Calorie content of tomato (tomato). Chemical warehouse and food price

Calorie content of tomato (tomato). Chemical warehouse and food price

From the childhood of us to begin to give priority to fruits and vegetables, shards of stench to avenge the greatness of the living speeches necessary for growth. Vitamins, minerals and rich elements in the warehouse help normalize the work of all systems of the human body. A lot of pozhivnyh rechovina mіstsya і in pomіdоrі. The chemical warehouse of the red sheep of representations of the great number of different elements, based on proteins, fats and carbohydrates and ending with acids, vitamins and minerals. Report about those who roam in fragrant tomatoes, who have a sour-licorice relish, which stench can be ugly, rozpovimo at this article.

Chemical warehouse

100 g of tomato has approximately 92 g of water. Also, the chemical warehouse of the fresh tomato is represented by such speeches:

  • Vіd 0.5 to 1.1 g of proteins, medium substituted and non-substituted amino acids.
  • Vіd 0.1 to 0.3 g of pectin rechovins.
  • Close to 0.2 g fat. Our tomatoes have 17-29 g of olive oil.
  • Vіd 0.1 to 0.2 g of hemicellulose.
  • Vіd 0.5 to 0.9 g of cellulite.
  • 5 g in carbohydrates, including monota disaccharides.
  • Vіd 0.2 to 0.9 g of organic acids, including citric, oxalic, malic, tartaric and burstine.

The chemical warehouse of a tomato is seen as a great number of vitamins, skins from some of the necessary organisms for a stable robotic system. Most of the ascorbic acid. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the bone tissue, as a miraculous antioxidant and takes part in metabolic processes. Trochs are less at the warehouse of holіnu. Vitamin B4, known to people in the role of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, is synthesized to a certain extent by consumption in the body. Tsya speech, at its edge, pleasantly flows into the nervous system, and also takes part in the carbohydrate exchange. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine regulates insulin levels in the body and has a beneficial effect on the liver, helping the cells to start the regeneration process. Nareshti, vitamin B4 protects the myocardium from damage.

Chimalo at the chemical warehouse of tomato and niacin. Greater increase among the people like vitamin B3, taking part in the conduct of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in clitin. Niacin is important for tissue nutrition, and is also valued as a regulator of oxide-oxidative processes. Takes an uninterrupted part in the robotic herbal system, additionally helping to decompose the body, synthesizing the hormones and inducing the spice of suppressing the growth of the evil new creation.

Tocopherol has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, spraying tissue regeneration and water antioxidant. Vzagali, tse vitamin beauty, to the fact that wine is positively signified on the stani shkir, changing the appearance of old pigmentation and taking part in the molding of collagen and elastic fibers. Vitamin E is also corrosive in case of vaginess, to the fact that it helps the development of the placenta. And pyridoxine is one of the main speeches that take a part in metabolism. Vitamin B6 positively affects the central and peripheral nervous system, and also prevents the development of oncological diseases.

Thiamin regulates the transmission of nerve impulses and improves the water-salt balance. Krym tsgogo, vitamin B1 taking part in the processes of hematopoiesis and etching. Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is needed for the regulation of erythrocytes and the normal function of the thyroid gland, and beta-carotene is the strongest antioxidant, which positively influences the thickness of the hair and skin.

Folic acid in the chemical warehouse of tomatoes is necessary for the normal development of cells, the development of all organs and tissues. Vitamin K1 removes toxins from the body and other irritants, making life easier, and biotin plays the most important role in the exchange processes, taking part in the biosynthesis of hormones and the synthesis of coryza microflora, which is necessary for the intestines.

Macroelementi, yakimi rich tomato

Macroelements are another important part of the chemical warehouse of the tomato. Kharchov's value of the product is summed up with such important speeches:

  • Sodium is a catalyst for chemical processes, supporting water and water balance in the body.
  • Potassium - improves acid-lubric balance.
  • Silicon - taking part in the molding of epithelial and successful fabrics.
  • Chlorine is a necessary light for shlunkovogo juice.
  • Sirka - take part in the established protein, є warehouse amino acids.
  • Phosphorus - to enter the warehouse of brushes and tooth enamel.
  • Calcium is a vital material for teeth and skeleton, taking part in the processes of blood clotting and secretion of hormones.
  • Magnesium - regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, important for stable operation of the musculoskeletal system.

Microelements at the tomato warehouse

Speaking about the energy value and the chemical warehouse of tomatoes, one cannot but guess the microelements. Among them:

  • Selenium - taking part in oxide-water processes and as a storage element for over 30 life important biologically active parts of the body.
  • Iodine - to enter the warehouse of hormones in the thyroid gland.
  • Vanadium - taking part in the processes of hematopoiesis and dihannia, important for the establishment of teeth and brushes.
  • Nickel - take part in enzymatic processes.
  • Zalizo - important for dihanny.
  • Molybdenum is an important component of the tissue diet, which boosts the immune system.
  • Chromium - taking part in the exchange of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
  • Cobalt - taking part in the processes of hematopoiesis, helping the liver and nervous system.
  • Fluorine - brushes in brushes and tooth enamel.
  • Manganese - encourages the work of the stave and the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Beryllium is an important exchange process.
  • Aluminium, ensuring the installation of bonds with nitrogen and sour, taking an active part in regeneration processes.
  • Lithium - has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and neurochemical processes in the brain.
  • Boron - to be found in the blood of a person, as well as in the bones and m'yazovy tissues.
  • Barium - regulates the speed of smooth pulps.
  • Mid - take part in the protein exchange.
  • Zinc - taking part in the synthesis of hormones, necessary for the human and reproductive systems.
  • Rubidium - stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular system.
  • Nіmechchina - delivers kissen to the fabric, protects the organism from foreign speeches, beneficially pours into the etching system and suppresses the development of evil new creations.

Essential amino acids

The chemical storage of tomatoes is also represented by amino acids. Almost all smells (replacement and non-replacement) enter the warehouse of proteins, take part in their education, as well as in various biochemical processes. To the inevitable one can see:

  • phenylalanine;
  • lysine;
  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine;
  • threonine;
  • histidine;
  • tryptophan;
  • methionine.

Replacement amino acids

Whose list should I write such speeches:

  • proline;
  • glutamic acid;
  • cystine;
  • aspartic acid;
  • glycine;
  • serine;
  • alanine;
  • arginine;
  • tyrosine.

Korisn_ power of tomato for people

For example, the chemical warehouse of tomatoes, the food value of vegetables for the body becomes a wise world. Regularly (ale in the world!) Vyvannya tomato in їzhu may іmmunostimulating, toning, protizapalny, antioxidant, antibacterial and sechoginnuyu action on the body. It helps to reduce nervous anxiety, serve as a stimulator of brain activity, positively influence the work of the mucosal-intestinal tract, liver and liver. Support the heart-vascular system, chase after the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Zagalom, not ovoch, but right with brown words.

Can you hurt a tomato?

So, how to live a new life with a great kіlkost. Do not repeat the tomatoes, at this time it is possible not only to get positive results, but also to cause a negative effect. Vіn vyyavlyаєєє zbіlshennym ymovіrnosti viniknennya spasmіv zhovchnogo mіkhur і navіt stavlennya kaminnya nirkah. Also, with special care, it is necessary to plant tomatoes in people, who may be able to develop allergic reactions and suffer from zhovchnokam'yanoy ailments.

Other important information

It is accepted that 100 g of tomatoes have less than 18-20 kcal. Therefore, stench is popular with dietary eaters. Cherry tomatoes are especially sweet. The chemical warehouse of the "malyuki" of representations with the same brown rhechovins, like the one with great varieties. They prepare various salads and vegetable sauces, which look savory and brown both for the body and for the figure. However, in order to save the life of speech, it is not recommended to add thermal tomatoes. Better than їsti їх at a fresh look.

Special respect should be given to the selection of tomatoes. So, as most of the vipadkiv smells are treated with chemicals, it’s better not to bathe tomatoes from unknown people. It’s good to know a summed seller, whose vegetables don’t hesitate to doubt like that.

Today you can know the collection varieties of cicadas. Surely, a lot of gardeners ask questions about those who want to bathe them? Zrozumilo, a collection of tomato varieties was held for a chemical warehouse, and the results are more low acceptance - the stench may be the same (yakscho not better) the power of that quality, like and the best varieties. Moreover, the stench can boast of the best resistance to sickness and temperature regime. So scho collection sorts of merit for no less respect.

Tomato (tomato) is a herbaceous plant of the Paslon family, growing like a vegetable culture. Yogo fatherland - Pivdenna America, where wild varieties grow. The name “tomato” is similar to the word “pomo d’oro”, which in translation from Italian means “golden apple”. For a long time (until the 17th century) tomatoes were considered unnatural, so European gardeners cultivated them exclusively as an exotic decorative roslin. With vegetable culture, the tomato was no longer known in the 18th century to the great A.T.

Nini tomatoes are considered one of the most demanded crops in the world, as they are widely used in the food industry.

Botanical description

Vіdpovidno to culinary classification, tomato - vegetable, and botanical - berry.

Through the high popit, there are no different varieties of the product, which are considered for: shape (heart-shaped, flattened, round, curly), zabarvlenny (zhovte, orange, erysipelas, red, violet, maroon), the nature of the surface (medium-ribbed, strongly ribbed, smooth), slightly ribbed), weight (from 0.02 kg to 1 kg/1 pl), vegetative period trivality (even early, early, mid-early, late, late late).

The tomato has a root system of a monopodial (swift) character, which grows in the upper balls of the soil. Stem cover with hairs, upright or pole.

According to the height of the growth, the culture is subdivided into the following types: dwarf (up to 30 cm), low (30-50 cm), middle (50-90 cm), high (90-150 cm), narrow high (over 150 cm).

The leaves are folded into chastok, chergovі. Sutsvіtya - a racemose curl, fallow in the variety of folded, slightly folded or simple.

Plid is a watery, juice berry with fine textures of tricot-nirco-like configuration. On top, the shape of that rosemіr tomato is strongly stale in the minds of yogo growth. With unfriendly factors, the berry loses ribbing, becomes rounded, changes in size according to the primary parameters of the variety.

Nasіnnya pomidorіv zberіgaє similarity stretching 5-7 years.

Tsikavo, that the valency of the growing season of the growth to fall in the territory of the territorial growth of the plot. At the world, watering from plantings from pivnich on pivnich is expected to ripen. As a result of the shift, the period can immediately reach 30 days.

Chemical warehouse

Tomatoes do not take revenge on starch and cholesterol, there is actually no fat in them, yak and zukra, food fibers. Traditionally, the most important vegetable is taken into account, with which tomato nothing is done (in 100 g of the product 95.28 g of water is taken), recommendations for this should be made before living in diets to reduce the weight. An antioxidant (lycopin) enters the warehouse of tomatoes, which prevents DNA mutations, the growth of cancer cells. In the body of a human being, wines will be acquired with fats of dewy food (olive).

Energy value per 100 g of the product:

  • tomato zhovti, siri - 15 kcal;
  • tomatoes orange, siri - 16 kcal;
  • cherry tomatoes, siri - 18 kcal;
  • tomato "cheri", siri - 27 kcal.

Energy savings 12%: 9%: 84%.

Anthocyanins, abscisne acid, sterols, triterpene saponins are found in the fruits, ethereal oliya and glycoalkaloids (tomatine, tomatidine) are found in the leaves.

Aldehydes (furfural, benzaldehyd) and lettuce alcohols (isovalerian, isobutyl) give a characteristic aroma to tomatoes, and phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins, lycopene and carotene are added to tomatoes.

Table No. 1 "Kharchova value of tomatoes at a glance"
Components Zmist for 100 g product, gram
Zhovti Orange Chervoni Cheri
Water 95,28 94,78 94,52 93,4
Carbohydrates 2,98 3,18 3,89 3,84
Proteins 0,98 1,16 0,88 1,2
Kharchov's fibers 0,6 0,8 1,1 0,81
Ash 0,4 0,59 0,4 0,4
Organic acids (oxalic, burshtinov, tartaric, citric, malic) 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6
Mono-ta disaccharides 3,5 3,2 2,63 2,01
Zhiri 0,28 0,18 0,2 2,02
Lycopene 2,573 2,16
Lutein+Zeaxanthin 0,123 0,08
Table No. 2 "Chemical warehouse of tomatoes at a glance"
name Concentration of nutrients in 100 g of the product, milligram
Zhovti Orange Chervoni Cheri
Ascorbic acid (C) 9,0 15,0 13,7 24,0
Niacin (B3) 1,179 0,593 0,594 0,49
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0,12 0,186 0,089
Piridoxine (B6) 0,056 0,059 0,078 0,1
Riboflavin (B2) 0,047 0,034 0,019 0,039
Tiamin (B1) 0,041 0,046 0,037 0,06
Folic acid (B9) 0,031 0,029 0,015 0,0113
Beta-carotene (A) 0,075 0,449 1,2
Holin (B4) 6,7
Tocopherol (E) 0,54 0,40
Betaine 0,1
Phyloquinone (K) 0,0079
potassium 258,0 212,0 237,0 290,7
Phosphorus 36,0 30,0 25,0 27,0
calcium 11,0 6,0 9,0 14,3
sodium 23,0 41,0 6,0 39,0
Magnesium 11,0 9,0 10,0 20,1
Chlorine 56,0 61,0
Sirka 11,0 11,0
Zalizo 0,49 0,46 0,26 0,9
Zinc 0,28 0,13 0,18 0,2
Marganets 0,11 0,088 0,114 0,14
Mid 0,101 0,062 0,059 0,112
Selenium 0,0004 0,0004 0,0004 0,0004
Fluorine 0,02 0,02 0,023 0,0201
molybdenum 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007
Cobalt 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005
Iodine 0,002 0,002 0,002 0,0021
Bor 0,115 0,115 0,115 0,115
Chromium 0,005

Mostly in the world grow over 60 million tons of tomatoes, 44 million tons and 36 million tons. Tsikavo, how to avenge the “happiness hormone” serotonin, which improves mood, and the main part of ascorbic acid is middle-aged.

Tsіkavo, scho thermal processing (drying 2 hvilin varinnya) for 1/3 more lycopin in tomatoes. And red varieties may have more nutrients, lower yellow.

In the pulpy fruits, there are phytoncides, which overgrow the development of infection.

Korisn_ authority

Fresh tomato juice and puree with pulp are prescribed for children, grown-up women and women during the wine-making period of a baby. This is the best natural source of mineral deposits, vitamins, and food fibers. Tsikavo, that the ancient Indian tribes planted vegetables to strengthen human potential.

Tomato is a home remedy that is victorious for the treatment of nervous disorders, depression, gastritis with low acidity, ailment of the eyes, skin, upper respiratory paths, wounds, opium, colds, GRVI. And also for the prevention of atherosclerosis, avitaminosis, increased libido.

Vegetables have sechoginn, zhovchoginn, antispasmodic, antioxidant powers.

"Strength" of tomatoes:

  1. Reduce arterial pressure, prevent thrombosis, bring acid puddle to normal.
  2. Protect the growth and decay of cancer cells.
  3. Polіpshyuyut exchange of speeches, good vamovuyut spragu.
  4. Normalize the work of the heart, nervous system, etching.
  5. Raise mood, boost immunity, give strength to the body.
  6. Neutralize toxins that accumulate in the intestines
  7. To improve the acquired information, to protect the ailments of the eyes.
  8. Relieve weight loss. Potassium salts reduce the ability of tissues to absorb water into the body. As a result, kilograms go at once from the zayva of the homeland.

Remember, most of the nutrients are hidden from the tomato peel, because there is no trace of purification.

Especially brown tomatoes for chickens. Biologically active speech, which enters their warehouse, splits and removes nicotine toxins from the legends, resins. In addition, the stench normalizes the savory taste, relieves the teeth of the tyutyun taint.

For the daily counter-indication, tomatoes can be included in the daily diet up to 5 pieces.

Zavdyaki rich in vitamin and mineral storage is recommended to spend some days on tomatoes.

Fences of doctors

Tomato is a widely spread product in the whole world, which lives like an orphan looking, so broken (salted, pickled, dried, greased, baked). On the basis of vegetables, sauces, ketchups, soups, fillings for pies and pies are prepared. Are the floorings a non-shkidlivy product? Let's take a look at the report chain.

Pomodori nadaet prihovanu nebezpeka for the health of people in such behaviors:

  1. With individual intolerance. Yaskra fruits, yak and citrus fruits, chocolate with the strongest allergens, the stench of the building viklikati kropiv'yanka, spitting, coughing, swelling, undead and sharp in the eyes.
  2. With zhovchnokam'yanіy ailment. Ti, which enters the warehouse of tomatoes, activates the work of the slug, the slug, takes part in the process of etching, strengthens the motility of the intestines, gives a strong zhovchogіnny effect, which can lead to zsuva kamenіv in the zhovchny mіkhuri and threaten to become even worse.
  3. With pancreatitis. Tomatoes provoke the burning of the slugs. The greatest concern for the health of the sick is given by unripe, green fruits.
  4. When ill, nirok. destroying the water-salt exchange, which causes problems from the sechostate system. In addition, canned tomatoes are suitable for the growth of stones in nirkah (for the obviousness of such grace).
  5. With ailments of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract. Gastritis and diuresis, especially in the acute phase, are directly contraindicated before the implantation of tomatoes.
  6. When ill with suglobiv. Oxalic acid, found in fruits, causes a strong bіl in ruomy z'ednnі kіncіv kіstok, so the product is included in the daily menu of the patient.
  7. With hypertension. For people with broken hearts, pickled, salted and canned tomatoes should be excluded from the healthy diet.

It is not recommended to eat tomatoes with eggs, fish, bread or meat. The minimum break between the introduction of vegetables and other food products is 2 years. In addition, I can’t drink tomato juice with a meal. In order to avoid the development of shlunkovogo juice and the poisoning of the juice, it is necessary to live it 30 minutes before the meal, or during breaks between it.

Classification of tomatoes

"Maximum crusty - minimum calories" - this is how nutritionists characterize the grassy roslin of pastlon. The low energy value of tomatoes ensures that the product can be included in the diet of people who suffer from obesity. On the basis of relatives for the family, as they accumulate toxic alkaloids in meat, tomatoes can be found in a smaller number (in 5 times).

See the tomatoes behind the shape:

  1. Meaty. This is the tastiest view, in which the great varieties of vegetables stand out like rice. Vykoristovuetsya for the preparation of salads.
  2. Round. Rice is characteristic - the form is correct, which gives the product a good marketable appearance. Get involved in cooking for stuffing and preparing herbs, which support the ideal contours of vegetables.
  3. Tomato tops. Mayut medium rosemary, vytyagnutu form, mayut vishukany relish. Cooking vicory is a product for preparing sauces, spices and preservation.
  4. . These are small tomatoes, rosemary from the mountains, yak are added to salads and appetizers as a whole for refreshment. At the sight of the great brothers, instead of dry speeches, they have 2 times higher. In this way, with the introduction of one and the same quantity of the most significant tomatoes, in another type, the human body takes two more antioxidants, tsukrіv, vitamins.

Tomatoes-tops are priced lower, lower round representatives of pastlon. With this, the laurels of pershost lie on small cherry and fleshy varieties, which can have a pleasant sour look (persh) and an unusually licorice relish (others).

Variety of tomatoes in terms of ripening:

  1. Ultrasound (80-85 days). As a rule, superdeterminant tomatoes lie before the mind. M'yakush fruits are not licorice due to those that the culture grows with a short light day.

The following varieties are brought to ultra-sweet fruits: Zhaivoronok F1, Olya F, Cherry Potik F1, Sanka, Child of Nasolod.

  1. Early reached (90-95 days). The group includes mid-growing determinant varieties and low stem tomatoes.

Popular hybrids: Leopold F1, Primadonna F1, Leader of the Indians, Tsar-Dzvin.

  1. Middle early (100-103 days). Viroshchyut under timchasovym plіvkovy ukritty, near the greenhouse or near wet soil, looming beds on the pіvdennіy side of the plot. Expanded varieties: Verlіok plus F1, Moscow delicacy, Blagovist F1, Gigant Pіdmoskov'ya.
  2. Average reached (100-115 days). For vizrivannya I give birth to fruits, I need more sony light, lower tomato of early varieties.

Up to the middle-class varieties are introduced: Siberian Divo, Ukhazher, Budionivka, Kenigsberg, French Grodneviy, Kostroma F1.

  1. Life span (120-130 days). The best option for growing tomatoes is a greenhouse. In the other season, when cultivating the growth in wet soil, early frosts can cause damage to crops.

Popular varieties: De Barao, Titan, Bichache heart, Finish, Finik, Volodymyr F1.

For recognition, tomatoes are seen for fresh preservation (with a thin skin, fleshy, juicy, licorice pulp), for processing (mayut schіlnu structure, m'yasistі z minimal kіlіsty nasіnnya), for canning (with a hard skin, regular shape) , universal varieties (volodyat usima relisted perevagami).

Traditionally zabarvlennya tomato - chervone. Violet, green, orange, yellow, black, white and erysipelatous tomatoes grow richly redder. The following pigments are characteristically contaminated with fruits: lycopene, ascorbic acid, alpha- and beta-carotene, phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins.

The best varieties of tomatoes for their savory characteristics are “Divo Zemli”, “Dina”, “Appetizing”, “Brown Zukor”, “Bichache Heart” and “Bichy Forehead”.

Indeterminate or determinant

Tomato is a herbaceous growth, as for its nature, it can grow like a liana. Representatives of wild plants cover the available zones in their fatherland (in America), stalking along the ground. In this hour, the selection path has introduced cultural forms with low growth and high speed of fruit glimmering.

See tomatoes growing in the world:

  1. Indeterminate (unrestricted growth). Tomati of this variety are also called liano-like, weaving. They are cultivated in open, closed soil. Roslin is constantly growing behind the tufts of the white pagons, which hang from the bosom of the leaf. High-growing varieties are found in liter tetrapacks, and determinant in wide peat-mountains.

Lyanopodіbnіbnі podіdori zvіdіv neshvidki, їх їх їх їхыlyuyut і ґрніні іншіх. This variety bears fruit without interruption after laying the first penny for 5 months per river.

Popular varieties: Budenivka, Bichache heart, Andriivsky surprise, Pink Medzhik F1, Babusin secret, Ispolin raspberry.

  1. Kushchov. Vіdmіnna rice mind - obmezhene rostannya. The stalk of the sprouting is growing, sticking up the hill after the bookmarks of three sucrose between 1-2 sheets. These are quick varieties that I cultivate for swedish obsession.
  2. Superdeterminant - dwarf plants. Є rozgaluzhenim booth with succulents on the top. On the main stem, no more than 3 pens are established. With this vegetative growth, the roslini grow up for a trival hour.

The fruits of the superdite are the most viable, in 20 days I see up to 90% of the total I give birth.

Varieties and hybrids: Child of salt, Alaska, White filling, Sanka, Betalux, Child of salt.

  1. The determinant may be the average strength of the growth, which is attached after the molding of 5 brushes. On the front view, the swedishness of the development of pagons is more pronounced. Determinant varieties ripen for 7 days later for superdeterminant, and the period of breeding is more important. To that it is obvious to plant in greenhouses, so it is more rational to vikorate the area.

The most wide-ranging varieties: Zhіnochiy, Dubok, Sakhalin, Siberian Velocity, Amur Dawn, Aurora F1, King of the Early, Golden Heart.

A variety of determinant varieties are standard tomatoes, which make a mitzne stalk, not a high “growth”. The stench doesn't stop growing.

The best varieties of tomatoes (standards): Edelrot, Hartsfoyer F1, Moskvich, Bіlosnіzhka, Zagadka.

  1. Nap_determinant - high tomatoes. Roslin's maє nemmezheniya rіst i prіschaєtsya after the adoption 10 succes. Tse pіznоstigli varieties of great rosemіrіv.

Popular hybrids: Chervona Strila F1, Pivnichniy Express F1, Ivet F1.

Today, determinant varieties of tomatoes are the most popular. Some positive features are: early maturity, high yield (for the laying of ovaries through a smaller number of leaves), one-hour delivery of fruits from a large number of brushes. In the middle of a minus view, one can see: slenderness to ailment, less severe birth rate for the rahuka of the fringed growth of brushes, the need to introduce mineral fertilizers at the increase in the quantity and the presence of pasinkiv (to avoid overwhelming the culture with ovaries).

Criteria for selection and saving

In connection with a wide range of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, presented for sale, you can get lost in their diversity and take the place of high-yielding bushes with fruits that rot, drooping under the vase of your hair. Before buying, choose the cultivation method of tomatoes: for living in a fresh way, transporting from a distant region, processing and saving.

Criteria for choosing a day:

  • yield;
  • zoning;
  • relish;
  • sickness.

Most gardeners give the priority to grow vegetables in greenhouses. It is especially important for the months with short and cold summers (pivnichnyh regions). For full growth, the width of the greenhouse is not to blame for the growth of the growth, but less than 2 m, and the length is 4 m. tall and low-growing varieties. For a competent birth, you can take 7 months for a river.

Ways to choose tomatoes:

  1. Assess the size of the fetus. Unique vegetables of great rosemary, in the process of their growing, chemical goodness was stagnated. Vinyatki become varieties with great fruits, with a vag of up to 0.5 kg - "Ringy Giant", "Bif", "Bichache Heart". In other varieties, it is recommended to give the tomatoes a medium size.
  2. Look at the shell of the fetus. Vaughn may be of a uniform color, gleaming evenly, without plyam, pores and vm'yatin. Remember, in the places of the day, brood can accumulate, saws, shkidlivy microorganism, which, if it enters the body, destroys the natural intestinal microflora and the process of etching.
  3. Take a look at the tomato. Like the internal chambers of the filling, but in the surface of the yogo, having entered the sіk, also the tomato is fresh.
  4. Smell. Green tomatoes may not smell, but fruits that see a juicy succulent aroma are ripe.
  5. Look around the area of ​​the fruit. Vaughn can be of the same color, like the whole surface of a tomato. The greenery, the strengthening of the yellow color, is to say that the fruit of the greenery in the immature camp. As a result, such a product of consolation of the brown powers.
  6. Revisit elasticity. Fresh tomatoes are not hard and not soft on dotik. In the first type, the fruits are immature, in the other - long-term matured.

Remember, too soon m'yaka sumish pomodorіv vkazu on those that the product has already begun to rot.

Zhorstkі streaks in the stalks on the stake of tomato, light green colors of the softness indicate the variety of chemical additives in the process of growing vegetables and the large amount of nitrates in their warehouses. Consider buying such a product.

The most important are ground tomatoes, which avenge the maximum of brown nutrients.

Tomatoes are harvested from a dark place at a temperature of 20-25 degrees for a maximum of 3 days. Otherwise, the stench will oversight, become soft and begin to rot. Vegetables placed in the refrigerator exude their aroma. The prote їхній termіні відіні збілшуєся up to one tyzhnya. Unripe tomatoes are taken from the paper bag at once from apples.

To increase the term of applicability of a great batch of tomatoes, vegetables are stacked in boxes and boxes with fruits uphill, shifting the skin with thyrsus, straw or sackcloth. The ideal temperature for taking the product is 10 degrees higher than zero. In case of a decrease in the indicator, the fruit can fall ill and cover the flower, increase - oversee and zipsuvatis. In addition, ensure good circulation around the room. The fruits of compact roses are best taken from thin skins.

Zastosuvannya in folk medicine

Tomato is a good diuretic, which reduces ailment of sich mikhura and nirok, improves the functioning of the heart, reduces the development of heart attack and stroke, and prevents atherosclerosis. The life value of fruits is determined in the amount of lycopene, vitamins B, C, K, PP.

Tsikavo, which in 100 g of tomatoes is 2-3 times more, lower in rib, chicken meat and milk. In this case, people with ailments of the mucosal-intestinal tract, which are accompanied by hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, following the introduction of tomatoes, oxalic acid, which enters to their warehouse, may rose on the mucous membranes of the organs of etching. Qiu specialty of tomatoes is planted by the state for the cleaning of plumbing.

Home recipes for a healthy boost:

  1. To improve the exchange of speeches. Ingredients: fresh tomatoes (1 kg), Antonov apple (300 g), teaspoon (cloves from 2 heads), horseradish (100 g). Grind all the components. Take 30 ml of porridge every day.
  2. Against anemia. Red tomatoes - dzherelo ascorbic acid and lycopene. Dani spoluchyut zavojnnya zaliza, scho taking the fate of hematopoiesis. To fight against anemia, it is recommended to take 150 ml of fresh tomato juice 10 minutes before a meal every day.
  3. For the lure of illness of the wild ways, I cough up the cough. Ingredients: teaspoon (50 g), root chronu (100 g), fresh tomatoes (1 kg). All components are adjusted to a single-mantled stand for an additional blender. Implantation method: 15 ml 3 times for dobu for 20 minutes before eating.
  4. Against varicose veins. For the use of painful sensations and bluish patches of fresh tomatoes, apply to swollen veins like a compress. Vegetables are fixed with a bandage, the bandage is stripped for 3 years. After the end of the appointed hour, rinse your feet with cold water. The procedure is carried out every day until a stable result is obtained.
  5. Against festering wounds and nariviv. M'yakush tomato will soon heal the wounds. In addition, an antiseptic effect is attributed to the fruits. Based on clinical findings, it has been established that phytoncides, which can be found in tomatoes, suppress the growth of rotten bacteria. M'yakush fruits are ground into a homogeneous porridge and applied to the wound, virazki, brew a place for 15 khvilin, then they are taken with distilled water.

American cultures have come to whiskey, which is the most effective natural way to fight cancer - to grow salad with fresh tomatoes and kawi. At the warehouse of products, speeches have been revealed, which will take into account the growth and change the decay of evil spirits.

Korist for shkiri

The mask with tomatoes improves the color of the appearance, softens the dermis, gives it firmness and freshness, and maintains a greasy glow. The roots of the dominance of the fruits lie at the stage of their maturity. For cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to vicorist stigli red, erysipelas or yellow tomatoes. The stench will take the maximum of vitamins. Phytoncides, which are found in the pulp of tomatoes, fight against inflammation, caused by hanging and allergic reactions. And zapobіgaє old shkіri, zbіlshyuuchi building epidermis to regeneration.

Mask recipes:

  1. For normal shkіri (pozhivna). Ingredients: m'yakush of one tomato, chicken zhovtok, borosno. Zmіshati to obsession with a homogeneous thick mass. Apply the mask on the face of 10 hvilin, zmiti.

Another recipe for preparing a live mask: grated tomato mass (from 1 fruit), mixed with grape juice (30 ml), warm boiled water (15 ml), honey (15 ml). Leave the mask on the scales for 10 strands, remove the excess with a servlet, wipe it with a tonic.

  1. For dry skins (hoisting). Ingredients: cheese 20% (15 g), tomato (0.5 pcs), cow's milk (30 ml), olive oil (5 ml). Mix the components well, apply on the skin for a quarter of a year, squeeze.
  2. For fat shkіri (tight pori). Ingredients: tomato (1 pc.), lemon juice (5 ml), borosno (15 g). Warehouse components of the mask are mixed, applied to face, washed with water.
  3. Treasury (for cleaning dermis from keratinized particles). Ingredients: sour milk (15 ml), "tomato porridge" (from 1 fruit), olive oil (4 drops), chalky white plastic (15 g). Thoroughly mix the components of the scrub, apply on the skin, gently massage, rinse with water.

In addition, on the basis of tomato juice, a refreshing lotion is prepared with distilled water (70 ml), galloons (2 g), tomato extract (30 ml), glycerin (5 ml) to change the moisture content of the skin. It is recommended to apply the tonic on a cleansed skin.


Tomato is one of the richest and widest vegetables in the world. The chemical warehouse and the lіkuvalnі power of the product lie in the variety of fruits and the stage of their ripening. Tomatoes are classified according to the shape of the fruit (large fleshy, round, tops, cherry), ripening terms (ultra-fast growth, early growth, mid-early, medium growth, early growth), growth height (indeterminant, superdeterminant, determinant, nap). For winter preparations, brown fruits are expected, and for harvesting - red, yellow, orange, for conservation - green.

The storage of tomatoes includes carotenoids, organic acids, minerals, pigmented speech (xanthophil, carotene, phenols, anthocyanins, anthoxanthins, lycopene), vitamins A, PP C, B, K. exchange processes and body weight, immunity increases, bone tissue changes, the energy resources of the body are restored, the environment becomes infected, the development of chronic deficiency anemia develops.

Tomati is an excellent antidepressant, which helps to reduce serotonin production. Tizhneva norm of tomatoes can be revisited 40 pieces. Otherwise, the replacement of corystitis can harm your health and provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of the intestinal tract. The cream of the internal living of tomato and vicorist is called at the warehouse of masks for disguise, compresses for wounds, swollen veins.

We are not chemists! And we did our best to collect for you the information that you have with open access, so that you could find out about the warehouse of fresh tomatoes in one city.

Kharchova value of tomato

Energy value - 19.9 kcal / 100 g

In 100 g of fresh licorice pepper, there is:

  • water - 93.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.2 g;
  • proteins - 0.6 g;
  • fat - 0.2 g;
  • food fibers - 0.8 g;
  • organic acids - 0.5 g;
  • ash - 0.2 g.

Vitamins in fresh tomatoes

Vitamins- a group of organic compounds, united as an absolute necessity for the normal functioning (simply, life) of organisms, which can synthesize them independently from inorganic chemical elements and tracts of photosynthesis. And if we don’t grow and we’re not green, then we can’t go anywhere without vitamins.

Evolutskіyu, Visiting Silo, IINPLETYANS Abo by the program of Virtuali Rysshnosti (Vyibayi Samі at the abundance of Rozhysud) Zuzimovyn, Šoy Vіtamіni Our Organizm Remozhima D. The System is complained by such a nonsense, Shahchscho Mi їlki, then Vіtіlki is needed. I don't drip more. All applications are displayed by name. Therefore, to get used to natural vitamins "in small doses for great people" is not only safe, but scary! Ale with whom, remember the words of the famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates: "Everything is good in the world!"

Name the vitamin that is avenged by fresh tomatoes (assigned in order of change in quantity)

The value of vitamin for the human body

C (ascorbic acid)

necessary for the normal functioning of healthy and bone tissue, taking part in the exchange of speech, as an antioxidant.

Yogo unstacha calls m'yazovі pain, bleeding is clear, dryness of the skin, subshkirn bloody, falling teeth, heart disease, scurvy and death.

Y 4 (choline)

of Demba in organіzmі sintezuєtsya nayvazhlivіshy neyromedіator atsetilholіn, neobhіdny for normal funktsіonuvannya nervovoї system neobhіdny for vuglevodnogo obmіnu, regulyuє rіven іnsulіnu in organіzmі, bere bezposerednyu fate in normalnіy robotі pechіnki, zapuskaє in nіy Process regeneratsії klіtin pіslya іntoksikatsіy, bere fate in zahistі Sertsevy m 'yaza ushkodzhen'.

It causes mental disorders, depression, sleeplessness, nervous vision, memory impairment, increased cholesterol level in the blood, increased arterial pressure, varicose veins, fatty liver infection (fatty in the liver), degeneration, hemorrhagic ducts

B 3 (niacin, or PP (nicotinomide), or nicotinic acid)

"Vitamin Calm", taking part in the fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism of clitin, which is necessary for tissue digestion, regulates oxide-oxidative processes in the body, which is necessary for the functioning of the herbal system, takes part in the processes of splitting zhzhi, taking part in the synthesis deyakyh vipadkah cancer.

This marriage causes nervousness, aggressiveness, increased drativity, headaches and confusion, diarrhea, stove, boredom, dermatitis, insomnia, increased pinkness, hallucinations, bewilderment, memory loss, inflammation of the intestines

E (tocopherol)

neobhіdny for protsesіv tsirkulyatsії i zgortannya krovі, pereshkodzhaє tromboutvorennyu, znizhuє krov'yany vise bere fate in regeneratsії tkanin, Je antioxidant (zahischaє klіtinnі structuring od ruynuvannya vіlnimi radicals) bere fate in sintezі gormonіv, pіdtrimuє іmunіtet, zapobіgaє poyavі starechoї elastichnih fibers mіzhklіtinnoї speech, taking part in the biosynthesis of proteins and the development of the placenta.

Illness and darkness of the hair, loss of elasticity of the skin, increased pigmentation of the skin, damage to the vestibular apparatus, anemia, depression, chronic in this, m'yazovu dystrophy, thinning of the skin's eye, heart failure, ear cancer

B 6 (pyridoxine)

taking part in the metabolism (exchange of speech) of macronutrients, synthesis and improvement of hormone balance, synthesis and normal functioning of hemoglobin in the blood, synthesis of fats, proteins, enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the central peripheral nervous system, taking part in necessary for the synthesis of antibodies, for the normal functioning of the liver.

This causes flatulence, dryness and peeling of the skin, hairy part of the head and neck, anxiety camp, depression, confusion, tedium, vomiting, sudomi, inflammation of the mucus mouth, tongue and shell of the eye, parts of the GRVI, GRZ and allergic books, and reactions , impaired work of the immune system

B 1 (thiamine)

regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, taking part in maintaining the water-salt balance, controlling fat and carbohydrate metabolism in cells, taking part in the processes of etching, hematopoiesis, and an antioxidant necessary for the activity of the brain.

This is not enough for depression, disturbed sleep, ass, disturbed thermoregulation, boredom, impaired functioning of the nervous system.

В 2 (riboflavin)

necessary for the elimination of erythrocytes, antibodies, growth regulation, normal reproductive function of the body and the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Vіdpovіdaє for zdorov'ya skins, nails, hair.

Cracks in the folds of the mouth, light fear, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), clouding of the crystal (cataract), stomatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, changes in the side of the nervous system, anemia, partial atrophy of the thoracic nerve

Beta-carotene (provitamin vitamin A)

it is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and hair, normalizes the work of the hair shafts, it is responsible for the development of the nascent nerve in humans and the development of the ovum in women, it is an anti-oxidant, it can immunostimulate the disease.

There is a slight increase in slozogіnnіst during temperature changes in the weather and windy weather, increased sensitivity of teeth, increased pain sensitivity, weakening of the function of the sphincter of the sich michur, early simptomy, impaired cerebral activity

9 (folic acid)

taking part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine, in the synthesis of nucleic acids with a decrease in information, taking part in hematopoiesis, necessary for the assimilation of the mucosal juice, in the processes of normal rheumatoid arthritis, growth and development of all organs, tissues, blood, systemic.

This is almost like fear, inflamed mucus mouth and tongue, bleeding is clear, impaired etching, sleeplessness, early sivine, hyperchromic anemia (impaired hematopoietic process), bowel disease, liver failure.

Up to 1 (phyloquinone)

"Antihemoragіchnya Vіtamіn", Nekhіdniy for Synthesis Bilkiv, Bere Fate at Regulatsії Zgorostnya Kronovo, Obmіnі Rumchovin at Kіstki і Wefront Tableti, Nefіdnia For Normal Funky RyroVanya Narrow, Bere Fate Uzivozhnnі Calcіja T. Yozhodії з зTamіn d, Bere Fate in oxide in the body, may have antibacterial and disease-reducing effects, may lead to toxins from the liver and improve the quality of life.

It is not enough to cause development of hemorrhagic syndrome, shlunkovo-intestinal, intraocular and subcutaneous bleeding, important bleeding in trauma.

H (biotin, vitamin B 7 coenzyme R)

plays the most important role in the metabolism of speech, the increase in blood glucose level, the necessary synthesis of fatty acids, taking part in the biosynthesis of hormones, the intake of blood, the growth rate, the necessary synthesis of the core microflora of the intestine, the necessary normal functioning of the nervous system, the nervous system,

Yogo nedolіk vyklikaє seborrhea (magnifying glass), lameness of nails, volatility of hair, malaise, drowsiness, nudota, m'yazovі pain, vomit, anemia, skin disease (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), ailment of the eyes, galmuvannya in the organ and rose tonus and m'yazіv, decrease in arterial pressure, increase in tsukru and cholesterol in the blood, accelerated aging of the whole organism

Macroelements in fresh tomatoes

Macroelementi– biologically significant chemical elements, necessary for the normal functioning of living organisms.

Fresh tomatoes have the following macronutrients (assigned in order of change in quantity):

  • potassium- Improve the acid-lubric balance, normalize the water balance in the human body;
  • chlorine- take part in the water-salt metabolism of the body, be found in the m'yazovy, kistkovy tissue in the blood, necessary for the utvoreniya shlunkovogo juice;
  • phosphorus- "Element of life", to enter the warehouse of nucleotides, enzymes, brushes, tooth enamel;
  • magnesium- taking part in the exchange of speech, in the regulation of the transmission of nerve impulses and in the short-term tongues, necessary for the normal functioning of the human musculoskeletal apparatus;
  • calcium- budive material for the skeleton and teeth, necessary for various internal processes, blood pharynx, secretion of hormones;
  • Sirka- taking part in the discovery of the protein, to enter the warehouse of amino acids;
  • silicon- take revenge on m'yazovіy, kіstkovіy tissue and blood, taking part in molding successful and epithelial tissue, necessary for the growth of hair and nails;
  • sodium- to take revenge at the intercultural homeland. Supports acid-lubric and water balances in the body, acting as a catalyst for chemical processes in the human body.

Microelements in fresh tomatoes

Microelements– biologically significant chemical elements, which are in biochemical processes and contribute to the stability of the internal environment of a living organism.

From microelements fresh tomato revenge (in order of change in quantity):

  • zinc- necessary for the functioning of the prostate and normal production of human hormones and sperm, taking part in the synthesis of various hormones, including insulin, necessary for the breakdown of alcohol in the body;
  • germany- CHIN zabezpechuє Transferred to tkanin organіzmu, prignіchuє Process rozmnozhennya chuzhorіdnih klіtin, aktivuyuchi macrophages that spetsifіchnі klіtini іmunіtetu, stimulyuє produkuvannya іnterferonu for Zahist od chuzhorіdnih mіkroorganіzmіv, bearing-down Je antioxidant bere fate in pripinennі Ruhu elektronіv in nervovih klіtinah, regulyuє that venoznoї system. These functions increase yogo immunostimulatory, antifungal, anti-rus, antibacterial power, as well as building up the development of evil neoplasms and the appearance of metastases, building changes;
  • rubid- plays the role of a stimulant of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, promotes arterial pressure, may have an antihistamine effect;
  • manganese- Necessary for hematopoiesis and normal functioning of articular ulcers;
  • aluminum- to take place in all organs of the human being, to ensure the installation of bonds with nitrogen and sour in the body, taking an active part in regenerative processes in healthy, epithelial and cystic tissues, necessary for the normal functioning of the semithyroid glands, as well as for the phosphate of oxalic tissue;
  • bir- take revenge on the m'yazovіy, kіstkovіy tissue and blood of a person;
  • mid- taking part in the protein exchange in the organism in the warehouse of enzymes;
  • barium- take place in all organs and tissues of a person, most of all - in the brain, m'yazah, spleen and crystal of the eye, brushes and teeth. Necessary for adjusting quickly smooth soils. Lie down to toxic microelements. Widely vikoristovuєtsya in the silskomu gospodarstvі and kharchovіy industry in rodenticides - zasobah (otrutah) to fight with rodents;
  • lithium- reduce the alertness of the nervous system, actively infuse neurochemical processes into the brain, may have an insulin-like effect. Yogo nedolіk vyklikaє maniacal-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses;
  • beryllium– the physiological role of the human organism is insufficiently developed. Apparently, I take part in the exchange of speeches and the improvement of the immune status. A toxic microelement, when it enters the body, be like a different way, crim like a hedgehog: it’s too much to cause the brushes to soften;
  • fluorine- brush in enamel teeth and brushes;
  • iodine- to enter the warehouse of hormones, which are vibrated by the thyroid gland and give a rich-sided influx on the chemical, biological and physiological processes in the body;
  • nickel- taking part in enzymatic reactions, the exact biological role has not been established;
  • molybdenum- Necessary for antioxidant processes, an important component of tissue inflammation, taking part in the regulation of the exchange of sechoic acid, boosting the immune system;
  • cobalt- tasks in the processes of hematopoiesis, functioning of the nervous system and liver;
  • chromium– taking part in the exchange of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • tin- Utrimuєtsya tіlі lyudiny, nadhodіzm z їzheyu. Practically nothing is known about the physiological role;
  • zalizo- Necessary for the processes of exchange of sour (breathing);
  • vanadium– taking part in oxide-water processes, dihanni, hematopoietic, playing an important role in the processes of growth and reproduction, necessary for the establishment of cystic tissue and teeth;
  • selenium- to enter the warehouse of whites, to be located in the ovens, nirks, selezins, hearts, ovaries (in women) and the nascent cords (in humans), taking part in the regulation of the exchange of speech, in the oxide-water processes, the storage component of vital biological active part of the organism, which takes part in the synthesis of hormones.

Essential amino acids in fresh tomatoes

Nezaminnym є amino acids, yakі nadhodyat to the body of a person, including the hedgehog.

Fresh tomatoes have offensive non-essential amino acids (listed in order of decreasing number):

  • phenylalanine- Enter to the warehouse of all proteins;
  • leucine- Enter to the warehouse bіlkіv;
  • lysine- to enter the warehouse of proteins, which is necessary for the growth and renewal of tissues, the production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes. Repair anti-virus disease, especially against viruses that call for herpes. Nestacha lyzine leads to immunodeficiency;
  • isoleucine- To enter the warehouse of all proteins, taking part in the energy exchange;
  • threonine- take part in the enlightenment of whites;
  • valine- enter the warehouse of all proteins, the main component in the synthesis and growth of tissues in the human body, reduce the decrease in serotonin, reduce the sensitivity of the body to pain, cold, sinter, take part in nitrogen metabolism;
  • histidine- To enter the warehouse of anonymous enzymes, necessary for the synthesis of histamine, taking part in the growth and development of tissues, to be found in hemoglobin. Nedolіk yelling weakened hearing;
  • methionine– taking part in various biochemical processes in the body;
  • tryptophan- Enter to the warehouse bіlkіv.

Substitution of amino acids in fresh tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes have substitutions of amino acids (listed in order of change in quantity):

  • glutamic acid- to enter the warehouse of proteins, є neurotransmitter amino acid, taking part in the awakening of neurons, educated to cognitive functions, learning that memory. Damage to the glutamate system associated with stroke, autism, rosacea, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, clinical depression and schizophrenia;
  • aspartic acid– enter to the warehouse of proteins, victorious role of the neurotransmitter in the central nervous system;
  • alanine- Enter to the warehouse bіlkіv;
  • serine- taking part in the encouragement of rich proteins, taking part in the enlightenment of enzymes;
  • tyrosine- Enter to the warehouse of proteins, enzymes;
  • Arginine- To enter the warehouse of the main proteins, taking part in the synthesis of hormones. In a healthy mature person, they circulate in the body in a sufficient amount. Nestacha blames on summer and ailing people, on children and children;
  • glycine- to enter the warehouse of proteins and biologically active spoluk, є neurotransmitter amino acid (gives halmic action to neurons);
  • proline- to enter the warehouse of the bottles, the largest number of which is found in the most successful fabric - collagen;
  • cystine- plays an important role in the formation and substitution of the space structure of the protein and its biological activity.

Other speeches for fresh tomatoes

Vitamin U (methyl-methionine-sulfonium)- Vіtaminodіbna Rechovina, Scho Skyplyuє in organismism People vanchuyuzyuyuyu, with іїna Nestachi, "ANTHESTING FACTOR", ZHUZHOVYY SLIZII OBOLONKI INTERSNIKHNIY COMPANY, ROSPINGUDEє SHANIODNI SPOLUKA TA BERE FATHER VIYRENNІ ї бер organіzmu, birch fate at the formistan , tasks in the course of various exchange processes, may have an antihistamine effect, normalize the level of acidity in the intestinal tract, and use an antidepressant.

Betaine (trimethylglycine, or trimethylaminoacetic acid, or internal strength)- Speech, similar to the amino acid glycine. It plays an important role in the intermediary exchange of speech and weakened abnormal DNA mutations, acting as a protector of vitamin B12, in times of failure, in biochemical reactions. Reduces the risk of development of breast cancer in the childbearing veins of women, adenomas of the anterior cavity and colorectal cancer. Protects cells from dehydration. It is widely used in medicine: in preparations for improving the functions of the liver, as well as in the case of cosmetics, in healing creams and masks, in connection with this building, it is necessary to improve the healthy appearance of the skin.

Lycopene- natural organic pigment, which signifies the redness of fruit contamination. In the body of a person, they neutralize the oxide processes that are avenged in the blood. Risk of development of prostate cancer, sac and leg, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and cataracts are in proportion to the amount of lycopene in the blood. It is less likely to enter the body like a hedgehog. Repair the anti-fall diyu.

lutein and zeaxanthin- Zhovtі natural organic pigments, in organisms of humans are found in vich, especially in sіtkіvtsі, blood plasma. Vіd them to lie down the food of the dawn. They favor oxidative urticaria clitin, protect from the most aggressive part of the visible spectrum of light - blue-violet. It is necessary to reach the body of a person, including the hedgehog. Conquered for additional organic fats.

Not a tomato, but a reference laboratory of an alchemist! So, so, for a long time, the tomatoes were vowed to be ruthless and divine.

However, remember that all the roots of the authority of the tomato are used in the course of its processing with chemicals to accelerate the growth of that ripening, the improvement of the terms of conservation.

Selyanske (fermerske) statehood "Yaroslav-Agro" growing tomatoes in an environmentally friendly way, which guarantees not only food safety, but also goodness for your health.

Take care of yourself! Good health to you!

Find out if you can sell fresh eco-friendly tomatoes today by phone:

375 29 825 52 55 (MTS)

375 29 220 52 05 (MTS)

Take your dose of bark and save it on faces!

Tomato (tomato) is a plant of the same grassy growth, one of the most popular in the world of agricultural crops. I use anonymous varieties of this sheep, which are introduced in the main form (from round to cylindrical), mass (from 30 to 800 grams), color of the skin and soft (colors of yellow and red colors).


100 g of tomatoes have about 18 kcal.


The chemical warehouse of tomatoes is characterized by a high content of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, B9, C), macro- (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus) and microelements (cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, fluorine).

How to prepare and serve

Tomatoes get accustomed to eating as well, and at the same time with other grub products in the storehouse of a majestic quantity of herbs. With this kind of danish, the veggie is not only fresh, but also marinated, salted, dried and dried. The popularity of tomatoes among the culinary arts is rich, which is why it is amazing by the characteristic sour relish of their meat. When mixed with other ingredients, the process of preparing strawberry is expected to have a rich relish and a wonderful aroma.

Yak vibirati

When choosing tomatoes, a lot of factors should be protected. One of the main ones is the color of the skin, for allergy sufferers, the uniqueness of the vegetable is the red color. In addition, following the attention to the shape of a tomato, the largest ribbed fruit may have a large number of small internal chambers, which exude greater taste. Another factor in the selection is the skin elasticity and the elasticity of the skin. Tovsta is that hard skin to speak about the transcendental victoriousness of chemical speeches when growing. Also, when choosing tomatoes, it is necessary to preserve the aroma, which is one of the indications of the freshness and maturity of these vegetables.


At room temperature, tomatoes can be stored for no more than 3 days, and in the refrigerator - up to 1 day. The best minds for harvesting these vegetables are temperatures ranging from 8 to 12 degrees Celsius, good circulation and low water levels.

Korisn_ authority

Regular use of tomatoes can be tonic, immunostimulating, antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, sechoginal. In addition, tomatoes stimulate brain activity, reduce nervous alertness, normalize the work of the mucosal-intestinal tract, blood and liver, and also reduce blood levels of the so-called “bad” cholesterol.

shodo living

Individual intolerance, shyness to allergic reactions, stone bugs. With the transcendental grafting of tomatoes, there is an increase in the embolism caused by spasms of the chewing mikhura and the adoption of stones at the nirks.

Vibration product


Kharchov price and chemical warehouse "Tomato (tomato) [VISION PRODUCT]".

In the table, the number of food speeches (calorie content, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of the actual part is indicated.

Nutrient Kіlkіst Norm** % of norm 100 g % vіd norm 100 kcal 100% normi
calories 19.9 kcal 1684 kcal 1.2% 6% 8462 g
Proteins 0.6 g 76 g 0.8% 4% 12667
Zhiri 0.2 g 56 g 0.4% 2% 28000 g
Carbohydrates 4.2 g 219 g 1.9% 9.5% 5214 g
Organic acids 0.5 g ~
Kharchov's fibers 0.8 g 20 g 4% 20.1% 2500 g
Water 93.5 g 2273 4.1% 20.6% 2431 g
Ash 0.7 g ~
Vitamin A, PE 200 mcg 900 mcg 22.2% 111.6% 450 g
beta carotene 1.2 mg 5 mg 24% 120.6% 417 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.06 mg 1.5 mg 4% 20.1% 2500 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.04 mg 1.8 mg 2.2% 11.1% 4500 g
Vitamin B4, choline 6.7 mg 500 mg 1.3% 6.5% 7463 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenova 0.3 mg 5 mg 6% 30.2% 1667 r
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.1 mg 2 mg 5% 25.1% 2000 r
Vitamin B9, folate 11 mcg 400 mcg 2.8% 14.1% 3636 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic 25 mg 90 mg 27.8% 139.7% 360 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.4 mg 15 mg 2.7% 13.6% 3750 g
Vitamin H, biotin 1.2 mcg 50 mcg 2.4% 12.1% 4167 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone 7.9 mcg 120 mcg 6.6% 33.2% 1519 r
Vitamin PP, NOT 0.5996 mg 20 mg 3% 15.1% 3336 g
Niacin 0.5 mg ~
Potassium, K 290 mg 2500 mg 11.6% 58.3% 862 g
Calcium, Ca 14 mg 1000 mg 1.4% 7% 7143 g
Magnesium, Mg 20 mg 400 mg 5% 25.1% 2000 r
Sodium, Na 40 mg 1300 mg 3.1% 15.6% 3250 g
Sirka, S 12 mg 1000 mg 1.2% 6% 8333 g
Phosphorus, Ph 26 mg 800 mg 3.3% 16.6% 3077
Chlorine, Cl 57 mg 2300 mg 2.5% 12.6% 4035 g
Bir, B 115 mcg ~
Zalizo, Fe 0.9 mg 18 mg 5% 25.1% 2000 r
Iodine, I 2 mcg 150 mcg 1.3% 6.5% 7500 g
cobalt, co 6 mcg 10 mcg 60% 301.5% 167 g
Manganese, Mn 0.14 mg 2 mg 7% 35.2% 1429
Mid, Cu 110 mcg 1000 mcg 11% 55.3% 909 g
Molybdenum, Mo 7 mcg 70 mcg 10% 50.3% 1000 g
Nickel, Ni 13 mcg ~
Rubid, Rb 153 mcg ~
Selenium, Se 0.4 µg 55 mcg 0.7% 3.5% 13750 g
Fluorine, F 20 mcg 4000 mcg 0.5% 2.5% 20000
Chrome, Cr 5 mcg 50 mcg 10% 50.3% 1000 g
Zinc, Zn 0.2 mg 12 mg 1.7% 8.5% 6000 g
Assimilated into carbohydrates
Starch and dextrin 0.3 g ~
Monota disaccharidi (tsukri) 3.5 g max 100 g

Energy value Tomato (tomato) [VISION PRODUCT] become 19.9 kcal.

  • Piece diameter 5.5 cm = 75 gr (14.9 kcal)
  • Piece diameter 6.5 cm = 115 gr (22.9 kcal)

Main dzherelo: Vision product. .

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult person. If you want to learn about the norms of improving your status, and other factors, then hurry up with the addendum "My Healthy Ration".

product calculator

Kharchova value

Serving size (g)


More products cannot be replaced by a new set of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is important to get used to various products in order to fill the body's needs with vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


Spivvіdnoshnja blіkіv, zhivіv i vuglevodorіv:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and calorie content, you can understand how much the product and diet comply with the norms of healthy eating and at the same time sing a healthy diet. For example, the US Department of Health and Russia recommend 10-12% calories from protein, 30% from fat and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat reduction.

As energy is sifted more, it is lower, the body starts to store fat, and body weight changes.

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Energy value, or calorie content- the whole amount of energy that develops in the body of a person from food products in the process of pickling. The energy value of the product is measured in kilo-calories (kcal) or kilo-joules (kJ) for 100 gr. product. The kilocalorie, which is used to win the energy value of food products, is also called the “food calorie”, so when specifying calories in (kilo)calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can look at the detailed tables of energy values ​​for Russian products.

Kharchova value- in carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Kharchov tsіn_st grub product- the abundance of powers of the food product, for the obviousness of which people are satisfied with the physiological needs of people in the necessary speeches and energy.

Vitamins organic speech, necessary in small quantities in a food diet like a human being, so and more backbone Synthesis of vitamins, sound, grow like roslins, but not like creatures. Schodena needs of people in vitamins to become less than a few milligrams and micrograms. On the surface of inorganic speeches, vitamins crumble with strong heating. A lot of vitamins are unstable and "spoiled" at the hour of cooking or when processing food products.


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