Technology structure of frame houses. Types of frame houses: from budget to prestigious

Technology structure of frame houses. Types of frame houses: from budget to prestigious

  • Tools and Materials for Frame Building
  • Determining the characteristics of the soil for the construction of the foundation
  • Frame-type framework technology
  • Construction of the frame of the walls of the first floor
  • Erecting the second floor and roof

Frame house building is distinguished by high construction speed and low cost.

Frame houses can easily carry temperature fluctuations from -30 to +30 ° C.

This assembly technology is used in the erection of small private houses, as well as multi-storey buildings. They answer modern requirements Strength, energy efficiency and comfort of accommodation. Houses built on frame technology can be operated in climatic conditions, where the temperature may vary in the range from -30 ° C to + 30 ° C.

For long years, such assembly technology is underestimated because frame house It was considered unreliable and short-lived. But, as such houses are built and the appearance of a huge number of positive feedback on them, a frame-type houses have become competitive with traditional buildings, which are based on wood and brick.

Tools and Materials for Frame Building

Tools: nail-cut, plumb, ax, corner, building level, etc.

  • sotorous saw;
  • screwdriver with a pair of batteries;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • concrete mixer;
  • bulgarian;
  • levels of 2 m and 60 cm;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • hand-hacksaw;
  • chisels;
  • pliers;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • shovel;
  • armature;
  • knitting wire;
  • ruberoid;
  • waterproofing composition;
  • wood;
  • tara for mixing cement.

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Determining the characteristics of the soil for the construction of the foundation

Before construction, it is necessary to decide on the type of soil on the site, where the house will be erected. If the project implies the costs of geological surveys, it will be the best option. You can and independently determine the level of groundwater and soil composition. To do this, dig a hole, the depth of which will be approximately 1.5 m, which will help to study the ground cut.

The best option will be sandy-stony soil, gravel or rock soils that do not have in the composition of clay, the large-scale ground will perform a great base without inclusions. Such a base does not hold moisture, it is not extended when freezing in the winter period. The least favorable options for the foundation will be fine-grained and dust sands, as they are pecunned in the cold. It is worth considering that clay soils with a shallow water located waters will be removed when freezing.

The service life, which is peculiar to the foundation, must correspond to the service life of the house. Therefore, in many respects, the frame house is not built on reinforced concrete belt foundations. If the plot has a high arrangement of groundwater, it is not recommended to equip the basement. Despite the fact that the type of foundation will be chosen, as well as how high-quality it will be waterproof, it will be high humidity.

If you plan to build a frame of a frame type on bulk and sailing soils, the best option will be the arrangement of a monolithic plate, which will provide spatial rigidity. For the purpose of saving, it is possible to prefer the construction of a small-breeding foundation, and different types of basics equipped on sand pillows are perfectly suitable.

In any case, the ease of design of the house frame type determines the rationality of using all types of relatively inexpensive and simple in the process of execution of foundations.

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Frame-type framework technology

Before starting work, you should decide on the project. The frame house, like any other, should begin to build from the foundation. The assembly technology in this case differs in that it does not imply the presence of a powerful and expensive base. Extremely often such houses are built on silent-screw foundations. However, if the project of the house will have a cellar or storage room, it is necessary to prefer a tape base. The 2-storey construction will need a foundation whose width is 30 cm.

Building frame house It should be started with the arrangement of the trench, its depth must be 50 cm, the width is 40 cm. It will be necessary to mount the formwork in it, trying the pens intended for piles, the step between them should be 1.5 m. It is allowed to install Asbestos pipes, it is possible to limit fiber-based reinforcement. After the bottom, the sand should be covered in about 20 cm. In addition, a future foundation is also to be rejected, for this formwork must have reinforcement fixed with knitting wire. It is important to ensure that the formwork does not have a height drops, a permissible error in this case, a differential is considered to be 1-2 cm.

The fill of concrete in the formwork of the foundation of the frame house should be made at a plus temperature. It is preferable to use a ready-made concrete from the factory than producing an alternate on the site. To the house, the dimensions of which are 7x10 m, it will be necessary to use about 12 cubes of the mixture. After full of cement fill, it should be tamped, perfectly suitable for this manual vibrator. Full drying will take at least a week. If it is necessary to have a base on the finished foundation, its calculation should be made using the brick.

The technology of assembling such a house involves the establishment of gender and other structures using the edged board of the first grade, its thickness must be 50 mm. It should be treated with waterproofing composition, setting over 2 layers of the rubberoid. It should be put on its surface, which will be the basis of the Future Floor frame.

OSB sheets will perform a black floor tie, the dimensions of which should be equal to 1250x2500, and they should also be processed using a special composition, which will prevent the spread of mold and fungus. Mounting transverse lags in the house should be applied by a step of 575 mm. Details should be fixed on wood screws. Should not forget that this stage of assembly frame houses Ensures the arrangement of the stroke into the subfield.

In order to ensure the convenience of further work and give the stiffness of the entire design, the floor should be seen by the sheet material, which in the future should be replaced by sex boards or concrete tie.

Screen OSB is needed to each lag. Works associated with wood frame, preferably carry out in dry weather.

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Construction of the frame of the walls of the first floor

After installing the floor, you can begin the construction of the frame of the 1st floor. It is more convenient to assemble the walls of the walls on the floor, and after it is ready, you can start it with its installation and fixation, which is performed using the strut, while it is necessary to achieve the necessary stiffness. The system of external walls of frame houses is assembled with the use of a board, the cross section of which should be 50x150 mm, and when assembling internal supporting partitions, the connection of 3 boards should be used together, so it will be possible to obtain dimensions in 150x150 mm.

The most common facing material is moisture-resistant OSB 3. In order to provide a more convenient mount, the step should be held between adjacent vertical racks, which is 575 mm. Sheets to strengthen the screws or nails.

In the process of manufacturing the framework of such houses, window openings should be additionally enhanced by connecting 2-3 vertical boards, which will protect them from the drawdown after the construction of the entire building is completed.

The assembly technology, after lifting and fixing the walls, implies the installation of internal partitions. Before starting the rise of the second floor, the installation of bearing structures should be made. It will be done from reinforced boards, which are attached with the help of the corners.

Looking at the house built of bricks, the engineer is experiencing a dual feeling. Walls are reliable, they will preserve a hundred years, but why do we need excessive strength? Brick, 50 cm thick will not be collapsed if it will be pressed 12 floors. We built only two.

As the heat insulator brick is strongly inferior to wood and hopelessly behind the Minvati. Therefore, a large thickness of brick walls is not too successful attempt to solve with one material at once two tasks: strength and energy efficiency.

We see a completely different approach in the design of a frame building. From the point of view of engineering, everything is logical here: the strength is responsible for the power frame, and the fibriller saves the walls of the wall.

The costs of time, labor and finance for the construction of a frame house are significantly lower than when construction of bricks or clay blocks.

To the question of what it is a frame house gave the answer, our distant ancestors, building the first chaolars from branches and leaves. Having passed the centuries-old way of development and improvement, modern "skeners" successfully compete with other types of residential buildings.

Symbols of carcass construction technologies

We will not deepen in all the nuances of existing technologies, and consider fundamental structural solutions.

So, a frame building can be built in several ways:

  • Write into the soil wooden piles piles and tinkering them with boards, insulated inside (cement-skeletal technology);
  • On a column foundation, collect a wooden support frame (platform) and attach the first floor frame racks. The second floor is assembled similarly (Canadian technology);
  • Use continuous racks (two floors high). They are fixed to the support frame, and at the level of the second floor, bars are fixed to the racks, which serve as a support for sexual flooring;
  • Ancient German phacomk technology. The frame is collected from thick bars (200x200 or 150x150 mm). The gaps between them are filled with a mixture of clay and straw (insulation). Boxes and frame racks do not hide for decoration, but leave on the facade;
  • Finnish frame-shield technology - the interpretation of Canadian. It differs from it the fact that the walls and floors of the building are made not on the construction site, but supply to the object in the finished form (insulated shields).

The most popular part of the contractors for construction of a frame house - frame-shield. It allows you to prepare all assembly elements in the factory conditions, after which it remains on the site only to perform their installation. Its main drawback is quite high cost, and the main advantages are the speed and quality of the assembly.

For the developer who decided to independently build a frame house, it is more profitable to use Canadian technology. Speaking about her, we do not mean the use of sandwich panels from OSB and foam, and we make an emphasis on the assembly technology - the support frame, wooden racks, beams and finish covering with environmentally friendly material: outside the block house, from the inside the wooden lining. Inside the walls are insulated.

Advantages and weak places of frame houses

Advantages in frame technology is more than flaws:

  • All-season construction (no wet processes);
  • Economicity of the construction (easy foundation, minimum of lifting mechanisms, low labor complexity);
  • Excellent energy-saving characteristics;
  • Optimal microclimate (when using breathable sheat materials and insulation);
  • The efficiency of the assembly (especially during the frame-shield version);
  • Simplicity of finishing, repair and replace damaged cladding parts;
  • Low sensitivity to the prepires and beagon of soil;
  • The possibility of flexible adaptation of the internal planning for the needs of the owner.

Gilts reviews are the best advertisement for frame technology. Customers say that the construction costs from them turned out to be 30-40% less than when the brick house is erected. Many owners argue that the costs of gas heating of one-story "carcass" do not exceed the cost of heating the urban apartment.

The shortcomings of framework technology can be attributed:

  • Durability in such buildings is lower than that of brick houses;
  • Increased sensitivity to vibration and inner noise (if serious errors are made at the installation);
  • If the insulation is not chosen eco-plastic, but a foam, then there is a risk of penetration of rodents into space between the trim;
  • The need to attract the work of highly qualified (more expensive) specialists.

Considering the pros and cons of frame houses, it is not difficult to note that the key condition for comfortable living is to use quality materials. Any "skeleton" is an excellent home if it is built competently, without unjustified savings on the insulation, firebore and cladding.

Construction features

Frame-frame and frame-shield houses are erected according to a similar technique. The difference as we have said is the degree of prepared cladding. In the first case, the finished frame is trimmed "at the place" right on the court. In the second version, shields assembled at the factory are fixed.

The foundation for the "sander" can be chosen any:, or. However, it is more profitable to use piles or piles, since the small weight of the building allows you to reasonably save on concrete and reinforcement.

Blooding the poles or piles below the ground freezing point, the concrete belt-scarlet is poured along their glitters. It is mounted a support frame from a bar. For fastening, anchor bolts are used, deposited in concrete.

After that, it is started to install racks, strengthened them to the strapping bruster by one of three ways (see Fig.2)

First, an angular frame racks are set, and then ordinary. For fixing in a vertical position, each rack is fixed by temporary shakes. The step of the racks choose so that the heater is placed between them (50-60 cm).

The upper strapping bar is the basis of the interhesive overlap fixed to the racks with the help of wrist or steel corners.

The frame house for permanent residence will be durable if all carrier racks are strengthened by permanent shares. This operation is carried out by checking the correct geometry of the collected frames.

The next stage is the installation of ceiling beams on the upper strapping bar. You can do this with the help of powerful steel corners.

Having collected the carrier base, the insulation of the walls of the frame house and their skin is performed. Between the racks lay a semi-rigid plate from Minvati or use cellulose eco-way. For EcoWati, the installation of vapor barrier in the wall is not required, but for Minvati this operation is mandatory.

The thickness of the wall insulation must be at least 15 cm. The same should be selected and the width of the frame racks (with a thickness of 8-10 cm).

In parallel with the insulation laying, the inner and outer trim make. For external cladding, you can use a blockolar or cement-chipboard (CML).

If you decide to separate the OSB house outside or vinyl siding, then do not forget to leave the air gap between the trim and the aircraft (3-5 cm) so that water vapor leaves into the atmosphere and did not condense in the insulation.

If you were convinced of excellent foam qualities, note that in this case you will have to take care of additional ventilation. This material does not miss water vapor, so there will be stuff without forced air exchange in the premises.

From the inside the frame is better to bond with eco-friendly material (wood or plasterboard). If the internal finish is decided to use OSB slab, then pay attention to the class of its emission. It must be E0 or E1. If a higher class is specified in the material passport - E2, it should not be applied due to increased evaporation of formaldehyde.

How really to build a frame house with your own hands?

Everything is real, my friend will answer an experienced builder to your question about whether it is possible to build a frame house with your own hands. However, something that does not constitute problems for a professional can become a stumbling block for a beginner.

Therefore, if you want to build an inexpensive and warm "skeleton", then do not mind right away for a large project, but try your hand at a reduced copy - a barn, a bath or time. Here all admitted miscalculations can be corrected much easier. Acquired experience and skills will be useful for a serious object. Before starting work, do not laugh carefully examine the construction technology, paying special attention to the docking nodes and important assembly nuances.

The same who cannot wait and learn from their mistakes should know what amount will be required for construction.

The easiest way to estimate how much an inexpensive carcass house is turning to use the online calculator. It can be found on the sites dedicated to frame construction.

It contains a complete "layout" of all materials used, as well as the estimated cost of work taken into account in the estimate. Therefore, you can only enter the size of the house and its floors to determine the final price.

Suppose we are going to build a skeleton single-storey residential building (without attic). Dimensions of the house in terms of 6x8 meters. The foundation will be columred from concrete blocks of 40x20x20 cm. Walls and overlaps are insulated with a mining thickness of 15 cm. The ceilings are trimmed with drywall, and in the attic it is stacked by a draft milking floor.

Outside, the house is facing the cement-chipboard and vinyl siding, and from the inside is trimmed with plasterboard. The bartal roof is performed from MONTERREY metal tile. Windows - Wooden double glazing

The estimated value of all materials (delivery) for such a frame house will be 390,000 rubles. For work will have to pay 312,000 rubles.

As a result, we get the estimate of the total value of 702 thousand rubles. The price of 1 m2 of the total area is obtained equal to 702,000 rubles. / 48m2 \u003d 14,625 rubles.

A series of video rollers for the construction of a frame house:

The frame house is perhaps the most economical type of construction. This often lies the secret of its popularity among many landowners. According to builders' estimates, wood savings compared to construction from a bar may be up to 65-70%. Architects refer to framework projects so that the cost of the finished home remains in mass demand. What types of frame houses offer us builders? Consider in order.

Frameworking technology of the house "Platform"

Technology frame construction at home "Platform", it is the so-called "Canadian", at the time gained great popularity on numerous country construction projects. This technology is indeed widely used in Canada, and even in the neighboring with us and similar climate of Finland. In 2000, the Book of the Finnish author Mikko Villacainen "Individual House" Platform ", this manual for construction of frame houses.

The essence of the method

The house is based on a substantially, while the lower and inter-storey overlap are at the same time working planes, in which the walls of this floor are collected in a horizontal position and then installed vertically. Technology construction frame houses quite simple in its performance and not only any construction companyBut also a person who owns the Aza carpentry skill. Everything you need to build a frame can be found on the nearest construction database: frame racks, lags, rafters, insulation, finishing material. Of all breaks of frame houses You can select the two most popular types of design: frame platform and skeleton with pass-through racks.

Platform frame design involves a package principle of construction. The floor overlap is assembled, which is subsequently used as the base for the walls. After installing the walls on top, they make another overlap, it can be the floor of the second floor or the base for the devices of the attic overlap. This method allows you to build a house with attraction minimum quantity labor force, which is very important for an individual developer.

After installing the walls of the house, roof is erected, insulation of the walls of the house, installation of communication networks, installation of windows and doors is carried out. The final stage of construction is the internal and exterior decoration of the walls of the house. The platform system is particularly well suited in the construction of small individual houses.

Special place in Canadian technology construction of frame houses occupied sIP Sandwich Panel (Structural Insulated Panel - Construction Heat Pole, or KTP). The SIP panel (SIP) is a monolithic three-layer design consisting of two OSB-3 plates (OSP-3), between which the insulation layer (expanded polystyrene) is glued under pressure.

Benefits of housekeeping of houses

The construction process does not require heavy lifting equipment, since parts of the frame are small and weight. Roof rafters can also be lifted using simple lifting tools. Due to the fact that the construction is conducted by "layers", the scaffolding will be required only when the facade is trimmed. Also do not need to build special stairs for the construction time. The staircase on the top floor can be done immediately after assembling an inter-storey overlap. If the staircase is thoroughly closed or finished or finished it only at the end of construction, then you can not be afraid of its premature wear.


For wooden carcass construction The following materials are needed: the timing of 100x100 mm (100x150 mm for the northern regions), also for the framework of the framework, you can use log in diameter 12-14 cm, cutting board 50x100 (150), 25x100 (150) mm, mortgage bar or birch. Wood moisture for the carcass device should not be more than 15%.

If you plan to build a single-level house, then the frame racks can be made of 50 mm thick boards, but if you decide to build a two-level house, then it is better to be reinforced and used for the bearing racks with a cross section of at least 100x100 mm.

Houses with a frame of lung metal structures - Another direction of development of low-rise frame house-building. Conservative Russian citizens are still looking at this technology, trying to compare all its advantages and disadvantages, although all over the world it has long been popular.

The construction technology of prefabricated buildings based on steel structures has long been used in different countries. First, industrial and commercial facilities, warehouse terminals were erected on steel frames, and then the technology was adapted to housing construction, where it gained active development. Russian builders recently began to use steel frame in low-rise house-building.

Metal frame for home Collected from lung steel structures. Vertical racks and horizontal liters are made of galvanized perforated profile (low alloy steel) with a thickness of up to 3.5 mm. All elements of the frame design are connected to each other with ripples or screws. Then the frame is cut on both sides by hand or leafy materials, inside which the insulation is laid, with vapor barrier and windproof membrane (everything is in houses with a wooden frame). The use of thin steel profiles limits the height of the builded structures, as a rule, by two floors.

To increase the passage of the heat flux so that the "cold bridges" is not formed, through grooves with a minimum cross section cut through the profiles in checkerboard.

German carcass home-building technology

The essence of the method: Describing the method of building a "platform", it should be noted that the so-called German technology is, in fact, the same, with the only difference that the wall panels of the house in the German version are always used factory. Hence the traditional German accuracy, - the shields are fitted and the thermal insulation material, the windows and the primary wall decoration are also made. Assembling floor overlap is also made in factory conditions.

The principle of bonding shields of the houses at home is the same as the houses built according to the "platform" technology. For delivery and erection of the house requires a lifting technique, which, unfortunately, makes construction more expensive.

Advantages of German frame house-building

First of all, this is the high quality of the assembly, the revolving side of which, must be recognized, becomes a higher price. During the construction of the walls of the house from the factory manufacturing panels, you can be as confidential as possible in accuracy of technology. Frame house construction technologyIn particular, German, it implies that all elements of the precast building have standard, unified dimensions. This allows finishing operation of a frame object by any materials. At the same time, the developer does not spend time on the preparation of external and internal surfaces, because frame construction of houses Lained uneven walls, ceilings and floors, window curves and doorways.


The first thing they do (should do) builders after the construction of the walls is to close the roof. After all, the panels are undesirable to direct moisture in the course of a long time. The outer walls of the house can stand without finishing for three months. After that, the OSB plates will begin to darken away from precipitation, so it is better to calculate your capabilities in advance and get facade trim as soon as possible.

Frame construction: Questions and Facts

Why are many future homeowners refuse such a quick and profitable domain of house-building? The first and main claim is, of course, the "non-environmental friend" of such housing. However, manufacturers claim: all materials included in the sandwich panel have certificates and sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, they are specially designed for residential premises and are completely safe.

The second minus, which, however, is inherent in all frame houses - It is bad sound insulation. However, this problem is solved at the stage of finishing work with noise and sound insulation materials.

The third complaint to the quick-scale housing from the sandwich panels is his fire hazard. In fact, panel-frame houses belong to the same flagrance class, as wooden, and need the same complex of protective measures as cottages from a log or bar.

And the last "big question". Many customers initially belong to the panel-skeletal housing as unreliable and short-lived. However, impartial mathematical calculations and successful overseas practice refute these fears. The estimated shelf life of this house is eighty years. For example, in Canada, you can see strong buildings built on this technology more than half a century ago. Therefore, if the future owner does not plan to build housing at least two hundred years, the version of the panel-frame cottage may be perfect for him.

Russian typical projects of frame houses: opportunities for savings

Plant Volume-modular buildings in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky releases carcass wooden houses With external and interior decoration and built-in engineering communications. The dimensions of the products are such that their transportation is possible for any distance railway or vehicle. On the stream - three typical projects of houses with dimensions of 3.2x11.4; 3.6x11,4; 4.2x11.4 m. Two versions of the ceiling altitude: 2.5 and 2.7 m. The frame is made of glued timber, both parts of the bartal roof are connected by hinges.

The basis of the house is the framework and light beams for inter-storey floors of galvanized profiles. The thermal insulation is provided by 150 mm layers of Rockwool mineral wool. For roughing and wind protection, a CSP (cement-chipboard) is used or a new CML material (fiberglass-magnesium sheet) of Chinese production, which has been widespread in Korea and Japan.

Manufacturers from the Leningrad region offer more than 20 typical projects of houses. These are skewing single, two-storey houses Square from 67 to 200 sq.m. The frame consists of a rectangular bar of 150x75 mm, and the roasting is made of square 50x50 mm. Insulation serve basalt plates Rockwool; "Izospan" is used for hydro and vaporizolation. Siding applies as outer decorative sewing. The roof consists of metal tile with insulation isover. The strength of the design allows the use of both natural tiles (clay or cement-sand).

The cost of houses without taking into account the foundation and engineering systems is as follows: houses with an area of \u200b\u200b67-100 sq. M - 400-720 thousand rubles; 102-140 sq. M - from 800 thousand to 1 million rubles; 145-200 sq. M - up to 1.5 million rubles. "Landing" russian version of a skeleton country house It becomes attractive at a price due to some changes made to the project. Instead of a bar of 150x100 mm for the bottom and upper strapping, two boards 150x50 mm are used (they, by the way, do not change their form when drying). The entire wooden frame is replaced with a metal of thin-walled structures (LSTK), which are assembled on self-drawing, without welding. Wall structures - from a tipped oriented chipboard (OSP), insulation of polystyrene foam. Outside the frame is shedding OSP, and inside - a gypsum-fiber waterproof sheet. In fact, OSP is improved three-layer wood. The chips in the outer layers are oriented along the plate, and the middle layer is across. Therefore, in the OSP plates, fastening well, and the stove itself acquires increased strength and elasticity.

Combining the experience of ancient craft with the possibilities of new technologies, modern frame house-building The right is considered the most economical and technological option for the construction of high-quality country houses.

Expert Comment: Rosstroy

One of the options for a frame house is a ready-made household complex for year-round accommodation. When choosing a home complex, you need to pay attention to the final readiness - how much you still need to do and put it in order to bring it as they say "to mind." The environmental friendliness of materials, the energy efficiency of the enveloping structures, the speed and quality of assembly, as well as the price of assembly and delivery is also important.

What should be the modern household complex of the finished frame house: Maximum final readiness after the assembly, the original modern design of facades and interior decoration, the most efficient use of the internal space, the possibility of installation on any sections, the use of advanced and tested technologies to achieve maximum comfort and environmental friendliness, reducing the cost of further content, the possibility of extension and Superstructures, and of course the available price is fully finished to accommodate the house for the shortest possible time.

Facrow: O. porn brusade houses

Fakhverk - This is a construction technology in which the supporting structure is a hard frame of wooden beams, vertical racks, horizontal rheglels and diagonal diagonals. The secret of its strength is in the high quality of the wood used (a durable oak was used for the manufacture of beams) and jewelry compounds of wooden parts with a special wristband ("on a secret spike", "Lastochka Tail") and aging (wooden nails). The absence of any metal fasteners is the main difference between the traditional step from its later interpretations.

To protect the wooden structures from rotting (with direct contact with the earth), they were put on stone socles or the first floor of the house was completely erected from stone. And from the effects of atmospheric precipitation, the frame faced the natural structure of the wood itself - on the capillary system of vertically standing beams moisture flowed down, without lingering in the tissues of the tree. Additional protective composition of natural oils, which were covered with the elements of the supporting structure, gave wood resistance to atmospheric influences, fires and insect-affected by insects.

The essence of the method: one of the popular frames of the frame house - the half-timber. In a classical understanding, this is a hard frame consisting of wooden or metal struts, horizontal beams and diagonal squeezes. Modern firearies dictate a choice in favor of metal racks. The entire structure is holding on separately standing racks. For comparison, the framework of Canadian is formed by a frequent set of wooden racks forming a wall plane. Wall design budget option The half-timbered consists of a brick (clay) masonry with a thickness of 120 mm attached to the racks with special anchors. Then (with an air gap) go 25 mm thick, layer of minvati in 80 mm, then a layer of lime brick, which is well loving lime plaster. Alternatively, instead of bricks, a monolithic foam concrete stamps D200-D400 is used.

Wooden version Fakhverka Presses the rack 140x130, 190x175 or 190x220 mm. The bars of 40x50 and 50x60 mm are going to the inner partitions (also on the frame scheme). To the floor, columns and racks they are fixed with frame dowels. Frame racks for the frame and for rafters of the roofs are edged boards 50x100 mm, and the boards with a thickness of 20 and 25 mm - for the walls of the walls. The optimal cross section of the solid system is 50x150 mm or 50x200 mm. For the roofroom, bars and boards of 50x50 mm (40x40 mm) and 25x150 mm (25x100 mm) and 25x150 mm (25x100 mm) are used in increments between rafters about 0.9 m. A premium or business class head has the elements of the "intelligent" house: multi-layered wall sandwich designs And, of course, low-emission double-glazed windows. In half-timbers with large glazing grounds, racks are required. In this case, the cross section of angular racks is 300x300 mm, and in line - 300x180 mm. Ceiling beams are also enhanced to a cross-section of 100x80 mm, and the Bar Mauerlat - until the section is 270x90 mm.

Benefits: Facrow technology saves building materials, especially expensive wood. This is the main reason that the method has become widespread in Europe.

Moreover, frame method It allows you to significantly increase the inner space and the floors of buildings, build houses with a closer layout, unlike the chopped, where the size of the rooms were strictly limited to the log length.

Frameworking House Building Technology - Timber Frame

Historical ancestors Timber Freim. - "Fakhverk" in Germany, "Colombaz" in France, "Post-and-Bim" in England. Reliability and durability of these designs is verified and confirmed by time.

The style and technology of wooden house-building Timber Freim originated in medieval Europe. Later, in the period of US colonization, most wooden houses In the new light was built on the same technology. In the 20th century, lungs cheap frame houses Thimber Freim crowded out, and he practically ceased to be in demand. But since the 70s, the revival of technology began in the USA.

The essence of the method: Timber Freame (Timber Frame) is almost the same as the German half-timber. The main difference is thicker and massive beams. From all other framework technologies mentioned by us Timber Freim differs, first of all, the framework itself. The framework here is carrier, i.e. It is he who holds the weight of the whole house, people, furniture, etc., plus loads from snow and wind. All parts in the frame are connected, fasten with carpentry locks (spike-grooves, etc.) and are fixed with wooden brazers (wooden nails), i.e. without metallic fasteners. It makes a heavy frame very durable and durable, eliminating possible erosion of wooden beams. Each connection, each detail in the frame is individually adjusted to the other. The frame itself in Timber Freame leaves visible in the interior of the house. Wood grinds, sharp edges spin. Modern two- and more floors are often built with the second light, while the frame is performed in the form of a distributed farm, which allows you to build wide rooms without retaining columns. In German phase, a lifetime lumber is used.

The construction of frame houses is becoming increasingly popular, and masters are quite easily mastered by the technology of frame-shield construction. The main disadvantage of frame houses is its briefness, however, today there are already ways to make frame houses more durable. Here, it is primarily about the special impregnating compositions, through which structures of wood are treated to avoid rotting and fires, as well as about high-quality insulation. Frame technology makes it possible to give the house of any desired appearance.

The frame house can be covered with brick, decorated using the "wet facade" technique, namely plastered and painted in the desired color, decorated with natural or artificial stones. For preferring wooden house owners, the house can be trimmed, imitating the timber, or a block house, imitating rounded logs. The most practical and durable material, convenient when operating - siding, which is not required to be lacquered and washed. Along with all properties, frame houses are the most economical. When erecting a frame house, it is extremely important to determine its appointment, for example, whether this building will be a house, dacual housing, is it intended to build for accommodation during round year or temporarily.

This is important because the feature of the skeleton house is that it is a design of vertical racks with horizontal strapping, between which voids fill materials for thermal insulation with low thermal conductivity, which are able to keep heat in winter. Comfortable finding and accommodation in a house of a frame type depends on how correctly selected materials for insulation and from their thickness.

The construction of frame houses with a maximum with two floors is allowed, while it is desirable that the second floor is made in the form of an attic.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame construction

The advantage of this type of construction lies in the ease of construction, which gives the opportunity to save on the foundation.

Construction is carried out quickly, for example, on the construction of a frame home about the beginning and until the date of delivery, it can be commissioned. Using frame-panel technology, you can reduce the time spent on the installation, up to three months. No need for shrinkage construction. To perform the installation of walls, the use of severe construction equipment is not required.

This design has a high degree of seismic resistance, and the use of natural materials indicate that the house is environmentally clean. Frame walls make it possible to hide all communications in them. A variety of advantages can be attributed to specific types of frame structures.

Disadvantages of frame construction are as follows:

  • DISTRIBUTY. The warranty period for the frame structure reaches 75 years. Given that proper care Behind the house you can extend its operational period and up to 100 years.
  • Limited number of floors. It is allowed to build frame houses no more than two floors, so they are preferably one-story. The construction of a two-storey house increases the cost of the structure up to the cost of a brick house, depriving the dignity of the frame house, which consists in low cost.
  • Redevelopment. There is no possibility of redeveloping a skeleton house, and if necessary, you have to make it completely and collect it again.

Types and varieties of frame houses

All frame-type structures can be classified into two types:

  1. frame-frame;
  2. frame-shield.

This type of house can be often found in the northern regions of the country, where it is more famous called the "Finnish house". As a rule, it represents a one-story or two-storey house having a duplex symmetric roof. Panels for these houses are produced at factories by typical project.

They have a different degree of readiness, being a collected framework or ready-made panels for walls with inserted windows, built-in engineering communications, with multilayer plates for overlaps, and in some cases even with a roof. The dimensions of the prefab details are respectively equal to the project. Thus, the house assembly at the construction site consists only in the combination of parts between themselves, and this significantly speeds up the pace of the construction process.

Of course, carcass-shield buildings have a number of advantages. Thanks to the finished panels, they are quickly collected. On the construction of the box goes about 3-7 days. Since the panels are manufactured at the factory with the necessary degree of humidity, they have good quality, which makes their operation longer. The main disadvantage of carcass-shield houses is to use special equipment. To install the finished panel on right place Crane is required. Consequently, this type of frame house is not as convenient when independently installed at home.

The technique of the structure of the structure of frame structures using panels is as follows:

  1. the implementation of the device of a lightweight formation (usually a ribbon foundation is either in the form of screw piles);
  2. creating a framework for the frame by wooden farms used subsequently when the floor is arranged as a lag;
  3. setting the panel in accordance with the project;
  4. installation of the roof covered using a soft roof;
  5. the final stage of laying the entire communication and performing external and interior decoration.

For construction takes about 2-3 months. The weight of frame-shield structures is small, so the building does not give a shrinkage.

The main advantage of this house is the possibility of building the desired home using any project. It is this technology that allows you to build a frame house with your own hands.

The difference in this type of building from panel houses is to combine the procedure for manufacturing and installing panels. The peculiarity of this technology is that it initially creates a framework of future buildings together with the roof, and after thermal insulation and finishing with sheet materials are carried out. Regarding the subsequent construction, it should be noted that it is performed similar to the construction of a frame-shield house. With independent construction, the framework of a but-frame home, the construction process can last until six months.

Required to build a frame home tools

During the construction of a frame structure, the following list of tools will be required:

  • long level;
  • plane;
  • lobzik;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • a circular saw;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • saw;
  • roulette;
  • two squares;
  • T-shaped cross screwdriver;
  • clamps;
  • two hammers of different weight;
  • pistol for mounting foam;
  • roller;
  • simple pencil;
  • construction stapler;
  • powerful extension cord;
  • ladder-stepping;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • anchor bolts.

During the construction of a frame house, it is necessary to take into account the period of residence in such a house. The frame structure, intended for living in it during the year, will be able to insulate.

Since the frame house is quite easy to relatively with other types of houses, the construction of the foundation of deep downstream is irrational in this case. It accepts a ribbonly low-profiled foundation, a foundation plate, a collection of concrete blocks or a column foundation.

The main function of such a foundation is to create a rigid spatial frame. The construction of a skeleton house can be carried out in the following types of foundation:

  • columnar
  • pile;
  • ribbon unlucky foundation.

The form of the foundation depends on the number of floors in the structure and from the type of soil.

For the house with one floor there will be quite suitable construction of a column foundation installed even if the "capricious" soil. At the same time, using a drill, the grooves in the ground with a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a depth of approximately one meter, observing a step of 80 centimeters.

The asbestos pipes are then inserted into the prepared pits, and the free space remained around them is filled with sand and rubble and tamper. Holes in the columns are filled with cement. Having established such a foundation to wait until it freezes to continue work.

Recently, the pile helical foundation is quite popular, installed independently without the help of masters and specialists.

It is best to install such a foundation manually because it is necessary to screw the piles strictly by level so that deviations are not formed. Screwing the piles, it should be remembered that their re-screwing is not allowed to avoid disruption of the rammed soil.

To raise a frame structure, use two technologies: Canadian and Finnish. The principles of erection of these technologies are the same. The base of the house in both cases is the framework, which is metallic or wooden. The most common are fraud frames.


For the strapping, bars with a cross section of 25 × 20, 20 × 20 and 15 × 15 centimeters are used. Before laying a bar, it should be prepared. It is necessary to cover the tops of the piles layer of mastic, as well as two layers of rubberoid. The timber is treated with an antiseptic agent. The bar is installed all over the perimeter of the base.

The bars fasten with nails. To strengthen the frame design in the corners, metal corners are fixed, and on the base, the fastening screws. The bar is stacked in special grooves and screws.

The board is placed on the strapping, overlapping the connection of the bar. There later will install the frame racks. The board must be processed using an antiseptic.

For the execution of the draft floor, lags from a bar are made with a cross section of 10 × 15 centimeters, observing a step in 60 centimeters. To protect the house from moisture and cold between the lags, the insulation is placed, which is covered on top of a vapor barrier film.

At the same time, for the draft floor, the most affordable material is used - an unedged board. You should also process the boards using an antiseptic agent. Lags are fixed to the strapping using metal corners. Boards nail to lags using nails.

Frame device

To mount the frame, the boards are used with dimensions of 5 × 10, 5 × 15 and 5 × 20 centimeters. The first thing is set by angular racks, fixed using reinforced steel corners. After the remaining racks are mounted using the corners. By walls for better fastening of the structure, drives are made that protect the frame from loosening.

Bar in the corners are fixed with cutting, and in the rest of the sections with steel corners. Corners are fastened with self-draws. To give strength also perform diagonal covers.

When mounting the walls, you do not need to forget about the selected ceiling height. It is advisable to perform a ceiling at a level of about 2.5 meters, then the ceiling will not be lower than 2.3 meters after decorative ceiling decoration.

When installing the walls, communications are performed, since you can hide them in the walls.

Mounting ceiling beams, use three options:

  • with steel corners;
  • defore cutting method;
  • using perforated brackets.

You can apply various methods depending on the plots of fastening. For beam support serves a strapping bar. The beams are attached with the help of self-tapping screws.

When mounting the roof of the raftered, the top is bonded with the help of nails. Along with this, they are fastened with strength boards. Further, the rafters are placed on the walls in such a way that the protrusion remains 20 centimeters. The rafters first are attached with the help of several voids and nails along the edges. Capping the central rafters, stuff the skateboard.

Then the cutting boards is made of the lamp, on top of which the ruberoid is stacked, fixable with nails with wide hats. At the final stage, the roofing material is mounted. If the technology of the material used allows, it can be done with your own hands.

There are many finishing materials for the exterior trim, for example, lining, siding, timber imitator and others. In front of the finishing works, they perform the crate with the help of bars of 40 × 50 centimeters in size in compliance with the steps of 60 centimeters. In this case, you can apply a metal profile.

It is necessary to process the wooden crate using antiseptic and fire fighting agents. Next, perform a finish in accordance with the technology of a specific finishing material. In order for the erected frame house to become suitable for living, it is insulated by performing external and internal thermal insulation. Warming outside is carried out by mineral wool to the finish finish. Foam flags nourish over mineral wool. For the thermal insulation device from the inside, mineral wool and plasterboard are used. The gaps are fought using a mounting foam. Warm all squares in the house: walls, ceiling, floor, roofing.

The cost of the frame house and the feasibility of its construction

Running example, you can specify approximate approximate prices for a set of frame-boiled house:

  • on average, the cost of one-story design ranges from 9-10 thousand rubles per square meter;
  • the two-story design has a price within 8.7-9.5 thousand rubles per square meter;
  • the design with the presence of an attic floor to cost about 8-9.5 thousand rubles per square meter.

If an assembly is being built on site, then the price will be approximately 15-17 thousand rubles per meter in a square. The exact cost of the frame house is determined depending on the specific project of the house, including the complexity of the installation and the amount of work.

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of frame construction, it becomes possible to draw conclusions that the framework and framework technology is most acceptable for independent construction. During the construction of the most ordinary house, a light tape foundation is chosen.

The base of the house is collected from a bar or logs, and on top set the frame racks with a step in one meter for optimal load distribution. Racks are fixed with nails and brackets. The lower and upper compounds are performed by bars, making diagonal drives in order to enhance stability. Collecting the frame, install the roof: the first thing was set, and then on top of the crate needed for laying insulation and roofing. Then the internal and exterior decoration of the framework, making the engineering communications, along with the engineering communications: water supply, sewage, gas, etc. The house of this type is cheaper than a drop of approximately 15% on average.

For short and small parts that will be applied to the base of the frame, it is recommended to use trimming from long items. Such details that were twisted or deformed during production are suitable. Certain materials can be reused.

For example, boards used for temporary fastening can be applied as constant shapes. For temporary distribution, you can apply the foundations of the base formwork. The secondary use of materials must be planned to be pre-purchasing them in a smaller volume.


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