Architectural thinking and approaches to his study. Associative thinking: why and how? Enhance associative thinking

Architectural thinking and approaches to his study. Associative thinking: why and how? Enhance associative thinking


Problems of education in the highest construction school

UDC 159.9 + 72

V.N. Tkachev


Psychology of the creative process in architecture and design

An analyzed sequence of the creative process in architecture and design at the project stage is analyzed: the psychology of the choice of the source of the artistic image, its transformation during the design, the creation of an architectural concept based on the comparison of the options, the use of metaphor and hyperbolization.

The role of such psychological qualities of a creative personality, such as associative thinking, imagination, ability to illusion and critical assessment of the artistic advantages of the work is shown.

The general issues of transforming the established habitat of cities, the psychological aspects of the conflict of the old and the new building are considered.

Keywords: creative process, aesthetic potential, artistic prototype, creative identity, associative thinking, artistic design, Mimesis, insight, metamorphosis of the image, habitat.

In the Family Family, architecture and design stand out at least four main features.

First, they are a two-stage, since they consist of a phase design and implementation, and the subject implementation of the project does not always mean the implementation of the plan. Completeness is achieved by means of design.

Secondly, the appearance of the building and its interiors as a visual certificate of consumer value delegated to the rest of the facilities: a suitable functional scheme, rational structures, trouble-free infrastructure.

Thirdly, the multi-knowledge of operations and capacity capacity makes these classes in the benefit of collective, identifying individual contributions and author's personification depending on the factors worthy of separate consideration.

Fourth, architecture and design form an image of a habitable environment; Their stylistic signs determine the synchronous aesthetic worldview of people and details of their existence. By virtue of this, architecture and design are the focus of the natural or ideologically oriented dynamics of the addition of cultural archetypes and canons, and creativity as a tool of this process becomes the object of study and control.

The purpose of the creative process in the designated area is a complex work with signs of Witruvian Triad: good, durability, beauty - interpenetrable and mutually deterministic.

By combining their "packaging" - harmonization, integrating all parameters into integrity, focusing artistic image. Harmony forms exists in space objectively, that a person from time to time is surprised to be surprised in the range from macromir to space, attributing it to the divine fishery. With all that, to recognize the signs of aesthetic potential, a mediator is needed - a creative person with a developed sensitivity, imagination, the ability to identify harmony (colors, sound, forms), professionally raised or, conventionally, congenital.

Creative identity, which has the necessary qualities of consciousness and skills, allowing to capture aesthetic "signals", operate with associative thinking during the transformation of the object of creativity, be able to adequately evaluate the artistic level of the work, becomes the subject of the creative process - the main character in the project business system.

And the psychology of creativity relies on associative thinking, the ability of imagination and high aesthetic sensitivity, the ability to preserve the brightness of the image by professional techniques, the importance of ownership which emphasized, by the way, G. Hegel: "Although the talent and genius of the artist have an element of natural giftedness, the latter needs for His development in the culture of thought, in reflections on the method of its implementation, as well as in the exercise and acquisition of skills. "

Achieving the goal of the creative process is declined to the consistent solution of tasks:

1) the creation of artistic image prerequisites, search for sources of inspiration, starting material with aesthetic potential;

2) actually creativity using the mechanisms of associative thinking, amplification of the formation of the primary source with metaphors and hyperbolization, with the assumption of such metamorphosis, which strongly distances the developed image from its origins;

3) Professional completion of work, and the readiness of the work on the presentation is estimated not so much on technical implementation, but to achieve the expected author of the effect and spiritual resonance in public opinion (positive or negative).

The act of presentation of the work, which in architecture and design is permanent character (for example, pyramids), can be qualified as a continuation of the creative process in the form of applying estimates with identifying such depths of the plan, which the creators did not think.

The search nature of the creative process is based on comparative operations: in the selection of the source of artistic imagery (random or planned), the design of the design object to achieve the most adequate goal of the effect, choosing and applying the techniques for the implementation of the intention. The basis of these operations - Association is a psychological tool of a creative personality.

Let us explain some possibilities of associative thinking.

Each item or phenomenon have a number of deterministic signs that fix the integrity of the presentation. The granite block is characteristic of both objective signs of gravity, strength, difficulty processing, and metaphors of power, inaccessibility, monumentality, eternity ... Mature spring, warm-fascinating aroma of night alleys are associated with a blooming lime.

Associative communication can be established between objects - symbols of a close semantic content (oven - heat) or distanced to each other with a short or long chain of associative links (oven - comfort - winter - wood harvesting - forest). Associative comparisons are often summarized with a solution contrasting to primary sensations: an ordered monotonous building causes the desire to "shake" it with the inclusion of a dynamic bright object.

Unclear-shaped visions of the creator, combined by the system of associations in standby mode, receive an external impulse from the object-phenomenon, the power of which depends often not from direct semantic conformity of the purpose of the search, but from the "subdominant", marginal concept, the novelty of which becomes a decisive argument for choosing a solution. This is characteristic of the technique of heuristic approach to creative tasks. Generally speaking, the designer does not bear any obligations towards the starting image; Moreover, the attachment to once found projecting option deprives the author of a cold critical reason and slows down the creative process. In this regard, it is not necessary to mention that during the metamorphosis, the initial image may lose its brightness, originality, freshness of ideas and is easily replaced by arising along the plans, and this is normal. In sociology there is a phenomenon of "6 handshakes", showing that there is enough such a number of handshakes familiar with each other along the chain of people to be in contact with any man of the planet. Associative chains also have countless combinations.

If it is necessary to cultivate the resulting initially shaped source until the finish stage, its fading as dominants stops, the image is supported and amplified by additional metaphors, hyperbolization, verbal fixation with the translation into the status of an abstract idea, more stable in the process of transformations.

A few words about the phenomenon of the appearance of associations. In general, this process is managed and techniques initiating ideas activating the Creator's psyche to search for a fruitful solution are described in various heuristic techniques, incl. Brainstorms, Moderation and Mental Motion Card, Syconctions, Bi-Sociation, etc.. And yet, associations arising unexpectedly as Venus in the brilliance of marine foam, creating an illusion of Divine Revelation (conquering even the atheist's mind), possess a special value. Their source: Divorced to large semantic distances of comparison objects that lead from routine ties of things (similar to the insight of the engineer S. Brown, who accidentally seen in the garden of the web, use in the design of the guy bridge

), And guesses that pop up from the memory of deep downlies are regarded as a gift of intuition.

Now let us turn to the creative process itself, emphasizing the psychological acts that put the road from the emotional perception of the prime to the subject realization of the artistic plan in the work, "from poetry presentation to the prose of thinking." His stages illustrate the abstracts expressed above.

The first stage is a conscious or intuitive search for an inspiration source, a certain external push, which will lead to the internal resources of the puzzled creative person, will serve as an imagination incentive, a source of artistic image:

a) the image retains its visual and expressive essence to the finals of the creative process and is a support of the author's interpretation of the starting image; Most often, such a straightforward transfer of an aesthetic impression on the finished product is characteristic of early cultures that borrowed in their naive art images of wildlife (this method of Mimesisis - direct borrowing is reflected in the architecture of ancient Egypt, antiquity; examples of this - lotus trunks and capitals of megalithic temples of Egypt , the parable of Vitruvia about Callimah is the inventor of the Corinthian capitals, as well as the prothist of the capitals in the Persepole apadans); But Mimeisisis recurrences are zoomorphic or technogenic - are possible and even popular in modern architecture, for example, projects Y. Utzone, F. Geri, N. Phoster; This is the result of the Associations on the principle of identity.

b) the impression of the original source serves only by the catalyst for the ideas of the author's installation, the hint of the possible trajectories of morphological transformations of the pre-prepared efforts of the prepared associative thinking, preserving only the allyusy of similarity due to the formalization of the source image, abstraction of its parameters due to technological requirements, say, stone processing techniques; Naturalistic imitation, imitation of forms are inferior to the likelihoods associated on deeper signs; The desire of the ancient Greeks to achieve harmonious summarization of the images of nature and man in sculpture and architecture, the canonization of the most advanced proportions of the human figure, their transfer to the abstrapyanic anthropomorphic elements of orders reflected the fact of inclusion in the visual practice of associative thinking more high level; This marked the translation of the architecture into the art of expressive - while maintaining until some pores with the pictures of the orthodox Mimeisis; The artistic hint becomes a sophisticated admission of comparison with the prototype, testifying to the increased level of taste, professionalism and industrialization of architecture art.

c) The image will be carried away from the specimen to large associative distances until a complete alienation from the meaning of the initial impulse (other or contrasting), where the overwhelming effect has an overwhelming appendant perception, which is based on the internal shaped resources of the creative identity (the legend of the legend of the ravene in the snow, the view of which -

roy joined V.I. Surikova to work on "haweding frost"; It can be assumed that I.I. Shishkin wrote a tragic fabric "in the north of wild", pushing out from the experienced symbolism of the dead lunar light; I.I. Levitan, creating his picture "Over the Eternal Region", associates the initial image of a wide river expanser with infinite sadness about the fate of Russia, exciting a non-alternative resonance in the shower and hearts of the spectators, even later than a century; Architects are also widely used by associative-shaped blanks, for example, I.A. Fomin wrote: "When a real question arises in life, it is necessary to extract some image from the warehouse of finished products and repain it for life."

The psychological mechanism of contrast associations is not used for annihilation of pairs of primary impressions, but to enhance the emotional stress in the development of the topic; In architecture and design, contrast associations are used to create figurative accents that emphasize the integrity and harmonious fullness of the composition (Harmony's hegel is unity, development, combination with disharmony, internal contradiction, according to the Pythagoreans, harmony is a compound of a variety of mixtures and a diverse consent).

Second phase. Metamorphosis of the figurative material go in the mode of comparability and variations based on the "mutual analysis" of associations filtering the choice of the direction of the solution and, if necessary, pretending the semantic chains.

At this stage of the formation of the basic concept of the artistic image of the Association:

specified, consolidated verbally, which simplifies operations with their participation;

change their semantic orientation;

fade as a leading idea and require support from metaphor;

secure the concept or return to the original frontier project idea;

not sustained competition or testing test.

The narrowing of the search, the test of the leading direction is carried out through the insight (insight) - the highest point of the creative process, which revealed the central idea to the surface, substituted under the cross-checking for compliance with the main requirements. The preference of choice is based on, of course, all involved criteria, but not the result of their simple summation. As a rule, the ideological criterion wins.

The conceptual phase of the project development requires an answer to the question of the attitude of the Creator to the conformity of his artistic plan. The author is either embedded in Mainstream, or consciously goes to breaking the prevailing stereotypes. At this stage, the uncertainty of ways to solve the problem is completed, the option of maximum compliance with the plan together with verbal selection argument is selected. Unplanned recycling of insights are possible, in the root changing the design of the procedures of perfectionism. The role of a creative personality, with deficiently allowed imagination, the resource of the images laid down in professional memory and "encountered" to the framework of work.

Third stage. The implementation of the established plan, the implementation of the artistic concept on the basis of professional skills and methods concerns here, we remind, only the first, project stage of creativity. In spatial and plane fine artsincluded in architecture and design, this work of one-step (considering and sketching).

In any case, the artistic intent receives a substitution form, adequately reflecting the essence, symbolism and freshness of aesthetic impulse; Consequently, associative references of professional techniques must have the appropriate form-emotional potential: the location of the projections, the original perspectives of common species, the dynamics of color spots, the stylistics of the illumination.

In painting, the energy of the image is transmitted by the sharp composition, bright or muted by color, texture and laptop of a smear, unique author's manner. The technique is not an end in itself, but a comprehensive means of expressing a "aesthetic subject", which acts visually at once or secretive, providing the viewer with hints that he must solve and "bring" an image to perfection in his mind. But, if the "concept" is laid quite deeply, then abstraction from the semantic meaningability, the substitution of its technical manipulations lead to self-satisfaction of the artist. However, pathological phenomena in art also have their appeal.

Especially it should be highlighted on computer tools for the implementation of aesthetic design programs. There is no dispute, this is a high-tech level of the design tool, and in cases where the author (creative team) is dealt with relatively established functional and constructive objects, it is advisable to receive an apple-free design using high-quality standards of spatial solution matrices, especially in housing and industrial architecture.

In the design of unique objects, the computer can easily "break out" into excessively expressive, buttafa architecture that does not require special tension of thought and professionalism. And the charm of the imaginary perfection of computer products applies to customers and builders. Excessive confidence in the technique demobilizes the critical and creative potential of the designer, the compositional skills and a sense of human scale, leads to technical and artistic mistakes inherent in immature work. Output:

tolerance of amateurs to computer equipment is contraindicated; The technical perfection of computer equipment must be brought to automation free from the "human" factor;

the computer should be used on extremely standard operations. Fourth stage. In assessing the artistic advantages of the work, the same associative resource is used mainly, which developed throughout the creative process. At least the authors expect the associations adopted by them in the development of artistic

the image will be generally understood. The psychological readiness of society is taken into account, its taste priorities, the circumstances of force majeure, and in some cases the resonance may be negative. This situation is well illustrated by countering citizens attempts to "embed" unauthorized new buildings in the established habitat, the psychological phenomenon of the denial of novelty. We are clear, it is about the "old" cities, where any interference in the canvas of development in order to reconstruct requires serious argument, in which the associations play the role of the tool for the belief and opposition to cooperation. The explicit avant-garde intentions of architects cause local social storms.

In the theoretical key, positive or negative impressions of new inclusions depend on the art of visual fitting of the building on Wednesday. Adaptation functions carry those parts of the new spatial object that are located in the household sector; These are the first tiers of facilities and territorial improvement. Thus, the procedure for estimating the work returns authors to the design of landscape architecture, if it was not provided in advance or not seemed important.

The experience of visual assessment of the work is postponed in the following theses:

the most favorable impressions causes the prevailing, quite monochrome and in calm orthogonal forms of development; For the professional level of the organization of interiors it is assumed that the comfort is achieved if it is invisible;

monotonicity does not give the impression of the harmony of the medium, accents are needed that do not destroy the general visual climate: small forms, means of monumental-decorative art.

The inclusion of elements that carry the aesthetic potential is dosed. Developed associative thinking of a modern citizen, as a tool for comparing information and concepts, saturated with symbols and metaphors, allows you to catch and strengthen any aesthetically painted pulse, quench the need for artistic impressions. Moreover, the consumer consciousness is to the perception and mental development, the completion of the artistic image, receiving psychological satisfaction from the "complicity" in the creative process, from the artist's plan, architect in the resonance.

This phenomenon of the "sophisticated connoisseur" is reversedly reflected in the professional worldview of the creative person. Perceiving the harmony of paints, forms, sounds of "non-manual" origin, prepared by the mind, developed refined, exquisite taste, no longer needed direct contact with the established carriers of aesthetic information (picture, sculpture, architectural form), I am satisfied with allusion, a symbol, a random, even a contrast association on "advanced" media: 3D movies, bodyguards, plane or three-dimensional devils of conceptualism, de-constructivism, absurdism - replacing the "fresh" information of static realism with new sharp sensations. In architecture weakened

communication of form and content, the appearance of the building does not disclose its specific purpose; The architectural image of the structure is based on composite considerations emanating from the immanent motivation free from stylistic reneranous past.

The opening of the psychological aspects of creative processes demonstrates the loss of humanitarian landmarks of project work in the field of architecture and design (although the advantage of architectural issues towards design is obvious, decisive task Environmental organizations, as close as possible to person). The existing project and construction practice indicate the negative trends in modern architecture on the creation of ambitious, antisocial facilities that destroy the visually and functionally established cities, which, undoubtedly need update, but not a spontaneous, and programmatically liberated from personal ambitions and commercially relief.

The destruction of cities needs to be stopped by switching architects and designers for rational creativity, excluding an understanding of the architecture as a game of capricious children in cubes, and at the same time carrying it in its original creative principle.

P.S. Familiarization with a number of studies on the psychology of the creative process, in particular, the works of T. Lubart and K. Mushira, showed that the focus of our research fits into the framework of the general scientific channel, which involves the possibility of international cooperation in this area, which contributes to an increase in the level of architectural education.

Bibliographic list

1. Hegel G.V.F. Aesthetics. T. 1. M.: Art, 1968.

2. Ponomarev Ya.A. The psychological mechanism of creativity / man in the system of sciences. M.: Science, 1989. 504 p.

3. Rosgorodsky A. None hacker will destroy the entire Internet // Campus. 2012. 10 (60), X1. P. 58.

4. Sarkisov S.K. Basics of architectural heuristics. M.: Architecture-C, 2004. 352 p.

5. Nelka M. Creativity technique. M.: Omega-L, 2009. 144 p.

6. Stepanov A.V., Ivanova G.I., Nechaev N.N. Architecture and psychology. M.: Stroyzdat, 1965. 194 p.

7. Orlov V.I. Treatise on inspiration that gives birth to the great inventions. M.: Knowledge, 1964. 350 p.

8. Mark Vitruviy Fillion. About architecture. L.: Oziz, 1936. 343 p.

9. Masters of Soviet architecture architecture: in 2 tons. T. 1. M.: Art, 1975. 544 p.

10. Shestakov V.P. Harmony as aesthetic category. M.: Science, 1973.

11. Bychkov V.V. Aesthetics. M.: Gardariki, 2006. 572 p.

12. Lubart T., Mushira K. Creative process / trans. With Fr. E.A. Valueva) // Psychology: Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2005. T. II. N 4. P. 74-80.

13. Lubart T.I. Modells of the Creative Process: Past, Present and Future // Creativity Research Journal. 2000-2001, 13 (3-4), PP. 295-308.

Received in January 2012

About the author: Tkachev Valentin Nikitovich - Doctor of Architecture, Professor of the Department of Designing of Buildings and Urban Planning, FGBOU VPO "Moscow State Construction University" (FGBOU VPO "MGSU"), 129337, Moscow, Yaroslavl Highway, d. 26, Valentintn @ Mail. RU.

For quoting: Tkachevv. Psychology of the creative process in architecture and design // Bulletin MGSU. 2013. No. 5. P. 239-248.

Creative Psychology in Architecture and Design

The Author Analyzes Creative Processes Underway in Architecture, Particularly, AT The Stage Of Design. The Author Considers The Psychology of Choice Of A Source Of Artistic Images Of Design, Development of An Architectural Concept Based On Comparison Of Options, And Of Metaphors.


The Present-Day Design Practice IS A LESS CREATIVE PROCHESS THAT THE PACTICE OF THE PAST, AS THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ACCELEMATS DRAFTING OF DOCUMENTS AND LIMITS THE INVOLVEMENT OF CREATIVITY. The Seming Simplicity of Information Technologies Reduces Architecture to the Craft Available to any "User". As A Result, The Urban Environment IS Filled with Computer Design, Or Ambitious and Fake Buildings.

The Psychology of Creativity Relies on Associative Thinking, Imagination and Esthetic Sensitivity. The Purpose of Any Creative Process IS Achieved Through Attainment of The Following Sequence of Objectives:

arrangement of Preconditions for Development of An ARTISTIC image; Search for Sources of Inspiration; Availability of the Input Material Possessing Esthetic Potential;

use Of Mechanisms of Associative Thinking, Intensification of Figuativeness of the Primary Source Use Metaphors, So That The Metamorphoses Separated The New Image from Its Original Source;

professional Completion of Work.

The Author Proves That Any Creative Process IS Based On Comparisons, And Associations Serving As The Basis for Operations That Consolid A Psychological Tool Used by Creative Personalities. Used by Creative Personalities.


2. Ponomarev Ya.a. Psikhologicheskiy Mekhanizm Tvorchestva. Chelovek V Sisteme Nauk. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1989, 504 p.

3. Raygorodskiy A. Ni Odin Khaker Ne Razrushit Ves "Internet. Kampus. 2012, 10 (60), x1, p. 58.

4. Sarkisov S.K. Osnovy Arkhitekturnoy Evristiki. Moscow, Arkhitektura-S Publ., 2004, 352 p.

5. Nel "Ke M. Tekhnika Kreativnosti. Moscow, Omega-L Publ., 2009, 144 p.

6. Stepanov A.V., Ivanova G.I., Nechaev n.n. Arkhitektura I Psikhologiya. Moscow, Stroyizdat Publ., 1965, 194 p.

7. Orlov v.i. Traktat O Vdokhnoven "E, Rozhdayushchem Velikie Izobreteniya. Moscow, Znanie Publ., 1964, 350 p.

8. Mark Vitruviy Pollion. OB Arkhitekture. LENINGRAD, OGIZ PUBL., 1936, 343 p.

9. Mastera Soveetskoy Arkhitektury Ob Arkhitekture. Moscow, Iskusstvo Publ., 1975, 544 p., Vol. one.

10. Shestakov v.p. Garmoniya kak essticheskaya kategoriya. MOSCOW, NAUKA PUBL., 1973.

11. Bychkov v.V. Estetika. MOSCOW, GARDARIKI PUBL., 2006, 572 p.

12. Lyubart T., Mushiru K. Tvorchekskiy Protsess. Psikhologiya. Zhurnal Vysshey Shkoly Ekonomiki. 2005, Vol. II, NO. 4, pp. 74-80.

13. Lubart T.I. Models of the Creative Process: Past, Present and Future. Creativity Research Journal. 2000-2001, 13 (3-4), pp. 295-308.

For citation: TKACHEV v.N. Psikhologiya Tvorcheckogo Protsessa V Arkhitekture I Dizayne. Vestnik mgsu. 2013, no. 5, pp. 239-248.

Greetings, friends! What is your new year associated with you? Someone will answer that with the smell or taste of Mandarins, someone will overlook the memoir about the Christmas tree, someone will remember the family, and maybe about the Salad "Olivier". Association is rich and individual. Surprisingly, scientists attach them great importance. Although we are used to usually not pay attention to them, and in vain! Associative thinking can be very useful in modern life when the oversupply of information, as well as the deficit of free time, make us more automatic, less creative.

Acquaintance with the world of associations

We often pronounce similar phrases: "You are associated with ...", "I had an association with ...". But we are very infrequently thinking about what is the association. This word is most often called the relationship between objects and phenomena present in the consciousness of man and captured in his memory.

Associations accumulate during human life and depend on the experience gained. There are no laws, strictly establishing the rules for creating associative connections. All individually. However, there are several general principles, thanks to which we usually carry out parallels between objects:

  • Adjacency: Objects are near time or space. For example, a cup and saucer, summer and heat.
  • Similarity: When objects have something common in appearance. Suppose the ball and head - both in the form round.
  • Contrast: Concepts in our consciousness can oppose. For example, black and white, though lies.
  • Reason-investigation: One object is a consequence of another. The simplest: thunder and lightning.

Also, our consciousness seeks to generalize, subordinate one concept to another, compare part and integer, complement objects.

Most often, the Association is created for these principles. It is interesting to post for the formation of your own relationships, and then think about what a sign you tied these items. If you suddenly find that none of the above points approaches your association, this does not mean that it is wrong. Wrong - does not happen! And in this charm.

What is the practical value of associations?

The ability to build unusual logic chains is definitely necessary to people whose activities are related to creative search and creating something new. But even if you are related to the area where creativity is not a key skill, the ability to build connections will be useful for the development of memory. Most mnemotechnical techniques are based on working with associations. In addition, independent critical thinking is highly appreciated in modern society. Bright creative people invariably attract attention, stand out from the crowd. It seems that they are always interested. But this is actually so.

Thinking with the help of associations is outside the logic. Many of them simply arise in the head in response to the picture, carefully proposed by imagination. But it is that the development of associative thinking is favorable to:

  • awareness of the principles of logic work
  • development of imagination
  • the perception of semantic ties,
  • memory.

I hope these reasons are enough to go closely with your associations. By the way, there is another moment: self-knowledge. It was on the associative method that psychoanalysis was founded. Z. Freud has always considered the association with a secret sign of our subconscious, solving which you can learn a lot about the consciousness. Are you ready to learn something new about yourself? If yes, try to pass the next test.

Associative test

The game with associations is always a deep process, a study of your personality. With this test, you will get a little look into our subconsciousness to understand what happens to you now or what is important.

  1. Write down 16 of any random words, first that come to mind.
  2. So that it was a bit simpler, here are 16 letters: T, d, b, m, g, a, g, o, k, r, c, n, z, p, l, s. It is with them that let your words begin with them. That is, the first word - with the letters T, the second - with D, etc.
  3. The resulting associative row break into pairs (words that stand nearby) and pick up a new association to this pair. It turns out, you will have 8 words.
  4. Do the same operation with a new one. Once again. At first you will have 4 words, then only two.
  5. The latter is the most important! - Operation: Select the Association to the remaining pair. It is precisely it represents at the moment a special value. Carefully look at him, think about what it is?

As you can see, ways to develop associative thinking can be extremely fascinating, as well as cognitive.

Educational exercises

In the case of associative thinking, classes will enjoy, will be easy, pleasant. This is exactly the case when you can play: the more - the better. However, the games are better to select thematic: for example, Imajinarium is an excellent board game for a small company. Not bad if you are accustomed to throw associations with your loved ones. It is curious sometimes to trace why this word was born in response. So you will learn deeper not only yourself, but also a partner.

Perfectly can go game, freeing consciousness from stereotypes and clichés. Agree that you need to answer the counter question, without thinking, quickly, ridiculous and nonfall. For example, to the question: "What time is it?" - You can answer: "I read the book." If the answers in addition are still funny, this exercise for a couple of minutes will extend your life.

Healthy expands the circle of associations and increases associative thinking the following task: Take two words unrelated to each other, then try to build a semantic chain between them, starting with one, ending with others.

One of the exercises guiding thinking will be the following: you have to build a chain of associations, but based on certain restrictions. For example, imagine that you are a loader or doctor, a decade-old child or a forty-year-old woman. Enter the role, answer not from your own, but from their face. This task helps to feel better to feel different systems of associations, teaches to leave the specified framework or, on the contrary, remain in them.

Take into account the fact that these exercises are not only entertainment, an attempt to pass time. These are ways to develop an important skill. So it is necessary to do regularly, paying at least 15 minutes to workout.

Even the usual public transport trip can be made by a developing occupation: watch for nearby people, imagine how many years they are doing what they are thinking about.

It will be great if you start using mnemotechnical techniques. They will use well for study and when memorizing large amounts of information.

Pleasant Associations, with respect Alexander Fadeev.

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This technique is proposed by an American psychologist S.Mednik In 1962 and adapted in Russia T.V.Halkina and L.G.Aleksheva.

Tasks are designed for age 12-14 years.

The main characteristics that determine the successful performance of the test are the speed of building associations, originity of associations, focusing association.

39 verbal triads are used as a stimulus material in the test. Elements of each triad belong to mutually remote associative areas.

Before the main tasks, the workout is required (training series). The second series of tasks is carried out with children in 3-5 days after the first series.

The test is carried out individually or groups of 5-7 people. Test tasks are presented on separate sheets on which the answers are recorded.

Instructions for test

"Now I will offer you small verbal tasks. Before the main series, we will carry out a small workout so that you understand the essence of the tasks and have submitted their decision to solve. I give you two words, you pick up to them the third, so that it is combined with each proposed, that is, it might make a phrase with him. for exampleYou give words: wooden, pioneer. The answer can serve as the words: rule, room. What other words can you offer? Take another pair: hot, tile. Answer: tile.

You can change the words-incentives grammatically: hot floor, tiled floor. "

Children are offered cards with workout tasks, which they consistently decide, recording the answers on the cards themselves.

Tasks workout:

  • branded, record;
  • children's, inkwell;
  • elegant, chess;
  • paper, autumn;
  • delicious, English.

During the warm-up, the presenter constantly discusses with children the possibility of the impossibility of using certain expressions. It will lead the subject to thought about the possibility of using the most incredible phrases.

Test Material

Series number 1

Instruction: "So, go to the main series of tasks. The essence of each task is about the same as in the tasks of the workout. Only now you are offered not two, but three words. You pick up such a fourth that would fit to every word-stimulus, that is, it might make a phrase with each proposed word. for example: fast, green, full; the word can serve as a word a train. You can also change words grammatically, use prepositions. for example: clock, violin, unity. The answer can serve as a word master: The watchmaker, a violin master, the only master, or an option with a pretext - a wizard.

If in response to the proposed stimuli you have not one, but several associations, write everything. Answers Write on the same cards. If you change the words - incentives, then write the phrases entirely, if you do not change the words-incentives, then write only the proposed word. Work in any way convenient for you, in time you are not limited. Takakuk Here are important purely your personal results, please do not be distracted and work individually. "

Stimulus of the first series:

  1. loud, truth slowly
  2. cold, greens, muddy
  3. past, Sea, Friends
  4. temple, eyelashes, glass
  5. fresh, English, news
  6. cinema, Exam, Travel
  7. room, position, river
  8. hard, expired, gold
  9. mundir, town, ticket
  10. suddenly, man, street
  11. cold, smoke, cruel
  12. smart, braids, fresh
  13. past, time, difficult
  14. grandfather, glasses, good
  15. long, evening, friends
  16. bad eyes, sea
  17. elephant, house, giant
  18. snow, bread, bear
  19. forever, home, back

The most typical answers:

  1. speak
  2. remember
  3. newspaper
  4. ticket
  5. to come in
  6. time
  7. military
  8. a meeting
  9. war
  10. head
  11. grandmother
  12. wait
  13. see
  14. large
  15. white
  16. return

Series number 2.

The instruction on this series is given in other words: "Today I give you tasks like the past, but our goal becomes more interesting, is somewhat even more complicated. Try that those images, those associations that come to mind in response to the proposed words, would be as original as possible and brighter, unusual, shaped. Let it be phrases that in ordinary life Not even used and sound quite unusual. Try to create something new and original. Conditions are the same: you can change the grammatical form of words, use the prepositions. Write your answers on cards.

Once again I remind you of the goal of today's work: try to demonstrate the originality and identity of your thinking in your answers.

So, try to give each task to give as many answers as possible, original and unusual. "

Stimulus of the second series:

  1. random, mountain, long-awaited
  2. evening, paper, wall
  3. back, homeland, path
  4. far, blind, future
  5. folk, fear, world
  6. money, ticket free
  7. man, Shooting, factory
  8. door, trust, fast
  9. friend, city, circle
  10. train, buy, paper
  11. color, hare, sugar
  12. affectionate, wrinkles, fairy tale
  13. childhood, case, good
  14. air, Fast, Fresh
  15. singer, America, thin
  16. heavy, Birth, Harvest
  17. a lot, nonsense, right
  18. curve, glasses, sharp
  19. garden, brain, empty
  20. guest, by chance, station

The most typical answers:

  1. a meeting
  2. newspaper
  3. return
  4. look
  5. war
  6. time
  7. military
  8. to come in
  9. native
  10. ticket
  11. white
  12. grandmother
  13. mood
  14. jet
  15. vote
  16. speak
  17. head
  18. a meeting
Processing and interpretation of test results

All results obtained on the group are recorded and reduced to a common table, where surnames are entered vertically, and horizontally - answers to stimuli words. A separate table is made on each series.

Criteria for evaluation

1. Number of associations:

Na \u003d x / y; Where

  • X. - the total number of answers,
  • Y. - Total number of tasks.

In this embodiment, in each series of 20 tasks.

If the subject suggested 28 answers, its index Na. will be equal to:

Na \u003d 28/20 \u003d 1.4.

2. The index of originality:

First, the "originality index" is considered, and then the "originality index" of all test responses.

The calculation is carried out as follows: each incentive is drawn up a list of answers proposed by the entire group. The frequency of occurrence of each response is considered (the number of the same answers in the group is considered. R.). The index of originality ( Z. Each response is equal to one divided by the number of such responses in the group.

Zi \u003d 1 / R; Where

  • Zi. - index originality of each response;
  • I. - job number;
  • R. - frequency of occurrence of each response.

All indexes of the originality of the answers of a particular subject folded.

Nop \u003d (z 1 + z 2 + ... + zi) / x; Where

  • Nop. - index of the originality of the subject's work;
  • X. - Total responses.

for example: on incentive fast, green, full out of 50 subjects 46 gave answer a trainThe index of originality of this response will be 1/46. Thus, the indices of all answers of this subject are calculated and the amount of indexes of all test response is obtained:

1/5 + 1/6 + 1/7 + 1/24 +… = 9,8.

The index of originality of this subject will be equal to:

Nop \u003d 9.8 / 20 \u003d 0.49

3. The index of the uniqueness of the answers:

Uniquely considered the answer that the originality index Zi. = 1.

NYN \u003d I / X; Where

  • NYN. - the index of the uniqueness of the answers (relative to this sample);
  • I. - the number of unique answers, that is, having Zi. = 1,
  • X. - Total responses.

When analyzing the results, qualitative indicators are more informative ( Nop., NYA.).

Tested are ordered on the scale creative thinking In terms of originality, then adjusted in terms of uniqueness.

All people have the ability to think with the help of associations and regularly use it in everyday life, but how to develop associative thinking, not everyone knows. About what associations and how to improve the associative memory with the help of exercises will be told in this article.

Associative thinking: what it is

Associative thinking is a kind of thought process, which is based on the relationship between words, that is, associations.

Communications may arise between objects, events, facts whose information is stored in memory. For example, if you say the word "Mimosa", then many will have a thought of celebration on March 8 or the famous salad, and the word "Mandarin" most often causes sweet memories of the wonderful holiday of the New Year. Such memories are called associations that depend on the experience of a particular person.

In the psychology of the Association are divided into several subspecies:

  1. Contrast or opposite (morning-evening).
  2. Similar or similar (stove - microwave).
  3. Generalized (cucumber - vegetable, jacket - clothes).
  4. Related in space and time (winter - cold).
  5. Causal investigative software (clouds - rain).
  6. Thematic (cough - illness).
  7. Treatment, appearing on the basis of a single root of words (horror - creepy).
  8. Phonetic, caused by the consonance of words (daughter-night).

Associative thinking is very useful for solving a wide variety of tasks, they stimulate mental activity. The relationship between concepts is manifested not only in the form of words, many people have in the form of images, odors, sounds. It all depends on who is a person (audio, visual, kinesthetic).

All people remember information differently. One is easier to remember what they see, others need to record information on paper, the third - listen to it. Each healthy person has the ability to create associative series. But there is also a concept as "Associative Disorder". This is a mental illness in which a person cannot build a sequential range of interconnected terms in the mind.

Training of the thought process built on the relationship of concepts helps to make new discoveries, generate new ideas, improve the memorization of a new material. So the basis of the system of rapid memorization T. Busesen is precisely an associative method. To secure new information in memory, you need to correlate it with already familiar subjects.

Our memory is so arranged that the associated concepts are much easier to remember. If you need to remember some new word, it should be associated with a familiar word for consonance or other criteria. So new knowledge is tied to the basic, which has already fastened to the human brain. It is for this principle that the associative memory works.

IMPORTANT! With the help of establishing links between words, images, the concepts during the mental process develops memory and the ideas are generated. It is very useful for creative people, the discovers of new laws in all areas of scientific and creative activity.

Exercises for training

The thought process itself with the help of building an associative series is directly related to creativity, so it is simply necessary to develop it. At a young age, he is very well developed.

Baby, as a rule, play perfectly with words, create nontrivial connections between them, which helps them to assimilate new knowledge. The development of associative thinking stimulates creative abilities, so adults are also useful to learn to memorize information using the word connected with each other.

Specialists have developed special exercises that not only help improve mental processes in adults and children, but also contribute to the replenishment of the vocabulary and the development of competent speech. They are pretty simple, you can do them throughout the day.

The most effective educational exercises:

  1. Associative chain.You need to invent two absolutely different words. It is necessary to build a chain between them from words that will contact them. For example, the source words are barking and the car. The chain will look like this: Lai-dog-owner-man car.
  2. The beginning of the association.You should come up with a word that will serve as the beginning of the associative chain. And then it will be necessary to select words to continue the chain. For example, coffee - aroma - Arabica - Robusta - Cream - Sugar.
  3. General Association.This task assumes the presence of two words, to which you need to invent associations that bind them both. For example, warm, yellow. It can be sand, sun, fire.
  4. Related Association.Invest two words and choose others with others with one or more signs. For example, the source code is the words cold and bright. Related terms may be ice, light, ice cream.
  5. Cutting the secret of Drudlov. This exercise is reduced to the description of the picture, on which peculiar doodles are depicted, but they initially laid perception variations. The picture can have many interpretations and perfectly trains the process of thinking.
  6. Nontrivial Association.To the fictional term you need to choose an extraordinary association. For example, after the pronounced word "CD", the first thing that comes to mind most people is music or film. But the CD can be used to decorate the Christmas tree, for crafts. So the association can be called the word "craft" or "Christmas tree".

So, associative memory is necessary in order to remember the necessary information and to hold it in memory for a long time. There is nothing difficult in creating an associative series, only you need to consider that the association should be bright, unusual, interesting. Training based on exercises on associative thinking very well affects the development of creative abilities, imagination. It helps to develop memory, improve the quality of life.

This is not strictly group exercise, it can be performed in a pair, and even alone.

To perform exercises on the development of associative thinking, it is desirable to have a voice recorder and a notebook with a handle at hand - for subsequent decryption and analysis of recording. Do not rely on memory, performing such exercises. Exercises. Working with a chain of associations, akin to the analysis of dreams. And everyone knows: a dream need to be recorded on hot wakes, if you don't want to forget the 70% of its details right there.

The same with associations.

I propose to perform three simple exercises that help develop associative thinking in those who fulfill them quite regularly.

So, let's start with the simplest - preparatory exercise. I recommend starting any intellectual warm-up with it.

Exercise on the development of associative thinking №1

It consists of two equal parts. In the first part we play related associations. In the second part - in unrelated associations.

Related Associations

The presenter sets the word. This word should be (preferably) a nominal name noun in the nominative case.

Then, in a circle, each player (or one) under the dictator record continues the chain of associations - that is, calls another word, clearly associativeassociated with the previous one.

  • journey,
  • railway carriage,
  • ticket,
  • conductor,
  • suitcase,
  • passenger,
  • companion,
  • window,
  • station...

In the next round of the game we play in

Unbound associations

  • journey,
  • consumption,
  • sunset,
  • bombing,
  • polyethylene,
  • mask,
  • child,
  • horror,
  • collar

And in the first and in the second case, after graduating from the game, the shering, an exchange of views, which is obligatory for any psychological games.

During the charing, each participant of the game should explain how and why he decided that the chain of associations (sometimes toughly connected, but especially blurred) was appropriate to continue his word.

for example

I said "kind" after the "companion", because I probably don't want to look at people, I would prefer to admire the view from the window.

I said the "companion" after the "passenger" because I wanted to clarify - I am on the way with this person, we go in one direction.

I said "Polyethylene" after the "bombing", because the "bombing" implies the corpses, and the corpses (in my presentation) wrap in polyethylene.

I said "collar" after "horror", because I am horrified when something stifled me, and the collar is able to "strange."

During the Charing, the most "psychotherapeutic insights" occur, during which the players are an insight - an understanding of their situation, as well as the release of negative emotions and fears.

Exercise on the development of associative thinking №2

"Running Association"

Lead calls the word. For example, "wardrobe".

During the five minutes, each player must write to his personal notebook chain of associations caused by this word. The goal is to let go of your thought, allowing it to jump from one association to another.

For example: wardrobe,

  • skeleton,
  • pharmacy,
  • libra,
  • sky,
  • rocket,
  • cartoon
  • childhood,
  • Romania,
  • tambourine,
  • valet
  • pudding,
  • hills ...

During the charing, each player must explain its associations. (This explanation is fixed on the voice recorder).

Exercise on the development of associative thinking №3

"Fasted Association"

The presenter sets the word and gives the task: within five minutes try to keep thoughts on this image, (without distracted by other themes and images). Then the presenter includes a song composition. While the song sounds, each participant must hold the specified word in memory.

In order to do this (do not forget the word and do not distract with thoughts on other items and themes), we turn on the imagination and create a whole plot in thoughts, which helps to keep in the field of a specified image. We write down the main strokes of this plot in the notebook.

After time, each player tells the plot born in his head, which helped him focus on this word.

The presenter and other players at the time of the Shering can ask leading questions, provoke, do not agree or vice versa, agree, supporting the player.

Successful games in Association, Friends! Develop your associative thinking.

Elena Nazarenko


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