What is brownie in cooking. Sob brownie for sure

What is brownie in cooking. Sob brownie for sure


Brownie (eng. Chocolate brownie) - chocolatey dark characteristic brown color (eng. brown - “brown”; stars and name), traditional for American cuisine. Zalezhno vіd the recipe can mother the consistency of the cake, muffin or bake. Narizaetsya flat straight-cut shmatki.

Brown is one of the most popular desserts in the USA and Canada. Lasoshchі tse can be used in any cafe that confectionery, and lovers of home-made whiskey obov'yazkovo bake yoga at home. Call the brownies to serve before cavi, freezing, and for children with warm milk. On the rich Americans and brown squares, there is a pacifying, predicting about childishness and a homely calm, like, for example, on Russian grandmother's pies.

One of the stories is that brownies were found in the Palmer House hotel in Chicago in 1892, and the name Brown itself is first mentioned in the recipe book of the Boston Cooking School, seen in 1884.

With all the simplicity in the preparation of brownies, there is one remarkable feature - you can’t sip the brew until the end! The very same, and also the presence of baking powder, and not the square shape of the shmatochkіv, like a pardoning vvazhayut іnоdі, vyznazhnіє vієї vіpіchki to the class of brown. It is also important to set the temperature correctly. Optimum є 180 degrees.

How to correctly indicate the readiness of the brownie?

The first sign is “caramel”, or it would be more correct to say “chocolate” smell of vypіchka. The chemical streaks, which are known for the smell and are found in cocoa beans, are soft and easily seen when heated. Overheated (overbaked) chocolate whiskey is consuming its wonderful aroma, which makes it a head beauty!

Another sign is rewiring on a wooden stick. At the exit, the stick can be sharpened with small pieces of baked, ale sticky dough. Like thick specks of thick drops, trim the brownies in the oven with 6 quills. It is important to remember that the vimkneniy clergymen have no power to get ready, to which they form, for a long time they keep warm. To this, the re-reading of readiness on a wooden stick was well observed, the brownies were immediately taken out of the oven.

Browns can be given warm, the room temperature is very cold. Narizati tistechka is the most refrigerated and navіt vitrimanimi the sprat of the year in the refrigerator. In a warm looking brownie, the lower part is filled with gusto and the structure of the muffin, in a cold one, the brownie is savored by the structure and chocolate truffles.

1. Brown


  • chocolate (hot, not less than 70%) - 200 g
  • Vershkov butter - 150 g
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.
  • zukor - 200 g
  • vanilla zukor
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • borosno - 100 g
  • pea hairs - 1/2 bottle
  • zucrova powder for embellishment

Cooking: the oven is heated up to 180 degrees. We put chocolate and butter in a water bath. Pea hairs are trimmed with the help of a blender. Tim hour oliya with chocolate already began to drown. Without knowing the water well, we mix it up to a complete separation of both components. Znimaєmo z laznі and troch ostudzhuєmo.

At the chocolate-butter sumish, we ask for cocoa. Dodaemo spicy and vanilla zukor and beaten with a mixer. Eggs are introduced one at a time, scrambling the trochs.

Please borosno, mix and add hairy peas. Wake up with a mixer. The form is smeared with top olive oil, and it is covered with paper for the wine, as it is also smeared with olive oil. If you have a silicone form, smear it and cover it neobov'yazkovo. Vilivayemo our dough in the form.

Vipkaєmo at 180 degrees 20-30 hvilin fallowly depending on the features of the oven. Radzhu on the 20th khvilinі turn over brownies. Yakshcho z'appeared garna skorinka - ready. Serve, garnished with cocoa powder with cacao powder, melt chocolate with chi berries.

2. Chocolate mint brown

Ingredients for dough:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • zukor - 160 g
  • Vershkov butter - 80 g
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp.
  • borosno - 120 g + add salt and fluff
  • vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp.

For filling:

  • soft low fat sir - 200 g
  • zukor - 40 g
  • mint - leaves from 6-7 gіlochok

For the icing glaze:

  • zucrova powder - 140 g
  • milk - 2-3 tbsp.
  • mint - leaves from 3-4 gіlochok
  • kіlka krapel green grub barvnik

Cooking: Line a 20 cm square cake tin with parchment paper and lightly brush with olive oil. Heat the oven up to 175 degrees.

Beat the eggs and zukor to a light white mass. Melt vershkov butter (in a micro-furnace or in a saucepan on fire) and mix yogo with cocoa powder. Add the chocolate sum to the egg and beat it all at once.

Vsipati borosno, scho pro_yuє, z fluffy and silly. Beat with a mixer until uniform. To prepare the filling, grind the mint in a blender or chop it with a knife. Zmіshati sir with tsukr, m'yatoy that vanilla essence.

Fill half the dough in the form and flatten the surface. Gently spread the sirn masu on top of the dough (for which it is handy to use a confectionery syringe), then pour the dough over it. Vipіkati stretching 35-40 hvilin|minutes|. Cool on the form.

To prepare the icing glaze, grind the mint in a blender (or cut it with a knife), grind it with milk and pour it into powder with constant stirring. Add greens to the grub barvnik and thoroughly mix it. The glaze has the consistency of sour cream. Apply the glaze on the baked biscuit and let it assemble. Cut the edges of the biscuit and cut it into squares.

3. Chocolate Brownie himself


  • peas (hazelnuts or almonds) - 80-100 g
  • dark chocolate - 200 g
  • Vershkove butter - 250 g
  • zukor - 250 g
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • borosno - 125 g
  • rozpushuvach testa - 1/4 tsp.
  • cocoa powder - 45 g

Cooking: dribno posіkti peas and pіdsmazhiti on frying pans. Melt chocolate with butter in a water bath. Beat eggs from zukrom. Boroshty zmіshati with cocoa and fluffy. Zmіshati egg mass with “dry” mass (boroshno, cocoa and rozpushuvach). Add 1-1.5 tsp. rum chi burners.

Step by step, pour in cooling, melting chocolate and peas. Cover the deco with paper, cover with olive oil and viklasti tito (form 20 * 20 cm). Vipkati for temp. 180 degrees 30-35 min. Flip the readiness with a toothpick, it’s not scary, like a toothpick will be a trifle “orphan”.

Melt chocolate on top (I poured 5 tbsp., If I melted it for dough). Cut into small pieces and you can eat.

4. Brown or chocolate recipe


  • dark chocolate - 200 g
  • Vershkove oil - 150 g
  • zukor - 350 g
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • borosno - 100-110 g
  • cocoa powder - 1/2 tbsp. for the dough and also the insoles for the preparation of the form
  • dribka salt

Cooking: in a water bath we melt chocolate and butter. It is important to give sufficient respect to this stage, the shards of summish can be overheated, and then they will be roared, or even hotter, the chocolate will burn more often. As soon as your mind becomes homogeneous, її it is necessary to clean up the fire and give a little bit of chill.

At this hour, eggs and zukor need to be beaten into a stump. Now you can order chocolate masa. In the city itself - sumish borosna, cocoa and salt. Razmіshavshi resolutely, but not more than a long time, you can wiggle at the prepared form: smeared with topsoil and sip cocoa. The ball is not to blame for the shape of the dough, but we need to do it: 2-2.5 cm is the ideal option.

Only vipecti brownies are left: 180 ºС 15-25 khvilin (deposit from commodities). Just like a brownie, pass the test for a dry wooden skewer, take it out of the oven, cool it, cut it into squares and enjoy it! Cream from beaten tops or a bag of vanilla ice cream will become wonderful additions to brownies.

5. Two-color browns


  • zukor - 3/4 bottles
  • chocolate (not black) - 120 g
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • self-growing borosno - 3/4 bottles
  • vershkovy syr (Mascarpone, Philadelphia) - 280 g
  • pecan peas (possible hair) - 200 g
  • oliya - 120 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • vanilla extract - ½ tsp


  • oliya - 60 g
  • chocolate (not black) - 90 g
  • tsukrova powder - 1 bottle
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking: grease the baking dish with oil and cover it with parchment paper. Detail the peas. Stir the cheese, 2 tablespoons of zucru and vanilla extract. Melt butter, chocolate and cocoa in a micro-furnace.

Beat eggs from zukrom. Add the chocolate sum to the egg, mix it. Ask for flour|boroshno| i add|add| peas. Fill half the dough in the form: the beast will sum up a vershokov's sir, and then the chocolate dough, which is left out. Vipіkati 40-45 hvilin|minutes| at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Mix vershkov butter | oil |, chocolate, cocoa and milk, drink. Add|Add| zukrovu powder. Yakshcho sumish over it is thick, dilute it with milk. Mix with a mixer.

When the pie is ready, spread over a little glaze. Let it cool and vikoristovuyte glaze, which is left out. Decorate with peas and keep it for a couple of years. If you catch the glaze, cut it into squares and enjoy!


Brown is considered a classic dessert, the Fatherland of the United States. Prote popular tsі lasoschi not only in the distant Sunset, but in the whole world. Some of them have changed that brownies can be a whole independent dessert, if they insist that they can only be used as the basis for a cake - korzhiv. For whatever it is, they didn’t call this marvelous chocolate savoryness, you need to remember to cook it correctly, so that you don’t have a savory blue chocolate biscuit or a fondant. In this article, we have prepared for you a selection of the best recipes with a photo of chocolate brownie, so that you can cook yoga at home and please your loved ones.

Brownie is a viscous chocolate dessert, which is not so rich in the confectionery industry. History does not know for sure who was the creator of the recipe for chocolate pastry.

  • Possibly, the brownie recipe was invented by a cook, which is practiced in the Palmer House Brownie hotel in Chicago. At this mortgage, for example, the XIX century, the Columbian exhibition was held, as it was intended for the introduction of high-rise gardeners. In the middle of the sunset, Bula Bertha Potter, a woman, loved all the Vishukans. Vaughan showed a whim and turned to the chef, so that she brought the guests a unique chocolate dessert. Ale bula umova - the dessert is to blame for being small, light, but when we put it on, let’s saturate it with that blue one, so that we didn’t want to eat it anymore, and the relish, having left the mouth of the trival hour. Axis is so vipadkovo cook and having prepared for her a meal, yak was named in honor of the name of the hotel "Brownie".
  • Zgіdno with a different version of the trip of a chocolate pastry, yogo saw a simple woman, as she was not famous anywhere, but was a simple housewife. Your name was Men. The recipe for brownie is wickedly delicious by her - she just forgot to finish the process of preparing a chocolate pie to the dough of yeast. That’s why it didn’t get so thick, and in the process of brewing it, the middle was filled with water. If the woman sipped, what happened, she was embarrassed at the back, more she said that the dessert was zipped. Sob, as if to correct her pardon, she cut the pie into small pieces, sipped the yogo with peas, and poured it with chocolate. The woman presented her culinary art to the household, like a "brown", but there is little brown color characteristic of a chocolate pastry.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the recipes for which dessert became too rich. We won’t overdo it, but we can only imagine the most original and most delicious ways of preparing a chocolate pastry, so that you can surprise your household with the right creation of confectionery art.

How to prepare chocolate brownie?

The classics are always in fashion, now, brown, prepared for the first traditional recipe, you can see them in the menu of any European or American restaurant.

We would like to present you a recipe for the preparation of 15 servings of chocolate chips (an hour of preparation of a traditional chocolate brownie with a rare filling 1.5 year):

  1. Prepare a couple of dark chocolate bars. If you want to reach the maximum natural taste, then sip expensive chocolate, which has a high quality of cocoa (not less than 70%).
  2. Take 200 g of butter | oil |. Razrezhte yogo on cracked pieces, and then mix them with cracked pieces of dark chocolate in one container.
  3. Place a container in a water bath in such a manner that the dill does not stick out of the bottom. Mix the ingredients, follow them, so that the stench will change, if it turns into a viscous mass.
  4. Know the chocolate-topping masa from the water hole and see that it’s been killed, that it’s overtaken.
  5. Until the chocolate mass is reached, beat 3 eggs in another clean and dry bowl. In the process of whipping, step by step, pour 180 g of sucrose powder into them and mix thoroughly.
  6. If the egg and zucrice sumish is smashed, pour the chocolate-topping preparation into it, and then mix it again.
  7. Add 125 g of boron, vanillin trocha and cocoa powder - 100 g to the blank for brownie dough.
  8. While it is still walking, prepare the hairs of the pea. Take 80 g of the same ingredient and smear it in a frying pan. Then I will need to sharpen them to such a state that the smell of stench looked like shavings. For this reason, it’s zastosovuetsya either a kitchen machine or a simple blender, like a modern housewife’s shoes in the kitchen.
  9. Shavings from the mountains visipte into a dough, mix it up and straighten it in the form, in a yak_y vip_katimetsya tіstechko.
  10. Vip_kannya may be subject to temperatures of 180 ° with a draw of 40 minutes.
  11. After an hour, take the chocolate brownie out of the oven, make 15 servings of yogo (you can make 12 more per serving) and pour over the fruit sauce or some other chocolate.

How to prepare chocolate brownie: stuffing with peas and prunes.

Now let's move on to the option of preparing chocolate brownies for women, which are not the opposite of licorice, but those that are turbulent for their thin waist. This is a wonderful filling option for a chocolate pastry, to which the dietary prunes are added.

To prepare a vishukan dessert for lasuns, you need:

  1. Soak 200 g prunes in hot boiled water. Forgive me, schob vin infused with a stretch of the 10th century. For the whole hour, you will become soft, and you will be able to win.
  2. Trim the prunes at once with 80 g of peas, as far as possible, you need to add the same way, as we described in the front recipe, with the help of a blender, so that you have a uniform mass.
  3. If you add cocoa powder in the mass - 45 g. It is also necessary to add rare honey - 25 g and orange zest .
  4. Recipe the dough in the form, and then put everything in the refrigerator. This version of the brownie does not boil, but freezes.
  5. If the brownies are already getting cold, it is necessary to get some distance from the refrigerator and break them into pieces. For garnish serving, you can just sip a little peas or chips made of chocolate.

Pokrokovy chocolate brownie recipe: filling with cocoa and cranes

Chocolate brownie finish the licorice dessert, and finish the tedious one through the tse. In order to get rid of this obtrusive tediousness, you can add a slight sourness to the dessert, vicarious crane. If you don’t mind such an extraordinary day, then you can hurry up with the next recipe:

  1. Take 100 g of vershokovy oil and use it for the help of a water lase to grow it rare.
  2. At the melted oliyu visipte cocoa powder. You need 80 g of this ingredient. Stir the masa, and then add 150 g of boron.
  3. Let's try it again, it's necessary to add a little soda to the new one - literally 8 years. Prote it is significant that a rich home gift of this old way does not stop, choosing to replace the new special powder - rozpushuvach.
  4. Beat 2 eggs, add 1 flask of tsukru or tsukrovu powder to them. If you choose another option, then you will not be fooled, because you have a lightly worn mass, like a mother of a uniform consistency.
  5. Get the egg blank from the vershkov. Everything is thoroughly mixed, visipte in it 100 g of crane yagid. Significantly, that it is not necessary to refine it, let it out of the whole form.
  6. Pour the dough into the form, in which you choose to boil your brownies, and then put everything into the oven, as it is the responsibility of the oven to rise to 180 ° (all brownies are prepared for this temperature).
  7. If you're ready, cut some straight or square stitches. We make the quantity - 8 pieces.
  8. This dessert is served with chocolate sauce or caramel.

How to make Chocolate Brownie with Banana?

It's hard to know every day, yak could be savory, lower chocolate with a banana. If you are put up to lasunіv, if you are insanely like chocolate-banana desserts, then you will definitely need desserts below:

  1. Melt 2 bars of dark chocolate in a water bath. It is also necessary to use top oil. Yogo will also need to be victorious for about 200 g. Mix everything, and then add one more secret ingredient - cognac or liquor. Wine to add a pleasantly subtle flavor to the drink.
  2. Mix 3 eggs with 100 g zucru. You don’t need to beat everything, just mix it up.
  3. Combine in one mass chocolate and egg, and then add 150 g of borosna to those that have gone. Quite can be rare.
  4. Slice 2 bananas into slices and add them to the dough. Mix everything. If you want to taste even more rich, then you can add a bar of white chocolate, breaking it into pieces.
  5. Vilivayemo tіsto in the form and baked with a stretch of 30 minutes. You can embellish the tistechko in any way - to lay everything in the view of your inspiration.

Method for preparing chocolate brownie with syrup

Syrno-chocolate brownie is a wonderful dessert for children and grown-ups who love milk drinks. Vzagali, the best dessert among us, as we presented in our article. What do you need to work, so that your brownies are marvelous:

  1. The preparation for the dough is prepared exactly as it is written about in the classic version of the preparation of brownies. The only nuance is that you can whip up not just black chocolate, but, for example, white or milk chocolate. Children do not like the hot taste that pours pure black chocolate.
  2. To give special attention to the preparation of the filling, mix in one container 150 g of syrup with 3 eggs. Mix it all up, and then add 1 bottle of tsukrovy powder and vanillin to the syrup filling.
  3. Divide the chocolate dough into two pieces. Pour the first part onto the bottom of the mold for brewing. Let him put the stuffing to the sir, and to the beast її weave a part of the dough to the other.
  4. Such a brownie is brewed for 30 minutes, and served on the table with condensed milk or beaten tops.

How to make chocolate brownie with cherries?

Before a romantic evening, poach brownies with a cocktail cherry filling. Vaughn tezh, yak and crane, nadast tіstechkovі light sour notes. What does it take to work to prepare such a dessert?

  1. On the other hand, chocolate and topsoil are prepared (200 g of the skin ingredient is melted in a water bath).
  2. We add 2 eggs and white puffs of chicken pudding to the same mass, and then we mix it all up.
  3. In a small container, 100 g of borosna with cocoa (yogo can be but stilki, skilki and borosna), 10 g of vanillin and fluff, zamіst yakogo, yak and zavzhdi, you can vikoristovuvat soda.
  4. Take all the warehouses of the dough in one bowl, mix it up, and then pour it into the form for brewing. Put brownies in the oven for 30 minutes. It would be logical to serve such a dessert with cherry sauce.

How to prepare chocolate brownie with filling?

Brownie with raspberries is a gourmet dessert. Raspberries are a unique vitver of nature, which you can eat with any product and prepare a hopeless grass. With this recipe, you can infuse either fresh berries or frozen ones. Don’t stop cooking, you’re ready to cook grandma’s pie. What do you need to work, sob viyshov itself raspberry brown:

  1. Prepare 300 g raspberries. Її it is necessary to sizzle with a bottle of zukra, as if in front of you zmіshuєtsya with 50 g of starch.
  2. Mix the dough for a classic brownie recipe.
  3. Let's form the balls the way we described in brownies with cheese.
  4. This dessert is brewed for 35 minutes. Served with chocolate glaze or raspberry syrup.

Chocolate brownie in multivartsi: the secrets of preparing dessert

As a happy multicooker, you can cook American malt in it. Only lie, that through such a method of cooking, the tistechka will not have a crispy quickness - it will be soft. If you don’t like you in any way, then follow up on such recommendations?

  1. Mix it up for a brownie for a classic recipe, vikoristovuyuchi whether it's some kind of chocolate, navit that, to which include additional ingredients, for example, almonds.
  2. The place of the multicooker should be smeared with top oil until it is clear in it.
  3. Turn it off and turn on the "Vipichka" mode. If the hour is wrong, then set the 30th century.

Harmelon chocolate brownie at home

Even more unusual is the taste of brownies, which are prepared on the basis of garmelon. If you love non-virgin malts, then take note of this brownie recipe:

  1. Prepare zukrovo-egg masa, prepared on the basis of 2 eggs and 150 g zucru. It’s okay to make a chocolate harvest from chocolate and a pinch of butter (you need to take 200 g of the skin ingredient).
  2. Ask for 125 g of flour | boroshn | and add to її sil | salt | with fluff. Having mixed everything, pour the chocolate preparation into the flour.
  3. Vishayte tito and add|add| in new roslin oil | oil | - 1 tbsp, harbuzov puree, as it is necessary to cook it in the morning (250 g of the whole product is required). For example, after a real simmering, cinnamon with vanilla is added to relish.
  4. Pour the dough into the shape and cook the brownies with garbuza 35 min.

Chocolate brownie: recipe from Yuliya Vysotskaya

The peculiarity of the brownie, which Yuliya Visotska promotes to prepare, lies in the fact that she is stagnant in the process of preparing a variety of chocolate, and sprat:

  1. To heat the head of the won with 300 g of chocolate of two different types. Zmіshuє tsyu masu with such a kіlkіstyu vershokovy oil.
  2. In another bowl, it is necessary to beat 4 eggs, as they are mixed not with a great zukr, but with a brown one (100 g are required).
  3. Dali 2 blanks for the dough, they are added, 150 g of boar and trochs of fluff are added to them.
  4. At this stage, 120 g of white chocolate is added over the plate, in capsules. Even better than tanutime, and there will be no shmatkiv in the test.
  5. Vilite tіsto in the form and vipіkayte browny 20 min.

All presented in our article are good recipes. And let’s hope the stink will choke you, and you yourself will create an even shorter chocolate brownie recipe. Nathnennya in your kitchen!

Video: “Brownie: get it delicious and easy”

Such a gentleman does not want to please his household with savory that unimaginable grass! Vipіchka go even better! One of the classic recipes in the zahodnoy cuisine fit to the soul of those who have not so many hours in the culinary masterpieces, but there is a majestic bazhanya and a few newcomers.


Brown- This is a classic American dessert. Yogo is served with ice cream, milk or kava. In the United States and Canada, lassochi are prepared in a skin booth, confectionery, included in the menu of all restaurants, cafes and eateries. At sunset, the grass is so very traditional, like Russia's millenniums have either pancakes.

Browns are reminiscent of a characteristic brown color, a thin grain and a hollow center. Behind the form, that consistency of wines can be a cake, a pie, a bakery, a muffin, or a rectangular shape. Tse lees on the right relish that fantasy. The classic version of the dessert has no additives. For a long time, licorice proteges have been fond of fillings with cherries, syrah, peas, bananas, shmatochkiv chocolate and other non-juicy products, especially injuicy berries and fruits.

Cooking brownies at home is even easier. It’s up to you to navit a young master. Among 10 different options for preparing tsikh lassoshchiv, described below, you can choose the best for yourself. In addition, an American dessert can be victorious not only as an independent dish, but also as the basis for a cake. For whom the dessert is brewed in the form of cakes of the required form. The stench looks soft, voluminous and savory. From above, add some fillings, creams, toppings or embellishments.

10 best homemade brownie recipes

classic brownie

  • borosno - 200 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • cocoa - 100 grams;
  • zukor - 300 grams;
  • sіl - piv teaspoon;

Cooking method:

  • In a deep bowl rub oil | oil | z|iz| tsukrom to the end of the food masi. Let's break eggs one by one. The skin resolutely shifts. Sumish can be uniform, without breasts.
  • Mixed with dry ingredients: cocoa, flour, vanilin, sil. Gently pour them into the egg-oil mass. It's better to ask through a sieve. Everything resolutely shifts. It’s thicker to go out uniformly.
  • As long as the oven is heated up to 180 degrees, it is laid in one great shape, or a sprig of small ones behind the bajans.
  • Vipkayut brownies 25-30 min. You can change it for readiness with a toothpick. Ready pie middle troch vology. When you reach it, you can serve it in a glass, cut it into small pieces, decorate it with fruits or cream.

This version of the dessert is also called cocoa brownies.

Porada: before cooking the bagan, it’s a long way to get an egg and an olive from the refrigerator. The consistency of the dough, and then the dessert, comes out richly rich, soft and edible, like the products of room temperature.

Chocolate brownie

To prepare you need:

  • flour - 100 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • chocolate - 400 grams;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vershkov oil - 180-200 grams;
  • zukor - 300 grams;
  • sіl - piv teaspoon;
  • vanilin (or vanilla tsukor) - 1.5-2 teaspoons.

Porada: chocolate is the best to take dark or hot with great cocoa content. However, if this is not suitable, then it is completely milky.

Cooking method:

  • Vershkov oil | oil | cut into small cubes, put in a saucepan or a pitcher and put on a full fire. Toudi OK dodayat chocolate. Constantly help me to bring the chocolate-Vershkov mass to a rare rare stature. Follow the respect that you don’t need to bring to a boil!
  • The oven is heated up to 180 degrees and the dessert is boiled 25-30 min. By piercing the middle with a toothpick, you can indicate readiness. If the dessert is half wet, then the hour of viimati has come. Once you have achieved it, you can serve it up like a cake, sipping cocoa powder to the beast. It’s rich who wants to cut with square-shaped pieces.

rare brownie

Lasoshchi є tistechkom with rare chocolate in the middle.

To prepare you need:

  • flour - 100 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk or hot chocolate (for relish) - 400 g;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vershkov oil - 180-200 grams;
  • zukor - 300 grams;
  • sіl - piv teaspoon;
  • vanilin (or vanilla tsukor) - 1.5-2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

  • Vershkov butter is cut into small cubes, put in a stewpan and heated on a povіlnogo fire. Toudi OK dodayat chocolate. Constantly help me to bring the chocolate-Vershkov mass to a rare rare stature. Follow the respect that you don’t need to bring to a boil!
  • Okremo beat eggs. In other places, all the dry ingredients that are left out are used: borosno, tsukor, vanilin, strong, cocoa.
  • All parts of the dough are mixed at once until I become homogeneous: dry masa, chocolate eggs. You can also add as many cubes of chocolate as you like, or even brownies and brandy chocolates!
  • Heat the oven up to 180 degrees and boil the dessert 7-10 minutes. Golovnya, so that the beast has gathered a quickness. Useful chocolate can be overdone with rare. You can change it for readiness with a toothpick.
  • Serve dessert hot immediately after brewing, so like the world has reached chocolate in the middle of thick and already so appetizing and savory it does not pour out. Hot cupcakes are decorated with a bag of frost. The contrast of hot chocolate and cold frost has long been worthy of both adults and children.

Porada: for the preparation of brownies with a rare filling, it is better to choose a form of a small size; for example, tі, scho are covered for cupcakes and cupcakes. So it will be handy to serve that їsti. Adzhe for 20-30 hvilin after cooking, if the chocolate is overtaken, the stench will already waste its bitterness.

Brownies with cheese

To prepare you need:

  • hot chocolate - 200 g;
  • borosno - 200 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • zukor - 100 grams;
  • sir - 500-600 grams;
  • zukor - 100-150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;

Cooking method:

  • With the first lower ball, pour the chocolate base (the best), then pour the filling. For this, grind cheese with zukr, vanilin, eggs, beat the troch with a whisk or a fork until a light, homogeneous mass is obtained. The top is also covered with chocolate dough. The number of balls can be robiti be-yakim. To lay everything down only in the quantity of products, I will expand the form for brewing that bazhannya!

Brownies with peas

For the preparation of these lassoshchiv, you can take as a basis the recipe for the classic, as well as chocolate brownie. At the moment of adding all the ingredients, add more peas. You can choose a singing kind, for example, peanuts, walnuts, cashews, or a sum of different varieties.

To prepare you need:

  • flour - 100 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • chocolate (for relish, preferably hot) - 300 g;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vershkov oil - 180-200 grams;
  • zukor - 300 grams;
  • sіl - piv teaspoon;
  • vanilin (or vanilla tsukor) - 1.5-2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

  • Vershkov oil | oil | cut into small cubes, put in a saucepan or a pitcher and put on a full fire. Toudi OK dodayat chocolate. Constantly help me to bring the chocolate-Vershkov mass to a rare rare stature. Follow the respect that you don’t need to bring to a boil!
  • Okremo beat eggs. In other places, all dry ingredients are used: boroshno, tsukor, vanillin, strong, cocoa, peas.
  • All parts of the dough are mixed at once until I become homogeneous: dry masa, chocolate eggs.
  • The oven is heated up to 180 degrees and the dessert is boiled 25-30 min. You can change it for readiness with a toothpick. Ready pie middle troch vology. Once you have achieved it, you can serve it up again, sip cocoa powder and trimmed peas that you have run out of.

Porada: Variants of cooking brownies without a face. You can choose one of the already known ones, or urnomaniacs, whether it be good innovations. Only one secret can be left unaltered. Sob dessert wiyshov in a spravzhny colorful, chocolate and American, at the warehouse dough is not guilty of buti rozpushuvacha, no grub soda.

Brownies with cherries

The recipe is a little different from the previous ones. One of the main points of note for those who have a uniquely savory chocolate base is diluted with islands of sour cherries.

To prepare you need:

  • flour - 100 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • cherry - 300 grams;
  • chocolate (for relish, preferably hot or dark) - 300 g;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vershkov oil - 150-180 grams;
  • zukor - 150 grams.

Cooking method:

  • At a deep vessel, butter and chocolate are topped, breaking them in front into pieces. Carefully heat sumish in a water bath, help prevent boiling. When the chocolate gets overheated, then it turns into breasts, and you can’t make dessert from the new one anymore. The result, may be uniform thick, viscous mass.
  • Add a bowl of tsukor and cocoa powder to the qiu, mix thoroughly. Yakshcho tsukor rozchinivsya in full obsyazі, no big deal. Vіn dіyde pіznіshe.
  • Break 1 egg at the chocolate sum, break the dots, the docks won’t be broken, just give it to a friend, then a third.
  • After the masa has been mixed until uniform, I will carefully add cherries without tassels to her, not seeing the sik from her. Podіyde cherries are also frozen. In the future, it will be necessary to defrost and anger the indecent homeland.
  • Sipayut flour | borosno |, mix it again. Lumps are not to blame buti.
  • Select the required form. You can temporally and a small rosemary, so that you can cut brownies into small pieces by the year. Vipіkayut dessert 20-30 hvilin at the front rose to 180 degrees oven.

Brownies with syrup and cherries

To prepare you need:

  • hot chocolate - 200 g;
  • Vershkov oil - 180-200 grams;
  • borosno - 200 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • zukor - 100 grams.

For filling:

  • cherry - 300 grams (without brushes, can be frozen);
  • sir - 500-600 grams;
  • zukor - 100-150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • vanilla tsukor (vanilin) ​​- 1 sachet.

For glaze:

  • chocolate - 100 grams;
  • milk - 50 grams.

Cooking method:

  • You can choose any of the refurbished cooking methods. Wonderful recipe for brownies with cherries. Golovna vіdminnіst polyagaє only in how to fill in the mold.
  • Pour the chocolate base with the first lower ball (mostly, in the same way cherry), then pour the filling. For this, grind cheese with zukr, vanilin, eggs, beat the troch with a whisk or a fork until a light, homogeneous mass is obtained. The top is also covered with chocolate dough. The number of balls can be robiti be-yakim. To lay everything down only in the quantity of products, I will expand the form for brewing that bazhannya!
  • You can add an incredible taste to the dessert by pouring yogo over the top of the glaze. Cooking її is also not important: it’s better to add milk with grated chocolate and drown it in a water bath, or to the right fire to the desired consistency - viscous and homogeneous. Bringing to a boil is not a bad thing.

Brownies with frost

You can choose any of the refurbished cooking methods. And before serving on the table, decorate the dough with a bag of ice cream, beaten tops, berries, cocoa powder or grated with chocolate or yogo shmatochki. The relish of this marvelous lower dessert is easy to add as an additive!

Porada: for the preparation of brownies, it is better to vicorate unmalted cocoa powder.

Brown as Endy Chef

Cooking method:

  • Chocolate and vershkov butter are heated over medium heat until a homogeneous and thick mass is consumed. It is important for someone to keep smiling and not to bring the sum to a boil. After that, as they know from the fire, add to the glaze, which viishla, tsukor. It is necessary to loosen the trohi and deprive it of yogo to be separated by a natural rank.
  • After 5-7 quills, add 2 zhovtki and 4 more eggs to the sumish, then boroughly, all the best zmishavshi. The best vikoristovuvati for this particular blade. A mixer or a blender will provoke the appearance of undesirable fluff puffs.
  • I lay it down firmly, as it happened, at the form, I hang it with parchment paper.
  • Vipіkati need not be more than 30 hvilin (as the shape, for example, is low, then 20 hv will be sufficient) in the oven, heating up to 180 degrees.
  • At the top, the dessert has a thin grain, in the middle it is buti volomy. When the brownies are cooked, they can get cold. Only potim yogo is cut into shmatki and served to the table.

Porada: Regardless of the great number of different options for preparing brownies, practically in the skin of them it is necessary to add chocolate and topsoil. Heat the masa in a water bath, or without a hitch on the fire, it’s not safe, because the chocolate can boil quickly. Todi won't become unacceptable for the recipe. Wihid e. You can heat butter-chocolate sumish in a micro-furnace. For this ingredient, they are placed there for 5-10 seconds on the “Defrost” mode, then they are resolutely crushed with a fork and mixed, after which I return to the micro-wrinkle for 5-10 seconds. And so doti, doki sumish will not be the necessary consistency.

Brownies with banana

To prepare you need:

  • dark chocolate - 350 g;
  • banana - 2-3 pieces;
  • Vershkov oil - 200-250 grams;
  • brown zukor - 350 g;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • zhovki - 2 pieces;
  • borosno - 160 grams;
  • cocoa (unsweetened) - 6 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  • You can choose any of the refurbished cooking methods. And at the moment of adding all the ingredients (before pouring into the form), carefully add banana slices with rings. Even an extraordinary relish will come out, like adding a whole bunch (squares) of white chocolate.
  • It is easy to please yourself and your loved ones with savory chocolate pastries. You can vipkati, brownies at multivartsі. If there is no special regime for Vipіchka, then there is a whole gassing. Vikoristovuvaty can be any of the recipes described above. Golovne, periodically check the dessert for readiness. Enough to pierce the cake with a wooden stick or a toothpick. If there is a troch of a vologer, and the beast is already thin, then the brownies are ready. Savory!

Brownie is a favorite American dessert. Tіstechko come out savory, lower, livelier, overwhelm the chocolate note. The texture of the dessert is superbly low, її impossible to match. Browns are known as one of the most famous chocolate desserts in the whole world, which are prepared by the best chefs, as well as the best housewives and children. Do not be surprised, because the technology of preparation is superbly simple and original.

Cooking features

Tіstechko or the brownie cake is suitable for everyone, for the fact that according to the statistics 9 people out of 10 love chocolate. Chocolate brownie juicy, lower pure chocolate, if you haven’t tasted it once, then hurry up, so that you indulge yourself in heavenly pleasure and satisfaction. Pirіg can be prepared with cherries, cheese and peas, prunes, bananas, but also on the right fantasy.

To prepare brownies, for a classic recipe, you need the following ingredients:

  • Vershkov oil - 200 grams;
  • hot chocolate - 200 g;
  • zukor - 200 grams;
  • borosno - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • peas - 2 bottles;
  • vanilla tsukor - 16 grams;
  • sil - ½ teaspoon;
  • eggs - 6 pieces.

From the designated list of components, there may be eighteen months or a great brownie pie. Sob it was crisply baked evenly, pick up a sheet of a similar size, and itself 20 by 30 centimeters.

If you have mountains, then you can take it, be it: hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds, and also hairs. The classic American recipe uses peas, but you can forget about peas if you don't like them. The taste of brownies is not spicy, so you don’t add peas.

It’s not necessary to put fluffy dough in the dough, the texture of it will come out viscous, the water is even lower, which exudes chocolate brownies from other desserts.

For a good brownie, the recipe suggests not to overcook the yogo in the oven, otherwise the middle will be strongly baked, which will capture the whole relish. For dessert, it is necessary to have good and yakisny hot chocolate; As a dessert for children, you can add milk chocolate to the dough, but good, not plasticine.

Step by step cooking brownies photo

For the cob, it is necessary to resolutely touch it with peas, and refine it yourself on small pieces. If you don’t spend a lot of time staining it with a knife, you can speed up with a little cunning. Take a small bag, place the peas and put it on the working surface. For the help of a magnificent rocking chair, crush them, as a result, we will create an ideal sum of mountains.

Put a frying pan on the stove, warm it up and boil the peas. Don't forget to stir constantly, so that the stench doesn't burn, otherwise you can't beat them in dessert. You need about 2-3 whilins, so that the stench warms up well. Sip them in a bowl, let cool.

The next important crock is a robot with chocolate, it is necessary to properly melt it with top butter. You can speed up the recommendations of the chefs. For this, pour water into the pot, boil. In the next few minutes, break the chocolate with cracked pieces, add a pinch of butter, and put it in a saucepan. Homily, shchobi did not burn. It's important that the chocolate doesn't boil, and I didn't drink a drop of water in a new one!

If the lassoshchi may be warmed up, small large pieces will float, you can take it out of the stove, leave yogo for one hour, let some oholone, then add yogo to the dough.

Cooking dough. Zukor with chicken eggs, add ½ teaspoon of salt and 2 sachets of vanilla zucru. Do not varto beat to a kick, even a chocolate husky - not a biscuit. Finish the whipping with a stretch of two strands with a mixer, blender. Ask briskly, add to the egg mass, resolutely stir, so that there is no breast. Add ruby ​​pots and melting hot chocolate, stir until smooth and beautiful consistency.

Cover the deco for the VIP with a special paper or parchment, then pour it into a new chocolate mass. If you don’t have parchment, then grease the form with topsoil and a sip of borosh, just don’t overdo it. Warm up the oven to 170 degrees, brew the dessert for 22 minutes. Follow the rules of high-quality brownies, rather do not add yoga, so as to save the viscous that lower structure.

When the classic chocolate brownie is ready, you can take the yoga out of the oven and cool it down. Don’t be embarrassed, if you don’t see it, the dessert will be superbly savory anyway. Please! First try the brownie pie, try yoga in the fridge for six or twelve years! As a result, the wine will rise evenly, and the middle of the overbaked cake will “recover”, which will require ductility.

To follow the original recipe of the legendary dessert, it is necessary to add apricot glaze, peas, and pour chocolate on top.

Glaze recipe: mix 50 ml of water and 500 grams of apricot jam, boil for two or three quills. If it’s an apricot jam, then you can beat it in a blender, boil it lightly, then cool it down and brush it with a chocolate brownie.

The best option is to decorate the cake with tsukrova powder. On the surface of the cake, put a clean tarp, generously sprinkle with powder, then you can pick up the tarp, as a result, we will make a garni and an original viser.

It is important to remember that the brownie cake is even more alive and high in calories, that chocolate, peas, and topsoil can be found in the new. When it comes to chocolate sweets, then wine is rich in potassium, magnesium, which takes a part in the work of the heart meat, calms the central nervous system, stimulates the brain and raises the tone, robs people of dying and being happy.

In this way, making chocolate brownies for the original, classic recipe is even easier. It is important to take into account technologies, recipes, beaten up the assigned ingredients, do not over-trim in the oven, and then everything will always turn out!

Chocolate brownies are vvazhayutsya nadannym American cuisine, ale and tistechka are popular in different countries, so like lasuni, who love the taste and aroma of chocolate, є skrіz. Dessert is viscous dough with lightly underbaked chocolate biscuit. I’m using a version of the brownie’s journey, but maybe all the stench will be pardoned by confectioners, if they didn’t bake the pie, or they forgot to add it to it, be it a kind of ingredient (for the widest hypothesis - rozpushuvach). Some kind of lassochi fell in love with bagat, and gentlemen learned how to cook chocolate brownies in their home minds.

Cooking features

Cooking brownies at home is not easier, like a cake made from biscuit dough. The result is really ochіkuvannya, yakshcho when preparing tests to protect a little moment.

  • Properly brown are flat, viscous, but not hard. So that the stench looked like such, as if they were guilty, it was necessary to pray before the victors. Tse allow us to sit її sour that at once clean up in the form of dry smіttya, larvae coma.
  • Eggs, which are used for preparing pastry, are taken out of the refrigerator for 1.5 years on the cob of the cooking process, so that the stench warms up to room temperature.
  • Mixing the ingredients, which enter the warehouse of dough, can be done only by wine, so that there is a little shovkovist structure. If you beat the mixer for whipping, it can become too strong.
  • The classic chocolate brownie recipe does not need to be added to the dough, but the other recipes still include this component, which allows you to cook three more food and lower brownies, lower traditional ones.
  • The brownies are boiled in roses up to 180-200 degrees oven, less than 20-25 chills. The readiness of the dessert is checked with a wooden skewer: as if the beast has been baked, but a toothpick tucked into a new toothpick is filled with water, the biscuit can be beaten. Like a brownie, retrimat at the ovens, and make a biscuit overdry.
  • Before that, how to cut the brownies, cool them down, put them in the refrigerator for 3 years, otherwise the middle of the dough sticks to the knife, and you can’t get into the neat little things. Traditionally, tistechka become square.
  • Brownies are often covered with apricot or chocolate icing, ganache, aloe, but not obov'yazkovim.
  • It is important that with such additions, like peas, berries, dried fruits, cheese, iris, the dessert comes out more savory.

Chocolate brownies can be served cold or warm. If you can give us a warm tribute, they all need to be chilled and spiced, and then burn in a micro-furnace oven.

classic chocolate brownie recipe

  • dark chocolate - 0.2 kg;
  • vershkov butter - 120 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • zukor - 100 g;
  • borosno wheat - 130 g;
  • sil - triska.

Cooking method:

  • Break the chocolate into pieces, butter | oil | cut into cubes.
  • Place oil | oil | with chocolate in a small bowl, put it in a water bath.
  • Mix up the ingredients, don't melt the stench of the docks. If the product is to begin to recede, proceed to the next remixing, so that the sum becomes uniform.
  • Know the chocolate mass from the water hole, let me cool down a bit.
  • Break the eggs in a clean bowl, add a pinch of salt to them. Beat with a vine, so that the egg mass looked uniform.
  • Add tsukor, open up the warehouse, peeling with a wine.
  • Zbivayuchi egg sumish with a glass of wine, introduce chocolate mass from her.
  • Ask hard. Add її to the dough, mix well. The dough is smooth, without boron breasts.
  • Grease a baking dish with butter, pour the dough into it.
  • Heat the oven up to 180 degrees.
  • Put the mold in the oven with chocolate dough. Whip for 25 minutes|minutes|.
  • Take out the form from the oven, let the cake cool at room temperature, then take it out of the form, put it on a plate, and place it in the refrigerator.
  • After 3 years, take out the form from the refrigerator, decorate the biscuit with square pieces and serve to the table.

Sob brownies are a little classic square shape, the shape for the dough is also more beautifully square.

Chocolate brownie with hairy peas

  • hot chocolate - 100 g;
  • Vershkov oil - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • borosno wheat - 30 g;
  • zukor - 80 g;
  • pea hairs - 80 g;
  • sіl - triska;
  • rum - 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Lay out the kernels of hairy peas on the doshtsі and roll with a hairpin, so that the stench breaks out. Trim the peas until I become boroshnno varto - the stench may be remembered at the ready-made testicles.
  • Put the peas on a dry frying pan and warm the trochs of them, thieving with a spatula.
  • Transfer to a plate.
  • Break the eggs in a bowl, add | add | before them tsukor and sil | salt |, mix for an additional wine until a homogeneous consistency.
  • Introduce flour | boroshno |, stir with a wine glass until soft.
  • Place the pieces of butter and chocolate in an okrema container, put them in a water bath. Melt the products, mix them up. Add|Add| rum and stir again.
  • Know chocolate masu z | iz | fire and mix peas in it, pragmatically spread them as evenly as possible.
  • Let the chocolate and pea sum cool down a bit, then put it into the dough in parts.
  • Grease a straight-cut mold for brewing with topsoil, pour it into it.
  • Put the form with the dough in the oven up to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

After the completion of the vip, do not flood the cake at the oven. Let it cool down at room temperature, sweat it in the refrigerator. After that, the workpiece can be cut into small pieces and served to the table.

Brownies with cherries

  • Vershkov oil - 100 g;
  • hot chocolate - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • borosno wheat - 60 g;
  • zukor - 150 g;
  • cherries (peeled from stones) - 0.25 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 50 g;
  • rozpushuvach for dough - 5 g;
  • vanilla tsukor - 10 g;
  • sil - 2 g;
  • starch - 60 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cherry, let it dry, mix it with starch. Tse to protect the dough with cherry juice.
  • Vershkov oil | oil | with chocolate, play in the water bath, pokie | docks | the stench will not break.
  • Learn from the water hole.
  • Mix well with cocoa powder and fluff.
  • Beat the egg with zukr (singular and vanilla), sill.
  • Introduce flour into the egg sum | borosno |, mix until a homogeneous warehouse.
  • Mix in the chocolate sum in small portions.
  • Add|Add| cherry, mix it up with a spatula. Do your best, so that the berries rozpodіlilis at the new one evenly.
  • Transfer the dough to a smeared top coat of olive form.
  • Put the form into the oven, roast up to 180 degrees. Drink dessert for 25 minutes|minutes|.

Refrigerate, drink, decorate with cocktail cherries. Chocolate brownie with cherry filling is often topped with icing made from fat tops and melted chocolate (you can take it from an equal quantity).

Brownies with cheese

  • hot chocolate - 150 g;
  • vershkov butter - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 5 pcs., including 3 pcs. for dough, 3 pcs. For filling;
  • tsukor - 0.25 kg, including 180 g for dough, 70 g for cheese;
  • borosno - 100 g;
  • cocoa powder - 60 g;
  • rozpushuvach for dough - 5 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • sir - 150 g;
  • sіl - triska;
  • ginger powder, cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Spread chocolate on shmatochki at once with oil, pour it on a water bath. At this hour, the warehouse needs to be mixed, so that the chocolate masa was uniform.
  • Let the chocolate cool down.
  • Eat eggs with zukr, beat with a wreath.
  • Pour the chocolate over the egg mass, thoroughly mix everything and beat it lightly with a wine glass.
  • Prosіyane borosho zadnayte with fluffy, silly, cocoa powder, ginger and cinnamon.
  • Sipte in a row sumish borosno, mix it up well, so that it will be equal, without breasts.
  • Beat the sir in an open room. In times dotsilno koristuvatisya with a mixer.
  • Add zukor and vanillin to the sir, three eggs, beat all at once until a homogeneous mass is gone.
  • Line the bottom of the form with foil.
  • Pour about two-thirds of the chocolate batter into the mold.
  • Carefully sing the sirn masu to the beast.
  • Pour over the syrnia for the leftover dough.
  • Mix lightly in the form, so that the balls are crushed. You don’t need to mix it up too much, otherwise the grass will be nasty and less savory.
  • Heat the oven up to 180 degrees, put the cake pan up to it. Vipkayte yogo pivgodini.
  • Viymіt form from the oven. If the dessert is trochi ocholone, put the yogo in the refrigerator. After 3 years, yoga can be cut and served to the table.

Dessert seems to be more beautiful in appearance and savory, as if the cream of cheese is reminiscent of vicory berry.

Brownies with syrup and cherries in a multicooker

  • hot chocolate - 80 g;
  • vershkov butter - 80 g;
  • zukor - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • borosno - 80 g;
  • rozpushuvach - 5 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • cherry - 150 g;
  • sir - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  • Melt chocolate with butter.
  • One egg rose from 50 g zucru, mix egg masa with chocolate.
  • Prosіyane borosno zadnayte z raspushuvachem, enter u cooked sumіsh, razmіsha until uniformity.
  • Beat the sir with another egg and zucr, which is too much.
  • Pour the third dough into the multicooker bowl, put half of the cheese on top of the new one, and half of the prepared cherry on the new one.
  • Repeat the balls, pour the dough over what is left.
  • Activate the unit by selecting the premium program. Set the timer to 45 minutes.

At the multicooker, you can make chocolate brownie for whatever recipe you like. It will be important for this unit to dry the cake, so you will have more chances to get the right brownie.

Chocolate brownie is an extraordinary dessert that reminds you of a chocolate biscuit, but more voluminous and viscous. Serve the dessert cut into square pieces, like a testicle. The middle can be berries, cheese, peas.


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