Geography of oceans. World Oceans in Geography Pro Oceans

Geography of oceans. World Oceans in Geography Pro Oceans

Almost 95% of all water on Earth is salty and unsuitable for use. It is sea, oceans and salted lakes. In the aggregate, all this is called the World Ocean. Its area is three quarters from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe planet.

World Ocean - What is it?

Ocean names are familiar with us since younger school. This is a quiet, differently called the Great, Atlantic, Indian and North Arctic. All of them are called the World Ocean. Its area is more than 350 million km 2. This is a huge territory even on the scale of the planet.

The mainland dismember the world ocean into four ocean known to us. Each of them has its own characteristics, its unique underwater world, varying depending on the climatic belt, the temperature of the flows and the relief of the bottom. The map of the oceans shows that they are all connected between themselves. None of them is surrounded by land from all sides.

Ocean Science - Oceanology

Where do we learn about the fact that the seas and oceans exist? Geography is a school subject that first introduces us with these concepts. But special science is engaged in a deeper study of the oceans - oceanology. She considers water spaces as holistic natural object, studies biological processes occurring inside it, and its connection with other components of the biosphere.

This science, ocean depths are studied for the achievement of such purposes:

  • improving efficiency and safety of underwater and surface navigation;
  • optimization of mineral use of the bottom of the ocean;
  • maintaining the biological equilibrium of the ocean medium;
  • improving meteorological forecasts.

How did the modern names of the oceans appear?

The name of each geographical object is not just true. Any name has certain historical prerequisites or is associated with the characteristic features of a territory. Let's find out when and how the names of the oceans occurred and who invented them.

  • Atlantic Ocean. The works of an ancient Greek historian and the geographer of Strabo described this ocean, calling it Western. Later, some scientists called him by the George. This is confirmed by the document dated 90s to our era. Already in the ninth century of our era, Arabic geographers were announced the name "Sea of \u200b\u200bMraka", or "Sea of \u200b\u200bDarkness". Such a strange name received due to clouds of sand and dust, which raised the wind over him, incessantly blowing from the African continent. For the first time, the modern name was coming in 1507, after Columbus reached the shores of America. Officially, such a name was entrenched in geography in 1650 in the scientific works of Bernharda Varna.
  • The Pacific Ocean was so called the Spanish navigator despite the fact that he is quite stormy and often there are a storm and tornado, during the expedition of Magellan, who lasted a year, constantly stood good weather, the calm was observed, and it was a reason for thinking that the ocean really quiet and calm. When it was really discovered, nobody became renamed the Pacific Ocean. In 1756, the Bayush researcher suggested calling him great, as this is the largest ocean of all. Up to today, both of these names are used.
  • The reason to give the name has become a plurality of ice floes drifting in its waters, and, of course, a geographical position. The second name is the Arctic - derived from the Greek word "Arcticos", which means "Northern".
  • With the title of the Indian Ocean, everything is extremely simple. India is one of the first countries known to the ancient world. Waters that wash her shores were named in her honor.

Four ocean

How many oceans on the planet? This question seems the simplest, but for many years he causes discussions and disputes among the oceanologists. The standard list of oceans looks like this:

2. Indian.

3. Atlantic.

4. Northern Arctic.

But since ancient times, there is another opinion that the fifth ocean is distinguished - Antarctic, or South. Argumenting such a decision, oceanologists lead to the proof of the fact that the waters, the wake of Antarctica, are very peculiar and the flow system in this ocean differs from the rest of the water space. Not everyone agrees with such a decision, therefore the problem of separation of the World Ocean remains relevant.

The characteristic of the oceans is different depending on many factors, although it may seem that they are all the same. Let's get acquainted with each of them and we learn about all the most important information.

Pacific Ocean

It is also called great, because it has the greatest among all the square. The pool of the Pacific Ocean occupies a little less than half of the area of \u200b\u200ball world aquatic expansion and is equal to 179.7 million km².

As part of the 30 seas: Japanese, Tasmanovo, Yavanskoye, South Chinese, Okhotsk, Philipino, Novoguinskoye, Sava Sea, Sea Halmalem, Sea Coro, Sea Mindanao, Yellow, Sea Wisenan, Sea Aki, Solomonovo, Sea Bali, Sea Samair, Coral, gang, Sulu, Sulawesi, Fiji, Molukskoe, Comedles, Sea Floors, Sea Flores, Sea Sibian, East-Chinese, Bering, Sea Amudezen. All of them occupy 18% of the total Square of the Pacific Ocean.

By the number of islands, it is also the leader. They are about 10 thousand. The biggest islands of the Pacific Ocean are new Guinea and Kalimantan.

In the depths of the seabed, more than a third of the world's natural gas and oil reserves, the active production of which takes place mainly in China's shelf zones, the United States of America and Australia.

In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific, there are many transport routes connecting Asian countries with South and North America.

Atlantic Ocean

It is the second in the area in the world, and this clearly demonstrates the map of the oceans. Its area is 93 360 thousand km 2. The atlantic ocean pool contains 13 seas. All of them have a coastline.

Interesting is the fact that the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is the Fourteenth Sea - Sargasovo, called the Sea without the shores. His borders are ocean flows. It is considered the largest sea area in the whole world.

Another feature of this ocean is the maximum influx. fresh waterwhich provides large rivers of North and South America, Africa and Europe.

By the number of islands, this ocean is the complete opposite of quiet. Here they are very small. But it is in the Atlantic Ocean that is the largest island of the planet - Greenland - and the most remote island - Buva. Although sometimes Greenland is counted to the islands of the Arctic Ocean.

Indian Ocean

Interesting facts about the third Ocean area will make us surprise even more. The Indian Ocean was the first known and studied. He is the keeper of the largest coral reef complex.

The water of this ocean stores the mystery so far not studied properly. The fact is that luminous circles of the correct form periodically appear on the surface. According to one of the versions, this is a glow of raising from the depths of plankton, but their ideal spherical form is still a mystery.

Not far from the island of Madagascar, one can observe the only natural phenomenon in its own way - underwater waterfall.

Now some facts about the Indian Ocean. Its area is 79,917 thousand km 2. The average depth - 3711 m. It is washes 4 mainland and the composition has 7 seas. Vasco da Gama is the first researcher who swam the Indian Ocean.

Interesting facts and characteristics of the Arctic Ocean

This is the smallest and coldest of all oceans. Area - 13 100 thousand km 2. It is also the most shallow, the average depth of the Arctic Ocean is only 1225 m. In its composition of the 10 seas. By the number of islands, this ocean ranks second after the quiet.

The central part of the ocean is covered with ice. In the southern regions there are floating floors and icebergs. Sometimes it is possible to meet whole ice-cold 30-35 m. It was here that the infamous "Titanic" crashed here, facing one of them.

Despite the harsh climate, the Arctic Ocean is the habitat of many animal species: walrles, seals, whales, chas, jellyfish and plankton.

Ocean depth

We already know the names of the oceans and their features. But what ocean is the deepest? Let's deal with this issue.

The outline map of the oceans and the oceanic bottom shows that the bottom relief is as diverse as the relief of the mainland. Under the thick sea water is hidden recesses, depressions and elevations like mountains.

The average depth of all four collapsed oceans is 3,700 m. The deepest is considered the Pacific Ocean, averaged figure of which is 3980 m, then the Atlantic - 3600 m follows, behind it, the Indian - 3710 m. The most latter on this list, as already mentioned, It is the Arctic Ocean, the average depth of which is only 1225 m.

Salt - the main sign of ocean waters

Everyone knows what the water of the seas and oceans differs from fresh river water. Now we will be interested in such a characteristic of oceans as the amount of salt. If it seems to you that the water is everywhere equally salty, you are very mistaken. The concentration of salt in ocean waters can differ significantly even within a few kilometers.

The average saline of ocean waters is 35. If we consider this indicator separately for each ocean, the Northern Arctic - the least salty of all: 32. Pacific Ocean - 34.5. Salt content in water here is lowered due to large number precipitation, especially in the Equatorial zone. Indian Ocean - 34.8. Atlantic - 35.4. It is important to note that the bottom water has a smaller salt concentration than superficial.

The most salty seafs of the World Ocean are red (41), the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Bay (up to 39).

World Ocean Records

  • The deepest place in the World Ocean is the depth of it is 11 035 m on the level of surface waters.
  • If we consider the depth of the seas, then Phillipinskoe is considered the deepest sea. Its depth reaches 10,540 m. In second place for this indicator, the coral sea with a maximum depth of 9140 m.
  • The largest ocean is quiet. Its area is greater than the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole earth sushi.
  • The very salt sea is red. It is in the Indian Ocean. Soldier water well supports all objects in it, and to drown into this sea, you need to try to very much.
  • The most mysterious place is located in the Atlantic Ocean, and the name is Bermuda triangle. Many legends and mysteries are connected with it.
  • The most poisonous marine creature is a dull octopus. He lives in the Indian Ocean.
  • The most large-scale accumulation of corals in the world is a large barrier reef, located in the Pacific.

Almost 95% of all water on Earth is salty and unsuitable for use. It is sea, oceans and salted lakes. In the aggregate, all this is called the World Ocean. Its area is three quarters from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe planet.

World Ocean - What is it?

Sadchard in the ocean. Photo Oleg Petrin.

Ocean names are familiar with us since younger school. This is a quiet, differently called the Great, Atlantic, Indian and North Arctic. All of them are called the World Ocean. Its area is more than 350 million km2. This is a huge territory even on the scale of the planet. The mainland dismember the world ocean into four ocean known to us. Each of them has its own characteristics, its unique underwater world, varying depending on the climatic belt, the temperature of the flows and the relief of the bottom. The map of the oceans shows that they are all connected between themselves. None of them is surrounded by land from all sides.

Ocean Science - Oceanology

In Britannica Escola. Cousteau Society-The Image Bank / Getty Images

The mainland dismember the world ocean into four ocean known to us. Each of them has its own characteristics, its unique underwater world, varying depending on the climatic belt, the temperature of the flows and the relief of the bottom. The map of the oceans shows that they are all connected between themselves. None of them is surrounded by land from all sides. Science, studying oceans, - Oceanology Where do we learn about the fact that there are seas and oceans? Geography is a school subject that first introduces us with these concepts. But special science is engaged in a deeper study of the oceans - oceanology. It considers water expanses as a holistic natural object, studies biological processes occurring inside it, and its connection with other components of the biosphere. This science, ocean depths are studied for the achievement of such purposes: improving efficiency and ensuring the safety of underwater and surface seafares; optimization of mineral use of the bottom of the ocean; maintaining the biological equilibrium of the ocean medium; Improving meteorological forecasts.

How did the modern names of the oceans appear?

The name of each geographical object is not just true. Any name has certain historical prerequisites or is associated with the characteristic features of a territory. Let's find out when and how the names of the oceans occurred and who invented them.

Coast of the Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean. The works of an ancient Greek historian and the geographer of Strabo described this ocean, calling it Western. Later, some scientists called him by the George. This is confirmed by the document dated 90s to our era. Already in the ninth century of our era, Arabic geographers were announced the name "Sea of \u200b\u200bMraka", or "Sea of \u200b\u200bDarkness". Such a strange name Atlantic Ocean received because of the clouds of sand and dust, which raised wind over him, increasingly minted from the African continent. For the first time, the modern name was coming in 1507, after Columbus reached the shores of America. Officially, such a name was entrenched in geography in 1650 in the scientific works of Bernharda Varna.

Pacific Ocean. Community Islands.

Pacific Ocean. It was named so by the Spanish navigator Fernal Magellan. Despite the fact that it is quite stormy and often there are storms and tornadoes, during the expedition of Magellan, which lasted a year, constantly stood good weather, the calm was observed, and it was the reason to think that the ocean is really quiet and calm. When it was really discovered, nobody became renamed the Pacific Ocean. In 1756, the famous traveler and researcher Bayusz offered to call him great, as this is the largest ocean of all. Up to today, both of these names are used.

"Deathfinger" (Dead Finger)
In the Arctic under water there are rather unusual icicles, which can harm the inhabitants of the ocean. Salt from glaciers with thin streams descends to the bottom, freezing around themselves sea water. Next, the finger of death can continue crawling along the bottom. In just 15 minutes, Brickli can catch the ice trap of maritime residents who did not fall away in time.

Cause to give name North Arctic Ocean. There were many ice floes drifting in its waters, and, of course, a geographical position. The second name is the Arctic - derived from the Greek word "Arcticos", which means "Northern".

Indian Ocean Snow White Beaches

With title Indian Ocean Everything is extremely simple. India is one of the first countries known to the ancient world. Waters that wash her shores were named in her honor.

Four ocean

How many oceans on the planet? This question seems the simplest, but for many years he causes discussions and disputes among the oceanologists. The standard list of oceans looks like this:

  1. Quiet.
  2. Indian.
  3. Atlantic.
  4. Arctic.

The characteristic of the oceans is different depending on many factors, although it may seem that they are all the same. Let's get acquainted with each of them and we learn about all the most important information.

Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean. Map.

It is also called great, because it has the greatest among all the square. The pool of the Pacific Ocean occupies a little less than half of the area of \u200b\u200ball world aquatic expansion and is equal to 179.7 million km². As part of the 30 seas: Japanese, Tasmanovo, Yavanskoye, South Chinese, Okhotsk, Philipino, Novoguinskoye, Sava Sea, Sea Halmalem, Sea Coro, Sea Mindanao, Yellow, Sea Wisenan, Sea Aki, Solomonovo, Sea Bali, Sea Samair, Coral, gang, Sulu, Sulawesi, Fiji, Molukskoe, Comedles, Sea Floors, Sea Flores, Sea Sibian, East-Chinese, Bering, Sea Amudezen. All of them occupy 18% of the total Square of the Pacific Ocean. By the number of islands, it is also the leader. They are about 10 thousand. The biggest islands of the Pacific Ocean are new Guinea and Kalimantan. In the depths of the seabed, more than a third of the world's natural gas and oil reserves, the active production of which takes place mainly in China's shelf zones, the United States of America and Australia. In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific, there are many transport routes connecting Asian countries with South and North America.

Atlantic Ocean

Relief map of the Atlantic Ocean.

It is the second in the area in the world, and this clearly demonstrates the map of the oceans. Its area is 93 360 thousand km2. The atlantic ocean pool contains 13 seas. All of them have a coastline. Interesting is the fact that the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is the Fourteenth Sea - Sargasovo, called the Sea without the shores. His borders are ocean flows. It is considered the largest sea area in the whole world. Another feature of this ocean is the maximum influx of fresh water, which provides large rivers of North and South America, Africa and Europe. By the number of islands, this ocean is the complete opposite of quiet. Here they are very small. But it is in the Atlantic Ocean that is the largest island of the planet - Greenland - and the most remote island - Buva. Although sometimes Greenland is counted to the islands of the Arctic Ocean.

Indian Ocean

The Relief Map of the Indian Ocean.

Interesting facts about the third Ocean area will make us surprise even more. The Indian Ocean was the first known and studied. He is the keeper of the largest coral reef complex. The water of this ocean stores the mystery of the mysterious phenomenon, has not yet been properly investigated. The fact is that luminous circles of the correct form periodically appear on the surface. According to one of the versions, this is a glow of raising from the depths of plankton, but their ideal spherical form is still a mystery. Not far from the island of Madagascar, one can observe the only natural phenomenon in its own way - underwater waterfall. Now some facts about the Indian Ocean. Its area is 79,917 thousand km2. The average depth - 3711 m. It is washes 4 mainland and the composition has 7 seas. Vasco da Gama is the first researcher who swam the Indian Ocean.

Arctic Ocean.

Map of the Arctic Ocean.

This is the smallest and coldest of all oceans. Area - 13 100 thousand km2. It is also the most shallow, the average depth of the Arctic Ocean is only 1225 m. In its composition of the 10 seas. By the number of islands, this ocean ranks second after the quiet. The central part of the ocean is covered with ice. In the southern regions there are floating floors and icebergs. Sometimes you can meet whole ice floating islands with a thickness of 30-35 m. It was here that the wreck was crashes the infamous "Titanic", faced with one of them. Despite the harsh climate, the Arctic Ocean is the habitat of many animal species: walrles, seals, whales, chas, jellyfish and plankton.

Ocean depth

We already know the names of the oceans and their features. But what ocean is the deepest? Let's deal with this issue. The outline map of the oceans and the oceanic bottom shows that the bottom relief is as diverse as the relief of the mainland. Under the thick sea water is hidden recesses, depressions and elevations like mountains. The average depth of all four collapsed oceans is 3,700 m. The deepest is considered the Pacific Ocean, averaged figure of which is 3980 m, then the Atlantic - 3600 m follows, behind it, the Indian - 3710 m. The most latter on this list, as already mentioned, It is the Arctic Ocean, the average depth of which is only 1225 m.

Salt is the main sign of ocean waters.

The Dead Sea is the most saline sea in the world.

Everyone knows what the water of the seas and oceans differs from fresh river water. Now we will be interested in such a characteristic of oceans as the amount of salt. If it seems to you that the water is everywhere equally salty, you are very mistaken. The concentration of salt in ocean waters can differ significantly even within a few kilometers. The average saline of ocean waters is 35. If we consider this indicator separately for each ocean, the Northern Arctic - the least salty of all: 32. Pacific Ocean - 34.5. The salt content in water is lowered here due to a large amount of precipitation, especially in the equatorial zone. Indian Ocean - 34.8. Atlantic - 35.4. It is important to note that the bottom water has a smaller salt concentration than superficial. The most salty seafs of the World Ocean are red (41), the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Bay (up to 39).

Water movement in the ocean

Ocean Current Circulation

In the World Ocean, parts that are in constant motion can be distinguished, they are called sea currents. In the sea of \u200b\u200bflow less pronounced, the largest are in the ocean. The flows are varied: they can go on the surface or at a depth, can be colder than their peaceful water, and may be warmer, they can be permanent or seasonal. There are several reasons for the appearance of currents and depending on this flow can be divided into groups:

  1. Density. Water with different salinity has different density. Due to the difference of densities, flows are formed (from the area with greater density to the area with a smaller).
  2. Waste and compensatory. In different parts of the world's ocean, a different level of water. Sleeping flows are formed at the outflow of water from areas with a large level in the area with a smaller. Compensation flows are formed when reimbursing the departed water.
  3. Draft and winds are formed under the influence of winds: drift - constantly blowing, wind-seasonal.
  4. Riding and foals. The Water of the World Ocean reacts to the attraction of the moon, the result of which is tidal and tidy flows arising from the frequency once a day. In that part of the globe, which is closer to the moon, tide, and in the other - the sampling.

Currents affect the climate of coastal areas. So the seed flows pass by the eastern coasts of the mainland, directed from the equator, they are warmer than the water around them, and carry warm, wet air. Such flows soften the climate of coastal areas. Compensation flows pass by Western coasts of continents, they are colder than the surrounding water, bring sufficiently dry air. Compensation flows are one of the reasons that deserts often arise on the western banks of the mainland.

World Ocean Records

  • The deepest place in the World Ocean is the Mariinskaya Vpadina, its depth is 11,035 m on the level of surface waters.
  • If we consider the depth of the seas, then Phillipinskoe is considered the deepest sea. Its depth reaches 10,540 m.
  • In second place in this indicator, the Coral Sea with a maximum depth of 9140 m.
  • The largest ocean is quiet. Its area is greater than the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole earth sushi.
  • The very salt sea is red. It is in the Indian Ocean. Soldier water well supports all objects in it, and to drown into this sea, you need to try to very much.
  • The most mysterious place is located in the Atlantic Ocean, and the name is Bermuda triangle. Many legends and mysteries are connected with it.
  • The most poisonous marine creature is a dull octopus. He lives in the Indian Ocean.
  • The most large-scale accumulation of corals in the world is a large barrier reef, located in the Pacific.

It is believed that the first person who visited the Pacific Ocean on the vessel was Mageldlan. In 1520 he has regenened South America and saw new water spaces. Since all the time of travel, Magellan's team did not meet any storms, then the new ocean was called " Tikhim".

But even earlier in 1513. Spaniard Vasco Nunese de Balboa He headed south from Colombia to a place where, as he was told, there is a rich country with a large sea. Having reached the ocean conquistador saw the endless surface of the water stretching to the West, and called it " Southern sea".

Pacific Animal Mir

Ocean is famous for the rich Flora and fauna. It dwells about 100 thousand species of animals. There is no such diversity in any other ocean. For example, the second ocean area is Atlantic, inhabited "only" 30 thousand species of animals.

In the Pacific Ocean there are several places where the depth exceeds 10 km. It is the famous Mariana Wpadina, Philippine Groove and Chermadek and Tonga. Scientists were able to describe 20 species of animals inhabiting such a huge depth.

Half of all seafood consumed by a person is caught in the Pacific Ocean. Among 3 thousand species of fish, industrial scale is open to village, Anchovs, mackerel, Sardin, etc.


The greater length of the ocean from the north to the south quite logically explains the variety of climatic zones - from Equatorial to Antarctic. The most extensive zone is equatorial. During the whole year, the temperature here does not fall below 20 degrees. Temperature fluctuations during the year are so small that we can safely say that there is always +25. The precipitation drops a lot, more than 3,000 mm. in year. Very frequent cyclones are characteristic.

The amount of precipitation is greater than the amount of evaporating water. Rivers that bring in the ocean every year more than 30 thousand m³ of fresh water make superficial water less salted than in other oceans.

Relief of the bottom and island of the Pacific

The relief of the bottom is extremely diverse. In the East are located East Pacific Raisingwhere the relief is relatively smooth. The center is the basins and deep-water gutters. The average depth is 4,000 m., And the places exceed 7 km. The bottom of the center of the ocean covers products of volcanic activities with high content of copper, nickel and cobalt. The thickness of such deposits in separate sites can be 3 km. The countdown of the age of these breed begins with the Jurassic and Cretaceous Period.

At the bottom there are several long chains of underwater mountains, formed as a result of volcanic action: mountains emperor, Luisville and the Hawaiian island. In the Pacific Ocean are about 25,000 islands. This is more than in all other oceans combined. Most of them are located south of the equator.

Islands classified by 4 types:

  1. Continental Islands. Very closely related to continents. Include new Guinea, New Zealand Islands and Philippines;
  2. High islands. Appeared as a result of eruptions of underwater volcanoes. Many of the modern high islands have existing volcanoes. For example, Bougainville, Hawaii and Solomon Islands;
  3. Coral raised atolls;

The last two types of islands are huge coral polyps colonies that form coral reefs and islands.

  • This ocean is so huge that its maximum width is equal to half of the earth equator, i.e. more than 17 thousand km.
  • Animal world is great and diverse. Even at present, new animals unknown science are regularly discovered there. Thus, in 2005, groups of scientists found about 1000 species of the tenty cancer, two and a half thousand mollusks and more than a hundred crustacean.
  • The deepest point on the planet is located in the Pacific Ocean in the Mariana Wpadin. Its depth exceeds 11 km.
  • The highest mountain in the world is located in the Hawaiian Islands. It is called Muan-Kea. And it is an extinct volcano. Height from the base to the top of about 10,000 m.
  • At the bottom of the ocean is located Pacific Volcanic Fire Ringrepresenting a chain of volcanoes located around the perimeter of the entire ocean.

The hydrosphere is an aqueous membrane of the Earth, which includes all the water on the planet. The volume of the hydrosphere is about 1.5 billion km2 of water and approximately 96% of this volume falls on the salted waters of the oceans and the seas. The World Ocean of the World Ocean covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 361 million km2, which is approximately 71% of the surface area of \u200b\u200bour planet. In southern [...]

The Northern Arctic Ocean stands out among others as the smallest (about 14.75 million km2), the least deep (average depth - 1225 m) and the coldest with an abundance of ice. The geographical position of the Arctic Ocean Ocean is located behind the polar circle in the center of the Arctic, surrounded by land from almost all sides. The deepest sea is Greenland (5527 m), the largest area [...]

The Indian Ocean is the third largest. The Indian Ocean Square is 76.17 million km2, the average depth - 3711 m. The name of the ocean is associated with the name of the ind - "irrimber" river, "River". The geographical position of the Indian Ocean is a characteristic feature of the geographical position of the Indian Ocean is its finding almost entirely in the southern hemisphere and entirely in Eastern. His water is washed by the shores of Africa, Eurasia, [...]

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and depth. Its area is 91.7 million km2. The average depth of 3597 m, and the maximum - 8742 m. The length of the north to south is 16,000 km. The geographical position of the Atlantic Ocean Ocean extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the coast of Antarctica in the south. In the south, the Strait Drake separates the Atlantic Ocean from [...]

The Pacific Ocean is the largest area, the deepest and most ancient of all oceans. Its area is 178.68 million km2 (1/3 of the surface of the globe), on its expanses would be located all the mainstreams together. F. Magellan carried out around the world and first explored the Pacific Ocean. His ships never got into the storm. Ocean rested from familiar [...]

The term "world ocean", as part of the hydrosphere, introduced into science the famous oceanographer Yu. M. Shokalsky. Separate parts of the world's ocean, separated from each other with continents and differing in certain natural features and unity, called oceans. This is a quiet, Atlantic, Indian, Northern Arctic Oceans. The ocean plays a big role in the cycle of substances and energy on Earth. Between the ocean, atmosphere [...]

Natural complexes in the oceans are learned worse than on land. However, it is well known that in the World Ocean, as well as on land, the law of zonality is valid. Along with the latitudinal in the World Ocean, deep zonality is presented. The latitudinal zones of the World Ocean Equatorial and tropical zones are available in the three oceans: quiet, Atlantic and Indian. Waters of these latitudes are characterized by high temperature, at the equator with [...]

The world ocean is in constant motion. In addition to the waves, the calm of the waters violate the flows, tides and flow. All this different types Water movements in the World Ocean. Wind waves are hard to imagine the absolutely calm surface of the ocean. The calm is complete crepelessness and the absence of waves on its surface - a big rarity. Even with quiet and clear weather on the surface of the water you can see ripples. And this […]

About 71% of the surface of the earth is covered by the waters of the ocean. The world ocean is the largest part of the hydrosphere. The ocean and its part of the world ocean call all the continuous water space of the Earth. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean is 361 million square kilometers, but its water is only 1/8 oh volume of our planet. In the oceans, separate parts separated by the mainland are distinguished. These are oceans - extensive sections of the United World Ocean, differing relief [...]

Water of the World Ocean is never at rest. The movements occur not only in the surface water masses, but also in depths, up to the bottom layers. Water particles make both oscillatory and progressive movements, usually combined, but with a noticeable predominance of one of them. Wave movements (or excitement) are predominantly oscillatory movements. They represent oscillations [...]

Water freezing temperature with medium salinity by 1.8 ° C below 0 °. The higher the salinity of water, the lower the temperature of its freezing. The formation of ice in the ocean begins with the formation of fresh crystals, which are then fatal. Between Crystallines, the droplets of salt water, which gradually flows, so the young ice is more salty than the old, desalinated. Thickness annual ice reaches 2-2.5 m, and [...]

The ocean gets a lot of heat from the sun - occupying a large area, it gets warm more than land. Water has a large heat capacity, so a huge amount of heat accumulates in the ocean. Only the upper 10-meter layer of ocean water contains heat more than the entire atmosphere. But sun rays Only the upper layer of water is heated, the heat is transferred down from this layer as a result [...]

3/4 of our planet is covered with the world ocean, so it seems blue from the cosmos. The world ocean is one, although very dissected. The area of \u200b\u200bits 361 million km2, waters of 1,338,000,000 km3. The term "world ocean" was proposed by Shokalsky Yu.M. (1856 - 1940), Russian geographer and oceanographer. The average depth of the ocean is 3700 m, the largest 11 022 m (Mariana [...]

This is the smallest and small ocean of land. It differs from other oceans not only a peculiar geographical position and a large isolation, but also by a harsh climate, the presence of ice cover and extensive shelves. Nature Features The Northern Arctic Ocean contains about 3% of the waters of the world's ocean. It is located around the North Pole between North America and Eurasia. Connects with [...]

This is the third ocean area and water volume compared to the quiet and Atlantic oceans, it has the smallest number of seas. It has a kind of terrain of the bottom, and in the northern part - a special system of winds and seaside flows. The Indian Ocean is mostly located in the southern hemisphere between Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica. His coastline is weakly cut, for [...]

The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the oceans of the Earth. This is the deepest and most warm in the ocean surface layer. The highest wind waves and the most destructive tropical hurricanes are formed here. It ranks first in the number of islands and is distinguished by a variety of natural conditions. The Pacific Ocean covers its waters more than 30% of the earth's surface and exceeds all the continents. [...]

The Atlantic Ocean - the second in size of the Ocean of the Earth. This is the most studied and mashed ocean. The Atlantic Ocean ishes the shores of all the mainland, except Australia. Its length is 13 thousand km (according to Meridian 30 ZD), and the greatest width is 6,700 km. The ocean has many seas and bays. In the structure of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, three main parts are distinguished: [...]

The world ocean, separated by the continents and islands into separate parts, is a single water space. The borders of the oceans, seas and bays are conditional, since there is a constant exchange of water masses between them. The World Ocean as a whole is inherent in uniform features of nature and manifestations of similar natural processes. World Ocean Studies First Russian Walkth World Expedition 1803-1806 Under the command of I.F. Cruisesttern and [...]

On the surface of the Earth, the continents and oceans alternate. They are different in geographical position, sizes and outlines, which affects the peculiarities of their nature. The geographical location and the size of the mainland continents are placed on the surface of the Earth unevenly. In the northern hemisphere, they occupy 39% of the surface, and in southern - only 19%. For this reason, the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is called mainland, [...]

Ocean Square - 178.7 million;
Maximum depth - Marian chute, 11022 m;
The number of seas - 25;
The largest seas - the Philippine Sea, the Coral Sea, the Tasmann Sea, the Bering Sea;
The biggest bay is Alaska;
The biggest islands - New Zealand, New Guinea;
The strongest trends:
- Warm - Northern Passatoe, South Passatoe, Kurosio, East Australian;
- Cold - Western winds, Peruvian, California.
The Pacific Ocean ranks third ground surface and half the World Ocean Square. Almost in the middle it crosses the equator. The Pacific Ocean washes the shore of five continents:
- Eurasia from the North-West;
- Australia from the southwest;
- Antarctica from the south;
- South and North America from the West.

In the north through the Bering Strait, it is connected to the North Arctic Ocean. In the southern part of the conditional boundaries between the three oceans - the quiet and Indian, quiet and atlantic - are carried out according to meridians, from the extreme southern mainland or island point to Antarctic coast.
The Pacific Ocean is the only one, which is almost completely located within the boundaries of one lithospheric plate - Pacific. In places of its interaction with other slabs, seismically active zones arise, which create a Pacific seismic belt, known as the "Fire Ring". At the edges of the ocean, its deepest parts are at the boundaries of lithospheric plates - oceanic chute. One of the main features of the Pacific Ocean are tsunami waves, which arise as a result of underwater eruptions and earthquakes.
The climate of the Pacific Ocean is due to its placement in all climatic belts, except the polar. The most precipitation is in the equator zone - up to 2000 mm. Due to the fact that the Pacific Ocean is protected by land from the influence of the Arctic Ocean, its northern is warmer South.
In the central part of the ocean, the Passat reigns. Destructive tropical hurricanes - typhoons that are peculiar to monsoon circulation of air are characterized by the western part of the Pacific Ocean. In the north and south frequent storms.
In the north of the Pacific Ocean, there is almost no floating ice, since the narrow band of the duke limits the connection with the North Arctic Ocean. And only the Okhotsk and the Bering Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Winter are covered with ice.
Flora and the fauna of the Pacific Ocean is characterized by wealth and diversity. Some of the richest in the species composition of organisms is the Japanese sea. Especially wealth of life forms are distinguished by coral reefs of tropical and equatorial latitudes. The biggest coral structures is a big barrier reef (large coral reef) near the Eastern Coast of Australia, where the tropical species of fish live, sea hedgehog, stars, squid, octopuses ... Many fish species have commercial importance: salmon, ket, pink salmon, tuna, herring, anchovies ...
In the Pacific Ocean, the Ssavtsi are also found: whales, dolphins, sea seals, sea beavers (found only in the Pacific). One of the features of the Pacific Ocean is the presence of animals of giants: blue whale, whale shark, Kamchatka crab, thidakna mollusk ...
The territories of the Pacific Ocean come out more than 50 countries in which almost half of the Earth's population lives.
The beginning of development by Europeans by Europeans was put in Fernan Magellan (1519 - 1521), James Cook, A. Tasman, V.Bering. In XVIII- XIX centuries Particularly important results had an expedition of the English vessel "Challenger" and Russian "Vityaz". In the second half of the twentieth century, interesting and versatile studies of the Pacific Ocean were held by Norwegian Tour Heyerdal and Frenchman Jacques Custo. At the present stage, specially created international organizations are engaged in the study of the nature of the Pacific Ocean.


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