Bar rack do it yourself for the kitchen. How to make a bar rack in a cafe or restaurant: Rules that are important to know! What you need to take into account in the work

Bar rack do it yourself for the kitchen. How to make a bar rack in a cafe or restaurant: Rules that are important to know! What you need to take into account in the work

The very idea of \u200b\u200binstalling bar racks in apartments and homes came to Russia from Europe and America, where you often have these elements are used as dinner tables. For traditional Russian family dinners and dinners such a small and uncomfortable space, of course, does not fit. However, many bachelors living in a rapid rhythm and only breakfast in the apartment have long appreciated the practicality of the bar racks.

There are many different models of this unusual and multifunctional interior object. And the initial role of the food table is not the only one for a long time. Bar racks quickly loved designers using them for the purpose of lung and practical zoning space. In open apartments, the Studios Bar Stand is the perfect way to separate the kitchen from the living room. If there are very few spaces, then the rack itself can become a two-tier to perform the function of the table and the working area.

In addition, in the lower (and sometimes in the upper) part of the rack, storage systems are located. Classic filling of the top: glasses and decorative elements, the bar is usually located below. The owners of small studio apartments are trying to optimally use the space, so they often fill the inside of the bar counter with dishes or other kitchen utensils.

Bar rack made of plasterboard do it yourself

Plasterboard - the material is quite fragile and heavy, but it is very easy and easy to work with it, that is why it is very popular with "home masters". Make a simple bar rack from drywall is easy. Why start?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the rack and its size. After that, the necessary dimensions are purchased materials for creating a frame. Most often for drywall use the frame from the profile. It is also easy to work with it, it is plastic enough and at the same time very durable. The design itself should turn out to be as tough as possible. It is best to mount the angles from the whole profile, making small cuts on the sides. Do not forget about the ribs of stiffness that will make the design stable and reliable. Only fully making sure the frame can be proceeded with plasterboard. Slices need to be cut off under the size of the frame itself. But it is necessary to fasten so that the hats of the self-tapping screws are slightly "left" in the plasterboard. Then they will be invisible after the finishing works.

After completion of the main works, you can start "Cleaner". The joints close up, the places where the self-tapping screws are sweeping. After drying, they can be performed to the perfect state. The ends also recommend to treat grinding paper.

Then the entire surface of the bar rack is ground. The layer must completely dry, then the paint will fall smoothly and beautiful. It remains to install a countertop.

Bar rack made of wood do it yourself

An exclusive rack made of wood will become a real decoration of the apartment or at home. To work on it you will need a saw, drill, jigsaw and plans. First you need to decide on the size of the Bar Rack itself. From these dimensions, of course, the dimensions of all parts will depend.

For example, for a size rack, one 1000 millimeters long, 300 millimeters width and 1200 millimeters high.

This will require:

  • 1 base 1000x300 millimeters;
  • 1 tabletop 1000x300 millimeters;
  • 1 inner shelf 950x250 millimeters;
  • 2 side walls 1200х300 millimeters;
  • 1 Rear wall 1200x1000 millimeters.

Side walls need to be connected to the rear so that straight angles are formed at the junction. Furniture assembly specialists recommend using not only screws, but also furnace glue to increase product strength.

Then this design is fixed to the tabletop (from above) and the base (bottom) is also glue and screws. It is possible to increase the rigidity of the structure using the internal racks that are made from ordinary wooden bars. After that, the shelf is mounted inside the bar rack.

You can leave the design in such a "pristine" form or reveal it with varnish.

Bar rack made of bricks with your own hands

If you want to make a truly solidar bar, then pay attention to the heavy, but very durable material. The brick is ideal for the racks of the "Island" type, which are standing separately from the wall. They can be located in any part of the apartment and perform the role of separator.

To install such a design, you will need brick and cement mortar. The basis is executed, as a rule, in the form of a parallelepiped. Gently lay out the brick on each other, hook elements with a solution.

The masters recommend using a red facing brick that does not require additional processing. But you can also take advantage of any other type of building brick. In this case, the design will noticeably add in weight. This factor must be considered, having previously calculated the strength of the floors and general weight Designs. Do not forget that heavy items can stand on the bar rack itself, so it is necessary to calculate the limit, based on the maximum load. In many apartments of the "Old Fund", the floors may not withstand such a load. We recommend that you think about this problem in advance. An interesting bar desk with your own hands a photo can work out if you "apply" it in the interior of the room.

In addition, the brick of any other type will need to additionally plaster so that it does not "lish." This process will also require skill and time. From the advantages of this material you can allocate high sustainability of the final design. You can put a tabletop from a natural or artificial stone, a brick base will result in such a mass. However, the thick wooden stove will look no worse.

Bar rack do it yourself: photo and video

A classic bar stand is a narrow and fairly high table barrier located in a pety shop. It is convenient to rely on it to standing people or those who are sitting on special chairs. Due to the convenience and practicality, these designs are imperceptible and gradually entered the life of many people, finding their place often in the kitchens.

Designers are used a large number of Different techniques and techniques to design the bar counter racks. Do it yourself such structures under the power not to every home master. However, inspired by the ideas of professionals and armed with instructions, it is possible to create a simple and functional rack from the tree, chipboard or other available material.

What are the bar racks and for what they serve

If there is enough space in the room, this design will serve in direct intended: people with drinks and snacks will be located near it. Many note that the bar counter is for the kitchen (they do it on their own hands on a pre-prepared project) is indispensable for breakfast and snacks with coffee.

The specificity of such racks in their equipment: it is impossible to do without holders for glasses, fuels and various glasses, shelves for juices, bottles and other similar elements.

The classic bar counter for the kitchen (with their own hands it can be done only if there are special tools) have several options for support:

  • Wall.
  • Side edge of kitchen furniture.
  • Separately standing element (island).

Bar racks for small rooms

The width of the rack should not be less than 30 cm. This is due common sense: If the countertop is already, it will be difficult for it to put plates, and it will be problematic.

It is believed that the width is 50-60 cm optimal and convenient. In this case, it turns out really practical bar desk at home in the kitchen (with your own hands collected or ordered in the cabin).

For convenience, lockers under the tabletop can be equipped with backlight. It is usually mounted using LED lamps or tapes. This option is extremely economical: LEDs consume little energy, practically not heated and serve for a very long time.

Base options for racks

The classic is considered the base in the form of a metal pipe, which passes through the worktop and rests on with one edge into the floor, and the second to the ceiling. Experts recommend choosing the pipes of German or Polish manufacturers. Externally, Chinese bases may look just like more expensive, but very soon their coating will be peeling. The tabletop make a hole for the pipe and bind a future rack on the support. From the bottom side, the stopper is installed, which is called "Ring the fastener", and from the front part it all is masked by a decorative overlay.

To fix the pipe on the floor and the ceiling, use universal fastenings and "sank". Various shelves and holders are placed on the pipe until it is installed.

In the case when the bar stand is located along the wall, it is used to fix it to ensure that the design was really durable and reliable, they are pretty close to each other.

How the rack is attached to the wall

The second side of the bar rack can rely on the table, the locker or attached to the wall. In the latter case, the Master will have to take care of buying reliable corners. They are usually and reinforced (if a table top of a natural tree is planned high load on the surface). Color can be chosen, focusing on the rest of the furniture or on the wall covering. Bar rack for a small kitchen, with their own hands made, often relies on one corner, and wider and heavy models are somewhat.

Bar rack over the table top

Sometimes the rack is placed above the working surface of the kitchen. For such mounting there are special beveled pipes. They are screwed to the countertop and to the back side of the rack, and the joints are masked by decorative rings.

Such an accommodation allows you to most productively use the kitchen space, opening access to all its corners.

Plasterboard: to be or not to be?

In modern apartments, quite a few elements are made of plasterboard. Of course, this material cannot be equal to the tree strength, but plus it is that it is very convenient to work with it.

Plasterboard plates are mounted on pre-prepared frames. Such a method is indispensable if you need to build a falseland, the partition for separating the same zone from the other, to build a cornice for highlighting the ceiling, equip a niche and in the mass of other cases.

Of course, the plasterboard will be useful and the master who wants to create a bar rack independently. He will need a framework for the frame (metal corners, profile, wooden rails or bars), tools for working with these materials, fasteners, directly drywall, as well as putty, paint, or other decorative means.

Assembling drywall cabinets for bar racks

Before starting the installation of the couch, you should draw a future design. This stage is necessary, otherwise you can encounter a lack of material, disruption of dimensions and proportions. Thanks to even the most simple sketch, the wizard will get a symmetrical and durable bar counter for the kitchen. Drawings can be developed using paper, pencil and line or to use a special 3D program.

When assembling the frame, the most important condition is the observance of the vertical and horizontal of the planes. This helps a good level and plumb. The finished design is trimmed with plasterboard, the corners and traces from fasteners and decorate. Sometimes in front of the layer paints are applied to the paint.

At the last stage, the selected countertop is fixed.

Second life of wooden pallets

Today, many apartment owners try to equip their housing furniture from environmentally friendly and natural materials. Of course, buying a set of wood array not everyone can afford, but practically everyone likes the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a bar counter rack from recycling.

Often, the masters accumulate various residues and trimming of bars, unnecessary pallets and drawers. Fantasy, ingenuity and patience will lead to the fact that the original and functional in the kitchen will be installed. How to do? Ideas do not differ in difficulty: it is enough just to fill the prepared bars and boards to a durable frame.

Options for wooden racks

Depending on the master's project and its ability to handle a tree, the bar stand can have a form of an elementary long barrier or become a modern and indispensable element of the kitchen.

In the first case, the main task is to create a durable framework. For this purpose, all the same metal corners, wide bars and details from the chipboard are suitable. Top on this design stacked a tabletop (tree, chipboard, plastic).

In the event that the master wishes to experiment with the drawings, it can supply a bar stand with a table, drawers, shelves, additional fasteners and holders. By the way, the LED backlight is very relevant on such products. She gives them charm and comfort.

If everything turned out to be well with the main design, you should not stop there. Bar rack for the kitchen, with their own hands made, can be supplemented with chairs and benches in the same style.

In addition, a field for creativity can be almost any piece of furniture: hinged shelves, dressers, chests for things, stands for flower pots and much more.

"Barman, double whiskey! And iceless ice! " - In the domestic average, this phrase is associated with the wild West, the Claint of Eastwood, as well as steep guys with Wall Street, turning transactions with shares of millions of dollars a day. Not having the opportunity to buy a furnished mansion on the ocean beach in the vicinity of Miami, many are forced to be content with only separate attributes of "sweet life".

One of such iconic objects is a bar on its own kitchen. It comes to us to global consumption culture right behind breakfast, lunch and dinner. True, the functions of the bartender will have to perform themselves, but it is only a reason to show a mixture. Beyond the lack of whiskey with soda and ice, the table can be tastefully served by cold vodka with a crispy cucumber or a gorge with a fragrant sagus, aristocrats can have champagne from morning.

In our presentation, the Bar Stand is democratic, creative, contributes to communication. That's cool!

Although the bar is at home and is the dream of many of our fellow citizens, so far she is a rather rare guest in the domestic private interior. Is it possible to enter an element of beautiful American life in the domestic apartment reality practical and tasteful?

This table is eating on it.

European-type dining table height - 75 cm. The classic stand in a drinking room is towers above the floor of 120 cm, there are options from 110 to 130 cm. A high chair has to climb. But, leaving the establishment after the inspiration, the start of the High Tabevet takes off the go. Rely on a high rack with elbows is not considered to be acknowledged, in contrast to the reference landing at the dining table.

In peterals, only high bar racks are used. The higher you sit, the better the stripper is visible.

The sizes of kitchens in typical apartments do not allow almost realizing all fantasies in the design area. Where there are no places for the "full-size" rack, a compromise option is possible. Bar rack for the kitchen can serve as a continuation of the kitchen countertop. That is, having a height from 90 to 95 cm depending on the height of the cuisine. Perhaps it will not look like "cool", but the functionality is noticeably rising: the rack will serve as a working area for cooking, a rather comfortable table for food, no one interferes with a drink of alcoholic beverage. In our opinion, the "medium" format 90 cm is more appropriate for the house.

The rack made at one height (90 cm) with the working area is continuing

This is a chair - sit on it

There are two types of bar chairs on sale: universal with adjustable seats and fixed height. With the first type, everything is simple: sit down at the table and lower-raise the seat so that it is convenient for us. Unregulated models have to acquire under the specific height of the installed table top. For a tabletop 120 cm The height of the seat seat should be about 85 cm, for 90 cm - 63 cm.

As for the design of the chairs - this is a matter of taste. One will enjoy the wooden stool in the style of country, another high half-cooked with the back and armrests in the style of high-tech. Bar chairs must have a leg perlacker. Special mention deserve high stools and stepladers, having two crossbars, simultaneously serving steps. This is a practical subject for an apartment with high ceilings of a small area, in which a full-fledged stirrer to place simply nowhere. An additional bonus: thanks to the second, top, crossbar behind the chair, you can plant children, the short legs of which do not get to the bottom plank.

Bar stool stepladder has two steps crossbars

A small digest of designer ideas for those interested, how to make a bar counter rack in the kitchen in different types of dwellings:

Luxury Apartment or Country Mansion

For the happy owners of spacious living space, the question where to place the furniture is not relevant. The main thing is how to do it comfortably and beautiful. However, it makes no sense to be provided to the interior themselves, it's easier (and better) to hire a specially trained person. If there is a place and money, you can please yourself and a dining table for 12 persons and a table for breakfasts for 4 people and a separate island for cooking and a high bar counter. This is right: you should have breakfast at one table, dinner - after another, and drinking Martini - for the third. Just like fitness body ballet, you need to visit the first half of the day, and diamonds and stiletto shoes to wear in the evening.

In this kitchen, everything will be done. A seated two-zone working area, a working area-island with a 120 cm high bar attached to it and a working area-island, combined with a bar stand 90 cm. The rest is simply not placed in the frame

Studio Apartment and Private House

Even a great popularity, especially in big cities, is gaining studio apartment, where they are originally not built (if the house is new) or demolition (in the old house) interior partitions. Of course, this does not make a living space more, but unrequited space is perceived more spacious than when it is planned on the cell rooms. To organize life in one large room, it has to share it on the functional zones. For this, it is impossible for the way it will suit your hands the bar counter. Located on the border of the zones, it practically does not take place, while the space will clearly.

Competent functional zoning in the studio. Bar rack in the kitchen visually divides the space and lights up the view from the sofa to the dirty dishes if it accumulated near the washing

The high height of the countertops in this case is clear dignity: sitting on the sofa in the guest area, guests will not see that in the kitchen Bardak and Mountains are unwashed dishes. The rack will fall off and hobs it disgrace. Such an approach is also characteristic of private houses, where it is often combined into one room with a dining room and has an area of \u200b\u200b16-20 m2.

Expand the sofa to the TV before, and to the kitchen as the kitchen, placing the rack behind it - also a good solution for open space

Kitchen in the house of a typical series

Arrange the furniture in the kitchen of 10-15 m2 more difficult. It seems that, compared to Khrushche, a lot of space. But it turns out that it turns out that squeeze the normal set in this area with a sufficient work area, a dining table and a bar rack is very difficult. You have to sacrifice with dimensions and do everything reduced, which adversely affects the functionality. In our opinion, an attempt to shove into a medium-sized room along a rich complete set of furniture cannot be crowned with complete success.

The designer from the furniture company tried to place in an area of \u200b\u200b12 m2, everything that the owners of the apartment wanted. As can be seen, it turned out neither. Nor the table of normal or rack

Somehow get out of this situation really, if you come up with a non-standard designer move and place a rack so that it almost occupied the place.

You can position the rack on the minimum area by aligning it with the windowsill if the height allows. It is desirable that the windows do not go to the garbage

Small kitchen

The owners of small-sized kitchen have nothing to think in it all wanting. You have to choose: dining table or bar counter. Some prefer to abandon the table. Bar rack instead of a table on a small kitchen - "bachelor" option, which can actually be very convenient. We recommend installing a tabletop at an altitude of 90 cm, to the level with the working area. Then it becomes universal: used both as a cutting table, and for making food, and for work.

Bar rack in the kitchen in a tiny room is only 5.6 m2

"Normal" table had to donate. At the same time, the cooking has all the necessary modern machineryAnd the table top is quite convenient for both food and jobs and crews with friends. It has successfully formed that the height of the window sill coincides with the level of the table top.

Another very small kitchen. In the foreground - not a dining, as it seems, and the Bar table IKEA is a height of 90 cm

What makes a bar rack

What makes the bar rack do it yourself? First of all, we are talking about the material of the countertops:

  • Postforming. Cheap, angry.

Popular table top and metal leg-tube as a support. Cheaper does not happen

  • Wood. Live natural material will be appropriate in the interior of any style. Wood is pleasant to the touch, easily processed. As a cover, you can choose a special oil of plant origin, the countertop impregnated with them is not afraid of water

If a red cedar grows in the country, do not chop it on firewood. From a solid barrel It turns out a wonderful bar counter for the kitchen

  • Glass. It should be understood that the glass will need thick, from 8 mm, grinding the edges and the stuffing of the fasteners will have to be ordered at the factory, so the product will be carried out in a penny. Beautiful, but transparent material requires care and cold to the touch

Glass countertop perfectly combined with fashionable minimalist design

  • A rock. Expensive, gorgeous, durable. We do not advise you to use marble, food dyes leave difficult traces on it. Practical granite, including artificial.

Stone countertop - beautiful, prestigious, practical. By the way, dear stone, unlike cheap post-forming, can be repaired, scratches and minor defects are relatively simple

Perfectly looks like a combination of stone and tree in one interior

The table top can be installed on the cabinets when you want to save space.

If the base for the rack is the cabinets, it is desirable that it advocate for their limits to be where to place legs. In the illustration - Bar rack with a two-tier table top

An example of a bar counter in the kitchen in the Loft style. Cabinets and techniques are hidden behind the brutal brick wall

If the task is not necessary to partially close the resistant view of the work part of the kitchen and the cabinets enough, the countertop can be installed on the legs.

"Transparent", as in the photo, Bar rack due to the absence of the bottom of furniture or screen visually facilitates the interior

Understanding how to make a bar rack with your own hands and how much time and means it will require, you can decide whether to perform work yourself. Either better contact the specialists.

How to make a bar rack do it yourself: master class

Finally, a small photo master class how to make a bar rack with your own hands. We will not give the size and drawings of this rack, it is quite large and designed for a particular interior. In any case, each owner of an apartment or a private house will solve design issues based on personal preferences. Bar stand at home is always an individual project. Our material is not so much the instruction on the manufacture of a bar counter, as a master class for the manufacture of high-class built-in furniture. Experienced cabinetries will introduce us to some secrets of their skill. We hope it will be useful for some readers.

The hosts of the house decided to equip a bar with a spacious room of the kitchen, which was already furnished, the style of which was necessary to support. Determined with materials: Dark wood, chrome metal and smoky glass.

From wooden elements for the manufacture of the rack, planed oak bars 32x48 mm, oak veneer, birch phaneur 20 and 5 mm thick

The bars were made and grounded into the workshop, but the rest of the furniture was fully manufactured in place. Gently and under the desired angle, the bars are cut with a tracing saw. They are prepared under the frame of the table top

On a pre-made from plywood 15 mm, tabletop template lay out terrestrial bars

To then mount the glass inserts, the grooves milling brushes

Details are connected on plug-in spikes, under which the holes are chosen by a dowel mill

On crossbars - beveled face

First produce a preliminary assembly on spikes, but so far without glue

After making sure that all design details are combined, proceed to the assembly on the glue. To provide best resultbondable element tape clamp

Separate parts are collected in a single design.

The tabletop frame is temporarily fixed on the template and accurately customize it under the exhalation milling pattern.

The external contours of the template and frame now coincide, initially straight bars rounded

Flap the end of the table top

Profile cutter handle external frame circuit

So the profile of the edge looks

The masters begin to make a curved partition consisting of separate panels. Main material - Birch plywood

A frame matrix is \u200b\u200bmade from the chipboard, repeating the radius of future panels. It is bent onto her end and in four layers stick to the phaneer with a thickness of 5 mm. After drying, it will retain the form. Panels are fleeing into size directly on the matrix

Panels are removed from the matrix and phane. The protruding edges of the oak veneer are treated with an edge milling mill

Fan and edges of panels. When they are processed, two panels pose near the milling driver remains horizontally

Only now panels are flying along the length.

Ends of the panels will be closed with bars, their edges pre-curl

Choose holes under the spikes in the panels and bars

Bruks a little thicker panels, in them the grooves, which will hide the joint of the parts

Embed to the manufacture of the upper cornice of the rack, where point lights will be built. Its foundation will serve a plywood tabletop template. In the perimeter at a distance of several centimeters from the edge, the grooves with a width of 14 mm wide and a depth of 6 mm. It will hide the attachment points of the cornice to the ceiling

Fan plane from the outer edge to the groove. Veneer should be chosen so that the fibers are located across the contour

Sorship the contour, removing the glue

Align the edge of the veneer over the rubber

Nick outdoor contour completed

Getting started to plywood inner plane, picking up a veneer in the drawing

Align the edge of the inner plane in the sump

Drilled recesses for fastening chrome pipes in the cornily

Pipes will be held through the worktop, it makes through holes. So that the chip does not occur when drilling, the wooden bar is fixed below

Holes are ready

Details are ready, it remains to be toned and covered with varnish

Eaves ready, groove is closed with wooden stroke

Bar rack starts starting. Eaves are fixed to the ceiling, fasteners will hide the stroke

Collect the bottom

Install windows in cells

Bar rack is ready

Bar rack is not only a stylish, but also the functional element of the kitchen space, capable of becoming a real highlight in the interior. To create a similar design yourself, not only adhere to step by step instructionsIt is necessary to study the types of racks and materials. All of these moments we will consider in more detail in our article.

Bar rack In addition to decorative, can perform several functions.

Benefits of designs

Bar racks are not only a decorative element, but also a useful part of the kitchen space. Such structures can immediately perform several functions. Consider them in more detail.

  • Space separator. The design can serve as a zoning tool in small apartments, visually separating food intake zone from recreation area.

In the kitchen-studio, the rack can perform the function of the space separator

  • Place for breakfast. Perfect for fast breakfast Or even to drink alcoholic beverages. If friends or acquaintances are often peered to visit you, then your entire company will be very convenient to stay at the bar counter in the kitchen, while drinking some cocktail.

Compact design can serve as a replacement for a diminished dining table.

  • Element decor. The design contributes to the creation of a light, relaxed setting (bar stand, soft light from above from the lamp specifically installed for these purposes, calm music will help create a romantic setting in the room).

Stylish rack can decorate any interior

If you have small children at home, then the kitchen will require the presence of a conventional dining table, as children will be uncomfortable in high chairs near the bar counter in the kitchen. An exception is only two-level racks, including a dining table.

Bar racks for home: species and materials

Speaking about the bar counter, the words as a cocktail, beer, a good mood and a pleasant company immediately come to mind. But this element of the interior has long ceased to be exclusively prerogative bars. Currently, it can be found on many home kitchens.

Bar structures differ not only by forms, but also materials from which they are made

Homemade masters, thinking about how to collect a bar counter for the kitchen, browsing various photos on the Internet on this topic, come to the conclusion that this question is not so complicated. The main thing in such cases becomes the definition of the size, as well as the location of this design.

Given the abundance of various versions and accommodation, the question of which one should prefer are. When responding, it should be borne in mind that this product should be organically fit into the interior without braveing \u200b\u200bthe passage and leaving the place for the convenient location of all households.

The design can be placed in the center of the kitchen, on the border between the dining area and the seating area, as well as in the corner at the window

Types of bar stands

When creating a bar counter, you can implement the following types of structures:

  • Stationary. It can be performed both with standard sizes and in mini format (if the room is small). The maximum height of the countertops in this case does not exceed 1.2 m from the floor. High bar chairs with footrest, armrests and backs are perfect for such furniture.

High chairs with footrests - the best solution for stationary structures

  • Two-level. In this case, the bar counter table must be seamless to the dining table. This option is best used for zoning space in the kitchen combined with the living room. The higher part of the design will be located in the living room, while the lower - in the kitchen.

Duplex models perform simultaneously as a working surface and table

  • Combined. Well fit into the decor of a small kitchen. In this case, the height of the working surface is approximately 90 cm. It is perfectly complemented by stools with standard dimensions.

Compact combination rack - the best solution for small kitchen

Materials for manufacture

In this section, we will look at the most suitable materials that you can use as the basis for creating your own bar counter.

  • Laminated chipboard. It is good because it is presented in the market in a wide range of colors and imitation of various expensive materials. There is a rather durable coating that you will be able to serve not one year.

Laminated chipboard - practical and sufficiently durable material

  • Plastic. The price of it is lower than on the laminated analogs, and the process of its processing does not cause any problems. It is also presented in a wide range of colors, so you can easily find perfect coloring. The main disadvantage of plastic can be attributed to its low strength and short-life.

Plastic is one of the most budgetary, but also short-lived materials.

  • Wood. If you use natural wood during operation, the result will exceed all expectations. That's just working with her without proper joinery skills will not work. Yes, and the cost of the tree array can hardly hit the pocket.

Natural wood texture perfectly fit into the classic interior

  • Plasterboard. The main thing is its dignity - the ability to create a design with any form. It is easy to work with it even without special skills. In addition, drywall is easy to staining, which allows you to change its color if necessary and update the decor.

Working with drywall is easy, besides, you can create structures of any shape

  • Brick. Bar rack in the kitchen with their own hands, made of brick, looks very winning almost in any interior. The decorative qualities of this material is difficult to overestimate, but also a lot of pay for such a finish.

The brick base looks stylish, but it costs a lot

Creating a bar counter with your own hands for 8 steps

We looked at the materials and types of structures, it's time to talk about how to make a bar counter in the kitchen.

A kitchen with a bar with his own hands looks unique and very homely

To perform work, we need the following materials:

  • wooden bars with a size of 50x100 mm.;
  • edged boards with a size of 25x100 mm.;
  • plywood sheets;
  • sheets of fiberboard;
  • nails and selflessness;
  • decorative plinths;
  • morilka and wood varnish.

When all tools and materials are ready, it's time to move directly to carpentry work.


Instructions for action

Step 1. Creating a frame. From bought bars, cut out the details of our frame and fasten them with a nail of 80 mm. We pay special attention to the fact that all the joints are smooth, and the bars firmly fit to each other - this is the key to the strength of our design.

Step 2. Installing Guides. Fixing the bars, proceed to the installation of boards that are guides to which we will fix the remaining elements. Boards must be the same height.

They should be placed strictly vertically so that the whole design is in the end turned out to be smooth. To do this, when installing, we use the construction level.

Step 3. Creating a flooring. You feed the sheets of plywood to the base of the structure. They compact her. At the same stage it is worth thinking of a lodging of communications (if they need).

Step 4. Fastening the bottom table. From the sheets of Feds, we make the bottom tabletop and fasten it to the frame on the self-tapping screw. From the sheets of plywood we make partitions inside our design, forming several departments in it.

Step 5. Installation Shelves. With the help of all the same plywood and self-screws, install the required number of shelves for storing small accessories.

Step 6. Construction covering. Smooth plywood sheets close an unsightly frame and lower countertop.

Step 7. Installation of decorative plinths. In the locations of the joints with the help of carnails (nails with a small head) we fix decorative plinths. They are also fastened and at the corners to give our product a more beautiful and aesthetic look as in the photo.

Step 8. Surface decoration.In order to decorate the result of our work and protect it from harmful effects. ambient Course our product by Morilka. After its complete drying, we apply a few layers of varnish (at least two) from above.

The drying time of each layer is about two hours, that is, each subsequent layer is applied two hours after the previous one.

More details about how the bar counter is performed on the kitchen with your own hands, you can learn from the proposed video.

As a result, you may have a very stylish design, which is difficult to distinguish from purchased

Bar rack lighting

Work directly with the product itself is completed. But this is not all that we have to do. If we want the product of our Labor to dissolve in the kitchen interior, we need to make an emphasis on it.

How? Using backlight. Collecting bar racks for the kitchen with their own hands, the backlight can also be made himself. It is best to implement it with halogen lamps. To do this, you will need to prepare a small beam and consolidate it above the rack.

Long pendant lamps will add an originality stand

If there is no such possibility, it is quite possible to limit the lighting lamps suspended directly to the ceiling. Examples of such lamps can be seen in any billiard room. Instead of conventional switches, it is better to use dimmers.

They will help if necessary to make the light muted, thereby creating a relaxed and romantic situation.


Now you know about the existing types of bar racks, materials that are used for their manufacture. You also studied how you can get a bar counter with your own hands. Apply the knowledge gained in practice and you will have an excellent decorative and functional element of the kitchen space.

Bar rack Today is not only a tribute to fashion, but also, in some cases, the need to save residential space. With it, it is often separated by the cooking zone from the combined living room. Another use is as a narrow long table along the wall, if there is no place for the standard dining room. But, as it is not difficult to guess, design bar StandErected do it yourself, saves not only the place, but also money. And by connecting fantasy, you can make a very presentable rack from the girlfriend.

Today we do not quite ordinary publication. Our example was erected not in the apartment, as usual, but in the basement, re-equipped under the beer bar.

Bar rack do it yourself

So, the idea was based on a sports bar in a small basement. The central element of the interior, of course, will be bar rack, do it yourself Erected from boards and plywood. Such high chairs, large TVs and sports attributes on the walls - and the stylish interior is ready.

The material was chosen on the principle of "cheap and angry". On one side of the plywood - the available material, on the other, the plywood has a noble wood texture and, appropriately processed, looks beautiful and expensive. In addition, the bar rack from plywood covered with varnish is not afraid of moisture, which is relevant for both the bar, and for the kitchen.

Bar rack heights were chosen 120 cm, length 3 m, width (frame) 60 cm. The total width of the table top 75 cm (15 cm - Ove with the front side).

The frame was performed from boards on nails. Two flat lattices joined themselves and rigidly fastened to the wall and semi. The most difficult at this stage is to withstand the upper facet of the frame in the horizontal plane. In our case, the floor was initially carefully floor, so the task was reduced to creating smooth rectangular frames. In the confusion, I think I would have to perform designs at the place.

Since the repair touched the entire interior of the room, parallel to the walls. Behind the bar, the bottom of the walls stitched plywood so that, on the one hand, protect it from damage, on the other, to withstand the single style of the room. Faneru was toned.

We have already told the article about the manufacture of the room, but I repeat. The optimal option for applying at home is a warm lamp mixture of oils and waxes. For example, brandOSMO. Applied to several layers of roller (usually 2-3). Previously, after each painting, Phaneur whirlpool, after the last - polished.

We sew the vertical face of the bar rack. Actually, we are sewn the front "facade" and the side face, since the space inside the bar structure will be used for storage. In addition, there will be a shelf below the boxes - a table for bartender.

We install the plywood shepher, build a sink (a hole under it is sung in advance).

To give the interior of respectability, imitate expensive panels. To do this, fix the square frames from wooden profile rails on the plywood, the bottoms of the panels make up a high wooden plinth, the top of the wall panels is also closed by a profile rail. All elements are pre-tinted.

Go to the construction of a bar counter rack. It consists of two sheets of plywood. To make it convenient to use the built-in car wash and the space of the shelf, it was decided to make a tabletop, in the form of a squat letter "P". The edge of the table top will decorate a wooden board. It we will perform from the plinth with a beautiful bend of the faceplate and a flat rear plane.

To perform such a countertop, two plywood sheets are placed on each other. Please note that the top leaf is smaller than the bottom to be a place to install the side. We glue the sheets of plywood with casein glue and leave under load for two days. Then, for reliability, we connect the sheets of plywood between themselves with screws from the wrong side, pre-drumped the necessary holes. The length of the screws is chosen a little less than the total thickness of the countertop. Total screwed 5 screws: 4 close to the corners, one - in the middle. I drank done in the already glued tabletop with a single cut of an electric bike. The end drank close the wooden profile.

Install the tabletop on the design and fix the frame. Installing board.

The remaining white ends of the rack are thoroughly skin and stain, the corners are framed by corners. The jokes between wooden elements and plywood close up with a putty on a tree in the tone. After drying, putty coat the design with two layers of varnish. On this bar rack do it yourself Ready.

Install the beer tower. For those who are wondering how it works at all: we, of course, took the factory. In the adjacent room there is a refrigerator where the kegs with beer are installed, and a balloon with carbon dioxide that creates pressure in the system. Hoses were held to the beer tower through the wall. Nothing complicated)

And now the promised interior decorations: three large TV, thematic posters, decorative shelves with beer mugs.

Another interesting idea to create a bar counter hand in this video:


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