Description as a type of speech. Description as one of the types of speech

Description as a type of speech. Description as one of the types of speech

The answer was left the guest

Description - this is an image of any phenomenon of reality, subject, face by listing and disclosing its main features. For example, describing the portrait, we will indicate such signs as growth, posture, gait, hair color, eye, age, smile, etc.; The description of the room will contain its signs such as the size, wall design, furniture, the number of windows, etc.; When describing the landscape, these signs will be trees, rivers, grass, sky or lake, etc. Common for all types of description is the simultaneity of the manifestation of signs. The purpose of the description is that the reader see the subject of the description, presented it in his mind.

A description can be used in any speech style, but in the scientific characteristic of the subject must be extremely complete, and in a focus focus only on the brightest details. Therefore, language funds in scientific and artistic style Diverse than in scientific: there are not only adjectives and nouns, but also verbs, adverbs, are very common comparisons, various portable use of words.

Examples of the description in scientific and artistic style.

1. Apple tree - Rob Purple - frost-resistant grade. The fruits of a rounded form, with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. The weight of the fetus 17-23 g. The juice is average, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste.

2. Lime apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look through the apple in the sun, it shouted as a glass of fresh lime honey. In the middle of the grains of grains. You will shook, it happened, a ripe apple near the ear, heard, as seeds thunder.

(According to V. Solowkina)

The story is a story, a message about any event in its time sequence. The peculiarity of the narration is that it refers to the following actions. For all narrative texts, the beginning of the event is the beginning of the event (tie), the development of the event, the end of the event (omission). The story can be conducted from a third party. This is the author's narration. Maybe it is from first person: the narrator is called or marked with a personal pronoun.

In these texts, verbs are often used in the form of the past time of the perfect species. But, in order to give the text expressiveness, others are used at the same time: the verb in the form of a lost time of the imperfect species makes it possible to allocate one of the actions, denoting its duration; The verbs of the present allow you to submit actions as if what is happening in the eyes of the reader or listener; Forms of the future time with a particle as (how to jump), as well as the form of type clas, jump helps to pass the swiftness, the surprise of one or another action.

The narration as a type of speech is very common in such genres as memories, letters.

An example of narration:

I began to iron Yashkina Paw and I think: just like a baby. And he told him his palm. And the baby is how the paw is drinned - and me on the cheek. I did not have a blink, and he gave me a fence and jump under the table. Sell \u200b\u200band rock.

(B. Zhitkov)

The reasoning is a verbal presentation, clarification, confirmation of any thought.

The argument composition is as follows: the first part is the thesis, i.e. the thought that is necessary to prove to justify or disprove; The second part is the rationale for the expressed thoughts, evidence, arguments confirmed by examples; The third part is the conclusion.

The thesis should be clearly proven, clearly formulated, the arguments are convincing and in sufficient quantities to confirm the thesis extended. There should be a logical and grammatical connection between the thesis and arguments (as well as between individual arguments).

Theoretical Information "Types of Speech"


1. Description - this is an image of any phenomenon of reality by lifying and disclosing its main features. For the landscape it will be the appearance of trees, herbs, sky, rivers; For portrait - Growth, age, posture, gait, eye expression, internally condition of a person; When describing the machine, this will be a message about its purpose, the principle of operation produced by the operations, appearance, About its parts, their appointment and interaction.
2. The purpose of the description: to see the subject of the description, submit it in his mind.
3. Signs of description:
Description composition (general idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, individual signs of the subject, author assessment)
Use words denoting quality, object properties
Using the verbs of an imperfect type of time (in the form of the present time - for special visibility, pictorial)

Use of agreed and inconsistent definitions
Using call and incomplete offers
4. When describing the subject, the image unity must be provided. The unity of view on the subject and a certain sequence in the description.
Description (signs and sv-va of object)
1. Description Static (no time traffic)
2. Hood style (portrait, nature, interior)
3. The topic is expressed in 1 prnia + the end of the text
4. Creating connectedness and integrity (single-colored words and lexical repetitions)
5. Chapses of the form (POS.VR and NA). + Personal tale.
6. SUT. and arr. With an estimated value, a state category.
7. A series of recording and incomplete offers.
8. Hood-to-profile. Mr. in more than in the narration, reasoning.
9. Parallel connection.

Functionally semantic types of speech -such types of monologic speech, which are characteristic of their goals and objectives, the same type of content, composition and speech features. Allocate the following types of speech - description,

Description as a functional-semantic type - definition, subject and purpose

Description is a type of speech in which constant or temporary signs of the subject are listed.

Type of Speech - Description (Definition)

Subject description It is determined initially and is revealed through the transfer of signs, permanent and temporary.

The description is static, the action does not develop, while the description can be given as in the present (which is most often found, the verbs in the form of the present, imperfect form), and in the past and the future (time in this case acquires the relative, generalized character). In the description, the combination of the time of the verb is impossible.

The purpose of the description

The purpose of the descriptiond.if you addressee the most complete picture of the subject.

Features description

Leading part of speech in this type -natural name, adjective name.

To describe, the use of simple sentences is characterized, often with homogeneous members offers.

Principle of construction - parallelism (same design of structures), intonation - transfer.

1. Stains - object designation (description of the description), the overall view of the subject;

P. The main part is the listing of signs from more significant to less significant;

Describing the subject, it is necessary to ensure the unity of the image, the unity of view on the subject and the logical sequence when it is described.


This is the brief type of description. It lies in the correlation of the concept with the nearest generic concept (antonyms are words ...) and instructions on the species differences of this concept or phenomenon (antonyms are words with the opposite value).

When determining the concept, you can use an example

(The Russian economy is the economy of the transition period from the right-hand movement to the left-sided. - definition-comparison; poetry is something opposite to prose. - Determination of contrast; "Blue orange" is lexical irrespectability - definition example).


This is a peculiar transformation of the definition and is distinguished by a detailed form of filing the material. For example,

The ratio of language and speech can be likened by the ratio of the details of the clock and the collected clock. Language gives material for the structure of speech. Just as the watchmaker depends on what the watches and the speaker will depend on what his speech will be.


Another kind of description. When drawing up the characteristics, it is necessary to specify only on significant signs This subject or phenomenon, whereas with the detailed description indicate both significant and insignificant signs (depending on the purpose of the author).

See our presentation on this topic:

A characteristic disadvantage in the preparation of the text describing may be selection of signs or their incorrect order by presentation.

Materials are published with the author's personal permission - Ph.D. O.A. Mazneva (see "Our Library")

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Description - a functionally semantic type of speech, depicting objects and their signs, simultaneously coexisting in human perception.

The description details the state of the surrounding world and humans, nature, terrain, interior, appearance and other perceived, directly observed or imaginary phenomena are transmitted in detail.

Reproductive (Fine) Description Reproduces the means of language fragments, pictures, events directly perceived by the senses of the speaker, observer. Observer and observed phenomena exist in single space and time (chronotope). This is reflected in the preferential consumption of verbs in the form of the present. Talking really or in imagination is present in the described situation. For description, a pronounced subjective point of view is characteristic.

"Finally, here is a well ... At the site near it built a house with a red roofing over the bathroom, and the Gallery where the gallery was walking during the rain. Several wounded officers were sitting on a shop, pickled crutches, - pale, sad. Several let's spell the rapid steps Back and forth on the site, waiting for the action of water. There were two or three pretty lying between them.

Under grape alleys covering the Skat Mashuk, sometimes fooled by the motivation caps of solitude amateurs together, because always near such a hat I noticed or a military cap, or a ugly round hat. On a steep cliff, where the pavilion was built, called Elana Harp, fans of species stuck and put the telescope on the ellubrous; Between them were two governer with their pupils who came to be treated from gold "(M.Yu.Lermontov" Hero of our time ").

An informative description reports known speaking objects and their signs that are presented as characteristic, permanent. The speaker does not perceive the signs of items directly, but knows about their existence.

"The wives of the local authorities, so to speak the hostess of the waters, were more supportally; they have Lornets, they are less paying attention to the uniform, they are accustomed to the Caucasus to meet a dustless heart under the numbered buttons and under the white fodder educated mind. These ladies are very miles; and long miles ! Every year their adorables are replaced by new ones, and in this, maybe, the secret of their tireless courtesy.

Moving along a narrow path to Elizavetinsky source, I overtook the crowd of men, civilian and military, which, as I learned after, make up a special class of people in between water movements. They drink - however, not water, they walk a little, it is dying only by passing; They play and complain about boredom. They are Frant: lowering their braided glass into the well of the kisly earth water, they take academic postures; Statta wear light blue ties, the military you are allowed from behind the collar of the ball. They confess deep contempt for provincial homes and sigh about the capital's aristocratic living rooms, where they are not allowed "(M.Yu.Lermontov" Hero of our time ").

Golovkin S.Kh., Smolnikov S.N.
Linguistic Text Analysis - Vologda, 2006


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