Plant Perunov color. Natural Wubble Flower Fern

Plant Perunov color. Natural Wubble Flower Fern

The solar symbol, known in the people as a fern flower wang, is under the auspices of Perun itself. Its value is associated with the pristine power of natural forces. The fern flower charm helps a person get rid of the enviousness, defeat physical disease or spiritual grief, reveal their talents. It is concerned that with it, you can even.

Ancient Slavic fern flower symbol will be useful to those who are sick with a body or soul. The charm can also use people who are in spiritual search, schoolchildren and students, travelers going to distant countries.

Magic properties of amuleta

In ancient times about the magical properties of the "Flower of Fern", legends were greeted. It was rumored that wearing a shirt, with an embroidered "color of Perun", was able to heal even a deadly sick person. Currently, the symbol is used for the following purposes:

  • To protect against envious and all sorts of ill-wishers;
  • To achieve harmony with the outside world;
  • For healing ailments;
  • To combat depression and other negative states;
  • In order to search for treasure.

If you are tormented by insomnia, then "Perunov Color" will be able to cope with this problem. Just take a symbol on a piece of linen fabric. Then put the improvised guard under the pillow. From this point on, your sleep will work out, you can forget about insomnia, and about bad dreams.

Making Talisman

To make the fern flower talisman, you can use metal or wood - suitable, ash, oak. Metal charm is better to buy in a specialized store, but a wooden talisman in the presence of some skills can be tried independently. The finished product should be hanging on the chain and wear on the neck as a coast. It is desirable that the item directly contact with your skin is to strengthen its magic potential.

If you do not have a desire to spend money, and there are no skills of a carpeting on a tree, you can try to embroider the fern flower charm on clothes. It is best for this purpose a white shirt, sewing from natural fabric (such that ancient Slavs wore). The sacred symbol can be embraced on the sleeves or under the throat. In the process of work should not be distracted by foreign conversations, TV or radio.

Legend of Fern Flower

The fern is called not only "Perunov color", but also the "rupture-grass". The last name is associated with the ability of the plant to turn the locks and search for treasures, even conspired. You can search for a rupture-grass you can only once a year - on the night of Ivan Kapahu. But it is very difficult to do it, and only a desperate bench or a person who has nothing to lose is capable of dare to such an event.

As is well known from the folk legends, on the night of Ivan Kapahu, all the evils goes to the surface of the Earth and gets the opportunity to create all sorts of inconsistency. To the one who wants to find a rupture-grass, you need to go to the forest alone. Note that the terrain should be deaf and deserted, so the closest city park will not be used as a "forest".

Having found a fern in the deaf forest, you need to turn around it the magic circle in advance with a cooked knife. The circle is drawn in such a way that the plant, and man be inside it. After that, you need to carefully follow the fern - because it blooms only one moment!

As soon as the flower appears - it is necessary to cut it immediately and run home from the forest as soon as possible. In no case can not stop, talk with someone or look around. And the unclean strength oh, how to confuse, intimidate and provoke a brave! Legends say that from those who were looking for a rupture-grass on Ivan Kupala, a little managed to stay alive. Even less, the absenters of adventurers were able to keep the mind.

How to Clean "Perunov Color"

For energy purification of the wubble, Fern flower can use fire or sun rays. If your talisman is made of metal, then in this case everything is simple - just put it in the fire for a few seconds. However, keep in mind that the flame must be "alive." In other words, you will have to breed a fire, because the home gas burner for the energy purification of the amulet will not fit.

If the symbol is cut on a wooden plate or embroidered on clothes, then for obvious reasons to throw it into the fire will not work. Take your amulet in your hands, and for a few minutes put it with sun rays. Naturally, it is necessary to do it in the afternoon and with cloudless weather. Best time For cleaning - noon, when the sun stands in the zenith.

Talisman origin

With its origin, the solaric symbol of "Flower of Fern" is obliged to mutual love of Brother Perun named Semargle and the goddess of the swimsuit. Divine couple had two children who were born to Perun presented a fern flower as a gift. The Supreme God has invested in his gift a particle of his own magical forces. From three pores, earthters began to bloom once a year - on the night of Ivan Khapov (during the summer solstice).

Slavic Waging Flower Fern It is considered one of the most ancient. This sign is solarium symbol.

A fern flower is depicted in the form of an eight-pointed swastika, which indicates the invincibility of sunlight, its strength and energy that feeds everything alive on Earth.

Flower of fern Slavs also called Perunov color, with which the ancient legend is connected.

Value and Description of the Slavic Charm and Symbol Fernal Flower

Once, the defender of the solar throne, loved the swimsuit. She called the beloved every night, but he could not leave the post.

However, once the feelings won. There was a date on September 21. Kids were born in the bathing and semarlang - and. In honor of such a solemn event, the brother of Sémargan gave them a fern flower, which invested his strength.

The ancient Slavs were confident that a person who had a fern flower acquires a patronage not only Perun, but also all the heroes of the legend. In addition, he gets a chance to exercise the most cherished desire, endowed with the ability to see all the treasures hidden in the land.

But the fern, as the ancient Slavs believed, blooms only once a year, at that very night, when Kostroma was born and bathed, - on the day of the summer solstice, and therefore it was not easy to find it. Then they created our ancestors a solar symbol, which was called - a fern flower.

Over time, the symbol began to portray on clothes and household items, produce in the form of pendants and decorations.

The fern flower charm cleans the body and soul, protects the owner from damage and the evil eye, helps to dare envious people, protects against disease.

How to use and wear Slavic waging Flower Fern

Slavic wubble fern flower universal. It is suitable for both men and women.

You can buy this charm to anyone. But, first of all, it is necessary to make those who face the dangers at work, who was in a difficult life situation and is not able to independently find a way out who cannot meet love and create a family, as well as those who are hard sick or weakened spiritually .

The sign is well suited to those who think about their spiritual and creative development and want to protect themselves from failures and life stagnation.

The ancient Slavs had many beautiful legends, and a huge amount came to the present day. In one of the most popular center figures is a fern flower. Many people dream of finding him and disrupt because it is believed that he is able to work wonders.

Ferrous flower - what is it?

The fern is one of the most ancient plants, and it grown into times when dinosaurs went on the ground. The peculiarities of this plant include the presence of a large number of elongated leaves, which are collected in the outlet. Often they are compared with bird feathers. Many are interested in how the Fern flower looks like, so scientists confirm that it is unrealistic to see buds. If you look at the plant from below, you can consider small points of brown, which can be taken for "flowers".

Fern flower - myth or reality?

People do not cease to believe in miracles, even if scientists prove that the claimed is unrealistic. Flower of fern in Slavic mythology occupied important, and every year a huge number of people dreamed of finding him. In science, they found a simple explanation for the "fairy tale." According to the legend during flowering, the plant glows, so scientists claim that in wet places where the fern grows, there are many fireflies. In addition, some plants in the forest produce poisonous evaporations, which cause hallucinations, and a person may seem like anything.

Legend of Fern Flower

Since ancient times, a beautiful story has reached us, the main character of which was guarding the Sun and his brother Perun. In one day, he fell in love with a swimsuit - a gentle goddess of the night, which seemed very inaccessible, but she answered the feelings of a young man. The problem was that SEMARGL was to constantly be on his sunny throne, and the swimsuit was the Government of the night.

Lovers could not resist the feelings, and on June 21 (according to the old style) they merged together, and this day was recognized as summer equinox. After some time, the couple had two children who were called Kostroma and Phal. Perun decided to make a gift to his brother and in honor of the birth of nephews, he presented to them for happiness, which had a huge force.

How to find a fern flower?

According to the legends, exactly at midnight on Ivan Kapahu literally, a magic fire-red flower is blossoming, which shines so brightly, that not every person can withstand his glow. People when looking for a fern flower, must read prayers and be sure to believe in miracles. It is believed that the one who can find it and disrupt will have a huge force, and he will be able to see all the hidden treasures and open any doors, from here, another name appeared - "rupture-grass."

It was difficult to find a fern flower still due to the fact that in the bathing night the plant is guarded by spirits that tear it immediately after the dissolution of bud. If a person managed to get a flower, he was waiting for tests and checks from unclean power. In one of the versions it is indicated that the fern should remain in his place until the morning until the demons leave the ravis. Interestingly, in the story of N. Gogol "Night on the eve of Ivan Kupala" described about the bloom of the fern.

When flower Flower Fern?

According to legends to see a miracle, that is, the blossom of fern, it is possible only once a year - on the night of June 23-24 (according to a new style - July 6-7). In ancient times, the Slavs are given to the Slavs on this day, and a few years later, the Orthodox Church turned a pagan celebration into a Christian holiday. Since then, believers in this day remember St. John the Baptist or Ivan Kupala. It is worth noting that according to one of the versions of the Fern flower is a miracle that can be seen only once a hundred years.

Where to look for a fern flower?

The plant loves wet and warm places, so it is necessary to recover in search of lakes, rivers and swamps. Rarely, but you can see the fern and in the meadows. It should be borne in mind that the magic flower is hidden from people, so it is very difficult to find it, and you will have to go into a deaf forest where there are no other wishing to get magic forces. It was already mentioned about why the fern flower is looking, so you need to remember the competitors seeking to become rich.

How to break a fern flower?

Deciding to go in search of a miracle flower, you need to take a knife and tablecloth with you white color. There are several rules relating to how to tear the fern:

  1. If luck smiled, and managed to make sure that the fern flower exists, then you need to sit down next to, spreading the tablecloth and outwards around yourself and the plants protective circle.
  2. It is important to stay next to the flower from the north. Concentrate on the plant and do not be distracted by other thoughts and sounds.
  3. At midnight, the feeling that invisible forces want to attack, frightening cries will be heard and shadows appear. It is necessary to withstand the test and in no case go out of the drawn protective circle.
  4. Go around the fern flower three times, uttering words of any prayer, for example, ours "Father". After that, quickly coat the flower and cover it with a prepared tablecloth and run home. In no case do not turn around, because if you break this rule, you can lose the fern flower charm. In addition, there is a legend that dark forces can pick up a soul with them.

What to do with Fern flower?

It remains to find out what to do with a flower to get its energy. The best solution is to put a bud so that it does not deteriorate. You can still put a flower in the bag. In the end, it turns out powerful faithYou need to constantly wear with you. Fernal flower - a symbol that attracts happiness, giving the ability to see the treasures and protecting from any. In addition, it is considered a powerful love magnet and with it can be attracted to themselves any person. Ferrous flower is a Slavic symbol of good luck, and there is also an opinion that it gives strength to understand the language of flora and fauna.

Fernal Flower - Signs

About the strength of the flower has already been said a lot, but exists a large number of will take on the plant itself.

  1. If it was not possible to find a fern flower for happiness, then you can put a plant in a pot in the house, which improves the atmosphere in the room, filling it with life energy and leading to harmony mental state.
  2. With the help of fern, you can establish relationships in the family and to a greater extent among people of different ages.
  3. To protect yourself, your family and a house from unclean strength, it is recommended to keep the fern in the house. Please note that if its leaves began to spin and wither, this is a signal that someone brought damage.
  4. According to one of the flower, the flower is able to warn a person from rapid financial expenses.
  5. Since many wanted to take possession of a miracle plant, the ancient Slavs made the fern charm, which possesses powerful protective properties and attracts happiness to man.
  6. It is important to take into account that the fern is the "energy vampire", since he needs a lot of energy for normal growth. To avoid negative impact, put the pot near the TV or other electrical instrument.

Ferrus flower (Perunov Color) - one of the ancient solar ornamental symbols in Slavic religious culture. The fern flower is a peculiar eight-pointed swastika, which our ancestors attached a special esoteric value. Like any swoy, the fern flower symbol personified the whole solar energy, the energy of life that feeds is all existing.

The Russian name of the fern occurred from the Slavic word "port" and "Porothe", which also means "wing." Now the Slavic root has been preserved only in the word "soar". In the pagan Rus, the fern was devoted to the 6th thunder and lightning Perun. The folk names of the fern are very expressive: Perunov Firemanwoman, heat-color, rupture-grass, jar, pureness, damn beard, Sorokozub, flossman, spool, all and not listed.

What do legends say

Love Semargla

Flower of a fern, which is also called Perunov, is associated with one ancient legend, telling about the forbidden love of Semarlagra, the first defender of the solar throne, and a swimsuit, a tender and good goddess of summer nights. SEMARGL and the bathhouse loved each other, but could not be together, as the defender of the Sun had no right to remove from the shining either by a moment. But one day, Semargl allowed the feelings to take over the debt, and from the very day (the day of the autumn equinox, September 21) the night gradually began to lengthen, winning the day. Soon the swimsuit and the heavenly warrior had two children who were called Kostroma and Kupala. For the day of their birth, Perun presented to the children of his brother gift - a bloomed fern. In this magic flower Perun put a particle of his strength.

How the fern appeared

The people's legend explains the appearance of the name "fern". Invited once the king one poor family to visit. They dressed their modest clothes and went to the palace. The road went there through the forest. The child smeared his outfit with forest berries and became the bright and cheerful, mom decorated herself with flowers, and dad rided beautiful openwork leaves and made himself a big elegant collar. In the palace, they looked quite decent, no worse than other guests, even the king was satisfied. He especially liked the outfit of the head of the family. The king suggested a child to himself - find out what it is so beautiful with his father on his neck. He answered: Papin collar, but the king did not hear and remember, like a fern. Since then, it has been done to call these carved leaves by a fern.

Fern color

The most beautiful and well-known legend of ferns says that this plant blooms only on the night of Ivan Khapov. Between the leaves similar to the wings of an eagle, flower kidney rises. At midnight, she is revealed with a crackle, and a fiery flower appears, illuminating everything around, while the thunder is broken and the earth is shaken. According to the legend, a person who defeated the fear of the unclean strength and grave flower of fern, is subject to all secrets and spells. He will acquire many useful properties: It will be understood by the language of flowers and birds, trees and animals, can become invisible, and most importantly, it will begin to see through the earth and, of course, will find all the treasures hidden in the ground.

Filling a fern flower could have been accidentally. One legend tells how a man went on the night of Ivan Kapahu in the forest to search for missing bulls, and got lost. At midnight, a fern flower fell into his lasp. At that moment, the person immediately found out where he was, began to understand the language of birds and animals, saw the treasures in the earth. However, on the way home, the flower began to burn to him, and a man who wrapped his lasp, lost flower, and with him all his wonderful knowledge. It is especially lucky to someone who, having broken the flower of a fern, will be able to "sew" it into the skin of the palm. To do this, make a cut in your left hand, and stuff the flower there.

What does the sign look like?

The Slavic waging flower of fern in shape resembles Kolovrat, only with eight rays. The image was applied to the clothes, household items, wore in the form of a talisman on the neck. The symbol has a double value: it simultaneously serves as a dark and bright world.

If you take a look at its image, you will see that it is both left-sided and right-sided Kolovrat. If at the base of Kolovrat twisted in one direction, then in the place where the rays branched themselves on additional branches, Kolovrat begins to spin in the other direction. Thus, the same symbol is facing immediately to both sides of the world - dark and bright, creating and destruction (for lovers of Eastern culture - Yin and Yang). This makes this charm-amulet symbol unique and versatile both in its properties and in its destination.

Magic properties

The fern flower chaff is considered a magic talisman. There were whole legends about his magical properties. Slavs believed that amulet:

  • treats body disease and mind;
  • leads to treasures;
  • helps to find peace, mutual understanding with the outside world;
  • protects from evil forces.

Who suits the Slavic sign?

Perunov Color is a versatile guard. It can be worn without exception, regardless of age and gender. He can also serve as a home defense. The wubble will help his owner to gain happiness, peace of mind and find his calling contributes to spiritual development.

The charm will benefit:

  • students and schoolchildren, researchers and teachers - all those who seek to gain knowledge and improves their skills;
  • those who have to spend a lot of time on driving on debt service or travels at the venue of the heart.

Ferreer flower is able to bring trouble on a gambling person who can risk. All because the charm himself acts in a similar way, pushing its owner to risk and defeating.

Most need to protect it:

  • people who have lost interest in life and faith in themselves;
  • weak, suffering from lack of energy and vitality;
  • everyone who desperately trying to find their way in life;
  • warriors, soldiers, guarding the Motherland;
  • those who conduct ritual rituals.

You can not wear Perunov color to a person dishonest having unacceptable thoughts. The power of the talisman will not work, and may even involve a detractor into a dangerous situation. In addition, the amulet does not act if a person is able to accomplish a low act to achieve a goal, bring harm to others. The flower of fern and the one who gives too much importance to the material benefits.

In the distant past, the fern flower enjoyed more popular with men than in women. The patron siest of Opersega Perun personified strength and courage, so the amulet was most often warriors. He gave courage in battle, endowed his owner dexterity and determination. The amulet passed from his father to his son acquired an increasing magic force every time.

Use Oberega

First of all, this sign shows a youthful delete. At the same time, in contrast to the six-weather Perunovoy, it could be used both by the young man and some girls who elected a military path or simply differed by non-Runny abilities in a considerable business. Accordingly, the magic properties of the overawe of the color of fern help in the development of physical data - dexterity, endurance and forces, and also strengthen and temper the spirit.

It should be noted that embroidery in the form of this sign has never been applied to everyday outfits. Festive outfits were usually decorated with such ornaments, in which young people went to fist fights, as well as the urgent of soldiers' shirts. By analogy, slavic Obereg The fern flower was not used in the design of housing. Usually, only the house of the governor, dining rooms of the prince's friends and the personal rest of the warriors could be buried.

It is necessary to show some caution when using this sign. It can provoke an internal aggression and in no case will not suit people with a quiet way - a mixture of the measured, quiet energy of a similar person with the militant and active character of the sign will not only not help in life, but will not turn her down on his head without any POSITIVE EFFECT.

Many parents were stirred to apply such symbols for children's clothing, as it unequivocally helped the child to grow zadira and sorvorigol, however, for hereditary warriors, such qualities were more positive, and they were not afraid of such signs. In any case, if you use this symbol in children's clothes or things, prepare for the fact that your child will be really hyperactive.

At the same time, it is worth saying that this charm, despite the fact that it will activate physical activity and aggression, will not allow to direct its power to harm weaker, but rather will perform a barrier if such a tendency in humans are available. In general, the color of the fern is good faith For those who love adventures, has a profession related to military affairs or simply wants to keep themselves in good physical form and be able to stand up for themselves.

Production of a fern champ

To make a fern charm, you need to break a couple of plants stalks and add them in a bright place. The dried fern is tied up with a wool thread and unfolds in the corners of the rooms on the elevation.

If the fern put under the pillow, he will save a person from nightmares. The fern, put in a dark corner of the garden, supplied to the Vaza, abandoned with hot corners, that is, in any form, the plant will protect and protect. It is best to wear a fern on a naked body to contact the owner as closely as possible with the owner and defended from damage and evil eye. No less popular in Slavs were escaped from other herbs, for example, from Petrov Cross. This grass was used fishermen, attaching it to a joy, so that she patronize and defended, because it was St. Peter guarded fishermen.

It is also known about the protective properties of the peony, the flowers of which, if they are ripped in the flowering process, also used for facing. PION Flowers should be dried on white paper, which is pre-written the prayer "Our Father". The dried petals of peony are placed in a canvas bag and carry with them, hiding from prying eyes.


Embroidery Oberega implied compliance with certain rules. When embroidered, it was necessary to monitor the accuracy of the central component of the symbol. The embroidery process itself was necessary to carry out a decreasing moon.

Special attention should be paid to the configuration, with which embroidery embarks. In addition, the complexity of the process matters. If the threads are often torn or nodes are tied, one after another is formed errors, then embroidery should be postponed. This means that at the moment the charm will not be able to protect a person with due force. There will be no benefit in this case.

In combination with other symbols on embroidery, the charm is able to fight concrete problems. For example, if you need to save a person from alcohol addiction, then the fern flower is depicted together with the welw. During the problems with vision, it is recommended to surround the symbol of Perunovoy color by cornflowers.

To preserve the family focus, a combination of fern and hops is used. In the presence of diseases of the respiratory system, the fern flower symbol is combined with the image of a stribozhik and oak branches. With colds, romance and hops are added.

When creating overag, follow the following principles:

  • The embroidery of the overama should occur by the goodwill. In no case cannot make someone to do the charm or embroider it through force itself.
  • Embroidery force will be stronger if it will be engaged in a blood relative. Spouses are not considered in this case.
  • At the time of embroidery, you need to think about a person who is intended. It is necessary to establish communication between the guard and its owner.
  • For embroidery, it is better to use cotton threads and natural fabrics;
  • It is necessary to monitor the absence of nodules on embroidery.
  • If you want to extinguish a married couple from a change, then embroidery should include orange and red shades.
  • On the product intended for the child, you should additionally embed an image of the animal.
  • Green embroidery is focused on improving well-being.
  • Protection against aggression is embroidery in purple and blue tones.
  • Small embroidery elements must have one shade.
  • Black embroidery color protects against infertility and contributes to the early conception of the child.
  • A symbol of longevity will be placed next to a fern flower, a tree. Best of all, if it is a fir.

Ferrous flower - ancient Slavic charm. This is a wasty symbol with eight ends, which has a powerful energy endowed with a magic property. The ancestors considered the image of the flower with a reflection of the inexhaustible force of the Sun, without which the earth's life is impossible.

Fernal Flower - Ancient Slavic Charm

Fermer Flower Symbol Features

By believing Slavs, the symbol reliably protects against evil power. But the owner of a protective sign can only be a clean soul person.

Many centuries live a legend that the one who finds the blooming fern in the Kupalskaya night, will receive an inconspicuous wealth. But it will not be material benefits, as many expect, and deep spiritual knowledge.

Furious Flower Wagon is a universal defender. It protects the carrier from a variety of negative impacts: damage, curses, evil eye, ailments. The ancestors believed that with constant wearing in the form of an amulet, the symbol cleans the soul, fills it with force and will.

Fucking Flower Fern - this is a universal defender

It helps his owner:

  • spiritually brilliant;
  • fulfill the cherished desires not to the detriment of other people;
  • find confidence and inner strength;
  • crate with Handrea;
  • establish relationships with surrounding people;
  • achieve their goals;
  • feed from the effects of negative energy.

In order for the charm helped, it must be referred to with respect.

Who suits the Slavic sign?

The symbol is universal, helps both men and women. It is recommended to carry wubble to all family members for spiritual development, strengthening the physical forces, maintaining strong and happy family relationships.

A useful symbol of a fern flower is for teachers, scientists, students: it symbolizes the sun, and the sunlight is a symbolic reflection of the light of knowledge.

Mascot lost in life in life helps to find his place, find a goal. It has a strong inspirational and motivating energy, so suitable for creative personalities, military, as well as white magic people engaged in white magic.

Do not wear charm:

  • adventurers who achieve goals at any cost;
  • risky people;
  • plotting an evil case (everything will turn against the attacker);
  • engaged in black witchcraft.

Today, the decoration with the satellite color is people of all sexes and ages. But in antiquity it was intended for men. The swoby symbol is associated with the way Perun - the patron of warriors and defenders. And in the ancient Slavic men, forced to often stand up on the defense of the Earth and the family, in honor were inner strength, confidence and courage.

Color Perun.

On June 20, Perunov day, the holiday of all the defenders of the Mother Earth. And the legendary flower of fern is called Perunov Color - it was he who gave Kostroma and a joy on the day of their wedding the brave son of Lada and Svarog. A part of the Power of Perun is enclosed in the magic flower.

Opinion expert

Ilmira Derbentsev


According to Slavic belief, fern blooms only once a year on the day of the summer solstice. It is very difficult to find the flower, and the defense is needed by everything, therefore the corresponding solar symbol was created.

Charm for home

The home the guard did in the form of a broom of dried fern leaves. He defended the dwelling and households from unclean power.

The leaves were dried in the sun, then with the help of a woolen thread bought brooms. They were hanging high in the corners of the dwelling. If one of the households tormented by nightmares, then the fern leaf lay under the pillow.

Home the guard did in the form of a broom of dried fern leaves

Modern people to protect the house are planted fern on the household site or insert dried plants leaves into the interior decor.


Flower of fern can be made of any metal, wood, stone. It is advisable to wear an amulet so that he touches himself directly to the skin: so it is actively pulling out of the carrier negative energy. At night it is recommended to put the decoration under the pillow, and delivering in the morning, talking to him, talk about your plans and dreams, asking for help in the realization of the conceived.

In the old days, only wealthy people could afford to buy an amulet. The poor dried fern, put it in the bag, which was worn on his chest.

Embroidery: Ornament

According to Slavic reference, the color of the fern on clothes has no less power than amulet.

The work of the craftsmen are proceeding on a decreasing moon. The spiritual mood should be positive. IN otherwise Threads will be confused, errors will appear in the work, and there will be no protective force in the resulting embroidery. It is necessary to embroider without making nodules. Fabrics and threads should be only natural.

According to Slavic belief, the color of the fern color on clothes has no less power than amulet rather

The most silent flower embroidered by a blood relative. Embroidery in the process of work should communicate (at least in thoughts) with a person for whom clothing is intended. The energy of the covered pattern merges with the energy of the future owner.

Embroidery options: Schemes

The protective effect of the flower can be enhanced by adding it with energy items. Popular embroidery schemes in which the fern combines:

  • - eliminates alcoholism;
  • Whirlwind (stribling symbol) - treats pulmonary diseases;
  • Rodimich - prevents respiratory diseases;
  • any animal - protects the child;
  • khmelem - chooses a family;
  • vasilkom - supports vision;
  • fir - prolongs life.

Thread color and their meaning

Embroidery flower, you need to take into account that the thread of a certain color has its meaning:

  • red (and all shades) - prevents treason and family conflicts;
  • green - attracts financial well-being;
  • blue (lilac and other shades) - weakens the aggression of the carrier;
  • black - eliminates infertility.


Body decoration by the coated symbol is a popular modern way to obtain high protection. Moreover, the picture used can be like a swasting sign of the flower, and the naturally depicted ferner sheet. Tattoo is suitable for women and men.

Body Decoration by Coaned Symbol - Popular Modern Method for Higher Protection

The value of the champion on the body:

  • attracting good luck;
  • cleansing of the soul;
  • hardening of the Spirit, emphasis by purposefulness;
  • fencing against negative impact.

You can tattoo any part of the body, but it is desirable that it was a plot protected by clothing from strangers.

How to charge charm?

In order for the protective power of the talismans, they needed to be periodically charged and cleaned from the accumulated negative. Charging the fern flower in Slavic tradition is carried out with the help of four elements. The rite is carried out in a secluded place (better not in the room, but in nature) on the day of Perun - Thursday. Before the rite you need to wash, get into clean clothes.

Fire and Water

The product should be held over a candle flame, a fire or right sunlight. Negative energy in this amulte is closed by fire or sunlight. Conductive rite man should not allow negative thoughts.

Water quickly carries bad energy. Home Decoration can be put on the water from the crane, in nature - omit into the river or stream.

Air and earth

To make an amulet with a charge of positive energy, it is enough to bring it out of the house in windy weather. It is advisable to be outside the dusty and tanned city.

To fill the talisman of the energy of the Earth, it must be buried overnight in a secluded and quiet place.

Fernal flower - charm with a powerful energy promise. It is universal, suitable for any person who does not have evil intent in the shower.

The amulet helps people intimidated and confused in life, indicates the right direction, emphasizes internal force and confidence, reliably protects against dangers and negative magical influence.


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