Recipe for savory cutlets from cabbage bilokachannoi. Cabbage cutlets with chicken meat in a frying pan and in the spirit

Recipe for savory cutlets from cabbage bilokachannoi. Cabbage cutlets with chicken meat in a frying pan and in the spirit

Cabbage cutlets - an old recipe for Russian cuisine. Gotuvati їkh is possible at the viglyadі okremoї stravi or serve yak a snack or garnir.

Vegetarian and lovers of light, brown, and often cook savory cutlets with broccoli, flowering, sauerkraut or blue cabbage. Cutlets with minced cabbage are relevant during the post period for the versatility of the menu.

Cutlets made from syroa cabbage can be gotuwati in a frying pan, grease yak meat, or put it in a spirit. The cutlets have a pulpy texture.

Cutlets with black cabbage

Tse elementary and savory recipe from syroe cabbage. You can serve okremo, for a dinner or a supper, with a garnish, or you can get the main meal.

Cabbage cutlets cook for 1 year.


  • cabbage - 1 kg;
  • tsibulya - 1 piece;
  • hlib bilium - 60-70 gr;
  • verskovo butter - 20 gr;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • roslinna olia;
  • crackers for panіrovka;
  • sіl pepper.


  1. Pour milk into hlib.
  2. Put the cabbage, put it on the side, salt and boil until it is brewed. Take the cabbage from water and from the supply.
  3. Cybula narіzhte and smear to rumyantsyu on top of the oil.
  4. At the meat grinder, scroll the hlib, cabbage and tsibulya. You can use a blender. Salt and pepper.
  5. Whisk the egg into the minced meat. Shuffle to one-sided structure.
  6. Form the cutlets with a spoon. Before lubricating, roll the skin in panіrovtsі from rusks.
  7. Discuss the cutlets in olії. Turn over carefully with a spatula, the cutlets do not fall apart.

Sitnі, savory cutlets from cabbage mince with added semolina, you can getuwati every day. Ingredієnti available tsіliy rіk, a recipe for simplicity, and you can fit in with him, the skin master. The strava can be hot or cold, you can take it with you to the robot for lunch or dinner.

Prepare 5 portions of cabbage cutlets from semolina for 1.5 years.


  • cabbage - 500-600 g;
  • semolina - 4-5 tbsp. l;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • krіp chi parsley;
  • verskovo butter - 35-40 gr;
  • tsibulya - 2 pcs;
  • hourglass - 2-3 pieces;
  • roslinna olia;
  • pepper and sil.


  • broccoli - 400 gr;
  • boronno - 2-3 tbsp. l .;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs;
  • roslinna olia;
  • sil for relish;
  • season for relish


  1. Add the potato and grind the mashed potatoes.
  2. Succulent broccoli are distributed on other parts and burned out at the frying pan with water and olives.
  3. Blender to pick up stewed cabbage. Give me some seasoning.
  4. Submit | add | puree and flour | until cabbage and mix.
  5. Decorate the cutlets with minced meat and grease in a frying pan until golden brown. Strava can be baked in spirit for 180 degrees on parchment.

Meatballs made of cabbage

Most of the cutlets come from low-flowered cabbage. The whole variety of cabbage has a neutral relish, ale added spices and green give the flavor of the gravy. Cutlets can be gotuvati for snidanok, for dinner, serve hot chi with cold sour cream, vershok chi with syringa sauce.

- bilokachanna cabbage - 700 g;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- Rіpchasta tsibulya - 1 pc .;
- hourglass - 1-2 cloves;
- egg - 3-4 cloves;
- manna or groats - 100 g;
- vershkovo butter - 25 g;
- roslinna olia - 25 g;
- milk - 0.5 bottles;
- boiled water - 0.5 flasks;
- Boronno - 100 g;
- paniruvalny biscuits - 100 g;
- sil, special - for gusto;
- sour cream - 100 g.

Yak cook cabbage cutlets?

    For cabbage, mark the top leaf, wash it out and circulate it. Place the cabbage swings on small plates and put them on the casserole with water and milk. Prokip'yatit in place of the casserole with a stretch of 5 quills in the middle. Anger your home and give oholonuti cabbage.

    Then put the meat grinder on a large bowl and skip the cabbage. Let the minced meat stand for about 5-10 quilins, and the cabbage has been rolled for an hour. Let’s drink the cabbage with juice. More often brothers minced meat in small portions, witch a drink over a large tarilka and put it into a cooked casserole. Give the manna the groats and mix it slowly.

    Clean the cibula, carrots, and chasnik. Grate half of the carrots on a great grater, and chop half of the cibulin. Discuss them in a frying pan with a small amount of top oil | until golden brown. Add the grease to the cabbage mince. Carrots, which are overflowing, turn the tsibulya and the chantelle through the meat grinder and also add it to the casserole with cabbage.

  1. Salt the minced cabbage, give a small amount of fresh green pepper. Re-mix it together. Growing eggs and bricks and making them okremo. Give the cheeses to the minced cabbage, and pour the bricks at the small tarilts. The stench will be at the bottom of the cake for the shape of cutlets.
  2. Download small pouches from the cut-off minced meat - prepared maybut cutlets. On the way, give the skin splash a shape, roll in furrows, correct the edges of the cutlets. Then dip the cutlet into an egg bean and simmer with pancake bread crumbs. Viclada cutlets on a sheet, cover with a baking paperwork. Put a sheet of cutlets in a good oven, set the temperature between 180-200 ° C. An hour of cooking becomes close to 20-30 hilin, leave the cutlets not reddened.
  3. At the end of an hour, prepare the sauce and greens to add to the cutlets. Rinse the green cybula and crush it and dry it. Prepare sour cream sauce, which will suit everyone. The wine is simple in the preparation and not in the form of thermal processing. Give to the fresh sour cream one piece of vizhenaty to the chaplain, according to the crunch and taste of lemon juice. Lightly salt and stir the sauce.
  4. If the cutlets are ready, put them in portions and serve them hot on a glass. Decorate the cabbage cutlets with greenery and sour cream sauce.
Do you like cabbage? Prepare cabbage pancakes!

Appetizing sitny cutlets can be made not only from meat, but from minced meat. Especially in the distance, cutlets from cabbage. The best recipe can be vibrated from the hovering options below.

The dish is ready to go harsh, lower, and it is wonderful to dine with be-yaky meats. For a new one, it is necessary to vikoristovuvati: 450 g of bilocated cabbage, 4 tbsp each. semolina and paniruvalny biscuits, 1 tsibulin, 2 tbsp. thick mayonnaise, silt, olive, special food.

  1. Cabbage is rubbed on the best cloths of tertsi, it is made with sily and vibranized spices.
  2. Cybulina staggers with a knife and hangs to other products.
  3. Dodati dodati in masu mayonnaise and manna grits. Ingredієnti actively mix with a spoon, for which the minced meat is overflowed by 25 chilins until the semolina is boiled up.
  4. Small cutlets are formed from the masi, scho came out, the skin from the mustache sides to fall in breadcrumbs.

For bazhannya, you are ready to partake of food by greasing it with a possible sausage in tomato juice.

Recipe for cooking from flowering cabbage

Gotuwati savory rum'yan cutlets can be made from vegetables. For a whole there will be enough 1 capustan fork. It is also necessary to take: 2 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons. borosna, olia, sumish peppers, sil.

  1. The sight of vegetables is neatly picked up on the day, in order to get to the softness in the mid-salt water. It is even more important not to overcook the product as it doesn’t turn into porridge.
  2. A ready-made vegetable can be placed on a dushlyak and carried by hand dishes for mincing the minced meat.
  3. Comradely sutsvittya is re-created on mashed potatoes. Do not vikoristovuvati for a blender.
  4. At the ovochevu masu add silt and sumіsh peppers.
  5. The minced meat is entrusted with an egg.
  6. The rest will be given a wheat flourish.
  7. The products can be changed to the same level.
  8. Thin cutlets are formed from flowering cabbage and smeared with baked fat from two sides.

Before serving the gravy to the table, you must take a vikladaє on a paper towel.

Cutlets with mushrooms

A big, rich oatmeal dish, to discuss it, to crumble mushrooms. Krim fresh peppers (150 g), it is necessary to vikoristovuvati: 350 g of young cabbage, great tsibulina, 3 tbsp. mannoi groats, 2 eggs, 120 ml of milk, on the tip of melenoy turmeric and red pepper, silt, olia.

  1. The vegetable is loosely wobbly into straws, then diced with other cubes. An analogous rite of need is to find a cibulea and mushrooms. Before the speech, for such a recipe it is easy to drink and frozen peppers.
  2. Cabbage is put into a dish, salted, poured with milk and extinguished at the best vognik before a closed kryshka.
  3. Mushrooms from the cibulea to be smeared to the progression of the rest.
  4. At the mayzhe, I am ready to add semolina to cabbage, so that I’ll be too crazy to add a couple of chilin to the grits.
  5. Cooling of stewed vegetables is reliably mixed with pidzharkoy.
  6. Stuffed dodati at the minced egg and season.
  7. The schob masa began to finish thick, while changing the won to climb into the cold weather.
  8. The cutlets should be greased from two sides on fat.

Serve with sour cream sauce and chopped greens.

For additional maps

It’s easier and faster to change the garniture. This one is tastier. Krim cartoons (5 pcs.), You need to take: 800 g of fresh cabbage, 2 big cibulini, 1 egg, 3 chanterelle cloves, a pan of rusks, silt, olia.

  1. Vegetables are cooked on a large part, for which wine can be boiled in sprinkles, grown and grown for an additional blender.
  2. Podrіbnenі teeth for the chaplain and the cibula obmazhuyutsya on olії.
  3. The potato with greased vegetables is transformed on mashed potatoes, salt and pepper when baked.
  4. Give the egg.
  5. Shaped from minced vegetables, cutlets are smeared until golden brown, and then rolled with breadcrumbs.

Serve with chapel sauce based on mayonnaise.

Cutlets with cabbage and meat

Loving vegetable cutlets is not deprived of vegetarians. Especially yakscho to cabbage (550 g) dodati pulp of yalovicini (750 g). It is also necessary to take: a couple of cybulin, an egg, 50 g semolina, silt, pepper, oliyu.

  1. Cabbage can be easily cut with a knife and sprinkled with sprinkles. Pislya is easily visible.
  2. Often the tsibul is passed through a meat grinder at once from the meat.
  3. Minced meat will add cabbage, egg, silt, pepper, semolina.
  4. After 15-20 khilin, you can form the cutlets і gotuvati їх in paniruvalny bread crumbs.

Before serving, pour over the dish with melted butter.

The most delicious recipe for semolina

Semolina is a common stock of vegetable cutlets, which allows you to make minced meat thick and thick.

For such a cereal recipe, 5 tbsp is required at once. And also: 650 g fresh cabbage, 2 cibulini, a couple of chalice cloves, 2 eggs, 40 g of top butter, a bunch of fresh green, silt, olia. Yak cook cabbage cutlets with semolina, it is said.

  1. All cabbage is turned into thin strips. For the whole, you can vikoristovuvati gostry nіzh, and a food processor.
  2. Boil the vegetables in boiling water 8 chilins until tender. You can spend an hour with urahuvannya varieties of cabbage. Smut, don't overcook the sheep.
  3. Tsibulya is easy to live and drink on top of the oil. Win is golden, ale not pidgoriti.
  4. Boiled cabbage is washed with cold water, seeming, changing with pidzharkoy, refined by a chaplain, chopped greenery.
  5. Add semolina, eggs, salt the minced meat and formvati from the new miniature cutlets.

Manna groats can also be replaced with plastics.

Diet cabbage cutlets

Cabbage cutlets are a wonderful country for a child. It’s also possible to have fun with those kilograms and not to suffer from hunger. Gotuєnja also partuvannya z: 450 g of vegetables, 5 tbsp. rolled oats, 1 egg, salt.

  1. Cabbage is reliably washed, dried with a paper towel and rubbed on a grater with miniature midges. If you vibrate to a special shatkivnitsyu, then you will not be able to make the dish lower.
  2. An egg is hammered into the ovochem masu, and silt and oatmeal is added. Minced meat is required for a retailer of vimisiti, and a thick one is thick and one-sided.
  3. The cutlets are vypіkayutsya in good rosіgrіtіy spirit for deco, made with olієyu. You can cover him with foil.

Serve with low-fat salted sour cream.

With minced meat ta sirom

Such cutlets are appropriate for growing up and children. Stink is a wonderful alternative to a meaty meat dish, and it is wonderful to taste the be-like garnishes. For such cutlets, it is necessary to take: 350 g of cabbage, carrots, 150 g of minced meat, 120 g of hard sir, 1 egg, 70 ml of fat kefir, 180 g of boroshna, silt, pepper, olive.

  1. The cabbage is rubbed on the drizzled grater, and the carrot sir on the middle.
  2. Vegetables and dairy products are cooked with minced meat.
  3. Kefir is poured into a bowl from the products, silt and pepper are added.
  4. The egg is overflowing to the vegetable mass, and then the egg is growing.
  5. The cutlets are formed and rolled in forest and greased on olії.

You can also extinguish a couple of quills from sour cream when you are ready to drink.

Recipe from Julia Visotskoy

Tsei vіdomy recipe from Julia Visotskoy still love happy gospodarov. Wine is simple and I will allow you to cook savory herbs. For a whole lot of vikorystatsya: 350 g fresh cabbage, 60 g semolina, 1 egg, 1.5 tbsp. vegetable broth, sil, specials, olia.

  1. Cabbage is washed, dried with a paper towel and blended with a blender.
  2. Drive in an egg at the masu, add semolina. Productively, it will be mixed and consumed by 12 chilins. Over the course of an hour, the groats can be filled up.
  3. Roslynna olia at the frying pan is good to start, and in it it is molded from the minced vegetable cutlet. Lubricate the part to blush from both sides.
  4. Dal into the pan pour broth (you can eat meat and meat), in which country is stewed more than 7-10 quilins.

Served cabbage cutlets with a sweet sauce based on sour cream and non-tart yogurt.

The caustic of cabbage, yak of priceless dzherela klitkovini, is not peppery. The tsim itself will explain the popularity of kapustani strava. Besides the stink of low calorie, brown and economical.

In the midst of a wide range of high-class delicacies, we saw cutlets, which went to the role of an independent gravy, and a garnish. It stinks to enter the warehouse of a vegetarian, childish and childish menu, a great urgency of the family race, but it’s even easier to cook.

Cabbage cutlets, which can be cooked from the smallest set of ingredients, are not only savory, but the smallest vitamins, which can be found in cabbage, are brown. It’s good to taste like a sour cream or tomato, so I’m like a meat poison.

Nice cutlets from cabbage - photo recipe pokrokovo

As an example of a light meal, I will eat cabbage cutlets. You can, with a bagaty stench, be built a little appetizing and savory, however, having tried to prepare a meal, I would like to once again change your thought.

Cooking hour: 1 year 30 hilin

Quantity: 6 portions


  • Bilokachanna cabbage: 1.5KG
  • Tsibulya r_pchasta: 1 pc.
  • Eggs: 2 pcs.
  • Milk: 200 ml
  • Manna groats: 3 tbsp. l.
  • Baron wheat: 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sil:
  • Black chalk pepper:
  • Roslinna olia:

Preparation instructions

Recipe for cutlets from flowering cabbage

Sitny cutlets with appetizing skorinka can be cooked without meat. Vidlita to the table taku stravu mittєvo.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • videok of flowering cabbage;
  • 2 not cold eggs;
  • 0.1 kg sira;
  • 1 part of cybulin;
  • 100 g boron;
  • silt, pepper, crunchy, rusks for panіrovka.

Etapi preparatory the most delicious cutlets from colored cabbage:

  1. Promivamo our central іngredієnt, cut with a knife a hard part of the roach, dispense it into the sutsvittya and transfer it to the bowl.
  2. Kidadimo sutsvittya in okrіp і is cooked for repeated boiling for close to 8 hvili.
  3. It will be boiled with noisy cabbage soup, it is too much to achieve.
  4. Cool puree cabbage in a blender and will be presented again.
  5. I cleaned the tsibulya in small squares.
  6. Promivamo і shatkuєmo krіp.
  7. Natiraєmo on the great side of the grater sire.
  8. Surely kapustane mashed potatoes with cibulei, green and sirom, hammered in an egg, delicious, peppery, given specials to relish, for which everything wins to the same size.
  9. Dodaєmo flour | borosno | and again, reliably change.
  10. Rozzharyuєmo in a frying pan with olіya.
  11. My hands are wet with water, they are shaped like round biscuits, rolled in breadcrumbs, Viklada is mopped in a frying pan.
  12. Obsmazhmo cabbage cutlets until golden skins, when turned upside down with a wooden spatula.

Yak cook cutlets with cabbage?

Tsey recipe - spravzhnya stick-viruchalochka, there is critically little minced meat for cutlets. Having added up to new cabbage, you can cut off the high-class cutlets.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of cabbage;
  • 0.3 kg minced meat;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g boron;
  • 50 g semolina;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • silt, pepper, specials.

Etapi preparatory cabbage-meat cutlets:

  1. Cabbage is as shaky as possible;
  2. Salted trochas, obsmazhumo on olії minced meat;
  3. Pour the cabbage with milk, stewed in a good frying pan until ready.
  4. Pislya boiling milk is very semolina, do not stir up stirring, it’s cooked very close to four years.
  5. Cool kapustyan masu, for whom it’s good to eat with minced meat and hammered in an egg. Pislya peremіshuvannya chekaєmo, leave our non-vicious minced meat oholone.
  6. Having wet my hands, the shape of the cake is oval, panuєmo at the boroshnia and obsmajumo on the bake of the oliyya. Sumptuous sauce, sour cream or mayonnaise will become a wonderful addition to the original gravy.

Cutlets with cabbage and chicken

Unimportant on such an unprecedented reception of products, taking away the result will make you feel good with its own relish and savor. And having shown three innovations and stewed cooked cutlets in tomato, in the form of juiciness.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • 0.2 kg of cabbage;
  • 0.2 kg of chicken fillet;
  • 1 not cold egg;
  • 3 watch teeth;
  • sil, pepper, curry.

Preparation procedure cabbage-chicken cutlets:

  1. Know the top cabbage leaves, you need a bit of cabbage rubbed or passed through a blender.
  2. Vidokremlyuєmo meat from the stews and shkіri, passed through a meat grinder or a blender. Spіvvіdnoshennya cabbage and meat is about 2: 1.
  3. Z'udnuєmo minced meat with cabbage puree, hammered in an egg, I will mix it by hand, adding some extras, specials and sil. I will know to hand over the mix and mix the minced meat. Masa vide on viglyad rіdku, ale ready cutlets will be miraculously trimati form.
  4. With your hands, you shape the rounded biscuits, the victuals in the baked oliyu, obsmazhuimo from both sides.
  5. When a ruddy skorinka appears, the maximum change is half, pouring trocha into a sprinkle or a meat broth, carcassing about a quarter of a year. It is allowed to add specials and bay leaves to the broth.
  6. Bring rice and homemade salt to such cutlets.

Recipe for cutlets from cabbage and sir

To add pikantnost_ to capital cutlets, you can also use the most banal hard sire.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • 1 small capustana fork;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 50 g sire;
  • 2 not cold eggs;
  • 50 g boron.

Etapi preparatory cabbage cutlets with additional sira:

  1. The cabbage is as thin as possible, smeared with a couple of chilines on the bake of olia, for which sour cream is added, and it is quenched to pulp, seasoned with sily and pepper. Writing what is known from the fire and yes, ohholonuti.
  2. Rubbing sire on grains from middle mid-lengths.
  3. If the cabbage is oholone, hammered into her egg and sir, it’s really sweet.
  4. The shape of the cutlet from the cutlets, the panunmo in the bush and the food from the two sides to the rum of the skorinka;
  5. Serve to the table at once with sour cream.

Yak to prepare savory cutlets from sauerkraut?

Do you think you can cook juices from sauerkraut kaputi, meaty meatballs? Todi mi ydemo up to you! Meat, when you read the name, the dish can be delicious. However, I will bake a rock, if I don’t think about saving figuri, cabbage cutlets, fall yakraz.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of sauerkraut;
  • 300 g boron;
  • 20 g zucru;
  • pinch of soda;
  • cibulin;
  • egg;
  • sіl pepper.

Etapi preparatory the most beautiful lithium cutlets:

  1. The tsibulya was dribbly shaky, passed on roasted butter until it became clear.
  2. At the millet, through a flexible sieve, soda and tsukor are richly added. Everything is realistically mixed.
  3. It’s always boring with cabbage, soluble and peppery, when I mix it up with a tsibuly that egg, for a bazhannya, you can savor the richly scrambled greenery.
  4. The form of minced cabbage meat cutlets, zapanuvavshi їkh at the boroshnі, rightly greased on a small water.
  5. Served with sour cream yak additional to any garnish.

Pisnі dієtichny cutlets with cabbage and carrots

The decision to be introduced from meat past the hour of Great Lent beckons to be recognized by the wretchedness of the menu. The urgency of this is possible with the help of kapustyan-carrot cutlets. The egg in the recipe is present as a good element, which can be substituted for 1 cartoplin in case of bazhanna.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • 0.3 kg of cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 not cold egg;
  • 170 g boron;
  • sіl pepper.

Preparation procedure found cutlets:

  1. Dribbly shaky cabbage.
  2. Vimita and peeled carrots rubbed on other graters.
  3. Slightly cooked vegetables. Do not eat cutlets at the siren viglyadi stench. For a full roast in a frying pan, a spoonful of olії and put on it cooked cabbage with carrots. The starting hour of obsmazhuvannya is close to 10 khvili. Put the vegetables, which became soft, into a bowl.
  4. As a result, the cutlets have trimmed their shape normally; Eggs are poured into the vegetables, and also 100 g of boroshny is squeezed, seasoned with specialties and silly, reliably vimishuєmo.
  5. Now our minced vegetable meat is ready to form cutlets. The biscuits are shaped with their hands, when the panuєmo is in the bush, which is overshadowed, and obscured from two sides.

Cabbage cutlets at the spirits

Podibna strava can be honored to all lovers of childish and vegetarian food. Oskіlki result is wet, absolutely fatty and even cinnamon.

Necessary Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of cabbage;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50 g top butter | mastic |;
  • 100 g semolina;
  • 3 eggs;
  • sil, pepper, coriander, panirka.

Etapi preparatory rum'yanikh and appetizing cutlets without meat:

  1. Know the cabbage leaves from the seen, kindly, and stored in the casserole.
  2. Boiling cabbage leaves near salted water are close to 10 khvili. When young vegetables are victorious, the stage can be omitted from the varnishes.
  3. If cabbage is cooked oholone, add it to the blender or by hand.
  4. Roztopljumo oil in a good frying pan, put in new cabbage, mix it up, extinguish 5 quills, for which milk is poured.
  5. If the milk-kapustyana is still boiling, the semolina is boiled, it is mixed, it is half-hearted and crooked.
  6. If there is an ocholone masa, and semolina in a ny swell, before an egg, a block of one of them can be prepared in front of the front for production. Solimo and seasoned minced meat, for which it is reliably mixed.
  7. The shape of a cutlet, which should be rolled in panіrovtsі.
  8. Put a leaf with a wax paper, vikladaєmo on a new cutlet and feed them into the oven for about 20 minutes.
  9. Distaєmo cutlets, filled with bread and once again sent to the oven, for a quarter of a year.
  10. When the dish is ready, you can play the role of a garnish, so you can be served with sour cream or ketchup.

Who said, why can you eat cutlets from meat? Tse zovsim is not so! You don’t know if you can cook savory and appetizing cutlets from vegetables. I am aware that I myself knew about the price quite a long time ago, if I tasted the delicious cabbage cutlets from my friend. The її family has everything, as a rule, the її arsenal has a lot of tsіkavikh strava without meat.

The axis of the win and the virus was often less so with such cutlets. My stench was honored, and I wrote down the recipe, how to cook cabbage cutlets. And she prepared the booths for their households - the stench might be at the seizure. Now we have seven recipe for caplet cutlets - one of our favorites.

I think that it’s worth it for you: it’s easy to get the cutlets, all the ingredinti can’t be done by hand, but it’s smart, beautiful, and just delicious. So, I ask you to love and love: the recipe for preparing kapustannyh cutlets with photos and all details before your services!


  • 1 kg of black cabbage;
  • 1 cibulin, medium size;
  • 2 tablespoons of manna cereals with a small weight;
  • 2 tablespoons of boroshna (without weight);
  • 1-2 teeth for an hour;
  • 5-6 pint of green cybuli;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil for greasing;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of pan-rutted rusks;
  • sil, specials for gusto.

Yak cook cabbage cutlets?

The cabbage can see the top leaves, like the stench zipsovanі, і is washed by cold water.

Razrіzaєmo cabbage in parts (roughly the same).

Lowered cabbage near salting okrіp. It can be brought to boil and cooked on a small amount of 7-10 khvili. Vidkidaєmo cabbage for drushlyak and vitrimuєmo khvilyn 5-7, ridina glass schob.

Cabbage is grown on small shmatki, passed through a meat grinder. Vidzhimaєmo, you saw a ridina. Yakshcho hard cabbage varieties of the type "kam'yana head"

Often, the tsibulya this chapel can be passed through a meat grinder, added to the vidzhatoy cabbage. Here it is, well, it is boroshno, manna, groats, and otherwise narizaned green tsibulya. Solimo for gusto. Pozhannyu can add some specialties: black pepper, provencal herbs, paprika.

Really changeable. It was shown that the minced meat was removed from the bik khilin by 10-15, the semolina got thickened and became a crunchy meat.

The form is made from the mass of cutlets, crumbled from paniruvalny bread crumbs.

On a frying pan with a rosé olієyu oyster cutlets on a lower middle trowel until a rummy skorinka is approved, from two sides.

Cabbage cutlets garnished yak and in hot and cold viglyadi.


Cutlets cooked in such a way is a delicious dish. Cabbage cutlets can be served with a garnish until meat, which can be served with a sauce. The cutlets cooked in this way have a characteristic smell of cabbage, and there will be "dislikers" of cabbage.

Yak sauce before cutlets can be vikoristovuvati sour cream (which is not a tasty dish), tomato sauce. Vlasne, go to cabbage without sauces, choose yourself, for your relish. Zmyuyuchi sauces, see the relish of all the ravages - you will probably have something new to come by.


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