Physical inventory with your own hands for kindergarten. Unconventional physical education equipment

Physical inventory with your own hands for kindergarten. Unconventional physical education equipment

Games and competitions need from childhood. A kindergarten is an ideal place to start teaching a new generation to sports. There is everything: many children with which it will be interesting to play, a good area, fenced from everything else, and a lot of time. The only thing that is sometimes lacking inventory. But it does not matter, because you can make a sports equipment for kindergarten do it yourself.

What equipment

All that helps kids lead a moving lifestyle is a sports inventory. For children, you can make a variety of things. You just need some time and some materials that are lying at hand. Making sports equipment for kindergarten with their own hands, you can apply your fantasy.

Making dumbbells

This inventory can be used as you like. And most importantly - it is very easy to do. To make dumbbells, you will need the entire couple of plastic bottles, a round piece of wood, tape and some filler (peas, sand or small crushed stone).

At the bottles cut slicing the neck and donyshko. What these items will be more, the harder will be the dumbbell. Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces glued with each other with a scotch. Then the filler falls asleep into each half and twisted with a lid. After that, on each side, the halves from dumbbells join the wooden handle again with the help of a tape. You can do it in a couple of minutes. The main thing is that there are materials. With such dumbbells, you can charge every day.

Sports inventory and equipment with their own hands: Pouchs for throwing

Pouchs for throwing - an important elment of moving games and some tasks. They are made from ordinary fabric (it is desirable to take more dense) and sand. From the very beginning you need to make a pattern from the fabric. The size of the bag does not affect anything. After that, it remains only to sew the parties and fall asleep inside the sand. Putting the hoops in different places of the site, you can play the game: who will fall into all the hoops, he won. Also, the bags are used to improve posture. During classes, they are put on their heads. Who they slides, he holds his back unevenly. This sports equipment for kindergarten is very easy for a kindergarten, and games with it can be thought of a great set.

How to make flags

Sports inventory with your own hands for kindergarten in the form of signal flags will be useful to carry out any competition. Make them as simple as everything else. To create them, a bright piece of fabric and small wooden sticks are suitable (can be replaced with skewers for food). They will be rectangular. It is enough to cut a piece of fabric and ends manually from three sides. From the last end you need to make a loop along the entire length for the stick. After that, sticks are inserted. Flags are ready! They are placed on the sides of the treadmill to indicate the path or turn. They are very functional, so come everywhere.

do it yourself: Bilbok

Such a very popular toy among children, it turns out to be easy to do it yourself. For this, there will be plastic bottles, threads for knitting and another lid. To make this sports inventory with your own hands for a kindergarten, you need to start to cut the plastic container input. Then you need to cut off the thread for knitting centimeters by thirty. Its end of it is fixed on the neck of the bottle (the cover is simply unscrewed and then screws back), and the other is attached to the second lid (for this you need to make a hole in it). Bilbok is ready.

Tunnel from fabric

A fairly common sports inventory. And it is also very easy to do. It takes a plastic hoop and a piece of fabric to create it. It is necessary to calculate so that the diameter of the ring approached the input diameter into the tunnel. First, the ends of the canvas are stitching - it turns out just a flat corridor. Then the plastic hoop is sewn. Now it is more like a magic tunnel from some fairy tale. The entrance can be decorated with a New Year rain or multicolored ribbons. Children become in the column and one run through the hole. As a rule, it causes a bunch of positive emotions. Such entertainment helps children learn how to coordinate their movements and not be afraid of a closed space.

Get into Tuchka

Very simple, but interesting "attraction". To do it, there is no need to: it's enough to have Watman and scissors. A big tucca is cut out of the paper. It makes a big and neat hole. Such a tuche is suspended to the ceiling on the fishing line or clamping something solid. The challenge is that the children get the silence bags or ball tennis balls into the hole. This is a very interesting competition that helps develop dexterity in children and accuracy.

Non-standard equipment for physical education in kindergarten with their own hands

Currently, particularly relevant tasks are attached to children of interest in physical culture and sports, as well as training for their affordable motor skills and skills. For the full development of the child, it is necessary that in the motor activity he acquainted as much as possible with a large number of diverse physical investment benefits and items. The subject environment is of great importance for the development of the motor activity of children, the formation of their initiative behavior and creativity. Along with traditional physical education benefits, much attention is paid to the manufacture of unconventional benefits. Non-standard equipment is always an additional impetus for physical culture work. Therefore, it is never excess. You can update the group's game inventory without much. Sports and gaming non-standard equipment is designed to help solve the tasks of targeted and comprehensive development of children, and personality formation. Project non-standard equipment for the motor activity of children.


"Non-standard equipment for motor activity of children"

Educator: Stepanenko Julia Viktorovna. MKDOU Ts.R.R. Kindergarten №21.Group number 3

1 junior (nursery).

Relevance of the topic.

The main task of preschool institutions is rehabilitation, ensuring the versatile physical development of the child, the kindergarten has certain, which make it possible to fully engage in preschoolers. These are hardening procedures in groups, respiratory gymnastics and point massage, morning gymnastics physical education and swimming pool, sports holidays and entertainment, health days, a variety of circles.

It is no secret that in kindergarten and houses children are carried out most of the time in a static position behind the tables, at the TV, etc.

Recently, in kindergarten, the number of children with impaired musculoskeys increased in kindergarten. I believe that the main purpose physical culture - Movement and outdoor recreation that should help children get rid of hypodynamine syndrome.

New sports equipment is always an additional stimulus intensifying physical culture and recreation work with children,

Multiple and unpredict the world of things capable of finding the second life thanks to the creativity of fiction and skillful hands. Not one generation used chicken eggs, coils, plugs, match boxes, etc. to implement their fantasies.

To change the disappearing household fans, we chose modern items that attracted us with unusual forms and materials, of which they are made: Cyndar-surprises, plastic bottles, jars from yogurts, and all sorts of packaging, rubber plugs, reels from - Skotcha, etc. These are useless at first glance items turned into fun toys and benefits for performing various exercises and corrective gymnastics.

Children on physical education should be, first of all, interesting.

not the last role in creating an exciting atmosphere of occupation plays equipment, especially non-standard.

Project problem:

Development of movements in the younger age is the need or way to health?


Non-standard equipment allows you to quickly and efficiently form motor skills and skills, contributes to improving interest in physical education.


Form motor skills and skills.

Acquire children to a healthy lifestyle.

Development of creativity, fantasy when using non-traditional equipment.

Promote the development of the culture of movements and bodily reflection.

Cause children interest in the use of unconventional equipment in classes and in free activities.

Estimated results:

For kids:

1. Formation of the submission of Z. O. Zh.

2. Development of motor activity.

3. Interest in physical development.

4. Lining cultural and hygienic skills.

For parents:

1 involvement of all parents to work on the project.

2. The search for new forms and methods of working with parents in the work on this topic.

The result of the project:

Making a teacher of non-standard equipment for the motor activity of children.

Non-standard equipment stimulates the interest of children, the desire to move, participate in games; causes joy and positive emotions. Materials for the manufacture of such a manual are diverse and little cost: cases from "Kinder surprises", plastic bottles from yogurts, different buttons, fabric, bobbins from a linoleum, etc. These, useless at first glance, the items turned into fun toys and benefits to perform various exercises and corrective gymnastics. Having achieved the goal to expand the subject-developing environment by creating a new non-standard equipment that helps the full physical development of children, we solve the following tasks: - ensure high motor activity, improving the movements of children and their physical qualities. Develop a creative imagination, the desire for activity, independence. - develop interest in children to the process of movements using non-standard equipment. - Create and secure a positive psychosomatic state. - To bring up the friendly relationship between children, the desire to help each other. The use of non-standard benefits makes a variety of physical classes and novelty effects, allows you to wider use familiar exercises. Non-standard equipment combines physical education with the game, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in motion activities. The use of bright color benefits increases in children interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional color.

Barriers can be used to overpand, jump up, subjects, overcoming obstacles. Purpose: Energetic, various physical qualities are stimulated. Materials: polypropylene pipes And chocolate eggs from Kinder surprises.

Massage track: use for foot massage, walking with the purpose of prevention of flatfoot. Purpose: stimulates the work of the internal organs. Develops coordination of movements, equilibrium. Materials: Rubber Owls, Rugs squares from foam rubber.

Multi-colored streams: (pigtails from thick fabrics) can be used for jumping through the "streams", for walking along the "track" (narrow in a narrow). Sell: Exercise is developing coordination of movements, jumping, dexterity, strengthen the muscles of the legs. Materials: Thread Thick

Snake: Usage: to overpand, jumping, building in a row, column, circle, for games and fun. Sell: develops muscles torso, coordination of movements, dexterity, positive emotions. Material: Kinder-surprise capsules, polypropylene tubes.

Poropolone tracks: Usage: walking the snake between the balls, throwing the distance from behind the head with two hands, pushing the ball head in front of him, step over the balls, throw the ball to each other from different positions. Purpose: develops coordination of movements, eye meter, dexterity, ability to play in a pair, positive emotions. Material: fabric, foam rubber.

Fight of foam pillows of foam rubber; Use: for games. Purpose: Develop children's eyes, coordination of movements, dexterity, bring up volitional qualities. Material: foam rubber, material.

Massager "foot" (track of rubber) left, right.

Use: Stop Massage.

Material. Rubber

"Schedule. Used: To secure the concepts of "left leg", "Right leg", for general array exercises.

Material: Slices of rubber

Games with non-standard equipment

« Merry tracks»:

a) "not a naughter of the legs" - the younger age - walking in the direct direction on the sign of the teacher or parents.

b) "Do not fall" - the eldest and junior age walking on the rope in the direct direction on the foot and sideways on the heels, on socks, in the middle of the foot.

« Multi-level racks»:

a) "Jumping up" - jumping on two legs through the crossbar in height.

b) "Bridge - not the back" - subject to the crossbar (can be used in the relay to speed).

c) "Not the back of the rope" - in the relay to the running snake on the sign of the teacher or parents.

« Tunnel»:

a) "Take the tunnel" - two teams of five people take part in the game (for speed).

« Funny clown»:

a) "Hello everyone" - younger age - to bring out on all fours under clown and say hello to his hand.

b) "say hello to clown" - the older age is subject to the direct direction, right and left side.

"Boots" are designed to overpand, jumping, pretending from an early age

Material: Material: Capsules from chocolate eggs, polypropylene pipes. Purpose: develop the eye meter, coordination of small movements, train forearm and brushes and legs, torso.

develop the ability to perform movements on

signal of the teacher, exercise in walking, run, step-down.

Running track: Material: Quarathika from Foro Foam. Sell: Develop speed, endurance, attention; For relay and mobile games, develops the muscles of the hands when lifting them up, the muscles of the legs during walking; - develop coordination abilities during movement; - to form a sense of collectivism, friendship, because several children are involved in close contact simultaneously. Used to step up, jumping.


Material: Folon, filler. Tasks: For the development of the strength of the hands, the game with the ball for the workout, the ATS, for throwing and moving games, as well as for the development of shallow motility, develop force, coordinate movement

Ropes of fermentation - pigtails; Material: woolen or cotton threads.
Tasks:used to occupy, for moving games, stirs

Running snake


Games and fun

"Snake»Material blue, beige, white durable thread

Purpose: develop the muscles of the body,

Coordination of movements

Dexterity, equilibrium, positive emotions



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Another event of the month of health in our kindergarten is a contest of non-standard physical education equipment. It was enough to imagine one thing, but by finding a lot of interesting ideas on the Internet, I wanted a lot! Therefore, nothing is invented, we have repeated an existing experience.
Taking our simulators on children, I agree that colorful multifunctional benefits cause delight in children! Enrich motor experience, allow you to diversify the movements in a new, more interesting form, develop a feeling of shape and color, imagination and creativity. Thanks to them, children have improved interest in physical education, and during charging all children join us!

We present you non-traditional physical culture equipment made of appropriate (or simple) materials with your own hands and with the help of parents.

Theatre "Moidodar Friends"which will help to fix the children of hygienic skills: soap, sponge, towel, handkerchief and microbe. Already prepared a scenario of entertainment for children with parents. The link did not save, unfortunately.

"Get into the bowl" - benefit For the development of motility of the hands and the eyelash, consolidating knowledge of basic colors. Made from cardboard laminated with scotch, plastic bottles and color self-tech. Knitted balls - tactile (soft and "crispy"). link

Benefit "Flow butterfly from a flower" Promotes an increase in respiratory volume, develops the ability to perform a smooth long exhalation. Material: discs, self-keys, tape, colored paper. link

Benefit "Multicolored snakes". Purpose: Prevention Flat-growing in children, the development of small motility of the hands, the formation of mathematical skills. Material: Covers, Rope. Link

Tactile sacs From the tissues of different textures, filled with nuts, pumpkin seeds, pasta and cereals.

Soft floor checkers, Sand Massage Pouchs, Massage Puggy Rugs, Golf Future, "Twister 0+" with left and right prints, elephant-ring ring for rolling ball, snake, knitted giraffic-ring with a basket for ball throwing, tactile Rug to work forwards forward.

Schedule "

Using : for prevention flatfoot, foot massage, physical education, gymnastics after day sleep,

Development : Coordination of movements, equilibrium, strengthening the strength of legs and hands, prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Soft wand-circles and ring

Material : foam rubber, tissue, bottles from yogurt, self-adhesive film.

Using :

Development : the accuracy, dexterity, attention, eye meter, the speed of the reaction.


Using : For general array exercises in physical education and morning gymnastics.

Development : strengthening muscles of hands and shoulder belts,

formation of correct posture.

Materials : Multicolored cases from "Kinder surprises", wooden sticks, a solution of cement.

Cheerful little men

Material : Balloons, Crupes (Manka).

Using : To perform overall exercises, throwing and throwing.

Development : Small motility of hands, eye meter, dexterity, attention, fast reaction.

Arc from kinder surprises

Using: To overpand, jump over, subjects, overcoming obstacles, for exercises in equilibrium.

Development: Stimulation of energetic actions, various physical qualities, dexterity, equilibrium.

Materials: Solid wire, Cinder Surprises, Cement, plastic vessels.


Materials : Cool, self-adhesive paper

Development: ATS, feeling of equilibrium, attention, dexterity, strengthening the musculoskeletal apparatus of legs, torso, training of the eyelash, coordination of movement.

Using: In individual work, games, relay.

Bowl from plastic cups

Material: Plastic disposable cups, glue.

Development: Dexterity, coordination of movements, running skills.

Using: In relay, when conducting sports holidays, for competition games.

Merry rattles

Using : For general mediating exercises in physical education. Rattles give the exercises the nature of specific tasks (raise, put, rumitize)

Development: Muscles of the shoulder belt, hands and backs.

Materials : Cases from "Kinder surprises", handles from plastic buckets, cereals.


Using : For individual work, exercise, in relay, physical education.

Development : Total coordination of movements, stretching and relaxing of the spinal column, strengthening muscle tone.

Material : Elastic, fabric, pens from bottles from under vegetable oil.


Material: Plastic veils from under mayonnaise, strong yarn, self-adhesive paper.

Using: For individual work, for games - competitions, exercises for equilibrium and coordination, relay, sports leisure.

Development: The feeling of equilibrium and height, coordination of movements, the development of agility of coordination of movement, strengthen the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the muscles of the back, hands, legs.

Non-standard equipment for physical education in kindergarten from the cast material with their own hands

Purpose: Production of non-standard equipment from the cast material with your own hands for physical education and using it in class and in games
Tasks: to form interest in non-standard equipment, to introduce teachers and parents to its manufacture; develop creativity, fantasy when using non-standard equipment; Motivate children on motor activity, through the use of non-standard equipment in independent activities
"The health and happiness of our children largely depends on the formulation of physical culture in kindergarten and family ..."
The equipment proposed to your attention is done with your own hands to replenish the objective and developing medium. At first glance, these are just crafts made by me and parents, but in the work they are indispensable assistants. The interest of children to various innovations causes positive emotions in children and it tones the body as a whole. The joint production of equipment activates parents, sets them on cooperation with teachers.
Manufacturing such benefits does not require high costs. Mostly, I was used by a varied cast material: everything that surely find in any house from the discharge of unnecessary things. Minimum cost and time! And as a result, very bright benefits attracting benefits to themselves. They help develop the muscles of the hands, legs, coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity, attention.
Non-standard equipment must be:
Maximum efficient
Convenient to use
Technological and easy to use

"Non-standard physical culture equipment in Dow"


Figures, stitched from colored polyethylene stuffed with Vatin. Satin ribbon (1m), attached to a wooden stick (30cm). Used to develop dexterity, shallow motors of hands, coordination of movements.


The equipment is intended for children of age 3-7 years.

Made from cords of different lengths, capsules from under Kinder Surprise. Used to strengthen the muscles of the legs, coordination of movements, attention and prevention of flatfoot.

"The tricky goal"

The equipment is intended for children of age 2-7 years.

A cup of yogurt is taken for the manufacture. To the edge with the help of a rope or lace (20cm) mounted Kinder Cinder - Surprise (Vollarchik). It is intended for the development of agility, attention, eyelash, the speed of the reaction, the ability to adjust and coordinate movements, the formation of self-control skills.


The equipment is intended for age 3-7 years.

It is made of a wooden wand or pencil, the sliced \u200b\u200bstrips from bright polyethylene are brought from above. Designed to regulate breathing, form the volume of lungs.


The equipment is intended for children of age 3-7 years.

Paches, sewing from cotton fabric (15x10) are filled with sand (beans, peas, buttons, etc.) with a small weight. Designed to preserve equilibrium on a limited surface, the development of shallow motility, dexterity, accuracy, eyelace, forming the correct posture.


The equipment is intended for children of age 3-7 years. It is made from the remains of the fabric, tights and clothes rope. Punk pigtail.

Strengthening the leg muscles, coordination of movements, attention and prevention of flatfoot.

The equipment is intended for age 2-7 years. It is made of linoleum (baby's shape), buttons are sewed. Strengthening the leg muscles, coordination of movements, attention and prevention of flatfoot.

"The breeze in the bottle"

The equipment is intended for age 3-7 years. On the inner bottom plastic bottle Picture passes (for example, forest, street) and small foam balls are poured, the tube for a cocktail is inserted into the plug. Used to properly regulate breathing, form lung volume.


The equipment is intended for age 2-7 years. It is made of satin material, the strips are cut long 15 cm. Used to develop attention, observation, the ability to own your body.


The equipment is intended for age 2-7 years. Move from satin material. Sewscale 20x20cm, with a loop. Used to develop attention, imagination.

"Massage Track"

Equipment is intended

for age 2-7 years. It is manufactured from: The basis of any washable material to which the pigtails made from polyethylene are sewn. Walking on massage rugs contributes to the formation of backstop and prevention of flatfoot, decrease in fatigue and improved immunity.


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