The topics of classroom hours on May 9. Scenario of the classroom, dedicated to Victory Day, "List pages of military years ..."

The topics of classroom hours on May 9. Scenario of the classroom, dedicated to Victory Day, "List pages of military years ..."

Abstract of the class hour for the Victory Day for 8-9 Class "Song in Soldiers Schinel"

The song can also break the enemy, like any weapon

A. Aleksandrov

Class hourdedicated to the music of military years.

Soviet Songs of the War years contain a huge charge of morality and patriotism. This charge can be sent to patriotic education of adolescents. War years songs are a classic of Soviet song. Acquaintance with such music can give children the criteria for assessing the musical work at all and songs in particular. In form, this event can be called an hour of communication. It can select two parts: an information block (short stories about the history of the creation of songs), an interactive conversation - a discussion and a musical minute - singing songs.

Goal: expand the presentation of children about the Great Patriotic War, familiarize with the history of the creation of famous songs; To form in children a positive attitude to the songs of the war years, the rejection of attempts to distort and delineate the history of war; raise artistic taste, aesthetic feeling; Awakening the desire to sing and listen to the songs of the Great Patriotic War.

Preparatory work with children:

Prepare a creative group (6 children), distributing the material of the information block between them (just one photocopy of the script);

Modify the words of songs that children will sing at the end of the classroom.

Registration: Attributes of the Seasons of the Great Patriotic War (posters of photography, grade, images of orders and medals); On the board - theme, epigraph.

Music design: Music recordings of songs ("Square", "Dark Night", "Blue Wrock", "Sacred War").

Classroom plan

I. Introductory word.

II. Information block:

1. Songs against songs.

2. "Dugout".

3. "Dark night".

4. "Blue handkerchief."

5. "Sacred War."

III. Interactive conversation on the topic "Old songs about the main thing."

IV. Final word.

V. Music Finals "Wellness, Friends!".

Classroom time

I. Introductory word

Classroom teacher. Guys, every day you hear dozens of songs. Some songs acquire crazy popularity and are suddenly forgotten. But there are such songs that have experienced their time and become a classic. Classic means exemplary, impeccable, flawless. The authors of these songs caught some nerve, some secret mechanism that affects the listener even after decades. And makes the song eternal. These eternal songs include the songs of the Great Patriotic War. Let's read the topic of today's classroom (reads). Now read the epigraph (reads). What do you think, can the song be a fighter or formidable weapon?

Approximate answers of children:

The song can be a fighter, as she leads into battle.

While people sing songs, they believe in victory.

The song combines people and makes them stronger, so it can be a formidable weapon.

The song can raise the spirit of warriors, lift them on the feats, so the song is a formidable weapon.

In the songs, the soldiers sing about what they are expensive for which they will fight to the last drop of blood.

The song helps soldiers in their front-line life, so we can say that the song will fight with the soldiers, and therefore the song is also a fighter.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, the song is both a fighter, and a formidable weapon. Today we will talk about the songs of the Great Patriotic War. These songs were accomplished by our soldiers at the front and met in the liberated cities, the songs raised into battle and helped survive the loss of loved ones, the songs were walking along with infantry and drove with tankers on dusty roads Wars, songs rose into the sky on wings with red stars and furred sea expanses. The song is a musical chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. I pass the word creative group, which prepared the information block of today's class hour.

II. Information block

Songs against songs

Pupil 1. And songs really fought!

German scientist Eberhard Dickman told our writer Vadim Skeinov that in Germany before the war did not sing lyrical songs at all - some marches were heard everywhere! Germany was glorified in these marches, the German nation chased, the Führer and Nazi leaders were praised. These songs had to raise the fighting spirit of German soldiers before going to the East to conquer the living space. With such a martial spirit, the German soldier crossed the border of our country, and the Nazi marches were poured on our land. And everywhere, in all corners of Russia, all our people rose against these marches: soldiers and sailors, old people and children, people of all nationalities rose to the struggle to never hear these Nazi marches on their land.

What songs inspired on the struggle of our people? I will list only the names: "Nightingale", "Darkzhanka", "Blue Pockets", "Dark Night", "Katyusha", "Square", "Oh, my mist, rustum." These were not marching, but lyrical songs. They mentioned love, about hometown, about spring, about birchings, nightingales. And these songs won! Because with these songs, our people protected not a living space, but native land, native birch trees, loved ones and loved ones. Our group has prepared a story about the history of the creation of several songs. Today we will listen to the songs of the Great Patriotic War, we learn about the history of their creation, mentally move to those fortieth thunderstorms, imagine that our great-grandmothers felt and the great-grandfather, when they heard these songs on the front or in the rear.


(Song sounds "Dugout".)

Student 2. No, probably, in our country, a person who would not recognize this song.

You are far away nowar.

Between us snow and snow.

I'm not easy for you,

And to death four steps.

These lines poet Alexei Surkov wrote in 1941 in the dugout, in the "snow-white fields near Moscow". He did not assume that he writes the words of a nationwide-known song. He just wrote his wife a letter in verses, described his feelings after difficult fights for Moscow. A year later, the composer K. Listov was passing in Moscow. He came to the editorial board of the front-line newspaper, where the poet of Surkov worked and asked to give something "song". The poet suggested this lyrical letter. The composer immediately composed the melody and recorded it on an ordinary notebook - ranked five lines, recorded notes and left. The words and melody of the song were published in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The song turned out to be very warm, sincere, a little sad, but she didn't give up to the fighters, but contempt for death. This song was a song - a fighter, participated in the struggle and helped the approach of victory. She fell in love and sank on all fronts, as well as another song that you now hear.

"Dark night"

(Song sounds "Dark Night".)

Pupil 3. Song "Dark Night" from the movie "Two Fighters" first performed a nationwide favorite Actor Mark Bernes, who played a major role. The song immediately remembered the audience. She was written literally in one breath. The film "Two Fighters" was filmed in 1942 at the Tashkent film studio. Music wrote the famous composer Nikita Theologian. According to the director in the film, sincere song was to be sounded. As soon as the director explained the composer the condition and feelings of the hero, Nikita Theological immediately sat down at the piano and played a melody of the future song without stopping. So the first time this music was born. It entered the film without a single change. At all the fronts, this song sounded in moments of a short rest, in breaks between battles. For the native house, for a crib, our soldier fought for his beloved, until he ended over our country "Dark Night" of War.

"Blue scarf"

(Song "Blue Pockets".)

Pupil 4. Song "Blue Watch" Moscow lovers of jazz have hooked before the war. But this light jazz song would have forgotten very soon if it were not for the people's artist Soviet Union Claudia Shulzhenko. In 1942, she asked the young Lieutenant, an employee of the front-line newspaper, write other words on this melody. Lieutenant composed all night. So a song with war words appeared.

I immediately liked simple, taking the words for the soul, "Schulzhenko said. - They had a lot of truth. Each warrior has one native woman, the most beloved, close and expensive, for the mountain, suffering, deprivation, for separation from which he will revenge the enemy.

Smrochit machine gun

For blue handkerchiefs

What was on the shoulders expensive!

It was the second birth of a song. With the new text of the "Blue Platlets" took its place in combat positions and reached our soldier to Berlin. About how the "blue handkerchings" fought, such episodes of war say. One day Schulzhenko gave a concert in the aviation regiment. After the concert, one of the pilots told her that the "blue handkerchings" will be with the pilots in all fights and the first downed "juncher" or "Messer" they will dwell to her. Waiting for Shulzhenko had not long. On the same day, this pilot hit the fascist "messerschmitt". "Schulzhenko's songs, like shells and cartridges, we needed in battle," the soldiers and officers said.

"Holy war"

(Song Song "Sacred War".)

Pupil 5. The main song of the Great Patriotic War is "Sacred War". This song contained a charge of such a force that so far many people have a lump rolling to the throat and tears come to the eyes when they hear: "Get up, the country is huge, get up, for the death fight ..."

"This is an anthem of revenge and curse Hitlerism" - so told her song by composer A. Alexandrov. He recalled that during the war, this song was always listening to standing, with some special impulse, holy mood, and not only fighters, but also the performers themselves were often crying.

Pupil 6. This song was born on the very first days of the war. For one night, the poet V. Lebedev-Kumach wrote a poem, which was immediately printed in the newspapers. In one of the newspapers, this poem read the composer A. Alexandrov. He was the head of the song ensemble and dance of the Red Army. The poem made such a strong impression on the composer that he immediately sat down for the piano. Another day Alexandrov had already rehearsed a new song with an ensemble. And after a day, the choir first performed a song in the Belarusian station, from where in those days went to the front of the fighting echelons.

Pupil 5. This is what contemporaries wrote about this first performance (reads).

"... In the waiting room, it was incomplete from freshly sustained platform boards - a peculiar stage for a speech. The artists of the ensemble rose to this exaltation, and doubt involuntarily originated: is it possible to act in such an atmosphere? In the hall - noise, sharp commands, sounds of radio. The words of the lead that announces that the song "Sacred War" will be performed for the first time, drown in general hum. But the hand of Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrova and the hall gradually subsides ...

The excitements were in vain. From the first clocks, the song captured the fighters. And when the second verse helped, an absolute silence came in the hall. Everyone stood up as during the exercise of the hymn. Tears are visible on harshs, and this excitement is transmitted to performers. They also have tears in their eyes ...

Song subsided, but the fighters demanded a repetition. Again and again - five times in a row! - Sang an ensemble "Sacred War" ... "

Student 6. So began the combat path of this song, nice and long way. From this day, the "sacred war" was adopted by our army, with all the people, became the musical anthem of the Great Patriotic War. Her sang everywhere - in the front edge, in partisan detachments, in the rear. Every morning, after the battle of the Kremlin Quararants, she sounded on the radio. In the chronicles of Patriotic War there are many heroic episodes telling how this song-hymn entered the battle. One of them belongs to the spring of 1942. A small group of defenders of Sevastopol took defense in a cave, wounded in a rock. Gitlerians fiercely stormed this natural fortress, threw it with grenades. The forces of defenders melted ... And suddenly the song was heard from the depths of the dungeon:

Get up, the country is huge,

Get up for death

With fascist power dark,

With a damn orde ...

Then there was a strong explosion, and the fragments of the rock turned out the cave ... Soviet soldiers did not surrender to the hated enemy. Many military leaders said that this song could compare with the "whole armored corpsus".

III. Interactive conversation on the topic "Old songs about the main thing"

Classroom teacher. Today you met the story of several songs of the Great Patriotic War. What impression was these songs on you? How do your family treat these old songs?

Approximate answers of children:

These songs love grandparents, grandparents, love to watch the transfer, know by heart.

When in the family a celebration and all relatives are going, the old songs always sing at the table.

Such songs like "Sacred War" cannot be singing just like that. This is a very strong song. This is something holy.

The impression is frost on the skin and a lump in the throat. The same and parents - the great-grandfather died in war.

Classroom teacher. "Old songs about the main thing" - in a TV show with such a name now perform songs of war years. Modern artists. What do you think about the most important thing in these songs?

Approximate answers of children:

Love, house, family, children.

Motherland, freedom, pure sky above head.

Debt, loyalty, honor.

Classroom teacher. At the beginning of the classroom, we talked about the fact that songs like soldiers, they also fought. And the main song of the Great Patriotic War - "Sacred War" still at the forefront. And in our time, she fights. Suddenly, rumors began to appear that the alleged words of this song wrote a rubbed German back in 1916 in connection with the First World War. And the poet Lebedev-Kumach assigned them to himself or simply stole. Philology scientists exposed this lie. Firstly, there is not a single handwriting text belonging to Peru of this very German itself, secondly, Lebedev-Kumacha preserved dozens of drafts with the variants of this poem, which indicates a hard work on the text. Yes, and this song could not appear before the First World War. The soldiers did not understand the essence of this war and did not want to fight - where to take such a heat of patriotism, such an energy? What do you think, why were all these accusations in general? It would seem, well, what's the difference, who wrote it?

(Children express their assumptions.)

The fact is that it is not just a song - this is a hymn of the greatness of the people who won fascism. To delineate our victory, begin to "attack" on his song ... This is all the same annoying desire to inspire us the thought of our second-time, inferiority. Like, what can create these Russians? Everything is great only from the Germans. This myth has already dispelled our great-grandfathers, watering the red flag over Reichstag. Several generations of our people got a good vaccination from these myths. How does modern youth, do not get pronounced these myths?

Approximate answers of children:

Need more to learn about the war.

You need to learn to respect yourself, our people, our story.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, you need to learn to respect your story, our people, their heroes. It is necessary to have their national dignity.

Vi. Final word

Classroom teacher. The Great Patriotic War goes further from us. It goes and the generation that remembers this war. But does not go away about the feat of the people. She stays in books, photographs, films, in the stories of the great-grandfather. But the songs keep not just memory - they retain the soul of the people. Listening to these songs, you understand that the fascism won not fabulous warriors, but the most ordinary people. They were scary, cold, hurt. But they survived. This is the power and greatness of our great-grandfather. And the songs of them helped to win, so the songs are also veterans of the Great Patriotic War. And in these May victorious days let's remember them.

V. Music finals "Wellness, friends!"

(Music includes, children sing songs that have learned during the classroom.)

Objectives:to form a sense of patriotism, love to the Motherland, a sense of pride for his country on the example of the heroic actions of people in wartime, to bring up respect for the elder generation, monuments of war.

Participants:class students classroom teacher, parents, veterans of the Second World War.

Equipment: Laptop, columns, sheet with a selection of military songs

Event flow

Reads poem Beloborodova Ksenia:

When it will be, I do not know
In the edge of Belonogich Berez
Victory on May 9.
Celebrate people without tears.
Raise ancient marchi
Army pipes of the country.
And the Marshal will go to the army,
Not seen this war.
And I don't even think about
Which there will hit the salute,
What fairy tales there will tell
And songs that sleep.
But we must know more than
We knew the chance
What was May 9
In the morning in 45
(S. Orlov)

A fragment of the song "Victory Day" sounds performed by D. Tukhmanov.

CL. Hand: Hello. Victory Day ... May 9 ... This is a holiday with tears in the eyes. We are generally not capable of reaching the whole sense of the event that happened. Only over the years, it is possible to comprehend the harsh greatness of the lived days, the dimension of the rejected fights, the whole depth of the employment of veterans.

On the difficult roads of the war, the price of millions of lives was conquered by victory, victory over the fascist Germany, enslaved half of the world, which considers himself a nation of the Lord. For someone, the war ended there, on the battlefield along with life, and for someone still lives in the hearts and terrible nightmares.

Eternal memory is dead! Eternal glory alive!

There is a fragment of the song "Let's bow down the great years" performed by I. Kobzon.

Reads poem Girchyak Anton:

Through the century, after a year, - Remember!
About those who no longer come -
Memory of the fallen be decent!
Always worthy!
As long as the heart is knocking, - Remember!
Some price conquered happiness, -
Please remember!
Children will tell about them
To remember!
Children tell children about them,
To remember too!

CL. Hand: 1941 year. "A heavy rumble fell on the ground. VMIG went out light. Shuddered walls of the caasemap. Plaster flew from the ceiling. And through deafening howl and the roar is increasingly and clearer, rolling explosions of heavy shells broke out. Ranied somewhere nearby.

War! - Skilled someone.
- War is, comrades, war!

... the outer door was boldly an explosive wave, and orange spiruhi fires were visible. True shuddered with a caasemate. Everything around the rode and moaning. And it was June 22, 1941 at 4 hours 15 minutes Moscow time. "

Carefree peaceful life changed by military weekdays. 4 years of war. 1418 days of unparalleled folk feat. 1418 days of blood and deaths, pain and bitterness loss, the death of the best sons and daughters of Russia.

Song "Cranes"
(Sing Starikov Alexander, Borisova Anastasia, Volkov Anastasia, Beloborodova Ksenia, Davydova Polina, Atamanova Ksenia)

CL. Hand: It was hard to say goodbye to relatives, and especially with loved ones, with those who hunting was near every minute, forgetting about bitter separations with friends on the front.

Reads poem Glazov Danil:

... and Kama, and the Volga on the battle of the sons was accomplished,
And the mother has been waving a long colored headscarf.
The bride was forgiven - the pigtails of the girl's gyrus,
For the first time in female beloved kissed their own.
Threateled wheels, cast wheels thundered,
And sang the soldiers, completely sang in the boyish
About white huts, about the faithful Katyusha ...
And teach those songs of Kombat father
Soul ...
(M. Grievan)

CL. Hand:Songs ... really songs sometimes warmed the soldier's soul. What songs about the war have reached this day? Let's drink some of them. (Selection of songs -Attachment 1 )

CL. Hand: Thoughts about the house, about relatives and loved ones warmed the soldiers after the fight, they gave them strength.

Reads poem Yeranov Vladislav:

Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait very much.
Wait for sadness
Yellow rains.
Wait, when the snow is sweeping,
Wait for the heat,
Wait, when others do not expect,
Forget yesterday.
Wait, when from long-distance places
Letters will not come.
Wait, when you get tired
Who is waiting together.
Wait for me and I will come back.
Do not wish good
Who knows by heart
What to forget it is time.
Let them believe the Son and Mother
That is not me.
Let friends be waiting to wait
Sit by fire
Let's drink a bitter wine on the soul member.
Wait, and with them for one drink do not rush.

Wait for me, and I will return to all the deaths called.
Who did not wait for me, let him say: "lucky!"
Not understand not waiting for them, as among the fire
With your expectation, you saved me.
How I survived we will know only with you.
You just knew how to wait like no other.
(K. Simonov)

There is a fragment of the song "If there was no war" performed by V. Tolkunova.

CL. Hand: Only the heart, who survived the mortal mountain of irrevocable losses, longing the separation, the heart that mourned countless graves, the ruins and ashes of thousands of cities and villages, the heart carrying the love for the fallen brothers and sons, only the heart, who had given great sorrow and hot stuffing hatred, It was argued what happened. The world was returned to the world.

Dance "Waltz"
(Dance Vizgalin Dmitry and Vysotsky Catherine)

CL. Hand:I hope that our cool hour has affected your hearts and caused your sense of pride for your people. In conclusion of our event, I want to wish you a peaceful sky above your head. And only from us depends on us, whether we will keep the memory for our children about those already distant events, we will not allow new bloody battle.

After this event, the guys congratulated veterans, together with their parents laid flowers to the monument to Victory.


  1. Publicistics and essays of the military years. Leonid Leonov "Name of Joy."
  2. B. Vasilyev. "There were no lists."

Prepared teacher primary classes MKOU SOSH№1 G.. ImemberBash

Class hour.


Creature required conditionscontributing to parenting from younger schoolchildren Patriotic feelings, the formation of its own civilian patriotic position and familiarization with the historical past of their people.


Educate civilian patriotic qualities of a person and a worthy citizen of his country at the examples of the heroic feats of their compatriots;

Develop students Ability to understand the problems, arguing, draw conclusions and generalizations

Develop the skills of independent work with additional literature and documentary material;

Promote the development of creative abilities and cognitive interests

Class: 4.

Visuality: video materials, posters about the Second World War.

Technologies: ICT - technologies (used interactive whiteboard - presentation, videos, audio recordings)

Preliminary preparation:

Memorizing poems and songs

Preparation of diagnosing songs "Three tankers"

Selection of songs about war, videos, audio recordings

Preparation of the script

Drawing posters about war

Cabinet design


Subject classroom hour: "9th May- Victory Day» . Cool an hour contributes to parenting from younger schoolchildren Patriotic feelings, introduces the historical past of his people. Class Houch preceded careful preparation. In preparation taken participation: Teacher, students and parents. Posters on the Great Patriotic War were prepared, poems and songs were learned, a presentation was performed, a group of students prepared a staging of the song "Three tankers". Dance was put on a song "Cranes",.I am like classroom teacher, wrote a script and helped the preparation of groups.

This event contributed to the development of creative abilities and cognitive interests of students.

Class hour.

1) Introductory conversation


Guys, in these May days our country celebrates another anniversary Victory above the fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Never disappear from the memory of the people pride for the Great VictoryFrom generation to generation, we will remember the terrible years of the war in which more than 40 million citizens of our country died. Among them were not only the warriors of the valiant army, but also children, old men, women. There is not a single family that would have touched this bed: Someone had a great-grandfather, grandfather, brother, father, i.e. the closest people in the world, so we must remember how it was all.

There was the shortest night a year. People slept peacefully. AND suddenly:

War! War!

On June 22, 1941, German fascists attacked our homeland. They attacked like thieves, like robbers. They wanted to capture our lands, our cities and villages, and our people either kill, or make their servants and slaves. Began The Great Patriotic War. She lasted four years.

Levitan's appeal. (audio recording)

1 Chets.:

June ... clone in the evening sunset.

And white night flooded the sea,

And he was heard a ringing laughter guys

Do not know who do not know grief.

2 Chets.:

June ... then we still did not know

SO school evenings Shagay,

That tomorrow will be the first day of war,

And it will end only in 45th, in May.

3 Chets.:

It seemed to be cold in colors,

And from the dew they slightly blocked.

I'll drop, which went through herbs and bushes.

They were shaking German binoculars.

4 Chets.:

So all breathe silence

That the whole earth still slept seemed

Who knew that between the world and the war,

A total of some 5 minutes left.

Song sounds on verses V. Lebedeva-Kumacha "Sacred War".

(executes 1 group of children)

-Teacher: This song anxious fuel thundered over the country in the first days of the war, when all Russian people believed that this test, which wrapped so suddenly and crushing, is about to end. But the war was stretched for years. Four terrible years ...

5 Chets.:

Oh, war, what you did, mean.

They became quiet our yards.

Our head boys raised -

They matured until the pore.

On the threshold barely too climb

And left, for soldier soldiers ...

Goodbye, boys!


Try to go back.

No, do not hide you, be high

Do not regret either bullets or grenades.

And do not right away, but still

Try to go back.

DANCE "Cranes"

Performed boys in military uniform and girls in white dresses.

Teacher. On the struggle with German-fascist invaders, all our people rose. On the front went old, and young. Straight S. school Bench. "Everything for the front, everything for victory» - The motto sounded everywhere. And women, old men remained in the rear. Children. A lot of tests fell on their share. They were digging the trenches, got up to the machines, quenched the incendiary bombs on the roofs. It was hard. And even harder it was to wait for the news from the front.

Sounds song "Dugout".

Three boys depict "Campfire" Fighters on the privala. who write "Letters".

Dear mommy!

You do not remember about me in tears,

Leave your care and alarm.

Not close to the way, far from the birthplace,

But I will return to the familiar threshold!

Still my love with you

With your homeland, you are not alone, native,

You see me when I go to battle,

And I will answer the feat of the feat

I'm far away but I'll be back,

And you, the native, will come out to meet me.

(Boys fold letters with triangles, get up and go)

Teacher. An unforgettable pages were held in the history of the wars of the senses of Soviet soldiers at the walls of the Brest Fortress, near Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, on the Kursk arc. It was hard, and the song helped the song. Especially the roads of the songs of the war years.

Children perform a popurry from the songs of the War Years.

"Katyusha" (M. Blanter, M. Isakovsky)

Apple tree and pears flourished,

Swim fogs over the river.

Went ashore Katyusha,

On the highland On cool.

"On the nameless height" (V. Basner, M. Matusovsky)

Smoked grove under the mountain

And with her burned the sunset.

We were only three

From eighteen guys.

How many of them, good friends,

Lying left in the dark -

From an unfamiliar village.

On a nameless height.

"Eh, Roads" (A. Novikov, L. Oshanin).

Eh, roads, dust and fog,

Cold, anxiety, and steppe bunign.

Like the snow, remember, friends,

We can not forget these forget

Great contribution to victory and techwho worked in rear: Women, old men and children. From 10 years of age, children helped adults. They mowed hay, rowed the fields. Salted and cleaned potatoes. Many of the guys performed a double rate. Pupils Collected warm things for front-line workers, worked at military factories. Speakers with concerts before the wounded warriors in hospitals.

Then we were ten years old.

We remember the night of war

There is no light in the windows,

They are darkened.

Who lived only 10 years old

Remember forever.

Like having having a trembling light

We went to train.

In darkness to the front, the troops

Children - in the distant rear.

And train at night without beep

From the stations came out.

Women and old men cleaned bread. Lyon, potatoes, worked on animal farms. All worked under call: "Work, not downtrend" Workers' workers and villages worked from morning to late evening. Everyone sought at least to help the front.

... yes, don't you tell about it

What years did you live in!

What immeasurable weight

On female shoulders lay down.

You walked, hopping my grief,

Harsh way work.

All front. That from the sea to the sea.

I fed your bread.

Rubila. Kopala fed. -

Yes, don't you cross everything?

And in letters to the front assured

What seems to be great.

We are in different parts of the country vidali:

Frozen tanks on the honorary pedestal

They defended their native land,

With tankers, it was, died.

About tankers there are a lot of songs

Very heroic attitude!

For tanker everywhere

Structure went on line

Russian, Soviet, native

Army that tanks strong

The whole country, from the edge and to the edge

About tankers songs are full!

Where the infantry in off-road will not pass,

And the cavalry of Lyhaya will not be used -

There the tank on the trackers gently crashes,

Through the trenches and road bumps.

Tankist is famous for long-time care

And the horse of iron combat missy is glory.

More than once in battle prevented you trouble,

Those who threatened to deal with the power!

We remember the song since childhood "Three tankers."

And we know that "Order in tank troops"

Armor strong and tanks our fast

As long as the crews in the field.

Sounds song "Three tankers" (Executes a group of children with staging)

Teacher: Our whole country, the army and rear turned into a single combat camp.

And people defeated the war.

War ended and the whole world is lightweight sighed: Victory!

Song sounds " Victory Day» (Audio recording) Presentation for the song.

I ask everyone to stand. The heads of the head before the greatness of the Soviet soldier's feat. Almost the memory of all the dead is a minute of silence. About 40 million Soviet people died. Represent what it means? Every fourth resident of the country died.

(Metronome sounds) Minute silence.

Through the century, after a year, -

Remember! About those who no longer come -

Do not Cry!

In the throat, take the moans,

Bitter moans.

The memory of the fallen be decent!

Always worthy!

As long as the heart is knocking, -

What a price

Conquered happiness, -

Please remember!

Teacher: 72 years old Victory!

Again the May dawn.

And they are sick on the planet, the returned world and spring!

Purpose: Create a sense of patriotism and pride for your homeland.

(The hall is festively decorated - you can use the wall newspaper, drawings of children about the war. The scene is decorated according to this holiday. Music sounds, songs of military years).

1st reader.

Early sunk rings over the world,

Gardens with flowers are dusty,

And nice day your own day

Victory meets young land again.

2nd readers.

Victory Day - the holiday of the whole country.

The brass orchestra plays marches.

Victory Day - Sedin's Day

Our great-grandfather, grandfathers and who shoulder.

3rd readers

Even those who did not see the war -

But her wing will be held every, -

Congratulations on Victory Day we!

This day is important for all Russia!

Lead 1:

Having rushed to the right time ... the years pass, generations are replaced, but one should never disappear, the truth about the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, which lasted 1418 days and nights. More than four years of fierce battles, selfless love and serving to their Fatherland, loyalty to military duty and oath, this homeland - including our countrymen.

Lead 2:

We every year on May 9, we appeal to the fact that in every family there will be holy eternally the Great Patriotic War ... She touched upon each family. And we will always remember the terrible price paid for the victory: about millions of human lives, and there is nothing more valuable in the world. These were your peers, the peers of your parents. Fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, old men and children died. We need to know and remember those who gave their lives for us: how they lived, fought, worked, what they thought and dreamed.

Lead 3:

That longest day per year

With his cloudless weather

We gave us a common trouble

At all, for all 4 years!

Song "Get up, the country is huge ..." (passage)

Lead 1:

1st reader:

Does children are born for death, their homeland?

Did you want our death, homeland?

The flame hit the sky, do you remember the homeland?

Quietly said: - "Stop to the aid", - the Motherland.

Lead 2:

People drank not only on the front, but also in the deep rear. Died from malnutrition, from the cold, but at the same time worked in heroic.

Lead 3:

I want to remember both those who every minute risking their lives, ended the wounded soldiers from the battlefire. Fragile, young they saved lives to dozens of fighters and themselves often remained lying there, on the battlefield.

Lead 1:

The war has no female face. But where men cried, the woman did not cry. Women stood on the square all our huge country: in the factory workshop, on a rzhan field, the children's cradle, at the operating table ... and the front did not flinch.

1st reader:

Yes, don't you tell about it

What years did you live in!

What immeasurable weight

On the female shoulders lay down!

Rubila, drowned, kopal,

Why do you cross?

And in letters to the front assured

What seems to be great!

2nd readers:

A quarter of the company has already squirting ...

Outstanding in the snow

Crying a girl from Bessitude

Pants: - "I can not"!

Heavy caught small

Forces to drag it no longer ...

(Sanitarochka that tired 18 was compared).

We will be searched, blows the wind,

It will be easier to breathe a little bit.

Santimeter behind a centimeter

You will continue your godfather.

3rd readers:

Between the life and death of the face -

How fragile they are ...

You come, soldiers, in consciousness,

On your little sister at least a look!

If you are not found shells,

Does not achieve a saboteur knife

You will receive, sister, reward -

Save a man again.

He will return from Lazaren -

Again you deceived death,

And only consciousness it

Until your life will heal.

Lead 1:

The earth burned under his feet of a latch enemy in the rear of German occupants operated hundreds of partisan detachments. And as they could have helped their homeland:

who is the machine or in the field, who is at the front or in the partisan detachment. Many of them became heroes, many died.

Lead 2:

The fascists did not spare anyone: neither women nor children. Hitler so told his troops before attacking our country: "Cruelty is a blessing for the future ... The war against Russia cannot be conducted by knightly. It must be done with merciless, ruthless and indomitable cruelty. "

Lead 3:

Our glorious Soviet army Not only drove the enemy from his land, but also freed other countries from fascist slavery. The peoples of these countries will always remember the feat of Soviet soldiers.

1st reader:

It was in May at dawn,

I grew up at the walls of the Reichstag battle.

German girl noticed

Our soldier on dusty pavement.

At the post, she was trembling.

In blue eyes froze fright.

And pieces of whistling metal

Death and flour sowed around.

Here he remembered how, passing goodbye in the summer,

He kissed his daughter.

Maybe the father of this girl

Daughter his native shot ...

But now, in Berlin, under fire,

Clause fighter and body flap,

Girl in a short dress white,

Carefully made out of the fire.

2nd readers:

How many children returned childhood,

Presented joy and spring,

Soviet ordinary army,

People who won war?

And in Berlin, in the festive date,

Was erected to stand in the centuries,

Monument to the Soviet soldier

With a girl saved in his arms.

It costs. As a symbol of our glory.

As a lighthouse, glowing in the MGL.

This is he, the soldier of my power,

Guards the world on the whole earth.

Lead 1:

But the most difficult was the last fight.

Everyone wanted to survive, get to Berlin, return home with a victory.

Lead 2:

This holiday people waited 1418 days. It is so many days that the Great Patriotic War continued. For 4 years, losses amounted to 27 million people, each seventh died.

1st reader:

She came to us on May 9 not in a laurel wreath, solemn and calm, no. She came in the image of an old mother, lowered all his arms, drooped his head, sorrowfully about those who did not return.

2nd readers:


And if children are now laughing, steel melts and books are written, then this is because the victory came.

Lead 3:

No matter how many years have passed, we will always remember our relatives and loved ones, all those people who died, fighting for their homeland.

Let's remove their memorya minute of silence.

3rd readers:

After years, through the century - remember.

About those who no longer come - remember!

4th Reader:

Do not Cry!

In the throat, take the moans, bitter moans.

Memory of the fallen be decent!

Always worthy!

5th Reader:

I have never seen war

And I can't imagine horror

But the fact that the world so wants silence

Today I really clearly imagine.

Thank you for not having happened

Present and learn such flour.

On your share all this had to -

Anxiety, hunger, cold and separation.

There is a worse than the Word than the war,

Which takes all the holy

When sinister gives silence,

When he did not returned from each other.

6th Reader:

Thank you for the sun bright light,

For the joy of life in every mige of our

For TRELLY Solovya, and for dawn,

And for the fields blooming daisies.,

Yes! There was a terrible hour behind.

We learned about war only from books.

Thank you, we love you very much!

Bow you from girls and boys! (Song of the whole class "Victory Day")

Purpose: Show the heroism of children during the years.


    Apply the story of the terrible years of war.

    Connect the connection with the past, the examples that brief a sense of civil debt and responsibility.

    Promote morally the patriotic education of schoolchildren.

    Rise love and respect for your people, to the history of their country.

Location: Cabinet, musical office, assembly hall.

Equipment: Projector, computer, screen, presentation.

Event flow: Teacher's introductory word:

I'm not in vain worried
So that the war was forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience,
She, how, however, we need.
Too many harsh tests transferred our country.

The price of these tests is calculated by millions of human lives.
This year we celebrate one of the most important holidays in the history of our country, the anniversary -
70 years since the victory . View video "The best roller about the Second World War. 6min.

Few of them remained, veterans of the Great Patriotic ... Every year they will be less and less. How not to forget this terrible page of history? There were those who during the Great Patriotic War were children. War, seen by children's eyes, is still worse than imprisoned by an adult look.
The boys and girls of forties ... They experienced the horrors of the barbaric bombardment, hunger and cold, trouble and deprivation. They have one past, one fate is their bitter military childhood: suffering, loss of relatives and loved ones. And for many and death that went nearby. This is not forgotten. No matter how much years have passed ...

Reading a poem by a student: N. Tregubov. "It's hard for us to get a childhood"

It is difficult for us to get

Among rusty fragments, bricks,

About the children's stations dreamed

But there were no dolls, no balls.

Cartridges, mines and grenades

Rich choice.

Death - Volina.

Many peers took you

Left weapons, war.

These losses were not listed in the lists

The soldiers who died in the war

Did not put on them obeliski,

is it because it hurts me doubly?

The student reads poems: Lion Kiselev. "We quickly grow up.
We quickly cleaned like mushrooms,
But only under lead rains.
Tired paternal ranks
Increasingly replenished with sons.
War went for a very long time, without
Three years with nuts, on popular standards,
And behind the machine of the left father
We stood, teenagers undercurrent.
We did not have enough, maybe three days,
To be in the rank of drum battalions,
To replace the machel guys,
Who went into battle with the foot of the echelons.

Today we will talk to you about the heroism of children in the Second World War, on the exploits on the battlefields, in the rear of the enemy, in our rear,when children on a par with adults Stood from the machines, worked in the field, sewed uniforms, warm things, digging the trenches, remained behind the elders, survived in concentration camps, just lived in inhuman conditions and kept the terrible memories so that people remember and never repeated war.

The plan of the story and conversations with the guys (the plan is reflected in the presentation):

    Children in the rear. Instead of fathers.

    Pioneers - heroes. ( Pupils talk about the pioneers of heroes ). From the book S. Alekseevich Memories "In the detachment, I was carried in my arms. Volodya ampilogov 10 years old.

    Children of blockades. From the book of S. Alekseevich Memories "Dog - Millenka forgive. Galina Firsov is 10 years old.

    Children in the rear of the enemy. From the book of S. Alekseevich Memomen "And whether God looked at it? And what he thought ... "Yura Karpovich 8 years. "Collected in the basket ..." Leonid Sivakov is 6 years old.

    Children in concentration camps. From the book S. Alekseevich memories "She opened the window and gave the wind leaflets." Zoya Magazarov 12 years old.

    Books about war.

    Presentation of the book S. Alekseevich "Recent Witnesses."

    Analysis of the heard material. Conversation on issues

In the gratitude memory of the people will forever the glorious fighting of young heroes will remain.

Those who courageously fought with a liner enemy in the fields of front battles, in partisan detachments and under the conditions of the underground.

Those who contributed to the coming victory and to whom today's peers are obliged to a happy peaceful life .

Teacher's word: Children blockade.

Piercely told people about the war, which brought so much burning to her and her close, twelve-year-old Leningrad girl Tanya Savicheva. Among the indictment documents, the fascism presented in the Nuremberg process was and a small notebook. There are only nine pages in it. On six of them - dates. And for each date death. Six pages - six deaths. Compressed, laconic records:"On December 28, 1941, Zhenya died ...

Grandma died on January 25, 1942. March 17 - Lek died. Uncle Vasya died on April 13th. May 10 - Uncle Lesha, Mom - May 15. " And then without the date: "Savicheva died. All died. There was one Tanya. "

Today I want to introduce you to the work of S. Alekseevich "Recent Witnesses" . (For familiarity with the stories, I propose to read briefly memories during the class hour (according to plan), in which the whole idea of \u200b\u200bthe book is sharply reflected).

The last witnesses "is a feat of child memory.

For the first time, this small book was printed in the 1980s and made a very strong impression. The Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich gathered memories of many people, residents of villages and cities that were from three to 12 years at the beginning of the war. 100 of them entered the book. It does not have such a plot, and the main characters are not fictional, but real people, so their evidence of the era is so sincere and true: everyone recalls what it is impossible to forget.

These evidence is the best history textbook.

Here you will find cruel, dloying memories about how kids shot and burned, how they took blood for the wounded German soldiers, as they were tortured on a par with adults, as Morious hunger and separated from their relatives ... Yes, this is not an easy reading, but If you do not listen to the "last witnesses", the story may repeat again. That is why it is necessary to read Svetlana Alekseevich.

100 nonsense stories - the annotation of this book says. Svetlana Aleksievich herself noted that the production genre is a voice. Communicating with people, former children during the war, she collected material for a book as he was, keeping the style of the narrative of the original source. The war appears before us quite in an unexpected form. She is still terrible and even more nightmare when you see her through the eyes of children. Read simple, familiar words and ... crying. Children of war, children, deprived of their childhood, who saw the death feathers so close, who had seen all the horrors of war on a par and even more than adults ...

Head to enjoy life . As a person's life, human life, like a mimoletny and because especially valuable ...

What are we, modern people, happy and ... stupid: upset because of the reduction of vacation (or vacation), because of the rain-spoiled weather that the new boots did not bother. And they, those children, children of war - they did not see it! They simply did not have the opportunity. Their life was cut off, did not have time to begin. Their childhood is lost in a military chronicle, in the intelligence intelligence intelligence, part of the part. Their love, joy, happiness - it is at the tip of a smoking cigarette of the head of the concentration camp for Soviet children ... Little children, young girls and guys - they were tormented by them, they mocked them ...
Life is so fragile ... And this is invalid they sacrificed in the name of our life. Free and happy.
We never understand the horrors of war. And never return them. Do not make the same ...
What we can do? What can we answer them?
"You have gave your life. So live instead ... "
Live and - do not accept a new war!

Analysis of the heard material. Conversation on issues.
We turned the last page of our classroom, looking into a difficult military likholic. The innocent sufferers of those bitter years war deprived childhood, forcing too early to know the fear of death, the pain of severe losses and deprivation.
Please tell me what memories of you have the strongest impressions? (Pupils are expressed).
- What does our class hour help think about?
It does not seem like cruelty in relation to you, children, the fact that today they affected very scary facts, watched photos.

- Do we need this truth ? Do we need such a terrible truth? The writer itself is responsible for this question: "The man is impossible to generate only evil and nothing else but evil. "
- Do I need to write about the war?
Why is the book of S. Alekseevich so called "the last witnesses"?
- And what works about the Great Patriotic War did you read? What do they remember you?
The word of the teacher. Far in the past, fortunately, there were those terrible days, but we will always be remembered about the feat that our great-grandfather in the name of life on Earth. And today we saw the Great Patriotic War On the one hand, probably, with the most terrible, inhuman - the eyes of the children, for whom "became a kindergarten war."
Years will be held. New generations of boys and girls will meet sunrises, admire the greens of trees, enjoy life, wait for beautiful holidays, give people happiness ...
Summing up the lesson.

Fewer people remain who survived the war. Our debt is to keep the memory of them, adopt their experience. About the book S. Aleksievich can be said to the words of the writer V. Astafieva:

« What would I like to see in prose about war? The truth! All the brutal truth, but the necessary, truth, in order for mankind, to find out it, it was prudent ». Now the place is not malicious, not phrases, for the sake of happiness and life in the world,
What aims to our hearts. For the sake of warriors who fell then
People believe in good. In mind. Yes there will be no war on the planet

And not in the evil debris. Never! Never! Never!


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