Bonnie and Clyde is a genuine story. Bonnie and Clyde: Live quickly, die young Bonnie car and Clyde where is located

Bonnie and Clyde is a genuine story. Bonnie and Clyde: Live quickly, die young Bonnie car and Clyde where is located

On January 16, 1934, the prison farm Istkham, Texas, was performed by a muster raid, as a result of which about a dozen criminals were escaped from custody. So famous for the whole of America Gangster Clyde Barrow carried out the dream of all his life - dismissed the management of the US correctional institutions. This event became the last bright episode in the "quarry" of the raid: he paid attention to the federal authorities. After four months, Clyde Barrow and his famous companion Bonnie Parker will kill the Rangers squad, setting an ambush ...

The root of all evil

In the early 30s such names like John Dillinger, Handsome Floyd, Babi-Fais Nelson, Alvin Karps, Eleanor Jarman were known to every resident of America. The audience, holding his breath, listened to the last radio channels and read newspaper articles about the next "feat" of one or another robber.

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Rare Frames of the real Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker will breed a whole wave of cinema and philistical imitations ...

With the sounds of these names, the ashamed cops flooded with paint and sturned through their teeth - they caught the criminals, but they did it not good enough: one opened case accounted for a couple of dozen "delay". Only in 1933 in the US statistics were 1,300,000 (!) Grave crimes, robbery and murders, most of which remained undisclosed. To eliminate this epidemic, the federal investigation bureau was organized by emergency powers. But the FBI was still too young to act effectively. Meanwhile, the banks were burning throughout the country, raids were made, shots were heard, blood flowed. People closely followed every step of lucky gangsters, at the same time adorganizing them, and hating. Men wanted to be the same daring like John D., and the girls imitated the theatrical attacks of Bonnie Parker. Unnoticed for itself, the society of the United States began to confess the cult of death.

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John Dillinger his own person! According to the legends, the incomingness of this bandit was not to occupy: to escape from prison in Indiana, he used a wooden gun, with which he broke through to Arsenal, freed other prisoners, and then hijacked the car of the "Kazenny House".

This is what the United States cost the Great Depression. The system, swelling from capital, was cracked on the seams, when the collapse of the stock exchange happened. The well-being of American citizens burst like a soap bubble. As usual, all the severity, the economic crisis hit the shoulders of workers. Plants bankrupts, small businesses disappeared from the face of the earth in a couple of hours. The surviving banks demanded an urgent repayment of loans for housing. In case of non-payment on the streets, whole families turned out. Nobel Laureate John Steinbek described in detail all the horrors of the beginning of the 30s in his face-epic novel. In comparison with the creepy details told by the writer, any prison summary will seem fairy tale ... American youth unexpectedly turned out to be on the opposite of the scales. Guys and girls who nobody gave a clear answer to the question "How to live?", Want that ease and beauty that they showed them on cinema five-price sessions. But, returning home, they saw only empty faces of their deceived parents. There was no work to anyone, and the people had little, he began to produce that by theft, then smuggling. Losers, caught "on hot," naturally put in prison. And the deadlines for light and heavy thefts were approximately the same. So, John Dillinger, who hijacked the car received 10 years. The same amount went and Clyta Barrow, which stybril ... turkey! From prison, yesterday's schoolchildren went out by peeling criminals offended by the whole white light.


Probably, this attracted Bonnie Parker when she first saw Clyde. The ghost of death hung over it hard, barbed, like hedgehog, man. And at the same time, his eyes and gait instilled confidence, promising a short, but unforgettable life.

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Movie Arthur Penn, Bonnie and Clyde, at a $ 2.5 million budget gathered $ 50 million at the rental! And Fei Danaui, militantly fallen on his cute head of the beret, perpetuated by this headdress in everyday life of Hollywood fashion industry

A little later, in 1967, the adventures of this couple will remove the picture (one of many) with Warren Beatti and Fei Danaway, the cinema will enter the national register of US films. And there the film Clyde will tell his Bonnie when meeting: "You come to work. Wear a pink apron. Truckers come, joking with you. They are stupid and frozen. Harves your fat hamburgers and you do not like it. They call you on dates. Sometimes you walk, but no more often. Because you know that all this in order to climb into your panties. Then you come home and dream of escape ... ". I do not know what Tranky Barrow said (maybe, and nothing), but Bonnie went for him without any doubt. In the cinema, the villages of the villain chase in the southern states on stolen machines, watering all the revolving fire, robbed banks and surprisingly touchingly kissed. In fact, everything was gadko, Merzko, and bloody. As soon as Clyde was serving his second prison sentence, as almost immediately finished off the owner of the grocery (there were only $ 28 at the checkout, but the seller refused to give money). The death penalty was now ensured. So, the need to hide his inner demon disappeared. For two incomplete years, Barrow, along with a partner (although her wines have not yet been proven), he killed about 15 people and robbed several dozen banks and shops. The bandit had no clear plan - he acted blindly as the wounded beast, and took everything that came across him on the way. John Dillinger was the direct opposite of Clyut Barrow. He described the activities of a crazy couple, like "the disclosure of the good name of bank robbers." John D. passed the harsh school of life even before his first term. In prison for 10 years of conclusion, he established contact with many mastitis, who would have been readily shared with his experience. Coming out for freedom, in an embittered and hungry society, the Dillinger immediately smeared, what a sad life lives everything around. The genus of his classes as if decided by himself ...

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"Johnny D." (English. "Public Enemies") - Maikla Manna's film, the eighth on the enemy of society No. 1, as President Gouver denoted the bandit. Here, the main role was starred by Johnny Depp, who clearly demonstrates to the audience, as it was the Dillinger who used wide "Fords" thresholds

Creative by nature, John D. thoroughly thought out every operation. Under the guise of clients, he was submitted to the bank members of his gang. Those were to compile a detailed plan of premises and set the exact number of employees. D. himself went into a suit always in a suit, infined and smoothly shake. He "Streap Cash" is a hemisphan, Kakented and flirting with cashiers. "Do not worry, ladies. Everything will be fine with you. It is a robbery of a dillinger gang! ", - he loved to say. True John D. did not love only the police. When a shootout was tied, he was fiercely resisted, because He knew that his prison was unlikely to merry. And in those twice when the robber is not lucky for the grille, he arranged a bold escape, simply released several more prisoners. Possessing a special style and sense of humor, the Dillinger, escaped from the Louisiana prison, sent the head of the police to the new year the book "How to become a detective." And when the gang of John needed a weapon, they were fundamentally robbed only the arsenals of the cops. Those hide from anger, but could not do anything ...

Machines of death

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"Dear Sir! I will prior to the last breath, I will tell you what you do very steep cars! I met Ford when I first hijacked him, and now she chase only on your cars. No other car gives such a feeling of speed and madness. Ford V8 on the head is stronger than others! Even if my activity would be completely legal, I would still say that you got a cool machine with a V8 engine. Your sincerely, Clyde "Champion" Barrow, "Henry Ford received this letter personally in hand. Later, it was published by the press in the form of a joke, why the company's sales strongly jumped. Competitors accused Ford, as if he wrote this letter himself, but he only won his hands: "People" said himself for himself!

Despite the difference in the methods and lifestyle, and Barrow, and the Dillinger especially carefully chose cars. It helped himself, without knowing, Henry Ford, one of the most influential people of America. And all because of his legendary leverness, because the industrialist really did not like to make changes to the Ford model range. For example, the "iron lizzy" (Model T) was exploited to the latter, although its circulation already exceeded 5 million copies. Becoming an innovator at the beginning of the twentieth century, by 20 years he turned into an outsider. The old man was the last one who equipped his cars with a hydraulic power steering, candle ignition and stationary electric optics. Competitors from General Motors and Chrysler almost with a finger poke into these his dops "carts." In order not to confuse its customers, FMC needed a breakthrough in automotive engineering. And the company's specialists collected their first V8 engine. The capacious design of the V-shaped motor was difficult to adapt for mass production - none of the existing chassis for him did not fit. To the displeasure of the old man Ford, the chassis of a suitable "donor" for the V8 - Model B40, stretched out, and the new car received the B48 index. The engine was pretty heavy, and it was necessary to make a reinforced frame, increased in the diameter, a new transmission and a powerful brake system. As a result, the wheelbase rose from 2,692 to 2,845 mm. The case design resembled the British version of Ford Y, with its smooth circuits of the hood and rounded shape of the wheel arches. The grill of the radiator was performed in the "beveled shovel" style, like the Packard Light Eight model. Elegantly twisted bumper gave the car an aristocratic character.

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The Fords "Eight" was distinguished by such innovations as water cooling with a thermostat, automatic adjustment of gaps in the valves of the gas distribution mechanism, cast crankshaft, a single-chamber carburetor with a falling flow and heated mixture. The chassis of the model range of V8 has traditionally swallowed from predecessors. Those. Traditional rear drive and manual gearbox was combined with a suspension and was lever hydraulic shock absorbers and a brake with a mechanical drive to all wheels. At the same time, the archaic design had an enviable smoothness of the course. The owners told that V8 as if the pit swallowed by the wheels by wheels any irregularities

A new car, which in the people dubbed simply "V8", turned out to be heavy due to the sheathing of the case sheet steel, but very stable on the road. In 1933, the power of the "flat tank" ("Flathead") was 75 liters. p., and the volume reached 3.7 liters. With such characteristics, Ford V8 could accelerate to 145 km / h, which made it the fastest of budget vehicles. With a price of $ 650 for a four-door sedan, a new B48, even during the crisis, turned out to be more popular than his distant ancestor, "Tin Lizzy". Only in 1932 almost 300 thousand pieces were produced such cars! When this Ford fell to the eyes of Clyut Barrow, all other cars stopped exist for him. His gang stole V8 almost new, with a mileage of 1.5 thousand km, and in two weeks, the onboard devices have already shown 11 thousand km! In the criminal world, even walked the bike, as if Clyde sent Henry Ford letter with a praise review Ford V8, which "made all other cars fade in front of him." In this car, a famous couple of robbers and met her death ...

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As a rule, Clyde threw a sophisticated car, barely hazardous, but one of the "Fords" on the nicknamed "sandy desert" he tried to take care of. The steel of the body of this model was especially thick - the police bullets only scratched the metal, but they could not break through it. Therefore, the open doors of the car turned into shields, due to which it was convenient to fire. For sure to punch such a Ford V8, a powerful weapon was required like automatic browning. Planning the area, their police and ordered on the Texas national arms warehouse.

John Dillinger has always checkeredly approached the question of personal property. In the machines, he appreciated luxury and comfort. The robber sought to impose a rich-surrounding image that no one dares even to suspect into something bad. In addition, D. preferred wide windows in cars, which ensured the perfect review. In case of shooting on the go, there should be wide thresholds for which it would be possible to rely. Considering all this, the ideal version for the robber has become the Ford A luxury TUDOR modification. However, the dillinger often loved to be reinsured. For a greater security, he returned from the bank not one, but in a company of several hostages who were deliberately assembled to wide windows so that the police do not shoot them. Studios Hollywood instantly licked this technique using it in their films about Gangsters. And later, the real bandits were used more than once.

- famous American robbers operating in the times of the Great Depression. The expression has become nominal to designate lovers engaged in criminal activities. Killed the FBI agents.

Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was born on October 1, 1910 in the city of Rovna, Texas. When Bonnie had four years, her father died, a mason by profession, and his mother moved to the suburb of Dallas. Despite the fact that her family lived in poverty, Bonnie did progress at school, especially successful in the literature.

September 25, 1926 Fifteen-year-old Bonnie, an attractive miniature girl (with 150 cm height, it weighed only 41 kg), married a certain Roy Thornton.

In 1927, Bonnie begins to work as a waitress in the 'Cafe Marco' in East Dallas.

Relations between spouses did not work out. A year after marriage, he began to regularly disappear for many weeks and in January 1929 they broke up. Shortly after the gap (there was no official divorce, and Bonnie wore a wedding ring to death) Tornton fell five years in prison.

Clyde Barrow

Clyde Cheston Barrow (Clyde Chestnut Barrow) was born on March 24, 1909 near the city of Telico, Texas. He was a fifth child in a family of seven or eight children, his parents were poor farmers.

At 16, Clyde throws school. It begins to work, but for a long time he is not delayed in any place. He is increasingly interested in cars. Playing a saxophone. For the first time, the police arrested Clyde for the hijacking of the car in 1926. Soon the second arrest was followed - after Clyde together with his brother tank made theft of turks.

In 1928, he leaves home and settles together with his friend. A few months later, Clyde decides to independently do the organization of theft. His first flare is on the game room in Fort Bend County, where he threatens a broken gun, he disarms two guards. Then the failed attempt at night theft with hacking.

In late 1929 - early 1930, Clyda and Baka wanted the police of many cities at this time he meets Bonnie Parker.

The 30s - the years of depression in the United States. January 13, 1930 Clyde Barrow enters the Dallas eaters, shortly after the liberation from the colony - it serves a premium blond wafe, until anyone else's famous Bonnie Parker. What happened between them? What kind of unknown force pulled them to each other? Love at first sight or suddenly broken passion? Hardly: Maybe Clyde prevented Bonnie by the stories about the romantic robber life, about the limitless freedom and power, which can be achieved with weapons in their hands? It's closer to the truth. Bonnie is fascinated in a pair of café, she has long been hawked by rude clients and trays with dirty dishes. Write for a penny in cheap eaters, be married to the poor workers, to narrow the children, which will then have nothing to feed, Bonnie did not want.

In faded daily, I wanted to make other paints. The diversity did not work out: the life of Bonnie still remained a monophonic, though the gray color changed to the scarlet - the color of the human blood ... "Little blond club", as Bonnie wrote about himself in a diary, excited the exciting stories about the life of the sacrifiers, who told her Clyde. As a woman, she was little interested in a gang leader. He also changed the sexual orientation in prison and lost two fingers on his leg with unexplained circumstances. Bonnie was content with love connections with other gang members. They warmed up their friendship about robbery and cruel fights.

But we immerse themselves against truth, if we say that Clyde and Bonnie were cold and impassable. They passionately loved weapons. Together, they often leaving for the city arranged a shooting range. Perhaps the labeling of all types of weapons became the only science (Bonnie and Clyde were small and not completed even primary education) in which they have achieved perfection.

Sweet couple liked to be photographed with a weapon: Bonnie with a gun in his hands and a cigarette in the teeth posed before lenses. Clyde with a rifle in photographs looked easier - he lass the artistry of a friend. Bonnie admired the pistols that her fan wore in a holster under the coat, and the force that came from the death of the stems.

Banda Bonnie and Clyde

Soon they began to work together. Their deadly odyssey began with a robbery of a warehouse with weapons in Texas in the spring of 1930. There they armed up to teeth. The legend of Robingudes, facilitating the purses of Tolstosums is untenable: a couple mostly robbed snack bars, shops, petrol stations. By the way, on the robbery of banks in those times of special money was not to earn - the great depression was extracted from banks all major money, and Clyde's gang sometimes received more, robbing some roadside shop. But sometimes at the box office did not recruit 10 dollars.

The robbery scenario was usually as follows: Bonnie sat behind the wheel of the car, Clyde rushed and took a revenue, then on the go, shooting, joked into the car. If someone tried to resist, he immediately received a bullet. However, they ruthlessly removed innocent witnesses. They were not just robbers, they were killers, and they were like ordinary people It seems to the owners of small shops and gas station and the police, which Clyde preferred to kill to avoid prison.

One day, the criminals kidnapped the sheriff, stripped and, tied, threw on the side of the road with the words: "Tell our people that we are not. Enter into the position of people trying to survive this damn depression.

Bonnie and Clyde, 1932

After killing the first policeman, who decided to check the documents from a suspicious couple from the car, there was nothing to lose: now they probably waited for a death sentence. Therefore, Bonnie and Clyde got into all the grave and, without thinking, walled into people in any situation, even when they didn't threaten anything. August 5, 1932 Two policemen noticed at the rural celebration of Clyde. When they asked him to approach, the gangster was laid on the spot both. A month later, breaking through the police posts on the road, the gang shot twelve workers of the law. Pretty soon to their gang joined more people: the elder brother of Clyda tank with his wife Blanche and a young guy S. W. Moss, whom they picked up on some gas station, seducing the "free life" of romantics with a large road. And also Lover Bonnie Reyond Hamilton, to which Clyde showed special feelings ...

Therefore, no unearthly love between Bonnie and Clyde was not by definition, although in the fact that they really were very devoted to each other, there were no doubt: Bonnie, at one time, pulled at Clyde from prison, giving him a weapon on a date, and Clyde later, When the police detained Bonnie, beat his girlfriend, cheekily attacking the police station. Murders excited a bloody couple more than sex or alcohol. At night, whiskey were drunk, and Bonnie wrote pompous romantic poems that mourn their destiny ... and having fun with accomplices. They ringed their desire to live life fun and brightly, and also brought the pathological passion for killings: that Bonnie, that Clyde was killed by people, because they liked to do it. One of the members of the gang, somety Jones, stated at the interrogation: "These two are monsters. I have never seen anyone who enjoyed the murder.

Bonnie and Clyde, 1932

Somehow in Kansas Bonnie for the first time saw a poster "Wanted by the police" with his image. The fact that they have become "celebrities" with Clyde, shook the Bonnie so much that she immediately sent a dozen letters into large newspapers with pictures that they with Clyde did on their criminal path. Bonnie all the means available to it supported the version that they are with Clyde - fighters for justice. After all, banks that they rob themselves belong to the power of it, rather than poor farmers and small businessmen. Later in the newspapers were printed her work:

Wild lags of raiders, their unbridled passions and low-lying wishes are indulge in people horror. Of course, the police constantly hunt them. However, until the time before the time, Barrow was incredibly lucky, and they managed to slip out of the most hit-car police traps. However, it was not only in luck. Bonnie and Clyde was absolutely nothing to lose, so any attempts of the police get this gang came up on a terrible lead shower from 'Tommy Ghanov' ...

At the very beginning of the criminal career of Clyde was arrested. The first time he escaped with the help of Bonnie, the second time the state governor succumbed to the tears of his mother and Clyde was released from prison under honest (!) Word. In 1933, when the photos of Bonnie and Clyde with the words are wanted by the police 'decorated the streets of Missouri cities, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, gangsters identified the owner of the house, which they removed.

On the grip of the gang were thrown all the power of the city of Loton, but criminals after a fierce shootout, in which the brother of Clyde Bob was killed, managed to hide in the nearest forest. The bloody couple miraculously escaped from the environment and move to Texas to meet with Mother Clyde. Here they pleased in the ambush: the sheriff people have long followed Kammy Barrow. Bonnie and Clyde received only scratches, but the car on which they rushed from the cops, from the bullets it became similar to the Swelto. Rasp wounds, Banda Barrow again reached the 'big road'. And again, a criminal terror: murders, car hijackings, robbery. FBI took raiders. The head of the department, Edward Gouver named Clyde with an animal, all forces were given the order to defeat fire. Hunting began ...

Texas Sheriff Frank Hamer still fought the path of the love couple. He analyzed each attack, created cards and schemes of their movements for all these years, studied all the places of the raids and the paths they chose. "I wanted to penetrate their devilish plans," he said, "and I did it." For several months, he with assistants drove Bonnie and Clyde. But the criminals went straight from under the nose. Finally, the father of one of the members of the gang, Henry Mutin, in exchange for his son's pardon, offered his help in capture. Henry Metribin gave the police key from the house where the criminals were hidden. The house was surrounded by two dense rings of the police, all the entrances to it were blocked.

Death Bonnie and Clyde

On the morning of May 23, 1934 on the road, there was a confused "Ford". There were dark glasses on the driver, a woman was sitting nearby in a new red dress. Two thousand cartridges were planted in the car, three rifles, twelve pistols, two pumping rifles and: saksophone. And yet, it was not necessary for them. To meet them a sheriff car moved. Hamer came out of the car and ordered the bandits to give up. Clyde immediately grabbed the rifle, Bonnie - for the revolver. But they hardly managed to do at least one shot. Lead degrees hit the car. More than five hundred bullets stuck in the body of gangsters, and they were literally torn to pieces, and the police continued to water the exhaust car with deadly fire ...

The first pages of American newspapers are sent to deaths about death. The dismissed bodies of criminals were put up for everyone to review in the morgue, and those who wish for one dollar could look at them. Curious it turned out quite a lot ... Photos of the killed gangsters published all newspapers. America sighed with relief. The inscription on her grave stone Bonnie says: "As flowers bloom under the rays of the Sun and the freshness of dew and the world becomes brighter thanks to such people like you."

The Weekend project continues the cycle of stories about the famous robbers of the past and tells who from famous actors I embodied their images to the movies.

At dawn on May 23, 1934, near the town of Seyles in Louisiana, a whole detachment of police officers under the leadership of Texas Ranger Frank Haymer, hiding in the bushes by the road, looking forward to the appearance on the black Ford V8 horizon, which would be guarded with closed eyes. A few minutes later, this "Ford" smoked on the side of the side, squeezed 167 bullets, and inside lay two damaged bodies - they belonged to Bonnie and Clyt, the most famous pair of robbers in history.

The Ford V8 car in which Bonnie died and Clyde

Romance with a big road

Bonnie Elizabeth Parker was born in Rovna, Texas, in the Mason family, who died when the girl was four. Together with the mother and sister Bonnie moved to Dallas. Miss Parker was also not 16, when she married a small rogue of Roy Thornton. This marriage can hardly be called a love story (especially with future events) - Very soon, the newly-made husband disappeared on the Niva Crimea, after 1929 their roads did not cross, although Bonnie did not shoot the wedding rings until the last day. Thornton was in prison when he learned about the death of his wife: "I am glad that they died this way, it is much better than being caught."

Bonnie was 19, Clyut - 21, when they met. According to one of the versions, it happened in one of the eaters, where the girl worked as a waitress, on the other, they first met a friend's girlfriend - Bonnie just cooked fragrant hot chocolate when Clyde entered the house.

By the time of the fateful meeting, Clyde Barrow was already an avid gangster. The son of the poor, from Dallas, he, together with the elder brother, baked his hand on the robbers of shops and roadside cafes. After the tank in 1928 pleased with the bars, the leader of the criminal gang was the younger Barrow - Clyde.

Clyde Barrow, 25 years old

It is not known that he spent Bonnie when meeting, but the next day she moved to him. They did not part for a minute. Clyde was an excellent shooter and always wore a gun with him - Bonnie asked to teach the shoot and her. Soon, Clyde began to take his girlfriend "on the case": she usually sat in the car, and Clyde was drove in a cafe or a refueling station and, threatening with weapons with staff, robbed the cashier. After a couple of months, Clyde was arrested, but Bonnie was able to organize escape by passing the gunner. Soon Bonnie got behind the bars, and then Clyde again - for two years. Then Parker wrote him letters with promises to wait.

"I never wanted to love you - I didn't even try. You just got me. And now I don't know what to do, I love you most on Earth."

Clyde out of prison in 1932 by another person. "Something terrible happened to him there," the sister Barrow Marie also said. This is "terrible" was the first murder - Clyde scored to the death of the prisoner who raped him.


Clyde Barrow, poster 1932

Bonnie's immortal love and Clyde is a dark story. According to some data, she was at all Platonic, because Clyde was a homosexual. According to others, they entered into sexual relations and with each other, and with other participants of Barrow's gang - it is known that Roy Hamilton was a lover of both, and then he also led a girlfriend in a gang, because of what the relationship inside the "team" was raised to the limit .

However, everyone who saw Bonnie and Clyde admitted that they really love each other. For example, the mother of Emma Parker's girl said: "I immediately realized that there was something between them when Bonnie introduced it to me. I saw it in her eyes, in how she kept the sleeve of his jacket."

Hundred bullets for two

Soon the company was joined by Brother Clyde Tank and his wife Blanche. Together, they robbed and committed murders with unjustified cruelty - only 13 deaths on their conscience.

A carchannel Jones, whom a couple kidnapped one day and made accompany himself in the "Criminal Tour", recalled: "These two are monsters! I have never seen anyone else who enjoyed the murder."

Bonnie and Clyde robbers

Bonnie and Clyde gave the lives of the most real vagrants: they slept on the street, they fed that they were mined in small shops, drove up to unconsciousness. It seemed that they were consciously went to death, very good to know that they would not stay alive. During the last meeting with Mother Bonnie asked: "When we kill us, do not speak bad about Clyde."

They imagined themselves for justice - in the period of the Great Depression "to expect" those who have at least a dozen dollars seemed to be a certificate of honor. The crimes were loud, but mining - meager: the largest amount of $ 2.5 thousand they captured in May 1933 in the Bank of Minnesota. The famous contemporary pair John Dillinger then said: "Shpana! They will disgrace bank robbers." In October 1930, Bonnie and Clyde shot the owner of the grocery store in Texas - his life was worth only $ 28.

They loved each other, weapons and cars - shortly before the death of Clyde even wrote a letter of thanks to Henry Ford, which promised to invite cars of only this brand.

In Oklahoma, the robbers captured the sheriff of Percy Boyd, who was subsequently left on the road, punishing goodbye: "Tell our people that we are not a gang of murderers. Enter the position of people trying to survive this damned depression." According to the surviving sheriff, Clyde was undisputed leader. But he liked Bonnie - according to Boyd, she seemed like someone else's company. Sheriff said that they with Clyde firmly love each other and told touching details: they had a rabbit in his nickname, whom Bonnie was lucky as a mother's gift.

Bandits rejoiced every time you saw notes about themselves in newspapers. Bonnie even developed a whole "PR campaign": she fond of photography and regularly sent them to the newspapers their staged pictures - on the background of the car and with a rifle. She applied her poems to the photos. In 2007, a notebook in which several poems were recorded from hand, was sold at Bonhams auction for $ 36,000.

Bonnie and Clyde robbers, 1932-1934

About Jesse James heard all
But if you want, still
About Bonnie with Clyde and their fate
I can tell me everything.

Today Bonnie and Clyde - the famous duet,
All newspapers about them are truded.
After their "work" there are no witnesses,
Only the death of SMRRA remains.

But there are a lot of false words about them,
And the cruel they are not so.
They hate pokcs and lgunov,
And the law is their deadly enemy.

If in Dallas suddenly a policeman killed
And the "cops" hooks no,
The real killer will not be disclosed
Bonnie with Clyde to carry the answer.

If suddenly calm down the couple will decide
And the apartment will remove himself
After a couple of days we get bored with them,
And again with the machine in hand.

The country shuddered from cold killings
And their cruelty is a grave sin,
But I knew Clyde and in those days
When he was like everyone else.

He was a good texant guy simple,
Nothing to blame him
But stern life came with him
And pushed to the devilish way.

And he somehow confessed to the bitterness to me:
"Age of Freedom I do not see.
My life will end on the hellish fire,
And not a compatibility! "

All the dark and terrible way
All meaningless struggle.
Let we ever become rich
But free - never!

They did not consider what the stronger of all,
After all, the law can not be defeated!
And that the death of the board will be for sin,
They knew both for sure.

Let them suffer from painful pain
And the decaying death will take.
But with the misfortunes of Bonnie and Clyde of Fate
Do not compare your small adversity!

The day will come, and will fall on the eternal sleep
In the cold loose land.
And sighed with allegialing the country and law,
By sending them to non-existence.

Glory robber grew. The winning of criminal celebrities threw the best police and the FBI forces and announced a reward of $ 1,500. "Clyde is a psychopath. It needs to be destroyed as a begging animal," the head of the FBI Edgar Goover said. By the way, criminal authorities were performed against the gang, for example, a handsome Floyd absolutely did not want to divide the already fine prey with a bunch of climbing hooligans.

The circle squeezed: In 1933, the gang fell into an ambush, in which Blanche Barrow was headed, and her husband was shot dead, in April 1934 they were arrested and sent to the electric chair of Hamilton. After that, Bonnie and Clyde went to Texas, going to sit down from Bonnie's relatives. They found asylum, but their location gave out the father of one of the members of Gang Henry Mutin - in exchange for the recognition of the innocence of the Son. It was his allegedly broken car that served as a bait on the road on May 23, 1934.

When a squall of lead fell on their car, Bonnie and Clyde did not even have time to grab a weapon: more than a hundred bullets looked in their bodies. All evening newspapers published messages about the death of robbers, placing a photo on the first strip with the image of their corpus-core bullets. The public was presented with a jacket of Clyde with 40 bullets and a rifle with 7 scubons on the butt - one on each killed claw.

But this turned out to be not enough: Bonnie and Clyde body were put in morgue, and for several days, every wishes could see them all over the dollar. In Dallas, 40 thousand people came to the body of Bonnie, at Clyde - 30 thousand.

20 relatives, including mother, and friends of the couple appeared before the court for the covering, and the criminals themselves were buried on different cemeteries - contrary to the desire of Bonnie Parker. On her grave, the inscription was carved: "both the flowers bloom under the rays of the sun and the freshness of dew and the world becomes brighter thanks to such people like you."

Bonnie Parker

In Gruxland, there is a museum of Bonnie and Clyde, located in the former cafe, where the criminals bought their last breakfast. The son of Ranger Ted Hinton, who participated in the crashed pair works there. Every year, the festival of Bonnie and Clyde is held in Gibstic by May 23, the festival of Bonnie and Clyde, during which the reconstruction of the fatal ambush passes.

"Bonnie and Clyde": no story sadder in the world

The names of the robbers became nominable for all couples committing crimes. The image of Bonnie and Clyde is cited in movies, music, fashion. There are several screenings of their history, including documentary, but the most famous of them is the film "Bonnie and Clyde" of 1967.

The film was filmed directed by Arthur Penn, and I produced Warren Beatti, who also played Clyde. A partner for him was looking for a long time: Jane Fund claimed this role, Natalie Wood, Sister Beatti - Shirley Macmene - and his then girl Leslie Caron (by the way, having heard the refusal, she threw Warren). Finally, Arthur Penn made a choice: seeing actress Fay Danaui in her first film "Incident", he approved her for the role of Bonnie Parker.

The film tells the story of the pair from the moment of dating to the last shootout. The hero of Beatty is an innocent romantic, whose face and the case plays a dazzling smile. Clyde likes to talk about justice and suffers impotence - this film relationship with a companion is explained in the film. Bonnie performed by Danaway - a young enthusiastic girl, in love with her randomly found hero. She wants to escape from the gray reality of the American depths, live at the limit of opportunities, risk and loving in no way.

Frame from the movie "Bonnie and Clyde", 1967

"This role is very close to me," the actress was recognized in one of the interviews. - I was Southka, just like Bonnie. We together with her divided the disappointment of the wretched life in a small limited Mirka - you can die for breaking away from there. This is There was a part of my life. "

After the release of the film on the screens of women began to copy the style of cinema Bonnie Parker, and the magazines began to print shooting with models whose image was very much reminded by the heroine - girls in blouses and midi skirts posed with arms in their hands. At first, Fei Danaway wanted to be filmed in trousers, smallers, more comfortable for versions and shootout. But the artist on the costumes of Teadora Van Rancl offered actress more glamorous image - a narrow pencil skirt, takes, heels - and did not lose.

But the subject of discussion was not only the style of the main character - the picture came out during the wide range of the movement of the student protest in the West, and the youth of the late 1960s perceived Bonnie and Clyde as their heroes. Bonnie and Clyde criticized for the abundance of scenes of violence and excessive "romanticization" of the history of robbers, but this did not prevent her from getting ten nominations for Oscar, and as a result two statues - for the carrier work and the female role of the second plan (Estelle Parsons, who played Blanche Barrow).

Famous film critic Roger Ebert then wrote: "The whole process of choosing is gratened and dependent on the success of the painting. Outsiders of cash receipts are rarely nominated and never winning. I lost faith in Oscar in the same year when I became criticized - per year, when I did not win "Bonnie and Clyde".

The tape had a great influence on the development of the US cinema - according to Quentin Tarantino, who quoted this story in his "inborn killers", with Bonnie and Clyde Penn began the Silver Age of Hollywood, which launched before the early 80s.

And, of course, the film became a breakthrough for actors. In 2008, at the 36th ceremony of awarding awards of the American Institute of Cinema (AFI) was honored by Warren Beatti. The scene rose to Fay Danaway, who read a touching speech in verses on the manner of Bonnie Parker himself, having completed her with the words: "This is the end of the story in which I am His Bonnie, and he is my Clyde."

About other famous robbers Read the materials:

Elena Kostomarova prepared

The most famous and romantic criminals in the history of America were, perhaps, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow - a young couple from Texas. They became known in the early 1930s, and their names during the Great Depression were synonymous with chic and failed. Their life was similar to the fascinating Western, where women smoke cigars and swing rifles, and men rob banks and invigorate gorgeous cars. True, for Bonnie and Clya, the film called Life was very short. In our review 13 little-known facts About this bloodthirsty couple.

1. Bonnie until the death rings wore a wedding ring

Six days before she turned 16, Bonnie married a classmate Roy Thornton. Marriage collapsed in a few months, and Bonnie had never seen her husband again after he was put in prison for a robbery in 1929. Soon after that, Bonnie met with Clyde, and although they fell in love with each other, Bonnie never really Did not divorce with Thornton. On the day, when Bonnie and Clyde were killed in 1934, she still wore a rings of Thornton and had a tattoo on the inside of the right hip - two interconnected hearts with the inscriptions "Bonnie" and Roy.

2. Bonnie and Clyde were low

Bonnie's growth was only 150 cm, and Clyde was 162 cm, while 160 cm and 172 cm were considered an average increase for women and men, respectively.

3. Bonnie was an exemplary student and wrote poems

During the school years, Bonnie was distinguished by his fantasy and abilities for creativity. During imprisonment in 1932 after an unsuccessful attempt to robbery with a burglary of the store household appliances She wrote a collection of 10 OD, which called "poetry on the other side of life."

4. Bonnie never smoked cigars

At his most famous photo, Bonnie Parker holds a revolver, putting one leg on the bumper of the car, and in her teeth she was clamped a cigar. In fact, this is part of the collection of comic photographs that Bonnie and Clyde did for their own entertainment. They were found on the mystery apartment of the gang under the police area. In one of the photos, Bonnie is aimed at the rifle in the chest of smiling Clyde, and at the other Clyde kisses Bonnie in an exaggerated manner characteristic of movie stars. These photos, as well as the poems of Bonnie, found in the apartment, greatly influenced Bonnie and Clyde. Newspapers across the country reprinted photograph with cigar. In fact, Bonnie smoked cigarettes, like Clyde (their favorite brand was Camel). Also Bonnie loved whiskey, and Clyde almost did not use alcohol.

5. Clyde did not take a fleet

Being a young man, Clyde tried to enter the US Navy, but he was refused due to the fact that he in childhood suffered a serious illness (perhaps malaria or yellow fever). It was a heavy blow to Clyde, who had already managed to make a tattoo "USN" (U.S. Navy) on the left hand.

6. First arrest for non-return of the rental car

The notorious criminal was first arrested in 1926 for theft of a car after an unsuccessful attempt to return the car he rented in Dallas to go to his girlfriend. Car rental agency has taken off the charges, but the incident remained in the case headed by Clyde. Only three weeks later, he was again arrested with his older brother Marvin "Bakom" Barrow for the fact that they had stolen turkey in the body of the truck.

7. Banks - not their specialty

Although they are often depressed as Robin Goods of the Epoch of Depression, which stole rich and influential financial institutions, Bonnie and Clyde, much more often robbed filling stations and grocery stores. Many times their mining ranged only $ 5 or $ 10.

8. Clyde cut off two fingers

While serving a 14-year term in Texas for robbery and car hijacking in January 1932, Clyde decided that there would be enough calendous work on a prison farm. To transfer it to a less harsh object, Clyde cut off the left thumb and a part of the second finger with an ax. A commemoration, because of which he always chrome subsequently, ultimately turned out to be unnecessary, since Clyde was released early after six days.

9. Bonnie and Clyde - caring children

In order not to happen, Bonnie and Clyde did not lose ties with their families and regularly visited their relatives. It was this that helped law enforcement officers to arrange an ambush and kill criminals.

In fact, it was because of the fact that they were predictable (and constantly visited their families), Bonnie and Clyde managed to prepare an ambush and kill them.

10. Bonnie was chrome

On the night of June 10, 1933, Clyde, from Bonnie on the passenger seat, quickly drove along a country road in North Texas. He did not notice the warnings about the discussion of the bridge at repair. Ford V-8 broke through the speed at a speed of 112 km / h and fell into a dry river bed. Acid resulted out of a broken car battery and buried the right leg of Bonnie, flesh connecting to the bone in some places. As a result, Bonnie received burns of the third degree and (like Clyde) chrome throughout the rest of her life. It was so hard to walk that she sometimes jumped on one leg or relied on Clyde.

11. Hunters for souvenirs

On May 23, 1934, the ambush out of six people, led by the former captain of the Texas Rangers, Frank Hamer shot Bonnie and Clyde in their car, releasing a total of more than 130 bullets (110 hit the bandits). In the air, there was still a caustic smell of gunpowder, how zevaki rushed to the reinforced car, trying to grab something in memory. One person tried to cut off the ear of Clyde a pocket knife, and the other tried to tear his finger. Before the police intervened, one of the Zvak managed to trim the strands of Bonnie's hair and wrap them with it with blood with blood float.

12. Automal, extensioned bullets, can be seen in the casino

After the ambush on Bonnie and Clyde, the extensioned Ford V-8 sedan (who was stolen) returned to his former owner, Ruta Warren from Topic, Kansas. Warren sold the car Charles Stanley, who closed the "car of death" on the tow and drove with him across the country, showing as a landmark. Today it can be found in the lobby of the Whiskey Pete`s casino in Snima, Nevada.

13. Bonnie and Clyde are buried separately

Despite the fact that they were always there for a living nearby, after death, the couple was separated. Although they somehow stated that they would like to be buried nearby, Mother Bonnie, who did not approve of her relationship with Clyde, insisted that her daughter was buried on another Cemetery of Dallas. Clyde was buried next to his brother Marvin. On his tombstones, it is written: "We have left, but not forgotten."

The grave of Bonnie Parker, on which it is written: "Like all the flowers become fragrant from sunlight and dew, and this old world is becoming more bright from people's lives, such as you"

There were their criminals and such a famous port city as Odessa. It became not only a parable in the languages, but also a movie hero.

A squad police under the leadership of Frank Haymer, Texas Ranger, waited for the appearance on the Ford V8 car, hiding in the bushes. A few minutes later the car was already smoked on the side of the road, and inside the dead bodies belonged to the world's most famous pair of robbers, whose name was Clyde and Bonnie.

The origin of Bonnie Parker

Bonnie Elizabeth Parker by origin - Mason daughter from Rovna, Texas. Father died when she was not four more years. Together with the sister and mother, the girl moved to Dallas. She was not married for 16 years when she married Roy Thornton, a small rogue. Hardly this marriage could be called (especially considering the subsequent events) with a love story. Soon the husband disappeared in the Criminal world, and after 1929, the newlyweds were no longer crossed, although the girl did not shoot the wedding rings until the last day. Thornton in prison found out that his wife died.

Acquaintance Bonnie and Clyde

The main characters of our story, Clyde and Bonni, when she was 19, and he was 21 years old. According to some version, it happened in the eatery, where the girl at that time worked as a waitress, on the other - for the first time they met at Bonnie's girlfriend. The girl just cooked hot chocolate when Clyde entered the house.

Past Clyde

The latter was already an avid gangster at the time of this fateful meeting. Together with the tank, his elder brother, this son of the poor people, originally from Dallas, has already made a sufficient number of robbery roadside cafes and shops. After in 1928, the tank went to jail, Clyde, Junior Barrow, became the leader of the criminal gang.

The beginning of the history of two lovers

It is not known that at the acquaintance he spent Bonnie, but she moved to him the next day. Lovers did not part up for a minute. Clyde has shown perfectly and always wore a pistol with him. The girl asked to teach the shoot and her. Clyde soon began to take his girlfriend "on business": she usually sat in the car, when he drove at a refueling station or in a cafe and robbed the cashier, threatening the staff with a weapon. After a few months, he was arrested, but Bonnie managed to make an escape by passing the gun to the partner. Soon she got behind the grille, and then, for two years, Clyde again. Parker at that time wrote his letters in which he promised to wait.

The first murder committed by Clyde

He came out of prison in 1932 by a completely different person. Barrow Marie, his sister, said that "something terrible" happened there. This is a "terrible" - the first murder of Clyde - he scored the prisoner who raped his prisoner to death.

Dark history seems to love these two people. According to some information, she was Platonic, since the young man was a homosexual. According to another version, they had sexual relationships not only among themselves, but also with other band members. Roy Hamilton, as you know, was the lover of both, and then also brought his girlfriend, which is why the relationship was punished within this "team".

However, everyone who met Clyde and Bonnie said that they truly love each other. For example, Emma Parker, the mother of the girl, noted that she understood it as soon as Bonnie presented her cavaller. "I saw it in her eyes," she said.

Event Development

Soon the tank, Brother Clyde, and Blanche, his wife, joined the company. They all together committed murders and robbery with unjustified cruelty. 13 deaths are on the conscience of this gang.

Bonnie and Clyde's life was the life of real vagrants: they felt in the fact that they managed to get in the shops, they slept on the street, they died to unconsciousness, as if they were preparing their future death, knowing that they would not stay alive. Bonnie during the last meeting with her mother asked her not to talk about Clyde bad when they were killed.

"Fighters for justice"

They considered themselves fighters for justice. It seemed an honorary case during the Great Depression to deprive the funds of those who had at least some money. Despite the fact that the crimes of these people were loud, their prey was quite small: in May 1933, they kidnapped 2.5 thousand dollars in the bank of Minnesota, which was the most considerable amount. John Dillinger, the famous contemporary of this couple, said then that Bonnie and Clyde will disgrace bank robbers. " Lovers in October 1930 shot in Texas the owner of the grocery store. His life was worth only $ 28.

Couple loved cars and weapons. Clyde wrote even before death, even a letter with gratitude to Henry Ford, which promised that only cars of this brand would be brought.

Robbers in Oklahoma took Percy Boyd, Sheriff, captured, leaving on the side of the road, to farewell to inform their people that they are "not a gang of murderers", and ordinary people trying to survive depression. The undisputed leader, according to the surviving policeman, was Clyde. And he even liked Bonnie - according to Sheriff, she seemed someone else's in this company. The policeman noted that they loved each other, and told detail: in love with the car was a rabbit, which the girl was carrying his mother as a gift.

"PR campaign", organized by Bonnie Parker

These two every time rejoiced when they saw in newspapers notes about themselves. Bonnie even specially developed a "PR campaign": she sent staged photographs to the newspaper against the background of the car, with a weapon. She attached his poems to these pictures. The notebook in which several poems was recorded, in 2007 was sold for 36 thousand dollars at Bonhams auction.

The glory of robbers increased. They threw the best forces of the FBI and the police, they promised 1500 dollars for them. It should be noted that well-known criminal authorities acted against the gang, for example, absolutely not wanting to divide the arrival of hooligans with a handful of the handsome Floyd with a bunch of arrivals.


In 1933, the gang found himself in the ambush - Blanche Barrow was injured, and the tank (her husband) was shot dead. Hamilton was arrested, and then sent to the electric chair in April 1934. After that, Clyde and Bonnie went to Texas with the intention to sit there at the relatives of Bonnie. They found the refuge, but the location of the beloved gave Henry Metribin, the father of one of the gang participants, in exchange for the fact that his son is recognized as innocent. He served the bait of his broken allegedly car in that fatal day - May 23, 1934.

How does Bonnie and Clyde ends?

The end of this story was next. Clyde and Bonnie did not even have time to take a weapon when a flurry squall fell on their car: many bullets stood in the body of lovers. Evening newspapers immediately published reports of the death of these well-known robbers, on the first lane by placing a photo of their bodies exhausted by bullets. Klyde's jacket, in which there were 40 bullet holes, and his rifle with 7 scubons, one for each of the dead, were presented to the public.

However, this was not enough: Clyde and Bonnie bodies were put in morgue, and everyone could look at them for a dollar for several days. It was made in Dallas 40 thousand people who looked at Bonnie's body, and 30 thousand - at Clyde.

Court also appeared for the cover of 20 relatives, including friends and materna pairs, and the criminals themselves, contrary to the desire of Bonnie, buried on different cemeteries. Such is the life and death of robbers named Bonnie and Clyde, whose genuine history was told in this article.

Museum of Bonnie and Clyde

There is a museum of this couple in GBXlands, which is located in a former cafe, in which the criminals bought their last meal. The son of Ted Hinton, Ranger, who participated in the shot gang, works there by the caretaker. Each nearest weekend by May 23 in this city is held a festival dedicated to Bonnie and Clyt, during which a rock ambush is played.

Shielding history

For all pairs of criminal world, the names of these robbers have become nominated today. They are quoted in music, fashion, movies. There are several shields of this story, including documentary, but the most famous of them is the film "Bonnie and Clyde" of 1967. The director of the painting is Arthur Penn, producer - playing Clyde Warren Beatti. For this film, the performer of the main women's role was looking for a performer. Natalie Wood, Jane Fonda, Shirley Macmein, Sister Bitti, and Leslie Karon, were claimed for this role, and his girl (who threw Warren, having heard the refusal). Arthur Penn finally decided - the choice fell on the actress Fei Danaway, which he saw in the film "Incident", debut for this girl, and immediately noted.

"Bonnie and Clyde" (film) tells the story of this famous couple from the very moment of their acquaintance before the fatal shootout. Clyde was presented as a simple romantic, who loves to take advantage of justice and suffers from impotence, - this is exactly what its allegedly Platonic feelings for Bonnie are explained. The latter was depicted by an enthusiastic young girl in love with his hero. She eager to escape from the gray everyday life of American life, risk, live at the limit and love, no matter what.

Women after the release of the film "Bonnie and Clyde" (the true story of the life of the robbers became very popular) began to copy the style of the actress, playing Bonnie Parker, and the magazines began to publish various shooting with models, the image of which resembled Heroine, - Girls in midi skirts and blouses posed In front of cameras with arms in hand. Fay Danaui at first wanted to shoot more convenient for shootouts and faunions. But the teadora van Rancl, the costume artist, offered a more glamorous image - takes, a narrow pencil skirt and heels. And did not lose. Modern Bonnie and Clyids took their idols for sample style. The popularity of the picture was big.

"Bonnie and Clyde" (film) came out at a time when the West covered a huge wave of student protests. Therefore, the youth of the late 1960s perceived these robbers as heroes. The film was administered to Oscar and received two figurines - for the female role of the second plan (playing Blanche Barrow Estelle Parsons) and operator work.

This tape has greatly affected the further development of American cinema. According to Quentin Tarantino, which quoted this story in his work "inborn killers", from this film began in Hollywood, a silver century, which launched at the beginning of the 1980s. Of course, for the actors, he also became a breakthrough. When in 2008, Beatty was honored at the award ceremony of the American Institute of Cinema, the 36th in a row, Fay Danaui rose to the stage and said touching poetic speech on the manner of Bonnie Parker, having completed her with the words that "this is the end of the story", Where Feges Danaway - Bonnie, and Warren Beatty - Clyde.

In 2013, the mini-series "Bonnie and Clyde" appeared. The film was a great success in the audience. The main roles were executed by Hollide Granger and Emil Hirsch (respectively, Bonnie and Clyde). 2 series, for example, tells us how it all started (total series - 20).

Many songs were also created based on this story. The composition of the song "Spleen", "Night Snipers", Bad Balance, or, for example, will be celebrated by Kristina Si, "Bonnie and Clyde.


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