Electro boat engine do it yourself. Making a boating electric motor with their own hands

Electro boat engine do it yourself. Making a boating electric motor with their own hands

Homemade E. lecturer on the boat.

Many who are interested in boat electric motors, most likely read an article about a homemade motor for a boat based on the GSK-1500 generator. The generator has a mass of about 12 kilograms, feeds on 24 volts, a current of about 40 amps and cost within 10 - 12 thousand rubles. The article presents a complex layer pairing scheme with a boat screw. We will remind you that such generators were previously used in aviation. According to a fully charged 24-volt battery, there would be enough for 40 minutes of work to its discharge. In general, not very optimistic.

Discussing this topic with fishermen-trucks, after disputes and searching on the Internet, an interesting idea was born, namely the assembly of a boat electric motor on its own, but on the current base of materials, according to a simplified scheme. As a traction force, the electric motor itself, various engines were considered, which can be purchased if not in a neighboring store, then at least in the same online. A car starter, of course, a powerful unit, but it will plan the battery very quickly. Industrial DC motors considered by us, or too weak or too large.

In the end, they stopped at a completely acceptable embodiment - the electrolybered for quads and snowmobiles. They are not so powerful as, for example, automotive, but have a good craving at the expense of the gearbox and a relatively small consumption current.

Take, for example, E. a ledctic winch for an ATV or snowmobile COME-UP 1500. has a three-step transmission from metal to achieve high speed. At a voltage of 12 volts, it has a power of about 300 watts (0.4 hp), small size and current consumed up to 10 amps.

For comparison, it can be said that some boat electric motors of the factory execution have the characteristics somewhat worse.

Another thing is how to dock a similar motor with a boat screw? The simplest thing to suggest, without going into mathematical calculations and complex drawings, is a belt transmission. For example, the engine mounted on the base and the boat fixed on the transom using clamp rotates the pulley of a large diameter. The shaft is welded to the lower end of the Daidwood, on which the screw with a pulley of a small diameter is located. Thus, when rotating the upper large pulley, even at low speed, the lower pulley will rotate much faster. And since some electric motors with the gearbox already laid a certain traction force, which will easily move the same quad, then the engine will work almost without load. What will have to remake in this design of the electrolybide, it is to install the pulley on the electric motor.

Now no less important item. Battery for boat engine. If you use a battery designed to work with boat electric motors, then such a battery is enough for quite a long time. Plus such batteries in the fact that they allow complete discharge.

We will be happy if anyone comes to a similar design to the end and sprinkle with us with the provision of a detailed photo report.

On the replacement of a store engine for a boat with an alternative engine, every fisherman was conceived. He was learned to create from lawn mowers, benzokos and even screwdrivers, since their cost is at times below the price of a finished sample. The most suitable option is a trimmer, since this device is equipped with all the necessary elements and mechanisms.

Advantages of using Trimmer

The use of a trimmer to create a boat engine has a number of advantages:

  • much cheaper the finished motor for the boat;
  • minimal fuel consumption;
  • low weight;
  • reliability;
  • tightness of the design;
  • availability of finished controls for control;
  • built-in tank, etc.

Thanks to these qualities, the trimmer ranks first among other possible options for alteration.

Features of the homemade engine

When converting the motor, it is worth considering that they were developed to perform different functions. The trimmer functions on large speeds and a small twisting moment, and the boat motor must be done on the contrary. Therefore, remaking the device requires special tools and even drawing.

The engine from the Trimmer to build more convenient and easier, since it has a number of necessary components of the mechanisms:

  1. very economical engine;
  2. a mounted unpainted fuel tank, which allows you to easily control the amount of fuel;
  3. presence in the device of the starter and gas;
  4. rod, equipped with a rigid shaft.

It remains only to buy the missing details or make them yourself and you can start making the engine for the boat.

Trimmer functions on large turns and a small twist moment, and the boat engine must be done on the contrary

What can be done

There are several possible options Trimmer refinement under the motor for a swimming agent.

Option number 1.Very simple way, but requires additional financial costs.

It will take to purchase such details:

  1. Clamp for fastening the device to the transnta boat.
  2. Propeller screw. You can purchase a ready-made set via the Internet, because there may not be in stores of such goods. The package includes a special drive made of stainless steel, as well as universal adapters for a flexible trimmer shaft, which allows you not to bother with that they will fit to your model benzokosy or not.

Tip! Sometimes the configuration may be clamp, so before buying it to clarify what is included in the kit.

The attachment drawing to the trimmer is specified in the instructions. It will take about half an hour for installation.

Option number 2. For alterations, you will need an angular gearbox from the grinder, a screw that can be cut from the stainless steel sheet, as well as the glands and bearings for fasteners. This method allows to get achieving maximum revolutions, despite the small step of the screw. In the field atmosphere, the device requires additional adjustment, which is performed using the passage.

Option number 3. This method is performed as moderately as possible. Consider it in more detail on the example of gas station with a two-stroke engine of 25 cm 3. The device weighing 4.5 kg and the power of 700 W is equipped with a bent foot. The trimmer with such power allows you to move the boat at a speed of approximately 5-7 km / h.

For alterations, you will need an angular gearbox from the grinder, a screw that can be cut out of the stainless steel sheet, as well as the glands and bearings for fasteners

What you need

For manufacture, materials will be required, as well as tools:

  1. Trimmer.
  2. Duralumin with a thickness of 2 mm. It is necessary for the screw.
  3. Clamp or any other fixtures for fastening the device to the boat.
  4. Apparatus for welding.
  5. Fastening elements.
  6. Additional tools for work.

All the necessary items can be bought or made independently. The drawing may be needed to develop a self-made screw, but not for the drive. Screw dimensions directly depend on the power of the drive, as well as on the weight of the swimming agent. For example, the screw with dimensions of 10x3 cm is able to move the vehicles with a mass of about 120 kg.

Instructions for manufacture

To make a boat engine from an ordinary trimmer, you will need to perform the following steps:

To run the homemade engine, you will need gasoline tank (0.5 l.) With oil in a ratio of 1:40. One fuel tank allows you to overcome about 10 km of territory. The speed of the swimming agent with such a motor is in the range of 5.6 - 7.9 km / hour, depending on the boat workload.

  1. It is much easier to re-equip the trimmer with a straight shaft. If the rod has a curved form, it will be completely changed, since the steel cable will not be able to transmit the desired torque. To change the curved shaft you will need to use a duralumin tube, to enter bronze bushing into it and mounted in the appropriate adjacent holder.
  2. The screw should be created according to Duralumin's drawing. If necessary, its sizes can always be corrected.
  3. Screw mounting should be carried out on the site of the trimmer head. Be sure to make an annular nozzle to protect the cylinders.
  4. On the Internet, you can order ready-made sets and save time on creating items yourself. The equipment has all the necessary adapters to the shaft and the drive, sometimes even clamp is included.
  5. You can manage the device using the starter handle, but very often it is inconvenient to use. It can easily be replaced, on the usual speed switch from the bike.
  6. For fasteners of the engine used clampsAnd the fastener itself is produced on the boat traum.

The presence of a boat engine makes life easier for its owner. However, gasoline engines make a lot of noise and consume a large number of resources. Alternative to this type of driving force - electric motors. These are quiet aggregates working on cheap electricity and slightly inferior to gasoline boat engines in the efficiency of movement. This option of the engine will cost cheaper, especially since the electric motor can make a boat with their own hands.

In the title "Electromotor" lies the essence of the device, which is denoted by them. Under the electric motor for boats is meant an aggregate, which moves the swimming remedy by moving the blades. Its effect is based on physical laws. A feature of electric motors is the resource that they consume to perform their functions.

Today, worldwide engines running on fuel are common worldwide. The electric motor for the boat, unlike such aggregates, is working through the consumption of electricity, and not gasoline. Among some owners of the boat are the opinion about the low efficiency of such devices. However, it is wrong. With proper design, the electromotor is able to ensure the force of thrust sufficient to move the swimming agent on water at normal speed.

In addition, the homemade engine has a number of advantages, for example:

  1. The end spending on creating such a device will be significantly lower than the market value of factory gasoline engines and electric motors.
  2. The legislation operating in the country, which protects nature, strictly regulates the use of electric motors for boats. On improval aggregates, these rules do not apply.
  3. The device works, practically no noise. This feature will be especially useful to fishermen, because any loud sounds can sigh the potential catch.
  4. Electricity is cheaper than fuel materials. In addition, devices equipped with internal combustion engines consume incomparably more resources than self-made electric motors.
  5. The owner of the boat has the ability to independently choose the power of the unit suitable for it. The basis of the homemade motor is drill or other devices. It is from their power depending on the characteristics of the future engine. What device will choose the master, there will be indicators of the electric motor.

Create homemade electromotor is quite simple. It is clear enough to follow the instructions. However, certain materials and tools will be needed. There should be no problems with access to them. Most of the necessary tools are already available in stock at any host. All materials can be found in free sale in retail outlets. It is easy to find and drawings necessary for work.

Materials and tools

When selecting equipment, you need to pay attention to two things: power and voltage. These parameters are fundamental, and the quality of the operation of the finished electric motor depends on them. Power depends on the chosen drill (as a basis, this tool is taken as the basis), so first of all it is necessary to choose this equipment.

When selecting a drill, it is necessary to focus on its power. This indicator must exceed one hundred fifty watts. You should not take a tool with smaller characteristics. In this case, the finished device will not effectively work in moving water (that is, it will not work with such an aggregate on the river). It is best to use a battery perforator.

The perforator is equipped with a reverse, has several modes of operation. This circumstance is important for the motor that will move the swimming agent because it will allow in the future to control the speed of the electric motor.

The second important parameter is voltage. Do not use the batteries for eighteen volts. They are difficult to find and cost them expensive. The best choice will be a drill working under the tension of ten or twelve volt. Such a battery is relatively cheaper, and most importantly, it is much easier to find it on sale.

After selecting the optimal equipment, you can collect materials. To create the engine must be pre-acquired:

  1. Electric drill that will perform the motor function.
  2. Clamps, with which the drill will be attached.
  3. Gearbox. You can use the element from the grinder if the motor installation is assumed on the boat translate.
  4. Round tubes with a diameter of twenty millimeters.
  5. Profiled pipes (20 * 20 millimeters).
  6. Round metal rod. It will be used to create an electric motor shaft.
  7. Sheet metal from which screws will be made.

We will also need some tools:

  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • bulgarian;
  • electric drill with drill set;
  • self-tapping screwdriver if a tree is used when creating a motor.

After all the elements are collected, you can start creating a boat electric motor with your own hands. The whole procedure consists of several stages. Starting work follows from creating a lifting mechanism for impeller. In order for the future device to work normally, it is recommended to carefully follow the instructions provided below.

Creating an electric motor

As it was already said earlier, it is necessary to start making an electric motor with your own hands from creating a lifting mechanism for the impeller. It will allow you to raise this element over the water. To create it, it is necessary to weld the tube from the metal to pre-prepared clamps.

To this tube, it is necessary to first attach the base (frame, having a view of a pyramid directed by a smaller base in the direction of water). On a large base, the bed is fastened, another tube is welded to the lower edge. Bearing is installed on the bed. Through it and the tube, welded below, you need to skip the shaft.

As a shaft, you can use a tube or wire. However, the first option is more successful:

  • first, it will be possible to attach bearings on the tube (at both ends) that reduce the force of friction;
  • secondly, it is desirable that this shaft is thin, but strong. In the case of a wire, you will have to use a large diameter product.

After all actions are completed, you can go to the next step. The next step is to install the gearbox and propellers.

Reducer / propeller

On the sides of the shaft it is recommended to attach gearboxes. It is advisable to pre-create them yourself, focusing on the parameters of the electric motor. However, this process can take a lot of time. Therefore, you can buy a device or use gearboxes installed on the grinder.

Depending on the particular engine, one or two gearboxes may need. When choosing a device, it is desirable to focus on one basic rule - it is desirable that the transmitting number is small. Optimally, if the gearbox is capable of lowering the speed of 5 times. This will provide a normal course of the swimming agent.

The lower gear is required for horizontal screw mounting. If a gearbox is used from such a tool like a Bulgarian, it will sufficiently hold it in the cartridge from the drill. Elements of other devices can also be used as propeller. If there is no, you can make a homemade screw. For this you need:

  1. Cut square (the length of one side is thirty centimeters).
  2. Drill in his center hole.
  3. Make slots diagonally (the distance between the slots should be at least five centimeters).
  4. Formed blades, it is necessary to give a rounded view. It is important that the size of the blades was the same, in otherwise The occurrence of third-party vibrations is possible.

Create a propeller on the shaft can be using a bolt and nut. It is for this purpose that a hole was made in the center of the metal sheet.

Recent modifications

Next, it is necessary to connect a gearbox with a motor, that is, with a drill. Make it just - enough to hold the gearbox in the cartridge drill, as has already been said earlier. If the base does not coincide with the drill size, it is necessary to use an additional tube.

Tube must wear tight on the shaft. So that the latter does not rotate in it, you need reliable fixation. You can provide it by doing the end-to-end hole in the tube and shaft. Next, both elements must be fixed with a pin. Such fixation will be prevented rotational motions shaft.

After the device is ready, the homemade boat electric motor must be checked. It is enough to dial water into the bath and run the electric motor in it. If the pressure is felt by hand, the engine is working normally. It can be attached to the ship and check in the reservoir.

Motor Management and other constructive options for its creation

Although the electric motor is ready, but it is not yet able to carry out turns. In order not to rotate with the help of cheerful, it is necessary to make minor modifications to the design. It is enough to attach a bolt to the central part of the attachment, which is then to wear a pipe. This will make it possible to carry out turns by changing the position of the base and, accordingly, the electric motor.

To the database you can fight another handle, withdrawing a controller on it, which is responsible for the flow of current to the motor. It will be advisable to use a retail. However, in this case, you will have to change the drill to the self, connecting the motor located in its housing, with the rheostat. This will create a more functional design.

Screwdriver as a motor

There are several ways to make an electric motor. Instead of drill, it is permissible to use a screwdriver. By design, it is almost no different from the device with a drill. A distinctive feature of the product is the lower cost of its maintenance. So, one battery for twelve volts will be enough for six-hour operation of the device. However, you will have to sacrifice the speed of movement due to lower power.

In order for the swimming vessel to move faster, you can use screws with a big step. In addition, as in the previous case, an electromotor based on a screwdriver can be equipped with handles that will facilitate control.

Electric motor from trime

Perfect for this purpose and trimer. The process of creating a motor when using this device will greatly ease. The only thing that will need to make the master is to shorten the length of the device and attach a screw to it. There is no need for the reduction of the gearbox.

You also do not need to refine the control and system that is responsible for the power of the motor. The only difficulty that can meet on the way is the problem of fixing the device to the boat. In particular to inflatable. But she is solved.

As an electric motor, the aggregates can be used, at the expense of the windows servants, or a simple electric motor. In the latter case, difficulties may occur, since standard motors operate due to alternating voltage in two hundred and twenty volts. The problem is solved by installing the inverter.

Thus, the owner of the flooded can create an electric motor for the boat with their own hands. Special skills for this do not need. One should only purchase the necessary materials and prepare some tools. As a motor, it is recommended to use a drill with a power of more than one hundred fifty watts. Such an indicator will allow you to move on the boat both when we stand and river.
In addition to the drill, you can use a trimer or a conventional electric motor. Another option is an electromotor based on a screwdriver. Such a device is cheaper in service, however, problems can occur at the speed of moving the swimming agent.

Do not cease to surprise engineering thought ordinary people. And as soon as it was possible to make it possible to assemble a homemade boat electric motor from a drill. But it has long been successfully operated, and in various design solutions. And there is a chance that the trend towards the manufacture of such products will gradually grow.

Having gathered a motor from a drill, you will save a decent amount on the purchase of a finished motor.

Advantages of electric motor from a drill

There are several reasons for this:

  • buy a boat engine will allow itself not everyone;
  • environmental legislation strictly regulates the use of factory production motors;
  • the homemade boat electric motor works almost silently, which is very important for a fisherman;
  • electromotors cost the user significantly cheaper internal combustion engines.

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Necessary power

The power drill power must be at least 150 watts.

First you need to decide on. And the main parameter is the power of this device. If it is less than 150 watts, then use such a drill for the manufacture of a boat engine will be inefficient. In standing water, something such a motor will move the boat, but there will be little time on the river from it: it will not be able to overcome the current. This is all conditional, because it is necessary to take into account the size of the boat, and the flow rate. But practice shows that it is better to do a homemade boat electric motor based on a powerful battery perforator. As a rule, the perforator is equipped with a reverse and has several modes of operation. For a boat engine is very important. It will be possible to adjust the speed of the boat when fishing "on the track" (trolling).

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Work voltage

The second point, which is very important, the operating voltage of the electric motor. It is erroneously believed that the best option is to use 18-volt battery drills. But for the manufacture of a boating electric motor is not at all. Sooner or later, but the battery will fail, and he will have to look for a replacement. Do you still find such batteries? Only in specialized power tools, and at a high price. This approach is impractical.

It is much easier to use a drill that runs from voltage in 12 V. For her, the battery is not founded. Suitable a regular car battery. And you can connect it using wires: in the boat they will not interfere.

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Required tools and materials

So, the drill in your presence is available, so you can proceed to the manufacture of the electric motor for the boat. For this idea, you will need:

  • square tube (20x20);
  • 2 clamps;
  • 2 gearbox;
  • metal tube (diameter greater than 20);
  • rod for the manufacture of a shaft;
  • metal sheet for the manufacture of impeller;
  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • screwdriver.

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Lifting mechanism for impeller

First you have to think about the mechanism that will allow you to raise the impeller above the water. The easiest solution is to the clamps to weld the metal tube, on which the base is hinged, which is a frame of a truncated quadrangular pyramid directed by a smaller base to water. In the upper part of the base (greater base of the pyramid), the bearing bed is fixed, the tube is welded to the bottom of the base. Through the tube and through the bearing skips the shaft.

It can even be a large-diameter wire, but its mass will be quite large, which is not desirable. It is better to use a smaller diameter tube. The second argument in favor of the tube lies in the fact that it can be provided with bearings in the upper and lower parts of the external pipe. The friction will be less, and the vibration of the shaft in the pipe case will almost be excluded.

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Installing the gearbox and the manufacture of propeller

The battery in a drill must be 12 volts.

On both edges of the shaft should be mounted gearboxes. Folk craftsmen recommend making gear with their own hands under the specific type of electric motor to make the number of revolutions optimal. Make it will be quite difficult and too long. You can use a gearbox from the technology that serves or purchase it in the trading network. The condition alone should be observed when choosing a gearbox: a transmit number should not be too large. Ideally, the gearbox must lower the number of turns of the drill 5 times. Pesssimists argue that such a number of revolutions is not enough, and the boat will not develop speed. We are in a hurry to dissuade you: at speed it does not affect, but the motor will not overheam due to excessive load.

The lower part of the pipe can be easily equipped with the use of the gearbox from the bararter. It remains to add an impeller to it. You can use the finished propeller from other devices, for example, the cooler from the power unit of the old computer. But such an impeller will not create a durable water flow for the movement. The propeller is recommended from sheet metal.

To do this, cut out of the sheet of tin (thickness of at least 2 mm) square with a side of 30 cm and we make 4 slots from the center of each side to the place of crossing diagonals. There should be a distance of 5 cm between the slots. You will get 4 "petals", the edges of which you need to give a rounded form. We attach them the right shape and deploy each blade for 30 degrees from their axis. If you are using a gearbox from the grinder, then in the central part of the propeller you need to do a hole, and it can already be fixed on the shaft using a fixing nut.

And now you need to connect the upper gearbox directly with the drill. Well, if the gear shaft can be closed in a drill head. Then the work is simplified to the limit: Clee the shaft and secure the drill to the database with the help of clamps. Sometimes the design of the base does not coincide with the sizes of the drill, so the tube is used to connect the gearbox and the electric motor. It must wear tight on the shaft of the gearbox. To prevent the rotation of the shaft inside the tube, reliable fixation is necessary. For this purpose, do a through hole through the tube and shaft and secure them with a pin. You can also enroll when connecting a pipe with a drill.

A homemade boat electric motor is almost ready for action: proceed to its tests and configuration. It is not necessary to put it on the boat and immediately go through the water. You can simply omit the impeller into any capacity with water and turn on the electromotor. You must feel the created stream. Check it out in various modes. If the movement is felt, then the homemade boat electric motor can be used on the reservoir. The motor during testing should work as usual and create a regular noise background.

The discredited design of the electric motor for the boat has two very serious disadvantages:

  1. There is no possibility to rotate the electromotor relative to the vertical axis. It turns out that in order to manage the boat you will need to use the paddle, and this is not entirely convenient on fishing.
  2. The boat electromotor of its own assembly is not equipped with a convenient control.

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Curlections and control

Both lacks are eliminated during the subsequent refinement. First, the base is placed on a swivel bridge. A simple design is as follows: on the mount, which is provided with clamps, in the central part you need to welcome the bolt. To the database, breed a piece of pipe, the diameter of which is commensurate with the bolt diameter. The pipe is put on the bolt, and you will have the opportunity to rotate the base together with the electric motor.

A knob is welded to the database to which the current supply regulator on the electric motor is displayed. It can be any row. At the same time, the drill will have to remake a little, connecting it to the motor directly with the rheostat. This design will be more functional.

You may have a question: is it possible to simplify the homemade boat electromotor constructively so that in the end to reduce its price and time spent on the assembly? The answer will be like this: it all depends on what components you have in stock. Folk craftsmen recommend using a flexible shaft to create boat electric motors.

The convenience of such a design is positioned in the fact that you can do without a gearbox. Torque from the engine through the shaft will be supplied directly to the impeller. The problem of such a design seems that the friction of all elements of the flexible shaft in the protective cover is quite large, and this will create an additional load on the electric motor.

The second negative point is the number of revolutions: the motor simply will not stand for a long time. At a minimum, one reducer will need. You can only do without the top gearbox. The shaft is fixed in a drill head located vertically. The engine will rotate the shaft itself, which simplifies the design. In the lower part, the gearbox is needed at least in order to change the direction of transmission of torque.

Probably, everyone who lives in the countryside or comes there to relax for the summer, has a boat or dreams of her. This is understandable, because the pastime on the water is the most desirable and most beautiful rest.

Boat rowing is an excellent sport, as it allows to strengthen the muscles of the hands and back. Another thing is that, sitting on the melts, it is difficult to pay attention to all the beauty of nature, especially if the row is inexperienced. And you can hardly be afraid of fish - only if you get anchored.

Not to mention the fact that the people of old age or those who have health problems will be very quickly tired and will not be able to float far.

But this does not mean that you need to give up walks on the river or always take a partner with you to alleviate movement. You can install an electric motor for the boat and then everything you need to do is control your ship on turns.

Here, many may argue that not everyone afford the acquisition of an electric motor. Even the electric motor "Poltava" (far from the most powerful and faded) is quite expensive.

But who said he would certainly need to buy? The electric motor for the boat can be done independently, it is not so difficult. The main thing is to be able to use welding, have free time, some patience and all the necessary details.

6. Bearings.

7. Metal rods and plates.

Of course, the design obtained from the details will differ significantly from the model described above. The electric motor for the boat of this type will not be able to move too quickly, and the time that it can work on complete power is not too large. But such an engine almost does not create noise and is fully safe for the environment.


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