular hygienic care. Every day, experts recommend doing special baths, contrasting druents with water.

If after visiting the specialist it was determined that the disease led to unpleasant symptoms, then it is important to treat it the root cause:

  • with vascular diseases - to start receiving veotonics, anti-inflammatory means of nonsteroidal origin, wearing compression underwear;
  • in the presence of allergies - the reception of desensitizing agents for local and systematic exposure;
  • infection - anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal medicines, to take funds strictly after consulting a doctor.

Rubs between her legs

Get rid of rubbing between the legs in one day will not work. Almost every woman is familiar with an unpleasant feeling when it rubs in hot time. Irritation on the skin between the thighs appears as a result of two reasons: feet when walking rubs about a friend or skin on the legs too wet.

To quickly eliminate the symptom, it is best to use additional tools that will help at least damage the problem. In the heat rubs between the legs. What to do?

Plipping and antiperspirant

You can use a baby powder with an antiseptic effect. It is necessary to apply the tool on clean and dry skin. With active sweating, the powder absorbs excess moisture and rolls into lumps, leaving the skin with dry and slippery. The effect of powder continues until the entire powder does not absorb moisture. For people living in different climatic zones, the effect of such a means will last differently.

The main difference between the antiperspirant from deodorant is that it affects the sweat, and not on the smell. For applying means between legs, it is best to use antiperscript-aerosols. The aerosol must be applied to the skin with a thin layer, and for drying it is necessary to give it a couple of seconds. It is best to perform their task antiperspirants with the effect of powder. After drying, they turn into a thin dry layer, with the help of which the friction between the legs is reduced.

W. ordinary person During the day, the muscles of the legs are tested up to a thousand cuts, and the joints are flexible, exaggerated to several hundred times. Such loads often provoke various inflammations, one of the symptoms of which is burning in the legs. Such a phenomenon also often signals the development of various internal pathologies. Treatment of this state is possible only after proper diagnosis. What does the goosebump run on the lower limb? What therapy is better to use? Read below.

Why "burn" limbs

Such an unpleasant symptom like burning in the legs may occur for various reasons. Not always his appearance means any disease. If the pain and burning in the legs arose suddenly, then this may be a consequence of overwork due to long walking, standing, wearing weights or legipulation of legs. Also, legs can numb, swells the ankle, if the lower limbs are in an inconvenient position for a long time, while changing the position of the numbness immediately replaces the unpleasant feeling of burning, tingling, shivering, as if large goosebumps flew on the leg.

Uncomfortable shoes can squeeze the leg, high heel It causes fatigue feet and burning in caviar of the legs, in the ankles, often bake the feet, the pain in the fingers is felt.

Physiologically regular burning in the muscles of the legs is considered during pregnancy, when the fetus in the second and third trimester has a strong pressure on the internal organs of a woman and maybe the nervous roots, as a result of which a woman feels that her legs "bake" and "burn".

The feeling of burning in the legs can be caused by both serious diseases of the body, for example, such a symptom often accompanies the development of diabetes mellitus or gouts, when nerve endings and vessels of the lower extremities are damaged, which causes soreness of the legs.

Other reasons that can cause burning in hand and legs:

  • Incixing of the body (poisoning to toxins, medical preparations, due to alcoholism).
  • Mind as complication after ARVI, influenza.
  • Varicose expansion of the lower extremities (most often the pathology accompanies burning in his leg below the knee), education in the veins of thrombus.
  • Lack of vitamins of group V.
  • Inflammation of nerve roots due to radiculitis.
  • Autoimmune diseases (for example, Guillana Barre syndrome).

Luggage in limbs may occur when thrombov occurs.

After chemotherapy in patients, a number of complications arise as a result of the mass death of normal cells. Sick strong sick, headache, hair falls out, and it is also observed itching and burning on the legs. However, these symptoms after chemotherapy in most cases quickly disappear, and a person feels good again. Although little weakness can accompany it within two weeks after chemotherapy.

Neuropathologists are very often burning in the muscles of the legs associating with the development of polyneuropathy, which rarely happens to be an independent disease, most often it accompanies various internal pathologies, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, malignant tumors, AIDS. Also, polyneuropathy, which is characterized not only by pain and sensation of burning in the muscles of the legs, but also swelling of the hands and legs, redness of the skin, sensitivity disorders, convulsions, and even paralysis, can provoke allergies, mechanical damage, low hormone levels thyroid gland, Lyme disease.

Also, a person can feel burning in the feet of legs when the legs and nail plates are damaged to the fungus.

The legs are also baked, it is scratching and hatching in the place of the fracture due to damage to the nerve fibers.

Coxarthrosis - Arthrosis affects the femoral joint, the disease is characterized by pain and burning on the inner and front upper surface of the legs, gives in the thigh, often unpleasant sensations are transmitted in groin (between the legs), buttocks and slightly above the knee. Moreover, pain in peace is not felt, but occurs when you get up and while walking. Coxarthrosis seriously worsens the quality of life, many joys - sports, long-term walks in air, swimming, full sex - become inaccessible.

The burning in the legs may appear because of the infection of fungus.


For the right and successful treatment of burning in legs and hands, you must first diagnose the true cause. Make it happens difficult. Since these symptoms accompany a number of diseases, the doctor must conduct a complete examination of the patient and after diagnosis to establish how to treat a disease that provoked burning in the legs, in a foot, knees, ankles and muscles. Testing may include:

  1. General and biochemical blood test, determination of blood sugar.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Electromiography. At the same time, the doctor estimates the electrical activity of the muscles of the legs using the probe, which can be applied to the skin on the left or right foot, is inserted into the muscle.
  4. The study of the conductivity of the nerve (the left and right and right departments of the brain are separately studied, their ability to transmit pulses).
  5. Muscle or nerve biopsy for more detailed study.

If the doctor suspects that pain and burning in the legs are caused by polyneuropathy, then a lumbal puncture can be carried out for laboratory Analysis cerebrospinal fluid. To diagnose can sometimes help x-ray research or an ultrasound of internal organs.

Since the most likely the reason that a person feels burning stop legs, is the damage to a fungal infection, the doctor can take the skin scraping for diagnosis.

How to get rid of an unpleasant feeling

How to cure pain in your feet? The causes of this pathology can be different, it is from them that the course of treatment depends. If a starting factor was the banal fatigue of the legs or uncomfortable shoes, then the treatment is reduced only to several points: it is necessary to wear comfortable shoes and boots, and people will help - in the evening to do at the same time for two legs 15-minute herbal bath from warm brave calendula, Hyveric, Celestial or medicinal chamomile, after a long walk to try 5-10 minutes to raise the legs above the chest (on the pillow or roller) to restore blood circulation. Such techniques, as a rule, immediately remove the fatigue of the legs, soothe pain in the muscles of the legs, warn the development of varicose veins. Very good for the night to lubricate the feet gel to the health of the vessels - Veniton, Lioton, Troksevazin. Gel need to be applied easily, having a soft pressure on the inflamed and blusted plot.

If the pain in the legs occurs because of fatigue, it is recommended to take a foot bath.

The treatment of burning in the legs should be comprehensive:

  • It is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the symptom development, that is, the treatment of pathology that provoked burning and soreness in the muscles of the legs.
  • Symptomatic to facilitate the condition of the patient and remove the unpleasant painful feeling of burning feet.

If the reason for the appearance of burning in the legs, the vascular pattern, the veins of the veins under the knee, in the field of the shin, which disappears the lower limb, becomes varicose conservative methods Treatment may not help, and surgical intervention will need. By the way, according to statistics, a woman is 2 times more often suffering from varicose veins than a man, due to the physiological and anatomical differences between representatives of the beautiful and strong half of humanity.

If the leg begins to be at the bottom, which accompany the irritation and redness of the skin, peeling and strong itching stop and between the fingers of the legs, the burning soles of the legs, this signals the fungal defeat of the feet feet. The only way to get rid of painful symptoms is to cure a fungus with special ointments. Unfortunately, fungal infections often give relapses, as reported by the resumed burning of the feet and severe itch. In this case, treatment is carried out by re-stronger drugs.

After chemotherapy calm the burning and pain in the muscles will help analgesics. It is necessary to take them only after agreeing with the attending physician, since the body after chemotherapy is very weak and is infected with infection, can unforeseerately react to any medical preparation.

Why can still torment the burning in the legs below the knee? Causes can be wounded in a lack of vitamins of group B. The daily need for these vitamins for adults on average is from 1.3 to 2.6 mg, which depends on the floor, age and lifestyle. Reducing the consumption rate leads to a shortage of group vitamins in and various violations in the body, including it is also manifested by muscle pains, cramps, numbers. Fix the situation is easy: you just need to balance the diet, turn on in your diet products rich in group vitamins in: cranberry, raisins, green vegetables, cereal and legumes, liver, beef and fish, chicken eggs, nuts and sunflower seeds. In advanced cases, treatment is reduced to the reception of polyvitamin drugs.

A large number of people on Earth suffer from different pathologies in the lower limbs. And only 60% appeals to clarify the causes of the uncomfortable state. Coming to a consultation to a specialist, patients often complain about burning in the legs below the knees. This situation is common among people of working age and in the elderly.

Causes of factors

When a person "burns" the lower limbs below either above the knee joints, such a uncomfortable state delivers difficulties and violates the usual level of life. To feel the former ease by eliminating painful signs, it should be understood as the cause of the emergence and development of an unpleasant feeling. The causal list is quite numerous, both local disorders in the surface tissues of the legs (skin) and several deep patizations that affect vascular, nervous, endocrine systems:

  • Injury.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • The pathology of the knee articular joint.
  • Pathprocesses in connective tissue.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Tumor education.

Symptomatic picture

Evaluation of manifestations acts as a decisive stage in clinical diagnostics. However, such an approach in diagnosing helps to assume a causal disease. Appreciating a uncomfortable feeling as a symptom, you should pay attention to its special characteristics:

  1. Location.
  2. Prevalence.
  3. Intensity.
  4. The frequency of occurrence.
  5. Duration.
  6. Communication with any factors.

An unpleasant feeling in the limb is difficult to miss, even ignore, however, patients are often written off on ordinary overvoltage and tired state. If this begins to disturb often, the more constantly, then most likely that without medical care is not to do. The specialist collects all manifestations together, burning in the legs in combination with other signs. Therefore, it is necessary to approximately know the most frequently encountered underlying, accompanied by the "burning" feeling in the legs below the knees.


The influence of mechanical nature, stretching, violation of the integrity of ligaments and muscle fibers, bruises, fractures, and dislocations can be the causal factor in the development of a uncomfortable state. In this case, the appearance of signs is mainly happening in the first day. Other manifestations are:

  • Swelling of the injured leg.
  • Wounds in the form of abrasion, bruises, hematoma.
  • Deformation of the limb (above the knee joint or in it).
  • The abnormal position of the limbs.
  • Limited motion.
  • Fooling sensation during palpation.

Usually due to injuries, the damaged leg is "burning". And in the case of the presence of numbness, you can assume damage to the peripheral nerve beams.

Injuries are a common cause of harsh diseases and burning sensations that are associated with damage to soft and bone structures, articular joints.


Such "burning" discomfort often felt patients with polyneuropathy. Most are diagnosed with endocrine pathologies (mainly diabetes mellitus). Additionally, there are other manifestations of damage to neural fibers:

  • Stable and intense pain.
  • Numbness, tingling, "crawling goosebumps."
  • Trophic transformations of skin cover.

Usually, distal legs are involved at the beginning. Usually, in the case of the subsequent progression of pathology, they are involved in pathpotesses and other areas of peripheral NA.

Vascular disease

Such discomfort is characteristic mainly for the formation of venous or arterial thrombotic clots. In case of hemattock disorder, the following symptomatics is possible:

  • Severity and fatigue in the limbs.
  • Edema of a holing part and a feet.
  • Cyanotic coloring of the skin.

When disorders in the arterial system, the leg becomes a pale color, cold when feeling, the pulse in some areas is reduced. On the derm cover there are transformations that are associated with the disorder of the tissue nutrition, in the form of dryness, spots, hair loss, ulcerative damage.


The caused factor can also become vertebrogenic pathology - osteochondrosis. The wedge of the Ieshi picture occurs in combination with lumboy walling, resulting from the compression of the sedlicate nerve beam. In this case, the picture is as follows:

  • Painting, irradiating from the back to the foot.
  • Paresthesia in the form of tingling, numbness, "crawling goosebumps."
  • Hypressitivity.
  • Disorder of tendon reflexes.
  • Reduced miotonus in the leg.

During the physical inspection, limited mobility in the lumbar region is seen, with palpration, there is a voltage of muscle groups and pain points along the spinal column. Physiological lordosis smoothes, a breaking of gait.


To reveal the cause of discomfort to help instrumental methods. Considering the multiplicity of possible states, various laboratory and instrumental techniques should be carried out:

  1. Biochemical blood test (glucose, coagulogram, inflammatory process markers, revomments, etc.).
  2. X-raysence.
  3. Uz-study of soft tissues and vascular network.
  4. CT and MRI.
  5. Neuromiography.

Therapeutic approach

The whole treatment diagram depends entirely on the diagnosis of the diagnosis, more precisely, from the type of basic pathology and includes:

  1. Drugs:
    • (Dicloberl, Movied).
    • Miorolaxizing means (Siridolud, Middokalm).
    • Vitamin complexes (Milgamma).
    • Angioprotectors (Actovegin) and Venotonics (Detralex) ..
    • Antiagregants (Kuraltil).
    • Antioxidant preparations (Mexidol, Berlition).

    These medicines can be accepted both in the tablet and external means (ointment, gels, etc.). In especially severe cases, even resort to blockades with hormonal and anesthetics components.

  2. Physiotherapeutic treatment:
    • Phone and electrophoresis.
    • Magneto-, laser, reflexo, cryo, water and mudtoherapy.
    • UHF therapy.
  3. Massage and leafc.

Appears in the elderly. This is due to the fact that at that age the resistance of the body is reduced to various causative agents of diseases. In medicine, this condition is called "Hopalan syndrome". With such a defeat, malaise is often accompanied by the following symptoms: a sense of gravity, pain syndrome, in some cases acute itch. The burning in the footsteps is only stronger at night.

Causes of defeat

Why foot feet and fingers bake? The causes can serve both exogenous and endogenous factors. If there is a heat in the lower limbs, you should consider all possible diseases. If the bake of the foot feet, the reasons may be such:

  • allergic reactions in response to carrying poor-quality shoes or improper size, as well as after applying cosmetics;
  • foot diseases that affect the vascular system - varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • infectious diseases, fungal lesions;
  • the presence of flatfoot of different shapes;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • sugar diabetes;
  • gout;
  • failure in the body of the vitamins of the group in;
  • problems with a hormonal background during pregnancy;
  • long walking and arrival on the legs;
  • strong physical exertion on the limbs.

To accurately determine why bake and hurt feet feet, it is important to fully consult a doctor who will hold all the required diagnostics and will be effective treatment. The burning in the heels does not apply to independent fear, most often such a state appears when pathological processes begin in the human body.

Basic pathological processes

If the bake of the foot feet, the causes of the pathological nature are as follows:

  • infection;
  • damage to the spinal cranial nerve;
  • onychomicosis (when the feeling of burning is present only in the fingers and nails);
  • the weakening of the vascular muscles, due to the coordinate changes in the hormonal background;
  • strong loads on the lower limbs when set to a large amount of excess weight;
  • blood clots in the venous or vascular system, which also provoke an unpleasant feeling in the sole of the legs.

Also, such a process may arise if, after transferring a serious disease or long-term treatment with drugs, a large number of toxins accumulated, which negatively act on the nerve endings.

Before conducting therapeutic activities, it is very important to identify the exact cause of the disease in otherwise You can only worsen the condition and provoke complications. If baked feet feet, causes and treatment will be directly dependent on each other.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes and synthetic linen can lead to the appearance of allergies in a person who is more susceptible to it. Often such processes arise as a result of the response of the body on the insoles from the poor-quality material. Subsequently throughout the day, and especially at night, a person feels unreasoning and strong burning in the sole. Also, tights in a child can also lead to such a state.

In addition, the soles and heels of legs begin the oven, further occurs heavy itching, as well as red rash. Such a reaction may appear on bad material from which things are created directly contacting the skin of the legs.

It should be noted that allergies in humans can also provoke some cosmetic and pharmacy drugsused to reduce the selection of sweat or nail care and heels. In this case, characteristic itching and multiple redness appears on the legs.

Allergy treatment

What if you bake feet feet with allergies? To begin with, it is important to identify the root cause of a negative reaction. If the feeling of burning in the fingers is felt very strong, and there is also a pronounced symptoms, then for treatment should begin the reception of antihistamine drugs. They are used orally in the form of tablets or apply to the surface of the skin in the form of ointments, gel or spray.

With varicose veins

The symptoms discussed by us often occurs in varicose veins. Surface veins are greatly expanded, increase in the amount in certain areas, most often in the lower parts of the limbs. As a result, the feeling of burning in the foot appears. As you can see, the disease is quite serious. It is worth considering its causes and treatment. Bake feet feet? So, the following factors led to this:

  • heredity;
  • frequent injury to stop, for example, when working professional sports or raising heavy items;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in connection with professional activities a person in which he has a long time to occupy an uncomfortable position, stand or walk;
  • reception of certain drugs, as well as contraceptives.

Clinical picture of defeat

In varicosera, the disease is usually begins with swelling and feeling of gravity at the bottom of the legs, characteristic burning occurs in caviar. On the surface of the skin there may be traces of clothing or shoes, the increased in the amount of veins is strongly discharged. A comprehensive and effective treatment of varicose veins will be able only to a doctor after a careful diagnosis of the patient. If necessary, the patient is prescribed the therapy adjustment.

Most often, the doctor prescribes treatment with medication, laser and therapy to get rid of the disease and its symptoms. Sometimes you have to resort to surgical intervention. In mandatory, each patient makes a diet that helps reduce the weight if necessary. Also good therapeutic effect can be achieved from sclerotherapy.

Fungal infection

If the bake of the left leg stop, then, most likely, the fungus led to such a state. The main symptom of infection is a feeling of burning in the nails, heels, footsteps. You can infect infection in public places either when contacting with a sick person, wearing his shoes, socks.

At the first stage of development, the symptoms of the disease are manifested in peeling of the skin, red rash, burning, after which the legs begin to be covered with small cracks and provoke pain syndrome. If infection goes to the nails, they soon acquire a yellowish color, begin to collapse and peel.

The burning is becoming a sign of the exacerbation of the disease. Treatment will appoint a specialist. When damaged, the fungal infection should not be attempted to eliminate the problem independently, as this may not bring the result, but only take time time. Comprehensive therapy is required here: receiving local means, drugs, careful feet care, improvement of the diet. At the same time, all patient's shoes should be treated with anti-grab drugs. Legs should be smeared with special creams, the composition of which will help to overcome the arms of the fungus and stop their further distribution.

If the stopping stop of the right foot, then special attention should be paid to such a disease as diabetes mellitus. This defeat is described by a decrease in the human body of insulin or its complete absence. Why bake feet feet? When exposed to glucose hormones, it is properly distributed in the blood and in the desired quantity is absorbed by cells. If the insulin is not produced in the body in the right amount, the level of sugar increases significantly, which results in problems with the work of the vascular system.

A person has a painful syndrome in his feet, a feeling of burning appears when walking. With the exacerbation of the disease, the legs continue to burn and oven, even at rest. The skin is pale, and their fingers swell, become blue.

Possible complications

With this state, a person is very important to seek help to a doctor. If the doctor revealed sugar diabetes, then he appoints a comprehensive and long course of treatment. With the help of adhesive drugs, it is possible to restore blood glucose levels. To avoid the rapid propagation of bacteria and suppress the speed of their reproduction, it is necessary to carefully comply with the leg hygiene and monitor their condition. With the unwise of proper treatment on the legs of a person, trophic ulcers may occur, as well as suppuration.

Supported endarterite

Such a disease is characterized by infectious character and passes against the background of circulatory disorders. As a result of such processes on the lower extremities, there is a sense of numbness, as well as burning in the sole. In the development of illness, a person may have a chromota, as well as convulsions in the ion muscles.

Throughout the day, the sick feels an unpleasant burning sensation, and at night, in the night, the feeling of gravity, strong fatigue and extensive edema joined the admiration.


If you do not start the right treatment at a given disease and continue to ignore the problem, it is soon on the legs an embodent. When eliminating the disease, the doctor prescribes therapeutic procedures that help strengthen the tone of venous and vascular walls, as well as to improve the process of blood circulation. Medicines are prescribed along with physiotherapy. At the started lesion stage, surgery is prescribed.

What to do a person if it is bothering unpleasant symptoms, and is it still unknown about the methods of treatment and causes? Bake feet feet? Then you can apply some methods of alternative medicine. Read about it below.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the patient begins to feel the burning and painful syndrome, then it must determine which additional symptoms it is worried. After self-diagnosis, you should take advice from a doctor. If manifestations cannot be attributed to any systemic disease, and they do not pass within a week, it requires a thorough treatment.

The doctor will hold a comprehensive inspection, and will also give a direction to a narrow professional, which will help accurately determine the cause of burning in the sole and appoint the therapy.

So far, comprehensive treatment is not assigned, the patient can facilitate its state with folk methods:

  1. A positive effect can be achieved from contrasting procedures: in the shower for 20 minutes it should be alternately pouring each leg that is cold, then warm water.
  2. You can use baths with therapeutic herbs. It is best for such a procedure to apply wormwoods, a lime, chamomile and calendula, which are characterized by their anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare the brave, take 2 tablespoons of grass and poured a liter of water. The cooled remedy is filled and coated to room temperature.
  3. Also, for the bath you can cook a decoction from the winds of the Willow and Cryes of Hop. Such tinctures are quite useful as compresses. They smeach cotton fabric and wrapping her caviar and feet, leave for 30 minutes.
  4. After conducting procedures, you should lubricate the legs with a menthol in the composition. The remedy is applied in the bottom up.
  5. With vascular diseases good result You can achieve if you raise your legs. For example, put them above the bed level.
  6. Improve blood circulation in the footsteps is well obtained by massage.
  7. You can overclock the blood of blood through simple gymnastics. This method is particularly convenient when delighted from burning at home. To do this, alternately bend and blend fingers, and after turning the feet in different directions.
  8. To restore normal blood flow, it is recommended to apply the tincture of hawthorn and flowers of horse chestnut.

All methods described will help eliminate the symptoms of malaise for some time. But only they are prohibited, it is important to visit the doctor in the near future and start the therapy appointed by them.

The burning in the legs is not a disease, but a symptom of the disease. This may indicate a serious pathology that must be treated. It doesn't matter the pain once or present constantly, to the doctor (rheumatologist, neurologist or therapist) must be applied.

Caused factors capable of bringing burning in legs

The reasons can cause burning sensations in the lower limbs somewhat . They are classified on:

  • External, they are also called external.
  • Internal.

The first factors include not comfortable, squeezing shoes; Hosiery and pants not natural, but synthetic material; The specialty associated with constant finding on the legs.

The internal factors include:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Sugar in the blood above the norm.
  3. Avitaminosis. Special attention is given to the lack of vitamins of group V.
  4. Pathology of the vascular system.
  5. Pathology caused by impaired innervation (violation of the function of nerves). This is usually due to the transferred injuries at which the brain is affected. This leads to the disturbed passage of nerve impulses.
  6. The lesion of the skin on the legs caused by fungal microclocks.

What pathological processes are evidenced by burning sensations in the legs

The sensation of burning can be diagnosed:

  1. With diabetes mellitus.
  2. With varicose extension of the extensions of the lower extremities.
  3. With fungal damage to the legs.
  4. With prostate gland prostate or inflammation.
  5. With the disease of the spinal column - osteochondrosis.
  6. With vegetative dystonia (VD).
  7. In neurosis.
  8. With hereditary predisposition.
  9. During pregnancy.


Sugar diabetes is characterized by a symptom of diabetic neuropathy, which occurs due to the defeat of the vessels of the capillary network. Their defeat leads to the fact that the nerve endings begin to bloodsly bloodsly. As a result, the patient appears a feeling of "running" goosebumps, tingling and burning. If you click on the toes, the pain spreading from the foot and above occurs.


With varicose veins, there are also other symptoms: the swelling of the lower extremities, which manifests itself by the end of the day, the vascular stars, the muscles convulsions that appear more often at night. In the caviar of the legs, there is a pain or sense of cutting.

Fungus - what does it mean?

If a fungus appears, then the clinical picture has the following characteristics:

  1. In place of education, the fungus appears a feeling of burning and itching.
  2. Symptoms are present throughout the day.
  3. The disease does not pass independently. If a timely not starting antifungal therapy, the clinical picture becomes brighter.

With prostatitis

If a man has a history of prostatitis, then the following manifestations are possible:

  1. In the projection of the inner part of the hip there are painful pain. At the same time, patients talk about the feeling of squeezing vessels.
  2. In the legs below the knee felt a burning sensation and sharply, as if burning fire.
  3. Pain symptom is not always present. He appears spontaneously and goes in itself.

With osteochondrosis

The disease osteochondrosis is characterized by the painfulness of the lumbar zone, gradually the pain begins to spread towards the thighs and to the ionic muscles. Usually, only one of the lower extremities is included in the pathological process. In addition to pain, there is a chromotype, muscle convulsions, weakness in the legs and numbness of the lower half of the body. During movement, tingling and burning above are the knee.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia

ITR is characterized by burning sensations of different localization (in the legs, torso, upper limbs, legs), but more often is still observed in the legs. With this disease, patients note enhanced weakness, fast fatigue, sleep problems. They are thrown into the heat, then in the cold. Sweet glands work more active than the usual, which leads to increased sweating. Hands and feet with IRS are always cold.


In neurosis, pain most often appear in the joints of the lower extremities. Such patients step on their feet with caution, since there is a feeling of paralysis of the legs. They have a uncertain and shaky gait. They cannot walk and even stand for a long time. Symptoms usually manifest themselves on the tissues below the knee and are characterized by numbness, feeling squeezing and burning as if nettle burned.

In pregnant women

During pregnancy, burning in the legs appears not all. This is usually a manifestation of gestosis (complications) on late time Pregnancy. T. The disease is characterized by strong edema and increase in pressure, vessels and deterioration in the blood supply to the lower limb tissues. This leads to pains and burning.


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