Which icon is praying for marriage with your beloved. Which icon must be praying to find your soul mate

Which icon is praying for marriage with your beloved. Which icon must be praying to find your soul mate

Get married - this is what every girl dreams about. To make it successfully, so that you will call you exactly the same, the only thing, and in order not to do this for the second time - you need to pray and ask God for the blessing for the work of the search for a decent satellite of life.

Only a prayer for a good groom will not help - you need to be firmly ready to put your life on the altar of serving to another person, keep the commandments of God, love your chosen one, rather than yourself.

It is important to do right choice - And not mistaken also helps sincere and hot prayers to the Lord.

Who praying to get married, solve you exclusively. The sincere request to give birth to love and family happiness will hear any holy, so choose who you are closest.

Rules of prayer

You can pray for any good undertaking - a big difference in how holy to contact, actually no. For love, the Holy Peter and Fevronia, the prince and Princess Muromsky, who, during his lifetime, became the standard of Christian love and loyalty. But this is not a rule, it is not worth praying to the saints, as if they have a "specialization", helps to marry and Ksenia Petersburg, who took the feat of voluntary madness after the death of the spouse - to call her happy in the usual sense is hardly possible.

The misconception is widely concentrated about the concept of "strong prayer". Prayer is just words, it can not be strong or weak. Prayer is a lively communication with the Lord, and its strength is not in the words pronounced by the mouth, the strength of prayer is in our relationship, in words that the heart pronounces.

If you read on the Internet about color, size, quantity and quality of candles, which should be burned during prayer, and dependent on the fulfillment of the requirements is set - you will marry ten lunaries, are taking place and think about the admissibility of such methods.

In no case can give themselves on provocations, do not from the prayer of the deputy and magic, remember that it is a great sin!

The effectiveness of the prayer is not expressed in the instantage. The Lord will hear the request of the heart and send the opportunity to meet with the narrowed. And to use this chance - exceptionally your task.

How to pray for marriage?

Who to pray to get married? It is necessary to pray, first of all, about yourself and your chosen one, ask God to enjoy you, teach love, help in creating a strong union under the canopy of his great grace. There are special prayers for the multiplication of love, they can be found in prayer. Hot and sincere prayer is useful to take the "softening hearts" icon if your relationship with your loved one is experiencing a crisis and the planned marriage turns out to be threatened.

Prayer for the icon "Softening of evil hearts"

"Multi-binding Mother of God, who exceeds all the dskend of land for its purity and on a variety of suffering, to you on the land of those who are suspended! We accept our alloles-free frustration and save us under the blood of the mercy, Inago Bo Refuge and the Tealous Representation, aren't you, not, but, yako Consight of the Izmuchi to others from you born, the pump and save with your prayers, and it is incredibly achieving the kingdom of heaven, the idea with all the saints we will chanting praise in the Trinity of the One God, always, now, and are confused, and forever. Amen."

Do not be afraid to ask for help from God in any question, and if you need advice, resort to priests. The father, as a link, with God is not Earth, will explain to you any incomprehensible situation from the point of view of the church.

Prayer "On Marriage"

"Oh, all-selling Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on that I love you all soul and with all my heart, and to fulfill you in all of your holy Will. Control the same, oh my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please you alone, for you are the creator and my God. Save My pride and pride: mind, modesty and chastity let them decorate me. The idleness is opposed to you and gives rise to the vices, feed the hunt for hardworking and bless it. Alone the law of your law commands to live people in an honest marriage, bring me, the saint, to this, consecrated to you, the title, not to facilitate the lust of my, but for the fulfillment of your destination, for you told you: it's not good to be one and, creating He his wife in the assistant, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the land. Hear a humble prayer for mine, from the depths of the Maughish heart you are distinguished; Give me a spouse honestly and piety, so that we are in love with him and in harmony glorify you, the mercifulness of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

The mercy of God descends on people on the prayers of various saints - the assistant in the affairs of marriage has long been considered to be Holy Catherine.

Prayer Ekaterina Alexandrian "On Marriage"

"Oh Holy Catherine, Devo and Martyr, True Christ's True! Molima, Yako is a particular grace, Eyuzh, predicting your groom, the sweet Jesus, who has used: Jacques to the greatness of the painfulness of the wisdom, the fifty developers won the ESI, and drinking their heavenly teachings to the light True Faith instructed Esi, so we succeed and we, and we, all the goats of Adskago tormented, the world and the flesh of the temptations are despicable, to deserve the Divine Fame, and to the expansion of our Orthodox Farm of Budrodu for the extension, and with you The skiing of the Lord and the Lord of our Jesus Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit are praised and glorify at all times of centuries. Amen."

You can ask for help with the Holy Xenia St. Petersburg and Matron of Moscow, the most important thing is not to insult them and the gentlemen with their neatness, coldness, stubbornness, faith in witchcraft or love magic.

Prayer Ksenia Peterburger "On Marriage"

"Oh, Holy All-Said Mother's Ksenia! Under the shelter of the Most Himmalo, living, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, glad and thirst, the chloride and intense, the urgent and persecution has undergone, the gift of the witness and the wonderfulness of God to be happy and under the senion of Almighty. Now holy church, yako Burning color, glorifying your way: the forthcoming place of your burial, in order to your holy saints, Yako lives, escaping with us, pray: we accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the mercy of the father of heaven, I will pronounce it, I will succeed to you Eternal salvation, and on the benefit of business and undertakings Our generous blessing, from all sorts of troubles and sorrows, getting rid of the saints of your prayers before the all-consutational savior of our about us, unworthy and sinful, Pomso, the holy blessed Maty Ksenia, babies with the light of the Holy Baptism of Ozariti and the sector Dara The Spirit of the Holy Administration captain, the rasters and the sorties in faith, honesty, god fee and chastity and progress in teaching them to give; The sore and illuminating heal, family love and consent of the low seeds, the monastic feat of the good, hurt the ward and from the stuffing of the fence, shepherds in the fortress of the Spirit approve, the people and the country in the world and serenesting the saints of the Saints of the Saints of the Saints Hope and hope, soon hearing and getting rid of, thanks to you, with you, with you, Slavs Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen."

Prayer Matron Moskovsk "On Marriage"

"On the blissful mother of Matrono, hear and now we have, sinful, who praying to you, speaking throughout the life of your enjoyment and listen to all the suffering and grieving, with the faith and hope for your intercession and assistance to residing, emerge, and wonderful healing to everyone Supplying; yes, it does not look at the mercy of yours to us, unworthy, rolling in a multi-world world and nurging the consolation and compassion in the sorrowfulness of spiritual and help in body diseases: OUR Diseases heal, relieve the temptations and tormenting of the devil, passionately, help to convey everyday life, to demolish all the importance of life and not lose the image of God, Orthodox faith until the end of our days, hope and hope for God is strong, and non-estate love for the neighbor; Help us at the colrall from the lives of achieving the kingdom of heaven with all the gods, glorifying the mercy and the goodness of the father of heaven, in the Trinity of Slavimago, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen."

Not only Christians have ways to appeal to God for marriage - a Muslim woman also prays in his own way about family happiness. Muslim prayer for marriage also exists, and not alone. Allah can be praying in Arabic, there are translations into Russian. Muslim prayer will help in creating a family, give the blessing of the marriage union.

Muslim prayer "About marriage"

"About Allah! Everything is in your power, I'm not able to do anything. You all know, and I - no. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if you think it is the best to preserve my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, help me In order for it to become my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, help me so that the other has become my wife (husband). "

After prayer

What should a person who prayed and asked for help? Prayer does not have a criteria for effectiveness, she is a request for the blessing of life in marriage.

If you sincerely asked the Lord about help - he will not leave you, will not bypass his grace, give a blessing and helping all the days of living together.

Love is a big job and at the same time a big award, and there are no other ways to get love, except for daily displeasant work with a prayer and help of God.

Never think about magical ways to accelerate events, and even more so, do not consider prayer in this way. You can suppress the will of a person, but the truth will protest in it with such a force that you will regret, which we decided to witchcraft, having received a zombie creature instead of the beloved.

Video: Prayer to get married

Life without love is empty and meaningless. In the union of shower you can find a source of inspiration and happiness. Who to pray to find the soul mate? It should be known that the prayer appeal of love and marriage is a request for clean feelings, and the birth of children.

How to find a soul mate?

For the search for the second half, the relative souls can take years, and sometimes a whole life. How to speed up the long-awaited meeting? What kind of holy pray for love?

Prayer is a strong and effective tool that will help concentrate on desire. Request faithful to the highest forces with faith and hope will definitely embody into reality.

It is mistaken to assume that only learned prayers will help bring the request to heaven. Words spoken from the soul, also carry a strong energy potential. The structure of prayer consists of gratitude for already existing benefits, repentance in sins and requests for love (marriage).

Mysterious concentration at a desire will help to choose the right words. It is not necessary to ask the highest forces about love as an instrument of pleasure or self-affirmation. Purity of thoughts, sincerity must underlie prayer.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? You can contact the Savior, the Virgin, the Guardian angel with a request for love.

Prohibited methods

It should be carefully applied to your desires, clearly formulate a request. Higher forces will not help if it comes to the destruction of another family. You should not ask for your happiness by burning other people.

In no case should not follow the believer person to contact the magicians, occultists, psychics. Such help can only harm, leave a sinful mark in the soul and fate of a person.

It is not necessary to organize your personal life. Cheating, blackmail, temptation will not bring happiness.

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg about lovely once helped girls to gain happiness. Request in front of the way will help to make spouses after a quarrel. The prayers of Ksenia Petersburg will be returned to the hope and happiness.

  • "Oh, all-large Maty Ksenia! Hunger and cold, thirst and stern undergoing. Under the Lord of the Intercession, Living, the Virgin of the knowledge and strengthened. You forgive all my forelegations, which is free or unwittingly committed. Help, Holy Ksenia, patients heal, family happiness sent. I ask you, fill my heart my love. Send the satellite of life capable of illicate our way. Bless, Maty Ksenia, our relationship, the heavens of predict. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg about love is pronounced in calm state. You can put a candle in front of the holy. The people's tradition states that prayer before the icon will help in finding their halves.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

Prayer for love Nicholas Wonderworker will promote a meeting with his native soul. According to the legend, it threw a 3 note to the family with gold, so that he did not give his daughters on the blud. This money was helped to return the other life of the family. And the daughters safely married.

  • "Oh, Saint Nicholas, the ward of the Lord, our intercession in troubles and grief. Previously, I ask you to give the forgiveness of my sins. Help me, the popup, the strokes of our Lord, save me from Naj. and despondency. I ask you to give a spouse to life for a long time, so that you would be sworn in love and joy, you cared about children. Moths about us, St. Nicholas, our Lord, so that we live a peaceful and salvation of our souls. Amen".

There are many testimonies of men and women who helped the prayer for love Nikolay the Wonderworker. They willingly respond to the sincere requests of people about the family life.

Prayer Matron Moskovskaya

Miracles Matrona Moscow, her gracious assistance in finding a relative soul, family creation are known throughout the country. Love contributes to the long-awaited meeting.

  • "Mother Matronushka, up in my heart. Help to find the narrowed, who is looking for me and falls without love. Help to find someone I will love and who will love me. I ask you, humbly, humbly, you come to the legs of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Improving him to give me a family life. Let our long-suffering grace of God won't leave us in Yudoli. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and confirm, in the eyelids. Amen".

Prayer Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia for a long time are considered patrons of family and marriage. Their life is an example of love, loyalty. The prayers of their image are given a soul mate, will contribute to the family happiness, the birth of healthy children. Peter and Fevronia lived a long life and died in one day. Prayers before the icon will help to quickly find the marriage union.

  • "Oh, faithful princess Peter and Princess Fevronia! With hope I pray and resort to your help. Ascend the prayers to the Lord to our and ask for goodness for me. Your petition is pleased that our Heavenly gave the king in good deeds to successful, piety unshapsible, the hope of good, the love is non-estate, faith right. Amen".

Icons of the Mother of God

There is a great set of Mother God's icons. Some of them are miraculous, capable of healing patients, helping weak. The Mother of God is considered the great teacher man in front of the Savior. At long-time legends, some of the images of God's mother contribute to the quick gain of family happiness.

Therefore, to the question "Who praying to find a soul mate?" You can answer that several Icons of the Virgin will help in finding a satellite of life:

  • Icon of the Virgin "Kozelshchanskaya", according to legend, has Italian roots. It appeared in Russia during the times of Elizabeth I. The icon brought one of the courtes, which soon received the proposal of the hands and hearts. Since then, the Molva has gone, that the image helps to gain a happy marriage.
  • Icon of the Virgin "Unlifeful Color" Appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries. Presumably, its writing was associated with an annual miracle. Pilgrims brought to the holy mountain as a gift of God's Mother of Lily. On the eve of the Assumption of the Virgin, the faded flowers unexpectedly poured by force, new buds appeared. Athos monks noticed this miracle, which served as inspiration to writing the image "unfavorable color."
  • The icon of the Virgin "Insprivitary Bowl" is miraculous. There are many stories about her help in gaining housing, healing from harmful habits. Prayer for love and marriage in front of ancient times helped young devices and mature women in the search for the narrowed.

Prayer Paraskeva Friday

Holy Paraskeva gave a vow of virgin virgin and spiritual purity. Her image will help to find a long-awaited groom or the bride, will bring the world to the family, gives a miracle of childbirth desperate couples. Prayer for love and marriagered icon of Paraskeva Friday will help chaste girls to find a soul mate. No wonder in Russia, this Great Martyr was named "Babya Holy" - she patronizes female care, households.

Closer to the cover of the girl prayed to Saint Paraskeva with the words: "Mother Paraskeva, I cut me as soon as possible!"

  • "Holy Bride of Christ, the Great Martyr Parashev! You loved the soul and my heart to love the king of Heaven, you were born to our savior, the property distributed to our poor. The chastity and piety your ray shines sunshine among the wrong things, the Word of the Lord disliked. With muddy you look at the icon, I welcome you, the long-suffering Paraskeva. The Savior's Savior, Personnel, maybe he will give salvation and grace the good, patience and grace in trouble. Let him give a petition and your concession, prosperity and peaceful life, health and approval in faith, will speed up their help in finding a narrowed and beloved. Yes, cleanse us, sinful. And, having imagining the salvation, your prayers, intercession and representation, the bride of Christ Paraskeva, we will glorify the most distinguished name in the saints of a true God God, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are confused, and forever. Amen".

Prayer for help in love

Prayer Most High about attracting a miracle of love in his life will help desperate people. Such requests instill hope in the heart of a person. The conversation with the highest forces can not consist of the learned phrases of prayer. Ask the Most High in my own words about the gift of love, family happiness.

The second half is a reward that should earn righteous affairs, sincere prayers. It happens that fate does not give a relative soul because it has not yet come time. Therefore, the humble wait, faith and prayer will help prepare the soul to the long-awaited meeting. The humble wait is the state of the soul, and not inactivity. A person with a large circle of communication, a rich life has more chances to find a relative soul.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? The Savior's prayers can not only pronounce the icon in the church. At sunrise, in front of bedtime, the Lord is about the gift of the miracle of love and reciprocity. You can write prayer in your own words and wearing a note as a talisman on the chest.

Prayer for marriage

Appeal to the highest forces should go from the heart. Each word of prayer is a concentration on communication, asking for help in their troubles, sadness, alarms. To begin with write your wish on a sheet of paper. It will help to figure out their feelings and thoughts. You can specify the mental quality of the one who would like to see the second half.

Be sure to think about what a marital life is seen, for what it is needed. It happens that man wants to marry only for status in society. Therefore, the highest strength and do not send him a relative soul.

A prayer appeal of marriage is not only the fact of official marriage. This is a request for the gift of patience, wisdom in family life. This ability to pacify its benefit of the family. This is a request for children and grandchildren. This is a promise that all forces will be attached to save marriage.

Prayer for mutual love

Prayer with a request for reciprocity is not a magical conspiracy. Occult rites Push the will of a person, which helps to come to the desired result. The prayer appeal of mutual love is a request to give feelings without coercion.

Men's prayers for love can be annea, Tatiana, Seraphim Sarov, Holy Patrows by name or date of birth. Deep faith will contribute to the acquisition of mutual feelings for many years.

  • "I tend to the earth to you, Lord, resorting to the help of your help, I hope for you. Forgive me sins and vices. Give love pure, mutual. It was confused in a huge world, I can not find the narrowed among people. I hope for you, Lord, I ask you and assistance. Do not remember the request of my. Amen".

Who to pray to find the soul mate? Prayer for love and marriage

Life without love is empty and meaningless. In the union of shower you can find a source of inspiration and happiness. Who to pray to find the soul mate? It should be known that the prayer appeal of love and marriage is a request for clean feelings, creating a family and the birth of children.

How to find a soul mate?

For the search for the second half, the relative souls can take years, and sometimes a whole life. How to speed up the long-awaited meeting? What kind of holy pray for love?

Prayer is a strong and effective tool that will help concentrate on desire. Request faithful to the highest forces with faith and hope will definitely embody into reality.

It is mistaken to assume that only learned prayers will help bring the request to heaven. Words spoken from the soul, also carry a strong energy potential. The structure of prayer consists of gratitude for already existing benefits, repentance in sins and requests for love (marriage).

Mysterious concentration at a desire will help to choose the right words. It is not necessary to ask the highest forces about love as an instrument of pleasure or self-affirmation. Purity of thoughts, sincerity must underlie prayer.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? You can contact the Savior, the Virgin, the Holy Patron, the Guardian Angel with a request for love.

Prohibited methods

It should be carefully applied to your desires, clearly formulate a request. Higher forces will not help if it comes to the destruction of another family. You should not ask for your happiness by burning other people.

In no case should not follow the believer person to contact the magicians, occultists, psychics. Such help can only harm, leave a sinful mark in the soul and fate of a person.

It is not necessary to organize your personal life. Cheating, blackmail, temptation will not bring happiness.

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg

The prayer of Ksenia Petersburg about love has not once helped girls to gain happiness. Request in front of the way will help to make spouses after a quarrel. The prayers of Ksenia Petersburg will be returned to the hope and happiness.

  • "Oh, all-large Maty Ksenia! Hunger and cold, thirst and stern undergoing. Under the Lord of the Intercession, Living, the Virgin of the knowledge and strengthened. You forgive all my forelegations, which is free or unwittingly committed. Help, Holy Ksenia, patients heal, family happiness sent. I ask you, fill my heart my love. Send the satellite of life capable of illicate our way. Bless, Maty Ksenia, our relationship, the heavens of predict. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg about love is pronounced in calm state. You can put a candle in front of the holy. The people's tradition states that prayer before the icon will help in finding their halves.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

Prayer for love Nicholas Wonderworker will promote a meeting with his native soul. According to the legend, Saint Nikolay threw one father of the family of 3 nodal with gold, so that he did not give his daughters on the Blud. This money was helped to return the other life of the family. And the daughters safely married.

  • "Oh, Saint Nicholas, the ward of the Lord, our intercession in troubles and grief. Previously, I ask you to give the forgiveness of my sins. Help me, the popup, the strokes of our Lord, save me from Naj. and despondency. I ask you to give a spouse to life for a long time, so that you would be sworn in love and joy, you cared about children. Moths about us, St. Nicholas, our Lord, so that we live a peaceful and salvation of our souls. Amen".

There are many testimonies of men and women who helped prayer about love Nikolai Wonderworker. Holy willingly responds to the sincere requests of people about the device of family life.

Prayer Matron Moskovskaya

Miracles Matrona Moscow, her gracious assistance in finding a relative soul, family creation are known throughout the country. Prayer Matrona about love contributes to the long-awaited meeting.

  • "Mother Matronushka, up in my heart. Help to find the narrowed, who is looking for me and falls without love. Help to find someone I will love and who will love me. I ask you, humbly, humbly, you come to the legs of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Improving him to give me a family life. Let our long-suffering grace of God won't leave us in Yudoli. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and confirm, in the eyelids. Amen".

Prayer Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia for a long time are considered patrons of family and marriage. Their life is an example of love, loyalty. The prayers of their image are given a soul mate, will contribute to the family happiness, the birth of healthy children. Peter and Fevronia lived a long life and died in one day. Prayers before the icon will help to quickly find the marriage union.

  • "Oh, faithful princess Peter and Princess Fevronia! With hope I pray and resort to your help. Ascend the prayers to the Lord to our and ask for goodness for me. Your petition is pleased that our Heavenly gave the king in good deeds to successful, piety unshapsible, the hope of good, the love is non-estate, faith right. Amen".

Icons of the Mother of God

There is a great set of Mother God's icons. Some of them are miraculous, capable of healing patients, helping weak. The Mother of God is considered the great teacher man in front of the Savior. At long-time legends, some of the images of God's mother contribute to the quick gain of family happiness.

Therefore, to the question "Who praying to find a soul mate?" You can answer that several Icons of the Virgin will help in finding a satellite of life:

  • Icon of the Virgin "Kozelshchanskaya", according to legend, has Italian roots. It appeared in Russia during the times of Elizabeth I. The icon brought one of the courtes, which soon received the proposal of the hands and hearts. Since then, the Molva has gone, that the image helps to gain a happy marriage.
  • Icon of the Virgin "Unlifeful Color" Appeared in the XVI-XVII centuries. Presumably, its writing was associated with an annual miracle. Pilgrims brought to the holy mountain as a gift of God's Mother of Lily. On the eve of the Assumption of the Virgin, the faded flowers unexpectedly poured by force, new buds appeared. Athos monks noticed this miracle, which served as inspiration to writing the image "unfavorable color."
  • The icon of the Virgin "Insprivitary Bowl" is miraculous. There are many stories about her help in gaining housing, healing from bad habits. Prayer for love and marriage in front of ancient times helped young devices and mature women in the search for the narrowed.

Prayer Paraskeva Friday

Holy Paraskeva gave a vow of virgin virgin and spiritual purity. Her image will help to find a long-awaited groom or the bride, will bring the world to the family, gives a miracle of childbirth desperate couples. Prayer for love and marriage in front of the icon of Paraskeva Friday will help chaste girls to find a soul mate. No wonder in Russia, this Great Martyr was named "Babya Holy" - she patronizes female care, households.

Closer to the cover of the girl prayed to Saint Paraskeva with the words: "Mother Paraskeva, I cut me as soon as possible!"

  • "Holy Bride of Christ, the Great Martyr Parashev! You loved the soul and my heart to love the king of Heaven, you were born to our savior, the property distributed to our poor. The chastity and piety your ray shines sunshine among the wrong things, the Word of the Lord disliked. With muddy you look at the icon, I welcome you, the long-suffering Paraskeva. The Savior's Savior, Personnel, maybe he will give salvation and grace the good, patience and grace in trouble. Let him give a petition and your concession, prosperity and peaceful life, health and approval in faith, will speed up their help in finding a narrowed and beloved. Yes, cleanse us, sinful. And, having imagining the salvation, your prayers, intercession and representation, the bride of Christ Paraskeva, we will glorify the most distinguished name in the saints of a true God God, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are confused, and forever. Amen".

Prayer for help in love

Prayer Most High about attracting a miracle of love in his life will help desperate people. Such requests instill hope in the heart of a person. The conversation with the highest forces can not consist of the learned phrases of prayer. Ask the Most High in my own words about the gift of love, family happiness.

The second half is a reward that should earn righteous affairs, sincere prayers. It happens that fate does not give a relative soul because it has not yet come time. Therefore, the humble wait, faith and prayer will help prepare the soul to the long-awaited meeting. The humble wait is the state of the soul, and not inactivity. A person with a large circle of communication, a rich life has more chances to find a relative soul.

Who to pray to find the soul mate? The Savior's prayers can not only pronounce the icon in the church. At sunrise, in front of bedtime, the Lord is about the gift of the miracle of love and reciprocity. You can write prayer in your own words and wearing a note as a talisman on the chest.

Prayer for marriage

Appeal to the highest forces should go from the heart. Each word of prayer is a concentration on communication, asking for help in their troubles, sadness, alarms. To begin with write your wish on a sheet of paper. It will help to figure out their feelings and thoughts. You can specify the mental quality of the one who would like to see the second half.

Be sure to think about what a marital life is seen, for what it is needed. It happens that man wants to marry only for status in society. Therefore, the highest strength and do not send him a relative soul.

A prayer appeal of marriage is not only the fact of official marriage. This is a request for the gift of patience, wisdom in family life. This ability to pacify its benefit of the family. This is a request for children and grandchildren. This is a promise that all forces will be attached to save marriage.

Prayer for mutual love

Prayer with a request for reciprocity is not a magical conspiracy. Occult rituals suppress the will of a person, which helps to come to the desired result. The prayer appeal of mutual love is a request to give feelings without coercion.

Prayers for love men can be asked Andrei First-Called, St. Anne, Tatiana, Seraphim Sarov, Holy Patrows by name or date of birth. Deep faith will contribute to the acquisition of mutual feelings for many years.

The Lord fulfills the requests of those in need. Therefore, in your appeals after prayer, try to explain the angels why you need a wife and children. As their appearance in your life will allow you to change and develop for the benefit of everyone. Do not stop your prayers. Just specify your request to him.

Prayer Nikolai The Wonderworker about marriage and personal life is the strongest prayer

To marry a worthy man - the natural desire of any girl. Since ancient times, a woman was perceived as a keeper of a homely focus, so the need for the creation of a family and the establishment of personal lives in representatives of the weaker sex is laid on the subconscious level.

For the sake of marriage, sometimes girls are ready for the most desperate actions, but in pursuit of married women, many forget about the most important thing - about faith in God and prayers. Meanwhile, some prayers can work not worse than the best match. A strong prayer, for example, is a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker about marriage and personal life, has long been helped by many lonely girls and women to gain a happy family - a loved one and loving husband, kids.

Appeal to the Lord and Saints with a prayer for marriage - the phenomenon is quite normal and even necessary if the girl does not go to a personal life. If the prayer is heard by the highest forces, then such a marriage will definitely be happy, long and strong, because it is not for nothing that the folk wisdom says that true marriages are to heaven.

How to ask Nicholas about marriage

The prayer requests with which the believer people turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker are universal, just at least because St. Nicholas is one of the most revered saints. Already many centuries in a row, the girl asks Nicholas asking for them to assist them in the early marriage and will certainly receive help from him - provided that they sincerely pray from his heart.

The pray for a holy elder about marriage is not necessary with the use of special Orthodox prayer (although the use of prayer, the text of which is slightly lower, is only welcome). The request can be formulated and in your own words - the main thing is that it is from a pure heart. It is advisable to talk with Nikolai my icon with the light of the lit church candle.

Prayer Nikolai pleasedness of marriage: text of strong prayer

One of the strongest prayers to Nikolai the rash, with the help of which a lonely girl can ask for marriage, sounds like this:

You can pray with its help both in the walls of the temple, at the image of Saint Nicholas, putting a pre-candle and at home, in front of the elder icon. It is recommended to read this prayer every day - until the point as requested by the highest forces, and the girl meets his fate.

Mandatory part is the expression of gratitude to the Holy. You can also thank Nikolai Wonderworker, or, if desired, find a special Orthodox prayer for these purposes. The text of the Thanksgiving prayer is given in this article.

Strong prayer rite about personal life

There is another prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the use of which gives a wonderful result. This prayer is accompanied by a mandatory rite consisting of three stages: preparation, stage church and home.

Preparation for committing a prayer rite

The prayer ritual with the aim of a speedy marriage requires preliminary training. The basic rules that must be observed by the performer during the preparation:

  • do not cut for 40 days;
  • refrain from any relationship with a man, and even more so not to enter into intimate contacts within 40 days;
  • observe the post - also within 40 days.

On the 41st day, a girl dreaming to marry should go into a clean field. Being there, you need to cross and bow all 4 sides, and then send your way to the nearest temple or church.

Church stage

In the walls of the liturgical institution, you need to put a candle in front of the icon of Nicholas, express your request and read the prayer for marriage. The text is the following:

Going out of the church, the girl should be back. Near entrance door It is necessary to stop and stand up three times with a congestion.

Home Stage

Having come home, the performer, first of all, should hide in a secluded shield, which covered her head in the church. Throughout the next 7 resurrection, this scarf needs to wear on the head and already at home to pray to Nicholas about the speedy marriage - for this you need to buy in the temple icon with the image of the saint, if it is not available in the house.

The girl's narrowed and future husband, if everything did right, should meet already during these seven resurrection. This prayer rite about marriage is one of the strongest. Its effectiveness is confirmed by a considerable number of examples from real life Girls and women managed to fulfill their dream and create their own family, even after long-year loneliness.

Who can read prayers to Nikolai the Wonderworker on the establishment of personal life

Send prayers for marriage addressed to St. Nicholas, they can like the unmarried young lady, and their mother, concerned about the fate of their loved ones, but lonely daughters. I sincerely refer to Nikolayan with one of the presented prayers, the girl is guaranteed to rely on the fact that quite soon there will be a reliable, decent, kind and honest man with her, with which she will have to create a strong and happy family, go through the life path together - hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

Thanks for the text of the prayer! I am very worried about the fate of my only daughter, she is already 30, and I have never been married. Both clever and beauty, and there are no reliable men. And I want to donate with the grandchildren, the sixth dozen goes like anything. I really want the Saint Nicholas to help my daughter. I will pray to him!

Thank you for the text and detailed description Ritual!

And what should be the post during prayer?

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Prayers about marriage. Strong prayers for marriage

Strong prayers for marriage

A love spell of your favorite prayers is a very common rite of white magic on love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for himself and read it in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you magical words how to fall in love with your beloved person or meet your half that marries you, for this you need to read the strongest spell yourself - prayer for love and fast marriage. Do it necessary to read this in the church all the strongest prayers for marriage :

  • 3 times before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God to read a prayer for a soul mate,
  • time to read a strong prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about marriage,
  • 1 time to read the prayer Matronushka to successfully marry a loved one
  • ends the rite of strong prayer to Seraphim Sarovsky on marriage and love forever.

Prayer about the second marriage after the death of her husband or divorce with her husband is read in the same sequence. For the love spell on love in the church with the help of prayer you need to buy 5 candles - 4 on the prayers of the saints about marriage and love, and the fifth to itself for the health of the icon of Pantekemon. Before the saints of a successful marriage and read strong prayers, you need to enter the church to say magic words so that the future husband loved you more than life and never changed: Lord, in the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, Nikolay Rask, Kazan Lady Mother, Help me (name your request) - this is the fastest and strong way to get married by mutual love.

Prayer for marriage of the Kazan Mother of God

Light a candle before the icon of the Mother of God "unfading color", and read a strong prayer for rapid marriage:

Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, we hear our wedding,

cancel your ear to the mission of our, Lords and Mother of our God,

do not construct your helping and do not give us sinful

weeks and teach us: do not retreat from us, your slaves, for Rapting our.

Buddes us Mati and the patroness, hand you give a merciful cover to yours.

Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins lose.

About Mathi Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition.

Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who work for us.

About Mati Lord Creator OUR!

You are the root of virgin and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we went to help us weak

and aubrifable carnal passion and wandering hearts.

Enlighten our spiritual eyes, but we see the way of the truth of God.

The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in the execution of the commandments,

yes, we will get rid of any trouble and attack and we will justify

Your stupid intercession on the scary court of your son.

He, we pay glory, the honor and worship of now and are confessed, and in the eyelids.

Prayer Saint Nicholas Wonderworker about marriage

With a prayer to Nicholas, the wonderworker is treated for the help of all Orthodox on Earth. There is a very old and good prayer for marriage facing Nikolay the Wonderworker. Putting a candle from his icons. Continue the rite of the church rite to marriage from reading this prayer:

Oh Holy Nicholas, pleases the Preser Circuit Lord!

During his lifetime, you never detected anyone in requests,

Yes, do not refuse the servant of God (name).

The grace of their own and ask the Lord about the soon of my marriage.

I am going to the will of the Lord and I hope for mercy.

Let's bow before the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker and go to the next Icon Matrona to read a strong prayer for a successful marriage for your loved one.

Prayer Matron Moscow for marriage

Matrona as and sv. Catherine very quickly helps to marry the power of prayer to this holy is so great that no one has doubts about any of the people. Matronians pray for people for a variety of reasons, someone to restore relations in the family, someone needs to heal, go to her with requests and women and girls reading a prayer in order to marry. Put the third candle near the icon of the Saint Matronushka and tell the magic words of the prayer Matron of Blessed about her marriage:

On the blissful mother of Matrono, the soul in the sky before the throne of God is coming,

The body is on the earth, and this is more than grateful than the grateful wonders of excess.

Watch now with a gracious one, sinful, in grief,

Diseases and sinful temptations of their days are dependent, comfort, desperate,

I healed our gods, from God for our sin by our leaving,

Get rid of us from many troubles and circumstances,

The mind of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, lawlessness and fall,

Imjy we are from youth our friend even to a real day and an hour of sughre

Yes, your prayers are gracefully grace and Grace,

We glorify in the Trinity of the Unagno God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

Now and in the eyelids.

After graduating from reading the text of the prayer to the Matrona, form a request for the soon marriage and continue the rite of white magic to get married quickly. It remains a little and believe, finishing reading these strong prayers. You will definitely get married this year, even if there is no groom, you will definitely meet it.

Prayer Seraphim Sarovsky about marriage

These strong prayers (3) about the marriage of Saint Seraphim Sarov will complete the rite of white magic for a successful and fast marriage. Going to his icon lit a church candle and tell the magic words of prayer - Presentation:

ABOUT STORE SERFICE, Great Sarov, the miracle, all resorting to you in a pileous assistant! During the days of Earth's lives of your nickname from you, soothe and unprofitable, but everyone in the sweetness could be the vision of your face and the fraxtful voice of your word. To the Sim, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak shower of healing is abundant in you. You just know the god from earthly work to heavenly rest, your love is simple from us, and it is impossible to have the miracles of your wonders, multiplying, Jaco of Heavenly Stars: Be-Bo on the entire end of the Earth Our People's People is healing. We are dark about: about the pretijah and the meal of God, daring to him prayer, Nikolizh calling the teezavyiy, will take us a bad prayer for the Lord of the Forces, but gives us all the well-consuming in the life of this and the whole to spiritual rescue is useful We will teach us from the falls of sinful and true repentance, in the hedgehog to make outritably in the eternal heavenly kingdom, the appearance of the glory now in the nonsense of Silayashi, and Tamo to chant with all the saints of the alienitory Trinity to the Location of the Century. Amen.

burdened with sins by many, your help and consolation of asking. Association to us by the brestling of yours and the pumps to us the commandments of the Lord immaculately preserve, the belief of Orthodox tightly contain, repentance to the Gresh of our diligence to God to bring, in the piety of Christian to be graciously advancing and deserve to know your prayer to God. She, Scholya God, hear us, praying to you with faith and love, and do not despose us, requiring your intercession: now and at the time of the death of our possession, we will stand up with your prayers from the vicious bridges of Diavolsky, but it does not have those power, but Yes, you will be able to help your inheritance Bliss of the monastery of Garay. At your hope, our hope is hindered by our hope: wisestly to salvation and bring us to the disadvantage of the Life of the Life Eternal Labor Summary with the throne of the Best Trinity, and Slavim and sing with all the saints of the Holy Father and Son and Holy Spirit. centuries. Amen.

Refer to the saint with a request for marriage and bowing. Put yourself a candle for health. Graduate the rite in the church for the soon coming to marry your half. Be sure the rite will work very quickly and for the year you will definitely marry someone who you love or meet the one who will be sent by heaven. In any case, after reading in the church of these prayers for marriage, your husband will never change, and your marriage will be happy and successful.

Very strong guidelines of the conspiracy said Water in a glass at the entrance door hook a strong boredom and make it always come back home. They read a quick affirmative conspiracy on water on any day and at any time - this is a light rite can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife in treason. As soon as a person comes out for the threshold of the house, put any bowl or glass with water at the threshold inside the apartment (at home) and tell the water to the water

How to return your favorite girl or woman if she threw you? It will help a strong and proven plot in order to return the favorite after parting and again awaken love and interest in her. After parting, go to church and spend the rite of white magic to return love from your loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave a surrender for the spill (saying to put on a shared candle). Within 3 - 7 days later, the response to the refund will return to you and your relationships and love feelings will be fully restored. Conspiracy to return your favorite to read in

Return her husband home after a quarrel or divorce will help strong plot To return love and relationships to read which you need at home - at home where you lived with my husband. Look for a worker I. fast way How to get rid of the rival and return your beloved man will help a conspiracy on the refund of the feelings of love and warm relationships as before (until the moment of parting). Conspiracy to the refund of the one who threw you is read in the afternoon, just to return the person's conspiracy is not important to the moon cycle, it is suitable for any day except Sundays and large church holidays. Before reading a conspiracy capable of quickly returned her husband, a loved one or former husband, put yeast dough. When

Instantly return the husband with the help of prayer is not easy - to return your beloved in the family, my wife needs to read the prayer for the return of the husband 3 days in a row - in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening and only on the fourth day of prayer for refund will work and the husband will return to his wife. This very strong prayer for the family reunion read with candles in the church has a huge strength and rapid effects not rarely able to return her husband to himself and to reconcile after any quarrel. Prayer as a reliable way to quickly return the husband read by abandoned wives, whose beloved went to the young mistress. In the consequence of reading prayer for the return of her husband, the wrong quickly came to the family and died in

If your favorite man stopped entering and calling does not write and in every way avoids meeting with you will help a strong conspiracy so that the right person urgently called you, but this plot acts very quickly. This conspiracy needs to be read to make her beloved call, write or come to the person called him. This ritual will be able to catch up to the longing on cute and make him not just remember your existence, but also to call you or come to your meeting. Conspiracy for the call will make someone you need to remember about you and immediately call the phone. To independently make a trouble-free rite for a reminder of yourself, come in your home to the opened window and read

Action of the conspiracy to return and the permission is very strong and starts immediately after it. Wherever a loved one, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love as in war - all the ways are good and the result depends on the choice of weapons. And if the beloved person went to the rival? Here the best weapon is to read a strong conspiracy on the return of your loved one, this method is very strong and faithful to which the beloved person will not be able to resist him. This vintage conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return after a quarrel of her husband with his wife who had left of the house

There is a good white conspiracy to marriage by reading which you can quickly and successfully marry. You need to read this plot for Easter and make it can any woman or a girl who has no groom or he is so much determined that it does not make an offer to get married. This conspiracy will make your narrowed quickly marry the one who has read the words of an Easter conspiracy on the Easter week for a quick and successful marriage - read on

Conspiracies for love that can be read independently can be done both during the day and at night. At night, the strongest love plot needs to be read in full moon, this time is considered to be the most suitable for the magical rites of love magic. If you need to quickly shit a person to yourself and read a strong conspiracy on love for him, you can hold a rite for eternal love using his photo and church candle of red color making everything alone. Another very good and quick plot for love is done with candles and needles and belongs to black Magic. As you can see conspiracies for love that you need to read a lot of candles. You can read them

Conspiracy in the cemetery made to love is committed for life. Read a love plot on cemetery land You can, as day with white light, and black at night at the light of the moon. All strong conspiracies for love that you need to read in the cemetery is called a cemetery love spell on eternal love and refers to black magic. To independently make a love rite in the cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy need to be a very bold man and a lot to love that for whom you are willing to spend a ritual rite. Conspiracy to open the great secret of black wedding and you will know the best love plots that should be read in the cemetery. Choosing and executed

Many are interested in how to independently make a conspiracy on love by photograph of a loved one. By itself, this is a very light love rite with reading the words of the magic conspiracy of the strong sense of love in humans. Conspiracy on love can be independently reading both at home and choosing a faster black conspiracy on love using the photo and spend a love ritual in the cemetery. In any case, if you have a photo of a traveled person, his presence when you will read a conspiracy for love, not required. Know that the love conspiracy spent on the photo will not be removed by it only once in his life. To

This magic rite of love magic allows you to quickly find your love and successfully get married you only need to fulfill a simple rite with reading a love conspiracy to a meeting with your loved one. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, the fate will send you your narrowed to whom the fate is destined to become your husband. For the rite, take any small roadside stone that will fit in your hand and take it home. At home seven times under running water rinse this stone reading a special conspiracy on

In order for each he himself first wanted to make up and apologized for the quarrel, I need to look at him to read a conspiracy plot. In fact, immediately after reading, a friend will strongly want to return to his friendship and will feel the feeling of guilt for a quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is:

This white conspiracy will help to quickly make up with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore friendly relations with him who were to a quarrel. Read the conspiracy to reconciliation is needed in the church before the icon of the Mother of God. Very soon after the rite, you will make up and you will no longer quarrel in every trifles constantly finding the compromises that you will arrange. Put her a candle and bowing to read a white plot - prayer to make up with you need

If there were quarrels with her husband in your family and you have a feeling that it changes, correct this situation and restore the happy family life It will help this strong conspiracy on her husband from his change. Immediately after reading a conspiracy from betrayal, her husband would love only his wife experiencing the endless feeling of love and happiness next to her. Conspiracy is read on bread that husband must eat with any food. Before sitting at the table, read this plot over the piece of bread. As soon as the husband will eat conspiracted from the change of bread, happiness will return to your family and the husband will love only his wife and you will become the happiest and friendly

Yakov Porfiryevich Starostin

Lord minister

Posted articles

The real, sincere, mutual love, undoubtedly dreams and hopes to meet every girl, but sometimes reality is harsh and unfair. You can change the situation with the help of a prayer or a rite to attract a loved one.

Opinion expert

Saint Pavel

About love.

Love long-traffic, merciful, love does not envy, love is not extolled, does not pride,
does not claim, not looking for his, not annoying, does not think evil,
It does not rejoice in a false, but so true.

Everything covers everything believes everything, everything hopes, everything transfers.
Love never ceases, although the prophecies will stop, and the languages \u200b\u200bare smelled, and knowledge will abolish.

Prayers and conspiracies to the meeting of love - Important features

1. In no case cannot be an analogy between ritual for love and spell. Conspiracy do not affect emotional condition The person on whom they are directed are not reflected on health, but give a feeling of confidence in their appeal, and facilitate the search for a loved one.

2. Prayers and conspiracy for love should be pronounced with good intentions and thoughts.

3. Do not attempt to attract the love of man by magic, in this case your actions come into opposition to the universe forces and result will be opposed to you.

4. It is impossible to read conspiracy or prayers regarding a particular person. It is likely that the lack of love between you indicates that it is not your second half, and you are trying to change the situation with force and bind it to yourself. Just wait and soon you will probably meet your love.

Prayers to attract love

Prayer is your conversation with God, during which you can refer to the Almighty asking. Remember that prayer does not have power over the feelings, it does not turn a person in a slave. God can organize a meeting of two people under power, but further events and feelings are completely dependent on you.

How to talk to God

"Mercy Lord God! Help your pray - help to find love with light, meet the feelings mutual, sincere, the soul is related to my soul. I believe in virtue of both mercy. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen!"

Pronounce words every morning for a week, sincerely ask for a meeting with a real feeling, and your request will definitely be heard and implemented.

Another very strong prayer facing the Lord God and the Virgin Mary:

"My prayer I will draw our Lord, Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Virgin! I pray for help and protection. Light my path to love is real and happy, specify the fate of my, give my heart with a feeling sincere. Connect my life with my life of your loved one, give a mutual feeling and bless us for a long time, Love is true. Amen!"

Appeal to Nikolai Wonderworker

This is a very strong prayer for love, which can be pronounced at home and in the temple, the main condition - you should look at the icon of the saint.

1. "Mercy Nikolai Wonderworker, defender of disadvantaged and grieving. I pray for the forgiveness of my sins. Do not condemn my thoughts about love with a bright, calm my soul, dry tears. My feelings are sincere, the desire of my cherished. Pray for me to our Lord, if he will condemn my love, I will not be forcibly pretty, retreat. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen!"

2. "Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, not contemporary, bless my love so that she was mutual and happy, fill with my patience, and thoughts wisdom. Amen!"

Prayer of Natalia and Adrian

There are situations when love is unrequited, but it is very difficult to break the relationship. The appeal to the Holy Natalia and Adrian will help to find a way out of a closed circle.

"Holy spouses and sufferers, Natalia and Adrian! The words of the prayer to you bypping you, I share my pain, I ask for your help. We will sleep with patience and wisdom, pray for me, the slave of God (name) in front of the Lord Most High, so as not to bring the passion of the passion and flour, betrayal and quarrels. Bless and direct my heart on the path light and righteous, pray for my meeting with destiny. May it be so. Amen!"

Even a very strong prayer will not lead to your loved one immediately after reading. If two hearts are created for each other, they are destined to meet and be together, the forces of heaven will push them, accelerate the meeting. The lack of result means that you need to continue searching and wait.

Conspuses to meet with your loved one

Conspiracies with plants are considered very strong. Since ancient times it was believed that inflorescences, leaves and roots possess magical abilities and help in resolving difficult life situations. The most effective recognizes conspiracy with the flowers of roses and spices.

It is unlikely that there is a girl who would not want to meet a man of his dreams to create a strong family with him. Among the believing women to marriage a special relationship - after all, the future spouse must share the views of their bride. It is not easy to find such a person. Therefore, the parishioners of the Orthodox churches traditionally resort to the blessing of the Higher Forces. What icon pray to get married? Learn from this article.

Prayer for the marriage of the Mother of God

If you remember that Jesus Christ was born in an ordinary family, it becomes clear why about the good groom it is customary to pray at the image of the Virgin Mary. After all, she also had a spouse who helped raise the baby, she was engaged in domestic issues, arranged everyday life.

Each family is simply necessary chapter - a wise and strong man. Who, if not the Virgin, understands the desire of a young heart to find a worthy man who will not be offended, will defend from all the troubles?

To get married, the girl and her parents should pray the icon "unfading color." With the reverence of the image, one interesting story is associated. On one of the Greek islands there orthodox church. Every year white lilies are brought to the appearance of parishioners - the symbol of the innocence of the immaculate Virgin. Church legend says that this flower presented Maria Archangel.

icon unfair color

Flowers are in the temple until August. And on the day of the Assumption, a miracle is performed - dry stems come to life, filled with life juices, give new buds. Inspired by this event, the monks from Athos created a special icon of the Mother of God. Unfortunately, the original image, which was written in the 17th century, did not reach modern people. But in the Tretyakov Gallery is stored almost the same ancient listcreated in the 18th century

The image exists in two different versions, on both the Virgin is holding flowers - these are lilies or red roses.

  • Flowers can be woven in beautiful bouquets, sometimes they are decorated with a rod in the hand of Queen Heavenly.
  • Virgo Maria and Christ are depicted in royal clothes, on the heads - crowns.
  • The image of the Mother of God can be both belonging and in full growth.

Great Power of the Virgin. But to contact requests that marriage can be successfully concluded, and it is possible to other saints.

This is how Mother's Prayer looks like:

"O, Most Holy and Neckless Mati Delo, Hope Christians and a sinful refuge!

Protect everyone in misfortunes to you, hear our wedding, scream your ear to moles to our, Vladychitsa and Mother of our God, do not have a consensus that requires your help and do not give us sinners, at the same time. Rapting our.

Buddes us Mati and the patroness, hand you give a merciful cover to yours.Bring us sinful to quiet and serene life; Yes, our sins lose.About Mathi Marie, our preparing and ambulance, the face of us with your petition.Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who work for us.

About Mati Lord Creator OUR!You are the root of the virgin and the unlocking color of purity and chastity, we have helped us by the weak and dyed carnal passions and wandering hearts.Enlighten our spiritual eyes, but we see the way of the truth of God.

The grateful of your son will strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, but we will get rid of things from any misfortune and you are justified and justified by your stortive intercession on the scary sown of your son.He, we pay glory, the honor and worship of now and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

Who to ask for marriage

What other icons need to pray that the daughter married? They are not so little, there is from what to choose.

These are just the most popular icons that are addressed if you wish to find the narrowed. You can pray bottle heavenly forces, Holy Holy. Of course, you need to contact the Holy Trin daily. After all, only God gives the power to any holy.

How to pray for marriage

To whom it is to pray - not fundamentally, the choice must be made according to personal preferences. Prayer at home can be pronounced daily at any convenient time. A visit to church services will be put in order of thought, the soul will reassure. You can order prayers to your beloved saint, invite all relatives and acquaintances on them who is not indifferent to this situation.

The desire to create a family should be completely disinterested. After all, the family can not be built on lies, her vocation is to give a person for strength, support, warmth. Also do not hurry, it is desirable to check your feelings before making a final decision.

What icon is praying to get married and create a family Was Last Modified: May 7th, 2018 by Bogolub.

Excellent article 0.


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