Spring kidneys on trees. How do kidneys and flowers of fruit trees

Spring kidneys on trees. How do kidneys and flowers of fruit trees

When spring comes and the kidneys swell on the trees, we do not suspect that this is a strong natural agent that helps from many diseases. Therapeutic buds for health trees - the most affordable vitaminer, which solves many problems.

Kidney trees for health

If you know, the kidneys, what trees and from what helps, then you can improve not only well-being, but also to strengthen your body.

What are the kidneys of trees and what is treated?

Good lilac kidneys For diabetics. If they are simply chewing on a handful per day, you can significantly improve digestion.

Birch buds Famous therapeutic agent. They are present in charges for the treatment of joints, stomach and oncology.

In the spring, as soon as you swolve and type forces cherry buds They need to chew those who have problems with the pancreas.

Be sure to prepare from the kidneys (small shishchek) coniferous trees Jam, which and all broncho-pulmonary diseases. The bumps failed in syrup are very like small kids. For them, this is a safe medical delicacy.

Kidney apple You can not only brew with vitamin tea, but also to chew everything without exception. Since Jablodka is considered a female plant, you need to pay attention to young girls whose body develops.

When trimming apple trees, do not miss the chance and collect her little twigs with the kidneys (100 g of kidney). Then rinse and fill with butter (200 g). Not bringing to a boil, protubet minutes twenty. After being resolved, get an excellent ointment that will help with headaches if you rub it into whiskey. It is necessary to do small children with strong fears and bad speeches.

Kidney trees in folk medicine

Treatment of kidney trees It is known for a long time. Even children intuitively in spring tear them and chew.

Top kidney Act as propolis. They help heal male diseases, for example, prostatitis. Cooking medicine is performed on a new moon. The kidneys (100 g) and small twigs are poured with vodka (250 ml) and there are two weeks. On the day you need to take 15 drops of tincture. Black poplar kidney in alcohol tincture is good for stomach spasms.

To therapeutic kidney and belong to those that grow on shrubs.

Shipovnik, rowan blackfold, hawthorn is valued in folk medicineBut not many know that the kidneys of these plants have the power to clean and. It is enough to eat several kidneys. They are useful for those who have problems with vision.

When trimming branches black currant Do not throw them away if they are alive. The kidneys can simply eat, and breeds brew tea, which will benefit from all organism systems. Do not forget that the currant is a means of allergies.

Video. About the treatment of kidneys and bark

Walking on the spring parks and squares, enrich the useful substances that all trees in the medicinal kidneys. Brew in teapots. In five minutes they will give you all their healing treasures.

Only doing it is necessary without fanaticism. Two, three kidneys from each tree for which your body will say thank you. Such a board from the meal.

Many troubles bring winter with strong frost and temperature fluctuations, while our gardens suffer from damage to the crust and branches. In the second half of winter, the damage is obtained by fruit kidneys, especially in bone crops, the kidney of seeds suffer to a lesser extent fruit trees, autumn-winter varieties pears and kidney apple trees. Therefore, the fruction of apple trees and peashed frost does not affect blossoms, but the harvest on the bone cultures is not every year. From the bone crops you can highlight the least stable apricots, the fruit kidney of cherries is painted partially. It should be noted that the fruit kidneys are most resistant to frosts than its branches, so the branches are frozen more than flower kidneys. If you compare the bone cultures, then the least is subject to damage to Cherry's floral kidney.

The most often fruit kidneys in the bone cultures and pear are most often suffering from the loss of flower kidney apricot, peach, sweet cherry and plum, it leads to failing years.

However, the cherry all depends on the variety, the floral kidneys near varieties are very damaged by a large cry, Anadolskaya, well tolerate frosts of the kidney varieties Cherry Plinka, Turgenevka, Lomsk. Apricot is very damaged by the kidneys at the Red Grade variety, all floral kidneys can take me, with sharp fluctuations in temperatures.

Most often, fruit renal frozen occurs at the beginning of spring. In connection with the climate instability, the slightest warming of early spring and even at the end of winter we cause swelling of fruit kidney. At this moment, the kidney can destroy even a minor cooling. Therefore, in areas with frequent thaws and sudden cooling, even weak negative temperatures lead to the death of flower kidney, so it is important. The growth kidneys at the same time almost do not suffer, they are more resistant to the oscillations of temperatures exception is a peach.

Damaged frozen frozen kidneys become brown, gradually dry and creep. If the kidneys are only taken by frost, they are revealed very slowly and not completely, the wound on such kidneys can not get. If the temperature decrease occurred during flowering, only flower pestles are often affected, which also leads to loss of crop.

Install the constant critical temperature for fruit kidney can not, it is inconsistent for different varieties and even one variety. The kidneys can be saved at the top of the crown and completely suffer in the bottom. Often it affects the direction of cold air flows, in which part of the kidneys dies along its go, and the rest are saved. Not even damage to frosts of flowers and fruit kidney leads to the drying of the kidneys, partially damaged gave flowers, which then dried. Not damaged kidneys gave flowers.

The preservation of fruit kidneys affects the weather in the fall, if the autumn is warm, rainy and protracted, the process of transition of trees during the rest period is delayed than the frost resistance of fruit renal is reduced. This happens quite often and is associated with changing and warming climate. Of course, it will not affect the frost-resistant trees and shrubs in the upcoming winter.

It has been established that summer trimming of cherries and apricot can protect fruit kidneys from frost damage. Summer trim contributes to the growth of shoots and moving fruiting from cropped branches on summer growth branches. At the same time, the timing of the bookmark of fruit kidneys, their dissolves, is shifted.

Well tolerate the cooling of floral kidneys on strong fruit trees with a powerful green crown, having leaves and shoots not affected by diseases and pests. The most stable kidneys are located at the base of annual shoots. Sometimes if on fruit tree It remains 60% of not damaged kidneys is enough to get a good harvest and do not overload a tree.

Sometimes sinders are subject to damage to frosts during flowering. As is well known, the pestle suffers first, and then the flower boot. If the pestle suffers in part, the maritime may form, but the fruits will not be the right form, ugly. Often damage to frosts , For them, the temperature is minus 1.5 degrees. With such cooling, strawberries dies to 10% of flowers. The number of damaged flowers and boutons in the strawberries depends on the phase of the development and structure of the bloody. Therefore, various varieties of strawberries may have a different degree of damage.

Strongly damaged flowers and crops of fruit trees die and creep. If the marking is partially amazed, the fruits are irregularly shaped and with spots of brown color, which are subsequently covered with cork tissue with cracks. Such damage causes degrees and frost.

Often, ripe fruits of apple trees and pears fall under the influence of frosts. It happens if the ripeness of fruits is not determined in a timely manner and harvesting is not made.


For several years now, as I purchased a country area and I am engaged in planting fruit trees on it. Recently, I am very often encountered with such a problem - the kidney of fruit trees is damaged. And my question is what kidneys are damaged in fruit trees?


Severe winters, when severe frost and cruel winds, sharp fluctuations in temperature at its second part can strongly affect the welfare of the kidney of bone fruit crops. Less often, however, you can also notice the damage of the kidneys from the winter and autumn varieties of pear, and apple trees. The least resistant weather in the winter months is considered floral kidney of apricot trees and, on the contrary, the most secure, however, is cherry.

Healthy kidney fruit trees

The degree of damage to the kidneys often depends on the duration of frosts. If there is an increased damage to the kidneys of the fruit tree, then in the spring, the kidney will not be revealed.

How to find out if the kidneys were damaged? It is quite difficult. Such kidneys of fruit trees become brown, and, without expanding, begin to dry, and then fall. If the plant is a bit damaged, then in the spring period they are quite slowly starting to reveal, in some cases, not completely. And also begin to dry out. In more steps of their development, frost can damage the pestles, which are the most enemy-resistant area of \u200b\u200bflowers. Damage and death of the pestle can lead to a decrease in the harvest in the gardens. On damaged areas of colors and kidneys will get brown color.

Flowering kidney fruit trees

In the harsh frosts, which are observed in the winter, occur after dry summer, with bad weather conditions in January and February months in the upper crown areas there are damage and can lead to the death of kidney flower.

The winter hardiness of flowering kidneys in the bone crops is very much fastened after it was warm and at the same time rainy autumn. The frost resistance and under the preceding winter of the summer period preceding the winter, or when the tree was grown under conditions of excess moisture, increased either, on the contrary, limited nutrition level using nitrogen.

Unhealthy tree

The damage to the kidneys of the flower is very dependent on the adaptation features of the tree. Time, the processes of restoration damaged by the kidneys damaged are determined by their feature to regeneration.

It is also necessary to add that the overall damage to the tree depends on the state of the plant, limpness, as well as the intensity of its growth. The kidneys that are in strong, powerful, highly developed branches have greater frost resistance than short, thin, quickly ending their growth and the development of sprigs that have further damage to the leaves. The most frost-resistant properties have fruit kidneys near the base of annual shoots.


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