Shvetsov Sergey Oleksandrovich. Russia's football team

Shvetsov Sergey Oleksandrovich. Russia's football team

Muddy trust schemes of Nabiullin's defender

Member of the directors and the first defender of the head of the Central Bank Sergiy Shvetsov came to the conclusion of a significant new law to prevent government officials from using foreign financial instruments. The Central Bank confirms that Mr. Shvetsov no longer has income from trusts, just like a few apartments in Mexico. According to experts, it is important to ensure that participation in trusts and income is quickly achieved, and perhaps by harmonizing the diversity of forms and methods of managing trusts.

As Kommersant reports, today the law is in force, for which members for the sake of the directors of the Central Bank orders from government services directly and indirectly to useless governments and use foreign financial instruments. The law was adopted on January 28, 2016 and having placed the first defender of the head of the Central Bank, Sergius Shvetsov, in a difficult situation. To continue working with the status of a member for the sake of directors of the Bank of Russia, it was necessary to balance nutrition with income from participation in foreign trusts. His income declaration for 2016 included five trusts apartments in Mexico with a total area of ​​842 sq. m. Other members for directors of the Bank of Russia have not yet declared such income. The press service of the Central Bank informed us that Mr. Shvetsov had released trusts.

Sergiy Shvetsov has been a member of the directors of the CPU since June 18, 2013. On February 3, 2014, Roku Yogo Bulo was appointed the first patron of the head of the Central Bank. Pan Shvetsov is engaged in the development of the financial market and access to work in the new world. Its subordinate department includes the department for the development of financial markets, the department for preventing unscrupulous practices, the service for protecting the rights of residents and ensuring the availability of financial services, the department for corporate payments, the department for admission and implementation of activities. and financial organizations. Zokrema, from Pan Shvetsov Moscow Exchange including subsidiaries, coordination of interaction with the Federal Antimonopoly Service and international financial organizations.

The Central Bank was willing to explain how Mr. Shvetsov would promptly prevent unauthorized foreign income within the limits of the new law. In general, Nina’s trust is stronger because the supply of money and the extraction of income are legally divided between them. The beneficiaries of the trust withdraw income from its property, but cannot dispose of it.

Previously, the Central Bank stated that the trust could be liquidated through the sale of non-rukhomost. However, lawyers clarify that such a possibility is not for everyone trusts. It is possible to create a classic trust (as a rule, we are talking about a trustless trust) only in the order established in the minds of its creation, after the completion of the installation of the line of its creation or in connection with the death of its life. “The other way to enforce the foundation of an irrevocable trust is practically impossible to go through the court,” says Oleksandr Zakharov, partner at Paragon Advice. Because of the so-called bare trust, the process of liquidation of which is significantly simpler, continues Mr. Zakharov. Essentially, we are talking about registration in an offshore trust, where the principals are nominees, and the income is collected by the final beneficiaries. In this case, you can sell it to the trust, turn it over to the ruler, and the structure itself automatically shrinks. Such trusts do not have a direct connection with the final beneficiary, and it is important to determine the income from them, say experts.

According to experts, in these terms, the share of income in the classic trust can be formally transferred to a new trust, in which the official will no longer be the owner. This is the case for a trust that, having previously been founded, has come into its own, comments Dmitro Konstantinov, a lawyer at Ilyashev and Partners. And the beneficiary will spend the right to withdraw payments from the trust fund, adds Oleksandr Zakharov.

Based on the fact that Mr. Shvetsov declared income from trusts that accounted for everything, he was among their founders, experts are admitted. It is impossible to sell Mexican apartments from trusts; there is no longer any possibility of foreign arrivals among them. “Such times can do about the transmission of Main to the trust, go to the principle of a saint of the Rozcritte Kinza Benefitziara (іsnuuu and the same form form), the design of the trust, the design of the nominal person, - letting Pan Konstantinov. The fragments scream less and are powered less.”

The first intercessor of the head of the Central Bank, Sergiy Shvetsov, is perhaps alive to his own life.

For a little while, Shvetsov can stay calm behind the cordon, which is fenced off by law. And although only the ears can’t guess, I still don’t want to believe it.

Under the control of Sergiy Shvetsov, the CPU is responsible for licensing, liquidation and recovery of all participants, including banks. The Swedes are the same people who are punishing and kind in the Central Bank - and there is still a small group of security officials who make decisions about how the bank will continue to live. Singingly, with such new importance, Shvetsov can be even more spokus. And how to deal with them?

In 2015 Vidannya wrote that Sergiy Shvetsov turned out to be the richest banker at the Central Bank. According to the data, he declared an income of 77 million rubles. His authority had one apartment in the USA (511 sq. m.), two apartments in Russia (142 and 254 sq. m.), one in Spain (121 sq. m.), and several in Mexico (by trust). The team of banker Marina Alokhina, who also works at the Central Bank, also appeared to be poor. In 2014, the company earned 10 million rubles.

Sergiy Shvetsov arrived at the CPU in 2013. Does anyone have stars and such wealth? Is it possible to make such a pittance with honesty? How many booths and apartments can be knocked out outside the cordon? It is important for most people to recognize such a sum. How could Sergiy Shvetsov ever give up his official position for special wealth? The first defender of the head of the CPU was not able to earn anything. In such posads, only people with a crystal clear conscience are able to work with such important things.

Is the new law a problem for Shvetsov?

Just like in the spring of last year, the banking market was disrupted by information about the fact that the first protector of Elvira Nabiullina’s head could cause problems. Shvetsov needed to balance nutrition with supplements in the absence of hearing loss. The banker has a conflict of interests due to those who have equated the members of the Central Bank directors to high-ranking government officials. And for them, new legislators were introduced.

According to the new law, which, having gained the rank of 28 rubles, members of the directors of the Central Bank could not profit from and use foreign financial instruments. Before them there were various types of trustful management of mines, founded in accordance with the legislation of foreign powers.

Shvetsov took his share from the trusts and seized income from five apartments from Mexico. ZMI wrote that Sergiy Shvetsov might leave the warehouse for the sake of the directors of the Central Bank.

However, as it was on the day of the law, Sergiy Shvetsov was left to resolve his problems. The Central Bank informed that there are no more profits from trusts. Experts marveled at how quickly Sergiy Shvetsov could achieve their wisdom. The Central Bank was convinced of this. Why? Vidmova CPU gave rise to a bit of mass on the river.

The trusts have their money divided into a main line and the withdrawal of new profits. The beneficiary of the trust can withdraw income from the mine, but cannot dispose of it. It turns out that the Shvets’ apartments can’t be sold immediately. There is no longer any foreign income.

Lawyer of the company “Ilyashev and Partners” Dmitro Konstantinov said: “In this case, it is possible to talk about the transfer of the mine to a trust, which, in principle, is not subject to the respect of the final beneficiary (this is the legal form), or about the trust, registration of the nominee flax especially... The other option is the most effective, as it requires less nutrition."

How can you understand this? Is it possible that Sergiy Shvetsov has hidden his private trust in another trust registered in the name of a fictitious person? Can you imagine that the banker will lose the owner of his apartments and lose the visibility that they will be saved? Such food, of course, was not blamed, as if the Central Bank had explained the situation with Shvetsov’s unruliness. And if any information is available, then the earth will be slightly replenished.

It’s amazing that nothing was said about Shvetsov’s Mexican apartments. And the cabin is in the USA, and the apartment is in Spain? Why can’t the banker explain the behavior of his main? Perhaps, what else can we take away from the enormity? How can people whose incomes are “incomprehensible” make up the share of Russian banks?

And if we assume that Shvetsov lost his apartment, then the banker has violated Russian law. How can you earn high-ranking government officials? Such people let their minds go wild.

Fake documents?

Sergiy Shvetsov may have a lot of enemies in his village. And, naturally, they are trying their best to expand information about the banker that is compromising. Our well-ordered editorial team has reviewed the documents, which, most likely, are in detail. Therefore, the rumors about those who stink, make the hair on your head crumble. It’s amazing that in our time the details have begun to work even more believably.

For example, how can you finalize an agreement for renting an apartment in Barcelona?

The list has begun to be detailed regarding the maintenance of apartments that may belong to Sergiy Shvetsov.

And this is a wonderful document for the write-off of valuable papers.

The entire list could indicate that Sergiy Shvetsov is planning to buy a new apartment and a house in Barcelona.

Among these fake documents there is a lighthouse. Nibito Shvetsov is deprived of the power of indestructibility in Mexico and Volodya for several days in the USA. Can you break the law? What other documents could Shvetsov’s unkind people have prepared? Why does the honest banker not give them peace of mind?

Our editors have cited all these documents simply to show how the reputation of a high-ranking government official can be ruined. It’s unlikely that Sergiy Shvetsov will be bothered by the stink. Since the Central Bank said that there is no foreign income, it means that it is so. Who has any doubts? Isn’t that right?

And those who did not explain to the Central Bank, like Sergiy Shvetsov, recalled the foreign lane, are correct. There is nothing in the Central Bank with its food in search of truth.

The bankers of the Central Bank are celestial beings, and everything is permitted. And they quietly hover behind the banking dungeon. And Sergiy Shvetsov is one of them. Try to approach something new.

This is how he wants to ruin the banker's name. Ale mi is not believable and not for anyone's sake. Well, we can’t do this, just as we can’t do this at all. Bankers work at the CPU more than ever, and the rivets are just a little bit wider about them. And it’s amazing that some people still want to believe them. Yes, yes!

Economist of the 2nd category

Sergey Anatoliyovich Shvetsov, the first protector of the head of the Bank of Russia, born in 1970. Perhaps Shvetsov’s entire career is connected with the Bank of Russia. Immediately after completing the MDU in 1993, he was hired as an economist of the 2nd category in the International Finance Department of the Department of Foreign Operations of the Central Bank. Over the course of his career, he became a leading economist, and later a head of the sector.

In 1996, the Swedish family left the Central Bank and took over the position of the intercessor of the representative of Ost-West Handelsbank AG near Moscow. This is also the structure of the CPU, really, yogo “onuka”. Later, he accepted the representative office of the Bank of Moscow.

In 2001, Sergey Anatoliyovich returned to the Bank of Russia and right up to 2003 he worked as director of the department of operations on the open market. At this planting, I replaced Kostiantyn Korishchenko. In all likelihood, Shvetsov was pleased with the department of financial market operations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

« Rozsivach» non-payments

Perhaps all the security officers of the financial market operations department and Sergiy Shvetsov himself spent their days and nights at the stock exchange. They literally sorted through the pockets of non-payments with their hands in order to understand which bank was giving money to whom at the outpost of specific valuable papers.

At the hour of the crisis of 2008, the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX, nini – Moscow Exchange), when interdealer repo operations literally stopped, almost all investors in the department of operations on the In the financial markets and Sergiy Shvetsov himself spent days and nights on the stock exchange. They literally sorted through the pockets of non-payments with their hands in order to understand which bank was giving money to whom at the outpost of specific valuable documents. During that period, the stock market was trading almost continuously - trading on the spot market was closed on the first day of the night. The credit to the specialists of the department, who carried out this work on the stock exchange, is that the collapse of the repo market did not turn into a global collapse in the entire stock market and did not call for a fall about A large number of banks were transferred for rehabilitation in 2008.

“Well, what are you girls like? V - Journalism"

Meanwhile, most journalists Sergey Anatoliyovich is remembered not for the raking up of the Lantsyuzhskiy open lands on the stock exchange, but for the phrase that has become a catchphrase, - Well, what are you girls like? You are journalists!”

Friday is a day off!

Sometimes our hero always has acceptable speeches for all working Russians. On the horizon of 15 years, Russia will have to seriously discuss that Friday may become a day off, Sergiy Shvetsov said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2017.

The food is coming, what will all these people do? There are three days off, which opens up completely new sectors, associated with a special hour, given services for a special hour

According to Shvetsov, medicine is developing, and the productivity of practice is increasing. “It’s about food, what will all these people do? There will be three days off, which will open up completely new sectors, connected with a special hour, assigned services for a special hour,” he said.

Lute critic Rinku« Forex»

The first defender of the head of the Central Bank has repeatedly stated that the work of forex dealers does not know how to develop the financial market of Russia and how to improve the financial literacy of the population. The money that citizens invest in this market, in Shvetsov’s words, “is not invested anywhere, but goes from one place to another.”

“Forex is not a casino, it will ensure the needs of the population from gambling, and not from deposits,” Shvetsov said.

The protest law, which describes the operation of the Forex market in Russia, was adopted, and a number of companies subsequently revoked licenses to operate in the Russian jurisdiction.

Catch it, fish, that little one is great

Sergiy Shvetsov is a passionate fisherman. With other financiers, we have repeatedly visited Leningrad province and Astrakhan for fishing. True, financiers who happened to fish in his company seem to never talk about work food when fishing. It’s also wise to smell how many fish the first defender of the Central Bank’s head can catch especially.

In response to Karbovanets

Three reasons for this, the Central Bank was inspired by the strengthening of the ruble exchange rate, releasing the remaining amount from the free float. In two months—leaf fall and breastfeeding—the national currency rate fell from 42 to 72 rubles per dollar. Regardless of those who personally confirmed the exchange rate of the ruble in the Bank of Russia, the head of the regulator, Elvira Nabiullina, and – with the greatest concerns on the topic – the first defender of the head, Ksenia Yudaeva, before the recognition in the Central Bank of Dmitry Tulin of the real problem of “what will exchange rate of our ruble,” I call Virishuv Sergey Anatoliyovych.

Don’t believe Ulyukaev’s wine

Sergiy Shvetsov said that Ulyukaev is the only person who could be suspected of evil

When the great defender of the head of the Central Bank, Minister of Economic Development Oleksiy Ulyukaev, was arrested, Sergey Shvetsov said that Ulyukaev is the only person who could be suspected of evil.

Apartment in Mexico

Sergiy Shvetsov took part in many trusts, such as five apartments in Mexico. Information about this was included in my filing declaration for 2016. These trusts have been awakened, but just like that - unknown. The apartments could have been sold, or they could have been re-registered to another trust, which either does not reveal the beneficiaries in principle, or the registrations were made to a nominee. Shtratsova called for a new law to prohibit government officials from using foreign financial instruments. In this law, the members of the Central Bank directors are “smartly aligned” with their obligations to government officials. The law of praise is like the beginning of 2016, and the beginning of dignity is like the beginning of 2017.

eBay Russian

On the beginning of this fate, Sergey Shvetsov at the Finopolis 2017 forum initiated the creation of a single platform-marketplace, which would simultaneously introduce the function of remote identification of a physical person , registration of all transactions, notification of them to the fiscal authorities and the financial “supermarket”. This platform may be used for the investment of market participants. Its participation is voluntary, and the Central Bank is required to register on the platform all deposits that are re-opened, as well as OSACV policies. According to Shvetsov, the closest analogue to the interface is the eBay online auction platform.

Vikoristan publications from the portals of and Finparty, the information agency “Russia Today” and the newspaper “Komersant”.

Shvetsov, Sergiy Oleksandrovich. Pivzahisnik. Master of Sports of the USSR International Class (1976).

Vikhovanets Kutaisk Youth Sports School “Torpedo” (first coach – Korneliy Abdaladze).

He played for the teams "Torpedo" Kutaisi, Georgia (1977, 1985), "Zenit" Leningrad (1978-1980), "Spartak" Moscow (1981-1984), "Guria" Lanchkhuti, Georgia (1986), "Lokomotiv" Georgia ( 1987), SK MELZ Moscow (1988-1991), "Bornem" Bornem, Belgium (1991-1992).

Played 1 match for the USSR national team.

*The actual day of the people is at the lipnya, and for the passport - at the chest.


Nature has endowed him with a special statue. No date, no take - a bilinny hero. And on the field of play - the record scorer. And the career quickly came to an end. Ale 22 zloty was interrupted by a serious injury, which was taken away from the two-sided player in training. For ten more years I have played football, but no longer as a forward, but as a defender, and not as before. Benefits, however, without wasting any money. And at the same time, at 42, he knows his own value and will willingly guess about it.


There's a bar called "Sayani" here - after Igor we spent an hour there. Me, Yura Gavrilov, Sergiya Rodionov, that’s all. – Let’s talk with Shvetsov at a small, quiet cafe near the Shchovkivska metro station. - For us, we get chesske beer, a choice of fish, a side of shrimp.

How did Beskov set himself before the “beer” trips?

Negatively, obviously. Once officially allowed to drink beer, if “Arsenal” beat – 5:2. I scored a rare goal in that match. Until another moment: having received the ball on the free kick rose, kick it far away, let me, I think, rather take the ball under myself and with my left foot - from the far corner. Ale zahisnik, having figured out my idea. A little while later, I have the same situation. What time do you think you should give - what should you spend? And the weather was bad - cold, foggy, nothing was visible. Rodionov's rapt comes up, flies: it appears that I have scored a goal. And between the goalkeeper’s legs! And they rushed off - in fact, they were fighting against the same goal.

Beskov did not experience this with us. Yogo in London remembered the Dynamo tour in 1945, and here is also a coaching triumph. Before heading to England, “Kairat” won in Almaty - 4:0, so we are very honest: “How do you play?!” Yak graєmo - they scored, maybe it’s bad? Ale Beskov began to have dissatisfaction. We grumbled, our mood did not suit us. We saw a real performance. That’s why Beskov gave the go-ahead for beer. “Today,” it seems, “I allow you.” And Grandfather, Starostin, sit quietly on the side and write down in a notebook - who danced for how many times.

In the spring of 1982, in the UEFA Cup matches, you did not leave the field without a goal. Unfortunately, the fans especially remember your ball at the Haarlem goal, which provoked the tragedy at Luzhniki. Dozens of people died near the terrible tree. And they hooted: “I wish I hadn’t scored this goal!”

Of course, what can be valuable for human life? But who knows, there is only one door to exit the stadium. It was so freezing - minus five, it was slimy in the stands... And I scored an extraordinary goal, a hard one. Having won the fight at the back and punched with his head, stopping Cherenkov’s serve. Hess added - the gate turned and looked around. I scored a header against Haarlem in Holland, but in a completely different way. Cherenkov received the ball on the rose of the penalty area, and I ran to the near post. Behind me is a hisser. Fedir did not transmit the program immediately, taking a pause. I rushed to the far post, Cherenkov checked me and just threw the ball over the defender. And having already crossed the code, I aimed at the gate at the gate. Viyshov, as it seems, is a game goal. It’s a long time to describe, but it only took a fraction of a second.

Of your partners in Spartak, is Cherenkov the greatest?

Fedir - Gravets from the Great Letter. Using the trick: through the passage, you can see everything all the time, and doesn’t let you get out of the game. Let’s take the episode with the goal against Haarlem: even if I could have missed the goal, I didn’t go to the far post, but, knowing Cherenkov, having completed this maneuver. Although at the master level, no one can compare with Gavrilov. No wonder Beskov called him Professor. And if Grav Cherenkov is in Gavrilov’s position, it’s still just a little bit wrong.


You are originally from Kutais. Did you start there?

The fathers made it to Georgia during the war and were lost. I studied at the “Torpedo” school with Cornelius Abdaladze, through whose hands many of the world’s most famous “Dynamo” stars passed. It is for Georgian football what Mikola Parshin is for Spartak. I was less than 16 when the current coach of the Kutaisk “Torpedo” Anatoly Norakidze took the masters from the team. In the 10th grade, the birth has not begun - in the first grade, you know, trips are like that.

How did Zenit get drunk?

The story came out soon. On the 77th, having arrived with Torpedo to Moscow, we played against Spartak. And to what extent did you injure the young team’s heel without saying anything to Norakidze? And 20 minutes before the end of the season, say: “Come on, Sergius, play at Luzhniki. You may not have this chance again. At that time, Beskov and Morozov were still friends, and Kostyantin Ivanovich told Yuri Oleksandrovich that there was a Russian cotton in Kutais - they needed to pick him up and bring him to Spartak. Then the stinks boiled, Morozov accepted “Zenith” and guessed about that Rosmova and Beskov. So I moved to Leningrad.

In 1980, when Zenit won bronze in the USSR championship, did they have a good team?

- "Teared" everyone! The young people of Shlunkiv, Chukhlov, Vedeneev, Biryukov played with courage and swearing.

From this point of view, I am faced with the riddle of one of your matches at the end of the season. Passing by the playpen. A penalty kick is awarded on the left side of the net to Zenit. Up to at least 35 meters. The beat is going to be completed Kozachenko, and here you are, 20-year-old, indifferently waving your hand, waving the veteran away from the ball.

It was like this. We beat Ararat, and I scored the only goal against that team. I shouldn’t bet on the offensive team, CSKA, Morozov, on the team. Only halfway through the other half are released for replacement. Vihoju is angry. And the judge himself gives him a fine. We and Yura Zheludkov had “points”: yogo is right-handed, he beat with his left foot, mine is left-handed. Everyone knew about this, but Kozachenko came and said: “Go to the penalty kick - I’ll give it to you.” I youmu: “Give me the ball, my point!” And the mischievous little man would mutter: “Well, be amazed, young man, if you don’t forget, I’ll kill you!” I hit the barbell. The Cossack boy praised: “You were spared, young man.”

When you got to Spartak, did you have any doubts? After all, the club has such traditions.

At “Zenith” I’m more successful in a pair with Anatoly Zinchenko engraved. I was born on the 49th, and I was born on the 60th. Any difference? We were praised by the press - you know how it is, you'll earn a penny, you'll lose a ruble. They came for an interview, Zinchenko took the reporters before me and took them from the young man. He pleased me: “If you want success from a good football player, you need to play in a good team. "Spartak" є "Spartak". The coach there is a well-known one, it’s easier to get to the collection point. Ale, zagalom, marveling yourself - you are a grown-up lad.”

Didn't Zenit end up without a scandal?

The newspapers wrote about me like that! As a result, everything was respected on the highest level. At Zenit, the Komsomol was turned off, they didn’t give me a medal, and they deprived me of the title of Master of Sports. I, before speaking, became the master of sports. Mali was assigned just before the quarterfinals of the Spartakiad tournament, but was bypassed. Morozov said: “Young man.” As a result, you became a master only after scoring a single goal for Spartak? Cup of the USSR "Shakhtar". After the match, the elder said: “Sergius, do you know what you earned today? You saw the Spartak team at the semifinals.” - “Why me, Mikolo Petrovich? They all contributed.” - “Who scored? Ti!”


Vi pressing forward of the ramming type. How long have you been accustomed to the corporate Spartak style?

As if I were not suitable for Beskov as a football player, having not played for the team for several seasons. However, not weak forwards were trying to join Spartak: Grachov from Shakhtar, Seryoga Krestenenko, Milevsky from Rigi. Ale couldn’t fit into the ensemble. It also helped me that the building would be practical to close the position.

In the first two matches against Spartak you scored very few goals, then your performance dropped. Surely, this is related to the injury that you saw in training before the game against Valencia with your partner and Prudnikov? How serious was she?

Rupturing the ligamentous apparatus, fracture of the lesser gomilkova with dislocation. After stroking, one of the newspapers wrote: “Shvetsov now has a slick foot.” I have lost all the flowers in my brush. CITO installed a new visceral device - after a long time it was ruined. It’s even worse that there were no necessary or vital centers.

Have you ever compared yourself with Yuri Tishkov, who, after an injury, was unable to turn around and retired from football early?

In the 85th Kutaisk "Torpedo" won in Moscow against "Dynamo" - 3:1. Megreladze scored all three goals from my assists. Beskov, who was sitting on the podium, after singing to the singers: “So, Shvetsov, without wasting your bitterness. Come on, turn around to Spartak. Only one river is not allowed to enter.

Why did Beskov appreciate you?

For aggressiveness. Kostyantin Ivanovich was still loving, when his wife was crowned. Do you know what my most memorable match is? Z "Club Brugge" for the UEFA Cup. The Belgians have a very good footballer, Jan Koulemans. Health is not that simple. Against the new mav Shavlo deyat, ale Beskov meni say: “Sergius Kulemans is not streaming. You’ll happen to be scrounging in the middle of the field.” I scored a free kick at the start of the match, and then we had a level. Koulemans moved towards the center, looming in front of me a head start of five meters. Be in my place Shavlo - the goal is inevitable. Ale Beskov knew that I was ready to kill anyone - with my hands, my teeth. Already at the penalty kick I beat the Belgian in the wind. Ale – in the fight, the situation, as it seems, is at the discretion of the arbitrator. We decided not to award a penalty. “Bruges” still shouted, and at the start of the second half, Beskov started shouting at me with love: “Go on the attack!” Khwilin scores another goal in five. Since Mirzoyan was replaced a quarter of a year before the end, I took the place of the free deputy. It turned out that in one game I had to work in three positions! At the press conference, a representative of Brugge wondered: “Who is your number seven playing?” Beskov explained: “He’s playing there, let’s say the coach.”


And yet you still don’t feel bad in your heart that, let’s say, your partner has a stable playing position due to Rodionov’s Spartak attack?

I respect you, I was lucky enough to learn about football from different sides. I’m in front, and in the middle, and in defense. Moreover, it is not worse in the central zone. Kolya Sochonov, as a great paratrooper, was not allowed to leave the cordon, replacing him on the right flank. In Krasnodar, during the match against “Kubannya”, Romantsev’s injury was overcome and they transferred him to the left beam. And those who have put Beskov many times as the remaining henchman is a sign of great trust. Where is the place of the people, as they understand the game. The attacker can show mercy, but the remaining defender has no such right - he no longer has a goalkeeper. It seems like we and Mirzoyan beat Valeriy Gazzaev in a heartbeat: after catching the blow with his left, we set two sleepers, and then he took the ball under himself and scored Dasaeva into the far corner with his right. “Dynamo” won 2:1, but we had no where to go for our failure. Beskov then besmirched Mirzoyan: “Good, this young man, and you, old man, how did you peck?!” Wanting to go to Mirzoyan, I learned a lot.

And Beskov started up - a great practitioner ahead of us. For example, in the 81st, having entrusted me, the striker, with the match against Dynamo Tbilisi, David Kippiani was personally taken care of. Bo vidchuv: against Kipiana may play a footballer who can support the attack. And he also asked: I didn’t deprive the leader of the TV lists of streams, but I scored a goal - the Prince, as the Kipians were called, praising him lower for his year of retracing the opikun. And after the match I learned: “Today, Sergius, you beat me.”

Through the river, on the 82nd, you got a rare trick: scored several goals in the match against Neftchi.

Naytsikavishe - gravel with a boil, and skin irritation causing pain. Beskov asked: “Go to 30 hvilin.” At the first half I open the rakhunok. At the break, Kostyantin Ivanovich asks: “Do you still have 15 more things to see?” Zagalom, scoring four goals, and five – Cherenkov from my serve. After the match, I was upset about everything, and Beskov frets: “You, it appears, are more likely to have a boil.”

Which team did you have the closest cents with?

From the very beginning, if I arrived in Moscow, Dasaev is alive. Gavrilov and Romantsev were family friends... Romantsev is the rightful captain, the soul of the team. I gave it to you in this yakost and then gave up a little.

Could it be possible that Romantsev will become a great coach?

No. Before coaching, Mirzoyan prepared himself. And, having finished playing, I will watch Beskov every hour to learn. Kostyantin Ivanovich didn’t take notes - he didn’t like to drill on paper. Fedir Sergeyovich Novikov took up Paper's rights. Beskov was more oriented towards the team’s camp, without going too far. Pishov dosh - garazd, there will be no training today. “In one day,” he said, “you won’t ruin these good things that you have.”

But Lobanovsky is different: as it is written, it may end. I will never forget the gathering at Novohirsk. Calling us from Rodionov and Dasaev to the Spartak team. The weather is motor-driven, slota. Check with the attendant. Enter Lobanovsky: Why are we sitting here? We got up. Chi Blokhin, chi Buryak: “To Valery Vasilyovich, your feet are important.” - “The soil, it’s hard for that.” - “There is no freshness.” - And you tell me the team that plays with freshness. No such thing! Buy cologne “Freshness” - you’ll be fresh from now on.”


Did you want to ask the collection?

It became so if a triumvirate was formed - Beskov, Lobanovsky, Akhalkatsi. I was victorized more often in two-sided versions - for the complete set. Before one of the matches, the coaches are instructed to set: “In the center of the attack, you will represent the team - the opponent has one in the warehouse.” Then they prepared to counteract the Belgian innovation – the offside pasture. At this rehearsal, I was put on the defensive - to create a unique “playing pose.” I axis Lobanovsky told Beskov: “Ale Shvetsov, Kostyantina Ivanovich, plays no worse for these Belgians. Let's take him to the exit." Cover that the emergency situation-82 was taken into account at the last moment. I entered the wider field of candidates, but they decided to spare - to take to Spain the few who could actually make their way to the warehouse. And so I would lose my memory for my entire life.

What is the most beautiful guess about being with the national team?

I liked Blokhin once again. They took me from the off-season to a tournament in Bulgaria. In one of the matches, Blokhin was beaten and beaten, he was not beaten, he was beaten, and he was taken out of the field. Blokhin did not take part in the upcoming game with the local club. The weather was harsh, and there was ankle-deep water in the fields. We, the reserves, sat in the room, watching the match every other day. Khvilin, 25 minutes before the end, the masseur says: “Shvyatsov - to be replaced!” Blokhin said to me: “Well, Sergius, you will kill the one you respect as an attacker. Have you settled in? What do you mean here, okay, Blokhin is a star. And I score not one, but two goals. The next day I’ll be playing in the main warehouse of the couple and Blokhin. A fine is imposed. Blokhin asks: “Sergius, hit the level of a meter. The field is slimy, the goalkeeper can’t get through, you see - I’m going to finish.” I could even break through and trust Lena Buryak, the great master. Well, I ordered you to send the ball to the level of a meter. And everything worked out just as Blokhin wanted: the goalkeeper was kicked in, and then, right there, it was a goal.

Penalty blows were your horse?

So, they counted on scoring goals. For me in my youth I saw Kherkhadze. Behind Kutaisk "Torpedo" engraved. His name in Tbilisi was not pishov. As if I were in fines, I won't do it both ways! He himself is right-handed, but his favorite leg is the left one. Can you see this? What kind of hole to hit - you can’t guess the gate.

They also played a lot for various youth teams, then for the youth and Olympic teams.

Bouv is such a freak. The coach of the Olympic team, Volodymyr Salkov, decided to go to a friendly match in Czechoslovakia. “You’ll buy a chandelier,” he implores, “but you won’t be able to deliver Loban to the warehouse.” “Because of my satisfaction,” I confess, “I don’t believe in anything. Still, the first one is collected, and her game is collected from Finland. Talk to Valery Vasilyovich yourself, maybe let him go.” Call me Salkov: “It won’t let me in.” Repeat what you need." Okay, let's play with fans, and at the end of the first half, Shengelia breaks out. Ale Lobanovsky not only released Vadik Yevtushenko as a replacement. Come out, Salkov is right to appear.


On the 85th you left Spartak and turned to Kutaisi. What is it connected with?

- “Torpedo” came out of sight, but I was still there. I want to command a bula sir. They let me out of Spartak, as they would say, on loan. Previously, they managed without contracts; everything was left to the coach.

Afterwards you played in the first season – for “Guria”, and in the other – for “Lokomotiv” from Samtredia. Why didn’t the day turn to a higher level?

The most important ones are those that I earned no less money from another league than from Spartak. What do you want, since we were paid 150 dollars for the draw with Real? Before that, Samtredia had a coach, whom I had known since childhood, having formed the team with me. I played “under the attackers” and the first team finished with a goal difference of 27-1. As a result, the rights to stick matches from Simferopol “Tavriya” were obtained. Ale stinks were expected. The famous judge Romualdas Yushka said to me for a long time: “What do you want? Tickets to the first league have long been divided.” They started calling me - to Tbilisi Dynamo, near Kutaisi. I'm sure. They wonder: how much should you pay? Even earlier, they asked for Lokomotiv Moscow - via the home line. But I couldn’t let down the coach to whom I gave my word.

What did you do before you left the Belgian “Bornema” in 1991, during which you spent the rest of the career season?

Standing up for veterans. And you know, I’m not sorry. Where else would you know such legendary people as Shesternev and Polikarpov?

Are you still playing for veterans?

- Rarely. I had a knee operation in Belgium, but all the same, after some month I had to go out. Already after the 80th century Beskov became part of Sergius Rodionov. She asks: “Why didn’t you come to the bathroom? They'd trash the ball." “But without me, you have no one to lose,” I confirm. “And I greeted Kostyantin Ivanovich by phone.”


Have you ever thought about trying yourself as a coach?

I trained two children at the Labor Reserves. Ale was strangled by football problems: it was easy to find gyms, stadiums, fields... It’s acceptable to let us know to the gym to train - it’s a matter of courage. But I understand: people want pennies to pay rent. There are no balls, there are no boots, there is nothing! I told one guy: “Serezhenko, bring a photograph.” It cost 10 rubles to take a photo. During the upcoming activity I ask: “Did you bring it?” And Vyn: “Mom said that we don’t have any photographs.” And I understand that for this family, 10 rubles mean a lot. Having given one a pittance, the other - but I don’t have enough mileage at home. So it’s good.

To the defense. I immediately work at the Dixie company and train the team there at the best time. Respect. I really want to bring more joy to the children. Sensi learn what to do.

Is your homeland great?

Three children. My younger son, Zhenya, now 13, kept shouting: “Let’s go to football!” Just a year ago, I attended the Spartak match. Having bought tickets for the garni of the place - especially without becoming a profit from acquaintances. Sealy. There are quite a lot of people, but I think it’s unlikely that anyone will recognize me. I immediately smell: “Oh, Seryoga Shvetsov!” One such viguk, another, a third... At the break they took autographs and filled up with food. I can’t go to football at that hour - I still can’t let the game calmly watch. Better at home, on TV. And then the son asks: “Tattoo, do you know the signs of the stench?” “Well, I’m playing football,” I say. I, of course, knew about this, only thinking that after a long time of fate no one remembers anything.

Do you have a son?

Two. Andriy, from the first day, is already 22 years old. Daughters – 24. Football doesn’t turn blue – it’s not possible. Beskov said: “If you can’t run fast, no matter how much you train, you won’t win.”

How famous is the story about Mikola Starostin? Whoever, in his youth, had easy rights, having developed in himself the sweet bones with which nature had endowed him.

I don’t know what else there will be like Mikola Petrovich... And like the kolo spilkuvannya at his place - and no less than football! Let me guess, they were flying somewhere beyond the cordon of grati. And on the flight with us is Maya Plisetska. The elders approach her: “Hello, Maya! You are as beautiful as 30 years ago! Let’s get to know our new football player Sergiy Shvetsov, who came from the Zenit Leningrad team.” This is how I got to know the great Plisetskaya.

What do you think about the current Spartak?

I know that Lokomotiv is right up my alley. Wonderful team! Smart, technical. How much did Somin enjoy with her, but still achieved his own. And for the time being, the CSKA team has no pomp. Another great plus is that the loss of so many players at Lokomotiv is in no way noticeable. And in “Spartak” Titov got angry, Sichov struck – and everything went wrong. So it’s not your fault! Take the image for the team. I really want “Spartak” to be deprived of “Spartak” forever.


In 1993 he graduated from the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Having obtained the qualification of an economist-mathematician.

Labor activity

After graduating from university in 1993, he was assigned to the position of an economist of the 2nd category in the management of international finance in the department of foreign operations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Over the course of his career, he became a leading economist, and later a head of the sector.

1996, having deprived the Central Bank and having seized the position of the intercessor of the representative of Ost-West Handelsbank AG near Moscow. Later, becoming a representative and providing representation to the bank.

In 2001, he turned to the Central Bank, and until 2003, he left the department of open market operations to the Bank of Russia. Then, for about eight years, he was director of the department of operations on financial markets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.


On June 1, 2013, he was appointed as a manager of the financial markets service to the Bank of Russia. Enter for the sake of directors of the Central Bank and is the first protector of the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

On June 5, 2016, ZMI received information that would qualify for licensing and financial recovery. Also, under his supervision, licensing, liquidation and financial recovery of all participants in the financial market and the closure of banks are carried out.



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