Leading Internet providers. Choosing a home Internet provider - what better? What home the internet is better to choose

Leading Internet providers. Choosing a home Internet provider - what better? What home the internet is better to choose

Last review: Polina

contract number: 94791024

"We have a boar in the house. Changed the switchboard, for the whole day turned off electricity throughout the house. After you have turned on, Internet disappeared. "Diagnosis ..."packaging "on the computer gives an answer:" DNS server is not responding. "The router rebooted, no result. Sweese people able to fold 2 and 2 are capable of and understand that events are interrelated, and something happened with the equipment in the house during These electrical connections and replacements. Netbayline employees do not relate to such. On Friday morning, I literally described the situation of tech support and asked to send the wizards to correct the situation. Companies needed for what? To replace me, as it were! What happened there! On Saturday at 8:30 am (separately I am pleased! Employees of the elementary rules of good tone are not trained to observe or them, "when I got up, then the morning"?) A young man called me, wished to figure out what she caught . Day. Quick reaction, right? Further. He begins to tell me that I'm "on Basilovka" everything is in order. And this is when I live on another address for the third year, and not just live at another address, but: - called a wizard here for installing and setting the router, "concluded a new contract (and I have in paper), where the Russian was written in the Russian on white, - referring to the last time the support service was already faced with the fact that" I live " Basilovka and allegedly right with me during telephone conversation There already rewrote the address to the new one. After I was indignant (on the third year, it is possible to somehow fix the address of subscribers, no? There is an unbearable task?), The young man began to make changes to my address again and check something at this address. He said that it was necessary to leave the master (here's the news! Suddenly, so unexpected!), And now it will be switched for registration of the application. After listening to music (the company in general, the listening service of music by phone provides regularly - on the eve of I have listened to the melody for 10 minutes, until it is tired.) The girl responded and began to make an application. "So, you have a new Basilovka ..." I already rooted at this place, I confess! What do they smoke there ??? What does the database look like? The addresses of subscribers are manually recorded in the log in Lineskka ??? And each employee has its own handwritten copy, and not one common one ??? After the next emotional proceedings on my address, aphofosis happened: I was offered the arrival of the post-tomorrow master - on Monday afternoon! If I want to work on weekdays and I do not sit at home, waiting for the phenomenon of the Master to the people, but can offer Wednesday after 16. Guys, are you kidding ??? In the yard of the 21st century. I'm delivered to me for half an hour and serious medicines per day. In a convenient time for me. And you suggest to come try to repair the Internet in 5 days after the application ??? Do you live on the village, moving on foot and your staff on one and a half people?! This is not serious. Naturally, after half an hour I have already agreed with another provider. Tomorrow at 9:30 am I will come to connect the Internet. Netbinet - Net-Net, Bay-Bai! "

When choosing which Internet is better to connect for the home, options can differ significantly - depending on the location of housing, the financial capabilities of the user and other factors.

The easiest thing is to be solved for residents of large cities, harder - for small settlements, where there is not even its own provider, and, moreover, cottage or country villages.

Although thanks to modern technologies and the prevalence of Internet services, the problem of each potential user with connecting to the network is completely solved.

Since mobile and satellite bond appeared, anyone can access the network using or receiver, even if it is impossible to spend into the house.

At the same time, if the housing is located in the urban feature, sometimes connected and the usual way.

Deciding with the method of connecting to the network, it is necessary:

  1. Select the most suitable speed and price option if there are several;
  2. Contact representatives of the Internet provider and agree on the selected option and necessary for the work of the equipment;
  3. Order Connection service and purchase (or rent) technology.

After the network is carried out, and its work is paid, it is necessary, and (if its presence is necessary).

And then start using the Internet, solving the tasks for which it was connected.

At the same time, users who need to enter the network are often enough to connect unlimited tariffs or at least such packages of services that ensure a significant amount of traffic.

But, if the network is only needed periodically (to send messages or, for example, use only on weekends), it is desirable to choose options with a limit.

And even better - tariffs in which payment is removed only on that day when the user is on the Internet.

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Wired Internet

The most popular option for connecting a private home to the network is wired Internet.

Although the possibility of its holding is far from every private house - even in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country's building.

First of all, because the cost of creating and maintaining a network outside the house pays the provider.

And, the less potential customers in the region, the less sense to carry out the cable there.

At the same time, if you can provide broadband access in the house, the maximum speed increases to 100 Mbps and even higher.

In addition, the user can choose one of two connection options:

  1. Direct connection to the computer (PC or laptop) - suitable if there is only one computing device in the house;
  2. Using a router that can transmit data to other techniques -, computers with Wi-Fi, and even.

Fig. 1 Wired network connection.

High speed and lack of a limit characteristic of a wired compound allow you to view high-quality video, hold conferences on and use IP TV.

And the only disadvantage of such a connection can be called the network attachment to a specific place.

So, for example, returning home after a trip to the country, the user cannot enter the network using the same connection as it would be possible to do with wireless access.

Direct connection

The option with direct connection in the network is the fastest.

The speed of the network can reach 100 Mbps and even 1 Gbit / s (although such a connection is unlikely to offer companies conducted by the network in private homes).

Most often, direct connection is used by residents of low-rise housing in an urban feature or country houses located near major settlements.

As a rule, such services offer only national scale operators.


Another way to connect to the network in a private house is a digital line.

It becomes possible with a telephone line, which allows to provide speed up to 60 Mbps.

The advantages of the option - as a rule, among the rates of telephone providers there are packages with unlimited traffic.

And the speed is quite large for solving using the Internet of almost any tasks.

The disadvantage can be called a small coverage area of \u200b\u200bsuch a network - especially now, when the number of telephone company subscribers is gradually decreasing.

Fig. 2 ADSL modem for Internet access.

Wireless Internet

Wireless technology allows you to get a greater level of mobility for the user's user.

So, the same tariff when using 2G, 3G or 4G modems can be used in the city, and in the village, and in the country.

Then as a disadvantage of the option, instability and relatively slow data transmission can be called:

  • 2G-Communication available for owners of almost anyone allows you to get speed not more than 64 kbps;
  • 3G-Communication increases this parameter to dozens of times - up to 3.6 Mbps;
  • modems and 4G connected phones provide almost the same features as the wired network - up to 100 Mbps (sometimes up to 1 Gbit / s).

Fig. 4G communication speed testing.

However, despite the pretty good maximum speed indicators, the real value is most often less.

And to use it at once, multiple devices require a router with connecting to.

Although if the connection is carried out, for example, through a smartphone or tablet, the same mobile device can act as a router.

At the same time, satellite communications may be much more stable and relatively fast. However, this option will be the most expensive.

And the user will be able to connect to the Internet, only being in the house where such a network has been carried out.

But the satellite can provide a coating anywhere in the world - even where it is impossible to use a telephone connection.

Satellite Internet

Satellite communications has the following characteristics:

  • constant (and not changing during the day and depending on the number of connected subscribers) speed up to 20 Mbps;
  • coverage in any city, summer cottage or cottage village, and even in the forest;
  • high cost of use and, as a rule, the presence of a limit.

In addition, such a network requires special expensive equipment - antenna, receiver, satellite modem and an additional set for transmitting information (if feedback is required).

As a result, the connection to the satellite is chosen only in cases where there are no other options with a fairly stable connection in this area.

Fig. Satellite Internet in a private house.

Internet 3G.

One of the optimal ratios of the price and quality of communication has the Internet 3G.

It can be connected through a modem or supporting this smartphone technology (tablet with a 3G module).

The cost of using the service depends on the speed of access and the volume of traffic.

A pretty favorable option can be a connection to unlimited packages - even at a relatively high price, they are able to provide operation in the network of several devices at once.

Although for this, a 3G-modem will have to connect to the router supporting it, the cost of which is slightly higher than that of a conventional router.

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GPRS / EDGE network

Internet GPRS, which can take advantage of even the owners of relatively old mobile phonesdoes not provide high access speed and, the more stability.

However, if there is such a connection, you can enter a network outside the settlements, paying a relatively small amount.

In addition, low speed makes not such a significant traffic limit - as a rule, per day, using such a connection, it is possible to transfer or receive no more than 100 Mbps.

Fig. The structure of the GPRS network

Communication 4G / WiMAX

An option using 4G technology is becoming more and more popular.

High speed, comparable with wired networks (10-100 Mb / s), compensates for the cost of such a connection.

There is only one serious disadvantage, because of which the link is not too common in the territory of the Russian Federation - the absence of a sufficiently large coverage.

In addition, not so many operators offer suitable services.

how to make 100% 4g internet

Which Internet is better to connect for home!? Manual How to choose the right type of connection depending on the place of residence and finance.

Features of the choice of router

Select the router to use the network should depend on the option of its connection.

And, if, for example, for a wired and satellite Internet, a fairly ordinary router, wireless requires the purchase of special equipment.

There are no other differences in the operation of routers.

For 3G and 4G network

Purchase a 3G or 4G modem, with which you can use the wireless Internet, provides communication only to one device.

To connect to the network of other PCs, laptops or mobile gadgets requires:

  • buying a router working with 3G modems;

Fig. Router with a 3G modem connection.

  • use for "distribution" of these built-in features of the device (laptop or PC). The same option is suitable and when used to communicate the phone.

Fig. Antenna to enhance the signal from a laptop or PC.

The first method requiring certain costs is still more convenient.

After all, with the help of a separate (and not embedded or connected to a computer) of the router, the signal is gained at 10-20 dB.

As a result, you can use the network at a distance of several tens of meters from the signal source.

For wired internet

When using direct connection or ADSL modem, the problem is solved by buying a conventional router - with 4 LAN connections for wired communication and one or more antennas for wireless.

You can enhance the signal by connecting additional antennas (each acts as an amplifier by 3-5 dbi).

Tip: The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the stronger there should be a signal. So, for 100-150 square meters. M and, moreover, two- or three-storey it is best to use a router with 3 antennas. And install the router is closer to the center of the building.

If there are several residential buildings or a summer kitchen on the site, where you also need access to the network, you can connect another device - repeater.

With its help, the signal will be strengthened, and the coating area will increase by tens of square meters.

And even more suitable for a large area - setting an additional access point (for example, the second router).

Fig. 7 repeater to enhance Wi-Fi signal.

In addition to what the Internet is better to connect for home, people should first of all sort out all the nuances of available connections. The main criterion that each user of a personal computer should take into account or is a speed mode. From this parameter will directly depend on the speed of downloading, opening pages and watch video, audio and photos. Another much important criterion for which most users are oriented when choosing a provider is the size of the monthly fee.

Attention! The higher the speed of the Internet, the better and comfortable work on the network. Those PC users who use low-speed Internet will not be able to view many videos and even listen to music.

Available types of connections

In the territory Russian Federation Recently, ADSL technology has become very in demand. When using them, users have the ability to connect to the World Wide Web through. It should be noted that two types of communication will be available to users of modern gadgets at the same time. To connect this technology, people need to be purchased ADSL modem.

In almost all high-rise buildings and business centers today use a way to go into a worldwide network - through fiber optic cable. Traditional wired Internet is carried out by masters of specialized companies. To date, only it is capable of working as much as high speed.

Attention! It is worth noting that providers regularly reduce prices for their services. Today it is safe to argue that wired Internet is the most profitable both technical and financial point of view.

Internet connection with Wi Fi

Among businessmen, students and ordinary users are popular with a relatively new type of Wi-Fi connection. With it, it is possible to enter the World Wide Web, even from the place distant from the centralized network (in the area of \u200b\u200b100 meters from the router). To use such an Internet, you must have a modern gadget, which is built into a modem capable of receiving signals from Wai Faya.

Another type of connection is WiMAX, the coverage of which is distributed across the territory of a large settlement (50 km). Its advantages include a decent speed mode, reaching 1 Gb / s, and the lack of wires.

ADSL - the most popular Internet access technology

Available modem technology

Over the years, Dial-Up technology has been popular on the territory of the Russian Federation, which required participation in the process of compounding with the world wide web cable and telephone cable.

The main advantage of such technology is the lack of need to switch new engineering communication, since the functioning infrastructure is involved to connect to the network.

Attention! ADSL technology has come to replace this type of connection that opens great opportunities before users.

Optical connection method

One of the most modern exit technology to the worldwide network is FTTX optics. It is actively packed in multi-storey and private houses, as well as business centers. Personal computers will have to acquire special equipment, the type of which directly depends on the cable office:

  1. Copper. This cable is also called a twisted pair that supplies the incoming electrical information. It is almost always laid from distribution boxes In apartments to customers, and are very susceptible to electromagnetic interference.
  2. Fiber optic From this type of cable, an engineering communication is usually mounted, which will start at the object. His advantages include the ultra-high speed of information transfer, the ability to perform their functions for any temperature and weather conditions.

Attention! Today, many people use mobile Internet into everyday life, which has both advantages and disadvantages. This type of connections is a characteristic low speed mode, unstable quality of communication and instability.

Popular providers

IN last years In the Russian market, the technologies have a huge number of providers. The following companies are very popular among the local population and business elites:

  1. Rostelecom. This provider provides individuals and entities of entrepreneurial activities the widest range of relevant services. For its customers, the company has developed broadband access to the World Wide Web.
  2. Beeline. This operator famous throughout the post-Soviet space today offers services that go beyond the traditional cellular communication. This provider often changes the tariff line than dissatisfied with many customers.
  3. Transtelecom. This provider announced itself in the domestic market not so long ago, but at the same time he was able to rapidly join the race of competitors. To date, its client base includes more than 2,000,000 subscribers who are positively responding both about the quality and speed of communication and the tariffs.
  4. Er Telecom. This company began its profile activities in 2001. Literally in a short period of time, this provider was able to reach the federal level. Currently, his offices are in more than 56 cities of the Russian Federation, and this figure continues to grow confidently. For customers, the company conducts regular stocks and introduces bonus programs.

When planning to enter into an agreement with the provider on regular service, each computer user must first examine all available offers. Each company has the official website on which the information necessary for customers is laid out. In compulsory, potential customers must familiarize themselves with the tariffs, to ask the maximum allowable high-speed regime. The best solution will be unlimited internet access, which can guarantee only competitive providers.

How to choose the right Internet provider - video


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