How does life change after cervical cancer? As the cervical cancer (RSM) is manifested - the fight against carcinoma complication after cervical cancer.

How does life change after cervical cancer? As the cervical cancer (RSM) is manifested - the fight against carcinoma complication after cervical cancer.

The fight against cancer can end in different ways, but the result always depends on many factors, for example, other health problems. If cancer is returned, as stated earlier, this is called recurrence. Some people may begin to develop a new cancer, not related to the first. Usually it is new, that is, not connected with the previous one.

Unfortunately, overcome cancer, does not mean, do not get sick new. Sometimes it is possible to get sick with the same. This is rarely possible to predict. Even if you experienced even two cancer tumors, it does not mean that now you never get sick. In fact, some types of treatment may increase the risk of subsequent relapses.

  • Cancer Vagina;
  • Cancer cavity and pharynx;
  • Large Cancer;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Cancer anal channel;
  • Vulva cancer;
  • Bladder cancer and ureter;
  • Stomach cancer;
  • Rectal cancer;
  • Pancreas cancer.

Many of these cancers are associated with smoking or infection. human papilloma virus (HPV)which is also closely connected with cervical cancer.

The risks of the gastric cancer, rectum, vagina, vulva and bladder are even higher in women who were treated with radiation. Receipt treatment is also associated with increased risk. acute myeloid leukemia (IML) and bone cancer.

Observation after treatment

After the treatment of cervical cancer is completed, it is necessary to regularly attend a doctor that, if necessary, to quickly find signs of cancer returns, as well as observe possible new cancer appearance, especially in the intimate zone.

Experts do not recommend additional testing without the appearance of symptoms. Your doctor must know about all your diseases and disadvantages in order to send you on time to analyzes that can reveal cancer.

For those who do not want to get to the hospital with a re-illness again, any tobacco products should not smoke. Since smoking causes not only lung cancer, but also other types of cancer, and those who were persecuted subjected to an increased chance to get sick again.

  • Maintain the optimal weight, with its excess or disadvantage, it is necessary to force yourself to come into the form;
  • To live an active lifestyle;
  • There is only healthy food, and consuming as much water as possible;
  • Hardly limit alcohol consumption, and it is better to refuse it at all.

These actions will help bring the body in order and prevent the emergence of not only cancer, but also other diseases.

This is a malignant tumor, developing from the mucous membrane of the cervix in the zone of the transition zone of the cervic epithelium into the vaginal. The cervical cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in women, ranks second in the frequency of occurrence after breast cancer. Every year more than 500 thousand new cancer cases are detected. In a large part of the patients, the tumor is detected at the late stage, this is due to the insufficient diagnostic coverage of the female population, as well as the very rapid rates of tumor growth.

Cancer cervical cancer

Usually there is a combination of several factors. More often, the tumor is found in women aged 40- 55 years from the low-income social layers living in rural areas and having more than 6 children.

The following factors affect the development of cervical cancer:

Previously, the beginning of sex life - from 14 to 18 years, at this age of the cervical epithelium is immature and especially exposed to damaging factors.
- a frequent change of sexual partners (equal or more than 5 increases the risk of cancer development 10 times) both at the woman itself and her spouse;
- smoking more than 5 cigarettes per day;
- receiving hormonal contraceptives and, as a result, the rejection of barrier contraception (condoms and caps), while the risk of infection with sexually transmitted infections is arising;
- non-compliance with sex hygiene; sexual partners who are not subjected to circumcision (as the cervical cancer can provoke Smegma);
- immunodeficiency, deficiency in food vitamins A and C;
- infection with viruses of genital herpes and cytomegalovirus;
- contamination of human papilloma virus (HPV).

Currently, through international studies, a direct carcinogenic role of HPV in the development of cervical cancer has been proved. It was revealed that from 80 to 100% of cervical cancer cells contain a human papilloma virus. Finding into the cage the virus is embedded in the cell circuit of the coder of the cell, forcing it "work on yourself", creating new viral particleswhich leaving the cell through its destruction is introduced into new cells. HPV infection is transmitted by sexual. The virus can have a productive (formation on the genital organs of pointed wings, papillomal) and a transforming effect on cells (causes rebirth and cancer).

Several forms of existence in the HPV infection in the body are distinguished:

Asymptomatic - despite the fact that the virus passes full life cycle In the patient's cells, during the examination, it is practically not detected and, after a few months, provided good immunitymay be excreted from the body spontaneously;

Subclinical form - when inspecting the naked eye, the pathology of the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot determined, but with colposcopy, small multiple Ceiling epithelials are detected;

Clinically pronounced forms of infection: Pointed Condylomes are clearly defined in the field of external genital organs, anus, less often on the cervix.

More than 80 types (varieties) of the virus are known, about 20 of them are able to hit the mucous membranes of the genital organs. All of them affect the development of cervical cancer: "High Risk" viruses: 16, 18, 31, 33, 51, 52, 56, 58, 51, 64, 68, 70, 51, 64, 68, 70 ; Low Risk Viruses: 3, 6, 11, 13, 32, 42, 43, 44, 72, 73 types.

It is established that 16 and 18 types are most often found in the cervical cancer, 6 and 11 - with benign tumors and only occasionally when cancer. At the same time, the 16 type occurs when the cervical fake cancer, and 18 type of adenocarcinoma and low-differentiated cancer.

Prejudice diseases (dangerous due to frequent transformation in cancer): cervical dysplasia (change in the epithelium structure, not existing normal), cervical erosion, leukoplakia. Require mandatory treatment, most often, laser evaporation of the affected area.

1- Polyp of the cervical canal; 2- erosion of the cervix.

Cervical cancer symptoms

Symptoms of cervical cancer are divided into common and specific.

Common symptoms: weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, sweating, cape-free lifts of body temperature, dizziness, pallor and dry skin.

Specific cervical cancer symptoms can be the following:

1. Blood selection from sex tract not related to menstruation may be minor, oscillations, or abundant, in rare cases there is bleeding. Often bloody issues Arrive after sexual contact - "contact allocations". Possible manifestations in the form of acyclic discharges or on the background of menopause. In the later stages of isolation, an unpleasant smell associated with the destruction of the tumor can be purchased.

2. Pains in the lower parts of the abdomen: may accompany blood discharge, or occur when the forms of cancer are struck as a result of the addition of infection or germination of the tumor of other pelvic organs or structures (nerve plexuses, pelvis walls).

3. Edema extremities, external genital organs arise in progression of the disease in the launched and far cases, arise as a result of metastasis in the nearby pelvic lymph nodes and blocking of large vessels that take blood from the lower extremities.

4. Disruption of the intestinal function and bladder occurs during germination of the tumor of these organs - the formation of fistulas (holes between organs that are not in normal).

5. Delayed urine associated with mechanical compression by metastatic lymph nodes of ureterals, followed by turning off the kidney from work, formation of hydronephrosis, consequence of the body's deterioration by spent products (uremia) with the complete absence of urine - Anuria.

In addition, the changes described lead to the penetration of purulent infection by urinary tracts and the death of patients from severe infectious complications. Hematuria is possible (blood intake in the urine).

6. The edema of the lower limb on one side can occur in the later stages, if there are metastases in the lymph nodes of the pelvis and the squeezing of large limb vessels.

An examination with suspicion of cervical cancer includes:

1. Inspection in mirrors and bimanual (manual) Study - standard examination at the gynecologist, visual inspection allows you to identify or suspect the tumor pathology by appearance mucous membrane of the cervix (growth, ulceration);

In mirrors, kind of cervix

2. The painting solution of the ligol (iodine) and acetic acid: allows you to identify indirect signs of both the initial and developing cervical cancer - the sorrow of the vessels, painting pathological foci is less intensively than normal sites and others;

Section of the altered epithelium (dark plot, shown by the arrow)

3. Colposcopy - inspection of the cervix with an increase of 7.5-40 times, allows you to more detail to inspect the cervix, reveal the precancerous processes (dysplasia, leukoplakia) and the initial shape of the cancer;

4. Taking smears on cytological research from the cervix and cervical canal - should be performed annually to each woman to identify microscopic, initial forms of cancer;

5. The biopsy of the cervix and scattering of the cervical canal - taking a piece of the uterus on a microscope under a microscope, is required if the cancer is suspected, can be performed by a scalpel or e-mail.

6. Ultrasonic study of the small pelvis organs - allows you to estimate the prevalence of the tumor process in a small pelvis (stage), necessary for planning the volume of operation;

7. Computed tomography of a small pelvis - in obscure cases, with suspected germination of the tumor of neighboring organs;

8. Intravenous urography - is performed to determine the kidney function, since the cervical cancer is often encountered to compress the ureters tumor, followed by a violation of the kidney function and turn off its operation;

9. Cystoscopy and rectoscopy (or irrigoscopy - X-ray-contrast study of the intestine) - the study of the bladder and the rectum in order to identify their germination of the tumor;

10. Radiography of the chest and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs - is performed to eliminate remote metastases.

Stages of cervical cancer:

Stage 0 - the initial stage - "cancer in place", the survival of patients, after treatment is 98-100%;
Stage 1 (A, A1, A2B, B1, B2) - divided into subgroups, the stage of the tumor germinates in the tissue of the cervix not more than 5 mm, in the tumor stage up to 4 cm;
Stage 2 (A and B) - the tumor extends to the uterus, but without involving the walls of the pelvis or the upper third of the vagina;
Stage 3- Tumor germinates the upper third of the vagina, the walls of the pelvis or causes hydronephrosis from one side (overlaps the ureter, turned off from the kidney work);
Stage 4- germination in the bladder, direct intestine or bone pelvis (crescents), as well as the presence of remote metastases.

Metastases are seferences from the main tumor, having its structure and capable of growing, violating the function of those organs where they are developing. The appearance of metastases is associated with the natural growth of the tumor: the tissue grows quickly, the nutrition is not enough for all its elements, some cells lose touch with the rest, it takes away from the tumor and falls into the blood vessels, is distributed over the body and falls into the organs with a shallow and developed vascular network (liver , light, brain, bone), settle in them from the bloodstream and begin to grow, forming colonies-metastases. In some cases, metastases can reach huge sizes (more than 10 cm) and lead to the death of patients from poisoning products of tumors and violations of the body. The cervical cancer most often metastasizes into nearby lymph nodes - a fat pelvic fluid fiber, in the course of large vascular beams (iliac); From remote organs: in the lungs and pleura (cover lungs), liver and other organs. If metastases are single, it is possible to remove them - it gives more likely to cure. If they are multiple - only supporting chemotherapy. Big problems are delivered to patients of plerites - the metastatic lesion of the lungs, which leads to a violation of its permeability and the accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity, leading to the compression of the organs - lungs, hearts, and causing shortness of breath, the severity in the chest and depletion of patients.

A favorable forecast is possible only under the condition of adequate treatment (operation or radiation therapy or a combination of them) with the initial, 1-2 stages. Unfortunately, at 3- 4 stages, the survival rate is extremely low, does not exceed 40%.

Treatment of cervical cancer

Most nice results Treatment was obtained with the initial cervical cancer ("Cancer in place"), not growing into the surrounding tissues. In young patients, the childbearing age, planning childbearing, there are several options for organ-grumbling treatment: excision of the affected area with a scalpel within healthy tissues or laser evaporation, cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen), ultrasonic removal of the cervix.

With microinvasive cancer - the turret of the tumor into the subjectable fabrics is not more than 3 mm, as well as with all other stages of the tumor, the operation is obligatory - the extirpation of the uterus without appendages in women in childbearing age and removing with appendages in women in the postmenpace period. At the same time, from 1B stage of treatment, removal of nearby lymph nodes is added.

In addition, the operation can be supplemented with radiation therapy (irradiation).

With stages of 1-2, independent radiation therapy is possible, without surgery: intremal (via vagina) and remote (outside).

The choice of treatment method depends on age, general well-being, the desire of the patient.

When tumoring the tumor into the surrounding authorities, a combined operation is possible (the removal of the uterus with part of these organs) is possible.

With large inoperable tumors, the treatment option is radiation therapy, subject to a decrease in the tumor in size, the next step is possible operation.

At large stages of the tumor process, palliative operations (relief of symptoms) are possible: the removal of colostomas on the stomach, the formation of bypass anastomosis.

The treatment option may be chemotherapy - operations or chemical radiation treatment without surgery.

With metastases in remote organs - only chemotherapy.

Complete recovery of the patient is possible as a result of using surgical or combined effects.

After treatment, a dynamic observation is required: the turnout to the gynecologist for the execution of colposcopy and taking smears every 3 months.

In no case should not be engaged in self-treatment, since the favorable period for treatment will be lost during this time.

Cervical Cancer Complications:

suppression of ureters, urinary delay, hydronephrosis, purulent infection of urinary tract, bleeding from a tumor and sex tract up to profound (deadly), formation of fistulas (messages between the bladder or intestine and vagina).

Consultation of a doctor on cervical cancer:

Question: How often do women sick cervical cancer?
Answer: This tumor occurs quite often, occupies a frequency of 2 place after breast cancer in Europe. In Russia, 6th place among malignant tumors and 3 among the bodies of the reproductive system. Women are sick of all ages, but more often than 50- 55 years.

Question: Is the birth of children after the treatment of cervical cancer?
Answer: Yes, perhaps, subject to early stages of cancer and performing organ-powered operations.

Question: What an alternative to surgical treatment of cervical cancer exist?
Answer: Care options can be much, it all depends on the desire of the patient and the capabilities of the medical institution: the excision of the scalpel (knife amputation) within healthy tissues or laser evaporation, cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen), ultrasonic removal of the cervix and others.

Oncologist Barinova Natalia Yuryevna

The cervical cancer is considered a dangerous pathological process that causes severe consequences for the entire body. It is important to identify it in a timely manner and conduct effective therapy. The effective method of treatment is the radiation therapy, it allows you to fully suppress the incorrect development of cells.

But an important role in recovery plays compliance with recommendations during the recovery period. Many are afraid that the cervical cancer after radiation therapy can manifest themselves again and cause serious problems up to the deadly outcome. For this reason, it is worth knowing what to do after treatment and what measures to follow.

Recurner of cervical cancer after radiation therapy

After the radial operation in the treatment of cervical cancer, recurrence may appear. This is usually happening in the second or third stage of the disease with complications. Such cases are not uncommon and they entail serious health complications.

Interesting! In accordance with the statistics data, among patients with women on cervical cancer, recurrences have only about 30% of cases. And this can happen if the therapy was carried out by highly qualified specialists in compliance with all rules.

Be sure to pay attention to the main symptoms that may indicate the development of re-tumor growth in the field of the cervix area:

  • general exhaustion, which are accompanied by symptoms of chronic fatigue;
  • the patient may have no appetite, apathy is observed, the body weight is reduced;
  • in the lower abdomen, there may be a feeling of overcrowding;
  • when maintaining the patency of the mother-in-channel canal may be present and purulent allocations from external genital organs;
  • there is obstruction of the ureter with a progressive character;
  • the process of obliteration of the cervix tumor tissues can be additionally accompanied by regular attacks with pulling and hatching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • manifestation of features of cancer poisoning.

When identifying all these symptoms, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. A specialist will definitely conduct the necessary diagnosis, which should include various procedures - a bimanual inspection, conducting laboratory tests ,.

After confirming the recurrence, the following treatment methods can be assigned:

  • Sensing of the cervical channel;
  • Radical intervention, during which the organ resection can be performed;
  • Radiation therapy;
  • Chemotherapy.

After radiation therapy during the treatment of cervical cancer, various unpleasant manifestations may occur. The lungs include side effects that have a common and local nature.

The following symptoms can be attributed to the general:

  • manifestation of nausea;
  • vomit urge;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches;
  • signs of fatigue;
  • symptoms of disorder of digestive organs;
  • break.

In addition to general symptoms, local adverse reactions may occur. They usually arise in the scope of radiation therapy. The most popular manifestations of a local nature include the following:

  • Manifestation of the inflammatory process of the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of a suprapic part;
  • Sensation of burning during urination;
  • Frequent urges for urination;
  • Narrowing of the vagina;
  • Serous and bleeding can be manifested from the vagina.

Note! With the appearance of the above unpleasant sensations, it is worth noting immediately to report them to their attending physician. A specialist will conduct a survey and, if necessary, prescribe effective therapeutic therapy. But usually all side manifestations pass themselves after 1-6 weeks.

It should be borne in mind that radiation therapy is a sufficiently dangerous procedure that can cause serious complications. However, it makes it possible to prevent the development of a dangerous oncological process and distribution to other organs.

Many women after radiation therapy may occur period of menopause. This state is due to the provision of increased load during treatment. Sometimes this state is normalized and passes, but for this requires special treatment.

Radiation therapy can have an oppressive effect on the activity of the hematopoietic system. Lymphidem usually arises against the background of combining radiation treatment with surgical operations. It is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of lymphs from the lower extremities, which leads to the swelling of the legs and the pelvis.

In order to prevent the oppression of the activity of the hematopoietic system, it is required during the first few years every three months to donate blood test. And in the subsequent period, this procedure is recommended for at least twice a year. In the event of leukopenia and anemia, the analysis is performed more often.

The oppression of the hematopoietic system in the bone marrow after radiation therapy requires special treatment. It is important that it is correct and complex. At the same time, it is necessary to perform the following important conditions:

  • reception of vitamins and minerals;
  • compliance with regular rest;
  • full night sleep;
  • reinforced balanced nutrition;
  • an additional transfusion of blood or leukocytes, erythrocytes may be required;
  • assigns the use of drugs that provoke reinforced production of leukocytes;
  • reception of drugs causing erythrocyte allocation.

During oncological pathologies, special attention should be paid to meals. It is it that allows you to strengthen the immunity and speeds up the recovery process after radiation therapy during cervical cancer.

Special attention should be paid to berries, vegetables, fruits, also in the menu you need to include cereal crops. These products include antioxidants that speed up the process of cleaning the body from free radicals.

During meals after radiation therapy, the following important recommendations should be followed:

  • As prevention or during the disease, it is necessary to use up to 5 serving products of plant origin per day;
  • It is advisable to use vegetable food in the fresh form, it should not be thermal processing. It is allowed to prepare for a pair;
  • During the oncological disease and after radiation therapy, fatty acids are required. The menu should have sunflower oil and fish;
  • Protein consumption. This element is contained in dairy products, as well as in meat, but it is better to replace it with fish;
  • Meat should eat maximum 2 times a week. At the same time, preference should be given to low-fat varieties;
  • Do not forget about tinctures, plant decoctions, these drinks have a positive effect on health. Drink more green tea, in its composition there is high level antioxidants.

If you want to recover faster after radiation therapy during cervical cancer, then you must exclude from your power menu:

  • semi-finished products;
  • food in fried and bold;
  • salted food;
  • very sharp and smoked dishes;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • tea with high fortress;
  • sweets, confectionery with high cream content;
  • alcohol.

Important! Fully from sugar and salt should not be refused. Be sure to monitor the content of these components in the cooked food. Add them standing in limited quantities.

Intimate life after cervical cancer

If radiation therapy has passed successfully and without complications, then many women are rehabilitated after it and continue to live a full-fledged intimate life. However, sometimes problems may arise in this regard, which can negatively affect not only health, but also on.

Full intimate life is possible in the following states:

  • if the woman has a vagina. If the operation does not affect the uterus, the woman can not only live an intimate life, but even get pregnant, to endure and give birth to a child;
  • . In women, libido is fully maintained if the ovaries have preserved. Sexual life will fully restrict and come to normal;
  • full removal of the reproductive system organs as well. For the restoration of health and hormonal background, a special hormonal treatment is applied. Also, doctors perform some plastic procedures.

Folk remedies help rapid recovery after radiation therapy. When cervical cancer, recipes can be applied:

  • aloe-based preparation. 150 grams Aloe should be skipped through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Next to Cashitz, a glass of honey and ½ cup of red wine is added. The finished mixture should be removed for a couple of days in a cold place. Take 1 tablespoons per day;
  • for douching, you can apply a decoction based on chamomile, calendula, thistle;
  • tincture based on the root of wormwood. The ground root is mixed with alcohol in proportion 1: 5. Capacity is closed and removed in a dark place for a week. Every day, 30 drops of tincture are divorced in 1 cup and is accepted.


To further avoid the manifestation of the recurrence of cervical cancer, as well as maintain their female health, it is worth abiding important prevention measures:

  • Compliance with a healthy lifestyle;
  • Regular hygienic procedures;
  • Conducting vaccination against cervical cancer;
  • Be sure to do cervical screening, which allows you to identify cervical cancer;
  • In order to quickly lead to the norm of the reproductive system, it is worth using special candles that the doctor should register.

Be sure to closely follow the health of the reproductive system. It is better to go to the gynecologist twice a year, this will allow you to timely determine the presence of dangerous diseases on. At the very beginning, the disease can be eliminated by drugs, proper nutrition and prevention, and this will not have a negative impact on health. It is worth remembering that radiation therapy can provoke a lot of complications that will remain for life.

Video: Radiation Therapy and Radio Creator

Video: Innovations in radiotherapy cervical cancer

Video: radiation therapy with gynecological cancer


Cervical cancer is considered a serious pathology that has dangerous consequences. The disease is more often detected in women from thirty to fifty years and a significant part of time progresses asymptomatic, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

The cervical cancer is developing in the formation and progression of a malignant tumor. The pathological process can be observed both in the vaginal section of the cervix and in the cervical canal. Quite often malignant changes are detected in the so-called transformation zone.

Features of the structure

The cervix is \u200b\u200bnot considered by experts as a separate organ. In fact, this is the bottom of the uterus, its narrower department performing a number of necessary functions. The cervix protects the uterus from a malicious flora, being a kind of barrier. Through the neck, an unfounded endometrium is displayed during the period of menstruation. In addition, the cervix takes direct part in childbirth and conception.

The cervix can be both conical and cylindrical shape. The appearance of the uterus depends on the realization of a female function. The neck resembles a narrow muscular tube that has a minor length.

In the structure of the cervix, two departments are distinguished.

  1. Overall. This is the most significant division, which, nevertheless, is not visualized when inspection.
  2. Vaginal. This is a plot that adjoins the vagina and is examined during a gynecological inspection.

The vaginal part of the cervix has the following characteristics:

  • pale pink color;
  • smooth smooth surface;
  • uniformity of the epithelium in color and texture.

Any deviations from the norm Can talk about pathology and have serious consequences.

The cervix is \u200b\u200blined with the following types of epithelium:

  • flat multilayer (vaginal part);
  • cylindrical single-layer (cervical canal).

The vaginal part of the cervix is \u200b\u200blined with epithelium consisting of multilayer flat cells. Cell elements are located in three main layers and differ in varying degrees of maturity.

  1. The basal layer contains immature rounded cells with one large kernel inside.
  2. Intermediate layer Includes ripening flat cells with one reduced nucleus.
  3. Surface layer It consists of mature flat cellular elements with one nucleus of a small size.

The cervical canal is located inside the uterus. Entrance to the channel in the giving birthless women. The surface of the cervical canal is formed by cylindrical single-layer cells. In the cervical canal also function glands producing protective mucus. The narrowness of the canal and mucus prevent infection in the uterus cavity.

The surface of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal has a reddish tint and velvety texture. The upper end of the channel is opened in the uterine cavity, which forms internal zev. The lower edge of the cervical canal opens in the vagina, thus forming an outdoor zev. In his depth is a transition zone, called the transformation area.

According to statistics, a significant amount of malignant tumors Forms in the transformation zone.


The consequences of cervical cancer depend on its variety. Gynecologists highlight a variety of cervical cancer forms, some are rather rare. The classification of cervical cancer includes varieties that allocate on the basis of different criteria.

Depending on the tissue, which forms a malignant tumor, isolated:

  • plateClaid cancer shape;
  • ferrous variety of oncology.

The flat-cell cancer is diagnosed in 90% of cases, while iron-based oncology or adenocarcinoma occurs not more than in 10% of cases.

According to the degrees of invasion, the cervical cancer differences:

  • preinvasive, meaning zero stage;
  • microinvasive, including step 1a;
  • invasive, meaning stages 1B - 4.

According to the degree of cell differentiation, cervical cancer happens:

  • highly differentiated;
  • moderate diffreated;
  • low-differentiated.

Highly differened tumors, unlike low-differentiated or undifferentiated, have a good forecast, are not aggressive, rarely give metastases. However, moderate diffreated neoplasms are diagnosed in the overwhelming number of cases.


The consequences of cervical cancer depend on the diagnosed stage. Stages or stages indicate the severity of the flow.

In the progression of cervical cancer, four stages are distinguished.

  1. Shimmer defeat. A1 - Invasia to 0.3 cm. A2 - Invasia to 0.5 cm. B1 - germination up to 4 cm. B2 - germination of over 4 cm.
  2. Involvement of the uterus. A - without damage to the serous shell. In - germination in the serous shell.
  3. Spread on the pelvic wall and vagina. A - the involvement of the lower third of the vagina. B - the involvement of the pelvic wall.
  4. The formation of remote metastases, the defeat of the organs outside the small pelvis. A - germination in the bladder and intestines. In - the spread of a tumor into remote organs, the formation of metastases.

The severity of the consequences Depends on the stage.

The reasons

Cervical cancer develops as a result of dysplastic changes. In reality, the dysplasia implies a precancerous state.

Under the dysplastic process, changes in the structure of cells concerning the violation of their ripening and differentiation are implied. It is known that the cells are normally located in three layers of a flat epithelium. During dysplasia, there are consequences in the form of changes in the shape and structure of cells, the disappearance of division into layers.

The prejudition process has several degrees of the flow:

  • defeat 1/3 epithelium (CIN i);
  • involve half the thickness of the epithelial tissue (CIN II);
  • detection atypical cells In the entire epithelial layer (CIN III).

Consequences of dysplasia:

  • rounded cells become formless;
  • the number of nuclei increases;
  • the division on the layers disappears.

If atypical cells acquire the ability to intensive reproduction and germination into the surrounding tissues, the consequence of cancer develops.

The main reason for the appearance of dysplastic changes becomes HPV. Science is known for more than a hundred virus strains, however, only some are distinguished by a high degree of oncogenicity and the ability to cause cancer. For example, the cervical cancer is usually caused strains 16 or 18. Some strains have no transforming, but a productive effect, which is expressed in the formation of papillom, Kondil.

However, in the presence of dangerous strains, cancer develops, if a history of patients have concomitant pathologies. Healthy immunity displays a virus from the body for several months.

The consequences of cancer are developing with the following adverse factors:

  • sex infections, especially complex, for example, HPV and herpes;
  • ignoring a condom at random sex contacts;
  • the presence of several sexual partners;
  • early intimate relationships that increase the risk of infection with sex infections, traumatizing the cervix;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in a small pelvis;
  • the role of heredity;
  • damage to the epithelium cervix;
  • smoking;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • carcinogenic effects of male souls are not a cervix.

Women with HPV should regularly undergo prophylactic inspections in order to prevent the consequences in the form of cervical cancer.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

It is known that cervical cancer leads to severe consequences and long-term recovery after treatment. Often, the progression of cancer to serious consequences is due to the latent flow and irregular nature of the survey.

Usually, the consequences in the form of symptoms appear in the third-fourth stage, when there is a violation of the functioning of organs and multiple metastases. Gynecologists allocate the following signs that may indicate the development of consequences when cervical cancer:

  • blood selection with a flicker smell, in appearance resembling meat removals;
  • bleeding;
  • contact discharges that appear during the gynecological inspection, sexual intercourse;
  • believes when defeated lymphatic capillaries;
  • edema as a result of the involvement of regional lymph nodes;
  • signs of the bladder compression, intestines, which is manifested by blood in the urine and feces, constipation, painful rapid urination;
  • pain in the pelvic region;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • anemia;
  • temperature increase.

The consequences of cervical cancer may be similar to the symptoms of many diseases. That is why in the occurrence of a characteristic clinical picture, it is necessary to conduct a survey comprising the following methods.

  1. Gynecological examination With cervical cancer, informative in the later stages. In the early stages it is necessary to perform laboratory and instrumental research.
  2. Colposcopy implies a neck inspection with a colposcope. During the simple procedure, the doctor studies the epithelium under the microscope. The extended procedure is required when deviations are detected. After treatment with acetic acid, white areas indicate the damage to the papilloma virus. If, after applying Lugol, non-prompted areas remain, atypics are possible.
  3. Biopsy is carried out only after identifying atypical sites. Material fence for histological research is carried out different ways. After the diagnosis, compliance with the recommendations of the doctor in the recovery period.
  4. Smear on oncocytology It is carried out to all women once in the half year. A cytological study shows the presence of atypical cells and inflammation.
  5. Scraping of the cervical canal It is necessary when suspected adenocarcin. The procedure and the first days of the recovery period are held in the hospital.

The survey in order to eliminate the consequences in the form of metastasis implies the use of MRI, CT, X-ray and other studies.

Method of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is considered one of the most effective methods Treatment of malignant diseases, including cervical cancer. Radiation therapy is successfully used in many countries of the world. With radiation therapy, you can destroy malignant cells and extend the life of cancer in the later stages of the disease. However, the methodology of radiation therapy has features and recovery after treatment.

Radiotherapy or radiation therapy is carried out by ionizing radiation, which affects the fabric affected by cancer. Under the influence of radiation therapy, it is possible to suppress growth, the propagation of cancer cells in the body. To create a bundle of elementary particles, medical accelerators are used.

It is noteworthy that radiation therapy does not cause the decay of the fabric affected by cancer, however, leads to changes in DNA. So, the growth and division of cancer cells stops or slows down. Radiation therapy leads to the rupture of molecular bonds of atypical structures. Radiation therapy acts to a greater degree of cancer cell elements. Healthy fabric is practically not exposed to facilitating restoration.

The doctor can change the radiation direction in the process of radiation therapy. This is necessary to ensure the maximum dose of radiation in the affected tissues.

In general, radiation therapy is successfully used as an independent method of treatment. However, radiation therapy can also be used in a surgical treatment complex. The radiation therapy has a special value in the presence of multiple metastases, which cannot be removed by a surgical method. The recovery period after radiation therapy is easier than after the use of chemotherapy.

It is known that to achieve maximum efficiency and in order to facilitate the recovery period, doctors can use both internal and external radiation impact. Typically, specialists use two ways to use radiation therapy in the complex. The use of only internal or external impact is rarely carried out.

Outdoor form

External or remote use of radiation therapy is recommended for five to six weeks. Radiation therapy is carried out in an outpatient basis. Before holding a course of radiation therapy, a woman is examined. Special significance is to determine the exact location of the tumor.

Before applying radiation therapy, special markers are installed on the skin for accurate impact direction. Rauchery therapy is carried out 5 times a week daily. The duration of the radiation therapy procedure depends on the following factors:

  • the size of the malignant neoplasm of the cervix;
  • the overall condition of the body of a woman.

Usually a radiation therapy session lasts about two or three minutes. When conducting a radiation therapy procedure, painful sensations do not arise. An important condition is to preserve body immobility.

If the patient missed one of the radiation therapy sessions, The procedure can be done twice a day, observing the interval in six to eight hours.

Inner form

Intra-proprietary irradiation is carried out in the framework of stationary or outpatient treatment. In order to obtain the maximum result, special applicators are placed in the cervical area for radiotherapy. Before implementing the procedure, anesthesia is performed. To prevent the tube offset, a swab is administered to the vagina. The correct location of the applicator is estimated using CT.

After performing a radiation therapy session, painkillers are prescribed. The duration of the radiation therapy session is determined by the attending physician. Usually, intra-graded radiation therapy is carried out either a long course or short on the duration of sessions.

Internal radiotherapy can be carried out by the following doses of irradiation:

  • high;
  • medium;
  • low.

Usually use high doses of radiation therapy. Moreover, radiotherapy sessions are used for ten minutes over every two or three days. Between the procedures, the special tube is removed from the uterus or neck.

If low-volume irradiation is used, it is advisable to use it once. The duration of the session is from one day to several days. In order to prevent the displacement of the tube, the patient is in a lying position.

Sometimes experts use pulse irradiation, which resembles low-volume techniques. However, within the framework of this technique, the impact of not permanent, but periodic irradiation occurs.


Radiation therapy cannot guarantee complete recovery when cervical cancer. However, the use of the method has high efficiency. Radiation therapy allows you to prevent the emergence of new metastases. It is known that after surgery, there is a recurrence after 20 years.

Radiation therapy has the following positive effects:

  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • reducing the risk of metastasis in the surrounding tissues;
  • the destruction of malignant cells after the operation;
  • the possibility of complete recovery in the early stages of the oncoprocess.

Radiation therapy with cervical cancer is the main way of treatment. At the first cancer stage, radiotherapy is used as an addition to the surgical method. However, with the second - third stage, radiation therapy is considered as the only effective method Treatment. When cervical cancer, the radiation therapy has a palliative character, that is, it is assigned to facilitate the state of cancer.

Restoration after radiotherapy

Usually radiation therapy is well tolerated by patients, and recovery passes without features. However, during the recovery period, the appearance of side effects. In such cases, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

One of the most frequent consequences during the recovery period is the occurrence of bleeding.

By side effects during recovery after radiation therapy include the following manifestations.

  1. Stool violations. This is a fairly common consequence, which is observed during the recovery after treatment by radiation therapy. In the process of recovering, doctors recommend to consume at least two liters of water in order to prevent dehydration.
  2. Nausea. Typically, this manifestation is accompanied by vomiting and loss of appetite. In such cases, women recommend high-calorie drinks.
  3. Weakness. Fast fatigue often occurs on the background of radiation therapy. In order to reduce unpleasant consequences, the patient is desirable to pay special attention to rest.
  4. The narrowing of the vagina. Such a state may make it difficult to conduct a gynecological examination and the introduction of special applicators. To preserve the necessary diameter of the vagina, gynecologists recommend the introduction of tubes. And the risk of traumatization with proper treatment is minimal.

Sometimes against the background of minor side effects, serious consequences are observed, for example, premature menopause. With the complex application of radiotherapy and operation, the appearance of lymphadim during the recovery period is possible. With this subsequent, the low limb is observed.

Often, side effects and complications are not amenable to treatment. That is why the woman should be attentive to his well-being during the recovery period.

Methodology for radiation therapy It is constantly optimized, which reduces the risk of consequences during the recovery period and increases the effectiveness of treatment.


Significant significance during recovery after radiation therapy has the right full nutrition. The diet allows preventing such a consequence as a chair disorder and nausea. Doctors recommend eating small portions. The diet during the recovery period should be varied, include the necessary vitamins.

During the restoration to prevent the consequences for the body, it is advisable to abandon the following products:

  • canned;
  • fat;
  • smoked.

Recovery after radiation therapy includes:

  • rest and stay in the fresh air;
  • refusal of hot baths;
  • restriction in the use of cosmetics.

The cervical cancer is successfully treated with radiation therapy. The consequences after the procedure arise in a minor amount of cases. The duration and number of procedures determines the doctor depending on the stage of the disease and the size of the neoplasm. The duration of recovery depends on the volume of radiation therapy, the age of the patient, the nature of the spread of the malignant process.

Anyone oncological disease It is a tragedy for a person, and not an exception. Despite the fact that serious progress has been made in the therapy of this disease, medicine has not yet had the perfect solution to this problem, which would not lead to serious consequences for a woman.

Most often, women who have had an operation on cervical cancer are worried about what sex life will be after that, whether pregnancy is possible.

Complications after the operational treatment of cervical cancer

  1. When infected near the uterine, a woman can remove not only the neck and body of the uterus, but also the vagina (or part of it), part of the bladder or intestines. In this case, the restoration of the operation of the sexual system does not go. The most important thing is to preserve the life of a woman.
  2. Under the defeat of only the reproductive system, the situation may be complicated by the loss of the uterus, the vagina, ovaries. But in any case, doctors try to maintain as much reproductive organs as possible.
  3. With the second stage of the disease, the uterus can be amputate, but the ovaries try to preserve so that a violation of a hormonal background occurred.
  4. A good outcome of the disease is considered to remove only cervix. In this case, a woman can fully recover after surgery.
  5. Sex after cancer of the cervix is \u200b\u200bpossible if the woman has a vagina, or it is restored with intimate plastics.
  6. If a woman has a saved uterus, then passing the recovery course, it may even think about pregnancy and childbirth.
  7. With a remote uterus, childbirth is naturally impossible, but when the ovaries are preserved, a sexual attraction of a woman and her sex life will not suffer. physiologically possible.

In any case, the woman who has undergone operation in connection with the cervical cancer should not lose optimism, because the ability to return to a full life depends only on her, the main thing is to find the strength for this.


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