Web tick on orchid control measures. Aphids appeared on orchids? How to get rid of this pest

Web tick on orchid control measures. Aphids appeared on orchids? How to get rid of this pest

The breeding of indoor flowers is a fascinating occupation, many flowers are not enough familiar violets or geranium, give exotic. Amazing orchids appear in homes that please the unusual form of flowers and a variety of colorful. Sometimes these extraordinary plants are attacked very small, but unpleasant enemies, such as shields or spoors. Then the owners turn to help orchid to cope with the enemy.

Shield is who?

According to the world electronic encyclopedia, the shields are insects, representatives of the supervisor of Chervests. The name was obtained due to a kind of body cover, which resembles a dense shield.

It consists of one (two) skins under which the secretory wax is hiding. At the same time, the shield is quite easily separated from the Taurus of this insect.

Where do you live in what harm?

Determine the place of residence of the boards on the orchid is very easy. On the leaflets of the plant, there are not very beautiful tubercles or growths, which will prompt the flowers to the amateur about the appearance of dangerous neighbors from the beloved room plant. The shields are just hiding under such growths.

They feed on the juices of the plant, while very quickly multiplied. First, they slow down the growth and development of the plant. Secondly, the flowering process deteriorates. Thirdly, insects spoil the appearance of the flower.

How to deal with them?

The main reason for the appearance of the boards on orchid, specialists call the violation of the conditions of content, first of all, the elevated temperature, which the owners create for an expensive thermal-loving plant. There are the very following different methods Fighting harmful insects.

The isolation of the orchid, on which the shields appeared, from all other plants. These insects are distinguished by the fact that they seek to capture as much territory as possible. Therefore, their appearance on one plant in the inactivity of the hosts can lead to a complete "infection" of the beloved greenhouse. Then the strength, time and financial resources will be required many times more.

For the affected plant, it is necessary to create specific conditions for existence - to increase moisture. You can place a plant in a greenhouse, create a small greenhouse for him personally, or at least put into a package, loosely closed to create high humidity. But at the same time once a day, it's a pretty orchid.

Of the physical ways to combat the shield, the usual running water and toothbrushes are good. With their help, it is necessary to remove the pests that appeared, carefully cleanse the leaves from the Pyats, which harmful shields leave, rinse the plant under running water.

Combined processing of chemicals, it is possible to use "accuters", "phytodeterma", other funds offered in stores. At the same time use them in accordance with the instructions. Processing procedure is recommended to repeat a week in preventive purposes.

Orchid - one of the most wonderful indoor plantsReady to make competition in the queen of flowers - Rose. But exotic beauty requires care, attention and help!

Gradually, the plant's stalk becomes sticky, because the wave leaves the wax fluid - the Pad. This composition attracts ants, and soon on the plant will settle another uncrowable neighbors.

The actively common settlement of pests is not difficult to notice, since the number of individuals will be quite impressive. However, the easiest way to fight the tool at the early stage of its development is to detect the beginning of the flower infection in the whitish raid on the leaves and stem. This is a white scaway, which the adhelations are dumped. Explore all hidden places - the bases of the leaves, kidneys and new processes, the lower side of the leaves. Pests accumulate precisely in these areas.

The failure is most often appearing in dry and dehydrated premises, therefore, in the first place, to prevent the appearance of insect pests, it is necessary to ensure the optimal level of humidity in the room (60 and more%).

No less important is the sufficient watering of orchids, so regularly spray the leaves and stem cool water. At the same time, it should be limited by watering soil and prevent the liquid accumulation between leaves and flowers in order to avoid planting the plant.

Timely feeding and soil fertilizer also prevent the spread of pests on orchid. Getting a sufficient amount of useful minerals and vitamins, the flower is able to withstand harmful effects, so it can fight tool and other insects.

  • The simplest means of fighting aphids on orchids is considered a thorough washing of leaves and stems, as well as the removal of damaged buds and flowers. Such a method will help with a slight infection of the flower by pests, but if the colony of the TI has already increased significantly, such manipulations will not be enough.
  • The soap solution has an antiseptic and disinfecting effect, which is detrimental for any kinds of insects. You can use usual laundry soap, Then the leaves should be washed with soap foam, or take a spoon for washing the dishes, mix with a liter of warm water and the resulting composition of washing the plant.
  • Citrus water helps to fight with the propagation of aphid on plants. For this, the hood of citrus crust (suitable lemon zead, orange, mandarin, grapefruit) poured boiling water and insist for 72 hours. After that, the influence obtained can be sprayed with the plant, it is permissible every 4-5 hours. For a larger effect, you can put clouded crusts on the soil.
  • If the troubles on orchids are already prevalent already quite strongly, leek water can help to combat it. A large bulb should be chopped into Cashitz, and then pour boiling water and insist ¼ day. The fluid is sprayed with orchid several times a day for 3-4 days. The sharp smell and the disinfecting components of the onions are scared insects, so I will soon leave orchid.

In some, especially running, cases, homemade recipes may not help, then the only right way out will appeal to specialists or the use of store insecticides. If you decide to use chemistry for plants, follow these instructions and observe all precautions.

Pest description:

These are small insects of about 1-2 mm long, elongated shape, dark color with two pairs of yellow-brown striped wings, with hairs at the edges. On the back of adults there is a transparent bubble. TRIPS larvae have a transparent white color, externally, they are very similar to adult individuals.

On orchids, most often found:

1. Californian trips (Frankliniella occidentalis). Insect about 2 mm long, color from light yellow to brown-yellow. The larvae of this type of tryips is most often golden-yellow. The temperature is most preferred for this type of 20 to 30 ° C. Most often, Californian trips love to sit on colors, but it is possible to reproduce the population and on the leaves. This type of tryips is very dangerous in that it is a carrier of a Tomato virus of Lycopersicum Virus, giving the leaf bronze color.
2. Tobacco Trapses (Thrips Tabaci). Insects from 1 to 1.3 mm long, color from yellow brown to brown, partially can be black. White larvae or yellow ..
3. American TRIPS (Echinothrips Amerikanus). For the first time, this type of trips was found in the nineties of the last century in the Netherlands. At the orchids, until now, they met only on young Miltonia and quite recently derived by hybrid Spathoglottis Caractea.
4. Black Trips (Heliothrips Haemorrhoides). Most often, this type of trips is striking orchids leaves, but it is also found on the colors themselves. Insect from 1 to 1.5 mm long, dark brown with a brighter back, mustaches, legs and wings. Most often, black trips are found on the underside of the leaves. Prefer moderate temperatures, semolot and wet substrate.
5. Drachant TRIPS (Parthenhothrips Dracaenae). Insects about 1.3 mm long covered with white-black stripes. White larvae. Most often, this type of trips is found on the leaves of orchids.


About 300 types of trips (Thysanoptera) live in Europe. In general, in nature there are a little more than 5000. Not all types of trips are pests. Pest tripses lay their eggs into a vegetable tissue with the help of "sting", the rest (not harmful insects) simply lay them on the surface of the leaves. It also holds parthenogenesis. The development of an adult individual from the egg passes two stages at the level of the larvae and three stages at the level of the nymph, i.e. Already have eyes and fighters of wings. During its development, the larvae is very mobile, and the nymphs have periods when they are moving and still. The duration of the development of TRIPS from the larvae to the adult individual is very highly dependent on temperature and lighting. Almost all types of trips do not like high humidity of air and bright light, and the temperature preferes moderate. During the year, 10-12 insect generations may be arranged under such conditions.
TRIPS larvae is very bright color and do not know how to fly, but they are developing from dolls into adults capable of flying individuals very quickly (a few weeks). In many stages of breeding, the larvae are already able to cause a plant with great harm. Adults are quickly multiplied and distributed, flying from one plant to another.


Damage from the trips very often appearance Remind damage from the spider tick, but much stronger. Insects pierce plants cells and cellular juice are completely sucking. Sometimes small dark feces are clearly visible on the leaf surface. The places of processes are filled with air, why the surface of the leaves acquires a shiny silver-white color. Later the place of punctures acquire a brown or black color, this means that the fungi penetrated inside. Damaged leaves can no longer participate in photosynthesis, and over time they die completely.
Following the leaves from damage to the TRIps, color pains and new sprouts are deformed. Especially often such is observed from damage to tobacco and california trips. In addition, these types of trips are carriers of the Lycopersicum Virus tomato virus, which gives the leaves of a bronze tint.
The most favorite orchid insects are: Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Miltonia, Cymbidium, Epidendrum and Epicattleya. For the appearance of TRIPS on Cymbidium, it is characteristic that they affect exclusively flowers and flowers, not the touch of the rest of the plant. Flowers are deformed, spots appear on them, and in consequence they fall.


Due to the above-mentioned bubbles on the back of the trips, they can safely sit on the inside of the leaves. It is there that they are watching everything and hide, so for prevention, it is necessary to regularly inspect the plants from all sides to recognize the pest as quickly as possible. It is especially important that it becomes in warm season and during the heating season, when the air humidity is extremely reduced, and the temperature grows.
Relatively high humidity at any time of the year is the perfect pest protection.
Tree oil is good prevention of pest.


When tryps on orchids are found, plants are urgently used to isolate from the rest and rinse with warm water. This will not save you 100% of the pest, but will significantly reduce their number.
All damaged areas of the leaves should be removed to a healthy tissue, as they still do not take care of participation in photosynthesis and will die in the very near future.
To reduce the population of the pest, you can use sticky plates, but not a yellow color, as the trips do not tolerate yellow color and are unlikely to fly to it. In addition, some adult individuals can be caught on the blue saucer with water.

Folk remedies:

1. Cellular tool for spraying: 1 l water mixed with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and then apply an emulsion to orchid (best spraying). In such a concentration, the oil is not dangerous for almost all types of orchids.
2. Soap solution: Treatment can also be successful with a mixture consisting of 15 grams of liquid soap and 1 l warm water.
3. Garlic tincture: Take 4-5 pieces of garlic by 0.5 liters of water. Water must be brought to a boil, and garlic finely cut or survive. Then garlic is needed to pour boiling water, and are of at least four hours. Infusion is filtered and not diluted with a tassel on the leaves.
4. Spray for smooth leaves.


Currently, the stores sell a huge amount of chemical preparations, most often in the form of sprayers and sprays. Many of them, in addition to biologically active substances, also contain oil. Such drugs have proven themselves very well to combat insect eggs, but have deficiencies. They fill the pores of the plants, which greatly complicates their breathing. Especially in this case, thin-lean orchids suffer (such as Phalaenopsis), since the strong treatment of the entire surface of the orchid can lead to the elimination of the leaves.
In addition, after such treatment, orchid must be put on 10-14 days in the half, since too bright sun destroys the oil-covered leaves.
When using sprays, before use, it is necessary to carefully read what should be the minimum distance when applied, since the spray can perch up the leaves.
You can also find protective granules and so-called roots for roots. They act systematically, i.e. Useful substances are absorbed by roots and through the juice are distributed throughout the plant, the insect drinks such juice and tremble. This is especially good for hard-to-reach places, where it is difficult to impact, for example, spray. Here it is necessary to keep in mind that besides the protective substances, these funds also contain fertilizer, therefore it is necessary to carefully examine their composition, since the roots of many types of orchids are very sensitive to various kinds of salts, and can burn very quickly. For such species, these drugs are not acceptable. Sometimes the dilution of the drug in water can help to bring fertilizer and medicine to the roots more facilitated form.
When processing by chemical preparations of plants against tobacco and Californian trips, it is necessary to repeat the procedure after 3-7 days. The remaining types of trips are considered quite slow in reproduction, and without problems are eliminated for one processing.

TLL on orchids how to deal?

To your favorite orchid attacked the word, and do not know what to do? It is necessary to fight the pest in the early stages. How to deal with aphid on orchids: tips, methods and drugs.

1. Infected orchid needs to be isolated from the rest of the plants to prevent the propagation of the Tly on.

2. At the initial stage of infection, rinse the affected areas with warm water. All colors and buds remove.

3. Folk Methods Fighting tool.

Soap solution. For its preparation, mix a spoonful of liquid soap and a liter of water. All leaves wipe well with a solution.

Infusion of rosehip. For cooking you will need 100 grams of fresh berries and floor liters of water. Berries soak in the water for a day, then peel 20 minutes. Spray the plating several times a week.

Citrus infusion. For preparation, you need 25 grams of dry lemon crusts, orange, mandarin and liter of water. Pour the crusts liter of boiling water and let it stand for several days. Spray the plant with infusion.

4. Chemical preparations to combat pest.

Preparations that penetrate the skin of the insect. This is SPRUZIT-AF Schadlingsfrei, Neudosan Neu Blattlausfrei and Roxion D, inener, permethrin.

Preparations that fall into the insect organism directly through the mouth. This is Aktellik, Arrivo, Aktara, Inta-Vir and Phytodener.

While working with sprays, you need to carefully read the instructions. After all, the means that is inside the cylinder is in a compressed state and with too closely the arrangement of the jet can perch up the leaves of orchids.


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