What to put on T25 pilot 1. Collapse TTH tank

What to put on T25 pilot 1. Collapse TTH tank

Hello, tankers!

The famous saying reads: you do not look at a gift horse in my teeth. Today we still look into the teeth, but not a horse, but a dark horse that WargamingThe developer and the publisher of the game distributed for free for the fulfillment of all the conditions of daily combat tasks for two weeks. As you could already understand, it will be about the premium Article - T25 Pilot Number 1!

Historical reference

In the fall of 1942, at the end of the work on the T20 series, the command of the US Army put forward a requirement to develop 90 mm tools to install on tanks of this series. The first prototype of a new cannon was successfully manufactured and already in 1943 installed on an experienced tank T23. Then, at the beginning of 1943, the military ordered a batch of 50 new tanks with a 90 mm gun, 40 of which had a fairly easy booking (T25), and the remaining 10 is secondary (T26). According to the results of the field testing, the Commission revealed shortcomings in the design of the machines, and they decided to refuse them.

In the future, the developments on T25 were used in the development of T25E1. Serial T25 was not released, in service not consistent.

Collapse of TTH tank

Let us discuss what awaits you on the battlefield.

Armor. There is no reservation at the tank. You need to accept it. It is not even compared to the rest of the American Art. Well, seriously, 76 mm in the forehead is the thickest place. There is nothing to boas. Occasionally mask guns can beat something, but very rare. From the forehead - 76 mm in the housing, 76 mm - in the tower. From the side and less - 50.8 mm in the housing and 63.5 mm - in the tower. With a stern - 38.1 mm housing, 63.5 mm - tower. Even some Fugasi according to us pass with a complete damage. This is not the best news, since we do not have a preferential level of fighting. Sometimes we will meet with "dozens", and such meetings do not promise anything good.

The number of tank strength points is 1,450 units. Pretty good result, almost like a TT.

Firepower. Our "pilot" is equipped with an excellent tool for its level - 90 mm Gun T7. One-time damage, as you probably guessed, - 240 units. Why excellent? Because instead of armor and mobility, we generously danced stabilization, and this is one of the key characteristics of any instruments that are responsible for the comfort of fire. Shoot by gathering, on the go, jerking, turning sharply, stopping sharply - all this allows us to make a "pilot", which you can not tell about the rest of the tanks. But still, "Stub" is the only thing we have.

The main type of ammunition to the tool are BB-shells with a break in 192 mm. It seems that not so much, but believe me, the thin line between 170/175 mm and 183/192 mm of the breakdown is still present. 192 - the lower threshold from which relatively comfortable numbers begin. As a last resort, we have GOLDE-BP-shells with a break of 243 mm, and these are completely different numbers. With such a breakdown, you can also hit the tanks per level or two older. Not without reservations, of course, but still. In the assortment of shells there are also Fugas, their indicators are 45 mm armored and 320 damage per shot. As you can see, they are useless.

The accuracy of the gun is 0.36 / 0.32 m per 100 m (100% crew / 100% crew + peppers + equipment), time information - 2 / 1.76 s for the same scheme. Recharge tank for 7.8 / 6.14 s.

UVN - traditionally American. The US technique has always been famous for this parameter: -10 ° down and 20 ° up. Often this particular parameter saves the enemy from the fire and plays a major role in shootouts from relief.

Dynamics. Mobility T25 Pilot is kept at an acceptable level. For Art, I would like, of course, more, but what is, that is. Engine Ford Gan No. 17 with a capacity of 500 hp Accepted the tank to 55 km / h forward, having 13.39 hp / t. The reverse speed will be 20 km / h, which is quite good. By virtue of its dynamic indicators, the Pilot accelerates to the declared "maximum flow" only from the mountain and for passing wind. IN ordinary life Its speed ranges from 40 to 45 km / h. Tanning tank - 43 ° / s.

Detection. Review - another strong side of the US technique. I did not give up our copy. 390 m - result at the level. Slightly pupping the crew and amplifying the machine with equipment, easily obtain 410-415 m.

Masking from the tank is there, but still I do not recommend counting on it, as it has the property to substitute at the moment when the most needed.

Choice of equipment, equipment and crew gear

Pumping crew. If you already have vast US, there will be no problems. If you decide to pump the crew from scratch, then here are the peers for a comprehensive improvement characteristics:

  • Commander: "Light Bulb", "Repair", "Combat Brotherhood", "Master on All Hands"
  • Powder: "Repair", "Smooth turn of the Tower", "Combat fraternity", "Master-gunsmith"
  • Mechov: "Repair", "Smooth move", "Combat fraternity", "King of off-road"
  • Radist: "Repair", "Radio Hat", "Combat Brotherhood", "Fire extinguishing" (useful peer at a radar no longer, and it disappears on the IX level after pumping M46)
  • Charging: "Repair", "Contactless Bound tab", "Combat fraternity", "Desperate"

Choosing equipment. T25 Pilot - the most real tank of the second, third, fifth line. The equipment will collect for shooting, because this is what our small is capable of:

The style of the game "Support": "Resselon", "Stabilizer", "Fan". This set is equally good for most techniques and improves its firing indicators. You can replace the "fan" to "optics" and get an additional increase to the review. This option also takes place. You will continue to see what is especially useful in high-level battles.

Selection of shells. Amusement consists of 50 shells. Collect them on your taste. I sketched a pair of options for the top and bottom list:

Setup shells for playing random (BB / BP / OF):

  • "Top support tank" - 40/10/0
  • "Support Tank Down List" - 35/15/0

Selection of equipment. Equipment in most cases standard - remkomplekt, aid kit and autoFress. We will not mention the "Claus" in order to avoid the fires of your chairs.

In essence, "Pilot" - Art, and it is played as a semi-PT / semi-art, like any tank without armor. As the same AMX CDC. And any of the American Premiers. That is, you diligently should avoid hitting the opponent. You can be on the second / third / whatever battle line, but only imperceptibly. It costs all attempts to play aggressively - this is the shortest road to the hangar. You cannot relax even in the battles of the VI level, which is how serious. For the same KV-2 or a new heavy "Japanese" accurate hit can ignite the stern. And if you consider that the "Japanese" have warmness throughout the branch, it becomes a little in itself.

Any tank VI level can do a hole in you. Important: Starting to roll the pilot, stop counting on armor. Naugh only for your knowledge and skills. Another caution - we often fly out a walker.

Carefully follow the mini-card and the position of affairs on the battlefield. If you see that your flank is merged - run from there if the allies are tight - help. It happens that on one side of the card gathered almost all of your team, but there is no one to another. Do not allow this. If you get up somewhere in the bushes near an important point or behind the allies and simply designate your presence, for example a shot, then the desire to climb you will be taken, and the allies will be grateful to the fact that they are covered.

The main trump card is a stabilization. Playing from UVN, you can use the damage to it and unpunit. But it is important that there is an ally, which in the case of which will support or at least will not allow you to lead. At the "pilot" it is important to learn how to the allies, that is, while the opponent shoots the teams, you should not stand and watch, but should be correctly swapped. To shoot, the enemy will have to get out of shelter or substitute for your fire. So it is necessary to play - from the distance, on the help of the allies. If the final phase of the battle occur, when you need to go and just finish your enemies, you can already leave the dusk. The main thing is that at the same time you have enough to change the number of HP.

Remember the missing armor, take care of artillery and tanks with "Fugasnitsa" and follow the mini-card. Then, it is quite possible, the "pilot" will bring you some satisfaction. But it is not exactly.

Overview of advantages and disadvantages of the tank. RESULTS


  • gorgeous stabilization of guns;
  • sometimes a tank mask;
  • excellent UVN;
  • acceptable dynamics;
  • good rates of damage per minute;


  • weak armor of the case;
  • bronophost is not enough for its level;
  • mediocre dynamics;
  • frequently crashes a womel.

Well, we once again confirmed the hypothesis that there is no good good. Not everything is so bad, but it is necessary to understand that the stick-lands are just not distributed. Yes, in principle, Tank is not bad. As a free prem, someone will quite like it, but no one expensive to expect something. This is the most ordinary representative of the premium Art, and that says it all. The only bright plus it still needs to be implemented, and minuses for an ordinary player more. Therefore, I am sure that it is not worth considering it as a Farmer for every day. Yes, this is a pleasant gift, but no more. The owners can be proud - I do not think that someday it will also come to get.

Good luck on battlefields!


Grand Prize: Brand New American Tier VIII MEDIUM TANK, + GARAGE SLOT!

In Order To Complete The Marathon and Win The Prize, You Will Have to Finish 13 Missions. There Will Be One Mission Available Per Day, Which Means That You Will Have to Complete Them on 13 Different Days.

Don "T Worry, Though - The Marathon Will Run for 15 Days, and You. Need Only 13 Mission Takens, So You Can Miss 2 Days and Still Win!

As Usual, There Will Also Be a Fail-Safe Option Available in the Premium Shop, In Case You Miss More Than 2 Missions or All All.

The Missions Will Be Updated On a Daily Basis, and You Will Be Able to View The Currently Active Mission Below - DON "T Forget to Keep Checking It Out:

Active Mission:

Daily Mission: Day 15

THE FOLLOWING MISSION WILL BE ACTIVE from 26 March AT 08:00 Until 27 March AT 08:00 Cest (UTC + 2):

  • Reward:
  • Requirements.
  • Conditions:

Premium Shop: Token Offers

Important. : In Order to Add The Purchased Tokens to Your Marathon Progress (Or Finish The Marathon by Purchasing All Takens with the Respective Packages), you Must Log In To The Game While The Marathon Is Still Running . If You Purchase Takens But Log In Only After The Event Has Ended, The Takens Will Be Compensated with Gold.

The Following Offers Will Be Available for Purchase for the Duration of the Marathon:

  • T25 Pilot Marathon - 1 Daily Mission Completion
  • T25 Pilot Marathon - 5 Daily Mission Completions
  • T25 Pilot - Standard
  • T25 Pilot - Ultimate
  • T25 Pilot - Supreme

25-06-2016, 19:29

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Today we will talk about a new premium car, which, perhaps, in the near future to appear in our favorite game. We are talking about the American middle tank, located at the eighth level - this T25 Pilot Number 1 Hyde.

It is noteworthy that this unit is very much like its junior fellow -, but of course, it has completely different characteristics, although there are small and similarities here. It is also worth knowing that T 25 Pilot Number 1 Tank Not preferential and it will have to fight against a dozen and now you will learn how comfortable fights will be on this prema.


First of all, I note that we have a habitual stock of strength for the machine of this level and nation, as well as a very good basic overview of 390 meters, as well as most Americans.

If you look at T 25 Pilot Number 1 Features Booking, noticeable parallel with T23E3, I have no armor completely. We are vulnerable from either side, and the tower, and the case is equally soft, so every opposite will punch us. The exceptions will only random unsuccessful shots from the smallest guns and perhaps our mask of the gun will sometimes hold something, because this element in the tank is always unpredictable.

With mobility, the situation is better. T25 Pilot 1 World Of Tanks endowed with a good maximum speed and backward, but the engine power slightly is not enough, which is not the best dynamics. However, there is one nuance - good patency, thanks to which this unit will still move very cheerfully and with good maneuverability, he can even twist a particularly nervous opponents.


Now we will pay attention to the most important part of any tank - its weapons and immediately want to say that in our case everything is very good. Well, the alfactors will not surprise anyone, exactly the same there are many preams of the eighth level, but here is armor-proof T 25 Pilot Number 1 gun They gave very good, which will allow us to farm and not feel deprived of non-gold shells.

Our gun has good rapidity, which allows to apply about 1850 damage per minute and this is excluding equipment and crew performers worthy of the result.

In terms of accuracy american tank T 25 1 WOT It is also pleasantly surprised, because we have a small scatter, the gun boosts quickly, and good stabilization only reinforces these characteristics. By the way, the cannon has comfortable vertical vertical angles (-10 and +25), it can not but rejoice.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, the most important parameters are considered and given T 25 Pilot Number 1 TTX You can sum up the first result, allocation of the main and weaknesses of the machine:

Good mobility;
Decent armored
Not bad damage per minute;
Good accuracy and excellent stabilization;
High review indicators.

Lack of armor;
Big silhouette;
Weak one-time damage;
Not a preferential level of battles.

Equipment for T 25 Pilot Number 1

Given all of the above, a reasonable decision will emphasize our strengths and, if possible, correct the flaws, koi and so little. So on T 25 Pilot Number 1 Equipment The following is set:
1. - Allows you to increase the rapidity and damage per minute, which may be more important.
2. - We already have good accuracy and stabilization, improve these parameters will not be superfluous.
3. - Great way to increase already good review On mobile technique, the choice is obvious.

A good alternative to the last item, especially if you have a pumped crew, which will give a boost of very important parameters and makes an even more dangerous opponent.

Education crew

Regarding crew pumping, we will act quite standard, giving preference to familiar skills. For this unit, it is important to strengthen survival rate, make stay in battle more comfortable and do not forget about increasing the masking coefficient, so T 25 Pilot Number 1 Perks Issue in such a sequence:
Commander - ,,,
Powder - ,,,
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radist - ,,,
Charging - ,,,

Equipment for T 25 Pilot Number 1

Another standard in this case is the choice of consumables for this tank. If your goal is silver farm and maximum savings are important, better take, and. However, we advise you to carry on T 25 Pilot Number 1 Equipment Premium, because it significantly increases the survival in battle, and the fire extinguisher can always be replaced by.

Tactics games on T 25 Pilot Number 1

Of course, in order to realize the potential of this car, it is always necessary to remember its strong and weaknesses, especially the absence of armor.

So on T 25 Pilot Number 1 Tactic The fighting is more likely to stick to the second line and maintain their safety margin. It is very important for us to take the right and profitable position, from where it will open a good shot, and we will be safe.

T 25 PILOT NUMBER 1 WOT It feels great, playing from the tower, where the excellent corners of the vertical tip are helping. Slightly turning the tower, making a shot and driving back, hiding behind the hill or other shelter, you minimize the chance of hitting you, remember only about artillery.

Constrate with the opponent american Tank T 25 Pilot Number 1 There should not, because in most cases it is true death for us. It is better to always be distancing, I use good accuracy and good armor, stand in the cousins, glowing as little as possible, not forgetting to implement your DPM.

Exceptions are only those cases when the enemy remains little HP or you are sure that using advantages in mobility and stabilization of the gun, T 25 Pilot 1 tank World. Of Tanks. In your hands will be able to spin the harsh opponent.

Otherwise we are good tank Supports are able to quickly change the flank and directions of the attack, return to bring down the buse capture, etc. We will master all these simple advice and learning to analyze the situation in battle, this unit is capable of much. So that T 25 Pilot Number 1 should takeMoreover, it is a good car for pharmaceuticals of silver loans.

25-06-2016, 19:29

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Today we will talk about a new premium car, which, perhaps, in the near future to appear in our favorite game. We are talking about the American middle tank, located at the eighth level - this T25 Pilot Number 1 Hyde.

It is noteworthy that this unit is very much like its junior fellow -, but of course, it has completely different characteristics, although there are small and similarities here. It is also worth knowing that T 25 Pilot Number 1 Tank Not preferential and it will have to fight against a dozen and now you will learn how comfortable fights will be on this prema.


First of all, I note that we have a habitual stock of strength for the machine of this level and nation, as well as a very good basic overview of 390 meters, as well as most Americans.

If you look at T 25 Pilot Number 1 Features Booking, noticeable parallel with T23E3, I have no armor completely. We are vulnerable from either side, and the tower, and the case is equally soft, so every opposite will punch us. The exceptions will only random unsuccessful shots from the smallest guns and perhaps our mask of the gun will sometimes hold something, because this element in the tank is always unpredictable.

With mobility, the situation is better. T25 Pilot 1 World Of Tanks endowed with a good maximum speed and backward, but the engine power slightly is not enough, which is not the best dynamics. However, there is one nuance - good patency, thanks to which this unit will still move very cheerfully and with good maneuverability, he can even twist a particularly nervous opponents.


Now we will pay attention to the most important part of any tank - its weapons and immediately want to say that in our case everything is very good. Well, the alfactors will not surprise anyone, exactly the same there are many preams of the eighth level, but here is armor-proof T 25 Pilot Number 1 gun They gave very good, which will allow us to farm and not feel deprived of non-gold shells.

Our gun has good rapidity, which allows to apply about 1850 damage per minute and this is excluding equipment and crew performers worthy of the result.

In terms of accuracy american Tank T 25 1 WOT It is also pleasantly surprised, because we have a small scatter, the gun boosts quickly, and good stabilization only reinforces these characteristics. By the way, the cannon has comfortable vertical vertical angles (-10 and +25), it can not but rejoice.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, the most important parameters are considered and given T 25 Pilot Number 1 TTX You can sum up the first result, allocation of the main and weaknesses of the machine:

Good mobility;
Decent armored
Not bad damage per minute;
Good accuracy and excellent stabilization;
High review indicators.

Lack of armor;
Big silhouette;
Weak one-time damage;
Not a preferential level of battles.

Equipment for T 25 Pilot Number 1

Given all of the above, a reasonable decision will emphasize our strengths and, if possible, correct the flaws, koi and so little. So on T 25 Pilot Number 1 Equipment The following is set:
1. - Allows you to increase the rapidity and damage per minute, which may be more important.
2. - We already have good accuracy and stabilization, improve these parameters will not be superfluous.
3. - An excellent way to increase the already good review on mobile technique, the choice is obvious.

A good alternative to the last item, especially if you have a pumped crew, which will give a boost of very important parameters and makes an even more dangerous opponent.

Education crew

Regarding crew pumping, we will act quite standard, giving preference to familiar skills. For this unit, it is important to strengthen survival rate, make stay in battle more comfortable and do not forget about increasing the masking coefficient, so T 25 Pilot Number 1 Perks Issue in such a sequence:
Commander - ,,,
Powder - ,,,
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radist - ,,,
Charging - ,,,

Equipment for T 25 Pilot Number 1

Another standard in this case is the choice of consumables for this tank. If your goal is silver farm and maximum savings are important, better take, and. However, we advise you to carry on T 25 Pilot Number 1 Equipment Premium, because it significantly increases the survival in battle, and the fire extinguisher can always be replaced by.

Tactics games on T 25 Pilot Number 1

Of course, in order to realize the potential of this car, it is always necessary to remember its strong and weaknesses, especially the absence of armor.

So on T 25 Pilot Number 1 Tactic The fighting is more likely to stick to the second line and maintain their safety margin. It is very important for us to take the right and profitable position, from where it will open a good shot, and we will be safe.

T 25 PILOT NUMBER 1 WOT It feels great, playing from the tower, where the excellent corners of the vertical tip are helping. Slightly turning the tower, making a shot and driving back, hiding behind the hill or other shelter, you minimize the chance of hitting you, remember only about artillery.

Constrate with the opponent american Tank T 25 Pilot Number 1 There should not, because in most cases it is true death for us. It is better to always be distancing, I use good accuracy and good armor, stand in the cousins, glowing as little as possible, not forgetting to implement your DPM.

Exceptions are only those cases when the enemy remains little HP or you are sure that using advantages in mobility and stabilization of the gun, T 25 Pilot 1 WORLD OF TANKS Tank In your hands will be able to spin the harsh opponent.

Otherwise, we are a good support tank, able to quickly change the flank and directions of attack, return to bring down the camp of the base, etc. We will master all these simple advice and learning to analyze the situation in battle, this unit is capable of much. So that T 25 Pilot Number 1 should takeMoreover, it is a good car for pharmaceuticals of silver loans.


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