State act written by hysteroscopy. What a hysteroscopy is going on: bil, a month, it is possible and it is not possible, accelerated

State act written by hysteroscopy. What a hysteroscopy is going on: bil, a month, it is possible and it is not possible, accelerated

Update: Breast 2018

One of the current diagnostic and clinical procedures in gynecology є hysteroscopy. An operation is given that allows you to look around the uterus, detect pathology, if necessary, promptly, and in cases of failure, if necessary. Chi robiti hysteroscopy, virishuє lykar, primed on the shows and prototypes before the given manipulation, but the rest of the word, it’s crazy, to be lost for the patient.

Briefly about hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is called such a diagnostic-diagnostic manipulation, as it allows to visually assess the uterus from the middle, to reveal pathological confirmation of anomalies in the future and, if necessary, it is necessary to see it quickly, without village. The Danish method is applied to endoscopic ones and is carried out using a special optical attachment - a hysteroscope by a Fakhivite.

In the case of walnuts, hysteroscopy means "look at the uterus." Manipulation of diagnostic and diagnostic procedures. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is carried out not only for inspecting the internal uterine surface, but for sampling material (endometrial) for histological examination (biopsy). Before an hour of clinical hysteroscopy, an operative procedure is performed, for example, a new solution is seen or a third party.

Preparation before the procedure

So, how hysteroscopy is carried out before invasive procedures and those very operative involvement, before carrying out the patients, it is necessary to ensure that there is a condition (including extreme conditions):

The instrumental methods are:

  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • (If obvious, show);
  • fluorography;
  • analysis of blood loss;
  • (Shown if obvious).

As long as the patient is in chronic extragenital illness, the consultation of a doctor with a specific profile is shown in the course of the corrective therapy. When detected, sanation of pichvi is indicated (up to 1 - 2 steps of purity).

Debilitation is carried out on an outpatient basis. Before the procedure, there is a cleanliness (bowel preparation), and before the hysteroscopy, it is necessary to check the mucosa before the procedure. Take a fence on the day of manipulation through an internal anesthesia before an hour of hysteroscopy. Carrying out hysteroscopy is planned on the 5th - 7th day of the cycle, so that in the first (proliferative) phase, the number of functional ball endometriosis only on the basis of growths, and the inner surface of the uterus is available for inspecting.

It is also necessary for 3 days before the procedure to fix the type of contact, and for a period of time to fix the syringe. It is not recommended to take sperm cells and vaginal swabs 7 days before hysteroscopy.

see hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy, in the form of deposits, can be:

  • diagnostics - if it is necessary to identify the causes of "malfunctions" according to the life line (diagnostics of polyposis endometriosis, pidlizovy myomatous high school or any pathology);
  • lіkuvalnoї - when looking around the inner surface of the uterus is carried out promptly (hanging polyp, resection of the myomatous node, expansion of adhesions or the septum in the uterus);
  • control - to be carried out in the first hour (call through the pivot) for the internal examination of the patient for additional hysteroscopy.

For a long-term operation, it is necessary to distribute the uterus, the uterus should be stretched and widened. For the whole, the middle is introduced into the empty uterus. Falsely from the vicious medium of hysteroscopy, it extends to:

  • rіdinnu (introduced fiz. rozchin or 5% glucose);
  • gas (introduced into carbon dioxide gas).

Office of hysteroscopy

Office of hysteroscopy and endometry є one of the options for diagnostic hysteroscopy and performed on an outpatient basis. The name of the procedure came from Europe, de hysteroscopy with a diagnostic method can be used not only by a gynecologist, but by a doctor for a medical professional and carried out on an outpatient basis, in medical rooms (by request).

Office hysteroscopy is called prostate hysteroscopy, mini-hysteroscopy, diagnostic video hysteroscopy. The last term is based on the demonstration of the patient for the hour of the manipulation of the picture of the inner surface of the uterus. Perevagi minіgіsteroskopіі:

  • low trauma of the procedure (a hysteroscope with the smallest diameter, without enlargement of the cervical canal);
  • There is no need for zagalny anesthesia, which reduces the rate of hysteroscopy and the risk of anesthesia for anesthesia;
  • the possibility of outpatient treatment, not in the form of hospitalization and not pouring into the hospitality;
  • short period of carrying out the procedure (maximum period);
  • good tolerance of manipulation;
  • The biopsy of the endometrium can be carried out.


Decision about the need for a hysteroscopy to be taken by a doctor at the beginning of the show:

  • development of diseases in the menstrual cycle in females, women of premenopausal and premenopausal women;
  • bleeding and blood vision in postmenopausal women;
  • for admission and approval:
    • submucosal myomatous node;
    • adenomyosis;
    • endometrial cancer;
    • wad the development of the uterus;
    • internal synechias;
    • perforation of the uterus;
    • surplus of fruit eggs and shells;
    • polyposis i;
    • alien body in the uterine empty space;
  • clarification of the localization of the internal spirales of any parts;
  • bezpliddya;
  • yak preparatory stage before EKO;
  • non-guilt;
  • assess the effect and control the result of hormonal therapy;
  • acceleration of the period.

As a result of the disease, hysteroscopy is the most effective and efficient method for diagnosing and diagnosing gynecological pathologies, which is not well understood from the procedure.


As if it is an internal procedure, hysteroscopy is not carried out in the offensive situations:

  • state hospitals for infections (colds, angina, or else);
  • zagostrennya chronic illnesses;
  • state heating of articles of organs (colpity, endometritis, adnexity);
  • uterine vagina (bazhana);
  • for a dose on her;
  • enlargement of shyke cancer;
  • extragenital incapacitation in the stage of decompensation (heart-and-vascular pathology, nirok);
  • profuse bleeding from the uterus;
  • atresia of the cervical canal.

changeover period

The renewal period after the transferred manipulation is cleverly added to 2 stages. The first stage of the field is in the primary innovation and normalization of the bud and function of the uterine tissues (mucous membrane and meat ball). At the first stage, microscopic development and surgical development will increase, as well as the renewal and regeneration of the cervical canal. Daniy step is close to 2 - 3 years and will end with more regeneration of operative items and light scarless fabrics.

Another stage of the renewal of the straightening on the formulation of the novelty, once again, has been adopted by the fabric, so that the new endometriya is written in hysteroscopy. The new mucus of the uterus is guilty of the volodya normal structure and all the attached and functional power (growth and development of endometrium during the phases of the menstrual cycle). Another stage is the renewal of a greater hour and less than 6 months.

Seeing a procedure

The blood and the bloodthirsty visions of life in the first place 2 - 3 days during the period of manipulation. Tse will explain the traumatic problems of the mucous uterus with tools. Nadal visions become bloody, or even more, as there can be triviality to two types. The triviality of the sacrificial vision is ampled with the enlargement of the uterine emptying every hour of hysteroscopy, when it penetrates into the court, once it gets into the picture, how it can be made to see the "sukrovitsya". If there is a strong blood vision and blood clots, it is necessary to immediately turn up to the lykar.

Menstruation for hysteroscopy

When a month comes for hysteroscopy? All lay in the order in which the procedure was carried out. In one diagnostic, especially official hysteroscopy, menstruation, it is necessary to insist on the graph of the cyclic cycle, but there may be little attention (2 - 3 days). It should be explained that during the diagnostic procedure it is practical not to be injured by endometries, that trivial hour is not required for its renewal. Alle in the case of practical hysteroscopy, especially when the procedure is completed for the emptying of the uterus, and it is possible and more difficult to catch the menstruation. At the date of the situation on the first day of the menstrual cycle, it will take approximately a month to celebrate the day of the operation and to cleanse the month. It is important to follow the character of the first menstrual period during the procedure. When the color and consistency changes, as well as the increase in the number of blood, the vision of the next one is consulted with a gynecologist.

Bil for the procedure

For hysteroscopy, it is an absolutely normal phenomenon, as if it is insignificant or not, it is localized in the lower part of the abdomen, or in the middle / corners and for a couple of days. It seems that it is difficult to explain, in a persistent way, that the emptying of the uterus is stretched out for an hour with gas or, in other words, that it traumatizes the tissue of the shyka and the uterus with tools. Women with a low threshold to skip for bends, in such cases, a licar can be recommended with a refinery with a good sun-resistant effect (ketorol, endomethacin, nise). If he lives unbearably, the nature of the pain is overwhelming, dagger-like or violent.

In the early period, it is necessary to clearly follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist:

  • seen from the article's life by about 3 - 4 years (in ideals, up to the first months);
  • Take a bath, take a bath, take a bath and a sauna, and also swim in a swimming pool or in a water-critical environment, such as minimum, 3 tizhni;
  • dotrimuvatisya especial gіgіnі (take a soul every day, dvіchі for a day from vicarious parties with a pH-neutral reaction (іntimnі gels, dear child);
  • as a rule, the drug is a sign of anti-apical treatment for hysteroscopy (prophylactically) with antibiotics (ciprofloxacin) and metronidazole for 5 - 7 days;
  • daily control of temperature (vrance and before bedtime);
  • seeming to take aspirin, like a zesty-thorny one (a drug that can help blood-thinning and possibly provoke bleeding);
  • in the area of ​​intensive physical activity, the importance of physical activity and for a period of more than 3 kg per 1 - 1.5 months (healthier sports are allowed in 2 - 3 days);
  • vidmova from tampons for the period of bloody vision, more beautifully than storing gaskets;
  • a fence for intravaginal injection of tablets, a syringe, gel and cream, as well as for dosing;
  • for hysteroscopy, it is possible to coristate with spermicides by stretching a month;
  • after the rationalization of rational eating, so as not to provoke constipation (from gostrich, salty, pickled products, greased and fatty food).
  • casually empty the sečovy mіkhur.

Viability of hysteroscopy

Most women who go through the hysteroscopy procedure are stabbed by the food, if the visit is unavailable. Also, the procedure was carried out with a diagnostic method, but in the empty uterus, whether it was operatively involved, for example, if a polyp was seen, it could be conceived as early as in the offensive cycle. It will be explained by quick updates of the mucous uterus i. Aleksandr tries to get ahead of the child, so that it’s not going to go to sleep, but if it’s possible to visit, lie down from the bagatokh of those officials:

  • the nature of the menstrual cycle (regular chi nі);
  • the manifestation of their gynecological illnesses (burning of appendages, background processes, callous endometriosis and іnshі);
  • the manifestation of extragenital pathology (it is necessary to speed up and undergo treatment);
  • preparation for vaginosti (healthy way of life, physical fitness for a minimum of 3 months);
  • Regarding the status of infection and treatment of both partners in case of their occurrence (virus papilomy people and іnshi).

With friendly minds, it is allowed to plan a visit not earlier, not after 3 months after the procedure.

ECO for hysteroscopy

If the patient is getting ready for the EKO, she is guilty to go through the folding procedure, the protocol which includes hysteroscopy. But not all EKO clinics have a general procedure. EKO for hysteroscopy may end up shortly (in the wake of the day) in cases of unrevealed and untreated internal pathology, which is why the majority of reproductive specialists are involved in the most complex procedures. You can also see a doctor (if necessary) for hysteroscopy before ECO:

  • see polyp;
  • visualization of endometrial hyperplasia;
  • development of internal adhesions;
  • see the internal partition;
  • seen in the endometriosis;
  • faster shape of the uterus in case of abnormal development;
  • vidalyty pidlizovy myomatous vuzol;
  • to reconsider the passage of the tubes (insertion of the catheter into the tubes).

During the operative hysteroscopy of the plan, the visit should be allowed not earlier, not through the appointment. At the time of successful completion and implantation of egg cells, the woman should be placed in the dispensary at the moment of establishment of the vagineness and retardation. Excessive vaginosti not only because of the performed intrauterine operative involvement, but also because of the following factors:

  • hormonal background before vaginosti;
  • vik;
  • number of slopes i;
  • uterus shyka stand (ICN);
  • extragenetic pathology.

Part of hysteroscopy

The part of hysteroscopy depends on how it is performed. Diagnostics or office hysteroscopy, apparently, is cheaper because it does not include promptly entitlement. The prices for the operative hysteroscopy should be made up to the level of the operability, the quality and the knowledge of the owner and the quality of the possession. The part of the procedure and the need (in some cases) to be transferred to the hospital. Ale, madly, the price of a service is to lay down from the region and the level of the clinic.

For example, in Moscow diagnostics hysteroscopy will cost 15,000 - 35,000 rubles, and the cost of an operation can reach 60,000 - 65,000 rubles. The provincial price of official hysteroscopy costs between 2500 and 9000 rubles, and the procedure for operative treatment of internal pathology costs 3500 to 25000 rubles. The average price for moving to a stationary is 1500 - 4000 rubles.

may you expedite

Hysteroscopy, as if it were an invasive procedure, is fraught with accelerated development.

early acceleration

From the early stages of operational acceleration, it follows:

  • firing of the uterus and the pelvic cervix (endometritis, pelvic peritonitis) - to become 90% of all acceleration;
  • internal vascular hemolysis, accumulation of trivial operations and distilled water and non-electrolytic centers or changes in the internal vise;
  • bleeding - not more than 5% of all acceleration (it is prevented by resection of myomy, resection or ablation of endometrium).


Until the end of the day, it is necessary to carry out:

  • formulation of pimetry in postmenopausal patients (in case of rough management);
  • Formation of Gidrosalpinx, especially with chronic adnexitis;
  • deformation of the uterine emptying (for resection of endometrium, or seeing great myomatous universities);
  • zagostrennya chronic ignition processes;
  • not entirely visible vnutr_shnyomatkovyh apparatuses.


I had a polyp endometry through the test of hysteroscopy. Whose tse is it tied and yak yogo?

as follows: Relapse of polyp endometrial, more for everything, dressing with incomplete visions of illumination for an hour before the procedure (there was no need for it). Likuvannya will take place in repeated hysteroscopy, with the visualization of polyp and coagulation of the first bed (electric strum or frozen) with any signs of hormonal drugs.

Yaka is guilty but the temperature was due to hysteroscopy?

as follows: In the ideal, the temperature is just in vrance and in the evening is not guilty of changing the mark of 37 degrees. Even though it is bloody or bloody vision (7 - 10 days), the evening temperature may slightly increase (up to 37.2 degrees). At once higher temperatures, as well as advising a doctor, you will need to consult a doctor to turn on the ignition process of internal organs.

What is it possible to take blood-spinal preparations by hysteroscopy?

as follows: As a rule, bloody vision after the postponed procedure is insignificant and nontrivial and does not affect the reception of hemostatic patients. Yak hemostatic drugs can be taken with vitamin C, calcium gluconate and vicasol. When using a drug, I will recommend taking the drug in a zaliza.

Why are hormonal tablets used for hysteroscopy?

as follows: So, the procedure in most cases is carried out with the help of visualization of internal uterine new products, as a result of hormonal imbalance (polyp, myoma, hyperplastic endometrial processes), a drug for the normalization of the recommendation of hormonal background therapy. As a rule, oral contraceptives are prescribed by term for 3 - 6 months.

Would you like to see a gynecologist for hysteroscopy?

as follows: So, obov'yazkovo. The first step is to update the doctor after the procedure is guilty after 10 - 14 days. Control SPL is carried out in 3, and later in 6 months. In case of pleasant results, in the situation and in daily life, the woman is guilty of seeing the gynecologist for some reason.

What day will you go to the hospital for hysteroscopy?

as follows: If the procedure is planned as a stationary one, then in the middle patient it will be admitted to the house for the coming day. Ale in some cases, it is possible to leave the stationary even after a few years (backward camp, bloody vision). Put the woman on for a few days (2 - 3) in the hospital for a significant operative engagement (visualization of the myomatous university or multiple endometrial fields), if there is a delay.

It is possible to change the size of the uterus not earlier than after 2-4 days after the uterus. It is recommended to enjoy your drive. Bezposeredno until the intimacy of going to see the gynecologist, after being reconsidered who it is normal to go to waste tissue.


Can you have sex all at once?

You cannot have sex on the same day, if the cleaning has been carried out. And it is not important, with the help of її її вісонали - for diagnostics, reversal of vaginosity, or seeing the fetus during wickedness. For an hour, the doctor saw the upper ball of the mucous membrane of the cervix of the uterus, and the organ was injured. And for the period of the update, an hour is required. As soon as you have sex on the first day, there will be more trauma to the uterus. The wound will be fouled up, as a result of which a scar may appear. And the price is not safe for a woman, so how can it be done to the end.

What is it not possible for?

For an hour, the procedure can be made as a result of injury to tissue. For example, in order to diagnose people who are ill, it is necessary to have a small part of it, it is necessary for the collection of diagnostic material. For such a involved child, the girl is not guilty of having sex close to two. And the axis is when an abortion is carried out, then the cleaning of the transmission is visible to the fetus and the mucous membrane. Such a procedure is even more traumatic, and the burning of fabrics is not subject to change. To that in a whole hour it is not recommended to use an intimal ring for a trivial period of an hour.

Tobto, sex of contraindications for women to quiet feast, as long as the uterus is not renewed. In any case, if you are familiar with the recommendations of the doctor and try to make love earlier, the child is not aware of any perceptions. Tom is more beautiful than the kidneys until they are quiet, as long as the organ does not heal.

Updating the article's life

If you can have sex for the procedure of the uterus? Likuvati likar is guilty about the price by looking around the patient. The uterus is guilty of being cleansed from blood, tissue particles, clots. At the same time, a minimum of 7-10 days is required. Ale the middle term of the warehouse is close to 2 years, I want to put the smallest number in some types of bottles for 1-1.5 months.

Obov'yazkovo need vikoristovuvati condom. It’s not only to allow the information of the lower mucous membrane to be unique, but also to make the vagueness of the vagueness unnecessary. The schedule will be available in about 2 months after the procedure.

Deyakі women do not shy away from the state of life. Especially, as a viscoblyuvannya bulo is tied with the second child. For them, sex is the possibility of conceiving and knowingly engaging a baby. This is also a psychological problem, and for the first time a consultation of a gynecologist is required.

Passions and acceleration

To cleanse the uterus, it will be necessary to check for an hour before the change is made. The woman may have an accelerated deeds:

  1. Insights into operational information. The uterus is even more sensitive at all times, which is why the immune system decreases. Navit like a woman is singed into her cholovikov, more beautifully utrimatisya. Even on the body member, there may be life of pathogenic microorganisms, as it does not bring discomfort to people, and I don’t know about it. And if an infection will be brought into the empty space of the uterus, it will be burned, and it will take antibiotic drugs. And through them, the intestinal microflora will collapse, which will lead to a decrease in appetite and collapse of the style.
  2. Moreover, early sex can be the cause of microtraumas in the past. The stench can provoke a lot of bleeding. With a lot of injuries, it can heal more and more, bringing the patient discomfort every hour.
  3. Injury to the mucous cervix of the uterus. As a result, the ignition process is being developed. Also, if you want to have sex earlier, the wound can be reduced and bleeding. In such a case, the state of the link can be hardened for a longer period of time.

When a woman's life is renewed, a woman can feel discomfort during the process. As a rule, dryness, more and more dryness is prevented. To get rid of it, you can pick up special vaginal mastic, even if the stench is not guilty of the mischief of the components, but there are not many complaints. In the course of time, these symptoms will go away. If you don't see it, you need to consult with your gynecologist. Such a mill can be tied to the ignition process. You can, if you need additional help.

In such a rank, the uterus’s vyshkrіbannya є to finish off with a painful procedure, when it’s necessary to calm down. Likewise, it is not recommended to carry out a douche. Before updating the article's life, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

On a visit to a woman, the woman was drunk for other reasons. If you can start having sex while drinking, why should you start having sex when you are drinking? A statute has been given at the time of nutrition and advice.

Vishkrіbannya is a very serious gynecological operation. To that, as and when it comes to any kind of operation, the body needs an hour to update. And also an hour for regeneration of fabrics.

Vishkrіbannya - the price of seeing from the uterus in the place of: delayed ovaries, overflow of placenta. Also, a medical operation can be carried out in the form of diagnostic dosage. For example, with polyps in the organs of the small pelvis anyway, there are new solutions.

The procedure should be carried out in the hospital for the sick or for the sick people. In a number of patients during the whole operation, anesthesia was given. To that, before the operation, the woman is examined by the gynecologist at the hospital, to conduct a conversation with the doctor, which will be the work of a doctor, as well as conduct a conversation with the anesthesiologist, in case of allergic reactions of the patient and chronic incapacitation.

The number of operations involved is not great, so the child who is sent to the hospital is very close. No problem and no quicker to blame - її її drive to home. On the stretch of decilkokh days, the woman is guilty of the stitches behind the camp: in the heart rate, temperature and stitches behind the vision.

Most of the time, since it’s not covered up, it’s possible to carry out vyshkrіbannya for a change in vaginosti. Young women don’t think about the seriousness of abortion. And the inheritance can be deplorable. In case of reversal of the abortion, it is possible to curb at early terms up to 12 months, and at the earliest, if there is a need to see surplus placenta from the uterus, it is also possible with a medical abortion, as if the egg is not fully matured. In some cases, if the placenta can be seen quickly, it is necessary to carry out the process during the period of time, so that the internal organs are ignited. In any case, it is a serious gynecological operation.

Pislya viskoblyuvannya can winnuti seryoznі accelerated. And itself, the burning of the uterus and the shyki, the cassock of bleeding, the reduction of the pelvic organs with the help of tools, without the development of serious damage to the menstrual cycle. It is necessary for the nobility, as it is all about being able to conceive and healthy women in principle. To that, sex is not whisking.

The terms of the state of the art, vividly, sounded the likar individually for skin problems. All to lay down from the ossuary of the operation, the health and the wick of the patient. But all the obstetricians and gynecologists are cunning before going through vaginal sex more beautifully than a minimum of 2 days. For an hour, the tampons, sprinkling and taking baths were also hardened. Nedotrimannya tsikh ruled a great deal of acceleration. In the period of operation, the mucous membrane of the uterus has not yet been renewed, so with the statutory act, a high risk of infection is infected with infectious diseases.

They are not easily supported in the whole sensation of a partner, so as there is a senseless and hopeless infection, which during normal conditions was not transmitted, but during the regeneration of the tissue, be a microprocess, or the cause of some serious infections. It is also possible for organs to shrink when rubbed, or if I bleed heavily, as a result of being recognized for reproductive function.

For those who are busy with sex, it is more beautiful to fix a check-up routine at a gynecologist. If the intimate life will be renewed, there may be no perception of it in the first place. For example, dryness, cracking, discomfort, beef. This can be linked to different reasons. Some of them are unserious and evolve by themselves in an hour, and they are lukewarm. As long as it is inappropriate to see if you do not go through, then you can go to an obstetrician-gynecologist for help. Win amazed at the woman on the gynecological crucible, make the ultrasound scan and give some recommendations.

The most frequent discomfort during statutory action is a normal creep of stretching decal months when viscous. So yak slizova innovate to complete dovgo. Plus, to a great extent, it is the psychological state of the woman. If the woman is pregnant, her body is immediately over-energized, hormonal changes occur. If there is an abortion, it’s not wise yet, that the child’s populace will not and will continue to practice in a changing rhythm. To this, a common reaction is seen (mimic the shyki's squeeze) - through the yak and can be seen more and more. To see the problem, it takes an hour and a bit of patience.

Likewise, dryness and dryness can be found with insufficient mastication, as it has not yet been renewed until the end of the day. In general, it is possible to vikoristovuvati special dodatkova mastilo for the statuary act.

Some of the symptoms can cause serious problems. For example, firing organs. It may be due to infection due to the infection and through the filth of the scum, if there are some particles in the matrix. In any case, there is a need for a gynecologist's consultation with a special examination of the office.

Talking about sex when drinking is vysokoblyuvannya, varto rosibrati more than one meal: the vaginess of writing viskoblyuvannya.

It’s not easy to think that if the operation is not getting involved and if the hormonal process is necessary for the body to go to the same mode, then it’s not a matter of conceiving a child. Tse is far from it. The reproductive health of a woman will be renewed even after 2-3 days after being scrubbed. But most often, until the end of the hour, the organism is not ready to the end, physically, not morally. In addition, if the plans are in the plans at once, if the viskolyuvannya is not, then it will be hard to get rid of it. For tsієї meti not varto zastosovuvati method of interrupted statistic act abo rozrahunok on "baked" days.

So, as I said, I’ve already said that there’s a hormonal break in the body, the uterus is fired up, and the menstrual cycle is not renewed residually, in connection with the exact date of ovulation of the cell, it’s not hard to see it. With an interrupted statutory act, the risik is also very great, so as the sperm on the head of the member is also built up to the ovum, which is not required in the given hour.

For the sake of getting rid of hormonal pills, it’s not possible to destroy even more of the endocrine system of women. To this, for the newest vaginosity, it is better to use condoms with a supplementary seal. Such a mechanic zapobіgє not only doesn’t care for the vagina, but he doesn’t infuse the mucus of the uterus from the infectious disease.

If the woman’s body will be ready before the day? The food price is given individually with a gynecologist. The decision to stockpile with no factors: for the patient, for what reason it was broken down, for what happened, for the woman's chronically ill, for the normalization of the hormonal background. It is possible, a drug, to designate a special hormonal preparation for the renewal of the endocrine system. That is, when planning new vaginosity, it’s a good time to go through the situation, to enjoy with the doctor and only to try to fix non-stealing sex with the delay.

Also, you can go to the doctor-obstetrician for a consultation, as the end of 9 months of conception is not necessary. You can find out what the problem is for the health of the woman, like the need for virility.

Pidvodyachi pidsumok, you can say that the trivial state of the art is not needed. Ale sex is to blame, but we will obv'yazkovo abduction and partners are guilty of thinking about the inheritance, which is found in the whiskey.

Hirurgical operations on female organs are considered to be great folding and traumatic. Before an hour, such a procedure is carried out in the operation, but sterility is guilty. Because of the accuracy of the surgeon's work, it’s a lot of reasons to be successful in developing and developing unacceptable operational heritage.

Bagatokh zhynok hvilyu sex pislya viskoblyuvannya . All on the right is that, in the first days of the operation, it is possible to get sick in the first days of the operation, and it is recommended that a certain hour be taken away from sexual contact. It is easy to see, through the glasses, you can have sex.

To be smart, if you can take care of the intimate lives of the drink, it is necessary in the first place to see the special features of such a procedure. The uterus is the head organ of the woman. Vona will be stored in textile fabric, and in the middle it is covered with a ball of endometrium. The mill of the tsієї slizovoy fabrics without the middle lie in the menstrual cycle.

As long as the woman is not in charge, the endometriosis is quick to trade and to live with the body at the sight of menstruation. In the process of viskoblyuvannya surgery more often saw the upper ball of mucous tissue of the uterus. After such a procedure for endometrics, the start has been quickened.

The triviality of the period of renewal to the organism must be stuck in the middle of the type of operational involvement. The physician can carry out an extravagant cleaning or a separate procedure, if the cervical canal is cleared from time to time, and only the uterus is cleared. The study of biomaterial is guided through the histological examination, allowing the physicians to deliver the most accurate diagnosis.

Hysteroscopy - the whole procedure is similar to viskoblyuvannya, otherwise it is carried out with the help of a special attachment of a hysteroscope. Before the hour of the operation, the doctor is kind enough to start, as tissues are not affected by pathology, but they are absolutely healthy. It allows you to see only part of the endometrium, to change the traumaticity of the procedure.

Sex for cleansing from the hysteroscope's closure can be done in a few days. Schob to maximize the speed of the process of renewal of the mucous uterus;


Sex is about viskoblyuvannya zaboronennya, like a child's wins. Such secondary effects of the procedure can deliver a lot of inappropriate responses. A woman who is cleaning may have the following pathologies:

  • Poshkojennya or nadriv uterine cervix. Winikak through the neobrezhnі manіpulatsіy khіrurga. It’s not great, it’s not great, it’s self-sufficient, but it’s hard to put on the suture.
  • Posture of the uterus. The process of acceleration is also the result of inaccurate registration of surgical instruments. As the perforation is great, it will get into the uterus.
  • Severe spasm of the cervix of the uterus, which does not allow menstrual blood to go to the body. When there is a special treatment, it can be ignited or information about the statutory organ.
  • The ignition process in the matt through the admission of antibiotics and disgusting sanitary norms before the hour is cleaned.

As soon as an hour is dispensed, the surgical procedure is known to be even more rich in slimy fabric, but you can use a steaming ball endometriya. With such trauma endometries may not be renewed. In order to find unacceptable inheritances and as quickly as possible to turn to normal life, entrust the conduct of the whiskey only to an admittedly qualified surgeon. As a physician, he will adhere to all the rules and norms in accuracy, and he will not be blamed for any acceleration.


Only a gynecologist, if you have a history of ailments, can tell you, through a few words you can have sex. It is a triviality to lay aside all of the factors - showing up to cleaning, the quality of the operation, as well as individual features to the organism of the patient.

If you will have sex earlier, you will not reject any satisfaction. In addition, the closeness is to maximize the risk of information about the operation. Navigate with a regular partner For a day, it is recommended to have sex in a condom. So you will save the natural microflora of pichvi, and this means speed up the process of getting used to it.

Everything on the right is in the fact that the deyaki of the state of affairs does not show itself to itself, and for healthy people they are not uncomfortable. However, when you operate on the stink matts, you can inflict an unjustified shkodi.

Sex for cleaning is not often done before microscopic injuries appear. Through such a problem, even if the new ball of endometrium is not renewed, it is possible to see bleeding. Through an early update of an intimate relationship with a patient's partner, the patient may see additional uncommon symptoms:

  • Feel dry in half.

Vishkrіbannya is a serious surgical operation, as it is absolutely sterile in the operation and singing of a surgeon. Shown for carrying out this operation can be different. Tse therapeutic (lykuvalnaya) demand or diagnostics of illness. It may be necessary to clean up the vagina because of the emptying of the uterus, which has died. Inodі vіkrіbannya to carry out for clearing of empty uterus from surplus to the fetus for a self-imposed wicked day.

Necessarily for reasons of carrying out viskoblyuvannya women are often afraid of an operational impairment of reproductive function. Can you have sex in an hour or so? Yak will be available soon? How much can a woman win to a child? The nutritional value of the child is often asked before the operation.

Methods of care for viscous uterine emptying

You will have to unicuti the uncommon inheritance before the hour of the operation, and you will need to work with the patient. To take shelter for the hypothetical and to roam and to analyze. A smear from pichvi additional help to diagnose infectious diseases of the patient's organs. In the operative, the anesthesiologist will develop a woman and he may have an allergic reaction to an antibiotic drug. As soon as in the process of anterior obstruction, there was no evidence of evidence for the operation, then it was necessary to inject anesthesia and surgery of an attack before their robots. Even more importantly, cleanse with sterile washings and go through the process of the operation. After a long time spent viskoblyuvannya insisted on the period of rehabilitation. At the same time, the woman herself is guilty of her safety. The operation is fenced with cotton swabs and hygienic chemistry for body organs. І in an important zapob_zhim manner є sexy women.

Sex with a whiskey

The term of sexual streaming during the operation is established only as a doctor and only after looking around the patient. The period of renewal of statutory organs is due to the reason for the viscous, the health of the patient and the efficiency of the operative involvement. In the middle of the season, you can have sex, you can have sex only after 2 days. Such a term of accumulation is necessary for renewal of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the sheath. If the slime is not renewed, then it’s the great majestic risik of the unnecessary operation information. If you want to be in your body partner, then you need to take care of all one thing and try to have sex. If you are sick of body organs, which pass at the same time, and for a healthy body, you cannot imagine being insecure. In the case of a weakened state of the operation of the uterine empties, the traces of infectious diseases may not be safe, and in some cases they may add an irreversible character. Krim information sex can lead to microtraumas of pichvi. Microtraumas are not safe, but you may experience severe bleeding.

For the renewal of sexual changes, women may feel pain, despair, dryness or some kind of discomfort. As a rule, the symptoms vvazhayutsya permissible rate and pass more quickly. As soon as you don't come across inappropriate findings, you need to see your doctor-gynecologist. I will look at the crucibles and for the results of the ultrasonic diagnostics, I will give you further recommendations.

Shcheb pidsumuvati all the people, I would like to tell you again about the majestic role of the surgeon in the procedure of viscoblasting. Chim an unrepentant surgeon, less than a legacy of unsolicited inheritance from the operation. The visibility of the child's health and vitality does not obstruct the woman's life. Ale reproductive function is another important indicator for the happiness of the motherland. If problems of such a delicate nature have appeared, then the doors of our clinic will be open for you. Bagatorial advice and professional development of our medical staff has been provided with everything necessary for diagnostics and treatment with a technical base. Our laboratories are gradually improving the reagents necessary for analysis.

Kesariv roztin, carrying out as a result of the unhappiness of natural canopies, transferring empty waste and overloads on the mat. Also, it is not easy to get involved in the cost of a woman's organization, so it is a necessary singing period for renewal.

It’s too early to start to get overwhelmed, because it’s called internal and external women who do not bleed easily and cause discomfort and ailments. At the connection of the cesarean status, the life of the cesarean rosin can be far from all at once. The body needs to give enough hour for more rehabilitation, to unify the information and cut the seams. At the same time, you can drink and navigate meetings - in the plan of terms, the interval for updating the operation is even more individual.

Some women vvazhayut, but the state of life of a cesarean can only be read through a meal, if the body returns to normal, it will not keep up with the cesarean. Іnshi, navpaki, for impatience I want to know again all the joy of sex and it’s early to be built for a man. In the ideals, there is a need for gold in the middle: є lykarskі recommendations, which should start, if you can write a COP you can update an іntimne life.

  1. For a cesarean rosette, it is required from 6 to 8 types. Even after the completion of the period, the couple can and need to step back and forth to their friendships and the life of the story.
  2. 6-8 types - the term is even clearer, so as one female organism is renewed for a caesarean rosette already on the 4th day of the operation, and it is not enough for the first and the 8th to appear. That young mother is guilty of being respectful to good health, both in physiological and psycho-social terms.
  3. It’s possible to fix the life story for Caesarean’s life, as long as the problems with seams have ended.
  4. If you go to the last one, you need to go through the ultrasound scan, the nobility, in which there are women and not to obstruct those who are busy with sex. It’s professional to please the car, it’s necessary to make a few children on the right, or else you can please the person with a new novelty.
  5. Think, are you ready to update your article's life psychologically? As soon as I know, I see you sip to your own person, you want it, it means that the hour has already been instructed and afraid of nothing.

Nutrition, as long as it is possible to live by cesarean life, in the skin around the skin is seen individually. 6-8 types - clever term, which can only be used. Lykar writing for real estate can tell you melodiously, it’s time to come, but it’s worth more than three minutes. Tim is bigger, that only physiological preparation of the body can be done, so that the role of the woman's psychological attitude is not less important here.

Trochi about terms... According to the statistics, close to 10% of women have finished the 4-year term for a cesarean rosette, they will also be updated and ready to live from the point of view of physiology. More than 10% of mothers do not rise to rehab for up to 8 days for canopy through winter and individual specialties. Rashta 80% fit within the interval from 6 to 8 times.


I didn’t lead to an acceleration (festering, information, loss of safety, etc.) Some of the great pleasure to help young couples learn more about having sex and not fun with the woman's health.

  1. First of all, see the story of life, daughter, don't let this gossip come to an end.
  2. After passing the SPL. Likar is guilty of giving a date about those who don’t obstruct their life.
  3. Think about the nutrition about contraception, so that the life of Caesarean did not end with the same vagina. In the lactation period, a large number of prototypical tablets of young mothers have been suggested. The internal spiral can be delivered through a cesarean rosette. Get vibrated with a condom and vaginal candles (suppositories, tablets, ointments, etc.).
  4. The cholovik is guilty of rosumit, but all of them, when engaged in sex, are guilty of being as accurate as possible, smooth, low, so that they do not shrink only a recently healed surface. Glyboka penetration, rudeness, sharpness, for example, in the first month in the life of the article is included.
  5. Stretch out to the pivrok, enjoy only the classic poses, which make you feel more penetrating.
  6. In the first place of closeness, as a young woman can see discomfort and a feeling of discomfort, even the stench of nature, so it’s not easy to drive a complex and experience. Fabrics, zyazki, m'yazi - all are guilty to be stretched out and come in good shape. Give your body three hours - and soon you will be back to normal.
  7. Deyaky impatient bets, pragmatic ones who are more capable of bringing life to life, unaffected by Caesar's rosin, reassuring to replace the classic forms of sex with others. Tse is unacceptable. First of all, be-like penetration (to wind your fingers for my own) will overwhelm the penetration of this infection. In a different way, a female orgasm, as soon as it’s boring, can provoke a spill in the pelvic organs, and it’s possible to grow up.

So, taking care of the intimate lives after the completion of the rehabilitation period for the cesarean is necessary to the borderline accurately, according to the given recommendations and the license of the doctor. Categorically fencing sex when there is evidence of infection and heat in both partners, prolonged lousy and bleeding.

In addition, the couple is guilty of reason, until the moment of the first contact with a cesarean, the cholovik may be guilty of going through a routine and being absolutely healthy. One day of renewal of a new life story is to create a psycho-social factor.

scientific fact... Yak, the woman was drinking, the woman’s breastfeeding hormones, for her other analogous hormones, which are violated by the body when engaged in sex. It is self-explanatory to explain the reduction of the life and the neglect of life (it is most often the case for a cesarean rosette).

psychological moments

It is not often the ear of the life of the story of Caesarean that the problems are not physiological. The axis of nibi and lochia were fixed, and the seams healed, and the license gave a call, and it was constantly injected. Moreover, the wallpaper is often not a matter of judgment. Through the price of a boat in steam, you can see some turbulence. And the reason is in the greater number of problems to cry in psychological discomfort, as the woman sees a cesarean rosette. That will happen to trample over himself and bring a spiritual rush to mind, as there is a lot of sexual craving for a partner and an intimate life of a bet. Yak tse zrobiti?

Complex for the drive of the newest viglyad

It is even more common for young Cesarean matus to get lost in seams and straps on their own. And as soon as on the right, it’s faster and faster with the manifestations of cellulite, then the internal complexes are developing with a cosmic speed. At the same time, it is not possible through the operation, the proof is through the lactation. Everything is aimed at the kind of cohabitant cholovikov in sex.

There is a similar problem with the articles of life є, її is required for the help of a psychologist. Aje cholovik not to love you only for garne tilo? Tim is bigger, you can start playing sports without a bar and you will quickly return to normal.

Love to baby

For an hour, the mother's instinct of the woman has so much regrets that it’s practically forgotten about the child’s people. All my turbo, affection, love won’t be given to a new member of the family. It’s a whole lot of intelligence, so in such a situation it’s impossible to see the rehab period of a cesarean rosette in such a situation. It's time to start thinking and thinking: are you ready to become a mother alone? Adzhe niyakoi cholovik does not showcase all the sex in the world.

Chronic Vtomy Syndrome

The field of cesarean growth for young mothers is recommended to be rich and based on consideration, when the operation is updated. For the sake of being able to take care of the child, and immediately prodzhuvati lead the dignity to the booth. Gotuvannya, tidying up, prannya, shops, bathing days, walking, childish consultations - all are called on the tendencies of the woman.

The first axis of the educational vision has already been seen, it has been fixed, there are no problems with the seam, and the life of the story isn’t booming, so it’s dumb. I from the right to navigate not in physical, but in moral. If I want to know the sentiment again, it’s necessary to relax, to buy something beautifully erotic bilizna, to create a romantic supper at home with candles - all the same can be adjusted in a necessary way.

In order to introduce the status of life for a cesarean roste, patience and respect, you will be able to see both friends. The incidence of health problems and the acceleration of the growth of the bed is only half of the problem. It is necessary that the woman felt comfortable in her psychomotional plan. It’s like a man to give the first glimpse, but she’s loved it earlier and more, it’s hardly difficult to find out with a sexual urge.

The earliest ear of the life of the article, especially the organism of the child before it has not yet been prepared, will overwhelm the bag with problems in the intellectual sphere and the people of children.

However, the current situation has a story about canopies in such a young visit only at two from ten people. Reshta is intimidated by abortion. 60% of the first vaginities will end in abortion, and in two thirds they have children who have had an abortion up to 18 years of age, and they develop safety.

Sexologists try to keep life up to 18 years old on a regular basis. On the right, sex is a great stress for the psyche and the endocrine and nervous system, which does not appear because the body does not develop.

In order to unknow the inheritance of stress, young people will fix alcohol and drugs in their lives, change partners, but I am not satisfied. There are many reasons for piddle depression, leading to suicide.

If you fix the status of your life?

Psychologists think that the optimal way for the ear of life is 19-20 years for girls and 22-24 years for young people, so that both the first state of affairs and general physical and mental conditions are about 5-10 years old. And why are you robbing all the tsі rocky? Vcheni seem to be: utrimuvatisya.

Most endocrinologists, physiologists, gynecologists and psychiatrists converge on the Duma: there is no ailment, the cause of which would be the loss in the whole period.

Moreover, energy, which is needed by young people for the achievement of general physical and social development, is sublimated, to be reinterpreted from the article. І when spending the state of energy of a person, to free up moral and physical reserves for growth and special achievements.

Tse is good for sports coaches. In a great sport, life is permissible only for 22-25 years, for that only in the whole week there is a lot of greatness with magnificent sports options. It is recommended to grow older, physically mature athletes 1.5-2 times before the start of the day, it is recommended to increase the pressure - for accumulation and mobilization of forces.

If you can fix the status of your life?

There are no strict general physiological frameworks. You can fix it only if the people are ready. Willingness to rely on respect for psychological and information. Psychologically, you are guilty of wanting, moreover, you want to be guilty of a person, at the same time, in the most obvious minds of the year, wanting of your own free will, not seeing any sacrifice from your side. Informational report to the nobility of the specialty of life and the child's anatomy, physiology, ways of preventing vagaries and infectious diseases, which are transmitted by a state gate, ways of extraordinary future Do not be afraid that I don’t take you seriously, I’ll tell you everything to the fathers.

Be guilty not just of the nobility in the theory of contraceptive methods, albeit and mother of contraceptives with them and with them, but also take the principle for yourself for all your life - pick yourself up for yourself. Your zapobigannya is your specialty on the right, and not on the right of your partner, to tell you about all the tricks and to tell you about everything - don't let anyone see it for your life and your health, for yourself do not fit in with such a burden, but pay for the price - only you and your maybutny child. We are guilty, please forget about the sov. calendar method, rosary of baked days, interrupted statistic act and inadequacy of statistic life before the hour of menstruation. All the myths, just one thing - they were forgotten about them. Also, we are guilty of the nobility about the methods of diagnostics of vaginosity in the early term and methods of converting real, not mythical.

The reason for this is that there are also pseudo-medical information, as for the sake of those friends, mothers and partners, forums on the Internet, statistics in popular magazines, films - all the exchange of myths and a little bit of professional junkies You are guilty of being mischievous, you can spokyly create yourself, do not be afraid of anything, if you can afford it. You are guilty of buying a contraceptive and paying for the payment of a license and a fee. Be guilty of the lecture, think over the nutrition of the fathers on this topic: if you say, if you do not live in permanent fear - do not know / vb'yut and not nonsense.

The first time to forget about all life. It’s not just a memory, but it’s unaware that it’s the first time that organism can develop, and I’ll write it down on a big arkush yak butt, and at least try to make all the insights. The first time we can see your statement about the norm for all life, the price of Novy Rik is like a good luck, so you can try, so that you are perfect, do not let the bad ones get happy.

Be guilty to love and see yourself as kohanim. You are not guilty of fighting for yourself і zmushuvati yourself. First, you must ask yourself a hundred times - what you want .. or want. Be guilty of being able to sing and feel your gidnest. Yaksho Vi vagaєtesya - means not yet an hour. It’s not respectful, because you are rocky.

If you CANNOT repair:

Blackmail. "I love you - bring it on." Love nikoli was not brought to a lazy-and-vzagal not vimagan proofs, tse - a way of living, and not a collection of vchinkiv-proofs. Yaksho Vi vvazhaєte, that you need to bring your love to the point, meaning you do not believe in it. If there is a person and not goiters, you can bring anything to anybody - you can just pretend to be, if not. And if it’s not worth it, it means if you don’t want it and it’s far, and if you won’t be with a whole lot of people. If you are willing to blackmail and -prove-, you will simply voluntarily give yourself victoriousness - and you will not be able to see it in the first place - because you yourself have allowed yourself to take in the sound of your love, to make your love come true.

Victim. "I want to send you a friend, I want to see you, how I love him"... The same, the very first option, only more overwhelmed by the declaration of love. The love of any spiral cannot be sacrificed - it is just as respectful that there are only good people on the ground who are ready in their vision and to preserve freedom. That’s not the fault - I’m guilty of your freedom and check, as long as you are ready and make your own vibe, without sacrifice, you don’t call out to him. Assess your nobility and be a friend of yours. Take responsibility for yourself - robbing your children is not sacrificing for someone else's sake, but you want to do it yourself. If you don’t want to - don’t be afraid. Do not mind that there will be no happy-go-lucky appearance of your victims, if there is any reason to come, it’s a pity that you’re not lucky. Do not belittle your love with proofs, daughter your readiness.

Yakshho You vvazhaєte Earn of proof of your love, її necessary criteria, її locksmith, уου wіll be aware of іt іn уουr οwn, іn уουr opinion іn уουr opinion, wіth thеіr іn уουr victim іn thіѕ head If you have checked - if you see how to clear up the material support of your words - check! Not ready at all.

Вік. "It's time already." Tsey dovid not a trivial discussion. Willingness not to be late in the calendar period. Why did you take yourself up to such an important one, like you at the same time, you will take your age. she's not a little girl, if you are so turbulent about vik - it means that you already have a good feeling of being - and if it’s still possible, it’s possible to change your mind in a good way - if you want to justify yourself on the inside of your voices at night - Well, you like, you don't like the styles of rock, but everything else is not vystachaє in life - to see love. Witnesses will come and help is readiness and an excellent facility.

Samostverdzhennya. "I have already grown up, and tse - mostly busy growing older." A typical child of rice - we will grow up, not smart days. Try on my mother's shoes, if you want to walk in them even more uncomfortably - now you have grown up to wear them. Nafarbuvatisya - but now I will not touch my eyes, I do not go out from the boards, and it has become so inaccurate - now it’s worth it, it’s all grown up, it’s so demanding. Moving - growing up - words, if you want to shut your ears yourself - Try smoking, drinking, tormenting yourself, then rewriting your way і prodovzhuvati - and why am I better for growing older. Let me be nasty, I won’t be crazy about my childish tastes, I don’t want me all for sure. Ale is the way it should be. Pidlіtok is guilty of rebellion and robbing everything for evil. Guilty is guilty from the child - the grown-ups are guilty of nareshty poachity, but the grown-up is not the child, but the grown-up. And when you grow older, to start a typical child at risk is to try everything unattended and copy it in your own way. The stench was always picked up by the rice, the stench and the stench at the same time could be seen on the back doors of the apartment, so on the first place it’s awkwardly - for your health, as in the childhood with your games in the winter. Ale krіm Tsikh experiences all one zalishilisya pillows - not Tse - -yak vіn povzroslel- and -yaky same vіn slit smіshny ditina, and I thought - vіn already dorosliy-. The axis is so. May the price be good for every taste, if you will need to work to improve your ability. Ability, self-reliance, freedom, self-awareness, versatility - all these are signs of a grown-up people, as they do not lie in this calendar period. And as all fair values, the stench is not proof, the stench is obvious! And if you want to be built, why don't you feel like it is for you - it means that it’s just dumb! Do not dry your life, prove it vigaduuchi, - take care of self-elaboration, tse nagato shvidshe will bring all your depth.

And do not forget - in the old days, you may be more rights. There is a stench with a whole lot of more and more versatility. And the stench of the world from a child wants to be poor, and mother's power, like a child's, should take a look at the other. Schob is the one who rossorbuvav after the inheritance of the graces. It is a pity that in the life of the person, the skin of a man has his own mercy himself - my mother and I will be glad to bear all your countrymen on herself, but you can’t! Іnfektsії lіkuvati you, abortion will work for you, without the need for an abortion lіkuvati you. Witness to grow up and ready to such izpitaniyam - Or you can get a taste of such self-affirmed і turn to old good winks like wiklikє cleaning and gooey music. Let it be only scary, and not tragic - prove your growth.

Tsіkavіst. "Talking about the style is a need to try and try." Tagged classics of dynasty. Try yak fire, try yak lama igrashka, try yak paint a pencil - try a drug, try sex. Styles to speak! I want it too. If I am not honored - I will not - there is no more trial - once.

You know, the art is the price of rice, it is powerful to all living things. Tse is the basis of navchannya, nabuttya dosvidu. The power is wonderful, if it is right to be satisfied - a match for someone else's rakhunok dosvidu! Everyone knows the order about those who are foolish at their graves, and the clever - at strangers. Don't bother at the same time, and don't let specific grows up, so that you feel good, and don't worry about special needs. Let’s read the books! People have more than once described all their information in books! Anything more than once - that one may not have been given the notice of the next generation; Aleksei is guilty of the moment, if the onset of misunderstandings will be clearer ahead of them - and not just read, but POVERTY the publicity. If you believe in those who are drug-induced and come to be known from the wicked speech, as if they are fallen asleep - innocent - for the first time, and moreover, for the first time, you will never know it. You can easily believe in those who become infected and can easily get infected from the first short time, and we grow sex in the light of pleasure only, if the people are ready to go!

I’ll take away the leaves of such a snake: "I tried it. I didn’t see anything good. Why should I say about styles? How am I being timid?" Maybe there is a vrahuєtsei dosvid - dosvid of your peers and friends! I can sing you in the fact that if you are not even ready, your culture will not be satisfied. If you don’t know it, moreover - in rosary, you will call yourself and your partner, you can draw in you and virginity, but you won’t be given the opportunity to try and remember about the importance of the first time to see - organism the norm - if you want to see all the advances in Zagalom, if you really want to know, but also, - read books about kohannya, marvel at felmi, develop yourself as a specialty and learn to love. And you all know your time - only a little child can turn to such a phrase, but not people who have grown up, so often I repeat - not just like that. And that must go to the end!

Fear of being seen. "At our class / yard / institute - already EVERYTHING is walking and talking! I am alone" Tse vіdomy anecdote. And you can do it! As long as you really want to boo yak all. The most classic sign of impertinence, ale vin deisno maє such vikhid. It’s too big for a lyudin to just skip a whole point, so you don’t feel like it. The basis of your maturity is that you should not be afraid, but you are not like us. Chi not specifically deliberately wants to be seen as an earring in the nose. It’s for the quiet, who doesn’t see more, it’s high to vibrate less, who wants to be formed. It’s not special, it’s not like everything, because there’s a lack of freedom! And simply do not be afraid in deyaky situations, if you see vibir between special freedom and kimos by the establishment of dogmas - vibrate your freedom. Here it is important not to confuse dogmas (like a cob of an article's life with a condom) with norms (like a cob of an article's life with a condom). The norms were invented for the safety of people! Dogmy does not think of any reasonable explanation. Tsim stench vіdrіznyayutsya.

Yak pidgotuvatisya until the first time

Explore fundamentals anatomyі physiology zhіnochoї and cholovіchoy statistic systems. Diznatysya, yak everything is correct to be called, yak viglyadaє, yak pratsyuє, scho є true, but scho myth. About the price of many books and articles and new literature. Do not add information about your friends.

vivchiti sviy menstrual cycle... By the time the ear of menstruation occurs, it will take you through the cycle. When it comes to intelligence - catching chi ni. You do not need to kick at once, as the cycle is still irregular - it can be a vіkovym variant of the norms. Do not rob it yourself - if you are a turbine, the license is to blame. Do not fumble behind your graphs to count the unsafe and safe days - these are not so, it is possible to start a cycle on any day, to start the hour of menstruation. If the stench was taken care of by this method, it would be so happy for them to look like it, as it might appear not so happy for you.

know svogo lykarya... Here you can hurry up with the joy of your friends, abo mami, or a joke on the Internet. Likar is guilty of being available to you - psychologically and financially, without any repair it is possible. Likar is guilty of you, consult you on the preparation of contraception, bazhano BEFORE Pochala. First and foremost, before the doctor, you come and immediately write Pochala - brother smears, the uterus stun is astonished - and it goes on regularly.

buy yakisnі condoms and if you see them, you will see them. Condoms are guilty of being with you, myth about those, well, on the right, cholovika - myth, you need it in the first place. Їх maє buti with itself a kіlka - on the type of repeated statutory acts, more skin is guilty of butti abductions - not too much in the middle of the process in the pharmacy. A condom is the best for the ear of the life of the life, for that, only one condom is in the transmission of microbes. I nvit as you repair with people, in which you sing like in your own, all one warehouse of microbes in the whole people - the one. And if alien microbes (normal, not infectious) are consumed by people, the stench often wicks the ignition process - just like a reaction to someone else. The price of fierceness is not an infection, but it will be transmitted by the state path, even the inheritance of the transmission of other people's microbes, to that, there are such signs and to be used as antibiotics. Filling of state nobles - colpit, - milk - and chaff - cystitis - even part of Pochal's companions. If you fix it with a condom and use it for the first time, you can avoid any inappropriateness. We have taken hormonal contraception with the help of a doctor - all one needs to be taken on the cob with a condom - that’s not because of hormone infections.

The condom vikonuє its function is deprived of the time, if it is overnight- on the very cob, before the introduction of the statutory member in pіkhva. Inakshe, if you dress it up without a mediocrity in front of these, it’s practically marno: in mastilla, you can see from the head of a member for the hour of the statute, revenge spermatozoa and microorganisms - incl. and you don't want the vagina and the infection you can get it if you want to put on a condom. The very same ineffective and such extensions -Support of contraception-, such as interruptions of statutory acts, in addition, do not expect a partner to get up to interrupt it. And I know, well, if you have a lot of people who know how to leave it - it’s not worth it to your health - an abortion will work for you, and not for it.

Yak koristuvatisya with a condom and tell your partner

In order for a condom to be good not rushing into the process, Wines are guilty of being yakisnim (of all types: Durex, Lifestile, Contex, Preventor, Innotex, and not cheap Chinese), because of the complicated term of accessibility, we buy in a pharmacy. Young people, who are reading a whole paragraph, require memory, who are deyaky children, who need to start, and who will pierce the packaging, - and rethink the packaging value by themselves, and most beautifully - turn it over and buy it yourself. But it’s true, it’s true.

It is also necessary for use a condom correctly: All the stench may be on the tip of the sperm reservoir; Itself, if everything is in the middle, it’s the vice of Russia to grow, and latex to open. In order not to overdo it all over the place, you need to press the reservoir tightly before pulling it up (until it is open), letting it down, and then pushing on the member, again pushing the condom downwardly, the whole hour of watching the condom down ... It’s a chain navigator, who doesn’t want to messily reckon with itself on the ogir or bananas.

With anal sex, certain anatomical features, if you break into expensive condoms, and also if you know that your partner is a serious illness, for example - hepatitis B, for some circumstances (such antibiotics are not strong) just not needed, but it came catastrophically - inodi man sense nadyagat two condoms at once.

know the condom It may be necessary every now and then, carefully, for all the care you will be able to visit for free, if you want to eat sperm from a friend.

Remember, before the infection and infection, you can bring drinking sperm for the first time. For all, the destruction of innocence is not necessary. Spermatozoa can be consumed from the hands, oily, mischiefs - for an hour and for caresses. The little girl is not a transition for spermatozoa - in the same є openings! It is possible to preserve during anal sex, as the sperm can be consumed in a small hole in the middle. Zavagіtnіti is possible with an interrupted statutory act, zokrem - repeated, if you use a condom, then you can get surplus of sperm on the penis. Zavagitnіti is possible with oral sex, or even with a whole, you can get infected with infections - the same, scho with snake.

Remember that you have 72 years of age for unprotected reasons for the statutory act. emergency contraception- Postinora - ale tse the same on vipadok Avaria - zgvaltuvannya or break a condom. There’s an alternative to abortion, and so it’s necessary to do it, won’t be safe.

Know about Budova and specialties divochoi pivi... Vona є at all. It’s easy to stretch, and you don’t expect to be torn. Even more often it’s just a little scratching, because the first time it’s too little blood, it’s the third time, at the same time with unacceptable perceptions - to go out, but it’s skinny time - like a first. Do not be afraid, it’s too early to end, if it’s torn enough. As soon as the closeness is bloody, it’s not callous, but internal - you need to look around and change the body of your uterus, if you’re at risk, you’ll get it more often. Alem already talked about those who went to the lykar in some kind of vipad obov'yazkovy pochala pochala. In some cases, it’s not easy to tighten, but only to stretch. Todi blood is dumb, and you can deny that your partner is not virgin. And in the meantime - the price of most of the young situations. It’s not just the first time, but especially on the cob itself, as it’s okay to pass it later! Otvir plivi has been overloaded with yak bulo, for that on the cob the whole hour is unacceptable. A little out of the way, and in the process of not seeing it pass, especially if there is a sufficient amount of mastic. The remaining water will break more quickly for the entire half hour. Yak Vi rosumite, innocence is not a girl's pill. You can take an anatomical innocence, engage in rocky forms of sex with young people, and navpaki - you can waste a lot as a result of injuries or misgivings, having lost absolutely unrevealed new things. It’s just as much of the same stan as pivi — such — virginity — it’s easy to update it in a surgical manner. Only who you fool in this way-Cholovik can judge about your admission not by the name of the fish. I also know about the operations for the renewal of innocence :)

Learn about diagnostics of vaginosti... If you are late, before menstruation, you are wondering about the hopes of your memory, you can learn about your vagina in 8-10 days after the statutory act, having sheltered the hormone of vaginosity - beta-hCG. Earlier NICHOGO knowledge is not possible. Some signs of vaginosity - tediousness, change of relish, sensitiveness to smells, feeling in the stomach, across, frequent soreness of breasts and / or nipples, chest stiffness, lack of vagina and in such a mood - є guarantor of failure. In some cases, menstruation cannot be a guarantee, because in the early terms of vaginosity there can be a threat of interruption, or bleeding. Among the people, the price is called -omivanie fetus-. Such -monthly- as a rule are seen from the most common in terms of clarity and pain, because of them all -pregnancy- seeming to be lost. The test for vaginism by section can be carried out not earlier than the first day of coverage, until it is shown to be unavailable. It can be pseudo-negative and when you catch it, because it doesn’t show the vagina, but it’s not menstrual - go to build shelter. Ultrasonic scanning shows the presence in early terms - only when it is picked up and only if it is broken by the vaginal sensor and in the smallest part. If it’s a negative result, I’m not talking about it. Inspection of the gynecologist on the crucifix is ​​not even concrete, not even in early terms. In addition, the only reliable test is an analysis of blood in a second vaginal ultrasound. Well, I know - to assess your readiness - you can go to a paid laboratory and create a paid term analysis of blood from veins for a visit in your place.

Learn about. Abortion is called abortion, and there are no other alternatives to you. Any hot baths, herbs, milk with iodine, pills and shaman's priyoms. Everybody try to get confused by the vaginosity, do not get bogged down to a lykar - it is not safe for your life.

Learn the basics psychology of antiquated stati... Forward. People like the rule clearly distribute love and sex. Women are smart and unite. Clever razdilyaty (to visit one and the same people) to come with admission, altogether for the divine words-synonyms, and in which the cause of broken hearts is shouted. You do not need to be smart about your information and stock up on cynicism - you just need to try to be smart about putting your partner in view of your target. It’s okay, I don’t want to portray you, I won’t be guilty of anything, and I don’t deceive you! It's just that the people and women of the truth have an axis and everything. Women like to have sex as a rule to love. And the choloviks - that I want to have sex. I think it’s possible to get involved in something that smells like garlic, and women live in full of their fantasies, to transfer their manifestation to a new one, and I think that it’s possible to have sex because of their love. The smell is sup- posed to the comfort of women, whose hearing is an erogenous zone - Say, how you love-- How can you call it, if the smell repeats the price, how can you deliver the women who are happy, I don’t want to smell the time - honestly, I will the stench has already checked - you can be late, if you appear, it’s just sex for them, but the stench was deceiving you - you yourself were deceived, I don’t know, they don’t bother the nobility of the specialties of the physiology and psychology. People and women are people from other planets, and if you want to preserve your mentally healthy, you get more information, just remember about it and do not deceive yourself. Be vilny and find your partners and the possibility of being vilny - and accept the satisfaction of a vilny spilkuvannya.

There is a robustness sobi acceptance. Vivchit your tilo, your reactions, seeming orgasm... I feel a lot, I think, that the partner is guilty. Why the nobility is guilty of you more beautifully, lower Vi sami-Tse is even more important - you will see BEFORE Hearing, that you will be nobility, whom and how you are guilty to reach, you can find your partner, as it is correct to accept you yourself, and you are not welcomed early ... Bo repair often in order to learn - for now. And as soon as you know it, it’s a long time ago, that it’s when you see it in the fall, and when it’s an hour or so, it’s back to the driver’s drive — mutual love. You can also bring your own satisfaction to your partner, without destroying innocence and not giving yourself the risk of infection and undesirable vagueness. Well, you will unknowingly early on you will not need to pretend to be satisfied, so that you don’t transfer your disappointment to your partner, who is not guilty of anything.

trenuvati pelvic floor... To understand the special right Kegel, simplest - to squeeze the muzzles of the anal opening and fit into the stis, and also to the muses of the muzzles to change the striking of the slash during the cut - and fit. The price is not only corny for the organs of the small pelvis - as if it were exercise, I didn’t just feel the power of orgasm, but I still allow such a frequent dislike of it, as I’m eating a meal in the middle of a meal - an hour you can’t hunt for a member - because you’re going to fall into a condom when you’re sitting in a condom - when you’re going to grip the grip, and when you’re going to work with force - only in this way you can go through the input of your character, kind of і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і

know about misce, hourі thank food for daddy.

Yak pochati

First of all, Vee got the idea of ​​being in their own, in the fact that you play correctly, of your own will, and do not see him for the price of guilt in front of him.

In a different way, you are guilty of being in your partner and not afraid to tell you what it is. It’s not a matter of stalking in your head (that’s uncomfortable), and it’s wrong to be sick at a time, it’s not too much less than you, and even if you want to waste everything that you’re not looking for. It’s good for you to be recognized, and it’s also important that the first time is important for the offensives - as you have a position to tackle at once - for such a time, it’s even more important to fight in the future, so it’s all good for the first time! To that, you have a good idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bspilny goals and enthusiasm - to help one to one, do not hesitate in your own special problems, but you need to add and develop about those who are sick of you. Todi іnshomu will find it easier to help you. Home zzdalegіd pro signals, Yakiy will mean - secretly pinned! - for every vipadok.

Thirdly, you must create the atmosphere. It’s a bathtub to blame for a shower, it’s guilty but it’s handy and not creaky, it’s guilty but it’s closed the door, it’s guilty, but it’s spoky, but it’s not the door that can’t be seen from the side.

Stir a troche roslabyitsya - do not plant a troch of wine. Tilki LITTLE - і wines, not bottles with beer. Іnkshe diyu will be called zvorotnym. Sp'yaninnya is not guilty to go to such a world, to forget the need and rules for wearing a condom.

Find your partner to deliver you satisfaction and discount orgasm BEFORE penetration. Speeches, which are seen in the brain for an hour orgasm, - endorphins - lyudin came to synthesize piece by piece - and calling them narcotic analgesics - the stench assumes more, sizzles and wicks staleness. Show yourself up with natural counterparts - it's so easy!

For that, you were satisfied with the satisfaction, your brain was volodya endorphin, and a little bit wasted for penetration, the condom was correct - it is possible to create the first act itself - defloration... All the same, remember the physiology - you need to tear it apart - so it seems like an eavesdropping is normal, an inability to see a tightness and a creak is normal, the hospitality bil is normal, the roof is normal. Also, remember that the bagatokh's poultry does not break, but grows out, and that the visibility of the eavesdropping, the visibility of the blood is also normal. Do not go to the pain - navpaki, give me the right message and open it - You want to do it yourself - you want to be so robust - and take away all the satisfaction - there is a lot of overwhelming time-consuming pain. Yaksho scho - you depend on the ability to give a memorable signal. The alternative, to which one should go in, is a piece, surgical defloration - going to the doctor and growing the same fish with a scalpel, but with a surgical laser - it’s not a problem for the first time - the need to enter all the time is necessary In addition, growth can be healed - and I know all the needs will be mend a hand. Krim pathological stanіv - div. Statute "" - natural defloration can be tolerated as a whole, especially if you can take orgasm before cim. The main reason for your perceptions in statutory life is that of those who are not aware of, seeing one in the middle of all and fixation on a new one, is psychological, not physical. That і requires a sprinkle of thinking and resolving problems in your head and life, and because of a new life to work with joy, and not with fear and obvious ochikuvannya of the filthy.

yaksho martyr not vistacha With vicorian condoms - only water-based - gels. You can specialize, which are on sale in online stores - for example, Montavit gel. It is possible for some gels to be sold in a pharmacy, for example, solcoseryl gel - which is not suitable for replacement, but it can be replaced. Creams and ointments on a fatty basis, including creams for hands, for an individual, a child, Vaseline oil - to break up latex, which, in every case, cannot be used with a condom.

If you want to be close to bazhany, and if you are deflorating, you will have a viscous shower. Abo bath.

You can get away with everything you want - everything you read about and wrote in films, everything about you, you wanted - to love one one. Do not forget, scho abducted guilty bootie KOZHEN Statue of the act in your life, and not just the first.

Yaksho Vi will be all the nobility in advance, along with the basics of contraception, - You will be efficiently ready to the ear without drama. Aje nikhto does not sit for kermo, not grasping the rules of the road ruch. And in that, how good are people who are sick, and also how much is it to get in control of a car - to lay down their power of safety, to wind up as well as drive to cheat pardons.

Once again, about vіk. Even so, that criterion is up to the point where it is infected, but from the moment it is possible, it’s not important, since the ear is a clear move in older life. It is impossible to grow up in a child. And it is not possible, being grown-up, to take innocence - at all illogical- For the reason, criterion є. First and foremost - stature. Lyudina has grown- the price of a person, it is great to bear the responsibility for your health, your life, and also ready to take the additional responsibility for the health of the young growth of the people - your partner, and also you are ready to take the responsibility for your future at the overbearing. The axis if V is financially, informatively, psychologically - ready to bear the responsibility of yourself, your partner and your child's life - to carry yourself, you don’t call on anyone, you know, you’ll mean you will be robust, if you’re a problem. scho Vi has grown up a ludin in order to Pochati. And far away, if you want to keep up, it’s not your own vibe, who is absolutely not guilty of storing up any of the other household drives that you tried to bring to the list.

I’m getting ready for EKO - it’s just as it happened, when I lost my vaginosity without one pipe, and my friend lost my way through the spike. Ale will not talk about the sum ☺

ECO, I plan to work behind the OMC policy and I am guilty of going through the majestic block of conditions, including hysteroscopy, and endometrial biopsies. The same pipe was needed for a friend to see - there I can live with hydrosalpinx, which can be inserted into the abdominal membrane when vaginosity is set (the line of the yak is toxic to the fetus).

I was viral, I’m growing bad, but I’m all at once, and I’ll be like a newcomer.

Virishila-zrobila. 🙌

First, I rejected the direction in my Women's consultations - they saw me without any problems, I knew my rich and compassionate advices.

The operation of me was robbed by the OMS policy. Tobto is absolutely koshtovno.

Then I went to a gentle bunk (Oblasny is from Kalinіngrad) and signed up for an operation. Approximately for a month ago.

I saw a list of necessary analyzes.

I wrote in more detail about this at the vidguk about laparoscopy , Yaku was robbed at once with hysteroscopy.

Before the operation, I spent time with the surgeon and showed the list of problems in front of the EKO and asked to change everything at once (I only went to the laparoscopy).

In the list, the condition of the small pelvis did not mean anything else; In order to show before the operation, there were no such things - only diagnostics were planned. They robbed on the 26th day m.ts. (I have 28-29 days).

In the course of operations z'yasuvalosya, scho in the matt at me there was a polyp, great - 2 x 1.5 cm, which was not bached in the uzi rank. So my hysteroscopy became a reference for diagnostics. Viskobleno me all clean and sent to the histology. Polip confirmed on histology.

Lykuvannya pislya identified in viglyadі antibiotics and the testicle Longidaza.

Massive vision of boules 9-10 days, first 2 days weak, in the days of the expected months - strong, bright-red colora I did not know - chi is normal tse).

Mayzhe live not sick. Only after a few days sipping, ale to navit less than with the young ones. It’s nasty bulo only from antibiotics (zhakh yaki suvorі).

statues spokiy... The vipists wrote in the standard way - misyats. Ale, I didn’t embarrass myself, but I reckon myself on the respect for pleo’s status. So from, divine, only classic vaginal sex is not possible, it is not possible to injure the uterus. All іnshі accessories (chervonіє smiley 😊) - it is possible, it is possible .

інші obmezhennya... Mysyats are so pleasing and physical. Ale when there is a lot of joy, they go for a walk and take a walk with a stroll. Don't wear jeans / trousers, and go to cloth, but not too much (I did not like it, and it really became easier). I do not need more than 2 kilograms for a long stretch. Well, don't take a bathtub 2.

likarnyany... In the case of hysteroscopy, they are immediately admitted to the home, as only when they are given anesthesia. But in my mind, there was a new operation - that I got an additional transfer of the operation period - reanimation, 2 days in a car and 14 days in a car. I wanted to go to the robot earlier, that gynecologist in the residential complex did not see it.

Trouble on a lіkuvannya.

So as for the operation, they prescribed antibiotics for 2 months, then up to 10 days, without affecting the preventive meoi (taking fluconazole), I had thrush and discomfort.

I had a chance to go through a further confrontation.

I’ll say that hysteroscopy is a necessary and important operation, both for diagnostics and for treatment. So, as a result of ultrasonic inspection, and even more insight into the cruise, Nadichev will not have quiet problems.

Hysteroscopy of the uterus is carried out for the detection of internal pathology. There is a special form of endoscopy, which can be found in gynecology. I will help you to say goodbye to look around the internal organs.

Polyaga procedure in the introduction of a special attachment, a hysteroscope, equipped with a video camera, into the cervical canal - and then inserted into the empty uterus with a look around. In case of pathological problems, the operation can be solved. For a hysteroscope there is a special operative canal, into which a biopsy forceps and tools can be inserted.

Hysteroscopy is often performed as planned. Such a drop is carried out for the presence of a one-day inpatient in the outpatient minds. In case of any problems, the patient can be quickly transferred to the hospital. If you think about it, there may be some changes in the fallowness, as I will become a child, in the presence of her children and other officials.


Shown before the show

One of the key meetings before carrying out - the whole process without planning. Shown:

  • Dose for abnormalities in the development of the uterus;
  • non-guilt vaginosti;
  • making it difficult to stretch out the psychoanalytic period;
  • Dose for endometrial cancer or adenomyosis and a number of others.

Yak bulo guessed earlier, two basic forms of the procedure are diagnostic and operative. The operation is longer than the renewal period. Ale і here є its subtle.

Normal procedure overrun

As soon as an hour has passed, the procedure has not been slowed down, then the period behind it is painless. Chi does not show any pathologies, do not show symptoms. However, it seems that the recent procedure was carried out - not a lot of bloodshed, which took about 4 days.

I didn’t get any quick fix, it’s allowed to go to the article’s life after a long time after the procedure.

It is important: In some situations, a car can individually indicate a two-day break. I don’t know any problems or problems, or it’s necessary to follow the orders of the doctor, so that you can get faster, without having sex before the given hour.

Operational form of the procedure

If the procedure was carried out not only for purely diagnostic purposes, then it is possible to take a decision about the operational involvement. In such a way of nurturing the female organism of growth, the risk of negative inheritance grows. The navit is insignificant in favor of the delay before it appears. That period will continue to grow in such a way. Its specific triviality is to start with an eligible doctor on the basis of the patient's individual indications and the peculiarities of the procedure.

The average triviality of reducing the cost of the operational involvement of the warehouse from two types to about a month.

Viniknennya uzladnen

If all the same operation goes wrong, like a need, if there is an accelerated time, the period will be reduced to the same level. The butt is the consumption of infections in the empty uterus. Tse lead to serious pathology, to infectious inflammation. It is not possible, in such a way of attracting attention to the organism, to ruin the regime and let it go, so it can potentially overwhelm the liking. Permission and fence of the varto must be clarified with the doctor.

There is only one quicker option. You may also be advancing:

  • perforation of the uterus;
  • vinniknennya of internal synechias;
  • opikove of the education of internal organs;
  • hematometer;
  • better than bleeding.

In this kind of context, the life of the article will stay for the entire period of the trip, although it wouldn’t be trivial, it’s just in the form of an accelerated wine. Updating the status of activity is unacceptable, as long as the license is not officially allowed. It is very necessary for a new person to learn, which is possible to the usual way of living and living as before.

Fact: The forecast may vary depending on the number of cases in question. Zvvychay all vdaєatsya virіshiti within the framework of the trinity period. In especially folding situations, the triviality of the liking / fixing can come to the pivroku.

What is the purpose of hysteroscopy for a month

During the months of hysteroscopy, there may be some unpleasant processes in the empty uterus, especially you need to be alert, if you see a strong smell and clots. Before an hour of surgical hysteroscopy, the mucous membrane of the uterus and the uterine tube may be injured, and during the period of hysteroscopy, I especially respect the vision of the mill - smell, color, and color. It is necessary to remember that it is not possible to engage in self-abuse, so that many thousands of people can suffer a great blood loss and a significant decrease in pressure, and it can lead to a weakening of the body or to waste the svidomosty. To that, if the hysteroscopy is carried out to see the back of the hospital, it is necessary to immediately return to the drug.

Intimate life: if you fix it

Name the exact terms, if it is possible to have sex for a viskoblyuvannya, the likar is guilty. At the same time, there is a meta vikonannya curettage and the health of a woman. As a rule, it is recommended to take two steps out of the intimacy. Endometries are also practical to update.

Sex in the most early period can lead to penetration of infection in the reproductive system. The woman is absolutely impeccable in the health of her sexual partner, at the first hour it is all one thing to recommend the use of contraception barriers. The directors of the whole microflora will not ruin, but the oduzhannya nastane nabagato shvidshe.

The closeness of the operative engagement is not an easy reason for the loss of mucus. There is also a risk of uterine bleeding on the cob. Lack of finesse and a lot of thought before having sex.

As long as the stench is spared to end up often, it is necessary to go through the ultrasound scan and look at the gynecologist. It is not included, but in the period of the operating period the period of the operation is accelerated.

The renewal of viscoblasting has a number of normal characteristics. In case of failure of the norms, it is recommended to secretly turn up to the drug. The norm in the whole period may be present:

  1. Pain in the lower part of the abdomen, tied with it, so that the speed of the uterus is seen when it is viscid;
  2. Minor bleeding;
  3. Seeing, it’s more difficult, there’s a slight beat in the back.

Such symptoms can be present only in the first few days. As soon as you get through the day, you will need to turn up to the liquor. It is also necessary to fix it, as there is a risk of severe bleeding and overwhelmingly intense pain, for the temperature has appeared during the cleaning of the uterus.

For the whole period, it is necessary to reduce the physical quality of the job, so that it is good to be self-conscious. It is not possible to soar at the bathtub, the giginu needs to take a shower for help. At the same time, it is more beautiful not to use chemical preparations for intimate hygiene, drugs, which are administered vaginally, tampons and syringes. Unique overheating - do not drive the saunas, hot spots, solariums, the beach, do not swim in the open waters and pools, just touch the hygien.

Updating the article's life

If you can have sex for the procedure of the uterus? Likuvati likar is guilty about the price by looking around the patient. The uterus is guilty of being cleansed from blood, tissue particles, clots. At the same time, a minimum of 7-10 days is required. Ale the middle term of the warehouse is close to 2 years, I want to put the smallest number in some types of bottles for 1-1.5 months.

Obov'yazkovo need vikoristovuvati condom. It’s not only to allow the information of the lower mucous membrane to be unique, but also to make the vagueness of the vagueness unnecessary. The schedule will be available in about 2 months after the procedure.

Deyakі women do not shy away from the state of life. Especially, as a viscoblyuvannya bulo is tied with the second child. For them, sex is the possibility of conceiving and knowingly engaging a baby. This is also a psychological problem, and for the first time a consultation of a gynecologist is required.

Yak cleaning injected on the shkіra of denunciations?

Cleaning an individual is a popular cosmetology procedure, as it helps to normalize the name of shkiri, to cleanse all kinds of problems. It’s a basic hygienic look, which is important for health. Only if I’m in a friend’s friend, I’ll have a procedure to paint a callous viglyad, to rob him of being a beautiful child.

In the course of therapy, the following positive changes and effects are promoted:

  • Actively seeing the keratinous ball cover;
  • Vidalennya vugrovykh visipan;
  • Cleansing the cover of the shkidlivy rivers;
  • Renovation of a new lawyer, Ph ryvnya;
  • Strengthening metabolism;
  • Accelerated blood circulation.

For the cleaning of the scrubbers, the start is povnotsinno dichati. The most significant change will appear new vugri, prischiv, black specks. After an hour of these procedures, special preparations are made to pick up, as it is good to use them and reach the necessary indication. Pislya ts'go shkira nabuva is a young species, grows fresh and addictive.

If you can have sex?

It’s a good idea to ask food: if it’s possible to sleep with a cholovik? Sex is not a physical option, which is unique in the operative period. More often than not with a state act of stretching one month, so that the optimal renewal is not destroyed.

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Sexual contact is a step, but it is impossible to work while cleaning the uterus. The triviality of the problem is initiated by the gynecologist individually in the specific skin type by looking at the patient. The triviality of the renewal of the uterus is to lie down as a cause of the viscous and lateral growth of the woman's health. In the overwhelming majority of the period, the first period is 1 menstrual cycle.

It is possible to engage in sex with a viscoblouse not earlier than after 2 days. The price is minimal, by pulling out the mucus of the uterus to cleanse again. Bazhano vikoristovuvati condom і unique vipadkovyh articles of znosin.

If the endometries are not renewed yet, then the growth rate of the infection is significant. I have a heartless ailment that passes in a latent form, and does not become insecure for a healthy body. But as a result of the weakening of the immune system to the immune system, the quality of information and the implementation of the disease is significantly growing.

And also є risik pozhkodzhennya stinok pіkhvi, so that it’s good to cope with the strain of bleeding. There is one more reason why you cannot have sex for cleaning.

On the cob of a woman’s life, you may see a small amount, you see a feeling of sorrow and dryness in others. There is no need for anything, there are some symptoms of the symptomatology to be immersed in the mental norm and to pass independently.

If it’s inappropriate not to go through, then it is necessary to deny the consultation of a gynecologist. For a vaginal look at the results of a transvaginal ultrasound scan, it will be recognized as a result of a transvaginal ultrasound examination.

Bath and sauna

Step on, but it’s impossible to robbit the whiskey of the uterus - open the bath or the sauna. Until the moment of reopening the vision, you can only take warm showers.

Why can't you go to a hot spa for cleaning? Take a look at nutritional advice from physiology. The uterus is traumatized by the viscoplus to bleed heavily, which explains the procedure for bleeding.

Risky changes in temperature - a cool frontal room and a spectatorial bathhouse - you may experience a surge of blood before the ear procedure. This is the reason for the improvement of the vision right up to the development of severe bleeding, as well as medical assistance.

Especially not safe hot lazne in the first sprinkle dib for viskoblyuvannya.

How can you be robbed? Drinking viskoblyuvannya before the fence and use the saunas. As a rule, the tseme of zahalny koristuvannya. The body of a woman for cleaning is especially susceptible to infectious diseases: when the cervix of the uterus is exposed and the mucus is traumatized, it significantly facilitates the penetration of pathological bacteria to the surface of the wound. Preserving the sterility of wood pokritty (benches, lavas and sun beds) does not seem to be possible, but in the minds of heat and vologosti ailous bacteria multiply even more quickly.

As soon as saunas are not used to cleanse the uterus, it is necessary to follow these rules:

  • the maximum hour spent in the lazne (not even hotter) - 25 min;
  • an hour of carrying out in the steam room / sauna (at temperatures up to 70 ° C) - 10 min;
  • it is not recommended to know the lower business.

butt for children

Harchuvatsya needs natural healthy products, uniquely greased, fatty and smoked. The butt of the race can be as follows:

  • Snidanok - yoghurt abo sir, egg, whole grain bread, German kavi;
  • Another snidanok is a fruit;
  • Obid - sheep or low-fat meat soup, garnir with cereals and low-fat riba, tea;
  • Midday - fruit lard, kefir, or yogurt;
  • Supper - sheep garnir and chicken breast, vidvar shipshini.

Bazhano to include in the ratsion products bagatі phytoestrogens - corn, soybeans, yams.

I see: the operation

A collection of surgical procedures at once with a gynecologist will begin with the date of the engagement. It’s impossible to spend an hour of one thousandth, so it’s necessary to see them in one of the first ten days of the menstrual cycle.

Regardless of the clinical situation, I will become a patient and the method of surgical treatment, either a medical anesthesia, or an anesthesia. The first option is to be healthy when a woman's self-esteem is apparently normal, when she is mentally ill, significant with a polyphoid syndrome. In general, in the range of indications, anesthesia with anterior preparation - the conduct of reactions to sensitivity to drugs and premedication.

Read also zdatna woman from 40 years of the people: special features of ovulation and conception

See the operation from the picture:

  1. hysteroscopy- one of the most popular modern methods, the fabrics are excised. The basis is a special tool with an optical attachment. For the additional help of a new doctor, you can support all the moments of the operation, assess the nature of the ailment and the quality of the operation. During hysteroscopy, the instruments are introduced into the empty space of the uterus through the drain and the shyka, which will also reduce tissue trauma, and the triviality of the most recent period will also decrease. The triviality of the procedure itself basically does not change 30 khilin;
  2. Vikoristannya laser- Allowing even more minimization of the traumatic factor, reduction of the decrease in speed. Laser infusion of pathological fabrics can be used without the need for healthy and healthy people. It’s even a more accurate method, in order to achieve the high qualifications and professional preparation of the fahivts, which will be good for you;
  3. vishkribannya- the traditional way of visualizing polypivs, as there are some shortcomings, as the unpleasantness of visualizing the region, is susceptible to a surgical inflow, and a high degree of trauma.

Important! In modern medical practitioners, visceral bleeds only creep in extra drops, if uterine bleeding is necessary, and it is necessary to see tissue virginity, which was provoked.

Zastosuvannya radiohvil - for all surgeries to introduce into the empty space of the uterus a special electrode, which is very high frequency, for which there are pathological virostas.

As soon as it was meant earlier, the operation is very close to the first year, I want it to be trivial to lie down for a long time to operate, the child will become a child and the situation, as there may be winnings in the course of being involved.

Інші vidi sex

For visualization of uterine cervix polypiasis, examination of endometrial hyperplasia and carrying out abortive visits for a long time, it is necessary to see it from any kind of intimate proximity. The reason is that when the mucous membranes are viscid, the emptying of the uterus in the first days can be seriously delayed - if it is new (don’t know, it’s not recommended).

After a couple of days, it is allowed to engage in oral and anal sex. Golovna, the girls of the partner bully were careful and did not provoke the appearance of unacceptable visions.

The nature of the operation by holding out the first three months is not planned. Oral contraceptives are often used during therapy. Triviality to receive - at least 90 days. For a rakhunok tsiogo in the unwelcoming period of conception is not possible.

Butt to the regime of the day

For a quick update, it is important to correctly balance the modes of the robots and adjust them. In an ideal vipad, it is necessary to spend at least 8 years for doba, not more than 8 years for pratsyuvati, and not less than 8 years of age. At the same time, if the robot is tied with physical options, then it is necessary to take the licenses for a few days after the procedure. If the robot is not important physically, then, by the way, it is still possible for the coming day. But it is necessary to use a drug.


In a normal uterus, the uterus is closed; The managers of the whole see the cleansing of the empty and the endless collection of blood clots. At the first time, the organ is especially infused for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Stretching out for the most part of the period from a viscous whiskey is not possible to rob any of them. Sprinkling is permissible only in vinyatkovy vypadki. Robit їkh is possible only in outpatient minds or for the signs of a doctor.

In addition to the penetration of pathogenic microfloria into the empty space of the uterus, it is impossible to get rid of the opiku. Also, when sprinkled into the water, you can add soda, lemon juice or medication.

Stinks to the body of a viscous wound and when it gets on the surface of an adult Such strikes can be used for a tricky and foldable treatment, so it is not possible to use sprinkling for cleaning.


Fight the body of a woman with a good chillin in a fake virus for a histological report. Fakhivtsі vivchayut the character of fabrics, from which the polyp. So yes, the possibility of letting go of the cause is there, the risk of repetition and malignancy. The pre-treatment can be carried out, if necessary, in an extreme order, and in all cases, it is trivially close to the date. Likewise, there is a basic need for laboratory follow-up in an hour. To protect the fabric, the stench is placed in the test tube with a special rozchin.


Lіkuvannya pіslya vyshkrіbannya empty uterus transferє with the use of drugs. The stench is not straightforward to those who needlessly receive the growth of endometrium, as it is in no way necessary - a natural process, which is considered physiological. Acceptance of drugs is carried out in order to improve the patient's health and self-respect, to avoid relapses, and also to help develop important inheritance and accelerate, for example, the introduction of infections.


Spasmolitics of the uterus are guilty of being protected. The price is tied together, so that for this procedure the uterus will speed up, the excess endometrium and the surplus will not be lost. It’s a normal physiological process in the given situation, albeit victual to reach a strong beat in the lower part of the abdomen, as it is saved in the first days of the day.

Vaughn can deliver a lot of discomfort to the patient, ale the knowledge of antispasmodics is not necessary, because if the uterus does not speed up, the process of ignition can be delayed. In important countries, they recognize No-shpu і t. P. Preparati.

diagnostics vishkribannya


Antibiotics caused by the emptying of the uterus are usually recognized. The stench is taken in a course from five to ten days, one or two tablets per day, in the presence of a suitable preparation. If I’m going to be a patient, the course can be taken on the day of cleaning, or a day or two earlier.

Why do you want to know antibiotics? Piti їkh is necessary in order to be able to eliminate the affiliation of any kind of infection. On the right, in the fact that, given that it is given, the wound surface is not established, but the muscle immunity is greatly reduced. All in all, it is significant to advance the development of infections in the matrix. Strong antibiotics are recognized for a wide range of antibiotics, such as Tsiprolet, Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, etc.


Yak to renew the uterus for viscoblasting? In general, it’s a normal process that’s going to be updated on its own, if it’s been updated and updated. The build-up of a mucus ball within the cycle and when the viscous is blotted out to the hormone estrogen, which is vyroblyayutsya by the ovaries. What is more, we are more active in developing endometries.

Preparations for estrogen can cause hormonal imbalance, ale the intake of herbs, rich phytoestrogens (roselinny analogs of estrogen) injected even more pleasantly. You can drink it from the borax uterus and the red brush. The boar uterus is especially shown for viscous blooming, so as to avenge phytoestrogens more, less grasses.


Protisapalny is not recognized, but in most cases it is shown. A stench is needed approximately for the one for whom antibiotics are needed - to develop the ignition process on the surface of the wound. These drugs are meant, such as Nurofen, Ibuprofen, which are taken in 2-3 tablets for a long stretch, repaired from the day of the procedure. At the same term, Diclofenac can be recognized. Krim bezposerednogo protishapalnoyi, the stench is also kindly sick.

As soon as the temperature of the viscoblasting was shown, then it could indicate the cob of the ignition process. To that it is necessary to secretly turn up to the lykar.

Vidіlennya pislya engaging

The stench is a good indicator of the fact that it is normal for the fabric to burn.

Read also Razviyuєmo myfi: who can be registered with erosions of the uterus

Vidіlennya can be:

  1. bloodshed- the reason why the stench comes out is that blood was consumed in the empty uterus before an hour of operative engagement. Shelter in the norm is seen lasting two days;
  2. physiological- the stench of insight, can take revenge on the bloodthirsty;
  3. gn_inimi- to inform about the admission of infections, most often it is supervised to adjust the temperature. When she appears, the woman is innocently guilty of seeing the doctor, and of the ignorance of the sign - the first croc in the development of those who are not safe for health and life of the country;
  4. rotten- characteristic for the evaluation of the statistic system of the woman with anaerobic bacteria. It smells of a penny character, and also a manifestation of serious contamination for health. To that consultation and look around the doctor of obov'yazkov.

Vykhid from pіkhvi rіdkogo vmіstu - its kind of cleansing of the operated dilyanka, to which it can be respected by the natural process in the whole period.

Chi є risik relapse?

When we think of ailments, all the same is the truth of their repeated formulation. Nichto is not a guarantor of any more money to navigate after a well-executed operation. In 10% of vipads, after a ten hour, hyperplasia of endometrium appears again. If you try to reduce the costs, it is necessary to carry out a detailed examination of the patient. Tse allow the visibility of the approximate ethological factor, so that the pathological growth of the internal uterine ball is susceptible to growth, and the loss of it.

Important! For the development of sickness, a decline is characteristic, so that it is because of the pathology of offense that there is a presence in the family due to the life line, the presence of a woman in the family is characteristic. Tse means that it is risky to relapse.


You can go in for sports in an extraordinary mode in about a month. With a whole, up to light, type of gymnastics, or aerobics, it is possible earlier - in about a couple of times. For an hour to play sports, it is necessary to discuss it with the Fakhivtsem, as it is a good idea to lay down the individual features of the organism and the speed of life.

Thousands of years of whiskey

In the process of viskoblyuvannya sheath of the uterus is often seen, at once to start the deeds of renewal of mucous. Apparently, the date of the operation (cleaning) must be set on the first day of the cycle. When cleaning comes, it will be cleaned approximately in a month.

In some cases, bloody visions appear with insignificant records. The cycle will be renewed in three months.

In the edge it is important to write the surgical engagement of the quest for the wicked character of the people. An unprecedented color, an uncommon odor, an uncharacteristic odor, a vulva sverbіzh, a swelling pain syndrome - and symptoms can be influenced by a rapid development. It is necessary to provide a clear message about the emergence of a doctor.

Viability of hysteroscopy

Check out the recommendations on the vaginoscopy of the hysteroscopy, considering some of the updating processes will be much faster. With a stretch of the first month of life, a statistic is needed. The price of everything is overwhelmed, but the organ at the moment is not being stolen from a negative one. The status of infection can penetrate into the empty space of the uterus, and it’s possible to do something with it.

In addition, by stretching the first letters of vision, blood visions from the past are prevented. It also robs the intimacy of the unhappy. The self-feeling of women in the Danish period will go down.

The reason for the loss of pathology in the empty uterus is moss. Likars recommend to start thinking about conception not earlier than three months after the operation.

Yak to look after the shkіroyu pislya procedure?

I do not care for those who are clearing the guilt є with a simple procedure, as against quickly and without easing, for it requires a correct look behind the school. Oskіlki person can be a mother of unattractive viglyad, it is recommended to go to the salon for about 30 hilins, so the pores sound, and the color becomes a little worm.

  • With a stretch of the first one, do not rub your hands up to the surface of the shkiri, so that you do not bring the infection into the open air;
  • With a stretch of the first 24 years, it is meant to be stronger than the fat from the cleansing pores. For you to see it, you can get a servet, or you can snake in front of the chlorhexedine. Probably not more than three times a day and not more than 2-3 days;
  • Mitigation of all procedures for 12 years minimum. As soon as we pass an hour, we’ll see it all over again, it’s nice, chlorinated or filled with hot water. It can be more viciously inflamed and penetrated in times of infection. For cleansing pidіyde tonіk or lotion with antibacterial dієu;
  • It is not recommended to use scrubs for 7 days. The stench can make a shkodi і viclikati trauma weakened dermis;
  • You will be able to use a liquid cream or a gel. Garnu d_yu to roam with scarlet, panthenol;
  • As soon as an hour of cleansing the bullets of the ear, they brought before the sore appeared, then the sore, the stench was covered with a scorch and came out. It’s not easy to see it on its own, it is possible to bring an infection, or a scar may be overlaid on the other side;
  • With a stretch of 1-2 dib for cleaning, it is not recommended to use any cosmetic means, as you can clog the pores - with tonal bases, powder, primers, correctors too.

It’s easy to wonder at the specialness of a glimpse of the accusations of cleaning:

What is it not possible for?

For an hour, the procedure can be made as a result of injury to tissue. For example, in order to diagnose people who are ill, it is necessary to have a small part of it, it is necessary for the collection of diagnostic material. For such a involved child, the girl is not guilty of having sex close to two. And the axis is when an abortion is carried out, then the cleaning of the transmission is visible to the fetus and the mucous membrane. Such a procedure is even more traumatic, and the burning of fabrics is not subject to change. To that in a whole hour it is not recommended to use an intimal ring for a trivial period of an hour.

Tobto, sex of contraindications for women to quiet feast, as long as the uterus is not renewed. In any case, if you are familiar with the recommendations of the doctor and try to make love earlier, the child is not aware of any perceptions. Tom is more beautiful than the kidneys until they are quiet, as long as the organ does not heal.

If it is possible for us to live our lives by hysteroscopy

I will look at the description of the moments of the operation, and for the details of the life, there are given recommendations on the renewal of the organism. For hysteroscopy, antibacterial therapy is indicated, for the prevention of infectious diseases and the development of endometritis. Here is a recommendation of the article streaming for hysteroscopy. Thus, a state partner can help the carriers find the most banal zabudniks, in the norm “live” for women. Ale, so as the muscular immunity of provocations carried out by the operation, sex for hysteroresectoscopy can lead to the development of unnecessary inheritances - fixing the banal "milkmaid"

So, through a few days, through hysteroscopy, can you have sex? Thanks to the well-received recommendations, the calculation is not carried out in days. Only three times later - as soon as possible, at the time of the day, early and additional scargs from the side of the patient are allowed to the state of life when hysteroscopy. If you can start before the memory of the methods of contraception, since the body is not yet ready for vaginosti, it takes an hour. The first axis, if it is possible to study the intimate lives of hysteroscopy, is also not particularly forgetting about the banal rules of special hygiene.

Lіkuvannya pislya operatsії

Oscillations for an hour of surgical treatment of the child's body was under stress, vitraising a part of its biological and energy resources for renewal, it is necessary to help you in the period of operational period. Antibiotics, such as penicilini or cephalosporin, are used as a prophylactic method, which can be used in a wide range of activities. As soon as it was found, it was an antibacterial drug that was actively infused into it.

Antibiotic therapy does not become stagnant when a woman has an allergic reaction to many problems, as well as with chronic, oncological illnesses, undercourse, immunodeficiency and an old person.

Expert's thought Olga MatveevaGynecologist-obstetrician
6 years of experience To accelerate the main processes, it is recommended to use vitotherapy, immunostimulating activities, and physical therapy. In any case, it is not possible to live with the inclusion of acetylsalicylic acid, the odor of the stench change the throat of blood. Tse prodovzhu zagєannya, as well as advancing the development of bleeding. Acceptance of all medications is to blame for the use of drugs and drugs.

It is necessary to take a high-calorie life, normal mode of work and recovery, to maintain a healthy way of life. The staff of the whole patient will be better off and know all the traces of the transferred visual field.


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