Self-training up to ЄDI from a student’s education. Theory of suspicion

Self-training up to ЄDI from a student’s education. Theory of suspicion

Among schoolchildren є dumka, but suspension knowledge is the simplest subject of EDI. Bagato hto vibiraє yogo itself from the tsієї reason. Ale tse pomilka, yaka veda from serious training.

Zmini in KIM ЄDI 2020 according to support:

  • Changes to the structure and to the change of KIM from the day.
  • Detailed formulation of buildings 28, 29 and introduction of correctives into the system of evaluations.

Why do you need training for EDI from suspension knowledge?

1. Introduce the theory.

For the whole to the skin development of the theoretical material, which is required by the nobility and vrahuvati at the time of the visit. Be food with a philosophical uhil (lyudin and suspension) and sociological (vidnosini in sotsium). Remember, there are no more than 8 topics: suspension

  • lyudin
  • piznannya
  • spiritual sphere (culture)
  • social sphere
  • economy
  • politics
  • right

Vkazhe on the same topics will be experienced in the staff. In the case of the skin, those who are without children, will come to respect when they are vaccinated.

For rejection of the high, the result of examinations is guilty of the main understandings and terms. Analyze the information, I will give it in the graphics. Pratsyuvati with the text. Competently mirkuvati within the framework of the problem posed, laconically grasping your thoughts in a written view.

Gladly important: When prepared, there were no materials and readers for 2016 rock and earlier, some of the stench has lost the minds of the new employees.

2. Good to vivchit the structure of the building, the system of їх assessment.

Examination sheet of partitions in two parts:

  1. Zavdannya z 1 to 20, scho vimagayut short vidpovidі (word, word or number);
  2. Zavdannya from 21 to 29 - with open view and mini-create.

Assessment of the establishment of the EDI from the support of knowledge was promoted to the next rank:

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 10, 12 points.
  • 2 bali - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
  • Z bali - 23, 24, 26, 27.
  • 4 bali - 25, 28.
  • 6 points - 29.

You can collect a maximum of 65 bali.
Minimum maє buti - 43 summary points.

I have a special respect to come to the building of ЄDI with a flared view of the support.

3. Rishennya zavdan ЄDI z suspіlstvoznavstva.

If you have more test facilities, you will be viconuvati, and your knowledge will be yours. The factory is molded on the basis of

Open your Google account (cloud recording) and go to new one:

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Fundamentals of power and law 11 classes Lesson number 16. Civil law and civil law

Lesson plan. 1.Sources of civil law. 2. Subject and method of civil law. 3.Elements of civil pravovidnosyn. 4. Legal facts and civil legal facts. 5. See civil lawyers.

1.Sources of civil law. 1. Civil Code The main regulator of commodity-penny payments in the country. (The first part came into force on 1.1.1995, the other part - on 1.3.1996) 2.Federal laws and Regulatory changes, which become the subject of civil law. 3.Sub-law of the act of the President's Decree, decree of the Uryad, acts of the ministries and federal bodies of the viconavcha power. 4.Inie dzherela Napryklad -svicha.

2. Subject and method of civil law. Civil law is not regulated by the number of public verdicts, called the subject of community law. The subject of civil law Mainovi vіdnosini, tobto vіdnosini, is stored for the drive of material goods. Tied with the proper imu-suspicious benefits (imposed power) are tied with the transition of imu-suspicious rights from one sub-entity to the last one. (Disembodied villainy, reassurance and intimacy) 1 group

2. Subject and method of civil law. Non-mineable links with mains (copyright, trademark registration and inn.) 2 group Civil law regulation Regulations are also: non-human rights and freedom of the colo-capital and in. Immaterial good. - life, health, honor and greatness of an individual, good reputation, inadequacy of private life, specialty and family housekeeping and in. with a lot of people, for their part

2. Subject and method of civil law. It is a civil right to order for presentation in the case of some abstract-mobility of regulation to be transformed into reality. I am presented as legal FACTS.

3.Elements of civil pravovidnosyn. zmist sub'kti ob'kti Sub'kti Noses of civil rights (rights) and duties - - Physical individuals, - Legal individuals, - Russian Federation, - Sub'ukta RF, - Municipal Education, - Aviation. -obov'yazkovo fate of not less than 2 subjects- empowered (maє right) і goiters' is tied to the side.

3.Elements of civil pravovidnosyn. Zm_st Competence (rights) and obligations of the participant (sub'єkts) - rights of one side of the legal obligations of the other. Civil lawfulness (Duration in fallowness outward) Simple Folding - one legality corresponds to one regulation (agreement of position) - one legality corresponds to a number of obligations (agreement for transportation of vantage)

3.Elements of civil pravovidnosyn. Ob'єkt Those, on which the activity of the participants of pravovidnosini is direct. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 128 On the legal basis of robot speech and service information and intellectual power of non-material good

4. Legal facts and civil legal facts. The legal fact of Obstavin, in reality, for the fact that there is a law, is binding, for transformational changes and for assigning rights and obligations. Kind of legal facts - agreements and, please, transferred by law, - agreements that are not transferred by law, but not contrary to you, - acts of state and municipal authorities, - Courts of law, - fixing products, intellectual property. classification of legal facts

4. Legal facts and civil legal facts. 1.Sobitia and events, which are displayed independently from the will of sub'ektiv squarely-Ukta. -avischa, scho vіdbuvayutsya from the will of the sub'єkta. Absolute - death, spontaneous actions and t. D. Vidnosni - ending the line of the contract. Pravomirnі - comply with the law. Inappropriate - do not comply with the law. Legal acts of legal activity

4. Legal facts and civil legal facts. Administrative, for the court acts for the sake of the court decisions, the establishment of civil rights and legal obligations. Legal acts of juridical vchinki -Diii, how to pull the giants-sko-righteous inheritance after themselves when achieving the result without any doubt due to the directness of the will of an individual, whoever is of the legal child 'ktіv, specially tailored for the emergence, change, or the reproduction of civil legal relations

4. Legal facts and civil legal facts. PLEASE contract unilateral actions 2. Law-forming, law-altering, law-terminating -One and the same legal fact can be found in different functions, ). (Ex: entered into recession)

5. See civil lawyers. Razpodil see in the fallowness of the criteria 1. Property and non-mine a) Mine: - object - that, for the material good. - to blame for the drive of the accessory of the main, or the transition of the right of volodin from one sub'єkta to the other. (Until the end of the day, the age is stagnant) b) Nemainov: - Ob'єkt - non-mineable rights and non-material benefits. (Until the end of the day, it’s impossible to get stuck)

5. See civil lawyers. 2.Absolute and definite a) Absolute: -authorized individuals (ex: owner) are not assigned a wide colo of crops, ny colo of crops'yazanikh individuals, (borrower-creditor) in fallow according to the number and value of the sub-warehouse

5. See civil lawyers. 3. Broadcasting and observances a) Speech: -the right to exercise for the help of the powerful (ex: the right of power), -the defense of speech rights to work on the basis of a speech call. b) Obligations: -the right to exercise on the basis of active action from a crop-tied individual; Basically - the way of realizing the competence, so that you can have it

Suspicion of knowledge is a subject that is required for knowledge in the field of economics, philosophy, politics. Pidgotuvatisya independently really in 2-3 months. Brainstorms competently razpod_lyaty hour and virіshuvati testi.

Persha chastina KІMu s suspension studies in 2020 rotsi - uchnevi need to be updated for 20 meals. Make it short. You can find the correct 2-3 options. The robots need to analyze tables, diagrams, diagrams, information, systematize knowledge.

In another part it is necessary to give the opening message. Here it is necessary to refer to the mind of a specific employee. It is important to think about the text, formulate thoughts and lead arguments. When prompted for nutrition, it is necessary to fold the plan.

Robot s ese you need to vibrate one of five topics. Topics є vislovlyuvannya children of science, culture, politics. The skin topic is related to the block of sciences for the course. A school student can be considered in the context of a single science or decilkoh. Here it is important to vivat the theoretical position, formulate the argument, give concrete butt.

  1. Correctly set up an hour for preparation.
  2. Persh nіzh let us show up to the end of the reading.
  3. Read the basic terms and values.
  4. Virishuvati Kimi and vyavlyati mice, de vinikayut folds.
  5. A small group of viconati is simple, then move on to quiet, de-foldable.
  6. For the preparation of vicoristovuvati diagrams, tables, handbooks, handbooks.
  7. It is important to see diagrams, tables, information blocks and only then go to the site.
  8. The other part has clear feedback on food. Revise the formula.
  9. In esse vikoristovuvati knowledge of the course and bring the point of view.
  10. It’s more beautiful to start training earlier, so at the last moment in the head, everyone will be wandering, but not at low balls.

Zhoden is a handler to raise all the nutrition to the course. Bazhano vivchati 2-3 children.

Good morning, help you to read, remember, and remember to correctly wick your thoughts. With the right approach, it can take two or three months.

What kind of gratitude do you get on іpitі?

For employees with open-ended views, it is necessary to write 2 butt functions, principles in the text. Scientists rewrite the text in the form to replace the text with a short answer to the nutrition. Anyone that is not shukatime needs phrases and bali will not be insured. It is necessary to write in a structured and numbered way.

At the staff, you need to name the view and put your butts, so it goes it is necessary to present it concisely, You will change the minds before you put it.

Schooling of materials with ready-made versions of plans, prote encyclopedic knowledge is not required. You won't bring any kind of pre-school balls.

It is hard for the nobility to learn by heart the material. In the minds of the preparation process, learn about the theory and see what leads argue your position... When folded up, it is necessary to show how to learn to zoom in a dummy, to grunt and bring the butt. To easily cope with the writing of ADI, it will be necessary to try at least ten times.

Often, pardons are made through disregard. There it is necessary to write one word for schoolchildren to write propositions. When visiting KIMs, it is important to respectfully read the staff and viconious ones, which are required. Dodatkov's robot did not bring additional points to ADI.

Gotuvatisya needs only for the handlers of new visions, so the information is old. When asking for food, it is necessary to use simple language and not write imperturbable phrases. A graduate can spend a ball, as a result of zoosseredzheniy on the prompts of a folding speech, and not the correct one. Termini is required to be victorious there, but it is necessary.

What kind of vikoristovuvati for preparation?

  1. Radimo pіdіbrati kіlka pіdruchnikіv, For example, the handler of "Foxford" and Bogolyubovo. In these books, there is the whole theory, as it will be needed on the drink.
  2. demos... The plan can be written by the codifier on the site FIPI. The stench is even more similar to that, which will be on sleep. All data from the demo needs to be resolved. To expand the vocabulary stock, it is necessary to read, for example, the news of the policy and economy. If you do not know the terms, you need to know the meaning in the tlumachy vocabulary.
  3. A good topic for scientists is politics. A whole lot will need more than an hour to come. You can put a table, paint a diagram, come up with an association, more beautifully remembering information.
  4. On busy days it is necessary respectfully hearsay viclacia, Read all the material with the olives in the ruts. It is more beautiful to put food and not forget to remember exactly the ready messages.

When you visit the building, it is not necessary to overshoot. Deyakі nourishment can be well known, protesting all one thing is necessary. It’s okay to vivchat the material, and then discuss it in the class with the boys. In the process of recognizing the guilt of wine, there is a lot of food and it is not necessary to spoil the food.

Nezrozumіlі terms are more beautifully astonished at once in the tlumachy vocabulary. Letters are written in a clear manner, write in simple words and do not vikoristuvatya non-sensible phrases.

First, let’s think it over again, turn to nutrition, intelligence, according to the structure of the information. As a matter of fact, it’s not a matter of forgetting to think of an association.

Ob_tsyanki-tsyatsyanki? Hi, it's not about the robot of our beloved FІPІ lyta! Yak, they were surprised, in the middle of the sickle, in our order, the main documents appeared, which regulate the conduct of the EDI 2019 on suspension knowledge - demo and codifier. Let's fall in love, what's new?

Would you like to organize your training to ADI, to make it as productive as possible? Todi Vi guilty take the EDI codifier as a basis. "Children without rules are the best and the most busy in the whole world", having honored the famous Italian writer A. Mandzoni. Tsya dumka yak nikoli prerechno before preparatory work until ЄDI from the school of study 2019 roku.

In the courtyard there are grassy months. Until DІ from suspension knowledge is only one month. Yak gotuvatisya to sleep in the end? Requirement for memory, yak spivan Zemfira, "... all important moments spill over with a particularly high shvidkistu ...".

“The expert is the price of a person, who has done all possible pardons in a dungeon of the university's specialties” - vvvazh Nils Bor. The proponation of pardons is not robotizing, but with the recommendations of experts from training to ЄDI from the support of knowledge!

The letter part of the EDI is from the support of the head of the family. Here, it is not only the knowledge of theoretical material that is required, but the establishment of vlast knowledge, a broad outlook and rationalization of social relations. I will propose a real version of Part 2, which was launched on EDI 2016 rock.

Whether you endure strong stress, positive or negative, so the very thought of our mind and grant us ideas and goodness, which we cannot know in any other way. The tsiu dumka of the popular bitchy writer Chuck Palanik is used as a nicholas that is relevant when preparing to ADI from suspension knowledge. Otzhe, yak vikoristovuvati stress on ЄDI in his coryst?

Be sure to marvel at those viprobuvannya, as we have to go through, to evaluate the result. For example, football players are the eyes of the arbiter, but we are the eyes of the ADI experts. We will get to know the recommendations of the KIMov ЄDI 2015 management structures!

You, astonishingly, already know about the scandalous fall of the ball at the EDI from the Suspension Research Center in 2014. "Perversions - reckless!". Pomirkuumo about the principle of evaluating the ADI in 2015, FIPI statements in the key documents of the Maybut health insurance - demo version and specifier.

Skin campaign DI read from the publication of the fundamental state documents on ЄDI from a skin object - demo version, codifier and specifier. We can see the changes that were seen in the demo version of ADI from the Suspension of Science 2015.

Do you know the part of C to give you half of the points on the ADI from the support? On ЄDI Vi, you will vvazhati leather ball, for that, like folding boules of letters іvdannya, їkh demand virіshuvati. Would you like to find out the main recommendations of the ADI experts from part C?

Do you write the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993 to the future for the revision of the suspicious enterprises and when they are prepared to EDI? For your convenience, we will change it in our materials for preparation to EDI.

You don’t know if there’s a folding plan for DI from suspension knowledge? Are you convinced of the correctness of your plans for the launch of 35 demo versions of ADI 2015? Of course, it’s also very important to be fond of one of the most sophisticated, specific, knowledge of the theory and clear formulas.

I gave the suspension 3 times to that, and it took not 3 days to get ready, but to the maximum amount. Then at once, in the university, I often prepare for absolutely new items in 1 day :) So I will help you. I didn’t mind your power supply, you know, you know, if you zag the object first. Uyavimo, scho 2 option :)

Try your plan for 3 days.

Day 1. Look for a good companion for ЄDI, the type of Baranov (who got into it, and it’s short, that’s why it’s good in 2013), burn out, sound out, which includes the subject. If you read quickly, then read all, 400 pages per day with breaks, hello. As much as possible, more beautiful to read vibirkovo, those who do not know, children who live through the past cannot be helped. Stand calmly, read thoughtfully, but don't get hung up too much.

Day 2. Take Kіmi and manuals for the solutions of the part S. To take into account the rules for the design of the plant. At the same time, it is important to turn you over to be clearly according to the criteria, as do not take expensive bali from you just to the one you don’t know about them (on appeal, do not judge the bali for such pardons). Surprise that you have correctly filled in the forms, for which you will specifically put the bali in part C. It’s good to know here a couple of new images (in 2013, you can start playing on ResuEGE) and take a look at it, as it’s safe to see it. Zrozuly, some of you try it on your own, and then at once wonder at the view and fix the mercy.

Immediately I want to respect that in the tests it is not very helpful: there, either you know, or you will be able to do it. Alle the axis for the part Z to give you a deyak preparation. IN ANY TIME DO NOT VIRISHUVATI PART C! Suspense is that subject, on which price it is possible and necessary to be robbed. It’s already said, about a lot of speeches, you know, I would like to because of life-threatening information, but the writing part gives you a chance to confess, it’s not a test with one correct opinion, but here you can reject Bali, not knowing what a Super object is. Especially it is worthwhile to eat, for a yake at every hour they gave a total of 5 first points (!). Do not forget to read a couple of attachments in the distance, remember them more (for sleep, it’s necessary, for the original it’s more beautiful, it may not sound good).

Day 3. Strongly overexploited not varto. Yaksho є forcefully, take a couple of years and go through the best spirits, repeat those that didn’t work. And if you are given up, it’s so busy, it’s more beautiful to relax, to accept and gain strength before sleep. Crack everything, just hang out in front of him, don't let sleeplessness torment you :)

Success! You have everything! Pidgotuvatisya in 3 days is absolutely real, smut - virt in yourself :)


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