How to find out if there is a magic gift. How to find out if you have magic abilities? Cut over your abilities

How to find out if there is a magic gift. How to find out if you have magic abilities? Cut over your abilities

There are no reliable prepared techniques for which you can independently determine the presence or absence of abilities, because everyone has the ability to eat, they can simply be unscrewed. Determine the predisposition to some directions can a specialist after diagnosis, but it will be a subjective opinion.

The most reliable way is to focus on your own interest and try.
If you have an interest in the development of clairvoyance, for example, you can conduct an elementary test with playing cards: Take a deck, mix it on the table with shirts up, move to my turn on one map and try not looking to determine - black suit or red. As you define - your choice.

You can bring palm and try to feel through it on the principle of hot / cold; It is possible to apply a shirt to the interburs area (third eye) and focus on the first idea that comes to your head; You can just look at the card in front of yourself and try to guess. Thus, it is necessary to decompose the whole deck into two equal stacks.

When you finish, check the number of correct hits. If it is higher than 50%, then the ability to clamping and psychic is already open, you can develop.
If below - do not worry and try to repeat the experiment on other days several times. One day in a row can not be done, because the results are unlikely to be successful and you will spend too much energy.

If you are interested in specifically magical abilities, then the main signs of their presence are considered as follows:

  1. Frequent luck
  2. You can disrupt the operation of electronic devices, i.e. With your approximation, interference appears in the electronics, or vice versa disappear.
  3. You often see in dreams answers to important questions, various prompts, you dream
  4. You can distinguish well or feel feelings of other people.
  5. You can remove pain or treat with hands
  6. You feel dangerous and react to it before it occurs
  7. You can often prejudice events.
  8. Animals and little children react unusually
  9. If a person hurts you, then in a short time he happens some kind of trouble
  10. Among your relatives were people with magical or extrasensory abilities
  11. You are annoying an open door
  12. You often experience crashes in the clock (wrist, in the room or on the phone)
  13. People can feel warmth emanating from your hands
  14. Your desires often come true.

If you have more than one attribution from this list, then there are both abilities for magic.


If you think that psychic abilities manifest immediately in the form of telepathy or foresight of the future, then mistaken. Sometimes people, all their lives possessing paranormal abilities, do not even realize that they have them. And all because the signs of the presence of the gift are often manifested in simple trifles, in which many do not sharpen attention. Below are 15 signs of presence of paranormal abilities. Check if you can be extrasens?

You are very often lucky. It is worth thinking about the fact that it is not just like that. "Get dry" from any complex situation, constantly right place At the right time - one of the hidden signs that you have a gift. If luck does not leave you even in those moments when you think that everything is lost, it means that you really have something unusual. You have a strong guardian angel who does not allow to get into trouble.

When approaching technical devices, they begin to work badly, or, on the contrary, they function much better. This means you emit strong energy that affects not only people, but also to electronics.

Animals in your presence begin to behave strangely. This suggests that you have a special energy that pets are keenly feel. It has long been known that some animals, especially cats and dogs, are very sensitive to paranormal phenomena.

You dont love open doors in your room. This also suggests that you have extrasensory abilities. Often, "fear of open doors" people refer to agoraphobia. It is not always true. The desire is in a closed space in no way associated with a mental disorder. If you endure, when the door is open to your room (even if in the house, except you, there is no one), you simply unconsciously want to protect your energy.

Is your offender in the end always gets deserving, and this happens without your participation? Then you have a powerful energy and strength of thought, which can affect other people.

You feel the experiences and feelings of others. This ability is given not to many. This phenomenon indicates that you can take on the emotional load of other people.

The touch of your hands can weaken or neutralize physical pain. Such ability indicates that you can manage your energy and thereby treat people.

You often dream of prophetic dreams. Often, many of us simply forget their dreams or do not give them great importance, but the prophetic dreams are one of the main signs of presence of extrasensory abilities.

Do you often say such phrases, like "I knew that" or "I said"? If so, you have the ability to foresee. You know the events that will happen - this indicates that you have developed intuition and you are capable of.

Materialization of thoughts and desires in reality. It can manifest itself both in a negative key and positive. If your thoughts and desires begin to manifest in your life and happens quite quickly and often, then this means that you attract the events about which you think. Many develop this ability in themselves for years, and someone gets this gift from birth.

All these manifestations are talking about the presence of extrasensory abilities. Of course, your gift must be constantly developed. For this, first of all, it is necessary to learn how to properly manage its energy.

It is also important to remember that people who have paranormal abilities carry some responsibility for their strength. Those who have a gift of psychics should know that his actions, thoughts and words can harm the person. So if you have found signs of unusual abilities, it is better to apply them only for good. Explore new abilities! And do not forget to press and

In ancient times, people believed that the lords on the palm creates the Lord himself, so if they solve them, the soul will cease to be a mystery, and all his secret thoughts will open, so many troubles will be able to prevent.

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How do you know there are magical abilities?

Feel yourself with a sign, sorcerer or a ferment in the tenth generation - such a fate to many people seem to be extremely seductive. But how to know if there are magical abilities in a person who did not happen to get the gift by inheritance from blood relatives?

Hints over - thin and not very

The centuries-old "witch hunt" did not pass without a trace, the continuity of many clans was interrupted. But the period comes, and congenital forces begin to knock on the door. As a result, today's grandchildren and granddaughters who have not knew their great-grandchildren, they find out in surprise that some "damnshchina" begins to work in their lives.

What signs are able to point to the hidden magical abilities of a person?

  • Prophetic dreams, the ability to predicate the coming trouble, "bad eyes" - signs that should not be written off. Sometimes people who inherited part of the strength, but not able to manage it become a real curse for loved ones. They are enough in the hearts to wish someone evil so that the worst nightmares instantly embodied in life.
  • Small and large household catastrophes that are starting to pursue with frightening regularity - a symptom of a wakeful gift. At the same time, certain "energy vortices" arise, and as a result, light bulbs are exploded, objects are falling from the shelves, the electrical appliances burn. It is impossible to control the process, and it prevents life pretty significantly!
  • Short-term failures in consciousness, during which a person seems to be out of his body (can see himself from the side, hear incomprehensible sounds, testing a sharp dizziness, as in the fall) - the likely sign of uncontrollable access to the astral.

The definition of magical abilities seems to be something important? Then you can seek the diagnosis to the experienced sorcerer, which deserves confidence. A professional will surely feel the "fellow" even if the innate gift is in sleeping condition.

We start "from the booking"

"Do I have magical abilities?" - Such a question is hardly the most popular on all sorts of thematic forums. Someone is checked by photos, others are studied using Taro. In fact, the presence of power is easy to ensure independently. All people predisposed to magic have increased sensitivity, although in ordinary life may not notice this.

Elementary test. Divide your hands on the sides and turn so that the palms are parallel. Start moving the brushes towards each other, concentrating on your feelings. At some point, the feeling of elastic heat should appear - the air between the palms will begin to be seal and heat. If your fingers have already closed, and no tactile changes occurred - the abilities are most likely not.

How to find out your magical abilities. There is a theory that each person has any magical abilities. Someone this comes in itself consciously, someone enjoys this intuitively, and does not even suspect that it is magic. Thinks that so everyone can. Someone specially learns magic, and notes in the process of his training that something it turns out better, and something does not work at all.

There are many ways to determine whether a person is suitable for magical work at all, and if so, that he will be best to get better, and what is not worth spending strength and time at all.

I bring to your attention one way to find out your magical abilities by date of birth and senior Arkanam Taro. There is a version that magical abilities can be determined by date of birth. Well, since we will soon talk about fortune-money on the maps, then let's define your magical abilities with the help of Senior Arkanov Tarot. Methods of such calculations are several. I offer you one of them. I absolutely do not pretend to truth in the last instance. And I do not insist that this method is the most faithful, the most accurate, most correct and other is the most-most))

How to determine your magical abilities

Calculate your magic maps

You need to define 3 cards associated with your date of birth. It is for these cards in the future and we will define whether you have such abilities, and what they are concluded.

Getting started

First Card. - This is the day of the month. In our case, this is the number 22 (Map World)

Second map – 2+2+0+3+1+9+2+4 = 23

23-22 (number of cards Art. Arkanov) \u003d 1 (Map Mag

*** In classical numerology, it would be necessary to reduce the resulting number 23 to a unique number 2 + 3 \u003d 5. But as applied to the cards (any), it is still worth considering the fact that in the map of the cards is greater than 10. And reducing everything to We do not give the slightest chance to manifest themselves to the arcanes next chance (IX). We will be fair, let us give all the cards equal chance)). For example, the sum of the date of the date of birth - 35, then if we fold 3 + 5, we get 8. And if from 35-22, then we get 13. What is called - feel the difference)). However, the will is your - if you prefer not to take into account this circumstance, you can calculate these numbers as it is customary in numerology, without taking into account the fact that you deal with 22 cards.

Third Card. - We fold the numbers of the first and second card. In our case, it will be 22 + 1 \u003d 23; 23-22 \u003d 1 (Mag)

Our cards - World-magazine magician.

Very versatile magically gifted man. Which, unfortunately, all his life was very actively denied and suppressed in himself. Perhaps, in this way, he had to go as hard ...

But if we reduce all this tiphery to the same map, we obtain 22 + 1 + 1 \u003d 24 24-22 \u003d 2 we obtain the Supreme Priestess. Powerful intuition. Wow. This man was not to take away. Intuition was really at the height.

Therefore, if you are confused, and it will turn out that you are simultaneously with the angels, and with demons, twist the numbers of all three cards into one, resulting.

Elements in magic

Before proceeding directly to the description of the magic values, we mention a few words about the elements. As you know well, in Western tradition, it is customary to allocate 4 main elements - fire, earth, air, water.

There are several options for "distribution" of senior arcanes cards for the elements. The proposed option is one of several. There is no accurate, once and for all the rustling ratio of Arkan-Element. Because when the Tarot deck wondered and was created, the authors were not puzzled by this correlation in Art. Arcans, at least written sources with this correlation today not found. Therefore, we can say that every author who has put a task - to attribute each of the art. Arkanov to one or another element was guided by some kind of references. Most often, these compliances were created either on the basis of astrology, or on the basis of alchemy. As a result, today we have several versions of such correlates. The option proposed by me is not better and no worse than all other available options. So:

Element of fire

Emperor, Wheel Fortune, Strength, Tower, Sun, Scary Court

All kinds of magic, one way or another associated with fire. Combat magic. There is an opinion that this can also include energy practices (qigong, rails, cosmoenergetics)

Earth element

Empress, Ierofant, Justice, Hermit, Moderation, Devil, Peace.

All types of magic associated with earth. Your tools - herbs, trees, stones. The creation of talismans, amulets is well managed. This can also include monetary magic, Feng Shui, magic of signs.

Element of air

Jester, magician, chariot, star.

All kinds of magic, one way or another connected with air. Air is well conducted (transfers) sound, respectively, everything that is associated with sound is the word, music, flavors. As well as everything related to the work of the brain. The word is a "continuation" of thoughts, which means mental magic, too, falls here.

Therefore, even if you do not suspect special magic abilities - the statement "The thought of material" refers to you more than all the rest. Be careful and with your thoughts, and with your own words. First of all it applies to you. If you are accustomed to the indolers recent words - Do not be surprised that they constantly get into some not very pleasant situations. Yourself guilty)).

Element of water

Supreme Priestess, Lovers, Hanging, Death, Moon.

Magic water. It will be best for you to work with relationships, love (men women; children-parents) friendship, peace-friendship-quarrel parting. Clairvoyance. Empathy.

*** Attitude towards one or another element does not mean that you can only work with relationships, or only with money. Just those who are friendly with magic of water will best be able to achieve relationships. What concerns other areas of life is the best of all this person's "instruments" of his elements. Those. Both money and health and anything he wants to do through the elements associated with his elements (in my example - with water).

Features of the actions of the elements.

the fire - Powerfully, quite quickly, but not very long, it takes a permanent "feeding" - repeated rituals, or regular sacrifices (fire is not on the empty place). Well suited for situations when you need a powerful, but not long impact. For example, remove some obstacle, or eliminate something at the required period of time. Well suits the same for all sorts of cleaning. For a powerful start. As well as to continue the started process, when he lacks energy and it begins to suspend, "Slump."

Land - Also powerfully, but, unlike fire - "turns" is gaining long, the action also lasts for a long time. By virtue of these of their qualities, the magic of land is suitable for situations where a long, growing effect is needed. (For example - relationships, money, health). The magic of the earth is quite difficult to cancel, or eliminate. And the Magic itself, and its consequences. I don't care what to stop the huge, scorched flywheel - inertia is too great. It is necessary to think through all the rituals and all the approaches. And diagnose literally every bit. Because if in your calculations in something I made a mistake - then the error will also be very difficult to correct.

Air - Light, all-perch magic. Also relatively short-lived. Requires a frequent reproduction. Accordingly, it is better to apply in those situations when there is no longer action. Or reinforce more "heavy" species of magic. For example, something from the magic of water or land.

Water - acts softly, for quite a long time. It is quite easy to do so that it will not be repaired. It is good to apply in cases where you need to establish any cyclical action. But it is necessary to act thoughtfully - otherwise the impact may be too strong, and it will turn out that "for which they fought, on and out."

How to know your magical abilities

As already understandable from the name - magical abilities are definitely present. It is believed that the magician has magical abilities in all types of magic. Personally, I adhere to another opinion. Powerful magic abilities, and depositors are not the same. Maga can be liked in this sense stem cells. Despite the versatile magical deposit, it will develop, and it will be that it will be possible to call a powerful ability to only some one direction, and to some extent any adjacent direction. Maga is good to try yourself in the field of predictions using the so-called iconic systems - cards, astrology, numerology (all where knowledge of values, signs and symbols are needed). Including Kabbalistic magic. Perhaps magic of thought and words. But here he needs to be careful. Otherwise, harm can be much more than good.

Supreme Priestess

God himself ordered to enjoy all the opportunities that Taro gives (the Supreme Priestess is considered the patronage of Tarot). Generally - potentially - great fortune teller. Also, it will be good for the magic of plants - from a small blade and flower, to giant trees. She is convicted and do not refuse the help of the goddess (not gods !!!). It has good potential for intuition. Regarding the clairvoyance attributed to the Supreme Priestess - the question is open. Perhaps someone from those who fell out this card really owns clairvoyance. But to say that all the priestesses from nature possess the gift of clairvoyance - it is too much.


In some decks, this card is called the hostess, and this, perhaps the most accurately reflects the properties and quality of the person denoted by this card. And her magical abilities are also "spinning" around the family hearth and domestic, daily activities. Household magic She is best possible. Culinary magic - cooking and all sorts of magic potions-grass-seasoning. Nature magic. But you need to take into account that this is not very powerful impact. They work as homeopathy. Their power is that the hostess has a permanent opportunity to "reproduce" their impact.

It is also impossible to say that it extends far beyond its dwelling. Basically works on loved ones. It can also teach what he herself is in practice, i.e. Just show how and what to do. To say that she can make powerful long-term protection - it is a great exaggeration. Its protection can be strong and long-term, only if it is regularly, almost daily, reproduced. What, she actually does. And it does not strain her at all.

Also, due to the specifics of their abilities, these people manage to establish contact with various representatives of "cute home dishonest" - house and other charming. As well as the hostess - large craftsmen do various home dolls, which are essentials from different sweater materials - straw, thread, breadfall, salty dough, spit, ponds, troughs, etc.


One of the "non-magic" cards. Possessing excellent analytical mind physical strength, and the power of the Spirit, his magic as such, in general, and nothing. It is quite capable of achieving all its goals and without any magic. The forces of his authority and the government grabs and for his own protection, and to protect his loved ones, and in general, all who appeals to him for help and whom he takes under his defense.


Church (ritual) magic. Prayers in his "performance" have much greater power than other people's prayers. Often has strong support for the religious egregor of their denominations.


The name of the map speaks for itself. Love magic. As well as assistance in conducting various negotiations, where the "love" agreement is required. Also, this person works well with conflicts - reconciliation of the warring parties.


All rituals associated with roads, trips, thresholds, intersections, traces. Gypsy magic, conspiracies.


Another non-magic map. These people are extremely undesirable to engage in any magical practitioners. The risk is too great to be seriously paid for the lesson or for the passion of magic.


Good extrasensory abilities, more related to receipt and interpretation of information, rather than with magical actions.

Wheel of Fortune

Work with karma. Magic money, making amulets and talismans.


Shamanism. All kinds of animal-related magic.


It is believed that the "prototype" of the card was overwhelmed by the Scandinavian God alone. Therefore, the mounted is attributed to all that is connected with it. Magic northern Peoples - Runes, Druid Magic and Celts. All related to astral journey.


Cemetery Magic, Spiritis, Mediummism. Some authors believe that these people have abilities for healing. It is possible that it is so. But I would not say that it is 100% so.


Rather - a good observer, empath, analyst, psychologist, rather than a person with any magical abilities. Although people who have the gift of healing are found. (In the hands of the character's card, jugs with live and dead water.)


Here is where to get roaring)). Straight magician-multi-law)). The ability to work with spirits from the "Lower World", with various evil spirits of high and not very high rank, with the inhabitants of the afterlife. Sexy magic. Monetary magic.

It is believed that this person can be used by the help of the dark forces without any harm for himself and their health. My personal opinion on this occasion - independently of anyone's opinions, it is better to still arrange from such "assistants" and "patrons."


Ability to work with the magichee of the elements. As well as the harmonization of these elements through Feng Shui. In my opinion - an excellent combination.


All that is associated with extraterrestrial energy sources and signs and symbols relating to these energies and space objects (stars, planets). Cosmoenergetic, astrology. Working with Angels, Chinelling.


Another map that speaks of serious magical abilities. Rustic magic, water magic, good hypnosis abilities.

The sun

Magic fire. Pagan magic. Representatives of this card can work on personal strength. Often they do it, and do not even suspect about it. So powerful energy they have.

Scary court

Spiritis, cemetery magic, shamanism. Working with native and spiritual spirits. You can ask them to protect and help.


Varieties of magic, exotic for the region in which a person lives. It often happens that traditional (indigenous) types of magic such people are not very interesting. As well as the magic of death (but not cemetery), Tanato magic. Working with angels and other representatives of heavenly military.


Even if there are any abilities, it is better to stay from the magic away. It is not safe for the person himself, and for others. Because the results of such "magic" are completely unpredictable. "To do I wanted a thunderstorm, and I got a goat," pink and injured.


In general, it must be said that truly magical cards among the maps of senior arcans are not so much. This is undoubtedly

  • Supreme Priestess
  • Death
  • Devil
  • Moon
  • (questionable).

These cards indicate in the scenarios for the presence of magical effects completely definitely. Regarding all the other cards of senior arcanes - they are spent more about certain potential abilities. And these abilities can be developed, you can learn something "Edaku". But it will be just the level of artisan. Let even this will be a very good specialist of his case, but still only an artisan.

In those listed just above the maps, we are talking about the fact that with a full reason you can call for nothing. These people do not need to learn anything. Their talent is manifested from the early childhood. And it is obvious to all others. Often it scares parents, and they try to "cripple", "stupid" these abilities. Should not be doing that. This is not safe for the child. Better "put" the gift, these abilities on peaceful rails, let them in a peaceful, creative direction. By this you will protect yourself, and do not harm your child.

*** If the fact that you will find not very, or even does not fit your ideas, or your feelings, not scary. Do not rush to throw slippers and rotten tomatoes)) First, in addition to themselves the abilities, there are also the power of their manifestation (powerful or weak). Secondly, perhaps you just did not try yourself in the fact that you will show you cards. In this case, do not hurry to reject the information received - they will live a little with this thought, perhaps something will be waging in you. Thirdly - perhaps in childhood you have something well turned out, but the family-school parents set, "rolled into asphalt" these abilities, and they need to reanimate.***

*** If you want to learn to guess Tarot on maps, but you are sure that it is tedious and long, and will take a bunch of time that you do not have enough - I invite you to

Have you ever had to dream of acquiring over the abilities? But what if you already possess them, but do not suspect about it? With this free online testing, you can evaluate your energy potential, as well as obtain recommendations regarding occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is made in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to accurately determine the natural leaning of a person. As you know, in every joke there is a share of truth ... Development of development in many ways depends on the ability of the magician to interact with nature forces. Therefore, it should not be neglected with its support in such a difficult matter as gaining magical abilities.

You may be interested in other online divination:

Cut your other abilities!

Every magician has their own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this test on magical abilities, you will learn who is your patron. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious iside, keeper of secret sciences? Or Shiva is the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of free online testing "I am a magician or how" to figure it out immediately!

By the end of human abilities include not only the obvious manifestations of magical forces, similar to telepathy, telecision and clairvoyance. They are not subject to many magicians who successfully replaced the absence of the abilities of astrology and practitioners of fortune telling on Tarot Maps, Runov, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will learn in which direction you should develop your over the abilities with which nature has given each person.

Sometimes such abilities, as clairvoyance or telepathy, develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, they are more often manifested as a result of a special training complex that includes meditation and special practices. But the first step in the disclosure of its potential will be the study of its abilities and inconsistencies.

Taking advantage of the test for magical abilities, you will save time so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents to which a person has a tendency than try to master anything "from scratch." Remember - over the ability it is not a gift of gods or the privilege of the chosen, but the properties of a person who are in its infancy in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, pass the test for magical abilities, detect your talents, and proceed to their development. It's time


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