Spells to summon the spirit. Summoning spirits to fulfill a desire Magic how to summon a spirit

Spells to summon the spirit. Summoning spirits to fulfill a desire Magic how to summon a spirit

Wrap, or gingerbread, is a magical effect on a person, the purpose of which is to distort his perception of the surrounding world. Magicians use it in the event that they need to force a person to do something against his will.

Or interfere with your plans. This type of magic suppresses his will, confuses his thoughts. Such an impact requires significant energy costs and some preparation. Not every magician is capable of this.

Most often, special occult rituals are used to induce confusion, with the help of which there is a call to the dark forces. However, despite the high payment for such an event, its action is rather short-lived. If a long-term influence on the victim is needed, then the rituals have to be constantly performed.


One of the most common types of hassle is photo targeting. With the help of a special spell, certain thoughts are suggested to a person. Often this method is used to take revenge on an unjust boss.

To inspire the necessary thoughts, you should hold the image in your hands and whisper in the photo:

Number of readings by intuition. If you're an aspiring magician, talk more.

If there is no photo, then there are other conspiracies that must be read indoors, being with the object. It is read nine times.

Sometimes confusing a person's thoughts is not enough.

Therefore, a special ceremony is carried out with the help of threads in order to make a person go the wrong way or even get lost altogether. It is best to take the lace from the victim's shoe. But if this is not possible, then a black or brown ribbon will do. If you want to change the path, then the length of the lace or tape should be about the length of the human foot. If the impact is carried out on the thoughts of a person, then the length is taken equal to the girth of the head. In no case should you measure yourself on yourself! To enhance the effect, it is better to take the victim's hair, which must be woven into a knot. There should be seven nodes, their design should be difficult to perceive. Read the conspiracy for each node (select the one you need).

There are also special conspiracies in order to close the mouth of the ill-wisher. It is very effective if you want to protect yourself from a brawler:

Salt toby and water, smoking slime, toad on the plaits, sob about me ne mala ti rechi.

Take away strength from the opponent with the help of a gingerbread

This has nothing to do with vital energy; the enemy simply loses the opportunity to harm. To enhance the effect, in addition to an easy conspiracy, jelly from any black berries is used. When it is cooked, a special hex is read, then a third is drunk immediately, followed at sunset and at three in the morning. Then nine days are counted and the rite is repeated. The same cycle is carried out after forty days.

A hassle in love affairs

Of course, it is impossible to create sympathy in this way, but it is quite possible to subordinate the magician to the will. The victim tends to present gifts or turn a blind eye to some flaws.

Some wives use a shimmer to induce their husband to obey.

It is necessary to braid a braid and not unravel it for three days. On the fourth day, at three o'clock in the morning, the braid unravels and a certain hex is read. After that, you can say anything to your spouse, he will listen with pleasure.

With the help of visualizing the enemy and a special conspiracy, you can force him to do certain actions. It is necessary to concentrate all the energy on the image, to imagine it very vividly mentally.

There should be no one in the room. Keeping the image in mind, a certain spell is read in a whisper. After that, the person will perform those acts that are pleasing to the magician. But he will do it with pleasure and firm confidence that it is his will.

Removing the gingerbread is not easy, but possible.

For example, if a wife is sure that her mistress took her husband away precisely with the help of a hassle, then a certain ritual must be performed.

You need to invite your husband home and make sure that he comes alone. Before that, be sure to cook a modest dinner with your own hands. Before the husband comes, a certain slander is read for food. Required condition: only husband and wife should eat food. The ritual is performed three times. All the charms that the mistress put on her husband will disappear. But it only helps if the gimmick was really to blame for the husband's departure.

There is another ritual for removing the hassle: it must be carried out on the day of the waning moon. It is best if it is a big church holiday. The fish is cleaned and when the scales are removed, a certain hex is read. Then the fish can be cooked and eaten. You can also treat someone to her. The ritual is performed three times.

Gloss is not always used to harm.

Sometimes it is used for their own protection. But it is not worth resorting to such methods, since the result will necessarily be followed by retribution. And it is worth remembering that the darkness is strong only because of human fear. If you stop fearing and believing in him, then he will not be able to influence a person. To give strength and confidence, you need to read prayers, go to church and use its gifts. No amount of witchcraft can withstand God's power. The same applies to damage, evil eye and other witchcraft rites.

In this article:

Spells to attract luck and luck are becoming more and more popular every day. This interest of people can be explained by the fact that this simple magical remedy allows you to solve many life problems, because luck can spread to almost all spheres of human life.

And each of us wants to be happy and successful, which is almost impossible if you will not be accompanied by fortune.

A simple conspiracy for good luck can significantly improve any state of affairs, change a person's life for the better. The positive effect of such magic also lies in the fact that the ritual can give a person confidence in their own strengths and in the future, and such a feeling is very important for the successful development of any situation.

How to choose a magic spell to attract good luck

There are many different conspiracies aimed at attracting good luck to a person's life. You can find many different rituals in books and on the Internet, but how can you choose a truly effective ritual among all this diversity?

When choosing a spell, try to pay more attention to your own feelings, you should like the conspiracy, it should resonate in your heart.

That is why you need to make a choice only on the basis of your own intuition, as well as the recommendations of experienced magicians.

When you can select one or more spells that you really like, try to read the words of the conspiracy as best you can. Make sure that there is no negative energy and negative message in these words.

Can black magic help?

Most of the rituals for attracting good luck to a person's life cannot be attributed to black magic, since such conspiracies do not pose a danger to the performer and cannot harm other people. The closest connection between such spells and dark magic is damage to luck, but their main task is to deprive a person of good luck in all his endeavors.

Turning to dark forces does not always mean evil and harm

An effective ritual for good luck

To carry out this magical conspiracy, you will need a large mirror, which should hang on the wall. Prepare also a church candle and wait for the full moon night. It is best if this night falls on a Sunday, but on other days the ritual shows excellent results. On the appointed night, go to the mirror, holding a burning candle in your hands and read the words of the spell three times:

“Deliver me, Lord, from the evil Antichrist, from the vile deception, from the devil. Hide me, God, from the damn nets in your innermost desert, the place of Thy salvation. Grant me, Lord, strength of spirit and firm courage, the grace of the name of your Holy One descended on me. May I not give up on You, Lord, but on my faith. I will not deny the Savior and Redeemer, the Holy Church. Even under fear of the devilish image. Hide me, Lord, from any misfortune, from the weeping of the night, spare me on the day of the terrible judgment, forgive me my sins. Help me, Your servant (name), God, protect, save. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, you need to wait until the candle has completely burned out, collect its remains, put it in a fabric bag and sew it into the mattress of the bed on which you always sleep.


This magical rite is not aimed at attracting good luck, but at protecting against failure and dark energy that can interfere with a person's life.

Magic conspiracy on a candle

This magic ritual should be performed only on the night of the full moon. The day before, it is worth doing a thorough cleaning of the whole house and especially. In the room where the ceremony will take place. When midnight comes, light a church candle, hold it in your hands and walk around your entire house three times, and then circle the candle around you (at the level of your legs, waist, abdomen, shoulders and head). These actions are necessary in order to cleanse your home and your energy from all negativity.

After that, light a new candle and, when wax begins to drip from it, bring a regular pin to it so that the hot wax passes through its hole. At this time, you need to read the words of the spell in a whisper three times:

“The power of the elements will pass into this object, the spell will pass through the spirit. Through this hole, I, the servant of God (name), conjure the spirits of all so that they remain in the pin and do not go anywhere. I conjure all the spirits to keep me safe, to bring me good luck all the days, so that they will not leave in difficulties and protect anyone from evil. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The charmed pin will become a real amulet for you, bringing good luck, therefore it should always be by your side. It is desirable that strangers should not see the pin, therefore it will be better to attach it to the inside of the clothing.

Simple conspiracy

This spell belongs to the category of light rituals that need to be performed during the daytime. It is best to read the plot early in the morning, even before washing your face. The words:

“Wednesday you, Sereditsa, go from my words to the water. I, the servant of God (name), am baptized by Jesus Christ, I wash my face with my faith. I will be my guardian angel. My angel, my guardian, have mercy on me, the servant of God (name). Sit on my right shoulder, guard me from morning to evening. Protect me from the wolf and the fierce beast, from the hex needle, from evil people, from the creatures of the forest. From a dishonest court, from evil reprisals, from a knife and from poison. From witch's pinches, from gossip and human envy, from whispers and whispers. Give me, Lord, good luck in my earthly affairs, save me from torment, but from need. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ancient spell to attract good luck

This magical ritual should be performed only next to running water (river or stream). The performer will have to read the words of the conspiracy early in the morning, at sunrise. The words:

“I, the servant of God (name), will get up early in the morning, I will go to the blue ponds, I will leave violent people, from envious glances. I will ask you, Father of my Father, give me all kinds of luck in all my deeds. Give me rain, if it's dry, give me warmth, when it's fierce, give me clear light, if it's dark, give me food if I'm hungry. Father of my Father, I beg you, do not leave me, be with me, bring good luck and luck. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This rite must be performed daily for seven days.

Don't forget about the gifts of water

Rite of passage with decoration

To carry out this magical conspiracy, you will need jewelry made of any precious metal (you can use stones).

You can talk about both old and specially purchased jewelry for these purposes, the main thing is that after the ritual, the object is always near you.

First of all, the taken accessory must be cleaned of all the negativity that is or may be. To do this, hold the decoration over the fire of a church candle while reading any prayers you know, for example, "Our Father".

When midnight comes, take a large vessel with clean water (spring or well), bring the vessel into the house and place it near the window. The water should reflect the stars burning in the night sky. After that, say the words of the spell:

“I will go out, servant of God (name), not by day, but by night, not by a window, but by a door, not by a path, but by a road, not into the swamps, but into a wide field. I will take with me a little thing (silver or gold), I will speak with its magic words. Silver (or other metal) little thing, midnight water, you take care of your master, you call him luck in life, you drive away sadness, call for money. As it is said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, you need to put the jewelry in the bucket and leave it under the open window overnight. During sunrise, pull out the decoration, cross it three times, and turn around with it in place over the left shoulder three times. Then leave the thing in the sun until the evening, after which the amulet will be completely ready and charged to attract good luck.

Summoning spirits is a topic of interest to people who are engaged in esotericism. You can summon spirits for different purposes. Attributes are needed that will help establish a connection with the inhabitants of the other world.

In the article:

Summoning spirits - who can be disturbed

There are spirits to be disturbed and ghosts to not be touched. Before starting the ceremony, they consider whether it is necessary to resort to the help of the spirit. Some summon an entity to:

  • ask to fulfill a wish;
  • find out the answer to a question of interest;
  • find out what the future holds;
  • ask to attract love;
  • just for fun;
  • ask for help.

Any entity endowed with greater capabilities in comparison with human can answer questions and fulfill a simple desire. Spirits know the future, are able to fulfill simple requests.

To summon evil spirits to the cemetery, you must use a simple and effective ritual. Attributes will be needed:

  • five candles;
  • black canvas;
  • a protective amulet (for example, a pectoral cross, a Muslim crescent, a symbol of another god);
  • ritual knife.

ritual knife
five candles black cloth protective amulet

The ritual is not performed on Monday... You should collect the attributes and go to the cemetery at midnight.

There is no need to disturb the grave of a certain person - it is enough to get into the territory of the cemetery. It's important to tune in correctly. There is no need to be afraid of what will happen. A person must be sure that he is well protected and that no one will harm.

To really feel protected, you need to choose the right amulet that will protect you from danger. It can be a silver cross or personal attributes, which are endowed with the energy of a sorcerer, strength and faith that the amulet will really bring good luck. You can use your own amulet,.

Determine the place where the ceremony will be held. A protective circle is drawn using salt, chalk, special crystals, candles.

When the defense is ready, the ritual begins. If they call a spirit or undead from another world to ask a question, find out the future, make a wish, write everything down on a separate piece of paper. Questions, wishes should be written in a legible handwriting, understandably, clearly. Otherwise, either the caster hesitates and incorrectly explains what he wants, or the spirit will refuse to grant wishes and communicate.

A prepared ritual knife is stuck into the ground and they say:

Spirits (or name any other evil), I call you! I wish to see you now!

If initially carried out, sorcerers, magicians, you can turn to the direct patrons chosen at the beginning of the magical path. If there was no initiation, turning to the spirits is much more dangerous.

The task is to make a request to the spirit. The fact that the ghost has come is felt immediately. If the magician turns to a familiar spirit or to a good one, they feel a surge of vitality, feel positive energy.
If the evil spirit of the deceased is near, they feel a cool breeze from the side where the ghost is. When the evil spirits are summoned, they prepare for an attack of fear.

They clearly and concisely explain themselves with the spirit, learn everything they want, ask for what is missing, send it to another world. Usually, an outside entity likes to be in the human world, and the ghost tries to stay as long as possible.

Sometimes evil spirits can go for a trick and try to take possession of the body of the person who calls them. This happens when the magician is inexperienced and does not use protective amulets. If the ceremony is performed, standing in a protective circle and holding a special talisman, nothing threatens the caster. To send the spirit to another world, they say:

Thank you spirit, but now, go where you came from. Go to another world, as if you never were.

When the spirit finally disappears, and the state is normalized, you can leave the magic circle. Until this moment, it is forbidden to leave the magic circle, since the sorcerer can become an easy prey for evil spirits.

Evil spirit - ways of calling at home

It is not uncommon for black magicians to summon evil spirits. You can use creatures for different purposes:

  • to bind to a person so that entities constantly spoil life or bring them to the grave;
  • ghosts are asked to endow a person with magical abilities;
  • evil spirits are often used to target the evil eye and damage enemies;
  • experienced magicians can use evil spirits for their own protection, offering them something in return for their safety.

Call for cursing

If you need to bind an evil spirit to a specific person, a simple ritual can be used. You will need a photograph of the victim and a sample of her biological material: nails, hair, skin, blood.

It is necessary at the full moon to go out at the intersection of two roads, taking a photograph of a person, biological material, two black non-church candles, a wreath woven from dry branches.

When the caster comes to the intersection, the wreath is placed in the center, candles are lit, wax is poured onto the wreath. If you want to inflict more damage on a person, more wax is dripped. Standing over the finished attribute, you need to say:

Come to me, spirit. Appear to me the one who is feared, to whom they turn for help! An evil spirit capable of destruction, I ask you for help. Hear me, do not reject me, for it is not just for the sake of curiosity that I disturb your peace.

An evil spirit must appear. A photograph is shown to the ghost, a wreath and biological material of the victim is placed on top. It is necessary to bring the wreath to the cemetery and bury the victim's namesake on the grave. They say:

Evil spirit, from now on it is your sacrifice. Do whatever you want with her. Torment, torment, do not let live in peace.

When the words are spoken, they sprinkle a little grave earth on the place where the wreath is buried, stamp with their right foot, turn over their left shoulder and leave the cemetery without turning around.

After a couple of days, the victim will begin to suffer, because an evil spirit will follow her, which sucks out vitality. The impact can occur both on the physical and psychological levels.

How to summon a spirit with a saucer

One of the most ancient ways to summon spirits. The method is one of the safest, you can even call on evil and dangerous spirits. A saucer is required for the ceremony.

The dish is a conductor that connects the real world and the one in which the ghost lives. If the caster is in direct contact with the attribute, the ghost will come. If the connection with a magical object is broken, the portal between the two worlds is closed, and the entity on its own will not be able to stay in the real world. The spirit will automatically go back where it came from.

Before starting to conduct the ceremony, be sure to gather a group that includes people of different genders. The measure will provide safety to the caster: the spirit can cope with the medium if the ritual is performed independently.

Participants in the ceremony must remove jewelry and metal accessories. You cannot talk after the beginning of the ritual. Before the arrival of the ghost, it is not advised to talk. Before proceeding with the ceremony, you should decide who will be the medium.

Only this person will be able to communicate with the ghost, ask questions and transmit the necessary information. It is strictly prohibited to interfere with other participants in the ritual.

You can contact the spirit at any phase of the moon. It is advisable to choose the time after dusk and before dawn. In the house where the summoning ritual is held, there should be no one except the participants in the ritual. Before starting the call, you need to turn off all electrical appliances in the house. Lighting - only candles and only in the room where the entity is called. The number of candles and their color do not matter.

Prepare a saucer. On the back, draw an arrow with a marker or paint. You need a board with the alphabet and numbers, negative and positive answers. The attribute can be bought or made by yourself. You don't have to use a board; you can adapt a piece of Whatman paper or other material that you find comfortable.

The saucer is supposed to be heated over the candle flame on both sides and put the fingers of both hands (for the medium). It is advisable for the rest of the participants to put at least one hand on the dish. The ritual begins with the phrase:

Spirit, we call you! Show up! Come, we beg you.

The ghost must definitely come. If no one responded to the call, there is no need to continue to disturb the soul. Ghosts will not be merciful if disturbed too often. When you have failed to conduct a seance, it is better to postpone the idea until the next time.

How can you tell if someone from the underworld has heard the call? The air temperature drops slightly. There should be a feeling of an outside presence. Saucer movements, draft and other obvious signs rarely appear at the first stage of the call. When the caster feels that the spirit is in the room, they ask:

Spirit, are you here?

When the answer is received, the medium continues to ask questions of the participants in the session. The spirit responds by moving the saucer so that the arrow points to the letters and numbers. Do not remove their hands from the attribute, otherwise the contact will be interrupted, and the ghost will be offended.

Evocation of the Kings of the cardinal points

I call and conjure you, O mighty King Amaymon, lord of the Eastern side of the world and Lord of the spirits of Air and all their legions. I command you in the name of the Holy Archangel Raphael, Guardian of the Gates of Dawn (South - noon, West - sunset, North - night), the support of the first (second, third, fourth) letter of the Tetragrammaton: AH MAH SHA OH! (visualize the letters in color with a rod), by which the air is divided, the fire is generated, the sea is thrown away, the earth is moved, and from which all the darkness of heavenly things, earthly things, hellish things shudders and trembles. I command you the Holy and Glorious Name that rules over the Sephira Yesod: SHADDAI EL CHAI, and the name that rules over this Sefira and this kingdom: AHMASHAOH ALOAH VA-DA ’ATH. Come, appear before the circle within the triangle in a simple human form, not ugly or terrible, immediately. Come, speak with us in our native language, in an ordinary human voice, without reservations and deception! Come; why are you delaying? ADONAI SHADDAI, the King of Kings commands you!
(Greetings and letting go are the same as those used for any goetic Spirit with a tangible prefix to the name “Great and Mighty King.” A fiery libation would be a suitable sacrifice - but if you pour 151% rum straight from the bottle into the fire, you can catch fire . Always pour flammable liquids into very small containers before operation.)

Evocation of Canaanite Divine Forms


I call and conjure you, spirit ___, I pray you, O great (rank), by the power of Almighty God, and I command you in the name of the one who pronounced it and accomplished it! Holy and glorious Names: EHEHE, Y AH, AHMASHAOH ELOHIM, OOL, ELOHIM GIBOR, AHMASHAOH ALOAH VA-DA'ATH, AHMASHAOH ZABEAOTH, ELOHIM ZABEAOTH, SHADAI EL CHAI, ADONAI HAon ARETZ ... Kamael, Tzadkhiel.
Come! Come, appear before a circle in a triangle in a simple human form, not horrible and not ugly, immediately .. Come to us from any part of the world where you are and answer our questions. Appear personally, in a visible form, courteously and reveal what we desire, obeying the eternal and living God HELIORUM!
I call you also in the Name of the father EL and mother ASHERAT OF THE SEA, and in the special name of the King whom thou owest thine obedience, the Mighty, and the holy name of the Great Archangel __, ruler of __ Square.
I conjure you with an inexpressible name to which all creatures are obedient; the mighty Tetragrammaton: AH-MAH-SHA-OH! by which all the elements are defeated: the air is divided, the fire is generated, the sea is thrown away, the earth is shifted and the whole darkness of heavenly things, earthly things, hellish things shudders and trembles.
Come! Appear before us in a visible form and answer us with a courteous clear intelligible voice in our native language, without ambiguity and lies. Come to us in the name of the Archangel __. Come, why are you delaying? ADONAI SHADDAI, King of Kings, orders you!

Creation of the Spirit-Assistant

Most often, this creature takes the form of a sacred animal druid (or his beloved animal) or Mephit.

Mephit is an artificially created spirit of the elements (not elemental).

Spirit-Helper - very useful creature... First, it is the best guard. It is able not only to scare, but also to physically neutralize someone who will threaten your well-being. It can get the information you need, including at a sufficient distance from you. Can act as a circle keeper when conducting magic rituals... Maybe even your “secretary”, accumulating information. It can be created not only with fire, but for me personally, fire has always been closer and more convenient. Therefore, I will tell you the technique of creating the Spirit, which is familiar and proven to me (once and not in the most extreme version). I will say right away that this method of creating an assistant is not the safest and not cheap pleasure, but you can use the results for the rest of your life and leave your assistant as a legacy to your descendants (or to yourself).

The first and most important thing that you need to acquire is a transparent gem of good quality and sufficient size (so as not to be a mustard seed, at least), suitable for the element with which you are going to create your spirit. In this case, since we are talking about a fiery spirit, rubies (optimal, but most expensive), red tourmalines, noble red spinel ... any other fiery red stone, except garnets, are suitable. The stone must certainly be natural. The cut doesn't matter. This stone will be the “home” of your assistant, his body in the material world. You must immediately decide in what form you will wear the stone - an earring, ring, bracelet, pendant ... and choose the metal from which the frame will be made. Three metals are traditionally used: copper, gold and silver, or their alloys. In addition, you need to find a jeweler who will agree to make an item according to your drawing and you can be sure that he will make a piece of jewelry from your metal. From experience, this is the hardest part. The jeweler may agree to work with your metal, but use his own. Of course, it is optimal if you are proficient in jewelry craft and can do everything yourself, but this is a rare case.

While you are looking for stone and metal, you can engage in recognizing the image of your future creation. For this you can use dreams, meditations, mantics ... Any method, and any combination of methods is welcome. Try to paint the images that come to you. Such an exercise will help you not only to more clearly imagine and retain in your memory the outlines of your future creation, but also to choose the form of decoration in which the Spirit will live.

Having found a suitable stone and metal, and having already formed a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow your Spirit will “look”, you need to carry out the initial processing of the material. Choose a suitable day. For the fiery Spirit: Sunday, if you are a woman (the Sun carries masculine energy, and your future Spirit should be of the opposite sex - for better contact in the initial stages), Thursday, if you are a man (Jupiter is traditionally considered to carry feminine energy) Prepare everything you need for cleansing and consecration rituals, and for creating a magic circle. Build a circle with full magical protection and invoking the testimony of the Elemental Lords (Archangels). Prepare the ritual carefully, try not to forget anything. Remember that you will have to work alone, and in such a situation, opening the circle before the end of the ritual (if you forgot something) is DEADLY DANGEROUS !!! All ingredients you use must be pre-sanctified and must be of good quality (so if you are using incense it must be real incense, not a synthetic imitator now abundantly used by the church). Clean the stone and metal first. After completing the purification ritual, immediately bless the objects with the power of the four elements. In the process of sanctification, you must clearly imagine the images of the Spirit that will be created in the decoration. Tell the Elemental Managers of your intention and demonstrate in your imagination the image of your future helper (each in turn, not all in a crowd). Ask for their support and blessings on your intention. Complete the ritual as expected.

Now you can give the materials to the jeweler. When the decoration is ready, again choose the appropriate day and perform the Creation ritual. The requirements are the same - loneliness, full magical protection, the call of the Elementalists. In the circle, clean the finished jewelry from everything that was brought by other people's hands. Then, in turn addressing the Governors, tell about your creation, show it (keep its image in your thoughts) and ask each of the Governors to endow your creation with the property of each element. Raphael endows creation with reason and power over the element of air, Michael gives him the strength and insight of the Protector, Gabriel - speed and power over the feelings of people, Ariel - power over matter and loyalty to his creator. Having received the necessary qualities for your Helper from the Governors of the Elements, say: "May the One give him Life with heavenly fire when the time comes!" Complete the ritual as expected by thanking the Elemental Lords for their Gifts and dismissing them. Your Assistant is already created, but not yet alive. Store it for now, wrapped carefully in silk, but take it out daily, unfold it and communicate with it. He is now an unborn baby.

You need to wait for summer thunderstorms for the fiery Helper to be born. When you see a strong thunderstorm approaching, take the Helper and walk towards the thunderstorm. Certainly not in the city. The closer you get to a thunderstorm, the shorter the time between lightning and thunder will be. Until they become simultaneous. Place your Assistant in an open area on a silk mat and hide. Call the Lords of the Elements, your Gods, anyone you like - ask them to send lightning to the Helper and give him life. If the time has come, lightning will strike the place where you left the Assistant, or very close to him. If this happens, you will see a flash of red light, or the lightning will take on a reddish tint. Wait a little (so as not to fall under the lightning yourself, although this is in any case not excluded), then take your, already alive, Assistant. Now you just have to teach him the most necessary things. To communicate with the Helper, you do not need any rituals or meditations - you will feel and hear him in your thoughts.

To create the Air Element Helper, you will need to revive him in a tornado or hurricane (tie it tightly to a long ribbon so that this metal toy dangles in the wind like a piece of paper); the elements of the earth - to catch an earthquake (by tying it to a ribbon or rope, catch a crack in the ground during an earthquake and “drop” the object there - then dig it out); elements of water - wait for a strong flood, or flood. Moreover, the more powerful the force of the elements, the stronger your Assistant will be.
Try to survive by yourself, reviving this essence. The procedure, indeed, is deadly not only at the last stage (only an experienced magician or a daredevil will take the risk to summon the Rulers alone - the article was written for the latter), although the result is worth the risk. This entity is perfectly intelligent and trainable. It is initially as strong as the element that gave it life, but over time it can still gain strength. Loyal to her creator, or to the one to whom the creator commits her to be loyal, i.e. "Poaching" and "reprogramming" of your Assistant is excluded. And most importantly - it is practically eternal, tk. feeds on the original power of the element that gave birth to it in any manifestation of this element. Those. theoretically, there can be as long as the manifested universe exists. She is able to find her creator (if he has not passed her loyalty to someone) in his new births, if the creator has lived long enough for the entity to accumulate sufficient memory (it turns out something like a guardian angel for the next lives). It can only be destroyed by either the creator himself, repeating the entire sequence of rituals in reverse order with the opposite intention (ie, “disassembling” his creation), or the Elemental Governor.

Sylvanas' challenge.

Sylvan is the spirit of the grove. Most often it appears in the form of a girl with long greenish hair, dressed in clothes made of leaves. Find the most well-groomed grove in the forest and carry gifts there three times (once a day) at sunset. Usually these are edible roots and herbs, fruits, vegetables, wheat cakes, milk. Having laid out the gifts on the tablecloth, we succeeded.
On the third day, come as usual with the gifts and, having spread them out, do not leave, but sit on the ground at a respectful distance and close your eyes so that you can see only shadows.
After that, wait. Soon you will see the shadow of Silvan (Maiden of the Grove). Then wait for her to address you first. After that, introduce yourself and ask questions.
If Sylvanas does not turn to you, leave without turning around, for the gifts did not suit him.

Calling the Green Man:

The Green Man, the Horned God of the Forests, is the patron god of druidism. PINE trees and other conifers are His Trees, so find a pine forest that is remote and quiet. A clearing is most suitable for your purpose. Light pine tar, musk, patchouli, juniper berries, or dye oak on an iron platter.


Summon the Hound:

Called a kind of Cerberus - a three-headed dog.


Lovely creatures that, when summoned correctly, will guard the plants in your home and heal and strengthen your aura.
What you need:
1.Potted plant. Desirable tree or rose bush. Others are possible.
2. A room on the sunny side of the house.
3. Milk and barley / millet.
We put two lids in a pot next to the plant: one with milk, the other with barley / millet. The plant should stand by the window. For three days every evening we update the contents of the caps. On the evening of the third day, we read the text in front of the plant:

Everyone sleeps at night, only the full moon
Listens to the sounds of my spell.
East and south and west and north
Listen! I urge you!
In the dim flame of the starry sky
In the wind carrying hazy shadows
In the thickets of ferns - the refuge of fairies,
In the wild thicket of the black forest ...

When they come, you will feel lightness, joy and improved well-being.
Fairies are very shy and touchy. They may be afraid of aggression and bad mood. Call them with the best feelings in your soul. For if they are offended, there will be problems with the forces of nature, especially with the spirits of trees and plants.

Calling Deceased Ancestors:

They left for us
For everyone else.
Come back, relative, come to us,
We miss you.
Come back, we're all here
Where are you brothers, we are sad.
My children, where are you,
I feel lonely without you.

Summoning the Evil Spirit to Uttuku

Angry Uttuku! Mighty spirit!

Angry Uttuku who sows confusion!

Angry Uttuku! Follow my voice!
Angry Uttuku! Strike those who are named by me!
Angry Uttuku! No mercy for them!
Angry Uttuku! Mighty spirit!
Angry Uttuku that yells at a person with fury!
Angry Uttuku that stretches out an evil hand!
Angry Uttuku that torments the nations!
Angry Uttuku who sows confusion!
The wicked Uttuku for not offering prayers!
Angry Uttuku, that devastates the wide steppe!
Angry Uttuku! Everyone bows before you!
I am the spell priest, I tell you!
Ugagin Ningig Umma Umma!
Ur Nergalugigag!

Sending evil spirits to the enemy (calling evil spirits)

Evil spirit, evil demon, evil ghost,
Evil devil, evil god, evil devil -
All these wicked
May they touch the body of my enemy,
May they rage before him,
Follow him everywhere
May they penetrate his house,
Will break his fence
Penetrate into the heart of my enemy
Be sworn by heaven
Be sworn by the earth.

Summoning the Spirit of Heat

An evil infection that burns the earth hotter than a flame,
A sickness approaching a man like a demon,
Blowing in the desert like the wind, an infection
Like a sin, a man's sickness,
Like pain, a man's sickness,
Oh, wandering in the night without arms and legs,
You, who chop like grass sick,
You who bound the limbs and broke the stamina.
At night he does not find rest in bed,
His waist is bent, his legs are broken
His god retired and far away the goddess.
I am the spell priest!
Truly so!

Summoning the Dark Judge (Girra)

Girra the mighty, the storm is furious
You are fair to gods and kings,
You judge ruined men and women
Judge me, you are angry!
Judge my case, make a decision on it!
Consume my enemy, destroy my enemy!
Let your evil storm overtake them!

Spell of the King of the North

Oh, you, Amaimon, king and lord of the northern parts! I call you, I call you, I conjure with the mighty power of the Creator and the power of forces to send me now, immediately, Madayel, Laaval, Bamulyakh, Belem, Ramat with all the other spirits subordinate to you, who should appear in the beautiful human form... Wherever you are, come to pay tribute to the true, living God, your Creator. Appear before this circle; be submissive, do no harm to my body or my soul; come to beautiful sight a person, and not in a terrible, fearful. I conjure you that hour to appear with all the holy names of Zachiel and Barachiel. If you do not appear that hour, Balandier, hanged, angry, arisen, born, emitting a sulfurous smell and punished, I (name) conjure you, summon and loudly command in the name of the North!

Call of Valdyka North

Lord of the North, beautiful warrior
Listen to me!
All the cold is under your rule.
I appeal for your mercy, hoping for your favor.
I beg you - pay attention to my request.
Help me.
Send your servants to help me.
That they overthrow the one I hate
So that they do not know pity for him.
Listen to me!
The Lord of the North, whose sword does not miss.

Send Spirits of the North

Spirits of the North, listen to me!
Trample the bodies of my enemies
Rip out their hands
Cut them to pieces
Rip out the liver
Rip out the guts!

Erlik Khan's challenge

Erlik Khan!
I came to you.
I want to bow to you.
For you are great.
Erlik Khan!
The fairest ruler
Punish people who are hateful to me.
Punish them without mercy.
Erlik Khan!
Take my enemies to your kingdom!
Throw them into the city of iron.
There is no way out.
Erlik Khan!
Hurt these people.
For they deserve it.
Hear my request!
Erlik Khan!
Eideni olbai bujar er-e-degen
Cjhugen nosun bui er-e idam
Rumun biling vcir-iyar!
Erlik Khan!

Calling the Forces of Evil Night (Nocturnism)

The gates of my mind will open.
My thoughts will see the Night that is everywhere.
Come to my soul.
Ouuin Guilayh Om Hy Luguh Uyyg Uyyg Om (repeat upon contact)
Your evil children!
May they not touch me.
They will kill my enemy.
They will dishonor his wife.
They will dishonor his parents.
For I so wish!
May the sun not rise for my enemy.
Ouuin Guilayh Om Hy Luguh Uyyg Uyyg Om

Summoning the Lord of Air:

"Omniscient Eagle, Great Ruler of the Storm,
Storm and Hurricane, Lord of Heaven
Vaults, Grand Prince of the Forces of Air,
We pray to you: “Appear and keep this circle
From all the dangers coming from the East. "

Summoning the Fire Lord:

“Oh you, Leo, Lord of Lightning, Master
Sunball, Great Prince of the forces of Fire!
Come, we beg you, and
Keep this circle
From all the dangers coming from the south. "

The Water Lord's Curse:
“O you, Serpent of Old Age, Lord of the Deeps,
Guardian of the Bitter Sea, Prince of the Forces of Water,
Come - we beg you and
Keep this circle from all dangers
Coming from the West! ”

Summoning the Lord of Earth:

“Black Bull of the North, Horny,
Dark Lord of Mountains and Valleys
Prince of the Forces of Earth,
Come - we beg you and
shit this circle from all the dangers coming from the north! "

This is a general call of attention given to the Lords, after which an impromptu text-request, or a hymn to them, is read.

Grimoire is a book describing magical procedures and spells for summoning spirits (demons), or containing any other witchcraft recipes. The word comes from fr. grammaire (grammar); the development of meanings is: grammar? difficult book? book of spells.

Walked around the grimoires a large number of the most incredible legends. According to some ignorant beliefs, only their owner can read grimoires, since the paper of these books has a crimson color, which burns the eyes. The pages were changed only for the owner, but even then, even the owner was in terrible danger when reading the book, since it is capable of supplying a wide variety of demons, from small spirits to the supreme beings of the hellish hierarchy, who were by no means helpful, but, on the contrary, had a rebellious and evil disposition. It was enough just to open the grimoire on the right page, and the spirit immediately appeared, and if the book was opened by accident, then its owner, unprepared to meet the demon, was in great danger. According to another version, the witchcraft book is alive, it must be fed, of course, with nothing more than blood.

The source of such misconceptions could be not only word of mouth, but also a deliberate slander from the church. It is not surprising that people believed that recipes were written in the grimoires exclusively “ black magic”That any witchcraft described in them is performed in the name of Satan. In fact, spells in grimoires, most often, are performed in the names of the gods, mainly in the name of Christ and Jehovah, and the conjured spirits could be used to perform both evil and good deeds. In addition, the authorship of most magical texts was attributed to biblical characters (Enoch, Solomon, Moses), the popes (Leo or Honorius), as well as various sages. The misconception that it is enough just to open a book on the right page to summon the right demon also does not stand up to criticism, since the rituals described in the grimoires are complex and extremely tedious in practice.

Agrippa, in the fourth book of his Occult Philosophy, gives a recipe for making such a book of spirits. This is a time consuming process. The magician must draw each demon, must depict all sorts of attributes of the spirit, such as seals and signatures, must compose and write in such a book spells to summon spirits, as well as special spells to give the book magical power, he must compile a list of all spirits, supply the book with additional images, etc. After this work is done, the magician must summon all the demons indicated in his book and demand from them an oath of allegiance. Given that the process of summoning spirits is an extremely tedious task, and they themselves are rebellious, one can only wonder if anyone could fulfill such requirements.

Brief description of the most famous grimoires

Solomon's testament
One of the oldest magical grimoires. Written in Greek, it tells the story of how King Solomon received power over the demons with the help of a magic ring presented by the archangel Michael. All existing manuscripts of this grimoire date from the 15th-17th centuries. The exact date of this work is unknown, and there is controversy among historians. Based on the analysis of the archaisms of the text, Kohler refers this text to the 1st-2nd centuries. Gündel agrees with him, stating that the chapter listing the zodiacal decans was circulated even in pre-Christian Egypt. According to another version, which is followed, for example, by McCone, this work should be attributed to the IV century AD, since the text is similar to Origen's treatises Against Celsus and Lactantius's Divine Institutions. This version is also supported by the fact that the "Testament of Solomon" was written in the colloquial common language "Koine", which was widespread at that time. This grimoire is notable for the fact that the book became a kind of ancestor of the Western magical tradition and is evidence of the formation of the system of demonology.

Lesser Key of Solomon
Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis). The exact time of origin is unknown, but Agrippa mentions three books of this grimoire in the 16th century. "Lemegeton" consists of five parts.

"Goetia" contains a list of 72 evil demons, as well as a description of the tools and spells to summon them.
"Theurgy Goetia" describes a whole class of demons, which by their nature are good and evil at the same time.
"Ars Paulina" tells about the spirits of day and night hours, about the zodiacal and planetary spirits.
"Ars Almadel" describes the spirits that rule the four worlds of the universe.
Ars Notoria is perhaps the oldest part of the Lemegeton collection. Contains prayers and appeals to God.

True grimoire
The Italian edition of The True Grimoire was published in 1880, followed by a French edition. Idris Shah believes that this grimoire is much simpler than its "brothers", as it is, in a way, a textbook of magical art.

Magic Arbatel
This is a rather cryptic grimoire. Nothing definite can be said about its origin. The author promises the reader to reveal the secrets of magic in nine volumes, but there is only one single book in which a kind of "commandments" for the magician are given, and they are based on Christian morality. Only the description of the planetary spirits and the description of a very simple recipe for invoking them is relevant to magic in this volume. For the first time, the book was published in print in Basel (1575).

The grimoire got its name for the fact that it describes spells for seven days of the week, which allow you to summon the angels of the corresponding day. The book was first published in Latin in Lyon at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries.

The sixth and seventh books of Moses
These books were discovered in the early 19th century and published in 1849. The title obviously hints that the grimoires are a continuation of the Pentateuch of Moses. Although it is obvious that this is nothing more than a legend. The books contain seven seals and twelve tables of spirits.

Book of the sacred magic of Abramelin the Magician
It is believed that the author of the book is a certain German Jew, originally from Vors, who lived in the XIV-XV centuries. From the data given in the book and what is known from history, it can be assumed that the scientist Rabbi Abraham Jacob ben Moses ha Levi Moellin is hiding behind the pseudonym of Abramelin, but this is only a hypothesis.

Pope Leo III's Guide
Pope Leo III's Guide - There is much debate about the authorship of this grimoire. In particular, many ministers of the church did not want and do not want to recognize the pontiff as the author of this book. The legend of the "Guide" says the following: Charlemagne received as a gift from Pope Leo III, who crowned Charles, a collection with miraculous powers.

The "Guide" does contain prayers, but the form is not acceptable to the church. Rather, these are spells aimed at improving earthly life, but clothed in the form of prayers.

Subsequently, the "Manual" was modified, acquiring a pronounced occult character. Having reached our days, it received a very bad reputation, like the author of it, who was repeatedly accused of involvement in witchcraft and black magic.

Of course, there are other grimoires that are less noticeable or seem to be a kind of falsification, since the data in them contradict the occult tradition. For example, the symbols on the Black Hen talismans are often contradictory in nature.

Summoning Ritual - A standard summoning ritual has three stages and does not require particularly rare ingredients or tools.
1. First of all, in a strict sequence, with a continuous line, the demonologist draws the basic structure of the call, energy directing lines and all the signs that determine the color of the family of the called demon, the name, if used in the call, the coordinates of the point at which the call takes place, encrypted in demonological symbols.
2. Next, the demonologist draws a continuous line around the already drawn ritual symbols of protection, again defining the color of the called demon's family, and the name, if used in the call.
3. At the stage, the demonologist-magician in strict sequence, with spells, activates the elements of the ritual, forcing him to work - to break through the "corridor" and pull the required demon into the World. The demonologist is incapable of spells; he places artifacts and activators on the necessary elements of the ritual mechanically, I have the necessary sequence, with their help he "starts" the ritual. Artifacts for activating the summoning ritual are made only for the needs of demonology and it is not always possible to buy them legally. As a rule, experienced demonologists make them themselves.
To draw symbols and circles, sanguine or chalk is usually used, containing a persistent energy filler that has good conductivity. Since such a sanguine is used not only in demonology, there are no problems with the purchase of such an ingredient.
For greater accuracy in summoning a demon related to a specific color family, some demonologies also use incense related to a specific color of demons in the summoning.
The Demonologist can, using a spell or activator, send a demon from the circle of ritual back to the Corporation, only as long as the protective circle is not broken.
The protective circle can be broken by any crossing of the barrier it creates from the outside, whether it be erasing or crossing the lines of the circle, or levitation of an object over the lines of the circle.

The 12-hour rule - Once summoned, the Rainbow Corporation demon can remain in the world for 12 hours. It will then be automatically transferred back to the corporation.

Demon Communication - The demon is not obliged to fulfill the requirements or requests of the demonologist for free. The demon may demand some payment for its services, in a form acceptable to itself.
The demon, if he considers it necessary, under certain conditions, can tell the demonologist his Name, and then the demonologist will be able to call this particular demon. A demonologist who disclosed the demon's name to a third party risks ruining relations with the demon's family, or, in the worst case, with the entire corporation, and in this case he will no longer be able to count on the cooperation of demons.

Summoning the Spirit of Darkness

1. Altar, on it a skull (On the left sides there is a red candle, on the right is white), Atam, a cup (there is red wine !!!), a rod, a pentacle, incense in the censer, the Seal of the Supreme Spirit (One of three: Lucifer, Beelzebub , Astarot), Tablet (appendix 1), the seal of the necessary Spirit (triangle of manifestation in the west, if not specifically stated in the property of Spirit).
2. Black Mass:

We stand facing the west and read the “Conjuration to Satan” and “Infernal names”.

Spell to Satan:

In nomini Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi
In the name of Satan, the Ruler of the Earth, the King of this world, I call on the forces of Darkness to share their Hellish power with me!
Open wider the gates of Hell and leave the abyss in order to welcome me as your brother and friend!
Grant me the favors I ask for!
I took your name as a part of myself!
I favor justice and curse rot!
By all Gods of the Abyss, I conjure whatever I ask to happen!
Go out and answer your names, making my wishes come true!

Infernal Names:

Abaddon, Adramelech, Apuh, Ahriman, Amon, Apolion, Asmodeus, Astarta, Azazel, Baalberit, Valaam, Baphomet, Bast, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Begerite, Vil, Chemosh, Kimeris, Coyote, Dagon, Damballah, Dumogorgon Emma-O, Euronymous, Fenritz, Gorgon, Haborim, Hecate, Ishtar, Kali, Lilith, Loki, Mamon, Mania, Mant, Marduk, Mastema, Melek Taus, Mephistopheles, Metutli, Miktian, Midgard, Milkom, Moloch, Mormo, Naama , Nergal, Nihaza, Nidza, O-Yama, Pan, Pluto, Proserpina, Paka, Rimmon, Shavaziy, Saitan, Samael, Samnu, Sedit, Sekhmet, Set, Shaitan, Shiva, Supai, Tien-mo, Damn, Tezcatlipoka, Tammuz , Thoth, Tunrida, Typhoon, Yaoqing, Yen-lo-Wang.

We read counterclockwise to the four cardinal directions starting from the south the spell:

Eko; Eko; Azarak! Eko; Eko Zomelak!
Eko; Eko Cernunos! Eko; Eko; Arada!
Bagabi lacha bachabe;
Lamas cahi achababa,
Lamac Lamac Bachalyas;
Gabahagy Sabalyos;
Lagos atha Gabiolas;
Samahac atha femiolas,

After each reading we draw a cross in front of us by Atam.

Having finished the circle, we begin a new drawing of inverted pentagrams, starting from the south, saying: in the south - Satan, East - Lucifer, North - Belial, West - Leviathan.

We read the 18th Enochian key:

The eighteenth key - opens the gates to Hell and summons Lucifer with his blessing.
Ileahsehah meitseahleahzodohdeah ohleahpeireehteah iahlepeehreehii beehleiohreeh deahseh ohdeoh BEusehahdeireeh OHiahde ohuohahreehsehah tseahohsehahgoh tseahsehahreehmeehii LEahiahdeah ehreahneu beehreineuteahsehah tseahfeahfeahmeeh deahseh iuehmeehdeah ahkeohsehoh ahdeohheoh MEohzod, ohde meahohfe-feahsehah. BEOHLEAHPEEH Tseokhmeokh Behleiokhreehteah Peakhmeehbeehteakh. ZOODokhdeakhtseakhreeh ohde ZOODohdeah-meehreahneu! OXdeoh tseiceahleeh KEax. ZOODokhdeohreehieh, leakhpeeh zodohdeirehdehdeoh NEohtseokh MEakhdeah, heohahteheahheeh SEHahiteahne!

We put the first table in the center of the altar

And we say:


The spell of LUCIFER
Lucifer + Ouyar + Chameron + Aliseon + Mandousin + Premy + Oriet + Naydrus + Esmony + Eparinesont + Estiot + Dumosson + Danochar + Casmiel + Hayras + Fabelleronthon + Sodirno + Peatham + come Lucifer + May it be so !.
The spell of VELZEVUT
Beelzebuth + Lucifer + Madilon + Solymo + Saroy + Theu + Ameclo + Segrael + Praredun + Adricanorom + Martiro + Timo + Cameron + Phorsy + Metosite + Prumosy Dumaso + Elivisa + Alphrois + Fubentroty + come Beelzebuth + May it be so!
The spell of ASTAROT

Astaroth + Ador + Cameso + Valuerituf + Mareso + Lodir + Cadomir + Aluiel + Calniso + Tely + Pleorim + Viordy + Cureviorbas + Cameron + Vesturiel + Vulnavij + Benez + meus Calmiron + Noard + Nisa Chenibranco Calevodium + Brazo + Astaroth + May it be so!

Seals and symbols:
The seal and symbol of Lucifer:

Beelzebub's seal and symbol:

Astaroth's seal and symbol:

Then we say the appeal:


Helon + Taul + Varf + Pan + Heon + Homonoreum + Clemialh + Serugeath + Agla + Tetragrammaton + Casoly!
Then three times scatter the air with Atam and say:

Next, we call on any Spirit of Darkness that we need with such a spell:
Spell of the Spirits of Darkness (read 7 times):
O surmy + Delmusan + Atalsloym + Charusihoa +
+ Melany + Liamintho + Colehon + Paron + Madoin +
+ Merloy + Bulerator + Donmeo + Hone + Peloym +
+ Ibasil + Meon + Alymdrictels + Person + Crisolsay +
+ Lemon Sesle Nidar Horiel Peunt + Halmon +
+ Asophiel + Ilnostreon + Baniel + Vermias +
+ Eslevor + Noelma + Dorsamor + Lhavala + Omor +
+ Frangam + Beldor + Dragin + Come N.
Instead of N, insert the name of the spirit you wish to invoke, and it will appear in front of you and provide what you desire. Then send it back with the following words:
When you read the call, the seal should be in the left hand, and “+” is drawn on it with atam in the right.

When you wish to let go of the Spirit, burn its seal and say:

in this way you can invoke ANY Spirit of Darkness including 72 Spirit Shemhamphorash.

Contact and communication with spirits

“In order to communicate with the spirit, it is necessary, first, that it be disposed to it; secondly, so that his occupations and condition do not serve as an obstacle to this, and, finally, thirdly, so that he finds in the medium a tool corresponding to his properties. In essence, you can communicate with spirits of all degrees: with higher and lower, with relatives and friends; they appear more or less willingly, depending on the circumstances, and especially because of sympathy for the people who think of them, and not at the call of the first comer who wants to contact them out of curiosity alone. "

This quote is from an anonymous European source late XIX century describes everything the necessary conditions correct and fruitful contact with spirits. Indeed, mutual sympathy is the most important of the conditions, but the presence of a medium (a mediator through which the spirit communicates with people) is not always necessary. Sometimes you can communicate with spirits directly, several of these methods will be described below.

There are a great many formulas and spells for invoking spirits, which in itself says one thing: in this matter you do not need to “cling to words” and learn ritual phrases by heart. The most important thing is to focus on your goal, create the right mood for yourself and clearly imagine the visual image of the spirit you are calling. But without a verbal order (spoken mentally or aloud), all preparation can go to waste. Preparing for the ritual, you seem to tune in to a certain wave, and the calling formula is your callsign, indicating your readiness for dialogue.

By making a challenge, you declare your presence, your intentions, and your interest in contact. As mentioned above, the call formula can have many variations. But in any case, it must necessarily contain the following elements:

- personal appeal of the caller (with the mention of his worldly name, or the magic name, or just the pronoun "I"). Some spells may be absent;
- an appeal to one of the Higher Beings of their religion (God, guardian angel, etc.). Some summoners attempt to speak on behalf of a higher being or use higher-order spells to act on their behalf. But such attempts can be successful only for those who live in full accordance with the commandments of their religion and constantly maintain contact with its higher beings through prayers and sacrifices;
- a request for permission to communicate with such and such a spirit (named by name or otherwise). Sometimes the request is replaced by the demand to “send” such and such a spirit to the caller. It looks more effective, but hardly contributes to the establishment of contact.
- evidence of the purity of the caller's intentions. Some sorcerers use “words of power” instead, indicating their level of commitment;
- a request to protect the caller from possible negative consequences. In so-called black magic, words are usually spoken that should indicate the defenses of the caller;
- gratitude and glorification of the Supreme Being. It is usually absent in black magic.

These six elements can follow each other in any order. For example, 2 popular spells follow, indicating all of the listed elements.

The easiest (and safest) way is to summon spirits into a dream - an intermediate space between two worlds, where they feel quite comfortable. The evocation technique is reminiscent of the incubation of dreams. Before going to bed, the caller spends a forty-minute setting, contemplating the images of the ancestor, remembering him, re-reading his letters; you can also put some of the deceased's personal belongings under the pillow. It is also extremely useful to light incense or church candles in front of the image of the deceased and turn to him with a complaint or question.

Another method, still used by many Eastern peoples, is to fall asleep on the grave of a respected ancestor. In folklore, evidence has been preserved that once this technique of necromancy was used among the Eastern Slavs. It is not necessary to fall asleep: sometimes it is enough just to sit with your eyes closed, mentally talking with the deceased about a subject that worries you. The spirit may not appear in a visible form, but its presence will certainly manifest itself - either in the form of a voice that sounds like from within, or in the form of an unexpected and fruitful idea that has not yet crossed your mind. And the last thing. You can call not only the deceased into your dream.

There are many techniques for invoking the spirit of a living person that interests you into a dream. If this is a specific person, then he is called through his image or through personal belongings. The method of calling is the same as with the deceased, but incense and church candles in this case are unnecessary.

Numerous fortune-telling "about the betrothed" undoubtedly also belongs to the field of ghost vision. Here the fortuneteller invokes the spirit of a person whom she does not know by name (in this case, her future groom). In the same way, they guess at the "thief", ie evoking the spirit of the person who stole this or that thing. The disadvantage of all dreams is that they are easily forgotten or deformed upon awakening.


The appearance of spirits in visible form often becomes the subject of literary works and films. Many famous occultists have claimed to have succeeded in such operations - but no documented evidence of this has yet been found. More often than not, only one witness sees in addition to the most evocative spirit that has appeared, and this does not exclude the possibility of hypnosis. Many stories and legends about the "appearance of spirits to the people" were recorded in India and Tibet, but the inhabitants of these places are more prone to massive hallucinations, which also violates the purity of the experiment.

Despite the widespread use of photographic techniques, no one has yet taken a reliable photograph of a spirit or ghost who has appeared. Even the appearance of Our Lady in Fatima, observed by numerous witnesses, had no photographic evidence, which allows numerous skeptics to speak of this event as a mass hallucination. So can spirits appear to us in visible form? Of course, such a possibility cannot be ruled out.

It is quite possible that, for all its visibility, this appearance is nevertheless immaterial and is perceived not by the eyes, but directly by the visual center of the brain. However, here it is worth thinking about something else: why is this necessary? After all, the summoning of a semi-materialized spirit creates a lot of additional difficulties - and gives practically no additional information. Perhaps in the old days such a spectacular performance could convince skeptics and non-believers, but today it would rather prompt the viewer to think about a laser hologram or some psychoactive drug (like LSD or DMT), which was imperceptibly mixed into a drink or sprayed into the air.

Therefore, here we will not consider the numerous methods of conjuring spirits set forth by Agrippa, Papus, Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley and other titans of occult thought. First, they are extremely cumbersome and require specialized knowledge of magic; secondly, there is not a single reliable evidence of their successful application. And finally, the appearance of the phenomenon does not increase the accuracy of predictions. Rather, on the contrary: in many cases described, the questioner was demons or demons, who confused them, fooled them with various crazy theories, and sometimes openly inclined them to abandon the Christian religion.

How to summon good spirits

Good spirits appear to various challenges, no matter what category they belong to, since they openly talk to us and come to us in a waking state or inform us prophetically during sleep that we are asking them. Anyone who wants to evoke a good spirit for conversation must observe two points. The preparation of the caller (magician) himself and, then, the external environment - in accordance with the summoned spirit.

It is necessary that the magician, for a certain time, prepare himself in a religious relation to this great sacrament. He must confess, repent externally and internally, and be cleansed daily by washing with consecrated water. During all this time he must be chaste, temperate and with a completely unperturbed spirit; as far as possible, withdraw from domestic and public affairs. He should pray as he sees fit, daily, from sunrise to sunset at the place where the invocations take place.

Dressed in a sacred vestment of pure linen, he turns seven times daily to God and the angels for propitiation, as mentioned above. The number of days of preparation and exercise is usually equal to the lunar month; other Kabbalists adhere to a forty-day period. For those who intend to engage in evocation, we note that first of all it is necessary to choose a suitable room, decent, closed, isolated from all noise and not visited by anyone. "Keys" offer a nice cave, shed, crossroads, swamp, garden, island.

The magician and his assistants stand in a row, reciting psalms and prayers. The first disciple holds a censer, the second holds a book, the third holds a quill, inkwell and incense, and the fourth holds a pot of coals. But Agrippa, more cautious and educated, prefers the silence inside the house. He is conjured and consecrated; then an altar or table, covered with a white, blank canvas, is arranged in it, located to the east. On each side, there should be two consecrated wax candles on it, which should burn during the entire operation. In the middle of the altar, a sacred treaty is placed, which we will talk about later, it is covered with a shroud or a clean cloth, which remains closed until the end of the term.

Here, nearby, there is a sacred incense and pure oil for anointing; both must be sanctified. The censer is placed at the top of the altar. After lighting it up and blessing the flame, the incense must be renewed every day during prayer. Clothing should be long, of pure linen, closed at the front and back. The "Keys of Solomon" require pentacles to be sewn onto clothing, so that white ankle boots are decorated with signs, but this is obviously not for the great angelic invocations, where it is necessary to be barefoot; one should even stand completely naked when calling the goddesses. A white linen sling in the shape of a miter is put on the head. In front, it should have a gold or gilded plate with the name of the Tetragrammaton. All this must be consecrated and blessed according to a well-known ritual.

This sacred place can be entered only after ablution, dressed in sacred clothes and barefoot. The need for ablutions is emphasized by the "Keys". It is necessary to say a certain number of psalms, taking off your clothes, pronounce the spell of water and salt, entering naked into the vat, uttering the name of God during ablution, going out to be baptized, and while dressing, recite other psalms. When entering, one must sprinkle oneself with consecrated water, burn incense on the altar, then, kneeling before the altar, one must pray as it was said earlier. Finishing the cooking period, on the last day you must adhere to a stricter regimen.

The next day on an empty stomach, at sunrise, one must enter the sacred place, observing the described rituals. First - sprinkle, then - fumigate, anoint the eyes and cross-like forehead with consecrated oil, and finally, bless everything. After that, you can open the sacred table and, kneeling in front of the altar, pray. Having finished invoking the angels, those who wish to appear, one must let go, after a decent and favorable reception. A table designed to invoke some kind of good spirit is sometimes made from a known metal or from a new soft wax, of a suitable look and color. Or, if it is a charter, then it must be clean and with a decent color. The outer shape should be quadrangular, round, or triangular as indicated by the numbers. Divine names are inscribed there, both major and minor. In the middle of the table, a hexagon is drawn, inside which is depicted the name and signature of the planet or the main spirit, under whose control the called good spirit is. As many pentagrams are placed around the hexagon, as many spirits we call. If we invoke only one, then still we should not depict less than four pentagons, where the name of the spirit or spirits with signatures will be inscribed.

This table must be compiled during the growth of the moon, in the day and hour assigned to the spirit. If at the same time we call upon a favorable planet, the result will be even better. A table drawn up in this way must be consecrated according to the following rule. Such tables are dedicated to invoking good spirits of any kind. We can draw up in this way special tables, adapted for any spirit, according to the rules laid down for the inscription of the holy pentacles.

Another way easier

A person who wants to receive the prediction of a good spirit must be pure, chaste, and before that confess. Having at his disposal a clean and bright room, covered (pasted over) with a white canvas around, on Sunday on new moon the magician must enter this room in clean white clothes for his blessing and spell. It is necessary to outline a circle, taking for this a consecrated coal, write at the edges of this circle the names of angels, and on average - the highest names of God, put incense burners on the four sides of the world. Then, being on an empty stomach, one must enter this circle, after washing, and, standing in its eastern part, read a suitable psalm.

In this case, it is necessary to incense, and at the end implore the angels with the holy name to honor, enlighten and open what they want to know. This should be done for six days on an empty stomach and after daily ablution. On the seventh day of the Sabbath, also on an empty stomach and after washing, enter the circle, sit down, anoint the forehead over the eyes, palms and footprints with blessed oil, kneeling, recite the same psalm with divine angelic names. After that, getting to your feet, begin to walk from east to west inside the circle until you feel dizzy and fall inside the circle. Then you will come to ecstasy during which the one who will tell you what you want should appear.

It should be noted that in the circle there should be four consecrated lamps, placed in accordance with the four cardinal points - the fire should burn all week. Fasting consists in abstaining from all food and your life should be full of feelings corresponding to the meaning of the undertaken business. You can only drink clean water. Incense and oil should be as stated in the Bible. Each time you enter the circle, you must have on your forehead a gold plate with the name of Tetragrammaton.

How to summon evil spirits

To summon an evil spirit to the circle, you need to know its nature: which planet it is in accordance with and what are the responsibilities assigned to it by this planet. Knowing all this, one must find a place convenient for invocation, consistent with the nature of the planet and the properties of the duties of the chosen spirit.

If its intrinsic strength relates to seas, rivers and springs, a coastal location must be chosen. And so to do with every spirit. Then, you need to choose the time:
- firstly, according to the state of the air, it is quiet, dry and clear, convenient for the materialization of the spirit;
- secondly, according to the properties of the planet and the spirit itself, for example, the day on which it dominates should be happy or unhappy, a certain part of the day or night, according to the requirements of the planet and spirit.

Having made these definitions, draw a circle in a suitable place, convenient both for the protection of the caller and for the appearance of the spirit.
The Keys of Solomon requires that the caller is never alone; his assistants must be in an odd number, at least one; the number five is most beloved by spirits; it can be a dog tied to a post or a child. The operator washes them, conjures, encourages, fumigates. They must obey him blindly, but he must ask their advice. During the nine-day prayers, they pray with him. (Approx. Transl.)

The main divine names that we need for protection are inscribed in the circle, and with them the divine names assigned to the planet and the service of this spirit. It is also necessary to write the names of the good spirits who rule and can compel the spirit to be summoned to appear. If you want to protect your circle, add signatures and pantacles appropriate for this operation. You can also write in the circle or outside of it any polygon with inscribed numbers corresponding to the occasion. This is recognized by calculating numbers and figures, as detailed in the second book of Occult Philosophy.

Take care of lamps, incense, oil and collyria - a magical bandage for clairvoyance, composed according to planet and spirit. All this refers to the spirit, according to the nature of its natural and heavenly qualities, and is used as a religious or magic cult.

For the safety of the caller and his assistants, as well as for attracting and mastering the spirit, be careful with sacred and consecrated objects, such as the holy charters, tables, images, pantacles, swords, sceptres, garments made of materials, suitable flowers and all sacred utensils.

After making proper preparations with appropriate body movements and faces, begin to pray loudly: first turn to God, then to good spirits. You can read some psalms or verses from the Gospel, for your protection, before prayers. After finishing your prayers, start calling the desired spirit in a friendly and gentle voice, conjuring it from all over the world and listing your strength and virtues. Rest a little while looking around you to see if any spirit appears. If he appears, repeat the spell again up to three times. If he still does not appear, start conjuring him with divine power so that your spells and reminders correspond to the nature and meaning of the spirit, repeat all this up to three times, louder and louder, with tension, resentment, reproachfulness, the threat of deprivation of his duties and power. Take a short break after each phrase.

When any spirit appears, turn to it and greet it affectionately. Get his name to make sure it is the spirit you conjured up. Then find out from him what you need. If he persists or deceives, subdue him with suitable spells. If you suspect him of a lie, make an image of a triangle or pentogram with a sacred sword outside the circle and make the spirit enter there. If you have received any promise from him, you can make him swear on your sacred sword, which you will put outside the circle and force him to put his hand on him.

Having received from the spirit what you desired and considered necessary, you will release it in kind terms, ordering it not to harm you. If he refuses to leave, chase him away with stronger spells and, if necessary, destroy him with a spell and burn the incense that is contrary to him. When he leaves, do not leave the circle immediately - but say a prayer, thank God and the good angels who protected and preserved you. Then you can leave, putting things in order. If you have exchanged in your hope, and if not a single spirit has appeared to you, do not despair, return to the circle that you left, and do as it was said earlier. If you suspect that you are mistaken in something, add or subtract and correct. Constant repetition increases the authority and strength of the caller, strikes with terror of the spirits and makes them meek and obedient.

Some arrange an entrance in the circle through which it is allowed to enter and exit. In their opinion, this entrance is locked, opened and strengthened with sacred names and pantacles. Know also that the caller must not leave the circle without first letting go of the spirits, even if they were not visible. Because of this negligence, many were in great danger, and in order to avoid this, one must have solid protection.

In general, spirits often appear, but are not shown when the caller is frightened, or if there was a mistake or oversight regarding the items used during the operation. Such self-will of spirits is not without reason, but due to omission, and in the following days they humbly appear. In a circle, they are called to actual appearance in the way that was previously indicated in the paragraph on the consecration of the book.

When we strive to achieve a certain goal with the help of evil spirits, and when there is no need for their appearance, we are content with objects that serve as a means or end of experience, for example, an image, a ring, a writing, a signature, a lamp, a sacrifice and other similar objects. Sometimes it will be the name of the spirit with its signature, according to the requirements of experience, as well as recordings of blood, or incense, suitable for the spirit. Often, after praying to God and the angels, we summon an evil spirit and conjure it with Divine power.
Cornelius Agrippa - OCCULT PHILOSOPHY

You and I began to study a very complex and serious topic: summoning spirits and communicating with them. Each challenge is different in one way or another. But in general, the basic rules and prohibitions are similar (you cannot look the spirit in the eye, go beyond the protective circle, etc.). However, after reading about these rituals, do not rush to immediately put your knowledge into practice, first gain experience, read my conspiracies. Remember that all the rituals that call spirits into our world are one of the most difficult and dangerous in all magical practices. Some of these rituals are already several hundred, if not thousands of years old, and there are many examples in history that indicate that people from ancient times were able to communicate with spirits and receive help and necessary information from them. I think you have heard about the Swedish scientist Emanuel Swedenborg, who was born in 1688 and died in 1772. His ability to get in touch with the souls of the dead shocked the imagination of his contemporaries. Once the Queen of Sweden herself decided to test his abilities and asked her recently deceased brother to ask something. After some time Swedenborg brought the Queen an answer, and at the same time described in great detail her last meeting with her late brother, which took place without witnesses. The queen even lost consciousness from the shock.

In the 18th century, there lived Count Saint-Germain, a famous alchemist and occultist, who also knew how to come into contact with spirits and converse with them. Once, after such a conversation, the count saved an entire family from death. The Count was approached by a rich widow who could not come to terms with her husband's death and wanted to talk to his spirit. "Tell him, Count," she begged, "that I will never marry again and I will not take off my mourning until the end of my days." Three days later, Comte Saint-Germain conveyed to her the answer of the spirit: “Madame, your husband has no doubts that you love him, but in this world there is nothing eternal. In less than a year, you will deign to change your affection and fall in love just as passionately with another man, whom you will later give birth to two children. In addition, he warns you that you will perish if you do not move out of the house in which you now live. "

Indeed, the house of the inconsolable widow burned to the ground. Other predictions also came true: the woman got married and gave birth to her second husband two children.

Astrologer John Dee (16th century) was taken to the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England. At the request of the Queen, he spoke with the spirits and reported that the court undertaker was stealing expensive jewelry from the tombs. Elizabeth ordered an immediate search of the places indicated by John Dee. The thief, of course, paid with his head for his crime.

The name of the Italian count Cagliostro, who was born, according to some sources, in 1743, is shrouded in legends. This man worked miracles, he also predicted the inglorious death of Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, which happened during the French Revolution of 1789-1794.

Cagliostro did not hide that he learns about the future from conversations with spirits.

Albert the Great, Jacob Boehme, Paracelsus, Saint Hildegard, who lived in the XII century, knew how to summon spirits. She was the abbess of a monastery near the city of Bingen on the Rhine. Her diary has been preserved, in which she described her communication with the souls of the deceased. Among other things, the diary said that Saint Hildegard would die in such and such a year, month, day and hour. As you can imagine, this is how it happened.

Sorting through the papers of Catherine II, Emperor Paul I found a strange entry, which indicated the exact date of the death of his mother. This entry was made from the words of the monk Abel long before the death of Catherine. Everything coincided exactly, even the hour of death. Intrigued, Paul ordered to take the monk to the court. He talked with Abel for a long time, and a few days later gave him a package for safekeeping, on which it was written: "It is allowed to open after my death."

In 1801, after the assassination of the emperor, the envelope was opened. Paul wrote that he would die a violent death and even indicated the date of his death: March 24.

Monk Abel predicted major events our history: the war with Napoleon, the abolition of serfdom, the bloody revolution, the martyrdom of Nicholas II and his family. However, Abel paid dearly for his unique gift: he was arrested and held in prison for over twenty years.

In our time, master Elena Kopytets paid for her extraordinary talent with her own life. One day an unfortunate woman came to her and her child was stolen. Sobbing, she tore at her clothes and hair. "Find out from the dead where my daughter is!" The woman sobbed.

Elena, apparently, knew what would follow her answer, and did not say where the child was. But, in the end, she took pity on the woman and indicated the place. Subsequently, Elena was found dead, since not everything and not always can be told alive.

When summoning spirits, you should remember the basic rules: do not call enemies, do not ask questions to a spirit whose benevolence is in doubt, since his deceitful answer may subsequently destroy you.

Before invoking the spirit of the deceased at someone's request, get in touch with the spirits you know well and ask whether it is worth disturbing the deceased.

For example, a person will come to you and ask you to find out something from his dead relative. But you don't know what kind of person he was: evil, insidious, deceitful, or, conversely, honest and kind. The spirit of an evil person can harm you. It is also undesirable to disturb those who have died a violent death, much less to induce suicide. For what reason, I think, there is no need to explain.

You should not call spirits on holy holidays and fasting. The most favorable day for calling them is considered the birthday of the deceased or the day of his death. Moreover, on the day of death, it is much easier to call than on the birthday. Never invoke spirits in the presence of other people, even your close friends or relatives. Remember, you can only summon spirits alone. The most suitable place to call is the graveyard. Ideally, this is the grave of the person with whose spirit you are going to communicate. It is better to do this at night. However, you need to come to the cemetery before dark in order to find the grave in advance and prepare for the ceremony. You should bring holy water, incense and twelve candles from the funeral service with you (of course, they need to be prepared in advance). I want to note that you can summon spirits not only at the cemetery, but at home and in the bathhouse - with the help of water. Later I will teach you how to do this. (You know, I will never forget how I felt after the first call of the spirits.)

In no case should you scoff at what you have to do: it is dangerous. I hate to remember one case, but I, nevertheless, will tell you about it, wishing to warn against possible mistakes.

By my youth and stupidity, I boasted to my school friend that I could learn anything I wanted.

- How? She asked me.

“The dead will tell,” I replied. The girl laughed and said:

- You're a fool. How can you believe in such a thing! Your perfume ... That's what, if they hear me, let them try to take me away!

In the evening my girlfriend was found dead.

Many will ask incredulously: why am I telling about secret knowledge to everyone? It's simple, I don't want this knowledge to disappear over time. Knowledge is a grain that can rot in a barn unnoticed by anyone, or it can get on fertile soil and give a rich harvest.

Preparing to summon the dead

You need to meet three conditions:

Internal cleansing

Fasting not only has a beneficial effect on human health, but also cleanses it spiritually, makes it strong, and teaches you to manage your desires. In addition, if you do not observe fasting, the amulet that you put on yourself may not work - and you will become a prey for spirits.

My grandmother told me about the master Kiryan, whom I personally did not know. He had a need to summon the spirit of the deceased. The matter was urgent, and he could not stand the fast, having eaten chicken on the eve of calling. During the call, the amulet did not work, and Kiryan suffered a heart failure.

Now about the period of the post. They do not fast for less than a day. Fasting begins at twelve o'clock in the afternoon and ends the next day also at noon. But even before the beginning of the fast (in the morning, as soon as you woke up, and until twelve o'clock in the afternoon), you can drink only three glasses of water, and then you will not even be able to drink water.

A three-day fast is maintained in the event that it becomes necessary to evoke the spirit of a suicide or a person who has died a violent death. As I said, the masters try not to do this, but sometimes they still have to.

During the fast one should refrain from fulfilling the conjugal duty.

I already wrote about alcohol and smoking in my conspiracies. A true master neither drinks nor smokes. This is incompatible with his activities, just as fire and water, God and the devil, sin and holiness are incompatible. There can be no indulgence in this case.

Body cleansing

The challenge of the spirit of the deceased cannot be carried out if you do not keep the body clean, because the other world is much brighter and cleaner than our earthly world. Therefore, you need to try with all your might to bring yourself and your home to the world of spirits. One craftswoman once asked my grandmother:

- How should I wash, mother, - two or three waters?

- Always wash yourself as diligently as if you were washing the last time before death, - answered the grandmother.

Then I still did not understand her words. And now I know that the master who made a mistake in the call can die. So it turns out that this bathing may indeed be the last in his life.

Spiritual cleansing

Spiritual cleansing is total concentration on your task. You must clearly understand why you are calling the spirit, what you want to ask him. Remember that you, one way or another, but are risking your life, so it is hardly worth calling the spirits in the hope of getting some material benefits. And one more thing: those who are driven by a vain desire to be a “great master” will never reach the heights of mastery.

While teaching me, my grandmother told me many instructive stories. Here is one of them.

One strong, as my grandmother said, craftswomen had two twin daughters. It's time to choose one of them as a successor. The choice fell on the one that was first born. For many years, day after day, her mother taught her. By the time she came of age, the girl became a real master and learned many laws of magic. Before the initiation, her mother took her to the crowned witch to bless the girl.

The witch asked her: "Now tell me, dear, why do you need this knowledge?"

Not a single person can deceive, looking into the eyes of a crowned witch, and the answer was: "I want to be rich, and my knowledge will help me with this."

When the mother and daughter left the witch, they realized what had happened - the famous witchcraft family ended its existence, the magic chain was interrupted, for a person who is not thirsting for knowledge, but for profit, can never become a true master.

So, you must be sure that the challenge of the spirit is the only way to help the person who turns to you. I repeat - the only thing!

First of all, you should call the angels, calling them by name. Address them respectfully, reverently, as it is not easy for them to overcome the border between the worlds and you must respect them for their desire to help you.

You should address these words:

Zafkiel, Saniel,

Samael, Raphael,

Hyuriel, Michael, Gabriel!

From four sides of the world

In the name of God

Great angels

I conjure you with the highest wisdom

Almighty God

And by this greatness itself,

Recognized by His church.

In the name of the Merciful and Merciful Father,

Cleanse me angels

Support me with your purity

In my decision,

Contribute to performance

In the name of the Great Creator,

Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

So, we performed internal cleansing (fasting), bodily cleansing (ablution) and, finally, spiritual cleansing. Having assessed the degree of need for contact with spirits, you turned to the angels with a request to help you cleanse, so that the spirit you call appears to you. It's time to get ready for the cemetery.

Get new clothes in advance (no metal rivets or buttons) and put them on on the day you call.

In order to find the grave of the deceased, whose spirit you decided to call, you must come to the cemetery in advance, since you will need to prepare a place for the ceremony.

You must have with you:

  • buds from the willow, preserved from Palm Sundaywhich you will eat and drink with holy water;
  • prosphora from the holy feast to put it on the grave of the deceased as a gift; twelve candles from the funeral service; Epiphany holy water;
  • incense;
  • atame (knife);
  • an aspen stake to drive out the spirit of the deceased if he does not want to leave.

When going to the graveyard, comb your hair in a straight part. Don't tell anyone what you are going to take. Don't look around or talk to anyone until you reach the grave.

Arriving at the cemetery and finding the grave you need, first greet the one you came to visit, then bow to the neighboring graves, asking for forgiveness for disturbing the peace of the dead. It is very important that the weather be calm and dry, otherwise the spirit will not be able to take a clear shape.

With a knife, draw two protective circles around the grave, one inside the other. Then stand in the second circle yourself, next to the grave. Put twelve candles on the grave, put a present - prosphora. Place the vessel with blood outside the circle. Swallow three pussy willow buds and wash them down with holy water. Read "Our Father", then "Theotokos Virgin, rejoice.", And then a protective conspiracy.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be your name, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, like in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Virgin Mary, rejoice

Virgin Mary, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as you gave birth to our souls.

Imperishable and unforgettable are Your words, Lord,

Promising live help.

Evil will not come to you

The wound will not come close to your body,

Like his angel will command about you,

Will keep you in all its ways.

They will take you in their arms

May your foot never hit a stone,

You will step on the asp and the Basilisk

And the papier of the lion and the snake of the midday.

Who trusts in me,

I will deliver and cover

For knowing my name, he will call to me.

Merciful Lord,

Lord Merciful,

Lord, save me, my body and my soul.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So, reading alternately prayers and conspiracy, wait until midnight. As soon as twelve strikes, light the candles and clearly, without stumbling, without interruption, read the spell that summons spirits. When the spirit of the deceased appears, you should not shout and show him your fear. Do not detain the deceased for a long time, as it is difficult for him to stay in our world. Ask him what you wanted, listen in complete silence to his answer, extinguish the candles and recite a spell to return the spirit. Here are his words:

I pray you, Lord Jesus Christ,

So that through these sacred words,

Through the merits of Your disciples,

Through the Cross,

On which you shed your blood,

And in the name of Your sacred feat,

To let this spirit of the dead go there,

Where it came from.

To be alive on earth

And dead until the Day of Judgment in the earth.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is strictly forbidden to go outside the protective circle during the ceremony! Even if you do not see the spirit, this does not mean that he did not come to the call. Wait a little - and you will definitely feel his presence: an unpleasant smell, rustles, sighs, etc. can indicate this. In this case, of course, you can take a chance and ask him a question, but, as my grandmother advised me, it is better not to do this , but ask the spirit to leave, using the spell that I gave above. But even after reading the spell, one should not immediately leave the circle: wait until the spirit is able to overcome the border of the worlds. If you have not seen the spirit, then it is better to carry out the ceremony again, choosing another grave. My advice to you: try to appeal to the spirit of a person who died no more than seven years ago. Leaving the grave, constantly cross yourself until you leave the cemetery gate. But even then, do not look back until you cross the threshold of your house, so as not to attract death to you.

You should not be offended by the spirit of the deceased if he did not come to your call. My grandmother used to say that there are days in which the spirits will never come, no matter how you call them. And even the most powerful spells (about which it is too early for us to talk) are not able to open the door between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

In this regard, I remembered one case about which I would like to tell you, my dear readers and students. A master named Fiza, a contemporary of my grandmother, always successfully resorted to summoning spirits when necessary. But when she needed to ask her late mother a question, she did not come to her. Fiza even resorted to a hellish spell (the most powerful method), but even then she was in for a failure. At Fisa's request, my grandmother undertook to help her. Fisa's mother came and answered questions. When Fiza asked her grandmother why her mother did not want to talk to her, the grandmother said: "Yes, because she loves you and does not want to frighten you."

A mother even outside the earthly world thinks and worries about her child.

And now the very spell to summon the spirit of the deceased. Here are his words:

In the name of Igara!

I conjure you, king of the army of the dead,

I conjure you, lord of dead spirits!

I conjure you the Proserpine of hell!

Command to respond

At my call to the army of your legion.

Command him with the scepter of your power

Come to me this very hour, this very minute.

Command him to appear before me.

Command him to obey me.

Command him to answer me.

High king of the army of the dead

I will praise you and your crown and your name, Igara!

Father and king of dead spirits

Keeper of their peace until Judgment Day,

Merciful and wise

I beg you, I beg you

Don't be angry with me

Do not raise your legion against me.

May a courtesy come upon me

And your mercy.

Be indulgent and meek

Like King David.

And when he answers me (that and that),

Let him into your kingdom.

And so be it.

In the name of the living God,

His Mother and all the saints.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

 personal appeal of the caller (with the mention of his worldly name, or magic name, or just the pronoun “I”). Some spells may be absent;

Spell of spirits (by Alan Kardek):

I ask the Almighty Lord to allow a good spirit to communicate with me, not for the sake of my self-interest, but for the sake of knowing the truth. I ask my guardian angel not to deprive me of his help and to remove evil spirits from me. For God's world, and everything in it is God's, and for everything the will of God. Amen.

Spell for the appearance of the spirit in the mirror (according to Paul Sedir):

In the name of Almighty God, in whom we live, move and exist, I beg you, [name of spirit], to appear in this mirror, if it is convenient and pleasant for you. In the name of Almighty God, in whom we live, move and exist, I release and send any spirit, if it is not [the name of the spirit] and not a kind and truthful spirit.

About mediums

In continuation of the conversation about the risks associated with engaging in spiritualism, it should be said that during contacts with spirits through seances, mediums are most at risk - those people who give the spirit for temporary use their own body. The stronger the spirit, the more harm it does to the “rented” body, and sometimes the spirit can “abuse hospitality” by settling in someone else's body for a long time. However, the information obtained in this way turns out to be much more reliable than what the “visible” spirits tell us, and is remembered much better than the words of the dreamed spirits. So there is something to take risks for, which is why mediumship is almost ubiquitous, and so many spiritualists and necromancers benefit from this dangerous endeavor.
It is known that spirits sometimes enter the human body “without demand”. At the same time, a person suddenly begins to speak in someone else's voice, calls himself by someone else's name, stops recognizing relatives and friends and behaves very strangely - as if he really became a different person. This state can last from several hours to several days, then the person returns to his previous state and, as a rule, does not remember what he said or did at the moment of the "eclipse". Physicians call this phenomenon “hysterical fits,” but mystics have a very different opinion on this matter. First of all, they draw attention to the fact that the new personality of the “epileptic” is not fictional at all, but quite real. Most often, a very specific and recently deceased person speaks through his mouth, and sometimes he is "seizure" and has no idea that this person existed in the world. If you speak with him powerfully and persistently, then this “inner man” will name himself, give some information from his biography, tell something about the afterlife, and even reveal the future of those present (to the extent that he knows it).
It has been known since time immemorial that such a “hysterical fit” can be induced artificially - with the help of intoxication, hypnosis or self-hypnosis. For example, the medium of the Central African kings smoked one or two pipes of local tobacco and, having come under the influence of the smoke in prophetic excitement, began to rave and speak in the voice and phrases of the late monarch, whose soul now possessed him. In China, a medium gets to work and begins to chant spells, plucking strings or hitting a drum. His movements gradually acquire a convulsive character; he sways back and forth, and sweat appears on his body. All this is considered by those around him a sign of the appearance of a spirit. Two women take him by the arms and put him in a chair, where he, with his hands on the table, falls into unconsciousness or drowsiness. Then a black veil is thrown over his head, and he, being in this state of hypnosis, can already answer questions, trembling all the time, rocking in his chair and nervously drumming on the table with his hands or a stick.
The rituals of the African American Voodoo religion allow one to come into direct contact with a spirit called Loa, Mister Orisha. The main ritual is the so-called seremonia - a bizarre combination of symbolic rituals, dances, spells and drumming. The ceremony arouses a specific obsession in the previously prepared initiate: he becomes the "horse" (that is, the medium) of the loa. The very moment of possession, or the “crossroads,” where the loa saddles its horse, does not last very long. The possessed person falls to the ground, convulses or freezes in a stupor (here the attendants make sure that he does not harm himself), and then suddenly transforms: changes his gait, begins to speak in a strange voice and gains inhuman strength. Sometimes the loa sends messages through him to the members of the community. They usually begin with the words: "Tell me, my horse ..."
From the point of view of the already mentioned theory of spirits, all of the above methods force the human soul to “make room” and “give way” to this or that disembodied being. For proper contact, two conditions are necessary: \u200b\u200battunement to contact and complete neutralization of the personality of the medium. The first is achieved with the help of a long preliminary ritual (or systematic instructions, as in the voodoo cult), the second - using one of the techniques of changing consciousness.
Middle Eastern and European necromancers prefer to hypnotize an unprepared (or completely unprepared) person and invite the spirit to move into his body. This method has a number of specific advantages. First, hypnosis is less harmful to physical and mental health; with it, there are no convulsions, no convulsions, or other phenomena that are visually unpleasant for others and physically for the medium himself. Secondly, when a completely stranger to you suddenly begins to speak in the voice of your deceased ancestor, this makes a much stronger impression, and, therefore, makes it possible to get rid of the remnants of skepticism and establish a lasting contact with the spirit. Thirdly, hypnosis does not require lengthy preparation, noise / light effects and special preparations, which is especially important in the conditions of our civilization. The entire ceremony can be carried out in an ordinary city apartment, without attracting undue curiosity and without causing anyone's protests. Yet hypnotic mediumship has many disadvantages. The main one is that under hypnosis, a person is not released from self... His will weakens, but does not disappear altogether. So, it is known that not a single hypnotist will force a person to commit an act that he considers unacceptable (for example, publicly put it in his pants). In the same way, the information conveyed by the spirit, albeit subconsciously, is “filtered” by the hypnotized medium: he will never utter what he does not understand or does not accept. Sometimes his speech becomes completely illegible, and the hypnotist acts as a “translator”. In this case, communication with the spirit takes place through a double “filter”, and the distortions can be quite significant. Finally, in some cases, hypnosis is simply imitated, and the hypnotist himself may not even guess about it. All this reduces the credibility of the medium's messages and, ultimately, casts doubt on the very possibility of “interviewing spirits”.
For true vision (as well as for clairvoyance) it is best to use self-hypnosis. This method is not as simple as all of the above: mastering it requires a long preparation and not everyone succeeds. Nevertheless, the most reliable predictions can be obtained precisely from those mediums who know how to get in touch independently and freely. They do not speak in an altered voice, do not convulse, do not roll their eyes - on the contrary, consultation with spirits takes place with full preservation of clear consciousness. The trick is that the consciousness of the medium as a result of long training becomes so pure and transparent that it reflects any information, practically without “filtering” it. This ability is famous, in particular, the priests of the African-American cults of Umbanda and Candoble, common in Brazil. Each of them from his youth devotes himself to a certain spirit, which visits him in dreams and during rituals. In the course of these constant contacts, which can last for several years, the medium develops the ability to easily enter and exit trance and creatively regulate his relationship with the spirit. Going into a trance, the medium advises his clients. He diagnoses and heals diseases, identifies the sources of corruption and black magic, offers cleansing and “happy” rituals and helps solve family and professional problems and, of course, predicts the future. Many Tibetan lamas, Indian shamans, African sorcerers, and even some European mediums have a similar ability. This “quiet” vision has only one drawback: it is not designed to work with distrustful clients. In this regard, the same priests of Candoble are sometimes forced to use complex and impressive rituals with circles of burning gunpowder and alcohol, drumming and rain of coins, although personally they absolutely do not need this whole circus. Tibetan lamas and African sorcerers are more likely to act on the "don't like it, don't eat it" principle; high-level European specialists generally refuse to work with the “uninitiated”.

Each challenge is somehow different from the other challenge. But in general, many conventions and rules are similar, as are prohibitions (you cannot look in the eyes, leave the circle, etc.). I do not advise you to immediately use the knowledge gained until you gain experience. Carefully read what I am writing about, because the science of the other world is one of the most difficult topics in occult knowledge. This knowledge is very ancient. There are many examples preserved in history, from which it follows that people from ancient times knew how to summon spirits and use this skill in case of emergency. I think you have heard of the Swedish scientist Emmanuel Swedenborg, who was born in 1688 and died in 1772. His ability to get in touch with the souls of the dead shocked the imagination of his contemporaries. Once the Queen of Sweden herself decided to test his abilities and asked to find out something from her recently deceased brother. After a while Swedenborg brought the queen an answer, and at the same time described absolutely accurately, with all the smallest details, her last meeting with the dying man. The queen even lost consciousness, as the scientist literally relayed the conversation that took place without a single witness.

In the 17th century, Count Saint-Germain lived in Paris. He, too, knew how to summon the souls of the dead and converse with them. So, it is a well-known case when, thanks to such a conversation, he saved a family from death.

Once a rich widow came to the Count Saint-Germain. She asked to tell her deceased husband that she could not calm down because of the loss that befell her. "Tell him, Count," she begged, "that I will never marry again and I will not take off my mourning until the end of my days." Three days later, the Comte Saint-Germain conveyed to her the answer from the spirit he summoned:

“Madam, your husband has no doubts that you love him, but there is nothing eternal in this world. In less than a year, you will deign to change your affection and fall in love just as passionately with another man, to whom you will later give birth to two children. In addition, he warns you that you will perish if you do not leave the house in which you are now. "

Indeed, the house of the inconsolable widow burned to the ground. Everything else came true: the woman got married and gave birth to two children in a new marriage.

Astrologer John Dee (16th century) was taken to the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England. At the request of the Queen, he spoke with the spirits and reported that the court undertaker was stealing expensive jewelry from the tombs. Elizabeth ordered an immediate search of the places indicated by John Dee. The thief, of course, paid with his head.

The name of the Italian count Cagliostro, who was born, according to some sources, in 1743, is shrouded in many legends. This man worked miracles. He predicted the inglorious death of Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, which happened during the French Revolution of 1789-1794.

Cagliostro did not hide that he would learn about the future in conversations with the dead.

They also knew how: Albert the Great, Jacob Boehme, Paracelsus, Saint Hildegard, who lived in the XII century. She was the abbess of a monastery located near the city of Bingen on the Rhine. Her diary has been preserved, in which she described her communication with the souls of the deceased. Among other things, the diary said that Saint Hildegard would die in such and such a year, month, day and hour. As you can imagine, this is how it happened.

In Russia, too, there were (and are) people endowed with supernatural abilities.

While examining the papers of Catherine II, Emperor Paul I found a strange entry indicating the death of his mother. The recording was made from the words of the monk Abel long before the death of Catherine. Everything coincided exactly: even the hour of death. Intrigued, Paul ordered to take the monk to the court. He talked with Abel behind closed doors for a long time, and a few days later gave a package for safekeeping with the inscription "It is allowed to open after my death."

In 1801, after the assassination of the emperor, the envelope was opened. Paul wrote that he was facing a violent death, and indicated the exact date: March 12.

Monk Abel predicted the most important events in our history: the war with Napoleon, the abolition of serfdom, the bloody revolution, the martyrdom of Nicholas II and his family. However, for his unique gift to make contact with the dead, Abel was arrested and spent in prisons for more than twenty years.

In our time, master Elena Kopytets paid for her extraordinary skill with her own life. One day an unhappy mother came to her and her child was stolen. Sobbing, she tore at her clothes and hair.

Find out from the dead where my daughter is, she begged.

Elena, apparently, knew that she could follow her revelation, and did not say where the child was. But in the end she took pity on the woman and indicated the place. Subsequently, Elena was found dead, since not everything and not always can be told alive.

When summoning the dead, you should remember the most basic rules: do not call enemies, do not ask questions to a spirit whose benevolence towards you is in doubt, since his answer may subsequently destroy you.

Before invoking the spirit of the deceased at someone's request, get in touch with the spirits you know well and ask whether it is worth disturbing the deceased.

For example, a person will come to you and ask you to find out something from his dead relative. But you don't know what kind of person he was: evil, treacherous, deceitful, or, conversely, honest and kind. The spirit of an evil person can harm you. It is also undesirable to disturb those who have died a violent death, much less to induce suicide. For what reason, I think, there is no need to explain.

You should not make calls on holy holidays and fasting. The most auspicious day for calling is the birthday of the deceased or the day of his death. Moreover, on the day of death, it is much easier to call than on the birthday. Never make a call in front of friends. The caller must be completely alone. The most suitable place to call is the graveyard. Ideally, this is the grave of the person with whose spirit you are going to communicate. The time is better at night. You need to appear at the cemetery before dark in order to find the grave in advance and prepare for the call. You should bring holy water, incense, twelve candles with you. Moreover, the candles must be taken during the funeral service, which means that they are prepared in advance. I would like to add that the summoning of the spirit can be carried out not only at the cemetery, but also at home, as well as in the water bath.

I will never forget my feelings after the first communication with the spirit. In no case should you scoff at what you have to do. This is dangerous.

Preparing to summon the dead.

Preparation is subject to three conditions:

1) internal cleansing (fasting);

2) bodily cleansing (ablution);

3) spiritual cleansing (mood).

Internal cleansing.

Fasting not only cleanses a person from within, but also confirms a sacrificial readiness to achieve a goal. In addition, if you do not observe fasting, the amulet may not work and the summoner of spirits will become the prey of the devil.

There was a sorcerer named Kirian. He had a need to call the deceased. It was an urgent matter, and he did not fast, having eaten chicken the day before. During the call, the amulet did not work, and Kiryan suffered a heart failure.

Now about the number of days of fasting. They do not fast for less than a day. Fasting begins at twelve o'clock in the afternoon and ends at twelve o'clock on another day. But even before twelve o'clock in the afternoon you can drink only three glasses of water, and then you will not even be able to drink water.

A three-day fast is maintained when it becomes necessary to evoke the spirit of a suicide or a person who has died a violent death. As I said, the masters try not to do this, but sometimes they still do.

During fasting one should refrain from marital duties.

About alcohol and tobacco smoking is also prohibited. A true master neither drinks nor smokes. This is incompatible with his activities, just as fire and water, God and the devil, sin and holiness are incompatible. There can never be excuses and reasons.

Body cleansing.

The summoning of the deceased (invoking the spirit) cannot be accomplished without the purity of the body, since that facet of the other world, where spirits live, is considered brighter and cleaner than ours earthly life... If possible, you should be close to this edge. One craftswoman once asked: How should I wash: with two or three waters?

Always wash yourself so cleanly, as if you are washing for the last time before death, and suddenly you will not have the opportunity to wash yourself again, - was the answer.

Then I still did not understand these words. And now I know that the master who made a mistake in the call can die. So it turns out that washing can really be the last in his life.

Spiritual cleansing.

Spiritual cleansing is focusing on the thought why you need this challenge. If a person is going to risk his life, then whether it is necessary to do harm because of material goals. Those who are driven by a vain desire to be a "grand master" will never reach the heights of excellence.

The masters were taught by examples. Once they told me a story that the masters passed down from generation to generation as a warning.

One strong craftswoman had two twin daughters. It's time to choose one of them as a successor. The choice fell on the one that was first born. For many years, day after day, her mother taught her. By her majority, the girl learned all the laws of magic. Before the initiation, her mother took her to the crowned witch, so that she would bless the girl to receive the key to the Solomon seal. The witch asked her:

Now tell me, dear, why do you need this knowledge?

No man is deceiving before the almighty sorceress, and the answer was:

I want to be rich, and my knowledge will help me with this.

When the mother and daughter went beyond the threshold, they realized that the divine link from the centuries-old magic chain, from the clan, was irretrievably lost.

So, you are sure that the challenge of the spirit is the only way to help a person in dire need. I repeat - the only thing!

Now mentally start calling the angels by name. It is necessary to call on the angel respectfully, reverently, since it is not easy for them to cross the line separating their world from the world where crimes reign.

An appeal to the angels.

Angels appearing before the face of God:


Gabrielle, from the four cardinal points, in the name of God. Great angels, I conjure you with the highest wisdom of Almighty God and by this greatness itself recognized by His church. In the name of the Most Merciful and Merciful Father, cleanse me, angels, support me with your purity in my decision. Contribute in fulfillment in the name of the Great Creator, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

So, we have accomplished inner cleansing (fasting), bodily cleansing (ablution) and, finally, spiritual cleansing through inner contemplation of our “I”. Having assessed the degree of the need for contact with spirits, you turned to the angels with a request to cleanse you to the necessary limits so that the spirit you summon would appear to you. It's time to get ready for the cemetery.

Preparing for the call ritual.

Purchase new clothes in advance (without metal rivets and buttons), put them on on the day of the call.

In order to find the grave of the deceased, whose spirit you decided to call, you must come to the cemetery in advance, since you will need to prepare a place for the ceremony. You must have with you:

  • pussy willow buds preserved from Palm Sunday, which you will eat and drink with holy water;
  • prosphora from the holy feast to put it on the grave of the deceased as a gift;
  • 12 candles from the funeral service;
  • epiphany holy water;
  • incense;
  • atame (knife);
  • sacrificial blood of a goat (in a vessel);
  • an aspen stake, to drive out the spirit of the deceased, if he does not want to leave.

When going to the graveyard, comb your hair in a straight part. Don't tell anyone what you are about to take. Don't look back or talk to the grave.

Arriving at the cemetery and finding the grave you need, first greet the one you came to visit, then bow to the neighboring graves, asking for forgiveness for disturbing the peace of the dead. It is very important that the weather is calm and dry, otherwise the ethereal spirit will not be able to concentrate in the form of the body.

Draw a circle with a knife, and then a second - so that you get a circle within a circle. Both the grave and you should be in the center of the circle. Put twelve candles on the grave, put a present - prosphora. Place the vessel with blood outside the circle. Swallow three pussy willow buds and wash them down with holy water. Read "Our Father", then "The Song of the Most Holy Theotokos" and the amulet:

Imperishable and unforgettable are Your words, Lord, who promised living help, evil will not come to you, the wound will not come close to your body, as if His angel will command about you, will keep you in all their ways, they will take you in their arms, but never stumble against a stone yours, you will step on Asp and Basilisk, and the papier of the lion and the snake of the midday. He who trusts in Me, I will deliver and hide, as if My name is known, he will call on Me. Lord, merciful, Lord, merciful. Lord, save me, my body and my soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, ever and ever. Amen.

So, while praying, wait until midnight. At midnight, light the candles and clearly, without getting lost, read the invocation spell. When the deceased appears, one should not shout and show fear by his appearance. Do not detain the deceased for a long time, as it is hard for him on the surface of the earth. Ask him what you wanted, listen to his answer in complete silence, extinguish the candles and say a spell to return the spirit.

I pray you, Lord Jesus Christ, that through these sacred words, through the merits of your disciples, through the cross on which you shed your blood, and in the name of your sacred feat,

so that this spirit of the dead would go back to where it came from. To be alive on earth, and dead until the Day of Judgment in the earth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Going beyond the line during the ceremony is strictly prohibited! Even if you haven't seen the one you invited. After all, the spirit can be invisible. In this case, his presence will be detected by an unpleasant smell, it is also possible that your hearing will catch his invisible presence near you. You, of course, can take a chance and ask him a question, but, as the master always advised, it is better not to do this, but to ask the spirit to leave, using the spell that I gave above. But even after reading the spell, one should not immediately leave the circle: wait until the spirit is able to overcome the edge of space. It is better to repeat your experience of summoning the next time, but changing the grave. My advice to you: turn better to the spirit of a person who died no more than seven years ago. As you leave the grave, cross yourself incessantly until you pass through the cemetery gate. But even then, do not look back until you cross the threshold of your house, so as not to call death on yourself.

You should not be offended by the spirit of the deceased if he did not come to your challenge. My grandmother used to say that there are days closed for the release of spirits. And even the most powerful spells (about which it is too early for us to talk) do not push the line between the living and the dead. But it also happens.

A master named Fiza, a contemporary of my grandmother, always successfully resorted to summoning spirits when necessary. But when she needed to ask her late mother a question, she did not come to her. Even through the Hell call (the power of power), she failed to do this. One grandmother, at the request of Fisa, undertook to help. Fisa's mother appeared to her and answered questions. When Fiza asked her grandmother why her mother did not want to talk to her, the grandmother said:

Because she loves you and doesn't want to scare you. A mother's heart, even outside of life, aches for her child.

And now the very spell to summon the dead:

In the name of Igara! I conjure you, king of the army of the dead, I conjure you, Lord of the dead spirits! I conjure you the Proserpine of hell! Command the army of your legion to answer my call. Command him with the scepter of your power to appear to me this very hour, this very minute. Command him to appear before me. Command him to obey me. Command him to answer me. High king of the army of the dead, I will praise you and your crown and your name, Igara! Father and king of dead spirits, keeper of their rest until the Day of Judgment. Merciful and wise, I beg you, I beg you, do not be angry with me. Do not raise your legion against me. May your courtesy and mercy descend upon me. Be indulgent and meek, like King David. And when he answers me (that and that), let him into your kingdom. And so be it. In the name of the living God, his Mother and all the saints. Now, ever and ever. Amen.

In the books of the fantasy genre, you can often find a mention of how the main character summoned some spirit (demon), and he is happy to try to fulfill all the desires of the magician who summoned him. But meetings with ethereal entities, not on the pages of books, but in real life, are less successful. Therefore, before looking for a way to summon a spirit, you should think carefully, is it really necessary, maybe you can fulfill your desires without otherworldly help?

How to summon the spirits of helpers?

Probably everyone remembers fairy tales about witches who had helper spirits incarnated in the form of black cats, ravens and other living creatures. Modern psychics confirm these stories, saying that they receive information from some disembodied entities. In fact, there is no smell of summoning spirits here (except for mediums, but even here we are not talking about summoning spirits, but about their spell), and magicians acquire knowledge by coming into contact with their higher I. It is possible to develop such supersensitivity through long training, performing exercises for concentration, mastering the principles of meditation and studying the structure of the subtle world. In general, and in order to evoke a spirit at home, it would be nice to study the theory. Since knowledge of only the summoning ritual may not be enough to avoid negative consequences.

How to summon a spirit correctly?

Spirits are different, but hardly anyone will be interested in how an evil spirit can be invoked, in any case, not everyone will seriously decide on such an action. But you need to realize that absolutely good or absolutely evil spirits do not exist, they live by their own laws, each of them has its own character, each has different capabilities, so you need to decide in advance which spirit you will call and for what purpose. You can attract negativity, and this is more likely if you decide to invoke the spirit of the deceased person. The fact is that the dead are not in the astral plane (where the magician turns) for a long time (they are not in vain for 40 days), and therefore an entity that has nothing to do with the person being called will most likely respond to the call. Such "spirits" have as their goal the receipt of energy, and therefore you will not receive anything but severe exhaustion after completing the ritual. So if you want to summon a spirit, then give up the idea of \u200b\u200btalking to Gogol or Pushkin and study the names of the spirits whose services you can use. Also, before the ritual, you need to go through a week of fasting, refraining not only from heavy food, but also from bad deeds and thoughts. This requirement is quite rational: like attracts like, and if you study heavy, bad vibrations, then an entity of the same level will respond to your call.

How to summon a spirit through a mirror?

For the ritual, you will need candles, incense, a magic mirror, a sign of a summoned spirit, a leaf and a pen, and of course, you will need to know with what words you can summon a spirit. It is better to carry out the summoning together, since it will be difficult for even an experienced and talented magician to do everything right alone. Therefore, usually one person plays the role of a clairvoyant, and the second - a spellcaster. The task of the latter is to evoke the spirit and introduce the seer into a state of altered consciousness, and the clairvoyant will have to be the guide of the spirit into our world.

Before performing the ceremony, the magician must take a shower or a bath (to cleanse from negative energy) and put on special clothes or just put on something special. Do not forget to draw a circle for protection, you can also perform a small protective ritual of the Pentagram. After that, you need to light incense and invite the seer to look at the sign, when he is ready, his task will be to look in the magic mirror while the magician pronounces the words of the spell. After contact with the spirit is established, the magician should ask the questions that interest him, and the seer should write down the answers on paper (or voice them). Once all the answers are received, the spirit must be given permission to leave and complete the rite with purification.

With what words can you summon a spirit? There are various texts of invocations, but in fact it is not necessary to repeat them, you can compose your own spell, since the key point here is not magic words, but the faith and will of the magician.

Is it dangerous to summon spirits at home?

Of course, there is practically no danger that the seer will be in the grip of the spirit, as can happen with a medium, but still this action cannot be called completely safe. First, the summoned entity may not be the one you summoned (which is why the first question sorcerers ask is the name of the spirit that came). Secondly, if you do not take care of paying for the services of the entity, then it will still take what it wants, only the consequences for the participants in the ritual can be dire. Third, there is a danger of being misled. Some inexperienced magicians perceive the words of the spirit as an immutable truth, you should not do this, spirits are not omniscient. Yes, they have more opportunities than we do, but they are not limitless, so you should not blindly follow the instructions of the spirit.

All of the above makes the ritual of summoning an occupation difficult and rather dangerous, which is why you never need to summon spirits for fortune telling or fun, the effort spent is not worth the result.

Contact and communication with spirits

“In order to communicate with the spirit, it is necessary, first, that it be disposed to it; secondly, so that his occupations and condition do not serve as an obstacle to this, and, finally, thirdly, so that he finds in the medium a tool corresponding to his properties. In essence, you can communicate with spirits of all degrees: with higher and lower, with relatives and friends; they appear more or less willingly, depending on the circumstances, and especially because of sympathy for the people who think of them, and not at the call of the first comer who wants to contact them out of curiosity alone. " This quotation from an anonymous European source of the late 19th century describes all the necessary conditions for correct and fruitful contact with spirits. Indeed, mutual sympathy is the most important of the conditions, but the presence of a medium (a mediator through which the spirit communicates with people) is not always necessary. Sometimes you can communicate with spirits directly, several of these methods will be described below.
There are a great many formulas and spells for invoking spirits, which in itself says one thing: in this matter you do not need to “cling to words” and learn ritual phrases by heart. The most important thing is to focus on your goal, create the right mood for yourself and clearly imagine the visual image of the spirit you are calling. But without a verbal order (spoken mentally or aloud), all preparation can go to waste. Preparing for the ritual, you seem to tune in to a certain wave, and the calling formula is your callsign, indicating your readiness for dialogue. By making a challenge, you declare your presence, your intentions, and your interest in contact. As mentioned above, the call formula can have many variations. But in any case, it must necessarily contain the following elements:

 personal appeal of the caller (with the mention of his worldly name, or magic name, or just the pronoun “I”). Some spells may be absent;

 appeal to one of the Higher Beings of their religion (God, guardian angel, etc.). Some summoners attempt to speak on behalf of a higher being or use higher-order spells to act on their behalf. But such attempts can be successful only for those who live in full accordance with the commandments of their religion and constantly maintain contact with its higher beings through prayers and sacrifices;

 a request for permission to communicate with such and such a spirit (named by name or otherwise). Sometimes the request is replaced by the demand to “send” such and such a spirit to the caller. It looks more effective, but hardly contributes to the establishment of contact.

 evidence of the purity of the caller's intentions. Some sorcerers use “words of power” instead, indicating their level of commitment;

 a request to protect the caller from possible negative consequences. In so-called black magic, words are usually spoken that should indicate the defenses of the caller;

• gratitude and glorification of the Supreme Being. Usually absent in black magic, these six elements can follow one another in any order. For example, 2 popular spells follow, indicating all of the listed elements.

Spell of spirits (by Alan Kardek):

I ask the Almighty Lord to allow a good spirit to communicate with me, not for the sake of my self-interest, but for the sake of knowing the truth. I ask my guardian angel not to deprive me of his help and to remove evil spirits from me. For God's world, and everything in it is God's, and for everything the will of God. Amen.

Spell for the appearance of the spirit in the mirror (according to Paul Sedir):

In the name of Almighty God, in whom we live, move and exist, I beg you, [name of spirit], to appear in this mirror, if it is convenient and pleasant for you. In the name of Almighty God, in whom we live, move and exist, I release and send any spirit, if it is not [the name of the spirit] and not a kind and truthful spirit.

THE EASIEST. The easiest (and safest) way is to summon spirits into a dream - an intermediate space between two worlds, where they feel quite comfortable. The calling technique resembles the incubation of dreams. Before going to bed, the caller spends a forty-minute setting, contemplating the images of the ancestor, remembering him, re-reading his letters; you can also put some of the deceased's personal belongings under the pillow. It is also extremely useful to light incense or church candles in front of the image of the deceased and turn to him with a complaint or question. Another method, still used by many Eastern peoples, is to fall asleep on the grave of a respected ancestor. In folklore, evidence has been preserved that once this technique of necromancy was used among the Eastern Slavs. It is not necessary to fall asleep: sometimes it is enough just to sit with your eyes closed, mentally talking with the deceased about a subject that worries you. The spirit may not appear in a visible form, but its presence will certainly manifest itself - either in the form of a voice that sounds like from within, or in the form of an unexpected and fruitful idea that has not yet crossed your mind. And the last thing. You can call not only the deceased into your dream. There are many techniques for invoking the spirit of a living person that interests you into a dream. If this is a specific person, then he is called through his image or through personal belongings. The method of calling is the same as with the deceased, but incense and church candles in this case are unnecessary.
Numerous fortune-telling "about the betrothed" undoubtedly also belongs to the field of ghost vision. Here the fortuneteller invokes the spirit of a person whom she does not know by name (in this case, her future groom). In the same way, they guess at the "thief", ie evoking the spirit of the person who stole this or that thing. The disadvantage of all dreams is that they are easily forgotten or deformed upon awakening.

THE MOST DIFFICULT. The appearance of spirits in visible form often becomes the subject of literary works and films. Many famous occultists have claimed to have succeeded in such operations - but no documented evidence of this has yet been found. More often than not, only one witness sees in addition to the most evocative spirit that has appeared, and this does not exclude the possibility of hypnosis. Many stories and legends about the "appearance of spirits to the people" were recorded in India and Tibet, but the inhabitants of these places are more prone to massive hallucinations, which also violates the purity of the experiment. Despite the widespread use of photographic techniques, no one has yet taken a reliable photograph of a spirit or ghost who has appeared. Even the appearance of Our Lady in Fatima, observed by numerous witnesses, had no photographic evidence, which allows numerous skeptics to speak of this event as a mass hallucination. So can spirits appear to us in visible form? Of course, such a possibility cannot be ruled out. It is quite possible that, for all its visibility, this appearance is nevertheless immaterial and is perceived not by the eyes, but directly by the visual center of the brain. However, here it is worth thinking about something else: why is this necessary? After all, the summoning of a semi-materialized spirit creates a lot of additional difficulties - and gives practically no additional information. Perhaps in the old days such a spectacular performance could convince skeptics and non-believers, but today it would rather prompt the viewer to think about a laser hologram or some psychoactive drug (like LSD or DMT), which was imperceptibly mixed into a drink or sprayed into the air. Therefore, here we will not consider the numerous methods of conjuring spirits set forth by Agrippa, Papus, Eliphas Levi, Aleister Crowley and other titans of occult thought. First, they are extremely cumbersome and require specialized knowledge of magic; secondly, there is not a single reliable evidence of their successful application. And finally, the appearance of the phenomenon does not increase the accuracy of predictions. Rather, on the contrary: in many cases described, the questioner was demons or demons, who confused them, fooled them with various crazy theories, and sometimes openly inclined them to abandon the Christian religion. There are reports that some of the questioners went crazy, paid with health and even life - and not “virtually”, but in fact! Was it worth the risk? And if it was, then for what?

Every person has ever tried to summon a spirit. This business is more than dangerous, it threatens not only our lives, but also the lives of our loved ones. Spirits are unpredictable. You need to be careful with them. If, all the same, the desire to conduct this ritual is kindled, then go ahead.

Ways to summon a spirit:

1. How to call your double.

Method one:

You need to turn your face to the north side, close your eyes and raise two hands up. It is important to say these words: "Leah Granos's dream." After the performed action, opening your eyes. Then, squatting down, say: “My double, show yourself, let me know. Back up, support and help! " The answer can be anything - an unexpected gust of strong wind, rustle, creak, squeak - any sound. When the communication is over, you should say: "Granos Lee". You can communicate with a double at any time of the day. It is required to exclude days whose numbers will be 17 and 13.

Method two:

A double can be called not only for communication, but also to help loved ones, relatives, if they are in difficult situations. It is necessary to go out into the street, be sure to stand in the direction where you need to send a double and say: “Nord sen sana. Doppelganger, fly (here you need to specify the place). Help (name and problem must be specified here). Be a faithful friend and ambassador. "

Method three:

We need a Whatman paper on which the alphabet will be drawn. Put candles on the sides of the drawing paper, draw an arrow on the saucer. Heat the saucer over the flame, then put it in the center of the drawn circle, put your hands on the saucer and say your name. After, you can feel strange sensations. Other participants, after the work done, can ask any questions, and the saucer will show letters, and words are formed from these letters.

2. Calling the Queen of Spades.

Method one:

You need to hang a sheet (white) on the wall, in the middle there should be a square (black). The light turns off and the following words are pronounced: "The Queen of Spades, come and fulfill all desires." These words are spoken three times. When the silhouette of the Queen of Spades appears in the square, you should already start making your wish. After making a wish, one should loudly and clearly say: "The Queen of Spades, go away!" If the Lady gets too close, then she can strangle the person.

Method two:

The challenge is done at night. It is important to tie a black thread on the wrist. Then say the same words 10 times: "The Queen of Spades, come." After that, when she begins to show herself, you need to quickly cut the thread and say the following words: "Unclean, clean up!"

Types of spirits.

1. Informative (acting).

3. Background.

Safety rules when summoning spirits.

1. The spirit must be addressed personally. Call him by the name he had during his lifetime. If these are spells, then no names!

2. The fortuneteller must turn to the guardian angel or God.

3. Ask the spirit for permission to contact. Address by name, do not rush him, do not indicate, do not set your own conditions. You can inadvertently make you angry.

4. Say special words confirming that the fortuneteller has no bad intentions. These words need to be learned from mediums, magicians.

5. You must remember to set up protection. Suddenly the spirit gets angry and you can get hurt.

6. Final action. Gratitude to the spirit for communication.

7. Before coming into contact with spirits, one should purify oneself. Do not drink, do not smoke, do not swear for several days before the ritual. Remove all jewelry before the ritual.

How to summon a spirit yourself.

You can summon the spirit yourself. To summon the spirit all alone, you should perform the ritual without electricity, and use only natural wax candles. Fortune-telling should be carried out from 12 am to 4 am. During this time, the spirits are very active. Communicating with a spirit all alone is extremely dangerous. All why? But because this lesson requires the support of a professional, psychic, magician. You cannot communicate with the world of spirits and magic on your own.

This ritual must be performed by candlelight.

1. You need to take a sheet of paper on which the necessary questions are written.

2. In order for the spirit to enter the room, you need to open a window.

3. All jewelry and items made of metal must be missing.

4. For the ritual, incense must be present, which scares away petty, impure and unnecessary power.

5. At the end of the session, of course, it is important to thank the spirit for the presence, and say not to come again.

6. Only one spirit should be summoned, not many; this requires adherence to safety rules.

7. You have to be sober and healthy.

There are many more ways to summon the dead: both with scissors and with a regular needle, but the most common method is the Ouija board. These methods will help you find out all the questions of interest to a person. After all, it is interesting to know how there is after death. The methods are easy, but not safe. The main thing is not to forget to adhere to safety rules. No one knows how spirits will behave, what they have in mind, and what their purpose is.


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