What game I loved Pavlov more. Sunday tv. American mathematicians have calculated who is the main hero of the game of the throne. Mal, yes delete

What game I loved Pavlov more. Sunday tv. American mathematicians have calculated who is the main hero of the game of the throne. Mal, yes delete

George Martin, author of a series of books Song of Ice and Firewhose adaption called Game of Thrones Already the seventh year holds millions of viewers around the world in the voltage, refuses to call the main character. For him, they made scientists who applied to Game Thrones Mathematical analysis method.

One of the most popular modern serials Game of Thrones It is famous for the complex intertwining of plot intrigues and a huge number of actors.

In the past century, scientists began to appreciate Paul as the actual founder of the religious movement, which will become Christianity. Paul was a Jew from the diaspora, a member of the Phariseev party, who experienced the revelation of Risen Jesus. After this experience, he traveled a lot throughout the Eastern Roman Empire, spreading the "good news" that Jesus would soon return from heaven and reveals the reign of God. Paul did not establish a new religion; He believed that his generation was last until the end of time, when this age is transformed.

However, after time, Jesus did not return, the fathers of the Church of the second century turned to the Scriptures of Paul to confirm that the creation of a Christian dogma would ultimately be. Thus, Paul can be considered as the founder of Christianity as a separate religion, except for Judaism.

Many heroes, of course, die - merciless to them became one of Martin's brightest "chips. However, new actors come to their place, which soon occupy central roles in the series.

Fan disputes about who is the main character to which Martin allocated a central place in his hostile plot, they are almost from the output of the first series.

This is clearly false; Judaism was not a missionary religion. His experience to see Jesus in Heaven means that Jesus was already deified in a sense for him. And he advocated the worship of Jesus, which is likely to be a turning point between Jews and Christians. He repeats the anthem, which he inherited in his letter to the Philippians.

"The fact that each knee must bow," means worship. Hellenistic Judaism united many celestial creatures with accompanying hierarchies, but no one ever advocated the worship of anyone from these creatures - it was intended only for God. It is here that Christians will begin the process of separation from the maternal religion.

The gender question is actively interfering with these disputes. After all, female characters at Martin in brightness are not inferior to men.

In addition, Martin women are still more merciful. Most of the heroines of the series are still alive, although serious deprivation falls on their share. While men die one by one. Including those whose fans The game of thrones They considered the challengers to the role of the main character (for example, week and Rob Stark, John Snow).

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Paul's work, as he saw her, was to bring the "good news" to the pagans. This is almost all that he writes about the law. The Law of Moses has never been considered applicable to pagans in the Israeli tradition, so the pagans should not be circumcised, dietary laws or the rules of Saturday. These three are focus, as they are physical rituals that share the community, and Paul tried to break the barriers between communities. Paul was adamant on this issue. One of the reasons is that he probably survived - he, most likely, watched some kind of spirituality, when the pagans were baptized, and therefore he was convinced.

Andrew Beweridge Mathematics and Drew Shan from McCalether College (Minnesota) used a network computing methodology in order to establish who Martin's characters attaches the greatest value for the plot.

And the answer is unlikely to please the feminists.

If God decided to approve non-Jews, how could they not be included in the kingdom? The law had a great meaning for him. How could God create a law, but not apply it everywhere? Here he becomes a little sticky - he can never say that the law is not very good, and therefore he protects him, but at the same time he does not apply to non-Jews.

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The letter to the Galatians concerns this problem of the law. Paul's plan was to create communities throughout the Eastern Empire, and then stay in touch with letters or revise them to see how they do it. Galatia was a province in central Turkey. Apparently, after the departure of Paul, others came and taught another Gospel. So, he repeated his teaching on this issue for these communities.

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Clamping love for women's audience - one of the factors of stunning success The game of thrones. Martin shows a cruel world in which violence and cruelty - in the order of things. Nevertheless, the philosophy of his books and the series set over them shows a serious respect for women and their roles in this world.

Turning to Scripture, he found his rationale in the story about the appeal of Abraham in the Book of Genesis. And with the name, and with the promise, Paul argued that the pagans were included in this initial covenant. But why, why did God give the law of Moses, who limits the inclusion? Paul argued that the law served as a teacher. The teacher was a mentor, most often the slave, which accompanied boys to school, and also offered classes in the house. In other words, the law served as a leadership to determine sin, because if we did not know what sin is how can we choose?

Hence the massive conviction that Game of Thrones - The series is very feministic. And some of his heroines and at all apply for the status of modern symbols of feminism. So why not consider them the main operators of the entire series?

For example, Daineris Targaryen? An amazing woman who was able to become a great queen-conqueror who liberates whole nations from the oppression of slavery. In the end, she even became the mother of dragons. Her ability to command thousands of men makes her image very symbolic.

But now Christ is a "body of the law." Some Bibles translate it as an "end of the law", but more accurately, this means the "purpose of the law". Does this mean that the Jewish followers of Christ no longer have to follow the law? Of course, no - if you were born in accordance with the law, you need to follow him.

John Snow and Arya Stark had to fall in love

Over the centuries, Paul's teachings were summed up by the phrase "a lawless mission for non-Jews", but this is really the wrong name and led to a set of incorrect conclusions on Pavlo. His pagans were to be free from circumcision, dietary laws and the rules of Saturday, but they were not completely free from the law. Do not imagine for a moment that Paul allowed his pagans to continue idolatry or any other pagan customs, and he included Jewish ethical and charitable concepts into their communities.

Also, Martin also pays two daughters of the fare-stroke of the prone gentleman's chief hero. Arya and Sansa grow up, overcome countless dangers, and their role in general Development The plot is constantly increasing.

Perhaps they are the main characters?

Some viewers tend to consider two whether the two more woman is the Queen Serne. Her image, which can hardly be considered positive, in recent seasons becomes truly tragic. And the amount of screening time plotting on its share is constantly growing. Her nude "walk" critics called the nail of the previous season of the game of thrones.

Sanders applies modern social and scientific methods to the study of the views of Paul under the law and comes to the conclusion that he follows the image of religion, or as it enters, and how it is. For Paul, the pagans do not follow the law, but one day they follow the law.

Paul argued that the pagans are saved only by faith, and not the work of the law. What he meant under the influence of the law was those ritual barriers between communities: circumcision, dietary laws, etc. But over the centuries, it was understood as a big gap between Judaism and Christianity. Thoroughly reading his letters indicates that Paul does not oppose Judaism as such, but against those other Christians who believe that the pagans should first become Jews before entering the community.

However, Beveridge and Shan assume that the main character of the series is not a woman.

Mal, yes delete

The network analysis method allows you to establish links between two objects or concepts in large text information arrays.

Scientists have downloaded the texts of Martin's books into the program and installed a filter that fixed the relationship between the two characters if they are referred to in the text within the micro-fragments of 15 words. The more often the two they mentioned together, the greater the value acquires the relationship between the characters.

Who are these other Christians? We believe that they were more non-Jews, and not Jews. So why do Negri-Christians advocate for circumcision? Paul says that after several years of staying in the Mission's field, he went to Jerusalem to meet with pagans. Time was odd. And, according to Luke, pagans were approved after the meeting of Peter with Cornelius, so why, years later, is this a meeting needed to solve the problem? One theory is that time passed, and Jesus did not return. Perhaps some non-Jewish Christians believed that they were mistaken, without becoming first with Jews, and thought that, making it, it would help speed up time to the end.

The victim in the late 5th season of the Game of Thrones John Snow will certainly rise. Since he is the second most important character of the series, scientists say

"This is a rather funny application of the method of mathematical analysis," says Beveridge. "But he shows how much mathematics in different areas of life can be."

Paul is not worried about time in the same way. Own own experience He decided that when his pagans turned to the God of Israel, it was a sign of recent days. As the "apostle to pagans", his role among this group was crucial for joining these recent elements. In other words, the kingdom is waiting for Paul to achieve as much more non-Jews. As soon as this happens, the Jews will see the light and join.

We cannot confirm where Paul died. A letter of Paul to the Romans is most likely one of his last preserved works in which he told his audience that he was going to Jerusalem to visit, and then went to Rome to see them. Luke told Paul's arrest history in Jerusalem, where he had the right to turn to the emperor in Rome. The book of Acts ends with Paul under house arrest in Rome, continuing his sermon. Only in later, secondary narratives we find the legendary material about the court of Paul in Rome.

However, researchers did not even be limited to analyzing Martin's texts.

The results obtained they completed several more analysis methods. In particular, they analyzed how highly there are different characters in the results of the search results of Google.

Page Rank of different heroes of the series indicate how important an audience considers them, but it's not just that. Mathematics analyzed how much the google "links" the heroes.

After conviction, he was beheaded, and his body was buried behind the walls of the city, on the road in the oath, so that his grave will not become a shrine. After years, this site will become the current basilica in Rome, St. Paul, the external walls and the Vatican always argued that his body rests in the sarcophage inside the church.

The history of Jewish Christianity is very tragic. Paradoxically after that, Penyarol rose and came to a draw. A group of these losers has always found best way Show your dissatisfaction with the team and for the first time began to insult an alternative to Aurinegrov.

This is what the "matrix" looks like connections between the characters of the game of thrones according to the version of American mathematicians

It helped scientists to make a kind of map of the links of all the characters of the series. The results of the analysis in the amount showed that the most key character The game of thrones Is Tyrion Lannister.

It is on dwarf in the end, many plot lines, and his relationships with a large number of other heroes are traced most clearly.

The John Snow deceased at the end of last season is the second character. By the way, the information that actor Kit Harrington was seen on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe new season, it may indicate that surprises are seized for Snow.

The third character is the character The game of thrones - Sansa Stark. And only in the fourth place - a symbol of modern feminism Daineris Targaryen, which the female part of the audience has long considered the main character of the series.

Cynical and ulcerative dwarf Tyrion Lannister - the main character of the game of the throne, assure researchers

According to Beverjezha, the tested technique has a strong mathematical foundation, therefore, it may even predict the development of the plot. Therefore, in particular, he advises the fans of Dylenis not to be upset - judging by her relations with other characters, her role in the future will only increase, the researcher hints.

In general, Beweridge and Shang do not claim maximum objectivity, given that it is about books and a series. However, scientists believe that their work can contribute to the popularization of the methods of network analysis of large arrays of information.

In particular, the Methodology is already used by the US National Security Agency to calculate members of terrorist cells and criminal facilities.

"From 2002. The winner in the triple is highlighted in bold font. The winner of the game indicates its final account.

Issue (November 29, 2002)


Rimma Stavivova (Barnaul), Murat Mutaliev (s. Dawn), Lilia Rastash (Anapa); Tatyana Deputy (Saki), Vasily Zagigin (s. Trinity) (950 points), Elena Galkina (Balashikha); ? (?),? Kovalev (Donetsk), Larisa Nikitina (Pskov);
  • What was the name of an ancient Greek slave, who was entrusted by boys to raise from the sixth year old? (7 letters)
Answer: Pedagogue
  • The word "gymnasium" comes from the ancient Greek word "gymnasion". In the gymnasiums trained to improve their body of youth and men. What does the word "gymnation" mean, from which the word "gymnasion" occurs? (5 letters)
Answer: Naked
  • What word related to this topic translates from ancient Greek, as "folded by half a leaflet"? (6 letters)
Answer: Diploma
  • Knight's upbringing included training seven knightly virtues: fencing, archery, swimming, etc., incl. It is necessarily. (5 letters)
Answer: Checkers

The player refused to the Superigra.

Issue (December 13, 2002)


Zinaida Mireley (Krasnodar), Kirill Supron (Bobruisk), Christina Surko (Nikolaev); Yuri Kumykov (Saratov) (2 150 points), Lyudmila Breman (Dzerzhinsk), Elena Plaksina (Kirov); Olga Turova (Arkhangelsk), Igor Malkin (Moscow), Olga Rukhlova (Izhevsk);
  • The name of which old Russian robe comes from Arabic word denoting "Honorary Clothing"? On folk giving, ideas, kimikor lose weight with thin handles and sharp face, on the head horns, long, tangled hair, with all and at the same time wearing only this is. (7 letters)
Answer: Sarafan.
  • What was the name of the fur hat, known since the time of the ancient Russia, which had four blades? Two large, closing ears and cheeks, they were wreking them around the neck and tied on the back of the back and two small blades that covered the head and forehead. (7 letters)
Answer: Malahai.
  • What was the name of the maiden's clothes in Russia with ancient times, consisting of two cloth collected slightly above the chest and tied over the breasts of the lace? (8 letters)
Answer: Apron
  • What was the name of the girl's headdress, which was the unmarried girl in the Doparer Epoch? (5 letters)
Answer: Crown

The player refused to the Superigra.

Issue (December 27, 2002)


Artyom Kashtayan (Kropotkin), Julia Mutenko (Kamyshin) (850 points), Ekaterina Kharkovnko (Ilyichevsk); Julia Kapirov (Makushino), Victor Barulin (Nizhny Tagil), Sergey Kiryanov (Perm); Ayman Marisova (Ekibastuz), Vitaly Marmalevsky (Rubino), Evgeny Muhord (Naberezhnye Chelny);

  • Thanks to what event that occurred in 1870-1871, was the first illustrated postal card? (5 letters)
Answer: War
  • What game most of all loved the famous scientist Pavlov? (7 letters)
Answer: Towns
  • What profession chose as his hobby the last king of Germany Wilhelm II after he was overthrown? (8 letters)
Answer: Woodcutter
  • How was the passion and hobby called in Russia? (5 letters)
Answer: Hunting
  • What was the hobby from Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, that is, what he did in his free time. What is the name of this subject? (7 letters)
Answer: Suitcase

The participant did not guess the word.

Issue (December 30, 2002)


Sergey Kurenkov (Moscow) (1 500 points), Violetta Habeva (Ozerki), Dmitry Dushin (Moscow); Natalia Yarysheva (Moscow), Dmitry Levin (Krasnogorsk), Lyudmila Evstratova (Moscow); Elena Anokhina (Moscow), Vladimir Paramonov (Mytishchi), Elena Sapolnova (Moscow);
  • The name of which theatrical genre is translated as "Song Kozl? (8 letters)
Answer: Tragedy
  • The symbol of what, along with the bull, is the goat? (4 letters)
Answer: Father
  • As called ancient Greek Godwho was born with goat hooves and horns. Hermes's father picked up a child and took him to Olympus, the child did the patron saint of herd and shepherds? (3 letters)
Answer: Pan
  • In which tree, according to legend, the precious golden fleeus, which was supposed to deliver Jason to the orders of King Emil; Case happened in Kolchide? (3 letters)
Answer: Oak
  • What month is named in honor of the goat? (7 letters)
Answer: February

The participant gave the floor and won the super prize: a car


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