The day of the battle of the rank and file. On the verge of the most important secrets

The day of the battle of the rank and file. On the verge of the most important secrets

1 chernya is officially honored on the day of the creation of the rank and file of Russia. On the same day, in 1931, a branch in the Radyansk Union was put into operation of a network of a medium high-frequency link, as it was small to serve the structure of the Radyansk region. The importance of the orderly connection for the security of the defense of the state, for the uninterrupted and operational management of the processes that are necessary for the political and economic life of the country, is easy to reevaluate.

The need for the creation of a system of operational management of the state, with the installations and military forces of the radyansk government, practically saw the end of the hromadyansky war. However, the accomplishment of tsgogo zavdannya vymagalo serious tekhnіchnіchnі ї modernіzіzії zasobiv zv'yazku, є є in the order radyanskoi power. Already in 1921, the engineers of the radio laboratory of the Moscow plant "Elektrozv'yazok" began experiments with the organization of rich-channel telephony, which ended in success - three telephone lines were simultaneously transmitted over the cable line.

Through two rocks, 1923, P.V. Shmakov successfully carried out one-hour transmission of telephone conversations at high and low frequencies over the cable line of the plant 10 kilometers. In 1925, the first equipment for high-frequency telephony for mid-Lancers was introduced, and it was broken up by the team of the Leningrad Scientific and Testing Station under P.A. Azbukin. At that time, the principle of high-frequency telephoning was considered the most safe for the hour of telephone conversations. By right, the very high-frequency telephoning was confirmed by the core of the communist party and the Radian state as the basis of the system of state administration of the Radian land.

Oskіlki administration for the help of a telephone call had little strategic significance for the Radian state, the overall organization of the system of rich-channel telephone calls was taken over by the United State Political Administration (OGPU), which seemed to be the same for the state security of the country. The very strategic importance of the rank and file system was explained by the fact that it was included in the system not by the People's Commissariat of Communications of the SRSR, but by the very organs of the state security of the Ryansk state.

For example, the 1920s. rank order of the order of the 4th division of the Operational division of the OGPU SRSR. Looking at the increased importance of the system of orderly communication, which was ensured by її іnzhenernі and tekhnіchі cadres, recruited from two main criteria - the highest professional competence and total loyalty of the radyansk government. That is why the criteria for selection were the same, as when recruiting other subsidiaries and authorities of the state security of the SRSR.

The first lines of high-frequency communication were carried out between Moscow and Leningrad, Moscow and Kharkov. Mіzhmіskom zv'yazkom zaspechuvalis more party and state power kerіvnitsvo kraїni. On December 1, 1931, the 5th division of the Operational Department of the OGPU was seen at the warehouse of the OGPU. Yogo ocholiv cadre officer of the OGPU - NKVS Ivan Yuriyovich Lawrence (1892-1937), a kind of cheruvav in vіdlіlennyam mіzhe sіst rokіv. If the OGPU was included in the warehouse of the NKVS, the 5th department of the Operational Department of the Head Office of the State Security of the NKVS SRSR was lost by the governing body.

The leader from the security of the state with a rank-and-file sing-along of the strengthened that hastened everyday life of the main post-line smashed the streak of the middle and great lingering that flared up from the cob of the 1930s. The skin line saw two lances up to the competence of state security authorities, as they possessed the intermediate and end stations of the rank-and-file link. Protyag 1931-1932 rokiv. orderly links were established between Moscow and Leningrad, Kharkiv, Minsk, Smolensk. In 1933 lines of the rank-and-file link tied Moscow with Gorky and Rostov-on-Don, in 1934 - with Kiev, stretching 1935-1936. the bula was installed with links to Yaroslavl, Tbilisi, Baku, Sochi, Sevastopol, Voronezh, Kamishin and Krasnodar, and 1938. 25 new high-frequency stations were put into operation, including stations at such great and strategically important places like Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Stalingrad, Sverdlovsk. In 1939, 11 high-frequency stations were put into operation near Novosibirsk, Tashkent, Chitty and other low places. At the same time, near Lyubertsy, the wine line-equipment hall of the Moscow High-Frequency Station was opened. Until 1940, 82 stations of the rank-and-file link worked near the country, and they served 325 subscribers from the entire Radyansk Union. The Moscow-Khabarovsk line, which was found in the world, was the main line connected with the world.

In this manner, until the end of the 1930s, the organization of the system of ranks in the Radyansk Union was completed. The high-frequency call has become victorious for the security of contacts in the country's main architecture with the scientists of the republics, regions and regions of the Radyansk Union, the administration of the most important industrial enterprises and other government agencies, in charge of the security forces.

At 30 years, Radiansk engineers developed the main methods of automatic classification of telephone conversations. So, in 1937, the plant "Chervona Zorya" started the production of equipment for classifying ЄС-2, developed by engineers K.P. Egorovim and G.V. Staritsinim. Then we released more rozvinenі and thoroughly equipped equipment MES-2M and MES-2A, PZh-8, EIS-3. As a result, until the end of the 1930s. behind the help of inverters ЄС-2 and МЭС-2, it was possible to keep secret all the main channels of the radyansky rank-and-file link.

Following the arrest of I.Yu. Lawrence in the special contact of the GUDB NKVS SRSR, Ivan Yakovich Vorobyov (pictured), who had previously worked at the Chervona Zorya telephone plant, and then in 1931. after being hired to the state security authorities and having planted the head mechanic of the automatic telephone exchange of the NKVS, then the head of the liaison officer of the NKVS Administrative and State Department, and then, after that, having taken the rank of the rank of rank. In 1939, Vorobyov was replaced in the settlement by the head of the division of the rank and file, engineer captain of the state security Mikhailo Illinsky. Vіn buv one of the retailers of equipment MA-3 and ЄІС-3. Ivan Vorobyov and Mikhailo Illinskiy were among these people, under the influence of some of them, the formation of the development of a votchiznyanogo rank-and-file link was put into operation, new stations were put into operation. After the death of Illinskogo, the rank-and-file link of the NKVS SRSR in 1941 was revived by Ivan Vorobyov.

Consider that in the other half of the 1930s - on the cob of the 1940s. diyali chotiri structures that were engaged in the organization and management of the orderly communication. First of all, it was already a zgadane of a rank-and-file link at the warehouse of the Main Directorate of the State Security of the NKVS SRSR. In another way, the creations on the basis of the large-scale communication of the VTsVK provided the technical communication of the Office of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, which ensured the maintenance of telephone calls of the Moscow rank-and-file communication of Moscow and the Moscow Region of the Kremlin, the cable department of the Kremlin . Thirdly, Vlasny made a call in the morning at the warehouse of the Head Department of the NKVS Protection. Tsej pіdrozdil vіdpovіdalo for the security of the orderly call in the offices and places of residence of the members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and for the sound reinforcement at the party and orderly tracts. Fourthly, I made a call at the warehouse of the Administrative and State Administration (AHOZU) of the NKVS SRSR, and after the task of ensuring the security of a special call for operational dispatches of the NKVS, the station of the Moscow call.

At the fate of the Great Great Vitchiznyanoy war, the ranks played the most important role of ensuring the operational management of the military, state institutions and industrial enterprises, party structures of the region. Without an effective rank and file, the victory over the German-fascist guards would be significantly more difficult. A great role was played by the ranks of the ties in the secure international negotiations of the leaders of the Radyansk state. The fates of the Great Vitchiznyanoy War can be called the most serious re-verification of the effectiveness of the radyansky rank-and-file link. Zvdannyami zv'yazkіvtsі vіd NKVS coped well, even if there were numerical problems, and folding, zocrema administrative character.

Marshal of the Radyansky Union Ivan Stepanovich Konev foretelling:

It was necessary to tell in a flash what kind of link, as it seems, to us being God's messages. Vaughn scolded us so much that it was necessary to watch out for our technicians, and for our calls, as they specially took care of this HF call and in any situation literally on the heels, that they accompanied everyone who needed to chime in 'clearly.

After the victory at the Great Vitchiznyanіy war, it was farther away that the system of rank-and-file communication in the Radyansk region was completely changed. In the 1950s, zokrema, channels of the international rank-and-file link were created, which brought Moscow and Beijing - the capitals of the two key powers of the socialist camp. On September 31, 1963, a new line of rank-and-file communication between Moscow and Washington began - a decision about the creation of a large-scale international tension under the hour of the Caribbean crisis.

The stretch of the 1970s - 1980s. scientific research continued in the field of improving the efficiency of the rank link. The supporters of the state power that party began to take care of zv'yazku when they moved to the point of the earth's backwoods, which also meant the service of the rank and file of the significant zusil.

In parallel with the development of the linkage, the formation of the management bodies of the orderly linkage was thoroughly developed, and the preparation of a special warehouse was developed. Right before the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic, the ranks of the ranks entered the warehouse of the Committee of State Security of the SRSR as the 8th Head Office of the ranks of the KDB SRSR. For the preparation of fakhіvtsіv - officers of the military order zv'yazku until 1 chervnya 1966 r. near the metro station Bagrationivsk, Kaliningrad region, the Viysk-technical school of the KDB SRSR was created, and in 1972, in connection with the need for a further development of the system of special education, the school was redeployed to Oryol and renamed the command school in Orlovsky rozpochalo preparation of officers with a higher light for the military rank and file. The term of training in the school of promotion from three to four years.

Kolya born in 1991 Having pinned its foundation, the Radyansky Union, the system of the rank and file of the country recognized serious changes. At the link with the liquidation of the KDB SRSR, the links were seen in the same structure. December 24, 1991 The Federal Agency for Ordinary Communications and Information (FAPSI) was created, which included in its warehouse a lot of data from the 8th Main Directorate of the ordinary communication of the KDB and the 16th Main Directorate of the KDB, which was awarded for radioelectronic research.

The director of FAPSI was appointed lieutenant general (from 1993 - colonel general, and from 1998 - general of the army) Oleksandr Volodimirovich Starovoitov - leading specialist in the field of rank-and-file communication, a kind of trivaly hour as an engineer and a kerivnik at the largest enterprises in the country , yakі were engaged in rozrobkoy that vrobnitstvom possession for the needs of the rank and file. FAPSI, as an okrema structure, which served as an order of connections, woke up from 1991 to 2003. and was engaged in the security of the rank-and-file communication, the security of the encrypted communication, the maintenance of the rozvіduvalnoї activity in the sphere of the encrypted and the secret communication, the information security of the authorities of the Russian Federation. A special warehouse was prepared at the Vіyskomu іnstitutі rank zvyazku, like in 2000 r. transformations to the FAPSI Academy.

In 2003, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service, and the Federal Security Service were assigned to FAPSI. With the help of the majority of FAPSI updates, including the ranks of links and the FAPSI Academy, it was transferred to the structure of the Federal Protective Service. In such a rank, the Federal Service for the Protection of the Federal Security Service, to the warehouse, enters the Service of Special Communication and Information. Kerіvnik SSSI FST for the settlement є intercessor of the director of the Federal Security Service.

In today's minds, vrakhovuyuchi post-development of information and communication technologies, the effectiveness of the rank-and-file link to lie down in the form of a regular thorough, in line with the most current trends and developments. At the same time, a great role is played by the vicariousness and the human factor - in the form of spivrobitnikiv in the ranks of the ranks, the need for recruiting qualifications, diligence, and readiness to take care of the state secrets.

1931 officially respected In the afternoon, the formation of the orderly zv'yazku in the Soviet Socialist Republic, if in the country the bula was put into operation by the air line of the intermediary high-frequency link. Over the creations of the united state political administration (OGPU) under the Radiation of People's Commissars of the SRSR worked in 1928. A new kind of sound has been removed by the name "HF-sound".

The need to create a special call for the needs of the sovereign administration was bula viklikana tim, that everyone saw the call, which was founded earlier, - telegraph from the middle of the 19th century, then telephone, which passed through the lines of the call of the infamous koristuvannya, - we could not securely pass I will maintain confidentiality.

The re-verification of the HF-communication in the test mode was carried out in 1930 - it was established in Kharkiv, at that time the largest capital of Ukraine. The revision was successful. Nezabar vysokochastotny zv'yazok soils actively vikoristovuvatisya in the work of governing the state.

The main feature of the design of telephones was the appearance of the simplest addition to the masking of movies from direct listening. At the same time, in the wake of such “masking devices”, fakhivtsy actively conducted the development of folding equipment that is encrypted. Specially for high-frequency communication, the bula was put into operation and the first automatic interchange telephone exchange (AMTS) was launched, which accelerated the development of telephone calls of the high-frequency communication, starting to automate the process of calling subscribers.

HF-zv'yazok had already become near the gods in the fates of the Great Witches' War - according to them, it was operationally carried out by strong fronts and armies, and the warriors-zv'yazkіvtsі were practically in the skin patch of the Chervonoy Army. Importance and necessity of high-frequency communication was confirmed and later - for an hour of work in hot spots, in extreme situations of man-made disasters and natural disasters.

In wartime, ciphering equipment was created, based on absolutely new principles, it became a visible measure of the Kremlin automatic telephone exchange. In the 1950s, an international high-frequency communication channel was tested (organizing a Moscow-Beijing communication channel). In the 1960s, due to the launch of piece satellites, orbital repeaters began to be used to develop high-frequency communications. In 1963, the so-called “hot line” of a direct documentary link Moscow-Washington began to be called “hot line”, later such lines were organized in the capitals of other powers. In the 1970s, the rocky edge of the krai took away the ability to corystute with a “regular sound” practically at any point on the Earth.

In 1990, a call system was created for the president of the SRSR. In 1991, by decree of the head of state on the activities of the organs of the rank and file, the legal basis was introduced - the Federal Agency for the rank and file of information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI) was created. This special body emerged from the period from 1991 to 2003. Potim u s o o v'yazki FAPSI were rozpodіlenі mizh FTS Rosії, FSB Rosії, SZR Rosії and Service of special zv'yazku and іnformatsії at the Federal service of protection of the Russian Federation.

Today, the presidential and rank calls of the country have an electric connection of a special recognition, which is won by townspeople for the needs of the sovereign administration.

Day of creation of the rank and file

The day of the formation of the orderly zv'yazku (The day of the formation of the "HF-zv'yazku")

Obgruntuvannya date The day of the formation of the orderly zv'yazku: 1 chervnya 1931 is officially considered the Day of the creation of the ranks of the zv'yazku in the SRSR. Which day is clear until the order of the OGPU No. 308/183 dated 06/10/1931. The 5th department of the operational department of the United Head Political Administration (OGPU) was approved, as it was charged with "high-frequency telephone call service."

In fact, in the country, the bula was put into operation in 1930 by the high-frequency line between Moscow and Kharkiv. Over the creations of the united state political administration (OGPU) under the Radiation of People's Commissars of the SRSR worked in 1928. A new kind of sound has been removed by the name "HF-sound".

Until 1936, a high-frequency communication bula was installed in 12 administrative centers of the SRSR, including Smolensk and Minsk (1932), Gorky and Rostov (1933), Kiev (1934), Yaroslavl. Tbilisi and Sevastopol (1936).

Vydeny VCh-zv'yazok allowed at the rocks of VVV (1941-1945) to organize operationally kerіvnitstvo usima fronts, giving the opportunity to control the head of military operations. The impersonal military operations were successfully beaten to the brim with an uninterrupted link with the order.

Immediately after the war, the development of the link continued.

In the 1950s, an international order was created. The first point of the meeting was the Moscow-Beijing channel. Work continued on the development of the creation of new technology for the success in the minds of the sexes. For this reason, the portable transmission system, which masks that encryption equipment, is broken up.

60 milestones for the possibility of a variety of orbital repeaters, for the hot line of a direct documentary link Moscow-Washington. Later, the lines were organized with other powers.

In the 1970s, the automation of the process of connecting subscribers to the stationary line of the rank-and-file link was completed, the perfect encoders appeared, the link was established, which should be transported, and the backup link of the HF radio link. The clerks of the state began to be safe with a sound at the hour of moving at any point of the Earth.

In 80 years of the future, technical problems appeared at the stations of the satellite, tropospheric, short-wave and UKH-communications.

In 1992, the roci її tekhzasobi and service warehouse was transferred from FAPSI to the Head Directorate of Defense (GUO) of Russia.

In 1993, by decree of the head of the state on the activity of the bodies of the rank-and-file communication and information, the legal basis was introduced.

On March 11, 2003, President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin signed a decree on the communication of the Federal Agency for Orderly Communications and Information. The functions of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation were divided between the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the External Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The Federal Service for the Protection of the Russian Federation has created a Service for Special Communications and Information (SSSI).

Head of the SSCI:

the security of representatives of the government with a call at the offices of their perebubvannya;

carrying out rozvіduvalnyh robіt at the gallery of encryption;

development of special technical facilities and systems for increasing the quality and secrecy of communications;

picking up that processing of information, and navіt transmission of them, establish what is there.

Dzherelo creation of an orderly link: Order of the United Head Political Administration at the RNK SRSR, dated 10 chervnya 1931 No. 308/183

The day of the creation of the rank and file is marked, beginning with:

Additional information about the sacred:;

Report about the order of the link:

To marvel at all the holy ranks of the rank and file here:

https://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Day-of-the-creation-of-the-command-of-the-command.pnghttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/day 2018-02-27T20:13:07+00:00 konsulmirHoly is that weekend in RussiaHoly orderly zvyazkuThe day of the creation of the "HF-zvyazku", The day of the creation of the orderly connection, Holy days in Russia, Holy of the orderly connectionThe day of the formation of the rank and file of the rank The day of the formation of the rank of the rank of the rank (The day of the creation of the "VCH-z" of the rank) The date of the formation of the rank of the rank is 1 black The date of the rank of the rank is 1 of the black Language: 1 chervnya 1931 is officially celebrated on the day of the creation of a rank order at the SRSR. What day is it clear until the order of the OGPU ...konsulmir

The current world of socially entangled with a mesh of various kinds of communications. The skin of them allows you not to get in touch with the navkolyshnym middle - toil on the court, the first for everything, the human factor - regardless of your place of perebuvannya. To the most reactive, progressive for today's day, mobile and Internet connections are included. Well, I’m going to occupy a niche of the order of the link, which satisfies the needs of management. Shoroku 1 chernya in Russia is marked as the Day of the creation of the rank and file.

history is holy

Holy, consecrated to the celebration of the electrical connection of a special recognition, zbіgaєtsya for the terms of the celebration of the Day of the Protection of Children for good reason. On March 1, 1931, in the Radyansk era of the same era, a high-frequency link of international character was created. The name given to the innovation was taken like this: HF-zv'yazok. Rozrobka її began in 1928, such a rank of the OGPU (United State Political Administration) needed only 3 years to instill the idea of ​​life globally behind these worlds.

Blame the power: and now, well, have you launched this high-frequency call? Haven't there ever been any available analogues of the rank-and-file link? In fact, they were, obviously, however, satisfied with the new world needs of the powers that were founded at that time, primitive telephone and telegraph communications could not. The preservation of the confidentiality of the sovereign vaga was especially important.

The first call to check the quality of the link was set up with the Ukrainian Kharkiv. It became costly before the official launch of the electrical connection in the working mode, and the result was overturning the test. At the basis of the created type of communication, there was a special design of telephone sets, a zocrema, an attachment, which ensures the elementary masking of eavesdropping and eavesdropping by third-party persons. The next step was the beginning of the development of encryption devices. The third stage of the development of high-frequency communication was marked by the start of the functioning of AMTS - an automatic intercom telephone exchange. The podia itself became the reason for blaming such a phenomenon as “automatically connecting subscribers”.

What is the situation like a rank-and-file link in the 21st century? As an affirmation of the individuals, zokrema, a riverman of the head of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. Dmitro Pєskov, the last electrical connection of a special recognition may have a high level of safety, the robot does not directly attach to him. That one is not possible otherwise, even if the light of the remaining subdivisions of information can be in the whole place. Go about the illegal actions that were taken in by the US National Security Agency along with the French order, and earlier - by Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Rozvytok sergeant zv'yazku

Pіslya moreover, yak at 30 і roky. In the past century, an electrical signal of a special recognition was created, unique opportunities were shown to the state apparatus of the Radyansk Union. The need for their victories began already in the coming decade, when the Great Vitchiznyan War began. HF-zv'yazok buv miraculous way of communication for zv'yazk_vtsiv of the Chervonoy Army and fahivtsiv People's Commissariat zv'yazku. The beginnings of this innovation of a lot of military operations were successfully completed.

Obviously, the outbreak of that battle with the fascists could not fail to appear on the station of the high-frequency call. Since the end of the Great Witches War, a great work was carried out to restore the communication system. At that very hour, there was a lot of improvement in the electrical connection of a special recognition. For example, fakhіvtsі rozroblyali yakіsno novі prilady, scho allow to give the system even more plunder character.

50 rocky. were appointed to the vindication of an international rank-and-file link. For robots, aparati were created in the minds of the sexes, which made it easier to communicate between opponents and portable ones. Good fahіvtsі poked their way into the process of preparing a masked possession.

Spravzhnіy іnformatsiyny vibukh becoming z nastannyam 60 rokіv. XX century. Rozrobki of piece earthly satellites began. Once upon a time, if they were launched, there was a real opportunity to win over the recognition of an orbital relay. It was obvious that the priority was due to the fact that in such a manner the fallowness in the lines of the wire and the various relay series was reduced.

In 1962, the roci trapilos schos, nadzvichayne: vinikla threat of a nuclear catastrophe. It became clear that the diplomatic channels were no longer suitable for trivial discussions in the same key. As a result, the “hot line” started even less through the river, as it ate two capitals: the Radian and the American. Tsya podia served as a postal service until the distribution of such a set of similar communications from the main cities of other regions.

We gave a polypshennya of the rank-and-file zv'yazku zahal and trivalo nuances, brought on economic problems were a cross path to that path. And on the 26th of March 1990, the President of the SRSR decided to get an individual special signal to enter the warehouse of the rank and file. After two years, it became visible, but before us, offending, we saw communications passed from the Committee for the Ear of FAPSI (Federal Agency for Orderly Communication and Information). Pochav pratsyuvati Vіyskoviy іnstitute rankovyi vyazku VІPS. Tse became in 1992 roci, and through the rіk nabuv chivalnosti law "On federal bodies of rank-and-file communication and information."

On April 1, 2003, the head of the state, the deputy of the FAPSI, ordered the creation of the Special Communications Service and information. In 2004, the rotating sovereign body of transfers under the authority of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia.

HF call: New hour

After the disintegration of the Radyansk Union, a special state structure was created - the Federal Agency for Communications and Information (FAPSI). Within the framework of the organization and becoming the first functioning order and the presidential link. Prote through the river, the rest appeared as seen. The service personnel of that possession were transferred from the FAPSI to the GUO (Head of the Defense Department of Russia). In the fierce fate of 1993, the head of state signed the Law of the Russian Federation under the title "On federal bodies of the rank-and-file communication and information", which regulates the creation of a comprehensive legal framework for the work of organizations of the rank-and-file communication.

The FAPSI structure was drawn up on June 1, 2003. Її the place was sent by the Special Contact Service and information. And the President of Russia added a little more to this fate by turning it on to the warehouse of the FTS. In this rank, the two vidi elektrozvyazku - the presidential order and - united again.

At the current moment, the spyware of the rank structures are crusted with the most modern type of electrical connection: high-tech and absolutely safe. But looking back at this fact, which confirms the first person of the state, the President of Russia Volodymyr Putin and his press secretary Dmitro Peskov, it is impossible to rest on what has been achieved. To that, retailers continue to work with whom directly.

What is FOPSІЇ

One of the subdivisions that will ensure the security of our country, the privacy protection system of the rank-and-file link, is the system of Federal bodies of the rank-and-file link and information. The name is shortened to sound like FOPSII. The validity of this subscription is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On federal bodies of the orderly communication and information”, as well as low international agreements.

FOPSІІ - the whole structure, which is made up of okremi, other "puzzles". Axis of stench, q segments:

  • NDI, initial mortgage;

  • FOPSI under the President of the Russian Federation;

  • vіysk orderly zv'yazku;

  • organization of the rank and file link and information of a regional nature.

The process of ensuring the security and confidentiality of the rank-and-file link, which is established by FOPSII, is classified into specific functions. Before them lie the creation of the necessary minds of normal functioning and the development of electrical connections of special recognition, security of security at the secret place of important classified information. People who work at FOPSII, for the status of freelancers and outstanding workers. Pilgi laid on him, and navit right-hand man and obov'yazki are signed by the law "On the status of military servicemen." Vіtaєmo їх іz professional saint!

The structure and the cycle of FAPSI

Although the Federal Agency of the rank-and-file link does not have this information anymore, all the same, there can be a sense of urging on the structure of respect, shards of it showed up for the great fluff in the middle of the country between the Radian period, the development of the rank-and-file link and the period of the so-called New Hour.

FAPSI buv is the central body of the federal vykonavchoy, which has unified impersonal pіdrozdіl. Tse head office of security zv'yazku, ryadovy zv'yazku, radioelectronic intelligence of zab'yazku, information systems, management zvnishnіh zv'yazykiv, head scientific and technical management, head administrative office and cryptographic service. The goals of the Federal Agency for Orderly Communication and Information were:

  • security of the rank-and-file electric sound;

  • security and organization of other equals security of encrypted communication;

  • special security of information of state bodies of the Russian Federation;

  • conducting rozvіduval′noї dіyalnostі in the sphere of classified elektrozvyazku.

Don't forget to give 1 chervn of well-known fahivtsiv from the galuzi of the rank-and-file link for the presence of such professional saints.

Day of military order zvyazku

The binding date is sacred: on September 30, 1943, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the SRSR approved the Communications Department of the Head Office of the Internal Affairs of the NKVS. Until the 15th of February 1943, 35 special squadrons were formed, which reached the warehouse of the first parts of the rank squad / 5 regiments and 12 battalions of the NKVS internal troops /.


Battle of the Battle of Kursk took place at the Battle of Kursk. Here the soldiers of the rank and file had a chance not only to secure the command posts of the fronts of that army, but to take an uninterrupted fate in defensive battles at once with infantrymen, artillerymen, tankers and sappers.

Vіysk rank of high-frequency communication was transferred from the KDB z MVS zgіdno z orders of the Radi Ministers of the SRSR dated 25 spring 1954 to the year No. 10709rs.

Vlitka born in 1959 it was renamed from the military rank of the rank and filed to the rank (from 1969 - Administration) of the rank rank.

September 29, 1991 taken from the warehouse of the KDB SRSR and handed over to the Committee of the rank order under the President of the SRSR.

December 24, 1991 Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on the creation of a new power structure - the Federal Agency for Orderly Communication and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI).

Dzherelo ogoloshennya date is holy: Order of the NKVS SRSR No. 3 dated 01/02/1944 "On the establishment of the day of the river chnitsa of the military rank of the NKVS SRSR": Set up for the parts of the rank of the rank of the rank of the rank of the rank of the river on the day of the river on the 15th of February - the day of the organization of the military at 1943 .

Additional information about the Holy:

To marvel at all the holy ranks of the rank and file here:

https://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Day-vіysk-sergeant-spy.pnghttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Day-vіysk-division-of-rank-150x150.png 2018-02-27T20:12:28+00:00 konsulmirHoly is that weekend in RussiaHoly orderly zvyazkuDay of military order svyazku, Holy is that weekend, Holy is that weekend in Russia, Holy is svyazkuThe day of the battle of the rank of rank The date of the holy day The day of the rank of the rank of rank is the 15th of February Internal Viysk of the NKVS. Until 15 fierce 1943 rock - 35 okremih companies were formed ...konsulmir

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