Creation of a single methodical space of the educational complex as a condition for the implementation of the professional skill of teachers. Creation of information and methodical space as the main condition for the successful implementation of professional potential

Creation of a single methodical space of the educational complex as a condition for the implementation of the professional skill of teachers. Creation of information and methodical space as the main condition for the successful implementation of professional potential

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Open (replaceable) secondary school number 1"

municipality of the city of Bratsk

(MBOU "O (C) OSH No. 1")

Software-Methodical Education Space

in the conditions of introducing GEF


deputy Director for BP

Kaftonova A. V.

So, according to GEF, the school education and socialization program should be included in the educational program of the school, which includes:

Program of spiritual and moral development (directions: personality, patriotism, family, tolerance, morality, ethics, aesthetics, labor, environmental education);

A program of forming a healthy and safe lifestyle culture (directions: zozh, legal education);

Social and pedagogical support program;

Program of professional orientation of students;

Socialization program (social interaction).

Currently, the educational program of our school includes and implemented: a program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle), a program of socio-pedagogical support., Socialization program.

Also at school, over the past three years, programs are being implemented as: "Family", "Personality", "Collective", "Health". The events of these programs are held at school in the form of general-free, or during the implementation of educational work plans.

But all these events are implemented in extracurricular activities. This is not enough. It is necessary to solve educational tasks in the complex. Thus, the education and socialization program should be implemented in manner.

Program of education and socialization of students

The program of the upbringing and socialization of students on the steps of basic general education provides for the formation of moral text of school life, which ensures the creation of an appropriate social environment for the development of students and includes educational, educational, extracurricular, socially significant activities of students based on the system of spiritual ideals of the multinational people of Russia, basic national values, traditional moral norms implemented in joint social pedagogical activity Schools, families and other subjects of public life.

The main directions and value foundations of the education and socialization of students

1. Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of a person

2. Education of social responsibility and competence

3. Education of moral feelings, belief, ethical consciousness

4. Education of ecological culture, culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle 5. Education of hard work, conscious, creative attitude to education, labor and life, preparation for conscious choice of profession

6. Education of the value attitude to the beautiful, formation of the foundation of aesthetic culture - aesthetic education

Principles and features of the organization of the content of education and socialization of students on the ideal orientation principle

Axiological principle.

Principle of following moral example

The principle of dialogic communication with significant others

Principle of identification

The principle of polysobility of upbringing and socialization

The principle of joint decision is personally and socially significant problems. The principle of systemic education organization.

Each direction can be represented as modulewhich contains the tasks corresponding to the system of basic values, the characteristics of the organization of the content (activities and form of classes with training). The conditions for joint activities of the school with the families of students, with public institutions for spiritual and moral development and education of students, the planned results are indicated, the schemes reflecting the ways of implementing this module are presented.

Upon completion of each module, the effectiveness of the implementation of the education program and socialization of students at this stage is monitored.

Example: Module "I and Nature"

Direction.Education of the value attitude towards nature, the environment.

Objective: popularization of environmental knowledge, the participation of students in solving environmental problems.

Module tasks:

development of interest in nature, natural phenomena and life forms, understanding of the active role of man in nature;

formation of awareness of the role and activity of a person in converting the surrounding reality;

education of ecological culture, careful attitude to plants and animals;

education of the value attitude towards nature and all forms of life;

acquisition of elementary experience of environmental activity.

Values:life, native land; Reserved nature; planet Earth; Environmental consciousness.

Development of interest in nature, natural phenomena and life forms, understanding of the active role of man in nature;

Upbringing value attitude towards nature and all forms of life;

Acquisition of elementary experience of environmental activity;

Careful attitude to plants and animals;

Study of creativity of poets-lyrikov, writers, painters-landscape players and animalists who reveal the community of the world of nature and the world of man;

Understanding the "theme of nature" in its own creativity, photographic fixation of near neighborhoods, species representing special aesthetic value;

Participation in collective environmental projects;

Deep penetration into environmental problems, the desire to solve them, starting with themselves;

Assimilation of the value attitude towards nature;

Intolerable attitude to the manifestations of a cruel attitude to animals from other people;

Stimulation and promoting the achievements of students in this direction.

Cool clocks:

"The rules of behavior in nature."

"Do I need to guard domestic animals?".

"What is environmental security".

"The secrets of the hydrosphere of the Earth."

"Travel with indoor plants by country of light."

"What professions are needed?".

"Ecological holidays."

School "Environmental Literacy".

"Labor is a source of creation, creating, preserving and multiplying material and spiritual values."

Local history, video and clogs:

"By environmental trail."

"To the natural environment of the school."

"Who are the trees friends?".

"In the zoo - animals from the Red Book."

"The field, like a community of soil, plants and animals."

"Time to plant trees and shrubs."

Visit the historical and local history museum "Angarskaya Village"

Environmental promotions:

"Grow flowers" ( houseplants for Mom).

"Remove your site."

"We will collect the seeds of wild herbs."

"Why is the weed flower bed?".

"Sweese feeders in pennate friends."

Environmental action "Help the library."

"Give in good hands."

Promotion "Second Life plastic bottle».

Ecological holidays:

January - "I went the block."

February - "Maslenitsa".

July - Ocean Day.

September - "Outnaire" (Harvest Holiday).

2017 year - year of ecology.

Labor activity:

Joint labor activity.

Creating an environmental environment.

Environmental Saturdays.

Gaming activity:

KVN "What? Where? When?".

KVN "Who meets how spring?"

Bray Ring "Nature and We".

Talk show "Ecology of the city".

Project activities:

Environmental projects: "We are like a part of nature", "birds in the village", "snowdrops plants in the school area", "Our Food" (History of Domestic and Foreign Cooking).

Creative activities (competitions, exhibitions, Olympiad):

Environmental contests, Olympiad, exhibitions.

Competition of photos "Autumn - red girlfriend".

Competition photos "Amazing nearby".

Days of environmental safety:

Extracurricular event "Court of the car."

Educational technologies:

- subject lessons, conversation, excursions, volunteer activities, shares, project activities.

Planned results:

have the experience of aesthetic, emotionally moral attitude towards nature;

have knowledge of the traditions of moral and ethical attitudes towards nature in the culture of the peoples of Russia, the norms of environmental ethics;

there is experience in environmental protection in school, on a school area, at the place of residence;

there is a personal experience of participation in environmental initiatives, projects;

awareness of personal responsibility for the fate of the planet Earth, an active position in the struggle for the preservation of nature.

Formed competencies:

acquisition of initial experience in promoting environmentally expedient behavior, in creating an environmentally friendly school life;

ability to give the environmental focus of any activity, project; demonstrate environmental thinking and environmental literacy in different forms of activity.


1 .. Methods of Stepanov S. P. (Personal Growth Dynamics in this direction)

Following the year, satisfaction is monitored by the educational process (parents, teachers)

Evaluation of performance:




Motivation level


Involvement of students in the preparation and activities of events.

Level of cognitive motifs

Expansion of social

partnerships: Organization and

holding new meetings

Statistical analysis.


Motivational diagnosis

The lack of asocial behavior.


schoolchildren B.

olympiad motion

The number of students involved in the Olympiad Movement. number

winners Olympiads of different levels. The number of teachers who prepared the winners.

Protocols Olympiad.

Statistical reports.

Analysis of admission

school graduates in

educational establishments.


schoolchildren in contests

Number of students involved in various contests. number

the winners of these competitions.

Number of teachers

prepared winners.

Statistical analysis

performished events


schoolchildren B.

mind games

The number of students involved in intellectual games, the number of teams speakers for school.

Number of victories B.

intellectual games.

Number of teachers

prepared winners.

Statistical analysis

performished events.


schoolchildren B.



Number of students involved in project activities. Number of short-term

medium-term and long-term

training projects.

Number of executed

students interdisciplinary


Pedagogues - Reports -

project managers


intellectual I.




Number of students involved

in research and project activities, the number of teachers

prepared winners.

The level of intelligence and creative abilities of students

Statistical analysis

Performished events.

Psychological diagnosis of intelligence and creativity.

Arbitration in communication.



Adequitable situation

expression of emotions;

Support ability

Expert assessment of cooling


Methodical space - development condition

professionalism of the teacher.

Implementation of key areas of upgrading education: availability, quality and efficiency It is inextricably linked with the development of the methodological service of the educational institution.

In modernization of school education, the methodological service is a link between the vital activity of the pedagogical team, the state system of education, psychological and pedagogical science, promising pedagogical experience not only of this school, but also other educational institutions.

The achievement and support of the quality of education involves continuous training and improvement of the professionalism of pedagogical personnel. Part of the system continuing education Pedagogues is to create a methodological space in an educational institution that allows you to compensate for the lack of professional knowledge and skills creating conditions for the development of creativity necessary in practical activities.

In a number of educational institutions, methodical work is carried out episodically and does not always lead to the effective activities of teachers in the context of modernization of modern education-oriented education with various potential learning levels.

it notes that the methodological space is a holistic, based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience, the system of interrelated measures aimed at a comprehensive improvement of the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher and the educator, to develop and increase the creative potential of the pedagogical team as a whole, and ultimately - improving the quality and effectiveness of the educational process.

The methodological space in an educational institution is inherent in the following functions:

Organizational and methodical;

Scientific methodical;



Educational and advisory.

The listed functions allow us to provide scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the educational system development program and create conditions for improving the professional skill of teachers.

The main tasks of the methodological space in an educational institution are:

Creating a network of methodical work at school;

Study and creative understanding of regulatory, methodological documents;

Identifying the main directions of its activities;

Coordination of the content of methodical work, advanced training and certification of pedagogical personnel in accordance with current issues of education;

Providing advisory services to educators on various issues of teaching and education techniques;

Training of a pedagogical team to modern forms of organization of the educational process: research activities, information technology, open education technologies, etc.;

Analysis of the activities of professional associations of teachers;

1. Summately examination ped. Literature.

2. Consultation.

3. Courle advanced training.

Calculation of our own difficulty with experience in other teachers.

1. Customer Methodological Materials.

2. Bank information about the best pedagogical experience.

"Collective" (Creative groups, young teacher schools, etc.)

1. Becoming subjects of the methodological space to solve the tasks of the modernization of education.

2. The development of uniform activities.

The use of pedagogical finds in practical activity.

Various forms of interaction.

1. Algorithms.

2. Western work.

3. Projects.

4. Programs.


Implementation of the main directions of the "capital education" programs.

1. The organizational and management culture of the teacher.

2. Communicative standards.

3.Natural legal documents.

1. Analysis of errors allowed by students.

2. Analysis of its own difficulty.

3.Pust of ways to solve topical teaching problems.

1. Carts of the professional competence of the teacher.

2. Analysis visited lessons.

3. Analysis of the results of the educational process.

"Developed" (Research groups for the development of difficult topics, problems, etc.)

1. Operative response to emerging problems.

2. Exhaust the best pedagogical experience.

3. Development of new pedagogical tools.

Receptions for the development of cognitive independence and creative thinking.

Development of funds, techniques, ways of work.

Description and generalization of accumulated experience.

"Creative" (Pedagogical workshops, master classes, pilot sites, departments, etc.)

1. Heating, generalization, distribution of pedagogical experience.

2. Forming a creative team of like-minded people.

1. Materials creatively working teachers.

2. Specific work on a single methodical theme.

1. Meeting with accumulated material.

2. Summary of experience with work practice.

Materials of pedagogical experience.

"Management" (Pedset, method method)

The formation of a single methodical space.

Pedsova, conference, ped. Reading and others.

Communication with ped. Frames through various forms.

1. Concept.

2. Projects.

3. Programs.

4. Replaced technology.

Let us consider in more detail the functions of some units ensuring the quality of the methodological work of the educational institution.


the collegial body coordinating the methodological work of a school that helps solve the priority psychological and pedagogical and information and methodological problems of education, leading the work of various school units to ensure the educational program of the school, etc.

The method of the method includes: director; Deputy. Director for Scientific and Methodical Work; Deputy. Director for Educational Work; Heads of departments, methodological associations, creative groups.

The main directions of operation of the method method.

Functions methodsuit

Coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of OU

Organizational and methodical activities

Correctional work

It should be noted that the unified methodological course of the school is developed for 3-5 years and should permeate all the links of the school methodical service. It is very important that work on its implementation is available to all members of the pedagogical team.

The method of operation of the method can include the following sections:

1. Analysis of the work method.

2. Organization of the work of structural divisions.

3. Conducting instructive-methodical meetings.

4. Diagnosis of pedagogical labor school teachers.

6. Organization of work to improve teacher's pedagogical skills (self-education of teachers, interaction with other educational institutions of the district, city, courses training).

7. Generalization of pedagogical experience.

8. Assessment of the results of the educational institution.

Department -

structural division of the school, carrying out the management of educational and scientific and methodological work on one or more related disciplines. This is a union of teachers and researchers in research work.

Currently, the departments have become one of the most common forms of methodical work.

The main tasks of the department:

Studying the effectiveness of traditional approaches and innovation in training and education of schoolchildren;

Comparative analysis based on students' knowledge monitoring;

Making proposals for improving the educational process.

The departments carry out scientific and methodological work, which implies not only familiarization with the latest achievements of science and teaching techniques, but also conduct research in this area.

The main directions of the department's work.

Functions of the department

Scientific and theoretical


Research "height \u003d" 21 "\u003e

Structural components of the work head. Department.


Planned prognostic


Analysis of information about the quality of the results and the learning process;

Assessment of the professional level of teachers when assigning a qualifying category;

Analysis of the state of teaching.

Planning meetings of the department;

Ensuring the preliminary tariffing of teachers.

Improving the methodological culture of teachers of the department;

Participation in the selection of pedagogical personnel;

Develop group and intergroup interaction.

Development of projects of intragroup and intergroup activities;

Expansion of the scientific and methodological base;

support for pedagogical initiative and innovations;

Development of pedagogical creativity.

Formation of creative ped. collective;

Coordination of collective action taking into account the individual needs and professional capabilities of each teacher.

IV stage functioning

send control functions (organization, planning, regulation, etc.).

Control over the activities of PTH;

Analysis of the results of the implementation of innovative projects developed by educators;

Preparation for certification.

Design, ensuring the educational process;

Creation of a methodical base;

Software adjustment;

The result of the activities of PTH can be the development of techniques, technologies, copyright programs, lessons, didactic material, etc.

To date, the identification of the priority objectives of the educational institution, teachers' pedagogical activity makes it possible to fully use an adaptive organizational structure, including any part of structural units aimed at creating the conditions for the participation of the collective in the preparation and implementation of management decisions and increasing the management competence of all participants in the educational process. The formal forms of methodical work, which may be more efficient at different levels of the educational process are put forward. The choice of one form or another depends on the development of the pedagogical team, the level of qualifications of teachers and school leaders. The choice of forms of methodical work is determined by the specifics of the development of updated subject courses.

Forms of methodical work.




Scientific and methodical seminar,

Public lesson,

Open Day,

Scientific and practical conference,

Pedagogical readings

Pedagogical Council,

School ped. skill

Methodical marathon,

Methodical exhibition,

Methodical bulletin,

Panorama of methodical ideas,

Pedagogical Fair,

Methodical handwriting magazine,

Business game,

Competition of professional skill,

Conference teachers interns,

Permanent seminars

Schools of pedagogical experience,

Dispute (discussion),

Round table,

Creative Group,

Top of mentors,

Mutual intervention

Pedagogical consultation,

Pedagogical club

Problem group

Methodical RAM,

Methodical instruction,

Cycle method. associations

Creative business trips,

School of a young specialist (master),

Pedagogical workshop,

Micro group teachers working on a certain problem

Subsection and intercessre seminars,

School of pedagogical skills,

Pilot experimental groups,

Laboratory "Master Class",





Mentoring, tenant,


Graduate school


The collective nature of the methodical work with a reasonable combination of common, group and individual, formal and informal, mandatory and voluntary forms and types of methodological work and self-education contributes to the inclusion of teachers in a creative search.

Here are some forms of methodical work that are used in educational institutions.

Collective forms.

Pedagogical Council.

The purpose of it is to collectively develop a managerial decision

on the creation of conditions for effective cooperation of school members

the team in the implementation of the methodical theme of the educational institution. Conducting activities: hearing creative reports of teachers, theoretical reports on a specific methodological problem, the presentation of the results of the work done, making a management decision on the problem. The method is used as a method, show, demonstration, preparation of recommendations, etc.

School of pedagogical skill.

Its goal is the most effective organization of the exchange of experience, discussion of elements of pedagogical activities in a professional environment.

Public lesson.

The goal is to demonstrate the experience accumulated by the best teachers, pedagogical skills. CONTENTS OF ACTIVITIES: ahead of the show of new elements of the content and related new methods, a demonstration of individual most difficult courses. Most often, an open lesson is an element of some kind of event, for example, carrying out the subject the thematic month, a seminar on the exchange of experience or another school of pedagogical skills. As a methods, the show, the story, demonstration, exhibition, etc. is used. The greatest effect gives an open lesson planned in a number of other forms and methods and subordinate a certain goal. The most common forms of work on improving the professional skill of novice teachers in OU include: a school of a young specialist, a school of a novice teacher, mentoring, where there are young professionals or teachers who do not have basic education.

Group forms.


this meeting, mutual advice of experts, specialists in a particular area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. Psychological and pedagogical consultation periodically discusses and evaluates, for example, trained, learning and real educational opportunities of each student in the zone of its nearest development, the set of parameters of the result is determined for the projected assessment.

Conceptual participants are, above all, teachers working in a particular class, psychologist, school doctor, psychiatrist, if there is an opportunity, then neurophysiologist and sociologist, class teacher, educators working with these children, etc. Consilium is collected one - twice In a year for each class, where the experiment on the management of the quality of education or to optimize the learning process. Work method - discussion and expert assessment. At the meeting of the Consilium, not only the prognosis of progress, but also the causes of failure to fail, is made to make a decision on the system of measures to eliminate gaps in general training skills and knowledge.

School of professional skill

Based on the work of the school of professional mastery of teachers in terms of the development of pedagogical skills. In any team, four groups of teachers are clearly visible (regardless of the subject story):

Those who want and can work creatively, worries enthusiastically and efficiently - master of their case;

Those who work in good faith want to work creatively, but still have difficulty achieving this level of labor;

Those who are young professionals;

Those who do not seek creativity work formally, and therefore unprofessional, illiterately and inefficient. Inside the named groups can be their subgroups.

First group Combines and visits the "School of Supreme Pedagogical Skill". As part of this school, the most complex issues of development of education, innovation are being studied. New complex areas of scientific knowledge are mastered here, the new content of education and the corresponding learning technologies, new diagnostics of children's development, new benefits and textbooks, etc. The algorithm of the practical activity of teachers in this school can be represented as: a new idea - open Lesson - Analysis - creative development of the idea. Research work can also be conducted.

Second group Teachers visits the "school of improving pedagogical skills", where the program and work plan are based on the study of the difficulties of teachers.

Work algorithm: analysis of the difficulties, dissection and formulation of the problem - self-education - training practical classes without children (role-playing games, etc.) - pedagogical activities, creating own experience - Analysis - determination of the prospects for the development of experience - bringing it to the skill.

Third group Teachers visits the "School of Formation of the Young Teacher", where the technology of the modern lesson and the associated problems (diagnosis of training, trained and real educational capabilities of students, goal-setting, methods of selection of the main, substantial in the content of educational material, the choice and justification of the optimal combination of methods learning, methods of differentiation of training, etc.). The role of the director and his deputies, managers of associations, experienced teachers in working with this group is extremely large, since it is not only about the conduct of various forms of group classes, how much about the development and implementation of an individual program of growing every teacher - a member of this Groups.

Fourth group It is a "group of increased attention of the administration." Here, along with training, a system for stimulating and motivating conscientious work is carried out, the necessary administrative control over the activities of teachers who can work better, but work explicitly below their capabilities.

Executive School -

this form of professional association of teachers can be quite numerous, and may pour out into individual mentoring, that is, consist of only two people.

I Option: An experienced teacher who has developed on all the topics of the course, collects everyone to learn from him, to borrow ideas of his experience. Classes are carried out periodically in a variety of forms, but mainly it lectures where they are consistently set out. possible options carrying out all lessons on a particular topic or course. Lectures can also be read by the most difficult topics. Such classes are complemented by conversations, seminars, open lessons, they are given and comment on ready-made cultural development prepared by their experienced author.

I Option: Schools of best practices require at least two teachers: one - experienced, more than once a program in a particular class, another - beginner. The novice teacher attends all the lessons during the year at an experienced teacher in one parallel a week before he should give these lessons himself in his classes. For this schedule must be made up so that their lessons never coincide. An experienced teacher has every week a week ahead, and at a beginner - a week later. By visiting the mentor the next lesson, then discussed with him the features of the theme, of its classes, etc., the beginning designed its first lesson on this topic. He has the opportunity to compare with the sample, reflecting, putting himself to the master of the master and thus understand that he should not be done yet, but maybe see the possibilities of his creative approach.

Organizational and active game.

Any game allows you to solve many and different tasks. It is important that the game is both the form of training and is simultaneously filled with a certain content. Games, one of the most effective components of active learning methods, and from this point of view represent an important element of management activities. During the games, direct and indirect goals are being implemented.

During the game development of ideas and options for management solutions, the effect of group interaction is carried out, the search for outputs from possible conflicts, the struggle for informal leadership, the disclosure of deep features and the qualities of employees, to learn the ability to work in a compromise, the formation of new relationships, such as basic value in the construction of a developing school .

Thus, the game is used to coordinate and accept certain values, both in terms of communications and in terms of determining approaches, options and technologies to solve professional tasks.

Paradox games It is that the game itself and its content may mean less than that result, which gives the behavior and activities of the participants during the game. Reflection after each stage of the game: analysis of psychological positions, confrontation, interests, interactions, motives - an important component of management activities.

Games allow:

Diagnose the state of the collective

Determine the psychological climate in the team,

To carry out direct and feedback, during which the head receives the necessary information feeder and at the same time uses its impact to promote its ideas, "settings" of the collective, building a management strategy,

Carry out a training, developing and educational function in the team,

Create conditions for creative activities in parity by the Formula: It is important not the position - ideas are important

Learn independence, responsibility and reasonable individualism

Determine priority activities

Develop the ability to develop and make management decisions,

Learn to formulate thoughts

Learn to develop and build concepts

Complete in different situations and role positions,

Learn to work in a small group and with a small group,

Learn to overcome shyness and indecision,

Identify the life position of the members of the pedagogical team and determine the role and place of each in real activity,

Pick up and grow the team of like-minded people

Learn to analyze and find a way out of problem situations

Learn the expression in the conditions of a shortage of time and information.

W.the word of the business game is involved in the playing table of an even number of participants. It is necessary to consider the corresponding incentives and invite to participate in the game those who are quite interested in changing the existing situation. Participants are divided into a micro group of 6-8 people.

Rules of collective mention:

1. It is necessary to coordinate the basic concepts that will be discussed in the game.

2. It is necessary to accept and strictly adhere to the temporary regulation.

3. In no case can not interfere with the speaker (interrupt with replicas, shout off the refutation, interrupt, shoot down, to ask questions).

4. Any thought has the right to exist, even if it seems wrong to you.

5. After the speeches, the procedure is carried out to clarify the correctness and understanding of the meanings that the speaker invested in the text.

6. Only ideas and never - people are discussed.

7. The criticism of the text is possible only after clarification.

8. Criticism can be tough, but the tonality of criticism should be soft, respectful.

9. Criticism must be constructive: along with the denial it is necessary to offer solutions.

10. At the same time, only one problem is prompted and discussed.

11. The requirements of the host should be carried out by the participants of the game (meaning only regime requirements).

12. Distribute the speaker can only lead and only in accordance with the Rules.

13. A dialing sign should be agreed - the right of everyone to the emergency extraordinary inclusion in the game with the permission of the lead (usually raised up the finger).

14. Any discussion in the group must be fixed in the form of abstracts or depicted graphically.

15. Under the fear of public bewilderment, it is forbidden to repeat said and spread the thought in the tree.

16. Volume and duration of speaking are not synonymous with the mind.

in the recommendations "Diagnostic and analytical procedures and active-game forms in school management" leads technology for business games: "Teacher", "Problem", "Verdict", "Challenger", "Project", "Press conference", "Success "," Tournament "," Pedagogical Analysis ", etc.

Individual forms.

The most common form is self-education. Self-education, independent reading of the literature serves as the main source of obtaining theoretical knowledge, substantiations of their own conclusions and hypotheses, a way to obtain a large amount of new information. Independent work with scientific and methodical literature creates the best opportunities to meet individual educational needs. Communication and special classes are a powerful source of motivation of further teacher training. For example, having acquainted with the experience of the famous teacher, the teacher can try to use it in his practice and, without receiving the expected result, consult the literature, come to special courses.

Using teachers of sources of information

for professional self-development. Search for new ideas and knowledge to solve their professional problems.

Acquisition of new knowledge.

Generating new own ideas.

Clarification and rehabilitation of our own new ideas and classes acquired in specially organized classes.

Verification of the effectiveness of ideas.

Adaptation of new knowledge to solve their own tasks, embeding them into an individual style of own activities.

Evaluation of the utility and efficiency of new knowledge in comparison with the previous ones.

Individual forms of methodical work include: mentoring, tenant, which are directly related to the young and newly new specialists.

Today, some factors of a professional environment can be distinguished, which is favorable to the improvement of teacher's pedagogical skills:

The presence of personnel creating recognized samples of pedagogical and management activities recognized in the team;

The presence of personnel capable and wishing to teach and transfer them their experience;

Training of all or at least most school teachers;

Microclimate, focused on sharing experience and cooperation;

Availability of professional communication;

The presence of tasks requiring joint activities;

Availability of changes in a professional environment;

Bringing the objective environment in line with new educational technologies.

Unified information and methodological space of the region as a path to raising the methodological competence of the teacher of Frolov Ilya Nikolaevich,

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, Corresponding Member. Academy of informatization of education,

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University,

lipetsk, Russia F_I_N @ Rambler. Ru

The article is devoted to an increase in the methodological competence of a teacher through the formation of a single information and methodological space and the creation of a regional network methodical community.

Keywords: methodical competence; information educational space; Network methodical community.

Unified Information Methodological Space Region As A Way to Improve The Level Methodology Competent Teacher Ilya Frolov,

candidate For Education Sciencees, Associate Professor, Head Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Corresponding Member Academy of Informatization Of Education,

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, Lipetsk, Russia F_I_N @ Rambler. Ru

Paper IS Devuted to Raising The Level of Methodologic Competence of the Teacher Through The Formation of A Unified Information and Methodological Space and Creating A Regional Network of Methodical Community.

Keywords: Methodological Expertise; INFORMATION EDUCATION SPACE; Network Methodical Community.

The paradigm of modern pedagogical science in the 21st century, when information fully compresses and loses its relevance, moves from an understanding of learning as a process of transmitting knowledge, skills and skills to learning how to form the ability to learn, self-reflection, to develop cognitive needs.

In its interviews from 19.02.2011. The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A. Fursenko defined the purpose of the modern educational process at school as follows: "You must teach to learn."

Thus, there is a change in the didactic basis of education, the change in its goals, which is natural and analyzed by the largest domestic didakats: "... goals are changing due to changes that are continuously occurring in peace and humanity. These are unprecedented changes, but they are. For example, such a global process as informatization - introduces changes to educational goal. "

Changing the objectives of education, of course, entails appropriate changes in the conditions of training, its forms, methods, etc. within the framework of state initiatives recent years: "The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010" - 2001, "Our New School" - 2009. -Aded purchases of the latest equipment, elements were actively introduced distance learning, A new form of knowledge control is introduced, and others.

However, no matter how paradoxically, these changes did not affect such an important subject of the educational process as a teacher. But, according to the observation of Professor A.V. Mogileva, "the priority of program modernization programs

wives become a teacher. Only with the advent of a new type teacher, the new generation is possible to modernize the Russian school. "

A teacher implemented by a new goal of education should have the ability to continuous education, including self-study and self-education, understood by us as "independent mastering a combination of pedagogical values, technologies, creativity."

Direct assistance in organizing continuing education, advanced training, professionalism, development of the creative initiative of the teacher is designed to provide the methodological service of the school, district, region.

However, the process of rebuilding the forms of the organization of methodological work on new modernization "rails" is difficult.

Despite the fundamental changes in the education system of the Russian Federation, the methodological service at all its levels, in most cases, remains unchanged over the past decades.

In urban and large rural schools, there are methodological associations (departments) on subjects and cycles of objects, according to the type of educational work. Such associations can be common or - in the necessary cases - differentiated on the steps of learning. As part of the associations, seminars, conferences, pedagogical readings, etc. are organized. But, of course, the main form of methodical work is to visit open lessons and extracurricular activities with subsequent pedagogical analysis and discussion. Unfortunately, it is impossible to talk about the methodological literacy of the subject teacher, the lesson of which is analyzed within one school, or one methodologist. The same happens with teachers of small -complex schools, which work, as a rule, in intershotok methodical associations created by education bodies based on reference schools.

Summarizing the said, we can say that neither mandatory advanced training courses (once every five years!), Whose subjects are often not interested in teacher, nor methodical associations of subject teachers, for the most part representing non-informative communication in narrow

a nichenage circle - "High Software", does not meet the principles of modernization of education and do not contribute to the professional growth of the teacher.

The low level of mobility of the methodical service in the context of modern modernization processes in the educational system, its "inflexibility", the more disturbing and require speedy indigenous transformations, because it is within the framework of the methodical service that the professional competencies of the modern teacher occurs, including key of them - methodical Competence that directly affects the quality of modern education and determines the "face" of the Russian school. So, so by The rapid and number of other researchers allocate the methodological work as a leading factor in the formation of methodological competence, which is an important component of the professional competence of teachers.

V.A. Adolf, considering the professional competence of the teacher, notes that it includes a system organically connected with each other of private competencies: methodological, special, communicative, subject, psychological and pedagogical and methodological competence. And it is precisely the methodological competence among various types of competencies occupies the leading place: "... It integrates the entire system of specially scientific, psychological, pedagogical knowledge and skills to a certain extent.

Learning the problem of the formation and development of methodological (scientific) competence, domestic researchers S.G. were engaged in the methodical training of teachers. Azarishvili, so-called. Ghushchina, TA Podlovnaya, T.E. Kocharyan, I.Yu. Kovaleva, A.A. Meyer, A.V. Mogilev, T.I. Sha-Mova and many others.

So-called Gushchina determines the methodological competence as an integral multi-level professionally significant characterization of the personality and activities of the pedagogical worker, mediated productive professional experience; as systemic knowledge of knowledge, skills, pedago skills

ha in the field of methods and optimal combination of methods of professional pedagogical activities.

V.A. Adolf under the methodological competence of the teacher understands the integrative multi-level professionally significant characteristics of his personality, expressing in the presence of a value attitude towards the pedagogical profession, professional knowledge and skills taken in unity.

Moreover, it is worth noting that innovation in education determine the basic characteristics of methodological competence as "actualization", which, according to Yu.V. Vardanyan, "manifests itself in the state of the updated personality skill to know, think, communicate, act, put forward and resolve certain classes of tasks, analyze the course and results of their decision, to constantly make expedient adjustments formed on the basis of the synthesis of theory and practice. According to such a interpretation, a specialist with higher education can be guided by the Rule: "You want to be competent, learn to be actualized in any situation."

High flexibility and adaptability ability, openness to innovation becomes the most important characteristics of the Methodical Competence of the teacher as the main component of professional competence.

Thus, "Gordiyev Knot" is revealed inside the methodological system of Russian education, the most complicated contradiction requiring immediate resolution. On the one hand, the Society, the Customer of Education, the highest requirements for professional and, first of all, the methodological competence of the teacher, the requirements for the successful implementation of the process of continuing education with a pronounced tendency to self-education and self-education. On the other hand, a methodological service designed to provide teacher with all kinds of assistance in the development of methodological competence, to actualize his knowledge and skills, determine the self-education vector in the innovative environment, it turns out to be far from the rapidly flowing modernization processes, in the main mass prefers the use of "verified" forms and Methodical work methods

and ignoring the options for organizing a process based on innovative technologies.

Permission of this contradiction is possible only by reorganizing the methodological service of the education system of each region of the Russian Federation, given its social, cultural, geopolitical and economic specificity, on the basis of innovation.

Such transformations in the shortest term requires the studied by us, and not only in theory, but also in the practical activity of the School teacher-subject and expert department of certification of education and science of the Lipetsk region, the activities of the methodological service of the region.

To date, it can be argued that the methodological work in the Lipetsk region really exists only at the level of separately taken schools. However, it is impossible to talk about the absolute absence of attempts to introduce innovation in this type of pedagogical activity. Such attempts exist, but their effectiveness is low. Thus, in the educational portal of the city of Lipetsk, as part of the implementation of centralized support for teachers, a bank of methodical developments of lessons was established ( As one of the links of methodological support of teachers, a certain "piggy bank of ideas", he undoubtedly has the right to exist. But only in the common canvas of methodical work. While its absolutization, on the contrary, generates much more negative points. This type of work is carried out on the basis of one-sided connection, the teacher does not have the opportunity to express its opinion on the design provided, nor hear the opinion of colleagues. The principle of "dialogue" is ignored in pedagogy, and the presented developments only perform the functions of the "sample". All this for a number of items does not correspond to neither the basics of pedagogical didactics, nor the principles of the federal education program.

In our opinion, today the organization of the methodological work of the region, as part of the system of continuous education of teachers, requires

decisive measures aimed at introducing innovation and the formation of a single information and methodological space (EIMP).

Under the Unified Information and Methodological Space (EIMP) of the Educational System, we understand the integral part of the information educational space of the region, which includes a set of measures to organize methodical support for teachers and activities aimed at improving the quality of teaching through the use of information technologies.

The unified information and methodological space is mentioned by us as a mandatory structural component of the entity defined in modern pedagogy, the term "informational educational space", which is with it in relation to "part is integer."

The development of a single information space of the educational system is one of the central tasks of modernization innovative processes of Russian education, which is enshrined by legislative acts and provisions that record the conceptual framework for informatization of the field of education of the Russian Federation at the federal level.

The relevance of this pedagogical direction also proves an increase in the number of research on informatization of education conducted recently (K.K. Colin, A.V. Mogilev, I.V. Robert, N.N. Khahalev, etc.).

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical and technical literature allows us under the informational educational space to understand the collection of banks and databases, technologies for their maintenance and use, information telecommunication systems operating on the basis general principles and providing information interaction of organizations and citizens and satisfying their cognitive needs.

Since one of the tasks of the functioning of the informational educational space is to increase the level of methodological competence of the teacher as a path to improving the quality of education as a whole, the necessary component of the information educational space is precisely the unified information and methodological space of educational

of the region, based on the network interaction of subject teachers.

Moreover, the main principle of successful functioning of EMP is the implementation of the "dialogue" at several levels: the teacher - the teacher, the teacher - the Methodist, Methodist - Methodist, the teacher - the management bodies of the education system, the Methodist - the management authorities. The dialogue implies an increase in qualification by networking of information, cooperation with colleagues from other educational institutions in the region, developing a teacher of its own position in contact with the methodologist, exchange of information between methodologists, the possibility of expression by the teacher and the methodology of its own position on the management of the educational system of the region (example of relevance And the latest statement of the latter is the National Open Discussion of the draft law "On Education" on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

The possibility of the existence of such a dialogue at the highest level and, moreover, its necessity is supported by the words of the rector of APK and PPRO

EM. Nikitin: "Exactly so, through communication with voluntary associations of school teachers, and is going to build new partnerships Ministry of Education and Science. At the same time, as we understand, teachers can be heard by the Ministry, and the ministry is heard by teachers. "

Only the dialogue of this process can provide a new stage in the development of the methodological service, departure from subjectivity and imposing certain models to the independent individual and creative approach of the teacher to the choice of the necessary forms and methods for carrying out its activities.

In addition to the dialogue of methodological work, we include the principle of operation of the EMP, we attribute the principle of openness, we understand as open access to information, at the same time regulated by copyright; principle of independence in terms of self-selection of forms and methods of training; The principle of initiative.

Conceptual change in the principles of functioning of methodical

services entails a change in the functionality and the role of a methodologist as its structural unit and subject. Methodist in Emp thinks as a network methodologist and from the role of "lecturers", "teachers for teachers" goes to the position of the mentor, the tutor, which performs the function of organizing the process and assistance to the teacher in determining the development vector. The function of the network methodologist includes:

Tracking the emergence of new information internet


Maintaining network communications in pedagogical Internet


Coordination of the actions of the members of the network community.

Analysis and created model of the methodological service of the educational system of the region allow us to determine its most important components. The legal component is a set of regulatory acts regulating the activities of the EIMP subjects at the regional level and non-contrary to federal acts determining the principles of informatization and modernization of the educational system of the Russian Federation. The software and technical component involves the existence of a sufficient technical base for the operation of EMP: PC, open access to the 1P-Temet network, if necessary, the availability of a local network, network software and software of educational software products. The information and methodological component implies the presence of a continuously replenishing legal, pedagogical, psychological, methodological and didactic material.

The subject component is divided into two groups - "coordinators" and "teachers." The first is represented by a group of methodists of various levels: the curator of the methodological service of the region, representatives of the Coordination Regional Methodological Center (district methodologists, theorist methodologists,

methodists of pedagogical universities in the region), coordinator of the Regional Methodological Center, coordinator of the network community of the methodologists of the region, network methodologists. The Teacher's group form network methodologists and initiative representatives of the teaching environment combined into network communities. Moreover, it is necessary to further emphasize that the community of this kind cannot be specially designed, organized or created in an order basis. It is possible only to create conditions that would facilitate their formation. Thanks to network support, new opportunities are opening up to the knowledge exchange communities on the presentation of their digital archives and attract new members. With the development of computer technologies, new forms for storing knowledge and new software services appear with knowledge and new software services that facilitate knowledge management and the use of these knowledge by newcomers on the periphery of the community.

Formation of a network community of subject teachers at each stage of the education system:

1) will allow to identify the most pronounced problems in forms and

training methods;

2) will ensure the functional development of the entire education system;

3) will increase the quality of learning;

4) resolve disputes on continuing education;

5) will provide access to information on the selection of forms and methods of training.

The main vector of the work of the entire methodological service determines the coordination center, which includes scientists and district methodologists.

In our opinion, the focal point should be based on the methodological services of each area of \u200b\u200bthe region and leading pedagogical universities in the region. It presents the laws of the functioning of the network organization and development priorities, has its own author's content of relatively general methodological issues, its own resources and infrastructure for the implementation of its content.

It is impossible not to take into account the work of district methodological centers. They assign the role of coordinators of the network community of the methodologists of the region. It is the district methodologist that is a link between the theory and practice of teaching disciplines, determines the development strategy of teaching methods in this area.

The network organization of methodical work contributes to the more qualitative exchange of experience between teachers not only a specific educational institution, but also the whole area, region.

The main tasks of the network organization of methodical work are:

■ ensuring information support for the educational process, scientific, innovative and methodological work in all institutions of the network organization;

■ improving the efficiency of using methodological resources;

■ expanding opportunities to improve the qualifications of pedagogical frames in accordance with the needs of the developing education system;

■ Combining the efforts and capabilities of methodical and other institutions to implement modern information-communications technologies in their activities.

To form a single information and methodological space of the educational system of the region, we will leave from bias to the analysis of lessons, subject teachers will be able to see various forms and methods of conducting lessons on the same topic and choose the method to which the largest number of positive estimates will be given. We can also form a single educational technology - a teaching system and a student, based on certain content and methods of training.

Thus, an important step in the modernization of education, which will lead to an increase in the key professional quality of a specialist-model competence, is the development of the general concept of the formation and development of the unified information and methodological space of the educational system of the region.


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8. Adolf V.A. Professional competence of a modern teacher: monograph. - Krasnoyarsk: KSU, 1998. - 310С.

9. Vardanyan Yu.V. Maintenance and development of professional competence of the teacher and psychologist / Yu.V. Vardanyan. - M., 1998.-179c.

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Mogilev Alexander Vladimirovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Valid Member of the Academy of Informatization of Education, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, Head of the Department of New Information Technologies and Training of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University

Regulatory reasons for the requirements for professional competences of the modern teacher - the National Education Initiative "Our New School", approved by the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev on February 4, 2010 PR-271 -Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for the Year, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation February 07, 2011 . 163-P - FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" - FGOS of the primary general education - MINZDRAVSDIVITIVITIVITIVITY OF RUSSIA of 26 August 2010. N 761n G. Section "Qualification characteristics of the posts of education workers-interns of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 24, 2010 209" On the procedure for certification of pedagogical workers of state and municipal educational institutions "Strategic: Important:

Methodical space is a holistic, based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience The system of interrelated measures aimed at a comprehensive improvement in the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher and the educator, to develop and increase the creative potential of the pedagogical team as a whole, and, ultimately - improve quality and the effectiveness of the educational process. Mark Potashnik

The levels of recognition of the results of the results, the products of the individual 1.Nefrequent self-education. 2. The problem of our own difficulty in professional activities. 1. The accuracy study of the pedirate. 2. Consultation. 3. Courle advanced training. Calculation of our own difficulty with experience in other teachers. 1. Customer Methodological Materials. 2. Bank information about the best pedagogical experience. Group (creative groups, schools of a young teacher, etc.) 1.Copination of subjects of the methodical space to solve the tasks of the modernization of education. 2. The development of uniform activities. The use of pedagogical finds in practical activity. Various forms of interaction. 1. Algorithms. 2. Western work. 3. Projects. 4. Programs. 5. Plants. Collective (Research Laining Groups to develop difficult topics, problems, etc.) 1. Operative response to emerging problems. 2. Exhaust the best pedagogical experience. 3. Development of new pedagogical tools. Receptions for the development of cognitive independently and creative thinking. Development of funds, techniques, ways of work. Description and generalization of accumulated experience.

Professional teacher's competence Activity competence Research competence Analytical competence of a meeting of the pedagogical council (thematic). Communicative competence meeting of the Methodological Council. Organization of work on a single methodical theme. Organization of scientific and practical conferences Organization of problem methodical seminars. Organization and conduct of subject weeks. Conduct open lessons and methodical weeks. Modeling activities UMC. Organization of advanced training of teachers. Certification of pedagogical workers. The work of teachers over self-education topics. Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

Professional teacher's competence Activity competence Research competence Analytical competence of a meeting of the pedagogical council (thematic). Communicative competence meeting of the Methodological Council. Organization of work on a single methodical theme. Organization of scientific and practical conferences Organization of problem methodical seminars. Organization and conduct of subject weeks. Conduct open lessons and methodical weeks. Modeling activities UMC. Organization of advanced training of teachers. Certification of pedagogical workers. The work of teachers over self-education topics. Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

Professional teacher's competence Activity competence Research competence Analytical competence of a meeting of the pedagogical council (thematic). Communicative competence meeting of the Methodological Council. Organization of work on a single methodical theme. Organization of scientific and practical conferences Organization of problem methodical seminars. Organization and conduct of subject weeks. Conduct open lessons and methodical weeks. Modeling activities UMC. Organization of advanced training of teachers. Certification of pedagogical workers. The work of teachers over self-education topics. Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

Collective Educational Individual Scientific and Methodical Seminar, Open Lesson, Open Day, Scientific and Practical Conference, Pedagogical Readings, Pedagogical Council, School Ped. Makeup, Methodical Marathon, Methodical Exhibition, Methodical Bulletin, Panorama of Methodical Ideas, Pedagogical Fair, Methodical Handwriting Magazine, Business Game, Competition Competition, Conference of teacher teachers, permanent seminars, schools of pedagogical experience, dispute (discussion), round table, creative group, advice of mentors, mutual education, pedagogical consultation, pedagogical club, problem group, methodical RAM, methodical instruction , cyclical methods. Titles, creative business trips, a school of a young specialist (master), pedagogical workshop, micro group teachers working on a certain problem, subject and interdisciplinary seminars, school of pedagogical skills, pilot experimental groups, laborate Orya Master Class Interview, Samoenalysis, Consultation, Self-Education IE, Course training, Author's work, Training, Presentation of author's pedagogical technology, Author's school, mentoring, stories, Internship, graduate school, undergraduate, etc. Forms of methodical work.

The main directions of the department of the department Creating a data bank on developments in the field of theory and methods of teaching the creation of a special scientific and methodological records. Mastering new programs, testing new textbooks Diagnostics of the difficulties of teachers. Functions of the department Scientific and theoretical and methodical scientific research development method. ORDER NDATIONS for trained and studies of schoolchildren, methods of monitoring knowledge of students. Development of programs for individual subjects Analysis of the form of a fraction of educational disciplines of the AM Department Approval of individual plans for scientific and methods of work Teaching the Department of Department of Collaboration with other departments

Subject-oriented (isolated groups) Complex-oriented problematic creative groups are dealt with a specific circle of tasks (for example: the use of innovative technologies, integration in subject training, the development of new methods of knowledge control, research activities of students in the framework of student projects, etc.). The work of several groups over the same problems and areas (for example: design of school development software materials under the guidance of the school principal, the development of complex targeted programs, etc.)

Graduate studies receiving second higher education Career growth (intrahemnasic) 4 level Course retraining based on Belripk and PPS Course retraining based on agriculture and transmission courses Summer subject schools Competitions professional skills 3 Level work in the composition of problem-creative groups Work in the composition of the subject department work in the GMO work by experts , HEK, TEK members, jury members Olympiads 2 Level Operation on self-education Theme Presentation of work experience Generalization of work experience Dissemination of work experience 1 Level Model advanced training

Participation in webinars year "Training kits for classes in literature. Methodical principles of working with them. " "Actual problems of teaching a comprehensive frame rate religious crops and secular ethics. " "Preparations for GIA 2012 on biology. Prospects for the development of control and measuring materials in 2013. " "Methods of application in the lessons technology of the teaching and methodological set of technological content (UMCTS)" Technology. Technical Labor "For students of 5-7 classes Publisher Drop" Formation Wood by means of UMK "Rhythm". "Spiritual and moral education in the process of learning intercultural communication in the conditions of implementing GEF". Video conferencing of the agro-industrial complex and PPRO on "Continuous courses of history and social studies in the educational system" School 2100 "Regional competition for the best formulation of sports and physical culture and recreational work in general educational institutions Regional Competition of Mathematics Teachers "Interactive Mathematics in Educational Institutions of the XXI Century" Regional Competition "Methodical Portfolio of Biology Teacher, Geography, Physics, Chemistry Master Classes Competition of the Interregional Fair of Pedagogical Innovation Regional Competition" Innovations in Educational Institution "The second All-Russian Open Copyright Competition, educational materials and virtual resources to increase parental competence. All-Russian competition methodological developments on the organization of the learning process of the Russian language (within the framework of the Russian Festival).
The presence of personnel creating samples of pedagogical and management activities Availability of personnel capable and wishing to teach and transfer them to their experience microclimate, focused on sharing experience and cooperation. Availability of opportunities for professional communication. Availability of tasks requiring joint activities. Availability of changes in a professional environment. Conducting an objective environment. With new educational technologies professional environment factors favorably affecting the improvement of teacher's pedagogical skills


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