Rites on the cemetery from envy. Conspiracy in the cemetery land

Rites on the cemetery from envy. Conspiracy in the cemetery land

Consider in detail the conspiracy in the cemetery land - with detailed description All magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The cemetery is the most mysterious, special place with the strongest energy. Therefore, all rites, rituals conducted in the kingdom of cemeteries, have a powerful force.

Of all directions modern magic And the ancient witchcraft is precisely cemetery rituals are the most powerful.

But if there is no magical experience, it is impossible to carry out any witchcraft on the cemetery to one without the help of the magician - it is dangerous. Because, making rites in the cemetery, attract the strength of the dead people, and they do not like when they are bothering. Therefore, it is necessary to spend all the actions delicately, correctly, with accurate rules.

Types of cemetery prisoners

The most effective spectacle in its strength is Cemetery, which is believed to black magic. It happens two types:

  1. A spell with the help of the cemetery force of the Earth, where the energy of the afterlime world is valid. This type of love spell is not doing with the souls of the dead. All the power of the cemetery in energy concentrated among the graves.
  2. A spell with the help of the land with me with the entry of the soul of the dead man. This rite is carried out in order to control the entire magic ritual, because the levers of influence on the soul of the dead man remain, which for a certain tribute does everything required.

The consequences of the love spell in the cemetery

Like any spell, has its own consequences and a ritual spent on the cemetery where the grave land is taken. Therefore, a competent witch will always protect against the impact of the afterlife. If the cemetery spell with the help of gravestone is made independently, then it is necessary to carry out everything exactly according to the described rules, otherwise you can not only get seriously ill, but will lose life. The border between the alive and dead world is very thin, and when holding a love spearance among the graves, the tie of the soul of a living person and the deceased may occur (who called for the rescue).

Love spell on the cemetery with gravestone

This is a very simple spell that can not even be done very experienced in magic.

It is necessary to come on a growing moon to the cemetery, you can during the day. There must be two photos that need to be folded together to each other and folded into the envelope. Entering the cemetery gate need to speak such words:

"The spirit of cemetery, you are between alive and dead, be my ally, help in my affairs to succeed."

"That the cemetery will connect, in the world of alive it is not disconnected."

When you go through the cemetery land, it is necessary to think about love relationships, but for a long time, the graves should not be lingering. Grave energy is so enough for such a spell. You need to walk about an hour with thoughts about future relationships. And leaving to say:

"What is connected in the cemetery, no one disconnects. May it be so".

And before leaving the territory of the cemetery, you need to burn an envelope with photos - this action will launch the entire infrared process that is soaked in grave energy.

Love spell on the return of your beloved person who is held in the cemetery

If a beloved person left, a love spell with the involvement of grave energy will help. It is necessary among the graves to find a name, the same with the name of your beloved and, standing at the grave, read these words:

"You (the name of the host of the grave) is in crude land, cold and dumb. And my (object name) lives on the other. Odari me deceased (the name of the host of the grave) with his blessing, to attract me (object name). Let him always be only with me, let them forget forever about the other. And so that you died in hell (the name of the host of the grave) burn, and (object name) die without me. "

Love spell with cemetery land on a guy

This spell also makes a growing moon.

For the rite you need an Easter candle

With yourself, it is necessary to have a jar in which you can put the Earth, the Easter candle, three needles with tested red threads, two glasses and a bottle of vodka, a slice of rye bread and two sheets of paper, where to write:

"Dead spirit, a passage inhabitant, I appeal to you here, and I urge you to help me in fulfillment of my cherished. Having brought the slave (name), bring him suffering, give love flour terrible, give me a fatal to me for me, a slave (name). Let I become for him with navation, the thought is the only one, words cherished. Let the lust in it grow up, let the lust become like poison, let him feel flour, without seeing me, let him want to see me, having encountered it, to my alert, who carry him a walkway to the eye. It was said in the word cherished, but fastened the case faithful, Amen, Amen, Amen. "

Find among the graves the name is the same with the name of a young man who is attached. Take a hassle of the cemetery land, pour out into the jar, cut off a small piece of ribbon from the grave wreath, petals of living flowers. All the contents of the can mix and pour vodka and close the lid tightly. On the candle, it is necessary to scratch the name of the brought the guy, stick the needles, set fire to the candle, and while the fire burns, you need to burn a sheet of paper and speak such words:

"The Spirit of the grave, the owner of the underground domin. Hear me, answer, help in my case secret, firing. Get away from your place, go to the slave (name), flock it, torque, cool him, break, without me, so that he did not live, at night it did not sleep without me. Let me hold one on the mind. Queue to my word. "

As soon as the candle burns to the first needle, the fire must be put out, the needle put in the jar. In the glasses pour vodka, one drink, and the other put on the ground from the head of the head and cover the bread sliced. And immediately leave the cemetery, but not forgetting the banks.

Rye Slice of Bread for Presentation

When the next night occurs, the candle is lit with the rest of the needles and burn the second sheet of paper. Then you need to speak such words over the bank, where they laid the grave land:

"How the flame of a red candle is burning, as letters burn. So the heart of the slave (name) is burning from love, from longing for me. As paper burns, so the heart burns, the ashes will remain. And comes (name), the love confesses, and again, Amen will be revived.

When the chopping candle to the second needle, you need to hide everything into the jar where the grave land is. The next day go to the church, where to order a prayer for the rest of the dead man, whose land took. Then immediately go to the cemetery to find among the graves of which they took the earth.

To set chasing the same candle by waiting until he burns to the last needle, thank the soul of the dead man and let go. Spar, needle to hide into a jar with grave ground. Slap the words of the black attitude of her beloved using the cemetery land:

"Let our union lasts until death. My word is yours. Do not change anyone. Wide, Amen. "

The land in the bank along with the content is kept at home.

Love spell "Black Wedding"

Wedding is the interlacing of fate, which are tied in a strong node. They are pissing forever with black magic. Before doing this, you need to think well, is it important for you so much. Black wedding works very long time, and remove it is not easy.

Gingerbread or other sweets are necessary for sputum

During the growing moon at night they go to the cemetery, but so that there is no rain, no wind. Take two photos with you - your loved one. Find among the graves of the name that coincides with the trained person. To bring with you any spill (cookies, gingerbread, candy), necessary for the soul of the dead man to do to do a ritual, and leave the graves on Earth.

On the grave of the headboard should be lit a black candle. Near the candle to put on two sides of photography face up. Slap the following words:

"You are lying (the name of the deceased) in the grave of the temple, among the worms and dirt. Come, through the roots and stones, look like, become my witness. I walked, in the word with my own, my own (the name of the man) and (the name of the woman) on life together, the love is fervor, thrust lustful burning. Let them in the world and love, happiness to know and give birth to the kids. And you, the dead man (the name of the deceased) from any evil of their fencing, from the evil eye of the gravilion and from the damage to the black, the road is clearing, and the dust is a loving burning. From now to the condation of the centuries (the names of the weddings) are crowded. The word is my hard. May it be so".

Then you need to pour photos, but for now they are burning, read the probitive words of black wedding again. When everything burns, sprinkle the gravestone ashes and, to leave the cemetery without turning around.

All love spells with the grave energy in which land is present, cemetery accessories require careful and accurate execution, because they are referred to black magic. An ideal option to secure yourself - resort to the help of professional magicians or witches.

Trigger of instant to the cemetery land

IN modern world Cemetery love spells are very popular. This is explained by the fact that they are very effective and have more power. There are many varieties of love spells in the cemetery, but the most popular are the rites in which the cemetery land is used.

Features of Ritual

These are very dangerous rites that require a large reserve of spiritual forces and a strong natural energy. If you are not sure in your abilities, then from such rituals should be refused. IN otherwise You can harm, first of all, Istiving on a magical effect a lot of energy. In this case, even a fatal outcome is possible.

Any cemetery spell begins to act almost instantly. But at the same time, definitely, its strength is largely affected by the energy executive of the rite. A person who is going to conduct a guidance ritual in a cemetery, not just should be confident in its own power, but also have sincere deep feelings.

The cemetery land has a lot of power. If it is used in a guidance rite, then success is necessarily provided. The main thing in this case is a spell in the cemetery land to hold in accordance with all the prescribed rules.

Negative consequences of the rite are usually associated with violations that were allowed during the ritual. Most often, incorrect impacts cause strong headaches, both victims and artist by the rite. Moreover, it is impossible to get rid of any drug drugs.

For further consequences, other problems include:

  • Alcoholism;
  • Bad luck in all life spheres;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Disease of incurable diseases.

Simple spell

Black magic offers a very simple spell on cemetery land, which has a powerful force.

For him, the following additional attributes will be needed:

  • Threads with a needle;
  • Garment elected clothing;
  • Buttons.

On the day of the rite before visiting, which should be planned for the evening or night, you should go to three different temples. In each of the churches, it is necessary to imperceptibly put upside down for 9 candles and leave three requests for the rest of the soul for the victim of the rite.

Having left the evening to the graveyard, you should find three graves, the departed in which have names that match the name of the chosen one. From each grave, it is necessary to take the sadstone of the soil and be sure to leave the spill. After that, you need to go away from the cemetery without looking around. Having come home you need to immediately go to bed, and waking up early in the morning to reach an open deserted place and scatter around yourself the cemetery land.

At the same time, saying the following magic words:

A part of the attitude associated with the scattering of the Earth to enhance the effectiveness of the probationary impact should be carried out within three days in a row. That is, it is impossible to scatter all the soil at once. It is also important not to bring it to the house, but to hide in a secluded place on the street. In addition, you can plug a little cemetery land under the threshold of a traveled person.

Strong ritual

A strong spell with cemetery land provides for a mandatory visit to the cemetery into one of the nights during the full moon. There you need to take the land from forty graves, the names of the departed in which coincide with the name of the beloved. To simplify the collection of the cemetery land, you should first visit the cemetery in the afternoon, and to look after the required graves, it is desirable that they are located nearby.

The bank with the collected cemetery land should be brought home, where and continue the ritual actions. The rite should be carried out in complete privacy in a separate room, and it is necessary to take care that nothing prevents magical action. A bank with cemetery land needs to be put on the table, and next to it will freeze the candle.

After that, you should visualize the image of your loved one and speak such magic words:

Conspited cemetery land must be stored in a secluded place. As a rule, such a rite begins to act on the ninth day. After that, the favorite will be near you, you need to get rid of the cemetery land. It needs to be poured anywhere in the cemetery and preferably to do it in the evening after sunset.

If it happened that you understood that it was mistaken and vainly brought a person to themselves, it is impossible to leave everything, since there is. It is necessary to remove the spell and release your beloved from the spell.

The most powerful spell on the cemetery

Rituals in the cemetery are among the strongest. However, do not forget that such actions relate to black magic, and you enter into a deal with otherworldly forces.

Day rite in the cemetery

Some rites associated with visiting cemeteries require that you come there at night or at least after sunset. But not all women feel comfortable, being in the dark time among the graves alone. Ritals held at night are more efficient. If it is too difficult for you, try to spend the day ritual.

Buy wedding rings without fitting. One must be male, and the second is feminine. Bring the rings on the cemetery and spread them along different graves. In one, a woman should be buried with the same name as you, and in another - a man named your beloved. Rings need to leave there overnight. If you are worried about the fact that someone can pick them up, plant them a little earth.

The next day, the rings need to pick up. It is impossible to carry them home. Find a deserted place where no one walks, hide the hole, put the rings there.

After that read the spell:

Skip the hole and leave without looking around. It is very important to choose a place where your rings no one will dig up and so he will not take them to themselves. If this happens before needed man Loves you, the ritual will not work. If you already enter the relationship or get married, your beloved will leave you.

Rituals with cemetery land

To make a spell in the cemetery land, choose a suitable day that would not be a church holiday or Sunday. Options for holding a rite may be different.

Bring some grief of the earth from the cemetery. It is not necessary to take it on the graves. You are suitable for any other land located within the cemetery fence. To shit a man, you need to invite him home under any pretext. Then, as well as under any pretext, you need to leave it at home one. Tell me, for example, that you need to urgently go to the neighbor, to buy something in the store, etc. Go to your house around, reading the spell and throwing the ground from the cemetery with a small hand. The number of land taken in the cemetery will depend on what house you live in. What it is greater and longer in length, the more material for work you should be in stock.

Read spell on a love spell:

Conspiracy should be read throughout the ritual. The number of spell read values \u200b\u200bdoes not have. Leave some land, bring it home and pour men to shoes so that he does not notice. As a result, a loved one will constantly pull to your home, as if he really cannot get out of your home.

This black spell is done directly on the cemetery. Pre-buy a candle in the church and visit the grave of a person with the same name as your beloved. Remember that in church holidays and on Sundays it is impossible to do this. Best time For the rite after sunset, but until midnight.

Squeeze the candle in the grave hill, burn and read the spell:

Natives do not recognize close to yourself do not call.

I am without an invitation, without your knowledge and decisions.

Emission (name is loved). Let him leave a hull life

He will choose me in wives, not a woman another.

Come to him in a dream, tell him about me. "

Leave the candle to trample and leave without looking around. On the way, it is impossible to talk to anyone. Soon the desired man will begin to take interest to you. When the relationship with your beloved will begin, go to the church and put a candle behind the man of the man whose spirit you disturbed to achieve the desired goal.

This ritual is suitable if someone from your beloved parents have already died, and you have access to its burial. You can work with the grave of the mother, however, the grave of the father is much more suited.

Before holding the ritual, fast at least seven days. You can and more, but the week is the minimum term. During the post, there should not be not only meat. Avoid any satisfying delicious food: sweets, baking, etc. You can simply replace the food with a piece of black bread and a glass of water. Before visiting the cemetery, it is advisable to go to the bath. However, if there is no such possibility, the usual bathroom will also come true. Buy a thick candle in the temple and visit the grave of the beloved parent.

Squeeze the candle in the hollyk, burn and read the spell:

After reading the spell, ask the late forgiveness in your own words and promise that his son (or her) with you) will really be better than any other woman. Returning from the cemetery, wash the bathroom. It should also be cleaned or wrap off clothes and shoes in which you visited the grave. The ritual can be repeated periodically if you do not notice that your favorite man has changed his behavior towards you. When the spell works, put a candle in the temple for the parent of your beloved.

Love spell in the photo

With a snapshot in full growth

You need a photo on which your favorite will be depicted in full height. There should be no other people in the snapshot, not a single living being, even a pet. To make a love spell on the cemetery, go there with a photo in an odd day. The snapshot must be hidden so that no one can pick it up. Take care of its precipitation protection. You need to return for photography the next day.

Bring a snapshot home, retire and read the conspiracy, putting a photo to the table:

A photograph hide under your bed mattress in my feet. A man will not only love you, but it will be all obedient and stopped.

With portrait photo

To carry out the ritual, you will need a portrait photo of your beloved man. The snapshot should be visible to his chest. The most useful photo for you will be the one on which the beloved is depicted with bare breasts.

Bring a little land from the cemetery. A handful will be enough enough. The earth must be taken from the grave of a woman who wore the same name as you. Handfight should be carried in his right hand. On the way from the cemetery, do not join the conversations with anyone. Having come home, continue to keep the earth in hand. It can not be suspended anywhere. Stripe and perform all other actions you need, without squeezing your hands. Sit at the table, burn the candle (you can have already used earlier) and put a photo in front of you. While reading a conspiracy, you need to slowly pour the land brought from the cemetery on the chest of your beloved man in the picture.

The spell on the cemetery in the photo, rings or any other item acts very quickly. Usually after 2-3 weeks, a favorite man is confessed in love who brought him to his woman. But that Cemetery Magic does not harm you, be extremely careful. Wash your hands thoroughly after rituals. You come into contact with the world of the dead, whose traces should not stay on your body.

Conspiracy to love to read in the cemetery, a strong cemetery conspiracy to read independently

Conspiracy in the cemetery for love

Conspiracy in the cemetery made to love is committed for life. You can read a love plot in the cemetery land as day with white light and black at night at the light of the moon. Everything strong conspiracies On the love that you need to read in the cemetery is called a cemetery love spell on eternal love and refers to black magic. To independently make a love rite in the cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy need to be a very bold man and a lot to love that for whom you are willing to spend a ritual rite. Conspiracy to open the Great Mystery of the Black Wedding and you know the best love plots that should be read in the cemetery . After choosing and by doing any of the rites, you will forever connect your souls and to love each other until the end of life. After a conspiracy on love reading in the cemetery You will have to accept your beloved person as it is, with all his "cockroaches" and oddities. Therefore, you need to get better to know it so that after the conspiracy there is no disappointment. Same all conspiracies and attributes committed in the cemetery land Have their consequences about which we will not be silent.

The cemetery is the territory of the dead on which other orders of the afterlime world act. Combusted and disturbing black forces Be prepared for the consequences after a conspiracy in the cemetery of read on love - for everything you need to pay. Negative consequences after the cemetery rite made by independently with the help of a conspiracy is a bunch of a man's soul and soul of the deceased you asked for help. If before reading a conspiracy, not to make good defense, the consequences of a love conspiracy made in the cemetery would incorrectly lead to care from life, especially if a person is already under fate or for health a state of health and is located. Also great chance of an accident and problems with your health. While you will read a plot being in the cemetery land, the deceased is sickling to your energy and takes your vital energy in the rules. If you are ready for such a board, we will teach you to this black wedding and tell the strongest conspiracies for love that you can read on your own.

Love conspiracy in the graveyard in the photo

Some conspiracies held in the cemetery to enhance love suggest the use of different items and things best to do love conspiracy . Remember, making conspiracy on love with a photo on the grave One can only if you are ready to associate your life with this person forever. Since the consequences when a rollback of this rite can be very unpleasant and scary for both of you. On the lunar night, the cycle and phase of the moon is not important to come on the cemetery, find the grave with the name of your loved one (you can do it in advance in the cemetery in the afternoon, then it will be easier to search). At the foot of the burial, you need to burn a photo of the beloved, ash from the photo after a conspiracy to bury on the grave saying words of the Love Country :

As a slave of God (name) in the light no longer walk,

so the slave of God (name) can not live without me.

The word mine is strong and cancel it can not.

Yes, it will be so or else. Amen.

Read a plot in the cemetery Next slowly and in full voice nine times, after which, without turning around and not talking to home to home, come back home. After a conspiracy on the love made in the cemetery, a day can not be looked in the mirror. The conspiracy action will immediately come as soon as you leave the gate of the cemetery, and the result comes across nine days. In no case, do not tell anyone about what they did or are going to make this rite.

conspiracy in the cemetery for eternal love

To independently make a promiginal conspiracy on love using the Earth taken from the grave We must wait for the full moon to go to the cemetery and from seven graves with the name of the beloved to dial on the pinch of the cemetery land in one vessel (bank). Conspiracy for eternal love for cemetery land needs to read at home . Having come home, close all mirrors in the house and putting a jar with the ground to the windowsill read love Conspire Words Forever :

If I speak languages \u200b\u200bby human and angelic,

And I do not have love, then I am copper ringing or kimval sounding.

If I have a gift of prophecy, and I know all the secrets,

And I have any knowledge and all faith, so I can and rearrange the mountains,

And I have no love, I am nothing.

And if I distribute all the estate mine and give my body to be burned,

And I do not have love, there is no benefit.

Love long-tier, merciful, love does not envy

Love is not extolled, does not pride, does not claim,

Not looking for his, not annoying, no evil thinks,

Not rejoicing in a definite, but so true;

Everything covers everything believes everything, everything hopes, everything transfers.

Love never ceases, although the prophecies will cease

And the languages \u200b\u200bare smelled, and knowledge will abolish. "

"And I do not care who entered into marriage, but the Lord:

Wife do not divorce with her husband - if they are divorced,

It should remain celibe, or reconcile with her husband,

And her husband does not leave his wife [their].

Other I say, not the Lord:

If what brother has an unbeliever wife, and she agrees to live with him,

Then he should not leave her; and a wife who has nebororal husband

And he agrees to live with her, should not leave him.

For an unbelieving husband is consecrated by his wife believing,

And the wife unbelieving is consecrated by her husband believers.

Otherwise, your children would be uncleans, and now holy.

If the unbelieving [wants] to divorce, let them divorce;

Brother or sister in such [cases] are not connected; The Lord called us to the world.

Why do you know, wife, will you save her husband?

Or you, a husband, why do you know, will you save your wife?

Only everyone do the way God determined him,

And everyone, as the Lord called.

Wives, obey their husbands as the Lord, because the husband is the head of his wife,

Like Christ, the head of the church, and he is the Savior of the Body.

But both the church will obey Christ and his wives with their husbands in everything.

Husbands love their wives, like Christ loved the church and betrayed him,

To consecrate it, clearing a bath of water through words;

To present it to yourself nice church, not having a spack,

Or vice, or something like that, but in order for it was holy and imbued.

So should husbands love their wives like their bodies:

Loving his wife loves himself.

For no one has ever hate to their flesh, but nourishes it and heats it,

Like the Lord Church, because we are members of his body, from his flesh and from his bones.

Therefore, the man of his father and mother will leave his mother and go to his wife, and there will be two one flesh.

Siah's mystery is great; I speak to Christ and the Church.

So each of you loves my wife, as yourself;

And the wife is afraid of her husband.

So, I wish, in order for the prayers of men at any point,

Returning clean hands without anger and doubt;

To also wives, in a decent attitude, with a shortness and chastity,

Decorated yourself not weaving [hair], not gold, not pearls,

Not multicient clothes, but good deeds,

How decently wives devote themselves to piety.

Wife yes studying in silence, with every humility;

And I do not allow learning to learn my wife, but be in silence.

For Adam was previously created, and then Eva and not Adam is elevated;

But the wife, caught, fell into a crime;

However, it will be saved through Chadorody, if he is in faith and love and in holiness with the chastity.

Conspited land must be removed in the bag and store in a counseling place. The consequences of the eternal conspiracy on love made on the cemetery land coming on day 9 after the rite. To take the whole negative from myself and your beloved person to whom they read a plot, in the morning go to the church and defending the service and make your favorite candles for health - the Virgin of the Virgin, he has Christ and order a fortywood for his health and his beloved person.

Conspiracy in the cemetery for love Read the day

The text of the black conspiracy on love that is done in the day in the cemetery reached our days from ancient magic books. The effectiveness and safety of this conspiracy read on the cemetery could not confirm, because it is forbidden to talk about the conduct of such magical rituals strictly setting. To make a conspiracy to love before the campaign e Take a thread from your beloved clothes, better from the underwear and get one thread too from your lingerie. In the evening at home, burn in advance the cooked church candle and tie both threads together with seven knots for each node reading conspiracy on love :

Fate together are acquired

My (his name) beloved gently

Associated with (your name) thread from clothes.

We are alveaying with him,

Never break.

Strong word all fastened

It turns out that witchcraft affects quickly, many magicians spend the rite where people are buried. Surely, someone saw that a man walks on the cemetery on weekdays and this is not a watchman at all.

As you know, there is a white and black magic. Sometimes people do not feel the difference. They are important to be the result. Usually love spells, conspiracies to eliminate the opponent and to attract love do in the cemetery. Of course, there are other methods, but this is the most reliable.

Witchcraft on the cemetery can make a common person. You just need to know which words to talk and what actions to do. It is strongly recommended not to make love spells and damage. It will still return in a few years. If the failures will be bypass, then the curse will turn into children.

Therefore, magic can only be used in good goals. For example, if my husband drinks and encode fails, that is, it is possible to try to read a plot. Of course, if you don't really believe in it, the effect will be invalid. Therefore, refer to this case is consciously and seriously.

So, first you need to buy a white towel without a single drawing and read 33 times the following words:

As the slave of God (the name of the drunkard) will be a white towel to wipe,

So the need for drinking will end.

Dependence is forever leaves, but in the towel passes.

How seven days will pass, so drunkenness will leave

It will be clean and the slave of God (the name of the drunkard).

This word is true, as stated, and subsequent will come true, Amen.

After reading, you need to put the towel to those who have read a plot. Alcoholic should use 7 days towel. It is advisable to trace. Next, you need to take a towel and bury in the cemetery near the grave of a relative. Thus, the deceased as it would take "alcoholism" with him in the grave.

The ceremonies in the cemetery can be held within a month. Most often, they are committed by Gypsies. They love to make love spells and wealth. But this is a very big risk for a person. If something is wrong to do, then some of the close people can get sick.

Many make conspiracies from diseases too in the cemetery. The effect is also fast enough. Most often, someone before this has already done damage to human disease. Therefore, you should not be surprised if someone constantly sick and can not cure. So, you need to exchange 100 rubles. But it is necessary to make so that they gave kopecks. Before the parent day should go to the cemetery and find the grave, which is written exactly the same name as the sick person. Next, you need to leave money from the grave and say spell words: "I will bother off dry, but from Maeta, but also from tears and illness. You have been deceived, here to lie, and we have our own way, yes distant. Amen". Now it remains only to reach the house. But it is strongly recommended with anyone to talk. Otherwise, the conspiracy will be invalid.

And very much strong ritual on the cemetery for money. It is necessary to go to the graveyard in the full moon. But before that, under the left heel to put a patch. Before entering the territory of the deceased, you should shove the foot and speak:

Deaders, your place is holy

And my place will always be rich.

You, deceased, calm and strong sleep,

And I, (my name), Zlata, platinum and silver.

Deaders, your place is calm

And in my house - silver, platinum and zlatto.

After these words, you need to turn through the right shoulder and leave. It is desirable not meat for three days.

Rituals in the cemetery can be carried out, however, if there is no fear. However, it is worth remembering that this process is quite dangerous. Therefore, you need to think many times before making rituals.

Despite the fact that the spell on the grave is powerful and in most cases irreversible, it is enough cunning. That is why it is not recommended to conduct yourself magic ritualsIn which necroenergy is involved - it is better to turn to professional MAG. What effect does the rite impass a victim and what consequences may cause an appeal to the dark forces living in the cemetery? I'll tell you about it right now.

Preparation for a spell on the grave

The grave spell is not just a ritual, but a whole set of rules that cannot be disrupted. If you do not proper respect and worship of souls, or rather the powerfulness of the deceased, in whose areas the ritual is carried out, they can be terribly avenged by the subject. The first thing to start is to be a story.

There was still no such that necroenergy obeyed the believer, baptized man. From your religion you will also have to abandon forever.

The church is now - the place where you should never appear. In your house there should also be no images of saints and other attributes of believers (crosses, flaws, memorial candles, etc.).

All portraits and photos of dead relatives will also have to remove from the walls and remove into the closet or box. The fact is that the energy of those departed, which were your loved ones, carries a positive charge and fulfills the protective functions in relation to you. The souls of these people will not allow the dark demons to make a rite, since under any circumstances their main task is to protect you from the troubles and dangers that lie you both in this world and in the otherworldly.

And in this case, the likelihood is great that the cemetery will want to "attract" you to yourself. But if you firmly decided to establish your personal life in this way, to prepare for the spell on the grave as described above.

Features of gravestoneism

When working on the cemetery, consider the features of "communication" with otherworldly forces. It is important to choose the right day of the ritual, so as not to get on such a time when the grave demons (incubuations, sukkuby, facial expressions, truads) and the dead people do not "celebrate" some of their holidays. They do not like them very much when they prevent them.

It is well aware of these days, but a non-professional to learn reliable information about this from books and the more Internet is not possible. The choice of the date is also important and then that in the "wrong" days one of the listed demons can adjust to you either in the person you are attracted. And this can lead completely to unpredictable consequences.

There is also a different danger that lies, first of all, those who are unprofessional performs. You can incorrectly set the vector energy beam and encounter an undesirable side effect. It often happens that an awesome person who is insurmountable pulls to the subject, cannot enter into intimate proximity with it - for this he chooses completely others.

The unpleasant situation, which is then very difficult to fix, most often occurs when the dead energy is completely covered and dissolves in itself the energy of the subject, i.e. He himself in itself is a weak, doubting, easily affected by someone else. With this situation, dark demons released on the will begin to work by themselves, not believing with the goals that were supplied to those who addressed them for help.

What grave to choose for a guidance ritual?

There are several rites for which you want to go to the cemetery. In some cases, the venue for the ritual is very old or, on the contrary, fresh grave. This may be a place without a monument and any other "identification signs" or the grave where the person is being exactly the same name as the victim of the love spell. Often choose the burial of a baby or a virgin.

As practice shows, good results gives a magical effect for which one grave was used in which married couple was buried. In this case, you are resorting to the help of two energyocons at once, which and in lifetime had a powerful joint love energy. The newcomer is difficult to find a suitable place, and the magician already knows where and how to look for the desired grave. And this is another argument in favor of not engaged in the semist of amateur.

All cemetery love spells belong to black magic rituals, so it is necessary to use them with great care. But, despite the fact that professional magicians warn about their danger and serious consequences, they are very in demand in the modern world. This is explained by the fact that with their help you can connect people for life.

There is a huge number of varieties of cemetery rites, but the strongest is considered a spell on the grave.

Options rituals

Any affiliate rite on the grave is very dangerous. This is not just a rite, and the set of rules that need to be strictly observed. It is very important, by speaking a spell on the grave, to show respect for the souls of the deceased, otherwise they can revenge, and this will cause unpredictable consequences not only for the victim, but also for the performer.

Powerful ritual with photo

The day before the rite should be visited by a cemetery and choose the grave on which the rite will be held. In the chosen grave, a person should be resting, whose name coincides with the name of the person being brought. Near the grave of the departed should not be long to stand in silence, after which, to leave the cemetery, without looking around.

The spell on the grave is held the next day at night, preferably at midnight. In the cemetery, you need to bring a fresh photo of your beloved and bury it in grave land at the previously selected burial.

After that, you need to pronounce the following words:

"You, deceased forever (the name of the deceased) in the crude and dark grave, are cold and dumb. And my favorite, the slave of God (chosen name) in the white light walks, but does not live with me, the slave of God (own name). Give me the deceased forever (the name of the dead man) his blessing. Let my beloved (chosen name) in the life of the earth will always be with me, and forgive the other. If you do not give my blessed on my life with me with me, then in hell you will burn the deceased forever (the name of the deadman), and nowadays the slave of God (chosen name), death will be sent.

After last words It is necessary to leave a pre-cooked sputum on the grave and quickly leave the cemetery, without looking around and without looking at other graves. On the way home it is impossible to talk to anyone, otherwise the spell will lose its strength. At home you should wash your hands and immediately go to bed.

About the ritual can not tell anyone and, moreover, it is better not to remember about it. Also, one should not be observed for a crazy person, if possible, to release a loved one for several days from sight. As soon as the photograph of the grave ground, starts rot, the chosen one will be near you and, most likely, will remain forever in your life.

There is a very effective guidance rite on a nameless grave. To do this, the old abandoned grave with a shaking wooden cross is chosen. The ritual is carried out after sunset during the growing moon.

For the rite you need to prepare:

  • Red wax candle;
  • Photo of a loved one;
  • Red threads.

Initially, you should install and light a red candle at the feet of the dead man, that is, directly next to the cross.

After that, you need to stand at the head of the deceased and pronounce nine times the words:

"I, the servant of God (his own name) found an abandoned grave on the old cemetery. In it, the dead man soars, the soul of whom she did not gain peace. I urge, open the gates, sprink up the land, the dead man come to the help me. "

After writing words, you need to take a photo and attach it to the front side to the crosshair of the cross, after which it is to tie with red threads crosswise.

"I, the slave of God (own name) by this red thread of the slave of God (the name of the beloved) is surrounding, this red thread of his love to himself is forever tie. It will be bored for me and suffer, and the rest will never know without me. Introduction Photo of your beloved to the cross and sadness-sadness painful in his heart. Without me, he will not live and will be like a dog to swell. It's not a dream, nor drinking nor food will be. Only one will only love me to the coffin board. Amen".

After that, you need to tie a thread into three nodes, take a candle and drop in molten wax to the knotted knots with the words:

"I, the servant of God (own name), I sear myself, and guard his deceased from this grave. The shield is reliable and no one word to hack and not change. You have enchanted and enchanted by me for all my life My favorite slave of God (the name of your loved one) will stay. Amen".

Then you need to clap the crosses and pronounce three times:

"As stated, it will happen. Amen".

After that, you need to leave a good spill on the grave and quickly go home. This plot begins to act almost immediately. But at the same time, be careful, any slip or extraneous interference can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Despite the fact that the trigger on the grave refers to black magic, it will not have negative consequences if between the pair created with the help of magic will arise sincere feelings. It should be remembered that you can never break loving hearts with the help of a love spell on the grave. It threatens with big challenges to the executor of the rite, and very often for the deeds you have to pay the next generations.


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