Zahvoryuvannya heart court system and prevention. How to save yourself from heart ailments

Zahvoryuvannya heart court system and prevention. How to save yourself from heart ailments

Sertsevo-sudinni ailment (CVD) is the main cause of mortality in the middle of the population of the primary population. Individuals with symptoms of ill health ІХС and hypertension approve the group of those who find rhizik the development of acceleration and death from CVD.

Prophylaxis of ailments - don't come in, don't just try to get sick (immunization, the fight against ailments carriers, but a campaign to fight against women) As a matter of fact, in the prevention of ill health, the WHO promotes three strategies:

    Mass prophylaxis - come in, direct to the development of the population's sanctuary, the formation of the attitude of people towards a healthy way of life and the establishment of minds for its realization. Tse, in the first place, the state policy for the protection of the health of the population, economic policy, as well as the system of mass information.

    Evolution of specialties with a high level of risk of development of ailments and correction of factors of risk. And come in as a medical staff and not only carry out mass preventive maintenance, but also special training of medical personnel using methods of health improvement and individual prevention.

    Secondary prophylaxis - detection, recovery and rehabilitation of ailments.

Schhob successfully fought against ailments, and later, cause the mechanism to develop. However, in the basis of a great deal of illness, there is not one, but a whole complex of various factors. The most powerful lantsyuzhok of the bureaucrats, each one, one at a time, and all at once, bring it to the point of ailment. At the same time, in one people, there is one combination of factors that is more important, and in the other - іnsha. The number of years allowed to see the factor of CVD risk. It can be divided into two groups: factors, changes which are unfortunate, and factors, which can be inserted into. Until the first time to become, vik, decline. It seems that people who are ill at the IXC are often ill and develop into a bigger young man than women. Rizik get involved in the IXC to grow up for children and women. People who have the closest relatives suffer from heart-sickly sickness (especially, if they have suffered myocardial infarction at the age of up to 50 years), they may be uncomfortable with the decline and the risk of sickness at the IXC.

Prior to other factors in the risk (FR), as it is possible to change, the smoking of cigarettes, excessive oil consumption, overwhelming alcohol consumption, low physical activity are possible.

The recommendation for prevention of the IXC appeared in the last few years, and was promoted by the working group of the European Association of Cardiologists, the European Partnership for Atherosclerosis and the European Partnership for Hypertension, to step up the vision. For example, after the level of hypercholesterolemia: easy - 5-6.5 mmol / l; pomirna - 6.5-8 mmol / l; swiveled - visce 8 mmol / l.

    normal AT - systolic AT (SAT) below 140 / or diastolic AT (DAP) below 90 mm Hg. Art.;

    myaka AG - GARDEN 140-180 і / abo DAT 90-105 mm Hg. Art.;

    prikordonna AG - GARDEN 140-160 і / abo DAT 90-95 mm Hg. Art.;

    pomirna і important AG - GARDEN food 180 і / or DAP food 105 mm Hg. Art.;

    Systolic AH is isolated - SBP is 140 and DAP is lower than 90 mm Hg. Art.;

    near-cordon isolovana AG - GARDEN 140-160 and DAP lower than 90 mm Hg. Art.

As it has already begun, the development of ІХС grows in proportion to the number of FRs, even in the middle of a dozen we see three main FRs: AG, curvature and hypercholesterolemia (HCS). A special place for a loan is AG, which is not only meaningful as FR at ІХС, but as an independent pathological camp, it is not safe for the life of a sick person.

Nearly 23% of the overgrown population is suffering from arterial hypertension, while the older group is increasing in number. Closely few ailments do not know about their manifestations of ailment, and it is effective not more than 15% of ailments to be elated. Few of the ailments didn’t get sick of nicholas, because they wanted a small history of arterial grip. Unimportant to those with more ailments (close to 60%), they may not increase the arterial pressure, but 3/4 of the process will have a stable character. Bagato ailing s AG does not show skarg. At the same hour, it seems that no symptoms of an arterial grip have changed, and the progress of the disease has not changed, and it has not been possible to ensure that some of the ailing people are not safe for life.

In the case of a skin condition, the appearance of an advanced level of AT lykarya maє buti:

a) the visibility of the stability of the AT and the appearance of pathological changes from the side of the internal organs, in the middle of the heart, brain, nirok;

b) identify the cause of the arterial vise (hypertensive ailment, symptomatic hypertension).

From a successful revision of the production process, the tactics of testing and forecast will be found. In order to raise the possible reasons for the reduction of the arterial vise, to carry out, as far as possible, the conditions for the onset of symptomatic hypertension, especially in individuals of the young and middle age, should be carried out. Khvorov serednogo vіku have yakih at profіlaktichnomu obstezhennі viyavleno AG in bіlshostі vipadkіv vdaєtsya available in polіklіnіtsі postaviti dіagnoz methods, in which over 40 osіb rokіv in perevazhnіy bіlshostі cause of pіdvischennya arterіalnogo vise viyavlyaєtsya gіpertonіchna hvoroba (napriklad, y cholovіkіv 40-59 rokіv cause of pіdvischennya arterial vise in 86% of cases of hypertensive ailment, in 7% - symptomatic hypertension). 5-10% of the ailments with actively evolved AH are lost in the condition of the needles. Tse bully patients with a general anamnesis of illness, key signs of symptomatic hypertension, with a high arterial grip.

    Yaksho to navit one-time arterial vise reach 160/95 mm Hg. Art. if there is evidence in anamnesis of arterial hypertension in individuals who take antihypertensive drugs at the time of maintenance from a reconstituted AT.

    Yakshho index of masti tila Quetelet for 29.0 and more.

    If the level of blood cholesterol is too low to become 250 mg / dl or 6.5 mmol / l or more; triglycerides (TG) range of up to 200 mg / dl or 2.3 mmol / l or more; The level of HDL cholesterol drops to 39 mg / dL or 1 mmol / L and lower in women and 43 mg / dL or 1.1 mmol / L and lower in women.

    With regular smoking, take one cigarette per add.

    With low physical activity - that is, if more than half of the working hour is spent sitting), and at a later stage, walking, on the way, etc. To borrow less than 10 years for a week.

We will expand the FR of the middle of the patriotic population, especially the middle of the population, and of the city. In chickens, for the data of the WHO, often develop heart-sore throat, oncological (due to the deterioration of the mental system), broncholegenic discomfort. The variability of the pathology, the frequency of the acceleration of mating is not only due to the fact of shortage, but also due to its intensity. On the thought of VOOZ experts, there are no "baked" types of tyutyunovies, so as the range of awkward speeches in the tyutyunovy dim is wide, go by changing one or two of them (for example, for additional special types). ...

In this day, the fight against chicken in this type of chicken is carried out in the country, and is mainly focused on keeping the ears of chicken by non-smokers, eliminating passive chicken, reducing the absent authorities of young ... For successful propaganda to fight against chickens, it is necessary to have a lot of teeth and propaganda, and at the end of the day, all the more respect will come to clarify the long history of chickens, as well as positive aspects of the vision (half of the chickens).

In the fight against the townspeople, an important role is played by all medical workers, albeit especially practical doctors and nurses, who are most often in contact with the populations. People most often use smoking for the sake of health care providers. Insanely important special butt for nurses and nurses.

Zvichka to palinnya- foldable psychosomatic fallowness, irregularly amalgamated with types of smoking behavior. Likar is guilty of being patient, but rather put an emphasis on the joke of an "alternative" substitution of chicken in a specific skin problem, the curt being used in "spirits", acting as if to think about the need and the real possibility of cursing. It is necessary to set a positive motivation at the curtsy until you see the call and change it, but it’s more beautiful to see it at once. It is recommended to navchit the patient to the elements of auto-training with the introduction of special formulas ("Having kicked the chicken, I have presented myself with five rocks of everyday life", "Quit smoking, I felt the surge of health", etc.). In some cases it is brought to a sedative and symptomatic therapy, and in cases of physiological depletion - to a specific drug treatment.

Lykarska therapy kurinnya cleverly can be divided on the aversion and change. (Meta pershoї - virobiti ogidu to tyutyun, for whom to get rid of it when you eat, rinse your mouth before lighting cigarettes etc.) The therapy is useful to allow you to relieve symptoms of nikotine abstinence in the body for a reduction ale the additions of those shkidlivny authorities (lobelin, citizin), or nikotin (zhuvalny gumki "Nikorette", plastires, records). Additional therapy (sedative, sleep and psychotropic problems, as well as rational vitamotherapy) is indicated for the nobility of neurotic disorders, breakdown in sleep and decrease in parentage, often supervising children

By the method of vibration, when using the method of treatment in the end of the rock, reflexotherapy, in order to appear to reach an effective not only in terms of wear and tear to a middle-of-the-way view of the house, and for the prevention of turning back to the end of the day

Lots of kurts in their own nezhaannya throw fired to explain the team, how to be afraid of dodati at the vase. Dіysnі, іdmovа from currencies, actions of eliminating symptoms in chronic diseases of hypochondriasiness, to the improvement of symptoms of sensory sensitivity, appetite, normalization of the secretion of herbs; A whole ugly appearance for a bagatokh can be unique, if you follow the awkward childish gladdens: a unique experience and the basics of rational food. Physiological rіvnovagu in a chicken is more vivid with implantation of products, as a substitute for vitamins C (thorns, black currants, green cibula, cabbage, lemon and іn.), Vitamin В1 (chlіbіbіnіy oranges) ), Vitamin RR (kvass, cereals, others, cabbage, dairy products, potatoes), Vitamin A (vegetables, especially carrots), Vitamin E (coarse broom bread, roslinne butter, green vegetables, wheat germ). Nikotinu staleness, which is supervised, as a rule, by "acidification" of the internal medium to the body, changing the puddle of pitty - mineral water, juices, vegetable matter.

It is especially respectful to go to the skarg, as it appears immediately when you see it from the city, so that you can immediately interrupt the formulation from the patient of the causal connection of his camp due to the vision of the country before the turn of the city. We should try to develop neurotic disorders, abstinence, and unnecessary improvement in vases. In a number of chicks, especially those with great experience, in the first hour, when the chickens are cured, they will have a cough due to the appearance of phlegm. It is necessary to explain to the patients, as well as the natural process, and the signs of the hardened and pitty puddles.

Nadlishkova masa tila, the destruction of the linen exchange, as a rule, is tightly linked with the wrong characters and the character of the hankering, that is, for everything, a set of technical recommendations, which is based on the principle of rationalization. In individuals, who do not control the calorie intake of their grub, increase the consumption of food fats and carbohydrates, two or three times more often the excess fat develops.

We will widen the approach to a decrease in the mass of tila є the sign of low-calorie, unbalanced on the main grubs of the day. The step of reducing the calorific value is to accumulate from the overworld of the mass. Patients with an overwhelming body of mind, since there is not much of a clinical form of obesity, also require high-quality medical recommendations for the occasion of psychotherapeutic approaches, so that most of the time an individual does not seem to be able to reach the motivation. For people with overwhelming excess mass of tila (index 29.0 and more), the greatest value of self-esteem in case of thinning.

Individuals with fatty forms of obesity (index of weight 29.0 and food) need a greater reduction in calorie content: up to 1200-1800 kcal for one or two incubation days (apple, young, young). In a few days, there are five or more developments.

We are sick with hypercholesterolemia (HCS), and in individuals with risky її appear (dangerous, with a broken exchange, declining mentality), it is necessary to find out the onset recommendations for rational gratification:

    do not live more than three young women per day, including those who are vicarious for preparing food;

    obmezhiti spivivannya offal (pechinka, nirki), іkri, shrimp; all kinds of cowbass, fatty ossicles, top and ghee, fatty varieties of milk and dairy products;

    If you cook a lot of food on vegetable fats, replace it with cooking, steaming, in the spirits, before cooking the visible fat from the meat meat, and from the birds to see the skin;

    to send the fermentation of ribbons, seafood, vegetables and fruits;

    vikoristovuvati zazhirenі sorts of dairy products, gotuvati on roselinn oils.

    obmezhiti to the cook - vona wiklikє nabryak fabrics, including fabrics of shinoks, and as a result it will sound. It is especially important to mezhuvat sіl tim, who have angina pectoris with arterial hypertension.

    zaboniti implantation to alcohol. Chronic implantation of alcohol is not a habit of supervising overdosing, making it obese because of inheritance, and viplivayut stars with traces of heart-and-heart ailments. In addition, immediately after drinking alcohol in a large amount of arterial vise, it also opens the way for the heart meat and increases the speed of coronary artery disease. It has been established that alcohol reduces the strength of the heart very quickly, and with a trivial implantation of vicious structural changes in the heart muscle, which can lead to a breakdown in the rhythm of the heart, I will call it alcoholic.

Principles of rational eating

    The balance of the energy supply and the energy nitrate to the body is based on the status, in general, the nature of the process.

    The safety of physiological needs for the body in indispensable food speeches: drinks, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral speeches.

    For a normal life to the body, the main food of speech is guilty of misconduct in races in the following proportions: block - 15% of extra calories (90-95 g), fat - 35% of extra calories), 50% of extra calories (80-100 g) (300-350 g).

Bazhano take no more than five times a day, increase the calorific value of the additional race by an approximate rank: sleepwalker to robot - 30%, other sleepwalkers - 20%, volume - 40%, evening - 10%. The rest of the reception is guilty but not less than two or three years before bedtime. The interval between the evening and the snidank is to blame for no more than 10 years.

It’s not enough to reduce the level of cholesterol in blood for three to six months. In the rest of the rock, it was reported about those hypo-polydemic therapy, which reduces the level of atherogenic fractions of blood and the level of hypercholesterol, to produce stable atherosclerosis.

Physical activity. It has been reported that it is physically active to increase the inheritance of a low-ear way of life (development of obesity, AH, sickness of the heart-and-heart system, obscenities). Regime and methods of advancing physical activity after vibrating spirally with a patient, who are real minds, beaten up, stereotypes are formed. Physical activity is guilty of supravodzhuvatsya positive psycho-emotional attitudes and not the mother of the draft. Before the ear of independent occupation, it is necessary to carry out a medical treatment in the fallowness of the sick:

Up to 30 rocky vyshychanyy lykarskogo look around;

From 30 to 40 years before looking around, it is necessary to give the nobility EKG-calm;

1. The rate (intensity) of the physical is right to be guilty of being sufficient, to bring the frequency of the heart rate (HR) to 50-75% of the maximum.

2. The duration of the visit of the physical is right, with a heart rate of 50-75% of the maximum, 15-30 hvili is to blame.

3. Physical rights should be observed regularly, at least 3 times per day.

As soon as Lyudin is regularly engaging in physical rights, then the steps of the heart-judging system have been reached, and in a decade later, they are not aware of seeing people, constantly living a little rude. Like mothers on respect, that all the re-insured recommendations are for people without key signs of heart-damned ailments and those who are interested in physical rights for the purpose of improving health and prevention of heart-damnable ones.

Necessary self-control over the installation: it’s not guilty, and it’s not guilty that the pulse of the winds is frequent, which is called "180 - in the rocks". The appearance of bad luck will serve as a signal for a decrease in the intensity of the renewal. Trenuyut effect on the voltage is manifested in a lower frequency and heart rate in calm, faster than an hour, the pulse is updated to a standard rate (for example, on the 20th). Pogershennya self-respect (sleep, appetite, prasezdatnostі, the appearance of inappropriate views) vimagає lowering or increasing the pressure.

It is necessary to admit that the majority of recommended preventive visits should be of a universal nature and are shown not only for CVD, but for a number of chronic non-infectious diseases, chronic new obstructive illnesses The axis of the wider introduction of medical prophylaxis into the practical protection of health, development of the system and the straightforward fixation of the number of visits can be seen as a croc before the transition of the services of practical protection of health on the basis of real prophylactic health and medical science in the Russian Federation at the most important rock.

The results of complex prophylactic visits to visas start the social, economic and ethical significance of all prophylactic robots. On the right is only for real health, activation of the reserves of practical health protection services. And it’s imperative, you need to put your social mind in place, with some people visibly (both materially, and morally) they are healthy.

Vikoristan Literature.

1. Fight against arterial hypertension. // Supplement to the Committee of Experts of the WHO., M.2007.

2. Kalinina A.M., Chazova L.V. Bagatofactorial development before the prevention of ischemic ailments in the heart of the middle of the population (key for patients), M., 2003.

3. Kalinina A. M., Chazova L. V., Pavlova L. I. Infusion of bagatofactorial prevention of ischemic ailments of the heart on the forecast of life // Cardiology, 2009

4. Oganov R. G, Primary prevention of ischemic ailments of the heart // BPV, M., Medicine. 2009.

5. Chazova L. V., Kalinina A. M., Ivanov V. M. Prevention of heart-and-heart disease in the practice of practical protection of health // Health protection of the Russian Federation. 1 996.

Prevention. - L.: Knowledge, 1987. Shmidt Є. V. Sudinni ailing. ...

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    May visibility in progress hearty-judgment systems є prophylaxis hearty-judges get sick, Yaki є the main reason ... for the ears, necessary for prophylaxis hearty-judges get sick and health improvement, next ...

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    suffer hearty-sudinnim afflicted, Physical rights є those who have found rehabilitation and secondary prophylaxis... ... the gra is of great importance for prophylaxis get sick hearty-judgment system, so yak will rememberє ...

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    ...: 1.Entry ........................................... ............................................ 3-5 p. 2. Cycle of life hearty-judges get sick among Lithuanian people ............................................... ............................ 6 p. 3. Arterial ... prophylactic that lіkuvannya arterial hypertension (2003 ...

  • Who is the cause of the problems, why did the sickness of the heart and the Sudin reach the light scale?

    What about CVD?

    Before ailments of the heart-vascular system (CVD), it is included:

    • Ishemia - an ailment that is hostile to the blood-bearing judgment;
    • Myocardial infarction - a state of deterioration of blood circulation in the heart, blockage of the artery by a thrombus;
    • Hypertension - permanently increasing the arterial grip;
    • Stroke - impairment of cerebral blood circulation;
    • Chronic heart failure - the filth of blood circulation of organs in blood;
    • Arrhythmia - interruptions in the heart, disruption of the rhythm and in.

    Causes of cardiac problems

    It is easy to discern the main causes of the heart-and-heart ailments:

    • Unhealthy way of life: lack of activity, improper eating;
    • Shkidliv calls: chicken, alcohol, drugs;
    • Negative, unstable emotional background: parts of stress, anxiety, overexertion;
    • obesity;
    • Shkіdlivі mind pratsі: noise, vibration.

    Factors to the risk of heart disease in the intestinal tract: decline in mental health, creep (people older than 45 years), to become (women suffer more often for choloviks), people who have a disease of organs in the intestinal tract, diabetics, climax and іn.

    Methods of diagnostics of cardiological diseases

    It is possible to determine the type of ailment, and to put the correct diagnosis in addition to the complex diagnosis of heart-vascular ailments. There is a great number of methods for detecting ailments of the heart, which are cleverly divided into 2 groups: laboratory and instrumental.

    Prior to laboratory methods of diagnostics, the following are considered: hormonal, epigastric, immunological analysis of blood and slaughter, analysis of slaughter according to Nechiporenko, for tsukor, thyroid hormones and others.

    Popular instrumental methods of advancement є:

    • EKG. On the other hand, there is a development of ischemia, arrhythmia, heart defects and cardiac tamponade, pericarditis and other pathologies. Viyavlyak prikhovani destructed in myocardium.
    • Echocardiography. Additional help to detect thrombosis, negative changes in the robot's heart, the manifestation of inborn defects and steps of its development.
    • MRI. Helping to evaluate the robot heart, find snakes in your robot, Stan Sudin.
    • Holter_vske monitoring. Price EKG, the bottom line is that the results will be recorded for 24 years on a special pristrij. Before the hour until the end of the day, Lyudin does not change his mode of the day.

    Features of the CVD treatment

    Among the lіkuvanna of the heart-and-zhvoryuvan, it is important to take a comprehensive program, such points are included in the yak, such as:

    1. Acceptance of lykarsky drugs in sudinosilicidal, anti-sclerotic, spoky, sechogynuyu;
    2. Zasosuvannya zasobіv folk medicine;
    3. Dotrimannya children;
    4. Passage of physical procedures;
    5. Busy with physical education;
    6. Hirurgical involvement - although the complex therapy did not bring any results.

    In lykuvanny ailments of the heart-vascular system, it is not possible to go in only to the additional help of medications. The stench of bringing a team hour effect. Only for the additional comprehensive approach, you can polish the health status.

    The Role of Diet Food in Robot Heart and Sudin

    Chim more fatty, high-calorie, malt, grease, salty and gostrich strav mi imo, our heart is stronger than our heart. For additional treatment, it is possible to reach normal robotic heart, to improve the body's ability to develop obesity, hypertension - the reasons for the appearance of pathologies in the hearts and suckers. Peculiarities of children with heart-and-death ailments:

    • Victory in the races of any products and drinks, negatively signifies on the robot heart and sudin: chocolate, foodstuffs, spices, alcohol, cava, mint tea;
    • Obmezhennya in vzhyvanny kitchen salt, as well as salty herbs;
    • Parts are received (5-6 times per day) in small portions;
    • Inclusion in the race of fresh vegetables, fruits, greens;
    • Decrease in calorific value for races;
    • Change in the number of living days (not more than 1.5 liters of water per day);
    • Conducting rozvanazhvalnyh days.

    Basic rules in the prevention of cardiological illnesses

    Get over the heartbreak - zavdannya vzdіysnenne. Head - mother willpower and patience, and because of health problems are not inevitable. Prevention of heart-and-heart disease in polyagi in the obovazkovo vikonanny of offensive visits:

    • Vidmova vid kurnnya, alcohol.
    • Dotrimannya to the principle of healthy eating. Included in the annual race of stravs, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as for a daily exchange: peas, riba, avocado. For the heart, there are also some products such as yak garbuz, chasnik, broccoli, pomegranate.
    • Lead to an active way of life: regular right, exercise, cycling, swimming, etc. Go in for sports, I would like to 3 times a day for a day.
    • Normalization of vagi, prevention of obesity.
    • Control arterial grip, cholesterol.
    • Unification of stresses, overwhelmingly listening to classical music, taking a bath with aromatic oils, in the absence of relaxation, seeing the city out of any other inappropriateness, occasional neglect. If necessary, implantation of spokylivy herbs, for example, from a poultry plant.
    • Dottrimannya to the mode of robots and for a change. Spati minimum 7 years for doba.
    • Often perebuvannya in nature, far away from the world.
    • Be-like sickness for your own time.

    Cardiological ailment є an urgent problem of protecting health, mortality rates from ailments of the heart are among the most common ailments. If you see a risk of heart-sickness ailments, you need to go in for sports, you will be caught in all stressful situations, you will be able to grasp correctly, if you have ailments, you will destroy the robot's heart. At the beginning of the article, read about vegetative dystonia.

    Purity of the judgment - the improvement of the hearts of the judgment of the heart;

    Clean judges - healthy judges

    Sickness of the Sudins is one of the most common ailments, from which hundreds of Russians die. For the statistics of such cases, there is more, less lethal result in oncology. And to fix all of the convulsions. For the transition, emboss on a picture livoruch.

    Misce for spilkuvannya and comments:

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    Inception of the heart-vascular system

    Ailments of the heart-vascular system occupy the first place in terms of illness and number of deaths in the whole world. There are a lot of problems with no reasons, the middle of the wrong way of life, shkidlivy calls, bad food, stress, slump and a lot of it. Skin fate rejuvenates in terms of heart pathologies, the growth of a number of patients, who have neglected the incidence of suffering from infarctions, strokes and early childhood. The very same people insistently recommend that they respectfully put themselves to their organisms, secretly go to the hospital when anxiety symptoms appear.

    SHO TAKE Hearts-Sudinny Disease

    Ailments of the heart and sudin are a whole group of pathologies that can help the function of the heart and sudin, including veins and arteries. The most common pathologies inflict ischemic ailments of the heart, congestion of the brain and peripheral arteries, rheumatic heart disease, arterial hypertension, insult, infarction, heart disease and a lot of heart disease. Vices add to vrodzheni and nabuty. Growing up in the womb of mothers, often getting too old emotional experiences, wrong way of living, old infectious and toxic diseases.

    Ischemic ailment of the heart

    The list of broader ailments of the heart-vascular system includes ischemic ailments of the heart. This pathology is associated with damage to the circulation of blood in the area of ​​the myocardium, which leads to the last acidic hunger. As a result, the health of the heart meat will deteriorate, leading to the development of characteristic symptoms.

    symptoms of IXC

    When sick, sick people have the following symptoms:

    • pain syndrome. More can be prickly, bursting, can crush the character, embodying with emotional experiences and physical nagging. For ІХС, it is characteristic that the pain is widened not only on the sternum area, but it can come into the shoulder, arm, scapula;
    • zadishka. The marriage of the good is to be with the children at the same time during intensive physical tasks, when there is an hour of important work. When you walk, when you walk, every hour you go to the gatherings, when you go to the camp you feel calm;
    • addendum;
    • zapamorochennya, nudota;
    • a feeling of being overwhelmed by the heart, broken rhythm, growing obscurity.

    On the side of the psychological, I will become aware of gratitude, attack the panic or fear, part of the nerves.

    Invalid blood circulation impairment


    Prior to the factors that provoke the IXC, the anatomically older organisms, gender specificities (people who are sick more often), racial affiliation (pathological part of the population of Europe, less negro) are recognized. Before the reasons for ischemic ailments, carry over-excess weight, long-term calls, emotional overturning, diabetic diabetic disease, hypertension, hypertension, the duration of physical conditions.


    The ІХС treatment method includes the following directions:

    • drug therapy;
    • surgical treatment;
    • Usunennya reasons, scho provoke pathology.

    Sered medications vikoristovuyut antiaggreganti - leki, scho zapobigayut approved blood clots, statini - kosty for lowering filthy cholesterol in the blood. For symptomatic treatment, prescribe activators of calibers, beta-adrenergic blockers, ingibitoria of the sinus node and other drugs.

    Hypertensive ailment

    Arterial hypertension is one of the most widespread ailments, where the heart and the heart can be felt. Polyagi pathology in the stiff pacing of the arterial grip in the range of permissible norms.

    signs of hypertension

    Signs of a cardiovascular pathology are often accustomed to, the patient may not know about his illness. Lyudina has an extraordinary way of living, some of her turbulence is spoiled, weakness, and a lot of patients are credited with an extra-automatic machine.

    Obvious signs of hypertension develop with severe organ targets, they can be of the following nature:

    • headaches, migraines;
    • noise in the vuha;
    • flashing midges in the eyes;
    • myazova weakness, similarity of hands and nig;
    • Difficulty Movi.


    To the reasons for wiping the stike of the grip, admit:

    • strong emoji rewiring;
    • oversized oil;
    • decline in mental capacity;
    • ailment of virus and bacterial activity;
    • shkіdlivі calls;
    • an overwhelming amount of salt in a normal diet;
    • lack of activity.

    Hypertension is not common in people who spend a trivial hour in front of a computer monitor, as well as in patients who often have adrenaline splashes in their blood.

    A common cause of hypertensive ailments is shkidliv calls


    Lіkuvannya of the heart disease of the court, how to supervise the adduction of the grip, glaring at the reasons for the pathological stance and the occurrence of the arterial grip in the boundaries of the norms. For a variety of vicious diuretics, ingibitoria, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists and other drugs.

    rheumatic heart disease

    The list of heart disease includes pathologies that lead to damage to the function of the heart and valve systems - rheumatic heart disease. The disease grows in inheritance from the organ damage by streptococcus group A.


    Symptoms of heart disease develop in patients after 2 - 3 months after the transfer of streptococcal infection. The first signs are the more and the thickening of the loam, the increased temperature of the dust, nudota, blues. Pogirshut in the back room of the self-esteem of the ailing, there is weakness, impunity.

    Classify pathology for pericarditis and endocarditis. At the first patient's vipadku to torment pain in the breastbone, failure to suffer. When listening to the hearing, the heart is a bit deaf. We will accelerate endocarditis in heart disease, in most cases, as they are diagnosed right away from physical navantages.


    As it is already said, to provoke the heart of the sickness, by the feuds of the streptococcus group A. Before them, they include angina, scarlet fever, pneumonia, birth dermis burned and inflamed.


    Patients with a heavy interruption of rheumatic heart disease undergo treatment in the minds of the stationary. For them, a special day is selected, like a pole in an interconnected salt, a rich organism of calories, cells, white and vitamins.

    Among the medicinal products are non-steroidal anti-pyretic drugs, glucocorticosteroids, antibiotic drugs, drugs of the chinoline series, immunodepressants, heart glucosides and others.


    Cardiomyopathy is called the damaged function of the heart meat as an unassailable or spinal ethology. Acceptance of illness in the fact that it often contradicts without visible symptoms, becomes the cause of death for 15% of ailments with a common pathology. The mortality rate of the middle of the patients with the symptomatology characteristic of an affliction becomes close to 50%.

    Cardiomyopathy is not a common cause of raptor death


    Patients with cardiomyopathies are encouraged to have the following signs:

    • shvidka stomlyuvanost;
    • loss of original status;
    • zamorochennya, inodі untidiness;
    • dermis blіdіst;
    • schism up to bulging;
    • dry cough;
    • zadishka;
    • more frequent heart rhythm.

    Cardiomyopathy itself often becomes the cause of the rapid death of people, which leads to an active way of life.


    The reasons for the heart disease of the judgment, such as cardiomyopathy, are as follows:

    • otrnnya;
    • alcoholism;
    • becoming ill with the endocrine system;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • lesion of the myocardium of an infectious nature;
    • neuromuscular damage.

    Often, there is a reason for the development of the disease not to be thrown in.


    Lіkuvannya hearty, judgmental sickness in the wake of pre-trivial prophylactic visits, directing to the forefront of serious acceleration and death. The patient needs to be able to see the physical appearance of the smart phone, the smart phone call, and the right way of living. The menu of a sick person is guilty of viklyuchati gostr, smoked, sour, salty їzh. Buried mint tea, kava, gazane liquorice water.

    Medication therapy includes such drugs, as β-adrenoblakatory, anticoagulants. An important change in the pathology of surgical involvement.

    Important! The incidence of cardiomyopathy lesions to the development of heart failure, valve dysfunction to the organ, emboli, arrhythmias, raptus heart disease.


    It is customary to talk about heartfelt inconveniences, if people think that the frequency of the hearts is broken very quickly, for the electrical performance of the heart. Denmark is called arrhythmia. Poisoning may be latent overflow or manifest in viglyad sertsebittya, feeling a bit overwhelmed by heart or overprinting.

    Arrhythmia supervises


    Signs of an arrhythmia to lie down due to the gravity of overcoming ailment, to be of an offensive nature:

    • hastened the heart to change the heart, і navpaki;
    • zamorochennya;
    • failure of the occasion;
    • obscurity;
    • breath;
    • attack angina pectoris.

    At the patients, they will lose self-esteem, the threat of fibrillation will develop, or the trifling shlunochkiv, which is not often fatal.


    The development of pathology is based on factors that provoke morphological, ischemic, igniting, infectious and infectious tissue tissue of the heart meat. As a result, the conductivity of the body collapses, the blood flow decreases, and it grows into the robotic heart.


    For the recognition of lіkuvannya, the patient is guilty of obov'yazkovo zvurnut to fakhivtsya, to go outside the obstruction. It is necessary to s'yasuvati - arrhythmia has developed in the role of self-pathology or secondary acceleration of any ailment.

    • lykuvalna fizkultura - additional help to update the exchange processes, normalize blood circulation, polish the heart of the heart;
    • dієta - is necessary for saturating the body with cinnamon vitamins and minerals;
    • drug treatment - here are beta-blockers, blockers of calories, calcium and sodium channels.


    Atherosclerosis is called a disease, which is characterized by accumulated cholesterol in the arteries. Tse wiklikє blockage of the sudin, impaired blood circulation. In the lands, people are hungry for a shrewd preparation, the problem of borrowing one of the leading positions in the middle of all heart ailments.

    Atherosclerosis wiclikє blockage of sudin


    For a trivial hour, atherosclerosis does not manifest itself, the first symptoms are discolored in case of significant deformity of the sudin, in the case of vibratory veins and arteries, there are thrombi, tremors in them. Suddenly it sounds like provoking blood circulation.

    The following pathologies develop on aphids of atherosclerosis:

    • ischemic stroke;
    • atherosclerosis of artery nig, scho wiklikak kulgavist, gangrene of children;
    • atherosclerosis of arteries nirok and іnshі.

    Important! The transfer of an ischemic stroke in the development of an infarction in a patient of growth three times.


    There are many reasons for atherosclerosis. Choloviks are more sick to pathology, less women. Transferred, well, tied to the processes of lipid exchange. Another factor in risik is the patient's vik. People with atherosclerosis suffer from 45 to 55 years. The genetic factor plays an important role in the development of the disease. People with declining schism need to carry out prophylaxis of heart-and-judgmental ailments - the quest for their hunger, more collapses, is seen as a shkidlivy call. Before a group of women enter into the period of vaginosity, so as at all times the exchange of words in the body will break down, women will collapse a little. To get involved, atherosclerosis is a disease of the wrong way of life. On yogo I will appear overwhelmed with overwhelming masa tila, shkіdlivі calls, wrong food, filthy ecology.


    For the purpose of accelerating the disease and normalization of the function of the disease, we are apt to use medications for additional medications. There are vikoristovuyt statini, LCD sequestrants, liquids of nikotinovy ​​acid, fibrati, anticoagulants. In addition, exercise therapy and a special day are indicated, which transfer to the form of products, so that the level of cholesterol in the blood is increased.


    Growth and scarring of the resulting fibers in the area of ​​the myocardium, damage to the function of heart valves - and cardiosclerosis. Zakvoryuvannya is a medium and diffuse form. At the first vipadku mova yde about the localization of the myocardium, so that you can only try to get around the dilyanka. With diffuse forms, the scar tissue expands to the entire myocardium. Naybilsh is often the case with ischemic ailments of the heart.

    Cardiosclerosis wiklica hypertrophy of the resulting tissue


    Vognischeva form of cardiosclerosis inodi maє haunches perebig. In case of close growth of heart disease to the antero-sinus center and dilenks, a system is carried out to determine the serious deterioration of the heart function, which manifests itself in arrhythmias, chronic vomiting, retardation.

    Diffuse cardiosclerosis wiklikє signs of heart failure, such as frequent heart disease, swelling, pain in the chest, breast.


    Serve as a reason for the development of pathology can be the following:

    • myocarditis;
    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • infection of the myocardium;
    • autoimmune pathology;
    • stress.

    In addition, provoking factors are atherosclerosis and hypertensive ailments.


    Therapy, focused on the reduction of symptoms of pathology and prevention of heart blockage, as well as to carry out an acceleration of heart disease, additional help to creep into cardiosclerosis, do not allow such negative patches, heart disease, aneurysm, aneurysm.

    Likuvannya obov'yazkovo includes interconnection of physical activity, the inclusion of stress, the reception of lykarsky zasobiv. Medications for medicinal products are diuretics, vasodilators, antiarrhythmics. In especially important cases, surgical intervention is carried out, the installation of an electrocardiostimulator.

    Myocardial infarction

    Infarction is a not safe camp, which is provoked by a blockage of the coronary artery by a thrombus. Cyclic damage to blood circulation in the tissues of the brain and heart. The mill is developing on the smallest of cardiovascular pathologies, in the case of a non-secret hospital patient. Yakshcho medication for additional help was given after a stretch of the first 2 years, the prognosis for a sick part is more hospitable.

    Infarction wiklikak gostry bil in the breast

    signs of infarction

    Infarction is characterized by bele in the sternum. Innocent pain syndrome is strong, but lyudin screams. In addition, it often extends to the area of ​​the shoulder, shoulder, viddaє in life. A bad feeling of feeling of health, burning in the chest, for example, is the number of hands.


    Factories leading to the development of an infarction:

    • vik;
    • transferring other symptoms of infarction;
    • chicken and alcohol;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • hypertension;
    • high level of cholesterol;
    • superfluous oil.

    Rizik the development of important things will grow at the end of the history of food descriptions.


    The head meta therapy is the renewal of blood flow in the area of ​​the heart and the brain. For a wide range of vicious preparations, which additionally help to remove blood clots, such as thrombolytics, mats based on heparin, acetylsalicylic acid.

    In case of a proper patient in the hospital, angioplasty of the coronary artery will be applied.


    An insult is called a breakdown of blood circulation in the brain, which carries with it the bend of the nerve cells. I will not be safe in the fact that the bend of the tissue of the brain is seen even more quickly, but in the bags I end up dying for the patient. Navigate with the right help of the day


    To develop an insult, use the following signs:

    • weakness is strong;
    • Rizke pogirshennya zagalny camp;
    • onimіnnya m'yazіv denouncing abo kіntsіvok (often from one side);
    • gostry golovniy b_l, nudota;
    • the destruction of the coordination of rukhiv.


    Likar see offensive reasons:

    • atherosclerosis;
    • oversized oil;
    • alcohol, drugs, tyutyunopalinnya;
    • vagіtnіst;
    • a little rude way of life;
    • high level of cholesterol and іnshe.


    Diagnosis of heart-and-vascular disease and disease is carried out in the minds of the inpatient in the intensive therapy ward. At the same period, antiaggreganti, anticoagulant, tissue activator and plasminogen are stagnant.

    Yak to overcome given pathology? The visualization of individual risk of development of heart-vascular pathologies is possible on the scale of speed (SCORE). There is a special table for editing.

    A methodology is given that allows the development of heart-vascular pathologies and important stanis to develop on their background. For all, it is necessary to vibrate to become, vik, status - for chicks or non-smokers. In addition, in the table the next step is to vibrate the level of the arterial grip and the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

    Rizik must be registered according to the color of the shop and in numbers:

    With a lot of changes, people have gone through all the necessary visits to ensure that they develop an insult and some unsafe countries.

    Thromboembolism of the Legendary Artery

    Blockage of the leg artery and blood clots is called thromboembolic leg artery. It will educate the arteries of the city. The death of a patient in a large number of cases is in large numbers, only 30% of people diagnose pathology during life.

    signs of thromboembolism

    Show the ailments to lie down at the step of the battle leg:

    • if more than 50% of the Legenevs are affected, people develop a shock, a weakness, a grip that falls sharply, and a person takes a svidomist. Tsey stan often provokes the death of a sick person;
    • thrombosis 30 - 50% sudin wiklikє late, backwardness, loss of arterial vise, cyanosis of the nasolabial tricot, vuh, nose, accelerated heart rate, pain in the sternum;
    • if less than 30% of the symptoms are less than a day, there may be a day or so, then there is a cough with blood, more in the sternum, increased fever.

    With insignificant thromboembolism, the prognosis for a sick person with disagreement, treatment is carried out with a medication.


    Thromboembolism develops on high laryngeal blood, muscular blood flow, as it can provoke a trivial lying position, important pathology of the heart. To the factors, scho to experience pathology, to admit thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, injuries of the injuries.

    Setting blood clots in the lung


    Before the purpose of thromboembolism of the legacy artery, it is necessary to preserve the life of the sick, preventing the re-development of the blockage of the sudins. The normal passage of the veins and arteries will be taken care of by a surgical or medical treatment. For a whole lot of vikoristovuyu you, how to detect blood clots and liquids, how to drink blood.

    Rehabilitation for cardiovascular disease in patients with thromboembolism of the disease is carried out according to an additional correction of health and way of life, regular conditions, taking drugs, and learning to form blood clots.


    The statti has been overwhelmed with the most widening of the heart-vascular pathology. If you know about the symptoms, the cause and the mechanism of development of that one’s ill health, it is possible to overcome the heavy burdens, and help the ailing one at once. To uncover pathological conditions, you can help the correct way of life, healthier food and more well-being during the development of insignificant anxiety symptoms.

    What is the heart-sudin system of people?

    The heart-sudinny system in the body of the people of the vison has one of the most important functions - the provision of the organization and fabric for the help of such a middle, like shelter, sour and necessary words. Until її the warehouse will enter the heart, pump over the shelter, і the judges, which will collapse.

    Which is the heart

    The heart is an empty meat organ, which can be folded from two in front and two slums. Shelter in the new one comes through two empty veins and chotiri legenevs, and goes to the aorta and legnevoy stovbur.

    The right half of the organ takes its part in the small amount of blood circulation and allowing the blood to pass through the legends, which are rich in sourness. Liva is a part of the heart through a great amount of blood circulation proshtovkhuє with great power is filled with sour shelter in the structure and part of the human body.

    Between the chambers of the heart, the valves are shattered, є the stench also і between the slings and go through them with the vessels - the aorta and the legacy stove. Їх physical function of the field in the safety of the blood stream only in one straight line.

    The name of the organ is covered with a special shell - the pericardium. Between it and the very essence of it is a ridin, which does not allow rubbing with a fast heart. In the middle of it, there is endocarditis and ma razdіlovі prisuvannya - interatrial and midshlunochkovo septum.

    The frequency of the heart is very fast in the norm in an older person does not transfer 100 blows to a chilin. Children are aware of the special features of the robot and the heart. For example, with a population heart rate, you can reach 150 beats / min, for a single child, 130 beats / min, and up to seven rockets, the figure approaches the norms for an older person - up to 90 beats / min.

    For the prevention of sickness and treatment of varicose veins on the legs, our reader should use an anti-antiviral gel "VariStop", refilled with green extracts and oils, win myako and effectively assimilate symptoms of ailments,


    The heart-sudin system of people also includes arteries and veni.

    Arteries are called judges, according to which roofs they can be sourced in the fabric of all organisms. The stench may smell elastic fibers, so it allows it to subside with a decrease in the blood stream and expand with an increase.

    Judgment of the middle and pulmonary caliber sounds arteriol, its tone is regulated behind the auxiliary autonomic nervous system. Pidvodyachi nasichen sour roof to the cutaneous organ, including the heart, arterioles are rooted on the most capillary fringe. It is here itself that it is given the delivery of sourness and brown talk and mixing in carbon dioxide and products in tissue metabolism.

    Passing through the capillaries, the blood flows into the venous system. Some of you can go to the venules, and then you can go to the bigger court, a lot of which you can walk to the school.

    A stream of blood in the veins right up to the heart will take care of the special valves, which will be removed in the middle of the venous stems.

    Every day I can feel a little weak and I can't feel fast on my own. The shelter on them flows to the fast-moving skeletal muzzles and the power of the heart to dabble. All venous roofs turn into the heart of the heart in two of the greatest vessels - the lower and upper empty veins.

    Ailment heart i sudin

    To show statistical data, the heart-vascular system is affected, and the main cause of mortality in the population of the developed countries is a group of pathological stanes, which include:

    • ischemic ailment of the heart - the deterioration of the budget and the function of the coronary arteries, which leads to a lack of maintenance of the heart meat;
    • zhvoryuvannya sudin to the brain - snakes in the sudin, scho to produce a grievous or chronic ischemia to the brain;
    • pathological conditions, tied with arteries, which supply blood to the distal part of the body;
    • rheumatic heart disease - ailment, scho viklikєitsya pathogenic flora (streptococcus), lesions of the heart and valve apparatus;
    • vrodzheni wadi - deterioration in the valve apparatus and the heart meat itself, discarded with the internal uterine pawns of organs;
    • thrombosis and embolism - the detection of blood clots in glib veins, as there can be a change and consumption in the heart or a legacy, over-curling blood flow in the organ.

    The most insecure ailing people, who can lead to the death of a raptor, any more incapacitation of a sick person, an infarction and an insult. Х as a result of the availability of good blood in the heart or the brain.

    The reason for such a phenomenon is, most often, atherosclerosis of the Sudin, which can lead to a thrombus. A trivial convulsive spasm can also lead to impaired blood circulation.

    Prevention of development of ailment sertsya i sudin

    Hygiene of the heart-shaped court system of glades in the complex of visits, which, according to its own essence, leads to a healthy way of living:

    1. Vidmova from a loud call. The growth of blood pressure must be kept up to the development of hypertension and the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
    2. Rational eating. Do not pick up products with high fat, mixed salt, canned and pickled herbs in the races. Improving the living of fresh vegetables and fruits. Kharchuvannya can be improved and balanced.
    3. Lead to an active way of living. It’s good to be busy with physical culture, walking on a fresh day, whether it’s been dosed up, it’s all the way up to the zagalny camp.
    4. Normalization of the vagi. People who are overwhelmed by the excess are in the group on the basis of the diagnosis of hypertensive ailments and vertebrates.
    5. Decrease of energetic stress injections on organism.
    6. Dotrimannya regime of the day and povnotsinny vidpochinok.
    7. The chaste lіkuvannya of chronic ailments, і beasts to lіkar with the first signs of nesduzhannya.
    8. For 40 years with the method of thrombosis prophylaxis and during the daytime, it is recommended to be recommended in order to optimize the rheological powers of the blood.

    It is necessary to make sure that the registration of visits for the first prevention of heart-and-heart disease should be for all people who want to be healthy and active.

    In any case, you should consult with a doctor for making appointments to get sick and strictly check your request.

    Sertsevo-Sudinni ailment - Epidemic of the XXI century

    For official data, choric in Russia from the heart-and-zhvoryuvan dying close to 1 million. 300 thousand people. Mortality from a common cause of the warehouse is more than 55% of the number of all deaths. Sered rozvinenikh regions Russia is leading according to the total indicator.

    Not depriving lіkuvannya, ale in Pershu Chergu literate prevention of heart-and-judgmental ailments to help reduce the number of ailments, such as suffering from, that ailment. Especially about the methods of prophylaxis, the nobility is in need of people from the so-called group.

    Fizkultura is your head friend

    The corniness of the dietary physical culture is not vicious, oskilki, in the first place, with active busyness, especially in new cases, we see a lot of wine and tissue in the body sour, in another way, to enjoy the heart of blood circulation. More importantly, aerobny busyness, when the frequency of the heart grows faster - walking, big, lazy walks, riding a bike.

    Seemingly, when on the walls of the arteries, there are lipids and, leading by ourselves to the sound of enlightenment of the court and to see the clogging. The fizkultura has such a rank. The fat of the speech, which was brought to life by the human overworld, does not settle in the vessels, but is burned by the body for every hour of training, and in the blood there is an unhealthy rhyven, the coronary blood flow is reduced.

    Physical development to lie down as a function of the people, as well as because of the fact that the heart-court system will be affected. Tі, hto nіkoli not doing physical culture and sports, guilty of walking.

    The doctors said that the dynamism was minimal as well: 3 times per day, 30 quills at a comfortable pace. Those, who are engaged in a health-improving life, are guilty of memory, but it is not recommended to travel more than 30-40 km during the week, in some cases, reserve the body's capacity to hang out, when it is not recommended to travel.

    Krim aerobnyh navantazhen, no corny for the body. You can go to the right:

    1. Wrap around with penzels in a fist, and also with feet, whistling on the toe (20 times in one direction);
    2. Rhythmically squeezed hands (30 times);
    3. Turn the body to the right-left with the arms spreading to the sides (10 times);
    4. Swing with a straight leg forward, with your hands stretching to the toes (10 swings with a skin leg);
    5. Vipadi forward along the dermal leg (10-20 times);
    6. Vertical pidyom nig with the method of prevention of ailments sudin nig (1-2 hviliini).

    The whole complex can be included in the ranked gymnastics, or to be victorious at any hour. It is important that we will do it well, but on people we’re overwhelmed with odeag, but we will not shackle the ruffs. Ale є a number of offensive counter-indications before being busy with physical culture:

    • Gostri form;
    • gostra;
    • Supravodzhuvanogo severe pain in the area of ​​the heart.

    For the correct stimulation of your trenuvan, you need to follow the offensive rules:

  • Systematic transmission not less than 3 times per day;
  • The pulse is not guilty of changing the value of 120-140 strokes into the chilin;
  • If there is a problem with a jam, pain in the area of ​​the heart or a boredom, it’s busy.
  • Healthier kharchuvannya - great crock on the way to health

    Prevention of illness Sudin vimagaє adequate balanced consumption. One of the main reasons for the disease is the lack of resuscitation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as it is considered for a daily exchange in the body. Get used to it:

    • Ribu, steamed or vidvarna (2-3 times per day);
    • Avocado in syrup viglyadі (1-2 fruits per day);
    • Llyana olia (2 tbsp. Spoons per day);
    • Horikhi (6-8 pieces per day).

    Through vst klitkovini, yaka pereshkozhaє to acquire cholesterol, as well as omega-3 acids, next to living cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, uncleaned rice. Chim rougher poured, tim rich porridge with valuable words.

    Especially valuable are vegetables and fruits:


    Reducing the arterial vice and ordering the water-salt balance (beta-carotene, calcium, vitamin C are included in the warehouse);

    the hour

    Reduces the tone of the vessel and the arterial vise (to the warehouse, sulphide water, nitrogen oxide);


    Live the heart and the judgment with vitamins and elements (the warehouse includes vitamins B, C, D, as well as kaliy, zalizo, manganese);


    Zmіtsnyu stinki sudin і fight against anemia (before the warehouse include folic acid, honey, zalizo, iodine);


    I will reduce blood circulation, change the walls of the sudin, open the shelter, overload the clogging of the sudin (antioxidants, zalizo, iodine are included in the warehouse).

    In addition to the intake of brown products, you can change the amount of salted salts, fatty, greased, refined grasses, but it does not have any gourd value in itself, except for empty calories. Trim the number of products you receive, so that you can take revenge on a great number of candies - cakes, creams, milk chocolate.

    Stress - a blow to the judges

    Mechanism of stress on the vidomial system of heart: the hormone adrenaline circulates, which is quickened by the serpentine heart, and the judges spasm and sound at the same time. Through the chain the grip is moving, the heart is connected.

    American scientists said that the heart-vascular system was tied to the brain and the hormonal sphere. Tom if Lyudin sees negative emotions - fear, gniv, gratitude, then there will be suffering in the heart.

    For the prevention of the cause of people, it is necessary:

    1. Often buvati in nature, far from the world;
    2. Reading not admitting is close to the heart of other inappropriateness, but not inappropriateness;
    3. Come to dodom to fill in all the thoughts about the door, just outside the door;
    4. I listen to the most relaxed classical music;
    5. Grant yourself more positive emotions.
    6. In the necessary cases, take natural zaspookilivi preparations, for example, pustular.

    Get shkіdlivі calls!

    Courtesy and health of the judge is insane. Nikotin spasm, judge, to that. In addition, the verdict of judgment is perceptible, plaques appear on them, which are the main reason for the heart-felt ailment. The guardian is the brain of a curse, the memory will be destroyed, more likely to be accused of parallels. Tom for the prevention of the establishment of blood clots and the removal of blood clots from the disease, it is necessary to be considered.

    Another one-toothed zvichkoyu є not consuming alcohol. Ethanol dіє shvidko: before that, injected erythrocytes consume a negative charge and repair one by one, the swelling of the sudins, puffing up the throat of blood and increasing the risk of making up the edge of the necessary thrombosis. Kisneve hunger sees not only organic and tissue, but rather myocardium; the heart is beginning to beat shvidshe, hanging on its resources. Krym ethanol gets involved in fat metabolism, rapidly increases cholesterol levels in the blood, and induces plaques on the walls of the vessels.

    Lovers of food drinks are guilty of the nobility, but systematically implanting alcohol, unimportantly like beer, wine or champagne, will provoke replacing the myocardial spheres with fat. The reception of electrical impulses will collapse, the myocardial health will quickly feel, and it will block the appearance of arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia and other important inheritances. There is only one visnovok - to maximize the speed of implantation of alcohol, and if it is not unique at the banquet, then just at the same time create one more fresh green vegetables with it.

    Before a big call, you can make a great evening in front of a TV set or a computer. Lyudin, who is amusing herself to sleep, is touching my heart, even if I need it from time to time. In order that the heart did not feel the change, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 years per day Moreover, a whole hour can be extended throughout the day.

    About the reproach of regular cleaning

    The enchantment of hearts and minds can be incompatible, without any callous manifestations. To this it follows approximately once on the risk of setting one's own judgment and heart behind the aid of the basic available methods.

    • ... Tsei way of training on the fixation of the heart rhythm with the help of special electrodes. Allowing damage to the robot's myocardium, inner-heart passage, etc .;
    • Ergometry. The essence of the polyaga methodology is in the preliminarily robotic heart-vascular system in dynamism;
    • (Doppler ultrasound). Vikoristovuєtsya, in the main, for the prevention of ailments of the brain. Lykar assess the blood flow in the great judges of the head and head;
    • ... Behind the additional MRI, there is evidence of the passage of the vessels, the appearance of new blood clots, their anatomy and diameter. The dignity of the obvious: efficiency, accuracy and lack of longevity for the patient.
    • MRA (magnetic resonance angiography). The whole method is the most efficient and effective, especially when diagnosing the brain's brain damage, it only allows the trivial imaging of the brain tissue to be recognized. As soon as the judgment is reached, then a special barvnik is introduced into the artery or the vein, and the signs are clear and intelligent.

    • unique factors, deeply infuse into the system - actively and passively, taking narcotic words;
    • control your vagu. It is especially not safe to add fat in the area of ​​talії.

    For the prevention of sickness of heart and sudin, it is necessary to move on a healthy meal. It is recommended not to cross, є 4 times a day. Bazhano's supper does not go down three years before bedtime. Slide the beasts of respect for the implantation of travies and products:

    • mix with coffee, zukor, malt, virobi with boroshna;
    • palm, coconut, ghee, shkіdlivі for myazovaya fabrics of hearts;
    • unique cows' virob, canned food, salt;
    • quickening of alcoholic drinks;
    • replace fat varieties of meat with a rabbit, indichkoy, chicken;
    • the recommended amount of salt is 5 g per day;
    • add oil from olive, sesame, liona to the ratsion;
    • on the tables, there are always fresh fruits and vegetables, greens;
    • even brown for health heart dried apricots and birthmarks;
    • substitute mayonnaise in salads with rose oil;
    • every day, give me a fortune;
    • include in the menu іznі porridge, їsti khlіb from boroshna coarse broom;
    • seafood riba and seafood bagati on cinnamon omega-3 fatty acids;
    • fermented milk products give the body the necessary calcium.

    Most often, burn, add, cook for a couple of herbs, the most uniquely lubricated in order to prevent cholesterol plaques on the heart. Drink at least two liters a day. More beautifully, as well as greens or herbal tea, juices, compotes, mineral water. Gassed to drink more beautifully unique, oskilka stinks take vivedennya calcium from the body.

    An inactive way of living is so self-sufficient, as it is possible to improve physical fitness, and will overwhelm the development of health problems. Prevention of ailments of the heart and sudin includes obov'yazkovo rukh. It is recommended to see and take:

    • bike walks;
    • floating;
    • walking on licks;
    • urban gardening robots;
    • sports running;
    • educational gymnastics.

    The activity is guilty of being satisfied and not viciously overturned. It is especially important to prevent heart ailments in people who have been kidnapped. Overwhelming physical support to maintain the heart-vascular system and be healthy.

    Prevention of heart pathologies in children is guilty of being recognized by the people. Fat deposited on arterial walls is found in 16% of children, although older than three times, 100% of children show signs of atherosclerosis. Zzvychay the stench to pass independently, or when the clever minds are open, it can transform into plaques.

    Often in children, atherosclerosis occurs without characteristic symptoms, which are manifested in the absence of adulthood, if the ailment is vimag of serous disease. The youthful organism is capable of being quickly cleaned and renewed, so it is so important to snatch the tips for a healthy way of living. Prevention of a healthy heart of a child is primed on the following rules:

    • healthier eating;
    • physical activity;
    • vidmova from the labial sigils;
    • regular honey gazers.

    Let's get a special butt of Batkiv in the whole plan. It is also necessary for the nobility about the camp of the heart-court system in themselves and the closest relatives, and in times of declining scholasticism, to pursue the self-esteem of the child. Advancing the grip of a new, zyva wag, є a drive for term medical consultation.

    Prophylactic visit the last week

    The closest elders of the wikipedia change in the body, which will absorb the circulatory system. Suddenly they become harsh and screaming, plaques with cholesterol pretend in them, step by step they sound enlighten the coronary arteries. The blood is thickened, to cope with the interruptions, as long as there is a lack of food for all tissues of the body. Growth risk of setting blood clots.

    Consultations with a cardiologist for skin care is a necessary stage of prophylaxis for a heart of 40 and 50 years of age. Dobre will do the following:

    1. On the eve of the EHC, it is recommended for the members of the group to carry out electrocardiograms on the basis of new assignments.
    2. Scrupulously send blood analysis to the warehouse.
    3. There is a lack of blood supply.
    4. Buy a tonometer beforehand and regularly vimiruvati arterial vise.

    Vidhozhennya vіd norms in the results of analyzes vimagає clarified by fahіvtsya. To drink for heart prevention, cardiologist or therapist can please. Recommended rates of dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals.

    The reception of special drugs for the treatment of the heart-vascular system and is intended to be used for the secondary and primary prevention of rheumatic ailments of the heart, as well as bradycardia, hypertension and other ailments.

    Panangin for heart prevention

    Panangin for the prevention of extrasystoles of the heart is recommended to take a course. I will remember the deficiency of calories and magnesium. It is also a drug for indications for diabetics, women on hormonal contraceptives, and for lovers of spa treatments.

    For prophylaxis, take 1 tablet three per day. Acceptance rate - 3-4 days.

    Riboxin for heart prevention

    Riboxin is used for lichen recipe. I will stimulate the production of fabrics with sourness, reduce blood circulation, normalize the hearts of speed.

    The drug should be taken up to 3 months according to the scheme for 1-3 months:

    1. On the first day, take 1 tablet 3-4 times;
    2. For 2-3 add a cob, take the dose to 2 tablets 3-4 times a day.

    To brutalize respect! An additional dose of the drug can be adjusted step by step when there are negative reactions to the body.

    Prototype indications for taking Riboxin:

    • hypersensitivity, allergy to iozin and speech, when entering the warehouse;
    • nirkova lack of;
    • superficial level of sech acid;
    • gout.


    Indications for a decrease in blood circulation, a decrease in blood density. Recommended for adolescent travelers. Trivale vikorystannya to produce until acidity adjustment, oven, that the drug should be periodically reduced to analogous (Warfarin, Klopidogrel).

    Magnesium for heart prevention

    Magnesium for prophylaxis and treatment of heart tachycardia is often considered a vaginal. Name the wine in the complex with folate acid.

    Preparations with magnes are used for the heart, stabilize the heart rhythm and reduce the arterial grip.

    Take heart for prophylaxis, it is necessary to check it with a doctor. The list of drugs is wide:

    • Magnerot Priznachayut 2 tablets 3 times a day by stretching, sometimes - 1 tablet 3 times for more. The triviality of the reception is 4-6 types. In case of sudom, take 2-3 tablets in the evening. The drug is taken up to їzhі, washed down with water.
    • Orokamag take 4 capsules 3 times a day. Likuvannya course - from 4 to 6 years. Prototype indications: sensitivity to the drug, nirkov deficiency, ailments, vagina and lactation.
    • Doppelgerz Active magnesium + calcium is used for 1 tablet per hour and 1 time per day. The course of therapy is 2 months.

    Asparkam for heart prevention

    Asparks take revenge on magnesium aspartate and calcium aspartate. Microelements normalize the balance of line and salt in the body, additionally help to shake off the swelling.

    Asparks will be used for the prevention of heart arrhythmias, myocardial infarction. With a prophylactic method, take 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month.

    Prototype indications:

    • excess of magnesium and calories in the body;
    • allergic reactions to any kind of speech to the drug;
    • infestation of supra-nirkovy zalosis і nirok;
    • cardiogenic shock;
    • the weakness of the ointments is strong.

    Make folk medicine cheap and easily accessible. The most basic formulas for the prevention and treatment of illnesses in the heart and in the Sudin:

    1. Douche cinnamon for heart ailments chapel. Give 1-2 cloves each. You can still use a simple and divine nastya: two fine teeth are poured with warm water and no longer flooded. Vrantzi rіdinu slіd vipiti and prepare a new portion. The course is to become 30 days.
    2. You can prepare some chastnik oil. For the sake of finishing, fill the head of the chapel with a flask of unrefined sleepyhead olii and add some fun. Then in the summit it is necessary to see the juice from one lemon and put it in a cool dark place for 7 days. Periodically, it is required to be struck. Take for one hour to one hour for one hour. L. 3 r. per day in a course of three months. Then, for 30 days, interrupt and repeat the procedure. It is especially effective for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
    3. Chornoplіdna gorobina zmіshati with honey in spіvіdnoshennі 1: 2, kindly rub and 1 tbsp. l. once in need.

    For the prevention of myocardial infarction, it is necessary to reduce the heart ointment. Someone can help you with the following sums:

    • івні parts of the juice of persimmons and і rips with honey, live in 1 tbsp. l. 3 p. in a day;
    • juices from carrots, radishes, beet with honey, take it like that;
    • 200 ml juice from carrots zm_shati with roselinny oil, vipiti for 2 days and a day.

    For the prevention of ischemia, replace the sugar with honey. It is possible to live with royal jelly in the spіvdnoshennі 100: 1 course every 14 days. Before half a hour of L. I’m going to shake off at the rota, not until the end of the day.

    Prevention of tachycardia of the heart can include mild pain. Tsya roslina is rich in cinnamon words: calcium, magnesium, zalizom, zinc, honey, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and bagatma іnshim. Yogo fruit to lower the frequency of the heart rate, tone the heart muscle, calm and relax the organ. Recipes with a glod for the prevention of heart ailments:

    • add sіk fruits to tea, or dilute with water and drink;
    • 5 tbsp. l. pour 400 ml of a bottle of dry berries, pour it into a bottle for 14 days, and drink 20 drops each before eating;
    • Take away infusions of gnaw and poultry 1: 1, take 1 tsp each. 3 p. in a day.

    All the people have been guilty of guilt from the doctor's house and from the urgency of individual reactions at Ingredient. With self-respect- fix the prophylaxis of ailments of the heart with a given preparation.

    2924 Tetyana Kuritsky 03/20/2018 Gulmira Sadzikova - cardiologist. Likar of home practice of the food category in the clinic of Dr. Orinbaev. Participant of international cardiological congresses and conferences. Author of articles dedicated to diagnostics and treatment of heart ailments. The enchantment of the heart-court system can be unique, as soon as a chance to get sick for the prevention of the heart. Schob d_znatysya, how to seize yourself from an infarction and those who are serious ...

    2058 Tetyana Kuritsky 27.02.2018

    It is worth mentioning the data of the WHO for the heart-and-death disease - the most common cause of mortality of the population of the planet. In case of a large ischemic ailment of the heart (ІХС), it can lead to a lethal result in 30-50% of cases. Prevention of ischemic ailments of the heart is necessary for the skin, as it develops in a primitive form. Symptoms and forms of ischemic ailments of the heart

    Zustrich paraphies to the Church of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg with a doctor of angiology Anton Borisovich Varvarichev, It is dedicated to one of the most relevant topics - Prevention and treatment of the sickness. If you need the advice of a court surgeon?

    Sudinniy hirurg abo angiohirurg - the purpose of dealing with the pathology of all sudins in the body, such as arterial and venous activity. The development of medicine, how to vivify blood-bearing and lymphatic judgments, їkh budov, function, incapacitation, methods of diagnostics, prevention and treatment are called angiology.

    I will look at the importance and breadth of the discussed problem, A.B. Varvarichev pointedly and haphazardly told the numerical audit about heart-and-heart diseases, which are

    A group of ailments of the heart and blood-bearing vessels, the yak includes:

    • ischemic ailment of the heart - ailment of blood-bearing vines, which will pump blood into the heart;
    • ailment of the brain of the brain - the ailment of the blood-bearing sudin, which will pump blood into the brain;
    • ailments of peripheral arteries - ailments of blood-bearing vessels, which blood on hands and feet;
    • rheumatic heart disease - lesion of the heart meat and heart valves as a result of a rheumatic attack, causing streptococcal bacteria;
    • an incidence of heart defect - an acute deformation of the heart;
    • Thrombosis of glibious veins and embolism of the leg - the establishment in the leg veins of the clot in the blood, which can change and collapse to heart and leg.

    For the data of the WHO (All-Union Health Protection Organization) Heart-Sudden Sickness (CVD) is the main cause of death in the US: not because of the cause of death, but not for the sake of people, but for CVD. According to estimates WHO In 2008, the mortality rate from CVD accounted for 30% of all mortality rates in the world.

    Within the framework of the lecture by A.B. Varvarichev, he spelled out the main ailments of the Sudins, which could lead to severe herds.

    Main ailments of arteries

    1. Regional atherosclerosis.

    2. Thrombosis of arteries.

    3. Aneurysm of arteries.

    4. Diabetic macro- and microangiopathy.

    Atherosclerosis (regional atherosclerosis)

    Atherosclerosis (A) is a chronic illness, which is characterized by a deterioration and second elasticity of the arteries, a sound to the enlightenment of blood loss of organs. Choloviks 3-5 times more often suffer from atherosclerosis, less women. In the development of ailments, there is a significant spadkov slenderness; take the development of a small diabetic, obesity, gout, ailment ailment, food with an overwhelming amount of food fat, low physical activity, psychomotional overwork. Mechanism of development of ailments polyag in the damaged exchange of lipids, especially cholesterol. At the urinary tract, atherosclerotic plaques form, the structure of the arteries decays.

    The irregularities of the middle of the court when I receive the confirmation of the blood clots, thrombus; the enlightenment of the Sudins themselves is ringing in the background; in the event of a loss of blood circulation in the same organ, it is already completely depressed.

    artery thrombosis

    Thrombosis development:

    1. Dissection of the vertebral column (atherosclerotic, ignition and in. Walking).

    2. Controlling blood flow.

    3. Alterations of throat and blood viscosity.

    So, thrombosis in the system of coronary blood circulation leads to myocardial infarction, thrombosis to the brain - before stroke.

    artery aneurysm

    Aneurysm is a type of artery (ridsche - veni) as a result of a stonewalling or stretching. The reason can be the appearance of defects in the middle shell of the Sudin. The aneurysms are not safe with severe bleeding.

    diabetic angiopathy

    Zagalnaya urazhennya blood-bearing vessels (the head rank of capillaries) - is not without a deterioration, characteristic of reddish diabetes. Falling out of the mind of a robot to ruin the body, brain, heart, nirok, vinikє is the threat of gangrene on the legs.

    A slid of the nobility, from the timeless beast to the fachivts, to lay down the result of the love, the forecast and the triviality of the life of the people, to the skin of us.

    Who is guilty to be killed before the court surgeon?

    1. Patients with disgusting decline in heart-vindicated ailments, having fixed in themselves the first signs of heart-vindicated ailments, guilty of turning to likar.

    2. Patients who may be skargi for:

    • The parts are spoiled, especially in the lithium.
    • “Noise at the wuhah”, “the flies of the eye before the eye”, the reduction of the light, parts of the headache, the loss of memory, the loss of memory, the cunning of walking.

    3. Patients who may have symptoms:

    • Minuschі damage to cerebral blood flow.
    • Gostri damage to cerebral blood circulation (Gostriy insult).
    • Patients with a nasty slump in heart-and-heart disease.
    • Shvidka vtomlyuvanst or degraded sensitivity in one of the pictures.
    • Riznitsi in an arterial vise on small prints (20 mm RT. Stovpa and more).

    It is necessary to first consult a cardiologist's doctor for such camps as:

    1. Periodic pain, pain and importance in the heart, growing in the physical environment.

    2. Winning bad luck with physical nurturing and in peace.

    3. Visoki digits of the arterial vise.

    4. Compulsive illness: atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetics (especially for 50 years)

    Consultation of a forensic surgeon is necessary for the onset of symptoms:

    1. The presence of pulsating illumination in the umbilical region of the abdomen.

    2. Attack-like pain in the abdomen, which is diagnosed as a result of increased pain, intestinal dysfunction, progressive emaciation.

    3. Uncontrolled and did not give rise to a high arterial grip (malignant hypertension).

    4. "Cholovichi" are ill.

    5. Shvidka vtomlyuvanstvo in the lower edges when walking. Appearing in pain in litkovy meats and stegna meats.

    6. The appearance of trophic wines on the lower pictures (beaches, trophies)

    7. Cooling down in the lower pictures.

    The main factories of rhiziku of the heart-sudinni zhvoryuvan:

    1. Wrong eating. Obesity. Hypercholesterolemia.

    2. Inactive and unruly way of living.

    3. Courinnya.

    4. Diabetes mellitus.

    5. Disgusting decline in judgments.

    Prevention of heart disease

    • "Rukh life". Active and ruhlivy way of life.
    • Vidmova from tyutyunopalinnya.
    • Oil control. Harchuvannya is correct and balanced.
    • Control of arterial grip.
    • Control of blood sugar.
    • Control of blood cholesterol (especially for 50 years).
    • For 50 years of taking drugs to develop shelter (based on aspirin).

    Diagram describing the priorities of products

    Main ailment of veins

    The most widespread venous disease is varicose veins (varicose veins of the lower limbs).

    Phlebology- one of the distribution of forensic surgery from the restoration of the anatomy of the veins, the physiology of the venous flow, prophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of chronic venous disease. Sudinny hirurg, deafened to engage in ailments of veins - phlebologist.

    The reasons for the development of varicose ailments are seen for more than 100, often women suffer, and the third person is also sick to the point of becoming ill.

    Significantly main reasons

    1. Genetic intelligence to the point of becoming ill.

    2. Hormonal overdose and stay in women.

    3. Static navantazhennya on the lower pictures (the robot "on its feet", or at the computer in the office).

    4. Slightly creepy way of life.

    5. Transferred thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis.

    Symptoms of varicose veins

    1. At the same time, the importance, the writing in the litkovye ointments is longer until evening. Bazhannya nadati to the lower prints vertically at the end of the day.

    2. Nabryklyst in the legs, more until evening, appearing in court at night.

    3. The emergence of superficial varicose veins, "mesh", "star".

    4. Nyuchi and pull more pains to go into the groin area.

    Folded varicose ailments

    1. Thrombophlebitis.
    2. Trophic paths of venous pacing.
    3. Phlebothrombosis.

    4. Thromboembolism of the Legendary Artery (BODY) - a corrosive camp.

    Prevention of varicose ailments:

    1. Vinatok of static navantazhen, trivial sitting and standing on the lower pictures.

    2. Wearing a suitable compression jersey (a type of jersey made from a likar).

    3. Medication supplementary therapy (venotonic).

    4. Contrast shower on the lower pictures.

    5. Physical culture (big, walking, swimming).

    6. Evening gymnastics.

    7. Victorian cream and gel, heparin.

    drug therapy

    1. Phlebotonikі (detralex, phlebodia, venoruton, Antistax, ginkor-fort and іnshі).

    2. Desagreganti (aspirin, trental, vazobral).

    3. Antioxidants (Vitamin E).

    4. Protinabryakov preparations (Detralex, Antistax, Phlebodia).

    5. Preparations that are injected into trophic processes (actovegin, solcoseryl, phlebodia 600).

    Contrast shower at the bottom

    Orієntovna scheme of a contrasting soul for nig :

    • repairing with warm water (ringing);
    • then I start up hot water (until quiet time, while it’s okay);
    • I make the water over-hot and start-up cold (20 seconds; the world has an hour zbіlshuєmo);
    • cherguumo: hot water (from 20 to 40 seconds), cold water (before hilini, the world has an hour zbіlshuєmo), hot water (until hilini), cold water (okay).

    So there are three contrasting transitions from hot water to cold.

    Likuvalnaya physical culture and gymnastics

    1. Lying on the back, hands vdovzh tuluba. Bend your leg in the knee and quilted slopes, use your hands to grip the gomilka near the homily-foot slope, unbend your leg, and pull your hands along them to the tazostegnous slope. Dikhannya is happy. Repeat with the skin leg 5-8 times.

    2. Lying on the back, hands vdovzh tuluba. Inhale. Vidikhayuchi, viconati 5-10 circular sleeves with feet, yak when riding bicycles. Repeat 3-5 times

    3. Lying on the back, hands vdovzh tuluba. Legs straight up the hill, pull the socks out to yourself, trim for 3-5 seconds, lower. Dikhannya is happy. Repeat 5-10 times

    4. Lying on the back, hands vdovzh tuluba. Take your right leg up the hill, pull the sock out to yourself, trim for 3-5 seconds, lower it. Dikhannya is happy. Repeat 5-10 times. Then there are also some of the viconati's development to the right with their left foot.

    5. Stand, legs at once, grab the back of the style with your hand. Swing your foot back and forth. Dikhannya is happy. Repeat 10-15 times with a skin leg.

    6. Stand, legs at once, grab the back of the style with two hands. Let’s go down on the racks. Dikhannya is happy. Repeat 10-20 times.

    7. Lying down on your stomach, swinging back and forth for 20-50 seconds.


    For additional prophylaxis, you can get up to 75% of the foremost damages. The nobility has symptoms of sickness, mothers can assess their own diseases for their disease and speed, as it is necessary, their own way of living. Gymnastics, physical right, walking guilty mintly enter into an ever-present skin bruise, if you want to preserve quality, health, more and more life. Behind the words of the father of medicine Hippocrates the Great: "Inconvenience і baidikuvannya to pull the wickedness and ill health".

    Youmu was echoed by the Monk Seraphim of Sarov: "Health is a gift from God."

    Let's take care of your health, and mi - lykari - you will be able to do it!

    Correspondent of the Subscription "Healthy family"

    likar Zharkova Tetyana Veniaminivna


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