How snapshots on dysplasia in dogs are decrypted. Painful chromotype - dysplasia in dogs: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

How snapshots on dysplasia in dogs are decrypted. Painful chromotype - dysplasia in dogs: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

The dysplasia of the hip joint is a genetic disease, it's when the thigh of your dog is shifted. Such a disease can lead to arthritis, because the displacement of the thighs force the bones to rub each other. The dysplasia of the hip joint is more common in large breeds of dogs, and is usually found in the elderly dogs, although some puppies and young dogs can also have this disease. There are general signs of the disease in all dogs, as well as concrete changes in the lifestyle of your old dog. If you are concerned that your puppy is sick of the hip dysplasia, go to step 1 for more information.


Availability of signs of joint dysplasia in elderly dogs

    Follow the dog how she moves around, and see if she jumps "like a rabbit." Dogs that have painful thighs have abbreviated steps and, as a rule, spend their hind legs further under their stomach. This can lead to a "jumping rabbit", which means that your dog keeps the hind legs together and when walking drags them like a rabbit. Watch out for the dog, the main signs: He:

    • Hips like on hinges when the dog walks.
    • Connects his hind legs together, so when she walks, her hind legs jump "like a rabbit."
    • Chromaste or has other abnormal movements.
    • General state.
  1. See if your dog is hard to rise or lies. The pain in the displays of the hip joint may worsen even more if your dog remains at rest. It is especially true in the first half of the day after your dog slept all night. In this regard, you may notice that your dog:

    • Hesitate to lie down if she got up.
    • It is difficult to get up if lies.
    • It seems more rigid in the morning or when the weather is cold.
  2. Watch out for your dog's activity and see if it decreases. A reduced amount of physical activity is one of the most common signs of pain caused by the displasia of the hip joint. All dogs become slower with age, but the decline in activity should not occur while your older dog. If your dog is not sick or does not suffer overweight, it should support about the same levels of activity as in mature years. Look at:

    • Lack of interest in running or performing other physical exertion with you.
    • Lies, not running in the yard.
    • When plays, getting tired faster.
    • Prefers to sit, not stand and walk when on a leash.
  3. Listen to the noise - click the sound when your dog moves. The term "creak of bones" can be applied to a dog with a hip dysplasia. You could see, clicking sound when your dog moves. This is her bones. Listen to this noise. WHEN:

    • Your dog should get up after staying for a while.
    • Walking.
    • Movement.
  4. Check if your dog is ready to climb up the stairs. You may notice that your dog suddenly rises heavier, or does not decide to climb the stairs, although it did not have difficulty with it. This is because the hip dysplasia delivers the heaviness in your dog's legs to climb up the stairs or go along the slope, as its hind legs are rigid, and it cannot control them, as well as use them.

  5. Check your dog on rash caused by excessive care. Inactive dogs that can not move, they are afraid to bother. To pass the time, they, as a rule, lick themselves more often than usual. If you notice that your dog spends more time to wash yourself, check it on rash or hair loss, since both of these things can be caused by excessive leaving. In particular, check:

    • Hips of your dog.
    • Boc of your dog.
    • Feet of your dog.
  6. Look for corn pressure and ulcers on your dog's body. In inactive dogs often develop strands or corn in areas on the body, which have the greatest pressure and have minimal filling. This problem becomes even worse if the dog constantly lies on the floor with a solid coating. Check your dog:

    • Elbows.
    • Hips.
    • Shoulders.
  7. Surchase the hind legs of your dog to see whether it has lost muscle mass. If your dog ceases to use his hind legs, it is likely that she lost part of the muscle mass in their hind legs. This condition is called atrophy. Reliable the hind legs of your dog on things like ::

    • The dog is able to easily feel his bones.
    • Less feel muscles.
    • Wood thighs.
  8. See if your puppy or a young dog is not solved to jump on things. If your puppy has a dysplasia of hip joints, it will most likely avoid bouncing on soft sofas, knees, etc. This is because his hind legs are not as strong as the front legs, and it can prevent him from attaching enough effort for the rear legs to help yourself jump on things.

    • Pry the couch next to you. If your puppy wants to jump, but does not do it, or tries, and then complains of pain, it can have a hip dysplasia.
  9. Watch out for a young dog to see whether she has oscillations, unstable gait. As mentioned above, puppies and young dogs, who have displays of hip joints, harder to move around than other dogs. It can lead your dog to the development of an unstable walk, which can be described as:

    • Swing.
    • Woven.
    • He strongly overturns.
  10. Look at how your puppy stands, and whether it transfers more weight to the front legs. Puppies and young dogs with a hip dysplasia, as a rule, stand with their rear legs a little forward, so that their front legs can withstand more mass. This may lead to the fact that the forearms will be much more developed than their hind legs. When the puppy is worth:

    • Check if its hind legs are pressed a little forward.
    • Surchase his forearms, they can be more muscle, compared to the rear paws that can be more bony.

Prevention of hip dysplasia from progression

  1. Take your dog to the vet to inspect if you notice the signs of hip dysplasia. Speak with your veterinarian immediately and let them see your dog. There are ways to prevent the displasion of hip joints from deterioration, as well as nutritional supplements And medicines to save the dog from the feeling of pain caused by the dysplasia.

    • Talk to your veterinarian about providing your dog additives before giving her medicines. Some natural additives can help your dog restore bone strength. These additives include omega-3, antioxidants and joint additives.
    • Your veterinarian can prescribe a medicine for your dog. Make sure you know when and how often your dog should take them.

Dysplasia is dangerous diseases of the jointswhich in dogs do not have congenital pathology, but is directly related to heredity. This disease is mainly affecting representatives of large breeds. Almost every puppy is predisposed to death, which will grow into a dog heavy physique. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose the disease still in puppy age. On time the treatment will help secure a pet from serious consequences, including complete immobility.

Causes of appearance

Recently, the dysplasia of the joints is distributed by a rapid pace and takes terrifying forms. Over the years of study, many experts have concluded that the dysplasia of the joints is a genetically deterministic disease. Pathology is transmitted from generation to generation.

However, there is an opinion that the disease can be acquired (as a result of injury). But this hypothesis is divided into the fact that unhealthy puppies are more often born in certain breeds. Moreover, the same bitches and males.

In addition, theory genetic predisposition Reaffirms the fact that the homeless and migratory dogs are not subject to the disease, although more often than pets are injured. Also, the disease is developing in puppies, which appeared as a result of "mixed marriages" between noonear representatives and individuals predisposed to dysplasia. Therefore, it is hardly possible to think that the disease is acquired.

The role of hereditary predisposition to the emergence of the disease is huge. There are factors that contribute to the development of dysplasia in dogs:

  • lack of necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • early and inappropriate physical activity;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • improper proportion of calcium and phosphorus;
  • obesity;
  • excess protein;
  • diseases that lead to a violation of the development and growth of the animal.

All of the above factors have their place in the development of pathology, but their "contribution" to the appearance of the disease is no more than 5%.

Types of disease in dogs

Symptoms and illness, as mentioned, develop in large breeds of dogs - Labradors, Dogs, Shepherds, Senbernara and others. Dysplasia is a serious pathology that leads to the destruction of hip, elbow or knee joints. At the last stage of the disease, animals cannot move independently.

Select 5 degrees of dysplasia:

  • 1 (a) - the lack of disorders in the joint;
  • 2 (c), 3 (c) - sometimes there are dislocations;
  • 4 (d), 5 (e) - medium and heavy degrees that lead to serious and severe destruction in the joints.

There is a displacer of hip, elbow and knee joints.

Hip joint dysplasia (DTBS)

In dogs, adverse phenomena in the hip joint cause changes to the physiological finding of the hip head to the articular depression. The main signs of animal behavior with such changes are:

The appearance of signs of TBS dysplasia is determined by the severity of violations:

  • with minor changes, the symptoms of illness are usually not completely manifested or develop only in old age;
  • with significant changes in the hip joint, the signs of the disease immediately become visible even with the correct puppy content.

Dysplasia elbow joint

If the disease is concentrated in the elbow joint, then the following symptoms are observed:

  • dog in the front paws;
  • reluctance to give paw on the team;
  • the appearance of thickens or other fragments on the elbow joint;
  • pulling the limb in the palpation of the neoplasm;
  • failure to go down the stairs.

Some symptoms of this species depend on the feature of the disease. For example, articular bones can thicken, causing friction, and, on the contrary, decrease, creating a strong gap.

Knee dysplasia

Changes in knees in dogs occur infrequently and usually appear as a result of injury or high load on the hind limbs. In such situations, the position of the bones is changing the type of subway. Signs of knee dysplasia:

  • the visible deformation of the knee joints;
  • soreness when taking the knee;
  • strong chromotype to rear paws.

In order for the disease does not develop, large rock puppies should create the right conditions of detention and try to exclude the possibility of injury.


The dysplasia of the joints is diagnosed by the veterinarian after a careful inspection of the animal and the radiological examination. The doctor proves all the joints of the dog, assesses their mobility, listens to the presence of friction creaks when extending or flexing the limbs. An experienced veterinarian in most cases can diagnose on the basis of these surveys.

At the initial stage, the dog shows a radiographic examination. The snapshot is done after the introduction of anesthesia, since without this, it is almost impossible to provide the animal real estate. In the picture you can see the location of the neck of the thigh and the articular depression. The specialist determines the presence of deformation.

The rules that must be observed to obtain high-quality pictures:

  • little dogs are examined only after 1 year of life, adults - after 1.5;
  • each dog is filmed 2 times;
  • the snapshot is carried out in the lying position of the animal on the back with parallel legs.

Arthroscopy - another surveywhich will allow you to give an objective assessment of the state of the joints and will help determine the dysplasia. This is an endoscopic examination. Through a small puncture in the joint area, a miniature chamber is introduced, with which a specialist can see the cartilage structure. Such a procedure is very expensive and is not carried out in all veterinary clinics.

After all manipulations and research, the doctor determines the degree of dysplasia and selects treatment.


Dysplasia in dogs is treated with medication and surgical way. The choice of the method of treatment depends on the occurrence of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body and the health of the dog. The therapy of the dysplasia of the joints of the elbows can be carried out both a conservative way and operational. Treatment of displays of hip joints in dogs, as a rule, surgical.

Conservative therapy

Medication treatment includes application of drugs of different action:

  • chondoprotectors - preparations for the regeneration of joints;
  • antispasmodics - to remove pain;
  • anti-inflammatory - aimed at removing inflammation of tissues.

But biologically active additives with chondroitin and gluzamine are prescribed to accelerate the processes of recovery in the joints. Along with the use of dietary supplements and drugs, the dog shows a special diet to reduce weight with simultaneous reception of vitamins and minerals.

Positive effect is able to give physiotherapeutic procedures. The most popular and in demand are:

  • laser and magnetic therapy;
  • ozokerite or paraffin therapy;
  • massage of the sore joint.

During treatment, the motor activity of the animal is not excluded, but it should be restrained - light jogging, swimming, unprecedented walks. It is necessary to know that the conservative therapy of DTS is just a temporary improvement in the state at which the chromoty is eliminated and painfulness is cleaned. Unfortunately, destroyed joint joints are not restored. Therefore, veterinarians recommend operational correction.

Surgical intervention

Operation on the treatment of dysplasia in dogs is to change the shape of the hip head so that it approaches the dimensions of the articular depression. The complexity of the operation depends on the degree of illness. With insignificant disorders, the process is to remove a small part of cartilage. In severe cases the following operations are carried out:

  1. Endoprosthetics - replacement of the hip joint with a prosthesis of titanium. After recovery, the animal will move normally without any discomfort.
  2. Osteotomy - changing the place of the articular notch and giving the physiological proper shape of the joint. If there is an arthritis that aggresses the dysplasia, this type of operation is not proved.
  3. The removal of the head and neck of the femoral bone - the procedure does not provide for the replacement of the joint implant, but is associated with a long rehabilitation period. After final recovery, there are no symptoms of the disease, the dog can jump and run without restrictions.

The decision on the method of surgical intervention is made by the veterinarian on the basis of the state of the dog and diagnosis. With dysplasia, any operation is a subtle work that the surgeon is qualitatively capable only with deep anatomical knowledge and with extensive experiences. Therefore, it is very important to find a good specialist.

Prevention of disease

Preventive measures to prevent and prevent pathology development depend on what stage they are needed. Thinking about the absence of a disease in a puppy is still needed before it is purchased. Choosing a large rock puppy, it is important to verify the absence of a disease in his parents. They have the results of testing on the dysplasia must correspond to the degree of A. The breeder is obliged to submit such a certificate along with the rest of the documents. Although even this does not give full confidence that in the future the dog will not have a disease.

Puppies at the age of 6 months (and even older) determine the dysplasia is very difficult. But at predisposition, the disease ever ever shifts themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to start preventive measures as early as possible to prevent the risk of the emergence and development of consequences. Preventive events are adequate load and balanced nutrition. With this approach, you can stop the further development of the disease, even if the puppy began the process of articular changes.

But if a large breed puppy starts to order and undergo large physical exertionAll this leads to an increase in the burden on the joints and the development of pathology.

Any animal requires care and attention, especially if it is a large-breed dog, which is included in the risk group of articular diseases. However, it is necessary to know that dysplasia is not a sentence. You can save your pet, if you need to change the changes and start adequate treatment.

ATTENTION, only today!

The impressive size of the animal is not yet a guarantee of his impeccable health, but sometimes, on the contrary, it is the dimensions that are the perpetrators of certain problems in large-breed dogs. For example, dysplasia is the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which "loves" massive, with a large weight of animals, forced to constantly experience heavy loads on certain groups of joints and muscles. It is impossible to underestimate the seriousness of this disease, because the payback is too high - immobilization of a beloved pet and life filled with physical suffering.

What is the dysplasia of the joints?

Dysplasia - This is the destruction (full or partial) and / or modification of the articular tissue in the dog caused by the wrong adjacent of the bone head to the articular cavity. Normally, this design has a dense contact, which provides smooth sliding and preservation of elasticity. In the pathology between the bone head and its "niche" in the joint there is a lumen (gap), in the process of the fabric movement rubs on each other, it leads to their bundle, flattening, the articular cartilages are exposed to strong pressure and gradually deform.

Symptoms, classification and degree of dysplasia

The disease amazes the joints of the pelvis, the hips and the limbs of the animal and is divided into types:

1. Hip joint dysplasia

The most common of all articular deformations of this pathology. This is explained by the fact that the hind legs of the dog are joking and when running or jumping serve as an animal shock absorbers. A large complexion, high growth, a massive physique creates a strong load on the TBS. In the risk group, breeds such as Senberry, Shepherd, Rottweilelers, Divers, etc.

Symptoms of hip dysplasia:

  • Flying gait.
  • Frequent rest when moving.
  • Stiffness (hard to walk on the stairs, get up from the floor, etc.).
  • Unnatural Pose when lying.
  • Asymmetric development of the body (due to the desire to endure weight on the front paws).
  • Palpation pain thighs.

Classification of hip dysplasia in degrees:

  • A - no explicit signs Diseases.
  • In - deviations are almost invisible.
  • C is a weak degree of illness.
  • D - signs of violations within the boundaries of permissible norms.
  • E is a pronounced degree of lesion of the joints.

2. Dysplasia of the elbow joint

This is an abnormal growth of the flyer of bone and cartilage tissues in the elbow area or the knee of a pet. SAMI frequent cause Chromotypes and chronic pains among large dogs.

Symptoms of dysplasia of the elbow joint:

Soreness when feeling the forelimbs.

Difficulties with paw lifting.

Seals and thickening in the joint zone.

Difficulties when walking, incl. On the stairs.


Classification of dysplasia of the elbow joint in degrees:

0 - There are no disorders.

1 - minimum manifestations (arthrouse formations (osteophytes) not\u003e 2 mm).

2 - moderate-permissible growths (2-5 mm).

3 - deeply shortened deformation of tissues (\u003e 5 mm).

3. knee dysplasia

This is a rare pathology, mainly the consequences of injuries or non-compliance with the conditions of content (slippery floors, heavy loads).

The disease is not congenital (with the exception of the rarest single cases), but the impetus for development occurs in the mackeh age of the puppy - it is possible to assume its presence from 4 months of age.

Causes of dysplasia development

Genetic predisposition to the disease is quite high. If parents are carriers of the "harmful" gene, then the likelihood of a puppy disease is not 100%, but in the risk group it falls automatically from birth. And even if the owners will raise and feed it according to all the rules, it does not guarantee that the dysplasia will bypass their large-scale pets.

Unfortunately, some owners themselves, not aware of that "spill" the disease. In the desire to turn your pet quickly in a dog giant and a strongman, they begin to feed the puppy with calcined additives, rude stimulants, meat porridge. And they rejoice that the baby grows not by day, but by the hour, in the eyes, gaining muscle mass, forgetting that the bones simply do not have time to develop and fix the same quickly. We add to this exorbitant physical training, and the sad outcome will come very quickly: the deformations of the joints of varying degrees.

In addition to heredity and artificial increase in muscle mass there are still a number of factors that launch the destructive mechanism of the diseases of the joints:

  • Excess protein, calcium, phosphorus.
  • Obesity.
  • Intensive physical activity that is not suitable for the age and development of the skeleton.
  • Lack of motor activity.
  • Elimination injuries (stretching, dislocations, strong bruises, etc.).

Explicit, acutely pronounced signs of the disease appear after the year of the life of the dog, when intensive growth stops, and the bones of the skeleton are hardened.

Diagnostics of dysplasia in dogs

There is no independent diagnosis, only a professional medical consultation. The list of diagnostic events includes:

Visual inspection

1. Test for mobility (flexion, extension of joints, listening to sounds when moving (creak, friction, click)).

2. X-ray. A snapshot is made under anesthesia to provide complete animal immobility. Allows you to designate the degree of deformation of the neck of the thigh, joints, connective tissue.

3. Arthroscopy. Endoscopic study (minicimer) of the custody of the joint. Very informative event, but expensive and accessible only to major clinics.

Based on the diagnostic, the veterinarian will determine the degree of the disease and prescribe therapeutic therapy.

Treatment of dysplasia of joints in dogs

Methods of combating the disease Two:

1. Conservative.

Based on drug preparations and physiotherapy:

Injection of chondroprotectors (intramuscularly or drip) to restore cartilage and joint fabrics.

Antispasmodics for anesthesia.

Anti-inflammatory to relieve inflammation.

Additives with chondroitin and glucosamine to strengthen and regenerate bones.


Magneto, laser, paraffin therapy.


In obesity, a low-calorie diet is prescribed and an additional complex of vitamins.

2. Operational.

It is used in severe lesions of the joints, when gential therapy is already powerless. Surgical path is corrected by the TBS head to fit the shape and dimensions of the articular cavity. The type of operation depends on the degree of deformation:

Simple removal of cartilage outflow.

Exciration of the femoral head and cervix.

Osteotomy - changing the location of the jams of the joint.

Endoprosthetics - removal of TBS with a prosthesis.

The sooner the symptoms of dysplasia are revealed, the greater the chances of successful recovery. The disease revealed in adulthood is treated much more difficult, and the forecasts are not always favorable.

The dysplasia of the hip joint in dogs is the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which is characterized by the underdevelopment of the godded hip joint. Diseases are especially susceptible to large breeds of dogs. The disease is dangerous in that it provokes partial, and sometimes the complete destruction of the joints and cartilage tissues, threatens the loss of motor functions. Diagnostics and timely treatment of dysplasia will help to stop the degenerative processes in the animal organism.

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    What is a hip dysplasia

    The dysplasia of the hip joint is a defect of the joint development in the articular depression area. Initially, the disease was called the fusion of the articular head due to an increase in the gap between the depression and the bone head (it does not fit to the joint, which leads to friction and wear of the head). As a result, the seal and deformation of the joint occurs.

    Causes and risk group

    Most often, the dysplasia is diagnosed with German shepherders, retriever, dogs, bullmastiffs and senbernar.

    The main causes of the emergence of DTBS:

    • heredity;
    • flipping, unbalanced nutrition (lack of phosphorus, calcium diet, excess protein leads to the development of the disease);
    • excessive physical activity (pets up to 18 months are prohibited by severe loads, especially large and heavy breeds);
    • lack of movement (puppies need a gentle load so that the bone and muscle tissue develops correctly);
    • rapid growth of bone and articular tissues in the first 6 months of life;
    • injuries.


    The vet can determine the disease on the 12th month of the puppy's life, but the dysplasia begins to manifest only in 2-2.5 years.

    Signs of hip dysplasia in dogs:

    • chromoty, which occurs spontaneously (when examining the limbs, no integrity changes are observed);
    • even with a small load, the dog quickly gets tired;
    • shake hind legs;
    • during walking, the dog shake;
    • with the palpation of the upper hip zone, the pet is skulitis and tries to bite;
    • rear paws are divorced to the side.

    Puppies for dysplasia during recreation take a frog pose to unload the hind limbs. Also, young individuals have an asymmetry of the body: powerful front, weak legs and a developed thoracic.

    DTS symptoms can manifest itself partly, so diagnose the disease at home is difficult. For example, a pet can put your paws differently due to fatigue, and to wipe out due to damage to the paw during the walk.


    Diagnosis of diseases associated with bones are carried out using X-ray. Based on a picture of a veterinarian, it can determine not only the presence or absence of pathology, but also the degree of deformation of the joint.

    X-ray is carried out under general anesthesia so that the results were good quality. In some cases, arthroscopy is made. During such a procedure, an incision is performed in which the arthroscope is inserted for the joint survey. The mini camera shows the state of the desired area and the surrounding fabric.

    The study helps a specialist to determine the severity of the animal disease:

    • A - no deviations;
    • B - there is a predisposition to the deformation of the joint;
    • C - initial form;
    • D - middle stage;
    • E - Heavy dysplasia.

    Conservative therapy

    Treatment of hip dysplasia is effectively in the early stages of the disease. Therapy is based on the elimination of pain, edema, recovery of cartilage tissue.

    Conservative treatment includes application:

    1. 1. Chondroprotectors - medicines that restore the articular and cartilage tissue (glucosamine, adequate, chiconat, teraflex, mucosate, hondronolone). Medicines are prescribed in the form of intravenous droppers, injections in joints, intramuscular injections. Preparations can be taken independently or in the complex.
    2. 2. SPASMOLITYKI - eliminate pain syndrome (analgin, but-shpa, barallgyne).
    3. 3. Anti-inflammatory drugs - Rimadil, Nimesulid.
    4. 4. Mineral complexes based on glucosamine and chondroitins - Omega-6, Omega-3.

    Vets are prescribed corticosteroids - these are hormonal drugs that are injected under the skin (fine rocks) or directly into the joint. However, with such therapy, a number of unwanted side effects are possible.

    Conservative treatment complement physiotics. In veterinary clinics, electromagnetic radiation or laser therapy can conduct. These procedures are aimed at warming joints, but are not always effective, since there are many contraindications.

    Operational technique

    Conservative therapy is not always effective in hip dysplasia. In the later stages of the disease, surgical intervention is necessary. The complexity and duration of the operation depends on the degree of shy deformation.

    Types of surgical intervention:

    • Excision of the head of the hip and cervical - It is a hard operation that implies a long recovery period. After excision, the joint is restored, and the pet can move independently without prostheses. Due to the narrowing of the pelvic cavity, there is sometimes a violation of the work of the abdominal organs.
    • Osteotomy - dissection and changing the position of the articular fifth, contributes to the correct location of the joint. The procedure can be carried out with a non-aggravated form of the disease.
    • Mioctomy - Exhausting muscles during the growth of the puppy. Such a procedure does not lead to complete recovery, but reduces the chromotype, restores the main function of the joint. The operation is carried out with the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy. Mioctomy is carried out puppies aged 6 to 12 months.
    • Resection arthroplastic- Sustain resection to reduce pain syndrome. The procedure eliminates the friction of the joint head of the depression, as a result of which the pain decreases. The operation is shown in small breeds of dogs weighing up to 20 kg. Arthoplasty can be held even old dogs.
    • Endoprosthetics - prescribe at the last stage of the disease. The joint is replaced by artificial, made of titanium alloy. After the procedure, the dog moves without pain, leads a normal lifestyle. The operation is forbidden to conduct muscle atrophy. From a functional point of view, the prosthesis is recommended to dogs with a weight of more than 30 kg.


    Massage is a mandatory procedure that is carried out in a complex with conservative and operational therapy. It facilitates pain, relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation. Massage exercises can be performed at home:

    • heat the muscles with confident, slow movements;
    • perform pressure;
    • initially, it is necessary to massage the longitudinal spine muscles on both sides, after which go to the hind limbs;
    • you can work only the muscles, pressed on the bone categorically prohibited.

    Care and nutrition

    For quick rehabilitation, the pet after treatment needs to ensure the relevant conditions. In the diet, vitamins, proteins, minerals, microelements should be present, simultaneously follow the weight of the pet to prevent the occurrence of obesity.

    The dog should not be translated into a rigid diet, as this will lead to a deterioration in the state. From the diet you need to remove products containing a large number of Fat.

    After the operation, it is necessary to force a pet to move to ensure an additional influx of blood to the limbs, it will help the muscles not atrophy. It should be systematically inspecting the PSA. Due to the weakening of the body, there may be diseases associated with nervous system, abdominal organs, infection penetration.

    You need to walk the pet with a dysplasia on the lawn by reducing to a minimum walk on asphalt. It is useful to swimming, as the load on the joints decreases in the water, and the rest of the muscle group receives the necessary load.

    What to do is prohibited

    In the displays of the hip joint in dogs, it is categorically prohibited:

    • exclude meat products from diet;
    • treat the disease to painkillers;
    • independently try to insert the bone into place;
    • cool or warm the pelvic part;
    • independently introduce intramuscularly or intravenously drugs.

    Also sick dogs are contraindicated physical exertion and long walks, in which the tension of the hind limbs occurs.


    Preventive measures include proper nutrition With a large number of trace elements. At an early age, the peak puppies should be nutritious and useful. They also need to avoid strong loads, as microcracks may occur in underdeveloped limbs.

    If the animal was diagnosed with the dysplasia, it is necessary to sterilize it or neutely so that the disease does not transcend the descendants.


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