Expectorant herbs for elimination. Expectorant herbs from dry and wet cough

Expectorant herbs for elimination. Expectorant herbs from dry and wet cough

IN modern world, crowded chemistry, people are increasingly beginning to contact folk medicine, looking for effective expectorant herbs from cough. The list is quite extensive.

On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, it requires an understanding of the impact on human body Different compounds included in their composition.

Therefore, it is important to be able to properly select which the grass is better fit in each individual case. After all, the choice of plants for the fight against ORZ is very different from what herbs are well exhaust when the disease is well, etc.

When are you needed?

Cough - common symptom of a huge set of all sorts of character and reasons for the occurrence of diseases, ranging from respiratory and ending with cardiovascular pathologies.

In most cases, it is observed in the occurrence of inflammation in the larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, or ingress into the respiration organs of dust and foreign particles.

In these situations, he acts as a natural protective mechanism aimed at removing sputum and finely dispersed particles from the respiratory system. Expectorant herbs with cough are shown in infectious respiratory diseases.

They facilitate the debit of sputum, which is extremely important in such situations, since pathogenic bacteria accumulate in it. At the same time, the faster the respiration organs from the excess of the mucous membrane discharge, the sooner the recovery will come.


It is necessary to treat any vegetable raw materials with no less caution than synthetic medicines. Despite the fact that it is absolutely natural medicine, with improper use, each plant can harm.

One of the main contraindications to their use is the presence of an allergic reaction to it or on the nature of the plant.

In this case, each of them has its own contraindications. Therefore, before use, you must make sure of their absence.

Most often, the reception of natural means for expectorations is not allowed at:

  • during pregnancy and breast feeding (richness, Pijm, Aloe, St. John's wort and some others);
  • toddlers up to three years (mint, a richness, clean region);
  • children under 12 years old (multicomponent fees);
  • polinoses and other types of allergies.

Thus, in each situation to the choice of plant drugs, it is necessary to approach individually, and better - together with the doctor.
Source: Site

Herbs from dry cough

Dry, obsessive cough is one of the first SPR symptoms. With a number of infections, for example, with a cough or cruel, it does not carry any functional load, since the discharge is missing.

In such situations, it is possible to stop the attacks only at the expense of special synthetic drugs operating directly on the cough cerebral center.

In other cases, dry cough is a consequence of the formation of a viscous, poorly separated mucus. Then the herbs with an expectorant effect come to the rescue.

Their active ingredients contribute to the destruction of molecular bonds of the mucous membacity discharge, so that it begins to move easier, and also increase the activity of special cilias that guide mucus from the inside out.

With an unpleasant, obsessive dry cough is shown:

  • altea's root - favors the formation of separated and reduces the frequency of attacks;
  • the root of licorice (licorice) is antispasmodic, antimicrobial agent;
  • rhizomes of ninexil - has pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties;
  • the leaves of the plantain - exhibits expectorant and antiviral activity;
  • mother-and-stepmother - is distinguished by anticrow and antiallergic effects;
  • chamomile flowers - the most famous anti-inflammatory folk drug.

A good and rapid result will give the use of 150 ml of ragger for three receptions during the day prepared from equal amounts of fennel fruit, licorice, coltsfoot and twice the larger amount of altea. The mixture is poured with water (1 l for 3 tbsp. L. Raw materials) and boil on a small fire of 10 minutes.

With wet cough

Productive cough (wet) is a signal that respiratory organs are cleaned of accumulated secretions. To accelerate the occurrence of recovery, it is necessary to use medium withdrawing money.

With wet cough, grasses diluted with sputum are used:

  • baguchin - eliminates the spasms of smooth muscles and leads to the expansion of the bronchi;
  • sage is a natural antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory properties and facilitates the deduction of separated;
  • pine and birch kidneys are a good flour.

High efficiency is distinguished by a decoction of 3 tbsp. l. Coltsfoots, souls and 200 g of fresh raspberry berries. All ingredients are poured with a liter of boiling water, add a spoon of honey and support weak boiling for 15 minutes. Drink drink warm at half a glass up to 4 times a day.

Sage perfectly solves the problem of almost any cough. 15 g of dry leaves are put in a mug and poured boiling water. After half an hour, the tea is filled and mixed with the same volume of milk. It should be drunk twice a day at 50 ml.

Expectorant herbs to remove sputum in adults

Adults who are not inclined to allergies, with success in a short time, get rid of the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract using fragrant and delicious tea. It is recommended to mix such expectorant herbs from cough adults as Melissa, chamomile, mint and St. John's wort.

It is possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment, additionally by using decoction of raspberry and licorice shoots, generously arched with honey. These drugs with anti-inflammatory action, not only perfectly derive mucus, but also maintain the power of immunity on high level Thanks to ensuring the receipt of large doses of vitamins.

Expectorant for a child

Many modern parents are trying not to give their own children with synthetic medicines without much need, since they are able to harm the developing organism.

At the same time, there are also allergic reactions in children, especially allergic reactions, therefore, with the choice of plant drugs, you also need to be extremely careful.

Each agent on herbs can be used from a certain age. For children from 3 years old are ideal:

  • lime color is a popular antibacterial, anesthetic, campphic, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant medicine;
  • mint leaves and Melissa - suppress inflammation and eliminate irritation of the mucosa of the throat caused by cough attacks;
  • st. John's wort is a natural antiseptic;
  • licorice's root is an excellent medicine for capricious patients, as it is distinguished by a pleasant sweet taste, and from it you can cook a decoction, and just chew dry root.

For children from 4 years old, you can prepare the means from the grass Altea and especially its roots. It is affordable, widespread medicinal raw materials perfectly copes with a dry cough. It is allowed to simply chew or use to prepare brazers and infusions.

This is an adequate response of the body, so it is necessary to continue the admission of altea.

Children should certainly dilute the ragners, since an overdose can lead to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, only 2.5 ml can be given to the babies, the babies are 1-3 years old - 5 ml, from 3 to 6 years - 10 ml.

Nevertheless, before using any of the listed drug raw materials, you must consult a pediatrician and clarify the duration of the reception.

Herbs with bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is chronic pathology, accompanied by strong, exhausting cough attacks, which practically does not bring relief. The main satellite of this pathology is the swelling of the mucous membranes.

Therefore, to improve the condition of patients can be applied:

  • a richness - has pronounced antallergic and expectorant properties;
  • nine - a reliable tool that can be used on permanent basisbecause it does not provoke addiction;
  • ginger is a popular root, the freshly squeezed juice of which, mixed with a pinch of the cooking salt, will be bought in the shortest possible time and helps to flip.

For bronchial asthma It is necessary to take very carefully and carefully to what the grass is selected to improve the condition of the patient. After all, their reception is able to cause a powerful allergic reaction, up to the occurrence of a strong spasm and respiratory edema.

Therefore, with such a diagnosis, it is necessary to coordinate your actions with the attending physician.

Ready cough tinctures in a pharmacy

A variety of medicinal herbs are grown, skillfully harvested and processed in tincture and syrups with various pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, in the pharmacy you can buy not only the required collection of herbs, but also fully finished preparations with precisely aged concentration of nutrients.

On pharmacy shelves can be found:

  • - Contains extract of a lacrich root, anise seed oil and ammonia solution. It is designed to eliminate inflammatory processes in bronchi.
  • - It is an oily liquid with brightly manifested antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • - Preparation for expectoration, often used in bronchial asthma therapy.

Also at the points of pharmacy networks, ready-made fees are sold, each of which has its own number. It is thanks to him that it is easy to choose the most suitable situation for each.

  • №1 - shown to eliminate dry cough;
  • №2 - designed to substantially facilitate the removal of sputum;
  • №3 - used in the framework of complex therapy of pneumonia;
  • №4 - appointed to combat bronchitis.

With all the effectiveness of medicinal plants, their cost is significantly lower than other medicines, and their safety is higher. But with severe forms of disease, they are not able to help achieve absolute recovery, so in such cases it is necessary to contact the doctors and not be afraid of traditional drugs.

Herbs from bronchitis and cough

Bronchitis is a frequent complication of a variety of viral and bacterial infections, accompanied by inclusion in the inflammatory process of the bronchi mucosa. In adults often he becomes chronic.

The main danger of this disease is the high potential risk of the development of lung inflammationWhich without X-ray and medical examination is difficult to differentiate from bronchitis. To avoid this, it will help the grass from sputum with an expectorant effect, to the use of which should be started as early as possible.

As such Lacricians and nine are ideally suited. A very effective method of struggle will be made at home the decoction of the leaves of the plantain, daisy flowers, ninewood and licorice.

For its preparation, vegetable raw materials are taken in equal shares, crushed, poured with water and boiled for 5 minutes on weak heat. Ready tea should be taken regularly during the day for 3-5 days.

Good performance With bronchitis is different and wormwood. The cup lay 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials and poured 200 ml of boiling water. Infusion is ready for consumption in an hour. It is filtering and take three times a day of 80 ml.

With pneumonia, the grass diluted in bronchi can be used exclusively as auxiliary treatment method. The main component of therapy is antibiotics. They are effectively fighting with pathogenic microorganisms, and properly selected vegetable agents will help bring mucus from the lungs.

For inhalation

Any doctor will say that when coughing there is no more efficient therapeutic method than inhalations. Due to the formation of a pair saturated with healing compounds, they easily penetrate directly into the focus of inflammation. Therefore, inhalations have a more productive action.

Decorations and infusions based on herbal fees and individual plants can also be used for inhalations. Best of all in such cases there are coniferous (juniper, eucalyptus, pine kidneys), as well as a richness and others.

To carry out the procedure:

  1. The chosen raw material is brewed in a 1: 3 ratio with boiling water and insist 10 minutes.
  2. Infusion is adjusted to a boil and overflow in wide-core capacity.
  3. The patient is leaning over the capacity, covers his head with a blanket or a towel and breathes for 3-7 minutes to the resulting pairs, while maintaining the normal respiratory intensity. It is important to avoid, especially at first, deep breaths, since hot steam can burn gentle mucous membranes.

Also, manipulation can be carried out using a nebulizer. Up to 10 ml of the inhalation mixture is poured into the container and the resulting aerosol is inhaled through the mouthpiece for 5-10 minutes. If you need to conduct a child procedure, use a special mask.

What herbs are well exhaust when the disease is fatal?

With a long-lasting cough It is impossible to do without nettle. Dry leaves (4 articles) are poured with a liter of steep boiling water, add a small spoon of sugar and boil no more than 10 minutes. The finished decoction drink every 2 hours of 50 ml.

Also, AIR Bolotnaya will come to the rescue. It contains therapeutic substances that actively stop the growth of pathogens and growing sputum. In addition, they have a positive effect on the nervous system, which is very important when protracted diseases, and strengthen the immune system.

For the treatment of old diseases Apply alcohol tincture. It effectively dilute viscous sputum and purifies the respiratory tract, which significantly facilitates the state in chronic diseases and contributes to an increase in the remission period.

It can be done independently. To this end, it is necessary to harvest large roots in the early spring, wash them and cut them with large slices. They are shifted in a glass container and poured with vodka so that it completely covered the roots.

In this form, the tincture is left in a dark place. A month later, she is ready to eat. Take it worth 1 tablespoon directly during meal in the morning.

For smokers

Despite all the antipagograph of tobacco products, the number of smokers decreases slightly. With long dependence on nicotine, dry obsessive cough arises, especially in the morning.

A similar situation is observed in people who are forced daily to face dust, harmful chemical and other substances on the debt of the service.

Therefore, very often the question arises of which grass will help from cough during smoking, as well as for working in harmful production. In such cases, it is worth resorting to help:

  • anise oil;
  • fennel;
  • needles;
  • dandelion;
  • thermopsis;
  • licorice.

To prepare a good medicine from the cough of a smokers, it is worth chopping by a cheva. Take 3 tbsp. l. Raw materials and pour two glasses of water.

The mixture is adjusted to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. After cooking, they immediately begin inhalation. They should be held daily for a month.

You can also prepare a healing drink from half a glass of warm milk and 10 drops of anise oil. He is drinking a few sips three days once a day.

These plant facilities are anti-inflammatory and reduce the negative effects of nicotine on the respiratory tract.

Of course, the best way to get rid of painful cough is a disconnected habit. Eliminating this process will help the decoction of oats, which reduces the craving for nicotine and facilitates the abolition syndrome.
(3 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Coughs cause malicious microorganisms into the respiratory ways. They are accompanied by many diseases, and when man coughs, the body turns into a sputum, mucus and other harmful substances. The use of expectorant herbs and fees helps to quickly clean the respiratory organs and get rid of the illness.

The role of expectorant means in the treatment of cough

Cough at any age delivers a lot of inconvenience to a person, but in itself he is not a disease. In most cases, cough is one of the symptoms of a cold, reactive or viral disease of the respiratory tract, which can be attributed to the protective function of the body: when harmful and pathogenic substances penetrate inside, he seeks to get rid of them. Excraceing tools are intended to facilitate and speed up the process of removal of sputum. Their main role is to promote the natural purification of the respiratory tract from pathogenic microorganisms.

Expectorant herbs

For the treatment of cough at home, expectorant phytosterms are widely used. In addition, tea, boiled on herbs, can become an excellent way to get rid of pain in the throat and irritation of the mucous membrane caused by a painful dry cough. Herbal-based products are wetted, helps the body faster from it to free themselves.

One of the most effective dry cough is the decoction of licorice root. Take 30 g of chopped dry root root, fill with 500 ml of hot water and boil for 10 minutes (preferably in a water bath). After that, leave the decoction for 30 minutes under the lid, and then strain. Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. Children from 2 years are recommended a smaller dose: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. This remedy helps the best in coldic diseases, angina and ARVI.

Licorice root - a universal cough

Licode root syrup is a universal way to win both dry and wet cough. With it, he is treated with a cold, tracheitis, it also helps to strengthen the immunity. To prepare a syrup, mix 4 g of licorice extract, 80 g of sugar syrup and 10 g of medical alcohol. Before use, the resulting syrup dilute with boiled water and take 1 dessert spoon on 100 ml of water. For children from 3 years, the following dosage is recommended: 1 teaspoon dissolves in a quarter of a cup of water.

In the treatment of pneumonia, herbs are used with a softer action, such as sage and St. John's wort. A decoction made from the Hypericum, perfectly copes with a cough in children, besides, he has a pleasant taste. The duration of the rate of treatment at the Attachment is only 7 days. The plant has not only an expectorant action, but also causes intensive sweating, which helps to reduce body temperature. 1 tablespoon of the hammer of dry grass scum 250 ml of boiling water and warm up on a water bath for 10 minutes. Leave it in a closed enameled dish for 1 hour, strain. For a better effect in the prepared decoction, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Take medicine 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

There will be no superfluous inhalation using the hot burst of the Hypericum, to breathe which is relying for 15-20 minutes.

Infusion of Sage is effective from cough with angina, bronchitis and asthma

Sage is famous for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The plant copes with a cough caused by angina, bronchitis and asthma. To achieve an expectorant effect, you need to take the infusion of sage, mixing with hot milk. 1 tablespoon of dry grass Fill 1 cup boiling water and insist 40 minutes. Then the resulting means strain and mix with milk in proportion 1: 1. Use 1 time a day 2-3 hours before sleep.

For the treatment of cough in childhood, Alteya is best suited.It is based on syrup, which is used in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheite, bronchial asthma and pneumonia. The tool dilutes and displays wet, and also softens the pain caused by a dry cough. Altea's root syrup can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepare on their own. A large chopped root of the plant will be required, from which it is prepared by infusion: 3 teaspoons of raw materials are poured with 1 cup of cold boiled water and insist in a dark place for 8 hours. Then the liquid is flickering, and after it is added fruit or sugar syrup. Treat children with the resulting means recommended 10-12 days. Required dosage: 5 times a day 1 teaspoon of syrup (children under 12 years old need to dissolve in 100 ml of boiled water).

A good expectorant is an infusion of black elder. It is used with a wet and productive cough. For the preparation you will need 1 tablespoon of dry flowers of plants and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Pass chopped flowers in a boiling kettle and pour boiling water, cover the tank and leave for 40 minutes. We can add the ready-made infusion and divert the MOD (in equal parts), you can add honey. Take, preheated, 30 minutes before sleep with 200 ml.

The chabret is suitable not only for cooking braids and tinctures, but also is suitable for inhalation

It is valued with its anti-inflammatory and expecting properties of a chamber. The plant is used in antispasmodic and suffocating cough, it helps to cope with pneumonia, cough, bronchitis. From the vocabulary, you can cook tincture, decoctions, tea, and can also be inhaled with its use.

Raparase recipe: 1 tablespoon of a dry mixture of leaves, stalks and flowers of the plant pour 1 glass of boiling water and bring to a boil on a water bath. Let's brew 1.5 hours, later. Adults showing the reception on 2 tablespoons of the beam three times a day after receiving food, children - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Recipe Tincture: It will take a bottle of 1 l Better from dark glass. It will fill it with the dried and crumpled chamber (along with flowers), not tamping, and fill 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave the tincture in a dark place for a week, then strain and use 30 drops 1 time per day. The recipe is suitable for adults only.

Eucalyptus tea is suitable for the treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma.You can brew it with the help of a french press or a simple brewing kettle. 3 teaspoons of dry riming leaves of the plant pour the glass of boiling water and leave it for 15 minutes. Drink during the day with small portions of several sips.

With colds and bronchial asthma, the soul will help. It is used more often with a wet cough with sputum. This plant has expectorant and painful actions. 20 g of dry grass Fill 200 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Strain and take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipes fees

The use of integrated expectorant fees allows you to speed up the process of recovery, gives the strength to the body and strengthens the immunity.

Collect number 1:

  • the dried fruits of Anisa - 10 g;
  • grinding nine root - 5 g;
  • dry linden flowers - 15 g;
  • dry leaves of mother-and-stepmother - 20 g;
  • harbor nettle - 10 g;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 10 g;
  • a series - 10 g;
  • fennel Fruits - 10 g.

4 tablespoons of the mixture put in the thermos and fill 1 liters of boiling water, close and leave it to the night. In the morning, the infusion is strain and drill in warm form during the day, dividing into 3 parts. This collection stimulates a wet expectorant cough, reducing sputum viscosity. It is used for any colds, at Orz and ORVI.

Collect number 2:

  • grass of the marsh rod;
  • grass of a tricolor violet;
  • drying flowers dry;
  • col-stepmother leaves;
  • liquorice root;
  • calendula flowers;
  • planting leaves;
  • anise fruits;
  • peppermint.

All ingredients take in the same quantities and prepare infusion: 100 g of harvesting 1 liters of boiling water and insist 3-4 hours, having previously shook the container. Squeeze and take the resulting agent 50 ml 4 times a day. Such a collection effective with bronchial asthma, astmoid bronchitis and pneumonia.

Infusion of collection with mint, chamomile and lime promotes expectoration and speeds up the process of recovery

Collect number 3 (most suitable for children):

  • dried fruits and raspberry leaves;
  • black currant leaves;
  • col-stepmother leaves;
  • dry soul grass.

All components are taken in the same proportions. The finished collection in the amount of 2 tablespoons is poured 1 cup boiling water and cooked under the lid on a water bath for 10 minutes. Then 40 minutes insisted and focusing. Infusion is shown for children from 2 years. It is necessary to take it 3 times a day in a warm form of 50 ml. To improve taste, you can add honey to drink if the child has no allergies. The drug from such a fee has a mucole and expectorant effect, relieves pain in the throat and eliminates dryness.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the use of some individuals is better to avoid, as they can harm the child's health, cause an increase in temperature in the future mother or cause an allergic reaction. At the same time, it is undesirable to use pharmacological preparations for removal of sputum due to possible side effects. Warmings from permitted herbs will come to the help of pregnant women with colds: altea, eucalyptus, calendula, rosehip, linden, chamomile. During pregnancy, it is recommended not to increase the dosage and carefully observe the reaction of the body on the reception of certain folk agents.

A good expectorant for pregnancy will be a drink made from the following collection:

  • 2 teaspoons of dry rose hips;
  • 1 teaspoon of lime color;
  • 2 tablespoons of dried chopped apples;
  • 1 teaspoon flower chamomile.

Harvest prepare on a water bath for 15 minutes, pre-bay 2 tablespoons 250 ml of boiling water. After removing from the fire, the decoction break into the thermos and insist 2 hours. Eat small portions (3 tablespoons) 3-4 times a day. The tool stimulates the removal of wets from lungs and bronchi, helps with a cold.

Herbic collection with rosehip is shown during pregnancy


The use of folk expectorant means is undesirable for the treatment of children up to 2 years: abundant sputum removal can provoke the suffocation from a child whose breathing passages are not yet fully developed, so it is better to consult a pediatrician before applying herbs and herbal fees.

The main contraindications for the treatment of expectorant herbs:

Plant name Possible contraindications
licoricepregnancy, lactation, acute heart failure, diabetes, hypokalemia, liver disorders, hypertension
sagepregnancy, lactation, acute jade
huntherpregnancy and lactation period, photodermatitis
alteachronic constipation, violation of the respiratory function of lungs
bosnina blackpregnancy and breastfeeding period, colitis, chronic intestinal inflammation
owinpregnancy, gastric ulcer, cardiovascular disease
mother and stepmotherpregnancy and lactation period
bowls Bowlpregnancy and lactation, children up to 16 years old,
elecampanediseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system, pregnancy and lactation, gastritis

Folk expectorars based on herbs are a good alternative to synthetic drugs. Proven generations recipes help not just drown out, and cure cough and improve the operation of the respiratory organs. The integrated effects of expectorant herbs and herbal fees ensures the speedy recovery and restoration of the immune system.

Statistics says that almost every inhabitant of the planet is sick with colds and viruses at least 2 times a year. And here, expectorant herbs come to the rescue, which help to remove the sputum and clean the respiratory tract.

Plants with the most pronounced expectorant action

  • thyme;
  • elecampane;
  • licorice;
  • thermopsis;
  • chamomile;
  • altea root;
  • oregano;
  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • special breasts containing expectorant herbs sold in a pharmacy.

Based on thermopsis produce popular pills from cough thermopes. Find out about them.

Also, not only herbs will be effective as an expectorant means, but also such universal antiseptic plants like onions and garlic.

How to brew herbs with maximum benefit

  • Herbs can be brewed in the thermos, but there is one little secret - the grass must breathe, and therefore it is not necessary to close the thermos to hermetically. Otherwise, the decoction will just scatter. Water also do not need to pour to the top.
  • Herbal fees can be brewing both as ordinary coffee. That is, just pour water, bring to a boil, and then cover up and insist until the temperature becomes comfortable.
  • Some prefer to brew french press. This is a small chaience in which the piston is located with a filter in the form of a pitch. Such a method of welding makes the broth saturated and fragrant.

Before welding, the collection components are better thoroughly crushed. So plants will faster give their useful substances.

Medicinal plants for the treatment of different types of cough

  • With dry cough
    With a dry cough, expectorant herbs are excellent, a chamber and a coltsfoot. Any of these herbs is brewed with boiling water and is accepted for a third of a glass before meal. And children should be applied only by the draft doctor when he deems that the folk remedies will be ineffective.
  • With wet cough
    With a wet cough, Eucalyptus will help excellent. The proportions for the eucalyptus welding will be about 2 tablespoons on the floor liter liter. You can cook the broth of the Bolotnaya Range. For this, 30 g of plants are poured with a glass of water, insist and accepted 3 times a day at 2 spoon. Herbal expectorants with wet cough will also help to make it clearly alleviate.
  • For disease, bronchitis
    With bronchitis, expectorant herbs are usually used and licorice. In order to bring the wet when bronchitis, licorice root is mainly used. This plant is efficient and at pneumonia. The licorice is mixed with a mother-and-stepmother and a plantain in the same proportions.
    Effective from bronchitis and nine. 2 teaspoons of the root of this plant are poured with a glass of boiling water and insist. What other grasses are useful when bronchitis, read.
  • When coughing smokers
    In order to facilitate the cough of the smoker will help the champs of herbs such as: a chamber, alta, calendula, mother-and-stepmother, nine, fennel, licorice root, oregano, plantain. Handworms of expectorant herbs for a smokers can be taken inside or use steam inhalations.

Simple recipes of chest fees

There are efficient and simple fees that can easily be prepared at home.

  • 1 option Expectorant collection of herbs. 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot and the same number of ordinary pharmacy chamomile and souls are stirred, crushed. For every 2 tablespoons of the mixture there will be half liters of water. First, the mixture must be touched to a boil, and then take 100 ml every 3-4 hours.
  • Option 2 Expectorant breast collection. 40 g of birch and rich leaves are mixed with 10 g of birch kidney, 10 g of nettle, 20 g of oregano. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are boiled in a closed dish in half liters of water. After boiling, half an hour insist and take a third of a glass 3 times a day.
  • You can also make a herbal expectorant collection from oregano, coltsfoot, raspberry fruit. And you can brew Kalina. Both of these funds are extremely effective.

Safe expectorant herbs and fees for children

For children, expectorant herbs are used especially often, since pharmacological preparations can easily cause allergies. The most pleasant and safe for children will be ragners mint and souls or licorice root.

About one of the ways of brewing medicinal herbs you will find out in the next video.

So, the above-mentioned folk expectorants are not only incredibly effective, but also absolutely safe, and therefore can be used every at home and without fears.

Herbs for cleansing the lungs many years are used if a person has manifested itself a bronchitis or a different disease that causes education in light sputum. It is very important to remove the mucus, as there are many malicious bacteria in it, with natural cleansing, this mucus should go to cough, but in most cases the sputum is so thick that it is not separated from the walls of the bronchi during cough.

In this case, it is necessary to resort to the help of herbal tinctures and other folk remedies for cleansing the lungs. It is worth saying that the bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs are important to be treated with additionally by medicines, since only medicine can help cope with the body with these complex diseases, but medical treatment can be complemented by the use of tinctures and decoction from healing herbs that contribute to the rapid purity of the bronchi.

It is not necessary to completely refuse drug treatment, but doctors themselves recommend taking various tinctures from herbs that will help quickly remove the mucus of the lungs, and clean the bronchi from all extra. If the patient decided to take herbs without consulting the doctor, it is worth paying attention to plants that have the ability to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, will help to stimulate the work of the immune system, as well as those that dilute and bring wet wet from the lungs in a short time.

Some plants may have a coating effect, they fight viruses and harmful bacteria, and also remove spasms and facilitate the state as a whole. It is precisely such properties that a number of well-known herbs have such properties, for example, a licorice root is worth using the root of licorice, chamomile and mother and-stepmother helps.

In addition, treatment with drugs is not always well tolerated by the organism of an adult, but if you admit additionally phytosborg, it will help to have a healthy effect on the body, and it is also carrying herbs to the body during treatment much easier. Side effects from such plants can be seen much less often than if you constantly take synthetic preparations.

Use of breast collection to derive sputum

Motica for the most part consists of water, mucus and purulent discharge, therefore, many harmful bacteria accumulates in it, if not eliminating a viscous substance from the bronchi, this may lead to re-infection, which will lead to a deterioration in the health status of the patient. If you want to quickly get rid of the mucus in the lungs, it is necessary to test the breast pickup, this composition helps to remove from the bronchi all unnecessary, and also has a general strengthening effect on the body.

It is worth saying that such a tool is used in various types of respiratory diseases, it is for this reason that it is possible to find four such fees on sale, each of them has a different composition and has a wellness effect at a certain disease.

For example, it is possible to use such herbs compositions with acute bronchitis, it is also allowed to use tinctures if the bronchitis moved into a chronic form. Effectively means for obstruction bronchitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, during influenza and ARVI, it is worth taking infusions when pneumonia occurs and tracheit.

Depending on the selected composition, the chest collection can have a different effect on the body, some of the herbs can withdraw the inflammatory process from the respiratory tract and bronchi, other components help wet rummage and faster outdoor, also some types of plants can provide bronchodiolitical and antispasmodic effect.

In which case it is impossible to use chest collection

All contraindications of this composition are described on the package, but still it is worth talking about them in more detail, for example, after using the tincture inside, a person can manifest a skin rash or another allergic reaction to the tool. It is also strictly forbidden to take such a collection of herbs during pregnancy, as some components have an impact on the uterus, which can lead to severe bleeding, as well as spontaneous miscarriage or childbirth.

Chamomile to remove sputum

Today you can find chamomile in any pharmacy of the city, the cost of medicinal grass is not high at all, but it is that means that helps to quickly remove thick mucus from the bronchi, and the tincture has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, improving the patient's condition. After use, the lungs will begin to be cleaned after a couple of days, which is very not bad in the treatment of bronchitis or other diseases of the lungs. Plus, it is possible to consider the fact that the agent almost does not have certain contraindications, and also has a pleasant taste, the tincture is allowed to take the children of junior preschool age.

Reception of tincture helps to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, also the tool expands the vessels, helping to reveal the lungs so that the patient is easier to breathe. With constant use, you can see the antibacterial effect and the antispasmodic action of the composition. It is worth saying that it is very useful to take a chamomile tincture with bronchitis, the medicinal plant makes it possible to expand the bronchial clearance, also treats the infection itself itself, helping to eliminate inflammation from the mucous membranes.

Take this plant inside in the form of tea with the addition of eucalyptus, or create decoction and tincture based on this plant. To make tea, it is enough to put a tea bag with a chamomile into the water, and then let eucalyptte add to the tool.

Mother and stepmother

This plant is not in vain wears such an interesting name, because it really wonderfully copes with the treatment of bronchitis in children and adults, doctors allow the use of grass for the treatment of respiratory infections from children from two years. The tincture during constant use can be expectorant and the impact of the action can have an opportunity to reduce the process of inflammation in bronchi and eliminates malicious microbes in the body. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that the tool is strictly prohibited for the use of nursing mothers, as well as women carrying babies and people having kidney disease.

It is worth saying that the tool is applied not only in the initial stage of the disease, but also with a sufficiently running form of bronchitis. At the very beginning, the means helps to soften the unproductive cough and make it less painful. After that, the tool begins to have an expectorant effect, removing the wet from the lungs for a shorter period.

There is the easiest option of cooking, for this there is a small spoonful of grass in the dried form, poured the amount of inflorescence with a glass of boiling water and give to stand for about one hour. It turns out a wonderful healing agent that is used for one quarter of a glass four times a day.

Duration of treatment

Many pharmacy drugs are allowed to take a certain period in order not to cause an addictive body, or not to lead to an overdose of the drug, but the drug herbs contributing to the removal of sputum can be used without harmful to the body for one month, and sometimes longer, but in any case Before treatment, it is important to consult with a doctor about receiving a certain collection or grass. As you know, the bronchitis in an adult can develop with varying degrees of gravity, therefore the duration of treatment will vary greatly, with light inflammation, treatment lasts about 7-10 days, if the disease has already passed into a more severe stage, you will have to drink tincture for three weeks and longer .

If we talk about preparations of pharmacy production, they are more often allowed to apply no longer than ten days, in which case it is not always possible to notice the effect of application, and after a week it is necessary to change this medicine to the new one. But the thoracic fee can be taken within two or three weeks without harm to the body, during this time it usually comes to complete pulmonary cleansing from excess mucus.

But to purchase various types of herbs is much more accessible than to buy a certain type of medicinal product, since the price of herbs is several times lower, and the benefit of such a means is definitely for the body more. Many people who often suffer from bronchitis have special breasts in the first aid kit, it is used to treat this disease. At the same time, herbs that are part of the funds grow in the central part of Europe, so it will not be difficult to find them.

Negative Moments of Herbs Treatment

Herbs expectorant and withdrawing wets can have their own minuses, since in pure form they do not rarely cause an allergic reaction not only in children, but also in adults. Some herbal infusions have such a strong effect that it is allowed to take them exclusively to adult patients, children give such a medicine strictly prohibited.

Also, the lack of treatment of herbs can be considered the fact that it is often quite difficult to calculate the correct dose of this tool, it is for this reason that it is better to seek advice to the doctor before using Navy.

It should be said that the herbs can only be used by those that were bought at the pharmacy, or are assembled away from the city, if collecting therapeutic plants near the road, they will bring much more harm than good, as they can cause serious organism poisoning .

Another minus is that far from all types of plants can be combined with the reception of ordinary drugs, and without pills it is impossible to cure bronchitis, especially in complicated form.


Vegetables for the treatment of cough are effectively used for a long time. The use of decoctions, inhalation effectively reflects not only on the relief of the symptoms of bronchitis, but also on the general condition of the body. It gets natural useful substances, due to which the immune system is strengthened and the disease retreats. It is necessary to clearly know what herbs are used for each type of disease. The use of natural resources must be coordinated with a specialist. The execution of these items is the key to the successful elimination of the problems of herbs.

How to apply herbs when coughing

Treatment with the use of natural components is characterized by some features. Herbs from cough adults dilute sputum, possess an expectorant property. It is forbidden to use such funds in one drug collection.This will lead to a wet wet in bronchi and the development of pneumonia. For its own security, it is better to take advantage of the already proven ways of treating the throat. These include decoctions, infusions, inhalations.

Info and decoction

Medicinal herbs from cough and bronchitis can be used in the form of infusions and decoctions. The following plant components are mainly used:

  • Altea - stimulates the selection of sputum, soothes the receptors of the cough center.
  • Mother and stepmother - It has the ability to wet the sputum and output it.
  • Sagebrush - It has antimicrobial action, displays wet.
  • Nettle - Used in spasmodic cough.
  • Owin - It has an anti-inflammatory property, soothes irritated bronchi.

Many herbal decoctions. Effective by cough types are considered:

  • With wet. 3 tbsp. Spoons of coltsfoot, souls and 200 g of fresh raspberries pour 1 l boiling water. Put a spoonful of honey, cook for 15 minutes. Warm fluid decoction to drink 0.5 cup 3-4 p / d.
  • With chronic. 4 tbsp. l. Dry nettle pour 1 l of water, put a spoonful of sugar, boil 10 minutes. Reequance to eat every 2 hours 50 ml.
  • With such. Fennel fruits, mother-and-stepmother and licorice root 1 tbsp. A spoon mix with 2 tbsp. l. Altea's root, pour 1 l of water. Collection of cooking 10 minutes. Recreation of 50 ml of 3 p / d.

Herbal infusions contribute to a speedy relief from the painful problem. Some recipes:

  • With bronchitis. 1 tbsp. l. Walinkles need to pour 200 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes of insistence, strain and drink 80 ml three times a day.
  • Walked cough. Dry leaves of the plantain (1 tsp.) It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water, add honey to taste. Finish 10-15 minutes, drink 4 p / d across the tablespoon.
  • Productive cough. 15 g of sage pour 150 ml of boiling water and insist half an hour. Improved infusion to combine with the same amount of milk. Take in warm form 2 p / d 50 ml.

For inhalation

Medicinal herbs from bronchitis are effective when using them for inhalations. Apply both herbal fees and single-component natural agents. You can use almost any medicinal vegetation - eucalyptus, juniper, pine kidneys, a richness, etc. To enhance therapeutic properties of herbs, the essential oils are added to the finished solution - fir, lemon, mint.

For the treatment of dry and wet cough in inhalations, herbal solutions are used. They are preparing like this:

  1. The grass must be boiled water and insist for 10 minutes. The proportion is used - 1 part of the grass and 3 parts of the water.
  2. Then the solution is boiled again and pour into a wide capacity.
  3. Inhale healing pairs need 3-7 minutes, pre-faced with a blanket. Deep breath through the mouth.
  4. The procedure can be carried out using a nebulizer - it is necessary to pour 10-15 g of herbal infusion into the compartment and turn on the device for 2-5 minutes.

What herbs help from cough

Most diseases of the cough eliminate most disease factors - wet wet, sore throat and sinuses, moisturizing mucous membranes. Fees can be prepared independently of finished dry raw materials or acquire ready-made mixes in the pharmacy. The use of multicomponent herbal compositions improves the result of therapy, because Funds complement the healing properties of each other. Effective natural components include:

  • chamomile;
  • caraway;
  • liquorice root;
  • thyme;
  • sage;
  • st. John's wort;
  • mint;
  • elecampane.

Expectorant with dry cough

Withdrawing cough without wetting can lead not only to bronchitis, but also to inflammation of the lungs. Expectorant herbs with dry cough affect the mucous membrane of the bronchi, improving the process of wetting. As a result of the occurrence of cough reflex, the mucus quickly goes out. The herbal fee from cough strengthens immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body as a whole.

Fitotherapy offers several embodiments of herbal fees. To the well-known and useful include:

  • hunther - grass from cough and colds, contributes to the discharge of sputum;
  • elecampane - has an antibacterial action;
  • thyme - enhances the selection of sputum bronchi;
  • plantain - disinfects the mucous membranes, fights viruses;
  • mint - Soothes irritated throat with a strong cough.

In this case, drugs are used in the form of infusions, inhalations and decoctions. Recipes of some of them:

  • St. John's wort, Sage and Cyprus, should be mixed in equal proportions. 20 g of collection Pour 500 ml of boiling water and heat for 15 minutes. For an hour to insist. Take on a tablespoon twice a day before meals for 7 days.
  • 2 h. L. Nine pouring into a thermos and pour boiling water. Soaking 40 minutes and take 80 ml of 3 p / d. The grass helps well with bronchitis. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  • 3 glasses of boiling water should be brewing a tablespoon of mint, let it stand for about an hour. Use infusion of 1-2 tbsp. A spoon before bed for 1 week.

From cough with wet

The productive type of disease is characterized by rich secretion of mucus with pathogenic microorganisms. To achieve effective therapy, herbs from cough with wets should reduce the amount of secrelect to the secret, have antiseptic properties. These treaty plants include:

  • bowls Bowl - expanding bronchi, eliminates spasm;
  • sage - Natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eucalyptus - contains gaming substances soothing the mucous membrane;
  • birch and pine buds - contribute to the discharge of sputum;
  • altea - Stimulates the respiratory tract.

Herbs are used both individually and fees. Effective recipes:

  • 40 g of a mixture of birch kidneys, a buggy, souls and nettle should be brewing 500 ml of boiling water. Then within 30 minutes to insist and take 1/3 cup 3 p / d. Reception to continue 5-7 days.
  • 200 ml of boiling water pour 20 g of eucalyptus. 30 minutes to warm on medium heat. After the filler use the decoction of 40 ml of 2 p / d over the week.
  • 20 g of a collection of chamomile, altea, flax seeds and Malva need to be boiled with 2 glasses of water. After 90 minutes, the infusion can be taken in 2 tbsp. l. Every 3-4 hours. The course of treatment is 7 days.

With asthma

Medicinal herbs will help prevent an asthmatic attack, control the symptoms of the disease.Effective natural tools:

  • hyssop - Anti-inflammatory properties have a beneficial effect on the tissue of the lungs.
  • chamomile - Antihistamine anti-allergy and asthma attacks.
  • liquorice root - antispasmodic, antiseptic effect with asthma, bronchitis.
  • mother and stepmother - Cleans the respiratory tract from allergens.
  • butterbur - Reduces the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.
  • bark Elm Sliply - prevents bronchospasm.

Recipes for the treatment of asthma are easy to prepare. Some of them:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Issop and mother-and-game brew in a thermos for 1 hour. Drink half a cup of 2 p / d before meals. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoon collection from the roots of licorice and altea, the leaves of the sage, the fruits of anise and pine kidneys pour 500 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the liquid decoction can be drunk at 150 ml of 3-4 p / d 2 weeks.
  • 10 g of blonde brewed glass boiling water, warm 10 minutes in a water bath. Insust the decoction of 12 hours, then drink 50 ml of 4 p / d for 5 days.
  • 2 h. L. Kore knight pour 400 g of boiling water. 5 minutes to slaughter and drink 2 p / d at 0.5 glasses 3-5 days.

During smoking

The cough of the smokers is characterized by a chronic state. To eliminate the problem, the following herbs use:

  • needles - has an antiseptic effect due to the content of phytoncides;
  • anise - effectively removes spasms in bronchi;
  • dandelion - removes toxic substances from the body;
  • clover - It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Medicinal herbs with a bronchitis of a smoker will stop inflammatory processes, soothing irritated bronchi. Effective recipes:

  • 3 tbsp. l. Grinding needles pour 2 glasses of water, boil 5 minutes and breathe over a ferry 3-6 minutes. Inhalation do within a month once a day.
  • Full cabinet milk to heat up to 40 degrees, add 10 drops of anise oil. Drink to several sips 1 p / d for 3 days.
  • 2 h. L. Cabin Chaba and Inflorescences It is necessary to twist 0.5 cup boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes. Then add 50 ml of dandelion tincture. Use 100 ml 2 p / d 2-3 weeks.


Expectorant herbs from cough enhance the protective functions of the body of the kid, accelerate the debit of sputum. Treat the child under 12 years old is recommended using one-component teas, decoctions or fees. These include:

  1. Anti-inflammatory - Chabret, alha, chamomile, elderly.
  2. Locating - Lipa, Kalina color, rosehip, oregano.
  3. Antiallergenic - Trek, St. John's wort, licorice, violet.

Children's age requires accurate dosages for receiving herbal decoctions. The excess of the recommended norm of vegetable raw materials entails serious health problems (allergies, poisoning, larynx swelling). No need to give a child under 3 years old natural remedies in a non-diluted form. In this regard, experts recommend the following admission rules:

Natural raw materials are chosen depending on the type of bronchial irritation. These can be means from cough:

  • dry - 15 g of licorice root must be mixed with 500 ml of water and heated for 10 minutes in a water bath. After an hour of insteading, you can take 3 p / d between food.
  • wet - 1 tbsp. l. Plantain brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. The effect of infusion should be taken 2 p / d.
  • starting - 1 tbsp. l. Spruce kidneys Pour half cup of boiling milk. Let stand 60 minutes. Infusion to drink warm every hour within 2-3 days.

Ready cough tinctures in a pharmacy

The pharmacy sells ready-made fees. Their description:

  • collection №1 (oregano, mother and stepmother, alta) - Dry cough. 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials boil with 250 ml of water for 20 minutes. After 1 hour, you can drink 2 p / d per 100 ml of 2-3 weeks.
  • №2 (plantain, licorice, mother and stepmother) - Deleting sputum. Preparation Similar to Collection No. 1.
  • №3 (Alte, Sage, Anis, Pine Kidney) - Pneumonia. Boil 150 ml of water with 2 tbsp. l. Herbs 15 minutes. An hour to insist, drink 100 ml of 3 p / d 4 weeks.
  • №4 (chamomile, calendula, rosena, violet, mint, licorice) - Bronchitis. 2 tbsp. l. Raw materials boil with 200 ml of water 15 minutes. 45 minutes to insist, then drink 21 days from 70 ml 3 p / d before meals.

Herbs from cough with sputum are sold in the form of tinctures and syrups. These include:

  • Breast elixir (Anise seed oil, licorice root extract, ammonia solution) - Remove the inflammation of the bronchi. Adults drink 20-40 drops on 1/3 glasses of water 3-4 p / d half an hour before meals. Children 2-6 years old - 1 drop for every year of life. From 6 to 12 years - 15 drops.
  • Altea syrup (root extract) - Asthma, bronchitis. From 3 to 14 years 1 h. Three times a day. Adults for 3 hours l. 3 p / d.
  • Neucalyptus tincture (plant leaves, ethanol) - Oil antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. Adults take 15-30 drops on 50 ml of water 3 p / d.

Treat cough only with vegetable components is recommended with a slight form of the disease.The cost of finished herbal tinctures and syrups is much less than medical drugs. Price range is presented in the table:


The healing properties of herbs from cough can not be used for everyone. The list of contraindications is:

  1. During pregnancy and lactation, you can not take a rustic, St. John's wort, Pijm, Aloe, the Donnik. Caution use a chamber and calendula.
  2. Children under 3 years old are banned with mint, chiurel, a robust. Up to 12 years old are not worth taking multicomponent fees due to the risk of allergies.
  3. People who have a tendency to allergic reactions require a doctor consultation.


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