Andriy Komariv Suchasnu English fundamental course. Post to the material "Samovitel English movi - Komarov A.N." for reading, stocking up that shopping

Andriy Komariv Suchasnu English fundamental course. Post to the material "Samovitel English movi - Komarov A.N." for reading, stocking up that shopping

It’s self-sufficient to learn from earthly materials, it’s necessary for mothers to read the materials by hand. In our hour, there are a lot of young self-readers of the English language, so vibrate among them even more smoothly than the one that goes by the same people.

Persh, nіzh vibirati pіdruchnik, it is necessary to sign up with the name of vivchennya іnzemnoї movi. A guide for a tourist trip will be meaningfully taken from the needs of work.

More beautiful than vivchati that information, as a person you can immediately fix it on practice. This will give you the opportunity to get away with it in the opinion of the Anglophone spy-investigators and in a clear sense of the knowledge. It is not only the theme of the self-reader that is important, but the first thing, like a vin navchak. As long as it’s vivchaєtsya for a long list, it’s necessary to respect the spelling and grammar. If the head managers є carry out a quick splash in side-by-side situations, it is necessary to see Vimov.

An important point is the knowledge of the English language. Deyak's handlers are insured on quiet scholars, as they already know the basics of the earthly movement. If the Asian English language is vivchen, you will be brutalized for more death by dzherela samonavchannya.

Oh, uvagu beasts

Visnachivshis with the goals of vivchennya English language, varto come to respect deyakim factors. The following aspects are applied to them:

  1. You need to improve the grammar in general, you need to read the books, to take revenge on the right and see them. Without the ability to revise your knowledge, it is easy to get the steps to mastering the material.
  2. Viklad information. In the vidminny self-reader є the report explains the grammatical rules, and also put on, for the help of which to master the spelling in a simpler way.
  3. Information can be divided into blocks or supplied in a flexible order. For myself, it is very important to consider which of the options is acceptable for more general and more extensive information acquisition.
  4. Chi є audio course in self-reader? A whole resource will be an indispensable team, hto bazhaє correctly opratsyuvati vimova. It’s an English translation to read and update documents - this point is not very important and first-rate role.
  5. Size of the font. In a handy version, the book is guilty of being handy for reading. Here it is necessary to have respect for the design, size, handiness when reading, the appearance of illustrations and a lot of information. It can be easier and more comfortable to acquire knowledge. The small size of the handler allows you to carry it with you everywhere, even if the font in new style is often different.
  6. The course of samonavchannya varto pidbirati, vikhodyach from special passages. Someone else's thought, madly, maybe it’s an insane, altogether a virulent factor that can become a powerless sensation.

Top self-readers from english movi

Our hour is without any smart self-readers in the English language. You can learn more about them below.

Tsey pidruchnik is a Russian version of the famous "Essential English for foreign students" He has a particular emphasis on the sound of writing and writing. The colleague has nalichu over 700 sides. Masa yogo stock 550 grams. Until new audio-nosy, how to revenge material for the introduction of phonetics. Vidannya is also a Russian-English vocabulary, tables of incorrect references and additional information for the handler. Price list of insurance for institutions in the senior classes or for the most important mortgages. Pidruchnik vidmіnno pіdіde for self-comprehension in the knowledge of earthy movings. Part of this help to become 171 rubles.


    • Reversion for an hour samovchitel;
    • Accessibility to Wiklad;
    • The presence of English humor;
    • Є Explained by Russian language;
    • There is a great number of creative buildings;
    • Vidminna submission of material;
    • The user has lost a large number of butts;
    • Tsikaviy factual aspect;
    • The presence of an audio recording will give you the ability to put your promo correctly.


  • Chorno-bile vidannya;
  • Visibility of color pictures;
  • Outdated Wiklade style for an advanced generation;
  • Viklikaє nudgu among people are no worse than those who are straightforward;
  • Little grammatical material.

Such an additional help is more oriented towards people, who already know the basics of the material before it. Wono realizes the author's technique of creating English language. Pidruchnik is perceived by simplicity and accessibility. The visitor to the victorian has new non-stereotyped schemes of the classification of a person who is motivated. The supply of material is carried out by dynamic-step transitions. The lexical part is introduced here into a larger range of storage. The most frequent scheme is to start working with a teacher or a tutor before going to the robot outside the cordon. Failure to learn grammar and vocabulary for additional help, but simply to learn to memorize all victories. The book is stored from 448 sides in a leather one from 2 volumes. The part of one volume of the warehouse is 94 rubles. Mass of one z volume - 750 grams.


  • Evidence of numerical schemes, diagrams, graphical images;
  • Simplicity and availability of materials;
  • Gliboke vivchennya syntax and morphological rules;
  • Come for a big vivchennya movi;
  • MA crosswords, yaki duzhe tsіkavo rozgaduvati.


  • Vіdsutnya sound suprovіd;
  • Deyakі turnovers are already outdated.

For those who need to learn English language quickly, this will become the optimal option. The principle of vivchennya zapovaniya on іntuitive assimilation. Startup will add to the passive phase and active. In the passive phase, one will start to absorb the language, read and listen to the lesson, as well as repeat the material previously covered. The active phase is directed to the use of a new button. With all this is good, it is based on the prompting of dialogue, the understanding of the sleeping and writing language. Optimization of life situations will give you the power to secure the knowledge of English language. The grammar will be mastered by the induction method, from the private to the out-of-town, not learning the rules. The set includes a book and 4 discs. At the bottom there are 146 lessons, which allow you to quickly master the English language. Book to revenge 640 pages. The parity to become 913 rubles.

Assimil "English without pratsi syogodnі"



  • Were old, because you don’t have to wait until the end of the day;
  • Classic Vimova English mov.

The price of seeing the best for non-daring scholars, such as magalizing vivchiti on the school lavas (or not getting magalized), but they didn’t get anything. The basis for the writing of the book was the YSHKO methodology. Navchannya is focused on otrimannya shvidnya result in the best terms. Vidmіnnі results from vivchennі English movі You can otrimatі nіvіt those people, as soon as they haven’t taken care of yo vivchennya. The storehouse is stored in 3 parts. The first is rooted in those who know how to read in English, a friend - to learn grammar, and the third - to allow playing the situation in spilkuvanni. Book to revenge 224 sides. The parity is to become 45 rubles.

V. Kulish "The self-reader of the English language: the method of intensive navchannya is up-to-date"


  • Є all necessary information for vivchennya іnzemnoї movi;
  • Present Russian transcription;
  • There is a majestic number of people with rights;
  • To all the right є;
  • Vidіlennya with a special badge, necessary for a later suvannya words.


  • Pobudova a handler, and a little respect for the phonetics, except for the fact that I went to grammar;
  • The visibility of the audio cable.

The author of the review of the wonders of the English language. The English language of distribution on fragments, as it is like an unburned rite to get away with oneself. Having picked up a book for the first time, її it is necessary to read from kirka to kirka. Do not need to read it or write it down. For the first reading of up to 30% of the knowledge, it’s easy to take revenge in it, and to be seen in the brain. You can open the book for a couple of times and then again turn to it. So, the English language is made up of a numerical "memorization", but it will be meaningful. Book to revenge 224 sides. The courtesy becomes 65 rubles.

A. Dragunkin "Shvidky English for power plants"


  • The presentation of the navchannya is unavoidable;
  • Є diagrams and tables;
  • Original author's pidhid;
  • Simplicity and ease of mastering the material;
  • Easier to read the text;
  • Easy to read;
  • Tsikaviy zmist;
  • Present humor.


Qia book is also helpful to reflect the knowledge of English language in terms of terms. To fix a book by grammatical ones, for those who read it, you can go to practice. We will be a brownie for newcomers and for quiet, who have already been engaged in the development of the earth's land for a long time. When filing material, the number of illustrations, diagrams and tables is majestic. A priceless world lays down the intelligence of subtle English language. I especially respect the author of the active voice of the clock forms of the word, which is the basis of the move. Information is easy to learn and memorize. Book Zm_st includes 5 portions. Storinok in the book - 240. The part of the book in stock is 300 rubles.


  • Zruchne і zrozumіle viclades;
  • Come for pochatkivtsiv;
  • Available butts;
  • Bagato has the right to secure material;
  • For all food and drink, there is a possibility to control the level of your knowledge.


  • Intensively, it’s not going to be made until the watch is in English, the author has often been overused by the name.

The posibnik of Shubina is stocked with a bet of books, one of them is insured for the cob course, and the other is for the main one. A sound sampling device is a complex of sound rights with sound keys. You can see it on the plate or in the audio book. The rate of change is 50 rubles.

E. Shubin "Sound sampling device of English rose movi"


  • Inventory of insurance for quiet people who receive more information in sound format;
  • Allowingє to correctly place emphasis in words;
  • You can also put the MOV correctly.


  • Deyaka information is hopelessly old.

The author doesn’t put the staff on the books. The meta of the book of the Pole in correct reading and reasonable reading in English. The material of the book is about structuring, so the reader can see it differently and can see it as well as the reader can see it. The book includes 26 lessons, teachers and readers can master 2 thousand words in English. The retracement course is made up of three parts. At the first course, a part is entered according to express-navchannya, another part is to be right and trenuvalny materials, and the third is intended for development of a quick-change tool. Book to revenge 736 pages. The partnership becomes 630 rubles.

A. Petrova "Self-reader of English movi"


  • Good structuring materials;
  • Clear and simple viclades;
  • Have a lot of lessons in the presence of optional extras;
  • Possibility of vivchennya from scratch;
  • Knowledge is well systematized;
  • The grammar in the bottom comes to the fore;
  • In the book of the book є vocabulary.


  • The number of views on the conversion to the right;
  • Є pardons;
  • Folding and specific ones;
  • Incomplete decisions on actions are entitled to.

Read more to go in two volumes. Wono є the classic version of the English translation of the English language. Donations to the book are audio-nosy to allow correct words. At the handler є lastly prompted by a course of grammar and a simple course to consolidate the material covered. The skin s right is secured with keys. Now you are rozrahovanie on rіk or 2, so you can get good results with a lot of busy hours. The end of the day can be translated into English at the same time. The shopkeeper has 960 pages, but absolutely no display. The part of the additional help to become 1,087 rubles.


  • Competent submission of material;
  • The book has practice and theory;
  • Available written and explained;
  • Material is presented in stages;
  • Navchannya will be from light to more folding;
  • Traditional pidhid to vivchennya movi.


  • Kilka is old, and the role is also great;
  • Trochi boring Viklad;
  • Visoka partiality;
  • During the day there is a great opportunity for a rosy move;
  • Bagato hto vvazhaє viklad material stretched, as well as non-hand structure;
  • Protracted preparatory stage;
  • Visibility of illustrations.

Try to find a detailed description of the phonetics and spelling of the English language, as well as unlawful grammatical terms and detailed explanations. Pidruchnik vіdmіnno pіdіyde for navchannya English movi autonomously. The main feature of such a book is the power of knowledge and intelligence of the rich nuances of the modern English language, well, madly, it will be in the present. A handyman is advised as soon as possible for people of a different age. The set has 2 discs to the new one, which can help you to correct it in English. The lexicon of the warehouse for additional assistance is paid for 1700 sliv. Having won the material 22 to borrow, learn more from his own well-ordered large knowledge, as to show him the possibility of a brother to share in rages with Anglo-people. The part of the tsiy handler to become one thousand five hundred sixty-one rubles.

Hans Hoffmann "The self-teacher of the English language"


  • Simple and enjoyable wiklad material;
  • Availability of audio materials;
  • Є puzzles and quizzes;
  • Middle font;
  • The appearance of black-and-white illusions;
  • The paperwork is good;
  • To dermal ones є vocabularies and keys to the head;
  • Bezlich children have the right to allow them to secure their knowledge.


  • It is not enough to go for the ears from scratch;
  • Visoka partiality.

When bazhanna, dermal ludin can be engaged in vivchennyam English movi. For the whole є there is a great number of new methods and books. Head-up - give the right handler, be patient and easy-going.

Forward on the scientific basis, an effective handler-self-reader,
how much it is allowed to vivchat English language
yogo away from professionalism, signs for school
Nikiv, students and grown-ups, should I start before vivchennya movi
for a deyak I don’t need to prepare in the interval of rivniv
honoring and continuing.
Meanings for the lost vivchennya phonetics, grammar
and vocabulary of the modern English language, the handler realizes the author's
the logical and algorithmic concept of the creation, how to turn into vicoris
the formation of new, new types of stereotypes, schemes of the classification of linguistic
in their appearances, in the usual and frequent submission of initial material, as well as
in iterative algorithms for grasping grammatical topics. vocabulary
coated with a wider range of implantation,
nіzh price is accepted in the standard navchalnіy literature. Differentiated
the system behind the folds has the right to formulate
stiyki correct navichki vikorystannya phonetic, grammar
cheskikh appearances and lexical odds in usnіy and letters mov. repeated
the scope of the initial material is organized according to the algorithm, which provides
brush and style accumulated knowledge. Views in the hand
visualization can be done stylistically before normal use
Daniy p_druchnik proyshov approbation by stretching dec_lkoh rock_v in yakos-
for the self-employed people to take care of themselves, to see on the robot
і navchannya for the cordon, showing a high efficiency. Mainly worthy
the state of a friend of a polyag in the deceased vivchennі quiet grammatical con-
hard work and lexical ones, without which it is absolutely unfortunate
speak, do not read, do not write in English. Vkrai tsinnym є
parallel to the wiklad morphology and syntax
lastly, handy for the establishment of the previous
kov), as well as the presence of a great number of graphic images in the viglyad
malunks, diagrams and diagrams, which mean
minanie of all vicious new manifestations.
1 It is normal to be called the same implantation of mobile appearances, if the
in them, the sense of sprying is the same with all the sub's
fallowness from the past, statistics, culture, nationality, social
status, life, mental status, etc.
Author's view
The creation of problems with the problems that arise in the process of
chaum, the handler will be especially brown not only tim, who wants the nobility
English mov in good faith і hto, you can, even though
i'm in my good health through the past not far away, i
Tim, what a lot of people think about the advancement of the effectiveness of the
one hour quick stained for an hour.
Author's view
Qia the book was written for quiet, who vserioz wants to vivchit English mov,
But some of them didn’t have enough before. Yaksho zirnuty in
history, then you can read about people who were born independently and
knew a lot of movs. For example, the Ohoronets library to the Vatican Ju-
Sepp Kaspar Mezzofanti (1774 - 1849) moved from 114 mov, vіlno
speaking 60 mov, writing 50. With tsyom Giuseppe, nikoli did not go
embossing the boundaries of italia and vivchiv tse nemislima for simple people
number of mov independently! Oleksandr Griboedov volodiv fran
Zuz, Nimetsky, English, Italian, Latin, walnut, per-
Sid, Arabic and Turkish. Baikar Krilov knowing French,
іtalіyska, nіmetska, old Greek, English. Leo Tolstoy in z-
adore Volodya in English, French, Nimetskoy, read
in Italian, Polish, Cheskoy, Serbian. Knowing walnut, Latin,
Ukrainian, Tatar, Church-Slov'ianska, old-fashioned, Turkish,
Dutch, Bulgarian. You say, well, so Leo Tolstoy himself, and I
zvychana lyudina. Well, so vivchi want one mov, bring your own
Well, you can do it, so you can reach the set. I in you
dear reader everything is necessary for vivchennya hocha b single movi
English є. Tsey p_druchnik the author wrote and pondered with a stretch bagatokh
rockiv, schob zvychayny people from glibinka, without a teacher, independent
it is possible to quickly guess at the house of the earthly movi, navchit-
sya їm kindly koristuvatisya, zmogti, intelligence and learn. There are already a lot of people
We walked along the road paved by the given
with a method and a book and a stench to call you on the road, and you can
ahead of time ...
The author pushed to install the optimal self-reader, which is the guarantorє
the achievement of a higher result in terms of significant
with the use of the current methods and the first-rate practitioners. One of the main do-

Search results:

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    The self-reader of the English movi. Komarov A.N. 2005 .-- 155s. On the basis of a scientific basis, an effective handler-self-teacher, who permits the use of English language, can be combined with professionalism, signs ...
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    Pidruchnik "Self-reader of the English language" allows you to use the English language, the chance to start working on it further away from the professorship, signs for schoolchildren, students and grow up, I start to get started ...

It is based on grammar, rosy English, phonetic warehouse. Every time you want to see the English language, the handlers of the English language will love all the spheres. Head - vibrate the methodology and start trimming the song by stretching out the singing interval for an hour (call for 6 months).

Below you can add users to browse the various warehouses of the English language.

Owners and handlers of the English

1. Hornby A.S.

Constructions and revolutions of the English language. The handler has a look at the syntactic motives of the authorities in the English language. Presented tables and diagrams, de shown the implementation of disliv, imennikiv, primetnikiv and attorney:

2. English Grammar from A to Z. English for ours. Jean.

The assistant to the submission has a non-standard approach to the implementation of the English on the basis of the logic of the Russian people. The author is based on a principled novelty before the beginning of the day, the material is given unimpededly. Pidruchnik of insurance for the basic level of insurance

3. 222 rules of modern English language. Masyuchenko I.P.

The reader has a selection of information - morphology, phonetics, grammar of the English language. Also in the self-reader there is a lexico-thematic guide.

4. The self-reader of the English language - Komarov A.N.

Systematic fundamental course. For a whole family member, literally from the azіv themselves you will vivchati English croc by croc. The author of the report, I’ve read better and fix it now, I’ll respect it for good reason, so you have the effective right to advise your English language.

5. Vasil'ev K. B. Easy English. easy english.

If you want vivchati English language last but not least, then the whole course is for you. First for everything, a handyman in an easy manner, representing a developmental combination. Reveal the views on all records. The viglyadi dovidi have the basis.

Retsker J. I. "Navchalny's book with the transfer from the English language to the Russian"

Mi vivchaєmo English is not only to change it, but to read and transfer documents and texts. To lighten the transfer from English language to Russian, in this handbook there are extended phrases - idiomatic bells, so that they can be used in Russian language (equivalent to Russian language).

For quiet phrases in the English language, the equivalent is in the Russian language.

The course of modern vocabulary... Tsey Intensive English course for self-help robots is quiet, hto vivchaє English mov. Heading to the course is directed towards mastering and fixing a real mobile phone and English language, thinking about the assistant's assistant, referring to the information on the supplied power supply, correctly setting the food supply, supplying power.

Nutrition for food, early in the morning before the skin intelligent people. You can be an incentive for your child to live a need, or you can just be tempted to bring your own, as you see it. In any case, the best for success - pragmatic, without a new one, as it seems, "write wasted." At the statty below, we pick up how to vibrate the most beautiful self-reader of the English language, as it stinks and how beautifully it is victorious.

Take the decision to engage in English language and go to the book, and you will still be very clear about how one person is seen. Most often, the margin of justice is small, but you can see three main types of additional help:

  • classic self-readers- a book with lessons, zavdanny, right. It’s on the lookout for a schoolyard newcomer. For example, "The most beautiful self-reader of the English language" by A. Petrovoy, І. Orlovo Good to go for the self-employed.
  • Glossy handcuffs-courses- Collect well illustrated books, similar to magazines, with a CD-supplement and a high price list. For example, "Headway" series. Books are added for ravnya, that one book will not be seen. Often used in courses.
  • grammatical handcuffs- strict books without pictures, which are stored in the main z right. Zokrem: "Practical grammar of the English language" Kachalova and Izrailevich. It is necessary that you know the basics of the alphabet and phonetics, or you do not want to use grammar.

Plus, you can add free special books, for example, a book only about phrasal words or only about idiomi.

vibrating self-reader

It’s necessary to get good materials on your own. The beginning will be the most effective, as long as you will be able to pick up good results from the English language.

In our hour, there are no essential materials in the main materials, there are no, navpaki, simple styles of self-readers, but the winners of food: how among them to know who is coming. For you it will be easier for you to beat your vibe, you need to clearly emphasize the goals that you put in front of you, and we, in your wickedness, see the criteria of a good self-reader and the main moments, on which it is necessary to especially make respect.

Even from the quality of materials, on how you spiral into the initial process, lay your progress in English. It’s zoos, not everyone is trying to use a self-timer, for example, it’s impossible to use a self-timer in such a format, it stinks only with practice. However, for the help of a handler, you can independently learn grammar and vocabulary.

Self-readers allow you to collapse according to a special graph, depending on the information when you read it, if you please, do not lie in front of people. And you, hto think, it’s not effective to read the MOV according to Kerivnistvu, melodiously just once had mercy, buying a good self-reader from the English language.

selection criteria

Viznachiv with zavdanny vivchennya vivchennya English movi, varto come to respect deyakim moments. The following aspects are applied to them:

  • Most of the time it’s better to learn grammar, it’s necessary to read books, to take revenge on the right and see them. Without the possibility of viprobuvati your knowledge, it is easy to get the steps to mastering the material.
  • Viklad information. In the miraculous self-reader є the report explains the grammatical rules, and also rightly so, for the help of which to master the spelling, it’s simpler.
  • The information can be split into blocks or supplied in a flexible order. For yourself, it’s very important, which of the options is the most acceptable for more and more information.
  • Chi є audio course in self-reader? Such a resource will be an indispensable team, who needs the correct accent. Yakshcho English language to be used for reading and updating documents - this point is not very important and first-rate role.
  • Size of the font. In a handy version, the book is guilty of being comfortable for reading. Here it is necessary to respect the zapovnennya, size, brilliance when reading, the appearance of pictures and a lot of it. It can be easier and more comfortable to take away knowledge. The small size of the handler allows you to carry it with you everywhere, however, with the same size of the font in the new budget, it is often different.
  • Course of samonavchannya varto shukati, vikhodyachi from special passages. Someone else's thought, madly, maybe transferred, a protective factor that can make you feel better.

TOP-6 self-readers

Oh so rich: thin, only 10 lessons, or in a few volumes. With audio applications and without new, advertised and unavailable ones. Yaky vibrati? For all of you we have been able to find something, but at the same time we prepared for you a list of the best self-helpers, in our opinion.

K. Ekkersli

"Basic course in English language" by K. Ekkersli to get involved in the Russian version of the self-reader "Essential English for foreign students", broken up by the brush of British philology. The emphasis in the handler of deliveries is on writing and sleeping. All new material is given in conjunction with already being heard, and as a result, you will not be systematized knowledge of English language. At the bottom there are more than 700 sides, having mastered yak, and in English at a good level. A disk for the presentation of phonetic material is provided to the core.

perevagi ... Material is served with humor - singing histories for the better than ever. Bagato applied A number of rights are required. Tsikaviy factual material. Detailed explanation. The appearance of a sound cable.

shortcomings ... Kerіvnіstvo black-bіle, іlustratsіі nіtsіkavі - that, as you have heard before the witnesses barvy pіdruchnikami, Daniy the self-reader wіll wіklіch. Lack of grammatical material, I would like it the most time for quiet, hto vivchaє English only for spіlkuvannya.

Natalia Bonk

"English croc by croc" by Natalia Bonk is a prominent author, on the books of which there are more than one generation of scholars. "English croc by croc" is a traditional master of ceremonies, who proponate masu tsikavikh right, analysis of grammar and phonetics, as well as audio lessons on a CD. And you knew that the most beautiful self-reader of English movi, which you can know in the fancywork, is the most beautiful one. Winning insurance coverage for science, which can be used from scratch. For 1-2 rocks in the beginning, the author obіtsyaє, so you will reach the level B1, or Intermediate.

Komarov. A.

“Self-reader of English movi. A systematic fundamental course "A. Komarova, before you start your ears, so you can promote the English language with your own strength. Incentives for a special author's concept for the creation of earthmovs. Material can be supplied from elementary to folding. Until the end of the self-reader, you will be the nobility of English, good work. It is written simply і і zrauіlo, підійде for vivchennya English from scratch.

perevagi ... One hour mastering of reading, letters, talking and etc. is a complete reference, which does not require additional information. Good visualization: diagrams, diagrams, illustrations.

shortcomings ... Vіdsutnya sound suprovіd.

Dragunkin A.

“English for 3.5 days for vchili and zabuli. An intensifier of your English "Dragunkin A.

Do you want vivchit English self-study, ale of strength vistachaє only for a few lessons? Do you want to master the details and nuances, as long as you do not mind? Would you like to convert English into an accessible logical system? Todi tsya is an analytical technique to help you. The book is stored in 4 parts, de і it takes more than a hundred elements to go through intensively, and it’s over and over here ten minds of correctness of the English language movement. The Danish course can also help you learn how to correctly expand, develop and secure knowledge of English in practice, as well as multiply the vocabulary stock.

Petrova A.

"The most beautiful self-reader of English language" by Petrova A. and Orlovo I. - even a good samovchitel. All the material of descriptions is simple and intelligent, the material is instantly learned and right, as you follow the lessons. On the right, there are also small texts, as it is necessary to read and shift, follow them with words and translation, so I will ask for the knowledge and help you to memorize the words.

Bin is stored in three parts. The first part is given an express course in English language translation. Here representations are the main grammatical and verbal material, which is necessary for vivchennya movi in ​​the style of term. The other part of the distribution has the right for training and text materials, as well as receiving new vocabulary. The third part is to take revenge on special materials, so that you can use the form of a quick change. The skin part is supervised by the English-Russian vocabulary.

The course is useful for everyone who only started to work in English language, and also for those who want to resurrect their knowledge.

Kulish V.

"The self-reader of the English language: the method of intensive navchannya is up-to-date" Kulish.

Daniy is a must for a quiet person, who wants to use English terms in the most popular terms. Self-instructor of incentives based on the methodology of ЄSHKO, and it means that the transcription of all words should be given in Russian letters, so that you can allow the victorious self-instructor to visit you, who is a thorough newcomer to vivchens.

The storehouse is stored in 3 parts. For the first time, you can read English words, for others, learn about grammatics, and in the third - with situations of combining with singing.

perevagi ... To all the right in self-reader on the basis of information, so that you can independently control your progress. Words that you need to memorize, in order to effectively suck at the vivchenna, are denoted by a special badge - so don’t look at anything important!

shortcomings ... Until the last few moments, I would have done it myself to encourage the handler, I’ll start doing it only with phonetics, then - with grammar, and only for the rest of the stage, use it and those, and in order to read it. Chi is not a є sound superconduct.


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