Exercises about goals. Training on achieving any goal "closer to the dream" Dreams and reality Training exercise game

Exercises about goals. Training on achieving any goal "closer to the dream" Dreams and reality Training exercise game

Exercises about goals It is important and claimed not only in trainings of goal-setting, but also in the training of success, sales and negotiation training, trainings for managers. After all, the competent statement of the goal is the basis of success in any sphere of life.

What is exercises about goals? This is the exercises that teach competently put the goals. And exercises that clearly demonstrate that now objectives are not correctly formulated.. And exercises that help participants will quickly achieve their goals in life, strengthen internal motivation.

Qualitative, interesting, memorable exercises about goals will help to participate in your trainings to work competently with goals, will increase their success.

Professional portal experts for coaches site picked up for you 7 best exercises about goalswhich can be found in open access. Let these exercises help you create effective trainings.

Exercise "A little better"


Time: 5-7 minutes

Group size: Any.

Call one volunteer. Please approach the wall of the room, raise your hands and reach as above as possible. We celebrate the place to which he reached, and then ask to try again. We note again (as a rule, this time always turns out above).

You can invite several volunteers at once. So the exercise will be more visually.


  • How does this exercise relate to planning and setting goals?
  • What conclusions can we make from this exercise?

The main conclusion in this exercise may sound like this: "When there is an obvious plank - we are always capable of greater. Objectives are planks. They allow you to achieve in the life of more! "

Exercise "Goldfish"

Excellent exercise for the placement of goals from the expert portal site professor psychology
N. I. Kozlova.

Purpose: Exercise teaches participants to competently formulate their goals

Time: 15 minutes

Group size: Any

Any volunteer is called (or leads the lead itself). Start talking faster to be a moment of confusion. Plus throw the phrase into the hall: "Look more carefully what will happen now."

You caught a goldfish. You have 15 seconds to give her three desires.

Next, the coach leads countdown or bends his fingers in seconds. Silent? Fuck, but did not say. If you did not utter your desires, how do they guess? If they said, the presenter repeats them exactly as it was said.

- House, bunch of money, car ...

The coach draws a house.

- What's this?

House. Get!

Or: Well, I will have a house next year. You did not say who you guess the house?

- A lot of money.

Throw off on the ruble! Get.

- I want to be happy!

Be sure to: next month you will be happy, even several times. Or you will always be happy, starting from 2050.

- Beloved woman?

After 150 years, it will appear.

- I do not live!

And these are your problems.

You can call more participants ...

Coach: "I can argue for any amount of money that even now none of you can handle it with it!"


  • What happened now?
  • How did you need to make a desire to be executed?

The coach brings participants to the setting of the following purposes:

  • Specific - specific
  • Measurable - measurable
  • Agreed - agreed (with targets more high level)
  • Realistic - realistic
  • TIMED - defined in time

Another exercise option:

all participants represent that they caught a goldfish, which will fulfill three desires - one personal (for example, I want a new car), and two workers (for example, I want to work less, etc.). Participants record their desires on leaves. Leaflets are going, and with them the coach is the same job.

Often the participants after the first "performed" in this way desires themselves are withdrawn some smart.

Learn more about Smart technology can be found in our section on the portal.

Exercise "Map of the Future"

Purpose: Exercise allows you to more clearly realize your goals.

Time: 30 minutes. Plus, the discussion of the exercise is 3-5 minutes. For each participant.

Group size: Any

Draw a map of your future. Your global goals indicate as location points in which you would like to be. Indicate also intermediate large and small goals on the way to them. Come up and write the names for "points-goals", to which you strive in your personal and professional life. Draw also streets and roads for which you will go.

  • How will you get to your goals? The shortest or bypass route?
  • What obstacles do you have to overcome?
  • What help can you count on?
  • What location do you have to cross in our way: blooming and fertile edges, deserts, deaf and abandoned places?
  • Will you lay roads and trails alone or with someone?

Discussion of outcome exercises:

  • Where are the most important goals?
  • How do they combine with each other?
  • Where do you lie danger?
  • Where will you draw strength to achieve the desired?
  • What feelings do you have this picture?

The presentation of its future in the form of a map of the area will allow the participants to more clearly realize their goals. Metaphorical expression of objectives in the form of points on the map, and ways to achieve them in the form of streets and roads helps participants to create a visual picture of their future in the imagination. After creating such a card, everyone will be able to relate the goals among themselves and understand how they are combined with each other, what obstacles are found on the way to them, what new opportunities are opened.

With the number of participants up to 12 people, you can do and discuss this exercise in the overall circle. With more recommend it to divide the participants on Micro Group For more trusting communication and time savings.

Exercise "Crumby Paper"

purpose: Exercise clearly shows the importance of setting goals.

Time: 10 minutes

Group size: Any.

For this exercise you will need A4 paper and basket for securities.

On the example of this exercise it is very convenient to show the results of the goal. For this exercise, we call a volunteer. Please get it two meters from the basket and throw it as much paper as possible. In a minute, stop it and passing the paper. For example, it turned out 20 sheets.

Now we call the next volunteer. His task is to throw more than 20 sheets. As a rule, it turns out more - 25-30 sheets.

Now the turn of the third volunteer has come. We call it and give an introductory: "You have seen what results reached previous participants. What do you think you reach? "


  • What do you think we can relate this exercise with goaling?
  • In your opinion, when the participants reached the best results - When did you just throw the paper, or when was the definite task before them?
  • When this goal was set someone or they themselves?

Exercise "Merral Pillars of My Future"

Purpose: Exercise allows you to more clearly realize your goals, arrange priorities and outline the sequence.

Time: 20 minutes. Plus discussion - 3-5 min. for each participant.

Group size: Any.

In this exercise, participants constitute a list of what they would like to do in the future to streamline their goals. The advantage of this method of work is that it enhances the feeling of the direction and continuity of life.

Determine how far to the future you want to look. Maybe you are interested to see your life in a year or two, and maybe in ten years?

Now think what you want to achieve during this time. What do you want to create? What to learn? Who to become? What would you like to give up or get rid?

Imagine that every important goal of this life segment is a vertest post on the way of life you go. When you reach the next verst pillar, you can tell yourself: "I have already done it!" Choose only such goals that are positively painted for you and deserve to strive for them. And they should be no more than six-eight. Arrange them in the desired time sequence and mark each verst pillar with several keywords.

Talk discussion:

  • What are your feeling after doing this exercise?
  • How do you feel about your goals now?

Exercise "Life Path"

: Exercise allows you to more clearly realize your goals, arrange priorities and schedule a sequence.

Time: 40 min. Plus discussion - 4-5 min. For each participant.

Group size: up to 12 participants

Participants start performing a collage on the following topic: "My life path". They are asked questions: "You are walking on the road, whose name is life ... Where do you go and where? Do you have the main achievements? What gives you the strength to go around the life path, and vice versa, what prevents? What subjects are around you? And what is the ultimate goal? ...

Collage is created by participants to demonstrate them life path, taking into account various plans, environment and achievements. This exercise should be carried out independently and individually, but at the request of people participating in it, can take place in separate groups.

On the creation of collages is given up for about 40 minutes, then the participants are presentation, as a small excursion, where they are all in line by turns become guided signs demonstrating a group of their own work. It is recommended to allocate for each participant approximately 4-5 minutes.

The meaning of this exercise is to develop the ability to plan their life path. This lesson makes it possible to think about the importance of certain events, desire for the goals and solving difficulties.

Talk discussion:

After completing the exercise, the participants begin to discuss his discussion. They are asked the following questions:

  • What impressions and emotions appear when looking at your own collage?
  • Did you manage to notice the new details of your life?
  • Is the future drawn by collage?
  • How can I try to achieve it?

For this exercise you will need large lists Paper by number of participants, many magazines for cutting images.

Exercise "Three years"

purpose: Exercise allows you to more clearly express priorities in your current life, start working on important goals anymore.

Time: 30 minutes.

Group size: Any.

Participants are given a task - draw up a small list and write in it the most important cases that occupy them in this period of life, and the biggest problems are currently no more than 5 points.

After drawing up the list, the participants try to imagine themselves for three years older, and then think about these issues and affairs, as if three years later.

Flowing over this task, you should answer such questions.

  1. What can you remember this problem?
  2. What happened to her and how does it affect life now, after three years?
  3. If this problem appeared in front of you right now, would you find her decision? What would it be?

This exercise is performed in separate groups consisting of 3-4 people; Each participant reports the remaining items from its own list and is responsible for specific issues. You can also allow those who want to work independently, without a group discussion, as a result, the exercise is carried out by the participant in writing, and at the same time all records remain with him.

The meaning of this exercise is to analyze all the vital problems, in accordance with its future. It allows all participants to think about important activities. Thus, psychologists officially found that about 80% of success can be achieved at the expense of only 20% of their efforts, and the rest of the effort helps to ensure 20% of our achievements. An analysis from the "Future" allows you to realize the degree of importance of certain cases.

After completing the exercise, it is discussion. Participants ask themselves such questions:

  • What activity with this view seems more important, and which is not?
  • Is this opinion completely coincided from the position of the present time?
  • What impressions makes the fact that after 3 years you do not remember any problem or business that decide today?

Each participant must make certain conclusions for itself.

I recommend to still pay attention to the participants of the training on whether their attitude to the current issues that they discharged?Typically, this technique helps reduce the significance of current problems, switch the attention of participants to the future.

We submitted to your attention 7 high-quality exercises about the goals that are in free access. We hope that they will become a worthy filling of your trainings.

Since these exercises are taken from free sources, then you need to take into account that they are:

  • Available to many coaches and can be known to the participants of your trainings. It is worth citing this before carrying out exercises.
  • Do not contain detailed instructions holding exercises. Not a secret that just know the exercise and know how to spend it - it is two large differences. Usually in practice it takes 2-3 times to carry out an exercise to understand how to carry it in the best possible way.

When you need:

  • Exclusive exercises, known only to a small circulation of professionals
  • Exercises with detailed prescribed coaching methodology for theirrevealing the entire "underwater part" of coaching and explaining how to carry out the exercise and sum up the exercise to come to the best result

Then you can always pick up such exercises on.

This portal has grown on the basis of the largest Sinton Training Center. For more than 30 years of work, the Center "Sinton" was collected, probably the largest base best games and exercises for business trainings and personal trainings.

And when we realized that coaches are constantly faced with the problem of a lack of high-quality material for trainings, we collected team coaches that:

  • select only the best, brightest and efficient exercises According to various coaching topics
  • professionally and describe in detail hidden methodology for their conduct!

It's nice that now you can buy our coaching techniques of exercises at the most affordable prices in the section

The exercise is aimed at the development of the participants in the training of a meaningful attitude towards the objectives they put in front of them. One of the tasks of the exercise is to find those inspiring goals that a person will truly happily implement, and separate these goals from artificial, imposed goals or intermediate goals.

If a person has an inspirational goal, an idea, a mission, then any, even the worst work can be made with joy and pleasure.

Powerful exercise for training achieve goals or negotiation training. The exercise clearly demonstrates the participants of the training of their usual behaviors when achieving goals or, if necessary, negotiate. It helps to open negative installations, beliefs that prevent them from easily achieve their goals or negotiate. Gives participants to the training new resources.

Exclusive Exercise - Development of Professor Psychology N. I. Kozlov. The coaching technique of exercise contains a lot of unique recommendations, tips and coaching "chips", allowing you to exercise with the maximum result. This you will not find anywhere else!

Unique author's technology from Professor Psychology N. I. Kozlova.

Strong and deep exercise, in the process of which the training participants clearly see how satisfied with the various spheres of their life, choose their priority goals and put specific tasks At a certain period of time.

"Wheel of Life" - one of best technologies Helping consciously organize your life, determine its life goals and priorities for development in the near, secondary and long prospects.

Energetic I. strong exerciseWhich allows us through the metaphor to give participants in the training to experience the strength of our own internal resistance on the way to the chosen goal.

Participants will be able in a short time brightly, fully, deeply survive their resistance and get motivation to changes. As a result of this exercise, the training participants are formed a strong emotional request for the search for ways to solve, their internal motivation increases to achieve.

Very good and effective exercise for purposefulness, providing participants to the training opportunity to work out their doubts and possible obstacles to their goal. Increases the energy and motivation of the group for further training.

Suitable for any training concerning the topic of achieving goals. First of all, it is, of course, trainings of goaling, self-confidence, motivational trainings, as well as training personality and stress resistance.

The coach has the opportunity to visually demonstrate to the participants, as emerging minor obstacles may interfere with the achievement of goals, and how to easily overcome them, simply having due deception.

We recommend unique coaching techniques of the best exercises for trainings:

  • Game for training "Chestova Tower"

    Beautiful, rare and extremely powerful
    exercise for the training of team education, efficient communication or personal growth. A beautiful legend of exercises attracts attention and intrigues, and solving a complex task set in front of the group requires the active participation and total involvement of the entire team.
    This training exercise is built so that you can find a solution only if take into account the interests of all team membersThat at first glance seems even contradictory to each other. But there is a solution! W.private traders training in the process of doing exercise on their own experiencelive and realize That conflicts and disputes give them away from the result, and joint well-coordinated work allows you to solve even seemingly "unreserved" tasks.
    Exclusive recommendations of professionals! Coaching technique exercisedesigned by professionals especially for the portal coaching.ru and contains a lot of unique recommendations,tips and coaching "chips." This you will not find anywhere else!The volume of the coaching technique exercise: 12 pages.

  • Exercise-workout "Magic wand"

    Exercise is recommended by the professional coach D.Shvetov, the author of the books "Strengthening the person", "The feeling of guilt: antivirus."
    A fascinating and effective exercise is perfectly suitable as a warm-up, but when simple modifications can become more deep, the main exercise. Creates a lightweight, positive atmosphere of confidence and activates the creative attitude of the participants.

    Exercise "Magic Wand" helps participants to deal with what makes them happy, and find new available opportunities to be such. In addition, participants will be able to better understand the needs of others And find ways to make happier and their. Despite the seeming simplicity, the exercise depending on the goals of the coach can be both light and more "deep" for awareness.

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    The volume of each coaching technique exercise about 10 pages.

    It's profitable!Think up to develop for you one exercise methods several high-level professional professionalsworked on Ne.more than 15 hours!
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"Scoat your dream myself."

22. 02. 2016


at the meeting

MO Zdur.

pedagogical psychologist

Baykonysk School

GB Kaidarova.

from. Terenkol.

Training "Cool your dream myself."

Purpose: Formation of motivation of achieving goals.


    To form a desire to seek success.

    Rewing self-confidence

    Acquisition of communication skills,

    Removing the neuropsychic voltage.

Resources: Stopwatch, Magic Casket,


Greksvie. introduction

Good day. I am glad to welcome you today in our training. Today we will talk about our cherished desires and a dream. I wish you fruitful work.

Psychological attitude. Exercise "Energy - Impulse"

Training participants are in the circle, holding hands. Someone unnoticedly sends the impulse with his hands and wait for his return.

Training rules are offered:


    Saying from your own behalf (I am a statement);

    Discussion of what is happening directly in the group at the moment (the rule "here and now").

    Respectful attitude to the speaker, and acting.

Mini lecture: "Dream changes life"

How to find your dream? "It's impossible!" - said the reason. "This is a recklessness!" - noticed experience. "It's useless!" - cut pride. "Try ..." - whispered a dream. What is a dream? The dream is our thoughts wishes that seem unavailable to us and impossible, but at first glance. Dream is the first step towards the goal! A dream is power, this is the meaning of life, this interest in life is our "motivator". Without a dream there is no purpose, no tasks, no movement. Dream (according to the dictionary of Ozhegov): the subject of desires, aspirations, something created by the imagination, mentally represented. What does it mean to dream? (According to Daly dictionary.) Play imagination, indulge in the game of thoughts, imagine, think, to imagine what is not in the present; To think nice, thinking about unless. Some madly like to imagine before bedtime, others indulge in the game of thoughts constantly. And there are those who have forbidden to play imagination. Every person has their own dream.There are people who dream a lot and often, but do nothing to realize their imaginable thoughts. Others made themselves stop dreaming. They banned it only because, life (in their opinion) did not give them what they had dreamed about. When we prohibit yourself to desire, stop striving for the subject of desire, we begin to seem to seem that we have no dream. But there is always a dream, and more than that - it has every person!

A dream can radically change our life, and sometimes it changes and the life of humanity in general. Innovative technologies I. scientific discoveries It happened most often by the will of dreeders who had strong motivation to action. If there is a goal, then there will be a motivation ... Well, the goal will definitely appear if there is a cherished dream of your life ... There are such dreamers for whom the realization of the dream is in the first place, and there are those that dream passively. Their dream stops on the verge of fantasy, that is, it will never go further. To succeed, you must clearly imagine your dream. She should be really a dream of life. The vision of what exactly you want should be not blurry, but very clear.

A person who is experiencing a real passion for a dream can infect his positive. He is able to inspire and motivate ... Therefore, such a person, without applying absolutely no effort, can become a leader. His main raisin lies in the fact that he clearly represents what he wants to get from life. A sharp desire to get something forces a person to strive for the goal. It often makes it successful. The dream encourages us to accomplish actions and makes moving forward.

Exercise: "Karzin Success".

purpose : Formation of motivation to achieve a goal.

Structure exercise.

You all have goals. Please write 3 goals on leaves. And each of you wants this goal in different ways. Someone is ready to post all obstacles on their way. And someone will stop even the slightest obstacle. Or maybe you do not want to achieve goals at all?

We will analyze the situation: 2 people want to drink. But someone wants to drink like this: it goes in the summer on the street, + 27 degrees Celsius. It seems to be drinking. Enters the store and thinks: "Cola", "sprite" or "lipton"? Or kvass, or what? Do he speak? Sorry, lunch. He turned around, but did not hurt something ....

And someone wants: goes 3 days in the desert, temperature +45. On the hands was the whole liter of warm water, which ended in the morning. And it seems like a well ... ..

Analysis of the situation:

Diffuses two of these people desire?

What do you think, with what desire is likely to achieve the goal?

And you have any desire, like the first or second.

Let's check.

Structure of the exercise:

Leading Says: before each goal you need to walk, but the path to the goal is not always easy and simple. If you get to this "magic" basket - your desire will be fulfilled.

Group task:

Create an obstacle with hands, body;

But as the strength of this person, so that the person still passed.

Choir talk: "No! No!"

Member's task:

Pass through the car;

When you go to say: "Yes! Yes!" and solemnly get your goal. You can jump from joy.

Everything should be pronounced through the group.

Analysis of the exercise is on next issues:

Is it difficult to go?

What helped, and what prevented?

Is there always obstacles on the way? And how do you usually do with them?

Are you ready to overcome obstacles to get your goal?

Do you need to go through your heads to achieve your goals?

Playing - warm-up: "Success training"

The purpose of the training : Development of self-confidence, liberty, acquisition of communication skills, removal of neuropsychic tension.

Fairy Tale "Repka" The group is divided into 7 subgroups is gr. "Repka", "Grandfather", "grandmother", "granddaughter", "bug", "Cat", "Mouse". I will now tell the Fairy Tale "Rusta", each group will make certain movements, having heard the name of his group.

Repka - scroll: "Here I am what!". ( Showing latitude, spreading hands to the sides).

Grandfather or Deadkat - scream: "And the Iiii - Yach!" ( make a jury ) Grandma or granny - scream: "and III - EX! ( right hand up as with a handkerchief in the shining). Granddaughter - "Lyadalha" ( in the strain). Bug- show the paws of the Sabachkachka, on the chest hands, the tongue is supervised and pronounce: "Uf-UV!". Cat- sSSS-A! Meow! Pens on the chest. More passion, express breaks. Mouse - "Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi", circular movements of the torso and handles (legs) on the chest.

Story. Put grandfather repka. Rose a big rash and became a grandfather pull the repka. Grandfather pulls pulls to stretch can not. Called grandfather grandmother. What? - says grandmother. "Well, let's catch the grandmother to pour repka. Grandma says: "Well, come on Dage." Tent pulled, can't pull out. Grandma shouts granddaughter: "Granddaughter let's go, subside us!". Says granddaughter: "Yes, granny". And they stood up each other after each other, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter. Tent, pulled, can't stretch. And they called a bug. Taught a bug. Tent, pulled, can't stretch. Says grandfather, call the cat. Bug is called the cat. Cat said: "This is the last time." And they stood up each other after each other, grandfather grandmother, granddaughter for grandmother, bug behind her granddaughter, cat for a bug. Tent, pulled, can't stretch. The cat called the mouse: "Let's go to pull the mouse." And they stood up each other after another grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter behind the grandmother, a bug behind his granddaughter, a cat for a bug, a mouse behind a cat. Tent, pulled together with the mouse and stretched out.

Leading: In our hard work, it is necessary to remove stress.

There will be no stress, it will be easier to achieve its goals.

Exercise: "Snowman" .

Purpose: Removing stress, acquiring a feeling of relaxation, peace.

Leading : Let's stand up and turn into a snowman - "freezing". It is proposed to "freeze" so much as it is possible. The psychologist is touched by some participants, checking how hard the muscles of the hands are. It is then reported that the sun looked out, and our snowman melted. The degree of "thawing" is checked: the participant's hand raised upwards, freely falls without any tension. Participants are invited to repeat the exercise with each other.

Leading: Pay attention to how nice to be a miserable snowman, remember these sensations of relaxation, peace and resort to this experience in tense situations.

Demonstration of practical skills.

Leading : The modern teacher must necessarily own the skills of the stress stress, which can occur during the work. This is necessary to preserve health not only the teacher, but also students. We know that there are different methods Removing stress. Let's turn to our self-regulation skills.

Participants are invited for 1 minute to discuss and offer their ways out of stressful situations (participants are divided into triples and each group offers their exercise - everyone else repeat).

Questions: What did you like this exercise? Did you use it? In what situations it was useful to you? Is it difficult to do it?

Leading: I am pleased to see what you use the knowledge that you get in the classes that it helps you in solving your questions that you see the need and benefit of our meetings. Thus, and I see the importance of such work for its part. I really want to be remembered about our meeting today. Let it be a friendly palm. To do this, do an exercise that is called.

Exercise "Friendly palm".

Participants are distributed paper sheets.

Leading : Circuit your palm outline by the color that looks like your mood now and email your name on it. Then send a sheet with the log cabin to your colleagues in the group, and let each leave their wishes or a compliment on one of the fingers of the palm. The message must have positive content, personal conversation, in any way to mention the strengths of a particular person. And I am pleased to join you.

Perform job by participants.

Leading: Let these palms carry the warmth and the joy of our meetings, remind these meetings, and maybe help at some difficult moment.

Reflection lesson.

Leading: - How was the occupation, what was the most difficult (unpleasant), what did you like the most (remembered)? Your wishes of yourself yourself leading. Please start words "Me today..."

Purpose: establishing feedback, analysis of the experience gained in the group.

Summing up the classes.


Exercise number 1

Is it difficult to go? __________________________________________

What helped, and what prevented? _________________________________________


Is there always obstacles on the way? And how do you usually do with them? _________________________________________________________

Are you ready to overcome obstacles to get your goal? _________

Do you need to go through the heads to achieve your goals? _________________


Output options from stressful situations.

What did you like this exercise? ________________________________

Did you use it? ___________________________________________

In what situations it was useful to you? ______________________________

Is it difficult to do it? ___________________________________

Reflection lesson.

How was the lesson, what was the most difficult (unpleasant)?

What did you like the most (remembered)?

Your wishes of yourself yourself leading.

Please start words"Me today..."

Training for those who want to start efficiently and environmentally planning and implementing their goals. For those who want to learn how to put and formulate goals so that they are performed, how to get around or use their fears as a valuable resource, see what your life actually rotates, "What do you really do?" , put the life priorities, free from other people, imposed goals and send their lives in the right direction. And this training is also for those who want to know what is important for effective and environmentally friendly launch and implementing any life project / goal - from buying furniture or car, writing a book, choosing a profession, creating or improving relationships, recovery, creating a business / in their case , ... self-realization, disclosure of talents and potentials, before finding your calling, destinations, mission ...

How often do we postpone goals for tomorrow, on Monday, next month, on new Year... and dreams at all go far away .... And in the end, we do not achieve what could be achieved if you were going to act immediately, using the "Art of Small Steps" tool! And if you want to stop postponing your real life for later, to do what I have long been dreamed of, then this training is also for you!
Neither at school, nor in the institute we do not teach us how to properly organize your life, how to find a source of internal motivation, energy and drive to achieve its goals. We are not taught how to correctly formulate and put our goals so that they are implemented, and you environmentally achieved success and self-realization in life.

Imagine, how would your life change, if you could realize dreams, the desires that you visited?! And what good it could bring you, your loved ones, surroundings, peace ?! ...
The duration of the training is 3 days (3-3.5 hours). 20% of theory and 80% of practice.
The training program is built on scientific, but simple and effective techniques and practical instruments, proven practice, knowledge of the ancient wisdom so that you can apply them in your daily life, and which will help you quickly achieve real results.

Training goals:

  • Getting your skill to how to determine, put and formulate goals, from small to the most ambitious and that these goals were yours, and are not imposed on you to really achieve your goals, bring improvements to any areas of your life, and at the same time experience satisfaction from your own Life .... Help you clearly decide on your goals and make a plan for their achievement.
  • Give practical skills on the most efficient production and most simple and effective achievement of goals, help you create an image of an attractive and desired future.
  • It is possible to see the participants of the training to see and free from other people's goals, unnecessary actions in the work and personal life, useless spending time and resources. It is harmonious to combine and balance your personal, family and professional goals.
  • Inspire you to new, seemed unreal or unrealized, achievements and accomplishments.

What will happen in the training?

Setting goals and development of a life project

  • Goals, dreams, desires. What is the difference? What is actually more busy?
  • 4 stages of any life project / achievement. "Underwater stones" at every stage of the path and how easy it is to get around. Changing the focus of perception of crisis moments of your life and any project. Practice.
  • Ecology I. effective methods setting goals.
  • Realistic and unrealistic goals. Examples of setting goals.
  • What goals are important to put in life in life?
  • Staging and formulation of goals for the 4 most important areas of your life - physical, socio-emotional, intellectual and spiritual. You will see what is important to you to achieve harmony and the balance of the main spheres of your life. Practice.

Management of goals and tasks of your life

  • Is your life actually rotated around? What do you really want, and do not think what you want? What is actually implemented in your life? How to send your life in the right direction? Practice / test.
  • What dreams and goals are implemented, and which no?
  • How to plan steps and move towards the goal, so as not to overcome and not to quit the half-way to achieve your goals.
  • How to stop fighting the sabotage of the execution of goals?
  • Exemption from unnecessary / foreign purposes and installations. Settlement of priorities and values \u200b\u200bof goals. Matrix efficiency in life. Practice.
  • Levels and steps of effective planning for work and personal life.
  • What is important to implement the goals? Circles support. Practice.
  • How to combine the desires of the heart and the target of the mind and most easily and effectively achieve goals? Practice.

Practice test for identifying its true needs, around what your life is actually rotated, is a new achievement of modern science! (VAV !!!) is nanotechnology for fast and environmentally friendly development !!! Metaphorically - it's like fortune-telling - your whole life is for you as on the palm and you see where you are moving and how !!!
The depth needs are moving all their life and explain all your reactions, solutions and actions! If you know them, then you can explain myself and your inaction, your laziness, and negative addiction, and craving for something.
You can not only see, understand and explain, but also to ecoly change them, send your life to the right direction. Also you can use these knowledge, helping your loved ones, your team.

Training and this tool - a very strong and efficient combination !!!

Natalia (Vinogradova) Gubareva - Experienced professional coach, team coach, lawyer, consultant, coach in the Krasnodar Center for the International Educational Project "Psychology of the Third Millennium".
Passed and certification in the International Coaching University, Canada, as well as training in the International School of Business Trainers (ICBT) Zhanna Zavyalova, 4-modular program. Currently is an assistant of the International Erikson Coaching University. Pupil Masters Oleg Gadepsky, Sergey Avakova, Marina Targakova: high school Practical psychology Faculty of "Science of Life", the author and leading business trainings and trainings on personal and spiritual development: "4 stages of any life project. Keys to success", "Negotiations - the path to partnership", "Women's leadership", "Purpose, Calling, business. Freedom to be ourselves "," self-leadership "," values \u200b\u200bof life "," goals. Dreams. Desires "," Conscious Co-Creation 2014 "," Male and Women's. To the harmony of balance .. "," 6 Steps to love, "etc.
Practical experience in consulting for more than 16 years.

Natalia. Combines modern newest knowledge and tools in his practice, practical knowledge Ancient wisdom, sacred knowledge, quantum psychology, which helps ecoly and maximize effectively achieve your goals and pass your personal transformation.
The basic principle in work: "I choose what works eco here and now, with love"

The cost of training is 5,000 rubles for three days of participation.
Also, Natalia conducts individual advice and coaching sessions. Pre-recording is required. The number of participants is limited.

The book is read from the beginning to the end.

Life is built in the opposite way.

Here start from the end, that is, with the goal, and

Then they do everything to achieve it.

Garold Jenin

Purpose: To form goalkeeper.


· To form a motivation to the conscious statement of life and educational

professional goals;

· To form the skill of the purpose of the goal (work with life and educational

professional goals);

· To form a motivation to achieve your goals.

Resources: Stopwatch, chalk and blackboard, 1 basket ("magic"), sheets of paper, simple pencil for each and eraser, scissors, glue, clippings from magazines.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of training: Subjective experience of the participants "I want to set goals and achieve them," that is, the presence of motivation for the purpose of the goals; The ability to formulate a target that meets special requirements.


1. Organizational part

Good day. I am glad to welcome you today on our training personality. Today we will learn to set goals and achieve them. I wish you all fruitful work.

Psychological attitude. Exercise "Energy - Impulse"

Training participants are in the circle, holding hands. Someone imperceptibly sends the impulse with his hands and waits for his return.

The presenter offers training rules:


Saying from your own behalf ("I-statement");

Discussion of what is happening directly in the group at the moment

(rule "here and now");

Respectful attitude to the speaker.

2. Main part

Exercise "Three Desires"

purpose: To analyze the presence of the process of goaling.

When you have a goal, any wind is fear of sails. Do you have goals?

Instruction. Let's start with a small dough. Now on the stopwall I stop 1 minute. For 1 minute you need to formulate and write 3 goals, the desires that you would like to achieve in life.

Exercise Analysis:

Did you all be able to formulate as many goals as required?

Possible reasons that prevented you to formulate the necessary

number of desires?

If a person cannot express, formulate his goals, it means that

that he does not fully know what he wants? (and other similar questions)

Did you put the goals?

Do you think you are achievable

How long will it take to achieve your?

This sheet of desires today will be the main material for work for work. We will come back to him.

Exercise "Experiment"

Purpose: to show the role of goaling in human life achievements.

Structure exercise. Somehow Kazakhstan psychologists argued between themselves: people do not know what they need; They do not set goals. They argue with such a condition: if a person in 1 minute formulates 3 of his desires so that they can be fulfilled, psychologists perform them, whatever it would be worth it.

Exercise "Anecdote"

Purpose: Formation of motivation for large-scale goals.

Structure exercise. Annecdote is told:

The peasant dies and falls into paradise. He is met by angels in the sky and say: "Listen, a man, of course, you got to the address, but let us show you. How could you live on earth. " Go. And suitable for a villa three-story on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, around solid palm trees: "It could all be yours." Guy: "U-U-U". Go further, they see the park of cars, which there are only no - and "jeep", and "Mercedes", and many, many other brands: "It could all be yours." Guy: "U-U-U". Go further. Is sitting woman is beautiful, smart, the best woman on earth: "And she could be yours." Man: "U-U-y ... and why wasn't it?" "Yes, how I have sledged:" Zaporozhets "I want," Zaporozhets "I want .."

Annex analysis:

Did you put the goals of a man from a joke?

What flaw was his goals?

Do you think, whether people often put small, "wrong" goals?

- What kind of life results leads such goals?

Exercise "Dream Fiction"

Purpose: Formation of skill formulation of large-scale goals.

Structure exercise. Instruction. Look at your goals. Choose the largest goal. If there is no such, specify it.

Member: "I want an apartment."

Host: "What?"

Member: "Three-room".

Host: "Tenic, and better - its home in the city center. On 100 floors! " etc.

Exercise Analysis:

Is it difficult to formulate large-scale goals, fantastic purposes?

How limited is human thinking at all?

What are the results of activities at low purposes?

What feelings, emotions appear with you when you put the highest,

fantastic goals?

What these feelings talk about you: you are confident, you have excitement. Or

do you think that you will not reach this, unworthy of this?

Did you finish the highest, most

large-scale target?

Exercise "Collage"

Purpose: to form a "criterion to achieve the goal".

Instruction: Everyone has their own dream, their goals. Psychologists believe: In order to achieve their dreams, it is necessary to think about it, it must be submitted, it needs to be cherished. I have no doubt that you often imagine yourself in the future and wonder what I will be, what will I do, who will surround me? Make a collage of your goals. If this work is to depict an office, yourself in business clothes in a colleague circle; If this house is a facade, rooms.

Task Analysis:

What did the exercise made you?

Whether the goals changed and if so - how?

We have our common dream. How do we call the picture?

Exercise "Basket of Success"

Purpose: Formation of motivation to achieve a goal.

Structure exercise. Lead says: You all have goals. But each of you wants this goal in different ways. Someone is ready to post all obstacles on their way. And someone will stop even the slightest obstacle. Or maybe you do not want to achieve goals at all?

We will analyze the situation: two people want to drink. But someone wants to drink like this: it goes down the street in summer, +27 degrees Celsius. It seems to be drinking. Enters the store and thinks: "Cola", or "sprite", or "Lipton"? or kvass, or what? And he is told: Sorry, lunch. He turned around - yes it did not hurt, then I wanted ... And someone wants: three days in the desert, the temperature is +45. On the hands was the whole liter of warm water, which ended in the morning. And it seems to be a well ...

Analysis of the situation:

Diffuses two of these people the power of desire?

What do you think, with what desire is likely to achieve the goal?

And what is your desire, like the first or as the second?

Let's check.

Structure exercise. The presenter says: to each goal you need to walk, but the path to the goal is not always easy and simple. If you touch this magic basket - your desire will be fulfilled.

Group task:

Create obstacles with hands, body;

but as the strength of this person, so that the person still passed.

Choir talk: "No! Not!"

Member's task:

Pass through the car;

When you go, say: "Yes! Yes!" and solemnly get your goal. Can

jump from joy.

Through the group must pass all.

Exercise Analysis:

Is it difficult to go?

What helped, and what prevented?

Is there always obstacles on the path? And how do you usually come with them?

How should I do?

Are you ready to overcome obstacles to get your goal?

Do you need to go through the heads to achieve your firs?

Let's formulate the requirements for setting the goals together. Look at your sheets of desires.

3. Final part

Requirements for the setting of goals:

The goal should be large-scale - the wider, above, large-scale goal, the higher

there will be human achievements.

The goal should be concrete - what, what kind of color, what color,

what odor, what age, etc.

Term. Necessarily indicate the estimated period that needs

get there.

The criterion of purpose should be formulated: what features you will know that

the goal is reached, what will change, what will appear?

Positivity - the goal is necessary to formulate in the approving form,

exclude a particle "not". For example: Wrong - I do not want to be poor;

that's right - I want to be rich.

Dependence of the achievement of the goal from the person himself - the formulation of the goal is not

must appear other people, as they have their own goals and desires, and they

not required to fulfill the desires of another person. Even if it is good


Environmental friendliness - achieving the goal should not bring anyone

If in your life you will set goals as they have learned today, then I think you will completely achieve success.

And in conclusion, there is still such a parable. It is called "Buddha and a student".

Once the student comes to the Buddha and says: "Buddha, I do not understand the meaning of your teaching." Buddha shows a finger on the moon. "A-A-A, the meaning of your teaching is a finger?". "No," says Buddha and again shows the finger on the moon. "Ah-ah, I understood," said the student, "the meaning of your teachings is the moon!". "No," said the Buddha, "the meaning of my teaching is the direction."

As often happens in our life so that we pay attention to individual details, for intermediate results. But the most important thing is to keep our direction in your attention, our way, to remember where we go. When you have a goal, then any wind is sail your dreams!

Thank you for participating!

Fishyakov Metal Faritovna
Workshop workshop with elements of training "I would like to draw a dream"

Workshop for teachers Dow with training elements

"I would like to draw a dream"

Objectives: Stimulating the creative process of teachers by means of art therapy. Actualization of personal resources and domestic needs and desires. Formation of a positive attitude towards himself and others. Development of constructive forms of cooperation. Installation for success.

Materials: ball, mirror, leafs with phrase "I am the most charming and attractive!", which you need to pronounce with different intonation, recording video "Window" (S. Kopylova, feathers of birds, glass pebbles, massage balls, plastic, plastic balls, Kalosh , cards with situations, vase, "dead water", "live water" (mineral water, trays, peas, beans, rice of 4-colors, memo, recording video "I would like to draw a dream."

Meeting ritual: "We are together!"

Purpose: Cohesion, mood for collaboration.

Participants are in a circle, holding hands. The psychologist pronounces words, and teachers perform movements on the text:

We are together:

And the radiance of the eyes (we will see a look with each)

And hand plexus (let's go to each other's hands)

We are together!

All shirling obstacles

Destroying all the walls (swaying slightly)

We are together!

And that's fine! (Raise hands up and shake each other).

Despite the fact that we are clearly different in the color of the eyes, growth, age, we are united by the fact that we are teachers, colleagues and just women, ready to change.

Stage 1: Getting Started.

Greeting game "Meet: ha-khah!" (ball)

Psychologist: any training begins with dating and greeting members of the group. As a rule, participants of such events can be submitted by whom and as you like. And today each of you have such an opportunity.

Imagine, please replacing all the consonant letters in your name on the letter H. Say it loudly, in the syllables, trying to exhale air on each syllable.

2 stage workout.

W. prague - the warm-up "This is me, it's me - look at me!"

Who has blue eyes;

Who loves to get up early;

Who loves drinking coffee;

Who breed flowers;

Who knits or sews;

Who bakes pies;

Who has already compiled a plan of his summer holiday.

Who has already started repairs in the house;

Who is glad to our meeting today.

I wish you always had a good mood. And for this, it is enough to remember what you can praise yourself or say, looking at yourself in the mirror, a simple phrase: "I am the most charming and attractive!" (round).

Exercise "I am the most charming and attractive!"

Looking in the mirror, say this phrase with the intonation proposed to you (on leaves) intonation (with delight, with a light irony, calmly, surprised, with a rigor, with trepidation, childish, with admiration, with respect, with tenderness, with conviction, critical , gentle, fun, playfully). Mirror hand over in a circle.

3 stage mini lecture "Learn to think positively"

Today we will talk about positive thinking. What is it? Positive thinking is your mental attitude to life, yourself, taking place events and events that only have to happen. These are your good thoughts, words and images that are a source of personal growth and success in life.

Positive thinking allows you to get out of the situation and disappointment. The fact is that regardless of what you think about good or about bad things, your life takes the appropriate form. Negative thoughts can divert your attention from your plans, thereby having knocked you down. Even something good when bad mood It may seem so insignificant that you don't even notice it.

Positive thinking can change all your life, and this is not a fairy tale, but the most that neither is reality. Positive thinking is the key to success, in all spheres of life. Positive thoughts help develop an optimistic attitude to everything.

Song sounds - the parable of Svetlana Kopyl "Window".

Sad, but very instructive parable. In my opinion, this is a parable about positive thinking. I envy others, we often do not notice what is happening around us. In any situation you need to look for a positive. Anger and envy are very far away.

"We are what we think. We are all that arises in our thoughts. We create peace, "said Buddha.

One window watched two, and saw absolutely different. In the same way, half filled with water, one person perceives as half an empty, and the other as half a full. Also, we, for each problem and the situation, look in your own way, yes it is probably good, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.

Game "Emotion Horoscope"

Purpose: forming positive thinking.

Tasks: Create positive emotions and remove tension; form the ability to manage your mood; Develop a sense of humor.

Materials and equipment: Feathers of birds, glass pebbles, massage balls, hedgehogs, plastic colored balls, tray.

Instructions: "Select, please 1 object that you liked the most or attracted your attention. Put it, remember. "


You chose a pen! You are easy to lift; sociable, good listeners; tender and affectionate, impressionable and subtle nature; Ready to support anything in a difficult moment and laugh, raise the mood; You are with a sense of humor.

Who chose a glass pebble (bead) - you always have everything smoothly, yes sweetly; You are open to the soul, easy to communicate, flexible nature; Not subject to someone else's influence; Glamorous, elegant and well versed in fashion.

If you chose the hedgehog balls - you are mysterious and attractive nature; nimble, energetic and cheerful; Do not give yourself offense, you can stand up for yourself; Take care of your precious health; You easily cope with any situation, you will always find the output.

Who had colored balls - it means that you are funny and vigorous, cheerful and energetic; open, kind and trusty; sociable; You are always ahead, strive for victory; You are noticeable everywhere; With you together - always a holiday, you are the soul of the company.

Exercise "Kalosh Happiness"

Purpose: The development of positive thinking of teachers.

Remember, on one of the trainings you, in turn, shook the "Kalos of Happiness" and read the positive wishes to yourself. Today, I suggest you to put these Kalos, but the task will be somewhat different, although in the end you will still have to feel a happy person.

I will read you various situations, and your task, put on these Kalos, find in the situation offered to you, positive sides. In other words, look at the situation with the eyes of a happy man-optimist.

Expected Result:

Participants of the game, Nadev "Kalosh Happiness", are responsible for the proposed situation in a positive key.

To the one who makes it difficult to give a positive answer, the remaining participants in the game help, offering their own options.

Participants receive emotional discharge and positive attitude.

Cards with suggested situations and possible options Replies to the game "Kalosh Happiness"

Head reported you for poorly performed work.

I will make the appropriate conclusions and try not to make mistakes.

Next time I will try to do my job better.

You were offered to go through a long-term retraining courses and get a higher pre-school education.

This is a good opportunity to master new working methods with children.

You fell out of honor to present your kindergarten At the tender of pedagogical skills.

It is possible to try your strength.

At work, a salary was detained.

You can save on something.

You can now sit on the diet.

On the way to work, you broke the heel.

Good reason to buy new boots.

Walk barefoot.

The situation will cause sympathy of colleagues.

Most of your pupils in the open occupation showed themselves very weak.

A good opportunity to analyze which material the children are not well learned.

You suddenly fell ill.

Good reason to relax.

It's finally your health.

Read books on a call (healthy lifestyle).

You threw a husband.

Now you do not need to spend time on washing, ironing, cooking, you can spend your time on yourself.

More time on the hobby.

The ability to revise relationships and evaluate feelings.

You got under the reduction.

Good opportunity to do something else, change the genus of professional activity.

New team, new perspectives.

You have a conflict with my mother's pupil.

Good opportunity to figure out the views of the conflict sides to raise the child.

You were asked to work in two shifts until the end of the year.

Get even more money

A very hyperactative child came to the group.

It is possible to try your hand to work with such pupils.

This is a good opportunity to master new methods of working with the group.

We were sent on vacation in the "Sunny December", and you wanted in the summer.

Colleagues did not invite you to a joint event (picnic, restaurant, etc.)

Exercise "Get rid of unnecessary"

You know that different nations of the world have their own customs. Among them there is a custom on a certain holiday to get rid of all unnecessary. To make a place new, you need to get rid of the old. Throwing the old, we release the place for the new, which will delight us, deliver pleasure to us.

The same happens with our soul. We accumulate and save joyful, light feelings in the shower. But in life, unfortunately, and unpleasant for us, sad, sometimes tragic events. Thoughts about them do not leave for a long time, prevent us from going ahead, do not allow to enjoy life. But every person wants to be happy. In order to receive good, bright, joyful feelings from life, it is necessary to get rid of the old and unnecessary, destroying us, get rid of spiritual trash. To settled joy in the shower, it is necessary to free the place for her.

In one Persian history, he is talking about the traveler, who, with the great work, Brevel seemed to be over an endless road. He was all overwhelmed with all sorts of objects. A heavy bag with sand hung behind his back, the torso wrapped the fat Burdyuk with water, and in his hands he carried on the stone. Around the neck on the oldest rope dangled the old milling mill. Rusty chains for which he wolves dusty road Heavy weights, wrapped around his legs. On the head, balancing, he kept half-rotten pumpkin. With moans, he moved step forward, linking chains, mourning her bitter fate and complaining of painful fatigue. A peasant met the peasant in the scorched midday heat. "Oh, tired traveler, why did you load yourself with these wreckage of rocks?" - he asked. "Indeed, stupid," the traveler replied, "but I still didn't notice them." Having said this, he far away the stones and immediately felt relief. Soon he met another peasant: "Say, tired traveler, why do you suffer with rotten pumpkin on your head and drag such heavy iron weights on the chains?" - he asked. "I am very glad that you drew my attention to it. I did not know that I was driving myself. " Having dropped the chains, he threw the pumpkin into the roadside ditch so that it was falling apart. And again felt relief. But the further he walked, the stronger suffered. The peasant, who returned from the field, looked at the traveler with surprise: "Oh, the tired traveler, why you are behind the back of the sand in the bag, when, look, there is so much sand away. And why do you need such a big burdyuk with water - you might think that you have conceived to go through the whole Kavir desert. But next to you there is a clean river, which will continue to accompany you on the way! " "Thank you, a kind person, just now I noticed that I'm taring with me on the way." With these words, the traveler opened a Burdyuk, and a fierce water resulted in the sand. Thinking, he stood and looked at the setting sun. Last sun rays I sent enlightenment: he suddenly saw a heavy mill feller on her neck and realized that because of him she walked around. The traveler tied the fools and threw the river so far as he could. He continued his way in the evening coolness, hoping to find an innocent courtyard.

Exercise "Live and Dead Water"

In fairy tales, heroes sometimes enjoy the miraculous properties of "alive" and "dead" water. "Live water" gives us new forces for creation. "Dead water" "dissolves" everything that inhibits human development. Today I want to offer you, too, try the forces of her magic.

Write on leaves, within 2 minutes, which prevents you from living, what would you like to get rid of. But before deciding whether it really is not necessary, think very well. And only if you are absolutely sure that you want to get rid of it, write down. Then we all destroy.

The participants of the group are torn their sheets into small pieces, in each movement putting the idea of \u200b\u200bexemption from devastating trends. Then the lump rushes into a special vase and is filled with symbolic "dead water."

Psychologist. Now what prevented, has become safe and neutral, it has become our life experience. Significant experience can become an excellent fertilizer for the growth of new ideas of beginnings. You are lying in front of you: beans, peas, colorful rice grains, of which they can grow new life And new opportunities. Think, let's dream about what you would like in this life. Imagine that your dream is fulfilled. Fix those feelings and emotions that you are experiencing at this moment. Perfectly! Now drink "live water" so that your dream gives shoots and is fulfilled. The law of life, the law of creation states: "There will be shoots on goodies."

(A psychologist offers participants in a cup of mineral water).

Now, I suggest everyone to transfer to the world of childhood, fantasies and dreams, with the help of sensory relaxation with colored rice.

Song sounds "I would like to draw a dream"

I suggest you to portray with colored rice a picture of music and video. The words of music will help draw amazing and diverse paintings. Teachers work subgroups.

4Stage. Final.

Psychologist. Another one good way Confrontation of stress can be considered autogenous training!

Memo for teachers "It is today"

Every morning, pronounce this text. Stimulate yourself to action. Do not forget to speak yourself encouraging words. Think about courage and happiness, about strength and rest. I wish you success.

1. It is today that I will have a quiet day, and I will be happy. Happiness is the inner state of each person. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances. My happiness is concluded inside me. Everyone is happy as much as he wants to be happy.

2. Today, I will turn on the life that surrounds me, and I will not try to adapt it to my desires. I will accept my child, my family, my work and the circumstances of my life as they are, and I will try to match them completely.

3. Today, I will take care of my health. I will be charged, I will care for my body, avoid habits and thoughts harmful to health.

4. It is today that I will pay attention to my general Development. I'll get useful things. I will not be lazy and make your mind work.

5. It is today that I will continue my moral self-improvement. I will be a useful and necessary child, family, myself.

6. Today, I will be friendly to everyone. I will look much better, I will be kind and generous to praise. I will not find fault in people, and try to fix them.

7. It is today that I will live problems only at this day. I will not strive to solve the problem of my child's health immediately.

8. Today, I will schedule the program of my affairs I want to implement. This program will save me from a rush and indecision even if I can not accurately accomplish it.

9. Today, I will spend half an hour alone and loneliness, the cavity relaxing.

10. Today, I will not be afraid of life and your own happiness. I will love and believe that those whom I love, love and believe me.

Instead of "autotraining" I suggest you also use the poem of L. Rubalskaya, I am sure you will like it, and will increase you not only self-esteem, but also the mood!

I found myself! I am important myself!

I opened myself! I need myself!

I am friends with you, I write poems!

I won't tell myself a bad word in my life!

I love myself, I do not heat myself!

Because respect for yourself I save yourself!

Without a loved one, without me, I can not live and the day,

I am inseparable, me - my bloodstroke!

I'll talk to myself, praise and mow,

If I doubt something, then the confidence is not!

I can chat with me, like a butterfly flutter

I can soar as a bird, and I don't hurt me!

I'll get rushing, I will succeed!

I attract happiness, and we take the misfortune!

I myself sing to myself a gentle song

So, I admire that I'm tired!

Behind her dear, I and in the water, and in the fire,

And now I live with him like a stone wall!

Among the many concerns, only one oppresses me:

From me, this, suddenly, and someone will lead!

VII Life-affirming promise

Before completing our meeting, I suggest you fill in the life-affirming promise that will hope to become a starting point for a happy future.

being in the right mind, with determination to live a long, happy, useful and enriched life, I hereby promise to always rejoice at life, strive to do everything in the best of your strength, look for opportunities and fully take responsibility for your life.

I know that there will be ups and falls, but I use all the events of fate to become stronger, I will transform a negative perception in a positive and will become all those that I can become.

I will help others and will lead them in life that it will enrich my own life.

Signature Date

Farewell ritual: "Take up hands, friends!"

Training participants get into the circle, holding hands. Psychologist:

"We take hands, friends,

So as not to disappear by one (hands downstairs)

Support, good words

We always help in life. "(Hands at the top and slightly shake)

Good luck!

Be feminine and attractive always! "


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