"Modern requirements for keeping accounting for textbooks. Successes of modern natural science accounting system

"Modern requirements for keeping accounting for textbooks. Successes of modern natural science accounting system

1 Before the heads of any educational institution, the problem of the convenient and qualitative management of processes occurring at all stages of the institution is always worth. Even when solving such a task, as drawing up the schedule of occupations, it is necessary to process and analyze large amounts of information and, accordingly, this process requires high costs of labor and time resources. At this stage, the task of automating these processes is very relevant, which simultaneously reduces the costs of labor resources and improve the quality of the work performed.

The main purpose of the work was to create a class structure that would allow to automate the tasks associated with the auditing fund as part of the educational institution management information system. To do this, the Language of object-oriented modeling is selected - UML, which is mainly used in the field of software development.

On the example of the classic private university, the main business processes occurring and analyzed in the framework of the problem and based on their database formulated requirements for the designed model.

As a result, the robots created a model of classes, which allows:

  1. To keep accounting an audited fund: Class Ref.Room - room reference book, stores common attributes for all rooms, is associated with classes Ref.Room_Type - reference book of premises, and Ref.Shell - Corpressory directory.
  2. Inventory accounting: Class Ref.Inventory - Inventory Class, is associated with the ref.inventory_type class - inventory type directory. It is also associated with class Ref.ROOM, due to which there is a binding of the inventory to a specific room.
  3. To keep records of computers: Class REF.COMPUTER - the computer's directory is related to the ref.os class - the directory of operating systems and, like the inventory, with the REF.ROOM class.
  4. Create and modify the schedule of classes and events that are not included in the curriculum: class kaf.discipline_semester_action_pair - training pairs of activities disciplines in semesters on the work plan, which, to determine the time of the pair, is associated with the class Ref.PAIR - Couples directory, and class REF.SPECIAL_ACTIONS - Directory of special events, i.e. those who are not included in the work plans disciplines. Both classes are associated with the ref.om class class to determine the case of a pair / event.
  5. To maintain the user database of the system in general and separately the base of students, teachers, staff, etc. Several entries for each user, and the latter in turn is associated with the ref.user_type class - the help of user user type directories. Classes ref.students, ref.educators, ref.komendants, ref.edu_section_personnel, ref.administrators, ref.groups, respectively, are directories of students, teachers, commandants, employees of the educational department, system administrators and groups of students. This model was also implemented for the MYSQL database management system and created templates of requests to it, which implement the tasks listed above.

Bibliographic reference

Bryzgalov A.V. Information system for the accounting of an auditing fund of the educational institution // The successes of modern natural science. - 2009. - № 9. - P. 157-157;
URL: http://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id\u003d12929 (date of handling: 12/19/2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

general education organization (replenishment and accounting of funds

electronic publications)

General provisions

Informatization is one of the strategic directions.

development of education and society as a whole. Great amount

information - archival and library funds, catalogs, textbooks and

educational and methodical literature is rapidly translated into electronic format. As part of the implementation of the Information Society Development Strategy in Russian Federation It is planned that by 2015 the share of library funds translated into an electronic form in the total volume of publicly available libraries will be at least 50 percent1. School libraries are actively involved in this process.

delivery system and managing electronic training publications;

forming an order for missing literature in electronic form;

automated processing of publishes data;

protection against illegal distribution.

These Methodical recommendations are designed to develop school libraries to information and library centers of educational organizations of secondary education, taking into account the transition to the strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation (approved. President of Russia February 0 February 2008 N PR-212).

federal State Educational Standards of the New Generation.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", in organizations engaged in educational activitiesIn order to ensure the implementation of educational programs, libraries are formed, including digital (electronic) libraries, providing access to professional databases, information reference and search engines, as well as other information resources. The library fund should be equipped with printed and (or) electronic training publications (including textbooks and textbooks), methodological and periodic publications on all included in the implemented basic educational programs training subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) 2.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Art. 18, Art. 20, Art. 28, art. 35

Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for providing state and municipal needs" as amended. from 04.06.2014 N 140FZ, st. 93, Art.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information that hurts their health and development", Art. 2, art. 6, Article 17 Procedure for accounting for documents included in the Library Fund (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia of October 8, 2012 N 1077).

Federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of minimal equipment of the educational process and equipment Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Art. one

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3 federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of minimal equipment of the educational process and equipment of training premises. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from "04" October 2010 N 98 Secure access to printed and electronic educational resources located in open access and (or) in federal and regional centers of information forming resources.

At the same time, restriction of access to information incompatible with the tasks of spiritual and moral development and education of students and pupils should be ensured; The staffing of the library with printed and electronic educational resources for all training subjects of the curriculum, as well as the Fund for Additional Literature (Children's Art, Scientific and Popular, Reference Bibliographic and Periodic Editions accompanying the implementation of the main educational program) 4.

Equipment of the educational process, including the information-friendly center of educational organizations should provide an opportunity:

creating and using information (including recording and processing images and sound, performances with audio, video and graphic accompaniment, the implementation of information interaction in local and global networks, etc.);

obtaining information in various ways (search for information in local and global information and telecommunication networks, work in the library, etc.);

experiments, including using educational laboratory equipment, real and virtually visual models and collections of basic mathematical and natural science and phenomena; digital (electronic) and traditional measurement;

4 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information causeing their health and development", Art. 2, art. 6, Article 17 of observations (including the observation of microjects), location, visual presentation and analysis data;

using digital plans and maps, satellite images;

creating material objects, including works of art;

processing materials and information using technological instruments;

design and design, including models with digital control and feedback;

executions, compositions (arrangements) of musical works using traditional tools and digital technologies (for educational institutions that implement the main general educational programs for preschool, primary general, basic general and medium (full) general Education; for specialized educational institutions);

placement, systematization and storage (accumulation) of educational materials and work of students, pupils and pedagogical workers (including the creation of backups).

Requirements for the delivery and management system

Electronic training publications

The modern school library should organize a professional delivery and management system and managing e-learning. In such a system, access to electronic publications of various types of readers should be provided: official, scientific, scientific, scientific, practical, regulatory, socio-political, reference, publications for leisure, advertising, artistic, information and, first of all, educational. Educational electronic edition Electronic publication containing systematic information of a scientific or applied nature set forth in the form convenient for study and

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1. Local electronic edition: electronic edition intended for use in local access mode and distributed in the form:

- identical instances (circulation) on removable computer-readable media;

- Files for use on specialized devices to play text, sound, images.

2. Electronic publication of network distribution: an electronic publication, remote access to which is carried out from another computer, electronic edition: an electronic document (electronic document group), which has passed the editorial and publishing processing, designed to spread unchanged, which has output. GOST R 7.0.83-2013 System of standards according to information, library and publishing. Electronic publications.

or other specialized device through information reports.

3. Electronic publication of complex distribution: electronic edition, part of the elements of which is intended for local use and distribution, the other part of the elements is intended for distribution through information community networks.

The management of the electronic resource fund of the library, despite its fundamental difference from traditional materials, assumes the execution of functions similar to the traditional (see Fig. 2):

formation of an order for missing literature in electronic form;

delivery and protection against illegal distribution;

automated processing of data data (accounting);

providing access to electronic publications;

write-off of obsolete publications.

Figure 2.

Foundation for the Control Fund of the Electronic Editions of the Modern Library

Missing literature in electronic form

(Fund formation, acquisition)

In the process of forming an order for the missing literature in electronic form, it is necessary to take into account the technical conditions for access to electronic resources, including the availability of the educational organization and students of technical and software, equipment, the velocity of the Internet channel.

Figure 3.

The plan for formation of an order for new literature The educational organization has the right to independently determine the list of textbooks in accordance with the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of the state accreditation of educational programs of the initial general, the main general, secondary general education6.

Organizations engaged in educational activities with state accreditation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, for 6 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Art. 28 Use when implementing these educational programs choose:

1) textbooks from among the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education;

2) Tutorials issued by organizations belonging to the list

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Acquisition or organization of access to electronic resources is governed by the license agreement, which recorded the mutual rights and obligations of the library and the supplier for a certain period.

7 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Art. 18 8 The federal list of recommended textbooks for 2014-2015. Order of March 31, 2014 №253 "On approval of the Federal List of Tutorials recommended for use in the implementation of the state accreditation of educational programs of the initial general, basic general, secondary general education" URL: http://god2015.com/novosti-2015/ Federalnyj-Perechanuchebnikov 9 paper, electronic (e-edition type)

Data book-related data

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According to the procedure for accounting for documents included in the library fund10, the accounting of documents of the Library Fund is the basis of reporting and planning the activities of the library, contributes to ensuring its preservation. Accounting includes the registration of the receipt of documents to the library fund, their disposal from the Fund, the final data on the value (volume) of the entire library fund and its subsections, the cost of the Fund.

Accounting is subject to all documents (permanent, long, temporary storage) entering the library fund and leave the library from the Foundation, regardless of the type of carrier. Accounting for electronic documents is carried out in registers of individual and total accounting in electronic form.

Individual accounting registers of the library fund documents contain details that identify each document indicating the information about the receipt of the document and its disposal of the library fund.

In the electronic accounting system, the total accounting registers are integrated into a single accounting file:

"Receipt of documents to the library foundation";

"Disposal of documents from the library fund";

"Results of the Library Foundation: The final data at the end of the reporting period."

The total magnitude of the library fund as a whole and its subsections, including network local documents and network remote documents, is taken into account in copies, new arrivals - in copies and names.

The procedure for taking into account documents included in the library fund. Approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of October 8, 2012 N 1077 Moscow "On approval of the procedure for accounting for documents included in the library fund" 08.10.2012 Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 14, 2013 Registration N 28390 Table 2. Accounting for electronic documents depending on the type of media

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Documents are accepted by primary accounting documents (invoice, act), including a list of income.

Reception of documents entering the library without primary documents freely, is issued as an act of receiving documents.

Receiving documents entering the library from legal individual In the form of a gift, indicating its destination to replenish the library fund, is issued by the contract of donations in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 574, 582).

Documents entering the library are subject to total accounting.

Current accounting registers must have header data:

the name of the register, the name of the organization, divisions. The register fits the data on the received batch of documents: the date and sequence number of the recording (the sequence number of the record begins annually with N 1), the source of the receipt, the number and date of the primary account document, the number of documents received and the cost, the date of downloading revenues.

The total consideration of the receipt of electronic network remote documents is carried out in the electronic register with the reflection of the following indicators: the dates and the sequence number of the recording, details of the license agreement (the name and number of the document, the term of its action, cost), the number of databases (packages) and the names included in them.

Individual accounting of documents is carried out by assigning a registration number document to each copy, another sign as a registration number (system number of the computer program, bar code and other). The individual number is assigned to the document for all time in the library fund.

Registration numbers of documents excluded from the Fund are not assigned to newly adopted documents.

Registration numbers are affixed directly on the documents and are reflected in the register of individual accounting of documents adopted in the library.

Individual accounting registers must have header data:

the name of the register, the name of the organization, the structural division. The register fits the data on each document: the record date in the register, registration number, a brief bibliographic description of the document (author, title, volume, part, release, place and year of publication), the price of the document specified in the accompanying document.

Individual accounting of electronic network local documents is carried out by entering the meta-information database to load a document into an electronic library with automatic assignment of identification (system) number to each document.

Electronic Network Local Documents and Electronic Network Remote Documents are identified by special software.

Primary accounting documents confirming the fact of receipt are transmitted to the accounting department to include the Library Fund.

Accounting for the disposal of documents from the library fund

Documents are disposed of library fund due to physical loss or partial or complete loss of consumer properties.

The exclusion of documents from the library fund is allowed for the following reasons: loss, defectiveness, outdars in content, non-contrast.

The disposal of documents from the Library Fund is issued as an act on the write-off of excluded Library Fund facilities (hereinafter referred to as an act of write-off) in form (code for OKD 0504144) approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 15.12. 2010 N 173N, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia of 01.02.2011 No. 19658.

Electronic Network Local Documents are removed from the electronic library based on an act of write-off with the reason for the exception. The name, number and date of the act are entered into the database as a meta-information to the relevant document. Based on the entered information, a programmatic method is formed by a list of write-off acts (the registry of the total account of the retirement of network local documents) and the list of written off the electronic library objects (the register of individual accounting of the retirement of network local documents).

The disposal of electronic network remote documents is not executed by a special document. Confirmation of the disposal is the expiration of the document (contract, contract, license agreement), executed on the right to access a certain database (package) of network documents, and the lack of a contract, a contract, license agreement decorated for a new term.

Accounting for the results of the Library Fund

The results of the flow of funds are summarized by the register of total accounting, on the basis of these data on the admission and disposal of documents.

The final data on electronic network remote documents are represented by the following indicators of accounting units: consisted of the year, decorated during the year, access is discontinued during the year, consists at the end of the year.

Check availability of library fund documents

Checking the availability of documents of the Library Fund (hereinafter - the Fund Check) is mandatory:

when identifying the facts of embezzlement, abuse or damage;

in the event of a natural disaster, fire or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions;

when reorganizing or eliminating the library.

For inspections, the head of the organization is appointed by the Commission, the commission must include a representative of accounting.

Checking electronic network local documents is carried out by quantitative indicators, as well as on control sums that allow you to identify changes in the document.

Checking the availability of electronic network remote documents is carried out from the entry addresses specified in the individual accounting register.

Checking the entire Fund or part of it is completed by drawing up an act on the results of the inspection of the availability of documents of the Library Fund and the application of the list of documents missing by an unidentified reason.

The organization of work with documents on the accounting of the Library Fund is carried out according to the rules for conducting office work.

Details of the storage of documents are established in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2010 No. 558 "On Approval" of the List of Model Management Archive Documents formed in the Process of State Bodies, Local Government and Organizations, with an indication of storage terms ", registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 08.09.2010 N18380.

For ten years, acts on the write-off of excluded Library Fund facilities and acts on the reception-transmission of written off Library Fund facilities are stored.

Providing access requirements for protection

Electronic learning publications illegal


Tutorials and teaching aids, as well as educational materials, training and education are available for free on the use of educational education, developing the basic educational programs at the expense of the federal budget budget allocations, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets within the federal state educational standards, educational standards, organizations carrying out educational activities11.

According to the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, intellectual rights to the works of science, literature and art are copyright, copyright objects are works of science, literature and art, regardless of the advantages and purpose of the work, as well as on the method of its expression. Copyrights to all types of computer programs (including operating systems and software complexes) that can be expressed in any language and in any form, including the source text and the object code, are protected in the same way as the copyrights of the literature. The computer program is presented in an objective form a set of data and commands intended for the functioning of computer and other computer devices in order to obtain a certain result, including the preparatory materials obtained during the development of a computer program, and generate audiovisual mappings.

Accordingly, electronic publications are also copyright objects. The author of the work or other right holder belongs to the exclusive right to use the work in any form and any not contradictory law. The copyright holder may dispose of an exceptional right to work.

Relations between publishing house and the author, publishing house and library or distribution company are assigned to the license agreement, where one side is the author or other right holder (Licensor) provides either undertaken to provide the other party (Licensee) the right to use this work in the limits established by the Body Agreement. The license agreement is in writing.

Conclusion of licensing agreements on the provision of the right of use of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Art. 35

12 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 1255, 1256, 1259, 1270, 1286, 1301 of electronic networks of network distribution is allowed by concluding every user with the relevant copyright holder of the accession agreement. In a paid licensed contract, the amount of remuneration for the use of the work or the procedure for calculating such a remuneration should be specified.

In cases of violation of the exclusive right to work by the author or other copyright holder, along with the use of other applicable methods of protection and responsibilities established by this Civil Code, have the right to demand in its choice from the violator instead of compensation for compensation damages:

in the amount of from ten thousand rubles to five million rubles, determined at the discretion of the court;

in the twofold size of the cost of copies of the work or in a double size of the cost of the right to use the product, which is determined based on the price, which is usually possible under comparable circumstances.

The distribution system defined by regional or federal education management bodies should provide legal access to electronic textbooks, including electronic versions of textbooks included in the federal list, ensure reliable copyright protection through the use of hardware protection from hacking and illegal copying.

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Accounting for library funds is an integral part of the system of national accounting. His improvement is carried out in accordance with the national transition program of the Russian Federation on the accounting, statistics and control and control system adopted in world practice (1992). The essence and role of accounting in the new economic situation has a slightly different orientation than with a centralized economy.

Accounting reform is aimed at determining new approaches in the accounting of funds in modern economic and economic conditions. The main goal is to provide accurate and reliable data on all types of documents in the library fund, ensuring control over their movement in accordance with regulatory acts.

It should be noted that the accounting of documents is the most specific and regulated process of organizing and managing library funds. The central link of the library's accounting policy is the regulatory framework.

Legal regulation of accounting is the current legislation of various branches of law. The highest level is federal laws, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation: "On Library Business" (1994), "On the obligatory copy of documents" (1994), "On information, information technologies and information protection" (2006), "On Accounting "(1998)," On archival business in the Russian Federation "(2004)," On Standardization "(1993), as well as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, etc. The norms of these laws concerning, including state policies in Accounting area is a basic basis for making management decisions for libraries of various organizational and legal features and forms of ownership.

The improvement of the accounting system is influenced by such factors as the active process of changing the species and structural fund, the development of computer information technology libraries, as well as the use of methods of electronic labeling documents, allowing to comprehensively solve issues of accounting, preservation, use of document funds.

In December 1998, the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for No. 590 approved the "Instructions for the Library Fund". Her regulatory base Amended such documents as the Law on Library Business in the Russian Federation, the law on the obligatory copy of the documents, the Law on Standardization, the Law on Accounting, GOST 7.20-80 "Sibid. Units of accounting funds libraries and organs of scientific and technical information ", GOST 7.69-95 (ISO 5127-11-83)" Sibid. Audiovisual documents. The main terms and definitions "(1997), domestic standards in the field of information, library and publishing; ISO 2789-1974 "International Library Statistics", "Instructions for accounting in budget institutions" (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 30, 199 10).

From the date of entry into force of instructions in the political, social and economic life of the country, significant changes have occurred, which influenced the library scope. New regulatory legal documents appeared in various branches of law. Library funds became the subject of professional interests of various departments, primarily the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation, tax authorities, treasury and statistical bodies.

The main advantage of the instruction is that while maintaining continuity with the previous accounting system due to the compatibility of the main indicators, types of accounting and some forms, it, at the same time, ensures its flexibility, the possibility of detailing, provides the right to libraries independently form their accounting procedure in relation to libraries The status, structure of funds, organizational and technological opportunities, which are not contrary to its basic requirements.

This instruction determines general rules accounting of documents that make up the library fund, regardless of the status of the library, the structure of its foundation, organizational and technological features of activity. The action "Instructions" applies to state and municipal libraries in federal property, property of the subjects of the Federation and municipal property. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On account of the library fund of educational institutions" from 08.24.2000 No. 2488 This manual is a guide for all libraries of educational institutions, taking into account approved methodical recommendations By applying it.

Library transition to automated information technology makes fundamental changes to the organization of accounting of funds in connection with the integration of accounting information into all major modules of automated library systems.

Electronic accounting is the accounting of documents that make up the library fund with the help of computer technology. Electronic accounting is not an independent view, but a way of keeping accounting.

The use of a computer contributes to the integration of accounting information. With an electronic register, the technology of accounting, the sequence of processes and operations is significantly changing, new directions appear, that is, the content of the work and organization of records in the library is complicated. With automated technologies, all processes of accounting for documents coming out, reaching and a number of others, are carried out in accordance with special programs that take into account the interests of the library workers

The necessary requirement for modern automated library information systems (ABIS) is the presence of functions or fund accounting modules.

Maintaining fund accounting in automated mode involves the use of bar coding of documents.

Stroke coding technology includes three stages:

1. Creating a bar code;

2. Application of the label bar code;

3. Read the bar code with special equipment.

Using bar coding technology, using microcalculators with integrated scanners, so-called mobile terminals, you can almost completely automate the process of checking the Fund. Posing barcodes not only on books, but also on cards, the librarian has the ability to quickly verify the card catalog with an electronic catalog, and, therefore, with the foundation. The introduction of barcode technologies over time will result in the change of traditional forms of accounting, familiar to the library, will come new, more comfortable and operational.

To successfully use bar codes (bar codes), it is necessary to choose and establish a system of compatible methods of stroke coding documents in libraries of various types, the procedure for financing and implementing these funds accounting tools.

An example of such a system can serve as an automated Web Library "Codex: Manuscript"

The system is designed to automate work with the library foundation and readers, the organization of electronic accounting of publications, as well as providing access to the publication directory by the MS Internet Browser EXPLORER.

The system allows you to automate the entire cycle of the library fund, from the moment the publication is received to the library, before writing off, including the formation of the inventory book, the book of total accounting, the entire nomenclature of the necessary acts. A powerful search system for the inventory book, a book of total accounting, notebook of replaced books and other objects of library fund are implemented. The built-in mechanism for the formation of inventory numbers, CSS numbers, inventory records will provide a convenient and reliable document flow of the library.

System functioning model:

The heart of the system is set to the Library Local Network server - the Codex server, which is simultaneously the Web server and the database server, as well as the Database in the Codex format. But that the system began to function steadily, you need to install software The workstations of the library staff and readers are MS Internet Explorer browser, which is included in the standard Windows delivery.

In addition to the WEB library "Codex: Manuscript", the configuration "Online: Library" is also created (the company "Online"). The software product is developed on the basis of the program "1C: Enterprise" in collaboration with educational librarians and taking into account their numerous wishes.

"Online: Library" allows you to automate all the main stages of working with a book, from the moment of its receipt to write-off from the library foundation:

- in the configuration there are electronic analogs of primary documents - "Act of acceptance of books" and "Act to the exclusion of books from the fund";

- the process of forming inventory numbers in the program is automated, numbers are checked for uniqueness;

- Books of total and inventory accounting are generated automatically on the basis of data entered into the information base using documents "Act of acceptance of books" and "Act to eliminate books from the Fund".

It is important to cancel that the automation of basic library processes and informatization of library activities makes us revise the existing documents and improve the regulatory and instructive database that regulates the activities of libraries on working with funds. This contributes to the organization of strict accounting and ensures compliance with the financial discipline, allows you to systematize and lead to uniformity of the form and methods of working libraries with funds.

It should be emphasized that the solution of the task of improving the accounting of library funds requires combining the efforts of libraries, archives, museums, other organizations, for which accounting is not only the most important part of the preservation of documents, but also the leading function of controlling the movement of spiritual and material values.

Thus, we tend to believe that the accounting of the Library Foundation:

- It is part of the management system of economic processes occurring in the modern library. His improvement significantly affects the expansion of the rights of the library and the elimination of tough regulation;

- allows you to identify the registration entry by comparing it with the original and data on it when checking the fund or when calculating readers in case of no return to the documents taken in the library;

- Provides registration and generalization of information about it according to the established rules, calculates the dynamics of the fund's development, its composition, structure, ratio of sources and methods of replenishment, the pace of upgrades, the location of documents.

- serves as the basis of state statistical accounting, the reporting of the library, planning its activities, ensure the safety of the Fund, control over the presence and movement of documents.

In our opinion, the consideration of the funds should be the most important activity of each library individually and the library systems in general. Improving the accounting of library funds The problem is multidimal. Accounting of library funds is not only part of the system of management of economic processes, but also objects of the non-production sphere. Therefore, its reform should be carried out in the overall context of the conversion of accounting policies conducted in the country. In addition, the accounting of library funds is the most important element of their preservation. This is the starting step from which all further work with the Foundation in the library begins, both in terms of safety and the safety of use.


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