What time is it? and what time is it? The phrase "until how many" or "until how many". What is more correct to use? How to ask the time correctly

What time is it? and what time is it? The phrase "until how many" or "until how many". What is more correct to use? How to ask the time correctly


How correctly: what time is it or what time is it now?

The traditional form of the question-address about time what time is it now ? You can answer this question: five o'clock, sixth, it's already eight o'clock... But the answer with hours and minutes will also be correct.

Question fromwhat time is it? versus question what time is it now? new. But it became normative long ago. It is recorded, for example, already in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov (Moscow, 1935-1940). Interestingly, in this edition the question what time is it? given as neutral, and the question what time is it now? marked "spoken".

If you need to ask about the start or end time of a store, institution, then you ask the question “ What time do you open / close the store?" or " What time does the store open / close? " And still very often you can hear a common mistake The little shop works? (We don’t know how to write this wrong board - such a word is not recorded in the dictionaries of the Russian language). Right: until what time does the store work? Or, in another situation, until how long will you be at work? how long to wait for you?. Remember this word form how mucheasy: the word how much the stress is fixed, it falls in all forms on the first syllable: how many, how many I met colleagues how many I owe people how many I have made friends; how manymeetings I dream.

Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya in “Notes about Anna Akhmatova” conveys the words of Anna Andreevna: “You know, I consider it indecent to make remarks to people if they say wrong. Indecent and vulgar. I'm not fixing anything. I transfer everything. But here is "what time" instead of "at what hour" or instead of "when" - then she gasped with anger and further said through the warehouses, - I can't bear it. And "we live in Kratovo" instead of "in Kratovo" - I can't either. "


what time is it and what time is it now.


How correctly: what time is it or what time is it now?

The traditional form of the question-address about time what time is it now ? You can answer this question: five o'clock, sixth, it's already eight o'clock... But the answer with hours and minutes will also be correct.

Question fromwhat time is it? versus question what time is it now? new. But it became normative long ago. It is recorded, for example, already in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov (Moscow, 1935-1940). Interestingly, in this edition the question what time is it? given as neutral, and the question what time is it now? marked "spoken".

If you need to ask about the start or end time of a store, institution, then you ask the question “ What time do you open / close the store?" or " What time does the store open / close? " And still very often you can hear a common mistake The little shop works? (We don’t know how to write this wrong board - such a word is not recorded in the dictionaries of the Russian language). Right: until what time does the store work? Or, in another situation, until how long will you be at work? how long to wait for you?. Remember this word form how mucheasy: the word how much the stress is fixed, it falls in all forms on the first syllable: how many, how many I met colleagues how many I owe people how many I have made friends; how manymeetings I dream.

Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya in “Notes about Anna Akhmatova” conveys the words of Anna Andreevna: “You know, I consider it indecent to make remarks to people if they say wrong. Indecent and vulgar. I'm not fixing anything. I transfer everything. But here is "what time" instead of "at what hour" or instead of "when" - then she gasped with anger and further said through the warehouses, - I can't bear it. And "we live in Kratovo" instead of "in Kratovo" - I can't either. "


what time is it and what time is it now.

The answer is Yesenia Pavlotski, linguist-morphologist, expert of the Institute of Philology, Mass Communication and Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Correct, incorrect, acceptable, recommended, accepted, not accepted- the language has a lot of statuses for what we say. What is right may not be accepted, and what is accepted may not be the norm. This is what makes a single, dry answer dishonest. Saying "this is the norm and the point", we are sure to be silent.

For example: What time is the pharmacy open? What time is it? These questions accompany our communication constantly and the rare guardian of linguistic norms cut the ears, and yet they are outside the strict norm.

If in live communication your question is until what time hardly notice, any text editor will immediately underline the error with a red line. The fact is that the pronominal adverb in the case system simply does not have a form how many:

Nominative how much
Genitive many
Dative small
Accusative how many, how many
Instrumental small
Prepositional many

It turns out that the correct option until how many ... And not before how manywith an emphasis on the last syllable, as we are used to, and up to a few... However, neither people who call themselves Grammar-Nazis for some reason, nor ordinary mortals use this form. Before us is the case when the norm is not equal to the way of speaking. Scientists call this phenomenon usus - established language practice. The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that even people who know about the norm seem to be embarrassed to speak correctly - until how many- and try to find a different wording. The same situation is observed in the use of the word go... We know what's right, but we say it anyway ride.

Alternative norm at what time,which could save the day, is also not very popular with native speakers. What time does the pharmacy open? - despite the fact that the design is a strict norm, a modern Russian-speaking person consciously or unconsciously defines it as outdated. Language itself rejects this norm, which can explain both the constraint in the use of the norm and its avoidance.

It's good that while there is where to run - construction what time helps out. What time a pharmacy opens / closes is a convenient and regulatory question. Another thing is that the shades of meaning in the construction " until what time " turn out to be more in demand, each time pushing us to make a mistake. Rather, we are wondering if we will make it to the pharmacy and until what time is it works... The moment at which it closes, as such, does not interest us - except in a certain situation, when the fact of closing or ending something is important.

That's right - what time and at what time / until what time.

For the reason already described, the question of the current time also raises difficulties. Asking correctly "what time is it now?"... The once colloquial option "what time is it?"used much more often, but mistakenly is still considered colloquial. But time passes, and today we can already say that the questions which chawith and what time is it are equal options. The only problem is that the creation of dictionaries is laborious and time-consuming. Alas, this process is not keeping pace with the dynamics of the language. As a result, it is a delusion: it is not in the dictionary, which means it is wrong.

The only option rejected by the language among all the possible options in this matter is the construction what time... Even in a colloquial style, this option is unacceptable, and the reason for this is not rule-making activity, but the laws of the language itself. The system will not let such a combination pass by itself.

Norm: what time, what time, what time, what timeand up to a few.

Time is something we face every day. For example, when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is look at the clock.

How often during the day do you ask the question, "What time is it?" How many times do you answer? I think more than once.

Therefore, it is very important to be able and know how to ask the time correctly and say in English: "What time is it?"

  • What do am and pm mean in English time and how to understand them?

How to correctly ask the time in English?

There are a few basic phrases that you can use to ask what time it is in English. The simplest and most common:

What time is it?
What time is it?

What time is it now?
What time is it?

What is the time?
What time?

It is worth noting that you can ask such questions to friends, family members, colleagues and other acquaintances. When addressing strangers, you shouldn't forget about polite forms. "Excuse me ..." (sorry) - this is how you should start your question and / or add at the end please (you are welcome).

Excuse me, what time is it?
Excuse me, what time is it?

What "s the time, please?
Could you tell me what time it is, please?

Excuse me, what time is it now, please?
Excuse me, please tell me what time is it now?

These were the most common options for asking the time in English, so feel free to use them in your life. There are several more ways.

Could you tell me the time, please?
Could you tell me the time please?

Do you know what time it is now?
Do you know what time it is?

Could you tell me the right time, please?
Could you tell me the exact time, please?

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How to tell the time correctly in English?

But how do you say what time it is in English? You have to be careful here. After all, in English, time is spoken in a completely different way than in Russian.

The answer to the question about time is constructed as follows:

What time is it?
It is two o'clock.
Two hours.

What time is it?
It is seven o'clock.
Seven o'clock.

What time is it?
It is four o'clock.
Four o'clock.

But how do you understand what time of day is meant? For this we can use these words:

In the morning - in the morning;
In the afternoon - during the day;
In the evening - in the evening;
At night - at night.

It is eight o'clock in the evening.
Eight o'clock in the evening.

It is three o'clock in the afternoon.
Three PM.

It is one o'clock at night.
Hour of the night.

To indicate the time of day in english language the most commonly used notation: AM and PM... Note that in official written speech we use only these designations.

What do AM and PM mean in English time and how to understand them?

We are used to the fact that there are 24 hours in a day. “Now is 22:00,” we can answer in Russian, meaning that it is now ten in the evening. The United States, United Kingdom, and many other countries use the 12-hour time format. According to him, the day is divided into two halves, 12 hours each: before noon (AM) and afternoon (PM).

This is not entirely familiar to us, so most people have difficulties here. Now we will put everything on the shelves so that you understand.

What does A stand forM?

AM (from Latin ante meridiem - until noon) - this interval starts at 12 am (midnight) and ends at 12 noon (noon). That is, it lasts from 00:00 to 12:00.

This is how we say time using AM:

It's two AM.
Two o'clock in the morning. (2:00)

It's ten AM.
Ten in the morning. (10:00)

It’s five AM.
Five in the morning. (5:00)

Please note that at the end of the offer we already do not put o "clock... You don't need to use it with AM and PM.

What does PM stand for?

PM (from Latin post meridiem - afternoon) - this interval starts at 12 noon (noon) and ends at 12 noon (midnight). That is, it lasts from 12:00 to 00:00.

This is how we say time using PM:

It "s two PM
Two o'clock in the afternoon. (14:00)

It's ten PM
Ten in the evening. (22:00)

It’s five PM
Five in the evening. (17:00)

How do you say minutes in English?

What about the time in English with minutes? After all, we almost always speak both hours and minutes. There are two ways here:

1. We speak numbers.

This is the easiest and most intuitive way. In this case, we only mention 2 digits. The first number represents hours and the second number represents minutes.

It's eight twenty two.
Eight hours twenty two minutes. (8:22)

It's one forty.
Hour forty. (13:40)

It "s two sixteen.
Two hours sixteen minutes. (2:16)

2. We use the prepositions to and past.

In this case, we indicate the hour and minutes. Since this method is more common, let's take a closer look at it.

Eating past

Past (after) is used to show how much minutes PASSED after any hour... For example, after 13:00, 19:00, 23:00, etc.

We use this preposition only when the minute the hand is in the right half of the clock, that is, it shows minutes from 1 to 30.

Look at the examples, and everything will become clear immediately. Pay attention to the translation!

It's thirteen minutes past seven. (7:13)
Thirteen minutes eighth.

It's twenty five minutes past one. (1:25)
Twenty five minutes second.

It's ten minutes past nine. (9:10)
Ten minutes tenth.

How do we translate into Russian?

Russian logic is slightly different from English, and this is worth paying attention to when translating. Let's take an example.

Using to

To (before) used to show how many minutes are left before an hour. For example, until 13:00, 19:00, 23:00, etc.

We use this preposition if the minute hand is in the left half, that is, from 31 to 59minutes.

For example, if on the clock we see 5:53, then we say that there are 7 minutes left until 6 hours.

It "s twelve to five . (4:48)
Twelve to five.

It’s five minutes to nine . (8:55)
Five minutes to nine.

It's ten minutes to three. (2:50)
Ten minutes to three.

And this is how it is translated into Russian. Let's see the Russian / English analogy.

How to say half of such and such an hour (30 minutes)?

In Russian, we often say not thirty minutes first, and floorfirst. We can say so in English using the word half (half)... This word we can use only with the preposition past... By the way, pay attention to the translation! The British have a very simple logic - they just look at what the clock is now showing and call this particular hour.

It’s half past five . (5:30)
Half past five. (Literally: half after five.)

It’s half past two . (2:30)
Half past two. (Literally: half after two .)

It’s half past six . (6:30)
Half past six. (Literally: half after six .)

Why do we use past? Because "to", that is, "before" we start from 31 minutes, and 30 minutes enters the past zone. The British believe that 30 minutes is still closer to the hour that is running. But from the 31st minute everything changes ...

How do you say a quarter of an hour (15 minutes)?

In English (as in Russian) we use the word quarter - quarter (15 minutes)... Quarter we can use both with toand with past.

If we are talking about the beginning of the hour (on the clock 15 minutes), then we use past... That is, we show that 15 minutes have passed since an hour.

It’s quarter past three. (3:15)
A quarter past three. (Literally: quarter after three .)

It’s quarter past seven. (7:15)
Quarter past seven. (Literally: quarter after seven .)

It’s quarter past eleven . (11:15)
A quarter past eleven. (Literally: quarter after eleven .)

If we are talking about end of the hour (on the clock 45 minutes), then we use to.

In this case, we show that there are 15 minutes left until an hour. That is, 45 minutes have already passed.

It’s quarter to three. (2:45)
A quarter to three. (Literally: quarter up to three.)

It’s quarter to seven. (6:45)
Quarter to seven. (Literally: quarter to seven.)

It’s quarter to two. (1:45)
A quarter to two. (Literally: quarter up to two.)

What to do now? To easily name and say time, you need to develop a skill, that is, bring it to automatism. Now, when you see the clock, always think (or rather pronounce it) how it will be in English. Start with the tasks below.

Assignment task

In the meantime, let's practice, translate into English:

What time is it now?

Excuse me, what time is it now?

It is now 5 minutes past six (Now 5 minutes after 6).

Now it's 15 minutes past one.

It is now ten minutes to eight in the morning.

It is now 20 minutes on the fifth day.

It's half past three now.

Write your answers in the comments, and in 3 days I will post the correct options, and you can check yourself.

What time is it? and what time is it?


How is it correct: "what time is it" or "what time is it"?

The traditional form of the question-address about time what time is it now ? You can answer this question: five o'clock, sixth, it's already eight o'clock... But the answer with hours and minutes will also be correct.

Question what time is it? versus question what time is it now? new. In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language: In 4 volumes." edited by Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov (M., 1935-1939), this question is marked "colloquial", but today the questions what time is it? and what time is it now? - equal options.

If you need to ask about the start or end time of a store, institution, then you ask the question “ What time do you open / close the store?" or " What time does the store open / close? " And still very often you can hear a common mistake The little shop works? (We don’t know how to write this wrong whiteboard - such a word has not been recorded in Russian dictionaries.) Correct: until what time does the store work? Or, in another situation, until how long will you be at work? how long to wait for you?. Remember this word form how much easy: the word how much the stress is fixed, it falls in all forms on the first syllable: how many, how many I met colleagues how many I owe people how many I have made friends; how many meetings I dream.

Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya in “Notes about Anna Akhmatova” conveys the words of Anna Andreevna: “You know, I consider it indecent to make remarks to people if they say wrong. Indecent and vulgar. I'm not fixing anything. I transfer everything. But here is "what time" instead of "at what hour" or instead of "when" - then she gasped with anger and further said through the warehouses, - I can't bear it. And "we live in Kratovo" instead of "in Kratovo" - I can't either. "


what time is it and what time is it now.

. Yu.A. Belchikov, O. I. Razheva. 2015 .

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  • Express courses on teaching timing. What time is it now? , Burakov Nikolay Borisovich. Here is a well thought out, clear and effective exercise system. Performing a variety of tasks, the child will master the structure of the dial and the patterns of movement of the hour and minute hands. ...

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