How to understand it is necessary or not. How to determine if you need a man? In childhood, you all knew ...

How to understand it is necessary or not. How to determine if you need a man? In childhood, you all knew ...

Incredible facts

Can you imagine a world in which there is no deception? It is unlikely that someone has enough fantasy to realize how much we will lose it or how much I will get it if you stop lying each other. Man lies Every day, so skills to remove the interlocutor for clean water will be useful to everyone.

Moreover, each of us was once mistaken in people. At such moments, we think about how it was possible to not immediately notice that the person is unreliable, and it is impossible to rely on it. And it happens that we simply cannot find a common language with someone, because they did not work out to watch the person in order to create his portrait.

But how to find out a person really? Colleague, potential partner, friend? On the Internet there are a lot of articles, like "Ask these questions to find out a person truly."
But how do you imagine it? Squeeze a person in front of him and start interrogation? Not a lot of people agree to this.

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Another extreme is to believe that a person can be found only for a long period of time. However, the coach John Alex Clark (John Alex Clark) is confident that the key in this matter is not the time, in the observation and ability to associate the information received in one chain.

There are several very simple and at the same time powerful techniques that will help you identify patterns in human behavior and learn its character. About them and talk.

How to find out a person

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Every day a person makes a huge number of routine actions: buys food, rides in transport, speaks by phone, etc. A person's actions can shed light on his personality, as well as help predict how he behaves in one way or another.

Example A. If a person chooses the same dish every day in a cafe, it is likely that he will avoid change, and he does not like the uncertainty. Such people can be loyal and loyal spouses. But on the other hand it will be extremely difficult to convince the risky investment or move to another country.

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Example B. People who like to play on the stock exchange and engage in other risky events are most likely to risk in other areas of life. For example, such a person can quit his job, not finding another and not thinking about financial security for the time of unemployment.

Example V. A person who always looks in both sides when goes the road, most likely prudent and cautious. He will thoroughly think about every little thing before making any decision, and goes only on a well-calculated risk.

That is, if you analyze the actions of a person in one area, you can understand how it will behave in other areas.

2. Pay attention to how a person communicates

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How does your interlocutor behave in communication? Trying with every person to build relationships or highlights those who are close to him in spirit, and the rest holds on an elongated hand? Chatting without a clear plan, in a particular, focusing on the impressions, or still constantly analyzes, trying to be objective and does not trust intuition?

A person is more thinker based on concepts, images, schemes and ideas, or is it rather a practitioner living in the world of measurable values, tasks and facts? If you are watching everyday words and behavior, you will be able to trace the overall line.

3. Talk to a person about relationships with common acquaintances, about contacts at work

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Many believe that gossip is empty lesson, devoid of any meaning. However, the main thing in this matter what qualities the source gives out other people how he explains their behavior. Often when we are talking about other people, we will unconsciously notice what is present in ourselves.

These conversations will help to understand that we appreciate the surrounding people who want to be similar to, and that we want to change in yourself. The more often we talk about others that they are emotionally stable, happy, kindly or polite, the higher the likelihood that we ourselves have these characteristics.

If a person talks about a friend that he pretends to divert someone to someone, it may mean that such a person is calculating and builds only the relationship built on a momentary benefit.

4. Take the existing borders

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When a person wants to build relationships, he sees good and ignores bad. However, sooner or later, the illusions differ still, and the person will appear in front of you in all its glory. A person who knows how to communicate correctly, first of all, will search in the interlocutor not good, and its borders.

If the opponent is kind, then where does the courtesy ends? He wants to help, and where is the desire to stop? If he is sincere, when will it start to be treated? He tolerate to the errors of subordinate to what point? Honest with his customers? And if we are talking about the amount with a lot of zeros?

Adequate, sober, understanding, reasonable? Where is his limit going which he turns into a madman?

5. Pay attention to the behavior of a person in a critical situation.

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When force majeure happens, a person shows itself in all its glory, he simply can't play or crap. He does not have time to wear a mask, therefore, behaving begins to behave as His instincts want.

How to find out a person really

6. Pay attention to its attitude to service personnel.

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People, the lives with which was unfair, in their own opinion, have a habit to break off on servicing staff. Sellers, waiters, cleaners - get everyone. If your interlocutor calls the waiter with a click of fingers or whistle, then this is the first sign that a person is at least poorly raised with all the resulting.

7. Observe the intonation and body language.

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On the Internet there are a lot of information about the language of the body. Liars are recognized by some signs: they make pauses in a conversation, change the topic of conversation, they begin to justify themselves, even if there is no reproach, when answering the question, eyes are taken away, they often touch their face.

If you realize that your relationship is sadly walled directly to the edge of the abyss, you can simply be stopped in them to invest and they break off naturally. If you ask how to save relationships, remember - you don't need tragedy from this. Girls, like Coca Cola customers, new new things every year and everything can always be started.

But there are several factors, in the presence of which, I would advise not to rush in a quarry, but to work on the existing relationships to save.

For example, you met the girl for a whole year and this is already cool, it means that she found not only opportunities and resources in you, and she is comfortable with you, and you are satisfied with each other at the level of values.

Similar values \u200b\u200bare the first thing to build relationships. This is what gives rise to motivation for action in the moment. And if the couple coincide with the values, the relationship should be fixed, even if they are lame on both legs. And if it happened that you have a completely different value with the girl, what you did not do, your relationship is soon or later, so it is possible that you will finish them before, the less painful it will be both for you.

How to understand the general values \u200b\u200bdo you have or will not help prevent this relationship? On one of our trainings, we give a deep exercise, as a result of which a list of values \u200b\u200bappears. For example, stability, control, be necessary or be the best and anything else. These are values \u200b\u200bthat have become part of your personality with age. And when you start to meet with a girl, to reveal them, you can create miniature tests for several months and watch the girl reacts to them.

For example, to understand how a girl refers to the subject of consumption of your material resources, you can conduct a stress test during a joint holiday. You can tell her that you blocked your card, but nothing to worry about, because after 2 days it is unlocked. And look at her reaction. If the girl begins to hysterite because she planned to buy new panties, a fur coat or monkey, then it's some values. And if he says: "Do not worry, wait for these two days to mine, and you still decide your questions," that is completely different values. Choose yourself, that you is closer, and with what you are ready to put up. These stress tests can be planned and carried out with some frequency.

If it is important for you that the girl was Caucasian, because you are the soul of the company. That give her to friends and let them communicate with her not as with a new person, but as with you. Friends are also man markers. If a person has interesting and witty friends who can hold any topic, and hang, and wisely, then this is a good sign. Watch, as a girl communicates with your friends and how interesting you are to communicate into her company. It will show the cut of its values \u200b\u200binstantly.

And if one of your values \u200b\u200bis to be a public person and you love attention, then in this case the girl should have complementary value, and not equal, because if she also loves attention to absorb, you will begin to compete. In this case, it is better if she has the values \u200b\u200bof care and support.

It is very important to find a puzzle in which your values \u200b\u200bwill be combined. And it is important to be supercritical and compromises are not allowed. The betrayal of one of your value will lead to a chain change the whole of your personality.

Save relationships. Epilogue

The most important thing at the start, before relationship, come to this point consciously. Understand what you want to determine your values \u200b\u200band have several girls from which you can choose. Because if you choose Masha or Masha, it is obvious that you will choose Masha. It is impossible for 100% that you will have Ksyusha if you have one Masha.

At the same time, people often deceive themselves, if a girl, for example, beautiful buttocks, incredible skills of oral sex or an apartment in the center of Moscow.

But compromises at the level of values \u200b\u200bare all the same weakness. Save only valuable and important relationships.

When the girl appears with which you are equally looking at the things with which you have the same values, it is with it that you can build bright resource relationships.

Puts yourself, and not the goals that someone puts him. When your goals, a person is aware of himself personally interested in achieving them. Its goals are distinguished by a clear understanding of what you want to achieve in life.

To have their own goals, it means to go through the life of your expensive, and not be a means of implementing the goals of other people.

In December 1730, out of the village of Mishaninsky Arkhanghelodskaya province to Moscow went out from Sanya, loaded by ice cream fish. The 19-year-old Mikhail Lomonosov joined this. Pomeranian son dreamed that in Moscow he would acquire knowledge and make his life brighter and meaningful.

How to define your goals?

The definition of goals can be a powerful force changing all your life if you do this properly. There are five basic principles for determining the goal that are essential.

The first is the principle of congruence

Your values \u200b\u200bare your deepest beliefs about true and false, good and bad, about important and insignificant. High results and large self-esteem are possible only when your goals and values \u200b\u200bare in full harmony with each other.

The second principle of determining goals

This is the area in which you are perfect. Each person is able to achieve perfection in something one, perhaps even in several things. Only finding its area of \u200b\u200bperfection and devoting itself to the development of its own talents in this area, you can realize all your potential.

You never know happiness and satisfaction until you define your heart desire and do not dedicate your life to him. It is the only thing that you can do is really good. Your case is to find this area if you have not done this yet.

Your area of \u200b\u200bperfection can change as your career develop, but only those who manage to find it are successful. Your area of \u200b\u200bperfection will invariably be relevant to such activities that you like most and best ways.

The third principle of determining goals

This is the concept of diamond placer. Diamond paint is the name of the speech pronounced by the Minister of Russell Convell. We won such popularity that he was asked to repeat her more than five thousand times the word word.

This speech mentioned an old African farmer who was very excited about the story of a wandering merchant about people who came to Africa, who opened diamond places and become fabulously rich. He decided to sell his farm, organize a caravan and go deep into Africa in search of diamonds, to then bring his wife an unblend wealth.

For many years he explored a huge African continent in search of diamonds. Finally, he ended the money and everyone left him. Left alone, he rushed into the ocean in despair and drowned.

Meanwhile, on the backyard sold by him the farm, the new farmer saw the donkey from the stream flowing right through the field. There he caught a strange stone, which in an amazing way reflected the light. He brought a stone to the house and forgot about him.

A few months later, the merchant mentioned above, traveling on his affairs, stopped at night on this farm. Seeing the stone, he came to strong excitement and asked if the old farmer was returned. "No," said him. - Nobody saw an old farmer anymore. But what is the reason for such an excitement? "

The merchant took a stone and said: "This is a diamond of a huge price and value" The new farmer treated this skeptical, but the merchant insisted that the almond showed where the diamond was found. They went to the field to the place where the farmer washed the donkey, and, looking around, found another diamond, then another one, then also. It turned out that the whole farm is covered with diamonds. Old farmer went deep into Africa in search of diamonds, without even looking at her feet.

Moral history is such. The old farmer did not realize that the diamonds were not at all like diamonds if they were not processed. For an inexperienced eye, they look like ordinary stones. Diamond must be cut, limit and polish before it becomes one of those diamonds that we see in jewelry stores.

Your own diamond placers can also lie under your feet. But they are usually disassembled under heavy work. Maybe your diamond placer contributes to your talents, interests, education, life circumstances and experience, in your area of \u200b\u200bindustry, in your city, in your contacts.

You are not required to cross the country or arrange a grand coup in your own life. In most cases, what you are looking for is under your nose. But this does not look like a possibility lying on the surface.

The fourth principle of success in order

Balance principle. He means that in order for you to show the best, on what you are capable of, you should have several goals in six essential spheres of your life. In the same way as the car's wheel should be balanced to rotate smoothly and your goals should be in the balance, so that your life go smoothly.

You need:

  • putting personal goals and goals related to your family;
  • physical goals and health objectives;
  • mental and intellectual purposes;
  • goals related to learning and self-improvement;
  • goals related to work and career;
  • financial and material purposes; Finally
  • the formulation of spiritual goals, goals aimed at the development of the inner world and spiritual enlightenment.

In order to achieve the necessary balance, you must have two or three goals in each area - in the amount of twelve to eighteen goals. Equilibrium of this kind will allow you to constantly work on something that is important for you. When you are not engaged in the development of a sports form, you can work on the development of your personality or professional abilities. When you are not engaged in meditation or contemplation or other work on the development of your inner world, you can engage in your material goals. Your goal is to make life with a continuous stream of development and achievements.

Fifth principle of setting goals

This is the definition of your main life goal. Your main goal is your goal number one, the goal that is more important for you than achieving any other particular purpose or task today. You may have a lot of goals, but there can be only one central, the main goal.

The main reason for the dispersion of efforts, the loss of time and inability to development is the inability to determine the primary, dominant, main goal. The path of determining a paramount goal is to analyze your goals accompanied by the question: "What is the goal, subject to its achievement, will mostly help me fulfill all other goals?"

This is usually a financial or commercial purpose, but sometimes it can be, on the contrary, a goal associated with health or relationships. Your main goal becomes a catalyst. When you are full of enthusiasm about the achievement of a clear main goal, you begin to move forward quickly, despite all obstacles and restrictions.

Rules for determining targets

First of all, your goals should be in harmony, and not in contradiction with each other. You cannot be at the same time a goal to achieve financial success or open your own business and goals to hold half the day on the beach or learning courses. Golf. Your goals should be mutually maintained and strengthening each other.

Secondly, your goals should challenge you yourself. They must make you worry. When you only put a goal, the likelihood of its achievement should already be 50 or more percent. This level of probability is ideal for motivation, and it is not so low so that you are quickly disappointed. After you acquire a certain skill in achieving the goals, you will be able to confidently set your goals, the likelihood of which is only 40 percent or even 30-20 percent.

Thirdly, you must have objectives both material and intangible: high-quality and quantitative. You must have clear goals that can be objectively measured and evaluated. At the same time, you must have qualitative goals associated with your inner world and relationships.

With regard to your family, you may have a quantitative goal - the acquisition of a house of large sizes. A qualitative purpose of your family may be, for example, the desire to become more patient, loving person. These two goals perfectly complement each other. They balance the inner and external.

Fourthly, you must have goals as close and long-term. You need tasks for today and goals for five, ten and twenty years ahead.

Perfect time for close goal In business, career and plans for personal life, near the ninety days. The perfect gap for long-term goals in the same areas - from two to three years.

The best main goal or paramount task is a quantitative purpose calculated for two or three years. Next, you can smash it into segments of ninety days, and then smash the latter for monthly, weekly sodes and sang for one day, possessing measurable criteria for which you can evaluate how much you have advanced.

The perfect life is concentrated, full of goals, positive and organized so that every hour and every day you are moving towards important goals. You always know what you are doing and why. You have a permanent feeling of moving forward. Most of the time you feel the winner.

How to determine your goals

Here are seven questions that you must ask yourself and to which you must answer again and again. I suggest you take a notebook and record your answers.

Question First: What are the five main values \u200b\u200bin your life?

The question is asked in order to help you find out what is really important for you and, in addition, which is less important or not at all important.

Once you have identified the five most important values \u200b\u200bfor you in life, distribute them in order of priority: from the first to the most important thing - to the fifth.

The choice of values \u200b\u200band the procedure for determining their importance precedes the formulation of your goals. Since your life passes from the inner to external and your values \u200b\u200bare the central components of your personality, the certainty in their respect gives you the opportunity to choose the goals corresponding to these values.

Question Second: What are the current three of your basic life goals?

Write an answer to this question for thirty seconds.

This is the so-called quick enumeration method. When you have only thirty seconds to write three main goals, your subconsciousness quickly discards many of your goals. The best troika just gets into your consciousness as a shot. Thirty seconds you will achieve the same accurate answer as thirty minutes.

The question is the third: what would you do, what would have spent time if they found out today that you live only six months left?

This is another value associated with the question that will help you determine what is really important for you. When your time is limited, even if only in imagination, you are very clearly aware of who and that for you in reality is of paramount importance. As one doctor said, "I never met a businessman who would say on the mortal apprentice:" It is a pity that I spent a little time at work "."

One day someone said that a person is not ready to live while he is not ready to answer what he would do if he had only one hour on Earth. What would you do?

Question Fourth: What will you do if tomorrow will win a million dollars in the lottery?

How do you change your life? What do you buy? What will you start or stop doing? Imagine that you have only two minutes to record the answers, and you can do or take as a solution only what is written.

This question can help you decide what you would do if you had a lot of money and time and completely no fear of failure. The most accurate answers arise when referring to you how much would make you differently, having the ability to choose.

Question Fifth: What did you always want to do, but were afraid to try?

This question will help you more clearly see what your fears prevented you to do what you really wanted.

Question Sixth: What do you like to do? What gives you the most complete sense of self-esteem and self-satisfaction?

This is another question associated with values \u200b\u200bthat can specify you where you should start searching for your "cherished desire." You will always be happy, making what you like to do, and what you like to do is undoubtedly what makes you feel a full-fledged person.

The question is the seventh, possibly the most important thing: What is your most bold dream, if you knew that you could not fail?

Imagine that Jinn appeared and gave you one desire. Ginn guaranteed that you will achieve absolute, complete success in everything, whatever chosen, large or small, close in time or remote. If you had a complete guarantee of success in any one thing, a big or small, which exciting goal would you put in front of me?

Whatever you write as an answer to any of the questions, including "What is your most bold dream, if you knew that you could not fail?", All you can do, get or become so. The very fact that you could write it means that you can achieve it. As soon as you decide exactly what you want, the only question to which you need to answer is "Do I want this very much and is it ready to pay for this price?".

Spend a few minutes and write down the answers to all seven questions. Once you have transferred the answers to paper, look at them and choose only one of them as your main, defining goal in life at the moment. Just deciding what you want, and writing it, you put forward yourself in elite three percent. You will do something that makes very few. You will make a written list of goals for yourself. Now you are ready for a gigantic jump forward.

It often happens so that it seems as if life has lost its meaning. No purpose, there is no mood, the hands are lowered. As if everything stopped around and froze ... How to get out of this state? We learn how to cope with it.

First you need to understand yourself

What you need to do:

  1. Take yourself. Can not be ideal people. There are all fears, and they need to get rid of them. Without assessing the situation in which you turned out to be, it is impossible to find ways to solve it.
  2. Stop deceiving. For example, I can't go fitness from tomorrow due to the complex period in life, which will only aggravate the situation. But it looks different. I am unable to engage in physical education, because I'm too lazy. Selfman interferes with personal growth and development.
  3. Visualize your problem. Just take the paper and handle and paint everything on a sheet. You can highlight the pros and cons, compare them. Look at the situation on the part, and the problem will no longer seem so terrible and hopeless.
  4. Cut off the ends from the past. Everyone in life occurred situations for which they had to blush. And these memories pop up and do not allow to live quietly. No matter how difficult it is, look back, restore the events in stages, draw conclusions and never return to it anymore.

You need to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, get rid of inner anxiety.

And yet, how to understand what you want from life?

Need a goal

If there is no guide star, there is nowhere to move. We will stand still. It is important because:

  1. Gives clarity. How to understand what you want, if there is no main goal? No dreams. You can do thunders to work, doing an unloved business, it will seem that you do so much, but in the end in vain. It is the goal that helps help determine how to formulate hidden desires. And then all the strength and energy you will send to its implementation.
  2. Pushes forward. The goal reflects our desires that are motivator. This is an engine that constantly leads us in motion, even in a difficult situation.
  3. Focuses attention. How to understand who you want to become in life when all the efforts and time are invested? You can easily work on what no role is playing for you, trampled in one place. While there is no clear wording of what you want, nothing will change. When a goal appears, we concentrate their attention on it and achieve the task.
  4. Makes responsible. The tasks encourage the obligations without carrying them on other people's shoulders. Now we do not just want something, but should act.
  5. Helps become better. Objectives in life disclose the potential, indicate new horizons, create conditions that make it make more than one hundred percent, help overcome difficulties.
  6. Will make life better and better. And all because you will become another person - purposeful, assembled, will acquire new knowledge and invaluable life experience, learn how to overcome difficulties and win. Your worldview will change, you will look at the world with other eyes.

If you want to become an optimist and understand your life, put the task, seek the goals. And now let's go from the theory to practice. Consider seven strong techniques that will help in this matter.

First technique: "We compile a list of 101 desires"

It will appear first difficult, and takes a lot of time, but it is worth it. Goals should be clearly spelled out: if you wish the car, specify not only the brand, but also the year of release, and color. Do you dream of a new job? Describe what kind of activity will be engaged, specify the desired salary.

Second technique: "We learn to clearly treat the goal"

To understand the question of how to understand what you want from life, you need to develop inner vision, which will help to look into the subconscious and get genuine dreams from there. This technique will teach to focus not on the means and methods, with which the goal will be achieved, but on the desires themselves, distinguish them from imaginary. Until you should think about the realization of the goal, the mind will independently find the exercise path.

So, to understand what you want from life, do not be lazy, do not stop halfway. Moving on. The task is clear, proceed to execution.

It is necessary to relax. You can include calm music, make some deep breaths. It is necessary to close the eyes and in the form of pictures, bright images submit the future in each of the spheres of your life. For instance:

  • Family, love relationship.
  • Relatives and friends.
  • Place of residence (apartment, house).
  • The interior of the housing and other property.
  • Car or other vehicles (helicopter, snowmobile, yacht).
  • Image (clothing, decorations, accessories).
  • Work, career.
  • Financial state.
  • Personal achievements (spiritual growth).
  • Body, health.
  • Rest and free pastime.
  • Position in society.

After the end of the figurative view, it is necessary to describe all the pictures in detail in detail for each sphere.

Third technique: "Imagine your perfect day"

How to understand what you want from life if you exist in monotonous household servers that do not bring joy? Take yourself pleasure and labeam about how to wake up and with whom. What will be the awakening and attitude towards you a person who will be near? Present charging, swimming in the pool. Then colorfully outline in the imagination is a rich breakfast. Imagine where you will work and who will be your income. Go on your own car or with a driver? How to spend the evening - in a family circle, in the gym, in a restaurant? You need to think over all the smallest details of your ideal day.

Fourth Technique: "Give the wording of desires"

The most effective exercise. It is better to do with a partner, you can alternately. Become a face to each other. To the one who will be the first to answer questions, it is necessary to relax and close the eyes. The other begins to say:

  • Remember the situation that you completely liberated and relaxed. (Pause).
  • Do not clamp, mentally come back to it and feel the same emotions. (Pause).
  • And now try in thoughts to contact part of yourself, who knows what you really want, if you drop all the barriers that you limit you: a sense of fear, anxiety, anxiety. (Pause).
  • Dry yourself, pick up the souls in the hidden corners and answer the question of what you want from life. At this point, it is necessary to record expedited desires. And so - for fifteen minutes.

Answers, data at the final training stage will be the truth. It remains only to give yourself a promise that you will execute everything.

Fifth appliances: "Release the imagination"

It is necessary to answer many questions in writing from all areas of your life. For instance:

  • What do you want from life most?
  • What would like to have (car, clothes, jewels and so on).
  • What makes you bring to satisfaction in relationships with a close person, family, relatives?
  • Who and why envy?
  • Want to sleep more?

In such a way, it is necessary to answer questions that will stimulate subsequent reflections and help to figure out how to understand what you want from life.

Sixth technique: "Visualization"

Double a day, imagine your dreams, visualize the achievements, allegedly they have already accomplished. For example: "I bought (La) an apartment in the center of the city."

It often happens that man dozens of years goes to the same work, after which he sees nothing - only life, family and everything in a circle. But at some point he stopped and realized that he wanted another life. And here it is necessary to start with the revaluation of yourself. If you want to understand your life, then stop sorry yourself, to syntify and torment. You need to look for a goal.

And the last, seventh technique: "Create a dream"

This is essentially all the same visualization. If you dream about a house, find the picture on the Internet maximum similarity, print it and stick it into the album or insert into the frame. And every day consider.

We looked at practical exercises, but there are many tests "How to understand what you want from life?", Which will also help to determine the goal.

Turn to the great classic Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

He lived only 44 years old, and wrote more than 900 works. Many have become a classic world culture, and spoken - aphorisms. The meaning of one of them relating to our topic: If you want to become an optimist and able to understand in life, you should not believe what they write and say, turn on the observation and deliberate himself.

Thus, the topic "If you want to understand life ..." Chekhov also affected.

We found a goal, but it does not work. What to do in this case?

Now it is clear: to determine your desires, you need a major goal and aim to achieve it. And, it would seem, you do everything right, moving forward, but for some reason, it is not possible to go on the plan, although it seems perfect.

The fact that the erroneous occurred immediately comes formulation of the problem. But in fact, everything is absolutely wrong, just what we think is not our true desire. Many people do not know how to listen to the subconscious.

Consciousness is just the top of Iceberg. And the rest is hidden block - subconscious. So, thanks to the first we make decisions, we dream, build life paths. But it affects others external factorsSo true desire remains veiled.

It happens that there is a goal, motivation and actions, but all overnight begins to go not according to plan, it is destroyed. This is the work of the subconscious. Suppose you were invited to an important business meeting regarding business, but you lose a business card and cannot get on it. Psychologists explain this situation in that in life, nothing happens. In fact, it turns out that you just did not want to meet this meeting in the depths of the soul.

Subconscious through dreams, sensations and other signs gives us tips, but they need to be able to decipher. And only if we learn to manage our subconscious, will take really right solutions.

To understand what you want, you need to learn to hear the subconscious, which is the key to our life, potential and talent. The subconscious is 90% of our psyche. It keeps all knowledge and experience, fixes most installation programs.

How to choose a right decision?

And how to understand what you want to do in life? It is necessary to calm down, relax, ask a question and just watch yourself and the world. If there are no joyful emotions, feelings of lightness, and, worse, discomfort appeared, and at the same time the external circumstances add up against you, it is worth refrangic from idea.

And remember: it is possible to fight for happiness only if the external factors affect you and loved ones, and beat his forehead in the wall next to open door - Not happiness, or it is not yours.


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