Why can Orthodox see Catholic churches at pilgrimages? You can pray together with non-Orthodox (Catholics, Protestants, sectarians) and innovations (Muslims, Jews, etc.).

Why can Orthodox see Catholic churches at pilgrimages? You can pray together with non-Orthodox (Catholics, Protestants, sectarians) and innovations (Muslims, Jews, etc.).

A lot of Orthodox people take part in the congregation with the Catholics: they discuss the current problems of the welfare, exchange the dosvyat social work. Such inter-confessional people often come in and end with a prayerful prayer. Adzhe tserkovnі rules zaboronyayut pray with the non-Orthodox! Why is the sense of such a fence, chi not old wines? Archpriest Petro PEREKRESTOV, the cleric of the Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Sorrows" at the meeting of the Correspondents of the "Nedudny Garden" was fed.

Archpriest Petro Perekrestov was born in 1956 in Montreal. Batko Yogo was a blue of a white officer, his mother emigrated from the SRSR. Having served at the church from the children, having studied at the church-paraffial school. After graduating from the Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, in the magistracy, he studied Russian literature and served as a deacon in Toronto. In 1980, hanging with priests and moving to San Francisco. Cleric of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All the Sorrowful".

—Father Petre, does the canon fence pray for the non-Orthodox, does it cost more than prayers at divine services?

- Church canons not only pray with the heretics, but go in to their temples, have a meal with them, mitigate at the same time at the lazna and learn to rejoice with them. It was necessary to vrahuvat, that in the first century, if the canons were accepted, all the heretics were knowledgeable people, persecuted, went against the Christian faith not through non-government, but pride. And the doctors looked at the patient, and they appointed rejoicing, and they prayed and long ago, the topic was topical for that hour. That's why at the reception of a doctor-heretic, the patient will inevitably learn about this nonsense. For the unseen in theology, a person of peace. Those same in the lazni - they didn’t just cherish there, but they spent a lot of time in conversations. The canonical rule is more relevant in our day, just life has changed. In the secular world, it is not enough to talk about religion, the existence of religious disputes at the hospital, or at the reception of the doctor mayzhe nullov. But if you zastosuvat tsyu fence until this day's life, then I'm reconsolidating, that unprepared people, as if I know our faith badly, I can't talk with sectarians for a long time, it's better to let them in at the budinok for a cup of tea preach at the houses). Calmly tse, sadly that is not safe for the soul.

Dehto vvazhaє, that the fence for the prayer is worth less than the service, but you can pray on the cob of some wild gatherings. I do not think so. "Liturgy" from old Greek is translated as "sleeping on the right." Prayer at the liturgy is not a private prayer of a dermal parathian, a common prayer, if everyone prays with one voice, one heart and one faith. And for the Orthodox, whether a common prayer may be a liturgical sensation. Otherwise, she has no strength. How can you pray with a person, if you don’t shake God Matir and saints?

- In today's secular world, representatives of no less than other confessions, and other religions are more welcome as allies before abortion, euthanasia, and other manifestations. It would have been better, what a filthy thing, like praying at the same time?

- At Zakhodі, the idea dominates at once, that there is nothing important, not exhaustive. So you have your own faith, I have my own, and abi mi alone did not respect. Respect, obviously, not required, and we can love all people, respect them a little. I happened to be on the vіdspіvіvannyah katholіkі – relatives of our paraffіyan. I am present with respect until the dead man and this yoga, but I didn’t pray for the services. For the skin of these people, I can pray earnestly, as I pray today for my Catholic grandmother: “Lord, have mercy on Your servant.” And then we will already “God rest, Lord…” and in the Orthodox way I will guess all my Orthodox relatives. Ale for my grandmother, I can’t serve panakhida, win for her part of the proskomide. Church prayer is prayer for the members of the Church. Grandmother knew about Orthodoxy, she cultivated her choice, she needed to respect him, and not to go in, that she was Orthodox. Prayer is love, but love can help. It is permissible to blame that our church prayer for the repose of the non-Orthodox, the innovators and the non-Orthodox is honored by God. Then, for logic, all the stinks are guilty of standing before the Court of God as Orthodox. And the stench did not understand and did not want to understand Orthodoxy. We are only a little bit sick of such "love".

An example of true Christian love for non-Orthodox people was shown by St. John (Maximovich) - I wrote a book about a new one, which recently appeared near Moscow. Vіn often saw liquor stores, in which there were non-Orthodox and new ones. Vladik stood up and prayed for the skin ailment. I don't know, maybe some of them prayed together with him. Tse bula dієva prayer - Jews, Muslims, Chinese were healed. Ale is not called that they prayed among the non-Orthodox. And if you have baptized at the parables, they entered one of the baptismal Catholics in the metric book, having seen the decree, so that the names of non-Orthodox spriymachiv were resurrected from the metric books. Why is nonsense at the cost - how can you vouch for the conversion of a non-Orthodox person, like christening in the Orthodox faith?

- Ale khіba is nasty before a sleeping meal with a Catholic to read the “Our Father” at once?

- Tse, singly, sometimes it is permissible. Someday, I may pray before hedgehog. Every time different people get together, I read a prayer to myself, I cry. And if someone else asks to pray, an Orthodox person can say: we read "Our Father". As if all Christians of different denominations read about themselves leather in their own way. For the sake of God, there will be no ciomu. And the ecumenical prayers at the great gatherings, in my opinion, are similar to a friend of evil. So I’m given the honor of my brothers, the shards in the Gospel of Christ and Yogo of the Church are described as the blue of the Named (Lamb) and Yogo of the Narechenoy (Church). Axis and let's look at the problem not from the position of political correctness (here we do not know the difference), but in the context of sim's. Sims have their own rules. Sim'yu poov'yazuє love, and z ponyattyam lyubovі tіsno po'yazane avіrnіst's statements. I realized that the world had to deal with wealthy people of other status. Behind them, mothers can be businesslike, be friends, and even if a person enters into a relationship with another woman, the cause of that is legitimate (for one’s squad) to be separated. So is prayer... The food about prayer with the non-Orthodox should be put either by sincere people, for some kind of smut - good stosunki, or, most of all, apologists for ecumenism. So, smut is love, God is Love, but God is Truth. There is no truth without love, and there is no love without truth. The Ecumenical Prayers are the ones to unravel the truth. "Let God be different among us, but we believe in God, and ce headless" - for whom the essence of ecumenism. Lowering the high. In the eighteenth century, the Orthodox have actively joined the ecumenical movement. Give me advice, be kind, zavdyaki Orthodoxy at ecumenical gatherings, even if one person crossed over to Orthodoxy? I don’t have such feelings. Even if they were okremі vpadki (in reality, the Lord Himself can bring everyone to faith, but for the New one everything is possible), the stench lingered even if they did not fit the ecumenical spirit - tolerance and tolerance to all and everything. I know the vipadki, if people came to Russia, prayed at the temples at the liturgy, and they crossed to Orthodoxy. But they went to the monastery, bacheled the elders, and they crossed to Orthodoxy. And yet, someone from the ecumenical assemblies was brought to the truth, I'm not a Chuv. That such a common prayer does not bear fruit, but that we know the correctness of our deeds. Otzhe, the ecumenical prayer has no sense. I respect that today the fence for prayer with heretics is relevant as a hundred and fifty ecumenical gatherings.

- Together, we sit down, discuss food, exchange the dosvidom of social work that is at once respected by their heretics?

“Obviously, these days we try not to call anyone heretics. Tse is not only incorrect, but also ineffective. Well, I started from the fact that in the first century there is a heretic of Svidomo against the united Church. Today, in the secular world, more people come to believe in the secular world, and, as a rule, people start from the religion of the confession, traditional for their country, sіm'ї. With so many people who talk about other religions, they want to know more about them. Among them there is also about Pravoslavia. "Vitayu! You are a heretic!" "Why should I roam with such a person? I have become interested in Orthodoxy. Our mission is to help people come to the truth. How can a person open up to Orthodoxy, if they want to grow up, read books, associate with Orthodox priests and theologians, at this moment Vona Usvіdomluє, Scho їїlugіngіinі Lying the head of the Orthodox Church єress. і и кириный высный Вибір. ONE ROY ROCK YADE SWIDEKA MOSTTERNAL OF ORTHROLAGE GUMD, I DISTRIBLE WITH THE EXCHANGE OF THE CNINNIY ACTIVIEV. believe that other Churches go to the deeds of the world with the nourishment of the female priesthood, one-state ladies, and Orthodoxy takes faithfulness to the commandments. temples of various confessions.

It is required to spread the prayer and prayer. The whole speech. Why should we respect the non-Orthodox: the Protestants have knowledge of Scripture, missionary indifference, the Catholics have social activity. I do not say that all the stench died and arose. We stand more or less on the fact that Christ, having fallen asleep one Church, and more than one Church, may the fullness of grace and truth. Significantly, even more pious, pious Catholics who take communion every day at their masses. People in Italy and Spain are especially simple - piety was preserved there. And in America, Catholics try to adapt to the spirit of the hour. First food about the sleepy prayer of the same spirit, new food. People are becoming, if you explain to them that you cannot take part in the prayers of their souls. Especially at official entrances, if everyone dresses up for prayer, the Protestants also put on a special robe. For them, there is no longer a liturgical action, perhaps, alone, for the Eucharist cannot stink. And everyone who takes a part in this action, stinks like one of the same mind. Tse great calmness. The Church Abroad may have half of the clergy - people who converted to Orthodoxy from Catholicism and the Anglican Church. The stench is more sensitive to such manifestations, they understand that the compromise at the sleepy prayer has led to unbearable nasledkiv. Therefore, we don’t call anyone heretics, so we try to save good-natured stosunki, but we stand on the truth of our faith. And ecumenical prayers to sway the people with baiduzh to the truth.

- Orthodox people in Russia already love the work of Clive Staples Lewis. English. Yogo books are sold in rich Orthodox churches, and stench, deeds, are closer to Orthodoxy in spirit. Nevzhe, yakby today Lewis was alive and having come to Russia, Orthodox Christians would have led you to sleep prayer?

“I myself really love Lewis, and in my mother I’m just a writer of love. Yogo books are a miraculous place from the bottom of the earthly, secular transition of life to the spiritual. It is not possible to give one day to unprepared people - spiritually unmoved - I firmly believe. Without preparation, the stench of the holy fathers simply cannot be understood. And it is important to show the literature for the pochatkovs rather than the books of Lewis. Alemy from my mother perekonan, that Lewis live in our hour, vіn bi transitions in Pravoslavia (it was even more comfortable for him in England, it meant vіdmova in the form of his ancestors, sіm'ї). They lovingly explained to Yakbi Yomu why they could not pray with him at the same time. And the yakbees said that there is no such thing as a living, an Orthodox Christian, how can you pray, would it be possible for you to go over to Orthodoxy?

The miraculous butt in the Gospel is the conversation of Christ with a Samaritan woman. Vіn її having fed, she vіdpovidala, mabut, the Savior prayed and until the morning, and the hour of the conversation, I don’t know why she prayed, but there was no sleepy prayer. And after roaming, she turned away, managed to tell everyone that she had snared the Messiah! The Samaritans were also heretics for the Jews. It is necessary to show your faith, beauty, truth, you can and need to pray for the skin of a person, but you can also pray for a person in another faith only if you introduce this person into Oman. The axis of that kind of it needs to be mitigated.

How can an Orthodox person rise in price for Western Europe, why can you see Catholic churches on a tour? How do you put yourself before the shrines of not your own faith?

And how, for example, can an Orthodox Christian go to a Catholic church, because there, de vin alive, there are no Orthodox churches?

Vіdpovіdі, scho mіstjatsya in tsіy statti, founded on the fundamentally accepted ecclesiastical duma and the rules of the Ecumenical Councils.

New Orthodox Catholic churches

First, it is significant that there are no special orders for Orthodox Catholic churches in Orthodox Church rules. On zagalnotserkovnu thought, the Catholic church can be seen only in deyaky vipadki.

For the sake of bowing to the shrines, as they sway like in Catholicism, so in Orthodoxy. For example, lay down the relics of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, John Chrysostom, Ambrose of Mediola, Rivno-Apostolic Deer, Great Martyr Barbara and others, who are near Catholic churches.

“For the word of God lives and lives and is more honorable for every sword of honor” (Heb. 4:12). This is how the statue of the Apostle Paul looks in front of the entrance to the Roman basilica

For the sake of knowing the mark, so for the sake of knowledge of the mystic- architecture, painting, sculpture, stucco work.

Prote go to the Catholic church to pray and take communion.

Up to 45 and 65 of the Apostolic Rules and 33 of the Rules of the Laodicean Council, the eucharistic union (a common part in the liturgy and in the sacrament of communion) between Catholics and Orthodox was fenced. True, prayers of the Orthodox and Catholic ієrarchiv and priests are sometimes, like ikonomіya (switching off), sometimes held to the relics of the saints, like chanting both Catholics and Orthodox.

Zvichayno tse pitanya debatable, shards behind the wise-knowing rules of such blessings are not guilty. Those lay people are doing such a good deed not guilty. However, there are also Catholic churches, in which there was a place for the Orthodox, for example, at Bari there were the relics of St. Mykola of Myrliky for pilgrims to serve prayers and to inspire liturgies to serve Orthodox priests. At such liturgical services, the Orthodox is not only possible, but it’s even better to take a fate.

On July 3, 2007, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexis II bowed to the Crown of Thorns of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is taken in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris. The same Orthodox community spoke bitterly to the Orthodox-Catholic service. In the past, the Russian Orthodox Church chanted a sleepy service, declaring that the Patriarch had conducted only a short sleepy prayer service

Seeing Catholic churches for the sake of prayerful glimpse of shrines can bring the Orthodox spiritual mischief, as if we do not show simple cicadas to the very temple, as before someone else's prayer life and preserve one's religion, one feels uncomplicated.

In other times, it is allowed to pray at the veneration of the shrine and modestly cross over to an Orthodox icon (as it is in the church).

Why can an Orthodox go to a Catholic church, because there, de vin live, there are no Orthodox churches?

Priests, in every way, to create a prayer place in their booth, and even better to create for the Orthodox community that prayer room for the blessed blessings.

According to the church rules, the laity can themselves serve a short liturgy, that is the name of the day, the text of which is in rich prayer books. And for Communion, ask the priest for the reserve of the Holy Gifts. Navit from afar, shards to encourage them who require communion, the priests are not guilty.

How to behave Orthodox at Catholic churches

Entering a Catholic church, an Orthodox Christian can cross for his name. Ale to cross over not for the sake of bowing to the cult life, but for the sake of security for oneself in the face of evil spirits.

At the door of the Catholic church, ring out to stand a container of blessed water. At the entrance, Catholics, zgіdno zі their rite, dip their fingers at the water, thereby confirming that the stench of baptism in Catholicism

For the most part, the Catholics, to the old-fashioned look of the Parathians, are not on the floor of Suvori, which is the Orthodox. It is obscene for Prote to enter a Catholic church in shorts, or in shorts, similar to short shorts. With whom, women can wear their pants with their heads uncovered. Cholov_ki can wear boots without a headdress.

It is customary to sit at Catholic churches. For this in the new there are special shops, at the bottom of which there are small squares for shaping the columns. Ale Orthodoxy shalt the colony in Catholic churches is not guilty. Prote independently pray, cross and put a candle, because the relics of a sacral Christian saint are not protected. It is also possible to cross oneself before the roses, otherwise it was an Orthodox icon.

It is customary for the Orthodox to give notes in churches about health and wellness. Prote filing such notes at the Catholic churches of the Orthodox are not guilty. Aje tse means do not go indirectly, but the fate of their prayer.

Zagalom, for whatever reasons, nevertheless, they saw a Catholic church, then it is necessary to respect the Catholics, who are known there, not to be put ahead of their shrines, even though we don’t follow their religious perekonan. Golovnya - start and pray we can take care of cleanliness and support our Orthodox faith.

With the heretics under the threat of expulsion from the church controversy, or the removal from the rank of vengeance in the 45th apostle. rules:

“Bishop, or presbyter, or deacon, if you only prayed with heretics, let there be blessings. But let’s allow them to children anyhow, like the ministers of the church - don’t let there be revolts. ”

46 Apostle. rule to say:

“Bishop, or presbyter, who accepted baptism, or the sacrifice of heretics, it’s highly commandable. Deyak of the year of Christ with veliar, or as a part of the faithful with the infidels.

Fathers of the Laodicean Council in 6 rules punish:

"Do not allow heretics, who touch in nonsense, enter to God's house."

The authoritative Orthodox canonist, Bishop Nikodim (Milash), in his 45th Apostolic canon confided to the very understanding of the "jeretic" to work on 1st rule. For the terminology of St. Basil the Great heretics - those who differ from the Orthodox faiths in the main dogmas; St. Basil the Great calls the Manichaeans, Valentinians, Marcionites and others like them heretics - whom he punishes with guilt to accept to the Church through baptism; they are recognized as undying baptism, taken away by them from that heretical suspense. Tі, scho to lie down to other sleeps, scho resurrected in the Orthodox Church, St. Basil the Great signifies as a rozkolnik chi samochinnikov, transferring as a clerk for the first anointed, and for others (samochinniks) - repentance.

In order to correct the terminology of 1 rule of St. Basil the Great with the 95th rule of the Trull Cathedral, which summed up the law-making of the Old Church from the power of the reception of heretics and schismatics, then it will appear that the Nestoria and monophysiology (first after the literal change) through the literal change of the Church the third rank, which has the meaning of the word "jeretic", in which Yogo Vikoristova St. Basil the Great did not rule over heretics in his own 1.

Although it is impossible not to recognize those who understand "Heretic" and "Here" as in authoritative ancient texts, so in modern Christian literature they get used to different sensations, meaning in one terminological system, they are less fundamental in the very foundations, and in others - be a dogmatic pardon. In addition, 95 rules of the Trull Council say that the Nestorian should be accepted according to the 3rd rank, so, as if punishing St. Vasil accept samochinnikov, and at once the mental reception is put "anathema to his own lies, Nestoria, Eutychia, Dioscorus, and Severus."

And yet, as follows in the darkness 45 rules for Bishop Nikodim Milash, for this reason, before the darkness, 1 rule of Basil the Great, then it will appear that the heretics, with whom the common prayer is defended - tse those whom we receive before the Church, through the christening in words, a hundred and fifty daily practices - Adventists, evangelists, molokans and pribіchniki of new sects, and for the rest of the hour, ring out the titles of totalitarian ones, from the practice of our Church there are no such prayers.

Ale and other canons, as if standing together in prayer with those who have been resurrected in the Church. Thus, the 10th Apostolic canon is confirmed:

“If someone with a vision of church intercourse should pray, if only it were in the house: such a blessing will be.”

This topic is also discussed from different sides 11, 12, 32, 45, 48, 65 Apostolic canons, canon 5 of the First Ecumenical Council, canon 2 of Antioch and canon 9 of the Carthaginian Council. Whom should be enlightened under "in the light of the Church's questioning"? Logically, two options are possible here: either it is quiet, someone who personally sees it in connection, through some special sin, or through a split. In the context of the current life of the Russian Orthodox Church, the largest Metropolitan Filaret, the largest bishop Yakiv, the largest priest Glib Yakunin and the largest archimandrite Valentin Rusantsov are such. With a broader understanding of the sense of this rule, those analogous to it should be broadened to those who may prayerfully interrogate us, who offensively bid for the revelation of the views of the Church by the priests and the rogues. At such a time, it’s a good rule to consume everything, who prayed at once with Catholics, Protestants, Monophysites, Old Believers, Karlovtsy, Greek Old Calendarists, too. The text of the rule gives both options for interpretation of your choice; However, as it turns out from the practice of the Church, and in case of any prayerful intercourse, it is not the Eucharistic intercourse, but rather those that were said in the canon: appear in a clear protirichchi with practice.

Nareshti, at the canonical body of the Orthodox Church there is also the 33rd rule of the Laodicean Council, as it is no doubt placed not only before prayerful intercourse with heretics, but also with individuals, as if personally engaged in church intercourse, but also before all dissidents:

"Do not bother to pray with a heretic who is a witness."

The first worker has a word that means a schismatic, a schismatic. And yet, the peculiarity of this rule in tsomu, scho wins a riddle about the sanctions against the offender; it’s more said “not to tell”, but it’s not said under the threat of some kind of prohibition “not to tell”. In this rank, the rule is more recommendatory, lower strictly legal in nature, on the basis of the rules, that the prayerful intercourse with heretics and the vodluchenimy of the intercourse, for which the canons transfer the award. Imovirno, the riddle about the sanction of whose rules is not clear; and this setting gives an idea of ​​how, from a canonical point of view, pray with the heretics and the vodluchenim not the same, wanting to think of the Fathers of the Laodicean Council, all the same, and with schismatics, schismatics “pray not to lie down.”

Why? Imovirno, for these reasons, for there is no need to pray with heretics. Єpiskop Nikodim (Milsh) in Tlumachennі 45 Apostolica Rules Square to Rosіyskiy Canonist ArchImandrit (Пізніша єпiskope) Іонна (Sokolova) І piche: "Duzho Mudro Pomіchaє ARHIMANDRIT ІOANN in Tlumachenni Rules, speaking, Shaho Rules єTich Spirit, Alya before Okoroni indifferentism to the faith of the Orthodox Church, which can easily be blamed in case of close contact with the heretics on the right of the faith. Tlumachennya tsіlkom perekonlive. The Fathers of the Laodicean Council, seeing the 33rd rule, were unquestionably denounced to the practice of opposition to religious indifference.

How can vysnovka be worked out from the canons cited here, a hundred times a day's practice? Obviously, I can’t get rid of unacceptable prayerfulness with heretics in that sense, in which this term lives Basil the Great in his own 1st rule (that is, evangelists, adherents of the Mother of God center, and similar to them), as well as with persons who recognized the particularity of the , imovirno, dotsilno expand and all schismatics, personally took part in the vchenni rozkolіv.

Єvharistichne spіlkuvannya nepripustimo of usіma vzagalі hto not nalezhit to kanonіchnoї Pravoslavnoї Church, to scho єvharistichne spіlkuvannya Vlasna i Je naypovnіshim virazom єdnostі tserkovnoї for nayavnostі yakoї rozbіzhnostі of power Church admіnіstrativnih i navіt chastkovih bogoslovskih not zmozі poshkoditi Yednist ecclesiastical docks stink not to lead to the opening of the splkuvannya.

How about praying with the non-Orthodox, as if joining the Orthodox Church for 2 and 3 ranks, to those who belong to the Catholic, Old Catholic, Protestant, non-Chalcedonian, Old Believer Churches; then, on the thought, what lies at the basis of the canons, the prayerful intercourse with them is filthy in this world, which it is to give rise to or live religious indifference, or, dodamo, introduce into the peace of the upper ones.

When you need to protect yourself, set it up. In the minds of modern life, if Orthodox, from one side, not in the catacombs, but as a whole legally and at the same time in the majority of powers in the form of a power of the Kremlin, there is no possibility, and, obviously, there is great sensation in blocking entry to the Orthodox . a temple, to celebrate the hour of worship, be it to persons, including those who are unrepentant, innovators. It would be unnatural and unreasonable not to let non-Orthodox Christians into the church, or else to pray in the church together with the Orthodox. Orthodox pilgrims from a long time ago saw non-Orthodox, zocrema, Catholic churches, de saving Orthodox shrines - the church of St. Nicholas in Bari, the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome and the impersonal other Catholic churches in Rome. The presence of the Orthodox in such churches during the hour of Catholic worship, while not scandalous and manifests religious indifference.

What, insanely, filthy and calm riches - this is the fate of the ecumenical liturgical services, laid down for a special rank, which is not identical to the ranks of the ranks, which are to be found in the Orthodox Church itself. Same іsnuvannya such Especially ekumenіchnih bogosluzhіn zdatne viklikati pіdozru scho VRTS chi INSHI ekumenіchnі organіzatsії - Tse is not a forum for zustrіchey predstavnikіv rіznih Hristiyanskih Churches, scho spriyayut Poshuk them tserkovnoї єdnostі and scho VRTS vzhe in gotіvkovomu stanі Nese in sobі deyakі Elements tserkovnostі, Je kvazі - "the Church", for which it is impossible to wait for the fundamental ecclesiastical rites. Divine services are in the Church and sanctioned.

Naskіlki, if it is permissible, the crime of attendance at the non-Orthodox services in the non-Orthodox church, or I will allow the non-Orthodox to stay in the Orthodox church, in any case, it is not possible for you to start praying, a special request for the presence of the non-Orthodox services of the non-Orthodox laity chi clergy. the clergy or the laity, then the chain of food, vydpovіdі on yakі povnі davatsya vyhodyachi from church-political, pastoral mіrkuvani, vkhodyachi z turboti for the good of the Church, about those who don’t serve the peace of “little tsim” and at once don’t come quietly, who are close to each other Orthodox.

As far as prayerful intercourse “in the house,” then in the minds of the daily life of Orthodox Christians, there is often an inevitable intercourse with atheists and innovations. Not less than the world is permissible for non-Orthodox Christians. And if, leaning at the same table, an Orthodox and a Catholic and a Lutheran want to pray, then one hour reading the Lord's Prayer is unlikely to be a canonical evil. And the axis of being charged with such a special rank, which is not found in the Orthodox Church, nor in non-Orthodox churches, rightly, zdatezhite religious conscience as quiet as to take the fate of such “prayers”, so present at yoga.

Conducting joint conferences, dialogues between Christians of different denominations cannot, immovably, not start with prayers, but it is acceptable for the Orthodox, so that prayers would be, as if they were getting used to the Orthodox Church, and not piecemeal for such visits.

Raising the price of Europe and Latin America, like a tourist, or on the right, many people singsongly asked food: how is it possible, being Orthodox, to see a Catholic church and how to behave there, so that you don’t destroy something vipadkovo.

Global rules

Nasampered, mother's need in the Uvaz, that the Catholic temple is the Christian temple and, obviously, here are the ancient norms of the same behavior, as in Orthodoxy: modesty in dress, good behavior.

In the Catholic Church, there are no serious ones who can look like the parathians: it is less for men to be punished to take off their hats, for women, they can be dressed up as a yearly, but modestly.

At Catholic churches, concerts of organ music are often held, so you can see everyone. At the entrance, it is not customary to cross oneself to bow the head lightly, and it is obligatory to turn on the sound of the mobile phone.

As a matter of fact, it’s better to take pictures - it’s better to know for a long time, if you can work and if.

You can buy candles from rich temples. In Europe, they are sometimes replaced by electric ones, which include a sacrifice for a song.

It is possible to lay a horseradish banner at the Catholic temple after the Orthodox chant - right-handed in bulk.

If it’s necessary to talk with the priest, it’s necessary to finish the service, it’s too late to know, like to go to the next step, and if you’re occupied with rosemary, step aside.

Be it food, which is worth the temple, you can put the servant of the church shop or the Parathians (but it’s important not to neglect their prayers).

Rules of conduct for the month

Orthodox Christians can observe the Catholic Mass and pray, but they cannot approach the Sacrament of the Eucharist and be confided to a Catholic priest.

Zagalom, looming over the very same attachment that the Orthodox Church, the Catholic Cathedral is despoiled of. For example, some have an iconostasis, but there is a small shroud that does not close the eyes of the parathians of the "holy of holies" - the presbytery. Just like in the vvtar, when the liturgy is performed, the Holy Gifts are saved, in front of them, the lampada will always burn.

Nezalezhno vіd vorospovidannya laity go for qiu pereshkoda categorically fenced. Catholics, passing around the place, zdіysnyuyut uklіn or a small uklіn (well, not every hour of worship). Those themselves can grow and be Orthodox.

If you want to go help, you can’t come close to help, it’s better to go around the place.

It is not possible to go to church until the hour of the month. Rather, take one of the shops, designated for prayers. Skin from them can be used at the bottom of special crossbars for slopes, so it’s better not to stand on them at the back, but only with knees.

Somewhere on the vіvtarny stіl wine for the worship of St. Dari (Adoratsia). At this hour, you don’t have to go to church, so that the parishioners, ring out, standing on their knees, pray at this moment. It is also not necessary to baptize often at the hour of the month - in Catholicism it is not accepted and you can turn other people into prayers.

At the liturgy, before the Eucharist, Catholics, turning one to one with the words “Light to you!”, swear by a small clench or hand-waving. Give respect, that even before you can turn around the same way, and it will be necessary to respond in the same way.

Well, you spent a lot of time, but you can’t pray for us, don’t varto take lava instructed for them, whoever prays - you can make it, for those who are supposed to get up in the singing moments of the Catholic divine service, or to heal the knee. It’s better to leave behind or take one of the remaining distant shops, as if it’s free.

Pray especially - madly, yes.

Take part in prayer in the service. It's more important here.

A radical look, beyond the rule of thumb, is not possible. Because it is not possible to pray for those who pray incorrectly. Tobto. there, at the service, they can have formulas that are not suitable for Orthodoxy.

For Catholics, the official position is as follows:

- How is it that the Orthodox follow up to the Sacrament of Communion in the Roman Catholic Church, to the yoga of the devil and grace? Who will take us to whose plan?

- The food of the day cannot be unequivocally that of a universally accepted opinion in the Orthodox Church; to establish different points of dawn in different Local Orthodox Churches, in the middle of one Church and to inspire in the middle of one parafia two priests can be placed in a different way to feed the wildness of rites among Catholics and in other Christian communities.

Establish the same rules and establish them, so that you can respect the official position of the Moscow Patriarchate, they are included in the “Basic principles of the establishment of the Russian Orthodox Church before non-Orthodox”. There is no mention of the recognition, or the non-existence of the devilry of the Sacraments, but it is signified that in the dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church we are guilty of the fact that the Church is the apostolic consecration. In addition, de facto, I know the rites of the Catholic Church in the past, as a Catholic, for example, I become Orthodox. Here there is a difference between the recognition of the Sacrament of Baptism and the recognition of other Sacraments. We accept people into Orthodoxy who do not cross them, bring them from the Protestant denominations, and if so, as a Protestant pastor of transitions to the Orthodox Church, then we will be accepted as a layman. If a Catholic priest is a bishop who has transferred to the Orthodox Church, then he is accepted as a senior priest as a bishop, so that in fact the Sacrament thoroughly over him will be known in this particular day of May.

Insha on the right - how to interpret the Sacrament. There is a wide range of thoughts here. I can say one thing: there is no eucharistic intercourse between Orthodox and Catholics. It is the church discipline that does not allow the believers of the Orthodox Church to partake of the Catholics.

Catholics have officially adopted a document that, in times of extreme need, they can take communion at an Orthodox church, and also, in times of extreme need, they can partake of the Orthodox.

I especially think that with Catholics, Anglicans, one can pray at the same time without participating in the service. So, especially, I think that it’s the same with the times, wanting here, obviously, a rich list, but th argument tezh є. I think that everyone is not the one for whom God will judge us.

Why not pray at once, like, for example, my love hymn, which, before the speech, at the day of the river. Holy!





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Well, who can make us pray at once?)


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