How to prepare a salad from canned kvass. Salad with kvassole and ogirkami

How to prepare a salad from canned kvass. Salad with kvassole and ogirkami

Salad with white canned sourdough will be a wonderful decoration for your table. Such a salad, as a rule, is prepared more quickly, even if the most important ingredient is already ready.

I used kvassola even richly vicorous in Turkish and Mexican salads. Moreover, it was supposed to be, the ingredient is one and the same, but the relish is clearly shown, the scales of the country are blown. So, now, you cook two salads with white sourdough, the stench will be even more stinky.

And if you don’t care about the tedious relish of canned kvass in the salad, wash the canned kvass before making it. And so that the salad didn’t have a zavoi rіdini, put the kvass on a sieve or drushlyak.

How to prepare a salad with canned white kvass - 15 varieties.

Even a savory salad, which you can always cook our vidkuruch. Golovne zazdalegіd brew kvassola.


  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Licorice pepper - 1 pc.
  • Vershkov butter - 100 g
  • Clockmaker - 4 tooth.
  • Roslinne oil
  • tomato paste
  • Vinny Ocet.


We clean the cibula by rubbing it on a dry rub. The watchmaker is clean and rubbed on the grate. The greens are rubbaemo.

Pepper is cleared in the form of nasinnya and dribno narizaemo. Zmіshaєmo zavarenu kvass, pepper, wine ocet, tomato paste, olive oil, wine ocet, cibula, chasnik, greens. Everything good is mixed and put in the refrigerator for cooking.


Piyaz is a traditional Turkish salad, which is not only blue, but also savory.


  • Kvassola bіla canned - 500 g
  • Zelena tsibulya
  • Parsley
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Olives - 10-15 pcs.
  • Sik half a lemon


Pour the kvass with a flask of otstu. Tomato Eggs are cool. Chop the greens finely. The kvassola is guilty of seeping through otstom, chain about 15-20 khvilin. Let's sweat kvassola on a drushlyak, like a little zayva homeland, we'll put kvassol into a salad bowl. We mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, salt it with olive oil and lemon juice. Embellish the salad with large eggs and olives.

Prepare the salad, just like that, how and їsti - one is satisfied.


  • Salted ogirok - 4 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.


Carrots are boiled, cleaned and spiced with small pieces. We clean the qibul and chop it with a small cube. Cuffs are narrated on small shmatochki. Eggs are boiled cool, cleaned and cut into small cubes. All ingredients are mixed with mayonnaise.


Duzhe blue and simple salad for lovers of kvass.


  • Kovbas - 200 g
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Hard Sir - 50 g
  • Ogirok - 1 pc.
  • Greenery


Kovbas is cut into cubes. Sir three on the great third. Kvasolyu vіdkinemo on drushlyak, schob stack sіk. We clean the qibul and cut it into a small cube. The ogirok is grotesquely narrated. We cut greens. All ingredients are mixed with mayonnaise.


Such a salad can be served for obid or supper on a weekday, or you can embellish that tax on a holy day.


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Ogіrki - 2 pcs.
  • Kvassola was canned - 1 pc.


Eggs are cool. Peking cabbage is finely narrated. Cinders are cut into cubes. If the eggs are more cold, we will clean them with a fine cube. All ingredients are mixed with mayonnaise.


The grass is beautiful and even tasty, as if you are preparing for a supplement.


  • Violet onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • Kvassola bіla canned - 250 g
  • Canned tuna - 200 g
  • Cherry tomato - 10 pcs.
  • Greenery
  • Sik half a lemon
  • Girchitsya - 10


Violet onion narizaemo fir'yam.

Tuna is subdivided into fibers. Kvassola promiёmo near cold water. Cherry tomato narizaemo navpil. Dry the greens. Chop the greens finely. Zmіshaєmo gіrchitsyu, butter|oil|, lemon coke, pepper, salt|salt| everything is well mixed. Dress salad with dressing. Savory.


To make this viish salad even more savory and juicey, mix sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions.


  • Chicken breast - 100g
  • Kvassola bіla canned - 200 g
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.


We prepare ingredients. For whom we cook chicken fillet, kvassola, potatoes and eggs. After the final achievement, the chicken fillet is cut into fibers and smeared on a small amount of olives. We clean the potatoes and cut into small cubes. We clean the eggs with a fine cube. We clean the carrots and three on the great third. Tsibulyu is clean and cut into small pieces. Finely chopped greens. All the ingredients are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise and sour cream. You can salt and pepper the salad for the bazhannyam.


Let's make the salad savory, neobov'yazkovo vikoristovuvaty like exotic ingredients, enough to eat in the new most delicious and best products.


  • Celer stems - 100 g
  • Carrot - 100 g
  • Kvassola bіla canned - 100 g
  • Cibulya violet - 0.5 pcs.
  • Chasnik - 50 g
  • Cibulya bila - 100 g
  • Vinny Ocet


Carrots are clean and cut into thin, thin straws. Seler is narrated by pivkiltsy. We clean white and purple onions, narizam fir'yam. All the ingredients are mixed in one salad bowl and seasoned with otst and olive

The salad is simple and not original, but it’s more like full-time blue.


  • Chervona kvassola - 100 g
  • Kvassola bіla canned - 100 g
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Creep - 1 bunch
  • Zelena tsibula - 1 bunch
  • Clockmaker - 2 teeth.


As you can see, kvassola has to be boiled for a long time. To pass the time of cooking, you can soak it for nothing in filtered clean water. After that, pray and put it on the fire to cook. While the kvassola is boiled, finely chop the greens. The watchmaker can be added more, or you can take a look at it. I used canned kvassola, I put it on a drushlyak, a glass of sik.

After that, like kvassolone, okholone zmіshaєmo її іz greenery, dodamo chasnik, silt and pepper. Let's season the olive salad.


Mexican salad in the best traditions of Don Carlos.


  • White kvassola canned - 100 g
  • Corn - 100 g
  • Black kvassola - 100 g
  • Red kvassola -100 g
  • Red pepper - 1 pc.
  • Green pepper - 1 pc.
  • Red cibula - 1 pc.
  • Lemon
  • Zukor - 20 g
  • Cumin
  • red pepper
  • cilantro


Kvassola can be canned or fresh. To make kvassol is necessary to brew. I’ll have a flurry, I’ll eat kvass and corn for mashlyak. Qibulu is grotesquely narrated. Pepper is cleanly shaped into cubes. Mustache the ingredients.

Now let's prepare the sauce.

Roskochuemo lime and vicavimo z new sik. Three quarters of lemon tezh vicavimo sik. Mix lemon juice and lime with oil. Zіru, cumin and red pepper are finely tuned at the hub and added to the sauce. Chasnik razdavimo and dodamo in the sauce. Mix everything well, add zukor and mix well again. Wiymaёmo with sauce big shmatochi chasnik and zapravlyaemo salad.


Even simple and savory salad from the category of guests on the porosi or porridge from sokiri.


  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cibulya - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 5 pcs.
  • Chasnik
  • Crackers


Vіdkinemo kvassola on drushlyak, schob glass homeland. Tsibulya is narrated on dribni shmatochki. Three carrots on the great third. Pour a little bit of olive oil into the frying pan and smear the cubula and carrot until soft. Cuffs are narrated on small shmatochki. Zmіshaєmo usі ingredіentsi.

Seasoned with mayonnaise and dodamo chasnik.

Crackers are added before serving, so that the stench does not waste its relish.


The name of the salad resembles because of the barvy ovnishny look of the salad.


  • Kvassola canned bіla - 300 g
  • Canned kvassola chervona - 300 g
  • Canned corn - 200 g
  • Tomati - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 300 g
  • Greenery


Vіdkinemo canned food for drushlyak. The tomato is cut into cubes. Dribno shaky cabbage. Zmіshaєmo usі ingredіentsi. Narizaemo greens and add to the salad. Let's dress the salad with mayonnaise that sil.

Good mix.


Even more characteristic and uniquely savory salad.


  • Kvassola canned bіla - 200 g
  • Yalovichina - 300 g
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Clockmaker - 3 teeth


Let's make the viyshov salad especially savory, add yalovichina with spices. In front, we clean the meat from the spit and zayvogo fat, fill it with water and add the winter pepper, bay leaf, sil, thyme. Cook the meat until ready, periodically znіmayuchi pіnu. We put the kvassola into a drushlyak, and then we transfer it to a salad bowl. M'yaso after the full achievement is cut into cubes. The clock is finely detailed. Chop the greens finely. Lettuce is seasoned with mayonnaise and mixed well.


Even lower and savory salad, which will brighten up your Christmas style.


  • Pear - 2 pcs.
  • Kvassola was canned - 1 can
  • Chicken breast - 200 g
  • Greenery


Chicken breasts must be cooked until ready.

So that the chicken meat in the salad was even tastier, cooked with bay leaves and zapashnim pepper.

After the final achievement, we sort the meat into fibers. I put kvassola on a sieve, let the juice drain. Peel the pear from the core. Narizaemo pear with a crushed cube. Chop the greens finely. All ingredients are mixed with mayonnaise.

Dzhe tsіkaviy variant of cooking salad with canned fish. Delicious, just not expensive.


  • Kvassola canned bіla - 1 bank
  • Fresh ogirok - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Yellow pepper - 1 pc.
  • Greenery
  • Sardinella - 1 bank
  • lettuce leaves


Boil potatoes.

You can cook potatoes and shvidshe. I put the potatoes in a salafan bag, pierce it and tie it up. We correct the package for micro-hvilyovu pich and vmikaemo for 10 hvilin.

The ogirok is called a thin straw. Pepper cut into cubes. Kvassola promiєmo in flowing water and vіdkinemo on drushlyak, sob zaboutis zavoї rіdini. Lettuce leaves miєmo and rvemo on small pieces. The greens are rubbaemo. Ribka is put into a jar with a fork. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with olive oil. Savory.

A savory salad made from kvassole can serve as a reminder of an offence, or in the evening, or you can take your place on the Christmas table. The majestic advantage of a salad with kvassole is that it is possible to cook yogo evenly. Such a salad is a viruchalochka, which is prepared for 15 khvilin, if the guests are already at the party, or they relax on the sofa.

The whole secret is that the kvassola in our salad is conserved, as it is convenient for living in the form. Kvassola can be buti and red, and white. You can choose that kvass, like you love more, zastosovuchi whether there are any recipes.

Chervona kvassola immediately became popular and looked out like a beautiful and tsikavish in a salad. Ale and bіlu do not varto write off from rakhunkiv. In some recipes for salads, I like to vicorate the same white kvass.

Kvassola miraculously goes with meat products, and with vegetables, and it is also good to complement the salad with all the croutons. With this, be it a salad with kvassole, it’s possible to come out like a blue light to the one who avenges a large amount of dewy protein.

Not richly hto tsіkavivsya, ale kvassola bagat not only for protein, in nіy mіstya іt korisnі chovini yak carotene, vitamin group B, vitamin C, zinc, zalіzo, sirka, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium. A real treasure trove, right?

Obviously, everything is not so rich, so that you can make us healthy with one plate of salad, but all the same you bring in a healthy meal at the right. And if it’s healthy to eat and savory, then it’s already easy to doubt that salads with sourdough can be eaten on our table.

Let's move on to the best and the best.

Salad with kvassole, corn, croutons and cowbass

Shvidky and savory salad. For a new one, you need a lot of products, practically those that you can often find in kitchen cupboards and in the refrigerator. When tsimu everything is savory that sitne.

For the salad you need:

  • red kvassola - 1 can,
  • corn - 1 bank,
  • crackers - 1 sachet,
  • smoked cowbass - 200 grams,
  • hard sir - 200 grams,
  • hourglass - 1 clove,
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


For this salad, nothing needs to be cooked ahead of time. All you need is to cut smoked cowbass with small pieces and rub the sir on the great third. As if the cowbass is thin, on the streak of myslivskys, then they can be cut simply in circles, and as the cowbass is tovstish, then the pivkiltsya will be rightly walked. Garneau, if the ingredients of the salad are about close to the size.

Corn and kvassola in jars are already ready to be taken in, it’s enough to anger the motherland from jars. If the homeland of kvass is thick, if it is like syrup, then kvass can be sown. Then the skin kvass will be kindly creamed one by one and beautifully shine. Put the kvass in a salad bowl, in which you serve it on the table.

Dali put a salad of narizan kowbaski and grated sir. You can see the clock through the press or rub it on the ruby. Mix everything well and add croutons in the end, so that the stench doesn’t get too wet and the crumbs crunch.

Season with mayonnaise and salt to taste. Salad can be served to the table with a sippy chopped green tsibuleya.

Tsey variant of the salad good pidide to the holy. wine and looking awry and at the relish of the garni.

Salad with kvassole and carrots - simple and swedish recipe

Tsey salad with kvassole and carrots can be safely called a song or a diet. Vіn vіdmіnno pіdіyde yоu, yakscho vy dorimuєtes fasting or follow the figure. With this wine it is blue, which is especially bright in case of a diet, it feels like hunger is richer than trimati under control.

For such a salad, you can take canned red kvass, or you can take dried and boiled in front.

In order to make savory red kvass, it is necessary to fill it with cold water and let it stand for at least three years, you can leave it for nothing. After that, anger the water and fill it with a new one. Put the kvass to boil on a medium fire, let it boil and cook after 15 more chills.

After this kvass, it is necessary to anger and cool. Next, follow the recipe for preparing the salad.


  • red kvassola - 300 grams,
  • fresh carrots - 1 piece of medium cuts,
  • qibulya - 1 piece,
  • greens - 1 bunch,
  • juice of half a lemon,
  • olive oil - 50 ml,
  • sіl that pepper for relish.


Take canned kvass or cook it yourself, take a large bowl for salad. Peel the carrots and grate them for Korean carrots. If there is no such thing, then the grater is obviously great. Otherwise, you can wind the carrots into thin stalks for the help of a knife.

Peel the cibula and cut it with thin pivkiltsy, then sort it out and put it in a bowl with kvassole and carrots.

Add fresh parsley or croup to the salad, finely chopped.

Whisk in the lemon juice salad and add the olive oil. Salt the salad for relish and mix well. Put yoga in the refrigerator for a year, so that the wine seeps out and insists.

The axis is such a light and savory salad weide you have from kvassoli and carrots. Savory!

Another dietary salad made from kvassole. Aleksejs once again not a song, more until the new mi dodamo vіdvarenu yalovichin. If so, there will be more vegetables at the sight of licorice bell pepper and fresh cibula.

For my idea, this salad is prepared without mayonnaise, but for the sake of cicadas I tried to season it with mayonnaise and the result was worthy of me. It can be said that this is a universal salad, wine garniy and for dressing with olії and with mayonnaise.


  • canned kvassola - 1 can,
  • vydvarena yalovichina - 200 grams,
  • bell pepper - 1 large plaid,
  • tsibula chervona - 1 piece,
  • watchmaker - 2 pieces,
  • pea hairs - 100 grams,
  • wine ocet 9% - 1 tablespoon,
  • roslinna oliya (olive) - 50 ml,
  • fresh parsley or cilantro - a small bunch,
  • dried spices "hops-suneli" - pinch,
  • strength for relish.


Nasampered to cook the yalovichina in advance, cool it to room temperature, let the salad first.

With canned kvass, irritate the motherland, wind up the trochs with drinking water, as the motherland was thick and rotten angry.

Decorate the cibula with thin puffs, then put the yogo in a bowl, de zmіshuvatimete slat, and pour over with wine otstom. While we are ready to wash the products, the cibula marinates. Pickled cibula in a salad will be delicious.

At this hour, pierce the yalovichina with dry pieces. Peel the bell peppers and cut them into thin straws. Peel hairs are chopped in a blender or with a knife and add to the salad.

Mix kvass, yalovichina, pepper and cibula in a bowl. See the watchmaker there. Greens dribno narіzhte i add | add | in a salad with kvassole.

Now refuel the olive and salt for relish. Add spices and mix well. Let the salad brew for a while and you can sit at the table.

Salad with kvassoleya, cowbass and salted cucumbers

At this salad, two kinds of kvass are used: red and white. Offended, you can calmly come to the store, as if looking dry, so in canned. The process of preparation is easy for a canned person.

The piquancy of the salad is given by boiled-smoked cowbass and salted fritters. You can also easily replace the sturgeons for pickling, as you love them more.

For the salad you need:

  • red kvassola - 200 grams,
  • bila kvassola - 200 grams,
  • boiled-smoked cowbass - 2 grams,
  • salted or marinated skewers -100 g,
  • pea hairs - 50 grams,
  • qibulya - 0.5 pcs,
  • mayonnaise,
  • sil, pepper, herbs for relish.


Chervona and white kvass in front of them, as if to work from them slaat, best to wash in a thick viscous broth, in which the stench floated in a canning jar. Wine is not good to look at the consistency of the salad, as you can’t clean up the yogo. Tsei broth is better to anger, and then wash the kvass in a bowl with drinking water from the filter. Let's turn on the water.

Cowbass needs to be cut into small sticks. Salted ogirkas are so self-pierced with bars or pivkukhl, as if pickles are vicarious.

The hairs of the peas need to be trimmed, but not for drinking, but simply for dribbling shmatochki. You can touch it with a knife or a blender, or you can rock with a rocking chair, burning up in front of the cim at the spit or a package.

Ripchast tsibula narіzhte drіbnishe. If wine is too hot, it can be scalded with sprinkles and washed by the water 2 fines. After that, anger the water, and the cibula spend its bitterness, but deprive it of relish, and crunch.

Mix all the ingredients in the salad bowl: kvass, cowbass, cinders, cibula and peas. Fill with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste, add finely chopped greens and serve on a glass.

Such a beautiful and savory salad of kvassoli with cowbass is not shameful to prepare before the Christmas table.

Salad of red kvassoli with chicken and corn

A savory and blue salad made from kvassole and a chicken pidkupovu practically with favorite ingredients. Chicken breasts are loved by us forever and ever, it is a simple product, which is accessible to the skin, and it is even easier to cook it. Smak її dosit soft and miraculously eat mayzhe z usima types of products. Plus, it's fat and allows you to save low-calorie foods.

The relish of this salad - ce okrema іstorіya, vin will be remembered for a long time. Take note of the recipe for this salad with kvassole for future saints.

For the salad you need:

  • red kvassola - 1 can,
  • canned corn - 1 can,
  • chicken breast - 200 grams (1 pc),
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs,
  • hard sir - 150 grams,
  • green cibula - 50 grams,
  • krip - 50 grams,
  • hourglass - 1 clove,
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • mustard in grains - 2 teaspoons,
  • sіl that pepper for relish.


1. Boil chicken breast in salty water. Until you are ready again, you need to be about pіvgodini. The breast is boiled tenderly.

2. Cool the boiled breast and cut into small cubes or skewers, soaked across the fibers.

3. Hard cheese is cut into cubes of approximately the same size. I should prepare such a salad with Sir Gouda, wine is soft and takes on gusto, miraculously eats with a trigger and kvass.

4. Crocks are also cut into cubes. Even if they have a thick or rough coat, clean it better. For example, make a beautiful trojan with her and decorate her salad with the beast.

5. Open the red kvass and anger the homeland with it. Sometimes at the canned kvassola, in the middle of the jar, add a thick and rich syrup, for a salad it won’t be more than an eggplant, the shards have a thick consistency. Kvassol can be wound with trohi of water in the middle with drinking water, or with a filter, or boiled with boiled water. Put the kvassola at the salad bowl until the storage is finished.

6. Also open the corn and anger the homeland. You won’t sound like such a “syrup”, you can’t rinse it. Also add її to the salad.

7. Creep and green cibula arnirzhe drіbno and add salad.

8. Mix 4-5 tablespoons of mayonnaise from grain mustard in an okremіy platter or bowl, add pepper to it, if you want hotter. Rub the hourglass there on the rubbish tertz.

9. Dress the salad with sauce, scho viishov. Kindly mix everything and the salad is ready before the meal.

10. If you want to beautifully serve a salad, for example, on a Christmas stele. Then you can vikoristovuvat form for vypіchka at the sight of the kіltsya, where you will put the salad. Rub the cheese on top and make a beautiful trojandochka from the ogirka and greenery.

It is not shameful to put such a salad on a new style, on the day of the people's day. The guests will be unequivocally satisfied, and the masters will take away the right satisfaction. Such a salad with kvassole is miraculously pіdіyde to be-like hot meat herbs, for example, to.


The simplest and best-seen salad with kvassoleya and pecheritsa

I can zarahuvat tsey savory salad until quiet, which are prepared for the best products, as they knew that shaf in the refrigerator. What can be the simplest way to find it clearly. Itself in this recipe canned baked goods are included. but you can calmly wink and fresh. You need some trochs to smear on olives. І don't forget pidsolity.


  • canned red kvassola - 1 can,
  • canned bakery (not marinated) - 1 can,
  • parsley - 50 grams,
  • hourglass - 1 clove,
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • sіl that pepper for relish.


Tsey salad is prepared for five khvilin. Shvidshe is already important to reveal. Ale, in the wake of this wine, do not waste your relish, for it is far away today.

Vіdkryte red kvass and mushrooms and mix them in a salad bowl. Finely chop parsley. See the watchmaker through the press or rub yoga on the rubbish. Salt and pepper the salad and dress with mayonnaise.

Treat yourself and treat the rapt guests!

Simple and savory salad with kvassoli with cheese and croutons

Salad from kvassoleu - tse, perhaps, the champion of swedish salads. The whole point lies in the fact that the canned kvassola is already ready. Therefore, you don’t want to vicorate kvass, as you make it yourself. It’s not easy for everyone, but a little more, but not less tasty.

Do not try to add to the beloved fat sir - it's just nonsense. Be a culinary specialist, as I dare, I’ll try to cook my favorite grass just like that, only with cheese. I tried so with a lot of stravas, and most of the stravie only win. I can graciously recommend this cicavium.

And at the same time, dodamo sir to kvassoli with croutons and srobimo from this one more “bliskavichny” salad.


  • canned bila kvassola - 1 can,
  • hard sir - 150 grams,
  • crackers from white bread - 150 grams,
  • greens - 50 grams,
  • hourglass - 1 clove,
  • strength, pepper and other spices for relish.


As guests, axis-axis ring the door. I wanted to have a tasty meal, but here and now. And it is possible to prepare a sitna snack before drinking alcohol.

Reply from the fact that you open the kvass and anger the homeland. Put її at the handy salad bowl. Syrah rub on a large third, a teaspoon on a rubbish. Add everything to the salad bowl to kvass. Greenery is finely spiced, so add | add | into a salad.

You can take croutons from the store, with the same relish, which you yourself love. And you can cook on your own, smearing cubes of bread in a frying pan with butter. It is possible to go out from the bottom, even from the vershkovs.

Now season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper, you can add your favorite aromatic spices to the salad. At the same time, their faceless ones are sold at the sight of ready-made sets.

Mix the salad and you can sit at the table. Delicious salad with kvassole, cheese and cracker ready!

Salad with kvassole, croutons and shinka

Croutons have long been recognized as a savory ingredient in a salad with kvass. It's like a bagat like this. To that, one more option is considered with crackers. Dodamo once a tavern. Is it tasty? Obov'yazkovo. Instead of a tavern, you can take other kinds of boiled-smoked meat: okist, loin, carbonade. Tse will also be more delicious.

Іz croutons is complete freedom. I, trying different salads with kvassole, realized that there were croutons, and black ones were suitable. Always take you, as you love you, and your guests and members of this family. You can take Borodino croutons. In my opinion, croutons with a chastnik relish are good.


  • red kvassola - 200 grams (1 can),
  • shank - 200 grams,
  • tomato - 1 piece,
  • crackers zhitnі - 150 grams,
  • greens - 50 grams,
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons,
  • sіl that pepper for relish.


There are practically no problems for such a salad. We take the best canned kvass from the store, since there is a great choice in the large number of different varieties and at different prices. Kozhen know for relish that gamanets.

Kvassola vіdkrivаєmo and zlivаєmo broth, put in a vіdpovіdny salad bowl.

Shinku chi or more smoked meat needs to be cut into small bars and cubes. Cut the tomato into cubes as well. If there is a lot of juice in the middle, then you can see it, so that it doesn’t break the salad too rare. Choose meaty tomatoes for this salad.

Chop finely the greens and you can mix the salad. Fill yoga with mayonnaise and salt to taste. And even if you put some croutons, so that the stinks become crunchy.

If you want, people like soft croutons, as if they were already full of flavors and juices in salad.

Serve a salad with kvassole and a shank to your guests, it’s welcome to eat!

Salad with kvassole, bell pepper, cider and tomato

If you want to look at a salad with kvassole without using meat ingredients, then we should have such an option. Bulgarian pepper, tomato, ogirok and tsibula. Such a salad can be honestly eaten as a vegan one, and even if it’s in the middle of the day.

From such a salad, you can go on its own and garnish garnish to meat herbs. Ale vin and himself, by himself, is a blue-green brew of kvass.

Another example of this salad is the other low-calorie ones that don't have mayonnaise in it. Instead of a new one, we season it with olive oil and troch sour with lemon juice.


  • red kvassola - 2 cans,
  • red bell pepper - 1 large,
  • Bulgarian pepper greens - 1 piece,
  • tomato - 1 large or 2 smaller ones,
  • qibulya - 1 piece,
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons,
  • lemon juice or wine ocet - 1 tablespoon,
  • sіl that pepper for relish.


Preparing a salad is not easy. The kvassola is already ready, smut її out of the cans and anger the broth, it’s canned from the yakim.

It is necessary to clean the pepper from the core of the pimento and pore it on the fritters. Tomato is also cut.

Ripchatu tsibulyu sharply, like it’s too hot, then scald it with sprinkles and take 2 quills by the water. Hirkot znikne.

There are a lot of recipes that allow you to cook delicious salads from the addition of red kvass. Krіm svogo yaskravogo koloru, esthetic looking at the photo, kvasolyanі stravi mayut korisnі authority. Warehouse to help fight old times, protect against cancer. Varto nobility, how to cook them, to taste the relish of the product.

How to prepare a salad with kvassole?

Be-yakіy mister korisno dіznatisya, like deliciously preparing kvass chervona. The simplest recipe will be the preparation of cold herbs. Salads with red kvassola are refreshed with splendidness, a garnicious look, and relish. Vykoristovuvat in dishes can be canned product in wet juice, tomato paste. For lovers of everything natural, there is a variant of hand-made product, mixing it with other components.

How to cook red kvass

Before the wedding, how to cook red kvassol correctly, remember that this product is primal, lower. Subtle preparation is important. Axis of deyakі secrets of cooking savory jam sour beans at home minds:

  • Smell flavor add thyme, mint to the product.
  • For a unique bean taste, the product should be soaked in cold water for at least 8 years. After the end of the hour, anger the water, and cook at the new one - save the lower pea notes, speed up the hour of cooking.
  • Boil the product on the right fire, after boiling the water changes again, seasoned with olive oil.
  • Salt the grass as needed for cooking.
  • For a quick preparation of skin 10 quills, it is necessary to add a tablespoon of cold water to the pan.
  • To save the color, the saucepan is not closed with a lid.

Salad recipe with red kvassole

The informed gentlemen know the numerical recipes for red kvass, which amaze guests, members of this family with their savory relish. Options for preparing a salad of red kvassoli are additives like croutons, cowbass, chicken. Taste the strawi with the addition of ogirkiv, crab sticks and corn. Appetizing and brightly look at the photo of eating beans with yalovichina, mushrooms, chicken breast.


Let's relish a classic salad made from canned kvass, dressed with original sauce. Such a strain of mother is easy piquancy and refreshing relish, saturate the body with sourness, vgamu hunger. Preparing a salad from red kvassoli is easy, because practically all the components are already ready - you only need to shake, grind, season.


  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • hourglass - 2 teeth;
  • pea hairs - 2.5 tbsp.
  • red wine - 2.5 tsp;
  • mayonnaise - distant spoon;
  • basil - pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Anger the motherland with canned food, make eggs cool.
  2. Peel the eggs, chop the peas, open the clockwork.
  3. Add a dressing with mayonnaise, wine, chasnik, basil, season with sill and zucr and pepper.
  4. Refuel the dish, mix it up, serve it with greens.
  5. Cast off 7 quills before serving.

3 croutons

Vіdminniy relish maє salad with red kvassole and crackers, miraculously growing organism, vtamovu hunger. Yogo can be instilled with self-sufficiency without additional fears: the whole family will be a sieve. Cream of direct vikoristannya salad, you can stuff tartlets, sandwiches, spread on bread. Sitna calorie is better to eat for an insult, and in the evening - uniquely її, so as not to gain a lot of kilos.


  • red kvassola in wet juice - a jar;
  • canned bakery - jar;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • Zhitnі croutons with savor bacon - a pack;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - package.

Cooking method:

  1. Anger homeland from cans, mushrooms.
  2. Zmіshati bobi with pecheritsy, tomato cubes, shredded tsibuley, trimmed greens.
  3. Before serving, add croutons and season with mayonnaise to preserve the crunchy relish.
  4. Instead of purchased good vicorists, self-made croutons, rubbed with a teaspoon, seasoned with Provence herbs or Georgian adjika.

Z cowbass

Salad made from red kvassole and cowbass is no less important, which revenges a lot of protein, which is loved by people. High-calorie high, but you can reduce it by replacing cowbass with a low-fat shank, and mayonnaise with natural yoghurt with spices. An alternative could be boiled chicken meat, like to grind the grass may be dietary. Add a special crunch to juice an apple.


  • hard cheese - 0.3 kg;
  • smoked cowbass - 0.3 kg;
  • kvass in wet juice - a jar;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • hourglass - 2 teeth;
  • natural yogurt - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel apples from the inside, cut into cubes. Kovbas, sir, narizat with bars, the watchmaker skip the krіz press.
  2. Mix all the ingredients, season with yogurt, silla, zukr, black pepper.
  3. Serve with green parsley.

3 trigger

Appetizing and blue salad with kvassole and chicken is vryatu, if it is necessary to decorate the Christmas style and yogo in such a way that it will be remembered in the photo. For this camp in the future, the recipe for a gostroy snack, like a spicy relish for the freshness of the original components. This salad with additional rice can be an independent herb, as it suits all guests.


  • kurcha - 1 kg;
  • brown rice - a bottle;
  • green cibula - a bunch;
  • kvass in wet juice - 2 cans;
  • hot pepper - a pod;
  • white wine ocet - ¼ bottle;
  • top tomato - 6 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Zvariti kurcha, fig. Clean the meat from the brushes, shkir, pour it on the fibers with your hands.
  2. Shake the tomato, shake the cibula, pour the water out of the jars.
  3. Mix all the ingredients with straws of hot pepper, season the sum with otstu, olive oil, salt.
  4. Serve with black peppercorns.

With crab sticks

Miraculously looking salad with crab sticks and red kvass. Strava is even more appetizing. It is good to appreciate the taste of everything, who, having tasted it, to that warehouse it is acceptable to crunch for the rahunka of adding licorice pepper, may oily taste for the rahunka of olives, the piquancy of the zest of the cybuli, the watchmaker. It is not necessary to season yoga with mayonnaise, so as not to obscure the lower relish, rather add a crumb of olії.


  • red big beans - 200 g;
  • crab sticks - a pack;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • chasnik - chastochka;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • olives without brushes - 10 pcs.;
  • ocet - 2 tbsp.
  • oliya - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak legumes in cold water. Anger vrantsі water, rinse, pour fresh, cook until ready.
  2. Peel the pepper from the stem, stalks, cut into cubes.
  3. Rub the clock, shake the cibula, cut the sticks into cubes, cut the olives into rings.
  4. Cool the beans, mix them with the mustache components.
  5. Fill with a beaten sum of olії z otstom, salt.
  6. Posipati black pepper, embellish the greenery.
  7. Instead of crab sticks, whole crab meat should be torn into fibers with your hands.

3 breast

Superbly blue weide salad made from breast and kvassoli, like smoked stegence. To the rich white grass for the sake of freshness, to add fresh fritters, parsley and cibula to it. A vishukana snack will come out, so that the eye of that slug should be quiet. There's a miraculous hunger, befitting people and women for the rahunok of a piquant day that great amount of meat.


  • canned kvassola - ½ can;
  • ogirok - 2 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • smoked chicken stegenets - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - gіlochka;
  • green cibula - 3 feathers;
  • mayonnaise - ½ package.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the legs from the brush, cut into straws. Crocks cut into 2 parts, then cut the halves with small pieces.
  2. Parsley parsley, mince with mustache ingredients, chopped cibulae.
  3. Season with mayonnaise, salt, sprinkle with black pepper.
  4. During the winter season, this salad can be mixed with pickled cucumbers.

With ogirkami

A swedish recipe, which helps with the arrival of guests, is a salad with kvassole and cucumbers. To add a firm sir to the type of Edam abo Emmental, which cuts into cubes and miraculously tastes the taste of other components. Cream of the declared warehouse, put canned corn, wheat crackers on the dish. Instead of basil, decorate the salad with good parsley and a crop.


  • canned red kvassola - a jar;
  • ogirok - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • green cibula - sprat pir'ya;
  • mayonnaise - package;
  • hostry ketchup - a teaspoon;
  • fresh basil - 3 leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Anger the motherland with jars, pierce the cinders with straws, rub the cibula with rings, and rub it.
  2. Mix mayonnaise with ketchup.
  3. Season the sum of the ingredients with the sauce.
  4. Decorate with basil.

Z yalovichinoyu

Even more original and original for relish is a salad from yalovichini with kvass. At the new one, there will be a sprat of seeing vegetables, so to rob Yogo, we are yaskravim, vishukanim, appetizing. An appetizer as a whole can become an independent grass, to that which is encouraged by the increased calorie content for the rahunka of the yalovichi meat, potatoes. Bobi is better for her to sing independently, to give the grass a velvety relish.


  • potatoes - pivkilo;
  • salted ogirok - ¼ kg;
  • pulp of yalovichini - 200 g;
  • sour cream - a jar;
  • kvassola - 150 g;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • watchmaker - 3 teeth.

Cooking method:

  1. Meat meat, clean it from the brush, fill it with dill in proportions of 1 kg to 1.5 liters, cook until cooked, remove the fat and the pin. Cool, cut into cubes.
  2. Soaked in front of the bean pods, those same zrobiti z potatoes.
  3. Cut the potatoes into cubes, chop and shake the cibula.
  4. Add dressing with sour cream and freshly baked tea, season the salad, add salt and pepper.
  5. Serve with greens.

With corn

Forgive me, but let's go with the gusto of Volodya salad with kvassoli and corn. Having offended the components, it is better to take canned ones, so as not to waste an hour on cooking. Get rid of preparing the original dressing with spices and olive oil, so that you can serve a wonderful dish to the table and satiate all the guests, but not a trace of giving yoga to the child. The spicy snack has a specific aroma, which is beneficial for the body.


  • canned red kvassola - a jar;
  • canned corn - jar;
  • green cibula - a bunch;
  • tomato -2 pcs.;
  • red licorice pepper - 1 app.;
  • avocado - 1 app.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • watchmaker - tooth;
  • olive oil - half a bottle;
  • cilantro - a bunch;
  • sil - 1 tsp;
  • red cayenne pepper - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. From lime you can see sіk, zmіshati from olive, chasnik, pepper that silly.
  2. Peel and trim the avocado, cut the licorice and tomatoes into cubes.
  3. Chopped cibula and cilantro.
  4. Mix the ingredients, season with sauce.

3 mushrooms

Receiving pea-mushroom aroma can be a light salad with red kvassoli and mushrooms. At the recipe, you can take whether you see the product - bakery, white, chanterelles, smut, so that the stench was fresh. Todi їх obsmazhuvannya on olії z tsibuleya brought a new relish to the dish, adding a wonderful aroma. In order to preserve the tenderness and softness of the taste, it is recommended to season the appetizer with fresh mayonnaise.


  • pecheritsі - pіvkilo;
  • marinated ogirok - 3 pcs.;
  • qibulya - 2 pcs.;
  • canned red kvassola - a jar;
  • greens - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Remember the stoves, pierce with plates, smear on olives with a trimmed tibule, the docks do not evaporate the whole country. Cool down.
  2. Cut the cinders into cubes, wash the kvass with cold water after zlivannya rіdini z|іz| banks.
  3. Zmіshati vsі іngredієnti z|іz| oil, trimmed herbs, salt.
  4. Serve with parsley leaves or sprinkles. For bazhannya, you can decorate the grass with boiled quail eggs.

Delicious salad from kvassoleu - cooking secrets

There are a lot of recipes, which help to prepare delicious salads with kvassoli. Not everyone thinks about the cunning of evil. The secrets of preparing a salad with red kvassoli are the following nuances:

  • Salads are rich in time, for those who are worse, for those who eat kvassola, and if they do not adhere to a set of vag, which puts fat in problem areas, they can be eaten with different components.
  • Salads are prepared on the basis of boiled, canned sour beans, served cold or hot, vicarious dry or pod product.
  • The best flavors of the day: shank, smoked meat, croutons, cheese, vegetables, greens, cabbage, carrots.
  • Add piquancy to kvassolyanim strava adding ribi - sprats, tuna in olive oil.
  • In order to increase the guests' respect for kvass, the next brother is great - there is meaty, lower behind the structure, with a thin skin.
  • The original dishes are sir, apple, shank or green peas, egg with cistern.
  • Cream of simple mayonnaise season the appetizer with good warm olive oil with spices, natural yogurt with seasonings, sour cream with a teaspoon.
  • If you want to cook grass with crackers, then put them in the right place before serving, so that the stench gets less wet.
  • Crumbly breadcrumbs for adding to the appetizer are called for flavoring the bowl, barbecue, bacon and syrah.
  • Manually cook sour bobs for salads at the multicooker.


Salad is the most common (far from zavzhd) to finish a simple dish in culinary. And the rocks on our website are not high cuisine, but recipes that you can cook like a gentleman in a fine home kitchen, in simple minds.

Recipes with photographs and a change of ingredients. Why is there no detailed description of the salad preparation process? I wanted to ask for more options for salads. Well, how about the process? The process is simple, the smut is properly prepared for kvass (as it is not canned). І Ingredients + dressing are given in the translation (importantly).

I really need to salt all salads!

How to cook kvass for salad?

  1. kvassola needs to be soaked for a night (8-10 years);
  2. potim v_dvariti until ready.

Here are the same recipes: salads with canned kvassole recipes from the photo.

Salad with canned red kvassole


  1. tomatoes,
  2. feta cheese,
  3. avocado,
  4. olives.

Dressing - olive oil + lemon juice.

The simplest salad with kvassole and mayonnaise

3 ingredients dressed with mayonnaise!

Total Ingredients 3:

  1. kvassola is boiled or canned,
  2. chicken breast cooked in cubes,
  3. crackers.

Salad with kvassoleya and yalovichina


  1. kvassola,
  2. cherry tomatoes,
  3. pisna yalovichina,
  4. canned corn,
  5. green cibula,
  6. spinach.

Dressing - olive oil.

Salad strong and unpretentious

Dressing - Sonyashnikova oliya with additional crushed black pepper and chili pepper.


  1. kvassola,
  2. tomatoes,
  3. red licorice pepper,
  4. licorice pepper,
  5. tsibula licorice yaltinska,
  6. greenery.

Salad with chicken breasts

Refueling - low-fat sour cream, as it is served okremo, so that the leather guest of the moment put the need for some kіlkіst, and we saw only the salad with usima farbs.


  1. kvassola,
  2. red licorice pepper,
  3. green licorice pepper
  4. shallot,
  5. canned corn,
  6. greens (parsley and cilantro),
  7. licorice red chalking pepper.

Texas bean salad with chicken

Dressing - vinaigrette sauce or mayonnaise. Traditionally, salad is put on the table without dressing, dressing is served okremo, sometimes in dekilkoh options (for example: mayonnaise, olive oil, olive oil with spices and sour cream ...)

A yummy salad!


  1. kvassola chervona (abo dark),
  2. pieces of chicken breast cooked,
  3. hard cheese,
  4. double rice,
  5. green cibula,
  6. cherry tomatoes,
  7. spinach.

Blue salad with cheese and carrots


  1. black kvass,
  2. pieces of chicken breast cooked,
  3. hard syr natertiy,
  4. carrots are grated on a dry grated,
  5. finely cut,
  6. mayonnaise.

Salad with kvassole and crab sticks


  1. Chervona kvass canned,
  2. tomatoes,
  3. licorice bell pepper,
  4. chasnik grated at the salad,
  5. mayonnaise.

Warm salad with kvassole and smoked cowbass

Prepare salad at the sprat steps:

  1. kvassola is soaked and sweated,
  2. more oil is poured into the pan and we add coriander chalking (on the tip of a knife) and chalking the current crop (on the tip of a knife), let's mix well,
  3. now, on a growing olive with spices, smoked cowbass is smeared, cut into pieces and baked into thin slices,
  4. at the salad bowl we add kvass + freshly spiced ingredients + sliced ​​salted cider + we can see the hourly dish.


  1. kvassola zvichayna vіdvarena,
  2. smoked cowbass,
  3. cibulya ripchasta,
  4. pickles,
  5. oven mushrooms,
  6. roslinna oliya,
  7. watchmaker,
  8. coriander,
  9. weed the crop.

The most delicious salad with kvassole and cowbass

Whole lettuce from the series is warm, the shards of part of the products of this lettuce are smeared. Ale salad comes out even more blue and even more savory. The author of the salad is a person, for the same person this salad is just a gorgeous supper. Smear the following products in a frying pan:

  • finely cut cibula,
  • grated carrot,
  • diced boiled cowbass.

After obsmazhuvannya cowbass with vegetables, you can put it on a paper towel, so that you will get fat.

Now you can add vegetables with cowbass by the way:

  1. boiled kvass,
  2. cut into cubes with fresh ogirk,
  3. we crush the watchmaker with a clove,
  4. breadcrumbs
  5. mayonnaise.

Even savory and even blue and even fat salad!

Be it the master's fault to prepare a kvassal salad, to the one who vin ryatu, if there is nothing to pay for the table and it is necessary to make an appetizer nashvidkuruch. To struggle with wine from ready-made components, prote gourmets can conserve kvass in their home minds on their own, choosing their favorite spices. If you beat the boiled, then the grass is the lower relish.

Salad recipes with red kvass

You can know a simple recipe for a salad with red kvassole, even if there are some impersonal variations. The basis for stravia is kvassola: it is canned, in olive oil or tomato sauce, or boiled. Deyakі gospodarki to slacken zagotіvlі booth. However, if you want to have a savory salad with red kvassola, you need to carefully consider the choice of other components. Peking cabbage, crab sticks, boiled potatoes, croutons and ogirkas will be eaten with it. Dressing can be mayonnaise, sour cream with spices, olive oil.

When you buy canned goods, respect the products of a tried and tested fermenter. You can beat the brewed kvass: then choose the meaty beautiful beans of the great rosemary from the thin skin. So that kvassola became lower and softer, before thermal processing, it is necessary to soak for a couple of years (or rather for a night) in cold water. This is the way to pass the hour of cooking and save the shape and consistency of the beans: otherwise the stench can be boiled and transformed into puree.

Cook better without spices, so that later we can season the mother for relish. After boiling the clothes, it is necessary to wash the beans with water, having removed the starch, give the stems of the rind - the best way to drushlyak. Before preparing snacks, check until the kvassola is okholone: ​​put it in a hot dish, the beans stick together and turn the grass into an unappetizing mass.

3 croutons

Savory and succulent herbs - salad made from kvassoli and crackers, which can replace a full insult or supper. If you want to eat a salad with red kvassole, if you want a savory taste, add a chasnik, cibula. You can put a shank for a bazhannya, boiled eggs. The dressing is most important mayonnaise, so if you want to make a fresh dish, choose an olive oil. You can decorate with fresh greenery.


  • chasnik - 3 chastochki;
  • canned red kvassola in wet juice - a jar;
  • crackers zhitnі - a pack;
  • roslinna oliya - 70 ml;
  • qibulya - ½ pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g

Cooking method:

  1. Anger z canned homeland, visipati bobi at the salad bowl.
  2. Cut the cibulin with thin rings, brush it in olive oil until browned, boil at the dish. There, add the pressure of the watchmaker.
  3. Season with silla, pepper, season with mayonnaise.
  4. Before serving, add croutons to the table so that the stench does not get wet. Instead of purchased crackers, you can spread the toast on your own - from wholemeal bread, grated with a chasnik, Provence herbs.

3 trigger

Sitnym, even richer for relish, comes out a salad of chicken with kvassole, which exudes more and more with an inviting look: eating a red color from greenery, we burn with rice and white meat. Your delicious culinary masterpiece is surely worthy of the guests, if they want to know about the secret of an effective snack.


  • chicken breast - 500 grams;
  • brown rice - a bottle;
  • green cibula - a bunch;
  • canned red kvassola - 400 g;
  • hot chili pepper - a pod;
  • white wine ocet - ¼ bottle;
  • tomati - 6 pcs.;
  • olive oil -20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Rice boil, cool.
  2. Boil the chicken, clean the brushes, shkiri. Then let's call them thin husbands.
  3. Trim the tomatoes, cut the cibula with rings, and pepper with strips.
  4. From canned food, anger the sik and resolutely wash it under a stream of cold water.
  5. Eat all the components, season with otstom, olive oil. Salt for relish.

Z cowbass

The original taste of fresh salad with kvassole and smoked cowbass from other species. The spicy aroma of serpanka, the power of smoked meats, awakens the appetite, and the day of blue beans, meat and mushrooms allows you to create a grassy grass. In addition, the spicy aroma of spices, the addition of this recipe, miraculously sparkles at the winter hour. Strava will become a miraculous snack until the kelikh of dark beer.


  • smoked cowbass - 0.35 kg;
  • marinated rіzanі pecheritsі - jar;
  • sumish of black and white pepper - pinch;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • chasnik - 0.5 chastochki;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut cowbass into cubes, eat with canned food, put it in front of a drushlyak. If you want to cook less fat grass, choose shank or smoked brisket.
  2. Season the sumish with olive oil, crushed teapot, ground pepper and mayonnaise.
  3. When serving, decorate the greenery behind the bajans.

With tomatoes

With a thin piquant relish with a hint of malt, make salad with kvassole and tomatoes. It is important to win in the new cherry tomato, the shards of the gracious looking old tomatoes allow you to grow not only savory, but also garnish the grass. The aroma of olive oil, rich astringency of rosemary and a light citrus note, will be remembered, and the flavor of the main components will be kindly reinforced.


  • cherry tomatoes - 15 pcs.;
  • canned red kvassola - 200 g;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • olive oil - 45 ml;
  • chasnik - 3 chastochki;
  • rosemary - chick;
  • tsukor - pinch;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Add a fragrant dressing: pick up a teaspoon, put rosemary all at once into an olive oil. It’s easy to lose money on the fire, then lose it on the fire. Rosemary rosemary after the first fight.
  2. Then add tsukor, lemon juice and other spices.
  3. Narizati navpil tomatoes, trim greens, mix with canned food.
  4. Fill with oil with spices and leave for 10 minutes | minutes |, so that the snack has leaked out, then serve it to the table.

Tbilisi with yalovichina

A popular Georgian herb is Tbilisi salad with red kvassole and yalovichina, which exudes a specific relish of national spices. Seasoning hops-suneli, cilantro and hairs of peas infuse savory savory relish and aroma. In addition, eating meat and legumes creates grass, as a whole replaces the dinner.


  • chasnik - 2 chastochki;
  • hops-suneli - 10 g;
  • yalovichina - 0.2 kg;
  • canned red kvassola - a jar;
  • red cibula - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • pea hairs - 50 g;
  • cilantro - a bunch;
  • olive oil - 75 ml;
  • wine ocet - 15 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Yalovichina (better to choose fillet) boil, cool, cut into cubes.
  2. Tsibulya is cut with pivkiltsy and lowered on two quills in okrip, so that it reaches softness.
  3. Cut the paprika into strips, trim the chives and cilantro. Pea hairs chopped into small pieces for the help of a knife or hammer.
  4. Vіdkinuti canned food on a drushlyak.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, season with silla, black pepper, hops-suneli.
  6. Fill with a sum of olive oil and wine otstu.

3 mushrooms

Lettuce with kvassoli and mushrooms is taken with relish, for which you can take pecheritsa, chanterelles, glivi or white. The season is about to come, be like mushrooms, if you pick it yourself, buy it on the market. As a dressing for the dish, it is better to choose olive oil, so as not to interrupt the delicate relish of the main components with mayonnaise. Kindly supplement the appetizer with cibula, greens, boiled eggs.


  • mushrooms - 500 g;
  • syrah red kvassola - 150 g;
  • cibula - 2 heads;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • oliya - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak kvass in cold water for 4 years. Let's cook until ready (nearly a year), put on a masher, cool.
  2. Shake cibula with mushrooms, brush it on olive oil until the full steaming of the water.
  3. Break the eggs, rub them, put them on the bottom of the salad bowl. Lay a rack of components on top, seasoned with sill and pepper.
  4. Refuel the olive, serve from the greens.

With a liver

Another sieve herb, which is good for the organism, is a salad from kvassoli with a liver. For which you can take pig, chicken or yalovichi offal, which should be cleaned from the spit, and then boiled until ready. Eat carrots, cibules and spices to crush the grass with aromatic and juice. You can season the appetizer with traditional mayonnaise or natural yoghurt with spices, as you want to eat.


  • red kvassola - a bottle;
  • chicken liver - 0.2 kg;
  • carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • cibulya ripchasta - 2 pcs.;
  • red pepper - pinch;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml;
  • vershkov butter - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the legumes until cooked, make the water angry, season with topsoil.
  2. Pour the liver with small pieces, sauté in oil, then add the minced cibula, grated carrots. Salt, pepper.
  3. Mix all the components of the salad bowl, season with mayonnaise.
  4. Serve with green parsley.

With corn

Let's just have a recipe for a shvidka hand - a salad with kvassoli and corn, the secret of which is the secret of only canned products. You can prepare such a herb for a treat, so you can recommend turning on a menu for every day or serving it to unsatisfactory guests, you can cook it on a fresh porch like a swedish garnish to shashliks.


  • serverat - 0.3 kg;
  • canned red kvassola - a jar;
  • canned corn - a jar;
  • green peas - a jar;
  • mayonnaise on olive oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. All the canned goods are opened, put on a drushlyak.
  2. Servelat cut into strips. For bazhannyam, you can replace it with some smoked cowbass, shank, brisket, or start looking at the meat component.
  3. Season the grass with pepper, season with mayonnaise.
  4. Salt is not obov'yazkovo, to that spices, which can be found in canned food, secure the savory relish on your own.

Salad with kvasoleya and sir

Lettuce made from kvassole and syrah become the most delicious dietary herb, so season it not with mayonnaise, but with sour cream or with natural yogurt made from lemon juice. For rahunok eating blue bean, piquant tomatoes, that vishuka syrah appetizer looks miraculously, has a delicate aroma and a rich relish. Vaughn vіdminno pіdіyde like a light snack.


  • canned red kvassola - 0.4 kg;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • sir - 85 g;
  • chasnik - 2 chastochki;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Anger from canned food and wash it with running water. Give a stack of hair.
  2. Cut the tomato into cubes, rub the sir, crush the hourly press, chop the parsley.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, season with sill|salt|, pepper.
  4. Fill with mayonnaise.
  5. When serving, decorate with parsley, boiled carrots or boiled quail eggs for bajan.

Cook for other recipes.



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