A book for preparation to EDI from chemistry. Rostislav Lidin - Khimiya

A book for preparation to EDI from chemistry. Rostislav Lidin - Khimiya

The donor includes all the theoretical material of the school course in chemistry, which is necessary for the delivery of the EDI, - the educational attestation of scholars. A number of materials for distributions on 14 distributions, changes in different responses to topics, to be converted to ADI, - in some changeable blocks: "Chemistry element", "Rechovina", "Chimichna reaction", "Change of reaction" Before a skin break, a trenuvalny was given for parts A and B - with a choice of indications and a short summary. Rozdil 15 more assignments to the revision of rosehunkovyh estates, included in the replacement part of S.

The tests are stored in such a rank, so that they can be considered, it is possible to more rationally repeat the basic provisions of the school course of chemistry.

In the book of the book, you should be guided about before the tests, so that you can help schoolchildren and abstractors to reconsider themselves and memorize clear glades.

For the sake of convenience, a table has been drawn up with the given adjunct, and it has been indicated the explanation of the subject of the health and the distribution of the book.

The book is addressed to senior schoolchildren, students and teachers.

1. Expanded elements. budovu atom_v. Electronic shells. orbital

Chemist element- a singing form of atoms, which is designated by a name and a symbol and is characterized by an ordinal number and a single atomic mass.

Table. 1 pererakhovani widened chemical elements, such symbols, such as the stench (in the arches - vimova), ordinal numbers, specific atomic mass, characteristic stages of oxidation.

nullova The steps of an oxidized element in a simple speech (speech) are not indicated in the table.

All atoms of one element may be the same - the same number of protons in the nucleus and the number of electrons in the shell. So, in the atom of the element water day N be 1 p + in the core and on the periphery 1 e-; atomic element mussen About 8 p + in the core і 8 e- in obolonts; element atom aluminumАl revenge 13 R+ In the core i 13 e- in obolonts.

Atoms of one element can be determined by the number of neutrons in the nucleus, so atoms are called isotopes. So, at the element water day H three isotopes: water-1 (I will give a special name і symbol protium 1 H) h 1 p + in the core i 1 e- in obolonts; water-2 (deuterіy 2 H, abo D) s 1 p + i 1 NS 0 in core and 1 e- in obolonts; water-3 (tritiy 3 H, abo T) s 1 p + i 2 NS 0 in core and 1 e- in obolonts. Symbols 1 H, 2 H and 3 H have the upper index vkazu mass number- the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Іnshi butt:

electronic formula an atom of any chemical element, according to the change in the Periodic System of Elements D.I. Mendeleva can be seen from the table. 2.

The electron shell of any atom will last for energy resources(1, 2, 3-rd and etc.), підрівні(Signed by letters s, p, d, f). Підрівні stocks from atomic orbital- areas of open space, de jimovіrno perebuvannya elektronіv. Orbital means yak 1s (orbital of the 1st level s-підрівні), 2 s, 2 R, 3 s, 3 p, 3d, 4 s... The number of orbitals in sublevels:

The storage of atomic orbits with electrons is displayed according to three heads:

1) principle of minimum energy

Electroni zapovnyuyut orbitals, repaired from the beginning with less energy.

The last of the growth of power generation:

1 s< 2 c< 2 p< 3 s< 3 p< 4 s≤ 3 d< 4 p< 5 s≤ 4 d< 5 p< 6 s

2) fence rule (Pauli principle)

The skin orbital can be expanded by no more than two electrons.

One electron in orbital is called unpaired, two electrons - by electronic pair:

3) the principle of maximum multiplicity (Hund's rule)

Z memorized energetic diagrams electronic formulas atom_v elements. The number of electrons in the orbital of this particular date appears at the upper index, right-handed by letter (for example, 3 d 5 - tse 5 elektronіv on Z d-sub-level); Use the first level electronics, then the second, the third, etc. Formulas can be kept short and short, but keep the symbol of a kind of noble gas in the bows, don't pass this formula on , storage of internal d-pass. put on:

3 Li = 1s 2 2s 1 = [2 He] 2s 1

8 O = 1s 2 2s 2 2p 4= [2 He] 2s 2 2p 4

13 Al = 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 1= [10 Ne] 3s 2 3p 1

Moscow: 2017 .-- 256 p. Moscow: 2016 .-- 256 p.

The new presenter should take revenge on all the theoretical material from the course of chemistry, which is necessary for the creation of ADI. Wine includes all the elements of the wickedness, it is transformed with control and visual materials, and additional assistance in publicity and systematization of knowledge and memory for the course of the secondary (new) school. Theoretical material in short and available form. The skin theme is supravodzhutsya with the butts of test workers. Practical design adapt to the ADI format. In the book of the book, the information about the tests was given. The book is addressed to schoolchildren, students and teachers.

format: pdf ( 2017 , 256s.)

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format: pdf ( 2016 , 256s.)

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Peredmova 12
1. Theoretical foundations of ХІМІ 18
1.1. Happy Announcement About Budova Atom 18
1.1.1. Budova electronic shells of atoms 18
Add zavdan 24
1.2. Periodic law і Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleva 25
1.2.1. The laws of change of the authorities of the elements and іkh z'єdnan for periods and groups of 25
Add zavdan 28
1.2.2. The general characteristics of the IA-SHA-group metals in connection with the station in the Periodic systems of chemical elements
D.I. Mendeleev and the peculiarities of the Budov and the Atoms 28
Add zavdan 29
1.2.3. Characteristics of transitional elements (medi, zinc, chromium, zaliza) from the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleva
and the peculiarities of Budov and their atoms 30
Attach Zavdan 30
1.2.4. General characteristics of non-metals IVA-VIIA-group in connection with the station in the Periodic systems of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleva
and the peculiarities of Budov and the Atoms 31
Add zavdan 31
1.3. Cheerful sounds and Budova speeches 32
1.3.1. A covalent chemical link, її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї than or mechanism. Characteristics of a covalent link (polarity and energy link). Ionna calls.
Metal link. Vodneva Zvyazok 32
Add Zavdan 36
1.3.2. Electronegativity. Stage of oxidation and valence of chemical elements 37
Add zavdan 39
1.3.3. Specs of molecular and non-molecular budovi. Type of crystal lattice. The prevalence of the authorities of the chambers from the warehouse
i budovi 41
Add Zavdan 43
1.4. Chemistry 43
1.4.1. Classification of chemical reactions in non-organic and organic chemistry 43
Add zavdan 45
1.4.2. Thermal effect of chemical reaction. Thermal chemistry 46
Add zavdan 48
1.4.3. The speed of reaction, the prevalence of various factors 48
Add zavdan 50
1.4.4. Negotiable and non-negotiable chemical reactions. Khimichna Rivnovaga. Substitution of Chemistry Equivalents for Other Factors 50
put the zavdan down
1.4.5. Electrolytic dissociation of electrolytes at water levels. Strong and weak electrolysis 53
Add zavdan 54
1.4.6. Reactions of the ion exchange 54
Add zavdan 56
1.4.7. Middle water solutions: sour, neutral, lush. Hydrolysis of salts 57
Add zavdan 59
1.4.8. Oxidative reactions. Corrosion of metals and ways to prevent damage 60
Add zavdan 64
1.4.9. Electrolysis melts and rosters (salts, liquids, acids) 65
Add Zavdan 66
1.4.10. Ionny (V.V. Markovnikov's rule) and radical mechanisms of reactions in organic chemistry 67
Add zavdan 69
2.1. Classification of inorganic speeches. Nomenclature of inorganic speeches (trivial and international) 71
Add Zavdan 75
2.2. Characteristics of chemical power of simple words - metals: lug, lug-earth, aluminum; transition metals
(Міді, zinc, chromium, zaliza) 76
Add zavdan 79
2.3. Characteristics of chemical power of simple words - non-metals: water, halogens, sour, sirki, nitrogen,
phosphorus, carbon, silicon 81
Add Zavdan 83
2.4. Characteristics of chemical power of oxides: basic, amphoteric, acidic 84
Add Zavdan 86
2.5. Characteristics of chemical authorities for the production of amphoteric hydroxides 87
Add zavdan 88
2.6. Characteristics of chemical power of acids 90
Add zavdan 93
2.7. Characteristic chemical power of salts: middle, sour, basic; complex (on spoluk aluminum and zinc) 94
Add zavdan 96
2.8. Interconnection of different classes of inorganic speech 97
Attach Zavdan 100
3.1. Theory of organic spoluks: homology and isomeria (structural and spaciousness).
Mutual infusion of atoms into molecules 102
Add zavdan 105
3.2. Types of links in the molecules of organic speech. Hybridization of atomic orbitals in carbon. Radical.
Functional group 106
Add zavdan 109
3.3. Classification of organic speech. Nomenclature of organic speech (trivial and international) 109
Add zavdan 115
3.4. Characteristics of chemical power in carbohydrates: alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, dienes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene and toluene) 116
Add zavdan 121
3.5. Characteristics of chemical power of boundary monoatomic and highatomic alcohols, phenol 121
Add zavdan 124
3.6. Characteristics of chemical powers of aldehydes, boundary carboxylic acids, folding ethers 125
Add zavdan 128
3.7. Characteristics of chemical power of nitrogen-mixed organic spoluks: amino acids and amino acids 129
Add zavdan 132
3.8. Biologically important speeches: fat, alcohol, carbohydrates (monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides) 133
Add Zavdan 138
3.9. Interconnection of organic spoluks 139
Add zavdan 143
4.1. Experimental Basics of Chemistry 145
4.1.1. Robot rules in the laboratory. Laboratory glassware Safety rules for robots with liquid, flammable and toxic speech,
with a bit of chemistry 145
Add zavdan 150
4.1.2. Scientific methods of advancing chemical speeches and re-making. Methods for dispensing sums and cleansing speeches 150
Add zavdan 152
4.1.3. Viznachennya to the nature of the middle course of the waters of the rivers. indicator 152
Add zavdan 153
4.1.4. Yakіsnі reactions to inorganic speeches and іonі 153
Add zavdan 156
4.1.5. Yakіsnі reactions of organic spoluks 158
Add zavdan 159
4.1.6. The main methods of rejection (in the laboratory) of specific speeches, which can be applied to the inventive classes of non-organic spoluks 160
Add zavdan 165
4.1.7. The main methods of removing in carbohydrates (in the laboratory) 165
Add zavdan 167
4.1.8. The main methods of eliminating the pneumatic spoluk (in the laboratory) 167
Add the building 170
4.2. Headlines about industrial methods of rejecting the most important speeches 171
4.2.1. Understanding about metallurgy: zagalny ways of rejecting metals 171
Add zavdan 174
4.2.2. General scientific principles of chemistry technology (on the basis of industrial rejection of ammonia, hydrochloric acid, methanol). cheery trouble
dovkilya that yogo inheritance 174
Add zavdan 176
4.2.3. Natural dzherela in carbohydrates, їkh processing 177
Add zavdan 180
4.2.4. Visokomolecular spoluks. Polymerization and polycondensation reactions 181
Add zavdan 184
4.3. Rozrakhunki for chemistry formulas and simple reactions 184
4.3.1. The enumeration of the mass of speech, to take revenge in the singular mass of speech, from the home of the mass; enumeration of the mass part of the speech in the range 184
Add zavdan 186
4.3.2. Rozrakhunks of common vidnosin gases in case of chemical reactions 186
Add zavdan 187
4.3.3. Rozrakhunki masi speeches, for the obsyagu gases for seeing a number of speeches, for a whole lot of one
s to take part in the reaction of speeches 187
Add zavdan 188
4.3.4. Rozrakhunka thermal effect of reaction 189
Add zavdan 189
4.3.5. Rozrakhunki masi (obsyagu, number of speeches) products of the reaction, even though one of the speeches was given in excess (little houses) 190
Add zavdan 190
4.3.6. Rozrakhunki masi (obsyagu, number of speeches) to the reaction product, which one of the speeches was given in the viglyadi rozchin
with the singing mass part of the speech 191
Add zavdan 191
4.3.7. Knowledge of the molecular formula of speech 192
Add zavdan 194
4.3.8. Rozrakhunki mass or large part in the output of the reaction product from the theoretically young 195
Add zavdan 195
4.3.9. Rozrakhunks of the mass part (masi) of the Khimichnoy spoluky in sumish 196
Add zavdan 196
water 198
Elementi IA-group 200
Elementi IIA-group 202
Elementi SHA-group 204
Elementi IVA-group 206
Elementi VA-group 211
Elementi VTA-group 218
Elementi VTIA-group 223
Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleva 230
IUPAK: Periodic table of elements 232
Discrepancy of bases, acids and salts in water 234
Valentine's Day Chemistry 235
Acids and name them salts 235
Atomic radii of elements 236
Deyakі nіvazhіvіі fіzіchnіy postіynі 237
Prefixes when multiples are set
and private units 237
Extensiveness of elements in the earth's crust 238
Vidpovidі to the factory 240

The new guide includes all the theoretical material for the school course in chemistry, which is necessary for the preparation and delivery of a single state institution.
Zm_st of the book is based on control and visual materials, which are used to initiate a review of the initial material, which can be revised by the state authority attestation.
The theoretical material of the preceptor of the Vicladeno in a short and available form. The readiness of the week and the accuracy of the initial material is to allow it to be efficiently educated before going to sleep.
The book has been split into various types of blocks, which can be revised to ADI: "Theoretical Foundations of Chemistry" - Periodic Law and Periodic System of Chemistry Elements D.I. Mendeleva, a chemistry sound and a Budov speech, a chemistry reaction; "Inorganic chemistry", "Organic chemistry", "Methods of learning chemistry. Chemistry and life "- the experimental foundations of chemistry, the information about industrial methods of rejecting the most important words.

Moscow: 2017 .-- 256 p. Moscow: 2016 .-- 256 p.

The new presenter should take revenge on all the theoretical material from the course of chemistry, which is necessary for the creation of ADI. Wine includes all the elements of the wickedness, it is transformed with control and visual materials, and additional assistance in publicity and systematization of knowledge and memory for the course of the secondary (new) school. Theoretical material in short and available form. The skin theme is supravodzhutsya with the butts of test workers. Practical design adapt to the ADI format. In the book of the book, the information about the tests was given. The book is addressed to schoolchildren, students and teachers.

format: pdf ( 2017 , 256s.)

Rosemir: 2 Mb

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format: pdf ( 2016 , 256s.)

Rosemir: 1.6 MB

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Peredmova 12
1. Theoretical foundations of ХІМІ 18
1.1. Happy Announcement About Budova Atom 18
1.1.1. Budova electronic shells of atoms 18
Add zavdan 24
1.2. Periodic law і Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleva 25
1.2.1. The laws of change of the authorities of the elements and іkh z'єdnan for periods and groups of 25
Add zavdan 28
1.2.2. The general characteristics of the IA-SHA-group metals in connection with the station in the Periodic systems of chemical elements
D.I. Mendeleev and the peculiarities of the Budov and the Atoms 28
Add zavdan 29
1.2.3. Characteristics of transitional elements (medi, zinc, chromium, zaliza) from the periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleva
and the peculiarities of Budov and their atoms 30
Attach Zavdan 30
1.2.4. General characteristics of non-metals IVA-VIIA-group in connection with the station in the Periodic systems of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleva
and the peculiarities of Budov and the Atoms 31
Add zavdan 31
1.3. Cheerful sounds and Budova speeches 32
1.3.1. A covalent chemical link, її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї than or mechanism. Characteristics of a covalent link (polarity and energy link). Ionna calls.
Metal link. Vodneva Zvyazok 32
Add Zavdan 36
1.3.2. Electronegativity. Stage of oxidation and valence of chemical elements 37
Add zavdan 39
1.3.3. Specs of molecular and non-molecular budovi. Type of crystal lattice. The prevalence of the authorities of the chambers from the warehouse
i budovi 41
Add Zavdan 43
1.4. Chemistry 43
1.4.1. Classification of chemical reactions in non-organic and organic chemistry 43
Add zavdan 45
1.4.2. Thermal effect of chemical reaction. Thermal chemistry 46
Add zavdan 48
1.4.3. The speed of reaction, the prevalence of various factors 48
Add zavdan 50
1.4.4. Negotiable and non-negotiable chemical reactions. Khimichna Rivnovaga. Substitution of Chemistry Equivalents for Other Factors 50
put the zavdan down
1.4.5. Electrolytic dissociation of electrolytes at water levels. Strong and weak electrolysis 53
Add zavdan 54
1.4.6. Reactions of the ion exchange 54
Add zavdan 56
1.4.7. Middle water solutions: sour, neutral, lush. Hydrolysis of salts 57
Add zavdan 59
1.4.8. Oxidative reactions. Corrosion of metals and ways to prevent damage 60
Add zavdan 64
1.4.9. Electrolysis melts and rosters (salts, liquids, acids) 65
Add Zavdan 66
1.4.10. Ionny (V.V. Markovnikov's rule) and radical mechanisms of reactions in organic chemistry 67
Add zavdan 69
2.1. Classification of inorganic speeches. Nomenclature of inorganic speeches (trivial and international) 71
Add Zavdan 75
2.2. Characteristics of chemical power of simple words - metals: lug, lug-earth, aluminum; transition metals
(Міді, zinc, chromium, zaliza) 76
Add zavdan 79
2.3. Characteristics of chemical power of simple words - non-metals: water, halogens, sour, sirki, nitrogen,
phosphorus, carbon, silicon 81
Add Zavdan 83
2.4. Characteristics of chemical power of oxides: basic, amphoteric, acidic 84
Add Zavdan 86
2.5. Characteristics of chemical authorities for the production of amphoteric hydroxides 87
Add zavdan 88
2.6. Characteristics of chemical power of acids 90
Add zavdan 93
2.7. Characteristic chemical power of salts: middle, sour, basic; complex (on spoluk aluminum and zinc) 94
Add zavdan 96
2.8. Interconnection of different classes of inorganic speech 97
Attach Zavdan 100
3.1. Theory of organic spoluks: homology and isomeria (structural and spaciousness).
Mutual infusion of atoms into molecules 102
Add zavdan 105
3.2. Types of links in the molecules of organic speech. Hybridization of atomic orbitals in carbon. Radical.
Functional group 106
Add zavdan 109
3.3. Classification of organic speech. Nomenclature of organic speech (trivial and international) 109
Add zavdan 115
3.4. Characteristics of chemical power in carbohydrates: alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, dienes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene and toluene) 116
Add zavdan 121
3.5. Characteristics of chemical power of boundary monoatomic and highatomic alcohols, phenol 121
Add zavdan 124
3.6. Characteristics of chemical powers of aldehydes, boundary carboxylic acids, folding ethers 125
Add zavdan 128
3.7. Characteristics of chemical power of nitrogen-mixed organic spoluks: amino acids and amino acids 129
Add zavdan 132
3.8. Biologically important speeches: fat, alcohol, carbohydrates (monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides) 133
Add Zavdan 138
3.9. Interconnection of organic spoluks 139
Add zavdan 143
4.1. Experimental Basics of Chemistry 145
4.1.1. Robot rules in the laboratory. Laboratory glassware Safety rules for robots with liquid, flammable and toxic speech,
with a bit of chemistry 145
Add zavdan 150
4.1.2. Scientific methods of advancing chemical speeches and re-making. Methods for dispensing sums and cleansing speeches 150
Add zavdan 152
4.1.3. Viznachennya to the nature of the middle course of the waters of the rivers. indicator 152
Add zavdan 153
4.1.4. Yakіsnі reactions to inorganic speeches and іonі 153
Add zavdan 156
4.1.5. Yakіsnі reactions of organic spoluks 158
Add zavdan 159
4.1.6. The main methods of rejection (in the laboratory) of specific speeches, which can be applied to the inventive classes of non-organic spoluks 160
Add zavdan 165
4.1.7. The main methods of removing in carbohydrates (in the laboratory) 165
Add zavdan 167
4.1.8. The main methods of eliminating the pneumatic spoluk (in the laboratory) 167
Add the building 170
4.2. Headlines about industrial methods of rejecting the most important speeches 171
4.2.1. Understanding about metallurgy: zagalny ways of rejecting metals 171
Add zavdan 174
4.2.2. General scientific principles of chemistry technology (on the basis of industrial rejection of ammonia, hydrochloric acid, methanol). cheery trouble
dovkilya that yogo inheritance 174
Add zavdan 176
4.2.3. Natural dzherela in carbohydrates, їkh processing 177
Add zavdan 180
4.2.4. Visokomolecular spoluks. Polymerization and polycondensation reactions 181
Add zavdan 184
4.3. Rozrakhunki for chemistry formulas and simple reactions 184
4.3.1. The enumeration of the mass of speech, to take revenge in the singular mass of speech, from the home of the mass; enumeration of the mass part of the speech in the range 184
Add zavdan 186
4.3.2. Rozrakhunks of common vidnosin gases in case of chemical reactions 186
Add zavdan 187
4.3.3. Rozrakhunki masi speeches, for the obsyagu gases for seeing a number of speeches, for a whole lot of one
s to take part in the reaction of speeches 187
Add zavdan 188
4.3.4. Rozrakhunka thermal effect of reaction 189
Add zavdan 189
4.3.5. Rozrakhunki masi (obsyagu, number of speeches) products of the reaction, even though one of the speeches was given in excess (little houses) 190
Add zavdan 190
4.3.6. Rozrakhunki masi (obsyagu, number of speeches) to the reaction product, which one of the speeches was given in the viglyadi rozchin
with the singing mass part of the speech 191
Add zavdan 191
4.3.7. Knowledge of the molecular formula of speech 192
Add zavdan 194
4.3.8. Rozrakhunki mass or large part in the output of the reaction product from the theoretically young 195
Add zavdan 195
4.3.9. Rozrakhunks of the mass part (masi) of the Khimichnoy spoluky in sumish 196
Add zavdan 196
water 198
Elementi IA-group 200
Elementi IIA-group 202
Elementi SHA-group 204
Elementi IVA-group 206
Elementi VA-group 211
Elementi VTA-group 218
Elementi VTIA-group 223
Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleva 230
IUPAK: Periodic table of elements 232
Discrepancy of bases, acids and salts in water 234
Valentine's Day Chemistry 235
Acids and name them salts 235
Atomic radii of elements 236
Deyakі nіvazhіvіі fіzіchnіy postіynі 237
Prefixes when multiples are set
and private units 237
Extensiveness of elements in the earth's crust 238
Vidpovidі to the factory 240

The new guide includes all the theoretical material for the school course in chemistry, which is necessary for the preparation and delivery of a single state institution.
Zm_st of the book is based on control and visual materials, which are used to initiate a review of the initial material, which can be revised by the state authority attestation.
The theoretical material of the preceptor of the Vicladeno in a short and available form. The readiness of the week and the accuracy of the initial material is to allow it to be efficiently educated before going to sleep.
The book has been split into various types of blocks, which can be revised to ADI: "Theoretical Foundations of Chemistry" - Periodic Law and Periodic System of Chemistry Elements D.I. Mendeleva, a chemistry sound and a Budov speech, a chemistry reaction; "Inorganic chemistry", "Organic chemistry", "Methods of learning chemistry. Chemistry and life "- the experimental foundations of chemistry, the information about industrial methods of rejecting the most important words.

Name: Хімія. An external assistant for training to EDI.

The donor includes all the theoretical material of the school course in chemistry, which is necessary for the delivery of the EDI, - the educational attestation of scholars. A number of materials for distributions on 14 distributions, changes in different responses to topics, to be converted to ADI, - in some changeable blocks: "Chemistry element", "Rechovina", "Chimichna reaction", "Change of reaction" Before the skin section, a trenuvalny was given for parts A and B - with a choice of indications and a short summary. Rozdil 15 more assignments to the revision of rosehunkovyh estates, included in the replacement part of S.
The tests are stored in such a rank, so that they can be considered, it is possible to more rationally repeat the basic provisions of the school course of chemistry.
In the book of the book, you will be guided about before the tests, so that you can help schoolchildren and students to reconcile themselves and memorize the clear glades.
For the sake of convenience, a table has been drawn up with the given adjunct, it is indicated the explanation of the subject of the health and distribution of the book.
The book is addressed to senior schoolchildren, students and teachers.

A chemical element-singular form of atoms, which is designated by a name and a symbol and characterized by an ordinal number and a single atomic mass.
Table. 1 pererakhovani widened chemical elements, such symbols, such as the stench (in the arches - vimova), ordinal numbers, specific atomic mass, characteristic stages of oxidation.
The zero step of the oxidized element in the simple word (speech) is not indicated in the table.
The electronic envelope of any atom extends into energetic rivni (1, 2, 3 rd and etc.), Rivni be divided into letters (denoted by the letters s, p, d, f). They are stored from atomic orbital - areas of the vastness, de jimovirno transfer of electronics. Orbital means yak 1s (orbital of the 1st level s first), 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 3d, 4s ...

1. Expanded elements. budovu atom_v. Electronic shells. orbital
2. Periodic law. Periodic system. Electronegativity. oxidation stages
3. Molecules. Chemically sounding. Budova Rechovin
4. Classification and interconnection of inorganic speech
5. Metal head pidgroup I-III groups
5.1. sodium
5.2. kaliy
5.3. calcium
5.4. Hardness of water
5.5. aluminum
6. Transition to the 4th period. Power, ways to reject. Headquarters of metals
6.1. chromium
6.2. Manganese
6.3. Zalizo
6.4. The headquarters of the metals. corrosion
7. Nonmetals of head pidgroups IV-VII groups
7.1. water day
7.2. halogen
7.2.1. Chlorine. chlorine day
7.2.2. chlorides
7.2.3. Hypochloriti. chlorati
7.2.4. Bromide. iodidi
7.3. chalcogen
7.3.1. mussen
7.3.2. Syrka. Sirvoden. sulfide
7.3.3. Serum dioxide. sulfites
7.3.4. Сірчана acid. sulfati
7.4. VA-group non-metals
7.4.1. Nitrogen. amiak
7.4.2. Oxide to nitrogen. Nitric acid
7.4.3. Nitriti. nitrati
7.4.4. phosphorus
7.5. IVA-group non-metals
7.5.1. Vuglets at the vilny viglyadi
7.5.2. oxides in carbon
7.5.3. carbonati
7.5.4. silicon
8. Theory of budovy, development, classification and nomenclature of organic spoluks. Types of chemical reactions
9. In carbohydrates. Homology and isomeria. Cheerful authorities and ways of rejecting
9.1. Alcani. Cycloalkani
9.2. Alkeny. alkadieni
9.3. alcini
9.4. areni
10. Kisnevmіsnі organic spoluks
10.1. Alcohol. Simple efiri. phenols
10.2. Aldehyde and Ketony
10.3. Carbonic acids. Folding efiri. fat
10.4. in carbohydrates
11. Azotvmіsnі z'udnannya
11.1. Nitrospoluki. amini
11.2. Amino acids. bilki
12. Chemistry reactions. Speed, energy and turnover
12.1. speed of reactions
12.2. Power engineering of reactions
12.3. turnover of reactions
13. Water solutions. Distinction and dissociation of speeches. Ionny exchange. hydrolysis of salts
13.1. The number of words at the water
13.2. Electrolytic dissociation
13.3. Dissociation of water. mid-point
13.4. Reactions of ion exchange
13.5. hydrolysis of salts
14. Oxidation-leading reactions. elektroliz
14.1. Oxidizers and forebears
14.2. Pidbir performance by the method of electronic balance
14.3. A number of metals
14.4. Electrolysis melt and rosette
15. Rishennya rorakhunkovyh zavdan
15.1. Masova part of the razchinenoi speech. Breeding, concentration and reduction of razchiniv
15.2. About me
15.3. Masa rechovini (obsyag gas) for the type of quantity of the reagent (product)
15.4. Thermal reaction effect
15.5. Masa (volume, amount of speech) to the product according to the reagent in excess or with the houses
15.6. Mass (volume, amount of speech) to the product according to the reagent with a single mass fraction in the range
15.7. Knowledge of the molecular formula of organic spoluca

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2). "Book of chemistry for students to universities." Khomchenko G.P.
3). "Khimiya. 8-11 classes. »Rudzitis G.Є., Feldman F.G.
4). "Tutor from chemistry" Oleksandr Ygorov
5). "Zbirnik zavdan and the right from chemistry." Kuzmenko N.N., Yryomin V.V.
6). “A book of chemistry for applicants to VNZ. Pitannya, right, zavdannya. Examining tickets. »Puzakov S.A., Popkov V.A.
7). "Solution of tasks from chemistry." Belavin I.Yu.
eight). "Problem book from chemistry. 11 class "Lovkin A. N., Kuznatsova N.Є.

1). "Home biology: 10-11 grades: Handwritten for outbound installation." Professional Rivn: At 2 o'clock Pid ed. Galaslivogo V.K., Dimshitsya G.M.
2). "Biology for a new course" In 3 volumes (Anatomy, Botany, Zoology). Bilich G.L., Krizhanovskiy V.A.
3). "Biology. For applicants to universities "Volodymyr Yarigin
4). "Biology. Home biology "V. B. Zakharov, S. G. Mamontov, M. I. Sonin, E. T. Zakharova
5). "Biology. In 2 volumes "Edited by N. V. Chebishev
6). “Anatomy of a People: Pidruchnik: Two Books” Sapin MR, Bilich GL
7). "Biology. Anatomy and physiology of people. 8 class. Pogliblene vivchennya. "Sapin M.R., Sivoglazov V.I., Briksin Z.G.
eight). "Biology for pre-university students" R. G. Zaets, V. Ye. Butvilovskiy, V. V. Davidov, І. V. Rachkovskaya
nine). "Fundamentals of Biology. Secondary course in the middle school "A. A. Kamenskiy, N. A. Sokolova, M. A. Valova
ten). "Biology. Inquiry book for preparatory education of medical institutes "N. E. Koval'ov, L. D. Shevchuk, O. I. Shchurenko
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1) If you talk about handcuffs, then you can take:
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s anatomy - Batuev "Biological: Lyudina 8 (or 9 class)"
from the background biology - "Zagalna biology" in two volumes ed. Borodina
2) Posibniki - No. 12 from your list and D.А. Solovkov "EDI z biology: practical training"

Also, the book "Biology. School course for 100 years" (E. A. Solodova, T. L. Bogdanova). Vono zroblene bezposeredno for training up to ЄDI. To fill your hand on tests for all maidan students of the school course - collection of tests for 6.7.8 and 9 classes (E.A. Solodova. Testing department.)

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Save in Odnoklassniki save VKontakte