Zhartivlivy vіtannya zavіduvachki s day of the preschool teacher. Collection of poetry until the day of the preschool teacher materials on the topic

Zhartivlivy vіtannya zavіduvachki s day of the preschool teacher. Collection of poetry until the day of the preschool teacher materials on the topic

I run a garden
Please welcome me,
You are the head whipper,
І at the post all days.

You creative success
We want to help
I friendly team
Quiet more often.

Zovsim is not simple on the right,
At the kindergarten the head of the buti,
Professionally and nicely
No problem keruvati people!

Axis for tse mi you are worth more,
You envy, just a super ace,
To all our friendly team,
Happy professional day, we love you!

You fathers and children
For good vdyachni.
We love you today
Mi s day of the whistleblower.

There are no beautiful envious women,
Fair and wise.
Thank you
You have less robots of your own.

Be happy, healthy
Save your fuse
Schob under your ker_vnitstvom
The garden just flourished.

At the day of the vikhovator of the envy
Our baths,
Thank you for your success
For everything direct to you.

Sorry, it's easy
You solved problems
Koshti, schob for repairs
The government saw.

Under your signature
Sob the garden prosvіtav,
Let us fall in love with a budin,
Schob for children becoming.

Skіlki are necessary for the life of the nobility
Want to become a supervisor?
Skіlki need nathnennya
For other solutions?

You are a must-have in the garden,
Today is a day at the uvazi.
Your work will not be forgotten
We respect you and love you!

Be a caretaker of a child garden -
Difficult and difficult work,
A lot of strength and patience required,
І kokhannya, what do children check for you.

I believe that the holy miracle
You were warmed by the warmth of our hands,
And all life has become a licorice song,
And the whole world became beautiful all around!

There are no better zavіduvachki in the whole world!
Thank you for doing it right,
We wish you joyful bouquet
Schob mood bov major!

Let you all check for success,
Bazhaemo you to the goals of zmіtati all membranes!
Don't let your childish radio laughter ring,
Aja in the childish garden of the best little fence!

Garden childish Vikeuete,
Tsiliy rіk i shgodini.
Accept the weather
From your holy view of us.

You need to understand,
Prosvіtannya at everything.
Respect, respect
Shchob everything was for nothing.

A child nursery is easy for you,
Everything-everything-everything in management is given to you!
All are satisfied, like a whale before milk,
The skin of a small guest is here to laugh.

Let the profession only silence you,
Let your colleagues, that children of the soul do not spodіvayutsya with you!
Come near and near, and friends
No one and nothing will bother you.

Let the flow of life calmly, like water,
Let your ticket open up your feelings.
Wake up the world, start laughing!
Come on, you won’t have any leads for embarrassment!

You already have a lot of right,
Batkiv food and drink,
We understand, curiosity is your share,
Ale, please, we ask you a little bit!

Let it be at this moment all the bullshit
Don't be rude to us!
Sob zhittya pofarbuvati yaskravі kolori,
We proponuemo sacredly mean!

We hope you have a lot of smiles,
The heart is calm, that light is warm,
І schob life of your dovga road
You've been led by a venerable way!

Our garden is a fairy tale,
I Vee in the new, nache queen.
Not leather bi, maybe, zmig
Cheruvati the axis was so sweet.

It is simple and easy for us and you,
We love you and respect you
І professional day
You mustache schiro vіtaєmo!

Bazhaemo life of old fates,
Get lucky with robots.
Let there be light and the sun is light
On your earth, de vie live!

Let us welcome you
І pobazhati, vіd usіh, vіd us:
Best of health,
Zavzhdi - a spiritual breakdown.

Great victories at the kar'єri Vashoi,
Shchob childish garden, becoming more beautiful,
So that the children loved you forever,
They wrote, you, and cited!

Sob for a special life - buv lull,
Sob you were cited: "there" that "here",
For good luck, you are right,
And kindness - sharpened!

I am so beautiful, strong, wise, that kind woman, not only with a sensible and bright head, a firm, strong hand, but with the majestic strange heart of our beloved Childish garden. Bazhaemo, schob yak і earlier; with honour, professionalism and strength of soul, continued hugging the plantation - the head of the house. Bazhaemo, that, under your cursing, our cage will become like a quiet, kind and bright house for our little ones. Happy educator's day and all preschool teachers!

It’s not easy that honest work -
Kindergarten manager.
Yak commander, you are guilty
Lead the parade.

And today, at Day
Prats_vniki preschool children,
Hurry up to welcome you kindly,
Turbota otochenikh.

With warmth, kindness,
Love, understanding.
For you kind of soul
For all your efforts.

We hope everyone has joy,
On all the right - success.
Let the perevіrki be at the plus,
And help is not a problem.

Let me ring today,
Yak for the pratsy of the city,
Merry gooey childish laughter
Good luck kindergarten.

Have holy your mi pobazhaemo
You are less fussy
Schob different problems
With lightness Virishuvali Vi,
Happiness to you, kokhannya, I'm healthy,
Optimism is good
Let me love the robot
Bring joy back!

Children's garden - okrema kraina,
De turbota and kohanna is important,
I patience, I discipline
The axis of success is why.

Kerіvnitstvo childish land
Everything is in the hands of a jealous woman alone.
Please, good luck now,
Schob pratsyuvalo z vіddacheyu.

So that the whole day began with a laugh,
Rozkvitala schob at the soul buzok
І order of letters in everything,
And problems are a gift!

Vіdpovidalna posada that right vir,
It's not easy to run a kindergarten!
Our zavіduvachka, we appreciate you,
Take a bath in the holy sight of us!
Bazhaemo you successfully zavzhd cheruvati,
I, like before, a woman's charming booty!

For the caretaker of the kindergarten
Our baths:
You are the boss - those who need
Let's say, without a doubt!

In addition, my soul is lucky
You to work
І to practitioners, І to children
Reveal the turbo.

Happiness to you, good, love,
The booths are warm, quiet.
Let me keep my promises
To be at life's rest!

The best woman in the world,
Our zavіduvachku mi vitaєmo!
At the day of us
Happiness bezmezhnogo you mi bazhaemo.

Joy, peace to you, a glint in your eyes,
Let everything come true that the dreams wanted,
Thank you for success, good luck in your work,
More light for you that good turbo!

For warm words, she pours for souls,
For those that you will forever move forward
І for inextinguishable enthusiasm
Our friendly team would like to welcome you.

Please don’t grow old with your soul,
And in the distance for obriy it was enthralled to marvel.
Stability in the world, harmony, peace,
So that miracle flowers bloomed for a long time!

You know you are a kindergarten
Happily and zavzhd z soul,
So command the parade
Only with a firm hand!

Be a zavіduvachkoy so importantly
You need to dry the garden,
First day of life
Zmіtsnyuvati and develop.

You are patient with that strength,
I cordiality in everything,
Let the energy warm you
With your skin new day!

Support for the All-Russian competition "Naizatrebuvanіsha article of the month" Zhovten 2017

The day of the educator and all preschoolers is sacred to the profession in the Russian Federation. Tse is sacred to the shoroku, the 27th of spring. The idea of ​​​​whose is holy is to help the school of the child to have great respect for the child nursery and for the preschool child as a whole. On this day, it is a miraculous year to graft all the pratsіvnіkіv preschool illuminating pledges and give them vdyachnіst.

We cherish the holy spirits in our garden, like every day we give the warmth of our hearts to children! I am inspired that the kindness and professional mastery of transforming the day for children at the child's garden on a day of joy and happiness.

And don’t let me today, more often we use the word vihovatel, but it doesn’t mean that today is less holy. It is sacred to all who work at a child's garden, even if all practitioners take an uninterrupted fate from the care of our children.

Great is the mood of the child, if you come to the child's garden. Like a sound of silence in the quiet lawns, they glance, the paths are clean, and the windows, vibrating, smiling, as if they were seeming: "We kindly ask you!" , And at the entrance to the children's garden, they give the aroma of a savory їzhі, a friendly smile of the children's doctor and vihovatel. Bador's sound is cheerful music, asking for ditlakhіv to exercise, and in the group already zacherkali yaskravі, darling іgryki, the child with joy to live up to the group, and the fathers with a light heart trust "your own sun" let's warm our hands for the whole day and walk calmly at our right.

The pre-school initial pledge is a majestic machine, as a dvigun є kerіvnik. Successful management without intermediary lie in fact, as an administration (manager, methodologist, trade union organizer) can evaluate and demonstrate, indicative of the best sides and the success of spivrobitnikiv in usdrozdiliv. Indulge in creative activities and self-employment in the name of our children, even if the payment is not easy, the work is minimal.

It has already become a tradition for our childish garden to appoint a great saint from requests for honorary guests for the administration of the settlement of that Batkiv committee. Children and spivrobitniki prepare musical numbers, and the role of the presenters is given to the manager, trade union organizer, and methodologist. On such saints, a specific practitioner is glorified, certificates are awarded, inexpensive, and personal gifts to the trade union committee, a tribute to the Batkiv committee, and a licorice cake to the administration of the settlement. End holy teas.

I'm in "Day of the preschool practitioner" all colleagues and you, shanovni spіvrobіtniki magazine "Preschooler" !

Today and tomorrow
I wish you happiness
Let me save your share
In the face of the darkness, that scoundrel,

Vіd evil movi,
In severe ailments,
View of a reasonable enemy,
Kind of a friendly friend.

God bless you
Yakshto tse in yoga power,
Healthy. Good luck
Bagato - rich happiness "

Holy script:

Listen to music "Little Country" I. Nikolaev - children enter the hall and sit down on the pillars of the air walls. Listen to music "Mary Popins" I. Rodnova, the guards of the childish garden enter, cheering along the central wall.

The manager, the methodologist and the trade union organiser, will come in, stand in front of the spіvrobіtniks.

Head You, maybe, know
Two-top booth?
To whom? For boys:
Tshomu Budinka has a children's garden.

I love my childish garden,
I love mature boys.
Prof. We are in a beloved childish garden
We are all living together,

I today in the soul
Let's dance and sleep.

Song: "Our kind child garden" music "Little Country" I.Mikolaeva, sl. Tochitskoy O.S.

Є in Polovoye - our village
Small children's garden.
There are people with kind eyes
It's a pleasure to check for lads.

Everything is good there, it's quiet,
There is no evil that grief.
There children laugh joyfully,
I grant light to people.

Our kind child garden,
Our kind child garden,
Everything is good and wonderful
- The house is different for the boys.

Spіvrobіtniki rozsіdyat on mіstsya.

Met. Dear children, spivrobitniki, grand guests, we have chosen this year as a friendly family, to please one with songs, dances, warm words.

Prof. Even today, the whole country is appointed. Tse sacredly consecrated to those who wihi, teach, and who create mind for a cheerful, joyous life in a child's garden.

Head We have a sacred profession
All lives in the soul
Usikh, who "burning on robots" ,
Whom do children love so much!

Prof. Usikh, who dbaє i goє
Who dances with them and sings
Blizna erase, protect
I povіdaє head,

I develop intellect
With all my soul, my heart sees!

Met. In honor of such a holy day,

To the glory of the team, the merits of which cannot be spoiled

We start our concert

Tim more, scho brought є.

Prof. You listen, lads, we want to tell you

About all those who make you feel better, helping you to turn away.

Met. We lied, we wondered how we should win.

Head Nareshti, they chose us all and virish glorified us.

Song: "Your service is unsafe and important" music M. Minkova

The manager, methodologist, trade union organiser.

Your service and that importance is not safe
At first glance, nothing is visible.
How many of the children you have for an hour
Don't want to listen

So, I call you to go into the invisible bey,

Behind the mode of scolding

І date vіdbіy,

Come on, let's grim gurkoche.

Met. Sob holy boulo tsikavіshe,

We have praised you for the nominations!

Prof. Nomination "My Friend Mom"

Head Road Tamara Aristarkhivno!

Before childishness in the heart of the way you cursed,
You are for them today and forever
Close, dear, road,
Mother friend good soul.

Met. Dear Natalya Oleksandrivna!

Before you kids "Okay" come,
Їx a spoon with a kitchen to count,
How to put on a coat and a hat,
І pіsenki ahead of time.

Prof. Presenting a gift and a letter.

Met. Sonechko syaє, vіtayuchi you.

Come out with children

And start dancing!

dance "Little Valleys" Z. Levinoy

Prof. Give a gift.

Head Nomination: "Stompers"

Met. Dear Kamila Fatikhivno!

You accept children as little ones,

It looks so bad.

You, yak kurchat, їх nizhno teach

First song, sleep and dance.

Prof. Give a gift.

Head Road Galino Volodymyrivno!

good word "pomik" :
Igryshki help pick up.
Help the lads to loosen up,
Quietly put in a soft bed.

You are hovering in the soul
And the little ones have grown up.

Met. Your dances, your songs

Didlakh fell in love.

Come out to the colo shvidshe,

Sleep together, have fun.

Song: “We went to the gardens” S. Yudino

Head Nomination: "Pidtrimka that support"

Svitlano Danilivno!
Zirki clear before dark
Our garden is out.
Who is the door to us?

Doruchennya vіdveze?
Marvel at the hour
How do you see everything?
Indulge in wanting a kohannya

Vіd usієї our children.

Prof. Presenting a gift and a letter.

Head Valentina Oleksandrivna

Right is rich, but navit is even richer is right:

Katі kosi plіtaє, stitch, shchob Llosha їv.

And yet she will prostegize, shob ditlahi

She didn’t hesitate, she didn’t get sick, she didn’t flow out of the yard.

Prof. Give a gift.

Met. Shanovna Natalya Mikhailivno!

I pardoned the pidlog, wiped it,
I ventilated everything from the wound,
I smile promenista
I gave away, how zavzhd!

Prof. Give a gift.

Met you lads soar,

Pograt to you to preach.

Gra-dance: "From how our children got in" O. Filippenko.

Head Nomination "Romashkov's childishness"

Road Tetyano Grigorivno!

You, truly enchantress,

You are given a robbery buti

I play the role of a queen,

Now Vovka Morkovkin, then Baba Yaga

You are everywhere, dear - live!

Prof. Presenting a gift and a letter.

Met. Olena Anatoliivna's road

We love you so much

I for everything.

Happiness, joy bazhaemo

I request to dance.

Prof. Presenting a gift, a diploma.

Dance: "Jif" Hipster.

Head Nomination: "Professionals, go ahead"

Dear Natalia Volodymyrivno!

We were born

Booty whipper,

Sob in the garden you pratsyuvati,

I love children.

And you need to be a trade union representative

Sudzheno is already waiting,

Sob pіlgi beat us,

Need a head!

Met. Presenting a gift, a diploma.

Head You, living in that day,

We ask you to sleep your song!

Song: "I was born" to music "Great round dance" - music. B. Savelyeva, sl. Tochitskoy O.S.

I was born into the world as a buti wrecker,

Sob in the garden I should practice and love children.

In childhood, my mother brought me to a children's garden

And all my life has become - a miraculous city.

Axis now I stand in front of you, friends,

I want you to support me.

My life has become a kazka in a children's garden

And I am singing about it!

Head Nomination: "Young tourists"

Zhaneta Igorivna's road!

The axis is already richly rocky

"Tourists" go zagіn,

At Chrysostom, like at home

Everything is close and familiar to you:

The axis has already slept ten years

You take the prize to the garden!

With a wide heart you are taken,

Success in sport is yours.

Prof. Presenting a gift, a diploma.

Head Nomination: "Merry speech therapist"

Shanovna Tetyano Oleksandrivno!

Have a clear day and a bad day,

Watch with a clear smile,

I hurry up to you ditlahi to promote the words.

You are welcomed and grafted with your help.

Prof. give a present.

Met. Play with the word -

Bored the kids.

Song - gra: "The Word on the Valley" - S.Yudinoy

Head Nomination: "Delicious charms"

We live without a turbo,

Aje here until daybreak

We are pleased and watered

Master's Miracle Kitchen:

Oleno Mikhailivno!

Lyubov Mykolayivno!

We also love you

Shlmo svіy schiry graft.

Play together with us

Aje, you have an insult ready.

Dance - gra: "At the circle dance" - I. Kaplunova

Prof. Give gifts.

Head Nomination "Kopіyka hryvnia save"

Not under the force of Nina

And to the gods the reign of the call.

In order to go to our kindergarten

Part of the gospodarska є.

Marino Oleksandrivno!

In the spirit of your soul

Iz tsim great saint.

I wish you good health,

Happy joy, kokhannya!

Met. Nomination: "Domisolka" .

The road of Irino Oleksandrivno!

You read and hear acordi and notes,

Favorite songs, melodies!

You lead the skin with a bright stitch

At the light of sounds, that harmony is good!

For your creativity, musical talent

Accept a favor!

Let your heart sound, do not sing,

Symphony of happiness and joy!

Prof. presenting a gift and a diploma.

Irina Oleksandrivna!

Our Russian matrioshkas in the dance call you shvidshe

Put on a sarafan, wind it up with some friends.

Dance - round dance: "Russian Matrioshki" to the music V. Temnova

Head Nomination: "Know-It-All"

To wiggle children correctly, it is necessary to know a lot.

It is necessary to know psychology and know physiology,

Be good in pedagogy, rhetoric and logic.

Ale, smut, be a Methodist,

Children need to be loved.

Road Oksana Sergiivna,

Dyakuyu for inspiration, for help

I for patience!

You, living in this day, we ask you to read the above.

Vershi: "The Vikhovantsy are dedicated" – Tochitska O.S.

Good words have already been said

About vikhovateli, like a woman and mother.

Ale wants to say troch - troch

How to rob people of this way!

There are no people here who came like this, vipadkovo,

And as a whistleblower, I’ll tell you a secret:

The love of children cannot be bought for pennies,

Adzhe children look at the soul.

Stink you love unconditionally,

You just be nadіnoy that rіdnoy,

Aja to the little ones, who are deprived without mami,

You need a kohannya, but it’s not enough!

Be the sun, shine, give warmth,

Be kind and good in the souls.

Child chooses everything:

All those that you put in a new one!

Child, like a paro,

You can't break yoga!

Be careful with your children

Aja smut - not a bastard!

You can not hurt the soul of children,

Well now for them at vіdpovіdі!

Prof. Presenting a gift, a diploma.

Member of the Batkiv Committee: Nomination "All Mother"

Viktoria Mykolaivna!

You can't calm down:

Take it, then take it.

We have two - three children.

You need to be

All nutrition is known.

Є knowledge that dilova grip

At ours, at the envious woman!

Accept our baths

Words of vdyachnosti, povagi!

Presentation of gifts and a vital word of the representative of the administration of the settlement.

Mustaches of a childish garden come out.

Play We love you so much

I for everything.

Good luck, joy bazhaemo -

The anthem of the child nursery is vikonuemo.

"Why don't we have fun?" - music. "Our susid" - Potomkina, sl. I. A. Chemodanova

How can we not have fun, even if we hurry to the childish garden.

There the time has come for us to accept the dawn of all detlakhiv.

Tremble, laugh at my fathers maєmo,

Aje of their own children were entrusted to us with stench.

If we don’t have fun, don’t mix up in different cases.

Us surprises check shomіsyatsya on pedrada.

We are so with love to children: we learn, we introduce from the world,

I turbota, our caress is bestowed upon them.

How can we not please and not please us?

Adzhe daddy send to send to vіddіlu, on the site to us.

All the turbot zіgritі and there are no reasons, friends,

Turbulence, believe me, we are all friendly with each other!

To the music of I.Mikolaev - "Little Country" leading the guests to those children for help in the fate of the holy all disperse.

Vikoristovuvana literature:

"Holy for children and adults" - Scripts M.Yu. Kartushina.

"Mi - maistri do your thing" - Scenario of the concert dedicated to the Day of Preschool Practitioner M.M. Mikheeva.

"Farewell to the child garden" - Scenarios of graduation rankings and roses for preschoolers O.P. Vlasenko.

The 27th of spring is celebrated as the Day of Liberators. Tse sacredly allows in the meantime to bring respect to the pratsyu vihovateli, without which it is impossible to reveal the childishness of more than one little one. Obov'yazkovo nadіshlіt vіtannya with the Day of the facilitator and all preschool teachers from fathers, colleagues and kerіvniki.

Vitannya with the Day of the guardian of the fathers and children

We take you from a professional saint! I would like to thank you, so that the warmth and turbota that you invest in our children have turned to your health, love and financial well-being. Nothing is so strong as if it were not good for everything to be stable and happy in your life.

I would like to thank you for your work, love for our children is such a patience. You know how to grow up to a skin baby, you develop talents and creativity in our children. To that we want to generously indulge you with family warmth, joy in work and recovery, and also in good health.

I would like to welcome you on the Day of the Whistleblower and thank you for your great work, as you work today. Let our little ones give you more positive emotions, charging you with youth and energy.

Dear facilitators, we take you from your professional saint. You are the most important, tolerant and kind women, who have taken the most important and most important profession. We thank you for your mental nerves, for your good health, and for your warm mood.

Vіtaєmo you from the Day of the winner! I would like to help you, so that all your thoughts were awake, the garniy mood was not only at home, but on the job, but I didn’t get healthy in any way. Thank you for those that our little ones grow up as kind and sensible people.

Vitannya with the day of the caregiver to the caregiver

Dear fosterers of our children's garden, we honor you as your professional saint! In the name of all the spivrobitniks, I want to indulge you with good health, optimism, family happiness and more than a warm mood.

Dear practitioners of the child nursery, today we mark our profession as sacred. Let your great heart forever be filled with love to all the little ones of our childish garden. I bless you for a dream, family well-being and financial stability.

I take you from your professional saint. You are trusted by the best, that you can be with a person - children. Your robot is not just looking after the little ones. You give them your kohannya, turbota, warmth and laughter. So I want to help you, so that your life will have more positive emotions, which you can pass on to little ones.

Receive our care with the professional saint of fosterers and all practitioners of preschool education. This day is a miraculous drive to bless you with professional success, good luck with all your endeavors, good health and joy in work. Let your vikhovantsi always be placed before you out of love and honor, your fathers - appreciate your work, and from the side of the church, always support you at all initiatives.

Dear facilitators of our preschool education, install! In the name of all ceramics, I would like to welcome you from a professional saint. We thank you for your little nerves, optimism and forewarn spirits. Your work allows you to give kindness to the little ones, to raise them to their creative vibes. Come on, don’t succumb to the sweat of the podiaks of the little ones and those of their fathers, you deserve so much.

Vitannya with the day of the guardian of colleagues

Colleagues, accept my wedding on the Day of the educator and the preschool practitioner! People rarely have more than two children, but we have whole groups. During our lives, we can wiggle more than one hundred little ones. I want to thank you, so that you have always had a lot of patience and patience for little peanuts, and you have taken the right joy out of work.

I want to welcome you from our professional saint! I wish for more happy mitigations, so that the robot will always bring moral and material satisfaction. I also pray that you have patience with the little beshketniks, even if you yourself are the first teacher in life, and it’s not easy for them to get in trouble. Success to you and inspiration!

I take you from our professional saint. The very beginnings of your talent, practicality and patience from little peanuts are growing intelligent and viable little ones. I bless you with miraculous health, which you can get on one more generation of Beshketniks.

Like among your friends, those relatives and practitioners of preschool mortgages, obov'yazkovo send them a votive on the Day of the prose facilitator. Do not forget about those that people do not lose your children, and if they have long become your first teachers.

Recordings 1 - 10 h 10

Sob zavіduvachkoy buti,
It is necessary to love a lot:
Documents of life burn,
Numerical super girls,
Scorched, walks,
Accountant's corner.
Know what's in the kitchen, by the yard,
What's behind the patches on the kilim...
Ale obov'azok one,
I won the most.
And the axis sounds so out
It is necessary to love children less.

You gave the mitzna the basis,
They chirped brightly.
Our best baby nursery
Good honor, honor!

Such a great sight to you!
Let life turn into a world.
Health to you, love that world.
Live long and happily!

It’s hard to work - cherubate be some kind of establishment: a school, an institute or a factory. Ale better than mothers at the order of the children's garden. Thank you, dear zavіduvachka, for those who are skinned by your work team, like a wiggler, a nanny or a cook, give a piece of your soul to a child. We wish prosperity to your garden! Let it be full of health again, the house will be warm with warmth and calm, and the light of your spiritual kindness will burn more and more brightly. Let's get out of graduation!

I’m taking a serious post
At the garden to the best, native.
"Titka director" as they call it
Children in a simple diet:
Who is the most modest?
Who is the smartest?
Who does not bark for crying
Duzhe galaslivy?
Can you allow me to stop a little?
Don't stir up manna porridge!
Who can create such a team,
That one can go a long way!
І for the order of our zavіduvachka
My vdyachni vіd wide heart!

Keruvati with a childish garden - this is a feat that pratsya.
Such people deserve to be called heroes.
For your work, we give you a lot of credit.
For swidky perebіg hour trohi korimo.

With a new release, you are welcome,
Good luck with the robot on long-term fates.
Give you an hour to work and to work, and to your family,
So that everything was miraculous with you and the new roci.

Don't have a lot of problems, only you can overcome them easily,
Potatoes, cereals, buy everything and fruits, milk,
Pereverit everything and marvel, even if you need an eye and an eye,
For the practice of your goodness, it’s not easy to deceive at once!

Good luck with that love, healthy and good luck,
So that solutions were known for the most complicated of all tasks,
It was easy to work, and the team is loving,
I God for peace, goodness, blessing for love!

For ditlakhiv to you
Don't hesitate to speak.
And the zavіduvachko especially
We want to give you a ticket.

The team was chosen friendly -
Mustache, good.
Please, I want you to be healthy
I success in the soul!

You command the gang
Turbine babies,
Adzhe run a kindergarten -
No profession is more important.

Vstezhiti for everything you need -
Let them call the world,
Congratulate and angel
The strength of your kindness.

I don't hai leather pidopichny
Become strong and great.
You - the patience of the unskinned,
Let's get out of graduation!

It's time for us to part.
We do everything for you.
For a garden bright garden.
Vin bi is so loved by us.

Thank you for the toys
I for soft kilims,
For hand pillows
On which we slept.

Here you were the most headstrong.
I stitched, so that everyone
Buv order. I for children
Be happy.

Today you see us off
At the land of miracles, beautiful knowledge,
I children will go up to the first class.
For all you "Dyakuyu" and until the sack!

You will always be in order with us
And they jumped for help!
Your wisdom knows no limits,
Thanks for everything! It's time for us!


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