I will name the preparation of contraception extrina. Pills for extreme contraception - type and efficiency

I will name the preparation of contraception extrina. Pills for extreme contraception - type and efficiency

All obstetricians and gynecologists think about those who are to blame for the planned schedule. Maybutny mama needs to prepare her body and go through a routine. It is especially important that a woman has chronic ailments. However, according to statistics, close to 30-35% of vacancies become unscheduled and most often end up being overridden, as it is badly poured into a healthy life. Do not allow it, in the first days of an unprotected statute act, you can vikoristovuvati methods of how to protect your vaginosity. Їх nazyvayut ekstrena contraception.


see contraception

Prior to the emergency contraception, take medications that should be kept alive for 5 days after the statutory act to protect the vaginosity. Oh vicoristannya guilty we will think it over, with reasoning of the risk of negative inheritance. Likars in the region do not recommend the sinister use of extreme contraception; Think more cleverly about the best ways of a permanent zahist in advance and discuss them with a gynecologist. In the most effective way to secure the moment є hormonal preparations: tablets, plastires, spirals, implants, ін'єкції.

There are many types of extreme contraception:

  • pills to take revenge on levonorgestrel (Postinor, Eskapel);
  • tablets, scho revenge ulpristal acetate (Dvella);
  • copper-containing internal spirales (IUDs);
  • combined oral contraceptives (COCs).

Mechanism of contraception for contraception in strangled ovulation, the transitional code for delaying and attaching the fruit egg to the uterus, as late as it is still growing. As a result, the vagina is not insistent.

Extra contraception is not an abortion, because I think it’s a lot of women. There is no need to interrupt the journey to attach the fruit egg to the uterus and not to bring the baby to the embryo. Looks like a woman is already vagitna (a positive test for an analysis of good human gonadotropin), then the woman is already pregnant. Such drugs should not be injected onto the body until conception before the hour of the onset of the menstrual cycle.

Mifepristone tablets can be added to the list of additional contraceptives in some dzherels. However, the stench may be called the first mechanism of the game. The stench will savor the speed of the uterus and drink the fruit egg from her. According to the day, the stench is a drug for medical abortion, and not an increase in vaginosity.

Shown for zasosuvannya

Extra contraception can be indicated for non-transmissible situations, if there is a shortage of symptoms, or the need for a permanently vicious method of taking a vicious summons. Yak a regular method of contraception won suvoro zaboroneno. Show list include:

  • Razviru abo ziskovuzuvannya condom in the process of statutory act;
  • zgvaltuvannya;
  • I didn’t give a try to interchange the statutory act (it’s extraneous to the date in the first place, or at the latest articles of the organization of the woman);
  • vipadannya, breakage, substitution, opening vaginal diaphragms;
  • skipping the intake of a prototypical tablet for three or more days after a day (for a minimum period of time for 3 years from the set hour);
  • the prevalence of contraceptives;
  • vipadannya IUD or hormonal implant.

It is familiar with the recommendations of gynecologists, women with regular monthly use of special drugs for extravagant treatment of vaginosity, since the act of being taken in safe days (up to the 6th day of the cycle of the 26th-day cycle) The rate of conception in the course of the day is still low and becomes less than 5%.

There are no absolute contraindications for extreme contraception. The method can speed up a woman, be it a vik. An hour later, after the registration, it is necessary to go through the maintenance, as it is possible to see the visibility.

Levonorgestrel tablets

Quite a few tablets are used to improve vaginosity after the statutory act most often. Levonorgestrel is administered to progestogens and in small doses to enter the warehouse of COCs. Two drugs are dispensed by the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter (Ugorshchina):

  • Postinor with doses of levonorgestrel 0.75 mg;
  • Eskapel with doses of levonorgestrel 1.5 mg.

For oral contraceptive pills with levonorgestrel, take in a dose of 1.5 mg once a day for no more than 72 years after an unprotected statute. Qia dosuvannya vіdpovіdaє 1 tablet Eskapelu or 2 tablets Postinor. Postinor is taken according to the scheme: 2 tablets once a day or 1 tablet at intervals of 12 hours.

When taking the drug in certain doses, the rate of vaginality drops to 2-3%. Chim earlier in the article act to accept the result For women with an overwhelming weight, the chances of getting a trophy and reaching 9%.

As a rule, the drugs in general do not infuse on the regularity of the menstrual cycle and the nature of the vision, but sometimes it is possible to get sick sooner or later, or the clotting of menstruation in the intervals of 5 days.

Until the proof is given, the sensitivity is adjusted until you enter the warehouse of drugs in the main and additional words, when it comes to vaginism, lactation, severe deterioration of the function of the liver and nirok.

Side reactions include tediousness, weakness, pain in the lower abdomen, headache, hair loss, swelling of milky vines. One of the side effects can be bloat. If it’s been trap for 3 years, it’s necessary to repeat it.

The main reason is not safe for the preparation of an extra dose of levonorgestrel polyagaє in that, if you do not get a stench at the beginning of the delayed egg production and development of the membrane, then it can lead to post-vaginal vaginosis. It is tied together, so that the stench can produce before the ovum is covered up through the uterine tubes into the empty uterus.

Video: Yak accept Postinor, efficiency and proof

Tablets with ulіprіstal acetate

Tablets with ulіprіstal acetate are released under the trade name Dvella to the company Gedeon Rіkhter (Ugorshchina). The stench is more effective and baked-free for extreme contraception, less drugs for levonorgestrel. In addition, the stench of vikoristovuyutsya on the protest of more trivial term written by the statute act (5 days or 120 hours).

Dose of ulіprіstal acetate, effective for extravaginal increase in vaginosity, storage - 30 mg. Accept її slіd one-time. Mechanism for the preparation of polyagus in the induction and in the hopefulness of the ovulation, as a result of which the withdrawal from the follicle of the mature ovule is blocked, and the growth of the spermatozoa becomes uncomfortable.

Prior to a contraindication for such a method of contraception, hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug, pechinkov and nirkoval deficiency, vaginism, breastfeeding is considered. Side reactions include headaches, nudity, abdominal discomfort, dysmenorrhea. Make the stench come through in a light or light form, pass independently.

Extrinsic contraception of a copper-containing IUD is characterized by a high rate of infection (up to 99%);

  1. Less money saving. It’s easier to drink a pill, I’ll write down to the drug and I don’t take the procedure myself. Before staging a spiral, it is necessary to create an analysis and go through a test for a test report, which will take the first hour.
  2. The term of contraception. With vicorian tablets, a woman with bazhanni zdatnі zdatnіtnі already on the onset of the menstrual cycle. The spiral is placed not for one day, but in terms of 5 times. Tse means that for the whole hour the woman will not be good until conception.
  3. Vidchuttya. The setting of the spirali is to complete an uncomfortable and painful process. In addition, with a close visit, there can be a trauma and mucus of the uterus.

For extreme contraception, the spiral will be established within 5 days after an unprotected statutory act. At the empty uterus, an intrauterine T-shaped prism Nova T (Nimechchina) or ParaGard T (USA) is inserted. I will look at the triviality of the term setting, such a method is ideal for women who plan to use the main method of contraception.

The contraceptive effect with the introduction of the medical spiral is realized for the growth of the implantation of the implanted egg. Mid at the warehouse the spiral wicked reaction to the stall is fired in the empty uterus, the chemical warehouse of the middle farm, a spermatocyte production.

Prior to the indication for the setting of the spiral, the following should be admitted:

  • ignition and infectious processes in the pelvic organs;
  • pathological approval in the abnormalities of the uterus;
  • vagіtnіst;
  • malformations and irregular shape of the uterus and the cervical canal.

Do not go to such a method for women with damaged blood loss.

Protizaplіdnі tablets

The extra contraception for the help of the PDA in Danish hour vikoristovutsya rіdko, I want to continue to be popular for ten years. Vona is characterized by the lowest level of zahist. Tsey method of contraception is called the Yuzpe method.

Winning polyagus has been implanted for 72 years after the statutory act of decile tablets of combined oral contraceptives in doses that are meaningfully transposed. The number of tablets, if you need to drink, should be dispensed so that about 200 μg of ethinylestradiol and 1.5 mg of gestagen were taken. Qiu dozuvannya for 2 priyomi with an interval of 12 hours. For example:

  1. COCs instead of ethinylestradiol 30 mcg (Femoden, Tri-regol, Trikvilar, Marvelon) are taken in two doses with an interval of 12 years, 4 tablets each.
  2. COCs instead of etinylestradiol 50 mcg (Non-ovlon, Ovidon) p'yut (200 mcg) also in two doses with an interval of 12 hours, or 2 tablets each.

The shortage of the method of extreme contraception є the advancement of the risk of serious side effects and the loss of self-esteem, as well as the victory of high doses of estrogen.

Before taking any pills with the help of the advanced prevention of vaginosity, it is important to consult a doctor. These drugs interfere with the natural physiological processes and can be used as negative traits for reproductive function.

Video: Obstetrician-gynecologist about the rules for taking drugs for emergency contraception

It is obvious that a woman should be put to her good health, wonderfully think over, in the best way to save herself from all the inappropriateness that is tied to the intimate side. But if everything is done, it’s unwise to transfer it. Life is rich, and surprises, as you have to wear decals, do not expect to accept and transfer.

Drink so much
- Tear or tear a condom;
- Interruptions of the statutes of the act did not take place;
- Two or more oral contraceptive pills are passed;
- Sexual contact is not abducted (due to circumstances).

In all chicks in the fall, the rizik will be able to reach a high one. However, panikuvati is not varto. It is possible to take care of non-desirable vaginosity if you have sexual intercourse with the help of the so-called extreme or post-coital contraception.

Tse is a representative of the old generation of hormonal preparations. One tablet contains 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel (synthetic hormone). Zastosovuvati yogo treba in two stages. I need to live Postinor's pill for 72 years after the statutory act, and more beautifully at once. I will step the pill in 12 years after the first time. The efficiency of Postinor's reception is based on the fact that after an hour of sending an unprotected act, they accepted the following:
94% - when the tablet was taken for 24 years after the act;
86% - if the bullet tablet was taken for 25-48 years after the act;
57% - when the tablet was taken for 49-72 years after the act.

For receiving non-recurrent malignant events:
see nudoti
Feeling overwhelmed
Head bill
Ailments and inappropriateness in the zones of milk diseases and in the lower part of the abdomen
Temperature adjustment

Prototypes shown up to Postinor's reception є:
Important liver disease (hepatitis (earlier than transfer), cirrhosis).
Period of statutory review

Postinor can be victorious only women with a regular menstrual cycle.

Win can be stashed for a maximum of 96 years from the moment of the junior day. Take twice as much levonorgestrel (1.5 mg), which requires only one tablet. Rizik viniknennya warehouse capacity in the middle of 1.1%. Prototype demonstration and secondary manifestations are the same as in Postinor's.

Ginepriston abo Agesta

However, on the thought of the All-Holy Organization of Health Protection by the method of the first choice for extreme contraception, there is a drug that reveals the anti-hormone mifepristone. Currently available in pharmacies є Gіnepriston і Agesta. Їх efficiency 98.8%. One pill was taken to take revenge on 10 mg of mifepristone, not more than 72 years after an unprotected statute.

Hynepriston (Agenda) practically does not catch the robots of your reproductive system, but if you accept it, you can try on your own such side effects:
Inconsistency in the lower abdomen
perceived weakness
Headache attack
Blues abo nudotu
allergic visip
Adjustable temperature
Zbi menstrual cycle

It is not possible to get rid of Ginepriston (Agestu) in case of problems with the liver and nirkami, with changes in the hormonal background, as well as in case of other illnesses.

Often the stasis of Ginepriston (Agesti) reduces the effectiveness of the yogo performance.

The use of drugs that are intended for postcoital treatment of vaginosis must be strictly discussed prior to the instructions. To be afraid of the price of a hungry slunk (at the moment of the last reception, it is guilty to pass at least 2 years), and not at least 2 years, as a pill of vipity.

As a result of an extreme contraception, a reaction to the attack of blues for three years after being consumed, the effectiveness of the drug decreases sharply. It is necessary to take an additional dose.

Remember, if you’re looking forward to the fact that you have taken the prototypical tablets of an extra dose, in a decade you will need to go to your special gynecologist:
To reconsider, why you do not have any infectious diseases - even if the drugs are not taken from the disease, they are transmitted as a result of sexual contact
It’s overturned, but the vagina still didn’t come (it’s especially important when there are more months of age, less for a long time when taking pills, or when you have had low menstrual visions).
Likar, having postponed for an hour after your menstrual cycle, indicating, if necessary, a remedy to stimulate the function of the testicles.

Capture extreme (term) contraception is not so bad: the stench can hurt the hormonal loss and damage to the functions of the reproductive system. Until then, the storage of їkh mensh is effective, it’s not planned to keep up with the usual anti-captive pogulok, or the more accurate storage of condoms.

A little more beautifully, speed them up, lower risikuvati: the body will fit in with the legacies that you receive soon, but about the child, who was born as a result of unplanned vaginosti, you will have to experience all life.

How robiti does a condom break?

Also, if you didn’t see it, they could have started, more beautifully in the way of the necessary visits.

1. Visnachtesya, what kind of drug you will be zastosovuvati. More beautifully zupiniti sv_y vibir on preparations Ginepriston or Agesta. Before speech, the preparations are cheaper than Postinor.

2. Yakomoga shvidsche go to the pharmacy. And go faster with your phone and see if it is obvious. In the pharmacy, you can use the old radio Eskapel and Postinor, and for Ginepriston or Ageti vimagati a recipe for a likar. If you have a problem, it’s a matter of course to go to a gynecologist. Yakshho Ginepriston or Agesti, in principle, is not in the zone of availability, then bathe Eskapel.

3. If you opinilis beyond the cordon, then there may be analogous preparations under the same names. For example, to replace Postinor, you can create Plan B, Levonelle, NorLevo and інші. If you are not ready to drink, perhaps, in a Turkish pharmacy, then take the drug of extreme contraception with you.

4. If you were on a tourist trip, for in some kind of mission, if you can see it from the civilization, then there would be a lot of information about extreme contraception for a long time. In the first place, we must do it by hook or by crook to get extra anti-tamper tablets. Obviously, the stench is not suitable for such purposes, but in the times of extreme need to be victorious it is possible, and it is possible to achieve it successfully. Їх, how і describe the drug, it is necessary to take it earlier, it is more beautiful (the maximum term is 72 years old). Stagnate їх yak Postinor in 2 priyomy (another dose in 12 years after that, when the Persian is taken) And the axis is the number of tablets in 1 dose, depending on the concentration and the store of hormones, can be changed:
- Mistyat etinilestradiol (Marvelon, MINIZISTON, MIKROGENON, Femoden, RIGEVIVIDON): dose - 4 tablets;
- Revenge etinylestradiol (NON-OVLON, BISEKURIN, Ovoseptu, OVULEN, ANOVLAR): dose - 2 tablets;
- Mini-drank (microlut, eksklyuton, OVRET) to avenge the very same speech, as well as Postinor, altogether in small quantities, so the dose for reaching the effect is to blame for the "shock" - 20 tablets.

And now about the actions of the psychological aspects for the young and the under-educated.

1. A lady, having found herself in such a situation, often regrets to worry a lot about her health. Turn around, the situation is going to be spent on the baggage, and for the actions, 5-6 times per hour of active article life. Zayva nervosti more naughty you, not be a drug.

2. Even if you are young and you will be grateful with litter when you buy an emergency contraception, then visit a pharmacy in the region where you won’t look anymore.

3. It’s more attractive to ask to buy your partner’s pills, but, as a rule, young people can also get lost in price. If your cholovik will shamelessly wait until he takes the situation in his hands - be happy: it will be possible for him to rozrahovuvati and in a small place. If it’s dumb - go on your own, and yours will stay quiet: at once you have a bigger term on the right.

4. As soon as you don’t see in your own moral strength, call your friend as “a group of pidtrimki”. You can, wait and wait, buy the drug for you, but it’s not a matter of sinister: vreshty-resht, your problems are most beautifully independent.

5. Tablets of "Extra Help" are extremely expensive, but not the reason why you should consider your purchase. You can ask for pennies or borrow
- At your partner (very logical)
- At a friend's
- At mami's, in kintzі kіntsіv

For two of them, it is more beautiful to think of a listenable ghost, and not to find a reason, instead of lying at the steps of the proximity of your victories.

Photo: CITAlliance / depositphotos.com

Extrina or postcoital contraception is intended for the prevention of vaginosity as a result of an unprotected act and includes different methods and drugs. The essence of breeding is before the delayed ovum is born to the wall of the uterus and start to develop. The effectiveness of this method is to lay down independently of the hour of taking the drug for sex, which is more effective.

If you need contraception

As long as it takes 24 years for the statutory act to take an extreme contraception, the efficiency will be close to 95%. If the Bula tablet is taken after 25-48 years, the efficiency will change by 10%. If it is used in 49-72 years, then the result becomes 55-60%.

Koristuvatisya tsim method can be much worse. In any case, it is not possible to store it in the capacity of a permanent acquisition of an undesirable vaginosity.

As soon as a woman is breastfeeding, in vinyatkovy vypadki it is possible to speed up termovaya contraception. For the whole it is necessary to skasuvati for one additional breast to vigodovuvannya to re-vivedennya to the body of the drug taken. Stagnation of extreme contraception is justified in the case of physical violence and in cases of violence, if the vagina can obstruct the health of the woman.

see the drug

The prices are distributed by the warehouse and by the method of storage.

Combined oral contraceptives

Accept no more than three dibs for article contact. Preparations based on ethinylestradiol (Marvelon, Miniziston, Mikroginon, Femoden, Rigevidon) will take a few times. On the basis of ethinylestradiolu (Non-Ovlon, Bisekurin, Ovulen, Ovidon, Anovlar), it is necessary to take it on its own for a period of about 12 years.

Pure progestin oral contraceptives

Preparations take no more than two days after the statutory act. The infection is not a warehouse of any folding of the pribati in the Eskapel and postinor pharmacy. The insult to the drug is taking revenge on a large dose of the hormone levonorgestrel. There are several pills available: in Eskapela - one, and in Postinora - two.


Mifepristone is not hormonal. Yogo action is directed to the suppression of the female hormone on the equal receptors in the mother and for the improvement of the speed of the hormone.

Mifepristone is an effective means of term contraception. I will block the ovum so that it cannot be consumed in the mucus of the uterus, and also stimulate the production of food. Yogo vikoristovuyu to interchange undesirable vaginosti in early terms. Zastosovuvati Mifepristone can only be sent by consultation with a doctor.

internal satellites

T-shaped copper-containing internal satellites should be introduced no later than five days after the statutory act in the gynecologist's office. As long as the internal spiral in the capacity of an extreme contraception is recognized, then it is also a matter of a vrahovuvati and individual particularity, contraindicated until the end of the method.

Infusion of extreme contraception on organism

Likar not to delight the vicarists with the Danish type of contraception permanently, as it is badly known on the reproductive system of women. Nadal tse can lead to the deterioration of the function of the students.

In case of continuous consumption of purely progestin-only or combined contraceptives, the woman’s organisms will take away small doses of the drug, provided for the entire menstrual cycle. Taking a hormonal drug will not break the triviality of the cycle; And also hormonal problems are absorbed, like the stench є.

If the woman takes the same drug with the use of extreme contraception, then the body will take away the dose of the hormonal drug, transplanted in many cases. As a result of the continuous treatment of such contraception, the menstrual cycle will become anovulatory (without the education of the egg), which will obstruct the bezopasm.

Damage to the normal function of the cells leads to the development of the syndrome of metabolic damage. Win twirling in an increased amount of blood, caused by an arterial grip, when a loving vagina appears.

It’s not necessary to use sprinkling with small differences, the whole method is not necessary for the effect, since the spermatozoa with a stretch of 1 chili is sent for the statistic act to penetrate into the cervix of the uterus. Until then, parts of the syringe can lead to dryness and deterioration of the microflora.

Minus and little efects

Get extreme contraception to increase the hour before the eggs are attached to the uterus. The effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives can be reduced in the case of a drug being administered no longer than 72 years after the statutory act.

Take the first dose of purely progestin-only oral contraceptives in less than 48 years of sex. The effectiveness of internal contraception will be as soon as possible, if the case is injected into the uterus for 5 days after the act. The drug Mifepristone is guilty of being accepted only in the minds of the polyclinic before the visual of the drug. Another shortcoming of myfepriston is the price.

The contraception extrinsic is guilty of zastosovuvatsya deprived of vinyatkovy vipadkah, which is simply dumb. Bazhano, you won’t have vikoristovuvalas not often three times a day. Chim rіdshe, tim more beautiful.

The most common side effect of such methods is uterine bleeding, which is diagnosed in 2-3 days after receiving the patient. And for young women, navpaki, there is a catch of the month with severe damage to the menstrual cycle.

Some of the side effects, such as spoilage, headache, bloating and diarrhea, rare allergic reactions, occur infrequently.

It can be seen in the breasts, hanging on the arms, legs, feet and shoulders, kalamutny look, complication of dichotomy, bloating after 2 years after the implantation of the pill. Tse talk about the wrong dose of the hormone.

In case of stagnation of myfepristone, discomfort in the lower abdomen, bloating, nudity, weakness, foulness is often caused, and the temperature of the body rises.

With vikorystanni internal contraceptive use of the first few drops, there may be more severe pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in the number of visions during menstruation. Until then, the great risik has shown a post-vaginal vaginosity through the collapse of the fast uterine tubes and the passage of eggs through them. In addition, there can be a spontaneous vascularization of the internal somatous disease, the reduction of the uterus when it is introduced.

Prototype indications of term contraception:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • earlier transfers hepatitis;
  • enlightenment of zhovchividnyh nobles, or stoves at important forms;
  • period of statutory review;
  • there came a visit.
  1. An hour of the taken dose of the drug needs to be vibrated in such a way that I will manually take the step (for example, 21:00 and 9:00).
  2. Schob did not have any inappropriate symptoms (blues, boredom), pills of extreme contraception should be washed down with low-fat milk.
  3. In the period before the onset of the onset of menstruation, it is necessary to cure with additional methods of zapobigannya (bar'erny method).
  4. Terminova contraception is suitable for a one-time vikoristannya. For permanent control, it is necessary to use your own eligible drug for the first method of contraception.
  5. At the time of menstruation, it has come for a period of time and more, then it turns to the gynecologist, and it turns on the vagina.

Popular zasobi

Postinor and Eskapel are among the most available drugs for term contraception and fast paced contraception.


Postinor is a popular drug that allows you to get ahead of the conception. With the correct acceptance of the given zasob, as a rule, you will be given a unique conception. Tablets are synthetically clothed with an analogue of the hormone levonorgestrel.

Danium hormone should be included before the warehouse of drugs, which are intended for planned contraception. However, zm_st yogo in Postinor is significant, not in planned oral contraceptives.

Accept postinor slid with an interval of 12 years. There are two tablets in the package, one of them is drunk after the statutory act, and the other - after 12 years. Tsei lykarskiy drug zdatny zapobіgti undesirable conception by stretching three dib (72 years). In some cases, two doses are required. It can be used as soon as there is no need to drink one tablet or the drug is not wet. Bazhano take such tablets pislya їzhі. Tse to change risik viniknennya bluuvoti.

The postinor does not overtake any obvious vaginism, but it can be deprived of its development. Tse talk about those who do not vikoristovuvati drug for abortion. The plus of the postinor is that it’s not a child of a baby, and a child can be saved.

The postinor does not get overwhelmed by the state of affairs. As soon as we succumbed to physical violence, for lack of abduction of the act of unrepentant people, it’s terminally brutal to the drug.

The drug, which is an extreme contraceptive, can adjust the risk of post-pregnancy vaginosity. The ultrasound dosage will show the growth of the fetus, as the result of the diagnosis.


On the day of the postinor, one capsule of Eskapel will take 150 mg of the hormone levonorgestrel. There is only one tablet in the package. This is the most effective way to take into account the possibility of unprotected sex. The drug can be irritated and bloated. As soon as the blues were diagnosed earlier, after three years, after receiving the receipt, it is necessary to re-live Escapel.

It is possible to provoke the menstrual cycle, to see the appearance of bloodsheds from pichvi, to catch the sight of the millennials, and also to have pains in the breasts. When menstruation occurs more than five days later, it is recommended to carry out a test to determine whether the patient is diagnosed with it.

Negotiation 1

Similar materials

Unscheduled vacancies may suffer panic, shock and fear of unacceptability. Statistics show that close to 40% of vacancies are hated by people, including in Europe, approximately 45%. One non-abduction of the status of contact before the hour of ovulation can lead to an unprecedented conception. An effective method of extreme contraception, vidomy yak "a pill of pislya wounds", a great help in the whole situation.

Dr. Albert Yuzpe vivchav contraception in the 1970s. It was found that if you take a large dose of the combined estrogen and progesterone, then you can eliminate the unplanned vaginosity. With a handful of rock-and-roll such preparations, the boules have been thoroughly refined and are now widely spread. ... For more, less than 40 years, the stinks have brought their safety and efficiency.

Deyakі see from them, such as a combination of progestin (piece progesterone) and estrogen, as well as mifepristone, went to the background and stagnate rather. To that, the main ones were 2 type of tablets - progestin (levonorgestrel) and antiprogesterone (ulipristal acetate).

See pills for extreme contraception

The drug for extreme contraception is required to be taken only after unprotected statutory contact. You can take it in the period up to 3-5 days in advance. If it takes more than an hour, the drug can be less effective. There are three different types of tablets (recommended by the WHO):

Type of emergency contraception

Speech and trade names are active

to describe

Pure progestin drugs levonorgestrel

(Eskapel, Levonelle, Postinor і ін.)

Speech is active є with a synthetic progestogen, i.e. an analogue of a natural hormone in organism, but more active. Winery in small doses is also used in special antiaplastic drugs (combined oral contraceptives). Effectively, such pills of extreme contraception are used before ovulation, which can be easily absorbed. Until the end of the day, it’s possible to take into account the health of the implantation earlier than the ovum in the uterine wall, to continue using the spirits. So you can sell yourself without a prescription for a liquor.

Most countries can be used without a prescription. Alle in Russia and in Ukraine, prescriptions are available, I would like to buy Prostinor in bagatokh pharmacies without a prescription.

antiprogesterone drugs Ulipristal acetate

(EllaOne, Dwella)

This is a modulator of progesterone receptors, which is injected onto them, which actually blocks hormones, and thus creates a pleasant mind for vaginosity. As a result of the ovum, it is not possible to become entrapped in the uterus.

The recipe for the liquor is required.

High doses of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) or Yuzpe method Etinilestradil + levonorgestrel

(Rigevidon, Tri-regol, Ethinylestradil, Ovosept і bagato іnshikh)

The price of active speech, such as entering the warehouse of extraordinary antiaplastic tablets, are intended for regular consumption (before the statute act). Ale їkh can also be used for emergency contraception.

Using the Yuzpe method, it is necessary to take a sprinkle of tablets in 2 times and with a break at 12 for 72 years after the statutory act. A total of 200 mcg etinylestradiol and 1 mg of levonorgestrel should be trimmed.

Alet the method has lost its relevance and is recognized only when there is a possibility of stasis of the first type of emergency contraception. Previously, they showed that two doses of 0.075 mg levonorgestrel at an interval of 12 years is a more effective method with fewer side effects in boredom and blues, such as viclikal estrogen in the KOC warehouse.

The recipe for the liquor is required.

Krym vishchevkazanih preparations for extreme contraception earlier also vikoristovuvavsya with the use of mifepristone. Ale at once, let me get stuck just for a medical abortion, i.e., override the same vagina. I want more effective mifepristone in the form of an extra contraception, less levonorgestrel and Yuzpe's method.

Extra contraceptive drugs help to prevent undesirable vaginosity for unprotected sexual intercourse. Їx you can vikoristovuvati, when:

  • you vvazhate, scho missed one of their extraordinary antiaplastic tablets;
  • if you do not take oral contraceptives;
  • if it went wrong with the other method of contraception.

You are not guilty of vikoristovuvati in the capacity of a regular method of contraception through the road and not without high doses of hormones. It is also impossible to accept levonorgestrel for persons younger than 16 years, and for ulpristal acetate - younger than 18. If you are guilty of contacting a doctor for rejecting medical advice.

Yak stink dyut?

One of the broadest pardons is those that use oral contraceptive pills to digest vagina. It's not like that. Smell actually zapobіgayut vіniknennyu conception, as often vіdbuvaєtsya in the intervals from decіlkoh years to decіlkoh days for the statute act. At the end of the hour, sperm flows through the uterus into the fallopian tubes during ovulation. Take a pill to get rid of the ovum from the follicle and slightly change it to be unpleasant for conception. To that end, contraception is not the same as for medical abortion. Axis scho to rob a tablet:

  • Additional help to control ovulation
  • Zapobіga delayed egg production
  • Zapobig implantation of the retarded female state of the clitine in the mucus membrane of the uterus (only ulipristal acetate).

An analysis in 2003 of the two highest dosages on the intake of high doses of COC (Yuzpe method) using the first method showed that the efficiency estimates were 47-53% *. The price was lower, lower than the highest, the efficiency was earlier insured in 1996, and it was 74%.

* Uwaga! The numbers do not mean that more than 50% of women will become pregnant. Shvidshe stench to show, but for 1000 they took a copy of an unprotected statute of such a method of extreme contraception, about 50 women are waiting for them.

What are the worst effects?

Extrinsic contraception є with hormonal therapy, through which you can win deyaky side effects, which can cause some discomfort. Most women do not see any serious side effects, but rather a quicker reception. Below are the indications of the most widespread heritage:

  • tediousness and bloating;
  • b_l in the lower abdomen;
  • ailment of breasts;
  • vtoma;
  • headaches;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • zamorochennya;
  • light vision;
  • menstruation is coming with more important bleeding.

Just hold out the first two years after taking a pill for a bloody vinaigrette, feed it to the doctor for instructions. In addition, if you will be able to catch up with the thousands, you will need to grow up.

There are a lot of documented risks for a child, if you take advantage of extreme contraception and in the right place. However, if you already know about your vagina and if you want to interrupt it, it’s not possible, the pill is not indicated for medical abortion.

Іnsha korisna information

Є More moments, such as a trail of vrahovuvati with victorian emergency contraception:

  • You are overwhelmed by the vag The drug is less effective for women from (IMT) vishche 25. Ulipristal acetate good practice for women from IMT up to 35. And for those who have IMT more than 35, I recommend to put the internal internal spiral in the capacity of an extreme contraceptive to prevent unnecessary vaginosity. You will be able to hold out with a handful of rockets for the installation and more effective, without taking pills for an unprotected statute.
  • Bezpeka: Garnoy novelty є those who use contraceptive procedures without fail will be victorious for more than 30 years without any notice of serious acceleration. As long as you have a risk of setting blood clots or a deterioration of the throat of the blood, you can recommend that you recommend vicoristovuvati pills to take revenge only on progestin. Tse is tied with this, as well as estrogen zbilshurizik thrombosis.
  • De buy Preparations based on levonorgestrel on sale in a be-yak_y pharmacy. You can go to the phone for a long time, turn over to the phone, and the stench is obvious. Warehouse rate is close to 8-10 dollars. For it is possible to substitute in the Internet. Aleksey, in large countries of the country, drugs are available without a prescription, in Ukraine and in Russia there are prescriptions available. Ulipristal acetate(EllaOne, Dvella) It is a more effective and expensive way to get a recipe from all over the world. In addition, drugs for emergency contraception on the basis of this are not registered in Ukraine and in Russia, so they can be substituted only in the Internet and for a high price (especially in Russia).

Yak zastosovuvati?

Uwaga! The lower rules for storing are taken not from the official instructions before the drugs, but from the online pharmaceutical encyclopedia Drugs.com, from the same speech.

Speech is active Trade name dosage regimen
Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg (one tablet) Eskapel, Levonelle Take one tablet of yakomog shvidshe for an unprotected statutory act (PA). Wirobnik recommends taking 72 years (3 days) for contact, and more, more beautiful. Deyakis have shown that the efficiency is still more effective, even if it is taken up to 120 years (5 days)

It is necessary to use methods of contraception, for a blame, mabut, sterilization, not to be effective. In addition, there are drops of unprotected statutory contacts, which can lead to undesirable vaginosity. To that, the methods of extreme contraception are a relevant topic of gynecology. Find out the International Consortium for the supply of such methods, the recommendations of which are insured in our statistics.

Postcoital contraception can be vicious as a fertile woman - from the ear of the first menstruation (menarche) up to 1 year, after the last menstruation (menopause).

See extreme contraception

There are a number of methods to improve the unscheduled vaginosti in terms of the term in the rural regions:

  • taking a combination of estrogen and gestagens (Yuzpe method);
  • the introduction of the mid-yak in the drug tab to revenge the internal spiral;
  • vicoristannya tablets, scho revenge gestagen;
  • the intake of progesterone antagonists (mifepristone).

Most often, Russia has two other methods (about the types of contraception, you can read in). However, on nutrition, as an extraordinary contraception, more beautifully, in the All-Union organization of health protection, it is suggested that an intrauterine contraceptive is used (), installed in the next 5 days. Vaughn is most effective in terms of vaginosity. Protest, the whole way of traveling, not accessible to all women, not being recommended by children and given birth.

As a result of the number of doctors, they are engaged in evidence-based medicine, buv the development of new generation, and the new generation of contraception - the use of drugs, which is 10 mg of mifepristone.

Diya drugs for receiving vseredin

The pills of extreme contraception can be injected for the last 30 years and have brought their effectiveness and are well tolerated by women. The goal is to become stagnant to increase the risk of vaginality in case of unprotected body contact in an attack:

  • boules of planned contraception;
  • by placing a condom, or a condom (one of them), a vaginal pad, diaphragms;
  • boules missed sleep two or more;
  • wasn’t crushed by the clockwork of contraceptives in a trivial way;
  • of interruptions of articles, the act ended with an ejaculation for the first time, either on the school of the last state organs;
  • vikoristana zazdaleg_d spermicidal tablet did not appear;
  • gratuitous for viznachennі "baked" days when;
  • zgvaltuvannya.

In all cases, it is necessary to take medication more quickly.

There are two types of preparations:

  • liquids based on levonorgestrel (progestin);
  • combination of ethinylestradiol (estrogen) and levonorgestrel (progestin).

Monocomponent items are allowed to be accepted one-time by the statutory act, or two times, with an interruption of 12 years. Combinations to take two. This will allow you to lower the dose and change the amount of non-essential symptoms. The preparation of yakomog was taken earlier, and even for the skin year, the lines were increased and the vaginal value of the vaginosity was increased. On the other hand, the efficiency of everything is saved for 120 years for koityus, and not 72 years, as it was respected before.

Yak dyut pills to add extra contraception:

  • ovulation or ovulation;
  • overshoot the sperm and egg cells;
  • to speed up the delayed egg production in the endometrium for further development (if the price has not been brought to the table, but it’s not true).

The efficacy of levonorgestrel is 90%, combined drugs mensh dіevі. The drug for term contraception is not as effective as it is for the post-mortem control.

Bezpeka hormonal zasob_v

Symptoms may not include:

  • tediousness and bloating;
  • beating in the stomach;
  • perceived weakness;
  • head b_l that zamorochennya;
  • ailment of milky vines;
  • bloody vision from pichvi (do not have the character of menstruation);
  • a change to give the ear of the Chergov menstruation (call for a day earlier than the cleansed term).

As soon as a month's worth of extreme contraception has been taken out more, less for a long time, it is necessary to switch on this vagineness by purchasing a test in the pharmacy or by returning to the drug. Bleeding when received is infallible and self-supporting. Yogoimovirnіstіstіtіsіt with non-one-time sucking pills stretching out one cycle. However, as soon as you get sick in the face of severe menstruation and pain in the abdomen, it is recommended that you turn to a lick. It can be familiar with ectopic () vaginosti. However, it has been reported that the acceptance of benefits for post-coital contraception does not improve the quality of such a pod. Women, who already had an ectopic vagina earlier, can also take medications.

To reduce the risk of bloating, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of combined drugs to the minimum, as levonorgestrel is even more rarely vicious. As soon as the blues were drawn for two years, it was necessary to repeat them. In case of intense bloating, antimethics can be vicarious (Metoclopramid, Cerukal).

With the appearance of a headache or any unacceptable symptoms in the thoracic valleys, it should be noted that the disease is very sensitive (paracetamol and so on).

Tablet preparations of extreme contraception are not contraindicated, since the stench is infused with no bake. Їх do not recognize with the manifestation of vaginosity, for that in a whole lot of sense. However, even though the vagina has not yet been diagnosed, taking levonorgestrel is not too long for the fetus to develop. Levonorgestrel medication was not interrupted anymore, because it’s not the same as medical abortion. Normal vaginism for emergency contraception may occur as early as the offensive cycle.

Serious negative traits for the health of the woman have not yet been registered for the prescribed medications of levonorgestrel for post-coital contraception. To that їkh it is allowed to vikoristovuvati navіt without looking around the lіkar, including in the Bagatyokh lands the stench is sold without a prescription.

Stasis of hormones in special drops

  1. Contraception extrinsic for lactation is used without baking for both mother and child. However, the deyakіkіlіkі to cheer the child with a little weather, then take the drug, periodically zsіjuvati milk stretching out the coming 6 years, not viciously for eating the baby, and depriving him of the renewal of the year. More beautifully, the price of an hour is up to 36 years old. As long as the child's life has passed less than 6 months, with breastfeeding and during the day the woman has menstruation, then perhaps, but it is not necessary to be careful, since ovulation is not a problem for her.
  2. Even at the moment of initial contact, more than 120 years have passed, then the storage of drugs for extraordinary storage is possible, but the effectiveness of it has not been implanted. In general, more beautiful is the age of internal contraception.
  3. As long as the last 120 years have become a splinter of unprotected contacts, then one pill will become more vaginal. However, її slіd to accept the first such statute act.
  4. Extrinsic postcoital contraception can be used as often as it is necessary in every case, to go through an hour of one cycle. Skoda due to the frequent use of such drugs in the great prelude to not reporting, and in any case, the current vaginality is not safe. Protest, more efficiently and more efficiently, regular use of oral contraceptives or other planned methods.

Most popular contraceptives

Nayposhirenіshі drugs for postcoital zapobіgannya

  • Postinor;
  • Eskapel;
  • Escinor-F.

One tablet contains 750 mcg or 1500 mcg of the hormone levonorgestrel, in the amount of levonorgestrel, in the amount of dose you need to take one or two tablets.

Uninvolved on those who, with a one-time use of the drug, are safe, they need to be protected by the vicarists with such inconveniences:

  • important liver ailments due to lack (liver cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • Crohn's ailment;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • up to 16 rockets.

Milk vines and post-milk mats:

  • mikroginon;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Regulon i іnshі.

The price of monophasic contraceptives, which can become stagnant, is suitable for planned maintenance of vaginosity, protections in extravaginal forms can be used for post-coital contraception. The whole method of extreme contraception is known to be the most insecure, some estrogen in the warehouse of the preparation may be contraindicated and to deliver a lot of minor defects, as it is possible to do it through the temple of the dosage of hormones: it is supposed to take 4 tablets for a year. Vikoristannya cich preparations are especially not considered in the offensive situations:

  • thrombosis of arteries and veins;
  • mіgren;
  • lesion of sudins in case of diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • important ailments of the stove and undergrowth;
  • plump of reproductive organs;
  • period of injury, surgery, immobilization.

The head is not safe in the field of blood loss and the threat of blockage of the arteries or the veins become clotted.

Non-hormonal postcoital contraception

Extrina is non-hormonal contraception is carried out with help from mifepristone. It is a synthetic word that blocks the receptor for progesterone in the body of a woman. Mechanism for the preparation includes:

  • stifling ovulation;
  • change of the inner lining of the uterus - endometrium, which is overwhelmed by the delayed ovum;
  • as soon as the implantation of egg cells is brought up, the speed of the uterus will adapt to the fetus, the egg will be traded.

Also, the main reason for myfepristone is that of levonorgestrel tablets for postcoital contraception є the health of the pregnancy "mini-abortion", the death and vision were already implanted in the uterus of the egg. It is indicated for the reception of the same, and for hormonal preparations - non-abduction of the status act.

Preparations for revealing mifepristone at a dose of 10 mg:

  • Agesta;
  • Ginepriston;
  • Zhenale.

Contraception with the drug Zhenale can be used if the woman is not pregnant. In addition, mifepristone followed with great protection in the following ways:

  • pechinkova or nirkov lack of;
  • changes in blood (anemia, collapse of the throat);
  • lack of supra-nirkovy zalozov or trivial reception of prednizolone;
  • lactation, when the drug is taken, it is not possible for the child to be fed with breast milk for 2 days;
  • availability.

On the basis of myfepriston, you can choose to wipe out nondescript appearances:

  • bloody vision from pіkhvi, bіl in the lower abdomen;
  • zagostrennya chronic adnexitis, endocervicitis;
  • dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea;
  • zapamorochennya, head b_l;
  • weakness, increased temperature of the floor, shkirnі visipannya and sverbіzh.

Emergency contraceptives on the basis of myfepristone are not possible to get rid of the skin. It is insistently recommended to use your child for planned contraception. Yakshho, unaffected by taking the pills, the vagina is still here, її I recommend to interrupt, so as є the risk of fetal damage.

Mifepristone is more tough, ale and a lot more useful for making sure you have an unnecessary vaginosity. It is also recommended to accept only after consultation with a doctor. The drug is allowed with a prescription.

Contraception without pills

Immediately, the effectiveness of the methods about how far away is, is low, and the cost is not handy. However, women are guilty of the nobility and about such methods.

If the spermatozoa have not yet penetrated through the canal of the cervix of the uterus in an empty place, it is possible to sprinkle it with clean water, for the addition of potassium permanganate, for example, to manganese. Then it is necessary to immediately introduce a suppository with a spermicidal effect.

Zrozumіlo, the effect of spermicides will be much more beautiful, as if vicoristovuvati їkh how good it is - for 10-15 minutes before koityus. Vikoristovytsya such suckers, yak Pharmatex, Contraceptin T, Patentx oval and іnshі.

Prototype indications for muscle contraception:

  • fired mucous membranes of new organs (, colpit);
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.

internal contraception

Internal spiral T Cu 380 A

It is recommended to fix the spirals, as they see the metal in the empty uterus. There is a sperm defect, but the appearance of a side body in the empty uterus of the ovum implantation, as well as late all was introduced.

Nayvidomishy kosty from the group:

  • T Cu-380 A;
  • Multiload Cu-375.

The other model is more beautiful, the splinters and the softness do not injure the uterus in the middle, but it changes the appearance of the spiral.

The introduction of an internal contraceptive is contraindicated in such cases:

  • the woman did not know about the yak;
  • fluff and ignition processes of reproductive organs;
  • postponed postponement;
  • syndrome of full immune deficiency;
  • individual intolerance;
  • life is desperate;
  • adult wick (up to 18 years);
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus, і іnshі vipod, if the internal form of the organ is changed.

Otzhe, vibir zasobiv for extreme contraception to finish the great. Although they are more effective, they may be more efficient until victorious, they are safe, and sometimes they do not make a big deal. In any case, post-coital contraception is more beautiful, less vagueness.

If you want to get rid of any of the methods of extravagant protection of your vaginosity, you need to go to the test and get an acceptable option for planned protection. The contraceptive ekstrina is not guilty of consuming it regularly, including because of its poor efficiency.


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