Dormition of the Mother of God.

Dormition of the Mother of God.

Not a body without fasting, that prayer cannot be cleansed, nor without mercy, that soul of truth. (Philokalia)

You will find the holy recipes of the holy stravas in these articles. Good pies, other dishes, soups and salads - we have chosen for you only the best recipes.


Songs salads

Salad with cabbage, carrots, apples and licorice peppers

Cut white cabbage into strips, grind it with a small amount of salt, anger the sik, mix with peeled cut apples, carrots, licorice peppers, season with zucr and olive oil. They sip dryly chopped greens.

300 g cabbage, 2 apples, 1 carrot, 100 g licorice pepper, 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of zucru, greens.

Ikra Buryakova

Dribly cut the cibula, grate the carrots on the great tertz. All smeared in olії to a golden color. After adding grated on the third, fresh beetroot. For five minutes before readiness, add salt to the taste of that tomato paste.

1 cibulin, 1 carrot, 3-4 medium beetroots, 100 g of dewy olive, 1/2 bottle of tomato paste, diluted with water, strong.

Radish salad with butter

Peel and rinse the radish, put it in cold water for 15-20 minutes, then give it a glass of water, trim the radish on the grated, season with olive oil, sill and ott, put it in a salad bowl, decorate with greenery. At the grated radish, you can add a ruban cibula, sautéed on olії.

Radish 120 g, oliya roslinna 10 g, 3 g otstu, 15 g tsibuli, greens.

Vitamin salad

Freshly shred the cabbage, grate the carrots on the great grater. Mix everything and salt. Add green peas (canned). Water with otstom, olive oil, sip and black pepper and greenery. You can add fresh butts and green cibula.

300 g of fresh cabbage, 1 large carrot, 5 tablespoons of peas, sil, 1 tablespoon of octu. 10 g olive oil, 2 g black pepper.

Tomatoes stuffed with vegetable sum

Vimiti tomatoes, with a knife, pierce the upper part, reach the core with a spoon. Dice the boiled carrots, chop the apple, rub the cinders on the great third. Put all the vegetables into a bowl, add peas, strength, olives and mix. Stuff the tomato with minced meat. Top piss with a crop.

5 small tomatoes, 1 carrot, 1 apple, 2 pickles, 100 g canned green peas, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 1/3 teaspoon of salt, krip.

rice salad

Rice cooked in salt water. Shake the vegetables, grind them with chilled rice, salt, sip with pepper, add zucor and ocet to the taste.

100 g rice, 2 licorice peppers, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 1 pickled chickpea, 1 cibulin.

Songs of the First Strava

vegetable soup

Sliced ​​julienne, parsley and seler, brush in olive oil, pour water, put sliced ​​carrots, brook and shaky cabbage and cook on a weak fire 20-30 quills. Approximately in the middle of the brewing, add a chasnik, spices; apple puree or grated apple put on top. Serving on the table, sip the soup with chopped greens.

2 cibulini, 1 parsley root, selera, 2 tbsp. , 1 apple or 2 tablespoons of apple puree, salt, greens.

Easter pea soup

In the evening, pour cold water over the peas and fill it for swelling, prepare lokshina.

For a lokshini pіvsklyanka borosna, it is necessary to mix well with three spoons of olive oil, add a spoonful of cold water, salt, dry it for a year to swell. Subtly rozkochene and podsushene tіsto like wives, poddushіt at the oven.

Boil swollen peas, without pouring out the water, until ready, add smoky cibula, potatoes, diced, lokshina, pepper, strength and cook until the potatoes and lokshina are ready.

Peas - 50 g, potatoes - 100 g, cibula ripchasta - 20 g, water - 300 g, olive oil for obsmazhuvannya tsibuli - 10 g, parsley, sil, pepper for relish.

Russian song yushka

Cook pearl barley, add fresh cabbage to the broth, cut into small squares, potatoes and roots, cut into cubes, and cook until cooked. You can add fresh tomatoes, sliced ​​with skewers, as if laying one hour with potatoes.

When serving, sip with parsley and sprinkles.

Potato, cabbage - 100 g each, cibula - 20 g, carrot - 20 g, pearl barley - 20 g, krip, strong for relish.

Borscht with mushrooms

Mushrooms are cooked and stewed in oil at once from the roots. Rub the beetroot jam or cut into small cubes. Potatoes, sliced ​​with thick slices, boiled in broth until soft, add other products (thoroughly mixed with a small amount of cold root) and boil 10 khvilin all at once. Put the greens in the soup before serving on the table. Like adding tomato puree, yogo stew at once with mushrooms.

200 g fresh or 30 g dried porcini mushrooms, 1 tbsp. -3 tbsp. spoons of greens, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tomato puree, otset.

Peppers, eggplant, stuffed zucchini

Peel peppers, eggplants, young zucchini, peel the stalk and stuff (from the zucchini peel) and fill with minced meat, to the warehouse of which enter the dribly cut tsibula, carrot, cabbage, taken in equal parts, and 1/10 part celeri. All the vegetables that go for minced meat should be smeared in front in olive oil. Smear the eggplants, peppers and zucchini at the stuffed look. Then put in a deep metal dish, pour 2 bottles of tomato juice and place in the oven for 30-45 minutes. for baking.

Porridge tikhvinskaya

Wash the peas, boil them near the water, do not salt, and if the water is 1/3 boiled and the peas will be ready, prolong and cook until ready. Let's season with a finely chopped cibulia, lubricated with olives, and salt.

1/2 bottle of peas, 1.5 liters of water, 1 bottle of buckwheat, 2 cibulini, 4 tbsp. olive spoons.

The carcass is simple

Pore ​​the potato syrup in large cubes and in a wide frying pan, on olive oil, yaknaishvidshe (on a strong fire) and evenly coat the dry sides until golden brown. Just as soon as the egg settles down, put the potatoes in a clay potter, sip the finely chopped greens, cibula, salt, top up with okrip, cover with a lid and put in the oven for 1 min. I’m ready to eat the carcass with scallops (fresh or salted), sauerkraut.

1 kg of potatoes, 1/2 bottle of olive oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crop, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of parsley, 1 cibulin, 1/2 bottle of water, sil.

Braised cabbage

Tsibulya dryly brushed, put in a pan with olive oil and brushed until golden color. Let's add some finely shredded cabbage and lubricate it until it's ready. For 10 min. add strength, tomato paste, red or black chalking pepper, winter peas and bay leaf to the end. Cover the pan with a lid. Before serving, sip the greens on the table.

2 medium cibulins, 1 small head of cabbage, 1/2 bottle of dewy olive, silt, pepper, 2-3 peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 bottle of tomato paste, diluted with water.

Potatoes in tea sauce

Wash the cleaned potatoes and dry them with a towel. Navpil cut the skin of the potato. More than half of the dewy olives are roasted in a frying pan and brushed with potatoes to a golden color. Let's prepare the chasnikov sauce. For whom the chasnik is rozter z sillu, add 2 tbsp. spoons of olії and rozmіsha. I smeared potatoes with chasnikov sauce.

10 small potatoes, pіvsklyanki sonyashnikova olії, 6 chastnik chasnik, 2 teaspoons of salt.

Rice-oatmeal porridge rossipchasta

Wash rice and oats, mix and boil water. Trim on a strong fire for 12 mins, then change the fire to medium and trim 5-8 mins, after which you take it out of the fire, wrap it warm and only after 15-20 mins. open the lid. I’m ready to season the porridge with a cibulia, smeared on an olive, and a finely chopped chasnik and a crop. Warm up in a frying pan on full fire 3-4 minutes.

1.5 flasks of rice, 0.75 flasks of wives, 0.7 l of water, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 cibulin, 4-5 cloves in the teapot, 4-5 tablespoons of sonyashnikova oliya, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crop

Potato cutlets with prunes

Make mashed potatoes with 400 grams of boiled potatoes, salt, add a glass of rosemary oil, a glass of warm water, and a bog bog, so that it doesn’t turn out cool.

Let the hvilin stand for twenty, so that it is boisterously swollen, at the same time prepare the prunes - clean it from the brushes, fill it with dill.

Cut the dough, fill it with a bottle of mugs, put prunes in the middle of the skin, form cutlets, pinching the dough at the looking pastries, roll the skin cutlet in breadcrumbs and grease it in a frying pan near the great olive oil.

Potato pancakes

Grate some of the potatoes, boil some, anger the water, salt and add to the finely sliced ​​and smeared cibula in olive oil. Mix the whole potato masa, add boroshn and soda and from the stripped dough of the pancake on the olive.

750 g of grated dry potatoes, 500 g of boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes), 3 tablespoons of borosna, 0.5 teaspoons of soda.

Rice with vegetables

In a frying pan, add oil | oil |, add cibula, carrots, licorice peppers to the new one. Then add lightly boiled rice, salt, pepper, trochs and stew 15 hvilin. Bring it to readiness, rice is guilty of destroying the whole country. Let's add green peas, parsley and krop.

2 fresh bottles of rice, 100 g of rosewood, 3 cibulini, 1 carrot, silt, pepper, 3 licorice peppers, 0.5 l of water, 5 tablespoons of green peas.

Song mushrooms

Mushroom vinaigrette

Mushrooms and cibula stagger, boiled carrots, beetroot, potatoes and stumps are cut into cubes, mixed. Season the oil with ott and seasonings, pour them into the salad. Greenery sips at the top.

150 g of pickled or salted mushrooms, 1 cibulin, 1 carrot, 1 small beetroot, 2-3 potatoes, 1 salted ogirok, 3 tbsp. spoons of otstu, sil, tsukor, girchitsya, pepper, krip and parsley.

Mushroom caviar

Fresh mushrooms are quenched in wet juice, the docks are not boiled. Salted mushrooms are soaked for the sake of salt, dried mushrooms are soaked, boiled and given a glass of water on the drushlyak. Then the mushrooms wobble and shake with the chopped cibulia, lightly smeared in the olive. Sumish to run, the beast sip with a finely chopped green cibulia.

400 g fresh, 200 g salted or 500 g dried mushrooms, 1 cibulin, 2 tbsp. spoons of dewy olive, sil, pepper, ocet or lemon juice, green cibula.

Braised mushrooms

Grease the oil, put mushrooms and a shaky cibula near the new cut with thin staves. Add broth to cooked mushrooms, quench fresh mushrooms in wet juice for 15-20 quills. Until the end of the quenching add strength, greenery. For garnish, serve boiled potatoes and a salad of orchid vegetables.

500 g fresh or 300 g boiled (salted) mushrooms, 2 tbsp. spoons of rosemary olії, 1 cibulin, sil, 1/2 bottle of mushroom broth, parsley and krip.

Song pies

Dough for pies

Mix the dough from half a kilo of boroshn, two bottles of water and 25-30 g of yeast.

If the dough rises, add strength, zukor, three tablespoons of olive oil, another half a kilo of boroshna and beat it firmly, the docks won’t stop chiming up to your hands.

Let's put the dough in the same saucepan, where the dough was prepared and let it go again.

After that, get ready for further work.

Pea pancakes

Boil the peas to softness, without spilling any excess water, grind, adding 0.5 bottles of wheat boar to 750 g of pea puree. From the removed dough, form pancakes, roll in boroshni and vipecti in a frying pan on olive oil.

Pies with pea filling

Boil the peas until ready, rose, add the cibula, smeared with olive oil, pepper, salt for relish.

Prepare simply dried dough. Quietly divide into sacks zavbіlshki with hairy peas and rozkotity into shortbreads zavtovshki 1 mm. Put in the stuffing. Wipe at the spirits 20-25 khvilin.

To the selection of materials "Recipes of Orthodox Cuisine". - St. Petersburg: "Svitlosliv" 1997

Assumption Pist trivaє from 14 to 28 serpny - the Holy Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. For trivality wine is short, but for sovereignty it is similar to Great Lent.

“About the fast of the Most Holy Theotokos, - go to the Church Statute, - to keep in mind: at the fast of the Holy Lady of Our Lady of the Assumption, 15 days, the Crimea of ​​the Transfiguration of Christ, we fast ... Mondays, Wednesday and Friday - dry; in the second and fourth - varennya without olії (pisnі olії). At Saturday and tizhden (week) - olive brew, that wine is drunk; riba is not until the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, but only at the Transfiguration of Christ, riba, girls in the day ”(Typikon, ch. 33).

Salad without olives with watermelon and apples

300 g peeled garmelon
2 apples
3-4 style. spoons of honey
kernels 5 hairy peas

Cooking: Peel the garmelon from the skin of that deep, rinse it well with water and cut it with thin and dry straws. Add|Add| honey, mix it well and let it stand in a cold place for close to a year. Then we’ll prepare the pickle with apples, peeled from the skin and the middle and cut into thin strips. Narizan apple can be lowered for 1-2 hvilin in salted water, so that the stench does not darken. Gently mix the salad with a saw and decorate it with a few pieces of kernels of hairy peas.

Salad without olives with rice and red pepper

1 PC. red licorice capsicum
100 g rice
150 g green peas
sil, black pepper

Preparation: Peel the red pepper cookies and cut them into a dozhina. Add cooked rice, green peas, ocet, black and black pepper.

Potato salad with kvassole (with olive oil)

1 large cibulina
300 g potatoes
100 g white kvass
strength, greenery, oliya
1 zucchini

Boil potatoes in shkirtsі, peel and cut them. Mix kvassol and mix it with potatoes. Dribly cut the cibula and anoint it in olive oil. Add to the new ready-made potatoes with kvassoleya and brush a little more. Salt, pour ketchup. Make the zucchini ring, decorate it with greenery and put one large ring or small sprig on the skin portion of the salad.

Salad with ogirkiv іz red pepper (with dewy olive oil)

1 kg. Ogirkiv
4 teaspoons of zukrovy pisku
0.5 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons of octu
4 red pepper pods
6 style. a spoonful of rosemary olії
2 teaspoons peppercorns

Cooking: Take ojirki and take them out of them in a spiral shkirku. Cut the peeled cigars into small sticks, and peel the rind with thin straws, salt it, remove it from the volog and viklasti together with the cistern in a bowl. Add tsukor and estimate and mix.
Overcook oil in a frying pan | oil | and put the grains of zapashny pepper. If you smell the aroma of pepper, wilt the grains, make the fire stronger and smear the pods of red pepper in olives, cut into strips.

Botvinya in a monastic style (without rosemary olії)

Cooking: Sort the sorrel and spinach well, wash it and sip it in a small amount of water. Rub through a sieve that z'єdnati at once. Dilute sumish with kvass, season with sill, zucr, zest and lemon juice and put in the cold.
Serve before the table, bottling on plates, season with chopped crocus and parsley, fresh cigars, horseradish to relish.

Soup from zucchini (without rosemary oli)

500 g of peeled zucchini cut into cubes, boiled in salted water and add semolina abo rice (0.5 bottles). Before the end of the cooking, put parsley greens and crop into the soup.

Borscht with mushrooms and sauerkraut (with olive oil)

70 g dried mushrooms
500 g beetroots
250 g sauerkraut
2 cibulini
1 carrot
1 style. spoon borosna
100 g olive
100 g tomato puree
bay leaf
2 style. spoons of chopped green parsley
3 l. cold water
pepper, strong

Cooking: Kindly wash the mushrooms, pour water and cook until soft. Shatkovannuyu tsibula, cabbage, carrots, beet lubricate on olії, adding in the last lubrication borosho. Ready to put the vegetables in a saucepan and pour over the mushroom broth, add tomato puree, pepper and bay leaf. Mushrooms shaken, smeared in olive oil, dipped in borscht and boiled 30 min. Before serving, boil borsch with beetroot and bring to a boil. Posipati green parsley.

Soup ribny (with olive oil)

600 g fish fillet
2 carrots
1 medium cibulin
1 stalk leek
1 small celery root
4 small potatoes
2 style. olive spoons
silt, pepper, trimmed parsley

When the ribne fillet is ready, carefully divide it into small pieces and put it in boiling, salted water in front. As soon as the water boils again, the fire immediately changes. Let's clean the carrots, the cibula, the selera, the leek cibulus and shake it dry. Dip the vegetables in oil and add them to the water, in which the ribne fillet is already boiled. Season the soup with pepper and continue to cook on the right fire 10 min.
Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices, dip into the broth and cook for 10 minutes.
Let's season the soup again. Serve the ready soup, sipping greens.

Rolls with carrots and chasnik (without rosemary olії)

1 small head of cabbage
5-7 medium carrots
2-3 teaspoon cloves
for filling: 1 l. lead - 1 tbsp. salt spoon

Peel the cabbage, pick it up on the leaves, pick out the veins from them and put them in boiling water for 2-3 mins, after which they wilt and rinse with cold water. Grate the carrots on the grate with large lapels and, zmіshavshi with the trimmed watchmaker, burn in the cabbage leaves with rolls. Lay them deep in rows in dishes, pour soaked dill so that it is covered, put a wooden circle or a plate with gnat on the beast and put it in a cold bowl for 2 days.

Pepper stuffed with vegetables (with olive oil)

In licorice pepper, peel the pulp from the fruit and remove it at once from the instillations, and clean the insides. Pour pepper with dill and cook 1-2 hvilini. Let's put it on a sieve and fill it with stuffing.
For the filling: cut carrots, parsley and cibula into strips, sauté them with olives. Then add tomato puree or fresh tomatoes, sliced ​​and continue to sauté. Fill the stuffing with sill, otstom, zukr to savor and bring to a boil.
Stuffed peppers put in a glibok frying pan, add | add | little water and zapkati in the oven. At the vegetable filling, you can add rice jams.

The Catholic Orthodox Church, as well as other churches, celebrate the 15th sickle of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Orthodox churches of some other churches (Russian, Georgian, Rusalim) assign 28 sickles for the new style all day (or 15 sickles for the old style).

history is holy

Ce religiously consecrated to the Dormition (in other words, peace, death) of the Most Holy Theotokos. Although in the canonical texts there is not a lot of accurate information about the date, or about the setting of peace, you can know it in some non-biblical dzherels. In the XIV century, information about the Assumption of the Mother of God was collected and compiled by Nicephorus Callistus, a church historian.

So, it is said that not long before her death, the Mother of God lived in Jerusalem, singing prayers to the Holy Sepulcher and on Golgotha. Once, when the Mother of God spent an hour in prayer, the Archangel Gabriel appeared from a warning about his imminent death. Sob її її and prepare until the coming peace, having reminded that the Lord is with the heavenly creatures, souls and spirits of the їє її in the Kingdom of Heaven, de laying їy to live for ever and ever.

Having prayed to plead before the death of all the apostles, the Virgin Mary turned back with a prayer to God, and she, having listened to її prohannya, instructing the angels to transfer all the teachings of Christ, which rose with the light, to її budinka. After talking with them, and saying goodbye to loved ones, the Mother of God died peacefully.

According to the most reliable version, the Virgin Mary died about the 57th anniversary of the birth of Christ at the age of 72.

In honor of the Holy Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, a special service is to be held at rich places. Vaughn dates back to the 15th century; The Holy One himself is given the Assumption Pist, which is three times the same.

What is impossible to work on the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos

Orthodox Christians believed that on this day the tears of the Blessed Virgin would fall to the ground at the sight of the dew. That categorically refrained from walking on the grass and the bare earth was unshod. Bare feet - not at all to the Mother of God of that famous day. The defiler will be punished by ailments and inaccuracies, as if to repeat the yogo cilia river.

One more fence, tied from the bums. Vіn polagaє in the fact that it is not possible to dress a new one without handing it. The appearance of corns and wounds on the legs was a sign of a serious threat to health in the future.

Likewise, it is not possible to put up with disrespect until the cow, consecrated day in the church. It’s necessary to do it carefully, so that the dear krichta doesn’t fall into a pidlog.

The main single pist, consecrations to the Mother of God and rozpochinaєtsya two days before the Holy Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, like the whole Orthodox world marks the 28th sickle.

On the vіdmіnu vіd іdіkіh іnshih vіv, dannyiіh є not postiynimi, Uspenskiy post maє pevnu kіlkіst kobі і іntsa. The fasting begins on the 14th sickle and ends on the 27th.


The Dormition Feast of the First Centuries of Christianity - in about 450 roci of saints Leo I the Great, Pope of Rome (440 - 461 roki), clearly pointing to the Dormition Pist midst of church fasts, the skins of which fall on the sing time of rock.

The rest of it was erected at the Council of Constantinople in 1166 in honor of the church saint of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

This rich day's feast is repaired from one more saint - the Pokhodzhennya (excavation) of the honest trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which literally means "hell's hell". Among the people, Yogo is called Medovy Savior.

sens post

The word "sleep" means not death, but sleep. Tim himself, holy Dormition, you can understand, as if it were a sign of fear of death, as if the skin of a person was checking before the Resurrection of Christ, there is no more sorrow for this death, that same death is also silent.

Following the church order, the Theotokos knew about the hour of her passage from this world, and prepared herself until the new fasting and prayer, although she did not require the purification of the soul and correction - all of her life was a vision of holiness and sacrifice.

At the appointed year, candles were burning in the room, and Bogomatir was lying on an embellished couch among close loving people. With the rapture of the temple, the light of Divine glory illumined, and from the sky the Lord Himself appeared in sharpened Angels, as well as the souls of the Old Testament righteous. Without the desired bodily suffering, marveling at His Sin and mutely trembling, she handed over her pure soul to Yom.

At the hour of the funeral, the apostles carried a bed from the Blessed Body, and the majestic procession of the believers performed yoga with sacred songs. The order is to say that the Apostle Homa did not catch up to the funeral, and he was allowed to leave until the oven of the third day, in order to give the opportunity for the Blessed One to rise. However, at the stove, the stench blew only funeral linens, which smelled pleasantly, but the body of the Mother of God was not there. Then they realized that the Lord had taken to Heaven the purest body.

Evenings of the same day, at the hour of the meal, the Mother of God appeared to the apostles and told them to please, for you will be with them.

That is why for the Orthodox - because of the inheritance of the feat of the Mother of God and її purity, as well as the praise of the Most Holy One, as she innocently planted and affirmed the Christian Church.

The belt of the Mother of God and the holy shati with reverence are taken away, divided into parts, and do the work of miracles, like a number of icons. With a special urochistist of the Holy Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, pass at Gethsemane, where she was buried.

What can and cannot be fasted

The Dormition Pist, conceived by the church statute, for its sovereignty is equal to the Great. Ale from the other side - vіn zavzhd vvazhavshis lungs, b it was possible to eat young potatoes, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

Grapes and apples are allowed only after the Transfiguration of the Lord, otherwise, as the people call the holy Apple Savior, as the Orthodox holy 19 sickle.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Nikonets

Under the hour of planting, you can’t eat meat, dairy products, eggs.

During this period, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, dry fat, bread, water, strength, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, peas and honey are provided.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot hedgehog without oil is allowed, and on Saturday that week - hot hedgehog with olive oil, wine is also allowed.

In the Assumption Pist it is allowed to eat riba only at the Holy Transfiguration of the Lord and the Dormition, as if wine falls on Wednesday or Friday, and the conversation begins on the coming day.

As if the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos sat on these other days of the month, then there is no fasting anymore.

Yak Postovat

Church ministers are guessing that they should be grafted before fasting step by step. Lyudina, as if she hadn’t fasted before, it’s better to keep yourself healthy, to get closer to holiness, to fast more sharply. Until then, I will become irritated and intolerant.

It is important that the skin people need to signify their world of fasting, the money for the good is necessary for that drink, and step by step change the amount, zvodyachi to the minimum necessary for life.

And the main rule is those who do not need to be tied up with drunkenness and greediness. It is important not to forget that the essence of fasting for us is not at the sight of a creature, but in the fact that we are surrounded by contentment.

Pist calls to rob our bodily nature with that lightness, as if it were able to support the spirit of the spirit and overcome yoga vimogi. All God-loving people realized that the feast is a strong blessing, so that they prepare themselves for ryativnyh and great deeds, the holy forefather fasted for the sake of others.

To post not so harshly, as it is written in the Statute, they can be sick, vagitni, military servicemen, and also those who practice at the strained rhythm chi learn.

Obviously, a special topic is childish feast. Sometimes it’s better to stay at home with children about those who, for example, will eat less tsukerok by fasting stench, and put less milk and meat on them.

More than that, “you can’t fast” - your neighbors, so don’t fight, don’t laugh and don’t work on any other negative things, like ruining the world between people.


The Dormition Post had three peaks - three saints, which simple people called the Spas.

On the first day of fasting, which the people also call Honey Savior, according to tradition, consecration of honey from a new collection is blessed, and from the first day, it is blessed to live in hedgehog. All day long they baked honey gingerbread, poppy-seed milk and honey, pies, buns, poppy-seed buns.

Okrim tsgogo, 14 scythes at the churches to sanctify the water, to that the Honey Savior is still called the Savior on the water. All the Orthodox people by the day, when the Uspensky Pist began to bathe in rivers and lakes, they did not think of sins and filthy thoughts. According to tradition, after the 14th sickle swim near the waterways, it was already fenced.

Apple Savior - the popular name of the Holy Transfiguration of the Lord fell at the time of picking apples. The cats were carried up to the brim in the church, de priest consecrated the new harvest. After that, you can eat an apple. They drank apple pies and gingerbread, cooked compote and jam.

The Third Savior, which coincided with the Holy Transference from Jesus to Constantinople Not Made by Hands to the Image of the Lord Jesus Christ (29 sickle), was called by the people in a different way: the Savior on the canvas, Canvas, Khlibny and Pea. On the third day of the day, believers can eat peas from a new crop.

The Bread Savior was sacredly called the one who foresaw the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos the day before, with which the end of life was called. For a whole day they baked pies from the boar of a new crop and said: "Third Savior - bread in store" or "Kil is a good third Savior, I'll take kvass."

Among the people, the third Savior was also called Gorikhov, to the one who at the same time, according to tradition, took the peas.

As you can see, a greater number of friends fall on the serpen itself. І, as the laying of the slub in 2016 is planned for the rest of the month of summer, it is better to spend it before the ear of the Dormition Fast of the day.

From the 14th to the 27th, the sickness is friendly and the foreigners are categorically defended, the shards are taken in by the great sin.

Pist is the hour for repentance, prayers and reconciliation in the wake of rozvag, and not only the uniqueness of living in different martyrdoms. I believe that young people who enlisted at the day of the Dormition fast will not be happy.

Material of preparations for urakhuvannyam vіdkritikh dzherel.

Crazy, to the point of wanting to please your loved ones, let's especially prepare an original insult. Which fate of the Dormition sits on Wednesday. It is allowed to eat riba, but let’s celebrate on the 29th sickle. With these recipes, we conclude our culinary publications dedicated to the Dormition Fast.

Don’t forget about those that the body has caught the trohi in the presence of dangerous guts, don’t forget about it with important fears. Best of all, we can try to hunt ribs and birds. M'yaso іndichki dosit ієtichne аnd easily acquired, and the spicy sumіsh seasonings - curry powder - will become our true helper, to that you can truly gain power and spryає polypshennia etching. And krіm zaznachenih nadaє їzhі completely garny kolіr і yaskraviy unforgettable relish and aroma.

Curry with turkeys 500 g turkey fillet, 1 green apple, 4 tbsp. l. rodzinok without tassels, 100 g of melted olive oil (you can use vicorist oil or sumish vershkov with olive oil), 1 cibulin, 200 ml vershkiv, 2 tbsp. l. curry powder, 2 bay leaves, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. brown zukor, strong and red pepper for relish.

Dry turkey fillets with paper towels. Narizati m'yaso small pieces. At the frying pan, heat the olive oil, put the cibula into cubes and cook until clear. Add peeled apple and rodzinka, cut into cubes, pour in lemon juice and season with brown zucr. Cook for 5 minutes | minutes |, often changing. Put the turkey in a frying pan and brush it over a strong fire until the ruddy streak is simmered. Pour in tops, add bay leaf and season with silla, pepper and curry. Cover it with a lid, change the heat and cook it to softness. Serve with rice.

As a side dish to curry, it’s even better to add rice with mint. Boil splendid rice, blackberry jasmine or basmati, add 50 g of butter | oil | and dribno|milko| cut the leaves of fresh mint, gently mix with a saw blade and arrange on plates. For a more grandiose look, you can speed up with a culinary ring - place the ring on a plate in the necessary area, put rice in it and lightly tamp it. Take care of the kiltse, lay out the curry with turkeys and vegetable rolls. And if you don’t have a lot, then just put a cylinder about 4 cm high in a tin can (for peas, for example), just don’t forget to grease it in front of the vikoristannya with a small amount of butter.

Warm salad with pork chop and sesame seeds 500 g pork meat, 3 fresh stumps, 3-4 green cibula feathers, 3 tbsp. l. peanut oil, 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, black chalking pepper for relish, 1 tbsp. l. for sesame.

M'yakush of pork is cut into 1 cm ribs and beaten with a kitchen hammer. Narizati with thin wives and season with black pepper. Grind peanut butter in the eye and brush the meat with a quick stir until golden brown. Fresh stubs rise up and shake thinly. Dribno to cut a green cibula. Z'ednati pork with ogirki and tsibuleya, pour in soy sauce and sesame oliya, mix and sip and smear sesame seeds on a dry frying pan. Okremo you can give rozsipchasty rice or potatoes.

Salad with pumpkin breasts with mango 2 squash breasts, 150 g green pea pods, 3 celeri petioles, 12 cherry tomatoes, a small head of romaine lettuce, 1 mango, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. l. balsamic otstu, 2+2 tbsp. l. olive oil, ½ tsp gіrchitsі, ½ tsp. rare honey.

Smear the breasts on an olive oil, 5 quills from the skin side. Win the frying pans and cut them with thin skewers. Peel the mango from the skin, remove the tassel, cut the pulp into large cubes. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves. Seler petioles are cut with 2 cm zavdovka shmatochki. Smear peas and mango in a frying pan, often mixing, stretching 2 strands. Add tomatoes and seler and prepare 3 hvilin. Leafing through the lettuce, narvat with your hands on small pieces and arrange them on plates. On them put the prepared vegetables and the rolls of pitching. Drizzle with dressing prepared from kikkoman soy sauce, mixed with balsamic ott, olive oil, honey and mustard.

Chicken liver pate with apple 500 g chicken liver, 1 cibulin (preferably shallots), 2 garlic cloves, 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 3 tbsp. l. fat tops, 2 tbsp. l. cognac, 1 green apple, rosemary spice, salt and pepper for relish.

I smoke the liver, dry it and butter it on a rosemary olive oil. Add a finely cut cibula and a chasnik, pidsolity, season with pepper and quench 7 chills under the lid. Transfer to the bowl of the food processor and refine. Add cognac, tops and roughly chopped rosemary leaves. Mix and viklasti into an oiled roasted form. Cut the apple into thin chasms, having seen the day. Razvnyat the surface of the pate and cover it with apple-blossoms, laying them on the looking tiles. Drizzle with olive oil, cover lightly with foil and put in a hot oven. After 30 quills, remove the foil and pіdrum'yaniti pâté from the grill with a stretch of 2-3 quills. Serve chilled.

Biscuit oven with chocolate
3 eggs, 120g brown zucru, 1 sachet (11g) vanilla zucru, 1 tbsp. l. brandy, 200 g boroshn.
For dressing: 50 g brown zucru, 50 g hot chocolate, 2 tbsp. l. Vershkiv.

Beat the eggs, zucor and vanilla tsukor with a mixer on high swedishness. Add a little brandy, pour in the melted butter and mix. Cover the sheet with parchment and use the oven for the help of a confectionery syringe, or just a spoon. Posipate a small amount of brown zucru. Vipkati for 200 degrees 15-17 chills. Drizzle with chocolate icing over the bazhannya. To prepare the glaze, melt hot chocolate over hot tops.

Pechivo with hairy peas 140 g of butter | oil |, 280 g of boroshn, 70 g of zucru, 3 chewing gums, halves of hairy peas.

Beat tsukor, egg and butter. Postupovo, ask, add | add | flour|boroshno| and mix it up. Refrigerate yogo for at least 2 years in the refrigerator. Form small bags, in the middle press the halves of the hairy peas and vipecti to a golden brown color of 10-15 quills at 200 degrees.


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