Z'єднання uppercase letters of the Russian alphabet of the form. oud calligraphy

Z'єднання uppercase letters of the Russian alphabet of the form. oud calligraphy

§ 1 Great letter "O"

In front of us on the picture is the letter "O". Vona will be great, great, small, letters of the headline and letters of the row.

If there is a great letter in the words of writing?

Yak axis write about tse at his own top

Olena Izmailova:

"The letter zvichana virosla raptom,

Virosla is a vische of all letters-friends.

Marvel at the mail

On the letter of a friend.

Why not? For what merits?

Letters are given to the important right.

Put in words

Not free and not easy

The letter of such a high growth.

Put a letter on the cob next to the row,

They all started talking about the cob.

Іm'ya, the nickname is written with her,

I’m more vivid and more vivid,

Shcheb sounded voices and proudly

Іm'ya yours, іm'ya street, place.

The letter is great - zovsim is not dibnytsya:

Letters have a great sign! "

Otzhe, from the great, the names, the nicknames of people, the nicknames of the creatures and the geographic names are spelled out.

Olya, Oleg, Orsha, Orenburg, Onar - all words are written from great letters.

§ 2 Vchimosya write the letter "O"

And now the image of the handwritten letters of the letter of Fr. Are the stinks similar?

The Moldavian sings to Grigore Viyru in his own twisted letter 0 with a hoop:

"Hoop in the arena sleeping,

The tiger is in the fire in vіdvazhno stribna ".

And Galina Vanyukhina, a scribe, wrote the letter O to a great letter with an oval:

"The letter Pro was

Round, normal

Spati lagged - sides poured

I am now oval. "

Let's write a letter. We are astonished at the picture and we know a point, and we can write a letter. Then from the center of the point of the opposite direction of the arrow, smoothly downward, the oval is led up the hill. We get to the upper line, rounded and led down so that we know again at the point of departure.

§ 3 Z'єdnannya with the letter "O"

The letter pro (small) could be in words with інshi letters, needed for a іднання (upper and lower).

To write about (small) from the bottom z'єdnannyam, conducted from the lower point of the opposite direction - evil to the right and vivodimo z'єdnuvalny element.

To write about the (small) from the top z'єdnannyam, conducted from the lower point behind the year-old arrow - from right to left and vivodimo z'єdnuvalny element.

At the same time, guess the rules of the sheets.

The slid of the trimati is stolen in front of him.

The letters are not to blame for the upper and lower lines.

From the urahuvannyam tsikh rules to write independently the top and bottom of the letter with the letter pro: vo, ov, olo, oro and words hairy, head.

§ 4 Short bags for the same lesson

For the writing of the names, prisvish, the note of the creatures, the geographic names are victorious to the great letter O, and for the writing of words with a small letter O, the vicorists are upper or lower.

List of Victory Literature:

  1. Pronina O.V. My charming fingers. Recipe.
  2. Pronina O.V. Methodical recommendations for the reader. Literacy lessons for the handler "My Favorite Alphabet" and the spellings of "My charming sticks". Balass. 2014.
  3. Calendar-thematic planning "Russian language class 1" on the subject of Navchannya literacy.

Vikoristani images:

Correct writing of letters for garnishing handwriting. Georgieva M.O.

Moscow: 2016 - 16.p.

The registration of the viconan in the great traditions of the "radians" and pre-revolutionary books from the urahuvannya of the new pedagogical sorcerers at the tsiy galuzy. Recommended for children from 6 to 10 years. At the same time, at the same time with your child, you can read the written letters in letters. It is a pity, in the end of the rocky day, there is only one way to the correct spelling of the letters and the technology of the letterless writing. It should be done to the point that teachers in children’s classes and in children’s schools recommend that children write letters in a simple way. At the danіy of the prescription danі of the classic zrazki writing of letters і іх з'єднан (such as the smell of guilt when written with a pen). Regular busyness helps the little ones form a beautiful and bright handwriting.

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Seemingly, a good handwriting expert can say a little more about a man - about his character, sings, ways of misliving and turning his emotions. It seems like a robot by itself from the creation of a beautiful and fluffy handwriting. Ditina, Volodya has a good handwriting, I’ve gotten better after the letter, so she allows him to readily use the initial material. In such a rank, the leaf is not only the fingers of your child, according to the first will.
Do not forget about those, but the leaf is a folding rukhovy navik, it takes an hour to wiggle, there is a great number of repetitions and zusilla of the child herself. At the school, for the introduction of the letter to the skin, approximately 3 rows should be entered, and if the child is incorrectly visiting the factory, there is no way to correct the pardons. At the same time with the child, you can read the written letters in the letters. It’s a pity, at once every day was able to reach the correct spelling of the letters and the technical support of the letter. It is recommended that you just correct them all at once to the schoolyards, as the stench in which you might come across from the classics.

Bigger and quicker є such a sheet, when you write, you rarely open your hand to the paper. Tse zdіysnyuєtsya for a rakhunok bezvidryvnye decile letters in words (call 4-5 letters to be written in one stroke), for rakhunok deyakogo turn of the brush (overtal ruh - pronation) or for rakhunok a row of uninterrupted spares in front of a line

If you want to store your money, it doesn’t immediately automate, but you gain speed, the signal will start closing even early. To that, it will be vіdrivnim or bezdrivnim when writing letters from a collection of navchannya, is even more important for folding sheets of paper.

In a written font, the power of letterless writing is possible. As much as all the letters of the writing type, both great and small, are written without a pen, behind a vignette of deyaky letters. So, with the edged written upper element in the capital letters Г, П, Т, B, R. In the capital letters NSі T You can also write two elements with the first file:

It is recommended to see the list of heading letters TO,Ф і X. vіdrivniy to come to rice in the middle of the letter E. Z malikh litter vіdrivniy behind the help of the backstroke, to come across the letter b with a second letter. Bend in front of the front letter to the letter S. Letters k, x, e and i are written with one bead f. The letters are written with a right half-oval.

In the old methodical systems, in the rural lands and in the middle of the hour, for the bezel-less rounding of ovals, semi-ovals in letters (with the help of small letters, or in the middle of the quiet letters), the vicorists were able to make

Z'єdnannya type a), b) і d) can be vikoristanі for z'єднан yak with ovals, so і with navoval and rounded, so as tse z'єdnannya is the same, i.e. E. Usima with the forms of letters is the same. Z'єднання type в) you can buy vikoristani only with oval letters.

Longer in your leaves, let the vikoristovuyut grow out of the form of letters, letters, letterforms, etc. єday. It’s not natural to make it clear that it’s not natural to do it by way of repetition from the right, because it’s not just to get out of hand in the process of writing, but go in the opposite direction. Type b) for both semi-ovals and rounding naturally, so as a repetition of going from evil to the right, which is straight forward to the hand in the process of writing. In the older ovals, the lower repetition of type c) is often vicious, for looping, especially in the upper and middle ones with small letters about the second. Thanks to E. N. Sokolovoi's caution, she was confirmed by physiological preliminaries І. N. Sokolova і A І. Corvat. So, they are set, that the cob leaves ovals from the bottom evil to the right hand for the writing hand. For the tribute of N.N. Sokolov, we are also handy і and looped backs, which are seen in the rhythm of the hand.

Otzhe, and children need to see the natural ruhs, do not introduce pieces, I want the same type of upper repetition. It is not easy to introduce from the very cob only the loops of the letter, but to rewind the letter і in case of an unimportant visitor to the children, it can bring to the destruction the very image of the letter, so that the reading of what is written is slower. So. warehouse la mohe viglyadati yak

Here we can go back to the back of the letter. I’ll look at the best performance for those who write soon the same looped backs, I need to organize the actions introduced in more senior stages of the day, since the image of the literary є. With a whole lot of possible transition err of the lower re-entry to more economical loop-back :. The requirement is that the upper hinge is not represented in the letters pro, u, in the end, nothing new is presented in the context of the lower ones with oval letters. Tse those z'єdnannya, only pick up food for vivacity, for speedy traktorії ruhu. Name in the leaves of the grown-ups the same way of knowing and promoting:

The price of change and earlier, with the introduction of a bezel-less letter, D.A. Pisarevsky, V.A. We can also see the gradual acceleration of writing letters in the process of writing red-writing. In the first class, only the lower end is entered with oval letters. At the same time, it is recommended to use robiti vidriv in front of the oval and napival letters. The teacher can write on the back without writing, but children are allowed to write with the letter from below; such a way if you want to get an offensive transition on an unavoidable sheet with oval letters

With sheets of letters o, u, in class II, it is required to enter looped backs (with upper and middle backs): kin, vila and lower repeat in the lower one: my... With a sieve with oval and alphanumeric letters, it is possible to vikoristovuvat not one kind of z'єdnan, but to combine it in such a way as to grow in your leaves; with oval letters (a, d, b, f) more vikoristovuvat lower repetition of evil to the right in the middle of the word and start writing on top of the cob of the word:

It was written in letters with, f, x in I and II classes, it is more beautiful to write with the help of the letter.

In the III class, it is possible to show to the scholars and be sure to draw the letter in letters, and the buttonhole itself:

Itself so, in the fallowness due to the vividness of the day, matured in the new letters, the vikoristovuyut of the vid and vidnan.

It’s not so easy for children to make a sound, in any case they’re not victorious. Stink to carry be-like a priyom on the development of letters. The presenter of the rector is consistently given the correctness, the required information in the literal receipt, the greatest amount of money in them.

Priyomi bezvіdrivno z'єdnan

Persh nіzh talk about priyomi z'єdnan letters, demand zupinitiya on the classification of z'єdnan letters. According to the height of the knowledge, it is possible to cleverly distribute to the upper, middle, lower, and even if it is necessary to think it out, so, the lower ones can be called half-lines in front of the letters with the letters oval a, b, l, m f z and with the letter o, as there is a letter behind it, I can begin to write from below.

In the middle of the day, it is possible to change the letter in front of the letter e, h, f, g, x, h, e, v, so the letters can be repaired approximately from the middle of a row or three. The top can be used for the letters і, to, t, p, s, n, v, c, as well as about і yu, if the letters follow them, you can read them when the leaves are above or in the middle. However, we decided to finish it off, so when the leaf is beardless, it is important to talk about the middle cob of the letter and the back of the front letter without interruption. The vigor of such a subtlety can be seen even better when the letter in front of the letter is adjusted to the letter v. So, - clearly the upper z'єdnannya, but in the beginning it is important to say, the middle or the lower one. Razumіyuchi, such a rozpodіl during the uninterrupted process of writing intelligently, the teacher viroblya yogo for the splendor of the development of the peculiarities of cich spoluk. When there is a need for memory, the middle of the day is not seen from the upper one in ways.

The lower Z'єdnannya letters in, ь, ь with the given viewerє so:, and the middle and upper -

The slid also grows in half with an anhydrous leaf of letters in the fallow of the form:

1. З'єднання letters, scho include ovals: a) a, b, d, f; b) Oh, Yu, c) pro, Yu

2. Z'єdnannya letters, scho include napivoval or rounding:

3. Z'єdnannya letters, do not include ovals, but rather napivoval: a) d, i. to, n, nt, h, w; b) l, m, i; c) p, f - bezvіdrivne element sheet, scho go beyond the lower line; d) s'єdnannya pislya loops - d, z, y, c, u, d, z, y.

4. Z'єdnannya headings - D, A

Accept bezvidrivnogo z'єdnannya of such letters, yak do. Art. y (NOT oval n NOT napivalnim), even simple. Shcheb bezvіdrivno z'єdnati letters in warehouses or letters to the type nі, shu, ін, тк, and the elements are in the middle of the letters, it is necessary to bring a single stroke to the cob of a sheet of the forward letter or the element :. If the stroke is brought to the middle of the letter, then the ear of the forward letter is not guilty of being distant from the front, for example:.

In such a rank, I’ll be able to draw out letters without edging, the requirement to draw a backward stroke to the ear of the first letter (in the 1st class up to the upper line of the row. ” However, children in the middle of the day often cheat the pardon, fixing a sheet of letters l, m, I am in the middle of the letters and see everything. letters of writing from the top to bottom:

Transfer the stench to a sheet of letters, which are repaired below the upper line of the row. Replace writing fixing writing a letter m from above or mayzhe from above. Such graphical notes can be mistaken for spelling, but before the wrong reading of the written. Scientific guilty of the nobility, scho with letters l, m, i lower. Yogo need to fix three more lines of the lower line of the row.

Without lifting my hands to write the element, I go down the line behind the lines in the letters R і f, it is necessary, having written the element without lifting my hands down, draw a pen over the written up hill:

Scientists are guilty of good nobility, as they are used to write opals, I am semi-oval, in which letters are written as letters, as the stench stands on the cob of a word.

little liters a, b, d, f From the front letter, z'єdnuyutsya without cutting the hand, by way of repeated holding down the hand in the course of the hand in the process of writing.

warehouse that be written like this:

So it is itself with the front letter to get out of the letters d, b, f:

As soon as the word is repaired from the oval letter, then write the letter of the request from above:

At the ear of a word with an oval letter, either a letter is an independent word (for example, union a), do not write a letter from the top, so it’s not a lot of letters in front of the front, it’s more economically. As the teacher of the animal, I respect the children on the cob, the leaves of oval letters on the cob of the word, specially written priyom, then the children will write correctly. Start at the bottom to fix a sheet of ovals in the heading letters Aboutі Ю for bezvіdrivnogo z'єднання with the advancing letters:

A row letter about `` about That is, then, with a false letter will be trohi іnshim:

In the words of the word, the letter about the work can be written in such a way as it is handy for the hand.

Letter y, so yak i letter about, Z'є

Repeatedly discouraged to show, but with a small number of letters o with the letters l, m, i.E. about without backstroke:

The letter pro pri tsomu staє is similar to the letter a. If the leaves are unbroken, the backstroke is not overlooked, but if you need to, I respect those who have had enough dozens and do not get up:

The teacher is guilty of nagadati to the scholars, so tse z'єє

Litera b with the advancing letter z'є

The letter z z in front of the front letter is found in the middle:

Letters z i f with the letters that have been given, be sure to repeat the passage below:

The letter z is written without cutting the "feather" by a path of repeated drawing from the bottom and from the top of the right semi-oval:

Litera X the title and x ryadkov are written with a revision. Briefly describes the procedure for the introduction of a bezvіdrivno z'єdnan.

With the robots with the seven-year-old first-class students, it was clear that if children had to write 2 3 letters (store) they needed the first lessons, so that they would not re-learn more.

Sixth children are much more involved in the process of the leaves, they are more tired and willing. However, the stench can write bezvіdrivіlly okremі lіteri, z'udnuvati, do not open hands from the paper, two letters, as the center of the lіteri is not oval, for example, warehouses: shu, vul, lu, etc.

In the alphabetical period, it is written without proof of letters, like in the written font, which is written without proof. In addition, two letters are of the type shu, me, chi, їv and ін. (Other than oval letters) Children who are guilty of writing do not open their hands.

Oval letters in the middle of the word are more beautiful to write from the bottom of evil to the right with a turn and not to vimagati from children of bezdrivnenny

W II class to go to write a warehouse, do not lift your hands to the paper. Tsya vimoga sberіgaєtsya until the end of the II class. As a teacher at once, from the scholars of writing, I write the whole word; Until the end of the second grade, most children can easily write 3-5 letters without opening their hands.

In the III class children start writing without fail; words are composed of 4-5 letters. Look at it there, letting out the letters, like the need to write, open the hand (b, c. X і ін.). In the II class, there are all the letters from the letters. Winning the need for lowering the lower numbers with the letters l, m, i, oskіlki scholars їkh often repair writing is even higher. The teacher will turn around until the qih z'єdnan is seen, if he will help the leaves of scholars to be pardoned.

Z'єднанні with oval letters can be entered in this order: in the first line of the bottom іdpratsyuvati lower єднання with small oval letters a, b, d, f. Tse z'єdnannya to be drawn from the usim in oval letters.

Then go to the summary with the heading letters О and NS
with the letters that have been submitted, so as
to tsih repetitions of z'єdnannyam with malim oval
letters. Okremo slid vidpratsyuvati z'єdnannya z malimi
letters about i NS. Repeat the collection of the lower order
with zimi letters. Z'yasovuatsya with knowledge, in what vipadki
z'єdnannya qih letters will be lower. Tse z'єdnannya bude
lower todi, if I step behind the letters about the first letter
we can write below, that is, in letters l, m, i, a, b, d, f. on
the offensive level is repeated the top of the day with malimi
letters aboutі u. You can write two words :,

In which there is a letter about `` to be found unequally in the fallowness from the onset of the letter behind it

Okremo slid vіdpratsovuvati z'єднання with alphanumeric letters. It is necessary to repeat that the right half did not come across as in the middle of the letters, so n in the letters z - start with the bend. Explain the sheet with edged in іnshih napіvoval - letters e, x, zh.

In grades III-IV, the teacher learns from children the ways of writing letters in words. Itself in the cich classes, the mossy transition to large looped loops of semi-oval.

Razum, but without a leaf, manually and yes, there is the possibility of breaking through some of the best and smooth rucks, the teacher at once is guilty of the nobility, so that children must be able to co-ordinate the ruins of some of the failures of the handwriting of the nerves. zastosuvati rules about bezvіdrivno leaves. Such children can be allowed to write in such a way that they are handy. At the same time, there is a need for vrahovuvati, and the speed of letters from such children is seen from the lists of their scientists.

It can be especially important for them to impart a trivial, uninterrupted flow in the process of writing. To that, the teacher permits the children to write letter by letter, not imposing a leaf on them, but they do not bother them. The rating for the last sheet does not decrease.

Uzagalnyuchi said in the whole distribution, we are prompted by references to the book in the offensive tables:

class Vimogi do z'єdnan character z'єdnan Replenishment of non-valid letters
I class (6 rocks) Basically by letter sheet Draw in front of oval and nimble letters. Z'єdnannya in front of the ovals at the bottom yak preparation to a leafless leaf. З'єднання two letters - shu, mule, sn - mozhut buti bezvidrivno
II class (7 rocks) Post-word bezvidrivne leaf Vіdrivny sheet with right napіvoval in front of the willow letters х і ж. To be entered without the lower end of the day in oval letters. Bezvіdrivne upper loop z'єdnannya z letters o, yu, v, b, b. Rule: Warehouse Write do not open hands (bags), tobto 2-3 liters.
Sh class (8 rock_v) Without a leaf of short sleeves It appears bezv_drivno looped z'єднання with nap_vovalny letters. Bezvidrivna sheet 4-5 letters

Nahil in the sheets

A leaf can be nailed to a mother: can be straight (not inclined), we will heal to the right and we will heal to the right. Directly the sheet vvazhaєtsya todі, if the main elements of the ruch (on itself) go perpendicular to the line of the row; when the leaves are nailed to the right, the main elements set the gostry kut to the line of the row; when the leaves are nailed, the main moments are made up of a dull cut to the line of a row: І K.

Straight cut - straight sheet.

Gostriy kut - right-inclined leaf

Blunt kut - livonahilene leaf

Mi navchaєmo learned letters with nahil to the right. However, a leaf that is grown up in the fallowness of the winter surroundings can be with a larger and smaller napil to the right, it can be non-inclined (straight) or be nailed to the left. Right-stole a leaf to spry out yak more beautiful. For right-handed people (and there are so many) people who are right-handed people (and there are such a large number of people), it is not so natural to use the leaves and not to use the traditions of the stolen writing font. Vimoga write with nahil to the right to start doing everything with ease for writing, you can write for an hour when there is less vitality of forces.

Our high-school writing font is the very same abduction, but it is the fault of the people who write to the big fast letters. It is easy to see what the polarity is in. In the process of writing, an active part is to take in the open arms of the fingers and in the whole hand, in front of the shoulder and the shoulder, so that the back of the slopes and the joints of all hands. That needs to be handy for an hour of writing. Learn to write, sit at a desk or a table. You want to be able to sit by hand for an hour of writing. Learn to stitch for a team, yak і scho wіn write. Otzhe, you need to write like this, it’s good for the dawn. The yak was shown a richly adolescent leaf, a leaf with a nahil to the right є the most nimble and handy for the arm of the right hand, in rows before the hour of writing, for Russian fingers of the hand, i.e. E. Vidpovidaє biomechanics leaves.

I will try to bring it to the eye. "Let an hour of writing for the hand and fingers of the hands best here, then pull the hands right on you (apparently to the folds of the folds of the phalanges of the fingers). It’s best for an eye and a brush. ”So it was, yakbi lyudina wrote on one point, not transmitting the brush, but the papir bi collapsed from right to left.

For the reason, in the process of writing, the hand goes over to the right, Tse zdіysnyutsya for rakhunok ruku in front of the pile with the center in the litter. Likot abo neruhomiy, or slightly collapse. Put your right hand on the style, so that the brush was right in the middle of the breasts, and turn your hand over the spike in the center in the corner of the bosom. Your brush will crumble into the mountain. Tse yak times that way, with every one there is a leaf of bridle row.

Otzhe, for the free hand, the hour of writing is guilty of falling over the mountain. Tom, we need to steal the position of the zoshit, with which on a deyakom way to the road before the trip, it can collapse up the hill

The fingers and the hand in a whole hour come with the leaves on themselves, the main ruffs perpendicular to the line of the row, and the other - with the nape to the right.

The arkush paper for the hour of writing is put on the stile with the cover so that the rows go up the hill, and if the people write and the bag is sewn straight, but the rows will be straight, Tse will be handy for reading the written. As a lyudin’s load of papier ni with nahil, but if you write with a direct position, then it’s not handy with a tricky sheet for the brush and beforehand.

so, at the same time, the hand will replace the dead ruch along the radius of the fault, gradually collapsing downward, as if “squeezing”, the shoulder squeezes back, squeezing to the bottom, until the whole tulub turns in one direction. Otzhe, the sheet is todi manually, if the arkush paper lay with a heel. As a result, the paper doesn’t go straight, but it’s stolen. A whole leaf and will be the best hand for writing with your right hand.

With a direct position of the paper, we have a straight line, it’s a bit uncomfortable for a hand to drop, and rows

In such a rank, when the leaves were in our country, he didn’t go by himself. We will steal the rules of zoshiti in terms of values. I have stolen a leaf in a whole lot of results, a product of the writing process.

However, you will not be able to steal a leaf, as we will write with it in a straight position. Todi we will be able to draw the capitals of the kidnapped leaves, but for the wreck of the hand and the steadfast eye, it will not be handy and visibly. It is unfortunate for the kidnapped one to write letters only with a copy of the nahil. It’s not right to sit at the party until it’s a stiff little beast. Such a sheet can be missed, if the teacher stitches only for the tim. When learning to write with nahil, not vimagayuchi, shob, trimming at the same time, and sowing with nahil. Tsyom often take additional kidnapped lines on the arkushi (braid of the net). In any case, when it’s supposed to be a zoshiti, it’s nahil in the sheets.

Nakhil alone with a hand only for quietly, who can write with his own hand, and even when the paper is supposed to be written before the hour of writing. About tse will be said below.

If you need it, navchit the child's letter - show you some letters from the child. The price is a universal method of writing, if the child has mastered the consistency of the knowledge of the elements from which the letter is formed. Tse mozhut buti:

  1. Cola.
  2. Ovali.
  3. Gags.
  4. Sticks.

Tobto, the dermal letter is a complete object, ale vin is stored with decilkoh elements, leathers that need to be mastered. Children have the intelligence of small and handy letters. Alle, it is easy to write in a smart way by handwritten letters, so that you can learn to master this science. The handwriting is like the individual rice of the skin people, but the guilt will be the same.

Schob in a maybutny child writing loosely, you need to explain why the elements of the letter are stored. Tse - letters, fold, words. More foldable in mastering propositions, paragraphs and texts. Step by step, master the science, child's mind, how can you covet the set result. Not a skinny grown-up himself can write competently, but you need to read a child. Engage with it according to the prescriptions, vi, you can, shake it up, so your handwriting is polished.

It is important to understand, as to explain the child, if different types of letters get used to the sheets. It is necessary to step by step by choosing the letters of the Russian alphabet in words. Methods of navchannya chimalo. It is recommended to know the way to unify the chain at once, so that the result will be poorer.

The standard version of the writing of the great letters of the Russian alphabet is vikoristovuvati recipes. The method is developed by a team, which is useful for older adults, and for children. As soon as the daddy didn’t get up to the vibrations yet, it’s time to start growing up.

The registration of the viconan in the great traditions of the "radians" and pre-revolutionary books from the urahuvannya of the new pedagogical sorcerers at the tsiy galuzy. Recommended for children from 6 to 10 years. At the same time, at the same time with your child, you can read more in the written letters

The registration of the viconan in the great traditions of the "radians" and pre-revolutionary books from the urahuvannya of the new pedagogical sorcerers at the tsiy galuzy. Recommended for children from 6 to 10 years. At the same time, at the same time with your child, you can read the written letters in letters. It is a pity, in the end of the rocky day, there is only one way to the correct spelling of the letters and the technology of the letterless writing. It should be done to the point that teachers in children’s classes and in children’s schools recommend that children write letters in a simple way. At the danіy of the prescription danі of the classic zrazki writing of letters і іх з'єднан (such as the smell of guilt when written with a pen). Regular busyness helps the little ones form a beautiful and bright handwriting.

Seemingly, a good handwriting expert can say a little more about a man - about his character, sings, ways of misliving and turning his emotions. It seems like a robot by itself from the creation of a beautiful and fluffy handwriting. Ditina, Volodya has a good handwriting, I’ve gotten better after the letter, so she allows him to readily use the initial material. In such a rank, the leaf is not only the fingers of your child, according to the first will.
Do not forget about those, but the leaf is a folding rukhovy navik, it takes an hour to wiggle, there is a great number of repetitions and zusilla of the child herself. At the school, for the introduction of the letter to the skin, approximately 3 rows should be entered, and if the child is incorrectly visiting the factory, there is no way to correct the pardons. At the same time with the child, you can read the written letters in the letters. It’s a pity, at once every day was able to reach the correct spelling of the letters and the technical support of the letter. It is recommended that you just correct them all at once to the schoolyards, as the stench in which you might come across from the classics.

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