iceberg salad Stock up on vitamin C and folic acid with iceberg lettuce Iceberg salad recipes

iceberg salad Stock up on vitamin C and folic acid with iceberg lettuce Iceberg salad recipes

You know, in practice, the recipes for Iceberg lettuce on the savory savory online resource site. Prepare various options with chicken breast, salted or smoked fish, cod liver and green peas. Add fresh pickled mushrooms. Season with various sauces. Enjoy new savory flavors!

Iceberg lettuce triumphantly conquered the day on the tables at the everyday and Christmas menu. The bitterness of yoga is not transverse: 1) wines can be saved for a long time, without consuming the fragrant freshness and their brown powers; 2) miraculous collection of vitamins, rich in calcium and even low calorie content to make it even more welcome as a guest in the diet; 3) versatility and success of yoga with the name of the number of other products. It is not easy to choose correctly yoga zósіm: schіlnі swing in 300-400 grams from juicy light green leaves.

Five of the most common vicarious ingredients in Iceberg lettuce recipes:

Cicavi recipe:
1. Chicken fillet promit ta vіdvariti.
2. Refresh fresh greens.
3. Rip Iceberg lettuce with your hands.
4. Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and sir cut into approximately the same cube (the size of the cube is chosen for relish).
5. Finish the meaty fillet, which is cold.
6. Usі іngredientsi z'єdnati y glubokіy єmnostі.
7. Season with sour cream.
8. Salt, pepper, sip with spices to taste.
9. Shuffle.

Five of the best iceberg lettuce recipes:

Korisnі for the sake of:
. Instead of hard syrah, goat syrah can be added, brinza and other siri.
. It is not recommended to give iceberg lettuce a thermal treatment. And here you can spend more of your brown bones.

The crust of iceberg lettuce is not transverse: the juicy leaf has vitamins and mineral speech, so that it can pickle and improve immunity. With an iceberg, meat, ribs, sirns, and snacks are prepared, about the salad, write wikipedia.

Similarity to the product and the particularity of the warehouse

People lived in zhu juice green leafy 2 yew. the fate of that. Vegetables were cultivated in Ancient Egypt and in Ancient Greece.

What kind of salad can I look at and how can I replace yoga? Lettuce or posivny lettuce is used in two different ways - leafy and swinging. From the name it dawned on us that the leafy growth will be fixed to the leaves, and the swings are taken from the saws, that we guess the cabbage. Iceberg is considered to be a rocked variety of lettuce and is known from the USA. Having taken away your own name of guilt through the mind of saving: to continue the “life” of the leaves and save their freshness, vicory ice.

Leather variety of lettuce - romaine (romano), boston, iceberg, red lettuce - may have their own distinctive flavors. One leaf is receptively bitter, otherwise - more juice and watery, the third - stamina to high temperatures. Iceberg is reminiscent of fragile thin leaves and neutral relish;


The nutrition of energy value is turbulent for everyone who cares about calories and consumes diet. At first glance, the iceberg turns over a lot of products. The quantity of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in 100 g of the product is shown in the table. How many calories in salad?

Table - Spivvіdnoshnja BJU in lettuce leaf

Calorie content of iceberg lettuce is less than 14 kcal. The leaves have a large amount of water - about 95%. The second part is to become cellular tissue, as a way to avenge grub fibers, vitamins and microelements. Therefore, the iceberg is an ideal product for those who want to get a figure on the line and talk about special people and family health.


Dietologists to please female women include green leaves in the diet. The vegetable has the necessary speech for the development of the fetus. Feeding mother's iceberg will help you to rise after the slopes, get into physical and moral pretensions, streamline your figure. It is recommended to introduce the product step by step approximately one month after the birth of the child. You can give salad to children from two years.

Green leafing stimulates rosum activity, improves etching, raises hemoglobin levels, this will be good for schoolchildren, students, people who suffer from anemia and diabetes. In the place of active speeches and the power of the iceberg lettuce in the table.

Table - Warehouse and powerhouse of iceberg lettuce

rechovinaDia on the body
folic acid- є prophylaxis of cancer diseases;
- spray on the body (important for intrauterine development);
- Positive impact on the nervous system;
- Stimulates practice;
- support the immune system;
- take part in hematopoiesis
Vitamin C- sharp teeth, clear, hairy, nails;
- to rob the skin with spring and elastic;
- Boost immunity;
- positively influences the circulatory system, tightens the walls of the vessels;
- taking part in protein synthesis
Vitamins group B- pleasantly pour on the nervous system, improve mood, improve tone;
- stimulate the grass tract to work;
- improve the immune system;
- improve speech exchange
Vitamin K- Necessary for pharynx;
- taking part in protein synthesis;
- form and reinforce brushes;
- normalize the work of nirok
Vitamin E- improve immunity;
- lowering the tsukor in the blood;
- Promoting practicality;
- improve blood circulation;
- restore the structure of the skin, hair, nails
Vitamin A- pleasantly vplivaє on zіr that structure of the eyes;
- zmіtsnyuє nіgti that hairy;
- avoid the appearance of fluff;
- Boost immunity;
- improve blood circulation
Choline (vitamin B4)- regulation of blood insulin levels;
- pleasantly pouring into the work of the liver;
- take part in metabolism
potassium- improve the acid-lubric balance of the body;
- zabіgaє sudomam;
- zmіtsnyuє walls of blood vessels
sodium- pіdtremuє rіvnovagu acid and meadow;
- spryaє viroblennyu slunk juice;
- stimulating the work of the sluice slide
Phosphorus- zmіtsnyuє brushes and m'yazi;
- spryyaє rozumovіy diyalnostі;
- take part in the exchange of speeches
Selenium- є storable element of more chemical fields in organisms;
- regulation of speech exchange;
- taking part in the synthesis of proteins

…and Skoda

Irrespective of those who lettuce avenge the impersonal brown and necessary for the body of speeches (for example, the amount of folic acid fills the dobovuyu need), next to trim the world to live.

Cream of vitamins and minerals of the leaves to avenge latex - chumatsky sik of rubber trees. The stems have the most juice. Latex enhances metabolism and has a relaxing effect (with victoria for the preparation of drugs and analgesics).

With a supra-mundane product, a person feels discomfort, it causes irritants. Tse manifests itself in the severity and settled gases. Even though there are already problems with the herbal system, next to surround a small amount of lettuce in the daily diet. At the same time, it is not varto to change the additional dose and to live it in ovochkilograms.

In order to enjoy the taste and taste all the flavors of the product, you should know how to choose the right iceberg lettuce. If you are afraid of high temperatures, then the best place for saving is a refrigerator. Roslin is trimmed with small pieces in a closed container. To preserve the freshness of a whole kachan, it is necessary to burn it with a woolly cloth. With such a look, the salad does not zip up to 10 days.

Iceberg Lettuce Recipes: 10 Original Variants

Inventing what can be cooked with iceberg lettuce, the dweller guesses about the succulent hamburger with a green leaf, which looks like a cutlet. Iceberg fits well into sandwiches, burgers, tacos and rolls (for example, from pita bread), giving the meaty freshness. Iceberg is often eaten with dairy products, salted ribeye, vegetables, and boars.

Kulirari, to follow the figure and healthy eating, to know that the iceberg is a good addition to any vegetable, fruit or meat salad. Dali - a selection of popular recipes for green leaves.


Description With vegetables, you can enjoy marinated fresh seafood. Delicacy salad with a great amount of protein and iodine good pidide like a light and healthy snack on the "Swedish" table.


  • sea ​​cocktail (squid, mussels, octopus, shrimps) - 150 g;
  • iceberg - chotiri leaves;
  • avocado - one piece;
  • tomato - one piece;
  • chasnik - one clove;
  • chili pepper pod - half;
  • parsley, arugula - for relish;
  • olive oil - two or three spoons;
  • spices.


  1. Wash all the vegetables, leave them to dry.
  2. Peel the avocado, cut it, cut the brush and cut it into cubes.
  3. Dice the tomato.
  4. Zliyte marinade z | iz | cans with sea cocktail and arіzhte with straws.
  5. Narvit or pierce the leaves of the arugula.
  6. Mix all the details of the ingredients at the salad bowl.
  7. You can see a clove of the watchmaker and chili peppers at the head of the summish.
  8. Refuel the olive.
  9. Break an iceberg into pieces and put it on a serving plate.
  10. Put a prepared sum on top.


Description You can cook a salad with shrimp and iceberg lettuce to your taste. For piquancy, add red cibula, hot pepper, basil, arugula, cedar peas to the aroma. Pears, tangerines, mangoes give a licorice relish. Ready salad can be sprinkled with lemon. As for fresh shrimp (not marinated), it is recommended to brush them in advance with a small amount of oil.


  • iceberg - 200 g;
  • large shrimp - 12 pieces;
  • ogirki - 250 g;
  • tomato - 250 g;
  • mozzarella in rose salt - 200 g;
  • olive oil, sesame or sonia - two tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - half a teaspoon;
  • spices.


  1. Boil shrimp, cool, clean and cut sprat parts.
  2. Vimite i pozhte ogirki.
  3. Cut the tomato into cubes, cut the small tomatoes into pieces.
  4. Break an iceberg on small pieces.
  5. Mix details of the product in one bowl.
  6. Angry roses and add | add | Sirny bags.
  7. Season the olive and soy sauce, season.


Description Iceberg lettuce salad recipes give free rein to the fantasies of vegetarians. Salad with iceberg can be highly addictive with fruits (pear, orange, pineapple), slices of smeared toast, peas and nasinnya (sesame, garbuzov, sonyashnikova nasinnya). Take sour taste and bring lingonberry or crane. Refueling can also be used for special flavors - lime juice or lemon, soy sauce, sesame or linseed oil.


  • cabbage (white cabbage abo pekinska) - 300 g;
  • iceberg leaf - 200 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - one piece;
  • tomati - two pieces;
  • fresh cut-offs - two pieces;
  • parsley, arugula - for relish;
  • cedar peas - 100 g;
  • lemon - half;
  • olive oil - two or three tablespoons;
  • season.


  1. Cut cabbage into thin strips.
  2. Wichistіt nasіnnya that poіzhte pepper straws.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.
  4. Narіzhte straw ogіrochki.
  5. Narvit hands leafing lettuce, arugula, parsley.
  6. Smear on a small fire with a stretch of one or two cedar peas.
  7. Mix all the ingredients.
  8. See the lemon juice, season the olive and season it.

Culinaries of all stripes continue to talk about how to cut lettuce leaves correctly. It is recommended to tear with your hands, but do not pry with a knife. Nibito metal oxidizes, which wastes power. It is also important that the leaves are saved less than the leaves - it’s easy to blow and make an ugly look. (Another reason to tear a salad with your hands is aesthetics. Pull the leaves looking at the plate, it is beautiful and beautiful.


Description The classic recipe for obov'yazkovo includes a trigger and dried bread. A leather gourmet prepares a salad in his own way, but few can do without an iceberg.


  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • leaf lettuce - three-chotiri pieces;
  • boiled egg - two pieces;
  • parmesan abo gouda - 50 g;
  • croutons or fried pieces of a loaf - one bottle;
  • clockwork clove - two pieces;
  • mayonnaise - five tablespoons.


  1. Boil chicken meat for a long time.
  2. Large fillet.
  3. Grate the parmesan.
  4. Tear the leaves of the iceberg.
  5. See the clove of the watchmaker.
  6. Mix fillet with salad, bread, chasnik.
  7. Season with salt.
  8. Decorate with egg halves.
  9. Sprinkle the beast with grated parmesan.


Description Another recipe for a salad with iceberg leaves and a cock. Ignoring the important warehouse, I’m getting ready to finish the shvidko. All the ingredients are getting ready while the meat is being marinated. So that the chastochki tangerines were juiced, it is recommended to take a bath from them. For bazhannya, you can reduce the amount of zucru in sauces to savor, and also add a teaspoon or baking pepper.


  • chicken breast - 100-150 g;
  • iceberg leaf - 80 g;
  • romaine leaves - 80 g;
  • parmesan - one tablespoon;
  • red cabbage - 10 g;
  • radish - three pieces;
  • carrot - one piece;
  • tomati - one piece;
  • tangerine chastochki - 10-12 pieces;
  • green cibula, cilantro - a small bunch;
  • chasnik - three cloves;
  • green pepper - one piece;
  • tsukor - one bottle;
  • dried basil - pinch;
  • lime - one piece;
  • sonyashnikova oliya - five tablespoons;
  • ocet - two tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - five tablespoons;
  • spices, seasonings.


  1. Beat the chicken lightly, season it and grease it in a frying pan.
  2. Prepare the marinade for the chicken: mix it manually or in a blender cilantro, chasnik, zukor, green pepper, soy sauce, lime juice, oliya.
  3. Narіzhte kurku smuzhki, pour the sauce and zalishte for the second year.
  4. Arrange radishes and carrots in circles.
  5. Cut lettuce leaves and cabbage.
  6. Cut the tomato into cubes.
  7. Detail the cibula.
  8. Grate Parmesan on a dry grate.
  9. Mix together all the details of the components.
  10. Add a spoonful of olive oil, sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper.
  11. Spread the salad on serving plates, decorate with tangerine slices.
  12. Put some pieces of meat on top and serve.


Description Salad with a "human" character without zayvih vishukuvan cannot be depleted of gourmets, like to love to eat. Peas and corn can be harvested like a canned one, as well as a fresh (thawed) one. For gostroti it is recommended to add fresh chili pepper.


  • shank (smoked abo in'yalene m'yaso) - 300 g;
  • lettuce leaves - sprat pieces;
  • cibulina - one piece;
  • licorice pepper (zhovty chi chervoniy) - 150 g;
  • corn in a jar - 100 g;
  • canned peas - 100 g;
  • apple ocet - one tablespoon;
  • roslinna oliya - three-chotiri tablespoons;
  • spices.


  1. Cut bell peppers into strips.
  2. Divide the meat into small cubes.
  3. Clear the cibulin and cut it on the upper parts.
  4. Look at the crushed corn and peas.
  5. Break the leaves of the iceberg.
  6. Stir all the ingredients.
  7. Mix butter with ott, season and dress the salad.
  8. Garnish with a parsley leaf.

Iceberg at the warehouse to finish the salad shvidko vtrachaє form. So that the leaf doesn’t “sweet” and doesn’t waste the garnier old look, it is recommended to trim and add yoga to the rest of the black. Then fill the grass and immediately serve it on the table.

With tomatoes and somgoyu

Description Salmon or pink salmon can be salted independently. Fish is good to eat with tomatoes and lemon juice (you can also add small pieces of lemon to the salad). Instead of juice, you can vicorate an apple ocet. It is recommended to add olives, cedar peas or sesame seeds.


  • iceberg - sprat leaves;
  • slightly salted salmon - 100 g;
  • boiled quail eggs - vіsіm pieces;
  • cherry - 15-20 pieces;
  • arugula, krip - for relish;
  • olive oil - two or three tablespoons;
  • fresh lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • season.


  1. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.
  2. Cut salmon into shmatki and lightly drizzle with lemon.
  3. Prepare the sauce: beat by hand, or for the help of a blender, olive, sik, greens.
  4. Tear an iceberg into big shmatki or fill it with qlimi, put it on a plate.
  5. Put ribs on the beast, halves of eggs and tomatoes.
  6. Drizzle with sauce and serve on a glass.

3 tuna

Description Blue and simple salad for ribi lovers. For bajannya, ogіrkovі slices, egg chasts, pimento, green cibula, sesame are added to the new one. Like dressing pіdіyde sіk lemon or lime, sour cream or mustard.


  • tuna in oil - one can;
  • iceberg - one fork;
  • red tsibulya - one piece;
  • tomati - two pieces;
  • strength, spices, spices.


  1. Rinse and tear the lettuce into pieces.
  2. Lay the leaves on a plate.
  3. Angry zayva oliya z canned food.
  4. If necessary, put small pieces on the pieces and place small pieces on the iceberg.
  5. Dice the tomato and place the beast on the fish.
  6. Fill the cibula with rings and lay it to the beast.

With mushrooms and pineapples

Description Sour-licorice flavor is added to marinated pecheritsa with pineapple. Zamіst pecheritsa can vikoristovuvaty openers. Also, try the variant with fresh pecherits (they are smeared and stewed more, lower pickled).


  • a jar of pineapples - one piece (200 g);
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 g;
  • iceberg - one fork;
  • smoked chicken okist - two pieces;
  • qibulya - one piece;
  • crunchy bread or crackers - 100 g;
  • sonyashnikova oliya - two tablespoons;
  • sour cream - three tablespoons.


  1. Znіmіt z osto skіrku, vіdokremte m'yaso vіd kіstok.
  2. Fill with small pieces of meat and pineapple.
  3. Cut the cibulin, brush with oil until golden brown.
  4. Add|Add| to the cibulі pecheritsі and lubricate five hvilin|minutes|.
  5. Tear lettuce leaves.
  6. Mix all the ingredients.
  7. Give me some bread.
  8. Season with sour cream and serve on the table.

Vinny iz basilikom

Description Refreshing light salad with wine sauce is good as an appetizer to spaghetti. For the bazhannya you can only get by with wine, without adding to the estimate.


  • iceberg - one fork;
  • gouda - 200 g;
  • dry white wine - one tablespoon;
  • tomati - two pieces;
  • ogirok - one piece;
  • fresh basil - 10 g;
  • cibulina - half;
  • water - 50 g;
  • ocet - one tablespoon;
  • tsukor - one teaspoon;
  • sesame or lyane oil - two tablespoons;
  • seasonings, spices.


  1. Dice vegetables.
  2. Cut half of the cibulini.
  3. Tear the salad into large pieces.
  4. Fill the cheese with cubes.
  5. Chop up the basil.
  6. Change the details of the products.
  7. Prepare the sauce: pour water, wine, ocet into one container, add spices, mix zucor.
  8. Season with sauce.

Iceberg leaves can be put at the cabbage soup. For rahunok schіlnoї and juicy structure lettuce will be practically not remembered. Cream soup, gazpacho and borscht are prepared with an iceberg. However, varto vrakhovuvati, which, with thermal processing, wastes more of the brown authorities.

Recipes with iceberg lettuce will touch the soul of the whole motherland. It is easier to freshly leaf through a brown and beautiful appetizer. Whether a lettuce will change, as if it were yogi on a wilted iceberg leaf. Do not forget to thoroughly wash and hang the leather sheet on the server before being implanted at the hedgehog.

Lettuce (vegetable culture) with the bright name "iceberg" has gained popularity recently. At the same time, the swaying of the bottom-green leaves is already well known to the wealthy gentlemen and fitness trainers. Vіn pіdkupovuє svoіsnimi domineering that small caloric content. Recipes for cooking with iceberg lettuce live, light good luck for the Christmas Eve and everyday meals.

Lettuce "Iceberg"

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • Iceberg - 1 head
  • Spinach - 200 g
  • Eggs - 8 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Cibulya is green - 1 bunch
  • Sir - 250 g
  • Green peas - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Zukor - 1 tbsp
  • Creep ruby
  • Spices for relish
  • Bacon - 350 g

Cooking method:

  1. Iceberg leaves and spinach cut into small pieces. Boil eggs, cut them.
  2. Cut tomatoes and bacon into cubes.
  3. Creep and chop the green cibula finely. At the glibok salad bowl with balls of ingredients: iceberg leaves, spinach, eggs, bacon, tomatoes, green cibula. We grate sir on top. The remaining ball is green peas. Repeat doti, doki salad bowl does not fill up to the brim.
  4. Prepare dressing: mix mayonnaise and sour cream, zucor, add strength and spices for relish. Thoroughly water the salad, without being overbearing. Tse better robiti, laying out in portions.
  5. Strava put in a cold place for 1.5-2 years. Serve up to the table, embellishing the greens.

Leaves salads to be finished by laborers at their own cooking, so that the skin ball needs to be smeared with sauce and dressing. Leafy salads, just by looking at them, can stir up an appetite, so they are often served at glassware, so that you can taste all the beauty of grass.

The main principle of preparing leafy salads is the correct use of ingredients and the optimal amount of sauce or dressing. Products for such strains are mostly cut into small pieces, or rubbed on the top. If there is a cibula in the salad, then marinate the yogo on the cob in lemon juice, so that the wine becomes more soft and fragrant.

Iceberg lettuce with sauce


  • Iceberg - 200 g
  • Yogurt - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Olive oliya - 1 tsp.
  • Bacon for relish
  • Black pepper (chalking) for relish
  • Melting cheese - 170 g
  • White wine ocet -1 tbsp
  • Cherry tomatoes - 100g
  • Force for taste

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the iceberg with 2.5 cm zavtovshka disks. Vіdpravte їх at the freezer on pіvgodini, so that the stench became cold and crunchy.
  2. Put disks on paper servers.
  3. In an okremіy bowl, prepare the syringa sauce. Place in a bowl grated syrah, unsweetened yogurt, black pepper, and olive oil. Stir the ingredients.
  4. Lay discs on salad on a plate, pour half of the sauce over the beast, like wiishov.
  5. Add tomatoes, bacon, chasnik, passes through the press.
  6. Top with sauce again. Salt for taste!

In order to enjoy the taste and taste all the flavors of the product, you should know how to choose the right iceberg lettuce. If you are afraid of high temperatures, then the best place for saving is a refrigerator. Roslin is trimmed with small pieces in a closed container. To preserve the freshness of a whole kachan, it is necessary to burn it with a woolly cloth. With such a look, the salad does not zip up to 10 days.

Iceberg lettuce


  • Iceberg lettuce ½‑1 head
  • Ogorok 1 small
  • Chasnik 1-2 teeth
  • Zelena cibula 2-3 stalks
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp.
  • Lemon sik 1 dessert spoon
  • Pepper for a taste
  • Force for taste
  • Creep 1-2 buns

Cooking method:

  1. Ready-to-cook ingredients for iceberg salad with ogirk.
  2. You need either a small kachanchik, or half a great one. Lettuce is guilty of being fresh, juicy and without bitterness. Mlyave leaves and hot water - evidence of the fact that the lettuce, having planted it, is better not to get used to it.
  3. Iceberg lettuce needs to be crushed, dried on a towel, then finely shaken. Navit after cutting with an Iceberg knife does not seem to be rich in juice, in which case it is special, so it seems to be especially juice.
  4. Shredding can be done not only on the upper part of the leaf, but also on the lower part of the petiole. A shaky looking stench is especially relishable.
  5. Let's have a salad at a glibok salad bowl.
  6. Vіdrіzaєmo kіchiki ogіrka. We rub yoga on the third. It is better to use a grater for Korean carrots. The ogirok can be victorious and in a small amount, for gusto.
  7. Creep and cibula miёmo, strushuemo, potim dribno narizaemo, add to the salad.
  8. Dribno narizaemo chasnik, put salad.
  9. Prepare dressing: mix olive oil with lemon juice, add strong pepper, red or black, for relish. All the ingredients are beaten well with a fork.
  10. Water the salad dressing and gently mix it.

Ready Iceberg lettuce with sourdough served on a flat grass, served immediately after cooking. Lack yoga not varto, shards with an hour of wine saw a great amount of juice, consuming their wonderful savory taste.

Vegetable salad with iceberg and chicken breast


  • chicken breast - 1 pc;
  • iceberg lettuce - 0.5 pcs;
  • fresh stump - 1 pc;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • solid sir - 20 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • mayonnaise - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • strength for relish;
  • juice of a quarter of a lemon;

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the chicken meat until cooked and cool
  2. Narizati to finish with large cubes.
  3. Iceberg cut.
  4. Ogіrki and tomato narizati to finish off in great portions. Salt, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  5. Add chicken fillet, sour cream and mayonnaise.
  6. Mix it up, put it on a dish, rub it on the beast. Vegetable salad with iceberg and chicken breast ready!

Iceberg lettuce with eggs and cibulei


  • Iceberg lettuce - 1 head;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Cibulya ripchasta - 1 head;
  • Creep - 2-3 ticks;
  • Strength for relish;
  • Mayonnaise - delicious.

Cooking method:

  1. Promiti lettuce, as it is necessary to take a zipped leaf. Narizati kachanchik thin straws. Eggs boiled until ready, cut with pivkiltsami.
  2. Tsibulya - thin calves (or pivkilts).
  3. Chop the creep.
  4. Usі ingredienti z'єdnati at the salad bowl. Salt and season with mayonnaise.

Salad with avocado and mozzarella


  • Iceberg lettuce - 1 head
  • Avocado - 1pc
  • Mozzarella - 40 g
  • Cherry - 3 pcs.
  • Rucola - 50 g
  • Oliya olive - 1 tbsp.
  • strength for taste
  • black pepper (chalking) for relish

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the arugula with cold water, dry it, put it on a plate.
  2. Promiti lettuce, dry. Narizati kachanchik thin straws. Add to arugula.
  3. Cherry tomatoes rose navpil, made a salad for the beast.
  4. Peel the avocado from the skin, cut the middle size of the cloves, add the salad.
  5. Cut the mozzarella into pieces, put it on top of the salad, season with silli and pepper, drizzle with olive oil.
  6. Serve salad immediately after cooking.

Iceberg lettuce with canned tuna


  • Canned tuna, in wet juice - 200 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 g
  • Cibulya ripchasta chervona - 30 g
  • Iceberg lettuce (leaf) - 200 g
  • Sesame (white or black) - 10 g
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Oliya olive - 2 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 4 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. We prepare all the products that we need to prepare a salad with tuna, vegetables and sesame seeds. Sesame can be black or white, black fragrant.
  2. Leafing through the lettuce, we dried it with servettes and torn it with our hands into small pieces. Viclademo salad in a bowl.
  3. Chervona cibula is called a quarter of calves. Bulgarian pepper cut into cubes.
  4. Dodamo chopped vegetables in a bowl.
  5. З|із| lemon vidavimo sik i dodamo in a vegetable salad. Nallemo olive oil.
  6. Pieces of canned tuna (without radish) are cut into trochas with a saw blade and put into a salad.
  7. Coat the fresh sesame seeds in a dry frying pan over medium heat 1 quill.
  8. Add sesame seeds to salad with tuna and Bulgarian pepper. Uvіllєmo soy sauce and mix well all the ingredients. It is not necessary to salt the fish salad, soy sauce should be added to salted salts.
  9. Strava with tuna is ready.

Iceberg salad with shrimps, recipe


  • iceberg lettuce - 1 head
  • king prawns - 200 g
  • tangerines - 3 pcs.
  • be-like cheese with herbs (Philadelphia, Caucasian, Adigey, Tilsiter) - 100 g

For sauce:

  • olive oil - 3 table.
  • sіk іz skebochki lemon
  • dijon sirchitsya - 1 tsp. a spoon
  • sil, black pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the shrimp, clean the rabbit.
  2. Pomiti and narizati chi tear iceberg lettuce.
  3. Diced sir with herbs.
  4. Clean the tangerines and divide them into small pieces, if possible, take a slab. Cut large pieces into halves.
  5. For the sauce, we will add olive oil, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, black pepper and salt.
  6. Components of viklasti salad on a dish and season with sauce

Caesar with iceberg and shrimp


  • Headless shrimp (large) - 20 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 100 ml
  • Chasnik - 5 cloves
  • Thyme - 5 pieces
  • Iceberg lettuce - 1 head
  • Baku tomatoes - 8 pcs.
  • Parmesan shavings - 30 g
  • Strong pepper
  • For sauce
  • Anchovies in olives - 2-3 fillets
  • Chasnik - 1 clove
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 150 ml
  • Lemon (sik) - 1/4 pc.

For greens:

  • Ciabatta - 1 pc.
  • Chasnik - 1 clove
  • Thyme - 2 rolls
  • Olive oil - 40 ml
  • Strong pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the sauce. Chop the anchovy into a porridge, adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olії z|іz| banks. Watch the clock for clarification. Beat the zhovtki in a glass of food and, without ceasing to beat, pour olive oil into it with a thin glass. Add anchovies and chasnik, thoroughly mix and refrigerate for 30 quills.
  2. Cook the toast. Narvati bread in large chunks, mash with a grill of ingredients (chopping the teaspoon and thyme in front), drizzle with olive oil, dry it in a oven heated to 160 ° C with a stretch of 15 quills.
  3. Peel the shrimps from the shell, marinate in 20 ml of olive oil with garlic and thyme, put in the fridge for 20 minutes. Brush on a roasted pan until done.
  4. Iceberg lettuce narvati large pieces. Zmіshati z|іz| tomatoes, sliced ​​into pieces, sauce and toast. Viklasti on a dish, put the shrimp on the beast, sip the parmesan shavings.

Some tricks for preparing herbs with iceberg lettuce:

  • Juice the leaves more widely, tear with your hands rather than cut with a knife. So vitamins are saved more quickly
  • The sweatiness of the veins of the green leaf is not a trace of virіzati or it is necessary for the softness: the most delicious crunches and the lower parts of the salad
  • So that the leaves did not lose their springiness, but became juicy and super-crunchy;
  • Lettuce does not require thermal processing, while it is possible to consume up to 60% of vitamins and microelements.
  • Iceberg lettuce is badly served with leafy plates for appetizers and other dishes. The slender shape of the leaf allows you to vicorate them like a salad "plate"
  • To change the fresh relish of the salad, vicorate for dressing olive oil with balsamic or wine otstom, mustard in grains, lemon juice, chasnik, black black pepper, spicy greens
  • For a light snack before dinner, Iceberg lettuce is served with a sum of other salads (Frize, Radichio) and greens, seasoned with salad dressing and olive oil. For more savory appetizers, the salad is supplemented with boiled eggs, shrimp, mushrooms, chicken pieces, croutons, cheese from blackberry.
  • Chicken eggs can be replaced with quails, as they are cherished and well eaten with Iceberg lettuce.

- tse hrumka that juicy strain, you can eat an appetizer not only with garnishes, but just like that with dressing or sauce. Today we will try different variations of frequency and you can choose those that suit you and your family.

Give a mix of two salads with a grain of salt. To the warehouse, vegetables and pots will also see, giving a special flavor and a little crunch.

Product List:

  • 300 g of cabbage;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 Bulgarian pepper;
  • 1 iceberg swing lettuce;
  • 2 cut-outs;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 1/2 bottle of cedar peas;
  • 80 ml lemon juice;
  • 120 ml olive oil.

Iceberg cabbage salad recipe:

  1. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Rinse the iceberg, shake it with a gostri knife.
  3. Pepper should be dried, dried out and left in our boxes, cut into thin strips.
  4. Keep the parsley clean, bud dry and chop with a juice.
  5. Dry the avocado. See the brush, cut the pulp. Drizzle with lemon juice.
  6. Ogіrki to mitigate, dry and trim with straws.
  7. Grease the peas until golden brown in a dry frying pan.
  8. Combine all the ingredients in one dish, add salt and drizzle with olive oil.
  9. You can decorate the appetizer with fresh arugula or other greens for your taste.

iceberg lettuce salad

In iceberg lettuce, the calorie content becomes less than 14 kcal per hundred grams of the product. And one swing at the average is about 300-400 grams. Natomist iceberg lettuce revenge micronutrients: potassium, vitamin A and calcium, as well as a lot of others, so necessary for us for normal life.

Warehouse salads:

  • 400 g of chicken meat (best loin part);
  • 400 g Iceberg;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 chastochka to the watchmaker;
  • 150 grams of goat syrah;
  • 80 ml olive oil;
  • 60 g pour. Olii.

Cabbage salad - iceberg.

  1. Chicken fillet should be imitated and cut into small sticks.
  2. Heat up the frying pan and add a sum of olive oils and tops, brush the pieces of meat.
  3. Reach the golden skorinki and add the hourly, passes through the press.
  4. Add fresh basil leaves and also add to chicken meat. Mix everything up.
  5. Z'ednati two grams of black pepper and salt. Syudi add a lemon juice. For whom to see yoga from citrus is far behind.
  6. Place tsyu sumish at the bottom of the cup and add sir. Kill everything with a boring blender.
  7. Rinse the iceberg lettuce, tear it into small cubes, or you can beat it up for the bazhannya.
  8. Cabbage cut into dry straws.
  9. Put the salad and cabbage on a plate, save the chicken fillet for the beast.
  10. Pour sauce over everything. You can decorate with trimmed greenery.

Salad with corn

Licorice, fresh corn corn. If the salad is prepared in the end of the summer, then there will be no problems with the swing, but if it’s winter, then ... Then you’ll get better! Tell me about your delicious winter. Zazdalegіd zrіzhte grain corn from summer swings and right into the freezer. Believe me, you will be happy eating a fresh salad here in the middle of the day, prepared with your own hands in advance.

What is required from the refrigerator:

  • 1 swing iceberg lettuce;
  • 100 g of white cabbage;
  • 2 pumpkins of corn (or 200 g of frozen grains);
  • 2 fresh stumps;
  • 1 bunch of kropu chi parsley;
  • 30 ml olive oil.

How to pick a summer salad:

  1. Salad vimiti ta zniati leaves. Narvati on small pieces.
  2. Vimiti white cabbage, dry or bud, until it dries and shakes into straws.
  3. After washing, add some oil, add some salt to the lettuce, add some zucru and drizzle with lemon juice. Like mayonnaise - salt is needed for example, picking a salad.
  4. Kukurudzu drank with a pivgodini (for your mind, like kukurudza tsukrova) like you have a swing. Cool to room temperature and ripen grains. Canned corn is better not to buy. Taste of the salad will be different.
  5. Ogіrki remember and cut into strips or kiltsami - to your taste. Like a shkіrka to growl, it is necessary to see it.
  6. Promite the greens, cut them off and roughly chop them with juice.
  7. Combine all the ingredients in one bowl and season with olive oil.

Iceberg from black syrup

One is the name of gastronomic satisfaction, which is already talking about the savory factor. Strava can be effectively brought to high cuisine and served at the restaurant. Tse z cіkavoyu dressing, which you can have a bite to eat or vikoristati like povnotsіnne.

Salad Ingredients:

  • 60 g iceberg lettuce;
  • 30 grams of white cabbage;
  • 50 grams of arugula;
  • 70 grams of syrup from flower;
  • 1 stalk of celeri petiole;
  • 100 g hairy peas;
  • 80 ml sauce "Venegret".

For the vinaigrette sauce:

  • 100 ml olive oil;
  • 60 ml of red wine otstu;
  • 20 ml Dijon girchitsa.

Salad preparation:

  1. Iceberg to be crushed and dried up, torn into small pieces.
  2. Cabbage, vimivshi, shake the straws. Eat them in one mist.
  3. Rinse the petiole of the celeriac, cut it into thin strips.
  4. Add celery to salad and cabbage.
  5. Pea kernels are smeared in a frying pan with a minimum amount of olive oil. Cool to room temperature, eat with other products.
  6. Add the sauce and mix the warehouse well.
  7. Viklasti salad on plates.
  8. Blakytny sir pore on small shmatochki and sip a skin portion of lettuce to the beast. You can submit!

Preparation of vinaigrette sauce:

  1. At the mist, z'ednati appreciate that hot sauce.
  2. Season the sumish with spices to taste.
  3. Add oil | oil | and beat with a wine glass until uniform.
  4. Refueling can be beaten!
40 g of white cabbage;
  • 2-3 g lemon pepper (dry);
  • 30 ml olive oil.
  • Salad preparation:

    1. Dry iceberg. Tear the leaves into pieces, handy for living.
    2. Shred the cabbage into thin strips.
    3. Radishes and apples should be dried and dried.
    4. Radishes are cut into thin slices.
    5. The apple is trimmed with a quarter-kiltsami.
    6. Z'ednati lettuce, cabbage, apple and radish in one bowl. Mix it up.
    7. Season the salad with olive oil and lemon spice. Add|Add| black ground pepper, p_dsoliti.
    8. Mix the ingredients and serve to the table!

    Today we have shown you what can be done with tomatoes. The appetizer takes either dressings (chi or yogurt, butter, mayonnaise or sour cream) and products. Itself leafy vіdmіnno podnuєtsya z kale cabbage and zavzhd radium new experiments on kshtalt blakitny sir, yoghurt and apples. Fallow in the form of products, the grass can be as light, so it is more sieve and high-calorie.


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