Ear of contraceptive intake. nourishment

Ear of contraceptive intake. nourishment

A lot of women of the reproductive cycle suffer from the problems of ruptured menstrual cycle. Such a body can be enhanced by the growth of internal and external factors. With regular damage to the menstrual cycle, doctors often prescribe hormonal preparations for the correction of the main female hormones.

One of the most advanced drugs in gynecological practice is Dyufaston. Before the cob to the course of treatment, go to the doctor, so that you can take it right, and on any day, if the drug is to be repaired for a month. For rejection of the required effect, it is not possible to see the scheme of Duphaston's reception, or to finish the course of treatment earlier.

It is also a memory trail, that the reaction to the drug in the skin woman is individual and the term of the ear of menstruation, you may not be obsessed with the accepted norms.

Characteristics of lykarsky zasobu

If you are guilty of reading a month's worth of money, you need to know about your warehouse and the main authorities. In the role of Dyufaston's speech, dydrogesterone is a synthetic substitute for natural progesterone. The drug is dispensed in tablet form, in a skin tablet 10 mg of active speech is taken. A hand-shaped form for reception and good moisture in the intestines, accumulating a positive effect as a result of treatment, also Dyufaston є absolutely safe for reception for an hour.

Progesterone in the body of a woman has a lot of important functions. I myself regulate another phase of the menstrual cycle, so that the uterus is conceived before the pregnancy of the fruit egg. With an irregular menstrual cycle, a woman often has a lack of progesterone and a course of hormone replacement therapy is indicated.

Months of Duphaston's pains become regular, and the intensity of pain syndrome also decreases in girls with children. Danish preparation is prescribed for:

  • endometriosis;
  • Threats to abortion;
  • planned vaginosti in vypadki, like the woman in the past was meant wikidn;
  • bezpliddі.

Yak and be-like a lykarskiy zabb, Dufaston is a little bit effective. Prior to them, they recognize individual intolerance to dydrogesterone, and also bleeding "tear through". Bleeding "tear through" is most often trapped in women through the loss of estrogen and progesterone (in patients who have previously taken oral contraceptives). If there are any symptoms, it does not mean that there is an increase in the vase and if there is excess hair on the floor.

Zastosuvannya with outflows in the menstrual cycle

The head characteristic of a normal menstrual cycle is regular monthly. The triviality of a woman's cycle in the middle becomes 28 days. Duphaston's menstruation is seen on the basis of an increase in progesterone for ovulation. Hormonal regulation is even more important for the normal interruption of the menstrual cycle, whether it be in the viroblenna of the main hormones to be brought up to the start of a few months or even irregular appearance. Change the hormonal imbalance of Vinikє into the link z:
  • chronic, mlyavimi obsessed with female organs;
  • ;
  • nervous overstrained;
  • wrong taking oral contraceptives;
  • shkidlivy little beeps(Kurinnya, ominous alcoholic beverages);
  • unbalanced grub(There is a lack of proper functioning in the organism of singing vitamins and microelements to lead to the destruction of the synthesis of state hormones).
In the cycle є one of the most frequent indications before Dyufaston's recognition in women of reproductive age. Take Dufaston tablets strictly according to the scheme designated by the drug. Call the likuvannya trivia from 16 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. Dobov's dose to the drug should be 20 mg, one tablet should be taken vrance, and a friend - in the evening.

Bazhano drink in the same hour skin day. Regardless of the specific situation, the scheme for taking Dufaston can be used, as well as the doctor to carry out the correction of doses and triviality of treatment. Every month of Duphaston comes on the 3rd day (for the right medication). Some of the symptoms may appear, and after one or two days menstrual bleeding will be repaired.

A trace of memory about those, that the organism of a skin woman is individual, in children of menstruation will be repaired in 7-10 days and not to be affected by the norms. Pislya Dyufaston, a month's fault, to drink through the singing period of an hour at a skin woman. If the menstruation is not rested, then it is necessary to secretly consult with the gynecologist about the drive and, if necessary, to go through the treatment.

Remember those who Dyufaston followed only with the presence of clear medical indications. It is not unbeatable to use a drug for reducing the process of menstrual bleeding and transferring it to a longer hour for you. In such cases, people think of the drug in a few cases, but in the future there may be a lot of serious inheritance for your health.

For normalization of the menstrual cycle, carry out the treatment for 3-6 months. If you take the pills, you have no more menstrual bleeding, or because of the loss of self-esteem (nudity, zapamorochennya, blues), then it will be necessary to turn up thermally to the drug to find out the reason for such a reason.

The Ministry of Education and Science in 2018 will continue to test new rules, so that the terms of health care in the university can be accepted. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science under the number No. +1147 buv accepted in 2016 roci, 14 zhovtnya. I will follow the text of the instruction, in 2017 new procedures will be established for the admission of maybuty bachelors, specialties and masters. The order is given to read the instructions of the VNZ to raise information about the term of protection not less than the 1st date of the new beginning of the rock. In addition, in the information, they are responsible for displaying terms and for extramural students. Krim tsikh innovation, the ministry has also introduced an understanding yak "zgoda na zarahuvannya", or about everything in order.

Etapi of insurance to VNZ in 2018 roci. terms

Regarding the new rules, the terms for insurance in 2018 will be seen as follows:

Until 06/01/2018 VNZ and establish a medium-special report on your websites or specially introduced messages in the settings of a publicity:

Number of budget and paid services in 2018
- the number of messages for the whole reception,
- a number of people or pilgrims for the winners of the Olympics and all-Ukrainian persuasions,
- all information about gourmet food, including prices for accommodation and number of meals,
- re-distribution of introductory viprobauans for abіturієntіv (date and time of conduct).

- 20 worms- an ear of accepted documents for entry,
- 7 linden- the last day for the reception of documents from individuals, which enter after the results of additional admission aspirations,
- 10 lime- the last day for the acceptance of documents from among them is to follow the results of the initial tests, to be carried out by the chief mortgage independently,
- 26 lime- the last day for the receipt of documents from individuals, which enter only following the results of DI

Results of insurance until VNZ 2018 roci

- 27 lime- the last day for the beginning of the mortgage of the school publ_kuvati lists of entrants.

- 28 - 29 linden- priority protection of abortions, as they enter the posture before the VNZ by a competition of the basis and for the main directions (20% of the number of points at the VNZ),

- 29 lime- the last day of publication of competition lists of abstracts for 80% of budgetary missions, but 20% of abstracts of priority protection have been lost.

What about "Zgoda na zarahuvannya" in the new order to be taken to VNZ?

In 2017, it is possible to name the introduction of a new document, which will be called "Zgoda on Zarahuvannya". We will be given a gift before the start-up committee of the initial mortgage, not more, not less than 2 days before the entry, the order of the Higher Education Institution for protection with the obligatory designations of the same specialties. If you have a big hit, you can apply for a good one at once at 5 VNZ (not more) and add a maximum of 3 specialties in your application, it is important not to miss a term - not to know, not to be punished 2 days before you go. It is necessary for a year to spend money on something special, to cover a program, in a new one, a tribute will come in, so that I will start to accept it. Those entrants, who submit documents between the quotas of the whole set, are guilty of submitting the year for protection immediately after declaring the receipt and original of the document about coverage.

Terms and conditions of insurance before the magistratura from 2018

For reserving for a master's degree term, the receipt of documents and the completion of the entry vyprobauan visas will begin according to the rules prescribed by the rules; not earlier than 10 sickle.

The prototypes have significantly lost their lives, and even this year's style of children has not been brought to the people, since it was given from nature. Now the skin is less able to plan a stay and start a child's style, but it can be safe. Protest, incidents are consumed with anti-anti-inflammatory drugs, so, for example, the vagina when taking anti-anti-anti-aging tablets can be as much as possible.

View prototype drugs

non-hormonal pills

In order to increase the amount of visibility when taking anti-aging tablets, the mechanism of action is discernible. Prototypes can be divided into several types: hormonal and non-hormonal. Non-hormonal sperm (sperm cells) become stagnant in the muscle, anti-aging effect, when they are stagnant, reach for the rakhunok of active chemical words, so it is nasty to eat on spermatozoa. Until then, spermicide will take an active part in the speech, like on the mucus, I will put on the spill, if the mucus in the cervical canal becomes thick and the spermatozoa penetrate into the uterus. The effectiveness of such drugs in non-viscous (approximately 70%)

hormonal pills

The current pharmaceutical industry of the company is two types of anti-hormonal contraceptives: mini-drank and combined oral contraceptives. Smells are developed by their own warehouse and mechanism injected: mini-drank to replace gestagen, and drug combinations - estrogen and gestagen.

Combined oral tablets to induce ovulation, infused into the function of eggs. Until then, the stench wicks at the regression of the mucous uterus, shy by ourselves, the unhappiness of the implantation of the ovum.

Mini-drank is infused without the middle on the cervical slime, the smell of thickening and oocyte implantation, changing the power of endometriosis.

Test for vagina

What might not be expected to be?

Yakshho zhinka hoch once broke the rules for taking anti-cold pills, which means є risik nastannya nebazanaya vagitnosti. If she missed taking one pill, she was guilty of drinking it all at once, because she had guessed about it. It’s possible to get involved, but it’s possible for a woman to use barriers to contraception for seven days. The same rule goes to vrahovuvati when skipping a tablet mini-drank.


A lot of women are vvazhayut, so the continuous use of oral contraceptives can lead to without. Please tell us not to let the news come, we just have to tell you that the possibility of the vagineness of the intake of anti-cold drugs is approaching up to 100%. As soon as the visit didn’t come immediately after taking the drug, it didn’t fall into the eyes, it could happen in a month or through a meal. One of the methods of drug-free treatment includes the intake of hormonal tablets in short courses for those who have been given away. As soon as they lean back with contraceptives, the ovaries fix the virobly twice as much hormones, as well as the reason for the vaginosity, and in the greater number of cases there is a lot of bugs.

The myth about nastannya without the need to take hormonal contraceptives can’t be called without delay. Even more often, oral anti-alcohol pills are recognized during the week of abortion, and after the end of the course, the woman cannot attend. Zvinuvachuvati in the whole contraceptive is not varto, aje, shvidshe for everything, in this vypadku the reason for the failure was traumatic pouring into the mucus membrane of the uterus.

How much work is there?

As soon as the woman has an adolescent pregnancy, she is guilty of inaccurately taking hormonal drugs. Є Whole authoritatively declared fahivtsiv, that taking contraceptives in the first three modern vaginosti does not mean negative in the future.

hormonal contraceptives

Mechanism of anti-cold drugs

It’s a lot of women to think that hormonal contraceptives are even more often recognized with the help of an unreasonable conception. However, little is known about the fact that the drugs themselves will be stagnant to speed up the vaginosity.

The reason for this is that, because the speech in oral contraceptive is strong, I can get the function of the juggernaut. For a decade, the stench stinks to ovulate, to be in a sleeping camp. Then, after awakening, the yachniki mend their practice with their own strength.

Most of the time you start to get the first three months of pills. Protest, bagatokh women are still sick of food and do not use recently taken medications to negatively affect the health of the baby. Fakhіvtsі sturdzhuyut, so the amount of zapobіgannya nіyak is not in line with the health of mothers and children, and must be borne before conception, when it’s time to take contraceptives.

The reason why women should be advised to “re-read” for taking hormonal drugs in 2-3 months is obvious; Until then, for an hour, Fakhivtsi recommend vitality with coristas for themselves and as much as possible get up to the potential for vaginosity: go through the situation, go to the office, or just take it in the number of times.

When hormonal drugs are used, the vagina can come with a stretch of rock — it’s the norm. As soon as the term of conception is not passed on, then life will go back to the Center with no luck.

What is not possible when taking oral contraceptives?

It is not recommended to take hormonal contraceptives in the middle of the cycle, some may lead to hormonal imbalance in the body of the woman. Such a camp is encumbered with an accelerated form and, possibly, it is planned to visit for non-values ​​of terms.

Do not take hormonal anti-alcohol tablets more than five hours of sleep without interruption. If there is a need for it, then it will turn up to the drug in order to be guilty of taking the drug, or indicating that it is anti-aging. Do not take a part in interruption in the OK, but in this case, it is uncomfortable to guarantee 100% anti-aging effect of the drug.

In what way can vaginism occur when taking contraceptives?

Ultrasound of vagіtnoї

The changes in the rate of vaginosity after the hour of taking oral contraceptives may not be more than 2-3%.

To serve the whole person can the next factor:

  • Damage to the drug taken;
  • Zasosuvannya protozaplіdnyh zasobіv together with antibiotics;
  • Vikoristannya kostіv unconventional medicine (zokrema vіdvara zіroboyu);
  • Intestine-shlunkovy razlad.

How can you accept anti-fatigues without a sign of a liquor?

On the current day, the pharmaceutical market is offering us more than 50 types of anti-aging drugs. The price of versatility is entirely true for the fact that the skin woman is unique and of her own specialness. Only fahivets can help with the prescribed drug, vrahoyuchi all the nuances of the animal's body, even more importantly, the tablets were given the maximum anti-aging effect and at all did not suffer any side effects.

If the preparation is not correct, the effect will be incomplete - the woman may be overwhelmed, she may have side effects: swelling, hair loss, uterine bleeding, but not blood-borne vision, acceptance. The very fact that the drug is taken is guilty of the general qualification of the doctor-gynecologist.

What day will you fix it with anti-fall pills?

On the very cob of taking oral contraceptives, it is necessary to fix it from the first day of the month, in all cases at once the infusion of anti-aging effect. It is allowed to start working with an OK from 2-5 days of the month, in the first place when the ear is on the cob, it’s okay to pick up the bar for contraception. After 6 days of the month, it is not enough to fix it with some problems, some of the anti-aging effect in this case will be even low.

oral contraceptives

Yak take hormonal pills, will you unknow your vagina?

In addition, as a woman to buy an oral contraceptive in the pharmacy, prescribed by a doctor, she is guilty respectfully vivchitinstruktsii and brutal respect for the number of tablets in blister: 21 or 28.

If there are 21 tablets in a package, then the drug will need to be taken for 21 days for one tablet every day at the same hour. Then the insistence of a break lasting 7 days, and on the 8th day - again, take OK for a colish scheme.

In addition, if the package contains 28 tablets, take it for 28 days, and then, without interrupting, start taking the tablets with a new blister.

How about in the 7-day period did not come menstruation?

Even with a stretch of a seven-day break during the period of taking oral contraceptives, menstruation did not come, it didn’t panicuvati, it’s not necessary vagina. It is not necessary to check the ear of a month or even to the end of the whole period; There is a rule, if only in that case, if the woman did not violate the rules for taking the drugs: she took the pills right away, did not take antibiotics and other drugs. If it’s too bad for mali, then it’s necessary to pinch the drug’s intake and check for the present menstruation.

What are the required additional methods of contraception in the 7-day break (21 tablets per pack) or before the hour of taking placebo pills (28 tablets per pack)?

There is only one aspect, as in the beginning I will become stuck in a pedantic way of taking oral contraceptives. Even in the next period, there was a shortage of missed pills as well as unfortunate reception, as well as damage, then in the period of the seven-day interrupt the next few contraceptive methods. If the woman missed the dose of decal tablets in the next period, then the 7-day break can be missed. As soon as possible, immediately after taking the first package, then start taking the tablets from the offensive blister.

There is one more reason why it is possible to miss the seven-day interruption: as soon as the coming of the month for the woman at the moment is not good. In such a rank, you can easily add menstruation for one month. For the whole, it is necessary to simply repair without interruption by taking the tablets from the beginning of the package (21 tablets). The price is absolutely not infallible for the body of a woman, and it is not quite as far away as the current vaginosity.

It’s not easy for the skinny woman to understand the “great dose” and it cannot be unambiguously discernible, because it is possible to drink alcohol, and it doesn’t ruin the friendly injecting the drug. Fakhivtsi unanimously declare that to save the anti-aging effect it is not necessary to drink more than 400 ml of beer or 200 ml of wine. Whether it is a change in the norms, it is directly shown before the general period of consumption in alcohol is victorious and dodatkovy with contraception.

The site has been provided with information for general information. Diagnostics and diagnosis of ailments need to be carried out before a visual fakhivtsya. All drugs have a contraindication. Consultation by fakhivtsya obov'yazkov!

Olga zapituє:

Good afternoon. I started drinking three-merci for the first time. The doctor prescribes any tablets for me. All of them are suitable for receiving instructions. Ale the nobility would like to smell the child's stench for the moment? From any day you can not be afraid of being in attendance?
Shiro Dyakuyu

The maximum contraceptive drug develops after 7 days from the ear of the drug, until the end of the hour it is necessary to get additional contraception.

Yuliya zapituє:

Privit, girl! I have two meals! Vchora vipa ostnyu 21st pill (p'yu the first month of all), at the same time I take 7 days of interruption. And the millennial dosi is nemaє ((((. Pitannya: why come the stench with a stretch of qih for 7 days? do I fix a few tablets?

On the 15th, you are guilty of taking the drug, it is not fallen on the cob of menstruation. As a rule of the menstrual - some bleeding occurs during 7 days of interruption. The external contraceptive effect is infused, if the drug is consumed regularly, for 14 days from the ear of the ear.

julia zapituє:

Hello! I went to Piti Lydenet 20. Now another month is already. You write scho diya insisted on the 7th day of reception. Tobto shomіsyatsya pershі seven days to receive it is necessary to do it well?

It is not recommended to use the drug for the first time in the first month of contraception.

Margarita zapuє:

hello! at least 20 rocky, I take Femoden pivrok. by stretching before the front (fifth) cycle to receive on another pressure (which is more accurate, then on the fourth day of another pressure to receive), it was carried in 1.5-2 years after receiving the receipt OK. until the end of the acceptance, the package was protected by condoms. on the 7th day I will interrupt the menstruation. Now it’s the 1st day of taking the pills, I’ll take the act without stopping it. How is the vagueness of the vagina and how long did it go? how so, until what period?

In this situation, the vagueness of the vagina is great. Change the reception of the femoden only when it is possible to switch on the mobility. For the whole, it is necessary to go through the examination of the gynecologist and reconsider the level of hCG in the blood.

Margaret will sing:

I'm going! I have the same nutrition. less than 20 rock. I would like to buy more anti-aging pills for the first time? shk_dlivo price ??

At the same time, if you plan to visit in 6 months, the whole hour is more beautiful than vicoristovuvati non-hormonal, bar'erni use contraception, for example - a condom. On the right, in that, 3 months before the vagina, it is necessary to fix the hormone-containing OK, in order for your hormonal background to be updated and ready before conception.

Alina zapituє:

I got me 18 rocky, I’m the first month ok, I’ve drank 10 days and on the 11th day, I’ll get a boy, I don’t get 11 pills. how much vaginosity ????? even more afraid

At the same time, if We took the drug Novinet immediately with the instructions, without missing it, at the same hour, or didn’t take the drug, so that the activity of the contraceptive was reduced, and the vaginal malignancy was reduced. So as the contraceptive activity of Novinet is maximal, it develops on this add in the form of a cob of regular intake (if you thought you would take the drug on the first day of the menstrual cycle). You can read more about the mechanisms of combined oral contraceptives for organism. You can change the Novinet's reception in an emergency mode, however, in the event of any symptoms of vaginosity (weakness, tediousness, change of appetite, etc.), you must go through the gynecologist's examination. For the prevention of vaginosity, it is possible to undergo ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, as well as the determination of the level of good gonadotropin in the blood (HCG) - the adjustment of the level of the hormone in the blood, allowing for the early appearance of the term.

Natalia will feed:

Good afternoon. For me 21 rik, newinet was prescribed. I’m not a joke, the stench definitely doesn’t fit into my health and the health of children, so how am I planning a child? And yet, be we caress, let me tell you, how can Tempalgin be taken from Novinet? and what do you pour alcohol into the Novinet show?

Novinet’s reception does not add to the woman’s other functions; At the reception of Novineta you can store tempalgin. Alcohol is not added to Novinet's contraceptive effect. Read more information in the "News."

Tatiana will be fed:

Good afternoon. I drank rigevidon for 3 months, then 2 months for a break. Infected the 3rd day of the month, how can I remember to drink from this year or tomorrow, if I can remember the stench of the day? Thank you!

To fix the consumption of any contraceptive Hormone-containing drugs, including Rigevidon, it is not necessary for another day of the menstrual cycle. If you fix the drug intake in a larger term, your contraceptive activity can be reduced, and by holding out the first month of your intake, you will get an unplanned vaginality. You can read more reports on the availability of the diagnosis, and you can read in the series of our articles dedicated to the current situations, when you need to take into account the availability of the delay and conception:

Katerina will drink:

I'm going! I have 17 rockies. I will accept femoden for the third month. I didn’t miss any pills. it is necessary to protect the skin once it is 7 days before it is enough, but if it is necessary, then how many days it is necessary to protect it before it?
And yet, who can change the packaging from Femoden, and what does it mean ???? Thank you for zdalegіd!

Additional methods of contraception are necessary in the first cycle of the drug used, for an instantaneous contraceptive effect of the drug. Pharmacological form in the right to change the packaging of the drug, it is caused only if it perishes, but the active components have been lost. More details about the possible options for contraception, about the plus and minus, about the infusion on the reproductive system of the woman, and the rules for choosing the optimal contraception.

Darina zapit:

Privit) I am wandering, I can’t know any specific reports) I’ll be new 5 months in about one hour + - a year) needed additional contraceptive methods on the cob of the skin course of pills, but only for the first time, but only for the first time. Thanks)

It is necessary to start using additional methods of contraception only on the ear of the first cycle of the drug taken in the onset of the cycle. You can read more details about the contraceptive drug Novinet, the rules of its administration, showing that the contraceptive drug is injected until it is consumed, and also, about the infusion of the drug on the reproductive system of the woman, you can read it in our thematic distribution with the same name: Novinet.

Darina zapit:

і more nutrition) Chi pouring in a suction of Hexicon and furadonin tablets for contraceptive effect New?

When the antibacterial drug furadonin is consumed, the contraceptive dose may decrease, in this case, for an hour taken by the drug, it is recommended to use the additional bar'erni methods of contraception. You can read more details about the contraceptive drug Novinet, the rules of its administration, showing that the contraceptive drug is injected until it is consumed, and also, about the infusion of the drug on the reproductive system of the woman, you can read it in our thematic distribution with the same name: Novinet.

Katerina will drink:

I'm going! For me, Katya, at least 19 years old, started taking Mediana pills for the first time, already 9 days of menstruation. Not long ago, two days ago I started seeing blood (mazhe), is it okay? And on the next day, when I took the pill, after 1-1.5 years, when I didn’t steal the act, I was caught up by the way of being so biased, I didn’t have a meal for me, but I’m still worried, I’m worried about those who didn’t have ovulation. Є How old are you? If the amount of the drug, Mediana, start the day? Thank you very much in advance for your feedback.

Katerina commentє:

And what about the inter-place blood visions of guilt? the stench is small.

So, the first few months of taking hormonal contraceptives are especially important. A regular menstrual cycle should be established, and bleeding will be repaired regularly at 7-day interval before the end of the front packing and on the cob of the onset.

Lyudmila zapituє:

Good afternoon! I have a pharmaceutical company in the end of 2012. The gynecologist recognized the message as OK "Midiana". I took 7 pills. However, I have shown side effects: headache, tediousness, sleep deprived, dumb bastard to cohana people. Pitannya take: how can you throw piti pills at once? What are the inheritances? And if it is possible not to take this drug - in principle, it is not possible to take pills. If you renew yourself if you receive a message OK? Thank you.

Lena zapituє:

hello! Say whether the caress at my bull has died the vagina 12.09.12 I was prescribed a medication pill for the first day of the cycle, but at the same time they were assigned to build shelter for hormones on the 3rd day of the menstrual cycle, and again from the ear of 17 months, 23 days, and the shelter for hormones vin! Take me more pills, or better drink it if there are other months already! ?? And still nourishing, if I can get in touch? thank you in advance)))


I drink yarina pivrok robbed the 7-day break, the next day, after the end of the last few days, I also had pills for the buv P.A. without using contraception! Why is it possible to visit?

In addition, if you regularly take the drug without skipping, then you will have a contraceptive effect when I interrupt for seven days, so I take the drug for the first time, after the seven-day interruption ends. At your vipadku, the risk of vaginenny is minimal, it is not possible to drive for peace of mind. For more details on the sales of the contraceptive drug, see the cycle of articles.

Marya will supply:

7 days have passed since the abortion
lykar, saying everything is good, she is healthy.
you can drink protisaplidnі
love. you can drink jess i yak yogo
drink and if you can have sex and on the 7th day went a month

If abortion is carried out in the first trimester, then taking the drug Jess is recommended on the same day. If an abortion will be carried out in another trimester, then it is recommended to start taking anti-pregnancy symptoms in 21-28 days. Hormonal protivoplіdni drugs are taken only after prior consultation and the sign of the drug. If you don’t think about taking the drug for an abortion in the first trimester at once, then I recommend you to take the onset of menstruation and start taking pills for the first day of menstruation. Abortion is followed by a sexual life for the period of 1 month and news of the month of Chergov's menstruation. You can learn more about Jes V's drug from the information section of our website: Jes

Marya will supply:

hello. if the abortion is 12 days later than 8 days since abortion means I need to wait 21-28 days to have an abortion and why are you drinking?

valentina zapituє:

Good afternoon. I have 17 rockies. Likar prescribing piti to Chloe. Razkazhit be weasel yak piti. What day can you not be sure? What is the number of articles per day? Yak dіє alcohol on tsі pills?

Denmark is a protizaplіdny contraceptive with good instructions to take from the first day of the menstrual cycle. Tablets slid accept 1 piece, sold in one and the same hour. You should take all active pills (21 pieces), then take inactive white color pills for 7 days. When you take inactive pills, you are guilty of having your menstrual period. Regardless of the fact that in every day you will think, immediately after the end of the intake of tablets from the first package, you should repair a new package.

Olesya zapituє:

I started to accept ok medіana and when I took the 8th pill of non-abduction sex, how much more vaginal?

Clarify whether weasel, on the day of the menstrual cycle, We felt that a hormonal contraceptive was consumed. With a lot of information, it will be possible to more accurately reflect on your nutrition.

Olesya comments:

from the first day mts

In this situation, the vagueness of the vagina is small. You can continue to keep the Median in an emergency mode, however, if there are non-specific symptoms (abdominal pain, weakness, tediousness, and so far), hormonal contraceptive intake will need to be interrupted for a vagologist. More reports on the rules for the intake of drugs from the group of hormonal contraceptives and injections on the reproductive system of women, you can read in our section: Hormonal contraceptives.

Venus will power upє:

Hello, my name is Venus. Having prescribed Likar to Midian, I took the first day of menstruation and drank the course. At the 7th day I had a break in menstruation, I took the pills from the new package the next day, when the menstruation was over, and I remembered the hour of taking the pills. Nutrition: how can you change the hour of taking the tablet for the ability to start and normally, then the menstruation has started earlier, not started (blame it for 15 days, and it was 7 days old, the tablet left in front of the front) 4 days. Late devil.

In that case, if you changed the hour of taking a contraceptive drug, it is recommended for the first seven days when you take a supplementary method of contraception, for someone who won’t get any vagueness.
When a contraceptive drug is consumed, menstrual vision is normal for a seven-day break.
For more details about the rules for contraceptive drug use, read the following cycle of articles: Contraceptive.

Anastasia will feed:

I started drinking the drug Lindenet20 from the 6th day on a cob cycle, the break did not ... Every day the ear of a new pack may not be taken care of ?!

In this type of V, you may not be able to take the tablets from the new pack of Lindinet from the first day, and it is also not necessary to interrupt the day, since the contraceptive effect will expand throughout the whole day. For more details about the rules of reception of Lindinet, you can read the thematic section of the site: Lindinet

Yuliya zapituє:

I took 6 tablets of Yarini, I started drinking from the first day of menstruation, and after the first day of menstruation, after about 8 years, I have not had an act of being uninspired. Is it even from 7 tablets to be repaired?

In that case, if you thought that Yarin took care of Yarin from the first day of the menstrual cycle, there is no need to go into additional methods of contraception, because of the risk of vaginal disabilities. For more details from this nutrition, you can read the information in the thematic section of our website: Yarina

I will feed it:

Good afternoon! I will take Khloe as soon as the second month, I vchora vip took a pill, and after 15 minutes I vip a bottle of beer, and I got a whole lot of my kid in my mind, who can get a trip? What needs to be done? thank you

Alcohol decreases the effectiveness of medications, including those of antipathy, ale vrahoyuchi, and low alcohol drinks, and the number of these drugs is low, the effectiveness of the drug Chloe is too much to be consumed. For more details from this nutrition, you can read the information in the thematic section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

I want to commentє:

On a cob of another pack I missed one pill, didn’t drink it, I missed it on the next day, I didn’t take it straight to the wound, after I went through this day, it’s hard to get rid of it, thank you

At the same time, if the scheme for taking hormonal contraceptives has been ruined, its efficiency decreases, so I recommend that you take a vagina test at the time of your menstruation. For more details from this nutrition, you can read the information in the thematic section of our website: Viability test

Anya zapituє:

Good afternoon. Let’s say, be weasel, why don’t overstep the children of the protesters (Lindinet 20) drink a bottle of champagne kelikh on the last day of the taken pills in the first month? Alcohol is used to take hilin in 15-20 hours after taking a tablet. Do you want to get used to drinking alcohol before the 7th day of taking a break in taking pills? And why can you have sex without additional methods of contraception from the ear of another pack in such minds?

Alcohol lowers the effectiveness of anti-alcohol drugs, including Lindinet 20. The praise of alcohol in a high dose of vimag of the consumption of additional bar-based contraceptive methods. If V did not take alcohol by reaching out to the cob to take pills from the beginning of the package, then additional contraception is not needed. Read in more detail about information about children, ways of storing, showing and proving anti-aging tablets Lindinet 20.

Anya zapituє:

And if you still drink alcohol, then after what hour of writing you need a dodatkovy zakist, 1 day, or 7?

In addition, if you take hormonal contraceptives, then taking alcohol in a small dose is not contraindicated, but the interval becomes not less than 3 years. Contraception is not required for the general population. I’ll take alcohol at a great dose, but I’ll add a bar of contraception with a hand. You can read more information about this nutrition in the thematic section of our website, following the next step: Hormonal contraceptives

Lena zapituє:

hello!) for 19 years! I started to drink the drug Jess plus, vibla їkh to recommend it for young people who are not people! I started drinking from the first day of bleeding! in the instruction it is written that I’ll start the day from the first day I’m welcome! on the 4th day there were no abductions of the statute act, on the coming day the bloodshed were lost! say be weasel, why didn’t buy one for one? and for some reason I soon saw that it was all over! Thank you very much!

In the first cycle of contraceptive drug consumption, you can make the vision, smear it, the price is normal. In that case, even if the situation is not stable for 2-3 cycles, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. For the first cycle of contraceptive medication, it is recommended for the first 10 days of vikoristovuvati all the same to add new methods of contraception. For more details about the contraceptive drug Jess, the rules of its contraceptive, read in the cycle of articles about the following: Jess.

Natalia will feed:

Good day!!! Meni 26, drank Lindinet for 20-21 days, made a pause for 7 days, for 6 days, and the menstrual cycle did not teach, I drink for all the first month, except for the tablets, I didn’t protect myself, I’m even afraid of being overwhelmed. for the empty operation from the vision of the miomi. Pidkazhit, how robiti?

At the same time, as long as V did not violate the rules of taking the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet, the risk of vaginosity is practically every day. Regardless of bleeding, the Chergov package of tablets should be repaired strictly behind the graph. As soon as you are aware of the correctness of the drug taken, I recommend that you develop blood analysis for hCG, allowing you to diagnose the diagnosis in early terms. You can find out more about you in the thematic section of our website: Analysis on HCG - early diagnosis of vaginosis. About the drug Lindinet, you can get additional information about it.

Marina zapituє:

Finished Piti Novinet 7.11, if Chloe can be repaired? In 7 days, how about a month's return? What is needed in the first few days to get contraception?

Svitlana will supply:

I'm going! I am fond of "Novoring" and I started to take furadonin, why are there any wines on "Novoring"? That is, Do you want to use barriers to contraception?

The drug Furadonin can be consumed during the period of the week of the week of Novoring, so as the cost does not interfere with the modality between themselves and the efficiency of Novoring is not underestimated. In more detail, we can send you information on how to send you information.

Olga zapituє:

Hello, I have less food, I am breastfeeding even more rock, when the curtains were guarded by the bar method, at the same time I switched to OK. Menstruation at me was renewed. I started drinking Laktinet ® from the first day of the month.

Olga comments:

I do not call to mind, why should I take my year? Laktinet ® tse is an analogue of Charosetti, a yak is allowed in case of HS.

There is a small amount of the active component of a given contraceptive to be seen in breast milk, so it is recommended not to use a contraceptive when breastfeeding. For more details, you can read the information in the thematic section of our website, following the instructions:

Olena zapituє:

I'm going! I started drinking the drug "Logest" (23 rocky, I didn’t give it up, I didn’t use anti-cold pills until the last time, "Logest" pleased the drug when the analysis was carried out). Menstruation passed on the 21st of the night, in the evening of the 22nd I took a pill. On this day, you will receive (the graph is not broken), if you have not taken the act for 6 years before you will take the pills. Before taking the drug in the middle cycle, take 30 to 35 days. What is the quality of the attendance and how much of it?

At the same time, if you take the logest for the scheme from the first day of menstruation, then additional contraception is not required by stretching the period of the given contraceptive. Rizik of vaginosti in your vipadku vіdsutnіy. For more details on the drive, read the following series of articles on our website, following the instructions: logest

Anastasia will feed:

Good afternoon. I’m starting to drink something new from tomorrow, because the months are coming. In 2 days I am going to Ukraine for 3 weeks, there is a troch of climat (I want one smuga) .. How can I take my pills and not come anyway? Also, according to the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe vision, it will be due to * the preparation * for a 7-day break. How soon will I come back and how will the tablets be effective? So 99% itself is zagist?

In the same way, if you fix the hormonal contraceptive use. New from the first day of the menstrual cycle, the anti-aging effect will be taken by the prolonged period of taking the pills, and also on the 7th day of the need to interrupt the contraceptive method. It’s not a good idea for the climes not to spoil the sutta’s changes on the replacement of the menstrual cycle when taking hormonal contraceptives, and if you are bleeding, you’ll be guilty about taking a 7-day break. Please review more detailed information on referring to you.

Anastasia will feed:

nutrition. So I didn’t know from any day to start a new day. Z 7? Why should I go out for years to prey on and young people can be in me, vibrate for viraz, kinchati? I get 99%, right?

The contraceptive effect of the drug will not be repaired from the first day after taking it, so there is no need to use the method of contraception for an hour or so, including a 7-day break. For more details on the drive, read the following cycle of articles on our website, following the instructions: Novinet

Yuliya zapituє:

I'm going! I'll accept the "logest" (I'll finish the first blister). In the seven-day period, if there is a lot of bleeding in vidmini, it’s important for me, in conjunction with who else would like to add bleeding.
In the inventory of the drug it is said that it is worthwhile - for the sake of not having enough time to interrupt and immediately fix the tablets from the onset of the blister.
Offensive feed:
1. Do you obov'yazkovo in a whole lot of drinking without interrupting the whole blister? To finish off bleeding all for a few days.
2. Is it possible to take a bottle of pills from another blister, to correct the bleeding for a few days, how can you use a bottle of pills?
3. As a single vikhid - drink the whole blister whole, how much wider is the phenomenon, how is the uterine bleeding? What next to robiti when you appear - prodovzhuvati for the graph or take a drug?

At the same time, if you want to read off your menstruation, then take the pills from the box without interrupting, when you step on the package, you need to drink it until the end, in order to get through the most important interruption and continue using the contraceptive regimen. The bleeding is rare and the understanding is not guilty of you lyakati - such bleeding is not superficially clear, do not revenge clots and є painless. Read more detailed information to quote you. You can see the thematic section of our website, following the next step: logest

Julia comments:

Tobto, if there is a diagnosis of unnecessary bleeding before taking another package, the drug should be taken in a special mode?

So, in the given situation, it is recommended to continue using hormonal contraceptive for the scheme. Read more detailed information about nutritional functions and you can in the thematic sections of our website, follow the next steps: Hormonal contraceptives, logest

Natalia will feed:

Chi є bleeding vіdmini (to build so it is called) in the 7-day break between two packs of COCs I know the visibility of the vaginosity? In other words, how can the bleeding be seen if the vagina has come?

At the same time, it’s because of the intake of hormonal contraceptives, the vagina all the same came, bleeding on the 7th day of the break in the day. For more details on the drive, read the following series of articles on our website, following the instructions: Hormonal contraceptives

Anastasia will feed:

Good afternoon. I p'yu novinet, vipila 9 tablets. On the first day, pain in the lower abdomen, especially on the left side. Not much, a little more visible. I do not expect, periodically. I small blood vision. Calls are not big, brown ones. Tse in the order of speeches, or is it wrong? Why should I use a contraceptive for the drug? Vagіtnіst vyklyuchena 100% Saw newinet pіv rock back, drank 1 month, this didn’t happen. Everything was good. Especially less hvilyu, what are the tablets?

At the first time of taking hormonal contraceptives, there is little vision, it is not less, the contraceptive effect, with the correct acceptance, is guided by the instructions, it is not difficult to experience it. For more details on the drive, read the thematic series of articles on our website, following the instructions: Novinet

Julia zapituє:

On the 10th of the day, I went overboard on the 14th-15th of the day for medical care. shown. At the onset of the month (perhaps not immediately on the day of the transfer), they designated the prototype Lindinet / Regulon / Zhanin abo siluet. Previously, Nicoli didn’t take protizaplіdnі pills.
On any day, with a cob of pills, can you live peacefully without a condom? They also fenced me off.

Even though the use of hormonal contraceptives is to be repaired from the first day of the menstrual cycle (the first day of bleeding), then additional contraception is not required during the menstrual cycle, and also in the days of interruption, that in the additional necessary methods of bar''tsrno German contraception. Otrimate more detailed information on how to tell you about the rules and features of taking hormonal contraceptives.

Olena zapituє:

Virishila accept OK. Lykar prescribed Chloe. Do you need to take the first meal of the day on the first day of the month? I want to take a placebo in the last month. And in the first month of the month, hormonal, why?

The cycle of fatigue is less than 29 to 33 days. If I start taking the pills on the first day of the month, then on the 7th day I will stop on the 22nd day. I can't have a month to break! My organizm is pratsyu in an іnshomu. So, in the first month, it takes less than an hour, when they came in the next month (so I fix the hormones for the month). Tobto 21-4 days. I have three days for 4 days. In 17 days, a new month will come - my body cannot be so fast.
Would you like to come in a month before you receive another package?

Chloe's hormonal contraceptive, like іnshі protizaplіdnі medication, breaking up according to a special formula, as transferring hormonal change of hormones, which will help to increase the need for vaginosity. On the basis of hormonal contraceptives, there is a faster menstrual cycle, control of hormone intake. Regardless of the fact that if there is any bleeding, take the medication from the date strictly prior to the assignment in the instructions. You can review more detailed information by referring you to the thematic section of our website, following the next step: Hormonal contraceptives

Olena commentsє:

There is no information about the drug Chloe

You can find out more detailed information about the sales of the proto-germ drug and you can use it on the Internet resources, according to the report about the warehouse, the order of receipt, the proof is shown before the appointment. General information about anti-cancer drugs to get in the box: Hormonal contraceptives. You can also review the detailed information about hormonal contraceptives Chloe at the doctor's favorite gynecologist, who has indicated the drug to you. Please review more detailed information on referring to you.

Olena zapituє:

I'll take Chloe this day. I will take 21 tablets before 28 days. Take a 7 day break (placebo pills). A few months in the whole period, I can’t think of it, so at the calendar of the stench of guilt I’ll see only 7 fierce. Chi є risik zavagіtnіti in the whole period?

In this vipadku form іnshiy menstrual cycle - after the end of taking active pills for 7 days, interrupt you think you are bleeding. With the correct use of the contraceptive, Chloe risky vaginosti on the day of the day and on the day of taking active pills, and on the day of taking inactive pills, so that a bar of contraception is not required. Please review more detailed information on how to quote you. You can see the thematic section of our website if you follow the next step: Hormonal contraceptives

Katya zapituє:

I'm going! I started taking Mediana from the first day of the month. Years (5th day) months have ended. Tell me if there is a caress, a contraceptive effect to the drug already after a few days, or is it not even necessary to take care of condoms? If you need to beware of condoms, what time is it if there is a contraceptive effect on Midiana?

If you take a contraceptive from the first day of the menstrual cycle, then you will need to use a contraceptive method for the first 7 days. Please review more detailed information on referring to you.

Olya zapituє:

I'm going! I'm 18 years old, I recently started taking Lindinet 20, vipila 9 tablets, but recently I have had cystitis, why not take hormonal contraceptives at once with antibiotics, and specifically with furodanin?

Furadonin is not an antibiotic, it can be used to antibiotic conditions, which does not reduce the effectiveness of the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet. Beruchi offend given the drug, I recommend that you come and go with it in the middle of the year. Rewrite the supplementary information on referring to you. You can refer to the general distribution of our site, following the next steps: Lindinet. You can also check out additional information about it in the next sections of our website: Hormonal contraceptives, Cystitis

Love will feedє:

I'm going! I started taking Midiana immediately from the first day of my menstrual cycle (I hadn't taken any contraceptive pills before). Let’s say, be weasel, on any day, when I’m taking a cob of Mediany’s, the contraceptive effect can be reached, and it’s possible not to go into the barn of contraception? I, please, be kind, explain how you pour alcohol into the contraceptive effect of Midiani? Thank you!

At the same time, if you take Median's hormonal contraceptive from the first day of the menstrual cycle, then fix it from the 7th day of taking, there is no need for additional methods of contraception. Read more detailed information to quote you You can in the thematic section of our site, follow the next steps: Hormonal contraceptives.

Drinking alcohol on the basis of hormonal contraception is not necessary, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced and the growth of the risk of unnecessary vaginosity is significantly reduced. In those days, if you take alcohol (in small doses, it is necessary), it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception. You can read about the report on the following section of our website: Contraception and contraceptives

Liya zapituє:

Hello, when I was 18 years old, after three months of a month I’ll get up and go up to 7 months regularly, but later we started to go back to it for a day or two! for the last 3 months, she quickly threw off the vagu, becoming very painful to live for the hour of the month! Before the flat weighed 54kg for the hour of travel 65 for the flat for 60 and for the last 3 months it dropped to 47! Robil uzi said that there is a cystic structure on both cells and that pneumatosis of the intestine is indicated! They said to drink the protozaplіdnі schhob type wagu Lіndіnet! before the gynecologist, I didn’t go yet! I can't sing melodiously! Dad is on the robot and I'm not going with the child!
So the axis of what is possible for me not to pay attention to the number of people? Vibachte, it’s unreasonable, it’s just that the nicholas didn’t ring against the protesters!

Given the situation, there is no need to engage in self-abuse, some hormonal contraceptives can be recognized by you only as a doctor gynecologist for a detailed situation. I recommend that you create a blood test for hormone status, as well as for thyroid hormone, the deterioration of the function of this organ can also lead to damage to the menstrual cycle. Fix the prototype tablets until the results of the analyzes are removed.

Please review more detailed information on referring to you. You can see the general distribution of our site, following the next steps:

Olga zapituє:

I'm going! 31 may have been distributed for a month and on the same day Bula vipita persha tablet Lindinet 20. Tell me, after a few days, you might not be able to do it? Є intercourse for the number of pa? Chi pouring alcohol into the dyu? How much can you smoke if you have OK?

If you take the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet for the first time, then for the first 14 days, it is recommended to use the additional methods of contraception. There is no need for additional contraception either in the day of taking the pills, or in the days of interruption. Alcohol decreases the number of hormonal contraceptives, and curriculum slides around. For more details on the drive, read the thematic cycle of articles on our site, following the instructions: Lindinet. You can also check out additional information on this in the offensive section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Irina zapituє:

Good day. I started taking Regulon from the first day of the month (the first time in my life). I take 6 days, without missing, at one time. I to the other nutrition: what is the PPA when taking Regulon by the additional method of taking? Thank you

In addition, if you take the hormonal contraceptive Regulon You for the first time, for the first 14 days, you need to use a pre-existing method of contraception, as a result of the use of contraceptives, no pills will ever be consumed. Read more detailed information to quote you. You can check out the thematic section of our website, following the next step: Regulon. You can also check out additional information on this in the offensive section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Sofia zapituє:

I didn’t take OK before, I’m taking Jes vipil’s pill on the 6th day of the cycle, for 9 buvs of non-abduction, I’m continuing to take the pills, why should I get it?

In the given situation, the vaginosity of the vaginosity to reach the top, some in that case, if you take a hormonal contraceptive for the first time, then the additional methods of contraception are used for the first 14 days. In case of menstrual bleeding in the days of interruption, I recommend that you make a vagina test. Please review more detailed information to quote you. You can see the thematic section of our website, following the next steps: Contraception and contraceptives. You can also check out additional information on this in the offensive section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives

Olena zapituє:

Hello, I drank the first course (21 tablets) Lindinet 20, but on the 5th day of the 7th day, take a break, once before the hour of the month (on the 3rd day) without P.A. Thanks in advance ..

In that case, as during the entire menstrual cycle, we took the hormonal contraceptive Lindinet without missing or broken, the bar'erni methods of contraception are not needed, I have been fixing from the 14th day I have taken, including days for interruption, for that Please review more detailed information to quote you. You can see the thematic section of our site, following the next step: Lindinet. You can also check out additional information about it in the offensive section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives Hormonal contraceptives

Anastasia will feed:

Good afternoon. I had a drink of novinet, the same day. I wanted to sleep, the axis can be done like this, so if I drink 21 pills, then 7 days break, I know 21 tablets and 7 days break, and then DO NOT finish the third pack? Vipiti well, 7-10 tablets, if I know a break? Why not zashkodit organizmu or obov'yazkovo dopivat cycle increase?

It is not possible to take the drug in such a rank of administration - it is easy to follow the instructions for living all the tablets from the package, so that when they are taken, they do not immediately get dyshormonal bleeding. If you don’t plan to take a medication for the third month, then it’s better not to fix it by taking pills from the third package. Please review more detailed information on how to quote you. You can see the thematic section of our website, following the next step: Novinet. You can also check out additional information on this in the offensive section of our website: Hormonal contraceptives



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