True owner Slave name. Why read free love spells not effectively and even dangerous? Strong conspiracy - so that the guy in love confesses

True owner Slave name. Why read free love spells not effectively and even dangerous? Strong conspiracy - so that the guy in love confesses

Sometimes people experience such strong feelings that they are not able to cope with them. Then to the aid, they comes to the action of love spell. These rites are divided into those relating to white or black magic. Despite the fact that they are held very often, often they entail enough serious consequences for both the victim and the performer.

Witchcraft helps loving people to achieve happiness, but they need to use it. It should be understood that such a ritual violates the usual stroke of things and is interference in the will of the Higher Forces. Therefore, a person is punished so that in the future he did not repeat such actions.

How to avoid the consequences of love spell

The vast majority of people do not seek to take possession of the will of her beloved. But those who have become a victim of real passion are not able to stop before.

If the feelings are indeed strong, the rite is allowed without a special negative impact on the fate of the performer and the victim.

However, nevertheless, before it is necessary to weigh it, whether a woman is ready to devote all his life to a person, as she puts his well-being, his health and happiness of his family in the event that a man is married.

If the attraction to it is just a whim or desire to solve its material problems for someone else's account, the results of the ritual can be very heavy.

Therefore, those who conduct a spell on a man independently need to know exactly how to implement it to avoid negative consequences.

It is better to give preference to the means of white magic. It acts not as powerful as black, but does not entail negative influences.

A man gradually begins to reach out to the woman more stronger, so that he himself believes that they fell in love with her on her own will.

The black ritual almost throws him into an embrace of the performer, he involuntarily tries to get rid of such an unexpected and unwanted effect. The woman herself is also not able to get rid of his impact, even when her love passes.

Therefore, you need to know exactly how to make a love spell so as not to feel serious consequences.

It is most important for this to be the most sincere feelings for this and try to bind it to yourself not for the sake of benefits, but in order to give him happiness.

It follows from the bottom of my heart to wish to man a good, want to create a family with him and get the children.

If a man see that the feeling of a woman who has arisen is fully justified, he will note all doubts that they manifested too suddenly.

The kindness and tenderness of the performer will create quite reliable protection against the consequences of the rite, and the victim will not seek to free themselves from his action.

Basic Rules of Safe Presentation


  • Use for him men's days, namely Monday, Tuesday, Thursday;
  • do not carry out a ritual on Sunday;
  • spend it at night;
  • take only a loved one;
  • execute a rite alone;
  • use for the ritual period after the new moon;
  • do not try to put on my service black magic.

Perform a spell needed with the full faith in its action. After it is spent, it is necessary to warm up to God, ask him for forgiveness and protection.

The best way out in order to avoid the consequences is to visit the church. There you need to buy candles, light them, lay the smoke all the rooms and read "our own".

Rite with a candle

The spell is worth spending only on a really hot loved one. In this case, you can not be afraid of dangerous consequences.

The effect of white magic is not so much affecting the fate of people.

If a beautiful sex representative wishes only a good object of its intentions, it will not harm for both.

In the event that a man already has sympathy for a woman, then the response will follow very quickly. If the spell was permanently carried out, then the person will be desperately resist, up to the emergence of hate to his executor.

Effective is the rite using a consecrated candle. It should be bought in the nearest church, and only independently and for your money.

She will serve as a barrier between the negative influence of witchcraft and the performer of the ritual.

Conduct the spell is required at twelve o'clock in the morning. Two candles are heated and spilled with each other, pronouncing the spell:

"Like these candles with each other with a friend, so and we are completely merged with you"

Then they need to be lit and, until they went out, say:

"How the candles are lit up with fire, so our hearts with you are sprinkled. Let the Heart of the Slave of God (Name) ignites, love to me, the servant of God (name) opens "

Then the candles are quenched and, leaving the woven, hide into inaccessible to those surrounding the place. With the right lead spell and accurately followed by all its rules, it passes without any consequences for the performer and the victim.

Ritual carried out using a man's picture

Very powerful and effective is the rite taken by photo. A snapshot take any, including electronic.

The only requirement for it is that it is as new as possible.

It is necessary to conduct it very precisely, not a step of step away from the rules.

In the event that everything is fulfilled without errors, the man will forever be fed tied to a woman who exercised the rite.

Despite the presence of a snapshot, you need to constantly imagine the image of your beloved person to the more powerful energetic flow. In the presence of strong feelings, return love will be the same passionate. He is graduated from the feeling and desires of the executor of the rite, he will experience a response attraction.

Therefore, once again you need to think well, is it ready to spend your whole life with him. Otherwise, she will turn off not only the fate of a man, but also her own.

It is necessary to put his image on the table, put hands on it, passing through them all the power of your feelings and forcing them to reach the heart of a man you want to shock.

It is worth imagining the joy of how to make a joint life, and also promise never to change him and do not cease to love.

The stronger the sense of the woman, the more distinct the person will feel. With the hottest faith in perfumeing the arald, it is necessary to say:

"The true owner, the slave (name) can not live without his shadow, longing for me, your servant (name) will not overcome. Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. As the sun in the sky, so you are with me, the servant of the owner (name). "

The spell must be repeated three times a day until the spell is fully implemented.

Rite with birch branch

In an effective way to attract the attention of the male you like is the next one. It is necessary to thoroughly weigh, whether the woman is ready to marry him.

If she is confident in his love, she needs to take thick threads and birch processes.

From the twig you need to make a fit of the arrows and thirty times to wind it with a thread. Then go to the shore of the nearest reservoir and say:

"VERETEWNEY, MY KALENNE ARROW, FIRTU, THE HEALTH RELATIVE SOLUTION OF MY (NAME) PRIA. Get into it, there is a loss. White Sweddy, kind horse, coast is cool, but it does not sat down, the sand does not appear. Mountains are high, the mountains of the stone stands are eternal, as the mountains do not collapse, the Children's crown from the chapter can not be squeezed and cute my (name) with me, (name) do not separated. Truly speech, strength in the word My Witches. Amen".

The process fall asleep with soil and quickly, without turning around, go. Rituals can be carried out at home, without resorting to the help of professional sorcerers.

The timing of their execution is different. Sometimes after five days the influence of the attitude is affected, and sometimes takes at least thirty days.

In many ways, this difference depends on whether love has been mutual from the very beginning.

Man still must realize his feelings, weigh them and make a decision that he wants to be close to the executor of the rite. If he does not feel feelings or has a family, it is capable of resisting his influence for a long time.

But even in these cases, if a man sees the power of the love of a woman, he will not be able to resist her.

It will notice that the spell came into force is not difficult. A person will begin to put out attention, make gifts, try to spend more time together.

With the minute, as she realized him, she gets power over the soul of a man. Therefore, in order to avoid the consequences, you do not need to abuse your authority, since the love caused by the ritual is not natural.

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White love spell is part of bright magic, which has long been helped by people to establish a personal life. Via magic rite You can return your loved one, awaken an interest or response passion, return mutual understanding and harmony in the family, as well as much more.

However, before turning to the MAGA or spend this ritual at home, it is necessary to understand that in any case, the probationary rite is the violent tie of one person on the other, and he will not always always keep his beloved man.

White magic differs from black in that the first naturally causes sympathy or love, and helps a traveled person to decide on active actions. White magic is mainly used to strengthen the existing sympathy and consolidation of love feelings, while setting the installation on loyalty and the complete absence of a change and even thrust to potential rivals or rivals.

White love strength

White magic does not try to subjugate a person at all costs, unlike black, it can be compared with a slight push directed into the necessary strength of the thoughts and feelings of the person of interest. After that, the ritual, the troubled will think about the customer, to look for a meeting with him and receive pleasure from it. The power of the White Magic Rite is that it creates spiritual and emotional proximity between two people, which allows you to build relationships.

Bright practices are loved by many women, because they allow you to reveal your potential and at the same time solve problematic situations

However, the spell will not be able to solve all the problems that have arisen, white MagicMost likely, provides a chance, and the end result will depend on the person himself ordered the rite. Therefore, even after the ritual has brought the desired result, it is impossible to work on it and your relationship.

Often white rituals are used to adjust the already consisted relationships in order to prevent the break. We can also take advantage when the partner wants, but is afraid to build relationships, or is not sure of them, hesitates and cannot decide on a serious step.

A white love spell applies and in cases where there was a strong sympathy for a free person from a long circle of communication, with which in the future I would like to build relationships, but it is not possible to get to knowing it closer. It is possible to shock the beloved "white" rite in a wide variety of situations, subject to the main rule of white magic - not harm.

Love White Presents by Photography

In bright magic there are many different love spells on love and the most common of them - this is a white spell, made by the photo of the beloved. The ritual of a photo of a loved one performs 3 tasks: awakens sympathy, sexual attraction and causes longing.

For the attitude you will need a photo of a trained person (the age of photography should not exceed 2-3 years, it is better to use just done).

Walking in one day

Love spell on a photo card Men to love should be read 3 times during the day - in the morning, day and evening until your favorite will begin to show signs of attention. Before reading the spell, you must put the right hand on the card and feel the energy flow:

"The true owner, the slave (name) can not live without his shadow, longing for me, your servant (name) will not overcome. Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. Like the sun in the sky, and you are with me, the slave of the owner (name). "

Using red candles

Write on a sheet of paper in the present time everything is expected to get from the person being traveled. Then roll the sheet into the tube, set fire to the red candle and hold over the photo by pronouncing the words:

"What will pass over your head - it will fall into it. As behind the back marks - the heart of the robin slave (name) will break up. "

This spell works on the personal power of the artist

Visual type of love spell

This white spell on the photo is independently performed visually. Before going to bed, it is necessary to establish contact with the image of a person being traveled, feeling its energy. We must lie in free clothing or without it and mentally visualize the desired one.

If everyone is done correctly, then the sent thoughts will reach your loved one and will set for a long time in his head. It is recommended to carry out this magic ritual to the full moon. After visualization, the photo should be put under the pillow and fall asleep, without talking to anyone.

An independent love spell is valid only with the correct observance of rituals, spells, serious intention, and also depends on the natural abilities of a person who wants to make a spell. If a person does not have a tendency to the magic of love and occult sciences, then it is better to seek help from white MAGA.

Consider in detail the light love spell without the consequence of white magic - with detailed description All magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Few people know that there is a truly efficient and absolutely safe way to shock a loved one - this is a love spell without consequences. If fate does not favor you, and the man does not meet you with reciprocity, you should contact white magic, to light forces, asking them for help. But it is important to remember: you will not be able to make yourself love yourself. If there is not the slightest hint of sympathy, your attempts to perpetuate a person are doomed to failure. This is the difference between white magic from black.

White Magic: Walking a guy at home

When conducting a rite - eliminate any doubts in your abilities, pre-give attention to thinking about the following question: Does the rite of the love spell of the man itself or should turn to a specialist. Sometimes a little experience in magic or inattention can cause failure.

Why is white magic now popular?

Calling to the help of white spirits at home, you not only increase the sympathy of your beloved man, pushing it to active actions, but also make your relationship from various adversity, such as betrayal, quarrels, family troubles, separation. That is, black magic acts destroying both partners, and white allows you to make a charm.

After some time, a person begins to think about you, he has a need for communication, meetings with you. It happens so easily and naturally that nothing can convince him that the feelings are caused by magical way. There is a special relationship between the initiator of the attitude and his beloved person, which is not destroyed by anything.

Pray after the scandal will help a white spell without consequences

However, there is a very common misconception that whispeting a few words above the candle or at home using another ritual, you can solve all your problems, trouble, attract the success and attention of the opposite sex, without doing anything for its part.

People who think so almost always remain with anything. After all, if you set a certain goal, you need to take a step towards her, seek your own. Magic only helps, contributes to the achievement of a particular result, attracting a man, but the main role is yours.

White magic is still used to correct, establishing relations between a man and a woman, in case of their quarrel. Sometimes it is very convenient to read a conspiracy at home, make a rite, and the next day already get the result. Absolutely any situation can be resolved by magic, but guided by the main vow, which reads: First of all, it is impossible to harm your neighbor, it is impossible to succumb to Egoism and Gordin.

Photography as a tool for love

If it should be "to invest" on the Internet, familiarize yourself with information from books with conspiracies and rites, you can find a huge number of rites for love, which is absolutely easy to make at home. But the simplest, affordable method is to use the photo of the man who you are planning to excite love. It will also be a photo taken by a mobile phone available in every person. It is desirable that the photo is new, made in the recent time.

Love spell in the photo - Effective white magic, helping to establish relationships

All you need is to read these simple words, leaning towards a photo and putting her palms on it, visualizing how energy goes from you. How your whole love is passed to the photo. It is important to submit it as bright as possible, as if you actually see this picture.

"The true owner, the slave (name) can not live without his shadow, longing for me, your servant (name) will not overcome. Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. As the sun in the sky, so you are with me, the servant of the owner (name). "

Read magic words at home three times: in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. Take the patience, ask the idea that you will read this conspiracy for love until the result appears.

Candle rite

Back in ancient times, women knew that he was very effectively used in the attractions of a red candle, as it had a strong energy. The procedure for holding a ritual aimed at love is:

Burning red candle for rite

  1. Write on a newly purchased specifically for the rite, your thoughts about how the person should do to which you are not indifferent. What are you waiting for him.
  2. After that, roll the sheet, adjust its scarlet color with a candle and keep the tag of the lover, saying not too loud and not too quiet.

"What will pass over your head - it will fall into it. As behind the back marks - the heart of the robin slave (name) will break up. "


This is pretty a complex method of attitude, accessible only to those who have no problems with imagination. It is performed non-completely due to the fact that it is necessary to relax, focus and proceed as follows:

  • it is best to spend it at night, at home, in your bedroom. You need to lie down in a convenient posture, a good result also contributes to relaxation or meditation. You can light the aromatic candle, but in this case try not to fall asleep;
  • immediately imagine the object of your sympathy before your inner eyes. Feel his energy. You must see it also distinctly and good, as in life. Then say my desire to myself, putting all my love in it, presenting how it comes to your loved one;
  • put the photo of this person under the pillow, without saying a word.

After that, he pays attention to you, he will unwittingly appear about you. During the day after the visualization, carefully observe his behavior, if your favorite person began to look for meetings with you, began to treat you somehow differently, then the rite worked.

For someone spell - easy way To embody your desires in life, in order to attract love, in other people it is harder. It all depends on whether you have a tendency to esoteric hobbies, from how much your desire to be with the object of love.

If all the conditions are met, and you have some magic abilities, everything will be in the best way. IN otherwiseYou need to visit the professional white magician.

White love spell. Effects. Magic

Desperate to conquer the heart of your loved one, both girls and guys are looking for help in magical rituals and rites. Of course, it is dangerous. Specialists write about it and say. White love spell is presented as the simplest and light, non-melting threats to the fate of the magic process. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

What is a white love spell?

To begin with, we will define how to be found with the concepts. It is believed that there is black and white magic. The spell at the same time, made in various paradigms, allegedly has fundamental differences. Black leads to serious troubles that do not arise if bright forces are involved in magical cooperation. White love spell, it is necessary to clearly realize, too, is an act of imposing their own will victim. There are weak, safe rituals. But their effectiveness is very small. Yes, and the love spells do not consider them. Because the purpose of these rituals is to attract the attention of a certain person, and not to make feelings. White love spell, however, as black, is intended for a hundred percent coverage of the victim's Gresses. And this, as everyone is understandable, does not do in the interests of the object in respect of which the ritual is held. Most likely, the reader will decide that he will be watched. Not in this case. If someone decided to make magic part of his life, you should go with open eyes, realizing the consequences of any application. So that later the elbows do not bite.

What are the consequences of love spell

Interference in the work of the highest forces without an answer is not necessary. Our celestial patrons jealously monitor that every person, above all, his own tasks performed, then he was already engaged in the problems of others. It is in this that the riskiness of any magical rite is. The wizard redirects the energy without asking permission. If it is mistaken, it will be corrected. From the point of view of the Universe, the correction will be loyal. But the person himself perceives it, as a rule, very aggressively, considering undeserved punishment. White spell, in the most negative option, causes such consequences:

  • small diseases;
  • discomfort in new relationships;
  • unexpected material losses;
  • childlessness.

The listed problems do not wear a catastrophic nature, but on nervous system Magic-loser act annoyingly. To change the circumstances unaccounted earlier in their own favor also helps white magic. The spell should be removed, cleanse the aura of the participants in the process (customer and victim) and spend if you want another ritual.

Magic without consequences

The above material can generate a sense of impossibility of using magic. What do you do, and you will have to answer. I don't want to hurt or suffer from anyone. It turns out that the loving person is in a closed circle. And so bad, and in another bitter. You know, the basis of the rite should be lined with light love, then nothing terrible will happen. The magician works detached, not involving the feelings in the fate of the customer and the victim. That is why it does not suffer from the consequences of his actions. White love spells at home should be carried out the same way. Look at your destiny. Wish happiness victim. Refuse the unconditional performance of the desire in favor of love. This, of course, is not easy. After all, they will have to take any likelihood of events for a short time, even the worst. However, there is no other way to avoid consequences. Agree, it is better to survive the tragedy in thoughts in advance than to face her in real life.

Varieties of white Prikovotov

Cause response feelings in a loved one in various ways. It is recommended to choose the most accessible and comfortable software. They are as follows:

  • love spell at a distance;
  • contact ritual;
  • transfer of intention using media.

Of course, the most effective way is the impact of directly sacrifice. But this method and risks contain more. Making your own will in the victim field does not leave the last right of choice. A person cannot defend. Consequently, for the likely trouble in his fate will be answered by the magician.

The safest way

Beginner wizards experienced comrades are recommended to conduct a spell at a distance. This method is based on creating thought-form. Magician it generates and transfers the victim. If it is interesting, this is done so. Take a photo of the victim. Concentrate in the image. Imagine what happiness this person will experience if you fall in love with you. The plot should be filled with the smallest nuances and details, to make as much light as possible and joy. But do not slip into egoism. Think of the victim. As a rule, the creation of a serious thoughtset takes no less than half an hour. Then you need to create an energy corridor. It's not hard. Imagine a rope connecting your foreheads. By him, send a thought to your beloved person. The charm of the method in the absolute absence of violence. If there is a different goal in the fate of the victim, then in the worst case, the ritual will not lead to any consequences, it turns out to be non-response.

Prayer - love spell?

In the vintage times, the leaders recommended their clients to ask the highest forces about love. Logic is clear. Who else can change fate, if not the one who writes it and controls? White love spell on the guy was spent during large church festivals. For example, take a ritual for Christmas. This day, in general, is considered very valuable in the energy plan. Magic is bottled on the planet. They enjoy the girls. They are supposed to go to the morning service, light the candle and pray the Virgin. Then these words are pronounced: "Lord, gracious! Help the slave of his sinner. Milicia I ask and consolation. We divide the feelings that in the heart live for two with your slave (name). Give us joy, love and fun. Take the trouble and sorry. Amen!". Love spell - prayer will not bring misfortune into the fate of the participants.

Other ways to influence your beloved

We have so far concerned rites carried out remotely. White love spells can be held and near the victim. For example, to read a conspiracy to treat, a gift or a special magic energy carrier. Often, drinks are used in rituals. It is good because it is not necessary to prepare specifically. As a happy opportunity fell, it is a quick and simple ritual. For example, the victim asked for tea or coffee. Prepare a drink. Before submitting, tell the formula on it. She is as follows: "As a star in the sky lights up, so love in the heart of the Lord Slave (name) appears. Blowing blood on the veins, the body lights up, the view of passion fills. At night, the moon shines, my image of my thoughts gives up. Sun rays leave, longing to the Lord slave (name) suggest. And at night, and the day love will be in it. Amen!". If there is no possibility to talk a drink or food, then use the poppy. He is bought on Friday. In the evening, at the growing moon, it whisper so on him: "In heaven, there is a hail, he is glad to be in him. In the middle of him the palace, Amur lives in it - Sagittarius. The theater will pull, the heart will become painful. You did not send an arrow by, let it fly not crookedly. Straight in the heart (sacrifice them), let him open the door of the door. How grains give rise to land, let him love me so much! Amen!". Now it will be only to plug the victim of the prison.

Attracting the power of nature

White magic often relies on the elements that they control the planet. This is land and air, water and fire. White love spell on love, which is based on these forces, will also be valid. Most often enjoy fire. In modern conditions, it is best to apply candles. They are recommended to keep at home so that every need to run into the temple. In addition, the fire of church candles cleans the space from the negative. It is very good. Since the novice magician risks attract the attention of evil egregors during the rite. And they understand, will not contribute to the establishment of happy relationships. Take two thin candles. On each scratch the needle the name of the customer (its own) and the victim. Light from one match. So tell me: "The fire has an unprecedented force. It will not stop his ice, melts. Water will not rush - evaporate. Dai, fire, (the name of the victim) will fall in love with me! Let the passion be strong, will last to the slab grave! As the wax of two candles melts, so the heart (name) will be mine! Amen!".

Love spell that acts immediately

Love spell that acts immediately

A safe and proven spell that acts instantly and immediately the next day or in the Date Specified Date Love spell starts to act on a man or a guy forcing him to show it. strong love And strong love feelings with all the consequences and actions arising from them (courtship, adoration and deification). This simplest and fast acting spell can be done at home without special training and skills of white or black magic.

If you are looking for an easy way how to shit To yourself a guy or a man, this spell is what you need and anyone can quickly and easily shim up to yourself a loved one and immediately understand that the spell that was made begins to act. In the evening before bedtime, stand in bed and stroking an empty place on the bed near myself 3 times read love spell:

Mother nodied me, the Mother of God blessed.

Celled me, Pelenali, fed me and dressed,

They were afraid to part with me, could not appeal to me.

So would be a cute slave of God (name) loved me.

Everyone would have forgotten women for me.

How people are walked to the church, lose the mercy of God fear.

So mile my loved me, from a spoon, with a cup of cups and fed,

from all, he would turn away, no one would touch the woman.

I am the last in life of the food and the last water in the thirst.

Let my beloved from this day (specify the date - the day from which the spell acts)

he loves me too much and pigeon.

Caring and love shows me, only pleases me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen

People making a love spell intention how much instant love spell on love which they already did. This spell is valid for a year and its action begins immediately after reading a deliberate conspiracy, and after the expiration of the year, the actuality will gradually weaken without leaving no consequences.

Is there such a conspiracy so that the beloved really loved only me, I did not change myself and I wanted only me - the guests and readers of the site of love spells ask me. Yes, there is such a good conspiracy for love and love longing that protects from the cheating and the person to read this plot will only want his wife who made this light love spell on her husband and independently caused

The most effective love spell for love that needs to be read independently at home in the photo of the person who will greatly like to be able to shit a loved one at any distance from you and then the love spell everyone will tell you what to read and how to shock your beloved person to his photo. Having made this easy, but very strong love spell can not be

Instructions on white magic will teach you how to shook the boy and quickly fall in love with a guy who you like but does not like, independently, without consequences, making a light love spell on the photo and its name acting at any distance from the property. IN modern world Take a photo for the love spell on the Internet - going to the social. Page classmate s

I know how to make a love spell on love guy to myself and teach you: "How to delay the guy who likes without a photo at a distance and even at home"! Interesting such a rite that can be easily done independently at home? Immediately after you finish reading a conspiracy Love Love Guy - Favorite Guy the next day

Full I. detailed instructions: "How to wander a man who likes but does not pay attention to the help of a conspiracy of the love spell on love without consequences and his photograph", this light imaging rite can be done at home while being at any distance from a traveled man even if it is very far and lives in another City or country.

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A love spells in Russia were customary to read on the growing moon, it was in this lunar phase along with her growth you can quickly and forever wander any person and the man or woman will be awesome on the growing moon, no one will never be able to remove this strong love spell on love which you need and can be made yourself during the growth of the Moon right at home

Want to read a love spell in full moon on the love of the man of whom you love, be prepared for the fact that this strong love spell will not be able to remove. Having brought to himself a person, you forever tie your life and his life together with a love spell. The strongest love spell in this article is a black magic that will not be disrespectful and

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How to shock a guy without consequences with the help of white magic at home

White magic rituals are characterized by safety, as the love "signal" is gently embedded in the men's field and has an influence on it even at a distance. How to shock a guy without consequences: White magic at home comes to the rescue! However, remember, even if the ritual is generally safe, the performer can independently distort the technique of its execution and thereby bring to himself and its object of desire for unwanted side effects.

If you want your actions to bring harm, carefully follow the recommendations for rites.

White love spells: In what cases will they help?

In order for the ritual to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to understand for whom it is intended:

  • For a close friend with whom you have a good relationship, and you would like more;
  • For work colleagues, you have a mutual sympathy with him, but he can't decide on the first step;
  • For a former young man, you broke up not so long ago and by mutual desire, but the passion has not subsided yet.

Option 1: Protective plot

To begin with, consider how to shock the guy with words at any distance.

  1. Three days before the ritual, vote if it allows your health.
  2. During the attitude, it is desirable to have a photo of the object of desires, but if you do not have it, nothing terrible.
  3. The essence of the ritual is the strongest visualization of your chosen one with you together and repetition words of conspiracy, the more times the better:

"As I eat, I drink without you (name), so you are not either drinking without me (name)!"

For convenience, not to be distracted from visualization, memorize these words by heart. If you want to know how to make a spell on a cigarette, you can read here.

Option 2: love spell on your former guy

If you want to make a love spell on a former guy without consequences using white magic in the photo, then we can offer you such a ritual:

  • On the night of the third day of the growing moon, he lit a red candle;
  • Take the photo on which you are depicted together during your relationship, it would be good if this photo was not associated with you with some kind of quarrel from those times;
  • Put on the photo of his gift, it should be something small, for example, ring, keychain or pen;
  • Cover the subject with your palms, close your eyes and read the conspiracy three times:

"It was time, you loved, and gifts giving me! How to be with you I want, and I will get you! "

Throughout the ritual, do not forget to represent how you again with your young man and love each other. It is important not to represent the pictures of the past, try to come up with new plots that bind you two. Returns to the thoughts in the past may entail the rest of the relationships and the problems that the parting provoked. At the end of the attitude, fold the photo in half and keep it under the pillow.

Option 3: Quick spell on a friend or acquaintance

Ideally, if you prepare the treat yourself, for example, bake a pie.

And finally, we will analyze how quickly the guy is white magic without consequences. The speed of obtaining the desired result depends on several factors:

  • You must be extremely concentrated;
  • You must fulfill the entire ritual with utmost accuracy, not allowing errors;
  • The decisive role plays your attitude to a positive result;

One of the most effective love spells of white magic to the love of a guy is a conspiracy on candy or a piece of any other food, the main thing is that it comes to taste the chosen one and caused his positive emotions.

  • Early in the morning of the Sunday, go to church, bring holy water and three small church candles;
  • In the same morning, feed three coins in three;
  • On the way home, do not talk to anyone and no longer go anywhere;
  • If you prepare yourself, add ingredients with three equal portions, for example, if you need 150 grams of sugar, then you need to add sugar in a bowl of 50 grams to a bowl;
  • If you are going to buy a treat, then do it in advance and pay for it three bills or coins;
  • On the night of the full moon, burn three candles and alternately cross-protect each candle specially prepared for a conspiracy.

At the same time whisper the following probitive words:

How is my treat sweetly yes the eye is nice,

So I will be sweet and pleasant to you!

As soon as you taste it,

So you will love me right away!

The next day, treat your chosen to the conspiracy as soon as he will eat it, the spell will begin to act.

Online divination "Does the white spell affect?"

Are you sure about to make you a spell or not? Try to do this not a complex express online fortune telling on a spell and learn what he will affect your chosen one or not. Fill in the corresponding fields in the form and click the "Guess" button.


If you have any questions or you need help in the established life situation, you can consult with our experts.

How to Walking a guy without consequences at home - white magic

Unrequited love often pushes on rapid acts that can lead to sad consequences. If your situation is so serious that you are willing to resort to the help of the otherworldly, for example, to sell the soul to the devil, we advise not to hurry. There is a certain kind of love spellot, which you will not be subject to any risks, except that only a ritual may not work in the right way.

White love spells differ in that during their conduct it does not use negative energy, which means there will be no reverse effect, as well as a rollback, will not. At the same time, white magic is not as strong as black. The actions of such a love spell will have to wait much longer, and the impact on the victim is much weaker.

No matter how it seemed that white love spells are safe and have no negative consequences, do not hurry to use them. Any spell is an impact on energy centers Two people. You violate the psychological state of your favorite person, affecting his will outside. Think about the situation and imagine what you achieve your magical actions. Relationships that you have achieved such a dishonest way will not bring you the same joy as from sincere mutual feelings.

Why is white magic now popular?

Calling to the help of white spirits at home, you not only increase the sympathy of your beloved man, pushing it to active actions, but also make your relationship from various adversity, such as betrayal, quarrels, family troubles, separation. That is, black magic acts destroying both partners, and white allows you to make a charm.

However, there is a very common misconception that whispeting a few words above the candle or at home using another ritual, you can solve all your problems, trouble, attract the success and attention of the opposite sex, without doing anything for its part.

People who think so almost always remain with anything. After all, if you set a certain goal, you need to take a step towards her, seek your own. Magic only helps, contributes to the achievement of a particular result, attracting a man, but the main role is yours.

White magic is still used to correct, establishing relations between a man and a woman, in case of their quarrel. Sometimes it is very convenient to read a conspiracy at home, make a rite, and the next day already get the result. Absolutely any situation can be resolved by magic, but guided by the main vow, which reads: First of all, it is impossible to harm your neighbor, it is impossible to succumb to Egoism and Gordin.

Photography as a tool for love

If it should be "to invest" on the Internet, familiarize yourself with information from books with conspiracies and rites, you can find a huge number of rites for love, which is absolutely easy to make at home. But the simplest, affordable method is to use the photo of the man who you are planning to excite love.

  • It will also be a photo taken by a mobile phone available in every person.
  • It is desirable that the photo is new, made in the recent time.
  • Love spell in the photo - Effective white magic, helping to establish relationships

All you need is to read these simple words, leaning toward the photo and putting a palm on it, visualizing how energy goes on it. How your whole love is passed to the photo. It is important to submit it as bright as possible, as if you actually see this picture.

"The true owner, the slave (name) can not live without his shadow, longing for me, your servant (name) will not overcome. Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. As the sun in the sky, so you are with me, the servant of the owner (name). "

Read magic words at home three times: in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. Take the patience, ask the idea that you will read this conspiracy for love until the result appears.

Candle rite

Back in ancient times, women knew that he was very effectively used in the attractions of a red candle, as it had a strong energy. The procedure for holding a ritual aimed at love is:

  1. Write on a newly purchased specifically for the rite, your thoughts about how the person should do to which you are not indifferent. What are you waiting for him.
  2. After that, roll the sheet, adjust its scarlet color with a candle and keep the tag of the lover, saying not too loud and not too quiet.

"What will pass over your head - it will fall into it. As behind the back marks - the heart of the robin slave (name) will break up. "


This is pretty a complex method of attitude, accessible only to those who have no problems with imagination. It is performed non-completely due to the fact that it is necessary to relax, focus and proceed as follows:

  • it is best to spend it at night, at home, in your bedroom. You need to lie down in a convenient posture, a good result also contributes to relaxation or meditation. You can light the aromatic candle, but in this case try not to fall asleep;
  • immediately imagine the object of your sympathy before your inner eyes. Feel his energy. You must see it also distinctly and good, as in life. Then say my desire to myself, putting all my love in it, presenting how it comes to your loved one;
  • put the photo of this person under the pillow, without saying a word.

After that, he pays attention to you, he will unwittingly appear about you. During the day after the visualization, carefully observe his behavior, if your favorite person began to look for meetings with you, began to treat you somehow differently, then the rite worked.

For someone, a spell is an easy way to embody your desires in life, in order to attract love, in other people it is harder. It all depends on whether you have a tendency to esoteric hobbies, from how much your desire to be with the object of love.

If all the conditions are met, and you have some magical abilities, then everything will be in the best possible way. Otherwise, you need to visit the professional white magician.

Love spell on the guy yourself read at home

  • This white love spell will definitely work it should not be removed because it is without harm and does not have any bad action on his beloved guy on anyone reading a guidance conspiracy at home this is white magic!
  • You can make a spell at any time of the day or evening besides large church holidays about which you can learn from the church calendar.
  • In order to read a love spell on a guy who you like to know his name, and the photo is not needed - this spell without a photo.
  • At home, at the moment of reading, the love spell should not be, the spell is read in full voice (as usual say, you do not need to shout).

If all the terms of the love spell is observed, sit on the bed on which sleep and presenting the image of your loved one 3 times tell me out loud words:

Adam and Eve loved each other and were together.

God loving allowed, he went to Earth.

I found a nice, I came to the grandmother.

Grandma knows everything and the guidance whisper for love reads.

Moyful my servant of God (name) for always love me,

At a distance from me, neither drinking can not live, so be it.

Quick spell myself read, the guy love to me roasted.

Nobody will not be able to remove the eternal spell, dearly from me.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love guy read at home need 7 days without a break But you can change the reading time, choosing a more convenient moment and if everything is done correctly, and something to break it is very difficult here, then the spell will accurately work and your loved one will start to show Feelings and provide different signs of attention.

This white love spell without consequences for both of both of them is considered to be rapid for the fact that no preparation is required for its conduct. If you are looking for a white love spell on a guy to read which can be at home at a distance from your beloved - this is the right way to shock him to yourself.

Walking a guy without photos and negative consequences

Before proceeding with the fulfillment of a love rite, each girl should know some generally accepted rules and features of the love spell:

  • Ritals are performed on a growing month, sometimes on the full moon. It is during this period that the lunar light is sufficiently strong and influential. Do not forget that the night sun since ancient times was a female patron. Therefore, his bright radiance will always help the weak half of humanity.
  • The guys are read on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Never spend rites on Sundays.
  • The magical force of conspiracies, without a photo, is able to have a strongest influence on the subconscious of a man. As a result, he can begin to think differently, behave, changes the nature and views on life.
  • Be careful with the holding of black rituals. Dark magic practically in all cases causes negative consequences. They can adversely affect both the performer and sacrifice.
  • Do not take a love spell without a photo, if there is no one hundred percent confidence in your feelings for the guy.
  • If committing a rite, you have felt a strong feeling of fear or the presence of a prying look in your room, you should immediately stop the event. In this situation you need to visit the temple, the faster, the better. Get church candles, burn them down and go around all the rooms of your home, reading the prayer "Our Father".

Holding to these instructions and without breaking them, you can be sure that a love spell on the guy, without a photo at home will be successful!

Love guy for monthly blood

This rite partially refers to dark magic. The main magical power of the disease is contained in the strongest manipulator - blood. No wonder our ancestors were confident that menstrual blood is able to cause unprecedented attachment and sexual attraction from the male. Their beliefs quite justified expectations.

  • For the love of a guy for monthly blood will need red wine
  • It is worth considering how to shock a guy with the help of menstruation yourself.
  • The rite is made in the phase of the growing month.
  • It is during this period that the beginning of the menstrual cycle is preferably.

The blood of the second or third day is purified, so it is most suitable for the attitude. Wait for midnight, only you are in the room. Put a red wax candle on the table. Prepare a drink, it can be wine or juice. And also suitable food (meat, cheese, sausage). Add a few drops of blood to the cooked drugs, burn the candle and say the conspiracy:

"How blood you eat (drink), so I give me your will.

As the blood recently was in me, so you and you with all the love for me! "

After the magic words are pronounced, you can go rest. Now your task is to treat the guy's conspiracted kushan as soon as possible. Attach the maximum effort so that food or drinks are completely filled. If your favorite will ask for an added portion, then the highest strength is benevolent to the beginning of your relationship. Make a rite is easy, and a positive result will not make long wait!

Walking a guy on a personal thing

If you have a personal beloved thing, then this rite suits you. The ritual at home and without a photo is carried out. You will need a personal guy's personal subject, it can perform in the form of a combs, lighters, ballpoint handles, nasal handkerchief. Any thing is suitable for which the chosen is often touched.

  • Make a love spell on the guy is necessary on the full moon.
  • After twelve nights, the table is shining with a light tablecloth, put two wax candles on the sides (red).
  • In the middle put an item belonging to the beloved. Touch your fingers to things, cover your eyes and say:

"The strength of the thought of my origin and is realized in the subject. Decoration, conceive, charge through it my chosen one! Amen!".

When reading a conspiracy, think about the desired man, imagine your meetings and romantic dinners. Waking up early in the morning, try to return the conspiracy to your beloved. When the guy is touching things, the energy power of the love spell pierces his heart and soul!

For the love spell, the guy's personal subject, for example, a lighter

Effective spell on candles

In almost all love rituals, the candle is an integral attribute. Candles can be church, ordinary, red and green colors.

  • To make this at home, you will need two thin, church candles.
  • Wait for the growing moon, after sunset, enter the room, where complete peace and peace.
  • Take the Gypsy needle and write on one waxing your name, in the second the name of the beloved.
  • Scroll candles in your hand so that they become compatible.
  • Connect them by depicting a visual spiral.
  • Apply the match and burn woven candles, pronouncing:

"How the fire burns two candles, so let passion burn two souls (your names)! Amen!".

Words of the guy are read at least three times, all your thoughts should focus on the chosen. Then blend wax items and charge wick smacks. The remaining flags wrap the thread of red and put under the pillow. Conspiracy on candles spent at home, will quickly, after a few days the guy will be crazy about you!

Walking a guy on the hair

Men's hair is a carrier of owner information. This part of the body is maximally charged with energy. Treating the hair cover, there is a connection of the energy fields of a guy and a girl. The trigger is effective and works without failures, instantly. However, the complexity of the rite is to find a hair.

If communication with the chosen one is frequent, then you can use it comb. But here caution does not hurt. It is very important that the hair belongs directly to his beloved, and not another person. Otherwise, you can bump a mass of negative consequences. If still the necessary item is found, we will proceed to the fulfillment of the ritual.

  • To make this rite, the photo will not need!
  • Purchase three candles (red) and a small mirror.
  • When the third day of the growth of the night sun comes at midnight, in an empty room, put the candle on the table.
  • In the middle, put the mirror, and your hair is a loved one. Wax items ignite and spoke three times with a whisper:

"I spell, part of his body spell, part of his soul to obey me, surrender to me and become one of the whole with me. Forever and ever!".

Rimming each candle, bring it alternately to the hair. From each wax item should drop over the wax on the hair. It turns out the strongest, love charm, which must be constantly carrying with you. At the next meeting with the beloved, the conspiracy will make its own business. Your hearts will reunite.

For the ritual it will take red candle

Walking a guy with water or milk

This spell does not imply a photo. It is ideal for couples in love, which often see each other, especially spouses. Very often in families, along with household problems, love is weakening. So that the husband becomes closer, use the spell. Make it easy!

Early in the morning or in the evening prepare 200 grams of milk or water. Over a glass with liquid, read the magic words:

"Lord Jesus Christ, help your servant of God (name): Give me the power to inspire the slave of God (name) Love to me. As a child does not know how to live without maternal milk, so let the slave of God (name) can not live without me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

Crouching the spell, think about your spouse, remember only the good, the happiest days. Believe in the power of magic, and it will certainly help you be the most desirable and beloved!

Walking guy with moonlight

"As your face, every night is shining in the sky, and the slave of God (name) let him remember every night."

Referring spell, go rest. On this night you should not talk to anyone. This plot has the strongest magical power. Pronounce it from a pure heart, without malicious intent. Your heart and thoughts must be clean.

The spell was successful. How to determine

Love spell made, how to determine what did it affect or not? The effect of magic will begin to appear in about a week, sometimes in a month. What does the guy feel at this moment? There are obsessive thoughts about the performer, incredible sexual attraction, strange uncharted sensations, which he cannot resist.

  • After some time, all these feelings will develop in love. At this moment, the woman is very important to be nearby. Surround a man with love, warmth, care.
  • If a love rite without help a photo made on a man, you will notice this immediately.
  • The chosen one will give you various signs of attention, such as the presentation of flowers and gifts, the desire will touch you, talk, dine, join intimate relationships.

Without photos, produced at home, have a huge force and energy. Observing all the rules and recommendations, correctly reading conspiracies, the Beloved is in love with love after a very short period of time.

We will teach you how yourself and correctly applied in practice. white Magic to walking guy At a distance without photos of the being traveled and believe me, there is nothing hard. With the help of white magic, it is possible without harming himself and he himself can be overwhelmed by any person and any age - a guy or a man is not important, the main thing is not married. Just perform the magic ritual of white magic described below and can be easily shred out who love someone. The easiest way to shit the guy is found in the floor, in the wall or door jamb at home where you live a bitch, circle it with a ring finger right and tell the white love spell on the guy:

As you, the bitch, dry, so dry, the slave of God (name) for me, God's slave (name).

Conspiracy to wander the guy at a distance

Very good to have houses holy water scored in Christmas night from the source. If there is such water, pour it into a crystal glass, speak a plot and let me have a drink to someone who you like.

It keeps, dries, away does not leave. How the river dries in the desert, how milk makes milk from the maternal breast from grief, how the trees from the forest fire are burning and dry, so that the dryness and wigs of the servant of God (name) without slave of God (name). How the source dry, if the streams are drunk, its feeding, how burns the hot sun in the desert, a chungy barley, so that the slave of God (name) is sick and suffered (name). How the door is kept for the jamb, as the baby holds for the mother's breast, like a fish, thrown ashore, strives for water, so that the servant of God (name) holds and sought to the servant of God (name), and away did not go away in every hour, in All minute. I will come out, the slave of God (name), without crossing, I will go on a wide street, without blessing, it will come to a quick river, without praying. As I end my thirst in a clean river, so the servant of God (name) quit his longing and sadness next to me, looking at me, listening to me, caressing me, drinking water that I will give me.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Walking a guy at a distance without a photo by using the following magic ritual

Love spell without photos on wine:

Heaven angels, unearthly power. As a prizem I am helping you, as I ask you to give me the strength of inhuman, the spells are unearthly, so that I could, the servant of God (name), so to tie his slave of God (name) so that he could not break them in the eyelids eternal, nor At night, neither the day or quiet evening, nor in the morning light. And how this drink will be broken through all the vessels, he grieves all the blood, so that there is a slave (name) of him and the vessels of the slave (name) passion for his servant of God (name), so that his love flares to me every day, all the hotter So he drove away from his passion to me, how drunk from this wine.

Conspiracy in the photo

  • Fold the photo of the trapped and coin into a small square then wrap it into the red matter of red with red threads, so as not to be promoted.
  • Cut from fabric will start and hide so that no one can find it.
  • Words of a love conspiracy in the photo:

Grandfather Cook was looking for my nodule, I was looking for, I was looking for, but just went. I did not find anything yes, it was shook: the hands, the legs are not bent, the bones are shaking. Humors Shalyat, eat-drink not veil. Let my Milk will be Milk. Without me - in a shaking, with me - in a dance, without me, the Food - the Swan, with me - Honey is sweeter, without me - a headache, the light is not visible, with me - the sun is clear, the works are beautiful. Who will find a knot, the words will break, and before that - my happiness!


Conspiracy on paper

Write a conspiracy on a small piece of paper, get your loved one's clothes (coat or jacket) and make the note hit under the lining. This can be done across the hole in your pocket or navigate the lining. Well, if this note will remain there forever. And the words of the love conspiracy are such:

As May, the month is in and the slave of God (name) would have been and walked for the slave of God (name). As a person does not live without water, without food, and the slave of God (name) does not live in no day without his half.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Timith on the towel

  • If a man first came to your house for the first time, and you really like it, make sure that he will wash his hands and wipes them about the fresh towel.
  • This towel must be immediately removed so that others do not wipe.
  • While the towel does not dry, it needs to be tied up with a node, while you need to read a strong spell for the love of one who likes:

Cute handhelds washed, she was legitimate on the towel. I spin the towel - a cute heart I scribble. The towel is raw - the soul of cute for me whitewings, to dry up a towel - sigh in love for me. Towel I hide - cute to myself will flip. The towel will not be melted - my love will show cute me.

Conspiracy on comb

Take it secretly from his beloved comb, collect hair with combs, roll in a lump and wear with you before getting the result. On the comb tell the conspiracy and imperceptibly to put it back, he is in his pocket.

Comb, scallop, head-friendly, hair, hairs, cute friend, you yourself, brothers, help me, cute in an embrace. I will holish you, cherish, wash the key water, and in return I want to meet my threshold on my threshold. Hair, hairs, comb, scallop, cute inspire my love. Day for the day, night per night, let him know me and misses me, and in a week it will come to me. Ears - Witnesses, Heart - Key, Roth - Castle.

In order to wander the guy or a man yourself at a distance without photo at home you need to just choose the most appropriate way of the love spell. It is impossible to tell anyone!

White Magic at home

If you read these lines, then you, or already believe in magic, or want to believe it. White rituals are not very effective, however, they can be renowned at home and do not fear unpleasant consequences.

There are a lot of safe love spells that can be held at home. Below are the most famous of them.

Conspiracy on candles

The guidance ritual, which is produced using church candle, is considered to be one of the most effective, and therefore popular in our country.

  • The rite can be carried out with the help of candles of any size, however, the best option is products that are sold in the temples, because they have a strong white energy, a significantly increasing chances of the success of the event.
  • So, everything that will be needed for the ritual is two simple church candles.
  • They need to be overwhelmed with each other with the words:

"As candles are intertwined, so we are connected. Forever they are merged, and we are with your suite. "

After that, you need to light both candles with the words:

"Candles are lit, love flares up, offenses are forgotten, the heart of the object name is broken down."

After the completion of the ritual, the candles must be redemed (it is desirable not to blow on them, but to catch the fingers, quickly movement, so as not to burn), and store in a secret place in the intertwined form.

Conspiracy on the moon

Many peoples are the moon is a symbol of love and magic, because any conspiracies and rituals that use the moon or its light is considered extremely effective. The ceremonial rite must be carried out only in full moon, with clear sky and with a clearly visible moon. The time of year also plays an important role for the effectiveness of the ritual.

It is believed that the spell carried out in the spring has an additional force. Before conducting the ritual, it is necessary to cleanse from any thoughts that do not belong to the object of love. After that, you need to stand face to the moon and read the following lines:

"Moon, Moon, you are strong at night, you are the sky and the stars are true. You disagree the darkness alone, you love love, the moon. Look, look, Moon, I am "the name of your loved one" sick. In the night, in darkness I am alone, give it to me, the moon. "

During the pronouncement of these lines, try to imagine the face of your favorite in the Luxury, then go to bed and try to meet with the beloved over the next few days.

This spell often acts only after a while. Every time, as your chosen one will see you, he will make attention to you and once will be completely yours. If there is such an opportunity, it is necessary to carry out as much time as possible next to the beloved.

Conspiracy of food

Most popular people enjoy and various options love spellotes using food.

  • The power of the ritual is that when a person eats conspiracy, he interacts closely with it at the spiritual level, due to which you can draw the attention of the beloved on yourself.
  • Women impeding centuries who were whispered on food cherished words
  • In such conspiractions, various foods can be used, however, a very popular love spell with salt. To spend a ritual, you need to take a pinch of salt in the palm and say:

"How can't the" name of the object "without food, so can not without water, as can not without water, so without me can not. When salt in food will go, love in the heart will bring. Kushi, cute, write, always sighs about me. "

Conspirational salt must be added to the cooked food and treat it with his beloved. Most often one serving is enough for a person to think about the advantages of the girl, but to strengthen the effect, the procedure can be repeated. Salt should be used immediately after pronouncing a conspiracy.

Liquid conspiracy

In folk giving a lot of ways to shock a loved one. One of the strongest is considered a conspiracy into water or other liquid. Due to the prevalence of this type of inspection, the people even appeared the expression "Out", which implies a successfully spent ritual vorozhba.

  • To speak drink, it is necessary to pour a liquid into a bottle with a narrow neck, and holding the palm over the tara to say:

"Once the" name of the object "of water swallows, so love will go into it, as he swallows at once, he throws his head. Third sip - passion flow. And while I will not be with me, I will forget about calm. "

After that, you need to give fluid to your beloved and trace so that it makes no less than three sips.

How to spend the ritual itself

  • Before choosing a love ritual, it is necessary to think good together. It is important to remember that imaginary magic affects the lives of several people at once.
  • If you are at least a little confident in your feelings and allow you to have the opportunity that after a while, your attitude to the current lover will change, then it is necessary to immediately refuse any actions of a probitive nature.
  • If you are confident in your feelings, then you should remember several rules that will increase the effectiveness of any ritual.
  • It is important to remember that it is impossible to try to shock a person during illness.
  • Any health difficulties need to be addressed immediately, even if it is a simple cold.
  • In addition, by the time of conspiracy, you need to be in full solitude.
  • Finding in the house or apartment of another person is completely unacceptable.
  • It is also necessary to disable all means of communication in advance, first of all, the phone and computer, as well as cancel all the scheduled meetings to reduce the probability of coming guests.

During the ritual it is worth driving all the mirrors indoors if they are not used in the spell itself. It must be remembered that the mirror is a separate element of magic and open doors In the world of otherworldly you do not need at all in such an important process.

Before the ritual is to take the cleansing shower, wash the whole body and pay special attention to hair, as they are a strong energy receiver.

Before carrying out a love spell, you need to dress in the clean, and best of all, not yet worn clothes. Best for ritual suited things with minimum quantity Fasteners and seams. The perfect option for conspiracies is a white canvas. It was in such clothes that our ancestors held rituals, and if possible, it is worth take an example with them.

After the love spell is completed, clothing should be high-quality washing to remove any energy residues from it. They will not need to be completely in everyday life.

And most importantly, the success of the ritual primarily depends on the person who spends it. All the action is based on your energy, and conspiracies and spells are needed only to give the form to your desires. Concentrate on what you really want, and the result will not make yourself wait a long time.

Strongly attract a guy at home without consequences, at a distance without a photo

If you want to attract a guy, without negative consequences for it, use the main techniques of white magic. This means that you will not try to conjunctly subordinate to yourself in order to help your loved one, but only bring it to the idea that you are the same girl who he needs, leaving the final right to choose himself.

In order to avoid consequences, before resorting to magic, it may be worth trying to realize yourself as a person. Then you can be interesting for your friends and desirable for your beloved. It is hard, but will give your chosen one to you, the most powerful spell.

How to quickly wander the guy who likes conspiracies and consequences

Walking a guy with magic can be quick enough. If a professional takes out a job, the spell will act the next day. All would be good, but in life for everything you need to pay, and the health of your beloved can be paid for the perfect spell, and in some cases your joint children.

  • You can be per capita quickly, but then you will have to live with this person for a long time. Many note that under the influence of the disease, the behavior of a person changes dramatically.
  • He becomes aggressive, looking for an intense in alcohol.
  • It turns out that the once beloved turns into a unwanted and postpone. Do you agree to live your age with such a person and is it worth doing a love spell at all - to solve you.

How to independently attract a guy at home according to the photo, on the apple, on the candlelight without consequences

The spell on the apple is considered one of the easiest. This ritual is under the power of everyone. The main thing is not to say anyone what you did it.

  • At the growing moon, sit at the table, burn the candle, put a photo of your beloved and on a separate piece of paper. Write his name. Light another candle and write your name on the same sheet.
  • Cut the apple into two parts, put a note with your names on one of the halves and connect the apple again.
  • At the same time, it should be as clear to imagine his beloved and tell him about his feelings as if he is near. For this, in fact, you need a photo.

At the end of the ritual, the apple is put on the windowsill. There it should go to 7 days. If the apple began to push - it means that your favorite shortness will show interest to you. A rotting apple is a sign that you are too different to be together.

Used apple, regardless of the result, you need to bury.

How easily and just the most awesome guy without candles, without his things, white magic, without himself and without harm

Walking a guy, let him understand about his feelings and without resorting to the help of magic and witchcraft.

  • What's wrong with if you first offer a guy closer to know each other and agree on a meeting in an informal setting?
  • If you still can't do without magic, then try to make the next ritual.
  • From the evening, type in the cup of water and read the following plot over it:

"The new moon is born, the beauty with me is divided.
Yes there will be my face whisk, skin nestly,
The hair is long, the moon is lit.
Do not get the beautiful beautiful beautiful moon
And in the light of the day - the painful of me. Amen."

In the morning it will be necessary to wash the conspiracy with water, threw it all before the droplet:
This conspiracy refers to white magic and will not bring harm to anyone, but you will only give you confidence in your abilities.

How to effectively wander the guy at home on the water, according to his belongings in one day

The easiest and most effective spell at home is done on the water. For him, a water or spring water is poured into an ordinary glass (water from the water pipeline will not work, it loses its natural strength) and a conspirator is pronounced three times with a whisper:

"How without water dries everything, so you (the name of your loved one) I will not live without me, we will witness.
Come to me as Krinice - let your life get drunk. Will be so. Amen."

How really and correct forever to shock on cigarette, on blood, on paper

  • Ideally, this spell is done on the growing moon.
  • The name of your loved one is written on the cigarette.
  • The cigarette is completely smoked, and the ashes are collected on a paper sheet.
  • Then in one breath blown off the whole ash from the sheet and pronounce the spell:

"The ashes do not collect - you will not leave me!"

The magical effect of the cigarette in the cigarette is due to the three powerful magical elements used by sorcerers and shamans from time immemorial - tobacco, fire and smoke. Therefore, in the strength of the attraction can not be doubted.

The most complete description in all details is a white spell on the photo at home to read with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

White love spell is part of bright magic, which has long been helped by people to establish a personal life. With the help of the magic ritual, you can return your loved one, awaken interest or response passion, return mutual understanding and harmony in the family, as well as much more.

However, before turning to the MAGA or spend this ritual at home, it is necessary to understand that in any case, the probationary rite is the violent tie of one person on the other, and he will not always always keep his beloved man.

White magic differs from black in that the first naturally causes sympathy or love, and helps a traveled person to decide on active actions. White magic is mainly used to strengthen the existing sympathy and consolidation of love feelings, while setting the installation on loyalty and the complete absence of a change and even thrust to potential rivals or rivals.

Love ritual spent in the period.

In practice, any energy ritual.

White love strength

White magic does not try to subjugate a person at all costs, unlike black, it can be compared with a slight push directed into the necessary strength of the thoughts and feelings of the person of interest. After that, the ritual, the troubled will think about the customer, to look for a meeting with him and receive pleasure from it. The power of the White Magic Rite is that it creates spiritual and emotional proximity between two people, which allows you to build relationships.

However, the spell will not be able to solve all the problems that have arisen, white magic is likely to provide a chance, and the end result will depend on the person himself ordered the rite. Therefore, even after the ritual has brought the desired result, it is impossible to work on it and your relationship.

Often white rituals are used to adjust the already consisted relationships in order to prevent the break. We can also take advantage when the partner wants, but is afraid to build relationships, or is not sure of them, hesitates and cannot decide on a serious step.

A white love spell applies and in cases where there was a strong sympathy for a free person from a long circle of communication, with which in the future I would like to build relationships, but it is not possible to get to knowing it closer. It is possible to shock the beloved "white" rite in a wide variety of situations, subject to the main rule of white magic - not harm.

Love White Presents by Photography

In bright magic there are many different love spells on love and the most common of them - this is a white spell, made by the photo of the beloved. The ritual of a photo of a loved one performs 3 tasks: awakens sympathy, sexual attraction and causes longing.

For the attitude you will need a photo of a trained person (the age of photography should not exceed 2-3 years, it is better to use just done).

Walking in one day

Love spell on a photo card Men to love should be read 3 times during the day - in the morning, day and evening until your favorite will begin to show signs of attention. Before reading the spell, you must put the right hand on the card and feel the energy flow:

"The true owner, the slave (name) can not live without his shadow, longing for me, your servant (name) will not overcome. Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. Like the sun in the sky, and you are with me, the slave of the owner (name). "

Using red candles

Write on a sheet of paper in the present time everything is expected to get from the person being traveled. Then roll the sheet into the tube, set fire to the red candle and hold over the photo by pronouncing the words:

"What will pass over your head - it will fall into it. As behind the back marks - the heart of the robin slave (name) will break up. "

This spell works on the personal power of the artist

Visual type of love spell

This white spell on the photo is independently performed visually. Before going to bed, it is necessary to establish contact with the image of a person being traveled, feeling its energy. We must lie in free clothing or without it and mentally visualize the desired one.

If everyone is done correctly, then the sent thoughts will reach your loved one and will set for a long time in his head. It is recommended to carry out this magic ritual to the full moon. After visualization, the photo should be put under the pillow and fall asleep, without talking to anyone.

An independent love spell is valid only with the correct observance of rituals, spells, serious intention, and also depends on the natural abilities of a person who wants to make a spell. If a person does not have a tendency to the magic of love and occult sciences, then it is better to seek help from white MAGA.

Love spell on the photo at home

Over the past decade, love spells were widely widespread. People mindlessly lay out hundreds of their pictures in social networks, without suspecting that thereby give someone the opportunity to make them obedient puppet.

When is it better to read a spell in the photo?

To the spell, with which you are going to shit a loved one, should be attached to the recommendations, peculiar instructions that indicate where the ritual must be conducted as under what circumstances.

However, the instructions are not attached far away. This may mean that the place and time of the rite do not have a decisive value. In addition, time and place can be understood, without being specified directly.

Our ancestors knew that:

  • Privots do not do on Sundays. These days, no magical rituals are not recommended at all. Sunday for a Christian is the day he must devote to prayers, visiting the Church, etc.;
  • Ritals are not held during holy holidays. These days are also sacred, like Sundays. Any magical actions in Easter, Christmas and other church holidays are considered disrespect for the Christian religion.

The exceptions from the rules become those cases when in the spell the direct instructions are given to the fact that the rite must be committed in a certain Christian holiday. There are, for example, many rituals, which are held on October 14 (cover).

Rules for holding a vote by photography

The rules for holding a love spell in the pictures is a bit, however, they need to be strictly necessary.

The main ones are:

  • Choose those photos on which your favorite person is depicted alone if in the recommendations for the ritual it is not indicated that the face chosen by you should be in your society or in the society of your competitor (competitor). The presence of even a pet is unacceptable. It is desirable that there are no too large inanimate objects next to a person in the picture. For example, a snapshot on which the beloved (beloved) hugs the tree, it does not fit you;
  • The photo must be done recently. Choose those pictures that were made no more than a year ago. The human energy background varies very quickly. The photo retains exactly the energy state in which people are at the time of shooting. However, after a few hours, changes begin. Ideally, it is necessary to work with a snapshot made immediately before starting the rite;
  • Pay attention to the indication of how the picture should be: Do you need a photo full of growth, or a fairly portrait picture;
  • For some love spells, the image format does not play a decisive role.

How to make a love spell on your own?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to make a spell on its own. Be sure to contact professional magicians. This is not entirely true. Of course, any magical manipulations better entrust the specialist. However, the risk of getting to the selection to Charlatan remains always.

An easy spell can be tried to do without the help of a specialist. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that if before you did not engage in magic, from the first time you will not work. Failure does not mean that the spell does not work. In everything you need practice and skills. Preparation of an unfamiliar dish for the first time usually ends with spoiled products. Magic is an even more complex science than cooking. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the lack of skills will not allow to get instant results.

When choosing a rite, try to give preference to one that does not imply any serious consequences. The strongest are voodoo love spells. However, only a competent master can work with them. Newcomers are most suitable white love spells. In case of failure, you just do not get the result. When working with Voodoo, the failure can lead to any irreparable misfortune, right up to the death of the wizard.

In order for the spell to work, act in strict accordance with the instructions. Unacceptable arbitrary replacement of one component to others. If the spell requires the rite to be implemented at midnight in the cemetery, which is no longer buried, it is not necessary to conduct it in the afternoon and on the current cemetery.

The strongest white spell in the photo

Each person who decided to hold a newsworthy rite wants to have the strongest spell at its disposal. Unwillingness to get a reverse blow or come into contact with dark entities makes it look for a suitable ritual among white love spellors. Variants of strong rituals can be found a lot. It is difficult to say which one is more efficient, and how less. The result will depend not only on the complexity of the ritual, but also from the inner mood of the one who spends it.

One of the visual options may look like this:

  • October 14 (Pokrov) Take a photo of your loved one and come with her to the church. The snapshot should be hidden on the chest.
  • Go around the church 12 times clockwise. Then you can enter inside. Services in the temples are usually held services. People in the church at this time are a lot.
  • You must interview several parishioners. Come to unfamiliar people and ask them about whether they saw a guy (girl) with such a name. Most likely, no one can answer this question that you are required.

Get out of the temple, turn to his face and tell me:

Then you need to return home and shifting a snapshot there, where no one would find it.

Love girl in photo

One of the most simple rituals can be spent in summer. Come with a photo of a girl who love, on the bank of the river. In addition to photos, you need to bring several multi-colored ribbons. Find a tree with a hollow that would stand very close to the water. A photo must be left in the voupel. Then tie all the brought ribbons to the branches.

Tie a knot, you need to say like this:

By doing so, go, not looking around. The rite can be repeated several times. At the same time, there should be at least 4-5 days between rituals.

Effective method of "bonuses"

Try also another effective way of "bonuses". Taking a photo of a girl, go to the cemetery. You will need to go through this unpleasant place, going into the same gate, going to others. If there is no second gate on the cemetery, or they are not in right placeYou will have to climb through the fence. Passing through the cemetery you need to read the spell. Read until it comes to the exit or the place where you will climb.

Spell sounds like this:

The ritual is advisable to repeat once a week. Almost once it is unlikely to be awesome beloved. However, if you attach certain efforts and will attend the cemetery periodically, the results will exceed all expectations. The girl really will be unpleasant to be near other guys, as a living person is unpleasant among the dead.

What if there is no photo? - love spell without photo

Not every person is frivolously postponing his photos on social networks or gives them to unfamiliar people. Presentations in the pictures are definitely some of the most effective. However, it is possible to get a good result without a photo.

Buy in the church a candle on the birthday of your loved one. The thickness of the candle can be any, but it is still better to choose. Come home, retire. Time of day does not matter. Scratch the name on the candle with the baptism of whom you are attracted. Sometimes the name in the passport and what was given during the sacrament of baptism differ.

Light a candle and read the conspiracy:

The candle must be lit every day and read the spell specified above. After reading, give a candle a little ruin. So you need to do as long as the candle once does not procee completely. If the birthday of a beloved person coincided with a large church holiday or Sunday, it is impossible to spend this ritual.

Effective rites on personal belongings. Some rituals require the use of some particular things, such as shirts, shirts, dresses, etc. However, if there are no direct instructions on which item must be used, try to take what is as close as possible to the human body, in particular, Underwear. It is desirable that the thing is not new. Objects that are in use retain the energy of their owners.

Whatever spell you do, you can not treat your actions frivolously. Do not take it only for the sake of the experiment. The person with whom you experimented can be attached to you too much. Not knowing how to cancel the activity of the rite, you will make yourself suffer and one who has become a victim of your curiosity.

Love guy by photo

It has long been known that any image retains the power of the prototype. It is a small copy that is constantly related to those who are depicted.

Portraits used to be used in love magic. Now love guy by photo became familiar occupation.

Only you need to choose the right picture.

  • See that the person looks right in front of him.
  • His eyes should be clearly visible.
  • In addition, it is necessary that the face is not covered.

The photo needs to be selected fresh, performed no more than a year ago. Then the spell will work faster. Although, if it is impossible to fulfill the last condition, then use that snapshot that is available, but you have to wait a little longer.

The spell in the photo is done when the guy has at least minimal communication.

Do not proceed to the ritual if you are not personally familiar.

The success of such magic is unlikely.

The same applies to the cases when a young man is experiencing negative emotions to the customer.

They should be removed before burning. By the way, use the same photo. Roll into his egg with a prayer reading.

When you make sure that the guy stopped sulking or getting angry. Start the rite.

Love guy p about photo at home

This rite is performed using fire and water.

For ritual need:

In the ritual use a photo of a guy and customers.

  1. In full moon after midnight pour melt or key water into a crystal container.
  2. Put the burning candle behind it.
  3. In the water, place the photo of the victim. Let it lie fifteen minutes.
  4. Think yourself at this time about the guy, imagine what he is busy, which interests him, causing, excites. This establishes a connection with the object.
  5. Through the same time, put silver into the water, and from above your image.
  6. Read seven times these words:
"Water connected, fire confirmed, metal all obstacles eliminated. Amen!"
  1. How to finish, remove photos from the water. They should be folded with images to each other and put under water vase.
  2. Leave the photo until it is dried. Silver Do not remove all this time.
  3. Candle should also go out herself.

While the photos remain glued, the spell will act. Therefore, they are advisable to hide well.

Love love guy by photo

Call the passion from a young person will help the next rite.

You need to take a picture of the victim with a growing moon.

This can be done by any gadget. Just do not forget about the eyes.

On the same day, go to the temple and buy the thickest candle.

And in the evening, begin to conjure.

  1. Put the photo on the table, and in front of it lit the candle.
  1. While she will prograte to half, imagine your future relationship.

It is necessary to concentrate not on the events, but on emotions. Separately, think about how much pleasure the object will receive from the future, how will it become unusually happy.

Watching the photo follows the flame of the candle. Transfer your thoughts to the image. You can imagine that they enter the transparent rope in the photo.

  1. When half the candle will progrit, take the image and adjust from its flame.
  2. Put it on a special plate (it should be plucking in advance). The snapshot must completely burn.
  3. And you need to read such words, loud and clearly:
"As a portrait of a sacre (name), the shower of him (his name) is rushing, straightened, light love! Amen!"

You can stop only when the paper turn into ashes.

It should be carefully assembled into a white envelope and hide under the pillow.

Wait until the candle is completely burning, continuing to think about your dream.

White love guy by photo

  1. Buy three identical rectangular mirrors.
  2. To the new moon, collect a magical design that resembles a troll, putting a mirror at an angle to each other.
  3. Opposite place the photo one.
  4. Sit yourself from behind you to reflect in all mirrors.
  5. Watch you only need to reflect the photo. It is impossible.
  6. Read these words:
"Heaven's forces! I ask you to connect the fate of the Lord slaves (names). Let one expelne go from now, let the barriers in them will not be in risen. Watch not at yourself, but a couple. Let them reflect in each other's hearts. Let the enemies run away from fright! Amen!"
  1. Pronounce the phrase as many times how many years to people together.
  2. Mirrors after the rite need to wipe with holy water.
  3. Make a ritual while the moon is new.
  4. Then you should put the photo between the two mirrors and glue.
  5. And the third wears with you. It should reflect the living object of the attitude. The more often it will look at this mirror, the faster it works.

Strong trigger guy by photo

This rite is carried out in nature.

Invented his gypsies. It is said that their magic is the strongest. Want to check.

and go to the river.

There in the evening, spread the fire.

Singing the fire, once again bypowering your plans.

Rotate back the opportunity will not be if you spend the ritual.

And when you decide, go to the river.

Type the water bucket. Return to the fire with him.

So tell the water:

"A pure stream from the head in the legs flows. I bathe in it, I saved the trouble. Wamps the driver, which prevents (the person's name) to fall in love with me. In the legs flows, the term expires. From the hair to the earth - all my feelings. As in the river, the Varochit river, so my threshold of a well done (name) manit. I pierce the knife, I attract myself. Fire opal, love in the soul of postla Amen!"

How to speak, tilter on the head of water.

Immediately take the photo and pour it with a knife.

And immediately stick the knife with a photo closer to the fire. Ideally, it should be placed in the center of the fire. But see, do not burn.

While the photo is burning, take another point.

Do not remove the knife from the ground, and fill the fire with water.

Love guy in photo: Consequences

Turning to love magic, it should be noted that rituals bring not only the joy of mutual feeling.

The consequences of the rite in some cases are negative. It turns out if the customer acts from whim or stubbornness.

It is important that the spell will be directed to a person whom the girl sincerely loves.

This bright feeling neutralizes negative consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to think many times before starting to burn.

If there is no feeling, fate will still be connected.

The first hobby will pass and then they will have to grind the grief of the full bowl. People will wave each other, but will not be able to part.

They will make one of the other, build a goat, jealous or offend. But it will not work out of the situation.

For the most part, such pairs live in constant scandals and disassembly, deceive, lgut, removing. There is no speech about happiness, if the customer is a wizard make a mistake.

I am involved in the photo

Make yourself a spell on the photo quite simple. The main rule in all rituals is not to do it out of revenge or from evil. The energy relationship of two people on the mental level creates an information channel. There are feelings, thoughts, experiences. Therefore, if the spell in the photo is made with love, then the reaction after the ritual will be appropriate.

Differences of Pristorotov

According to the reviews of sorcerers, which are preimers regularly, there are several types of rituals with photos. They differ at the power of exposure.

White love spell is one of the most soft effects. It practically never gives negative consequences. In such rituals there is an appeal to Divine power. Used attributes are always hiding so that no one can detect them.

The black spell is a tough pressure on the object of sympathy, the destruction of his will. Appeal to the dark forces. All attributes after the rite are burned, thrown into the water or bury into the ground.

Sexy binding is a quick effect that does not hurt the area of \u200b\u200bfeelings. The strong sexual desire of the object is not supported by love or sympathy. Mainly used by married women to hold a spouse from cheating.

Voodoo spell is the strongest spell in the photo. It has many side effects: the zombie of the object of sympathy, violation of its mental processes. The consequences of the ritual affect all the participants in the love spell.

Preparation for rite

All love spells on the photo are held in Women's (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) and men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). According to the reviews of those who made love spells at home, you should carefully consider the choice of photos of the object.

  1. The snapshot should be fresh, not older than 1 year;
  2. Portrait plan (eyes visible, chest, hands);
  3. The photo should not be other people, extra objects, animals.

The ritual is carried out during the growing moon. It is necessary to take a shower, change clothes into clean clothes, wash the ritual premises (room). A post 3 days before the rite will cleanse the astral body, it will help to concentrate the energy flow.

Open window or window. For a better concentration of thought in the ritual premises, no one should be. Ritual, spell in photography, carry barefoot, in loose clothes (without excess buckles, buttons, lightning).

Concentration of energy

Any magical effect is the direction of the energy flow into a certain zone or to a certain person. The power of thought should be so clear, obvious, so that information reached the object unchanged.

Photography allows you to visualize, submit a person. Play it in thoughts and fix the image. After that, the energy flow towards the Astral body of the object is sent. For this channel, feelings are transmitted, experiences. Be sure to present future relations with the object of sympathy, to set up a model of behavioral reactions.

After the rite, it is necessary to let go of the situation. Do not think constantly about the spell, about the object of sympathy. The ritual will get strength after your actions and thoughts switched on anything else.

Ritual with note

And men, and women make a spell by photography. The words of the conspiracy change depending on the floor of the object. Welcome a candle, put the color one on the table. On a clean sheet of paper Write conspiracy words:

"My sadness, you go to your beloved (object name). Sit down to his head, so that in a dream, and I only got myself for me, so that only about me, (your name), thought. How to hug me, yes kiss, but caress. Words My strong and model. And it will be for my word "

Note to set fire from the candle, smoke enveloping photos. Repeat words:

"The roaring is boiling, the place itself does not find. That over the head will pass, then in the head and will enter. As the fire burns behind - so the heart of the slave of God, (object name), will break down "

The ashes dispel in the wind. Photograph to hide into a secluded place.

Ritual with red thread

Prepare a red candle, envelope, needle, red woolen thread. Start a spell on the photo after sunset. Grind a red candle. Put on the table near the photo of the object and your. Who did a similar spell, advise mentally concentrate, submit future feelings, relationships.

On the back of the object snapshot write your full name and date of birth. In your picture, write the full name and date of birth of the object. Fold photos with images to each other.

Red thread go through the angle of the photo, tie a nodule. Make a nodules at every corner of the photograph, trying not to hurt the image itself. Over each knot read words:

"I knit the slave of God (object name) with the slave of God (your name) Uzami inseparable, Amen"

In a clean envelope without inscriptions folded stitched photos. Drink candles wax and seal the envelope, sentencing words:

"Sealing the slave of God (the name of the object) with the slave of God (your name) from the eye of the evil, from the intent of the unkind, from the cold challenge"

So that a strong spell in the photo worked for sure, it is necessary to hide all attributes and not shown anyone.

Ritual with burning photo

This spell in the photo makes closer to midnight. Welcome 6 candles (black, red). On the back of the snapshot, write a maximum of information about the object - the full name, date of birth, the color of the eyes and hair, growth, weight.

From each candle set fire to the photo. While it burns, read the words of the conspiracy:

"What will take place above the head, then will go to mind. As behind the back will light up - the heart of the robin slave (object name) will be broken. May it be so for my word "

Ashes to collect in the bowl, bring to the open window or window. Blur ashes to the street. If the ashes fly away - the spell will start acting. If the ashes with a stream of air will fly back to the room - it means that the property is worth protection at the facility.

Vedo spell

In a circle, lay the candles, light them after sunset. In the middle of the circle, lay a clean white cloth, sheets. Prepare a bowl, honey, a few drops of your blood, a red candle. After the start of the ritual from the circle does not go out. Sit on the fabric in a meditative posture, call on spirits:

"Orasion Mu, Santo Clavering Elijah, Dios Esclava (your name). Envir Mi Dome Angela LE Blanco Alas. De Da Oro Velas, Rodin barely Ensuranitro Congra Travis. Kue Todo Dake Marchar, Esclavo Dios (object name). Encontrastr, Clarwar enemier Corrupt Traces. Abierto Alma, Dha Ultimo Couple Kue Diernero. Comparents Todo Kue e Curer. Palabra - Mi, Llava, Kandado Langua. Asha! "

On the back of the postcase, write the full name, the date of birth of the object. Lower the photo into the bowl, pour honey. For a stronger effect in the bowl, you can add an object's hair, thread from his personal thing, a piece of magnet. In the center of the bowl put a red candle, light it. Surrounding words:

"Amemet Colt Colto, MET Colter Ovensid, R Pwe Mdapet, Mdaid Poom, Svomi Loy Swami San Oven, Haman Venop Cole Dema"

Leave a candle in the cup to get to get, the rest blew. Take offering to the spirits - to leave candy on the nearest intersection.

Love spell with blood

Prepare a silver spoon, a cook salt, 7 drops of its blood, pure basic. Rite start after sunset. Light candles. Pour a little water in a saucepan, put 7 spoons of salt. Boil the water, stirring with a silver spoon, keep another 7 minutes on fire.

Pour water in a pelvis, cool it. Add your blood. Looking at the photo of the object, lower the hands in the pelvis and whisper 3 times:

"You are with me forever, never minded about the other. A century for me will be bored and one wish me alone. Your heart is with me, my image is forever with you. May it be so!"

After completing the rite, water pour water on the wasteland.


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